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2016 Presidential Election Thread: TRUMP vs. Hillary ... 03, 2016 · 2+2 Shortcuts: Hand Converter 2+2 Books 2+2 Magazine: 2+2 Forums: Expand Collapse; Popular Forums News, Views, and Gossip Beginners Questions Marketplace & Staking Casino & Cardroom Poker Internet Poker NL Strategy Forums Poker Goals & Challenges Las Vegas Lifestyle Sporting Events Politics & Society Other Other Topics Two Plus Two About the Forums 2+2 Magazine …

Political inSecurity: France's Sarkozy raises prospect of ... 27, 2007 · France's Sarkozy raises prospect of Iran airstrikes - Israel News, Ynetnews: "Sarkozy said a nuclear-armed Iran would be unacceptable and that major powers should continue their policy of incrementally increasing sanctions against Tehran while being open to talks if …

The Washington Post comment section is full of insane 15, 2018 · All allegations against liberals are the product of "a vast right wing conspiracy" as Hillary Clinton put if when Bill was the target of false accusations. Avennatti may or may not be the latest victim of the #PayMe Too movement. Poetic justice there.

The Race and Class “Giving Gap” in Political Contributions ... 11, 2008 · Political campaigns are not run for free. Money is needed to pay for advertisements, consultants, phone banks, computer services, pollsters, and the like. As such, political contributions are the lifeblood of election campaigns. And when candidates go looking for the green, the contributors are overwhelmingly rich and white. Consider the primaries for the 2004 presidential…

jihad | The Rogue Jew | Page 5 19, 2009 · Posted on January 15, 2009 by The Rogue Jew I know an old picture, but given the current anti-Israel sentiment being openly exhibited by the Liberal Left, I feel it is appropriate.

Saint Patrick’s Day | hiddennplainsight 31, 2018 · HiddenNPlainSight. Avid Dog Lover, Musician [Piano, Euphonium, Alto Clarinet] Currently Reside In The United States With My Husband And Our 'Special Needs' English Springer Spaniel. Political Blogging Style Emphasizes Policy And Ideology, Rather Than Partisan Politics. My Avatar Is Our "Second Dog Of A Lifetime"--Murphee.

Können Islamisten Liberale sein? - Jörg Lau those concerned about extremism in the Middle East, good news. It was the exclusion and suppression of Islamists by secular tyrants that originally bred extremism. (Ayman al-Zawahri, Al Qaeda’s leading ideologue, was a veteran of Hosni Mubarak’s torture chambers.)

Ezra Klein: Mea Culpa this pageFeb 02, 2006 · I thought his smackdown of the 'liberal Hollywood agenda' meme was even better. But a damn good smackdown. Of course, it helps that Jason Apuzzo really is the stupidest fucking guy on the face of the planet. Posted by: Tom Hilton | Feb 2, …

AMORY MISSISSIPPI COUPLE AT WALMART SHOW TRUE COLORS 31, 2015 · As the New Media emerged as a counterbalance to established media sources, Roger wrote his copious blogs about national politics, the tea party movement, mid-term elections, and the failings of the radical right to the vanguard of the New Media movement. Roger West's efforts as a leading blogger have tremendous reach.

Tea Party Nation? | Political Communication. Rowan ... 05, 2010 · Tea Party Nation is getting out into the public sphere and trying to make a point to the inner periphery and the center. The thing that is different about this group, though, is that they have the support of many members of the center and the inner periphery.

The Reaction: 2014-09-07 11, 2014 · The Reaction. A blog on politics, philosophy, science, sports, and the arts -- featuring news, commentary, and analysis by Michael J.W. Stickings and the Reaction team.

It’s Nothing Personal | Geoausch 20, 2010 · As the results for the Massachusetts Senate race began to trickle in, exactly seven precincts reported before MSNBC pundit, Keith Olbermann, insinuated that race possibly played a role in the results, never mind that both Scott Brown and Martha Coakley are Caucasian. Olbermann's straw man argument was directed at the grass roots political organization, which…

The Rude Pundit 02, 2013 · The Rude Pundit Proudly lowering the level of political discourse 2/12/2013 No, Liberals Aren't Making Alleged Killer Christopher Dorner Into a Hero: So apparently liberals are big supporters of murderer Christopher Dorner, according to multiple mentally-challenged conservatives. Despite it being an insignificant number of people who are saying ...

Beers with Demo: Even after Hugo Chavez... 11, 2013 · Venezuela is still Venezuela. It’s Economics 101 that even a good American liberal would understand: price caps/controls cause shortages. Hugo Chavez’s successor, President Nicolas Madura did not receive this memo and in an attempt to rein-in his country’s run-away inflation as well as keep the soup kitchen socialism of his predecessor alive, Maduro …

TigerHawk - Blogger TigerHawk (ti*ger*hawk): n. 1. The title of this blog and the nom de plume of its founding blogger; 2. A deep bow to the Princeton Tigers and the Iowa Hawkeyes; 3. The nickname for Iowa's Hawkeye logo. Posts include thoughts of the day on international affairs, politics, things that strike us as hilarious and personal observations.

The Petty Paul (Krugman) – fear Paul Krugman is becoming the left-wing’s William Kristol in his single-minded partisan fervor, indifferent to political realities on the ground but true to the vision that shaped him years ago. He remains interesting – much as Kristol has – …

Chicago police taser 82 year old | Shadow Democracy his eulogy, Obama connects Lewis' life work to political fights of today: 'America was built by John Lewises' 2 US oil executives released from Venezuela prison to house arrest Create a free website or blog at

01 | November | 2008 | Smart Liberal and Female 01, 2008 · A man came out to tell me what a liar Obama was and this and that. He went on and on. So I marked him down as a McCain supporter. Then he got a little pissey. So as I walked away he got louder. I finally turned around and said, “Like it or not, change is coming to a theater near you soon!” Petty and stupid, yes.

September | 2007 | Meng Bomin posts published by Meng Bomin during September 2007. The Politico’s Ben Smith has the story on this. Basically the Clinton campaign pressured CQ Magazine into dropping a story that was not flattering to the campaign by threatening to withhold access to Bill Clinton.

The “I Have A Dream” speech | Politics | Discrimination I Have A Dream speech. I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation. Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand today, signed the Emancipation Proclamation.

Conservatives versus Reality | We couldn't make this up… 13, 2010 · I always take note whenever Conservapedia admin Terry Koeckritz does more than just abuse and block editors. Especially when he goes to the effort to "create" a new article - in this case "Conservatives versus Liberals". Of course, where Terry is concerned, "create" means "plagiarised from here, here, here and here". In typical style, it's…

apocalypse | Dystopian Blues: News Liberal Progressives Need and barrels of Gulfageddon news this a.m. This, too, is from Raw Story …. So why BP’s release of video showing the Gulf oil gusher was mysteriously delayed.. According to a scientific analysis of footage from the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico, National Public Radio is claiming the growing ecological disaster is actually ten times worse than previously estimated, saying the ...

UPDATE! Liberal Blogger Dumdell Held Over For Sanity ... 30, 2015 · By Penelope Dreadful Whew! What a morning it has been! First, a brief recap of the situation: On the afternoon of Monday, June 29, 2015, Mick “Spin” Dumdell, Ellie Mangle-Lero, and four other white liberal persons decided to deliver artesian bottled water and organic oatmeal-raisin cookie treats to inner-city Black youths as penance for watching…

Communism | 44-D Legacy of 1989 Is Still Up for Debate. New York Times/Steven Erlanger—The historical legacy of 1989, when the Berlin Wall fell and the cold war thawed, is as political as the upheavals of that decisive year.. The events of 1989 spurred a striking transformation of Europe, which is now whole and free, and a reunified Germany, milestones that are being observed with celebrations all over ...

Gorbachev | 44-D Legacy of 1989 Is Still Up for Debate. New York Times/Steven Erlanger—The historical legacy of 1989, when the Berlin Wall fell and the cold war thawed, is as political as the upheavals of that decisive year.. The events of 1989 spurred a striking transformation of Europe, which is now whole and free, and a reunified Germany, milestones that are being observed with celebrations all over ...

Nevada Senate « Jamesb101.com 09, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

BilgeBucket Gazette » would any sane, rational person who has been conscious the past three years vote against impeachment, especially when the evidence is so overwhelming that the President abused his power and obstructed Congress (not to mention obstructed justice as the Mueller report volume 2 concluded)? Trump certainly approved of her vote.

Moooo Yuck - Blogger 29, 2007 · The political gadfly Jim Oberweis has emerged and filed for elected office, again. This congressional installment is far worse than Jaws ...

Buckdog: Stephen Harper And His PMO Are Still Fine Tuning ... 29, 2013 · As for why the party he heads saw fit to foot the bill for a senator in trouble over behaviour now deemed a hanging offence, he had no answer. It’s a mystery, like the Shroud of Turin." -Ekos Polling shows that 18% believe Stephen Harper …

Mo Rage: Senator Sanders Was---Is---Correct blog about American society: its politics, current events, history, entertainment, music, comedy, movies and society overall and where we're headed.

New Poster: “Remember When That Little Corporation Next ... 20, 2012 · Corporations are not people. Corporations are not citizens. Corporations have no rights. Corporations do not “deserve” free speech. Corporations are …

politico - Yahoo Suche Suchergebnisse this page19.05.2020 · Stay up to speed on the political news driving the day with the POLITICO Android app, featuring up-to-the-minute insight and analysis delivered straight to your phone. The sleek and navigable design offers a convenient way to access POLITICO's dynamic stories and breaking news alerts and share them with your friends on social media.

Right Wing Nut House » FOR THE LEFT: A COMPASSION 31, 2005 · Write about whatever you want. This is your blog. However, to me it seems that your first priority is your political agenda. Your blog is very popular, and a lot of people visit here. I think that if you focus your power, you could help a lot of people. Please consider dropping the partisan BS.

May | 2012 | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! told us he was out to “get” the coal industry, and the first results of his efforts are here. The good news is that there is a bill – Inhofe Resolution, S.J. Res 37, that is filibuster proof that is coming up for a vote.. So there is a last chance to send a message to our Congress. Romney- you out there?

minimum wage | Progressive Party USA - Part 4 Action. Join US. Vote. The Progressive Party is a organization for the American people focusing on political reforms.

The Conservatard | Because “Liberal” is not a four letter ... was, the e-mail came 1 1/2 hours after the Chicago Tribune posted a story online quoting Gade, who said she had been forced out of her job because of her aggressive stand on dioxin flowing from Dow Chemical‘s Midland, Mich., plant into Saginaw Bay and Lake Huron.

Leavenworth Street - the talk of Nebraska politics ... 09, 2009 · This is sort of a non-story, but it's Thanksgiving morning, so you get what you get and you don't complain... Channel 6 is reporting about...a phone survey. Yup, that's their top story. SOMEONE is calling with questions about recalling Omaha Mayor Jim Suttle. No info on who the survey company is. No info on who is paying.

Shappemundihttps://mappemundi.blogspot.comI don't support the war, but it looks as though withdrawal would set the stage for a dramatic power shift in the middle east toward Islamic theocracy and away from -- I hesitate to call it "democracy," so let's just say: something less dangerous than a nuclear-capable Islamic state run by a hardline terrorist-turned-politician such as the ...

Daily PUMA: October 2010 10, 2010 · Original Political Commentary by Alessandro Machi<br> Plus 100 RSS feeds for up to the minute Discoveries.<br> DailyPUMA is AGAINST California HealthCare Dilution &amp; Oversized Student Classrooms <br> Caused by 500,000 Yearly Illegal Border Crossings. DailyPUMA is for a Border Wall <br> and for ER Investigation and Enforcement of EMTALA so other Seniors won&#39;t be <br> …

17 | September | 2011 | The Pardu's Scroll 17, 2011 · UPDATE: After a few weeks of additional deliberation the August Absurdity Award has been award to John Boehner. Boehner’s comments about ‘getting 98 per cent of what he wanted’, at a time when the U.S. Government required a common debt ceiling increase was stupefying regarding the level of obstruction and silliness that lives on the political Right.

Politics | Exceptional Delaware those around the country who read this blog, Lt. Floyd was the correctional officer tragically murdered in last week’s prison siege at the Vaughn Correctional Center in Smyrna, DE. I saw hundreds of people paying tribute to a man that saved others with his actions. He was and is a true hero.

2010 May 20 « Jamesb101.com 20, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Ian Munro – “Secrets of a powerful Family” | The ... 15, 2008 · JEFF Sharlet found an Australian association to The Family in his initial contact with the network: one of his fellow inhabitants at Ivanwald, who is unnamed in the book, said he was there on the recommendation of (now former) Liberal federal MP Bruce Baird.

GOP – Eric Lightborn's Blog the video on and see for yourself how the conservative movement just can’t help but interject racism into every single political position they espouse these days.. In talking about the Post Office there should be no reason to suddenly be having a discussion on race and ethnic background … but leave it to a GOP strategist to put hatred for non-whites into the mix of the ...

Perverted Perspectives | No Left Turnz 18, 2009 · In order to understand/dissect the liberal subterfuge, it is mandatory to identify their chief tactics. Misdirection and misinformation. I sometimes wonder if due to mere mischievousness or a malignant mendacity. I believe that that depends upon the liberal that you are suffering through/listening to. The simple garden variety of uber-liberal, the one at…

Politico | The Pardu's Scroll about Politico written by The Pardu. Smile A Day – Political Cartoons; Celestial Wonders: Earth and Beyond (Pluto) International Space Statioin Link

Marco Rubio | The Pardu's Scroll about Marco Rubio written by The Pardu. Smile A Day – Political Cartoons; Celestial Wonders: Earth and Beyond (Pluto) International Space Statioin Link

Edward R. Murrow | The Liberal Doomsayer passed Reagan in total vacation days in 2005 with three and a half years left in his presidency. Reagan spent all or part of 335 days in Santa Barbara over his 8 year presidency. Bush spent 487 days at Camp David during his presidency and 490 days at his Crawford, Texas ranch, a total of 977 days.

At the Hillocks of Hysteriahttps://discordianstooge.blogspot.comJun 27, 2011 · Anyway, one of the game's creators, David Gaider, responded with a defense of the game, saying that the relationship options in DA2 were for everyone, including, but not just, straight males. My favorite line was, "You can write it off as "political correctness" if you wish, but the truth is that privilege always lies with the majority."

The Political Sniperhttps://polisniper.blogspot.comRequiring people to apply for a federal license before possessing a handgun, rifle, or shotgun that can accept a detachable magazine like a Glock or some deer rifles. 2. Gun owners would be forced to register, be fingerprinted and photographed, and take a written test on gun safety, storage, gun laws and other subjects the attorney general ...

WebWeaver's World: Iceberg for sale! 05, 2006 · A blog about my passions. May include some or all of the following: geek stuff (web design & development, CSS, accessibility, usability), environmental activism, my adopted home of New Zealand ('cos it's so totally wonderful), international & green politics (rants from a left-wing perspective), gardening, cats, literature, rugby, and a whole lot of other stuff besides.

No One is Illegal – MediaMouse 10, 2006 · Justin Akers Chacon and Mike Davis have written one of the most important books of the year, with No One Is Illegal: Fighting Racism and State Violence on the U.S.-Mexico Border being essential reading for activists on the left doing organizing and anti-racist work. No One is Illegal examines the history of immigration, anti-immigrant violence, the neoliberal origins of contemporary ...

The Daily GOP Ignominious: Texas Farenthold "Ignominious ... 21, 2013 · Tea Party Intellect Tea Party politician Farenthold. Wonder if the "M" on hand of Santa doll could mean "Minor." Tea Party politicians, to the person, are as underwhelming and seditious as any collective group of politicians I have witnessed in many years of observing federal politics. We have grown accustomed to the likes of…

Clinton | disinter“Fascism is a religion of the state. It assumes the organic unity of the body politic and longs for a national leader attuned to the will of the people. It is totalitarian in that it views everything as political and holds that any action by the state is justified to achieve the common good.

Virgil Goode – Skeptical Brotha about Virgil Goode written by skepticalbrotha. Congressman Keith Ellison, once again showing the progressive savvy that got him elected to Congress over a gaggle of others, was sworn in yesterday on Thomas Jefferson’s Quran, affirming his faith and underscoring the religious tolerance of one of our nation’s most distinguished and intellectual founding father’s.

John Aravosis | Facebook · Translate this pageOne of America's earliest experts in helping business and politics, in the US and abroad, use the Internet to market, community-build, and advocate. World Bank Consultant - Mexico Division · Em 1994 · Washington, D.C.

Dawg's Blawg: Political theatre of the absurd 12, 2008 · A good part of political theatre is reading the critics. But in this case they're simply indicating their own confusion as the drama crazily unfolds. They don't have a clue. Neither do I. On to the US. John McCain, old and with a history of cancer, chooses a running-mate, Sarah Palin, who is young, female and the governor of Alaska.

Lawyers and Politicians in New York….. « Jamesb101.com 19, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Up 4 Discussion « Jamesb101.com 13, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

October | 2019 | Sheila Kennedy | Page 2 of the most overlooked connections, and one that makes sensible reforms so difficult, is between low levels of civic literacy and tribalism. American citizens do not share a political history, a common religion, or a single race or ethnicity. In some precincts, citizens don’t even speak the same language.

The Stimulus Bill « Jamesb101.com 23, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

JustOneMinute: A World Gone Mad made the second statement after it was pointed out to him — by NBC's Chuck Todd — that the first statement would be taken as the president's interfering in the trial process. Obama said that wasn't his intention. I'm sure it wasn't — he's trying to contain the political damage caused by his decision — but that won't matter.

Antiterrorism and Effective Death ... - The Liberal Doomsayer the Times tells us, the supposed legal rationale for Scalia and Thomas’ dissent in the Davis case was the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996, which the two claimed “prevent(ed) the courts from intervening on behalf of a death row inmate who claims to have proof of his own innocence” (fortunately, Justice John Paul ...

Clarence Thomas | The Liberal Doomsayer the Times tells us, the supposed legal rationale for Scalia and Thomas’ dissent in the Davis case was the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996, which the two claimed “prevent(ed) the courts from intervening on behalf of a death row inmate who claims to have proof of his own innocence” (fortunately, Justice John Paul ...

Politics | The Rogue Jew 29, 2010 · Posts about Politics written by The Rogue Jew. President Barack Hussein Obama, As my son is heading off to Afghanistan today to defend this country against Islamic Terrorism or as you put it, an overseas contingency, I read that you are now planning your fifth vacation since July, not to mention your 44 games of golf as of July 16, 2010 and your little fantasy basketball camp over your birthday.

Healthcare bill « Jamesb101.com 24, 2009 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

How The Tea Party Hopes To Purge Thousands of Ohio Voters 27, 2012 · Members of an Ohio tea party group are taking it upon themselves to individually police alleged voter fraud, launching challenges to a targeted list of voters that includes hundreds of college students, trailer park residents, homeless people and African Americans in counties President Obama won in 2008.In all, the group has sought to remove from the voter rolls at least 2,100 registrations in ...

Visual Politics FYS: Blatant Messages to Society 13, 2010 · Blatant Messages to Society On May 8 th , 2010 at 9:20 in the morning, the Staten Island Ferry crashed into the Staten Island St. George Terminal. Despite the 252 rush hour commuters that were on board, a mere 35 people needed to be brought to …

Commie Pinko Liberal Atheist: December 2006 31, 2006 · With the New Year nearly upon us, the euphoria felt by many liberals based on the 2006 mid-term elections is waning, and is instead being replaced by a feeling that very little will change in Washington in 2007. That is unless liberals continue to make their positions known to a …

The Constant American: ". . . Polarizing Petty Party Politics" can hear his neighbor's voice in his mind, his reluctance to loan anything else, and he's starting to feel bad, like a real loser. By the time that he reaches the neighbor's front door and rings the doorbell, he's in a miserable mood, convinced that the neighbor will turn him down.

McCain's GOP problem--Divided evangelicals 12, 2008 · McCain's GOP problem--Divided evangelicals I found this little detail from Reuters News: McCain is an abortion-rights foe but his failure to support a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage and backing of embryonic stem-cell research are among the political heresies that some conservative evangelicals cannot forgive him for.

Right-wing radio | The Pardu's Scroll knowledge of my friend has always included awareness of his political leanings as he often has a radio playing in his garage. The radio after the election of Barack Obama to the presidency, moved from various music genres to talk radio. If you are a high information person (a “HIPPER” Vs a LIV Low Information Voter) you know that means ...

representatives | 44-D about representatives written by audiegrl.—The Patient’s Bill of Rights and Health Reform. December 19, 2009. The President looks back to the bipartisan Patient’s Bill of Rights, a bill that was defeated in Congress at the hands of special interests and their supporters, and notes that health insurance reform covers the same ground and much more in terms of giving ...

Polamichttps://polamic.blogspot.comSo long as the media lets this go, mind you. Hillary Clinton - Not much of a surprise here. Not only the first female Presidential candidate to run a strong and serious campaign to the brink of a major political party nomination, but the first female candidate to lose it all in the end to a black male.

The Political Environment: Pawns In The Mine Game 04, 2013 · But they also point to a philosophical shift that emphasizes cooperating with businesses by helping them navigate complex state and federal regulations and steering them into compliance when they violate their permits. "I don't apologize for that," said DNR Secretary Cathy Stepp of her emphasis on customer service and a less-confrontational agency.

Congress | K. Daniel Glover current Congress also will feature the first battle between a term-limited president in his final two years and a House controlled just barely by the opposition party. Presidents as obscure as Martin Van Buren and Benjamin Harrison ruled during times of marginal control of Congress, but they did so earlier in their terms or just before ...

Try Driving To Stay Alive Instead | The Liberal Doomsayer 22, 2009 · Over the last few days, the New York Times has provided extensive coverage on the issue of driving while talking on a cell phone (hands-on or hands-free) and texting (Matt Richtel is the author of the thorough reporting on this issue, particularly last Sunday but today also).. Last Sunday’s report featured the following information…. A 2003 Harvard study estimated that cell phone ...

Politics of Japan | Government Related Organizations ... of Japan - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Politics

United Nations | The Revolution Will Not Be Digitized. 06, 2011 · In a rare interview, the reclusive 87-year-old author, who rose to prominence for his accounts of Soviet dictator Josef Stalin’s repression and labor camps, told the liberal weekly Moscow News that NATO’s ultimate aim was the loss of Russia’s sovereignty, according to a full text of the interview posted on its Web site edition Thursday.

Obituary: Frank Crichlow, founder of Mangrove Community ... 17, 2010 · Frank Crichlow, born in Trinidad, founder of the Mangrove Community Association Notting Hill, West London, once the godfather of black radicalism throughout the 70's and 80's has passed away after a long struggle against prostate cancer. This tribute to Frank comes from Lee Jasper who cut his political teeth over a 10 year period working…

PTSD | The Liberal Doomsayer McGough, who is now legislative director for, suffered a traumatic brain injury in Iraq. The gap in his care between active and veteran status was so big that he had to apply for unemployment insurance, because of the delay in getting the disability benefits he was due.

Blue in the Bluegrass: Why Conservatives and Repugs Think ... 11, 2009 · The Bluegrass Region of Kentucky is Central Kentucky, the area around Lexington. It's also sometimes known as the Golden Triangle, the region formed by Louisville in the west, Cincinnati in the north and Lexington in the east-south corner. This is the most economically advanced, politically progressive and aesthically beautiful area of the state.

Buckdog: Liberal Party Leadership Alchemy - Seven Leaders ... 14, 2013 · I am reminded of a time, long ago, known as the Dark Ages when quasi-scientists called 'alchemists' worked tirelessly to find a way to turn base metals into gold. Century after century they experimented and searched for the magic formula that would give them unimaginable wealth .

Green Eagle: Another Baby Step Toward Fascism 08, 2013 · The press, and its rich owners, have too much invested in the fairy tale of the mighty right in this country to let reality come between them and a good story. But as long as this sort of thing is allowed to pass as legitimate political activity, there is always the danger that we may wake up one day to discover our country controlled by a 21st ...

Dawg's Blawg: Librocons: we're being played 11, 2010 · This is a story about political and moral corruption, contempt of Parliament, asbestos, human rights and our declining democracy. It's nothing but loose ends. I can't help it. That's all I have, at least for the moment. The tale, or at least part of it, begins in August.

Thompson Spokesman Todd Harris "Clarifies" Matalin's Comments 04, 2007 · Thompson Spokesman Todd Harris "Clarifies" Matalin's Comments Honestly, we haven't had this much fun in a very long while. Because Fred Thompson's clusterf*ck of a campaign "launch" just keeps on keeping on.

'Green News Report' - July 23, 2020 | The BRAD BLOG'Green News Report' - July 23, 2020. Got comments, tips, love letters, hate mail? Drop us a line at [email protected] or right here at the comments link below. All GNRs are always archived at IN 'GREEN NEWS EXTRA' (see links below): Congress passes sprawling plan to boost conservation, parks; Global heating: best and worst case scenarios less likely than …

Rush: 'Tea party was under assault at CPAC' they use CPAC as the means of that." Advertisement - story continues below But sacrificing social issues for a big-tent agenda, the talk show host argued, would only divide the GOP's political ...

US Military « Jamesb101.com 10, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Amazon | Why Nationalism | Tamir, Yael | Nationalism this pageYael Tamir brings a better and more thoughtful understanding of nationalism to bear on this hot topic than most other contributors. This is a useful book for readers perplexed by contemporary politics and looking for a guide."--Bernard Yack, Brandeis University "A book for our times, Why Nationalism is carefully argued and fiercely written ...

New Hampshire political campaign | Progressive Action New ... for Prosperity, the large corporate funded right-wing PAC, founded by billionaire David Koch has been spotted in New Hampshire handing out leaflets telling lies about Obamacare and also lies about unions in order to garner support for Right to Work.

militia | Holy Hell! Entire Community Provided by MyBlogLog. 2008 election 2008 presidential election abortion AIG al gore America American economy American Politics bailout Barack Obama Christmas climate change Colorado conservative Denver Denver Tea Party economy election election 2008 enviroment FDR foca freedom gay marriage Gaza george bush Glenn Beck global warming Hamas hollywood homosexual …

Accidental Deliberations: 2008-03-30 02, 2008 · I'll take a moment to toss in my two cents' worth on the Lukiwski/Wall scandal that's naturally dominating today's news coverage. But I'll take a different line than most of the commentary so far. As problematic as the video is, the larger issue which it highlights is how little we're actually able to know about most politicians based on the high levels of coaching and scripting which underlie ...

Presidential Election of 2008 | Life in ObamaNation day after the presidential election of 2008, I left town early on a flight to Wisconsin for business. While Barack Obama won (what the political pundits call) A Historical Election of the First African American as President of the United States, I woke up to the same world I …

25 | August | 2008 | thoughtcrimes and misdemeanors 25, 2008 · Of course, all of this pales in comparison to my favorite sighting of the day. As I was walking down 16th Street, I saw a guy who looked like Roy Zimmerman, a singer/satirist I have mentioned in this blog previously, and a big favorite of mine. (His songs are mostly political and social satire, and he has a real gift for a clever turn of phrase.

The Polemical Rhapsodememnosyne.blogspot.comThe purest and most extreme practitioners of this new liberalism are the anonymous polemicists at Media Whores Online. Other favorites are Joe Conason, Josh Marshall, Eric Alterman and Bob Somersby. Alongside these polished writers has sprung an impressive community of citizen bloggers and e-activists.

Conspiracy To Destroy Rush Limbaugh Is Small, Organized are the names of the Stop Rush Ten, as identified by Limbaugh’s staff: Angelo Carusone: Executive vice president of the George Soros-funded liberal attack group Media Matters for America. “Stop Rush, I initially rolled it out in late 2009 …

REVEALED: Conspiracy To Destroy Rush Limbaugh Is Small 23, 2014 · Here are the names of the Stop Rush Ten, as identified by Limbaugh’s staff: Angelo Carusone: Executive vice president of the George Soros-funded liberal attack group Media Matters for America. “Stop Rush, I initially rolled it out in late 2009 and early 2010,” Carusone told the Village Voice in 2012.

No Bread And Circuses For You: World's Most Important his letter, [World Jewish Congress president] Lauder expressed hope that Filaret would use his “moral authority to prevent any further rehabilitation of Nazism or the SS, and that you will call on the clergy of your Church not to participate in any future ceremonies or events that glorify or legitimize a uniform that epitomizes the evil of ...

Why do you try to explain anything to Loki 18, 2014 · Or go have one of your girly tea parties. Here catch stupid. Sep 18, 2014 14:03:07 # Jack2014 . Loki wrote: Considering your facts are made up from scratch. It's no wonder you find the Professor's posts interesting. ... In fact you are the dumbest liberal on OPP. All you are capable of doing is parroting propaganda from fringe websites. At ...

Barry and Me | Sheila so many who call themselves conservative today, Goldwater was consistent. He believed in limited government, and that meant limited government.Those who carp that he had become "liberal" in his later years betray their ignorance of what he always stood for: the right of individuals to make their own decisions free of the interference of the state.

The Virtual World and Politics – 31, 2006 · AnalysisThis story does little to create informed voters. No information is provided as to candidate's positions, platforms, funding or voting records. The story does provide WZZM with an opportunity to promote their election guide on their website. Given that on line ad revenues are based on the amount of traffic a website receives, viewers should…

The Economist on François Hollande :-( | Arun with a 30, 2012 · Ouf ! Political scientist Henry Farrell read the inane editorial in The Economist on “the rather dangerous Monsieur Hollande” (huh? WTF? Flanby “dangerous”??) and, no doubt reading my mind, beat me to it in expressing his low opinion of its hack-like argumentation (here, via Krugman).Money quote. I’ve no idea what Hollande is going to be like (except that he’s …

Busy, Busy, W. Bush's Iraq obsession is not easy to explain, but outside of the few who believe that it's driven by rational geopolitical considerations, his desire to kill Saddam Hussein (transparently encoded in the phrase "regime change") is assumed by most observers to be motivated by a desire to finish the job that then-President Bush started in 1990.

American Power: Obama's Suspicious Fundraising 07, 2008 · Commentary and analysis on American politics, culture, and national identity, U.S. foreign policy and international relations, and the state of education - from a neoconservative perspective!Keeping an eye on the communist-left so you don't have to!

Mass. Senate Race: NBC News Cries Racism | The FOX Nation ... 20, 2010 · New racist stereo type: You own a pickup, you're a racist. These people will never admit that there is actually an ideology break between this president and congress and the American people that has nothing, whatsoever, to do with race. But now even New Englanders are redneck, pickup driving, gun toting race haters. My God.…

Green Party Presidential Candidate Urges Obama to Adopt ... 11, 2008 · Former Congressperson Cynthia McKinney, who is running for the Green Party’s presidential nomination, released a statement over the weekend congratulating Barack Obama for becoming the first African-American presidential nominee of a major party and encouraging him to act on his calls for “change” and to adopt more progressive policies. . Specifically, McKinney …

Briefs Filed in Support of Preacher Sentenced to Prison ... 19, 2009 · The Benton Harbor community activist Rev. Edward Pinkney--who had his been the target of a wide-ranging campaign of repression that he charges is politically motivated--had three friend-of-the-court briefs filed earlier this week on his behalf in a case in which he was sentenced to 3-10 years in prison for criticizing a judge. Pinkney, who is…

Political Miscellany 11/6/09: Run-off Elections in Atlanta ... 06, 2009 · Norwood is white, and if she wins, she will be the first white mayor of Atlanta in 36 years. The city is roughly 56% African American, 36% white, and 5% Hispanic. Although race is the 800 pound gorilla in the room, Norwood is popular throughout many parts of the city, and is seen as having a good chance of winning the run-off.

W.B. Yeats – “Before me floats an image, man or shade ... 23, 2012 · America tuned in for the first debate, and here was a liberal, bashing Obama for not fulfilling his liberal promises. There was no mention what the campaign said before, that it endorsed probing pregnant vagina’s with wands. There was no mention what the campaign said before, that ALL of Obamacare would be removed, even the good parts.

“liar liar pants on fire” | Kitty Reporter's Blog: Hot Cat ... Reporter’s Blog. If GOP Shuts Down the Government will they Lose Congress in 2014? September 19, 2013 kittyreporter; North Carolina GOP-Led Election Boards Take Voter Suppression Tactics on Student Voting to New Heights August 22, 2013 kittyreporter; 92 Year Old Rosa Nell Eaton Fired Up and Fed Up with NC Voter ID Law August 18, 2013 kittyreporter; …

Puerto Rico and the "Public Option" - Blogger course the public option could conceivably be competitive, just like the U.S. Post Office has been a competitive carrier for most of our lives. There was a junior professor here a few years ago, a young and single man who was living on a shoestring, and he actually took his chances with La Reforma in order to save the money in his paycheck ...

RAGGED THOTS: 04/11/2010 THOTS Robert A. George's ruminations on politics, race, pop culture, sports, comic books & various other sundry temptations of the human condition. Yes, he writes for the New York Post, but the views here are solely his own.

Doggerelohttps://doggerelo.blogspot.comThe poet William Stafford set himself the task of writing a poem a day. When someone asked him what he would do when his poem-of-the-day wasn't very good, he replied "I simply lower my standards." In order to increase output, the bar here is set at a low level - the point of to have some fun with current events and politics.

This is a president? | Political Forum 07, 2020 · This is Jimmy Kimmel responding matter-of-factly to the president’s late night twitter tantrum. Reactions: Dangermouse , Babba , Friday13 and 3 others

Jennifer Roback Morse – Arts and Politics from the Armpit ... Roback Morse: Leaving ‘The Gay Lifestyle’ Takes More Courage Than Coming Out BY Miranda Blue – See more at: – Jennifer Roback Morse, the head of the Ruth Institute, an organization formerly affiliated with the National Organization for Marriage, was not pleased that President Obama discussed gay rights in his State of the Union address last week, saying that while Obama talked ...

JustOneMinute: I Suggest Some Bold Words For Obama On Iran 18, 2009 · By Glenn Kessler Washington Post Staff Writer Thursday, June 18, 2009 The political unrest in Iran presents the Obama administration with a dilemma: keep quiet to pursue a nuclear deal with Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the country's supreme leader, or heed calls to respond more supportively to the protesters there -- and risk alienating the Shiite cleric.

Alberto, again | thoughtcrimes and misdemeanors 24, 2007 · Now today, in his most recent Congressional testimony, Gonzo is making just that suggestion — that the race to Ashcroft’s hospital bedside was about something else. Except, well, Gonzo, and I don’t believe anything that comes out of his mouth any more.

Wisconsin SC Race | Subject to Complete Defeasance 01, 2008 · Tonight we find out whether the right wing fat cats can purchase a state supreme court seat in the great state of Wisconsin. The Louis Butler – Michael Gableman race, previously discussed here, has drawn much attention (along with several million dollars of tort “reform” attack ad money).. provides a running tally here.As of this writing, insurance industry darling ...

zodiac | Electricity & Lust AV Club compiles a list of movies that created Wes Anderson.. The Onion praises the healing power of sports.. PopMatters begins a week long celebration of television on DVD, starting with the building blocks of classic box watching.. Slate gives a genuinely funny round-up of the year’s US political videos and discusses Palme D’or winner 4 Months, 3 Weeks, 2 Days.

The Rude Pundit 09, 2005 · And so was born the 1965 Elementary and Secondary Education Act, the creation of HUD, the Fair Housing Act, Medicare, Medicaid, and a great deal more, which contributed to a massive drop in poverty levels, when, in less than a decade, poverty levels dropped from 22.2 percent to 12.6 percent. Conservatives were apoplectic at these programs ...

Wise Law Blog: Rebecca Black's "Friday": Both Aurally and ... 05, 2011 · Wise Law Blog features timely articles on legal developments in Canada and the United States, along with commentary on Canadian politics, American politics, technology and noteworthy current affairs.. Launched on April 5, 2005, Wise Law Blog also highlights key decisions of Canadian courts, with focus on Ontario Family Law, Ontario Employment Law and other areas of interest.

History & Politics | millerpsych posting from one of the ‘53%’ (the 53% of US workers who pay Federal tax, according to Mitt Romney in his presidential campaign, and who may see themselves as supporting the rest of the idle, feckless scum who probably voted for Obama), in the genre of posting a selfie holding up a handwritten testament started by ‘I am the 99% ...

wired « Mercury Rising ?? about wired written by Phoenix Woman. Politics, life, and other things that matter

32 Stafford Street: Are American Elections Free And Fair? 18, 2009 · In order to address the issue of whether elections in the United States are indeed free and fair, one must first recognise the fact that, as Gary Jacobsen and Samuel Kernell have notably argued, “the demand for political offices is greater than the supply.”1 The vast array of political offices to be held in the United States, from library board members to the highest echelons of congress ...

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: Treason by ... 23, 2006 · Leaking classified information is one of the principal tactics of the Bush White House and -- as demonstrated -- its closets political allies. Thus, if we are going to embrace a framework where not only the leaker but the leaker's political comrades and professional associates are considered suspect, there aren't many people in the Bush-loving ...

Liberal Candy: Halliburton's prison camps in America 01, 2006 · The Military Commissions Act of 2006, is yet another step toward our supression. Anyone who donates money to a charity that turns up on Bush's list of "terrorist" organizations, or who speaks out against the government's policies could be declared an "unlawful enemy combatant" and imprisoned indefinitely. That includes American citizens.

Political Thermopylae: January 2009 30, 2009 · Political Thermopylae Give the partisans nothing! But take from them everything! ... but his real revolution was one of public-relations-meets-politics and not one of policy. He combined his small-town heartland upbringing with a skill for story-telling that was honed on the back lots of Hollywood into a personal narrative that resonated with a ...

Fighting the Executive Order on Immigration – The Liberal ... 28, 2017 · BREAKING: The ACLU has just won in federal court a national stay against the executive order on immigration (refugee/muslim ban)! That said — and legal judgements being what they are — all of those looking to do something helpful in light of Trump's executive order should follow up with these actions: Donate bigly to one of the following orgs…

The TL:DR Bible: Ecclesiastes 4-6 | House of the Dread 14, 2017 · It’s better to have a good friend than to be alone. If you’re alone, no one will help you. If you have a good friend, if one of you is in the trouble, the other can lend a hand. Governments come and go. Trusting in politics is empty and pointless. Chapter 5: …

Andrew Schlafly | We couldn't make this up… about Andrew Schlafly written by PsyGremlin. A few posts ago I mentioned how horrified Conservapedia founder Andrew Schlafly was about the Greek team expelling one of its members from the “politically correct” Olympics for her racist tweets.

Old Time Politics | Common Sense, Uncommon Insight 14, 2011 · I guess that most of you have heard or sang the song speaking of “that old time religion” well substitute the word politics for religion and you will have what the current Prime Minister is giving, “Old time politics. It is actually a little disappointing but interesting at …

All the women are STILL white | Werking Gerl 11, 2013 · Apparently in 2013, some 20 years after “But some of Us Are Brave” was published, all the women are still white. Luckily, a recommended article, a “companion” of sorts, to the aforementioned piece was linked on the side as an antidote to the liberal white-centric feminist hegemony of The Guardian: As a black feminist, I see how the ...

I Wish We Could “Trade” Asscroft | The Liberal Doomsayer 16, 2008 · (I couldn’t get to this earlier due to technical difficulties…sorry.) I’ll try to check back with the “Get Off My Lawn Variety Hour – The Sequel” (loved that one) soon between “Straight Talk” McBush and Barack Obama (look for “noun, verb + William Ayers Jeremiah Wright ACORN John Lewis Jesse Jackson Michael Pfleger etc. etc. etc” all over the place – and of course, McBush ...

Jews sans frontieres: Bibi: not just a Zionist Revisionist ... Netanyahu has made a complete dick of himself again. Addressing the World Zionist Congress in Jerusalem he said that Hitler had no pl...

Marc Valdez Weblog: 08/29/2004 - 09/05/2004 area community musical theater (esp. DMTC in Davis), Liberal politics, Meteorology, "Breaking Bad" and "Better Call Saul" filming locations reference site, New Mexico and California arcana, and general weirdness.

Presidential Idol | Fantasy Politics USA Paul won this months Presidential Idol for the first time since winning the whole thing in 2008. Paul came in first with 12.26% of the vote but on …

Political Irony › Going Down 30, 2019 · Yes, and I really liked the old Bell Telephone system, which was the best telephone system in the world and — though Bell Labs — gave us tremendous innovations like the Unix operating system and the C language. But in 1982 the US broke up the Ma Bell monopoly. At the time, Bell (and others) claimed that would destroy our phone system. It ...

2.1-2.5 ReadingGuide | United States Constitution ... was the Congress of the Confederation unable to deal with the rebellion effectively? 2.3: The Miracle at Philadelphia: Writing the U.S. Constitution 9. Describe the demographics of the Framers. What sort of backgrounds did they come from, and what sorts of shared interests might they have had? 10.

Is O’Malley In? – Politics Plus 04, 2014 · O’Malley signed a law raising the state’s minimum wage to $10.10 an hour by 2018….he signed legislation banning various kinds of assault weapons and imposing new limits on the size of gun magazines….he pushed through the first state gas-tax increase since 1992…O’Malley said unaccompanied minors illegally entering the U.S. shouldn ...

RUSSIA WARNS BUSH: Don't even think about attacking Iran 05, 2007 · RUSSIA WARNS BUSH: Don't even think about attacking Iran Let's do what the Russians tell us to do: "The Russian foreign minister said Wednesday U.S.-led multinational foreign forces in Iraq must not conduct military operations outside the country, including against Iran," the RIA Novosti news agency reported.

NonParty Politics: YouTube: Forum for hate 05, 2007 · War is evil, but it is often the lesser evil. ~ George Orwell. Wednesday, February 28, 2007. YouTube: Forum for hate. You can find all sorts of interesting stuff in YouTube's community pages. On this page, you can find YouTube members admiring Islamic radicals who have decided to pursue Jihad in Somalia with the Islamic Courts Union:

Fundamentalists Make Poor College Students 01, 2007 · Fundamentalists Make Poor College Students From Pharyngula : "Science magazine has just published a graph of data taken from a general social survey of Americans that quantifies what most of us assume: a well-educated liberal who is not a fundamentalist is much more likely to accept evolution than a conservative fundamentalist with only a high ...

Kevin Powell: Politics on my mind's been awhile since I posted anything, but I've been out doing pastor stuff (i.e., visits). In Tuesday's debate, Dick Cheney has offered a new version of the events leading up to the war in Iraq (I pulled this from The Corner). On the Canadian front, the Conservative Party has threatened to bring down the government by supporting the Bloc ammendment.

Encouraging Converts? Or Hunting Heretics? | Sheila Kennedy a heretic, for Trump, is anyone who is “disloyal” to him personally, that really widens the field…) The observation reminded me of an old political truism: politics is the art of addition. Begala drew on his years as a political consultant to underline the importance of focusing on what an election means for voters.

Celebrities Talk Politics | Out Foxing Karl Rove know she’s a beauty pageant runner-up who is a gun totin’ extremist in her views on the environment, religion, women’s choice and the separation of church and state. I know she’s a woman who along with John McCain would divide this country while pledging that she and the Senator are “mavericks” who know how to reach across the aisle.

LTC. Lakin | We the People of the United States Left blogs, announcers, and politicians were so quick to respond, it is as if they had prior knowledge of the tragedy. To cover for themselves, the nasty accusations began. They were getting facts wrong, and quickly announced that Rep. Gabby Giffords was dead. She wasn’t. But it appears they expected her to be.

systemic issues | Sheila Kennedy“Vote Blue no matter who” is an essential first step, but it is only a first step. Then the hard work begins. We have to eliminate gerrymandering, the filibuster, and the disproportionate influence of money in our political system. We have fight vote suppression and …

Don’t use the Austin plane crash for political smearing ... 18, 2010 · The big news today is the deliberate crash of a small plane into an IRS building in Austin, TX where 200 people worked. The pilot, Joseph Black, was upset with taxes, among other things, and appears to have left a lengthy suicide note/manifesto that we assume is authentic. Black was quite obviously a nutcase, yet the nature…

September | 2010 | Ethnic Space Blog v. Salazar (aka Cobell v Norton) is the most important “unsettled” settlement ever brought to Congress in the past few decades. It was claimed by various tribes in a lawsuit that the United States stole as much as 179 …

Cities' Water Access Jeopardized By New Berlin And Ohio ... 11, 2008 · Cities' Water Access Jeopardized By New Berlin And Ohio Radicals I've posted several items on this blog going back to last year - - one example here - - about the counter-productive alliance between legislators in Wisconsin and Ohio whose obstruction of the pending Great Lakes Compact could sink this crucial, eight-state water management agreement.

A Chip Off the Old Buffalo | The Opinion Mill 01, 2007 · A Chip Off the Old Buffalo November 1, 2007 As Matt Yglesias reminds us , NBC newshack Tim Russert is only the biggest and most irritating symptom of the corporate sickness that has effectively destroyed network television as a source of owrthwhile news, and helped reduce our political discourse to an endless, malignant clown show of soundbites ...

Blue Notes - Bloggerhttps://bluepolitics.blogspot.comBut as the New York Times reports today, evidence of a cause-and-effect relationship is a little more tenuous than all that. Last week, Gen. Richard B. Myers, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told reporters that the senior U.S. commander in Afghanistan believed the protests in that country had resulted from developments there, not ...

GusWatchhttps://guswatch.blogspot.comToday, I'm joining with Democracy for America, Health Care for America Now and Open Left in supporting the Stand With Dr. Dean Campaign.The idea is to put pressure on our members of Congress to find out where they stand on health care reform and whether or not they support Dr. Howard Dean's call for a reform that includes a public option.

How the Left fakes the hate: A primer | Thoughts Of A ... 27, 2010 · Michelle Malkin Lead Story How the Left fakes the hate: A primer By Michelle Malkin • March 26, 2010 10:40 AM I’m still on semi-vacation, but the Left never takes a break from falsely accusing the Right of fomenting hatred and violence through political speech. The MSM never takes a break from whitewashing leftist intolerance, death…

Billionaire Blues: Whitman’s Declining Fortunes « The ... 19, 2010 · It would be one of the greatest collapses in modern California politics. Update: The new PPIC poll just came out. It shows that Whitman’s former 50-point lead has been reduced to single digits. She now leads Poizner 38-29 among GOP voters. (Compare this to a 61-11 lead back in March.) For the full report, see here. The headline states ...

Censors and Protests | FrameWork 17, 2007 · One who is generous; one who favors greater freedom in political or religious matters; one free from prejudice or narrow thinking. Ant.- stingy, mean, bigoted, or conservative In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated scorned.

American Power: Oprah's Rewriting Every Line for Clinton ... 09, 2007 · Oprah's Rewriting Every Line for Clinton-Obama Race. This post is a follow up to my last entry, ... For a great follow-up, ... it could be the scattered pictures of equivocation, Whitewater, Lewinsky, and a continuation of the petty, divisive politics that have come to define the Bush-Clinton years for voters across the political spectrum.

Ssnot!: Quote: William H. Gascoyne 12, 2007 · Tatarize San Bernardino, CA, United States I am a thirty something year-old straight white college educated male who likes his odds. -- I'm a liberal atheist with a degree in Computer Science, broad interests, and ... there really should be a good 'third thing' to put here.

Intrepid Liberal Journal: July 2008 Liberal Journal A forum for civil debate that promotes progressive alternatives to current challenges and a firm voice for the Patriotic Left. Saturday, July 19, 2008. Check Out Comedian & Political Activist Steve Hofstetter.

The Federalist Publishing Company | Michigan Conservatives ... 12, 2010 · The Federalist Publishing Company is unique in that it was founded by a writer who was frustrated by the unabashed politically progressive bias he encountered from many or even most agents and publishers within the literary industry. Mike Hewitt is a writer of near future political fiction and a long time political activist.

JustOneMinute: Kerry On Abortion - A Muddle a flavor of his intro:...that’s what this fight is all about. It’s about power. It’s about who decides. And it is beyond my comprehension how, on an issue so personal to women, that a bunch of men in the White House or Congress dare to claim rectitude and make this decision and interfere with the freedom and rights of millions of women.

Paid For By Friends Of Gordon Denlinger | Politics | Free ... we look at the political landscape, I sense a continued yearning on the part of our friends and neighbors for a governor who is a ready to shake up the status quo – a reformer in the truest sense. Along with such a person we need to have a steady, supportive voice who has both experience and strong relationships to advance a reform agenda.

YouTube | ScreamBucket, Obama to Meet at G20 Summit March 30, 2009 Posted by aetiusromulous in Economics, news, politics, Video, YouTube. Tags: America, culture, Economics, economy, EU, finance, g20, government, Medvedev, news, Obama, politics, Putin, Russia, society, Video 1 comment so far Medvedev and Obama will sit down together at the G20 meeting this week, at …

jim cramer | ScreamBucket Rule Explained: An End to Dead America Profits March 10, 2009 Posted by aetiusromulous in news, politics, Video, YouTube. Tags: business, Economics, economy, jim cramer, news, politics, Rick Santilli, sec, stocks, uptick rule, Video, wall street add a comment No More Betting Against the House. Crafty Wall Streeter’s can get you coming and going.

Stubborn Liberal: October 29, 2015 · After trying to approach them multiple times, she opted for a more creative route. On Oct. 25, Numair arrived at the protest with a sign that read, "Dear P.P., Thanks for helping me with my yeast infections." In a tweet, she said she broke up the protest by chanting the words "yeast infections." Way to go!

"It Figures": DailyKOS and White Liberal Intolerance 10, 2018 · Taking a journey to the “other side” for a moment yielded some pretty incredible results … don’t fall for the white so-called liberalism of the “DailyKOS”.. They are -in most instances- as hotly racist as their highly conservative GOP counterparts when it comes to Black America and the truth about their own particular brand of racism.I tried them on for size and …

Trenz Pruca’s Observations on Some Requirements for a Fair 12, 2018 · 1. No society, if it hopes to survive, can, either directly or indirectly, surrender to an individual, institution or groups of individuals or institutions unbridled and uncontrolled dominance over its economic and political well-being, no matter how apparently beneficial it appears at the time. 2. We are better off as a society to agree to…

Tibet olympics |, and the nightly news, war and genocide, remind us over and over about the worst side of humanity….so what a relief to allow yourself to feel optimistic, and positive for a little while. Surely, even the presidential candidates will use these precious moments to capitalize on their own positive messages…to play on that warm feeling ...

scalia | Political teen-aged cheerleader in Texas refused to cheer for a player who was convicted of raping her. (He had received a light sentence from the court, and was still allowed to play for the school.) The school dismissed her from the cheer leading squad, so she sued. She lost.

Obama, Edwards Attack On Hillary Effective | Political 16, 2007 · Many have questioned if going negative would have any effect on Hillary's apparent nomination. Dick Morris, who probably knows Hillary and Bill better than just about any other pundit, has this to say, "Months ago, Edwards was ahead, but Clinton had developed an increasing lead - until her recent dismal debate performance sent her fortunes…

North Star Politics: 2005-07-31 06, 2005 · It's the first time we'll send an ambassador to the UN without the faith of the United States Senate, in addition to the fact that Bolton is just a bad choice to be that ambassador. The only upshot is that just another sign of Bush's legislative impotence, which can only be a good thing for Dems.

Viking Pundit declares his conservative bona fides Potential presidential candidate Fred Thompson sez: "Tax cuts mean growth"The results of the experiment that began when Congress passed a series of tax-rate cuts in 2001 and 2003 are in. Supporters of those cuts said they would stimulate the economy.

Anthony Tshering's blog: Bush more unpopular than Nixon 83 percent saying things are going badly is "more than in 1992, when the first President Bush was ousted because of the economy, stupid. That's more than in 1980, when President Carter got fired after the malaise crisis. That's more than in 1975, after Watergate and the Nixon pardon," said Bill Schneider, CNN senior political analyst.

coming out | Sheila Kennedy in the early days of the women’s movement, an oft-repeated mantra was “the personal is the political.” The point was that unless an issue was personal, you were unlikely to bother engaging it politically. There’s research confirming the insight.

The BRICS Bank and Dollar Hegemony: the Importance of ... 24, 2014 · David Graeber writes about this mechanism at the end of his book Debt: The First 5,000 Years: “Because of the United States trade deficits, huge numbers of dollars circulate outside the country; and one effect of Nixon’s floating of the dollar was that foreign central banks have little they can do with these dollars except use them to buy U ...

Politico Takes Down Light Touch Version of Playboy ‘Hate F ... 02, 2009 · Twitter has POWAH!!! Yesterday, I caught a tweet from Amanda Carpenter about her inclusion on Playboy's "Hate F***" list (profanity below the fold), so I wrote a story about it, which got re-Tweeted like mad. The resulting Twitter uprising apparently caused Playboy to take the list down. **{screenshots here}(In another weird twist, my editors asked…

R.I.P. | Veracity Stew John “Jack” Murtha (D-Pa.) has died at the age of 77 after an illness following gall bladder surgery. Murtha was a tireless advocate for the military, and was the first Vietnam veteran elected to Congress. He came under fire in 2005 when he gave a speech on …

DFL « Mercury Rising ?? about DFL written by Phoenix Woman. Politics, life, and other things that matter

Speaker Cuts Off C-SPAN Cameras When Dems Attempt To Bring ... 21, 2011 · Speaker Cuts Off C-SPAN Cameras When Dems Attempt To Bring Vote On Payroll Tax Cut. By Alex Seitz-Wald/Think Progress. During a quick ...

Ted Yoho | Sheila Kennedy Monica Hesse, a columnist for the Washington Post advised,. If you click on only one thing today, let it be Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Thursday morning speech, delivered from the House floor and directed to a fellow member of Congress, but really to us all.

111th Congress - WordPress.com about 111th Congress written by virginiadem. Metro Relief included in TARP Reform.Language providing Metro relief from penalties related to so-called “lease-back” transactions involving the purchase of subway cars was included in the TARP Reform Act which passed the House last week. “Lease-back” transactions are contracts allowing banks to purchase Metro cars and then lease them ...

A Timely Recovery Lesson | The Liberal Doomsayer 19, 2009 · A Timely Recovery Lesson I don’t have much to add to this great McClatchy commentary by Steven Conn of the History News Service, so here it is… Since the economic crisis we’re now in is being compared to the Great Depression, the solutions being offered are being routinely compared to …

Stunning New Report on Domestic NSA Dragnet Spying ... 19, 2008 · (3/12/2008) FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: 675-2312 or [email protected] WASHINGTON – The American Civil Liberties Union responded today to a stunning new report that the NSA has effectively revived the Orwellian "Total Information Awareness" domestic-spying program that was banned by Congress in 2003. In response, the ACLU said that it was filing a Freedom of …

Massey | Dear Kitty. Some blog 02, 2013 · In a cruel irony, as the third anniversary of the Upper Big Branch (UBB) mine disaster approaches this week, cuts due to the “sequester” are leading to the dismantling of legal teams assembled by the government to enforce mine safety. The cutbacks will reduce by $2.1 million the $22 million Congress originally allocated to a temporary ...

Stubborn Liberal: March 2008 30, 2008 · The invitation says that for $10,000 you can go to a private reception with a photo opportunity. The luncheon reception is $1,000. Those who can't attend but would like to contribute are asked to give $5,000, $2,500, $1,000, $500, $250 or "other."

Lost in the Ozone...: McLaughlin Sentencing Stirs Up ... circus aside, the 56-year-old McLaughlin pleaded guilty to a slew of charges, including stealing $2.2 million in cash, getting free cars and taking money from a Little League Baseball organization that had been funded by his own legislative member item funds.

January 2011 – Eric Lightborn's Blog Lightborn's Blog Non-Profit Blog on Politics & Life. Search. Monthly Archives: January 2011. 01.23.11. ... she went into something from a KKK rally and that was the “the line.” ... slow decline into moral ambiguity and a complete lack of ethics, and Glenn Beck combined with Fox News and the tea party is the first step toward this ...

Meanwhile, in Iraq - Progress Pond 30, 2016 · Well, this isn’t exactly what we’d like to see… BAGHDAD — A state of emergency was declared in the Iraqi capital on Saturday as protesters stormed Iraq’s parliament, after bursting into the Baghdad’s fortified Green Zone, where other key buildings including the U.S. Embassy are located, in a dramatic escalation of the country’s political crisis. […]

Iraq and Afghanistan | The Pardu's Scroll FACT CHECK:The Pentagon did award a no-bid, or sole-source, contract to a Halliburton subsidiary, Kellogg Brown &Root in March 2003. However, a Congressional report aid the contract was “properly” awarded and that KBR was the “only contractor that was determined to be in a position to provide the services within the required time ...

2 Political Junkies: Melissa Hart's parking for life 26, 2010 · A sign in the dashboard reads “109th Congress” (which lasted from 2005 to 2007 and was the last Congress Hart served in). The Pennsylvania license tag expired last year.When a Daily Caller reporter called the Hart's office she hung up. Oh yeah, Hart is a registered lobbyist..

Balkinization: Pluto and Constitutional Theory Graber, As a big fan of Kuhn's "Theory of Scientific Revolution", I really enjoyed this post. I just want to make sure that I'm reading the concluding sentence properly. You write "Constitutional theory, Pluto suggests, needs a theory of political development which cannot simply be a theory that relies on improved understandings of the general principles underlying …

The American President | Sheila Kennedy of my all-time favorite movies was 1995’s “The American President.” I loved its full-throated defense of the ACLU, its “rom-com” elements, and the excellent acting, but most of all, I loved the part where the President, played by Michael Douglas, turned to his antagonist–a slimy, political “dirty tricks politician” named Bob Rumson (played by Richard Dreyfuss)– during a ...

Pix From the San Francisco 2012 Gay ... - Political Loudmouth 24, 2012 · A Political Loudmouth street team went to the 2012 San Francisco Gay Pride Parade today. Sarah Silverman was the parade's Celebrity Marshall. We popped out to her car and gave her one of our stickers, "Two Girls Kissing Is Hot. Two Wives Kissing Is Hotter." Her verdict: "Hey, I like this!" You can see her…

Campaign Packet | Political Parties | Elections | Free 30 ... Packet - Free download as Word Doc (.doc), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The packet containing the chart of student opinions and the worksheet to fill out for the different candidates.

Evergreen Up Late: For What It’s Worth – Everblog 15, 2013 · I usually try to be funny in this space. Not tonight. I want to talk about something else right now. It's our crappy politics. Again. You may have heard there was a national tragedy in Boston today. As of right now there are 3 dead and over 130 injured. Nobody knows a …

politico - Yahoo Suche Suchergebnisse this page09.07.2020 · Pompeo’s statement, accompanied by a similar announcement from the Treasury Department, said additional visa restrictions are being placed on other Chinese Communist Party officials believed to be responsible for, or complicit in, the unjust detention or abuse of Uighurs, ethnic Kazakhs and members of other minority groups.

The Left Bank Cafe: The Price of Inequality Price of Inequality by Nobel Economist Joseph Stiglitz is a book filled with insight into the workings (or non-workings) of the markets and on the roles of government and of central banks in the economy. A major theme of the book is that “inequality is as much the result of political forces as of economic ones.” He explodes prevailing myths about the “free” market place ...

kingston progressive: KINGSTON'S INDEPENDENCE CELEBRATION 01, 2009 · The City of Kingston's Independence Celebration has been saved! ... correctly observed by Mike Marnell in his near worship of the figure of Congressman Ron Paul, MD has been nil;that so-called "progressives" can allow this to sort of just go by the wayside with a wink and a nod is laughable on its face, and to think that somehow an Independence ...

Recommended Reading: Syria and Silliness | Desert Beacon 09, 2013 · There is some rather insightful and serious thinking about the situation in Syria -- as well as some of the sillier drivel ever put in print and pixels. The Chaff #1. Any article droning (pun intended) on about the internal political implications of the President's proposal for limited military responses to the use of chemical…

Evangelical – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America term Evangelicals is inappropriate and is favored by Christian Conservatives who often are better described as Fundamentalist, as well as the fact that half of these so called Evangelicals are Fundamentalist Charismatics. Using the term Fundamentalist would help drive these religious fanatics out of politics and back into the shadows where ...

‘Scam PACs’ Strike Again in Utah, Wisconsin – Lead ... 13, 2017 · ‘Scam PACs’ Strike Again in Utah, Wisconsin By Nathan L. Gonzales Mysterious and misleading political action committees are nothing new, but two recent examples demonstrate just how brazen some PACs are becoming in their money-grabbing email pitches. “BREAKING: Sheriff Clarke Resigned,” announced the subject line of a Sept. 2 email from the Sheriff David Clarke…

September 2016 – Politics Plus my Lift permit renewed this morning took ten minutes. Factoring-in waiting for rides, it took three and a half hours. ARGH!! I’m very tired, but as the effects of the Cymbalta are starting to wear off, I’m feeling a bit more human, and I know tomorrow’s appointment with Megan will limit me to a …

George Mason Forum DVD (+) Available Now is one very simple way of taking control away from politicians and media who lack courage, and putting it back into our hands to show our numbers. It’s about restoring our constitution, returning our rights - Habeas Corpus, Free Speech, the end of Torture agenda, Guantanamo, and war crimes for profit.

The BRAD BLOG : Laurence Tribe Predicts 9-0 SCOTUS Ruling ... federal courts, so far anyway, are holding up well amidst the Constitutional Crisis foisted upon the nation with President Donald Trump's attempts to stymie all Congressional oversight of the Executive Branch and the potentially criminal record of its chief occupant. The Judicial Branch firewall ...

May | 2007 | thoughtcrimes and misdemeanors apparently our alleged president, in his infinite wisdom, has decided to begin a covert campaign to destabilize Iran. Obviously the fiasco in Iraq, the re-emerging war in Afghanistan, the Justice department scandal, the World Bank mess, and his battles with Congress aren’t enough to occupy his time, and he has decided to go looking for additional trouble on another front.

Elections | Intuitionistically Uncertain a company with shady political connections and a disreputable security track record continues to be contracted to supply voting machines, I don’t know.. Technology is neutral. But belief in the infallibility of it is irresponsible, misguided, and .. perhaps actively encouraged by people with vested interest.

February | 2009 | Sohum Parlance II economic historian Jeff Madrick discusses the history of American government role in the economy with Fox News’ James Pinkerton, suggesting that the notion of a laissez-faire early America is a myth. It’s a very informative, and is really what a conversation between a liberal adult and a conservative adult should look like.

Russians « Jamesb101.com 18, 2009 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Object: Constitution Of All India Trinamool Congress ... OF. ALL INDIA TRINAMOOL CONGRESS. Article The Aim of the party shall be to make all round development 1 of India in the political, economic, industrial, social, culture, agricultural, sectors, and to establish India as global power keeping in view the multilingual, multifaceted, multiethnic, rich culture and heritage of India. ...

The Bush Record on Appeals Court Appointments ... study, overseen by Cass Sunstein, a Harvard Law School professor who is now an adviser to Mr. Obama, analyzed whether judges voted for a liberal or a conservative outcome in …

Hate Comes to Orange County | Spinny Liberal 06, 2011 · One of the speakers, Malik Ali, is repeatedly invited to speak at the college near me. His ideology deserves as much disgust as the people in the CAIR video. He doesn’t believe black Americans should have any relationship with Jews who believe Israel has a right to exist.

Politics Archives - Nolan Dalla by Nolan Dalla on Nov 11, 2016 in Blog, Essays, Politics, What's Left | 1 comment. The New Trumptington . Gators and Mosquitoes swimming in the New Trumpington: The president-elect isn’t “draining the swamp” — it’s about to get bigger and far more dangerous .

A Little Reality: War and the Professional Soldier Afghan War is the most unpopular war in American history, which is saying a lot since the competition includes the Iraq and Vietnam wars.Yet there are no street protests, no politicians campaigning against it. Ask anyone and they will tell you it's a worthless waste of resources spent on a worthless patch of land.

Balkinization: Executive Discretion and Congressional ... group blog on constitutional law, theory, and politics. This approach has considerable appeal in some respects. By tying the exercise of discretion to an inference about congressional intent drawn directly from the INA, the President advances a cooperative conception of the separation of powers and answers critics who claim that he is making policy unmoored from the elaborate statutory ...

Sunbeams From Cucumbers: The Idiots are Multiplying 08, 2006 · The Idiots are Multiplying Awhile ago, when this blog was still very new, I wrote about a rather bizarre demographic argument which holds that since conservatives (or in the previous case, simply people who live in red states) have more children than liberals or blue staters, that this was going to cause a long-term shift towards conservatism ...

Sunbeams From Cucumbers: Who Really Cares about Arthur ... 12, 2006 · This problem comes to a head in Brooks’s probit and regression models analyzing SCCBS data (pp. 192-193). After controlling for a lot of things that you might not want to control for (i.e., being religious or secular), Brooks concludes that “liberals and conservatives are not distinguishable” in whether they have made any donation in the ...

28 | October | 2008 | the plaid lemur 28, 2008 · The embattled cannot dictate terms, especially something so major as a sit-down in front of news cameras without something to negotiate with. Stevens plays hardball. Not typical hardball, but hardball even by Washington standards. This is a class A, 100 percent certified bastard of a politician.

TigerHawk much tighter "ethics" rules and harping publicity, today there is far less Congressional travel than there once was. The former Congressman said that he only took three trips with other members during his ten years in Congress, twice to Iraq and once as part of a delegation assigned to a state funeral.

Valley of the Shadow: Clarifications Political and Policy Blog written by a Los Angeles and California GOP Activist with a touch of sci-fi, Marvel Comics, and Goth music.

Healthcare | Dystopian Blues: News Liberal Progressives Need 23, 2011 · One of the implied promises of a brand name, especially when it comes to drugs, is you can expect higher quality, but maybe that doesn’t apply when it comes to McNeil products.The FDA says the plant that produced the recently recalled children’s Tylenol, Motrin, Zyrtec and Benadryl, was using raw materials that were contaminated with ...

2009 May 10 « Mercury Rising ?? 10, 2009 · Nowadays, amidst the deluge of profits for the card companies and florists, we have mostly forgotten that in 1870, Julia Ward Howe issued a proclamation for a Mother’s Day of Peace. It was not a day of sentiment and celebration of traditional roles, but of political activism. She called all women to oppose war and militarism:

Inherently anti-American aspects of current liberalism and ... 25, 2015 · But even a Socialist welfare state requires people to work for a living. Maine’s generous welfare policies began collapsing once Somali Muslims swarmed in to take advantage of them. Denmark and the Dutch, among other of Bernie Sanders’ role models, have been sounding more like Reagan and less like Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren.

martin luther king jr | Martin Luther King Jr. | Politics ... Luther King, Jr. born as Michael King Jr (Atlanta, Georgia, January 15, 1929 - Memphis, Tennessee, April 4, 1968) was an American pastor of the Baptist Church1 and an activist who developed a crucial work in the United States at the forefront of the civil rights

The Market State: Creative Destruction Alois Schumpeter (February 8, 1883 – January 8, 1950) was a Moravian born classical liberal economist and political scientist of the Austrian school of economics. He was one of the most influential economists of the 20th century. Undesirable Democracy Schumpeter expounded a theory of democracy which sought to challenge what he called the 'classical doctrine'.

Motor City Liberal: Obama is pulling ahead in the ... is among a handful of battleground states in the November presidential election. This summer, the fight appeared to be neck and neck in the state, and before the national conventions of both parties, Obama edged Mr. Romney by merely one or two percentage points.

liberal catnip: Random News Roundup 15, 2006 · Random News Roundup Cuz there's so much news and so little me... - It's official: according to the latest Pew Poll Bush is an "incompetent" "idiot" "liar" who is "out of touch" and his approval rating has dropped a whopping 17% since January, 2005 to where it now sits: 33% .

Unspoken: Mass Shootings Fade From Memory | Desert Beacon 31, 2018 · As for this year’s state of the union address, one Congressman, Dan Kildee (D-MI) invited a guest who is an activist on behalf of gun victims. [ Hill ] Meanwhile, there have been 22 mass shootings in the United States during the first month of this year, thankfully none using a bump stock, 158 accidental shootings, and 14 shootings since ...

X Curmudgeon: Global Warming Deniers: Doubt Is Our Product we saw today was an editorial in Investors Business Daily arguing that because winter sea ice levels have not declined significantly over the past four decades, there must not really be global warming. The conservative British Guardian carried a similar piece not too long ago, and for some reason the RealClearPolitics and RealClearMarkets folks love to highlight these on …

A cinematic moment of an impression of ... - Sohum Parlance II 06, 2019 · It all leads to a very memorable confrontation between Reilly and Lenin, and in that moment you definitely side with Lenin. But then one of the SR women attempted to assassinate Lenin (critically wounding him and that really did happen). When Reilly’s plans all fall apart, the women are then put to death.

David Frum | The DC Folly Trolley 04, 2012 · Photo credit: Spider Martin GPA photo archive / flickr / cc John Lewis, the Georgia Congressman who led the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and was one of the "Big Six" civil rights leaders who organized the 1963 March on Washington, is being remembered as one of our greatest American heroes, in large part because […]

Norah O'Donnell | 44-D about Norah O'Donnell written by audiegrl. Posted by: Audiegrl TVNewser reports that MSNBC is streamlining its daytime schedule and doing away with the themed hours focused on the economy and politics. It’s a back-to-basics approach for the network’s daytime news hours which slipped to fifth place in December, behind FNC, CNN, HLN and CNBC between 9am-4pm.

2008 | Smart Liberal and Female Liberal and Female. ... are approximately 314,000,000 people living in the United States. In 2008 a little over 129,000,000 voted. According to a link I found on factcheck ... -turnout/) 61.6% of those that could legally vote did. It’s amazing to me that more people don’t vote. Voting may be one of the greatest rights we have in this ...

House of Representatives | The Liberal Doomsayer, so I’ve thought of more interesting headlines…I’ll work on it.) The Bucks County Courier Times opined as follows this morning ()…To state Rep. Steve Santarsiero, D-31, for two common-sense proposals: One would require lawmakers to relinquish compensation once the budget deadline passes – and make it irretrievable.

Cathie from Canada: October 2015 didn't take long, did it By describing one of Canada's most prominent and well-respected first nations leaders, Phil Fontaine, as just a pipeline consultant, the Montreal Gazette is already trying to fit the Trudeau government into a "corrupt Liberal" frame. Fontaine, by the way, is the grey-haired guy applauding, at the bottom left of the photo that the Montreal Gazette ran with this ...

Hawkish HRC and her Israel-first political sugar daddy ..., June 25, IRNA - Hillary Clinton’s greatest billionaire backer has been Haim Saban, a dual United States-Israel citizen and hardline supporter of Israel, who has openly commented, “I’m a one-issue guy, and my issue is Israel… Saban is her “major financial backer: one could go so far as to say that he and his donor circle constitute her ‘base’ or at least a significant part ...

Kleptocrat Or Theocrat? | Sheila Kennedy huff post recent,by richard north patterson, Americas pre-fascist president, eye opening one,with the what ifs when trump decides he didnt loose,and congresses motives to retaliate. obviously,voting each memeber out,one by one is clearly the only way to stop this. im having more people actully listen in nodak on some of these issues. im speaking of keeping America as one,and stop listening ...

Wanted To Take Advantage Of A Slow Day And Talk About ... 30, 2014 · Wanted To Take Advantage Of A Slow Day And Talk About Education. March 30, 2014 in ALEC, Common Core, ... We didn’t do any projects and Mr. _____ just stood up and talked to as the whole class. .. He told us how the Depression came about, how it was just like now, how our politics were just like they were in the 20’s, how Roosevelt changed ...

#ReleaseTheMemo | Bloviating Zeppelin will be proven that the “dossier” was the source for an illegal FISA warrant; And so much more buttery political goodness! If you care to listen to the show in Spreaker, please click on the yellow start button at the upper left. Listen to “BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show, Thursday, 1-25-18” on Spreaker.

Josiah Strong | Desert Beacon first part of the quotation is essentially accurate, as observed by Otto von Bismarck who replied to a question about was the greatest political fact of modern times, “The inherited and permanent fact that North America speaks English.”

MI-Sen: National Research (R) for Outsider PAC (July 2018 ... 2016 Adam Geller served as one of the pollsters for the Donald J. Trump for President campaign and was responsible for several midwestern states including Michigan. Geller also served as the pollster for the successful campaigns of Michigan Congressmen Paul Mitchell, Tim Walberg and Dave Trott.

Tea Party Movement | VotingFemale about Tea Party Movement written by VotingFemale. It took a while, my period of mourning and self-imposed cessation of blogging but not from political tweeting.

30 | July | 2012 | The Liberal Doomsayer 30, 2012 · The Affordable Care Act, which should have been used as an opportunity to bring us together, unfortunately became one of the most divisive issues ever addressed in the House of Representatives for two reasons: the 2,700 page bill was railroaded through Congress with little time afforded for any legislator to truly understand the bill, and, few ...

Honduras Coup, Act V, Day Twenty-One: Interesting Connections 10, 2009 · We all know about the ties of Lanny Davis to the coup leaders. But I just found out that a Minnesota politician has a more wholesome connection to Honduras. State Senator Tarryl Clark, D-St. Cloud, is running for Michele Bachmann's seat. She's announced her campaign crew, and I couldn't help noticing this passage: Greenberg Quinlan…

And, yes, I DO take it personally: 06/21/2009 - 06/28/2009 27, 2009 · “This is one of the most vacuous legislative campaigns I have ever seen in this country,” said Graciela Romer, a veteran political analyst in Buenos Aires. “This is a campaign that has been almost entirely waged through Tinelli’s show.”

TigerHawk political ads were still relatively new, with a few having been used in presidential campaigns as far back as the 1952 Eisenhower-Stevenson race. But many people believe that this ad remains one of the most successful negative-attack ads in U.S. history. It is also probably one of the nastiest and most devestating ever.

Laurence Gardner | The Point of a Sharp Instrument sites. Act.TV A facebook page dedicated to grassroots activism.; Counter Current News An alternative news site that focuses on exposing corruption.; Cruelty-Free Living Animals suffer greatly for our vanity and careless lifestyles. The National Anti-Vivisection Society is working to educate the masses on these horrendous crimes against our fellow-creatures.

Kent: ‘We thought the CEO of Burisma had stolen money ... 14, 2019 · George is right, of course. Rather than relying on the rule of law, within which every person is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, where every accused has the right to examine witnesses and introduce evidence, we ought to rely on one-sided grand juries and politicized impeachment hearings to haul people over to the nearest tree and hang them.

JustOneMinute: All The News That Fits The Narrative out the front page - an Upper West Side liberal is not sympathetic to gun owners and their rights! OK, the Bloomberg story on Elena Kagan is not surprising - back …

Indigenous Politics in Latin America: From Movements to ... 17, 2008 · One of the biggest changes in the 1990s, according to Dr. Van Cott, was the constitutional reforms that favored indigenous rights. Colombia and Bolivia in particular were implementing these changes. To some degree elites in countries were beginning to pay attention to indigenous rights, with the hope of modernizing the constitution.

October | 2006 | angrykeyboarder's blog ( Tech, Tips ... posts published by Scott during October 2006. angrykeyboarder's blog ( Tech, Tips, Rants, Lefty Politics, Geeks, Mental Health, Moar )

Russia: Mafia state | Arun with a View 05, 2012 · This is beyond dispute. As for equating Putin – a former KGB agent and 1990s mafia operative – with Obama – a former professor at the University of Chicago (one of my alma maters) and elected representative from the liberal, multiracial Hyde Park neighborhood of that city -, with all due respect, dojero, not only deranged but is ...

Motor City Liberal: Right-Wing Media Responds To Clinton's ... 19, 2012 · After Secretary of State Hillary Clinton accepted responsibility for the security of diplomats in the wake of the deadly attack on a U.S. consulate in Libya, members of the right-wing media launched a series of sexist attacks, calling her a "doormat" and a "battered woman."

Jews sans frontieres: Israeli Apartheid Week in London Ali is a novelist, historian, political campaigner and one of New Left Review's editors. He published many articles and books, among them The Duel: Pakistan on the Flight Path of American Power (Scribner 2008), The Clash of Fundamentalisms (Verso 2003), Bush in …

sequim try moron, uninformed, useful idiot. Now be... 09, 2017 · This is not the ‘free press’ of which Mr. Jefferson speaks and if you read his myriad writings on the subject you will find this for yourself. You will learn that in point of fact Mr. Jefferson would side with Mr. Trump and the 10’s of millions of like mind Americans in this particular instance.

CBS News | Missouri Communication 20, 2010 · This view of the media being bias is not a new subject matter. A study by the Media Research Society observed 10 years of media usage and found that people from 1997-2007 found that the media favor certain view points on several elections and issues. The research finds that the media tends to lean more towards the liberal end.

THE POLITICS OF BLOOD LIBEL AND THE ARIZONA TRAGEDY ... 10, 2011 · Tyler Perry aims to make his studio one of the first to reopen amid coronavirus pandemic Rather than anxiously waiting for Hollywood’s green light, Tyler Perry is planning to make his Atlanta-based mega studio one of the first domestic filming grounds to reopen during the coronavirus pandemic.

Get the Koch Brothers Out of Your Gear - Wild Green - Utne ... green-minded outdoor recreationists may face thorny questions when it sinks in that a host of material brands used in their gear are controlled by the right-wing brothers David and Charles Koch, who have been widely outed as major funders of anti-environment politics and climate-change denial PR …

US & Iraq Trade Friendship Rings; Cynics Say Tail Wagged Dog by Damozel | Well, well, well. Apparently we've just signed on for a long-term very special friendship with Iraq. The declaration calls for the current United Nations mandate to be extended one year and then replaced at the end of 2008 by a bilateral pact governing the economic, political and security aspects of the relationship. "The basic message here...

The BRAD BLOG : Power to the People! (And Why Coal Miners ... first is a colloquy in the House Foreign Affairs Committee between Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and disgraced diplomatic operative Elliot Abrams, who has been pulled out of mothballs to serve as Trump's Special Venezuela Envoy. That, despite his having pleaded guilty to withholding documents from Congress during the 1980's Iran-Contra Scandal ...

Green Eagle: Witch Hunt! 10 Reasons Trump U Case Is a Political Witch-Hunt Against Donald 1. The politician spearheading the suit is campaigning off it That would be New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, who is apparently "campaigning off it" by daring to mention that he has a good case. 2. The law firm that brought the suit is a Clinton donor

Rev. Steve: MRI Scans Show Differences Between Liberal and ... 10, 2011 · CBS News interviewed researchers who conducted a study of 90 young adults who identified themselves as either liberal or conservative and found that liberals are better at processing conflicting information, whereas conservatives are better at being scared. This would explain Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh and the politics of fear that works so well for the GOP.

Motor City Liberal: ELLEN GIVES OBAMA A STANDING OVATION ... 10, 2012 · President Obama just came out in support of same-sex marriage,” DeGeneres, who is married to her partner Portia de Rossi, announced. She added: “Wow! Wow! There have been moments in history when someone has had the courage to stand up for what they believe in and that one action changes everything. And I hope this is one of those times.”

Nearly Amusing | This Is 08, 2014 · Every once in a while, politicians manage to do their job swiftly and efficiently. Usually, because they are embarrassed. A man who took cellphone photos up the skirts of women riding the Boston subway did not violate state law because the women were not nude or partially nude, Massachusetts' highest court ruled Wednesday.…

Darrell Issa’s Folly – Everblog 02, 2013 · Congressman Darrell Issa’s folly is becoming clearer every day, especially related to the IRS investigation. It is ironic that someone with Issa's questionable past, who is no stranger to scandal himself, is the chairman of the House Oversight Committee and spearheading this and other investigations. Mr. Issa's rabid obsession of trying to tie the IRS 'scandal' to the Obama…

06 | October | 2008 | The Liberal Crab 06, 2008 · One of the jobs of the vice president is to work on behalf of the president to build consensus when needed. This goes for heading up to Capitol Hill on a tough vote or working with senior delegates of foreign governments to work out a negotiation.

missouri | The Political Tipster we now say that Obama’s bounce is now over? My latest projections for Missouri are: John McCain 49.61 Barack Obama 43.11. There is finally some good news for McCain and his staff.

Thom Tillis – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America about Thom Tillis written by dummidumbwit. “When Sen. Cruz becomes president he will be guarded by a team of angels,” said Bachmann in a radio interview. “ Ted Cruz has been touched by the hand of God and no weapon raised by man can harm him.” – Bichele Bachmann Says President Ku Kruz Kracka Will Be Guarded By A Team of Crackas!!! Gohmert Opposes Bills For Women In Science ...

reasons to leave Iraq | Shadow Democracy is how one dangerously misguided individual can easily set a precedent that could very well make Congress irrelevent. It really started with Richard Nixon knocking on the door of dictatorship, however Bush has opened that door wide open and in turn will afford future presidents the opportunity to abuse executive power and consequently ...

western culture in Iraq | Shadow Democracy is how one dangerously misguided individual can easily set a precedent that could very well make Congress irrelevent. It really started with Richard Nixon knocking on the door of dictatorship, however Bush has opened that door wide open and in turn will afford future presidents the opportunity to abuse executive power and consequently ...

Trump’s Calls to “Send Them Back” are Mainstream in Israel soon as the Israels were gone, it was all destroyed. Second, I became aware of the political saying, "from the River to the Sea". That means no Israel. Apparently very popular and is often heard in every day conversation. Not very encouraging. A lot of Israelis are tired of dealing with the the Palestinians. Their answer to ...

You, Me and Politicshttps://youmepolitics.blogspot.comWhy should we not let them earn their living like everyone else, and also have a better opportunity for a new life. But now all thats left is 1,800 jobless people who only add to the decline of an economy. So as the article said 1,800 down only millions to go, which I agree with is just ludicrous!

Elective Positions | Member Of Parliament | Elections ... disqualification excludes fundraising for a person who is contesting an election or to a fundraising for a political party Fails to enlist the required number of supporters as required in the Constitution and the Elections Act in case of an independent candidate. 13 ` C. Candidate for Senate election

Motor City Liberal: Kilpatrick's press secretary arrested ...'s press secretary arrested Allen charged with domestic abuse, resisting arrest November 2, 2007 BY BEN SCHMITT AND ZACHARY GORCHOW FREE PRESS STAFF WRITERS The attorney for Matt Allen, the press secretary for Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick, said he expects him to be arraigned today on domestic abuse charges.

State of the Nation: 5/10/09 - 5/17/09 of the Nation ... ironically, would've been attached to a bill that awards even more billions of taxpayer dollars to the banks). Among the influence peddlers hired by bailout recipients were more than 100 former lawmakers, top congressional staffers, White House aides and agency officials. ... The first and chief target of this furious ...

Keystone Progress Blog: GOP Member of Congress apologizes ... 17, 2010 · I think it is a tragedy in the first proportion that a private corporation can be subjected to what I would characterize as a shakedown -- in this case a $20 billion shakedown -- with the attorney general of the United States, who is legitimately conducting a criminal investigation and has every right to do so to protect the American people ...

Norman Spector: Asshole | Blevkog 31, 2006 · It’s not the 50% female that’s a problem. It’s the 80% Liberal media that’s a problem. Just go to the Press Gallery website and check out who is a member. Out of 400 or so members, over 50% are from CBC, never mind the Toronto Star, Globe and Mail, etc. Like Like

containers saint louis: August 2009 is a sign of things to come, right wing nutjobs attacking representatives and senators. Not only on healthcare, but every issue. Russ Carnahan is among the first this summer to be targeted. Others are targeted this summer during the August recess of congress.

Economists Agree: Timing Is Everything For The Stimulus ... 08, 2009 · Economists Agree Time Is of the Essence for Stimulus By Steven Mufson and Lori Montgomery Washington Post Staff Writers Sunday, February 8, 2009; Page A01 With Congress moving closer to adopting a $820 billion stimulus package and the Obama administration poised to unveil a new bank bailout plan, economists say that the federal government is…

SnapStream Blog | Politics 26, 2019 · SnapStream makes broadcast TV searchable, and live video and broadcast TV social. Users can find any moment and mention on TV by searching closed captioning data and setting up TV Alerts. They can also instantly capture, create, and share video clips, GIFs, and screenshots to Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube, as well as create square and vertical clips for Instagram, Snapchat, and …

Things We Should (Probably) Do That Might Sound Ridiculous ... 03, 2014 · This is a thoughtful post and thanks for using your anti-PC freedom of speech rights. Keep up the fight against the leftist control freaks that insist on PC or suffer the consequences. Turns out they are against the First Ammendment, among others…what a surprise.

Open Thread | About Those Masks | 3CHICSPOLITICO 10, 2020 · Even though 3Chics Politico is written and curated by three women: Ametia, Rikyrah, and SouthernGirl2, I must nominate this as one of the most engaging blogs I've found. Devoted to politics and culture, these three shine a light on contemporary life with humor and spirit.

Wisconsin Assembly – The Progressive Midwesterner 25, 2017 · In one of the more unorthodoxly transparent political fundraising strategies I’ve seen, former high school football player, educator, and one-term former Wisconsin State Representative Mandy Wright, who is running for a second non-consecutive term in the Wisconsin Assembly, is making at least some of her fundraising emails available to anyone ... © 17, 2014 · Matt Drudge is an Internet journalist and muckraker. Drudge's web site, Drudge Report (begun in 1994), consists primarily of links to stories about politics, entertainment, and various current events, and to many popular columnists, although Drudge occasionally authors a story of his own. Drudge started his website on a 486 computer from an apartment in Hollywood, California.

Media Symposiumhttps://mcsymposium.blogspot.comFor more information about blogging and politics, here are some resources: "The Rise of Open Source Politics" - a bit old, but insightful discussion of new internet media and politics. Wikipedia: Political Blogs - especially see the sections on the USA and the cited articles in the footnotes. "Political Blogs: The New Iowa?" - an article from the Chronicle of Higher Education, a very credible ...

tcnorris: 06/01/2007 - 07/01/2007 19, 2007 · Credit where credit is due. In his column today on why Canada lags on reducing greenhouse gases Jeffrey Simpson says something that all reporting on the Chrétien-Martin climate change record should note: Successive Liberal governments failed miserably on the climate-change file, but the record shows that even the Liberals' modest measures were opposed tooth and nail by the …

New York Voters Can Send Some Promising New Faces to ...!READ THIS BEFORE YOU GO Dear Reader, This feels like the most important fundraising drive since The Revival of the Progressive Party (1912 | 2018), with enormously high stakes and so much passion. In “Our Mission Statement” we unveil the reality we are all facing and how we rise to the challenge. — If you’re able to, a critical moment to propel the Progressive Party to new ...

tea party | The Road 08, 2019 · This is what a political earthquake feels like: Why Bernie Sanders’s speech at Liberty University matters – Stumping in the lion’s den, Sanders evinced an unapologetic populism — a welcome rejoinder to Randian insanity

GOP Hypocrisy: Is the Media Giving Them a Free Ride ... 21, 2010 · I never thought I would see the day when Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R-Cal.) is the brightest, most honest voice in politics. But, that day has come. The nation's governors held a big meeting in Washington, D.C. this weekend, and all eyes and ears were on Schwarzenegger who claimed the stimulus bill had created jobs in…

Thurman Higginbotham | The Liberal Doomsayer 10, 2010 · “This is Congress at its best,” said (House Minority Leader John) Boehner at the beginning of a rant on the scores of House and Senate hearings on the oil spill. “Why don’t we get the oil stopped, figure out what the hell went wrong, and then have the hearings and get the damn law fixed,” Boehner said at his weekly press conference.

Jesus' General: The Great Atheist Purge Continues John Lynch Superintendent Brookeland Independent School District Brookeland, TX Dear Dr. Lynch, First, let me congratulate your purging of Richard Mullens for being "too liberal" and, possibly, an atheist. It's beyond me how such a man could be allowed to hold a …

Political Weekend | Electricity & Lust 29, 2008 · UK. Racial discrimation in the police force rears its ugly head once more. Wendy Alexander, an ally of Brown, has quit. The Guardian has a piece on Henley and the now dominant Tories in the area.. Donors are turning on Brown too.. Tony Benn puts in his support for David Davis.. US. So Obama and Clinton have publicly made friends this week.. McCain and Obama are courting Latin …

Black Media | All Other Persons 2, 2008 lunchcountersitin Black Voters, Media, Presidential General Election 2008 Black Media, Black Radio, Black Voters, Media, Presidential Campaign, Presidential Politics The very effective use of the Internet by the Obama campaign, and the role of the Internet in this election season, have gotten a lot of attention, and deservedly so.

John DiStefano | The Liberal Doomsayer 30, 2009 · As Think Progress tells us here (and I know we know the result already), Hangin’ Judge JR and The Supremes ruled yesterday in favor of firefighter Frank Ricci in his case against the city of New Haven (Mayor John DiStefano was also named in the action) for throwing out the results of a management test where African American candidates did not score well, whereas 17 whites and one …

Stan Cooke – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America on Pages. Abortion, The ‘biblical view’ that’s younger than the Happy Meal!!! Ku Kristian Krackas on the March!!! Report: N.C. GOP leaders launched meticulous, coordinated effort to deter black voters!!! Kirk Cameron To Women: Your Life Purpose Is To Please Your Husband!!!

Mother Jones | Missouri Communication 07, 2011 · The other side of , graphic representations like the two shown above may be simplifications of complex issues or perhaps even complications of complicated issues. In order to fully understand any political issue, I will still need to look at more traditional written sources of information to supplement the information and frames ...

Showbiz Famous Celebritieshttps://showbiz-celebrities.blogspot.comJul 05, 2009 · Maybe it's the extensive Filmography of a man who blazed the acting trail for brothers Billy, Daniel, and Stephen that impresses us. Maybe it's his involvement in politics that has us leaning in his direction. Whatever it is, Alec Baldwin has made a mark on our memories and minds that is as indelible as that cleft in his beautiful chin.

To understand Trump's path to re-election, look at what he ...’s the advice of New Yorker writer Evan Osnos, in a recent article that focuses on the affluent residents of his hometown, Greenwich, Conn. In politics and in culture, the Greenwich area is a mashup of New England and New York, says Osnos, a place settled by Puritans who agonized over what historian Missy Wolfe calls “the proper balance between their flock’s economic …

East Bay Insiders - Libsyn 17th Congressional District primary race featuring Rep. Mike Honda and Ro Khanna is one of the most highly-anticipated House race in the country. With six candidates hoping to grab a spot in the Top Two primary, supporters for Honda and Khanna duel it out in the East Bay Citizen Podcast's first-time-ever three person show.

Barack Obama | The Winking Buddha Blog S/He confronts more concerns than mortgage bailouts (greed, after all, is one of those deadly sins) such as genocide in Darfur, AIDs in Africa, poverty, global warming and extinction of nearly one-fourth of the creatures S/He created. If politicos want Holy endorsements, maybe they need to respect God’s own position planks more.

Politics | Pansies For Plato Mick Dumdell A story from Jonathan Turley’s website indicates that the lion-murderer, Dr. Walter Palmer, is the subject of an extradition request from Zimbabwe: Minnesota Dentist Walter Palmer is already one of the most vilified individuals in the United … Continue reading ?

RIP Teddy: “The Dream Shall Never Die” 27, 2009 · "If by ‘Liberal’ they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people -- their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights, and their civil liberties -- someone who believes we can break through the stalemate…

18 | March | 2009 | Holy Hell! 18, 2009 · Evan Sayet has been a top Hollywood writer and producer for more than 20 years. His credits range from “The Arsenio Hall Show” to “Politically Incorrect.” After the September 11 attacks, Sayet decided to step from behind the camera and speak out in his own voice – that of one of the nation’s top political satirists.

Sarah huckabee net worth" Keyword Found Websites Listing ... Bryan Chatfield Sanders (Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ Husband) Wiki, Age, Biography, Net worth, Birthday, Ethnicity, Height, Weight, Facts, Parents, Siblings, Family, Kids and Photos: Bryan Chatfield Sanders is the husband of the American political figure Sarah Huckabee Sanders.In addition to this, Sarah is in news because of her good ...

Sexual Harassment | 3CHICSPOLITICO though 3Chics Politico is written and curated by three women: Ametia, Rikyrah, and SouthernGirl2, I must nominate this as one of the most engaging blogs I've found. Devoted to politics and culture, these three shine a light on contemporary life with humor and spirit.

bastet: 25 May 2008 12, 2008 · Wednesday, May 28, 2008 i've been waiting for this moment for a long time WASHINGTON, May 27 (Reuters) - Former White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan says in a new book that U.S. President Bush "veered terribly off course" and was not "open and forthright on Iraq," reported on Tuesday.

Buckdog: Tardy Harper MISSES Group Photo With G20 World ... 02, 2009 · The leaders of the world's most powerful economies assembled early this afternoon for a photo do-over after Prime Minister Stephen Harper missed the first family snapshot this morning. Summit organizers hustled the assembled leaders out of their assembly hall some time after lunch so they could re-take the family portrait, this time with the ...

Friday Night Jukebox, Vol. XCV--Butthole Surfers: Pepper Night Jukebox, Vol. XCV--Butthole Surfers: Pepper ... Sometimes a song defies an easy classification, and "Pepper" is one such song, though it's another one of those songs that could easily have devolved into little more than a novelty song--and it did nothing of the sort. Basically a song about people who are touched by brushes with ...

Buckdog: Canada Should Support New UN Environmental Agency 01, 2007 · Canada Should Support New UN Environmental Agency Canada's environment minister John Baird is off to Paris to attend the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The international conference is expected to review scientific evidence of global climate change.

Saturday’s Passel of Potpourri | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns ... 02, 2020 · Let’s see what mischief our fellow earthlings have gotten themselves into this week. It’s Saturday and time for a break and maybe a smile or two. Animals and driving problems and general mayhem. Karl is back at with his usual missteps. A few may need a couple of clicks. Page down for politics and/or…

BLOG 3: Political Campaigns since Nixon | Missouri ... 17, 2011 · Candidates may have go-to answers for hot topic issues, but surely it would not be well received for a candidate to glaze over the issue with shallow, rosy responses. To emphasize the vagueness of Nixon’s policies and his reliance on imagery and good feelings to persuade the voter, I have included a link to one of his campaign ads .

So What?: August 2013 30, 2013 · The first objective of this course is to provide you with an overview of American history before 1877. We will study selected political, economic, social, and cultural developments during this period so that you will have a basic understanding of the chronology of early U.S. history from a diverse, international perspective.

Shadow of the Hegemon: Neither New Taxes Nor Pentagon Cuts 03, 2011 · A political blogger using a pseudonym inspired by both the historical orator and Orson Scott Card's use of pseudonyms in the "Ender's Game" books. For more, see the first post. No further connection to Card's work is expressed or implied. View my complete profile

Mo Rage: Entertainment Overnight -- RIP blog about American society: its politics, current events, history, entertainment, music, comedy, movies and society overall and where we're headed.

Liberal Hyperbole: February 2006 05, 2006 · "But it's also important to make sure that the first priority is focused where it should be, and that is making sure that Mr. Whittington has the care that he needs." So, Scotty, are you saying that seeing to one man's medical needs is all your administration can handle?

22 | June | 2017 | Sohum Parlance II 22, 2017 · This isn’t the first time this has happened, although I won’t say that it’s universal. It may be that the Seattle economy is expanding anyway, and if you’re politically conservative you might argue that it would be expanding more quickly but for the living wage amount.

Personal | Nolan Dalla by Nolan Dalla on Feb 24, 2018 in Blog, Essays, Personal, Politics, What's Left | 3 comments American Conservatives are Un-American At the annual CPAC convention yesterday, a speaker talking about the beauty of naturalization-citizenship …

Best 2008 | Political Graffiti still can’t believe that they are friends. It reminds me back in the 70’s when some idiot Hollywood exec thought it was a good idea to have Tom and Jerry be friends. I know Hillary made a great concession speech, but it is just too good to be true. I miss the vindictive and embattled Hillary, please bring her back.

New Appeal to Reason: 02/01/2007 - 03/01/2007 09, 2007 · This is how the describe their mission 1) 'Social Europe' is the first electronic quarterly journal addressing the left in the whole of Europe. At the same time, it aims to be a place for its basic principle discussions. Social Europe considers the Party of European Socialists (PES) and its member parties as its political homeland.

09 | April | 2011 | Smart and silly 09, 2011 · But This is just the beginning, Next up the battle for the raising the federal debt limit and the 2012 federal budget. From the AP via Yahoo News : Perilously close to a government shutdown, President Barack Obama and congressional leaders reached a historic agreement late Friday night to cut about $38 billion in spending and avert the first ...

Paul Krugman | The Moorish Wanderer 12, 2012 · This is by no mean unfair criticism of their authors, often reputable scholars that however fell victim to trivia and the politically correct. But the fact remains, there are very few papers I can lay my hands on that resemble anything close to, say whatever Lucas , Sargent , Prescott , Kydland , Blanchard , Krugman (to name but a few über ...

Political Irony › Late Night Political Humor 25, 2017 · A woman gave birth to a baby on a recent Spirit Airlines flight. When the flight attendant said, “Is there a doctor on board?” the passengers said, “Of course not. This is Spirit Airlines.” – Jimmy Fallon. Today is the 10th anniversary of the release of the first iPhone.

From the New York Times……Where Scott Brown Is Coming From ... 28, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Are Liberal Citizens “American” Citizens? | Morningside Mom 21, 2008 · It is not the first time that my patriotism has been called into question for being liberal. However Governor Palin's recent comments caught me in a vulnerable moment. On the cusp of casting what may be the most important vote of my lifetime, I have never felt more proud to be an American citizen. And yet, with…

All in with Chris Hayes – Say What News?! enough the truth comes out in the form of a Facebook posting I did as my alter ego, David Davidson, when last Friday (as seen above) I posted a supportive for Mr. Sanders along with a generated commentary expressing my opinion of the recent comments Editor-at-Large and long-time politico for The Nation Magazine Ms. Joan Walsh ...

February | 2007 | SUZIE-Q!· Violence expected to rise after UK withdrawal · Troop numbers too low · Coalition is ‘disintegrating’ An elite team of officers advising US commander General David Petraeus in Baghdad has concluded the US has six months to win the war in Iraq – or face a Vietnam-style collapse in political and public support that could force the military into a hasty retreat.

Hillary Rodham Clinton (Sec of State) | 44-D 23, 2010 · CNN~Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is promising “a new day” in U.S.-Pakistan relations and new efforts to move beyond previous mistrust and misunderstandings.And Pakistan is hoping improved relations will generate new American help with civilian nuclear power. Clinton started two days of high-level talks with Pakistani leaders Wednesday morning at the State Department.

War on Terror | Dystopian Blues: News Liberal Progressives ... by Stephen Walt of the Foreign Policy blog, today’s must-read is an epic evisceration of Dubya’s tome. Entitled “Delusion Points”, Walt’s post begins thusly … Two years into Barack Obama’s presidency, it has become a cliché to observe that the newish president, who spent his 2008 campaign promising a U-turn from his deeply unpopular predecessor’s activities abroad, has ...

Visual Politics FYS 14, 2010 · Having football, baseball, and basketball overshadowing soccer in the U.S. makes it very difficult to appreciate the beautiful game of soccer and really see the impact the world cup had on the world. For countries with soccer as there main competitive sport it is not just a sport but it is there life.

Ecologia - paferrobyday this pageNon quello di adesso. Quello di prima quando faceva il verde e che ha contribuito a far vincere il referendum contro il nucleare in Italia. Il Financial Times spiega abbastanza bene perché il metano sarà, probabilmente, il futuro (e quindi l'aver costruito un tot di centrali può essere spendibile sul mercato):. Relying on gas brings its own political complexities and risks, …

Pan Am | The Moorish Wanderer 17, 2011 · Boardwalk Empire is of another calibre however; but then again, that’s Martin Scorcese for you (he direct the Pilot). The show is set in Atlantic City N.J. during the 1920s, at the height of the Prohibition Era. A special effort has been made for the costumes, the music, the hardware… and I don’t think words are enough to describe all the back-room politics that take …

SCOTUS | Political Loudmouth 30, 2013 · Over 80% of Americans under 30 favor marriage equality. Once again, Thomas Kuhn’s thesis in “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions” holds true. You wait for the old thinkers to die off, and poof, there’s your revolution. It can’t be hurried, but it can’t be stopped either.

BLOG 1: Where I “Get” Politics & Some Places I don’t ... 24, 2011 · I never have to read full-length articles unless I really want to, but I can still keep current on events since 140 characters is all that is needed for a headline. Perhaps it is not the most in-depth source of news, but that is not to say the opportunity to read in-depth on those matters closest to my heart is not there.

Political Irony › Trump Emulates Nixon 25, 2017 · Having trump in the white house is costly for tax payers. We are paying him to watch cable tv. And on top of that for a full time nursing team to watch over our kid president.

Black Accountability Applied: Kwame Kilpatrick Faces 12 ... 24, 2008 · A blow for Black Accountability was struck this morning when Prosecutor Kim Worthy announced in Detroit the filing of 12 felony charges against Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick and his former Chief of Staff Christine Beatty.

Southern Progressivehttps://southern-progressive.blogspot.comThis is about Cheney and the CIA, whom he and all the neocons have thought were a bunch of liberal appeasers for decades because they have so often failed to back up the wingnuts' most fanciful, paranoid wet dreams about the boogeyman of the day --- wet dreams, by the way, which were always, everytime, proven false in the end.

tea party express | Rottenart the vast majority of Teabaggers will tell you: that’s not racist, that’s just speaking the facts that the liberal media won’t tell you, dontcha know! But if the way the largest and best-financed Tea Party organization proves its diversity, then I say bring on the crosses and gasoline!

TigerHawk - Blogger TigerHawk (ti*ger*hawk): n. 1. The title of this blog and the nom de plume of its founding blogger; 2. A deep bow to the Princeton Tigers and the Iowa Hawkeyes; 3. The nickname for Iowa's Hawkeye logo. Posts include thoughts of the day on international affairs, politics, things that strike us as hilarious and personal observations.

Crazy Liberal Ideas – Downloads | Political Loudmouth is a new series of posters that celebrates the many contributions liberal ideas have made to shaping the country we love so much today. Click the poster above to download a printable version. Click here to read about Missouri State Senator Jane Cunningham's …

David Perdue – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America leader David Duke blames ‘Blitzer and the Jews’ for Trump’s troubles in wild rant By TOM BOGGIONI – Former KKK leader David Duke came to the defense of one of his political idols Tuesday, blaming Donald Trump ’s legal problems over his scandal-plagued Trump University on a new culprit.

Let the Googling Begin | Political Loudmouth 04, 2012 · In this white punishment known as the United States the person of color has already adopted the disfavors/temptations intended for another race. But by associating/mating with a person of color the white is newly adopting the disfavors of another culture. And the reason why people of color are not welcome in the United States.

Greece Is The Word | The Liberal Doomsayer 08, 2010 · All of meant to imply that the rioting in Greece could happen here also, which I find to be extremely unlikely. And the Murdoch Street Journal, in a shockingly lucid moment, tells us why here… Ruled by neo-Marxists at the time, Greece scraped into the EU in 1981 and has since lagged behind the rest of the club.

Faith and Freedom Coalition – Arts and Politics from the ... David Perdue: Pray Obama’s ‘Days Be Few‘ BY Brian Tashman – Today at the Road to Majority summit, the annual Washington, D.C., conference held by the Faith and Freedom Coalition, Sen. David Perdue of Georgia half-jokingly urged the crowd to pray for President Obama using Psalm 109:8: “May his days be few; and let another have his ...

American Prospect | All Other Persons want to give my readers a Buy recommendation for the October 2008 issue of American Prospect magazine. It contains a Special Report insert titled The Color of Opportunity – Narrowing Racial Divides and Expanding Prosperity for All that is required reading.. The American Prospect is a progressive magazine that covers political, economic, social, and cultutral issues.

August | 2015 | Indiana Oracle my opinion this is one of the most important programs for small farmers in remote areas. It is a way to achieve genuine, lasting good and does not push western politics, values, or religion. Right now the One Acre fund is focused on Africa and their customer base is growing rapidly.

christian fundamentalism | Shadow Democracy the Austin-American Statesman editorialized this weekend, The education agency, of course, portrays the problem as one of insubordination and misconduct. But from all appearances, Comer was pushed out because the agency is enforcing a political doctrine of strict conservatism that allows no …

Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. dies | Sohum Parlance II 01, 2007 · This is a bad year for liberal icons, although Schlesinger passes away at a ripe age. I’ll post well-written eulogies as I come across them. I may write something more later when I have some time. AP has a nice tribute which notes that he had attended an history forum as late as a week before he died. He was also a blogger, sort of.

realclearpolitics - Yahoo Suche Suchergebnisse this pageDonald Trump takes Kanye West seriously.In an Oval Office interview Tuesday, the president told RealClearPolitics he has been watching intently as the music mogul mulls a bid for the White House.

Elizabeth Warren | Double Dip Politics is nothing new to her, having gone up against these behemoths time and time again, winning some, losing some, but always firing back. The recent attacks on Elizabeth Warren shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone who has followed her career and her campaign for …

March 2015 – Critical Fantasies and austerity. Stock market instability. Stagnant wages and the decline of purchasing power. War. Climate change. Despite these multiplying crises, capitalism retains an essential tool that allows itself to perpetuate itself on a global level despite its internal contradictions: the ability to leverage technological developments to liquidate the political power of those who would oppose it.

Anonymous | Missouri Communication 08, 2010 · Posts about Anonymous written by kirstena88. The debate regarding online political participation versus actual real life involvement in political events is a recent development following the 2008 election.In the 2008 presidential election, the use of Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and blogs took over the campaigns of both candidates.

NonParty Politics: YouTube what we say you tube 06, 2007 · YouTube what we say you tube While critics of Islam are silenced on YouTube, as I've reported here , Iraqi insurgents are allowed to distribute their own propaganda, as The Jerusalem Post reports : Now on YouTube: Iraqi insurgent propaganda

The proximity of WI rail safety to patronage, politics 09, 2015 · The proximity of WI rail safety to patronage, politics A regular scene in Milwaukee's Third Ward above 1st Street looking north to downtown at 12 noon on Wednesday: freight rail moves past offices, businesses and lofts.

PLAINFIELD TODAY: Last minute Plainfield political intrigue 02, 2015 · Plainfield resident since 1983. Retired as the city's Public Information Officer in 2006; prior to that Community Programs Coordinator for the Plainfield Public Library. Founding member and past president of: Faith, Bricks & Mortar; Residents Supporting Victorian Plainfield; and PCO (the outreach nonprofit of Grace Episcopal Church).

NonParty Politics: The Year of Iran 02, 2007 · As the Bush administration ratchets up pressure on Iran, Vice President Cheney’s top national security aide has been sourced by the Washington Post — in the 10th paragraph on page A18 — saying that war with Iran is “a real possibility” this year

Indomitable | The online home of Chauncey DeVega is Chauncey DeVega? I am a political essayist, cultural critic, educator, and host of the podcast known as "The Chauncey DeVega Show" . I have been a guest on the BBC, National Public Radio, Ring of Fire Radio, Ed Schultz, Sirius XM's Make it Plain, Joshua Holland's Alternet Radio Hour, the Thom Hartmann radio show, the Burt Cohen show, and ...

Glenn Beck | thoughtcrimes and misdemeanors you’ve been watching Glenn Beck much lately – something I generally try to avoid, but I inevitably see clips on Countdown, The Rachel Maddow Show, The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, and/or just about every blog on the liberal side of the blogosphere – you know that the man has been bandying about terms like “Nazi” and “fascist” and “Hitler” pretty freely in connection ...

Trump uses rallies to tell his supporters to vote ... - Scribd Uses Rallies to Tell His Supporters to Vote for Him — Even if Other Names Are on the Ballot - The Washington Post - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Political analysis

Ed Lynch | Saynsumthn's Blog about Ed Lynch written by saynsumthn. Voters in parts of northern and central Broward along with southern Palm Beach County can cast their ballots beginning Monday to fill a U.S. congressional seat left vacant by the midterm resignation of Representative Robert Wexler.

23 | September | 2008 | Geoausch 23, 2008 · September 23, 2008 geoausch 4 comments Someone once said, “anyone in their 20’s who is not a liberal has not heart; anyone over the age of 30 who is not a conservative has no brain.” If you need any further proof to the last part of this maxim, look no further than James Andrew Jeppe .

The Vote Match Project « The Futility Monster 03, 2010 · But stick your average Joe in front of one of these Vote Match thingys and they’ll either do one of two things: 1) answer honestly, with no qualms about political correctness or pretences of equality and fairness; or 2) shrug the shoulders and decide they really don’t have a clue. The former voter ends up being doctrinaire.

Hillary claims lead in Iowa – Skeptical Brotha 08, 2007 · Keeping a watchful eye on black politics. Sidebar. October 2007; S M T W T F S : 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: 18

JGibsonBlog: March 2010 03, 2010 · Me: There is no such thing as the "Liberal Socialist Media," as that's code for anti-FNC/RNC talking points media. CNN does NOT slant Liberal at all, MSNBC does so during the evenings, but FNC/FBN are 24/7/365 GOP-slanted news. You've been reading too much Conservaloon propaganda and lies, just like Gregory Giusti did.

The Russians Are Playing, The Russians Are Playing ... 15, 2016 · While playing connect the dots is a favored past-time among the punditry, it takes time to piece together the actions and intent of the Russians in terms of American politics. We can, however, list some items which should be of continuing interest to the American voting public: Item: Josh Marshall, at Talking Points Memo, has…

“It’s real – get over it” | Blevkog 23, 2015 · This is a place where the Liberals and NDP have starkly different stands – the Liberals voted in favour of the bill, saying that they will amend the more odious bits of it later should they win the election, while the NDP rejected it outright and said that should they come to power in October they will scrap it root and branch.

Treason Accusations. It’s the New Black | Politics ... 18, 2016 · Please Help Support BeforeitsNews by trying our Natural Health Products below! Order by Phone at 888-809-8385 or online at Order by Phone at 888-809-8385 or online at Get our Free Ebook, "Suppressed Health Secrets" with Natural Cures THEY don't want you to know! Humic & Fulvic Trace Minerals Complex - Nature's most …

Kitchen Table Politics - 07/2020" Kitchen Table Politics makes significant contributions to our understanding of the rise of conservatism, the realignment of American political parties, the importance of gender politics to American political history, the nuances of grassroots activism, and the relevance of state-level politics to national politics."—Catherine E. Rymph, University of Missouri

davidlaw12 | Missouri Communication | Page 2 24, 2011 · The way I see it, (many times) used as an excuse to fuel individuals’ political arguments without having to use facts to back them up. Yes, media bias exists; when journalists write or report on stories, their individual styles and feelings will inevitably come through in some way or another.

Ron Fournier, omniscient gentleman. | Ben Florsheim 28, 2013 · Ron Fournier announced this week that Millennials, those scamps, hate politics and will not be getting involved in it. This may come as a surprise to Millennials, especially those of us who are already involved in politics, but no matter. Fournier hath spoken. The proclamation was issued in The Atlantic, home to those whom Baffler writer Maureen Tkacik memorably referred…

2015 election | Blevkog about 2015 election written by kevvyd. So says ipolitics (pay wall), referring to the NDP surge that was confirmed this week by polls released by EKOS and by other groups. They go on to demonstrate that, while NDP numbers jumped dramatically with the recent Alberta provincial election results, the upsurge really began as early as February.

Motor City Liberal: Right-Wing Media: Obama Ruins Nation's ... is a president who said he would keep Congress in Washington because there was so much work to be done, and yet he then announces that he's going away for 17 days. It's the kind of thing that the average American is going to look up and say "well, why is my president taking 17 days off when we've got unemployment still at nearly 9 percent?"

July | 2012 | The Road crashing and stomping continued for a long time as they tore the place apart.” After the raid, the residents pored over the papers handed them by a detective. One explained: “This warrant says that they were specifically looking for ‘anarchist materials’ — which lays out the political police state nature of …

09 | November | 2008 | Smart Liberal and Female 09, 2008 · This is a phenomenon that I have wondered about for a long long time. ... Even more of an irritant was the ever bloating and pill popping Limbaugh making such allegations. That fat piece of shit avoided the war due to a boil on his ass.

“Signs of Encouragement” | IRAQ SURGE BLOG 11, 2007 · I was turned on to this optimisitc opinion piece by Robert Kagan by the liberal website Think Progress. I bring it to our attention mostly because it mirrors so closely my own blogging, particularly the sourcing of Iraq the Model.. Reading other posts on Think Progress, you get the idea that they would not agree that the surge is working at all.Their fact check is based entirely on a ...

American politics – BLOGGYWOCKY that moment I, as a know tv addict, recognized I was reacting exactly the way I would react to a great tv series. This is government by reality show and concert tour. The masses are sucked in. They just want to know what happens next. i got a little dizzy staring into that abyss for a …

Stratfor « Mercury Rising ?? Entries (RSS) Comments (RSS) Tweet Tweet Tweet. RT @IanSams: The spin masks their deep desperation to get Trump just to do the basics.His political life is bleeding out—and they know his… 5 hours ago; RT @KamalaHarris: I’m glad Virginia is leading to help survivors get the justice they deserve.As California’s Attorney General, I made cle…

WTWC: Watching Those We Chose: Annapolis 10, 2007 · Queen Anne was the last of the Stuarts, the second daughter of James II and his first wife Ann Hyde. She was shy, conscientious, stout, gouty, shortsighted and very small. Anne was 'homely', and she did not have a particularly happy married life. Her husband, Prince George of Denmark, was a drunk and a crashing bore!

Hillary Clinton, the FBI, and Travelgate – a lesson about ... 18, 2014 · This time around, let us put the Hillary and her hubby front and center, revealing their past misdeeds. Obama slipped by. One reason was because he had little history that anyone much cared about. But the Clintons. Now there is a different story. Hillary dates back to Watergate with her amoral political ambitions. So this…

In Defense of a Progressive Hero | The Liberal Doomsayer 22, 2015 · There are some issues out there where, for better or worse, I admit that I break with what you might call liberal/progressive orthodoxy. One of them is the death penalty; I don’t believe that I have the right to tell someone who has had a friend or family member killed as the result of a violent crime that the person who was convicted of that crime cannot be put to death for it.

Monday Open Thread | Entertainment for the Holidays ... 26, 2016 · As you are enjoying family and friends, if you want to go out and be entertained and educated, there are two films that you should put at the top of your list: Hidden Figures- the untold story of t…

Sports « Jamesb101.com 08, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

PoliticalRoofhttps://politicalroof.blogspot.comAlso spelled Yenbo town, western Saudi Arabia, on the Red Sea north of Jidda. It serves as the country's second Red Sea port, after Jidda, and is the main port for Medina, 100 miles (160 km) to the east. The economy of Yanbu' was traditionally based on the pilgrim trade and the export of agricultural products, especially dates.

RED CANUCK: 13 May 2007 13, 2007 · Monte Solberg has been taking some heat lately. Turns out that his Ministry of Human Resources hasn't been providing resources for some very needy humans. In one of their usual bait-and-switch manoevers, the Conservatives slashed the previous Liberal Summer Career Placement Program, then replaced it with a plan of their own that included revised criteria for funding.

Another Dose Of “Health Care Hijinks Thursday” | The ... 20, 2009 · (Obama) said the first thing he wanted to correct was the idea that the proposed overhaul would force some people into different health care plans. “If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan,” he said, repeating one of his stock lines.

Nina Turner – Skeptical Brotha trailblazer in law and politics, she was the first African American woman to sit on both Cleveland’s Municipal Court and Cuyahoga County’s Court of Common Pleas. After losing a 1990 race for the Ohio Supreme Court, she entered the race to become Cuyahoga County Prosecutor and served until her election to Congress to replace a legendary ...

Peter Lawson Jones – Skeptical Brotha trailblazer in law and politics, she was the first African American woman to sit on both Cleveland’s Municipal Court and Cuyahoga County’s Court of Common Pleas. After losing a 1990 race for the Ohio Supreme Court, she entered the race to become Cuyahoga County Prosecutor and served until her election to Congress to replace a legendary ...

George Carlin | Missouri Communication 23, 2011 · Whether the death of Osama bin Laden was the outcome of a carefully planned mission that was carried out on May 1st, or whether bin Laden’s been dead for a few days and President Obama decided to make the announcement coinciding with the 8 year anniversary of George W. Bush’s “Mission accomplished” proclamation for the sake of political ...

Frederick Politics: Daily Political Wire 9-9-2010 09, 2010 · Daily Political Wire 9-9-2010 George Wenschhof President Obama will give press time for questions tomorrow - after giving speeches to a Labor day crowd in Milwaukee on Monday and providing details of new economic proposals in Cleveland yesterday.

Motor City Liberal: Make it viral! Gretchen Whitmer reads ..., ya know, I found it noteworthy that when our colleague from the 24th district, the former sheriff of Eaton County, referred to Senate Bill 137 today as “the bullying bill”. Not the ANTI-bullying bill. Well, that speaks volumes. Senator, that’s exactly why we voted against your bill, because it …

Harry Clarke: Hard Labor 07, 2007 · It really is a bit much when a political party, like the ALP (that harbours child molesters, rapists, criminals and crooks as well as ear wax munchers) gets annoyed when Tony Abbot simply says ‘bullshit’ to ex-legal eagle, union hack Nicola Roxoff because she nagged him unrelentingly and without justification for being late for a TV show.

Master Fabricator In thank you... 11, 2018 · A pm set me straight. I do not in the least miss some of the more colorful language that led (at least in my estimation) to the recent purge.

State Representative Les Gara | Out Foxing Karl Rove by many national conservatives, Ms. Palin is a prospect for a presidential run in 2012, supporters say. Caricatured by opponents, she is a candidate for political oblivion, say others. Regardless, Ms. Palin told reporters the day after Election Day, “This has been all positive for me.”

Pope’s Hypocritical Stance Towards Indigenous Americans ... 24, 2015 · In speaking of immigration to US Congress today, Pope Francis said: Tragically, the rights of those who were here long before us were not always respected. For those people, and the nations, from the heart of American democracy, we affirm my highest esteem and appreciation. Those first contacts were often turbulent and violent, but…” lifting…

Christmas Tree | The Liberal Doomsayer the limit was approached in February 2003, the Treasury resorted to accounting measures at its disposal to avoid exceeding the limit. The adoption of the FY 2004 budget resolution conference report by Congress in early April 2003 triggered legislation in the House increasing the debt limit by $984 billion , deemed passed by the House, and ...

war-on-drugs Archives - openpolitics.com explosion of protest across the United States in recent days makes clear that the crisis in Minneapolis is a national crisis.It’s been almost six years since the murders of Mike Brown and Eric Garner, and little has changed in how poor communities of color are being policed. It’s time to rethink superficial and ineffective procedural police reforms and move to defund the police instead.

Tax Cuts | elmsprogressivemedia 13, 2012 · The decline of unions, the outsourcing of manufacturing jobs that used to provide a solid middle-class income and benefits, and conservative politicians refusing to maintain the minimum wage against inflation have all contributed to a situation where a college education is seen, despite Santorum’s posturing, as the best way for young people ...

BLOG 10: Democracy in the “Daily Me” | Missouri Communication 13, 2011 · BLOG 10: Democracy in the “Daily Me” April 13, 2011 nuzhatc17 Leave a comment Go to comments “The Daily Me” as described by Cass R. Sunstein is a phenomena by which we, today’s consumers, so narrowly customize our media, politics, and news consumption that we sow the seeds of our own destruction.

Wise Law Blog: May 2019 30, 2019 · Wise Law Blog features timely articles on legal developments in Canada and the United States, along with commentary on Canadian politics, American politics, technology and noteworthy current affairs.. Launched on April 5, 2005, Wise Law Blog also highlights key decisions of Canadian courts, with focus on Ontario Family Law, Ontario Employment Law and other areas of interest.

Russian « Green Response Earth Action Team 10, 2017 · Russian election attack update. Posted on July 23, 2017 Updated on July 23, 2017. Pres. Obama warns Putin against election meddling at G-20 meeting in September 2016. The July 31st edition of Time included a special report on “Inside the Secret Plan to Stop Vladimir Putin’s U.S. Election Plot” by Massimo Calabresi. The article details the federal government’s attempt to secure the 2016 ...

JackRabbit Cafehttps://jackrabbitcafe.blogspot.comAnyway, the blog has been tons of fun for a long time, through all my thicks and all my thins; elections, politics, sports, the health care debate--most everything except what I had for breakfast or when I clipped my fingernails--you know, the Facebook stuff. But I think it's time to move along.

Justin Trudeau's Defence Of The Existing Senate Structure ... 12, 2013 · This is so typical of the old old old style Liberal Party of Canada. Nothing new here folks .... move along "ORLEANS, Ont. - Liberal leadership front-runner Justin Trudeau says there's nothing wrong with Canada's scandal-plagued Senate that couldn't be fixed by appointing higher calibre senators.

"RIGHT" POLITICOL: October 2009 24, 2009 · This website is a right-wing/conservative site that will dispute much of what is on other left-wing/liberal sites. In other words, the "Right" Politico site because it has all the "correct" information. This site gives out TRUTHFUL INFORMATION. Arm yourself with information and the truth! ! This is an EDUCATIONAL and RESOURCE webiste! !

CA-49 Strategies 360 for Doug Applegate (Aug. 2016 ... new survey of likely November voters in California’s 49 t h Congressional district shows a tied race between Marine Colonel Doug Applegate and Congressman Darrell Issa. The poll confirms Issa’ s status as a vulnerable incumbent, reflecting Applegate’s strong performance in the June prima ry election, as well as mirroring the only other recent public polling in this race, which showed ...

Bucks County, PA – Watching Our Dollars With No Sense ... 09, 2009 · This entry was posted on Friday, January 9th, 2009 at 7:29 pm and is filed under Bucks County Politics.You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.. Post navigation

US Sen. John Thune « Jamesb101.com 31, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

going rouge | Veracity Stew News is reporting that Sarah Palin used her political action committee to buy more $63,000 dollars worth of her own book, “Going Rouge,” in November and December 2009, to use “for fundraising donor fulfillment.” What a crappy gift. I’m thinking that the only people who would be crazy enough to donate to Sarah Palin would have already secured a copy of her book anyway.

Try Applying The “Kerry Rules” To McCain, OK? | The ... 11, 2008 · This is all particularly amusing to your humble narrator seeing as how I don’t recall that there was one speck of self-recrimination this time four years ago, when all the networks with initials for names were claiming a “mandate” for Dubya, even though Obama won with more votes cast and a higher margin of victory than Commander Codpiece .

People Get Readyhttps://peoplegetready.blogspot.comWhen how the Bush administration treats hard-working Americans here at home, you really have to wonder what we're fighting for overseas? We really need the new Congress to seriously address the problems people are confronting in New Orleans -- in a comprehensive and directed way, not with palliatives to ease their consciences.

elections « Mercury Rising ?? is the highest share of seats won in the history of Delhi elections. […] For the AAP, a young party born in 2012, a dream win. It has proved that an alternate politics can be viable. And its victory in Delhi, because of the city’s prominence as India’s capital and its …

The Political Environment: A Secret Email System Would ... 09, 2014 · A Secret Email System Would Evade WI Open Records Law Here's why setting up a secret email system in the Milwaukee County Executive's suite on which Walker staffers and campaign officials blended their work and routinely chatted, planned, fund-raised and kibbutzed on public time was a dangerous thing to do:

Political Irony › Meta life intrudes again. I will be moving to a new state over the next few weeks (and possibly to a new country if the election goes wrong). During that time, posts will probably be sporadic. Besides, I’m guessing that most people are burned out on this election. Consider this a vacation for you. Go […]

X Curmudgeon: Southeastern Drought, Fires--Just The Beginning? 14, 2007 · Southeastern Drought, Fires--Just The Beginning? As we finished our last post about the perverse incentives Congress is giving for rural electric cooperatives to build nasty coal-fired power plants, we thought about the wildfires in Georgia and Florida that have disrupted travel and burned more than 385 square miles(!) of forest and swampland.

An Election? What Election? Oh, You Mean the Developers ... 18, 2007 · Politics, n. A strife of interests masquerading as a contest of principles. The conduct of public affairs for private advantage. AMBROSE BIERCE, The Devil's Dictionary A story from the Rocky Mountain News (April 6th--Stuart Steers), entitled, "Developers build campaign coffers," offers the following: "If money talks, Denver developers are aiming to have a big voice…

Impoverished | Dystopian Blues: News Liberal Progressives Need 18, 2011 · Thanks to Open Left for directing our attention to this take-no-prisoners review of the monied interests invested in America’s failing education system. “A few billion dollars in private foundation money, strategically invested every year for a decade, has sufficed to define the national debate on education; sustain a crusade for a set of mostly ill-conceived…

Medicare | Double Dip Politics Conservative Facebook world has been up in arms over welfare programs over the past two weeks. It’s a constant barrage of posts claiming those on welfare programs are drug users, lazy, uneducated, and are bankrupting America. They cite Fox News as the source of their information.

31 | October | 2006 | SUZIE-Q! 31, 2006 · Hossam Shaltout, a former political adviser to Saddam Hussein’s son, said today that before the U.S. invasion of Iraq in March of 2003, Saddam expressed his intent to yield to all American demands, but that the Bush administration refused his offers, according to a press release on Yahoo News.. Shaltout is a Canadian citizen who claims he was beaten repeatedly by U.S. officers while in …

realclearpolitics - Yahoo Suche Suchergebnisse this pageTime itself seemed to slow as the disease spread and millions of Americans self-isolated, creating a three-month monotony of press conferences and public health warnings that ended with the same directive: stay at home to slow the spread of COVID-19.When the White House suggested slowly reopening state economies, the president was lambasted.

Netroots | Blogari de bine, colaborati pentru Romania! este un termen împrumutat din SUA si descrie activismul civic si politic organizat prin bloguri sau alte medii cum ar fi wiki sau retele sociale. Termenul este o combinatie între Internet si grassroots, pentru a reflecta inovatiile tehnologice care deosebesc netroots de alte forme de participare civica si politica. Sensul termenului se suprapune cu…

Mo Rage: Welcome Summer, IV blog about American society: its politics, current events, history, entertainment, music, comedy, movies and society overall and where we're headed.

Centerbloghttps://center-blog.blogspot.comI received a B.A. in Political Science from Yale and a master's from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). I've written a book called "Finding the Middle: A Comprehensive Non-Partisan Guide to American Politics Today," and have worked on two presidential campaigns. View my complete profile

What is PoliticalMojo? | Political Mojo is a US-based web service provided by people who are concerned for politics and democracy. Our constitution was written for an educated population: democracy is a hard-won freedom. Therefore we have a responsibility to vote, and a duty to be informed when we do so. PoliticalMojo looks at trends and issues among the candidates…

Accidental Deliberations: Sunday Morning Links 08, 2017 · This is the con-job of neoliberalism: to persuade us to address climate change through our pocket-books, rather than through power and politics. Eco-consumerism may expiate your guilt. But it’s only mass movements that have the power to alter the trajectory of the climate crisis.

Mountain of Judgment: Anthony Lane Watches the Watchmen is just plain wrong. Arrgoance, little else. 'Not like you did, 800 times. I looked at it, enough to know what Moore was getting at: whiny, juvenile liberal doomsday screed mixed with T&A and guys in leather masks' So we're nerds.

HUD | Black Thought is truly pathetic . . . Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Steve Preston said the centerpiece of the federal government’s effort to help struggling homeowners has been a failure and he’s blaming Congress. The three-year program was supposed to help 400,000 borrowers avoid foreclosure.

L.A. Woman - Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America 30, 2016 · Glenn Beck Readies To Read His Children 'Left Behind' And Move Operations To Israel In Preparation For Looming Collapse BY Kyle Mantyla - See more at: - Glenn Beck hosted a studio audience on his television program last night, where he revealed that he has ordered his staff to find a location outside of the United…

Ukraine | Sheila Kennedy Washington Post recently reported on a study conducted by political scientists Kyle Dropp (Dartmouth College) Joshua D. Kertzer (Harvard University) and Thomas Zeitzoff (Princeton University).. Here’s their description of the study. On March 28-31, 2014, we asked a national sample of 2,066 Americans (fielded via Survey Sampling International Inc. (SSI), what action they wanted the U.S ...

Well, of COURSE there are spiders… | thoughtcrimes and ... 05, 2007 · Certain right-wing blowhards like to talk about the alleged liberal media, but it’s mostly a myth. With a few notable exceptions. what you have is the centrist media, which genuinely tries to just report the facts, and the right-wing media like Faux News and talking heads.

ads | Missouri Communication 15, 2010 · A major difference is the controlled events. McGinniss discusses the packaging of Nixon. Politicians today are packaged to an extent, but it is unheard of to have such controlled media environments. The debate we watched in class was very unusual because Nixon did not have a rebuttal. There is no way that would happen today.

Political Thermopylae: 2008 feel like one of the last humans in an "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" movie in which all of the pod people are compelled by some alien DNA to pine continually for yet another "conversation" about a topic we've never, ever stopped talking about. -----Jonah is exactly right. For a better speech on race look at the one Bill Clinton made in ...

Frederick Politics: Clinton and Obama Debate - Live blogging 07, 2008 · Clinton - wants a trade time out, tougher import standards on imports to stop the problems with toys, etc. Called again for a 90 day moritorium on foreclosures and a freeze on interest rates for 5 years. Also called on investment on our infrastucture. Increase green methods in all areas - We need to be the innovation nation - good line!

Liz's Looking Glass: If You Can't Trust the Media, Who Can ... 04, 2009 · Keep Politically Informed: (recommended websites per "Readers Digest" June 2009 issue "Keeping them Honest") - Keep track of how your local politicians are voting. - Texts of major bills, info on special interest contributions and where congressional contributions are going. - scores of sources where you can fact-check the …

Coldtype's Lair: April 2009 29, 2009 · Where not the case, there is no help in any parliamentary Opposition or any Platonic appeals to the constitution. One compels respect from others when he knows how to defend his dignity as a human being. This is not only true in private life, it has always been the same in political life as well.-Rudolph Rocker Amen.

Joe Biden is Unelectable | Political Forum 05, 2020 · None of this stuff is a good look for a presidential candidate. In the background of that Biden has no grass roots movement. His movement is composed of people who are more terrified of Donald Trump and a second term, than they care about solving some of the basic issues Americans have to deal with daily.

Congresswoman Katherine Harris | Big Brass Balls is a two-term House member who is running for the Senate. However, she is best known as the state official who certified President Bush's 537-vote win in Florida in the disputed 2000 presidential election. Wade, former president of MZM Inc., admitted making $32,000 in illegal contributions to Harris' 2004 campaign for the House.

These Right-wing Evangelicals Are Frantically Rushing to— from Alternet. To critics of President Donald Trump — whether they’re liberals and progressives like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Sen. Elizabeth Warren or right-wing Never Trump conservatives such as MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough and GOP strategists Rick Wilson and Ana Navarro — an impeachment inquiry is an example of the United States’ checks and balances system at work.

Dynamics of Andhra Pradesh Politics | Elections | Politics ... of Andhra Pradesh Politics - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site.

Liz Holzman « Jamesb101.com 15, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

RADAMISTO: 2011-10-16 07, 2011 · Fundies and their defenders sometimes cite passages from Tocqueville's Democracy in America to support their reactionary political positions. Although Tocqueville is not a consistent thinker, it seems clear from passages like these that he did not think politics and religion should be mixed: In the United States religion exercises but little influence upon the laws and upon the details of ...

Sardonicky: Fat Cats and Suck-Ups - Blogger 16, 2014 · This is the most progressive budget that will be introduced in the Congress. It contains bold reforms , but it also accepts a remarkably conservative fiscal framework. It devotes over $1 trillion more of the increased revenues from its tax reforms to deficit reduction than to investment over 10 years.

Sylvester Brown, Jr.: Black Mayor Part II: The Other Part ... arlier this month I posted a commentary about the need for a black mayor in the upcoming election. As expected, some folk took offense to the premise. “Race doesn’t matter,” they protested. It obviously does. As I noted, throughout Mayor Slay’s term in office, politicians have been re-segregating the city with tax perks designed for already rich developers in already stable, already ...

DuckingInDoorwayshttps://duckingindoorways.blogspot.comA resolution to rising health care costs is one of President Obama's top priorities. He is right that slowing the rising costs of health care are key to a robust recovery. His plan for Congress to pass a National Health Care bill for him to sign by the fall is the right timing as the …

Pedestrian Infidel: February 2009 02, 2009 · To a great extent, British politics has become feminized. Bringing women into the political arena is, in many ways, a great thing; but it can only be a great thing if the women coming into politics can take the tough decisions necessary to ensure that …

No More Mister Nice Blog 02, 2012 · Not only are guns worshipped in America, they are the new "Third Rail" in politics - replacing SS, and, to a lesser degree, Medicare. And this act of actual journalism will be ignored by "The Chattering Class." It doesn't fit any of their memes, so they'll have to think - and those muscled died a long, long, time ago. 2:20 PM

Blue in Guadalupe: November 2009 27, 2009 · In Thursday’s Op-Ed Cal Thomas provides a terrific example of the psychological term projection. He claims that the liberals are taking the country down the path to Socialism when in fact the conservatives have already taken us down the fascist path and all we’re trying to do is get back to where we were when Bill Clinton was in office.

Corporations Will Use Their Windfalls To Create Jobs. NOT ... a good strategy as the sailing federal deficit will make America a suspect place in which to invest in growth. The temporary tax cuts for the creators of wealth, the workers, is hush money. Let your Congress do this and here’s a few thou to keep your mouth shut. The real winners are the oligarchs who invested in congressmen.

Bloomberg Politics: Tracking Trump’s Web of Conflicts | isely 02, 2016 · The following is an excellent article written by Michael Keller, Blacki Migliozzi, Caleb Melby and Mira Rohanasakul on the Bloomberg website on December 1, 2016 titled "Tracking Trump's Web of Conflicts" and I quote: "Tracking Trump’s Web of Conflicts" By Michael Keller, Blacki Migliozzi, Caleb Melby and Mira Rojanasakul Published: December 1, 2016 | Last…

Barack Obama | Mudflats is my blog. And my favorite thing is Lego Aquaraiders. My blog is going to be on Aquaraiders, space and all my favorite things. I am five and a half years old and I’m in Kindergarten. Apparently, one of his “favorite things” has turned out to be politics, and specifically Barack Obama.

Buckdog: 'Daily Newspaper Industry' - Rest In Peace! 02, 2009 · 'Daily Newspaper Industry' - Rest In Peace! "It’s widely agreed that there are a number of factors dragging down American newspapers, including the economic recession and the impact of the Internet, but a reason rarely mentioned is that the national news media failed in its most important job – to serve as a watchdog for the people."

Extras top member of Buffalo Mayor Byron W. Brown’s staff – and the highest-ranking woman in his administration – has resigned. The MTA is preparing to borrow up to $4.8 billion over the next three years to finance post-storm rebuilding, with the expectation that most loans will be repaid by insurance and the federal government.

Alito | The Plainsman Politico has moved 26, 2008 · AP: The Supreme Court on Wednesday outlawed executions of people convicted of raping a child. In a 5-4 vote, the court said the Louisiana law allowing the death penalty to be imposed in such cases violates the Constitution’s ban on cruel and unusual punishment. “The death penalty is not a proportional punishment for the rape of a child,” Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote in his …

Political Irony › Birds of a Feather? 06, 2017 · The message Trump seems to be sending to dictators and those alike seems to be that if they stand up to him then he will behave more respectfully. I wonder how Trump will behave with Canada, Australia, South Korea if those countries actually stand up to him and ignore him for a few days.

Greed | New World Odor giants above the law, living like monarchs, on money made available by politicians, borrowed in our children’s names, kicking back to the legislators and entities that made the transactions possible…rewarding failed performance, underwriting a …

Rahm Emanuel | Unreasonably Safe Observer about Rahm Emanuel written by Too Safe. WASHINGTON D.C. – If the fun-loving bunch of politicians and pundits were looking for a break from a tense political season, then the Howl-oween Bash held this past Saturday evening was the place to be.

Reflections on Politicshttps://amyleegovermentblog.blogspot.comHe makes comments, “O.K., so here’s where I’m a little bit different. I don’t want people dying on the streets and I say this all the time.” and then he says, “I don’t like the term mandate, personally, because that sort of means mandatory,” Trump comments about Obama health care. It contradicts with Trump's, I …

Buckdog: Academic Says Pamela Wallin Does NOT Meet ... 31, 2008 · There are times when I feel like a voice in the wilderness - yammering for justice and honesty in my home province of Saskatchewan. Recently, I published a post pointing out that Stephen Harper's choice of Pamela Wallin as a Senator 'from Saskatchewan' was ridiculous, considering that she had not lived in the province for over 29 years. Right wingers came rushing to Harper's defense by ...

Larry Klayman – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America, who is a member of Trump’s Evangelical Executive Advisory Board, said in an interview with End Times radio host Jan Markell that Clinton will complete President Obama’s “fundamental transformation of America,” which she said is turning the U.S. into a Marxist and Islamist society. – Michele Bachmann: God Guided Me To Smear Huma Abedin BY Brian Tashman – Bichele …

Trump pardons Sheriff Arpaio - Page 7 - JustPlainPolitics.com 26, 2017 · Remember Me? Forum; FAQ; Community. Groups; Albums; Member List; Forum Actions. Mark Forums Read; Quick Links

MSNBC Telemundo Marist Poll: December 2015 | United States ... Telemundo Marist Poll: December 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This is what was shared today and reported by the political media.

KC Buzz Blog: Morgan in, Freeman out in Kansas GOP Kansas GOP chair Kris Kobach just confirmed it: Ron Freeman is out as state executive director. Taking his place is Christian Morgan. Morgan worked on Kobach's 2004 race for Congress and most recently ran Jim Barnett's losing race for governor. Freeman, Kobach said, has been offered a different job at the party. No word yet on whether he'll take it.

20 | August | 2008 | Mudflats 20, 2008 · Arrogant is the word for Obama, a far left-winger, who is attempting to assume the mantle of Dr. King by giving his political acceptance speech on the anniversary of Dr. King’s “I Have a Dream” inspirational civil rights speech. History shows that Dr. King was a minister who embraced the traditional values that made our country great.

Chris Gibson for Congress Campaign Update 5/18/10 | Blog ... 18, 2010 · Rensselaer Volunteer Summit The Regional Volunteer Summit for Rensselaer, Columbia and neighboring counties is set for May 22nd at the Brunswick Elks Club located at 665 Brunswick Rd, Troy NY. It begins at 11 am and will end around 2pm. For further information contact Richard Crist. Here is the video from our last summit. Join…

Liberal Bias | Lying Liberals 19, 2014 · Liberal Bias Another Black Terrorist Shot and Killed in St. Louis. August 19, 2014 lyingliberals Liberal Bias, Race Card black terrorists, liberal fascists, liberal hysteria. We can read between the lines from this liberal piece of toilet paper (The New York Times).

Political Chili | hot politics \\ cool opinionshttps://politicalchili.wordpress.comSep 29, 2009 · Despite that phenomenal accomplishment by the suits on Wall Street, the rest of the blue collars and day traders in the US are still left picking up pieces to the mess. As the collective scalp of America gets scratched, $700 billion was appropriated to the very companies that couldn’t throw a knuckle-ball without a little Vaseline.

The Rude Pundit 05, 2006 · The Impeachment Campaign, Part 3: Practical Impeachment Politics (Step One: The Cangue): In China, in days long ago, for relatively minor offenses, the punishment could be an awful torture device called the cangue.The cangue was a simple enough instrument, as the best implements of pain and degradation are: it was a type of stocks, a piece of wood with a hole for the head.

sed politics: Gannongate: Exclusivism in action 26, 2005 · Before the certification of "Jeff Gannon" as a White House reporter there was the Bush Administration's de-certification move against the Washington press. These two things are deeply related. That's the real problem. It's not that Jeff Gannon was a hypocrite or a liar. Jeff Gannon doesn't matter.

BLOG 8. Entertainment or Political news? | Missouri ... 21, 2011 · Entertainment or Political news? March 21, 2011 naomicho Leave a comment Go to comments It is hard to answer to the question whether or not shows such as the Daily show with Jon Stewart or The Colbert Report are really political news.

Bubbling Below The Surface | Because It's 2015 25, 2016 · July 1968 was a relatively tame month compared to the rest of the year, which isn’t saying a lot. July would be the low point of tensions throughout the year. However one event that took place would haunt, and continues to haunt, global politics and global stability. On July 17, Saddam Hussein stages a successful…

MOVE Commission | The Liberal Doomsayer 5/15/10: I said earlier that Ernest Edwards was the only person to go to jail over MOVE, but that is incorrect; Ramona Africa ended up serving seven years in prison also before she won a half-million-dollar judgment from the city (unbelievable).

?Apple Podcasts?? ??? The GOTMFV Show this page?What if 2016 was the last presidential election election in American history? Each week LOLGOP and Chris Savage of bring you the top minds, news, and tactics in electoral politics in order to turn words into votes and save our democracy.

Afghanistan War Enters Seventh Year – MediaMouse 09, 2008 · A few weeks earlier, on September 15, 2001, Rep. Barbara Lee was the lone voice in Congress to vote against the use of force on Afghanistan. She warned, “If we rush to launch a counterattack, we run too great a risk that women, children, and other noncombatants will …

65 Years Ago Today | Sohum Parlance II 27, 2019 · 65 Years Ago Today. June 27, ... I wish I could say it was the beginning of decades of military, economic, and political intervention which has led to the current social crisis in Central American, but if was far from the beginning. ... to vote Yes on the border funding but she just wanted to make it look like she wasn’t and then is using a ...

Year Review | Political Graffiti about Year Review written by politicalgraffiti. Independent Political Cartoons. Skip to content

politico - Yahoo Suche Suchergebnisse this pageVor 3 Tagen · Politico, known originally as The Politico, is an American political journalism company based in Arlington County, Virginia, that covers politics and policy in the United States and internationally.It distributes content through its website, television, printed newspapers, radio, and podcasts. Its coverage in

All roads lead to Rove: Part II in a continuing series 26, 2007 · The Washington Post reports in the Monday edition that Congressman Waxman’s Oversight Committee has summoned GSA (Government Services Administration) Administrator Lurita Alexis Doan to answer questions about some events that transpired on Jan. 26, where she and J. Scott Jennings, a deputy in Karl Rove's political affairs office at the White House joined in a …

Gapers Block Mechanics | Chicago Abbate Jr. Fri Dec 07 2012 Intervention Allowed in Bar Beating Case. By Julia Gray. Two lawyers who handle cases of police misconduct were given the go ahead by a federal judge on Friday to intervene on behalf of the public good to stop the City of Chicago's attempt to have the "code of silence" judgment of the notorious videotaped assault on a bartender by an off-duty Chicago police ...

Open Thread – 7/21/2016 – Politics Plus 24, 2020 · I’m sorry, but as hard as SNL tries, they can’t anywhere near as ridiculous as the real thing. Cartoon: 12 Responses to “Open Thread – 7/21/2016” ...

Political Irony › Election Perspectives 05, 2012 · One of my favorite sites,, has two posts that provide some perspective on the election. In the first one, it seems like some conservatives (including the editor of Red State and none other than Karl Rove) have apparently seen the writing on the wall and are not waiting to make excuses for Romney’s loss in the election.Even Mitt Romney himself is …

Frederick Politics: Andrew Duck, MD 6th District Candidate ... 10, 2008 · Andrew Duck, MD 6th District Candidate Receives Teachers Endorsement I just received the following press release from the Andrew Duck Campaign and have posted for your information. Walter Ludwig, the campaign manager for Andrew Duck indicated there were about 10,000 MSTA members in the 6th District.

Is Spitzer Politicizing the New York State D.M.V ... 09, 2007 · In an unprecedented move, New York governor Eliot Spitzer has issued a decree by executive order that would provide driver licenses to any and all illegal aliens in New York State. The outrage that has ensued was predictable, complete with a county clerk revolt. In fact, thirteen county clerks say they will not abide by…

Uncategorized | The Daily Lede blog about Uncategorized written by The Daily Lede. The Air Force Global Strike Command is soliciting to find four highly skilled technical experts for military & geopolitical research and analysis whose areas of regional expertise include the Middle East, Asia Pacific, Southeast Asia and Eurasia/Russia:

Keith Ellison | All Other Persons Ellison, who represents Minnesota’s fifth congressional district, is unique. He is the first Muslim to serve in the House of Representatives. The fact that an African American Muslim could be elected in a House district whose population is 12% black is something of a breakthrough. Representative Keith Ellison, MN-05

Statement: Vern Ehlers – A War Criminal? – 11, 2003 · The People's Alliance for Justice and Change has issued the following statement on Representative Vern Ehlers and the protest yesterday at his office: We are here today to hold Representative Vern Ehlers accountable for crimes violating both international and constitutional law. By supporting the Bush administration in their unrelenting drive to war, Congressman …

60 Minutes Reveals Congressional Privilege But ‘Missed The 14, 2011 · Cross Posted from'60 Minutes’ Hit On Boehner, Pelosi Falls ShortAs city officials all across the nation embark on dismantling Occupy Wall Street protest encampments, a central grievance of the OWS was broadcast last evening ’60 Minutes’.The main issue is the potential ‘privilege’ by members of Congress. While the 60 minutes segment …

The Politics of National Commissions - Media Monitors ..."The 9/11 Commission will hear little or no testimony about how our Arab-bashing foreign policy will invite yet more reprisals from Islamic militants and that it needs to be changed. Nor will it entertain listening to any alternate theories on how that horrific attack might have taken place. Nor will it acknowledge that every day America is viewed by more and more people on the planet …

FrequentMarshttps://frequentmars.blogspot.comIn full Émile-édouard-charles-antoine Zola French novelist, critic, and political activist who was the most prominent French novelist of the late 19th century. He was noted for his theories of naturalism, which underlie his monumental 20-novel series Les Rougon-Macquart, and for his intervention in the Dreyfus Affair through his famous open ...

The Washcloth: The Economic Panic We Are In: Give credit ... 17, 2008 · He was right! In addition to him being right, Barack Obama was the second largest beneficiary of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac contributions. Fannie and Freddie play a huge role in the economic panic we are in right now. A group called the Center for Responsive Politics keeps track of which politicians get Fannie and Freddie political contributions.

Claremont Insider: Transportation Monday 09, 2009 · The Metro Gold Line Foothill Extension is getting in line for $150 million of those federal stimulus package dollars. Habib Balian, the extension project CEO, has a letter on posted online explaining the politicking that went into convincing the LA County Metropolitan Transit Authority to seek federal funds for the Gold Line. You'd think it'd be a no-brainer, with all the …

Mainstreet - SK Feb 16 | Opinion Poll | Politics Of Canada ... - SK Feb 16 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. A new Mainstreet/Postmedia poll find the Saskatchewan Party continues to lead while the NDP have edged up slightly

moral ambiguity | Sheila Sunday, the Washington Post had an article tracing the influence of what it called “shadow charities” on shaping the political climate that led to the election of Donald Trump. It focused upon the career of. David Horowitz, a former ’60s radical who became an intellectual godfather to the far right through his writings and his work at a charity, the David Horowitz Freedom Center.

Is Harry Reid the Worst Senate Majority Leader in History ...’s either because he’s jacking everyone off who wants this bill to pass for political gain and doesn’t really intend to do anything on the issue despite talking out of his ass for years. Or, it’s because Sen. Harry Reid is the worst Senate Majority …

My first John Trudell experience | Sohum Parlance II 11, 2018 · If you check Wikipedia you will learn/remember that this was the evening The Day After was aired. The Day After depicted an all out nuclear war between NATO and the Warsaw Pa ct. It led to crazy discourse in American politics, with Jerry Falwell demanding equal time and a wild debate on Nightline with a bunch of figures including Carl Sagan ...

Mainstreet/Postmedia September poll | Opinion Poll | Manitoba recently, Mainstreet was the only polling ?rm to correctly predict a Liberal majority government in the 2015 federal election. -30- Available for Interview from Ottawa: Quito Maggi, [email protected] For more information: David Valentin, (514) 913-5524 - [email protected]

august | 2016 | Money4nothingchicks4free You Disagree With This Harvard Economist You May Be Stupid And A Racist Posted on august 1, 2016 by Kristjan by ZeroHedge If You Disagree With This Harvard Economist You May Be Stupid And A Racist Shocked by the inexplicable realization that Americans are stubbornly unwilling to bow down and blindly accept the political and economic views of ...

NonParty Politics: 300 &... Hating America? 07, 2007 · "The people I made the movie for, people like myself, love Rodrigo in it. He's fun. One of the major gay Web sites likes the movie and one hates it. And they pick out Rodrigo in particular." This stuff really happened! Well, most of it anyway. "The events are 90 percent accurate. It's just in the visualization that it's crazy.

Stupid Enough Unexplanation: 09/01/2019 - 10/01/2019 Enough Unexplanation “ Well, I've been in the city for 30 years and I've never once regretted being a nasty, greedy, cold-hearted, avaricious money-grubber... er, Conservative! ” - Monty Python's Flying Circus, Season 2, Episode 11, How Not To Be Seen

Buckdog: Artist Roger Ing Dies - Creator of 'Rogerism ... 25, 2008 · Renowned Canadian artist, Roger Ing died in Regina on July 22nd. The creator of a unique style of painting known as 'Rogerism', he was a legend in avantgarde circles for many years. Roger practiced his art in Regina's New Utopia Cafe on Dewdney Avenue in Regina. Those who came in contact with Roger were not sure if he was a restaurateur who painted or …

SIRIUS LEFT, SIRIUS PATRIOT, SERIOUS WRONG 15, 2007 · Rick Perlstein of the Campaign for America's Future was recently a guest on a SIRIUS Satellite Radio show. In the process he learned something very disturbing. SIRIUS' liberal channel is called "SIRIUS Left" but it's conservative channel is called "SIRIUS Patriot."They promote SIRIUS PATRIOT as Coast-to-coast conservative -- SIRIUS Patriot celebrates the …

Irish Trojan in Tennessee:Frank Eck'm Brendan Loy, a 26-year-old graduate of USC and Notre Dame now living and working in Knoxville, Tennessee. My wife Becky and I are brand-new parents of a beautiful baby girl, born on New Year's Eve. I'm a big-time sports fan, a politics, media & law junkie, an astronomy buff, a weather nerd, an Apple aficionado, a Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter fanatic, and an all …

comission sales | Life in ObamaNation has been one of the most difficult years of my life, but it has also been one of the most rewarding years. I have grown a lot the past year in many ways. At 57, I did not know that I could grow and learn so many new things. I find life exciting after 35 years of drudgery, office politics and cubicle life. I have become an entrepreneur.

Troops In Iraq Agree With Petraeus Report | The Common ... 12, 2007 · Ed wrote a great article about the Petraeus Report and how the left is scheming their way to further undermine our military and their accomplishments.. Below is an article from FORWARD OPERATING BASE DELTA, Iraq — At this wind-swept base near the Iranian border, the main points of Gen. David Petraeus’ testimony to Congress were met with …

May | 2011 | Uncommon Scolds 20, 2011 · 5 posts published by uncommonscolds during May 2011. “Neoconservatives Love Jon Stewart,” a short piece on Political Irony, presents a surprising statistic: “[S]ince Obama took office, Stewart has had more conservatives appear on his show than liberals.” Few more rampant liberals appear on cable, so this might seem off.

NFoLogy: Palin’s Politics of McNabb | Modern Jackass Magasin 29, 2008 · A tough one since the Rams had their own crises of succession last week, benching Marc Bulger for Trent Green. Wearing a jersey of one of the two candidates, Palin would have taken a side on the local matter and risked alienating a portion of the state she would soon be visiting. Also, the Rams, at the moment, suck.

Rush Limbaugh Hospitalized While Stalking Pelosi and Obama ... 30, 2009 · Rush has brought us such quips as, “Enraging liberals is simply one of the more enjoyable side effects of my wisdom.” “Paramedics responded to …

Bobby Scott - WordPress.com“As the 111th Congress winds to a close and families across America are struggling this holiday season, I am deeply disappointed that one of our last acts was to pass an irresponsible bill that, in the long run, will only hurt hardworking Americans and their families.

Accidental Deliberations: 2019-02-17 09, 2019 · Assorted content for your weekend reading. - Matthew Desmond writes about the large number of economic and social benefits from paying workers a living wage. And Stephanie Akin reports on the significance of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez walking the talk when it comes to her own staff. - Andrew MacLeod discusses the losses the B.C. Liberals inflicted on the province's Crown corporations - and …

Do Something! – The Liberal Activist Toolkit things first. If you're a planner, make a plan. Read Nicholas Kristof's smart 12-Step Program for Responding to President-Elect Trump. If you're not a planner and just want to get moving, one simple way to begin is to make calls. Wait, actually. Before you do, …

UnitedHealth Group | The Liberal Doomsayer Solomon of the New York Times conducted the following interview with the one-time Obama HHS Secretary nominee in the Sunday magazine, in which we learned the following…. DS: It has been reported that you’re a paid adviser to the insurance giant UnitedHealth Group, which opposes your belief that health care reform needs to have a public option.

Troy King | The Plainsman Politico has moved The folks at Pensito Review have been doing a little research this afternoon:. At about 2:30 p.m, when I checked the John McCain website for confirmation that Troy King, the attorney general of Alabama, was McCain’s Alabama campaign chairman, I found this link to a news release on the site. A few minutes after I posted the article, “McCain’s Alabama Chairman Reportedly Outed ...

February | 2012 | Double Dip Politics of the most deeply held debates in American society is over gas prices. As the price of gas continues to rise, the remarks have come out attempting to explain why the prices are going up. Different media outlets and sources have different reasons for the increase in gas prices.

Political Commentary | Double Dip Politics Conservative Facebook world has been up in arms over welfare programs over the past two weeks. It’s a constant barrage of posts claiming those on welfare programs are drug users, lazy, uneducated, and are bankrupting America. They cite Fox News as the source of their information.

September | 2012 | Smart Liberal and Female for a picture state id, she says, “Oh Alyssa, I’ve been going to the same stores and the same doctors for nearly 50 years. They know who I am, I don’t need an id.” Well luckily this year, Gram will still get to vote as Iowa hasn’t gone off the rails and begun implementing voter suppression laws.

Cathie from Canada: Fort Apache, Baghdad has a new commentator, AJ, who is a former DoD intelligence officer -- his first post is titled Iraq: Bush's plan for victory is really a plan for politics and it confirms what I had thought was happening with US troops in Iraq -- they're sounding retreat and pulling back to their super-"forts", leaving the Iraqi people to fight among themselves or starve or whatever.

Speaking Liberally - Bloggerhttps://speaklib.blogspot.comSince a recent UIC study (via Gapers Block and Chicagoist) showed that the Wal-Mart on the West Side saw no net gains in local jobs, and that the wages earned locally actually decreased, politicians and news articles aren't mentioning the "more jobs" aspect of Wal-Mart stores anymore.Instead, as in this Sun-Times article, they're touting Wal-Mart Superstores as a …

DIGGING DEEPER, By Ivan G. Goldman: Aug 25, 2008 first night in Denver avoided disaster. Teddy was quite moving, and Michelle proved to be one of the finest public speakers in memory. Very few members of Congress can come close to her in terms of intellect and communications skills.

Political Irony › False Equivalence it?) Trump claims that he won all but one of the post debate polls. Including CBS. Except, CBS didn’t do a post debate poll. You know, sometimes I think Trump lies just to see if we are paying attention. By the way, even if you are sick of news about the debate, this Colbert […]

Motor City Liberal: No, you’re not impeaching anyone last time Sen. Tom Coburn spoke warmly but candidly to his Oklahoma constituents about his “friend” Barack Obama, it was to reassure them that the president doesn’t want to “destroy America.” Instead, Coburn said two years ago, “his intent is to create dependency because it worked so well for him.”

Trump Blames D.C. Officials For Costly, Delayed Military ... 17, 2018 · President Donald Trump took aim at Washington D.C. officials for his decision to postpone his immense military parade in the capital this fall to at least 2019, claiming they were inflating the price but offered no proof of his claims in tweets on Friday, according to The Washington Post. “The local politicians who run Washington, D.C. (poorly) know a windfall …

ethanol from coal equipment - from coal might emit incrementally more ... Massive capital investments in long lived facilities and equipment which are not on the path to the ... Congressional Bill Would Add Coal , Natural Gas To List Of ...

Political Hacks at the IRS Leaked Confidential Information ... 14, 2013 · This is a tough sell to the low-information crowd, all this stuff, complicated to understand. But in the meantime, folks, whatever information that can be used against conservatives, however ...

1st amendment – Indyfromaz's Blog: The Thoughts of An ... much for free speech and job performance. This is a descent into mob tyranny and mediocrity. The dirty work of the left was achieved after Brendan Eich, recently appointed CEO of Mozilla, a software company based in Silicon Valley, was forced out of the company he helped found, all to feed the maw of political correctness.

Ezra Klein: In Defense of Miers of the things that liberals seemed to fear about him, and I think justly, is that if he was against liberal policies he would be a very convincing voice against them amoung the other Justices. Miers obviously likes Roberts already, she helped pick him, and if she doesn't have strong beliefs on her own I can see her being guided by him.

IRS | The Revolution Will Not Be Digitized. White House rivals Saturday gave qualified welcomes to a huge government bailout of Wall Street, driving home their own ideas to bring relief to both busted financiers and “Main Street.” After the US government said it wanted a green light from Congress to buy 700 billion dollars in distressed mortgage assets, Barack Obama and John ...

International Politics | Anderson Cooper The Journalist to the daily AC360 review and summary. I love the way AC360 opened up today. Anderson Cooper stood next to a giant screen announcing the different segments of the night with images of stories on screen. It was well labeled and clear to understand. I don’t know if new or if they have done this before (I don’t remember this…) but I’ve heard and seen that in France, the ...

Michelle Bachmann | Smart Liberal and Female, this had to have been one of the ugliest Senate races in the 2008 election cycle. I had hoped Franken would put Coleman away, but sadly they are in recount with Coleman leading by about 120 votes with 60% recounted.

process soc med msgs in mass emergency.pdf | Digital ... note that social media analysis has been used for a number of applications in the domains of economics, politics (e.g., Hong and Nadler [2011]) and public health (e.g., Aramaki et al. [2011]); for a survey, see Weber and Mejova [2013].

liberal catnip: Jill Carroll's Release: Right-Winger Reactions Carroll's Release: Right-Winger Reactions ... or this wasn't entirely what it appeared to be in the first place. On the other hand, it could simply be Stockholm Syndrome which would lead her to be so seemingly positive. ... This is not a "kinder, gentler" Islamism, despite what Mrs. …

The Myths of Socialism | Double Dip Politics 10, 2011 · The workers own the company. The management is there by the grace of the workers. The shareholders are there after the employees, and are entitled to a fair return after the employees. This is the way a business should work, not the American way where the shareholders make more than the employees for doing nothing but owning pieces of paper.

For Sarah Palin to Hate the Media, She Seems to Have Made ... 07, 2011 · Former Alaskan Governor and Tea Party Darling, Sarah Palin, talks about how evil the media is. She currently works as with Fox News Corp as an analyst. She is part of the media. Yet she continues to talk about how the liberal media is against her …

Some Truth Team Obama Has Working for Him!!!! | Black ... 01, 2012 · Kuuleme – The first presidential debate is this Wednesday, and Mitt Romney has had a lot of practice. In addition to the more than 20 primary debates he’s done over the past year, his staff have told reporters that he’s been preparing for the debate for months now. He’s even been memorizing some “zingers” to attack the President and score political points.

January | 2008 | The Political Tipster posts published by thepoliticaltipster during January 2008. The Florida contest is simply too close to call Taking all the published polls together, my final projections are: John McCain 32.13, Mitt Romney 31.83, Rudolph Giuliani 13.24, Mike Huckabee 12.58 and Ron Paul 3.43.The election is truly too close to call and don’t let the betting markets, or anyone else tell you otherwise.

Elana Kagan | Dystopian Blues: News Liberal Progressives Need Dahlia Lithwick’s take on what Kagan’s nomination says about Obama, pubbed on Salon, entitled “What Does He See in Her?”Here’s an excerpt … But if we know almost nothing about Kagan’s jurisprudential approach, and with a confirmation process 100 percent guaranteed to further obscure and confuse what little we might have guessed about it, with this nomination President Obama ...

Friday Night Jukebox, Vol. CVIII--Tegan and Sara: Walking ... the years they have released eight studio albums, had a top three record on the Billboard 200, been nominated for a couple of Grammy's, been nominated for and won several Juno's (for those forgetful sorts, that's the Canadian equivalent of our Grammy's), and are quite the prolific touring band. They've also somehow managed to find time for ...

Accidental Deliberations: Monday Morning Links 08, 2019 · Miscellaneous material to start your week. - Grace Blakeley writes that class politics are making a sorely-needed return, raising the prospect that people might again start to make gains against corporate forces: The reemergence of class politics is not a fad; it is a response to the material conditions created by the collapse of finance-led growth.

Science and Politics and politics. James Oblinger, the new President of North Carolina State University (promoted from within after many years as the Dean of the School Of Agriculture And Life Sciences), has a good editorial in today's News and Observer:

Pots And Kettles Show Up For NYC Controller Debate 11, 2009 · Pots And Kettles Show Up For NYC Controller Debate To David Yassky, John Liu, Melinda Katz and David Weprin's credit, at least they showed up to debate each other. Yet since all of them have a chance at winning, it is simply politics 101 that …

Buckdog: Liberal Party Hypocritical On Marijuana Law Reform 14, 2009 · The Liberals were in power for a very long time. During most of their reign they were "just about" to decriminalize marijuana. It was clearly never gonna happen. And the Liberal version of "decrim" means a $1000 fine for simple possession, accompanied by a crackdown on the growers and traffickers.

Chris Rush Cohen: New Intellectual Property Political ... 05, 2004 · People just don't know how important IP law is, don't realize they are actually the ones losing out, or don't care because IP doesn't make for a great above-the-fold story. As the copyright law has expanded so massively in the last decade, however, the public's interest in IP has really been piqued.

Visual Politics FYS: A Vividly Struggling Nation 22, 2010 · This is a blatant icon of a struggling nation. Seeing this man solemnly sitting on the side of the street hoping to receive a morsel of money to purchase some food, clearly plays to the viewers’ emotions through the an emotional scenario.

Tom Perkins – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America lobbed softballs to Moore, claiming that all the allegations against him had been debunked. Not surprisingly, Moore agreed, and portrayed himself as the victim of dirty politics: “What they’ve done to me is not only unforgivable, it’s just pure hatred, and it’s pure spite and it’s pure evil and wrong.” – Roy Moore Calls His Critics ‘Unforgivable’ and ‘Pure Evil’!!!

Don and Mary Colbert – Arts and Politics from the Armpit ... told Deace that he has a “great deal of compassion for those who are involved” in the shooting and also believes that “these kind of events are only going to be increasing” for a number of reasons, including that “the Islamists, the Muslim Brotherhood folks, they have made it clear that they’re going to do that”; that “our president and those in office are soft, refuse ...

Ollie North | The Liberal Doomsayer, there was a boom in the mid-1980s, as the economy recovered from a severe recession. But while the rich got much richer, there was little sustained economic improvement for most Americans. By the late 1980s, middle-class incomes were barely higher than they had been a decade before — and the poverty rate had actually risen.

Washed-Up Politicians for Sale — Cheap | Nolan Dalla 16, 2014 · An organization billing itself as the “Coalition to Stop Online Gambling,” which in reality is a one-man front bankrolled almost entirely by billionaire bully Sheldon Adelson of the Las Vegas Sands Corporation, recently announced they’ve added the services of a former U.S. Senator named Blanche Lincoln to their board.

Political Irony › Mocking Maddow 16, 2017 · Maddow should definitely be lampooned. Shameful what someone will do for a ratings boost. She cant take the high road now. She’s as culpable as the people at fox. Centrists and liberals are taking note of the disarray in the US and seem to be shying away from nationalism. Maybe the good news out of Trump is we will hopefully learn our lesson ...

presidential race | the plaid lemur 28, 2008 · The Keene Sentinel (a newspaper in my beloved home state of New Hampshire) has made an emphatic, if not hilariously sarcastic response to Senator McCain’s political ploy of suspending his campaign. They suspended their editorials for the day: We have decided to suspend our editorial activities today so we can adequately ponder the implications of the economic bailout program.

patricia | Political Loudmouth the War on Women accelerates, it’s time to call all the powerful spirits you know to join this battle. Whether they live within you or without you, the moment for them to appear. For a hi-res version of this for printing, just click the image above. To see more free …

Balkinization: Elena Kagan Deserves Better a more serious note, Kagan deserves a good deal better than this. As the Dean of Harvard Law School, she reached out to, and strongly supported the appointment of, conservative legal scholars. It cost her political capital to do so, and she spent it willingly. I am not suggesting a quid pro quo -- that conservatives somehow owe Kagan a free ...

Contextual Criticism: Scalia's Black Beemer by Greg Palast and religious commentary from a liberal, secular, humanistic perspective. Friday, February 19, 2016

DailyKos « Sanity Injection never expected to be posting a link to a DailyKos post on this blog, much less one by Markos himself (If there were an election for the position of Antichrist, he’d get my vote.) But then again, it’s not everyday that liberals eat their own. This time ‘Kos’ venom is directed at …

Political Irony › A concise history of black-white ... 08, 2008 · “A Concise History of Black-White Relations in the U.S A,” is a very interesting article. ... The cartoon first describes the meeting as the white boy asking the black boy for help to get on some type of surface. ... One of the most creative things about this whole 6 panel carton is the fact that after the white kid finally gets on the ...

A Bill: 116 Congress 1 S | Government | Politics 3405 (Rep. Grijalva) Uranium Classification Act of 2019 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The bill would direct the Interior Department to remove uranium from the list of minerals that are critical to the nation's defense and economic security, after the Trump administration identified it as one of 35 minerals it would target for potentially ...

Contemplation on the “Parasite” Community | Trenz Pruca's ... 10, 2012 · “[I]deals come to life in dozens of political transactions every day. Some of those transactions aren’t pretty. You can understand this and try to work with this knowledge, or you can look away. But ignoring politics will not make it stop. It will simply go on without you—and sooner or later will happen to you.”…

john congress : Latest news, Breaking news headlines ... congressGet all Latest News about john congress, Breaking headlines and Top stories, photos & video in real time

Saved Jobs | Unreasonably Safe Observer of the more publicized of Biden’s crashes occured on Tuesday evening. when an unmarked police car helping to escort the VP to a taping of The Daily Show in Manhattan, ... where the VP was in town as the keynote speaker at a $1000/plate fundraiser dinner for local politicians. ...

senate | Smart Liberal and Female I came across this comment today and I wanted to respond. I had originally planned on just commenting, but I’ve decided to make it post of its own. The comment is in response to a prior post about the Big Three Auto CEOs (or wankers as they should be … | The Pardu's Scroll about written by The Pardu. Smile A Day – Political Cartoons; Celestial Wonders: Earth and Beyond (Pluto) International Space Statioin Link

Bobby Rush | The Liberal Doomsayer 59 districts are in areas of the city that are mainly African American, as the Inquirer reported. And Obama received 93 percent of the black vote nationwide. In 2008, Obama received 100 percent of the vote in 57 districts in Philadelphia. So it was not that unusual …

the united american party: Jerking Off In the Public Library Off In the Public Library. My wife and I were having a political discussion last weekend about constitutional rights and the subject, introduced by her, came up about the right to view porn sites in a public library. I must admit that she is a lot farther to the left then I would like but she is my wife so I accommodate her thought pattern.

The Trump Budget Steps Toward The End Of The Trail ... 27, 2017 · The Trump Administration assault on America's own citizens is replicating, in its own way, past assaults on Native Americans. "Members from tribes in Oregon, Washington, California, Montana, Idaho and Alaska called on Congress to restore funding to tribes during budget negotiations. The cuts ignore the treaty responsibilities to federally recognized tribes, they said, and put…

Politics : Burks' Blog this pageSyria is a world war without a solution. The Spectator: “Syria is a world war without a solution”. How the civil war in Syria escalated to a world war. “In 2013, the war entered a new phase as Qatar led the 22 Arab League states in support of the Syrian rebels.

Stifled Mind: 9/7/08 - 9/14/08 12, 2008 · For me this all adds up to one thing, it was a highly political decision by John McCain, who has touted his campaign as getting away from the Washington influence and doing what is best for our nation. It seems like this decision is better for him personally in his quest for the presidency, a stance that politicians in Washington have held forever.

Michael Tenenbaum Watch: The California State Bar Flap ... 16, 2008 · Flap wrote yesterday. that GOP attorney and twice defeated California 24th Congressional District candidate Michael Tenenbaum is being investigated by the California State Bar after his election to its Board of Governors.. Now, Flap has obtained additional information that may shed some light on the FLAP.. The State Bar Board of Governors Friday authorized President Jeffrey Bleich to appoint a ...

The Political Environment: Glenn Grothman On Water Quality ... 10, 2013 · Glenn Grothman On Water Quality And Mine Cracks: 'Caulk It' West Bend GOP State Senator And Fix-It Guy Glenn Grothman told a Mellen farm family their 150-ft. well would be safe from mine operations to create a 1,000-ft. deep open pit canyon blasted a mile from their home because mine operators would prevent leaks by caulking any cracks.

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: Political Advice for MP's: Always ...'s MP, Nathan Cullen has gotten himself into a bit of a pickle over his comments regarding the RCMP and that investigation into the shooting of a Houston man while in RCMP custody. Cullen apologized on CKNW on Thursday night over his comments that have made him the news, rather than the story that he was trying to bring to the public's attention.

June | 2011 | FeudArt posts published by rbvergara during June 2011. By THELMA DUMPIT-MURILLO. VISITING US solons expressed their support for the SAVE Act now pending before the US Congress during a dinner hosted by the Philippines-United States Business Council.

Inspire Political Discourse: Debates and McCain Clash Over Economy-The New York Times. Senators John McCain and Barack Obama debated for 90 minutes on Tuesday night before a nation in economic crisis, each promising anxious Americans that he had the better plan and vision to lead the country through what both men said was the most dire financial situation since the Great Depression.

Motor City Liberal: CNN Benghazi Special Pushes Debunked ...'s special The Truth About Benghazi pushed long-debunked myths about the September 2012 attacks on U.S. diplomatic facilities in Benghazi, Libya, with host Erin Burnett and CNN correspondent John King asking questions that were answered months ago -- often by CNN itself -- and leaving important context out of many claims.

Mo Rage: Starbucks blog about American society: its politics, current events, history, entertainment, music, comedy, movies and society overall and where we're headed.

Motown Strong: March 2016 15, 2016 · When I lived in Michigan, I chose not to register with any political party. As a professional political journalist, who covered local, county and state officials in both major United States political parties, I felt I had a duty and obligation to be as impartial as possible with my coverage of the issues, and believed having no political philosophy that could be pinned on …

WebWeaver's World: Fat baby rat 12, 2009 · A blog about my passions. May include some or all of the following: geek stuff (web design & development, CSS, accessibility, usability), environmental activism, my adopted home of New Zealand ('cos it's so totally wonderful), international & green politics (rants from a left-wing perspective), gardening, cats, literature, rugby, and a whole lot of other stuff besides.

Washington Intruder Shot; Fox Alludes To Terror | The ... 29, 2016 · Larry Dawson Image via news.usa.extraThe US capitol was again visited by a whacked out denizen of the Great State of Tennessee: Larry Dawson. As you will fidn int he Mediaite piece that follows, Dawson is no stranger to US Capital police. Yet, Fox News felt a ratings opporunity and a political opporunity amidst the 2016 primary…

Fantasy Lives and Fantasie Signs – Critical Fantasies 23, 2015 · The image of success that the character projects onto himself is that of a wealthy tech-businessman, an idea-generating politico, a celebrity, and a body without blemishes. These ideal images are desired not because of an individual’s aberrant thought wanderings but do to the surrounding composition of forces and dominant regimes of desire at ...

The Johnsville News: August 2012 Bernanke’s Nightmare Audit Pushed for Romney’s Platform-- Paul, in an interview, warned that if Romney’s backers resist the effort, it could result in a politically distracting and messy fight in front of the national media.“It’s good economics and it’s good legislation, but it’s also good politics, because 80 percent of the American people agree with it,” Paul said.

The Reaction: 2017-02-05 06, 2017 · The Reaction. A blog on politics, philosophy, science, sports, and the arts -- featuring news, commentary, and analysis by Michael J.W. Stickings and the Reaction team.

The Reaction: 2014-11-23 27, 2014 · The Reaction. A blog on politics, philosophy, science, sports, and the arts -- featuring news, commentary, and analysis by Michael J.W. Stickings and the Reaction team.

Political Irony › How America Was Destroyed, and the ... 16, 2008 · In his view, the satirical intent of The New Yorker cover is unclear, because you need too much context to understand what is the target of the satire. If the exact same cartoon was drawn by a conservative cartoonist and published in (say) the New York Post, it would be tasteless and offensive.

Those Who Lead; and those who follow | kavips 04, 2009 · What IS important, is whether every American has more money in his pocket this time next year. If not, at the very least, he is sold that his wallet will begin to swell shortly later…. In politics that is the only thing that matters…

Shreath | The Pardu's Scroll Pardu's Scroll Smile A Day – Political Cartoons; Celestial Wonders: Earth and Beyond (Pluto) International Space Statioin Link ... a serious facebook vulnerability that allows a facebook user to post to all facebook users timeline even they are not in his friend list . ... but it is a digital robbery, identity theft can be life damaging ...

NonParty Politics: Protest This 05, 2007 · An Iranian woman walks past an anti-U.S. poster during a visit to a war museum in the city of Khorramshahr, 1350 km (844 miles) southwest of Tehran in Khoozestan province, March 14, 2007. Iranians visit the main battlegrounds of the Iran-Iraq war (1980-88) during the last week of the Iranian calendar to remember those who died. | FairVote's Projections for U.S. House November 6, 2014, FairVote is releasing its projections for congressional elections for the November 2016 elections nearly two years away. We project vote percentages in all districts and winners in nearly 86% of races. See our summary of projections and download our spreadsheet that provides detailed information on projections in your district and allows you to see the …

Ironweed Films Guest Blog: October 2010 Films Guest Blog Ironweed Films is a monthly DVD club for progressive viewers interested in political, environmental and socially-conscious films. Each month, members receive 2-4 films on 1 DVD, theirs to keep, for just $15.

Apathy in College Voters – The Importance of Making Your ... 18, 2012 · Today's post is a guest post by Andrew Kincaid. Mr. Kincaid is a fantasy and horror author, in addition to a recent college graduate. His first book, On Dark Paths, is available for sale on Amazon's Kindle. You can visit Mr. Kincaid's website HERE. While at Mr. Kincaid's website, read my guest post about governmental…

only | Political Loudmouth to a recent VA report, 22 veterans commit suicide every day.If only the happy-go-lucky warmongers among us could see a little more clearly when they holler “Support our troops!” while sending 19-year-old Americans to distant countries to kill and be killed for no good reason.

rural resentment | Sheila Kennedy there were national implications to a theme Cramer explored for more than a decade: how Wisconsin’s rural-urban cultural divide affects its politics. Cramer, a UW-Madison political scientist, published a book in March: “The Politics of Resentment: Rural Consciousness in Wisconsin and the Rise of Scott Walker.”

President Obama Delivers Speech at the University of ... 03, 2010 · At the University of Michigan’s Spring Commencement, President Obama discussed the nature of politics in our democracy which he said has “never been for the thick-skinned or the faint-of-heart.” He talked about pundits and politicians who call each other all sorts of names and continue to debate about the role and size of government, but reminded the …

Humor | Political Graffiti | Page 3 it’s the cartoonist that is tortured, but the CIA got a hold of my cartoon and it disappeared for awhile. Thank god it survived and I was able to recover it.

Happy Independence Day | Sohum Parlance II 04, 2018 · “When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should …

mother jones | cadesertvoice source of the claim is unclear, which the Mother Jones article acknowledged, but it sparked some panic among liberal activists. Not to worry, a senior administration official told TPM: Voter registration through the health insurance marketplaces will continue as planned. The official said any reports to the contrary were “inaccurate.”

Chinedu's Cornerhttps://chinedusperspective.blogspot.comBut my most vivid memory was attending a forum about the late Lynn Eusan, who was the first black homecoming queen at U of H in the late 1960s and political activist. I remember one of the speakers talking about how he along with Ms Eusan and a few others where the first batch of black students that integrated U of H in 1964.

January | 2015 | The Point of a Sharp Instrument sites. Act.TV A facebook page dedicated to grassroots activism.; Counter Current News An alternative news site that focuses on exposing corruption.; Cruelty-Free Living Animals suffer greatly for our vanity and careless lifestyles. The National Anti-Vivisection Society is working to educate the masses on these horrendous crimes against our fellow-creatures.

Open Thread | Harry and Meghan Say Bye Bye | 3CHICSPOLITICO 10, 2020 · “Both she & Harry appear 2 have gained crystal clear vision as 2 their reality. It’s no wonder the couple want 2 leave &—as the coded statement they want 2 raise their son Archie “w/ the space 2 focus on the next chapter”..—protect him from the bile 2 which they’ve been exposed.” — Royal Suitor (@royal_suitor) January 9, 2020

What Made Texas Go Politically Wacko? | Nolan Dalla 21, 2014 · One of the most capable politicians in American history, Lyndon B. Johnson, from humble roots in rural Texas, was a transformational figure who gave us many of the policies we enjoy today in society, from civil rights, gender rights, funding for the arts, Medicare, to a host of other government programs that have helped tens of millions.

Valentino Pittoni.docx | Political Theories | Left Wing ... Pittoni.docx - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. the life of valentino pittoni the life of valentino pittoni the life of valentino pittonithe life of valentino pittonithe life of valentino pittonithe life of valentino pittonithe life of valentino pittonithe life of valentino pittonithe life of valentino pittonithe ...

09 | January | 2014 | The Pardu's Scroll 09, 2014 · F or the first time in history, most members of Congress are millionaires, according to a new analysis of personal financial disclosure data by the Center for Responsive Politics. Of 534 current members of Congress, at least 268 had an average net worth of $1 million or more in 2012, according to disclosures filed last year by all members of ...

04 | August | 2013 | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts ... 04, 2013 · In 2010, Planned Parenthood and a California affiliate together spent more than $700,000 on federal lobbying efforts, a Center for Responsive Politics analysis of federal lobbying records finds. By comparison, all other organizations that primarily advocate for abortion rights collectively spent $247,280 on federal lobbying efforts during the ...

Shouting Down the Well: October 2012 25, 2012 · I've long regretted my misspent conservative youth. I don't mean politically. When I was a Sophomore I wore a "Fritz is Hitz" button to school (ask your parents). I've always been a liberal politically. But socially, culturally? Look, it was the 80s. It was the south. I went to Catholic schools. I had bangs and wore Firenze sweaters.

House Speaker John Boehner: Take This Job and Shove It ... 25, 2015 · House Speaker John Boehner: Take This Job and Shove It! John Boehner (R-OH) dropped an unexpected political bombshell today, by announcing he will step down from his leadership post as Speaker of the House and resign his seat in the …

Fresno State Professor Gloats Over Death Of “Amazing ... is the hate the left has created and cultivates in America. Liberals are the most vile, despicable people in this country. Quote: On Tuesday, a professor at Fresno State made highly outrageous comments celebrating the death of former First Lady of the United States Barbara Bush as she also took delight in the pain that George H.W. Bush is ...

March | 2013 | progressivenetwork | Page 8’s 2006 renewal of the 1965 Voting Rights Act was the subject of 76 minutes of oral argument before the U.S. Supreme Court in February, although Associate Justice Antonin Scalia, 77, gave the impression that he thought the legislation was really called the Voting Entitlement Act.

XL Pipeline | The Pardu's Scroll about XL Pipeline written by The Pardu. Smile A Day – Political Cartoons; Celestial Wonders: Earth and Beyond (Pluto) International Space Statioin Link

No Right Turn: Constitutional issues III 08, 2004 · (The Speaker and deputies would be elected by a supermajority, and a dissolution would require the agreement of all three, thus providing balance and reducing abuses.) This would require greater change than the first option, but I think the result would be better. It fits well with the tone set by MMP and moves us more towards consensus politics.

Dr Kevin Bonham: July 2015 and Australian psephology, opinion poll analysis, election analysis and political commentary by Dr Kevin Bonham.

Sweeping More “Turd Blossom” BS Under The “Afghan Rug ... 22, 2009 · Unocal and the Clinton Administration hoped to have the Taliban cancel the Bridas contract, but were getting nowhere. Finally, Mr. John J. Maresca, a Unocal Vice President, testified to a House Committee of International Relations on February 12, 1998, asking politely to have the Taliban removed and a stable government inserted.

NoFo: The big story big story NOW, which people who follow current events and abject political failure know, is the rampant corruption, treason, nepotism, voodoo economics 2.0, geopolitical illiteracy and hourly scandal -- along with the clumsy attempts at distraction in a laughable failure to hide it all -- in the swamp of the man-boy administration.

Liberal talk radio stations shuffle lineups 09, 2006 · KKZN in Denver/Boulder CO adds Maddow from 7-9PM, followed by EcoTalk 9-10PM, Politically Direct 10-11PM, Werbe 11-1AM, and a replay of Franken from 1-3AM. Riley airs live from 3-4AM and The Young Turks air 4-6AM, followed by local host Jay Marvin.

NORML | The Liberal Doomsayer mind, this tells us about a bill introduced by Barney Frank and Ron Paul that would have eliminated federal penalties for the personal use of about 100 grams or less of pot (about 3.5 ounces) that died in the 110th Congress (a good idea, I think – pointless to waste precious law enforcement resources trying to prosecute someone ...

Mobtown Shank: The Skag - Upcoming Events there will be a panel discussion on the conservative politics of David Lynch and how they manifest in his movies? According to Lynch: "[T]his country's in pretty bad shape when human scum can walk across your lawn, and they put you in jail if you shoot 'em." 8.29 DETOX RETOX, THE SELDON PLAN, PAPERHAUS 8PM. Hexagon. Station North, Baltimore.

non-profit co-op « Jamesb101.com 13, 2009 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

flotilla | The Liberal Doomsayer his July 10 nationally syndicated column, Cal Thomas discussed a July 7 New York Times article that reported that Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY) “said she believed in the resurrection of Jesus, though she described herself as less sure of the doctrine that being a Christian is the only way to salvation.”

No End in Sight (2007), Acclaimed Documentary on the ... 30, 2007 · Directed by Charles Ferguson's Review (excerpt) Written, produced and directed by first-time documentarian Charles Ferguson, a political scientist with a doctorate from MIT and experience at the Brookings Institution, "No End in Sight" packs the enraging cumulative punch of a "J'accuse," but its tone could hardly be more sober. As lucid as it is…

Chris Coons is a liar who obviously reads my blog (UPDATED) 17, 2010 · I think you misread the post. At the debate, he said the following: “It’s often said that Joe Biden’s seat,” Coons said.“It’s not. It’s Delaware’s seat.” The implication being that others are saying that “Joe Biden’s seat”. He asserts that “it’s not”, that is to say, others are saying it (with the added implication of dynastic and political ...

voting | The Liberal Crab 23, 2008 · Early voting has opened in many states. Check out Rock the Vote’s website to find out if you can vote early in your state. Otherwise, you will either need an absentee ballot or wait until November 4th. Since voting is underway, some tips are provided below to ensure that YOUR VOTE COUNTS.

Fact Check: Is Financial Stimulus Working? | Veracity Stew 18, 2010 · The Congressional Budget Office estimates that between 800,000 to 2.4 million jobs were saved, while the White House Council of Economic Advisors say the number ranges between 1.5 million to 2 million . The unemployment rate has now begun to fall below 10% for the first time since the stimulus went into effect.

Castle Tries Harder, but Gets It Wrong Still | kavips 14, 2007 · Recently Delaware’s lone congressman helped introduce, along with 44 other members, Senator Salazar’s Iraq Study Group Recommendations Implementation Act.This act attempts to make an end run around George Bush’s failed policies, by having Congress take the lead and mandate that our Iraqi policy follow the Iraqi Study Group’s recommended courses of action.

Corruption – Politics Plus has become the first high-level federal whistleblower to publicly allege that the Trump administration has responded to the COVID-19 crisis by unduly pressuring health officials, and putting politics and profit ahead of science. Bright, the government’s top coronavirus vaccine developer, had spent a decade at BARDA, a small but ...

Redeye's Front Page: Sore losers undermine majority rule 07, 2010 · This is not to say, however, that the Sore Winners are strictly a political phenomenon, manipulated, as some would have it, by their masters in the media or by the money men from Wall Street. No, what makes the Sore Winners such a force in American politics is that their anger is so personal .

Organized Exploitation: December 2009 09, 2009 · This is to say nothing of the fact that even if this "rumor" were true, perhaps Andy Martin hasn't noticed, but being gay isn't exactly the political leprosy it used to be. Martin also perhaps hasn't noticed that we aren't exactly in the era of social politics these days, what with the economy in the tank, and the federal government expanding ...

Rage and Ruin: On the Black Panthers | Arun with a View 07, 2013 · [update below] [2nd update below] [3rd update below] 1960s activist Steve Wasserman has a most interesting review essay in The Nation on the recently published Black Against Empire: The History and Politics of the Black Panther Party, by Joshua Bloom and Waldo E. Martin Jr., academic historians both. Wasserman, who knows the subject rather well,…

About Misty Fowler | Saintless 14, 2012 · So, I’ve blogged for a long time. My main blog has mostly been politics, and I moved it off to another server years ago. However, I am in the process of moving to a new host, and am not up to finishing the move, and I really need a place to blog. So, I’m back here, and I’ll import the posts when I’m set up in the new place, eventually.

RealClearPolitics is certainly true of FOX's final poll in FL where they showed Kerry ahead by five points. In fact, that 10-point miss stands out as the worst among the final battleground polls we looked at.

On Trump and Netanyahu and mutual interests ... has been an interesting week.. Two members of Congress, Representatives Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib had been invited to visit the Israeli-occupied territories under the auspices of an organisation called Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue & Democracy (aka Miftah). The tour was not organised by Israel or by a group sympathetic to the actions of the Israeli ...

Mainstreet - New Brunswick June 2017 | Carbon Tax ... - New Brunswick June 2017 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. June 29, 2017 (Ottawa, ON) – A new Mainstreet/iPolitics poll conducted in advance of the upcoming New Brunswick general election finds Brian Gallant’s Liberal Party is the most popular choice among voters in the province, while David Coon’s Green party has a large pocket of ...

Samuel Warde’s Liberals Unite Dot Com | The Pardu's Scroll from Samuel Warde’s Liberals Unite Dot Com And Away They Go – More Major Sponsors Sail From Limbaugh’s Sinking Ship. July 21, 2013 | Posted by: Leslie Salzillo. Yes, Mam! Big name companies as well as small locals, continue to dump Rush Limbaugh – about 2700 sponsors have departed so far. Some of the most loyal Rush Limbaugh ...

Obsidian Wings: Your cockroaches are going to win Friday ... 28, 2013 · by liberal japonicus. The NYTimes had this cheery science tidbit. Some populations of cockroaches evolved a simple, highly effective defense against sweet-tasting poison baits: They switched their internal chemistry around so that glucose, a form of sugar that is a sweet come-hither to countless forms of life, tastes bitter. Your other 'we're doomed' thoughts are welcome here.

Robert's Rules | Parliamentary Procedure | Political Law's Rules - Read online for free. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Search Search. Close suggestions. Upload. en Change Language. Sign In. Join. Learn more about Scribd Membership. Home. Saved. Bestsellers. Books. …

Constitution Trail – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of ... about Constitution Trail written by dummidumbwit. Sangean PR-D7 BK AM/FM Digital Rechargeable Portable Radio – Black by Sangean I had a heart attack a few years back so going to the park twice a day when it’s nice is good excercise and I go for a couple of longer stretches then mostly go from Bench to table to Shelter and jam out, usually by myself.

bell hooks – Skeptical Brotha of us have gotten sidetracked the last 18 months worrying about these attacks, but it really isn’t about Obama, it’s about us, people. Obama is just the proxy, y’all, conservatives are attacking progressive progress in general and the black community in particular. Obama is a very flawed politician despite his many gifts.

Buckdog: Washington Post Praises Chilean Dictator Pinochet 12, 2006 · For some he was the epitome of an evil dictator. That was partly because he helped to overthrow, with U.S. support, an elected president considered saintly by the international left: socialist Salvador Allende, whose responsibility for creating the conditions for the 1973 coup is usually overlooked.

TigerHawk - Blogger TigerHawk (ti*ger*hawk): n. 1. The title of this blog and the nom de plume of its founding blogger; 2. A deep bow to the Princeton Tigers and the Iowa Hawkeyes; 3. The nickname for Iowa's Hawkeye logo. Posts include thoughts of the day on international affairs, politics, things that strike us as hilarious and personal observations.

“Dick” Dick Cheney Has Written a Memoir | Larry Gross Online“dick...Aug 27, 2011 · Acts of Kindness Books Covington Kentucky Family and Friends Food From the Blogroll Kentucky Lazy Cincinnati Life - The Human Condition Media Music Musings News Opinion Politics Question of the Week Shameless Self Promotion That Was The Week That Was - In Blogs Thoughts Uncategorized

Colbert and Stewart | Missouri Communication 01, 2011 · I am extremely interested in working on political campaigns someday and will keep my copy of The Selling of the President for a future career. The least interesting part of the class would have to be reviewing the Graber book. I really liked all the articles, but when it was the only thing we did in class, it seemed repetitive and boring.

Nancy Pelosi | Unreasonably Safe Observer D.C. – If the fun-loving bunch of politicians and pundits were looking for a break from a tense political season, then the Howl-oween Bash held this past Saturday evening was the place to be. Check out some of this year’s best & worst costumes:

Accidental Deliberations: Sunday Morning Links 09, 2013 · This and that for your Sunday reading. - Kathleen Geier makes the case for greater progressive activism at lower levels of government - and the point applies with equal force in Canada: (T)hose of us who want to build a more progressive America would be well-advised to pay relatively less attention to presidential races and more attention to politics at the state and local level.

Newsalert: Abe Lincoln or Jefferson Davis: Who Liked Black ... was a bigger racist? Abe Lincoln or Jefferson Davis? Abe Lincoln wasn't shy about his hatred about black people. Here's a quote from Lincoln in the Fourth Debate with Stephen A. Douglas at Charleston, Illinois, September 18, 1858: “I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in anyway the social and political equality of the white and black races – that ...

Free Don Siegelman! archive including current and near current media concerning the political prosecution and partisan trials of Alabama Governor Don Siegelman.

Motor City Liberal: Right-Wing Family Feud: Malkin Calls ... is very angry the "lap dog" press is being so mean to Mitt Romney and is making a big deal about the "47 percent" comments he made behind closed doors to wealthy donors about how nearly half of Americans are lazy, irresponsible and unwilling to work hard to improve their lives.

Joshing Politics: Mercedes-Benz Is Going Completely Green 05, 2008 · The company also has about 100 Smart electric cars undergoing testing in London, with that favorite 2010 year as the projected market release date. Mercedes is making serious investments, already putting nearly $4 million into the pot of their long-term Sustainable Mobility plan, with another over $14 billion going in before 2014.

HEARINGS THIS WEEK: Patriot Act Abuses and Misuses Abound ... 04, 2005 · Cross-posted at DailyKos. If you thought the congressional debate over Terri Schiavo was intense, wait until the one over the Patriot Act begins this week. Both the Senate and the House of Representatives are kicking off what promises to be a tumultuous series of hearings about whether to renew key sections of the controversial 2001 […]

The Values Gap Between Poor and Middle Class Blacks | All ... 30, 2008 · Earlier, I referenced an essay by economist and writer Marcellus Andrews in the Black Commentator titled “No Exit in Black/ Trapped by the Economy and Politics.”. In his essay, Andrews voices the concern that “the unique solidarity between the black middle class and the black poor will soon end as the pressure of economic survival turns former allies into enemies.”

Blog 10: Online Politic | Missouri Communication 08, 2010 · The base of politics is the constant change happening everyday. Saying that politics online is exactly the same as in “real life” is unrealistic. Of course there are differences, but that just comes with the territory of a new developing medium. Just as the rules of politics changed on television, so have the functions of…

May | 2010 McDonnell Labour M.P. for Hayes and Harlington announced his decision last week to run for the Labour Party leadership. Having entered Parliament in 1997 the same year that New Labour came to power, McDonnell has so far enjoyed a long political career, seen by some as a left winger-in part due to his opposition of the plans to expand Heathrow Airport, and in his support of trade unions.

South Carolina | The Illogical Seminary am glad it took only 48 hours or so before Nikki Haley and Lindsey Graham did a complete volte-face on the confederate flag issue. It must have been a difficult decision, because to remove it in the wake of the Charleston shootings meant that South Carolina politicians have admitted that it is a symbol of hate and that they could not pretend that it wasn’t anymore.

The Moderate Liberal: The War Against Evolution 11, 2005 · As you may have noticed, the fundamentalists in this country have declared war against evolution and the scientific method it is founded on. A great article in Salon, "The New Monkey Trial", details just how obsessed, organized and well funded these holy warriors are and they are well on their way to victory.For example, we learn that Dr. Jonathan Wells, who appears to be a reasonable ...

No More Apples: 03/04/2007 - 03/11/2007 10, 2007 · No More Apples "Adam ate an apple from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. It's a shame we ran out of apples." -- The Sage. "The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness." -- John Kenneth Galbraith "Reality has a liberal bias."

ConnecticutBLOG 15, 2008 · In fact, it was by far one of the most disgusting statements I've ever heard from the a political family I use to respect during the 90s. In full damage control mode, the Clinton campaign sent Terry McAuliffe to do the Sunday talk show rounds to do what he does best...spin. I bring this topic up for a …

Is this the worst they can come up ... - Whiskey Tango Foxtrot 10, 2008 · Referring to the McCain-Palin coattailing of Obama's "Change" theme, Senator Obama said this recently at a campaign rally: “John McCain says he’s about change, too – except for economic policy, health care policy, tax policy, education policy, foreign policy and Karl Rove-style politics,” Mr. Obama said. “That’s not change. That’s just calling the same thing…

Florida | Smart Liberal and Female may be one of the greatest rights we have in this country. Second amendment enthusiasts keep your panties on, until I’m able to own a nuke I don’t want to hear a word from you, but that’s another argument for another day.

god | Political Loudmouth 03, 2012 · For a hi-res version of this poster, just click the image above. ... American conservatives have worked hard to put about the idea that liberals are elitists. To a surprising degree, they have been successful, at least with some portions of the population. ... This is a classic logic technique called “reductio ad absurdam,” and these super ...

Wisconsin's budget process officially off-the rails 02, 2015 · How crazy has Wisconsin's budget process become? It looks like the proposed NBA arena deal - - which began with a plan announced a few weeks ago by Gov. Walker and now carrying a $500 million+ price tag that includes many state and other public sector millions - - …

DIGGING DEEPER, By Ivan G. Goldman: May 25, 2007 25, 2007 · ONE OF THE many resulting ironies is that Congress, fearing Bush might drive war policy off a cliff, backed off and let him keep sending it down a steep switchback road without any brakes. This coming week they’ll be burying one of his victims, Pfc. Joseph J. Anzack Jr., of Torrance, Calif., the 20-year-old kid whose body was recently found ...

Marc Valdez Weblog: 06/14/2015 - 06/21/2015 area community musical theater (esp. DMTC in Davis), Liberal politics, Meteorology, "Breaking Bad" and "Better Call Saul" filming locations reference site, New Mexico and California arcana, and general weirdness.

San Diego Politico: 7/6/14 - 7/13/ 12, 2014 · WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Congressman Scott Peters (CA-52) temporarily joined the House Veterans Affairs Committee to hear the testimony of Dr. Howard and Jean Somers, Coronado residents, at its hearing “Service Should Not Lead to Suicide: Access to VA’s Mental Health Care.”The Somers’ son Daniel suffered from Post-Traumatic Stress (PTS) after …

The Senses of Rhetoric: November 2012 Senses of Rhetoric Sunday, November 18, 2012. Thanksgiving 1942. Marjory Collins, "Neffsville, Pennsylvania. Saying grace before carving the turkey at Thanksgiving dinner in the home of Earle Landis." November 1942. FSA-OWI ph otographs, Library of Congress.

Department of No Surprises: From Charleston to Murrieta to ... 09, 2015 · In July, 2014 protesters gathered to block DHS busses carrying Central American women and children in Murrieta, CA. It was ugly, and unnecessary, and gave the town a dismal national reputation. [HuffPo] Murrieta is in the 42nd Congressional District, with a 46.6% white population, 36.2% Hispanic, 5.1% African American, and 8.8% Asian American.

Quigley on Top: Banking and Capitalism | Trenz Pruca's Journal 24, 2015 · Quigley has the following to say about the role of Capitalism one of the primary organizational elements of Western society, in its constantly changing form over its 1000 year existence, “…capitalism, because it seeks profits as its primary goal, is never primarily seeking to achieve prosperity, high production, high consumption, political power, patriotic improvement, …

Lamar Alexander | Life in ObamaNation the Tennessean: WASHINGTON — Sen. Lamar Alexander and his wife, Honey, are worth between $9.6 million and $36.6 million, making him one of the wealthier members of Congress, according to a personal financial disclosure statement released Friday.

human rights | Dystopian Blues: News Liberal Progressives Need Guardian carries the story of the last journalist reporting from onboard one of the vessels in the flotilla attacked by Israeli forces in international waters. Cannot fail to stress the import of this story. Death toll at 10, although I’ve read elsewhere that 16 have died. It was difficult, if not impossible, for journalists to report freely on the attack by Israeli forces on the aid ...

PA’s Teahadist “Eminence Grise” Strikes Again (Updates ... 26, 2016 · The Bucks County Courier Times recently gave column space to State Senator Scott Wagner, with predictable results (here)… More money — $3.6 billion to be exact. That is the amount of additional tax revenue Gov. Wolf wants from you to fund his tax and spend budget. To that I ask, “How dare he?” Although his…

rest my case.... anything madcow and moldydumbass thinks ... said, I get the impression Rachel Madow suggests one must be well spoken and well rehearsed to serve in one of these top executive positions. If that were true, we wouldn't have the two individuals we're stuck with today. Biden has put his foot in his mouth so often they all but had to stop him from speaking in public.

Balkinization: Contempt for Congress is also justification for "expert" commissions dealing with controversial scientific issues, such as the pace of global warming. None of these conditions obtains with regard to how injured veterans should be treated. This is not a "third-rail" issue; indeed, both parties are united in …

The Citizens: My Post-Mortem is Better than Your Post-Mortem 04, 2008 · Now that there is a truce, we get to fight about what it means. This morning's Washington Post carries the following (which I excerpt): "The Bush administration suggested yesterday that an apparent cease-fire in Georgia came about because Moscow feared it would be banished from Western-dominated international economic and political institutions if it did not stop its "aggression" in the …

Murray Hill Inc. for Congress! - alias Bruce. has a campaign manager, a TV commercial (above) with 150,000 YouTube views, a Facebook page with 2,000 friends, a long list of media credits (including the Alan Colmes show and the New York Times), and a spokesman – Eric Hensal, who Murray Hill Inc. calls its "designated human" – who is pitch-perfect as the calm, logical voice of absurdity.

Drinking Liberally in New Milford - Blogger your favorite libation and <b>Drink Liberally</b> with the only Blogger guaranteed to be plastered all over the Internet!

Politics Todayhttps://amterhune.blogspot.comJan 29, 2014 · Yesterday January 22, 2014, was the 41st anniversary of the Roe Vs. Wade court decision that legalized abortion in America. 41 years later, people are still talking about turning back the clock for women's rights. Many people who talk about overturning Roe Vs. Wade don't know the unintended consequences that will come.

50 most popular liberal websites" Keyword Found Websites ... 50 Most Popular Liberal Websites | John Hawkins' Right ... All 50 websites are listed with their Alexa rank following their link. So for example, a “1” would mean the page was the most popular website on the net. A “100,000” would mean the 100,000th most popular page on the net.

Newsmax – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America and Politics from the Armpit of America. ... Evangelicals and Trump’s three wives By Bryan Fischer – One of the remarkable things about the current race for the presidency is the virtually complete absence of any discussion of Donald Trump’s troubled marital history by social ... as was the …

palin-rally-3 | Mudflats 13, 2008 · And every last one of them a blaspheming Dominionist, trading on the name of the Lord, controlling jobs and doing business exclusively within one of their churches (of which she was a member of for more than 20 years) in order to become a political force that makes the U.S. God’s Army, charged with the responsibility of dominating the entire Earth in the name of Jesus.

Protests Force Former Congressman to Cancel Lecture at UNC ... 16, 2009 · Back in 2006, protestors at Michigan State University (MSU) confronted racist Congressman Tom Tancredo and disrupted his speech by chanting. In the aftermath, conservatives took to the airwaves claiming that Tancredo was the victim of violence. Tancredo received a similar welcome earlier this week at the University of North Carolina (UNC): Before the event, campus…

19 | October | 2008 | Smart Liberal and Female 19, 2008 · 5 posts published by smartandfemale on October 19, 2008. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email.

Heat Party: 11/06/15 Yushi Zhao Jolene Jones Gabby Moore ... Party. 11/06/15 Yushi Zhao Jolene Jones Gabby Moore Eric Busam Devin Glasier. Issues Gun control- laws should be stricter so that we can reduce shootings and minimize the amount of people using guns in the wrong manner. Drug policy-keep it the same, because its strict enough as it is; making more restrictions will only increase addiction desire to try to get the drugs illegally.

The Starboard Watchhttps://wwwthestarboardwatchcom.blogspot.comThe Starboard Watch is a forum for me to air my frustration with all things liberal, and to attempt to "Right" the wrongs perpetrated upon an unsuspecting and all too trusting public by the media. Starboard, of course is the Right side of a boat, and I will be standing watch from the Right to assist, in my little, humble way to set the record straight. Even if no one reads this, I'll feel ...

NY Times | The Pardu's Scroll about NY Times written by The Pardu. Smile A Day – Political Cartoons; Celestial Wonders: Earth and Beyond (Pluto) International Space Statioin Link

Voting Behaviour in India and Its Determinants | Voting ... S. Eldersveld in his article „Theory an Method in Voting Behaviour Research? writes: “The term „voting behaviour? is not new. But it has been used of late to describe certain areas of study and types of political phenomena which previously had either not been conceived or were considered irrelevant.” Voting behavious is not confined to the examination of voting statistics ...

20 | June | 2008 | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog 20, 2008 · Sudhan @23:35 CET. John Nichols | The Nation, June 20, 2008. Former White House spokesman Scott McClellan told Congress Friday that the Bush-Cheney Administration continues to conceal information about abuses of power committed to punish former Ambassador Joe Wilson for challenging the President’s storyline with regard to the “need” to invade and occupy Iraq.

The Practical Nomad blog: Extend draft registration to ... 11, 2015 · Any proposals for legislation will originate in Congress, the White House, or the Pentagon, not with the Selective Service System. But in this interview on 21 January 2016, the director of the SSS said he had been told that Congress could hold hearings as early as February 2016 on whether to amend the Military Selective Service Act to require women to register:

Political | Marbie's Blog introduced this process in his 1997 reform proposal as the bland notion of consultation between the United Nations and the business community. End of Fox Article Excerpts The Maurice Strong web is a tangled one, including U.N. Secretary Generals, Boutros Boutros-Ghali, Koffi Annan, and now South Korean, Ban Ki-moon.

Irish Trojan in Tennessee: Website News - Brendan'm Brendan Loy, a 26-year-old graduate of USC and Notre Dame now living and working in Knoxville, Tennessee. My wife Becky and I are brand-new parents of a beautiful baby girl, born on New Year's Eve. I'm a big-time sports fan, a politics, media & law junkie, an astronomy buff, a weather nerd, an Apple aficionado, a Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter fanatic, and an all-around dork.

Easter Lemming Liberal News: September 2007 29, 2007 · One of the stories John Lott told was of a court ruling against a store that had extended credit to a women only after she pledged previously paid for furniture as collateral for the new purchase. When the woman defaulted the store repossessed the new furniture as well as the furniture she used as collateral. The judge said they could not do that.

Most Outrageous Political Statements - Blogger 01, 2010 · Most Outrageous Political Statements My blog is dedicated to economics, but I couldn’t pass up pointing out a couple of over-the-top statements made by candidates for federal office. Senator Harry Reid said “but for me, we'd be in a worldwide depression.”

No Right Turn: Independent judiciary damages national security 11, 2009 · The idea of an independent judiciary is a bedrock of modern liberal democracy. But according to a top UK Foreign Office official, it is a threat to "national security": A top Foreign Office official has accused high court judges of damaging Britain's national security by insisting that CIA evidence of British involvement in torture must be revealed.

Political Irony › What Really Matters 05, 2017 · But it turned out the order signing was an elaborate photo-op with no discernible policy outcome.” Meanwhile, all this noise obscured some real news. The government reported that US productivity declined in the first quarter of 2017 at an annual rate of 0.6%, which is worse than many economists predicted.

Political Expressionshttps://shawntapoliticalexpressions.blogspot.comReading your statements, it appeared that your experience in life which is one of a personal aspect reflected in the voice of the writing. The audience should be allowed to understand your angle with documented proof of the governments affect on an individual's life …

Science and Politics demands were raised as early as the 1790s, which prompted conservatives to predict that love would be the death of marriage. For the next 150 years, the inherently destabilizing effects of the love revolution were held in check by women's economic dependence on men, the unreliability of birth control and the harsh legal treatment of ...

Blue Mass. Group has MOVED!!: Wall Street Journal to MA ... below are links to weblogs that reference Wall Street Journal to MA: Freeze to death: » Joe's Foreign Oil from .08 Acres (and a Donkey) Blue Mass Group has a post on the Wall Street Journal criticizing Congressman William Delahunt and Joe Kennedy for brokering a deal with Venezuela's Hugo Chavez to pay below market prices for oil for ...

When Rebbes Fled and Followers were Slaughtered like Sheep ... 19, 2009 · "But it is important to bring other voices from that period. The debate goes way back and is authentic, and it does not have to be painted in political hues as has happened in recent years." The escape from World War II Europe of rabbinical figures led by the rebbes of the Belz, Satmar and Gur Hasidim, is still an unhealed wound.

Honduras Coup, Act VI, Day 3 « Mercury Rising ?? 02, 2009 · This is like free points for the Honduran ring wing to score. That they can’t even manage this most basic of political tricks is truly sad. This is like grade-school level stuff. Pretend to give the guy something that you know he’ll be forced to turn down, and get to look magnanimous in the process. This is …

President Obama is neither weak nor stupid… nor a ... 05, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Advocates | Exceptional Delaware big head’s up to Alby over at Delaware Liberal for tipping me off to a New York Times article from January 10th!! While Delawareans up and down the state have been scratching their heads over Regulation 225, an anti-discrimination measure for trans-gender students, the true motive behind the controversial regulation may have been in front of our eyes the entire time!

Teachers | Radical Teacher is a bad idea, whether the hand feeding us belongs to the liberal Gates or to one of the more numerous right-wing billionaires. It’s a bad idea for there to be rich people. It’s especially bad to let them use their wealth for what they consider the general welfare.

My Secret Blogaholism...: 2008-07-20 12, 2008 · But as the political waters have gotten deeper, the principals have floated away. Now it's just a practical issue. McCain is the lesser of two evils, and Dr. Dobson is likely to endorse one of the evils in hopes of avoiding the other. It doesn't bother that Dr Dobson may endorse McCain.

Black Eugenics: How the Black Mis-leadership Class of the ... 22, 2015 · Protest against Eugenic sterilization of poor women. This took place in America well into the 1970s. The Black Mis-leadership Class is a term usually referring to the race management elite that developed out of the Civil Rights Movement to handle the political and social affairs of the Black masses.

Irish Trojan in Tennessee:Early voting could create a Rudy'm Brendan Loy, a 26-year-old graduate of USC and Notre Dame now living and working in Knoxville, Tennessee. My wife Becky and I are brand-new parents of a beautiful baby girl, born on New Year's Eve. I'm a big-time sports fan, a politics, media & law junkie, an astronomy buff, a weather nerd, an Apple aficionado, a Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter fanatic, and an all-around dork.

Former DoJ Voting Chief, John 'Minorities Die First ... least for anybody who is cursorily familiar with the John "Minorities Die First" Tanner story, as originally broken by The BRAD BLOG's Alan Breslauer, who video-taped the remarks which led, fairly directly, to Tanner's embarassing downfall, sad Congressional testimony and eventual resignation as the head of the DoJ's Civil Rights voting unit.

Progressive Rationalehttps://progressiverationale.blogspot.comThis is a political blog designed to discuss thoughts on why the modern poltical system is so easily manipulated. Media, fear mongering, hate speech, and other topics are …

The Liberal Gun Ownerhttps://liberalgunowner.blogspot.comA Liberal Gun Owner United States Slightly past Middle Age, liberal leanings, from a little tiny Southern New England state that votes "purple", and, apparently, has every single Political, Religious and Socioeconomic viewpoint represented, in one way or another.

I Don't Wanna Be Another I Don't Care-icanhttps://idontwannabeanotheridontcare.blogspot.comNov 04, 2010 · I'm sad. This is my last assignment. I get the feeling that I'll still post when something is grinding my gears though. And here we go:-----Comment on Sarah's "Political Prowess" Blog 7: Let 'Em Search Us I agree with Sarah that a violation of constitutional rights and an assault on the poor, but my bleeding heart liberalism only goes ...

political | The Word of Me... Doctor of Urology is running for a position on the school board in District 11 of the Texas State school board (Southwest of Ft. Worth) and he is outspending the opposition by about 12:1. Doctor Barney Maddox, the candidate, has been quoted as saying: “the theory of evolution is a “myth” and a “fairy tale.”

What’s Next for Sarah Palin | Mudflats is the new Sarah Palin, who went from an approval rating hovering at 90% after her election, to inspiring the largest political rally in the history of Alaska – not a rally to congratulate her, but a rally to demand that she come clean with her promise of “open, honest, and transparent” government.

Sarah Palin president | Mudflats Palin has taken the collective soul of national politics, divided and conquered. In eight short weeks, a political unknown from Alaska went from hockey mom Governor, to national megastar, and finally came to rest with the simultaneous titles of “Conservative Rising Star” and “Most Feared Woman in America”.

11 | November | 2008 | Smart Liberal and Female 11, 2008 · Today was the day designated after WWI to thank all of those who had served, as we were reminded today. We were also reminded that WWI was the war that was supposed to end all wars. The world could have only hoped. I had the great honor of spending the day at my daughter’s school for their celebration of Veteran’s Day.

Politics: A View from West Chesterwestchesterview.tumblr.comPlease switch to reading my new blog. If you are reading this here…. In August 2012, I had to move my blog “Politics: A View from West Chester from the Daily Local News’s tumblr site (that’s what you’re looking at) to a new site with the same title.

Addendahttps://clintsaddenda.blogspot.comI think unfortunate, and probably unwise from a political perspective. A recent poll in California found that almost a solid majority approve of gay marriage: Among the biggest changes in attitude was the increasing support for gay marriage, now favored by …

Vox Libertashttps://vox-libertas.blogspot.comToday we celebrate not the 234th anniversary of the birth of this nation, of our declaration of independence—that was two days ago on July the 2nd, the date that the Continental Congress unanimously passed Mr. Richard Henry Lee's resolution of independence, the day on which the United Colonies of America became the United States of America. No, we celebrate the 234th anniversary of …

Ordinary Guy: 2012 one of the offending cookbooks, there is a recipe for sausage-hash brown breakfast casserole that has more cholesterol than 8 Cinnabon Classics. Another questionable cookbook was by Rachael Ray ( who happened to testify in front of Congress about the need for healthy school lunches - …

Matt's Blog Solutionshttps://matthewfeath.blogspot.comIn 1993 health care reform was all the rage. President Bill Clinton placed his wife, the First Lady Hillary Clinton, as the face of the program. Promising all Americans to finally receive the care that many other nations had, Hilary Clinton tried to drive this message home not just to average Americans but also spent plenty of time in Congress.

Left Coast Mom: 2006, Parenting and Politics. Tuesday, December 19, 2006

No More Apples: 04/02/2006 - 04/09/2006 08, 2006 · No More Apples "Adam ate an apple from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. It's a shame we ran out of apples." -- The Sage. "The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness." -- John Kenneth Galbraith "Reality has a liberal bias."

No More Apples: 02/19/2006 - 02/26/2006 24, 2006 · Oh my. So they're discussing Dubya's position on the Dubai Ports World deal just now on Hardball and speculating about the racist aspects of politicians and others being uncomfortable with a company owned by Arabs being in charge of six of the nation's most critical ports (as well as two ports that ship 40% of the Army's material abroad). Chris Matthews: "But now the president is looking like ...

Liberals Fall Back on Old Cliches After Romney's "Binders ... 17, 2012 · These are the two Obama women in this focus group talking about how Obama’s gonna save ’em from the Stone Age, and a woman put these two …

The More History You Learn, It’s Always A Religious or ... 21, 2013 · The following is an excellent excerpt from the book “F*D*R: A Biography: by Ted Morgan from Chapter XIV on page 407 and I quote: “Just as everything was going so well, FDR suffered his first serious setback from the supposedly tame Congress. Perhaps It was a reaction to the tyranny of the Rules Committee, the…

December | 2011 | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog December 22, 2011. By Bob Johnson. Newt Gingrich, as a Washington insider, knows who to please in order to promote his political career. Top on the sycophant’s list of who to please, as it is of virtually all of the politicians regardless of political party, is the powerful Israel lobby.

About | Russ Buchanan Buchanan is a still-breathing refugee from the 70s, 80s and 90s pop-rock-country scene who has emerged as a multimedia political malcontent -- proof positive that old musicos never die, they blog. Buchanan was a member of Sugarloaf ("Green-eyed Lady"), Player ("Baby Come Back") and the pies de resistance of über producer Mike Chapman (Blondie, Pat…

March | 2012 | Bakhtin's Cigarettes of described in vivid and entertaining detail in his book, with the most loving chapters devoted to his three great passions: The Rockford Files, car racing, and golf. His other great passion is politics. Garner was active in the Civil Rights Movement (he participated in the March on Washington).

Forbes: Veterans Sustain Two Serious Defeats From Trump ... 12, 2018 · This is worrisome. If Congress trusted Trump to make sound choices, it would not have written the law the way it did. This is not like appointing officials with executive powers. A facilities closing commission reports to Congress for action. Trump should not be free to make it the Koch Commission.

officers handcuff at gun point a crying 11 year old - Page 11 20, 2017 · officers handcuff at gun point a crying 11 year old If your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. You may have to register before you can post: click the register link above to proceed.

Freedom — it is a progressive issue. | Trenz Pruca's Journal 14, 2018 · Freedom — it is a progressive issue. September 14, 2018 In the past decade or two, we have seen the forces on the farthest right-wing of politics in the United States expropriate to themselves the word Freedom. Freedom to them appears to be limited to freedom from governmental activities that benefit anyone but them and the freedom to possess ...

Half-Truths And Lies: Is The McCain Campaign Burning Up ... 10, 2008 · By- Suzie-Q @ 3:30 PM MST Gutter Politics: McCain Campaign Called Out For Half-Truths. Huffington Post- September 10, 2008 08:22 AM. The Washington Post has an article today on the repeated lies and lack of accountability in the presidential race:. From the moment Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin declared that she had opposed the infamous “Bridge to Nowhere,” critics, the news media and …

Did Rep. Gabrielle Giffords Have Enemies? | From the Left 10, 2011 · Monday, January 10, 2011 As Rep. Gabrielle Giffords fights for life from a hospital bed at University Hospital in Tucson, having survived a bullet to the head on Saturday, many are asking if the congresswoman had enemies? I will defer to the congresswoman’s father, 75-year old Spencer Gifford, who was asked this very question. "Yeah,"…

Are Liberals Parasites? 14, 2013 · This is a study often tossed around by the left. Here are some interesting facts to note. 39% of ALL African Americans reside in 12 Southern States. The study includes all federal money going to the state. Even for federal expenses like National Parks. Alaska is 2/3rds National Park.

Do Gay Pride Parades Help or Hurt Gay Rights Movements in ... 24, 2012 · In the 1970s, a movement began to show the world that homosexuality was a fact of life. The movement began with the mistreatment of gays and lesbians by police and politicians. The idea of using parades sprung up to spread awareness and understanding of homosexuality. Forty-one years later, awareness is no longer a problem. Equality…

Election 17, 2018 - Explore lilekih's board "Election" on Pinterest. See more ideas about Election, Hillarious, Politics.775 pins57 followers

THE NEWS BLOG DailyKos, and the various other blogs and sites working for a filibuster, are not the whole universe of the left - not by a long stretch. But, if everyone on this site, and allied sites, who already has called, emailed, faxed, petitioned were to convince people they know - people who don't frequent Internet political sites and may not be ...

media | Messaging Matters over 40 years, Donald Trump has been a media creature. He has successfully used the media, from his books to his TV and radio interviews to his reality TV shows to his tweets, to further his business and political interests.

The Political Power of Writing - Le Panoptique : Le Panoptique written word has often been criticized as an asocial medium. However, recent actions of Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah are an example of the political power of writing and suggest that writing can be a salient and influential communicative medium. In light of this recent event, Marshall McLuhan’s seminal criticism of writing as inherently isolating […]

Beginning To Wonder: HCR O'Brien, of The Mahablog sent this to me in an email and asked if I would post this on my blog. Here 'tis:Health Care Reform: The Morning After Many politicians and pundits warned us that the health care reform (HCR) legislation that just became law will destroy America.

Accidental Deliberations: #elxn42 Platform Review - Liberals 04, 2015 · creating a Cabinet committee dedicated solely to Canada's relationship with the U.S. (p. 67 - and note the juxtaposition against the NDP's plan for a committee to address First Nations issues). More generally, the most striking aspect of the Libs' platform is its inclination to only partially reverse some of the Cons' most controversial actions ...

Mo Rage: KC Royals Shine In AL Win at All Star Game 14, 2015 · A blog about American society: its politics, current events, history, entertainment, music, comedy, movies and society overall and where we're headed.

Direct action by the left and right online | blahgblog 26, 2009 · While provides endless tasty pellets of fail, no one is wrong all the time and they are doing at least one thing better than most if not all of us on the left side of the online room.. They call for, encourage, persuade and — importantly — facilitate electoral direct action from their readers. They do this by providing contact information for persuadable members of congress ...

Flat Tax for Delaware | kavips 06, 2010 · There already is a flat tax for Delaware that begins above $60,000 dollars… Some, like El at Delaware Liberal, ask for a progressive rate to continue into the higher elevations of income levels.. The more you make, the more you pay… This may sound unfair to some… and at face value it is… By face value I mean as the words themselves are ...

ATR tonight – politics, art, and censorship | Sohum ... 14, 2019 · All Things Reconsidered tonight – I don’t have a guest, so I really need calls! I’m going to be discussing the politics of race and colonialism in the context of art and censorship – and I’ll be comparing and contrasting the McKinley Statue issue with …

State Government Leadership Foundation this morning is reporting:. The State Government Leadership Foundation will announce the launch of a new ad campaign today that targets teachers unions for using “big money and bully tactics to protect their own interests at the local, state and federal level at the expense of taxpayers and our nation’s schoolchildren.”

Things liberals hate" Keyword Found Websites Listing ... List Of 100 Things Liberals Hate About America ... If they ultimately win, the country that you and I love so much today will be gone forever. I want you to read the list below and imagine what the United States would be like if all of these things were eradicated.

Jeb Bush loses three top fundraisers as poll ... - Blogger 02, 2015 · Courtesy of Politico : Three top Jeb Bush fundraisers abruptly parted ways with his presidential campaign on Friday, amid internal per...

Trolling or Transformation?—CPAC, Matt Heimbach, Scott ... students “ruined everything” for Conservatism Inc. at last weekend’s Conservative Political Action Conference [CPAC], in the words of Slate’s David Weigel.[CPAC Diary: Meet the White Nationalists Who Ruined Everything, March 16, 2013] Matt Heimbach and Scott Terry torpedoed any hopes that the American Conservative Union (ACU) had of disassociating “conservatism” from its ...

Jesus' General: Department of Books Reports: The Paranoid ... the wake of the nomination of Barry Goldwater for President by the GOP in 1964, and at what was probably the height of the influence of the John Birch Society as an organization, American historian Richard Hofstadter wrote this magnificent essay for Harper's Magazine. It is well worth reading and has been collected in book form as "The Paranoid Style in American Politics and Other Essays ...

Britain’s Prime Minister in Intensive Care | Sohum Parlance II 06, 2020 · Britain’s Prime Minister in Intensive Care. April 6, 2020 in Uncategorized. No I’m not a fan, ... I’m not a fan either. But I also do not wish ill on my political opponents. This is a world where we need to learn to get along with each other, not wish death on those with whom we do not agree. ... don’t know—and that’s one of my ...

oleaginous prattle | The Tytalan Way 19, 2011 · This is the church I left, the church that most of my family is still a part of. I know, catholics, I have heard the plethora of excuses; that the church leadership doesn’t affect or define you, that your church or your priest isn’t like that — it’s sort of like loving your Congressperson while hating Congress, eh? Oleaginous prattle ...

Movie Review: Children of Men | The Absurd Flipper 26, 2008 · In the post-9/11 Hollywood era, gloomy apocalyptic films with overt political messages have become the expectation for the average filmgoer. Movies such as V for Vendetta, Babel, and Syriana have all been noted for their mirror image of current day or soon-to-be current day tribulations. Most come laden with heavy moral warnings; some have novel…

World Politics | Holy Hell! following video is a presentation of MEMRI a group which does an absolutely excellent job of bringing Middle East media to the rest of the world, allowing us to judge the nations and the religiosity of the region for ourselves.. In case you are not wanting to watch the whole of the video of I have made a transcription of the various clips within the video.

Tell me more about Trump’s Russian Mafia Connections ... 19, 2017 · The Middle East is watching Godfather 1, 2 and 3 tonight. What could the connection be to American politics today. Does the rest of the world watch these movies to percieve how Americans allow themselves to be run?--kas Both men were looking …

Watch Out Attackers of One-Armed People, Amputees Got Your ... 10, 2011 · Online Photo Editor Oh sure. The liberals will produce all of these "scientificky" studies saying one-armed people are more likely to cut off their good arm with a switchblade than assault a criminal. But whatever. Until then... The good one-armed people of Maine finally have won the hard-fought battle to carry switchblades. The bill focuses…

Constitutional Tort “Reform” | Subject to Complete Defeasance 08, 2008 · One of the ways Congress can displace state law is by saying so expressly. MDA had an express preemption provision, codified at 21 U.S.C. § 360k . That section prevents states from creating a “requirement” that is “different from” or “in addition to” a “requirement applicable under [MDA] to the device ,” or “which relates to ...

President Trump | Nolan Dalla is the latest sad chapter of a much longer and more troubling trend happening on many college campuses, which is the threat to free speech. Since the 1960’s, an era of innumerable Vietnam War protests, American colleges and universities have become increasingly liberalized — …

Motor City Liberal: Four Falsehoods About Doctors And Guns ... are now, quote, unquote, "permitted," unquote, to do this. It makes 'em deputies, agents of the state. And if they don't do it -- let's look at this the other way around. Let's say patient X goes to a doctor. The patient's got a sore throat, runny nose. The doctor does not ask the patient anything to …

Star of David conspiracy theory | This Is about Star of David conspiracy theory written by bd. Start with the idea of a “Thing ‘Everybody’ Does”, but what it really refers to is a bit more particular and circumstantial, such as a thing every [fill in the blank] does; to further refine that we might invoke notions of sociopolitical empowerment in order to explain that the blank should be filled by some context of ...

East Texas Liberals Respond: Decency Deficit Debunked! decency resides only on one side of the political spectrum, one wonders just what nation voted to re-elect president Obama. If the demographic analyses of his re-election are to be believed, then he won in convincing fashion on a promise to raise taxes on the wealthiest 2% of Americans, while refusing to raise them on the middle class and the poorest among us.

Guy Petroziello | The Liberal Doomsayer 30, 2010 · 1) I must tell you that I came across something that was utterly hilarious in the Op-Ed section of the Bucks County Courier Times today. Editorial Page Editor Guy Petroziello published a letter in which he wrote that the paper could not publish letters in favor of health care reform and thanking U.S. House Rep Patrick Murphy who voted for the law because Petroziello believed that the letters ...

President Obama’s Bow: Right-Wing’s Silly Stupid ... 17, 2009 · TheFoxNation brays “Should a U.S. President Ever Bow to a Foreign Leader? ” Fox News has been questioning bowing all day, with Fox and Friends anchor Steve Doocy, idiotically parroting right-wing blog Hot Air, that “ in 230 years since the country was founded in 1776, that no other U.S. President has ever bowed to a foreign leader “.

No More Apples: 06/19/2005 - 06/26/2005 25, 2005 · No More Apples "Adam ate an apple from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. It's a shame we ran out of apples." -- The Sage. "The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness." -- John Kenneth Galbraith "Reality has a liberal bias."

The Revealing Emails That Were Supposed To Render The ... 16, 2016 · I had great relations and worked so close together after 9/11 to rebuild downtown, and a lot of respect for the work you do and the people who do it, but I do — I think that when we talk about the regulators and the politicians, the economic consequences of bad decisions back in ’08, you know, were devastating, and they had repercussions ...

documents | Search Results | The Least, First thought I understood why insurance companies were the main threats to a “public option.” It’s easy. Their overhead—exec salaries, advertising, political lobbying, etc.—averages 31%. Medicare’s overhead is 1%. No duh they don’t want to compete.

Tea Party | Political Loudmouth can get T-shirts, stickers and totes at the Political Loudmouth Merch Page Recent highlights: We passed 10 million post views per month on our FaceBook page. And Upworthy, DailyKos,,, Dallas Voice, and many other sites have featured our posters.

Liar! Liar!: December 2012 - pandering 24, 2012 · Old Testament: An alternative history replete with depictions of incidents of appalling carnage separated by vast wastelands of repetitive, nearly content free verbosity. Panderbear is not really criticizing the OT on the grounds of excessive violence, but perhaps it should be rated PG-13. With all the smoting going on, the OT is at least as violent as any first-person shooter video game and ...

Lost in the Ozone...: Letter to the Editor - My Analysis ... the Congressional Budget Office, wrote it in a recent article : “The long-term fiscal condition of the United States has been largely misdiagnosed. Despite all the attention paid to demographic challenges, such as the coming retirement of the baby-boom generation, our country’s financial health will in fact be determined primarily by the ...

The Political Environment: Oak Creek Power Plant Permit ... 03, 2007 · At issue is a permit issued by state environmental regulators for a water intake structure in Lake Michigan that would serve the coal-fired power plant, a $2.2 billion project. Judge Shelley Gaylord said a federal appeals court ruling in January means the permit needs to be revised.

Palin's Q&A + fun: Sarah Palin Quits CPAC a Fourth Time 10, 2011 · ABC's The Note is reporting that Sarah Palin has declined an invitation to give the keynote address at this year's Conservative Political Action Conference. From Sarah Palin Turns Down Coveted Keynote Speaking Slot At CPAC Conference: After skipping the popular Conservative Political Action Conference for the past three years, Sarah Palin has once again turned down the invitation of …

International House of Prayer – Arts and Politics from the ... International House of Prayer is engaged in many outreaches, justice initiatives, and mission projects. For the last 16 years, their prayer room has continued nonstop in 24/7 prayer led by worship teams. 800 staff members work at the IHOPKC Mission Base in Kansas City, and 800 full-time students and interns attend the International House of Prayer University, which consists of three full ...

Mike Bickle – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America International House of Prayer is engaged in many outreaches, justice initiatives, and mission projects. For the last 16 years, their prayer room has continued nonstop in 24/7 prayer led by worship teams. 800 staff members work at the IHOPKC Mission Base in Kansas City, and 800 full-time students and interns attend the International House of Prayer University, which consists of three full ...

Indiana senate race « Jamesb101.com 27, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Chris Matthews | The Liberal Doomsayer 17, 2016 · And after concluded, I’m sure Specter also will press for hearings into the “real” death of Kurt Cobain, as well as the “murder” of Vince Foster. To say that all of pointless is an understatement; the only one of these “controversies” that I care remotely about is the Rich fiasco, which I posted about here.

Philosophy | Rottenart political world is buzzing today about thousands of classified documents released to the press by Wikileaks, the secretive whistle-blower website, that give a harrowing and detailed look at the war in Afghanistan. It’s a long, hard slog, reading through the dump, which consist of memos, chat transcripts, e-mails, and other communications from 2004 to 2009.

A DEMOCRACY TOWN HALL: 3 of 4 candidates for Ramsey County ... 31, 2010 · Three of the four candidates for Ramsey County attorney responded to questions from a St. Paul audience Tuesday night about why they should be elected the county's top prosecutor in November. The forum, held at the United Auto Workers Union Hall in Highland Park and sponsored by the Senate District 64 DFL and Congressional District 4 DFL, was ...

Glenn Beck KOs Van Jones: The Future of Media and Politics? 07, 2009 · For six weeks, while virtually every mainstream media outlet ignored "green jobs czar" Van Jones, Fox News's Glenn Beck exposed the radical background of President Obama's environment adviser.On Saturday, Jones resigned, and most of the same news outlets that ignored the shocking nature of this White House representative are coming to his defense predictably claiming that he was the …

January | 2008 | LEFT OF DAYTON if you get some silly e-mail . . . send it back to whoever sent it and tell them all crazy. Educate. The Christian author Jim Wallis was on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart discussing his new book, the Great Awakening, last night, and one of the things he said was: “the dominance of the Christian Right over our politics is finally ...

When Did Disrespecting the President Become Okay? | The ... 19, 2011 · “Why was he elected? Again, it comes back to who he was. He was black, he was historic. And there’s nothing racist about this. It is what it is. If he had been a dynamic, white, state senator elected to Congress he wouldn’t have gotten in the game this fast. This is what made him…

Saturday’s Passel of Potpourri | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns ... 21, 2019 · It’s Saturday and time for a break and maybe a smile or two. Page down for politics and/or check out the top posts listed on the right side of the page. Lots of animals today and the usual construction problems and general mayhem conducted by our fellow travelers. Let's get off to a good…

free | Political Loudmouth is the place to find political posters and flyers that you can download, print, and use absolutely free! Thanks so much to for featuring so many of our posters on their Facebook page and Tumblr blog. You can get T-shirts, stickers and totes at the Political Loudmouth Merch Page.

China: Big and Scary – Like Sasquatch | Shadow Democracy 22, 2007 · This is all the absolute truth and no one is talking about it. As a masters student studying labor policy, I can assure anyone who reads this post that American unions are totally inept at organizing tatics and overrun with shortsighted people who cannot or will not pursue companies like Wal-Mart because they are beholden to the same politicians who have outsourced an entire way of life that ...

Buckdog: "Hey there's a movement to draft Erin Weir to run ... 21, 2012 · (Click on image to enlarge ...) Our Own Erin Weir Would Make a Great Sask NDP Leader! Posted by Jim Stanford June 19th, 2012 I’ve worked closely with Erin for years, being struck by his combination of talent & passion right from the time he entered the PEF’s student essay contest (which he won for the first time exactly a decade ago, awarded at the CEA 2002 meetings in Calgary).

[E.O.M.S.]: Iain Sinclair reviews Savage Messiah by Laura ... 08, 2011 · One response to our stunned impotence in the face of financial meltdown, political chicanery and the creeping surveillance society, is to indulge in fugues of entropy tourism.Badlands dérives. Websites clanking with scrap metal, the refuse of military hardware, sump-oil lakes, pastiche Tarkovsky.The recent invasion of the Lower Lea Valley (the Olympics site) by fork-tongued …

Joe Scarborough: #HeBrokeMe and Alabama - CD Media 29, 2020 · Way back in the Summer of 2016 then candidate Donald J. Trump told the world that once the time was right he would tell the “real story” of Joe and Mika. He’s been waiting three and a half years and all the while listening to two clowns and their barking dogs lie with unlimited abandon about everything related to Trump, America and the world.

TRUMP IMPEACHED: 'BradCast' 12/18/2019 | The BRAD BLOG 18, 2019 · The President of the United States has now been impeached for only the third time in our nation's history. After 11 hours of debate on the U.S. House floor on Wednesday, a furious Donald John Trump was impeached on Articles of 'Abuse of Power' and 'Obstruction of Congress'. He also makes history as the first President to be impeached in his first term.

About | All Other Persons to the All Other Persons blog. This site provides news and views on politics, economics, and culture regarding the African diaspora in America. All Other Persons broadcasts worldwide from Washington, DC, the city of taxation without representation. The phrase "all other Persons" is from Article 1, Section 2 of the US Constitution. As noted…

The Johnsville News: The Committee to Recall Nifong - Vote ... Committee to Recall Nifong - Vote Cheek was formed on August 9, 2006 as a political action committee to campaign for Lewis Cheek in the upcoming election for District Attorney. While Mr. Cheek has declined to campaign for this office, and has stated that he will not accept the position if elected, we believe that this election, and the referendum on Mr. Nifong that it has become, …

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: Gen. Hayden ... 19, 2006 · In his confirmation hearing yesterday, Gen. Hayden yesterday all but acknowledged that when President Bush ordered the NSA to engage in warrantless eavesdropping on Americans, the administration did not, at that time, rely upon any purported claim that Congress had authorized the President to engage in warrantless eavesdropping via …

Let the Devil Speak | STEVENHARTSITE the Devil Speak: Articles, Essays, and Incitements is Steven Hart's first essay collection. These combative essays explore the terrain where history, culture and politics meet -- and ignite. Topics include Randy Newman's controversial album Good Old Boys, the American "culture wars," how George Lucas pillaged literary science fiction for his Star Wars films, the…

CA-24: Olive Tree Strategies (R) for Justin Fareed (July ... TO: Interested Parties FR: Nathan Klein, Olive Tree Strategies DT: July 17, 2018 RE: Justin Fareed for Congress, CA CD24 Poll Synopsis & Path To Victory On behalf of Justin Fareed for Congress, Olive Tree Strategies is pleased to present the key findings of its recent California Congressional District 24 survey. The survey was conducted July 12-15, 2018 of a …

SCOTUS | The Plainsman Politico has moved The Supreme Court on Wednesday outlawed executions of people convicted of raping a child. In a 5-4 vote, the court said the Louisiana law allowing the death penalty to be imposed in such cases violates the Constitution’s ban on cruel and unusual punishment. “The death penalty is not a proportional punishment for the rape of a child,” Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote in his …

Reversal of Fortune: Tea Party Movement Better ... 30, 2010 · If what Scott Rasmussen is reporting in his latest poll the Congress is in for a very rude awakening. The latest Rasmussen Report finds 52% of those surveyed say the tea party movement have move understanding of the issues than members of Congress. Only 30% of those surveyed found Congress have a better understanding of…

December | 2007 | The Political Tipster looks to be heading for a weak third. My latest projection (based on the latest Zogby poll) is: Huckabee 28.72, Romney 27.33, McCain 12.67, Thompson 7.15, Giuliani and Paul 7.08.It goes without saying that if these projections were repeated in …

lord of the rings prequel | Electricity & Lust 08, 2007 · The AV Club compiles a list of movies that created Wes Anderson.. The Onion praises the healing power of sports.. PopMatters begins a week long celebration of television on DVD, starting with the building blocks of classic box watching.. Slate gives a genuinely funny round-up of the year’s US political videos and discusses Palme D’or winner 4 Months, 3 …

2010 October 12 « Mercury Rising ?? 12, 2010 · The 39-year-old mother of four claims she met Ganley at a July 2009 Tea Party rally in downtown Cleveland, admired his anti-abortion political views and sought to volunteer for a U.S. Senate campaign he was waging before he decided to run against Sutton.

The American Prospect - Startside | Facebook this pageThe American Prospect, Washington, District of Columbia. 108 k liker dette. The American Prospect is an independent non-profit political magazine that aims to advance liberal and progressive goals...

Stem cell lobbyists decide Sen. Sheila Kuehl isn't really ... chairman of California's stem cell research program took a long overdue step and resigned as president of a ­private stem cell research lobbying organization. This comes on the heels of a scathing blog post from his group, Americans for Cures, that belittled the intelligence and motives of state Sen. Sheila Kuehl, calling her "craven," "ignorant," "mindless," and "dumb."

Liberal, Loud, and Proud: Just Say NO to Dick and YES to ... 20, 2006 · LLP is about Michigan, and how we as a community realize our hopes and dreams into a reality for our great state. Michigan's got a lot going for it, and a lot of things trying to work against it. The potential for our great state is so large, so incredible, and all it needs is us - working for it. LLP is about how we become closer as a community, stronger as a state, and …

New Political Zine by Young People in Grand Rapids ... 14, 2004 · A new zine called "Free the Press" has appeared in Grand Rapids this month. The back page states that it is a project of an organization called "American Stew". According to the first issue "American Stew was founded in West Michigan by a group of young adults and we are based in Grand Rapids, MI."…

2013 Resolutions | The Moorish Wanderer 05, 2013 · The first one I caught on to it pretty early on, the second I have to come to grips with it. I should also apologize to the acquaintances I have pushed on some of these issues. Be a “realist”: I though I was quite the cynical observer of Moroccan politics, seems I do come across as idealistic, perhaps the very embodiment of the Nihilist ...

Navy Reserve Officer, Businessman, Former Council Member ... 07, 2009 · FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Mark Fava 843-813-0435 [email protected] Navy Reserve Officer, Businessman, Former Council Member Mark Fava to Run for Congress Charleston, South Carolina - December 7, 2009 -Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day - Mark Fava, a Navy Reserve Officer, former Mt. Pleasant Town Council member, and …

Killed former SEAL used in stump speech thought Romney was ... 10, 2012 · Over the past week, Romney has been recalling a chance meeting with former Navy SEAL Glen Doherty years ago to get an edge on President Barack Obama after attacks on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi that resulted in the death of the veteran, U.S. …

Frederick Politics: Hillary's Emotional Reaction 07, 2008 · I am one of those people. For years I have viewed her as a greedy, calloused, devious, power hungry, woman. I don't understand how anyone can see her any differently. However, there are those who like her and, apparently, would like to see her become the first woman president.

Dismissive Talk Radio Name-Calling On Mining Bill Disclosures 02, 2013 · The only reason angry man radio stations get better numbers is because they happen to be on the same frequency as the Brewers, Packers and Badgers. And even that won't be true in. 10 years, when many of the shutins who listen to that crap will …

political news | The Pardu's Scroll 30 years, the researchers there have been tracking senators to see who is liberal, who is moderate and who is conservative. And look at what`s happened. In 1982, the number of moderate senators in yellow who fell between the most liberal and most conservative totaled 60 … the number of moderates has fallen steadily to 36 in 1994, nine in ...

Jesse Helms | The Pardu's Scroll at the TPI find the following politician the perfect example of what happens when progressives and intelligent independents fail to vote. In 2010, the Koch bothers, Dick Armey, Karl Rove , Freedom Works and others on the Right, leveraged the election of Barack Obama as president to flood the voting places with angst filled voters.

Identity Politics | Peace & Wisdom 09, 2008 · Posts about Identity Politics written by Chris Dornan. [This article is the third in a series on Elitism, Conservatives and Progressives.]. In this discussion of elitism, and how it plays out in progressive and conservative politics, identity politics is central with the identities dividing into cultural (e.g., religion) and biological factors (e.g., sex).

Andrew Taylor | The Liberal 17, 2014 · Excluded are the giant benefit programs like Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and food stamps that run on autopilot and are increasingly driving the government deeper into debt. Even though the programs that Taylor mentions only account for about 45 percent of federal spending, as noted here.

Operation Chaos – Skeptical a watchful eye on black politics. Sidebar. July 2020; S M T W T F S : 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: 18: 19: 20

Buckdog: Understanding 'Authoritarian' Conservatives 26, 2010 · Understanding 'Authoritarian' Conservatives “Conservatives Without Conscience” by John W. Dean is a worthy read for all progressive thinkers. John W. Dean was White House legal counsel for President Richard Nixon for three years but become a key …

“Neither what I ought not what I liked” | Dreams of the ... 15, 2014 · The biggest one is that I’m trying to kick the habit – and those are the right words, self-righteousness and anger and adrenaline are an addiction – of wasting my time arguing with people who are wrong on the internet. It’s important to be informed and to stand up for what you think is right – but spending hours at a time on political ...

Horserace Polls | The Pardu's Scroll horserace polls dominating today’s political news are worse than misleading – they’re bad for democracy. They’re as corrosive of America’s self-image as the news industry’s obsession with murder and disaster, a black hole wildly unwarranted by actual crime and catastrophe.

Goldman Sachs | Dystopian Blues: News Liberal Progressives ... to Think Progress for this …. Lloyd Blankfein, the embattled CEO of Goldman Sachs, told clients in a telephone call yesterday that he feels under siege due to a Securities and Exchange Commission probe that scrutinizes Goldman for misrepresenting a debt product tied to subprime mortgages. Blankfein, apparently channeling his inner Glenn Beck, reportedly told investors that “the ...

profitability « Mercury Rising ?? about profitability written by Phoenix Woman. Politics, life, and other things that matter

jaanuar | 2017 | Money4nothingchicks4free D. Roosevelt 4 – State of the Union Message to Congress January 11, 1944 …We have come to a clear realization of the fact that true individual freedom cannot exist without economic security and independence. “Necessitous men are not free men.” … Jätka lugemist ?

Politics Online | Missouri Communication 06, 2011 · Over all, in my opinion, the internet is succeeding in bringing politics to a different demographics, and hence, it will contribute to an expansion of democracy and more involvement. Categories: Uncategorized Tags: citizen engagement , democracy , New Media , Online Democracy , …

November 16, 2014 – 16, 2014 · Mark Evanier is a comic book and TV writer. He writes a blog called News From ME. Ordinarily his blog is weighted toward the entertainment industry, since he’s been around it since the 1970s, but occasionally he expresses a political opinion such as the one below: Mitch McConnell keeps complaining Obama won't "come to the …

The Political Environment: Walker would destroy WI Parole ... 08, 2017 · "A little fill here and there may seem to be nothing to become excited about. But one fill, though comparatively inconsequential, may lead to another, and another, and before long a great body may be eaten away until it may no longer exist.

The Political Environment: Trump, Humiliator-in-Chief 12, 2017 · Trump, Humiliator-in-Chief Key to understanding Trump's firing of FBI Director Comey is the execution's timing and weapon of choice: Trump waited until Comey was 3,000 miles away on the West Coast, then sent a firing letter to FBI headquarters hand-carried by Trump's former personal bodyguard who now has a White House job.

Balkinization: The Supreme Court’s Upside-Down Decision In ... to the Supreme Court’s decision in Masterpiece Cakeshop h ave been predictable. Liberals have condemned the outcome, which favored a Colorado baker who refused to provide a wedding cake to a same-sex couple because of his Christian beliefs, and they have portrayed it as narrow. On the other side, most have cheered the decision, sometimes by depicting it as broader than it seems.

WG's Observations: Priorities V – Social Security it would be even better if the program were permanently self-funded. An increase of about 10-12% in the payroll tax, indexing the payroll tax to inflation and/or eliminating the cap on income taxed for Social Security could easily cover the current deficit, if Congress …

Marc Valdez Weblog: 01/13/2019 - 01/20/2019 area community musical theater (esp. DMTC in Davis), Liberal politics, Meteorology, "Breaking Bad" and "Better Call Saul" filming locations reference site, New Mexico and California arcana, and general weirdness.

Mitt Romney | Out Foxing Karl Rove a string of other senior party figures said Mr McCain’s erratic performance risks taking the party down to heavy losses not just in the presidential race but also in contests for Congressional seats. Mr Thompson, a former governor of the swing state of Wisconsin, said he thought Mr McCain, on his present trajectory, would lose the state ...

Chick Fil A « Jamesb101.com 26, 2012 · Chick-fil-A, the fast-food chain known for putting faith ahead of profits by closing on Sundays, is standing firm in its opposition to gay marriage after touching off a furor earlier this month. Gay rights groups have called for a boycott, the Jim Henson Co. pulled its Muppet toys from kids’ meals, and politicians in Boston and Chicago told ...

Open Thread – 1/12/2020 – Politics Plus 13, 2020 · The trouble is that the second year of Scomo’s three-year reign and we have two more years to go before we can vote him out. It turned out that Aussies are just as susceptible to scare tactics and (job)carrots as Americans are and left their brain …

Jesus' General: Birthers: Political Insanity on the ... here, Cline, the Birther thing is all about payback. While Glorious and Noble War President Bush was in office, libbofascists made hay out of all sorts of conspiracy theories, like how Bush pulled strings to join the Texas Air National Guard so that he could avoid Vietnam, and then ducked out of that service because he was a drunken cokehead, or that Shotgun Dick Cheeeeeney was actually ...

The Realities of Mexican Immigration to the United States ... 03, 2006 · This is not to say all Mexican immigrants work “low level” jobs. Many immigrants are politicians, teachers, and entrepreneurs of various types. While Mexican immigrants face this dire reality everyday, many conservative pundits and politicians have the gall to claim that they are a detriment to the U.S. and a threat to the American way of life.

Political Irony › Make Impeachment Great Again 14, 2017 · Make Impeachment Great Again. Professor Allan Lichtman, ... As the article says we are becoming more an insurance company with a large army ... They’ve had virtually unlimited funds for a long time and a lot of toys they have had no excuse to use. Now comes along a so-called leader who is too distracted and too weak to give them direction.

Inspire Political Discourse: AIG is, of course, ridiculous, and has been proven to be untrue. Does anything stop the wingnuts? Tomorrow, one of these lawsuits will be discussed by the Supreme Court, who will turn it down. “The justices of the U.S. Supreme Court will tomorrow discuss whether or not it should take up the case of Leo C. Donofrio, Applicant, v. Nina ...

Motor City Liberal: Paul supporters boo Boehner, decry ... divide centered around several changes to the nominating process pushed through Fridayat a meeting of the powerful Rules Committee by Romney’s top legal advisor, Ben Ginsberg, that were designed to make it more difficult for an insurgent campaign to secure delegates en route to the convention. The changes dictated that delegates be bound to vote in accordance with the results of …

American Power: NEA Lame-Duck Congressional Spending Request 06, 2008 · The Senate will return to Washington, DC on November 17 for a short "lame duck" session. It is critical that the Senate use this opportunity to pass an economic recovery bill that helps families in need. Across the nation, people are losing their homes, and finding it increasingly harder to buy even basic necessities such as food and fuel.

Buckdog: Racism At Keswick Ontario High School 02, 2009 · This is actually an extension of a rather typical response from teachers and school administrators: They try to be "even-handed" and apportion blame to both the bully and the victim. If the victim responds in the language bullies best understand, the "bully" label is applied to the erstwhile victim.

pepper | Political Forum Dies in Alabama Police Custody After Being Pepper Sprayed - ABC News That seems like one of the craziest situations that cops can get into. A guy has already evaded arrest, is reported with a gun and runs into the woods. I would have a hard time coming up with a worse nightmare for a cop...

“Slumdog Jindal” | the mosquito coast 26, 2009 · “Slumdog Jindal” …found this little nugget buried in a post on The Field Negro , as well as the label “stepford politician” – TFN posts generate witty comments, and this is one of them…

House Panel OKs Bill to Scrap Race to the Top, SIG, i3 ... 19, 2012 · President Barack Obama's signature education programs would be scrapped under a bill approved this morning by the House Appropriations Committee panel that oversees education spending. The measure would cut about $1.1 billion from the U.S. Department of Education's roughly $68 billion budget, according to an analysis by the Committee for Education Funding, a lobbying coalition.…

Bin Laden | Anderson Cooper The Journalist Bin Ladin is NOTHING but a man who suffers from a psychological disorder because he has declared his Al Qaeda crusade as THE Islamic crusade which is definitely something that most Muslims in the world living in the 21st century do not agree with. Osama Bin Ladin only matters to those who suffer from the same insanity he is suffering from.

your | Political Loudmouth the War on Women accelerates, it’s time to call all the powerful spirits you know to join this battle. Whether they live within you or without you, the moment for them to appear. For a hi-res version of this for printing, just click the image above. To see more free …

states rights « integral permaculture the last post I talked about Mitt Romney’s Energy Plan, where one point was his interest in increasing states rights over federal rights to regulate. “States rights” is an issue that has been revived by the Tea Party. See States Rights and the Growing Rebellion to get an idea of where they’re coming from. The Repeal Amendment was introduced to Congress in 2011, stating:

when Un was firing missiles toward Japan, threatening Guam ... 12, 2018 · The best they could come up with was a Chinese actor and a Kin Jong Un impersonator to do a fake photo-op. Way to miss the point about who is a hypocrite. Jun 12, 2018 17:46:31 #

Buckdog: HARPER LIES - CONSERVATIVES LIE! 21, 2012 · A rough guide to the Conservatives’ carbon tax farce By Aaron Wherry "In December 2009, the Harper government claimed to be “working in collaboration with the provinces and territories to develop a cap and trade system that will ultimately be aligned with the emerging cap and trade program in the United States.”

Chick Fil A…..Corey…. « Jamesb101.com 26, 2012 · This is not at all a discrimination issue involving who the restaurant serves or hires but simply because the guy who founded the chain opposes gay marriage? Whatever your view on the marriage issue, what these groups, and liberal politicians in Boston and Chicago have been saying this week should be quite abhorrent to anyone who claims to ...

Congressman Meeks incredulous about surprise witness ... 15, 2007 · Congressman Greg Meeks released the following statement regarding the Grand Juryn proceedings in the Sean Bell Case in New York City: “I’ve heard of 11th hour conversion but ridiculous. The public is being asked to believe that a witness, previously interviewed by the police has just come forward to say that he actually did see a mysterious Black male fire one or two shots at the ...

Dawg's Blawg: Resign, Julian 10, 2008 · It's time for t he Commissioner of the Ontario Provincial Police, Julian Fantino, to go. The latest revelations about his involvement in a June 2007 standoff with Native protesters make it imperative. He's an old-school cop, and by that I mean that for him policing is about power and throwing one's weight around. None of that namby-pamby liberal pabulum like community …

dark money | Desert Beacon about dark money written by desertbeacon. Here comes the money – into the Nevada District 4 Congressional race: “Crossroads GPS, a conservative group, said Tuesday it has bought $820,000 worth of TV time for ads to start airing today and run through Election Day on Nov. 4.

Gun Control Archives - Trump and his pals at the NRA want to delay discussing gun control. The right-wing whines that we are politicizing this event. They whine that this should be a period of prayer. Naturally, if the perpetrator was a Muslim they would have no problem calling for action. They use the perverse argument that you can […]

TED KENNEDY DEAD at 77 – Carries on Kennedy tradition of ... 26, 2009 · Long time Massachusetts Senator, Ted Kennedy passed away at the age of 77 after a year-long bout with brain cancer, and followed in his brothers' footsteps of dying. This was one of the great ironies of the senator’s career. For decades, his liberalism and labor ties made him a butt of ridicule for the right.…

Remarks by the President on the Economy in Parma ... - Scribd Obama's remarks on economy in Parma, Ohio with Video link 9-8-10 - Free download as Word Doc (.doc), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. President Obama spoke about the state of the economy and outlined his economic agenda prior to the congressional midterm elections. He called for an end to Bush-era tax cuts for the wealthy, saying the country could not afford ...

gay rights | The Pardu's Scroll dear friend of mine posted this and I would like for all of my friends to read this with an open heart and mind. This is another reason I’m so open about my political beliefs this election. I believe in equality for all. —————————————————————–

Balkinization: How do blogs change legal education? group blog on constitutional law, theory, and politics

Timshel recollections of Hilary Clinton over the last several years are not particularly enamoring. Meanwhile, Michelle Obama displayed herself as the embodiment of the liberal dream for women, African-Americans, and the middle class. She and her family are the absolute picture of what works in our flawed country. I hope somebody watched besides me...

Motor City Liberal: Rep. Duncan Hunter Wants To Repeal ... Andrea Nill. The Los Angeles Times reports that, at a tea party rally in the San Diego County city of Ramona , Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA) stated that U.S. citizen children of undocumented immigrants should get deported along with their parents to save the state of California money:. QUESTION: Would you support deportation of natural-born American citizens that are the children of illegal aliens?

History | Gathering the Light elegantly written opinion piece (“Samuel Hungtington’s Warning” by Fouad Ajami in today’s Wall Street Journal) contradicts the simplistic rejection of the author of The Clash of Civilizations as a super-patriot. He wasn’t. As Ajami modestly — in fact, humbly — explains, Huntington’s vision of the clashing multi-polar geopolitical world was prescient.

nationlism | Bakhtin's Cigarettes long as the politician is addressing an audience within a particular state it is quite normal that the rhetoric will slide into nationalist banalities such as “making out country great again” or “drawing on our finest traditions,” or even puerile playground claims that “our” armed forces are the greatest in the world.

One More Reason to Hate the Donald | Bakhtin's Cigarettes 07, 2016 · As long as the politician is addressing an audience within a particular state it is quite normal that the rhetoric will slide into nationalist banalities such as “making out country great again” or “drawing on our finest traditions,” or even puerile playground claims that “our” armed forces are the greatest in the world.

judicial review | Sheila Kennedy the book’s blurb puts it, Many people, particularly liberals, have “warm and fuzzy” feelings about judicial review. They are nervous about what might happen to unprotected constitutional provisions in the chaotic worlds of practical politics and everyday life.

Congress Must End US Involvement in ... - Yemen Peace Project 27, 2017 · Today, the Yemen Peace Project (YPP), along with 64 other organizations, sent a letter to the United States House of Representatives to express their support for House Concurrent Resolution 81. The Resolution directs the President of the United States to end US military involvement in Yemen’s civil war, pursuant to the War Powers Resolution.

Election ’08 | Granfalloon 1975, Congress created the Federal Election Commission (FEC) to administer and enforce the Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) – the statute that governs the financing of federal elections.The duties of the FEC, which is an independent regulatory agency, are to disclose campaign finance information, to enforce the provisions of the law such as the limits and prohibitions on contributions ...

Kids climate change materials still available through WI ... 12, 2016 · People, the world is over 4.5 billion years old. Some of the oldest rocks in existence are in Wisconsin. The climate of the earth does change but it changes over tens or hundreds of thousands of years. We know this from paleontology. We know this from magnetic reversals and carbon dating.

Ironicus Maximus: May 2013 10, 2013 · Ah, Friday Hound Blogging. Truth be told we've missed our weekly visits to the overlords, or as we like to call them, high colonic residue with faces. Well, it seems while we were off getting our serious on, the Posse Commodatatis seems to have developed a social conscience and is taking on one of the burning political questions of our age.

Motor City Liberal: Fox News: cutting minimum wage ‘better ... Sahil Kapur WASHINGTON -- As the recession continues to weigh heavily on the livelihoods of millions, the Fox News Channel on Monday suggested lowering the minimum wage, suggesting it could be "better for workers." "The minimum wage is kind of like a sacred cow in Washington, with many, many lawmakers thinking it's a win-win for low-skilled workers," said Fox anchor Juliet Huddy.

My Secret Blogaholism...: Boucher's Vote on HR 3940 ... 05, 2010 · HR 3940 (Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act) was passed by the House of Representatives yesterday by a vote of 219 in favor to 212 against. My Congressman, Rick Boucher, voted against the bill. I'm told that he waited until after the bill had its required 216 "yes" votes (and had passed) before he cast his "no" vote.

proportional voting | Sheila Kennedy recently had a provocative article advocating “proportional voting,” and claiming that the institution of such a voting system would solve two of America’s thorniest political problems: partisan polarization and the number of “wasted” votes.. A bit of background: we currently have an electoral system in which–as the article says– your vote is far more likely to shape Congress ...

Presidential Pardons | Sheila Kennedy of the problems with political discourse grows out of specialization–as the world around us gets more and more complicated, people who are experts in different fields, who use different vocabularies and operate from within different conceptual frameworks have trouble communicating with …

can not discern fact from fiction and will only assume... 18, 2019 · I really don't think that was what you meant to say but it is what you DID say. Jun 18, 2019 22:30:47 ... but the only place it's going is into the same shit can as the collusion B.S. You may as well get that hangdog look off your face and move on, have a little fun, maybe go bite your neighbor's pitbull or throw a few rocks at passing cars, or ...

Barack Obama and The New Politics | Peace & Wisdom 12, 2008 · Barack Obama and The New Politics. Posted on May 12, 2008 ... as the clearest issue that separates him from Clinton so it will be interesting to see if we can tease out some more difference between the ‘new’ and ‘old’ politics in this issue, in their handling by one of Hillary Clinton’s most subtle and credible supporters. ...

Political Irony › Late Night Political Humor 27, 2017 · Last night, I told you about how Don Jr. met with a Russian lawyer, who claimed to have dirt on Hillary Clinton. Seems pretty bad. But it turned out much worse. Then, The New York Times reported that “Trump Jr. was told in an email that this was a …

Obama’s Challenge: America’s Economic Crisis and the Power ... 25, 2009 · Robert Cuttner’s Obama’s Challenge: America’s Economic Crisis and the Power of a Transformative Presidency argues that Obama has the power to be a “transformative president,” who: “…profoundly alters American politics and the role of the government in American life–one who uses his office to appeal to our best selves to change our economy, society, and democracy for the better.”

linda lingle | The Political Tipster 21, 2008 · One of the ideas tossed around by a member of his staff is for him to go after a blue state, suggesting Hawaii. Although this idea was never acted upon, it was suggested in the comments that Governor Linda Lingle might be worthy of consideration.

44-D Blogger Bio’s | 44-D Barbara O'Brien is a journalist and student of Zen Buddhism currently living in the greater New York City area. Her blogging platform includes health reform, public health, safe workplaces, and asbestos contamination. As well as being a guest contributor at 44-D’s, her columns can also be found on the progressive political and health blogosphere…

culture | ScreamBucket, Obama to Meet at G20 Summit March 30, 2009 Posted by aetiusromulous in Economics, news, politics, Video, YouTube. Tags: America, culture, Economics, economy, EU, finance, g20, government, Medvedev, news, Obama, politics, Putin, Russia, society, Video 1 comment so far Medvedev and Obama will sit down together at the G20 meeting this week, at …

Buck Naked Politics: Another Climate Change Wake-Up Call ... by Cockney Robin | And the human race needs a wake-up call in the worst way. While you're fretting over your Christmas list, your credit card balance, your sex life, or your child's poor grades at school, the world you inhabit is going through its own sort of crisis. Sadly, once the self-absorbed children of the Turn of the...

PPT - Online Community PowerPoint Presentation, free ... Community Lee Brine Chris Ahl Tim Klimpl Daniel Tan. Blogs And Opinion A News-making and News-breaking online community What is Dailykos? • Dailykos is a web log, facilitated by Markos Moulitsas Zúniga in Berkeley, California • The Kos Blog features web posts that transmit and analyze news of the day, founded on promoting a progressive political agenda

The South Shall Lose Again: The SCV in Nevada | Desert Beacon 24, 2015 · This is especially true in the South. Here we are faced with the danger of being labeled as a society attempting to deny the franchise permanently on the basis of race. Where will anyone find a popular politician who is willing to confront charges of racism and bigotry just to promote an improvement of the quality of the electorate.”

January | 2008 | Melissafrei's Weblog Mine Field in the 2008 election. January 15, 2008 at 1:15 pm · Filed under Democracy, Politics, Responsibility and tagged: Democracy, media, Politics. Well, now it begins. It’s time for all thoughtful citizens to navigate the media mine fields for the 2008 election. I watch a lot of television and listen to a ton of radio during presidential elections and it always amazes me how the ...

Faith on the Hill | Holiness Movement | Protestantism on the Hill - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The religious composition of the 115th Congress

No denying Walker's costly, ideological & stubborn ignorance 11, 2018 · Warnings ignored. At great cost. * This 11/28/18 article leads with the summer's flooding in Cross Plains, WI, just outside of Madison, the Capital City. As rainfall intensifies, cities prepare for more stormwater Between the afternoon of August 20, 2018, and the next morning, 14.7 inches of rain fell on Cross Plains. Homes, businesses, bridges and parks were washed out along streets, rivers ...

WisDOT 'Big-Roads' Favoritism Sinks City Of Milwaukee ... 01, 2009 · I had earlier posted the news, based on Wisconsin Department of Transportation documents and web postings, that the agency was telling local governments that big roads were to get the first round of stimulus funding - - at the expense of city street grids and other urban needs. Late last week, Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett sent WisDOT secretary Frank Busalacchi a letter pointing out …

How to save Americans from poverty in retirement - Citizen ... American ideal of a happy, secure retirement is under threat as the economy changes and financial foundations that supported previous generations erode, says Politico. Millions of Americans face declining standards of living in the final stage of life, and projections suggest that even middle-class retirees could find themselves living in poverty, Politico says.

What it Takes | Geoausch 13, 2011 · When I sat down to construct my 2011 reading list, I made a point to visit a few older books that I have been meaning to read. In fact, the first five books on my list fall into that category, among them two political pieces–Richard Ben Cramer’s What It Takes and David Brooks’ Bobos* in Paradise–two music works–Jacob Slichter’s So You Wanna Be a Rock & Roll Star: How I Machine ...

2010 General Election - WordPress.com about 2010 General Election written by operationblackvote

Small Flashes: 06/27/2004 - 07/04/2004 07, 2004 · The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a …

KY-06: Garin-Hart-Yang (D) for Amy McGrath (Feb. 2018 ... Amy McGrath for Congress. FROM: Garin-Hart-Yang Research Group DATE: February 21, 2018 RE: Results from Recent KY 6th CD General Election Survey Garin-Hart-Yang conducted a survey among 401 likely GENERAL election voters from February 5 to 7, 2018. This survey, which is fully representative of the 6th CD’s geographic and demographic characteristics, was …

Transfer of Power | Geoausch 05, 2011 · Regardless of your political affiliation, the peaceful transfer of power we witnessed today, during the opening of the 112th session of Congress, should make us all proud to be Americans. Critics regularly criticize House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) for being too emotional, but I must admit, watching the pageantry associated with selecting him as Speaker,…

movies | Dystopian Blues: News Liberal Progressives Need 13, 2010 · Watch movies for free online or download for a fee. From the owner, via Boing Boing: We offer about 5,000 DRM-free feature films that we …

Occupay Oakland | elmsprogressivemedia 13, 2012 · Print; Email; Occupy Oakland has given rise to a party that, for a long time, seemed almost dead in Oakland: The Green Party. Oakland Politics – or to be clear, politics in Oakland, California – has always been marked by wild, turbulent events and eras that left the city vastly different than it was before. Arguably, this first started with the Civil Rights Movement …

Staph Meting | Dystopian Blues: News Liberal Progressives Need 15, 2011 · And 52% of those positive tests were for a strain of the bacteria that is resistant to at least three types of antibiotics. "For the first time, we know how much of our meat and poultry is contaminated with antibiotic-resistant Staph, and it is …

New Political Party-- WE THE PEOPLE - Blogger 11, 2010 · The weaker and darker sides of human nature are the weapons that go with these ammos. That's pretty the M.O. around here: talk, complain, and event "protest" (in in large groups or in organized and united fashion though b/c the the "Star/s" cannot shine as brightly) BUT ACTION/S...well, consider the evidence.

Why Do the Super-Rich Stick With Trumpism? - Progress Pond 19, 2019 · Ultimately corrupt government serves their interests, because obviously they are the ones with the money. It is almost always cheaper for them to buy off some politicians (or even an entire party…) than having to, say compete on the free market or sell a decent product for a fair price.

Party of Progress and Socialism | The Moorish Wanderer are so many things to look at, and so little time to do them all. The constitution embodies past (and present) historical balance of power; and, the way I see it, the 1996 Troïka (Ali Yata, Abderrahmane Youssoufi, M’hamed Boucetta) accepted the new constitution, and its ensuing political ‘Alternance‘ out of a sense of historical duty, that the text itself didn’t matter, and ...

Call Me Crazy… | Holy Hell! Feb. 20 report called "The Modern Militia Movement" mentions such red flags as political bumper stickers for third-party candidates, such as U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, who ran for president last year; talk of conspiracy theories, such as the plan for a superhighway linking Canada to Mexico; and possession of subversive literature.

State Of The Union 2011 Speech- FULL TEXT | Suzie-Que's ... 25, 2011 · The National Journal has posted the FULL TEXT of a draft of Obama’s speech.. Tonight I want to begin by congratulating the men and women of the 112th Congress, as well as your new Speaker, John Boehner. And as we mark this occasion, we are also mindful of the empty chair in this Chamber, and pray for the health of our colleague – and our friend – Gabby Giffords.It’s no secret that ...

Aunt Jemima – Skeptical Brotha over Aunt Jemima. There is a new corporate mammy in town. EMILY’s List, the “feminist” political action committee that uses the pretext of gender equality to support status quo females in their quest for power and prestige in the halls of congress, has endorsed Nikki Tinker, Harold Ford Jr’s malevolent protégé, against progressive Tennessee Congressman Steve Cohen.

Fighting Religious Tyranny | Fitness for the Occasion 10, 2009 · We need to step up our fight against religious tyranny, for there are surely those fighting as hard as they can on theocracy's behalf. The politically dominant expression (and face) of faith in this country is that of conservative Christianity. And conservative Christians are in battle mode over their perceived right to force their religion…

Balkinization: Does Public Financing Encourage Political ... group blog on constitutional law, theory, and politics. As if in some supreme court argument during which counsel is asked to reply to a hypothetical contrived carefully by one of the justices, I would suggest that if the AZ public finance measure clearly had supported the voter registration category called Independent, in an attempt to create a strong third party for Arizonans, rather than ...

Washington Post | Double Dip Politics should be little surprise that I don’t always agree with Conservative opinion writer and analyst George Will. True, there have been times when I have agreed with Will’s assessment of a situation.

Tribal Politics « The Futility Monster 09, 2010 · The tribal voters will often be voting on a somewhat sentimental “feel” for the way it was – the “feel” of the policies, ideologies and cultural drive of the party’s past glory. This “feel” is important. The gut instinct that identifies your own personal cultural preference with …

Denver Politics: Profile: Dennis Gallagher (Auditor) 09, 2007 · Dennis Gallagher successfully faced off against Bill Wells and others in 2003. Below is an excerpt from The Colorado Statesman written in March 2003 by Ken Freed. The full title is "Auditor Candidates Seeing Red at Neighborhood Forum."...Dennis J. Gallagher was the last candidate to speak.

Liberals + Therapists = Priests Buggering Children ... 30, 2010 · Sure, the Catholic church, and Pope Benedict XVI in particular, are facing some, um, problems related to the handling – if one can call it that – of pedophile priests, including by the Pope back when he was Cardinal Ratzinger. If you’re the New York Times’ Ross Douthat , you find a way to blame liberals and therapists for the church’s behavior:

marx | Always Eating Breakfast, he was more interested in the philosophical end of the thought, but it amazes me how many goofy liberal types think that Marx somehow still means something to mainstream economics. Don?t get me wrong, Marx was the biggest thing to happen in 19th century economics–but that just means that economics spent the next hundred years ...

Leonardo DiCaprio | The Liberal Doomsayer 29, 2008 · (At least, that’s what he claims, anyway – trying to improve my word power, as they say…). You really have to hand it to the Murdoch Street Journal; on what is, for the most part, a slow news period except for the Israeli/Hamas missile attacks (nice to see that those talks in Annapolis turned out to be so constructive) and the ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan …

Clarence Thomas | All Other Persons Palin pick is not like the choice of Dan Quayle. But it is exactly like the nomination of Clarence Thomas to the Supreme Court. That is, an unbelievably obvious but potentially effective attempt to jiu-jitsu the standard identity politics of the moment in …

Political Memes - Page 511 - BIMMERPOST 28, 2019 · So far the truth and the law have a lot of colouring outside the lines, but the people elected Trump and there are lots of reasons why and many don't like it but it has nothing to do with Putin, the Russians or anything other than folks going into a booth and casting a ballot.

In My Right Mind - Patriotic Observations & Discourse 17, 2009 · This is, after all, the group of "enlightned intellectuals" who embrace sexual freedom, homo-sexual validity and any number of immoral lifestyles as a sacred right of all Americans' "pusuit of happiness". Yet, here they are pontificating on the moral ramifications of one of Sarah Palin's daughters predicament. Liberals can't have it both ways.

Linda McMahon is trying to buy her way into the Senate ... 31, 2009 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Ken Aden for Congress | The Julianna Michigan Show 18, 2011 · Bob did a DKos Post on Ken Aden and I wanted to share with you, as Ken sounds like one of us. Just a snip of the post below: Sergeant Ken Aden, recently of the United States Army, a paratrooper with the 82nd Airborne, a Combat Infantryman who was walking the streets of Baghdad as recently as 2009.

Politics | Nolan Dalla by Nolan Dalla on Nov 4, 2014 in Blog, Politics | 3 comments. Election Night Whine . My election companion bottle of 337 Cabernet, one of the most underrated wines on the market. It’s 6 pm here in Las Vegas and I’m presently doing what I do every two years — watching election results.

Oh Well: A Commentary: Monday Schoolhouse Rock--Interjections 11, 2007 · I thought I would try a new posting category here called Monday Schoolhouse Rock! Schoolhouse Rock was a series of short educational films highlighting such topics as grammer, mathematics, history, economics, science, and politics. They were shown on ABC in between the commercials on the Saturday morning cartoons between 1973 and 1986.

Marc Valdez Weblog: 06/22/2003 - 06/29/2003 area community musical theater (esp. DMTC in Davis), Liberal politics, Meteorology, "Breaking Bad" and "Better Call Saul" filming locations reference site, New Mexico and California arcana, and general weirdness.

Now You See Me, Now You Don't - Blogger 27, 2018 · Now You See Me, Now You Don't Recently, the three-judge panel of the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals voted to uphold the infamous Texas voter ID law on Friday in a 2-1 ruling. Introduced in 2011, Senate Bill 14 was created with the purpose of requiring a photo ID for those who wished to vote in Texas.

BRASSERIE BRESCHARD: 2012 YORK, N.Y. – Today, in response to President Bush’s admission in his memoir that he had personally authorized the use of torture while in office, Congressman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) blasted the Bush Administration’s illegal policy and renewed his longstanding call for full accountability for the criminal use of torture.

TigerHawk - Blogger TigerHawk (ti*ger*hawk): n. 1. The title of this blog and the nom de plume of its founding blogger; 2. A deep bow to the Princeton Tigers and the Iowa Hawkeyes; 3. The nickname for Iowa's Hawkeye logo. Posts include thoughts of the day on international affairs, politics, things that strike us as hilarious and personal observations.

StrictlyVA: McDonnell's Campaign Chairman responds to Creigh 10, 2009 · This lack of energy in his political base is a real problem for Deeds, and not surprisingly he’s begun taking steps to try to engender enthusiasm where lethargy now exists. So last week the Teamsters Union pledged their “full support” of Deeds’ candidacy, and the Commonwealth welcomed President Obama for a political rally.

McCain’s Honorable Service To America: The Appointment of ... 30, 2008 · John McCain’s courageous choice as Sarah Palin as his Vice Presidential candidate, creates one of those rare moments when such an opportunity can occur. His choice is courageous. Over at Delaware Liberal they have attacked the credibility of …

ABC News and the incomprehensible Christiane Amanpour ... 25, 2011 · I believe it most people who embrace progressive or liberals socio/political views are not surprised by the political entertainment and propaganda from FOX News, it is completely incomprehensible that ABC NEWS producers and managers would join the birther fallacies. (video posted below)An initial thought about the matter is the very fact that media has to generate…

“But Look How Much Oil We’re Losing” | Beach Peanuts 11, 2010 · As Gov. Charlie Crist called today for a special session of the Florida Legislature to permanently ban oil drilling off Florida waters and members of the GOP claimed it was little more than political pandering, I watched as the Senate Environment Committee hearings on the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill got underway in Washington. Officials…

Latest News from Italy- The Telegraph 26, 2014 · Latest News from Italy- The Telegraph latest Italy news. ... but that didn't stop him from presenting one of his most compelling shows in recent seasons 24 Feb 2014. ... with politicians calling for a name change 19 Feb 2014 | 7 Comments. Berlusconi free to marry 28-year-old.

29 | November | 2015 | The Liberal Doomsayer 29, 2015 · 1 post published by doomsy on November 29, 2015. Dregs of the Year Nominee. Katy Perry for this (I’m sorry, but what a no-talent ass…wonder if “left shark” will get a reality TV show out of this?). Do-Gooder of the Year Nominee. Former Repug State Senator Tim Johnson of Mississippi for this; maybe a bit of political opportunism, but kudos for doing the right thing

The Notaworry Blog: Deficit 01, 2011 · Many years ago, I published a weekly 2-page newsletter on current political and world events. Produced on the original IBM PC in the early 1980s, printed on a dot matrix printer, copied at a local shop, and mailed to a small list of subscribers (some who even paid!). It was, in most respects, a proto-blog.

Pop Life | Electricity & 03, 2008 · We're going back to all-encompassing pop culture and politics links posts now. The pop culture ones will be every day and the politics ones on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. As I've got a new gig writing film reviews for Screenjabber, I don't need to devote the blog to film. Enjoy the change back, folks.…

It is on… apparently | 26, 2015 · With the new round of polls in the hopper and the NDP surge from their surprising provincial victory in Alberta quantified, if it didn't before, it looks like the national election campaigns are firmly up and running for the three major political parties. The campaign ads are beginning to appear and the editorials are getting…

Blog 9: Are You Involved? | Missouri 06, 2011 · What are the implications? The implications of being involved online for politics in regards to democracy are many. For example, I think from here on out, the internet is going to change what democracy means for our world. I believe that being able to get messages out to a massive amount of people is a way of changing democracy.

illusory tenant: Wow, Christian Schneider actually has a point 08, 2010 · For once:[Mike McCabe's] views on this subject, on which he is constantly being cited by [Wisconsin] media,* appear driven by politics, despite the fact that the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign is a supposedly nonpartisan operation.Mr. Schneider's suggestion is well taken. The WDC is about as nonpartisan as Schneider's Wisconsin Policy Research Institute.

Opinion Forum » 20, 2013 · By Dan Miller There is far too much subversion for a small Government to handle. The Administration needs to be protected no matter how high the cost. Considering all the matters with which our grand and glorious Federal Government is forced to deal on a daily basis we need more, not less, of it. It […] Articles written by Dan Miller

Cash for Honours | House of Cards 21, 2007 · The expanding police investigation alarmed politicians in Labour and risks further tainting the legacy of the party’s most successful leader who is due to step down later this year after a decade in office. In December, he became the first serving prime minister to be questioned by police in a criminal investigation.

19 | August | 2010 | Smart and silly 19, 2010 · At the same time, we should also ask who is funding the attacks against the construction of the center.’ “For all of those expressing concern about the 9/11 families, we call upon them to join us in support of the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act when Congress returns in September.”

January | 2010 | Kitty Reporter's Blog: Hot Cat's Meaow Topics Reporter’s Blog. If GOP Shuts Down the Government will they Lose Congress in 2014? September 19, 2013 kittyreporter; North Carolina GOP-Led Election Boards Take Voter Suppression Tactics on Student Voting to New Heights August 22, 2013 kittyreporter; 92 Year Old Rosa Nell Eaton Fired Up and Fed Up with NC Voter ID Law August 18, 2013 kittyreporter; …

Stubborn Liberal: Obama at Buchenwald morning President Obama, Elie Wiesel, Angela Merkel, and others are touring Buchenwald, a Nazi concentration camp outside of Weimar, Germany. Elie Wiesel was a teenager when he was captured by the Nazis and put into a concentration camp. His story and experiences were told in his book, Night.

Stubborn Liberal: 'Tax-Shifter' 19, 2014 · Crain's has an editorial in which Gov. Kasich is called a "tax shifter"---Gov. John Kasich likes to portray himself as a tax-cutting crusader. It is a misleading representation. He is more an illusionist, a master of taxation sleight of hand. The reality is, the governor is a tax shifter.

Visual Politics FYS: Rod Roberts last point Rod Roberts made may be his most controversial point. He said he is pro-life and would like to defend traditional marriage. This is what our country was founded on. He is basically saying being a good citizen means following religion and not wanting abortion or gay marriage.

Motor City Liberal: 6 Conservatives Who Think The Media Is ... 06, 2012 · 6 Conservatives Who Think The Media Is Fixing The Polls For Obama. By Aviva Shen /Think Progress. With six weeks until Election Day, newpolling from Quinnipiac, the New York Times and CBS News shows President Obama leading in crucial swing states including Ohio, Florida and Iowa. As Obama’s lead grows, so does the number of conservatives who ...

Daily News Bin: FBI Director James Comey Caught Admitting ... 02, 2016 · The following excellent article is a perfect example of being two-faced when FBI Director sent out two letters--one for Congress and one to his staff. The article is on the Daily News Bin of October 28, 2016 titled "FBI Director James Comey Caught Admitting He Knew His Letter Would Create a 'Misleading Impression'" and I…

Barack Obama is not "Legacy Building" - One Political Plaza 06, 2015 · When "The Father of Spin," [Edward Bernays] gained control of our "drive-by, state-run" media near the turn of the 19th century, and "The Father of Deception," Satan, started the liberal progressive movement, conservatives needed to be slandered non-stop, history had to be changed, and left became right, good became bad, up was now down, and "right" was ALWAYS completely wrong.

The Daily Ripple-News Music Ideas - The Daily Ripple-News ... Daily Ripple: US & World News - Progressive News focus. Fact-based information and scientifically researched analysis on politics, environment, and human rights. Socially conscious music to …

FAKE NEWS: mainstream post-election propaganda-- ---part 2 ... 30, 2017 · FAKE NEWS: mainstream post-election propaganda--Ruskie Fever----part 2 of 2 • “I freely admit that my own list of those who deserve to be held accountable [for Trump’s win] is long. It includes Russian President Vladimir Putin, who intervened shamelessly in our internal affairs…” — E.J. Dionne, Washington Post, 11/9/16

Accidental Deliberations: 2013-05-26 11, 2013 · Assorted content to end your week. - A new Ipsos-Reid poll shows that nearly 90% of Canadians support higher taxes on the rich generally, and million-dollar incomes in particular. And there's an obvious need for change based on how distorted tax systems already are - as Reuters reports on a Congressional Budget Office study showing that U.S. tax deductions, credits and exclusions primarily ...

On the Immediate Need for a Congressional Impeachment ... the Immediate Need for a Congressional Impeachment Inquiry

crimes against humanity | Out Foxing Karl Rove organized a local Arab militia, known as the Janjaweed, to wage a scorched-earth campaign against the three ethnic groups — mostly farmers and traders — thought to be the rebels’ political base. Some analysts estimate that as many as 450,000 people have died from disease and violence in …

Tea Party Fades..What About the Cancer Left in Congress ... 29, 2013 · The only thing missing at the event attended by three senators? A big audience. | Jay Westcott/POLITICOThe Tea Party is fading like an Alka Seltzer in four ounces of tap water! However, the cancer has taken a toll on American society. There are few in the United States who are unaware of the Koch brothers (Charles and David). Well, I…

liberal catnip: Who's Really Supplying Weapons to Iraq's ... Pentagon has lost track of about 190,000 AK-47 assault rifles and pistols given to Iraqi security forces in 2004 and 2005, according to a new government report, raising fears that some of those weapons have fallen into the hands of insurgents fighting U.S. forces in Iraq.

The Better Rhetor - Blogger Best Democracy Money Can Buy: Liberal Oasis Interviews Greg Palast Investigative reporter Greg Palast sits down with Liberal Oasis to discuss the new edition of Palast’s New York Times bestseller, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy. LiberalOasis: In your view, what is the real motivation for the Bush Administration to start a war with Iraq?

Mr. Smith Goes to Washington: February 2011 08, 2011 · Mr. Smith Goes to Washington Commentary and analysis of politics in South Carolina and across the United States. Sunday, February 27, 2011 ... according to a financial commentator who claims to have inside knowledge of the situation. ... The Tea Party came to Columbia on April 15 for a tax day rally outside the State House. There are a couple ...

June « 2017 « Green Response Earth Action Team 26, 2017 · The Fourth Estate, alt-facts and Russian hacks. Posted on June 11, 2017. By Keith Simmons, USA TODAY. Also tying into the upcoming event and pertinent to the recently released information about Russian hacking of our election system, is a link to a piece in the CFL Grassroots Progressives website.. There’s a letter from the Supervisor of Elections in …

There be nothin' brewin' in the tropics - Brendan'm Brendan Loy, a 26-year-old graduate of USC and Notre Dame now living and working in Knoxville, Tennessee. My wife Becky and I are brand-new parents of a beautiful baby girl, born on New Year's Eve. I'm a big-time sports fan, a politics, media & law junkie, an astronomy buff, a weather nerd, an Apple aficionado, a Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter fanatic, and an all …

Drinking Liberally | DelawareLiberal.Net 26, 2007 · Oh and a word to the wise when you show up at these things. The governor sends spies. Aka constituent relation people or some bogus tax dollar wasting title they come up with for a family friend. You know who you are and I have your number. (wink) Delaware’s hottest blogger was in full effect.

consumers – Everblog the U.S. banking industry, making it safe for the future, and protecting consumers isn’t difficult or complicated, and it needn’t cost us a lot in terms of efficiency. It just requires some common-sense regulation, and a modicum of political backbone. Here’s how: 1. Re-instate Glass-Steagall in all its force and glory. We don’t ...

22 | July | 2010 | Smart and silly 22, 2010 · This compares to a 48 – 43 percent approval for Obama in a May 26 national poll by the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University and a 57 – 33 percent approval last July, just before the political firestorm created by opposition to his health care plan galvanized political opponents and turned independent voters against him.

Balkinization: Newtonian and Anti-Newtonian Political and ... the symposium on Neal Devins and Lawrence Baum's new book, The Company They Keep: How Partisan Divisions Came to the Supreme Court (Oxford University Press, 2019). The PEW Research Group’s surveys of public opinion in the United States document the fundamental regime change that has taken place over the last half century.

Mo Rage: Dumbest Political quotes of 2009 01, 2010 · So, the other day she came here with her underwear, Thursday. And so, we had made love Wednesday--a lot! And so she'll, she's all, 'I am going up and down the stairs, and you're dripping out of me!' So messy!" —State Rep. Mike Duvall (R-Calif.), caught on a live mic boasting to a colleague about an affair with a lobbyist, Sept. 9, 2009.

conservatives | House of the Dread judging from the comments on this rather mainstream conservative website, the author isn’t alone is believing that trying to govern the country is the one thing a Senator should not do, because liberals are not fellow Americans who love this great country and want to see it thrive but simply have a different idea as to how that can be ...

Boots comes out swinging | Sohum Parlance II 25, 2007 · “This would lead to a swift end to this war, saving countless lives, both U.S. and Iraqi. Congress hasn’t done more than give lip service to wanting the war to end. The people that are directly affected by this war are going to have to act.” “Captain Sterling’s Little Problem” was originally recorded as the theme for “Sir!

Congressman Darrell Issa Calls It Quits! (Another One ... 10, 2018 · The Hill’s senior staff writer Scott Wong was first on Twitter with the news this morning, linking to a story posted by the liberal news site saying Congressman Darrell Issa was ...

madness of king george | Dystopian Blues: News Liberal ... by Stephen Walt of the Foreign Policy blog, today’s must-read is an epic evisceration of Dubya’s tome. Entitled “Delusion Points”, Walt’s post begins thusly … Two years into Barack Obama’s presidency, it has become a cliché to observe that the newish president, who spent his 2008 campaign promising a U-turn from his deeply unpopular predecessor’s activities abroad, has ...

Austerity Measures Ahead… But No One Cares | The Moorish ... 07, 2011 · I might have been saying some mean things about his politics, either as a minister or as a coalition leader, but to be actually invited to an interview with one of the biggest financial data providers and answer questions in French, s’il-vous-plaît, has been the killer: the next Head Of Government-to-be proves to be a shallow person.He was presented as a new kind of technocrat-politician, a ...

February | 2016 | The Liberal Doomsayer his budget address to a joint session of the General Assembly was lacking specifics of his 2016-2017 budget proposal, the reality is that Gov. Wolf is continuing the tax and spend theme presented last year. ... It’s probably trite and deflating to automatically go on a rant like this and use it as a commercial of sorts for a ... - Tumbex is your access to all the tumblog, with a streamlined design and optimized navigation. View any Photo / Video / Audio / Quote / Link / Chat / Text of Tumblr

Congressman Donald M. Payne 1934-2012 – Skeptical Brotha 06, 2012 · HAT TIP: By David Giambusso/The Star-Ledger U.S. Rep. Donald Payne, the elder statesman of New Jersey's congressional delegation, died after a months-long battle with colon cancer today, according to three sources close to the Payne family. The longtime politician was 77. Payne announced last month he was under treatment for colon cancer but said that …

Judge tosses Rauner-backed Illinois redistricting ... 20, 2016 · A Cook County judge on Wednesday tossed from the ballot a proposed state constitutional amendment aimed at removing much of the politics from legislative redistricting. Judge Diane Larsen found that the referendum question put forth by the Independent Maps group was written in a way that violates the Illinois Constitution. The ruling means that, as…

Motor City Liberal: This Bizarre Racial Profiling Lawsuit ... Supreme Court has made these kinds of lawsuits very difficult to win. Among other things, the Court held in Whren v.United States that police who witness a driver committing a minor traffic offense can use that offense as a pretext to stop the vehicle and potentially escalate the stop into a search for evidence of a much more serious crime.. Nevertheless, there are factors in Stout …

2 Political Junkies: The Company Metcalfe Keeps (Updated 1x) 06, 2010 · UPDATE: Capitol Ideas has more on Daryl's buddies: Dan Stein, the president of a group called the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), whose legal wing, the Immigration Law Reform Institute, played a significant role in crafting the original Arizona "Papers, Please," bill before it was amended to include the "primary offense" language offered by …

politicaluminumhttps://politicaluminum.blogspot.comfrom America for Sale THE UNEXPLAINED EXIT POLL DISCREPANCY [DR. STEVEN FREEMAN, UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA] - 11/11/04 "As much as we can say in social science that something is impossible, it is impossible that the discrepancies between predicted and actual vote counts in the three critical battleground states [Ohio, Florida, and …

Visual Politics FYS: Anne Frank August 7, 1944 after two years of hiding Anne Frank and her family was captured by the SS police. A couple of weeks before the British liberated the camp on April 15, 1945 Typhus swept through the camp with Anne Frank one of the victims. Anne Frank is buried in a mass grave somewhere in Europe.

Sweet Nothings: September 2012 16, 2012 · I immediately thought of a scene from one of my favorite movies The American President. Briefly, the 1995 comedy-drama is about a widowed US president (Michael Douglas) and a lobbyist (Annette Bening as Sydney Ellen Wade) who fall in love. Don't worry. It's all aboveboard, but "politics is perception" and sparks fly anyway, stirred by the ...

An Ocean of Oil, A Toxic Brew | Bob Higgins 23, 2011 · An Ocean of Oil, A Toxic Brew Posted in Bob Higgins at Clean Technica, Environment, Politics, Wind Power by Bob Higgins on August 23, 2011 An older oil rig in the North Sea. Another oil spill, the worst in the North Sea in a decade according to several media sources. I didn’t bother to call Donald Trump when news of Shell’s North Sea oil ...

Buckdog: Jack Layton's Letter - August 20, 2011 20, 2012 · And finally, to all Canadians: Canada is a great country, one of the hopes of the world. We can be a better one – a country of greater equality, justice, and opportunity. We can build a prosperous economy and a society that shares its benefits more fairly. We can look after our seniors. We can offer better futures for our children.

Oh Well: A Commentary: Olbermann Special Comment--Chertoff ... 03, 2007 · The Chertoff's "gut feeling" became breaking news on MSNBC, a political analysis on CNN, and a top story on ABC News. It was even reported on Countdown with Keith Olbermann. That is some pretty impressive news reporting and political punditry on …

Blog 7: News Gathering | Missouri Communication 16, 2011 · Blog 7: News Gathering March 16, 2011 John Pullega Leave a comment Go to comments With the fragmentation of news gathering, it’s apparent that people who strongly identify with a political party tend to gather their news from specialized sources that cater to their political philosophies.

moral sense | Sheila Kennedy friend of mine–ironically, one of the most civil and courteous people I know–responded on Facebook. Those who share the politics of this flack, her father, and her boss refuse service to gays, harass women seeking to exercise their lawful right to abortion, and open carry weapons at rallies to intimidate their political opponents.

The 2010 Battleground: New Hampshire’s 1st District by ... 18, 2009 · One of the major battlegrounds in the 2010 campaign will be New Hampshire's first congressional district where Manchester Mayor Frank Guinta is the GOP challenger against Rep. Carol Shea-Porter (D-NH). Despite numerous public demands the incumbent has refused to hold town hall meetings during the August recess. She was a vocal anti-war activist before …

Depressingly predictable | Polymath's Blog 10, 2011 · I have not written about the Arizona shooting because it has been so depressingly predictable; I knew immediately that the shooter was a crazy person and that there would be a large number of liberal pundits and news organizations jumping to blame conservatives and Tea Partiers with no basis in fact for doing so, followed by a counterattack from the conservatives …

Marc Valdez Weblog: Manny Aragon's House In The South Valley area community musical theater (esp. DMTC in Davis), Liberal politics, Meteorology, "Breaking Bad" and "Better Call Saul" filming locations reference site, New Mexico and California arcana, and general weirdness.

ILLINOIZE: Business Roundtable puts out excellent ... 26, 2008 · Give me a break people. The 1970 Const. is one of the worst drafted documents one can imagine. Every aspect of it extracts power from the citizens and turn it over to the political class, which, contrary to the IBRT's nonsensical ramblings, is immune from citizen control. A con con might not work. The status quo does not work.

NonParty Politics: North Koreans Kicking and Screaming 06, 2007 · The North Koreans have seen the events in Kouvola in a markedly different light. On Friday of last week, the North Korean Embassy in Stockholm passed a diplomatic note to the Finnish Embassy in the Swedish capital, complaining at the actions of the Finnish police, immigration officials, and Customs officers in Kouvola.

16 | August | 2016 | This Is 16, 2016 · This is a sentence that ought to thrill hearts: “America may be closer to a post-gay state of politics than most realize”. Alex Roarty’s report for Roll Call either begs certain questions or else desecrates them; matters of perspective abide.. The St. Jerome Fancy Farm Picnic is an annual showcase for Kentucky’s top politicians to give (they hope) a funny, sharp-elbowed speech at the ...

The Jawa Report Uncovers the People Behind the Palin ... 21, 2008 · "The Jawa Report" which normally hunts down Cyber-terrorist who upload Islamic propaganda, has turned their sights on the political arena and have done an excellent job in tracking down the perpetrators of a supposed "grassroots" smear campaign against Gov. Sarah Palin. Here's their lead-in to whet your appetite: Hope, Change, & Lies: Orchestrated "Grassroots" Smear…

Media and Parties | Elections | Politics | Free 30-day ... first post Revolution law was the Newspaper Act which in 1988 which introduced issues of sedition and criminal defamation. The government had an excuse to introduce desacato laws and insult laws. But also promoting diversification of print media, the law tended to dwarf it.

TigerHawk - TigerHawk (ti*ger*hawk): n. 1. The title of this blog and the nom de plume of its founding blogger; 2. A deep bow to the Princeton Tigers and the Iowa Hawkeyes; 3. The nickname for Iowa's Hawkeye logo. Posts include thoughts of the day on international affairs, politics, things that strike us as hilarious and personal observations.

Marvin's Word: Thompson's offical site is up. I’m one of tens of thousands of Americans encouraging former Sen. Fred Thompson to run for President. I’d like you to join with me and Fred and all our friends in changing the political landscape in 2008.

Mo Rage: The Kauffman Center: I can hardly get enough of blog about American society: its politics, current events, history, entertainment, music, comedy, movies and society overall and where we're headed.

Maryland Politics Watch: Ike Leggett 08, 2008 · Eric Luedtke and I disagree over County Executive Ike Leggett's re-election prospects. So let the readers settle this! Below are two Internet polls: one on your approval of Mr. Leggett's performance and one on the likelihood of his return.

Trump's health secretary hits the road, not to virus hot whole goddamned lot of Donald Trump's crew needs to be impeached, including Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) Alex Azar. He's been traveling around the country since April, but not to respond to the raging pandemic. He's been going, Politico reports, "to key battlegrounds in the 2020 campaign: Florida, Georgia, Michigan, Maine and North Carolina, as well as two …

A Real American President: Donald Trump | Political just for kicks right now I looked up "The Daily KOS". Wiki says it's a "center left blog" Okay, I picked myself off the floor after reading that and decided to look at one of their articles. Happened to be about Mr. Biden. (Twilight Zone) follows:

August 2013 – of the most liberal media sites, The Huffington Post, ... they seem to have the sense of entitlement that they are the only race that deserves to be proud of their heritage. ... Daily KOS: Proof that the left is a bunch of whining hate-filled lunatics; Calendar.

Covering a political campaign - you are a rookie news journalist, and you just completed your first major assignment covering a political campaign, including extensive research of

Boo Liberal Scientific Research! Hooray Neo-Conservatard 31, 2006 · I caught a little bit of 60 minutes last night, which I know was a rerun, but one article caught my attention. In a segment called “Rewriting the Science” Scott Pelley interviewed a scientist from NASA named James Hansen. Hansen is considered one of the premier researchers of global warming. Mr Hansen basically states that…

March | 2010 | Meng posts published by Meng Bomin during March 2010. Will Wilkinson points to one of Jonathan Haidt’s recent papers, looking particularly at the findings with regard to self-described libertarians’ views on morality, describing them as supporting one of his propositions that “libertarians are liberals who like markets”.

New Poster: Scalia makes public and official the ugly 28, 2013 · If right wingers are saying this in public, what are they saying in private? To get a hi-res version of this for printing out, just click the image above. To see more posters on current politics and culture, please visit our Facebook page.

Horizons: A Carrot and Stick Approach to Climate Carrot and Stick Approach to Climate Change By now we all know that this Congress will do nothing to combat global climate change. And so, what we see happening is that President Obama will use his "pen and phone" strategy to institute both a carrot and stick approach to begin the process of addressing this issue.

Motor City Liberal: Breitbart leaks photo of Weiner’s ... was the image-sharing service to which Weiner sent the "joke" photo of him in his boxers that started the entire scandal. The show Tweeted the photo to its official account and brought it to the attention of the gossip sites Gawker and WWTDD.

The Rude Pundit 03, 2007 · It was the virtually the same speech he gave at CPAC a couple of weeks ago, which was when Dick Cheney was gratifyingly surrounded by midgets he could fuck. And here's the President in his weekly radio address (which, truly, does anyone but shut-ins with broken radios listen to?), with Bush talking about members of Congress wanting to ...

Jean-Jacques Rousseau – Introverted Controversial ... 27, 2012 · Rousseau’s ideal was the independent farmer, free of superiors and self-governing. His critics/peers found this distasteful. They preferred the luxuries of a civilized existence. To make matters worse for them, every new work of Rousseau’s was a tremendous success, whether on politics, theater, education, religion, or love.

Karen Paz Dominguez v. Michael Lorig | Sohum Parlance II 05, 2018 · Karen Paz Dominguez v. Michael Lorig. ... Such was the case for Humboldt County Auditor-Controller Joe Mellett, ... to stave off the stories circulating about Congressman Fatfolds jerking his gerkin under the table during meetings in his House office. Leave a …

Nullifying The Newark Election | kavips 03, 2013 · I worked with D’Anna polls in 2008. He just bragged on Delaware Liberal that he recently incorporated his political consulting and polling company plus this summer, Karen Hartley Nagle told me that she and Carl Colantuano had joined D’Anna in his new company.

terrorism | The Road 05, 2017 · Why Chapo Guzman was the biggest winner in the DEA’s longest running drug cartel case Source: Devils, Deals and the DEA – ProPublica Posted in fascism , foreign policy , human rights , marijuana legalization , police state , politics , terrorism | Leave a Comment »

What’s a REAL Conservative? | Veritas Nihilum Vincet 13, 2012 · From HuffPo, Sarah Palin on Mitt Romney: "I trust that his idea of conservatism is evolving and I base this on a pretty moderate past he has had, even in some cases a liberal past," Palin told Fox News Sunday. "He agreed with mandating on a state level what his constituents needed to be provided,…

Untitled | American Politicians | United States Government ... - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Search Search

Denver Politics: Profile: Doug Linkhart (At Large District) 26, 2007 · Several candidates for a City Council At Large seat were profiled in the March 2007 edition of Life On Capitol Hill. Doug Linkhart's candidacy was described as follows: Incumbent At-Large Councilman Doug Linkhart launched his campaign by saying, "I am choosing to run for re-election because, although our city has made great improvements, our ...

Crafting the Obama ' Brand' | Mirror On America 12, 2007 · The Chicago Tribune has an interesting article out today. Entitled, Carefully Crafting the Obama 'Brand', it goes into detail about the foundation for his future political ambitions were being sown even 'way back when'. The charismatic celebrity-politician had rocketed from the Illinois state legislature to the U.S. Senate, stirring national interest.

liberal catnip: Dobbs on the Catholic Church's Supposed ... 28, 2006 · CNN's "Live From" was the scene of a heated debate today about illegal immigration between CNN reporter Lou Dobbs and Univision's Maria Elena Salinas. What stood out amongst all of the bluster was Dobbs asserting that the Catholic church's "agenda" regarding illegal immigrants was simply to bring more converts into the United States, completely …

The Rude Pundit 02, 2006 · The only thing significant in the entire evening was the treatment of two mothers who lost children in the Iraq War. Bush recognized the parents and widow of Sergeant Dan Clay, killed in Fallujah last month (didn't we secure Fallujah by leveling it?), who stood to applause and cheers from the slavering politicians.

bolo boffin: 10/17/2004 - 10/24/2004 10, 2004 · The Declaration of IndependenceWhen in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind …

Rebecca Brooking | Exceptional Delaware 10, 2016 · At Grotto’s Pizza in Dover, DE, the State Board of Education held a workshop on the Every Student Succeeds Act. The Capitol Room at Grotto’s was jam-packed with administrators, teachers, advocates, Delaware DOE employees, State Board members, a Congressman, education company employees, and even a blogger or two.

Cluster | Left is Right place to discuss politics and current events. Stay updated via RSS. Recent Posts. From Grand Wizard to “racial realist”

Big Red Egg: Those Clowns in Congress Did It Again...What ... 19, 2009 · Is there anything more excruciatingly unfunny (with the exception of Howard Stern) than a morning radio show. Now that I commute and have an ancient car that only gets AM/FM radio I am forced to listen to the blathering stupidity that is the “wacky” morning shows like the banal Eric and Kathy (number 1 in Chicago!

Why New Hampshire Reporters LOVE Billy Shaheen 03, 2007 · The guy is just an absolute machine when it comes to giving a reporter good (aka paper selling) quotes. "Did Obama sell drugs?" Incredible. Noted: Here is a picture we took of Mr. Shaheen at the Merrimack Diner last spring.

Political Notes from the Lefthttps://notesfromtheleft.blogspot.comThe researchers say especially true for students from low-income homes." posted by Unknown at 9:15 AM 0 comments. Small Elementary Class Size Boosts High School Grad Rates - Yahoo! ... but it would still raise the tax burden on all but the wealthiest households, according to a …

A DEMOCRACY TOWN HALL: People from all over the United ... 17, 2007 · This is just a bunch of Politics but it's going to backfire eventually on the city. Sooner or later the Devil will come from here from Hell to collect the guilty and he's going to need a big transoport rig to get them all back where they belong. You listening Finney? 4:15 AM . Post a Comment << Home

FBI Monitored Protest Web Sites - Progress Pond 17, 2005 · BooTribbers: Is this a breach of civil liberties or a federal agency taking precautionary measures to safeguard national political conventions? The Washington Post reports tomorrow that “FBI agents monitored Web sites calling for protests against the 2004 political conventions in New York and Boston on behalf of the bureau’s counterterrorism unit.” The ACLU says the […]

sisterhood is powerful – Everblog night, PBS aired a mostly wonderful show entitled MAKERS: Women Who Make America.. The description from the PBS site of the show: MAKERS: Women Who Make America tells the remarkable story of the most sweeping social revolution in American history, as women have asserted their rights to a full and fair share of political power, economic opportunity, and personal autonomy.

Trump – BLOGGYWOCKY CaptHowdy Posted on January 30, 2017 January 30, 2017 Categories Election, Entertainment, The Queen, Trump, Uncategorized Tags Clowns, Election, Entertainment, politics, TV, USA 7 Comments on This is really happening chapter 2,546 The Consolation Prize

equality – Everblog night, PBS aired a mostly wonderful show entitled MAKERS: Women Who Make America.. The description from the PBS site of the show: MAKERS: Women Who Make America tells the remarkable story of the most sweeping social revolution in American history, as women have asserted their rights to a full and fair share of political power, economic opportunity, and personal autonomy.

Mo Rage: For once and for all, shouldn't we have a minimum ... blog about American society: its politics, current events, history, entertainment, music, comedy, movies and society overall and where we're headed.

Science and Politics and politics. Welcome to the 40th edition of the Carnival of the Godless!It's been a while since I last hosted this carnival (the 3rd edition back in February 2005) so it is nice to see that CotG is going strong and getting stronger.

emaycee Presents: A Liberal in the Motor City: Reasons to ... wage increases were passed from Los Angeles to Rhode Island to New York--with wages as high as $15.00. There's still work to do, but it's a solid start. A treaty was passed with Iran that in the long run will make the Middle East--and America--safer.

Frank Balsinger – Caustic Balsinger. Lifelong student with interests a mile wide and an inch deep. Autodidact. Pedant, hopefully of the slightly more pleasant sort. Sharer of things learned along the way. Lately of a creative bent. Trump’s supporters can be a real laugh riot. Just read something absolutely hilarious. In the realm of politics, especially this ...

Visual Politics FYS: My Home Town 22, 2010 · I could go on for a very long time about my opinions and how the town feels about this group but unfortunately growing up on the other side of town has left me very biased. (You should hear some of the stories I have though..they’re pretty entertaining..) You see, Fairfield is an extremely segregated town.

Do we want to offer police protection only to candidates ... 29, 2008 · I've been neglecting my duties. Anyone who reads this blog can quickly figure out which politicians I prefer over others. But I'd like to ...

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: Family Values ... 12, 2005 · It's one thing to have strong political convictions and an emotional attachment to George Bush. But it's quite another when those convictions and attachments cause you to publicly attack your own 87 year-old father and ridicule him in front of the world as being a senile lunatic: "Fox News Sunday" anchorman Chris Wallace says father Mike Wallace has "lost it" - after the legendary CBS newsman ...

Was "Mexican Time" An Intentional Statement? 17, 2005 · Colorado Luis has an interesting take on Congressman Bob Beauprez's "Mexican time" comment that has gotten him into so much trouble this week. Could this be an echo of former California Governor Pete Wilson's 1994 strategy to make a run for a higher percentage of the "white" voters by going hard right on this issue?. I think we need to consider the possibility that this so-called "gaffe" …

Doing What I Likehttps://prayingsamantis.tumblr.comdon’t miss the fact that coinciding exactly with the push to increase mail-in voting, which would seriously jeopardize Trump’s reelection. you can’t have mail-in ballots if there’s no postal service, right?. Americans, please text USPS to 50409 and ResistBot will send a message to your senators and congressperson telling them to save the Post Office.

label | The Liberal Doomsayer begin, let’s take on the “crazy” right away with Joseph Curl of the formerly Moonie Times (here – a little behind on some of this stuff, I’ll admit)…Sure, the president got his minions to drop the unemployment rate to 7.8 percent a couple months before the election (“See?

Oxymoronic Philosopher: December 2007 17, 2007 · The Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action’s universality clause, as the result of much negotiation reads: While the significance of national and regional peculiarities and various historical, cultural, and religious backgrounds must be borne in mind, it is the duty of states, regardless of their political, economic, and cultural systems ...

Resisting the Iraq War: A Short History of Anti-War ... 21, 2009 · With a piece last week that looked at the history of organizing against the Afghanistan War in Grand Rapids, it seemed appropriate to look back on the organizing that has been done against the Iraq War.Especially with the change in the political climate, now seems to be a good time to look back on what has been done to oppose the Iraq War over the last six years (2002-2008).

Sunday Open Thread | 3CHICSPOLITICO 27, 2018 · Today the University community gathered to dedicate a statue and scholarship in honor of our amazing alum Katherine Johnson. The statue is located on WVSU’s quad, where it will serve as a source of inspiration to current and future students of all that is possible through dedication, hard work and perseverance.

23 | October | 2009 | Dear Kitty. Some blog 23, 2009 · This video from the United States Congress says about itself: The Oversight Committee holds a hearing, “Allegations of Waste, Fraud, and Abuse at the New U.S. Embassy in Iraq.”The hearing examines the performance of the State Department and its contractors in the construction of the new $600 million U.S. embassy in Baghdad.

Big Oil | seattleDIRT 06, 2009 · Passing a budget that reflects the President’s priorities is the first step Congress can take to address our climate and energy challenges. It will fund our transition to a cleaner, greener economy by making polluters, like dirty coal companies, pay for their global warming pollution and eliminating billions in giveaways to Big Oil.

The Senate is up for grabs, domestic terrorism, and more ... Kos The Trump campaign is cratering in the polls, riven by internal division, and trapped both by two generational crisis—the movement for racial justice, and a global mass-death pandemic. And while there is theoretically time for impeached racist Donald Trump to turn things around, he won’t.

Buckdog: Premier Brad Wall's Government Seems To Be ... 22, 2013 · All of a matter of public record. Brad Wall's IPAC Scandal - 2013 A report on the Sask. Party’s IPAC-CO2 project has revealed a conflict of interest scandal that appears to have cost taxpayers millions of dollars -- despite the Sask. Party’s false claims that money was well spent.

politixhttps://politixer.blogspot.comOct 12, 2010 · is the community blog for the #politix IRC channel on Undernet. #politix is intended to be an environment for online chatters who want more substantive discussion than most IRC channels allow for. The emphasis is on politics, but any subject of substance is considered fresh meat. is an adjunct for #politix where links to interesting items or the ...

House Passes Health Care Reform Bill | Beach Peanuts 08, 2009 · The Bill Passed 220-215 This is the first time a chamber of Congress has passed healthcare reform since Medicare was enacted. There's a lot of work left to do on this, and a lot of ugly to be undone, but we made it this far against long odds. Now the really hard work: the Senate.

Liberal Media Attacks Pro-Second Amendment Sheriff, All ... 05, 2015 · Liberal Media Attacks Pro-Second Amendment Sheriff, All But Blames Him for College Shooting ... Matt Lauer made it a point to question the sheriff on his personal views regarding gun control and a Facebook post concerning Sandy Hook, ... This is the ultimate turmeric and inflammatory support product on the market.

Comics | Political Graffiti is my new comic strip “Prude n Dude” the travails of two types…a liberal professor and a conservative blue collar ex-auto worker. I always wanted to draw a comic strip but failed miserably when I tried to emulate Charles Schulz or Bill Watterson’s Calvin and Hobbes fame.

The past truths « Jamesb101.com 15, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

John Brennan the old CIA master is back…… « Jamesb101.com 02, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

26 | December | 2008 | The Liberal Doomsayer 26, 2008 · In today’s New York Times, we learn the following ()…NASHVILLE — Although the number of uninsured and the cost of coverage have ballooned under his watch, President Bush leaves office with a health care legacy in bricks and mortar: he has doubled federal financing for community health centers, enabling the creation or expansion of 1,297 clinics in medically underserved areas.

§21: Adjourn | Group Decision Making | Political Law• If before the prescheduled hour comes the assembly wishes to adjourn, it would take a motion and a majority vote. (p. (p. 233 line 5-7) • If when the prescheduled hour comes the assembly does not wish to adjourn, the orders of the day must be set aside with a motion and a 2/3 vote.

fivethirtyeight - Yahoo Suche Suchergebnisse this pageFiveThirtyEight, sometimes rendered as 538, is a website that focuses on opinion poll analysis, politics, economics, and sports blogging.The website, which takes its name from the number of electors in the United States electoral college, was founded on March 7, 2008 as a polling aggregation website with a blog created by analyst Nate Silver.

The Political Environment: Remaking the UW into UW-WEDC 01, 2015 · * The Walkerites' ideological rigid refusal to improve their undefended state budget and 40th place ranking nationally in job growth with what should have been the no-brainer acceptances they declined of $800 million in available federal funds for Amtrak expansion and train assembly work, and a separate, $345 million in for health care funding.

WebWeaver's World: It's not what you know... 08, 2009 · A blog about my passions. May include some or all of the following: geek stuff (web design & development, CSS, accessibility, usability), environmental activism, my adopted home of New Zealand ('cos it's so totally wonderful), international & green politics (rants from a left-wing perspective), gardening, cats, literature, rugby, and a whole lot of other stuff besides.

Bless Our Heartshttps://southerngirl30.blogspot.comNov 05, 2010 · 6. Congress loses their current health care system and participates in the same health care system as the American people. Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, serve your term(s), then go home and back to work. 7. Congress must equally abide in all laws they impose on the American ...

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: Incentivizing ... 27, 2006 · And one of the greatest aspects of our federalist system is that we have 50 laboratories in which to experiment with these kinds of proposals; all it takes is a good idea and a state willing to try it. So I ask you to put aside your cynicism for a moment and really think long and hard about this issue.

LGBT Commentary | Double Dip Politics the first six months of 2012, we have seen protests against JC Penney for hiring Ellen DeGeneres as a spokesperson, having two women in a Mother’s Day ad, and two men in a Father’s Day ad. We’ve seen American Eagle protested for being anti-transgender and pro-transgender within the same month.

Articles of Confederation | United States Congress ... - Free download as Word Doc (.doc), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. All of our rights and responsibilities we should know!!!!

DOE loans | The Liberal Doomsayer from Fix Noise tells us the following…. Four years have passed since President Obama visited Kansas City’s main airport, rolled up his shirt sleeves and admonished the skeptics who said Smith Electric Vehicles was unlikely to make good on its promises to build 510 experimental electric-powered trucks and buses suitable for commercial use.

Nancy's News Network: Five hundred, 08, 2008 · Five hundred, thirty-eight. That's the number of electors in the electoral college. And, is the name of a website, whose creator, Nate Silver, appeared on Countdown with Keith Olbermann tonight. Earn the admiration and gratitude of the number-crunchers, political junkies and geeks in your life by passing on this link to them. It all about …

SHADOW'S'S TIME TO MAKE THE DIVORCE FINAL. Dear American liberals, leftists, social progressives, socialists, Marxists and Obama supporters, et al: We have stuck together since the late 1950's for the sake of the kids, but the whole of this latest election process has made me realize that I …

Blog 8: Are the Daily Show and the Colbert Report really 20, 2011 · I think that the Daily Show and the Colbert Report are really political news. Even though the main purpose of these shows is entertainment programming, viewers are still exposed to a variety of political information. These late-night comedy shows can be viewed as a gateway to traditional news. Watching these types of entertainmnet programs can…

Gubu-World: Two 15, 2010 · Michael Portillo and Diane Abbott are great together on the Daily Politics with Andrew Neil, even though Diane is meant to be one of the most personally unpleasant politicians out there according to a journalist friend of mine. November 15, 2010 at 2:46 PM

Y’all Wanna Move to Roosha? | The Irony 24, 2009 · No bigger oligopoly exists on Earth than Roosha, where the only people who have the ears of politicians are the obscenely rich, and everyone else might as well live on Neptune – or else. Stepping out of line can still land you in one of those gulags Uncle Joe Stalin was so fond of. Indeed, only $150 annually is spent on healthcare per capita!

Drug Testing For Welfare Okay, but Lawmakers 29, 2012 · Back in 2011, we looked at states enacting drug testing laws. We looked at the costs compared to the number of recipients who used drugs. We realized the costs per case of drug abuse were staggering, more than the benefits they would receive. We also stated that lawmakers should be drug tested. In Indiana, a…

Lefora political conundrum tapatalk" Keyword Found political conundrum tapatalk keyword after analyzing the system lists the list of keywords related and the list of websites with related content, ... If you are the group owner of Tapatalk Groups, check out our support community section dedicated to Tapatalk Groups. ... according to a person familiar with the matter.

Teaparty Washington | Romanticpoet's“It’s an old political tactic to get out in front and make wild projections and when they’re not met, claim their opponents don’t have the juice,” said Pete Sepp, a spokesman for the National Taxpayers Union, one of the organizers of the rally. Sepp said there’s only one reason to float a number that high.

THE NEWS BLOG - Steve Gilliard I last saw Steve, we agreed that Dean's rise and fall was "one of the most spectacular cases of political suicide that [Steve] has ever seen." With this in mind, one has to applaud Clark for bowing out and bringing some sense of unity to a very hot party nomination race--without leaving too too much mud in his tracks.

Koran Debate by Leoanard Pitts - Rick Scarborough Vision ... 07, 2007 · Leonard Pitts is always just right on with his columns. Exactly. Thank you Leonard Pitts! Click on the link to go to the full article on the website. As always, it is the friends of Rev. Rick Scarborough who are out in the public saying that Congressman Ellison should have taken his oath on a Bible vs. the Koran.

Beat Downs | If-By-Whiskey“There are some folks who want to go back – who think we should return to the policies that helped to lead to this recession,” Obama said later in his comments honoring a new advanced battery factory being built by the company LG Chem. “Some made the political calculation that it’s better to obstruct than lend a hand.

Special Comment | The Liberal Doomsayer latest youth homicide in his adopted hometown was different only in that the attackers used splintered railroad ties and were captured on video broadcast globally. The Sept. 24 attack prompted Obama to send his attorney general and education secretary to Chicago today after the killing tarnished the city’s drive to win the 2016 Olympics.

Opinion Forum » Health Care Care Deception. August 1st, 2009. There are a lot of questions that need to be answered about health care reform before members of Congress vote on it. The bill just reported out of committee in the House is the one closest to a vote, but …

>The Art of Fine Whine: Nevada GOP’s Blinkered Economic ... 20, 2011 · >The Art of Fine Whine: Nevada GOP’s Blinkered Economic Vision Nevada, and about 44 other states in this union, are facing budget shortfalls. [ CBPP ] The political problem besetting these states is that one side of the political equation doesn’t understand, or won’t accept, that there are two sides to a balance sheet.

Political Irony › Late Night Political Humor 12, 2017 · After hearing this, Melania Trump said, “I would kill for one of those letters.” – Conan O’Brien. Trump had his long-time personal bodyguard deliver a letter in a manila envelope to FBI headquarters informing him he was fired. James Comey wasn’t there, he was here in L.A. speaking to a group of FBI agents and they had the TV on.

Ben Carson on tax reform: keep the despotic income tax ... 11, 2015 · Originally Posted by johnwk Did you ever ask yourself why none of our so called "conservative" members of Congress mention our Constitution's

Digital Marketing Heats Up As Politicians Jockey for 2020’s campaign recently sent supporters a fundraising email that explained that when doing a Google search with keywords “donate to Joe Biden,” the first result to appear is a paid advertisement asking viewers to make a donation to the Trump campaign. Biden’s campaign maintains that the ad is the equivalent of poaching donors.

California Politics – Skeptical Brotha about California Politics written by skepticalbrotha. Keeping a watchful eye on black politics

Marxism through Racism: …running for ... - VotingFemale 22, 2010 · One of his Sept. 14 primary opponents is Adam Clayton Powell IV, son of the former congressman whom Rangel defeated in 1970. While the case will generate unfavorable headlines for Rangel, it may have little effect in his congressional district, New York’s famed Harlem, where the congressman has been a political leader for decades and is known ...

The Rude Pundit 01, 2008 · 1. White people will vote for a black person, especially if that black person is not nearly as liberal as the second place white person. 2. Evangelicals will vote for an evangelical, especially in a state with about 40% self-identified evangelicals, especially if those evangelicals aren't busy on a Thursday night in early January. 3.

Inspire Political Discourse: President Bush 41“The arrival of the remains of Staff Sgt. Phillip A. Myers, a 30-year-old supporting Operation Enduring Freedom, at Dover Air Force Base at 11 p.m. today [ipd note: Sunday, Apr. 5] marked the first time that the transfer of any of the nearly 5,000 U.S. troops who have died in …

The Launch of J Street, the New Pro-Peace, Pro-Israel Lobby 16, 2008 · Thanx to Media Matters for this information: Spencer Ackerman, writing for The Washington Independent, here, covers the launch of J Street, the new pro-peace, pro-Israel lobby and explains: Two young, leading liberal Jews -- the former Clinton administration domestic policy adviser Jeremy Ben-Ami and the former Israeli peace negotiator Daniel Levy -- [unveiled] the first-ever…

Environmental Concerns About the TPP | Progressive Action ... 14, 2015 · As the TPP negotiations continue to wind their way through the legal and legislative system, many of the environmental concerns expressed have largely gone ignored or stayed out of the mainstream of the public's awareness. This course of action; of not informing the public or politicians giving people tacit assurances, happened with the NAFTA agreement…

Gun Control | elmsprogressivemedia 13, 2012 · Madison never meant Second Amendment to allow guns of Sandy Hook shooting (via The Christian Science Monitor). Following the tragic shooting at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn. by Adam Lanza , many Americans are wondering what exactly our Founding Fathers intended when they set the Second Amendment to paper more than 200 years ago.

Political Thermopylae: Hypocracy, as the AP reports, “Earlier this month, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Ellen Sauerbrey held talks with a senior Syrian diplomat on how Damascus was coping with a flood of Iraqi refugees, the first such talks in the Syrian capital for more than two years.”

Accidental Deliberations: Thursday Morning Links 09, 2017 · As the statistics suggest, many Canadians feel the sense of alienation from the political process and from the economic system, which has fuelled the rise of the nationalist and intolerant political right around the world: Donald Trump in the U.S., UKIP in the UK, and the Front National in France.

2007 October 21 « PinkoFreeptard 21, 2007 · The Third Estate consisted of revolutionaries, while the First Estate were nobles. Thus, the left wing of the room was more liberal, and the right wing was more conservative. In the next few years, the revolutionaries would take over and countless noble heads would roll, but that’s another story .

PRAWN Blog: On writing political blog posts writing political blog posts How does one best think about the process of getting one's words and thoughts across to an audience? When I compose my letters to the newspaper editor (Usually on political subjects) for inclusion on the letters page, I often think of myself as a citizen writing to a politician.

Delaware Way: Nutter Loses Sustainability Director passes Coons-Chu bill to repeal President Trump’s Muslim ban and prevent future discrimination Today, the U.S. House of Representatives approved the NO BAN Act, legislation introduced by U.S. Senator Chris Coons (D-Del.) and U.S. Congresswoman Judy Chu (D-Calif.) in April 2019 to repeal all versions of the President’s Muslim ban and prevent another baseless, discriminatory ban from ...

MRFF | Dystopian Blues: News Liberal Progressives Need“Good morning Mikey, you f*** Jew. Let me be the first to call you a f*** Jew today.” Michael L. “Mikey” Weinstein shares his hate mail with both friends and strangers the way elderly people show off photos of their grandkids. He has plenty of it to share.

Labor Peace is a Crazy Liberal Idea | Political Loudmouth Peace is a Crazy Liberal Idea. ... a major railroad strike could bring the whole nation to a standstill. And, in 1877, it did. ... such as the Fair Labor Standards Act and the creation of the National Labor Relations Board to supervise union elections and enforce …

Buckdog: May 2012 21, 2012 · Surely unworthy of a mighty "public intellectual" like Murphy. They must be holding back the really big guns for when things get truly desperate … you know, like Don Cherry! Murphy's screed is a laugh a minute, like the bit about how "it's taken more than a couple of decades to exorcise the demon of the NEP from Western memories ...

Commander Ogghttps://commanderogg.blogspot.comThe decision by Justice John Paul Stevens, one of the most liberal members of the court, emphasized that the challengers had not presented sufficient evidence that voters were kept from the polls or otherwise hurt by the law Indiana says prevents fraud. As noted by the blogger dday: This is, as we know, a solution in search of a problem.

Accidental Deliberations: 2014-08-17 05, 2014 · Both Chantal Hebert and the combination of Bruce Anderson and David Coletto have written recently about the state of federal politics in Quebec, with particular emphasis on what we can expect as the Bloc Quebecois appears to crumble. With that in mind, I'll offer a quick reminder as to one of the more subtle factors behind the 2011 Orange Wave - and how things have changed less than …

Political Parties, Elections and Interest Groups: March 2010 blog will be written by students in a Political Parties, Elections and Interest Groups course. Students are expected to post to the blog as part of their course requirements. The public is welcome to post, but must follow the rules set for the course. Wednesday, March 31, 2010.

markos moulitsas | Daily Dose is a guy who is a better liberal than a lot of the posers who snark it up around the internet, he’s sharp as a tack, and he’s the only liberal who’s in a position to do any good. Everyone else is preaching to the choir, but when Alan points out something that doesn’t make sense, he does it in front of people who actually need to ...

JustOneMinute: Debate Debacle fr last thread-Malkin's latest book- "Open Borders, Inc. is a comprehensive indictment of the private and public partnership immigration "front" thatgives political cover to narco-trafficking, human trafficking of children and young adults, and liquidation of American sovereignty by …

BLUEgrass: Kentucky Politics've not covered this thus far, as until recently it hasn't garnered much national attention. But as Kentucky Governor Ernie Fletcher ramps up efforts to make a grand jury investigation into illegal hiring practices in his administration disappear, even as the grand jury indictments top 20 in number, national media and blogs are paying attention. . Unfortunately, it’s another sad example of ...

South Dakota Politics: focuses on national politics with a special emphasis on South Dakota. It also includes posts on philosophy, science and culture. SDP was founded by Jason Van Beek, who stopped blogging after becoming a staffer for Sen. John Thune (R-SD) and is currently operated by Ken Blanchard.

The Radical Manifesto | The Moorish Wanderer 22, 2011 · Political organizations (political parties, trade-unions and the monarchy alike) have focused too long on political symbolism rather than policy agenda. This is partly true because the political institutions in Morocco have not got past the ambiguous distribution of powers, or the perpetual re-assuring rituals that confirm the supremacy of one institution over the others.

From Student To Teacher and Back | SPANISH INQUISITOR 06, 2012 · Thank you for a wonderful post. I plan on showing it to my children (14 & 17) tonight. As my son prepares for college (following (sort of) in my footsteps (he wants to be a high school history teacher (which is not that far from historical interpretation)) to study the Liberal Arts, I feel it is important for him to see college as an opportunity to explore new areas (despite majoring in ...

August | 2007 | The Political Tipster 26, 2007 · 4 posts published by thepoliticaltipster during August 2007. Why Hillary Should be Smiling Hillary Clinton – She’s still got a solid lead in the polls and all the other positives the she had at the end of July. At the same time Obama’s inexperience is becoming even more obvious, Edwards’ attempt to move to the left (like McCain’s move to the right) is badly backfiring and Bill ...

Ezra Klein: Prado Optimality 12, 2005 · By the way, Javier, elections are winner take all. You can't say Bush has to select someone who is 48% liberal and 51% conservative cuz that was the way America voted. Bush has every right and SHOULD put up a conservative. It is winner take all, baby! Posted by: Captain Toke | …

Amanda Terkel | The Liberal Doomsayer $986.3 billion stopgap bill would fund the government until Dec. 15, preventing a government shutdown, but it’s expected to be dead on arrival in the Senate, as it also defunds the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. It was the 42nd vote the GOP has taken to …

Romney Campaign Lightweights Occupy Space & Time 16, 2012 · (Greenblatt 2012) "Romney has described Russia, a country with which Obama has sought to "reset" relations, as the nation's greatest geopolitical foe." Again, here Mittwitt is showing his complete lack of understanding global geopolitics, our foreign policy goals, and national security strategy, compounded by that "Corporal's Guard" of Bush ...

Scaramucci predicts that Trump will drop out of the race ... 17, 2019 · Scaramucci predicts that Trump will drop out of the race in March. August 17, ... Eric Kirk on This is an amazing thing! ... As far as the economy goes and liberals attempt to crash the economy prematurely as a method to bring down Trump… here is a link to show what’s going to happen to immigrants looking for jobs, ...

judicial activism | The Pardu's Scroll you ever heard the phrase “Judicial Activism?” Sure you have heard the phrase, it is as popular among conservative politicians and demagogues as the words “Ronald Reagan.” The words are almost 100% phraseology deployed on the Right as it facilitates mind-influencing rhetoric which so easily sticks with the listening public and the viewing public.

16 | December | 2008 | The Liberal Doomsayer 16, 2008 · God, so typical for this woman; as noted here, she blew off a congressional subcommittee investigating dangerous toys for kids – as the embedded Times editorial tells us, Nord “joined industry lobbyists in opposing a Senate bill intended to strengthen her enfeebled agency.”

January 29, 2007 – Linkmeister 29, 2007 · Posted by linkmeister on 29 January 2007, 8:03 pm Our miserable power-hungry President has just decreed (that’s the right word; he did it by Executive Order) that all Federal agencies henceforth must have political appointees at their head.

Buy: “Mobs, Messiahs, and Markets” (co-authored with Bill ..."Mobs, Messiahs, and Markets: Surviving the Public Spectacle in Finance and Politics," by William Bonner and Lila Rajiva, Wiley, September, 2007. Best-selling financial author Bill Bonner and financial/political writer Lila Rajiva team up for this hilarious send up of the follies of the "guv'mint", the corporatocracy and the chattering classes.

First Amendment | Howard Rich's Blog the expression goes, we may not like what others have to say, but we will zealously defend their right to say it. And that’s how it has to be. Otherwise, one of our bedrock national freedoms would be left to the shifting sands of today’s “political discourse,” which is …

Maneuver Marketing Communique: CRISIS COMMUNICATIONS … Engage the critics. Use your communication outlets to engage your critics. Take the low road and fight the analysts, reporters, politicians etc. This is the first step in shaping the environment to your advantage. 6. Determine and remedy the problems. Determine what created the …

2011 April « Jamesb101.com 17, 2011 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Throw Out The Hyenas of the Ruling Class | Bob Higgins 11, 2007 · Throw Out The Hyenas of the Ruling Class Posted in Politics by Bob Higgins on December 11, 2007 Is there anyone out there who still harbors the delusion that George Bush or most of his administration possesses the slightest shred of human integrity or the tiniest morsel of respect for the truth, for law, for the people of this country or any other?

GOP shutdown « Mercury Rising ?? about GOP shutdown written by Phoenix Woman. Politics, life, and other things that matter

Harry Clarke: Career paths post-Labor 07, 2006 · The $2.5 billion dollar Victorian gaming industry is being advised by Labor Party hacks and ex-pollies. There is huge political pressure on the Bracks Government to restrict pokie numbers particularly in disadvantaged areas of Melbourne and consultants are needed to nullify this pressure. There is also a review occurring over the possible breakup of the pokie duopoly …

Nancy's News Network: Brunch with Congressman 12, 2010 · A political animal by nature, I find the internet irresistible. The issues I find most compelling--those about election protection, voting rights, the integrity of the justice department, electronic voting machines--are the ones about which the internet is often the sole source. All politics ultimately lead to those issues.

In2Politicsin2politics.blogspot.comRahm Emanuel issued a classic line yesterday regarding the previous post. Here's the line and some context via Dan Froomkin's column: The liberal Think Progress blog came out with its list of the "four most overpaid White House staffers," by virtue of their job titles: Deborah Nirmala Misir, Ethics Advisor, $114,688; Erica M. Dornburg, Ethics Advisor, $100,547; Stuart Baker, Director …

John Nichols: Walker made right call by not appearing with 19, 2012 · Gov. Scott Walker tried to elbow his way into President Obama's visit Wednesday to the Master Lock plant in Milwaukee. But he thought better of it. That was one of the smartest political moves the governor has made in a year of political and policy missteps. Walker, who faces a recall election fight this year,…

Sarcasm | TheZoo 11, 2016 · There is Legitimate Rape, California is a state sponsor of terror, Corporations are People, Ban gay marriage, Obama brought Ebola to kill whites, Jews control the liberal media, Evolution is a myth, End birth right citizenship, Obama will run for a 3rd term, The earth is only 6,000 years old, People are only poor because they are lazy, Illegals ...

Obsolete Capitalism: ottobre 2014 this pageWhat are the political possibilities of making information available? A thing that is scanned was already downloaded, in a sense. It circulated on paper, as widely as newspapers or as little as classified documents. And interfering with its further circulation is a time-honored method of keeping a …

New York Billionaires Behind The Tea Party Movement ... York Billionaires Behind The Tea Party Movement. Posted in Liberaland by Alan • August 23, 2010, 3:20 PMET. The myth of the tea party being a grassroots movement takes another hit, as the New Yorker‘s Jane Mayer looks a the Koch brothers, Charles and David, who fund much of the tea party movement (via Glynnis MacNichol).. The Kochs operate oil refineries in Alaska, Texas, and Minnesota ...

NonParty Politics: The Guardian relishes a return to ... 04, 2007 · The Guardian relishes a return to violence in Iraq "60 killed in Iraq as leaders hail fall in violence" - A twin car-bombing in eastern Baghdad yesterday killed at least 60 people and wounded more than 120 in a harsh reminder to residents that, despite the new US-backed security drive, the city remains one of the world's most dangerous places.

NonParty Politics: The Muslim Council of Britain has spoken: 07, 2007 · War is evil, but it is often the lesser evil. ~ George Orwell. Wednesday, February 21, 2007. The Muslim Council of Britain has spoken: ... "We think a good education is one of the best ways of building understanding of the many issues that unite, as opposed to the few that divide. It is important that education provides the right ethos which ...

tax policy | Working-Class Perspectives Perspectives offers weekly commentaries on current issues related to working-class people and communities. Contributors discuss a variety of issues, from what class means to how it intersects with race and gender to how class is shaping American politics. We welcome relevant comments of 500 words or less.

An Open Letter to Shitty Canvassers – Robot King 21, 2013 · An Open Letter to Shitty Canvassers. ... I even canvassed myself for the ACLU a few years back. Even though I was working in the general area of one of the most liberal universities in the world (my alma mater, which I won’t name but is easily guessed), I still met people who didn’t like my organization. ... It’s usually a slogan for rape ...

Political Irony › How to Spam Reality 10, 2008 · We all know what “spam” is — the bulk email that fills our inbox with crap. Well, it looks like someone is doing the same thing to the New York Times bestseller list, using something called “bulk orders”.. Let’s say you write a book and you really want it to be on the bestseller lists, but sales are sluggish.

Does it alarm anyone else with Liberals feeling sorry for ... 05, 2006 · Do you honestly not get it, or are you deliberately misrepresenting our thoughts on this issue. First of all, let me remind you that there are many different people who are liberal, and these liberals are a very diverse group who often hold very different opinions on …

Term Paper (Politics) | Donald Trump | United States ... PAPER. Term Paper Tiffin University Youre Name Course Code and Name. TERM PAPER. Trump was born on 14th of June 1946, in the ward of Queens in New York City. He is the fourth of five kids destined to Mary Anne (ne MacLeod) and Fred Trump. His sister, Maryanne Trump Barry, is a United States government judge on senior status for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit.

30 | September | 2019 | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts ... 30, 2019 · But, in his own time, Gentile was one of the most influential philosophers. Giovanni Gentile believed that there were two diametrically opposed forms of democracy. The first was liberal democracy, which we Americans sometimes call “classical …

Corporate Blag « Embracing Neverland Control Of The United States The media controls the political arena and the corporations control the media. So guess who controls our United States? Statements and Restatements It would be a serious mistake to weaken the Sarbanes-Oxley corporate reform law. $2.45 billion: the revenues raked in by lobbyists last year. "The Center for Responsive Politics…

The Johnsville News: Housing/Subprime/Credit Roundup ... 30, 2008 · NY Times: As Housing Bill Evolves, Crisis Grows Deeper-- When Congress started fashioning a sweeping rescue package for struggling homeowners earlier this year, 2.6 million loans were in trouble.But the problem has grown considerably in just six months and is continuing to worsen. More than three million borrowers are in distress, and analysts are forecasting a couple of million more will …

illusory tenant: A couple of questions for Justice Pat ... 20, 2013 · The First Amendment — as you know — originally applied only to Congress. Since then the United States Supreme Court has held, by selective incorporation, that certain elements of the Bill of Rights apply to State governments, but the right to vote has never been incorporated through the First …

irwin seltzer | The Political Tipster 24, 2008 · Posts about irwin seltzer written by thepoliticaltipster. Why McCain needs to invoke the spirit of Theodore Roosevelt. As I have said elsewhere, it is obvious from the polls that that McCain’s attempt to run on a hard right tax cutting agenda isn’t working, and more importantly is something that McCain doesn’t believe in.In reality McCain is a right of centre populist who believes in ...

Political Irony › The first Vietnamese-American in Congress 08, 2008 · If not for Hurricane Gustav this election would have been held on the same day as the presidential election, when strong turnout among African-American voters likely would have pushed Jefferson to victory. Jefferson himself was the first African-American to represent Louisiana in Congress since Reconstruction.

Diversity | The Rogue Jew 01, 2010 · Bill Clinton may have been the first Black President but Obama surely qualifies as the first Gay President in American history. What a humiliating image for proud American's to have to view in their so called "leader" . The Rogue Jew A Right Wing Jew Chronicles The Dysfunctions of Liberalism and Islam. Menu.

1860 election data | 1860 United States presidential ... 1860 election is regarded by most political observers as the first of three “critical” elections in the United States—contests that produced sharp and enduring changes in party loyalties across the country (although some analysts consider the election of 1824 to have been the first critical election).

as above so below | The Point of a Sharp Instrument sites. Act.TV A facebook page dedicated to grassroots activism.; Counter Current News An alternative news site that focuses on exposing corruption.; Cruelty-Free Living Animals suffer greatly for our vanity and careless lifestyles. The National Anti-Vivisection Society is working to educate the masses on these horrendous crimes against our fellow-creatures.

Virginia Foxx | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog of those prongs involves, of course, delaying reform until it’s too late. If it’s not passed by the end of the year, there won’t be the political balls to do so because of the fast approaching 2010 midterms when members of Congress will be much more focused on raising money (health care industry money) and pandering to voters.

THE BEST OF WEDNESDAY NIGHT'S RACHEL MADDOW AND … 07, 2010 · The staggering myopia of our corrupt political and economic elite, which plunder the nation’s wealth for financial speculation and endless war, the mass retreat of citizens into virtual hallucinations, the collapsing edifices around us, which include the ecosystem that sustains life, are ignored for a giddy self-worship.

The Aspects of U.S. Governmenthttps://hayoungleee.blogspot.comThe author's argument includes how this was a gay hate crime, as well as the fault of the allowance of the assault rifle by Congress, and the shooter was anti-gay because he was Muslim. I do believe that the minority of the LGBTQ community was targeted specifically, and a continuing problem in America.

Seven Seconds – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America turns out Donald Trump’s father was the racist landlord Woody Guthrie hated By Walter Einenkel – As the man who controlled the FHA’s New York office, Powell controlled the flow of money for Beach Haven, a big apartment complex Fred Trump built with FHA loans. He allowed Trump to start building before Beach Haven was actually approved and start renting to vets and others six months ...

Charles Babington | The Liberal Doomsayer, please keep in mind here that I would have been happy with Hillary as the nominee (yes, really). She and Obama were both excellent candidates, but what decided it for me was the precision of Obama’s campaign, versus all of the pratfalls from the people who were supposed to be serving Hillary (and both she and her husband had their ...

stages of grief – Skeptical Brotha about stages of grief written by skepticalbrotha. Keeping a watchful eye on black politics

Mo Rage: Entertainment Overnight -- On Mr. T. 14, 2017 · A blog about American society: its politics, current events, history, entertainment, music, comedy, movies and society overall and where we're headed.

Science and Politics first class I described, the class I took, was a great example of teaching a field of science using a "Great Men in Context" approach. We learned names of people who did stuff, but also why they did it, i.e., how was it possible for them to even think that way at the time they lived.

LGF Watch: Little Green Stalkers 21, 2009 · One other example, and I suppose much more common, is someone pretending to be racist only to prove the blog is racist for their fake comments. Killgore Trout did this to Hot Air, famously. We do know that Moby, musician, famously asked liberals to do this to conservative sites.

hypochondria | The Point of a Sharp Instrument sites. Act.TV A facebook page dedicated to grassroots activism.; Counter Current News An alternative news site that focuses on exposing corruption.; Cruelty-Free Living Animals suffer greatly for our vanity and careless lifestyles. The National Anti-Vivisection Society is working to educate the masses on these horrendous crimes against our fellow-creatures.

legislative hyperactivity « The Futility Monster 14, 2009 · But let’s face it: the whole thing is a desperate reflection on the state our politics is in. Legislative hyperactivity is the order of the day; merely using the public law of the land as a press release to “send a message” that the government is serious about …

Apple « The Futility Monster about Apple written by The Futility Monster. Twutility Monster. 2012: Scores On The Doors 7 years ago; Liberal Luvvie Lord Leveson Likes Lunatic Lefties 7 years ago; Another one of my 2012 predictions comes true with Man City winning the title.

Mark Warner | Smart Liberal and Female, going to have to be a quick post as it is nearly past my bed time!! They were expecting around 10,000 to attend the event in Leesburg, Virginia tonight, but over 30,000 were there! It was amazing. Electrifying!

Friends, helping with the Forward... - Forward ... this pageFriends, helping with the Forward Progressives blog has been one of the most difficult and thankless things I've ever done in my life. Having started out with online activism around 2007, I can honestly say that after almost 10 years, politics has sucked the life out of me.

Politics Away, Bring the Burlesque | The Moorish Wanderer 28, 2010 · The more interesting part of course, is when Willson finds sociological ties to the whole business of burlesque. As an American, she drew mainly from the late 19th century (when Burlesque was first introduced in the US) to the Neo-Burlesque of late 1990’s, when iconic performers, like Dita Von Teese brought back the sexy pin-ups then so much revered in the post-WW2 period.

CMNEA Political Action: June 2015 23, 2015 · Notice is hereby given to the qualified voters of the City of Columbia, Missouri, that the City Council of the City has called an election to be held in the City on Tuesday, August 4, 2015, commencing at six o'clock a.m. and closing at seven o'clock p.m., on the question contained in the following sample ballot:

The iHandbill: June 2009 26, 2009 · When 22 senators started working over the first health care overhaul bill on June 17, the news cameras were pointed at them -- except for NPR's photographer, who turned his lens on the lobbyists. Whatever bill emerges from Congress will affect …

"Our Political Nature," The Book. Understanding The Depths ... 10, 2013 · " The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness." John Kenneth Galbraith, economist. There are books and there are books. We realize the book reference via and posted below is strictly for high information readers. It is truly…

Three Legs and Not One To Stand On | Desert Beacon 31, 2013 · The political philosophy underpinning the remarks of such Representatives in Congress as Heck (R-NV3), Amodei (R-NV2), and Senator Dean Heller (R), is that implementing the Three Legs of the Grand Plan will create Prosperity. Leg One is to be a reduction in government spending. Leg Two is to be the deregulation of the financial sector. …

Susan Davis | The BRAD BLOG then came the fallout from the failed 13th Congressional District election last November in Nelson's home state, followed by California Sec. of State Debra Bowen's landmark scientific findings, Rep. Susan Davis's (D-CA) amendment this past summer, and a killer editorial from the New York Times as the tide began to slowly turn...

Barack Obama | The Plainsman Politico has moved 06, 2008 · We all know the rest of the world just loves Barack Obama. They certainly have a more positive impression of him than John McCain. But even more interesting is this gem: Canada likes Barack Obama more than their own leaders…. A new poll suggests Canadians would prefer to vote for Barack Obama rather cast a ballot for their own political leaders, while 45 per cent of Americans envy …

politics | A Mountain Journey supported John Edwards for President in ’08 as well as in ’04. I am sadly disappointed in his withdrawal from this years election because I believe he was the best choice for President for the simple fact that he would have fought for the people that have no voice in this country.

Congressman Mark Takano - ??? | Facebook this pageCongressman Mark Takano - ????!?4.9?? - Representing California's 41st Congressional District. Chairman of the House Committee on Veterans' …

Harry Jackson – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America Bachmann: ‘This Is the Last Election’ if Hillary Clinton Wins, Because Jesus!!! OKLAHOMA HOUSE PASSES BILL REPEALING SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE FROM STATE CONSTITUTION!!! It Wasn’t Abortion That Formed the Religious Right (Crackas).

05 | October | 2008 | the plaid lemur 05, 2008 · Well, McCain doing the whole song and dance of the day. Give me a break. By the way, if you hadn’t heard of Bin Laden in 1998, you either were too young, or you didn’t pay enough attention to world news and politics.

No Right Turn: Vice President for Torture 10, 2006 · Last year, when US Vice-President Dick Cheney was working to prevent Congress from passing a law outlawing cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment of prisoners in US custody, he was denounced as the Vice President for torture.Now he has made it crystal clear that he is unequivocally, undeniably pro-torture by endorsing waterboarding.And yet, at the same time, he tries to deny that …

BBC News | Under The LobsterScope, in Britain, “backside” means “ass”. As in the part of the body. Secondly, “10 Downing Street” is often used in political reporting as a synonym for a press spokesman for the prime minister, in the same way as “the White House” can say things or have opinions. Imagine what he’s going to do (or say) in Poland and Israel.

Visual Politics FYS: Election Night 06, 2010 · Ben Wildner CNN: Politics Election Night in America coverage made a strong effort to cover the 2010 midterm elections heralded as the "red wave" or as one of the most important midterm elections in modern American history. CNN's mission statement is to inform, involve, and empower the public. On election night, CNN expects itself to be able to do this with hundreds of House, Senate , …

What Rearry Happened 28, 2019 · One of the other guys wanted to know what the problem was so I told him this guy was telling jokes about seriously underage girls that were repugnant. Two guys that were about 6'8" wanted an example so I told them one, they pulled the guy outside and bounced him around a bit.

Open Thread–2/10/2020 – Politics Plus 24, 2020 · 5:44 I’m not a dawg either. Cartoon – Well, he’s one of the reasons. There are so many, DKos – The Super Bowl commercials are so legendary that there are people who only watch the commercials – and there are cuts where one can just watch the commercials one chooses to watch.

Motor City Liberal: Boehner cries again (and again, and again) cries again (and again, and again) By Raw Story. Incoming House Speaker John Boehner -- already famous for his crying stints -- let the waterworks flow Wednesday as he assumed the Speaker's chair from outgoing Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

The Sideshow Consensus | The Moorish Wanderer 25, 2012 · The Sideshow Consensus Posted in Dismal Economics , Moroccan ‘Current’ News , Moroccan Politics & Economics , Morocco , Read & Heard by Zouhair ABH on April 25, 2012 Government to the Right of it, Opposition and Civil Society to the Left of it; into the valley of superficial debates rode the lonely real issues of the economy.

Too little, too late | The Political Tipster 30, 2008 · He was set up by Barbara Reynolds who is a Clinton operative’. A I’m willing to entertain the possibility that, like Samantha Power’s outburst about Hillary Clinton, Wright’s latest rantings may have been a tactical move to allow Obama to disown Wright without repudiating Wright’s value.

Hate Crime | The Liberal Doomsayer von Brunn, who is alleged to have opened fire and killed a guard at the Holocaust Memorial Museum, is apparently a consummate bigot. His former wife said that his hatred of blacks and Jews “ate him alive like a cancer,” so it might seem appropriate that in addition to having been indicted last week for murder and gun-law violations ...

Contextual Criticism: The U.S. Congress - a club of brazen ... U.S. Congress - a club of brazen prostitutes They don't even try to hide the fact that they are bought and paid for. Our representatives in Congress, on both sides of the aisle, have prostituted themselves for so long it seems to them as a way of life that is unassailable and thus they publicly and purposely flaunt their wicked ways just as ...

Motor City Liberal: Trump Grows Discontented With Attorney ...“He’s unhappy when the results don’t come in,” Mr. Rivkin said. “I’m sure he was convinced to try the second version, and the second iteration did not do better than the first iteration, so the lawyers in his book did not do a good job. It’s understandable for a businessman.”

Joshing Politics: 12/3/06 - 12/10/06 11, 2006 · One of the only places to see these trees in the city reminiscent of the old days is up by the Ravine in the North Woods section of Central Park. A few places in the park offer complete isolation from the constantly humming city and this place is one of them.

Marc Valdez Weblog area community musical theater (esp. DMTC in Davis), Liberal politics, Meteorology, "Breaking Bad" and "Better Call Saul" filming locations reference site, New Mexico and California arcana, and general weirdness.

Gov. Strickland Visits Piketon;SONG Demands Piketon ... 17, 2007 · In his speech, which focused on statewide and national issues, the governor did not once mention the atomic site at Piketon. It is likely the first time since 1952 that a major politician has spoken in Pike County without boostering for the atomic boondoggle du jour.

Saturday Open Thread | 3CHICSPOLITICO 24, 2019 · Good Morning. I hope that you are enjoying this weekend with family and friends. ???????????? ?????? ????????

AMERICA'S TOTAL POLITICAL PARALYSIS - BOTH PARTIES ARE 28, 2017 · We have the now pretty crummy-looking pair of Ivanka and her husband, Jared Kushner, whom we know now is a sleazy operator who tries pitching American citizenships to Asian investors in his family enterprises and who doesn’t keep good faith with his own employees, who embraces the bloody Netanyahu, and makes blunder after blunder.

Carolyn Maloney – Skeptical Brotha a watchful eye on black politics. Sidebar. July 2020; S M T W T F S : 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: 18: 19: 20

December 2016 | Bud Meyers Meyers writes about the economy, politics, Social Security, corporate out-sourcing, labor statistics, the REAL unemployment rate, taxes and tax evasion, government and corporate corruption, and the plight of the long-term unemployed.

Alternative Media & Social Justice Watch | Keepin' Up With ... 27, 2007 · Orwell Rolls in His Grave Documentary about the relationships between corporate/political interests and power. Really made me question everything that is reported via the mainstream.

SNY0619 Crosstabs061019 | White Americans | Politics Of ... Crosstabs061019 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. Siena Research Institute crosstabs for June 10, 2019

Politicos Ponder Lynne Cheney Blind Item | Radar Online 09, 2020 · DICK'S TEASE Lynne Cheney(Photo: Getty Images) New York magazine columnist Kurt Andersen dropped a doozy of a gossip grenade in his latest column with his

Justin's Political Corner The Washington Post reports, Liu was nominated for the Treasury post after spending the first three years of Trump’s reign as a U.S. attorney. She was a member of Trump’s transition team, met with Trump personally before her appointment, and was one of the first choices he made after ousting attorneys who had served under President Obama.

Vagabond Scholar: A Way to Talk About Religion 10, 2007 · It’s said that in polite society, one should never discuss politics or religion. It’s a wise warning, but it can also make for very boring small talk. Most social interactions don’t require much depth, but I personally prefer company that can respectfully if passionately disagree about issues that really matter to them.

Dawg's Blawg: The ultimate crust 09, 2008 · He calls this "reaching out" and "a major step towards political engagement." There must be a specific word or phrase for this, but it's not coming rapidly to mind. "Sheer cheek" and "colossal gall" somehow don't quite seem to cut it.

Viral Learning: Reflections on the Homeschooling Life ... in California with her husband and a moderately neurotic Vizsla named BB. She spends time she should be working on her books blogging on politics, children and learning, and fencing. She is the author of three books on homeschooling and the …

LiberalLouisiana: September 2009 21, 2009 · Harvey Milk was not killed because of political ideology. Dan White murdered Milk because White was an insane, homophobic, bigoted, sore loser, and in that sense he has much more in common with today's GOP than he does anyone on the left side of the aisle.

Young Politics: October 2010 25, 2010 · In short, I think the 2010 midterm election season will be remembered as one that garnered unprecedented national interest (whether this will translate into voter turnout remains to be seen) but was marred by desperate partisanship and a boatload of cash that should have been spent on any number of more noble and needed endeavors.

Free Marriage Equality Poster: “There Is No “If.” There Is ... 04, 2013 · Over 80% of Americans under 30 favor marriage equality. Once again, Thomas Kuhn’s thesis in “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions” holds true. You wait for the old thinkers to die off, and poof, there’s your revolution. It can’t be hurried, but it can’t be stopped either.

Rep. Gabrielle Giffords | We the People of the United States 10, 2011 · The Left blogs, announcers, and politicians were so quick to respond, it is as if they had prior knowledge of the tragedy. To cover for themselves, the nasty accusations began. They were getting facts wrong, and quickly announced that Rep. Gabby Giffords was dead. She wasn’t. But it appears they expected her to be.

Far too late, Roger Ailes dies – Liberal Scum 18, 2017 · We are told not to speak ill of the dead. When Roger Ailes dies, though, are we to be held to that? Ailes was a wart on the ass of the body politic. He was an evil skank and a serial sexual harasser and arguably a rapist. He was a manipulative conman. He was shameless. He…

food | Always Eating Breakfast takes a balance of perspectives. The economists have to take into account the very real feelings and local problems that happen when there are “deviations from the norm”. But it’s of little help when liberal-types blast the “right-wing” economists while ignoring the blistering historical pace of poverty improvement.

Trump's Executive Memo on Congressional Apportionment is ... was the first time since May that that has happened, as mountains of evidence --- including 59,000 hospitalizations on Tuesday --- underscore, yet again, that the U.S. is headed in decidedly the wrong direction in dealing with the crisis. These will be a very difficult eight weeks indeed.

freedom charter | Politics Of South Africa | Apartheid charter - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt / .pptx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online.

There’s No Such Thing As A Free Trade Agreement | Desert ... 03, 2011 · NAFTA, initially negotiated by President George H.W. Bush, and enacted during the Clinton Administration (1993), was supposed to do wonders for the American economy. Two features of this first FTA should be kept in mind as the Obama Administration heads toward sending Korean, Colombian, and Panamanian FTAs to Congress perhaps as early as this week. …

Reforming-n-Regulating | Dystopian Blues: News Liberal ... ago, The Globe and Mail revealed that the Canadian government has classified BPA, a chemical widely used in the making of plastics, a toxic agent. Here’s the scoop … Canada has become the first jurisdiction in the world to declare bisphenol A toxic, following the publication of regulations on Wednesday adding the widely used plastic-making compound to Canada’s most dangerous ...

Melbourne | Dear Kitty. Some blog 07, 2019 · The most politically significant aspect of the rally was the presence of federal Senator Fraser Anning who openly solidarised himself with the white supremacist racism of the neo-Nazis. The rally was organised amid an ongoing, racist campaign by the media and political establishment over so-called “African gangs” in Melbourne.

Fire Dog Lake « Mercury Rising ?? scheme, also reviewed by the board, led to a record $3.8 million fine from the Federal Election Commission for illegally using corporate resources to host fundraisers for politicians. Emanuel was the beneficiary of one of those parties after he left the board and ran in 2002 for a seat in Congress from the North Side of Chicago.”

No Right Turn: No view 10, 2006 · Perhaps she should have. If she'd paid attention to it, she would know that it is an unjust law, which counts among its primary victims the original leadership of her own party, including two of the first three Labour Prime Ministers, as well as many others who opposed injustice or advocated for a better New Zealand. As a left-wing politician ...

The Melting Pot 13, 2018 · Kristin Mojica My political typology quiz states that my best fit is 'Solid Liberals' along with 16% of the public. I do not really have political influences, as I do not know much about politics, however I enjoy Barrack Obama because he is just so smooth, and also anyone willing to tackle global warming.

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: 11 Failures in ... 10, 2005 · The first point is we misjudged them, and I think we're misjudging today the geo-political intentions of our adversaries. In that case, it was the geo-political intention to North Vietnam and the Viet Cong supported by China and the Soviet Union. And we exaggerated the dangers to the U.S. of those adversaries. Failure number two: Second mistake. Dominion's Energy Tyranny: Where's the ... 03, 2012 · Virginia's 2007 energy re-regulation bill was a terrible idea from the start.It was essentially written by Dominion Virginia Power and rubber-stamped into law by the Virginia General Assembly & Gov. Tim Kaine, who showed no interest in challenging one of Virginia's top sources of money in politics. Five years later, as Virginia Sierra Club Vice Chair Ivy Main …

2 Political Junkies: Keith Rothfus And The Suicide Caucus 04, 2013 · Keith Rothfus And The Suicide Caucus Posted by Dayvoe. By the way, the "suicide" rhetoric come not from the left but from the right - ... A Clean Energy Champion for Senate ... 10, 2010 · The late Sen. Ted Kennedy was one of my political heroes, but his opposition to Cape Wind wasn't his finest moment. Coakley's opponent, Scott Brown, doesn't have much going for him, other than his cozy relationship with the teabagging crowd.

No Right Turn: "Blue Liberals" aren't 07, 2006 · Since I seem to be on the topic of dissing National's "liberalism" over the past few days, I couldn't help but be amused by Steve Gray's report on the BlueLib launch last week [audio]. He was invited along as a young, hip, urban, gay liberal with fiscally conservative views - and was surprised that they didn't say the "gay" word all evening.

Marc Valdez Weblog: 03/30/2014 - 04/06/2014 area community musical theater (esp. DMTC in Davis), Liberal politics, Meteorology, "Breaking Bad" and "Better Call Saul" filming locations reference site, New Mexico and California arcana, and general weirdness.

Saturday’s Passel of Potpourri | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns ... 11, 2020 · Let’s see what mischief our fellow earthlings have gotten themselves into this week. It’s Saturday and time for a break and maybe a smile or two. Animals and construction problems and general mayhem. A few may need a couple of clicks. Page down for politics and/or check out the top posts listed on the…

Cheers to Drinking Liberally | Off The Grid 05, 2008 · Krebs was one of the founders of the progressive social networking group called Drinking Liberally that has been meeting at Rudy’s every Thursday night for the past five years. “We knew our friends wanted to talk about politics and the state of the country, but it felt like that was a taboo thing to do in a social setting,” Mr. Krebs said.

Ouch! | Sohum Parlance II 27, 2017 · McCain: lesson is never elect an ex military guy because while McCain got sympathy votes for his personal decision to be a POW when given the opportunity to come home…..he was playing his poker cards for a future yet revealed…politics. McCain’s daughter is Meghan McCain. Meghan is a swamp rat too, like her daddio John McCain.

Middle – East Politics | The Julianna Michigan Show 03, 2011 · MM and I are pictured at the Egyptian Revolution Monument he created for the Egypt sim in Second Life.The monument shows the names and pictures of known fallen from the Egyptian Revolution. It is a quiet place to reflect on the …

Underline News: Progressive Caucus: Sessions Must Go that’s not enough for members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus. “The recusal is very narrow and only affects investigations looking into the Administration's ties with Russia before Election Day,” Progressive Caucus members said in a statement. "This is not enough.

National Urban League | All Other Persons Washington, DC, millions of dollars are spent annually to lobby the Congress or the Administration for one thing or another. According to a recent edition of the National Journal, these are the lobbying expenditures for the top 15 firms in 2008: 1. US Chamber of Commerce: $62.3 million 2. Institute for Legal Reform (US Chamber): $29.2 M 3.

Glenn Beck Is One Perfect Asshole. | SPANISH INQUISITOR 06, 2012 · The true villains here are the people who listen to and watch his clearly declining attempts at political commentary, and continue to do so an a weekly basis, thereby justifying the ratings that keep him on the air. (SI) I agree. Though he exists on a much lesser scale, how I feel about folks like Pat Condell.

Political Influence | All Other Persons 31, 2009 · In Washington, DC, millions of dollars are spent annually to lobby the Congress or the Administration for one thing or another. According to a recent edition of the National Journal, these are the lobbying expenditures for the top 15 firms in 2008: 1. US Chamber of Commerce: $62.3 million 2. Institute for Legal Reform (US Chamber): $29.2 M 3.

Liberal Bloggers | Lonnie Walker's Blog 01, 2012 · Oh Al Gore is still trying to convince people that the 90’s are the hotest decade on record even though it’s not. On record, the 1930’s were hotter than the 90’s. Al Gore has never let the truth get in the way of his good story. He’s heavily invested in the green industry and he’s going broke.

Big Bad Bald Bastard: Missing Joey More than Ever Now 08, 2019 · Longtime readers will know that I have been a huge Ramones fan since I was a child, and it's nice to know that, while he played a cartoon lunatic delinquent in his band persona, Joey Ramone was a sensitive, articulate liberal. His monologue at the beginning of this performance is a testimony to his values, to his humane nature. We lost Joey to lymphoma on 4/15/2001, a loss which I took pretty ...

RAGGED THOTS: One Stone Overturned, a long-time GOP operative was hired earlier this summer to provide strategic assistance to Senate Majority Leader Joe Bruno in his ever-evolving political war with the governor. That war, of course, has produced multiple investigations connected to Spitzer's use …

Media Giraffe Project -- Link & reference blog: February 2007 and classified-ad Channel 22 to a higher-priced cable package, Burch said he is monitoring the situation. "He has given our offices explicit instructions to pass along these complaints," she said. "He wants to gauge the needs of the area." Burch said the congressman is concerned that C-SPAN would be moved out of the basic service tier.

Real Clear Politics Video: The Latest Politics, News ... higher. Interest rates. The only thing that has gone down in America over the last two years is the value of your home. This president has mismanaged this economy. He has been incompetent in his management of this economy," Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) said on "Hannity." Recommend. 346. Send To A Friend. 313. Comments. Share

The Russia Sanctions: From Headache to Migraine for the ... 15, 2017 · The US Senate approved amendment S. Amdt 232 to S.722 (Iran Sanctions bill) on June 14, 2017 on a 97-2 vote (No. 144) and it's worth our while to look at precisely what this amendment provides [Congressional Record]: The amendment would do a number of things. It would codify and strengthen six existing Obama administration…

PoliticusUSA | Facebook this pagePoliticusUSA. 627.915 curtidas · 103.442 falando sobre isso. "This site offers some of the best researched, savviest writing out there; they never fail to be on top of breaking stories.” ~~ All...

Green Eagle: Ending the Middle East 21, 2015 · Simple, really. When we show them that we are capable of treating them as human beings, they will stop hating us. It really has very little to do with religion, and virtually everything to do with not being fodder for someone else's profit. Fat chance, huh, with one of our two political parties having dedicated itself to hatred and violence.

ssapotluck | Social Security Potluck | Page 03, 2011 · twitter-follow screen_name=’socsctypotluck’] In 2003, Congress passed the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003. One of the provisions of this law was that, beginning in 2007, enrollees who have a “higher income” would pay a higher Medicare Part … Continue reading ?

Bob Edgar: Koch ‘Philanthropy’ Advances Koch Business 29, 2011 · This week, a few hundred people who lead foundations will gather in Scottsdale, Arizona., for the annual meeting of Philanthropy Roundtable, an organization that promotes independent giving to solve America's challenges while encouraging laws and regulations that make it easy for wealthy people to engage in private philanthropy with little oversight.

Offshore Drilling: “Nobody Asked Us” | Beach 06, 2010 · Ever since the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon offshore oil drilling platform on April 20, 2010, and the subsequent oil spill, or rather the oil gusher, the entire issue of allowing offshore drilling in the Gulf of Mexico only miles from Florida has become just another political football. Politicians and elected officials have begun wavering…

Why LESS Gun Control Is Always The RIGHT Option. | 14, 2016 · Guns are the sole protection against political tyranny. Private ownership of guns was very common in Iraq while Saddam Hussein was in power. Guns are the reason the Iraqi people have enjoyed so much more freedom than people in England where guns have been banned. There is always less crime when we make it easier for criminals to obtain guns.

Yo Nancy Pelosi, we’re saying hi from the Redneck Riviera 30, 2016 · The Grand Old Party will need a big tent to git er done in the coming November election. Here is a reminder to the beltway folks, the political class, we vote too!! We are out here on the Redneck Riviera, clinging to our God and Guns. A time for a bit of a break from the political. Enjoy the day.

Herman Cain Is Back. Did he Say He Might Run? [ Wrong 12, 2013 · Not only Sarah Palin, Dick Cheney and George W. Bush emerged from virtual hibernation to reap the fruits of the 2014/2016 election cycles, another has burst into the sunlight: Herman Cain.Yes, Cain has comeback to the cameras and seeking a place in our psyches as both political parties start to line-up their potential candidates for 2016. My thoughts…

Father Geoff Farrow: Meditation on Friendships was a college student in the car of drunken Archbishop-elect Cordileone at 12:26 AM, when Cordileone was arrested for a DUI? How It All began; When the Church married Same-Sex couples. The Supreme Court’s Decisions and the New Mason-Dixon Line; What the Vatican & American bishops DO NOT want you (and Politicians) to know.

Frederick Politics: Dem Campaign Chatter 8-8-2008 09, 2008 · George Wenschhof Today, Obama is in route to Honolulu, Hawaii - it is vacation time with the family for the next nine days.He indicated he was looking forward to spending time with 80+ year old grandmother and I believe his sister resides in Hawaii as well.

United States | Smart Liberal and Female“And it struck me that hers would be the first generation to grow up believing it was perfectly natural for a white woman and a black man to be president.” That pretty much sums up how I felt about this election. Zoey was very interested in the fact that Barack Obama would be the first African American to be President of the United States.

JustOneMinute: Meanwhile, Back At The Wars... is a hollow instrument of despair in Spain. His economy, the most vigorous in Europe, has expired the death of tired politics. He is an uncompromising secular, European socialist with no backbone or ideas except one - coat-tail off of Obama (as …

The Point: Shinzo Abe and the arrogance of power 05, 2017 · Abe’s strong leadership was initially welcomed by many who had grown weary of the succession of short-lived administrations. Yet, if there is a golden rule of politics, it is that power corrupts as hubris inflates leaders’ egos and they begin to conflate personal interests with those of the state.

michigan | HighBoldtage Gauleiter (German pronunciation: ['ga?la?t?]) was the party leader of a regional branch of the NSDAP (more commonly known as the Nazi Party) or the head of a Gau or of a Reichsgau. It has since become a term used to refer to any overbearing local official, especially one prone to the dictatorial use of political or bureaucratic power.

September | 2008 | The Liberal Doomsayer posts published by doomsy during September 2008. (I’ll let you come up with your own scatological caption for this one) This Reuters story tells us that Jack Welch, that supposed genius of American capitalism over the last 20 or so years, believes that our economy is tanking (gosh, what brilliant insight)… “I now believe we are in for one hell of a deep downturn,” Welch told the ...

Legislation | Et Cetera: Publick and Privat Curiosities there was this year’s Academy Awards celebrated Milk, there was the widely acclaimed The Times of Harvey Milk, which won the Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature Film in 1984, and was awarded The Special Jury Prize at the Sundance Film Festival, among other awards. The documentary chronicles the political career of Harvey Milk ...

congress simulation 2017-18 | United States House Of ... simulation 2017-18 - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Search Search

Uncategorized | Et Cetera: Publick and Privat Curiosities, in many, many states, we have been locked out of equality for a generation, because of the politics of fear and backlash. But look how far we’ve come. From a viral holocaust to full equality – somewhere in America, in the commonwealth where American freedom was born. In two decades. This is history.

activism | 3CHICSPOLITICO 18, 2020 · Even though 3Chics Politico is written and curated by three women: Ametia, Rikyrah, and SouthernGirl2, I must nominate this as one of the most engaging blogs I've found. Devoted to politics and culture, these three shine a light …

Political Irony › Passing Expenses 26, 2012 · Many restaurants seem to be having problems due to the economy. Many people are loyal to restaurants they like and trust. The startup costs and issues for a restaurant are high, there is a limited supply of chefs, locations, and customers.

Colorado Pols in the News - Colorado Politics, News and ..., you're right about the link. We fixed it. What happened was that the list was automatically configured to only show the 10 most recent entries, and since Gates was the first entry on that list (and Dan Grossman was #11), his name disappeared. Thanks for pointing that out.

politics | New World Odor 04, 2011 · Posts about politics written by Paul Sonderman. Mississippi first etched itself into my psyche as a focal point of the American Civil Rights Movement, in which racist whites fought long and hard to thwart progress, seemingly denying the outcome of the American Civil War; terrorizing, murdering and blocking any and all effort to drag it, scratching and clawing into …

alan meltzer | 44-D since the first cracks in Wall Street’s facade appeared more than two years ago, commentators and politicians of all stripes have questioned whether the Fed and, equally, the Treasury made proper decisions as they faced the worst financial crisis in 75 years.

Joshing Politics: The Case Against Brian Foley...Or For ... 05, 2008 · This attempted exit (stage left, of course) from Brookhaven politics is both hollow and shallow, as graceless and inglorious as the supervisor's rocky tenure. It's hard not to see Foley's announcement as an unmitigated, tail-tucking retreat, coming as it did less than a day after his Town Board rivals plundered his office and sucked away his ...

Possible Experience: Aug 17, 2011 Politico ran a story about a Chris Christie presidential campaign (based on a tweet about focus groups), and after Christie denied it (and despite polling that he is unpopular in his home state, though his most recent rating ticked upward), the rating agency Fitch just downgraded New Jersey's bond rating from AA to AA-. BI's Joe Weisenthal pronounces the possibly non-existent Christie ...

religion | are we ready? the title of this blog suggests, I want to know: are we ready for a female president? Although it is often hard to get past Hillary’s significance as The Female Candidate in the upcoming elections, one must remember that her gender identity interesects with all of her social and political ones as well.

December 2, 2015 – 02, 2015 · Posted by linkmeister on 2 December 2015, 9:51 pm Igor Volsky is an editor at Think Progress. Today, as the news broke about the killing of at least 14 people in San Bernardino and the wounding of many others, he noticed a peculiar thing in his Twitter feed: he was seeing a lot of politicians expressing their “hopes and prayers” for the ...

Buckdog: Premier Brad Wall's MLAs Interfere With And ... 02, 2013 · that not a message being put before me that we want you not to do performance work and we want you not to question the general revenue fund and summary financial reporting for the province," Lysyk told the committee, reiterating that Saskatchewan is the only province that communicates budget information based on general revenue fund ...

WebWeaver's World: Velvet Underground - Gymnasium 11, 2008 · A blog about my passions. May include some or all of the following: geek stuff (web design & development, CSS, accessibility, usability), environmental activism, my adopted home of New Zealand ('cos it's so totally wonderful), international & green politics (rants from a left-wing perspective), gardening, cats, literature, rugby, and a whole lot of other stuff besides.

TigerHawk - Blogger interrupt our usual geopolitics and partisan sturm und drang to bring you the most valuable "Technicolor yawn" in the world: ambergris, which is the polite term for putrified whale vomit. Ambergris begins as a waxlike substance secreted in the intestines of some sperm whales, perhaps to protect the whale from the hard, indigestible “beaks” of giant squid it feeds upon.

Fear Politics | All Other Persons is from the excellent book, One Shot Harris: The Photographs of Charles “Teenie” Harris. Harris was a photographer who worked for the Pittsburgh Courier, which was one of the nation’s top black newspapers. The book contains photographs taken by Harris from the 1940s through the 1960s.

raising one’s vibration | The Point of a Sharp Instrument sites. Act.TV A facebook page dedicated to grassroots activism.; Counter Current News An alternative news site that focuses on exposing corruption.; Cruelty-Free Living Animals suffer greatly for our vanity and careless lifestyles. The National Anti-Vivisection Society is working to educate the masses on these horrendous crimes against our fellow-creatures.

Why I’m Running | KingMidget's Ramblings 18, 2019 · The problem is that our system is entirely focused on the two major political parties. We have been indoctrinated into the idea that how it is, how it must work, these are our choices. Well, I think it’s time to throw this system out. Blow up the boxes. It’s time for radical change. Yes, radical change led by the mushy middle.

Holiday Peace…just for today? | cadesertvoice 31, 2013 · I heard the Pope is calling for world peace today and many in the nation, including politicians are going to church today to celebrate Easter. My husband and I don't celebrate holidays. We believe they are man-made and commercialized for the banks and corporations to get people to spend money they would otherwise not. …

Duke Men’s College Basketball « Jamesb101.com 03, 2010 · About this site….. This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is…..

election 2008 | Smart Liberal and Female maybe that’s one of the reasons Mike didn’t do such a great job steering Giulliani. Either he can’t read, doesn’t understand percentages, or he is delusional. Hell, I’ll go as far as say all three. So good luck McCain. Duhaime’s a real winner. hahahahahaha….

About – Everblog to Everblog! The Evergreen Institute for Progressive Thought is a organization of activists who share a leftward tilt regarding American politics. All of us share dismay at the steady right-ward drumbeat of politics in the US and a love of this nation and its people. ALL of its people. We post links to sites…

‘Great Brewers’ « Jamesb101.com 03, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

"What Comes Naturally": maj 2013 this pageThis part of his diary consists mainly of daily observations on news and events related to the war and the events of the first year of the war. Side by side with his comments to the local and global political events are private thoughts on his daily life and comments on letters and news from family and friends, especially in France and Sweden.

Choosing the Correct Pronoun | United States Congress ... Everyone has the right to (his or her, their own opinion. 15. Each of the freshmen women called (her, their) mother on the first day of the fall term. 16. President and Mrs. Clinton offered (his, her, their) home to the Daughters of the American Revolution for (its, their) annual ball. 17. One of the girls agreed to drive (her, their) car. 18.

Yitzhak Benhorin – “Obama, McCain: Military option in Iran ... 23, 2008 · The first debate between the two candidates will be held on Friday in Mississippi and will deal with defense and foreign affairs. Two additional debates will be held on October 7 and October 14. McCain, who has served in the American Congress for 26 years, enjoys an advantage over Obama in terms of his experience in international issues.

sarah palin | Smart Liberal and Female took a call from the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee, Congressman Howard Berman, and a test to make it happen. Now we all had a good laugh at Sarah Palin when she took a call from a Canadian radio station pretending to be the French President…so I can’t say I blame Representative Ros-Lehtinen!

03 | February | 2020 | Sohum Parlance II 03, 2020 · The leaflet had to have been generated in 1964, or 1965 at the latest as my earliest memories begin when I was 2 years old on Cole Street near the Panhandle. The leaflet was most likely the first or second against the Vietnam War in the City. It is also, I believe, how all political discourse ought to be written.

Political Lies | Lonnie Walker's Blog 01, 2012 · Oh Al Gore is still trying to convince people that the 90’s are the hotest decade on record even though it’s not. On record, the 1930’s were hotter than the 90’s. Al Gore has never let the truth get in the way of his good story.

Eliminationism: Kill All Liberals | Fitness for the Occasion 13, 2007 · These are the same 30-35% who think Bush is doing a good job, and the same deluded bunch who still think the war in Iraq was not a mistake. I wouldn’t worry about them too much as they are the lowest common denominator. And though I certainly don’t want them dead, I do wish we could combine Alabama and Arkasas and give them their own country.

07 | October | 2008 | Smart Liberal and Female 07, 2008 · So here we are. The GOP ticket starts to realize Americans aren’t buying it any more. They are LOSING – hehe (my own little gleeful laugh). Then Sarah throws the first dirty punch. Senator McCain starts in as well. And Senator Obama put his big boy pants on and fought back. This is where sirens go off and wild cheers.

Motor City Liberal: On Hannity, Dietl promoted Social ... fact, the 2008 Social Security trustee's report estimates that the current ratio will fall from more than 3 workers for every beneficiary to a 2.2 ratio in 2030, not that the ratio will be "two to one" "[t]en years from now." Furthermore, the Social Security trustees have projected that in the absence of a change in the law, Social Security ...

Linkiest • Page 4041 of 4356 • Surfing the net so you don ... the net so you don't have to. Listen to Right Wing News Radio for this week. It features me talking about Palin, bailout, politics, the future of conservatism, and much, much, more.

The Daily Ripple-News Music Ideas - Portland woman said ... Daily Ripple: US & World News - Progressive News focus. Fact-based information and scientifically researched analysis on politics, environment, and human rights. Socially conscious music to …

Biden | Unreasonably Safe Observer 20, 2009 · One of the more publicized of Biden’s crashes occured on Tuesday evening. when an unmarked police car helping to escort the VP to a taping of The Daily Show in ... where the VP was in town as the keynote speaker at a $1000/plate fundraiser dinner for local politicians. In that accident, a sheriff’s vehicle traveling in Biden’s ...

» Politics -– John Kasich impressed me. He has a reputation here in Ohio for having a temper and sometimes being a bully, but he focused on optimism, growth and inclusion in his answers. He’s going with a positive message and does a good job of weaving his credentials and accomplishments into his answers.

Science and Politics This is based on the sentiment of moral superiority (strict father morality towards foreigners) and ignores the positive role we can have in the world. Case in point: Very late and reluctant entry into the WWII. Isolationism - Liberal version (Kucinich, Greens): Goal: Defending the US territory, period.

Senate 2008 Guru: Following the Races: Approval Ratings ... 30, 2007 · Note: This is a privately run blog, not connected to any political campaign, candidate, committee or organization. Contact the Senate 2008 Guru at senate2008guru at yahoo dot com. "We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children." -Native American proverb

Political Irony › Ringing in His Ears? 09, 2017 · I think Trump really is exactly as ignorant as he sounds, that he actually believes what comes out of his mouth at any given time. Yes, a man who is insecure enough to crave the attention and adoration of the least educated Americans BUT he deeply resents the fact that he does not have the support of a majority who can read above 5th-grade level and is trying really, REALLY HARD!

Short Reviews: Deer Hunting with Jesus and Speaking ... 09, 2008 · In his new book Speaking Treason Fluently: Anti-Racist Reflections From an Angry White Male, Wise challenges readers to think differently than how the media pundits want us to think. In response to the popularity of Obama amongst white liberals, Wise says, “If whites view Obama as having transcended his blackness – and if why we ...

Gary Landrieu – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America, who is blatantly anti-Semitic, highlighted a list contained in his copy of the “ Pronouncing Edition of the Holy Bible “ —which was published in 1900 and claimed that there were 7.5 million Jews in the world at the time—and used it to question how six million Jews could have been killed in the Holocaust just a few decades later.

Marc Valdez Weblog area community musical theater (esp. DMTC in Davis), Liberal politics, Meteorology, "Breaking Bad" and "Better Call Saul" filming locations reference site, New Mexico and California arcana, and general weirdness.

Harry Clarke: Political motive fallacies 09, 2007 · Political motive fallacies. ... This is a special case of the ad hominem circumstantial fallacy – it resonates with me because I see it everywhere. ... HC tells his pianist daughter who is practicing a piano sonata for a forthcoming competition. ‘You played that piece as well as I …

New Poster: “We Decide Who Is Raped. And Who Isn’t ... 23, 2012 · This is what the continuous parsing and tweaking and rewording of the definition of rape adds up to. In November, you'll get to decide who gets elected. And who doesn't. For a hi-res version of this poster, please click the image above. We've had many requests for T-shirts with this graphic, so they're now available…

Chris Matthews – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America that there are nearly 5,000 sealed indictments in place against powerful leaders, Taylor asserted that Trump, who is “ten steps ahead of everybody,” has put the National Guard on notice to prepare for civil unrest in the wake of mass arrests. Taylor asserted that Bill and Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are among those set to be indicted, claiming that Attorney General Jeff ...

0 items , $0.00: Contributor | Lobbying In The United ... Roundtable for Obama Victory Fund - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This is an invitation for a political fundraiser on June 25, 2012. Get details at Sunlight Foundation's Party Time

I Was Trying To Remember What It ... - Mercury Rising ?? 14, 2008 · And thanks to Atrios, now I remember: The last time Congress voted to phase-out the estate tax (aka the Paris Hilton Tax) in 2001, Robert L. Johnson, founder of Black Entertainment Television, enthusiastically called for repeal. He took out full-page ads in national newspapers, granted interviews, even gave speeches claiming that a repeal “will help…

05 | December | 2008 | The Liberal Doomsayer 05, 2008 · In today’s New York Times, a full-page ad appears for a group called No Mob Veto, which appears to have sprung up in response to what it claims to be “violence and intimidation being directed against the LDS or ‘Mormon’ church, and other religious organizations – and even against individual believers – simply because they supported Proposition 8 (the ban on same-sex marriage).”

Politics | Deciders’ single and U.S. Secretary of State Condi Rice will break bread with terrorist leader Muammar Gaddafi, of Libya, this weekend. Never mind the fact that (r)epukes constantly criticize Obama’s reported willingness to sit down and chat with leaders of nations hostile to U.S. interests.

texas | Political Loudmouth on Political Loudmouth in The Dallas Voice June 26, 2010 July 27, 2010 By politicalloudmouth No Comments In case you missed it, has been offering free downloads of posters like the one above for the legalization of same-sex marriage.

Anderson Cooper – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America that there are nearly 5,000 sealed indictments in place against powerful leaders, Taylor asserted that Trump, who is “ten steps ahead of everybody,” has put the National Guard on notice to prepare for civil unrest in the wake of mass arrests. Taylor asserted that Bill and Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are among those set to be indicted, claiming that Attorney General Jeff ...

Speaking Liberally: An Observed Phenomenon 10, 2009 · An Observed Phenomenon. ... Admittedly, this does not affect the sorting algorithm for Facebook, as the site alphabetizes by first name, but for the first month or so that this was going on it was somewhat confusing when, instead of seeing stuff about Jane Doe on my news feed, I get stories about a Jane Sue when I am certain I have never ...

Science and Politics* Less than 50 percent of Americans can name the first book of the Bible (Genesis). * Only 1/3 of Americans know who delivered the Sermon on the Mount (more people identified Billy Graham rather than Jesus). * Twenty-five percent of Americans don't know what is celebrated on Easter (the Resurrection of Christ, the foundational event of ...

Gubu-World: "Stop the Bombing" 30, 2011 · Gubu World is an Irishmans view of global affairs. Gubu is an Irish political phrase that stands for grotesque, unbelievable, bizare and unprecendented. ... This is why even the dictator dominated Arab League have said that the bombing has gone well beyond a no-fly zone from the outset. ... despite it being the first days of the military ...

TigerHawk back at least the House in 2010 is the first step. If the political winds shift 180 degrees and go gale force, the Supreme Court could be of later help. This could be important to thwart Obama if Congress is won back. But don't count on the likes of doughboy Scalia to lead the charge. He's been in DC too long and went native.

Baldwin vs. Buckley – Historical Debate Treasure | Sohum ... 10, 2020 · But the history was just being written as universities were transforming, and Cambridge would probably be a few years behind all that, or the first speaker (the liberal) would have had the tools to present the argument more comprehensively.

Irish slaves – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America Harper exchanged fire with police during an 8-hour standoff in Dooly County following a domestic dispute. He was a well-known and active member of the KKK, law enforcement confirmed. – KKK IMPERIAL WIZARD KILLED BY GEORGIA POLICE AFTER 8-HOUR STANDOFF – Georgia KKK imperial wizard killed after shooting at Crackas during eight-hour standoff!!!

The Legacy Of “The Dragon Lady” Lives On | The Liberal ... 25, 2009 · Even so, as the AFL-CIO’s general counsel, Jon Hiatt, observes, “My dream is that the first act of the new Secretary of Labor would be to identify top executives of companies that routinely violate wages and hours laws — and take them out of their offices in handcuffs. The deterrent value would be enormous.”

Who the Heck Cares? 9/5/09 — Obama’s Education Speech ... 05, 2009 · This is hardly the first time a President has addressed the students of the nation. Bush I did it in 1991. Dems in Congress complained about him using taxpayer money to broadcast a partisan speech, but the complaintes were relatively quiet and the speech wasn’t really partisan. Methinks the same will play out here.

02 | November | 2008 | Smart Liberal and Female 02, 2008 · * If your total resume is: local weather girl, 4 years on the city council and 6 years as the mayor of a town with less than 7,000 people, 20 months as the governor of a state with only 650,000 people, then you’re qualified to become the country’s second highest ranking executive.

politico - Yahoo Suche Suchergebnisse this pageVor 1 Tag · Politico, known originally as The Politico, is an American political journalism company based in Arlington County, Virginia, that covers politics and policy in the United States and internationally. It distributes content through its website, television, printed newspapers, radio, and podcasts.

Haiti to Sarah Palin: We Can See Your “Horns” | 3CHICSPOLITICO 12, 2010 · Haiti to Sarah Palin: We Can See Your “Horns” Posted on December 12, 2010 by rikyrah So Franklin Graham the Evangelical minister who called Islam “EVIL” has paired up with Sarah Palin and traveled to Haiti on what they’re calling a “MERCY MISSION” Umm, nope, we ain’t buying it.

Small Flashes: 01/02/2005 - 01/09/2005 01, 2005 · One of the many potential train wrecks in our current economy is the consumer debt level. Far too many people are carrying far too much debt, especially unsecured credit card debt. American bankruptcy laws are by far the most liberal in the world, and the credit card companies are terrified of a wave of personal bankruptcies.

Jennasa18 on Politicshttps://jennasa18onpolitics.blogspot.comObama remarked, “For the first time in my adult life, I am really proud of my country, and not just because Barack has done well, but because I think people are hungry for a change”. I would have to agree with Barack Obama when he says, “Statements like this are made and people try to take it out of context and make a great big deal out ...

Five U.S. Senators Are Perfect Koch Servants, Americans ... 11, 2012 · Five senators and 39 representatives received a perfect 100 percent score from the Koch brothers’ Astroturf group Americans For Prosperity for the first half of the 112th Congress. AFP judged Congress on their votes to protect the Koch brothers’ right-wing petrochemical empire on such issues as the repeal of President Obama’s new health care law,…

Washington Legal Foundation, Schema-Root 04, 2019 · The stampede to sue is driven, at least in part, by the fears of cities and counties that they might be “left out in the cold” when a vast settlement agreement is reached, said Glenn G. Lammi, chief counsel at the Washington Legal Foundation, which generally …

BNP « The Futility Monster about BNP written by The Futility Monster. Twutility Monster. 2012: Scores On The Doors 7 years ago; Liberal Luvvie Lord Leveson Likes Lunatic Lefties 8 years ago; Another one of my 2012 predictions comes true with Man City winning the title.

Status of Forces Agreement | The Liberal Doomsayer to the Bucks County Courier Times – stop publishing make-believe headlines (from yesterday) about the market supposedly reacting to the demise of those stinking George W. Bush tax cuts once and for all; as noted here, the real reasons had to do with Hurricane Sandy and weaker-than-expected earnings from Wal-of-China Mart.; Also, the Murdoch Street Journal was in a fit of high dudgeon ...

November | 2008 | Smart Liberal and Female’m hoping for the first year, and then we’ll just have to see how that goes. Hillary Clinton will be named as Secretary of State. I think this will be a huge step up from what we’ve had… Marine Gen. Jim Jones named as the National Security Adviser at the White House. Susan Rice named as the …

Sarah Palin: Political Speech Can Cause Violence 16, 2011 · The eponymous Blogging Curmudgeon has jumped ship and left full responsibility for curmudgeonry in the hands of this diminutive "ette." I shall do my best, although I lack his capacity for unbridled meanness. For a fuller explanation, see the first entry in this blog. "If you can't say anything good about someone, sit right here by me."

Impeach Bush Coalitionhttps://impeachbushcoalition.blogspot.comI am giving serious consideration to turning off the clock.Up until now I have held out hope that the Congress of the United States of America would finally come to its senses and Impeach George W. Bush for his admitted criminal violation of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). Today, that hope is …

Eschatonhttps://eschaton08.blogspot.comThe first reason is obvious - furiously typing away at my keyboard about events and people does not in fact make me a hero of the revolution and more than that has absolutely zero impact on the events over there. Second, I don't know much about internal Iranian politics but I know enough to know that the issues are a bit more nuanced than the ...

social networking | Political Communication. Rowan ... is a great example of the Outside Initiative Model where the flow of communication starts at the bottom with the activists and other places over the country trying to influence the center, or in this particular example the President. The way in which these activists communicate is through online social networking sites.

Political Irony › Speculating on Starvation 19, 2011 · A bubble is caused by artificially inflated demand for a commodity. For example, the real estate bubble was caused by people who bought houses because they wanted a good investment — after all, “housing prices always go up”. But eventually the demand collapsed.

PoliticalChinhttps://politicalchin.blogspot.composted by PoliticalChin at 3:20 AM 0 comments Caucasian Languages, Svan The Svan language (self-designation: lušnu nin), also unwritten, is located south of Mount Elbrus, in the high valleys of the upper Tskhenis-Tskali and its tributary Kheledula and in the valleys of the upper Inguri River.

Morning Digest: After losing GOP nomination, Virginia ...!READ THIS BEFORE YOU GO Dear Reader, This feels like the most important fundraising drive since The Revival of the Progressive Party (1912 | 2018), with enormously high stakes and so much passion. In “Our Mission Statement” we unveil the reality we are all facing and how we rise to the challenge. — If you’re able to, a critical moment to propel the Progressive Party to new ...

Protecting the Idea We Hate | Sheila Kennedy marketplace of ideas is like that. If we suppress a bad idea—push it into the corner of the refrigerator, so to speak—it starts to stink up the political process. If we take it into the sunlight, we can “dry it out” so that it no longer smells things up. But—and a very important “but”—the sunlight is us. Citizens in ...

Kenya – THE HAL BLOG Don’t Believe For A Second This Isn’t About Race The first thing most anti-Obama people will tell you is that not an issue of race. They’ll tell you that claiming it to be about race is just another way in which the liberals are trying to distract the public from their “true” arguments.

Selena Gomez – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America’s like I’m laying there, in the Dark, the Music washes over me in waves. I can hear all the parts clearly because it really is a decent little radio. So I hear Rihanna, Love on the Brain for the first time and I’m like OMG, it doesn’t get any better than this! It sounds right because the …

Kimberly Krautter - The Body Politic blog debuts on my dad's birthday. He is the first person to challenge my notions and to teach me to think critically. He has always been supportive of my writing endeavors. I hope a fitting tribute to the most frustratingly brilliant man I've ever known. (Special thanks to C.Noel, a great photographer even with the poorest subject.)

people | Political Loudmouth 22, 2013 · This is a quote by Ray Bradbury, the author of “Fahrenheit 451,” a novel about a society that decides to burn its books. To get a hi-res version of this for printing out, just click the image above. To see more posters on current politics and culture, please visit our Facebook page.

Vast Left Wing Conspiracy | LEFT OF DAYTON Great Alaskan Turkey Massacree [with apologies to Arlo] A conversation with a friend provoked me to think about the Gov. Sara Palin and the Great Alaskan Turkey massacrree. First, note, I am NOT a fan of Ms Palin’s politics. on the other hand I can relate to her in one important way relevant to her seemingly blissful nonchalance about turkey ‘s being slaughtered in full view of the ...

25 | March | 2019 | Sohum Parlance II 25, 2019 · Total cost of removal $31,877 minus $15,000 paid for by Canton and some change raised by activists to mitigate the costs. Not over half a million as estimated by the opposition. Local politics definitely generated some melodramatic cost estimates last year.. I wonder how much of that over $300,000 per year the county has been spent in the first half year to implement Measure K.

Personalization | Missouri Communication 13, 2011 · In one chapter Sunstein talks about polarized blogs and claims that conservatives will only read conservative blogs and vice versa. This made me think a little…Obviously I’m going to be more inclined to read a sports blog than a political blog, which I guess is a like-minded decision, but as you break it down even further I’ll read blogs that have a different opinion than I do.

Who Hijacked Our Country: Mayor Jack Scott: Dickhead of ... 30, 2011 · Anonymous: Thanks for stopping by. This is one issue where conservatives and liberals can agree. jadedj: Yup, the mayor and his cronies can live and work in trailers. That ordinance only applies to the lowly citizens who pay his salary. Anonymous: LOL. Erik: Yup, nevermind all the death and destruction; they can just gentrify everything.

When the “woke” crowd seeks to destroy art and history, I ... 29, 2019 · Let’s stand up for the integrity of art as well as for historical interpretation, and for a shared analysis of the political reality of the United States in the past and the present. The undersigned oppose the school board’s decision and the wrong-headed approach to art …

Shamelessness And The Tax Bill | Sheila Kennedy And The Tax Bill. December 12, 2017 Public Policy and Governance deficits, economists, Jennifer Rubin, ... sort of a liberal one, a centrist one, and a conservative one right up there. The most conservative one, the most pro-economic growth …

Charles Pasqua | The Moorish Wanderer about Charles Pasqua written by Zouhair ABH. Let us first determine the costs of such policy. The changes would deal with the following issues: operational assets, past debts, current expenses and human resources a/ Operational assets: Since the newspaper option is out of the question, the party needs to focus on internet communication.Far from being the dada of political geeks, it is an ...

Isaac Hayes’ Homegoing service – Skeptical Brotha 18, 2008 · Hat Tip: By Jody Callahan, Memphis Commercial Appeal A collection of musicians, politicians, celebrities and activists said goodbye to Isaac Hayes in a three-hour tribute at Hope Presbyterian Church today. Hayes died Aug. 10 after suffering a stroke. He would have turned 66 Wednesday. Stax veteran William Bell, serving as host, introduced Revs.

JustOneMinute: Spoiler Alert April Fool's parody of liberals eating their own over a contest regarding the ethics of eating meat. Huge props for self-awareness to Kathleen Geier of The Political Animal. HMM: These people stole a march on April Fool's. March 30, in fact. Too fast for the house, or anyway, for me.

racist | Traitor Joe Lieberman is down from a peak of 12 percent in 1981. The effective federal rate for the middle fifth of all taxpayers is 3 percent. Taxpayers seem to think a reasonable levy. Second, contrary to received political wisdom, the tax system is viewed as pretty fair overall. In …

Oh Well: A Commentary: House OKs subpoenas for Rove, Miers ... 12, 2007 · Well, we've got a constitutional fight taking place between the Bush White House and Congress. This is from The Washington Post: A House subcommittee today authorized the issuance of subpoenas for top presidential adviser Karl Rove and other White House and Justice Department aides as it investigates the firing of eight U.S. attorneys, potentially setting up a constitutional confrontation …

Maybe They Can Re-Imagine It As A Comedy Club a Brilliant Plan. The vast muddle voted for Obama in 2008 because they didn't believe him when he promised this or that monstrously stupid thing. "That's just politics. He doesn't really mean it," they thought. Highlighting the promises that he didn't keep is meant to nurture this meme along, so that the muddle will vote for him ...

Oral Epics in India II | Sikhism | Religion And Belief was written when the Muslim Political domain had begun to shrink. 2. When Bulleh Shah (1680-1758)in his kafis had condemned the orthodox religious formalism of the Hindus and Muslims, and when Ali Haider (1690-1785) in his sihrafi had expressed his anguish over the failure of the Mughal state to confront Nadir Shah. 3.

GOP spineless | Bloviating Zeppelin 13, 2016 · Right now, TiSA and T-TIP text are completely secretive and unavailable for even members of Congress to read while TPP text is available for members to review—although they need to go to a secret room inside the Capitol where only members of Congress and certain staffers high-level security clearances, who can only go when members are present, can read the bill.

Obama | Smart Liberal and Female I know the President and his family get to live there, great, but it’s still supposed to be our house! This is something I ranted about continually throughout the President Bush (43’s) term-well one of …

US House of Representatives | B.D.'s Last Refuge will take me a while to find a copy of the decades-old Doonesbury strip that leaps to mind, though I’m thinking it was the late Jerald terHorst and the long-running joke about future presidents.. Rep. Peter T. King accused President Barack Obama of “undermining the authority of future presidents” to engage in military action in a scathing statement issued following Obama’s Rose ...

Thursday Mashup (12/10/09) | The Liberal Doomsayer 10, 2009 · 1) The Philadelphia Inquirer Op-Ed board wrote the following today (from here)… One would think political leaders would have learned some lessons in the wake of the scandal surrounding the firings of U.S. attorneys in the George W. Bush administration. But apparently Sen. Max Baucus (D., Mont.) and some of his colleagues didn't get the…

Liberal Wacko, Montana Division | Drive-by blogging from ...https://wackolib.wordpress.comIn November of 2000 we watched in horror as the Supreme Court appointed George Bush President of the United States of America. Al Gore had run a strong campaign, and won the popular vote, but in the end he lost because the electoral votes failed to reflect the will of the American people.

Monica Goodling | The Liberal Doomsayer The Philadelphia Inquirer Op-Ed board wrote the following today (from here)…. One would think political leaders would have learned some lessons in the wake of the scandal surrounding the firings of U.S. attorneys in the George W. Bush administration.

The Fall of America - Page 4 - Shooting Sports Forum 25, 2013 · Originally Posted by freesw Clearly there is no proof that Thomas Jefferson had sexual relations with Sally Hemmings. Certainty of

The Starting Line – Polticos Seek to Spin California ... 08, 2012 · While the increases in the price of gasoline in California are setting records, politicians of every stripe are looking for ways to gain an advantage with voters. The fact is that there is no ...

Rupert Murdoch | Dear Kitty. Some blog March 10, President Trump retweeted a post from conservative political activist Charlie Kirk, who referred to the coronavirus (COVID-19) as the “China Virus.“ Kirk also exclaimed in his tweet, “Now, more than ever, we need the wall…the US stands a chance if we can get control of our borders.”

The North Coast: April 2008 the title link to Classical Values and go to the post second from the most recent, and then wonder why we trust our elected officials to make the simplest decision. The post is a letter from an "yet to be named source", obviously a travel agent or reservations agent, who relates conversations with congressmen and senators that leave you wondering how our leaders could even make it past ...

Ezra Klein: Is the Air Force Unconstitutional? the Air Force Unconstitutional? By Neil the Ethical Werewolf As Don Herzog points out, originalist views about judicial interpretation seem to suggest that it is: Article I, sec. 8 of the Constitution enumerates Congress's powers; clauses 11-16 lay out war powers. We learn that Congress can establish an army and a navy.

U.S. Economy | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog the first time ever — and worth repeating — one of the two major political parties in America is sabotaging a delicate economic recovery for the sake of humiliating the president and his party, and subsequently recapturing a political majority.

Washington State Political Report - Blogger in his budget proposal said he is able to address about $1.3 billion of the gap through program cuts, cost-saving initiatives and fund transfers. But the final $510 million -- critical to fund smaller public school classes, higher enrollments at state colleges and universities and other state programs -- would come from tax increases.

Frederick Politics: 2017 02, 2017 · Thankfully, the founders of the constitution provided mechanisms to amend the document, when the need arose. The process is rightfully not easy, resulting in only 27 amendments since the constitution was ratified in 1789 with the first 10 of them, known as the Bill of Rights, ratified by the first congress in 1791.

tcnorris: 05/01/2015 - 06/01/2015 31, 2015 · Proliferating polls during the final week of Alberta's election campaign all point to a first-place finish for the NDP and a majority in the legislature on May 5.Given Alberta's political history of conservative governments both federally and provincially, this could only happen as the product of a perfect storm, an exceptional confluence of events and personalities.

And A Sustainably Stable Morning To You As Well it will be impossible if the necessary bargaining takes place against a backdrop of continual congressional demands for a faster withdrawal. In that situation, the Qomis and Sadrs will take the admonitions from Crocker and Petraeus as just so much hot air -- and a bad situation will get even worse.

Executive Orders | Bloviating Zeppelin not nearly to the extent that did Judge Robart in Washington state, and with a fraction of the prior focus on President Trump’s second travel stay, Executive Order 13769 (Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States).. From Revised Trump travel ban suffers first legal blow. by Josh Gerstein. Federal judge in Wisconsin blocks impact on Syrian ...

June | 2006 | littlemind 30, 2006 · Bill Moyers’ new series, Faith and Reason, is in some ways more compelling than his topical series, NOW, which has been truncated to a half-hour, sans Bill Moyers, due to right wing accusations of liberal bias.Moyers is more in his element here, conducting longer, in-depth interviews with writers on a subject that obviously fascinates him, harkening back to his now classic interviews …

The religious left - MTStars 31, 2016 · The Sermon on the Mount is THE handbook of true believers, not the "church" that Paul built. Do some research on that if you think I'm blaspheming. Jesus spoke of an anti-christ and described Paul to a "T". We are the ones who refuse to listen because Paul gives us a pass on social injustice in the name of the lord.

black consensus – Skeptical Brotha an interview in his congressional office, Lewis said the decision to switch his support was a difficult one, a choice between a longtime friend and a little-known black man. “I did it because I felt I had to support Mrs. Clinton because of our friendship,” Lewis said. “But also I thought she was ready to lead.

Funding Campaigns | isely 22, 2018 · Admittedly, unlikely to happen. But it is a goal for lawmakers. The Next Generation of Reform – Discussing next-generation campaign finance reform when Citizens United and its progeny remain as the driving forces behind political campaigns may seem fruitless at best. Once unlimited money becomes the rule and the wall between ...

liberal movement – Eric Lightborn's Blog Shoe Heard ‘Round The World. I don’t pretend to hold any grasp of full cultural understanding in any culture outside my own, but I think it is safe to say that other cultures outside of America have their own versions of “flipping the bird” as we enjoy so well here in American society.The degree of the insult or how to avoid committing such an egregious insult in a foreign land is ...

Iddybud Journal: 18/03/07 - 25/03/07 10, 2007 · My daily blog of progressive politics, faith, photography, and my life in Upstate New York. "You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you angry." - Aldous Huxley

That’s what they Said about Son of Sam | The Enlightened ... 26, 2008 · Jonathan Chait has altered his assessment of the McCain Gambit from crazy-like-a-fox to crazy-like-Tom-Cruise. I quote in full: I’ve been writing a series of blog posts trying to figure out exactly what John McCain was after with this campaign-suspension gambit. My premise is that McCain is a savvy operator who knows how to protect his own political interests.

The Useless Tree: Further to a Critique of "The China Model" wondrously Western, individualistic interpretation of Confucian teachings. Two of your points deserve comment: "what I have learned from contemporary Chinese politics is that the CCP tried very hard to destroy Confucianism, and the philosophy and way of life survived largely because it was cultivated in politically freer contexts outside of the PRC".

slavery reparations – Skeptical Brotha years ago, I was transformed by the presidential campaign of Jesse Jackson. I became the political animal that haunts this blog with sporadic amounts of humor and cynicism. The campaign became a coming of age that should define a generation of us in our mid-thirties. The rhetoric of the campaign was uplifting and edifying in a spiritual way and inspired a new generation of African ...

ABA | Sheila Kennedy than half incorrectly think the First Amendment does not permit the burning the American flag in political protest under the First Amendment. The U.S. Supreme Court has struck down laws that forbid flag-burning, ruling first in 1989 that under the First Amendment a person cannot be penalized for such action. There’s more, of course.

Brzezinski: Huckabee Sanders ‘Spews Lies’ Instead of ... 26, 2018 · As the political tensions in America have ratcheted up, some network pundits have begun struggling to maintain their composure while covering the White House. Morning Joe ’s Mika Brzezinski is one such example, as she again demonstrated on Friday with her comments about White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders and NRA spokeswoman ...

Christiane Amanpour | The Liberal Doomsayer“Worst Persons” on “Countdown” on Monday (Tom Shales looses what’s left of his mind over Christiane Amanpour’s “In Memoriam” segment on “This Week”…more here, Fred Barnes pretends that he’s not being paid off by the Repugs, which he is, and Rupert Murdoch and one of his lackeys take top honors for trying to promulgate the “message” of Fix Noise all the way down the ...

Gregory Jaczko | The Liberal Doomsayer’s the largest drop in GDP since the first quarter of 1982, when the economy suffered a 6.4% decline. More to the point, I’m not going to play this game about Obama and spending, since he didn’t create the deficit to begin with (yes, he added to it, but you have to spend to invest and demand has to come from somewhere).

Vladimir Putin and “Managed Nationalism” 27, 2010 · A member of one of the anti-immigrant groups said: “This is a massive political wave, and no one can stop it.” The same person also said Vladimir Putin is in roughly the same position as the Polish government after the fall of Communism (they gave up power) and/or Nicolae Ceausescu, the Romanian dictator who had an unhappy ending in 1989.

difficult to get a liberal to answer a question (they... 13, 2016 · Time for a real change in the White House. ... the most insulting on this forum are the ones who claim to be the most conservative or claim to have done the most for their country because they served in the military. ... See this video and you will understand why the depth of my understanding of all why I could never say maybe "maybe I ...

JustOneMinute: Liberal Fascism Ross Sorkin of the Flailing NY Times doesn't think this whole democracy experiment is working on gun control so he would like to put the Wall Street banks in charge. Wow. Exhorting corporate America to cater to the whims...

JFlorio, You can call me names. It... 21, 2015 · JFlorio, You can call me names. It doesn't mean a freaking bit to me. All it means that you think I am a "fruit loop" or a heaven forfend, a "liberal", or some "flower child", and that is one thing I never was. JFlorio, don't read my posts, and all will be well. And don't make assumptions. That's pretty much a good policy, I think. You know ...

Small Flashes: 07/09/2006 - 07/16/2006 11, 2006 · The one on the left is the traditional Liberal-Conservative distribution while the one on the right might be thought of as the Neocon-Theocrat axis. There's simply no way to appeal to both. Unfortunately, right now, the N-T axis is controlling the terms of political discourse and attracting a good chunk of the right-hand side of the left (L-C ...

Accidental Deliberations: On damaging positions 09, 2015 · It would seem a big part of that was the strategic decision to support Bill C-51. It was, like a lot of things in politics, a judgment call. As things turned out, at least so far, it looks like another example of bad judgment.

Dumb Fundie Pulp Fiction Amy Winehouse Branson Christmas ... 24, 2017 · The Year In Right Wing Watch: God Loves Trump And Will Curse Those Who Oppose Him By Miranda Blue - It’s been a weird year. At Right Wing Watch, we’re used to bizarre conspiracy theories, extremist ideologies, wild misinformation, and the strange twisting of scripture to support political aims. But this year, we saw those things coming…

illusory tenant: Correlative statistics 10, 2009 · Confirmation bias, as the psychologists say. I remember many years ago reading in the Columbia Journalism Review an assessment of the political biases among the (at the time) three network evening news programs that ABC was the "most conservative." From that point on I undertook to watch it rather than the other two, so as to deliberately avoid ...

Dispassionate Liberal: Boobie? BooBIE!! 98 to 82, Cav's Win! 06, 2007 · The domination my beloved San Antonio Spurs exhibited against the Utah Jazz in the Western Conference Finals of the NBA Playoffs was nothing compared to watching LeBron take his place as the next Michael Jordan. Yeah, I said it. I never knew they still played basketball in June. This is a first. Usually I'm watching nothing but baseball by now.

tcnorris: 07/01/2004 - 08/01/2004 11, 2004 · Safety was the Liberal government devil they knew, and if that meant not casting their first choice vote for the NDP, or a frustrated desire to punish the Liberals for the sponsorship scandal by voting Conservative or BQ, at least life would go on as the electorate knew it, in the interim. This is a lesson the Conservatives need to absorb.

Gorsuch | Sheila Kennedy the Court put it in one case, “At the heart of liberty is the right to define one’s own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life.” Substantive due process requires government to respect the right of individuals to hold their own political and religious beliefs, define their own life’s ...

Nobody Reads This Blog: 2009 - Jon Loomis Reads This Blog A blog about poetry, teaching, crime fiction (maybe), a certain amount of politics, guitar gear and other stuff. 9.18.2009. Going to Bouchercon. I'll be the tall guy with the gray mustache sitting at the end of the bar. Posted by Jon Loomis at

Bernie 2020! | TES Community 20, 2019 · I think Bernie is the best candidate and has already fulfilled (or is trying to fulfill) many of his 2016 campaign promises, eg. free in-state university (definitely NY) and a $15 minimum wage. I do think that there will be a major shift to the left in either 2020 or 2024; not just a reaction to Trump but it seems to follow in US politics.

Irish Trojan in Tennessee:Felix is a hurricane, and a'm Brendan Loy, a 26-year-old graduate of USC and Notre Dame now living and working in Knoxville, Tennessee. My wife Becky and I are brand-new parents of a beautiful baby girl, born on New Year's Eve. I'm a big-time sports fan, a politics, media & law junkie, an astronomy buff, a weather nerd, an Apple aficionado, a Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter fanatic, and an all …

political divide | Sheila Kennedy it is also an identity marker. It stands for freedom, self-reliance and the ability to control your own destiny. Gun rights are about living in a country where families are tough enough and responsible enough to stand up for themselves in a dangerous world. The lines I have emphasized describe the people who form the base of today’s GOP.

Percent showing correct winner - 2017: Gold standard Robo ... there’s a time and a place for robo polls, 2017 was another reminder that for political polling there’s no substitute for high-quality data paired with careful, thoughtful analysis. As we head into what will surely be an eventful 2018, we look forward to providing our clients the reliable data that is the bedrock of good strategic ...

renewing american leadership « SOCIAL VOX 09, 2009 · The American moment is not over, but it must be seized anew. We must bring the war to a responsible end and then renew our leadership — military, diplomatic, moral — to confront new threats and capitalize on new opportunities. ... (2003-2007), with a major in Political Science and a minor in Portuguese. He graduated Cum Laude.

Motor City Liberal: Fox's Losing Battle To Declare Health ...'re talking about higher taxes: higher excise taxes, higher Medicare taxes, taxes on Medicare and investment, excise taxes, taxes on medical advice -- devices, taxes on people making $200,000 a year. You're fined if you don't buy it. This is the first time we're going to order Americans to buy a product.

Oh Well: A Commentary: DeLay to Attend Lobbyists' Fundraiser 08, 2006 · For the first time in the 22 years he's held office, he is up against a serious challenge after being forced out of his job as House majority leader amid corruption and campaign finance scandals. The fundraiser is being held by lobbyists Bill Paxon and Susan Molinari, both former members of Congress from New York.

ed fitzgerald's unfutz LBJ rightly and to his everlasting credit removed one of the Dem pillars of paranoia - racism, the GOP co-opted populist racism, added the Jeffersonian notion of government and institutional hatred, throw in a dash of paranoid Red scare, now terrorism scare, and you get political victories. ... I'll give five bucks to the first person who ...

Terry Teachout | STEVENHARTSITE an illustration of the dangers of violating the eleventh commandment — the one that goes “Thou shalt not believe thine own bullshit” — one need go no further than Terry Teachout’s trills of praise for David Mamet’s new collection of pieces, Theatre.. I have no interest in reading the book, not because David Mamet has declaimed that he is “no longer a brain-dead liberal ...

Notes in Samsara: Scandals, internet fights and more 06, 2009 · Scandals, internet fights and more Brad Warner evidently doesn't know about the political " blogger ethics pane l" meme, or presumably he'd have used it in his piece critiquing this article in Tricycle , which tut-tuts the state of internet language these days in terms that neocons of yore decrying the "shrill" anti-war bloggers would cherish.

Motor City Liberal: Radio Host Stumps Michigan Governor By ... 13, 2012 · Michigan Governor Rick Snyder was happy to sign the union-busting “right-to-work” bill this week, saying that the law would help create jobs in his state. But in an interview with American Public Media on Thursday, Snyder was hard-pressed to give good reasons for why, exactly, the bill would inspire companies to move into Michigan and create new jobs.

Political Irony › Late Night Political Humor 24, 2014 · “Poor Bob Costas. He hosts the prime-time portion of the Olympics for NBC. When the game started he had an infection in his eye. Then it spread to his other eye. Turned out to be a serious case of pink eye, which is a problem because Vladimir Putin now thinks his eyes are gay and wants them removed.” – Jimmy Kimmel

Visual Politics FYS: Pausing Time 07, 2010 · Though many would debate that the flag has to stay in the Oval Office, the President ultimately decides what he puts in his personal office. He chose to leave the flag at the well-know spot behind his desk, showing that he has pride in his country and respects the former presidents that decided to leave the American flag behind that very same desk.

Political demographics of texas" Keyword Found Websites ... of Texas - Wikipedia. As of the 2010 US Census, the racial distribution in Texas was as follows: 70.4% of the population of Texas was White American; 11.8% African American; 3.8% Asian American; 0.7% American Indian; 0.1% native Hawaiian or Pacific islander only; 10.5% of the population were of some other race only; and 2.7% were of two or more races.Hispanics (of ...

Walter Cronkite | The Liberal Doomsayer 31, 2010 · When (a) wounded combat engineer stands in his shower and looks up, he can see the bathtub on the floor above through a rotted hole. The entire building, constructed between the world wars, often smells like greasy carry-out. Signs of neglect are everywhere: mouse droppings, belly-up cockroaches, stained carpets, cheap mattresses.

Molecules Of Freedom? Freedom Gas? | Sheila Kennedy is a pretty easy target at which to poke fun – but really just the pink polka dot fin sticking out of the water… There is a big ugly shark attached to that fin just under the surface. The shark is the politics of natural gas — and that’s the real story here. The big picture is that the US has lots of oil because of fracking.

human rights | The Word of Me... 08, 2011 · Salman Taseer, the Pakistani governor of the Punjab province who was killed by one of his own bodyguards for being too liberal and wanting to reduce the penalty for blasphemy from death to a lesser sentence, apparently was considered too liberal by mainstream Muslims in the country.. From The National Review by Jonathon Goldberg 1-7-11 “A group of more than 500 leading Muslim scholars ...

Pass The Salt Live – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of ... Says God Saved Porcelain Nativity Made in 2,200°F Kiln, From House Fire BY DAVID G. MCAFEE. Dave Daubenmire Wonders If Vaccines Are Making People Gay By Kyle Mantyla – Religious Right activist Dave Daubenmire wondered on his “Pass The Salt Live” webcast this morning if vaccines are turning people gay.

Health-Care Reform: An Exercise in Ego Gratification - The Reform: An Exercise in Ego Gratification. ... "My colleagues, our opportunity to make history," implored Chairman Max Baucus as the Senate Finance Committee last week opened consideration of his bill. Politicians, in their most self-important moments, see themselves as instruments of national destiny.

Christopher Hitchens | The Liberal Doomsayer 15, 2010 · As the Wikipedia article tells us… Although the forced quarantine or segregation of patients is unnecessary in places where adequate treatments are available, many leper colonies still remain around the world in countries such as India (where there are still more than 1,000 leper colonies),[11] China,[12] Romania,[13] Egypt, Nepal, Somalia ...

21 | July | 2011 | Spinny Liberal 21, 2011 · Look, Debbie, I understand that after I departed the House floor you directed your floor speech comments directly towards me. Let me make myself perfectly clear, you want a personal fight, I am happy to oblige. You are the most vile, unprofessional ,and …

Big Journalism's Loesch falsely accuses Jan Schakowsky of ... 03, 2012 · Yet another edition of lies and distortions by Dana Loesch on the" War on Women."In her fact-free blogpost at Big Journalism, she baselessly accused Illinois Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky (D-IL09) of "validating misogyny and what the left say about women is more vile." Two days ago Jan Schakowsky released a statement condemning Rush …

ninjapundit: Kevin Lau Hong Kong Editor Meat Cleaver Attack Lau Hong Kong Editor Meat Cleaver Attack --- tags: February 2014, not random criminal attack, possible political motive, stabbing, t...

Political Beast: December 2014 19, 2014 · Questions may arise about entitlement and dynastic politics. The voters in other countries i.e. India, Pakistan, Bangladesh & Sri Lanka are already questioning the value of dynastic politics. A case in point, the recent Indian elections, where dynastic politics was one of the factors in Congress Party's substantial defeat at the hands of BJP.

Innominatus: Thoughts on Sarah Palin 12, 2009 · I don't need a political leader--notice I don't say politician--who is smarter than me. I don't require them to constantly remind me of their brilliance. What I would choose is a leader who has the grace to simply lead by word and example. It's pretty easy to follow a leader who sets a good example.

stereotyping | The Point of a Sharp Instrument any of you haven’t already guessed, I have strong political leanings and a love of the mystical! I am for all intents and purposes a walking paradox of a man. I am a Freemason, yet I stand against the New World Order. I stand for freedom and equality. I stand for peace on Earth and love for your fellow human being.

Fraudulent historian David Barton called out by actually ... 08, 2012 · David Barton, president of the WallBuilders organization and a frequent guest on Glenn Beck’s broadcasts, is one of America’s most popular Christian history writers. Liberal critics have long accused Barton of misinterpretations and errors…But now some conservative Christian scholars are publicly questioning Barton’s work, too.

tcnorris: 06/01/2014 - 07/01/2014 26, 2014 · Numerically, what gave the Liberals a majority was the 7.4% gap between them and the second place PCs, up from a 0.8% advantage in 2011 that left the Liberals just short of a majority at the time. The NDP performed relatively well, particularly in southwestern Ontario where the economy has particularly suffered during the recession following ...

History | Will of The People 23, 2013 · The Colorado Coalfield War was the deadliest strike in the history of the United States. But it wasn’t the only one. But it wasn’t the only one. Strikes around the country, and the labor battles fought over the decades, took the lives of thousands of dedicated men and women (and all too often, children as well).

October | 2013 | Arun with a View was the code name for the US invasion of Grenada, which happened 30 years ago this past Friday, an anniversary I was reminded of by engagé political scientist Stephen Zunes, who has a retrospective on the event. The episode was so pathetic, less on account of the invasion itself—though rightly criticized as a violation of international law by even America’s closest allies (including ...

David Iglesias | The Liberal Doomsayer Christine Flowers tells us here today that, as long as the Obama Administration is apologizing to former USDA worker Shirley Sherrod for their overreaction to the doctored videotape from Andrew Breitbart of Sherrod’s speech to the NAACP, they should apologize to Alberto Gonzales also (and speak for yourself about “short-memory spans,” Christine)…

Motor City Liberal: New Report Undermines Claims That ...’s detractors have argued that millions of Americans will lose their health coverage due to the changes introduced by Obamacare. But according to a new analysis, this ignores counterbalancing policies in the law. The report finds that less than 10,000 people will lose coverage coverage without an immediate and affordable replacement.

DemoCurmudgeon: WellPoint Inc.'s 39 Million Dollar ... 02, 2010 · A look at the latest Political news, environmental, jobs, healthcare, and tech stories.

Contrary to the Image: Joe Heck IS a politician | Desert ... 14, 2016 · Contrary to the nifty images of Brigadier General Doctor Heck – and his advertising campaign – Joe Heck (R-NV03) is a POLITICIAN. Yes, and he has been for some time now. Heck served in the Nevada Legislature from 2004 through 2008 as the Senator from District 5. “....serving on the Natural Resources, Human Resources and…

First Amendment | Dystopian Blues: News Liberal ... 27, 2010 · The BuzzFlash-sponsored MediaPutz story of the day, “FOX Fraudcasting”, says what we all know but puts it in a larger context. It begins thusly … “There’s little left to say after years of FOX Fraudcasting using its large cable TV viewership to pump racism like an IV line into America’s living rooms and the brains of Ditto heads. Even though FOX may hire fetching blonde bimbos to ...

Ted Kennedy: Champion of Voting Rights | Voting Matters Blog 28, 2009 · Amidst all the eulogies for the "liberal lion" of the Senate -- Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts -- one important part of his legacy is often mentioned in passing, if it gets mentioned at all. That legacy is Senator Kennedy's role in expanding and protecting voting rights for all Americans. Because of Ted Kennedy's work, millions…

Political Memes - Page 512 - BIMMERPOST 30, 2019 · The fact that the U.S. had record heat (or cold) for a Decade has little to do with the world. You really don't get it. But as I have said. Its a sham for progressives to look at carbon trading and thisj bullshit. Things are too far gone. Even if we cut our emissions in half we will have 400ppm CO2 for a …

Sarah Palin Mark Begich | Mudflats thing I didn’t expect was the two candidates’ take on Sarah Palin. Remember, Sarah Palin, who launched her political career at the feet of Ted Stevens, and served as the Director of his 527 group “Excellence in Public Service, Inc” which could raise unlimited funds from corporate donors, has recently turned on her former mentor.

Dick Armey | The Pardu's Scroll at the TPI find the following politician the perfect example of what happens when progressives and intelligent independents fail to vote. In 2010, the Koch bothers, Dick Armey, Karl Rove , Freedom Works and others on the Right, leveraged the election of Barack Obama as president to flood the voting places with angst filled voters.

Let NPR Support Itself | New World Odor 09, 2011 · Okay, enough is enough. Today right wing blow-holes like Eric Cantor are bloviating about how their felonious ambush faux journalist James O'Keefe brought down another so-called bastion of the liberal media, PBS as Vivian Schiller, former President and CEO of National Public Radio (NPR) resigned. The right has been carping about federal funds in support…

Simone Veil, R.I.P. | Arun with a View 02, 2017 · The homages and outpouring of emotion over the past two days have been exceptional, not to mention the media coverage. Not since François Mitterrand in 1996 has a political personality in France been so celebrated on his/her death.France is at one on this (a few pauvres cons apart).Simone Veil was, as they say here, un personnage hors norme.She was …

KC Buzz Blog: and governmental news as it breaks. First lady Laura Bush is so seldom the subject of gossip so you might remember back in 2005 the culinary hubub that arose when she sacked White House chef Walter Scheib.. Bush's friends sniffed that Scheib refused to stop making dishes hated by the president (apparently scallops are to him what broccoli was to his father).

Frank Underwood | Bloviating there were someone who is cooly, calmly cogitating with regard to politics, it is William Jefferson Clinton. William Jefferson Clinton exists to fill vacuums. Translated: Clinton waited for Lynch’s arrival for a very specific reason. William Jefferson Clinton does not waste time because time is money. Money.

AIPAC | Sheila Kennedy is an electoral gambit. Israel has an election next month and Netanyahu is in a fight for his political life. He may even be in a fight for his freedom since remaining in office is his best play to delay or quash corruption charges. This is an effort to juice outrage and support from the Israeli far right.

Obsidian Wings: Vito Fossella: Defending Marriage hilzoy. Vito Fossella was in trouble already: "The clock is ticking on Rep. Vito Fossella (R-N.Y.) -- or "Vino" Fossella, as the New York tabloids have taken to calling him -- who is battling not just drunken driving charges but much more personally scandalous allegations that could damage his party's prospects in the November congressional elections.

Denison Forum – How should Christians respond to political ... 18, 2017 · This is a time for Christians to stand apart from the crowd. As followers of the One who is the Truth (John 14:6), we are commanded to “speak the truth to one another” (Zechariah 8:16). As followers of the One who is love (1 John 4:8), we are commanded to do so “in love” (Ephesians 4:15).

Politics | Nolan Dalla organization known as the “German-American Bund” used to stage giant rallies there every year, along with an annual parade up and down East 86th Street in the middle of Manhattan. Thousands of enthusiastic supporters showed up waving American flags while cheering the verbosity of tirades against immigrants, minorities, and liberalism.

A Reflection Of America: The Military and Obesity | Double ... 23, 2012 · If you haven't seen HBO's documentary series "Weight of the Nation", I highly recommend it. For those who are not familiar with "Weight of the Nation", it's a series examining obesity in America. They examine social causes for obesity in adults and children. They point towards poverty, food producers, subsidies, school lunch programs, advertising, the…

Buckdog: Russian 'Hare Krishna' TV Ad! 10, 2009 · Russian 'Hare Krishna' TV Ad! One of the results of the collapse of the old Soviet Union was the sizable religious revival that has occurred in Russia. The Russian Orthodox Church has seen a huge increase in interest but so have other religious groups.

Joshing Politics: 5/16/10 - 5/23/10 02, 2010 · In New York we certainly have our fair share of politicians who have fallen from grace due to their loins, though very few ever come back. Even those that do don't really come back all the way. Former Congressman Vito Fossella however, is looking to break through that mold (created from the scummy, hiding-a-second-family-on-the-side plaster). His friends over …

The Purple Peace Pipe: Sep 30, 2007 11, 2007 · The Purple Peace Pipe "When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro" Raoul Duke ~ Dismantling the propaganda matrix. ~ ~ Empowering a community of social, economic and political justice. ~ Enter your search terms Submit search form : Web: Sunday, September 30, 2007.

No Right Turn 06, 2004 · The New Zealand political spectrum II. DeepRed has updated his political compass scores for NZ's political leaders (by way of comparison, the original is here): . He's added a lot more politicians so you can get some idea of the political "range" of at least some of the parties.

West Virginia Senate | Under The LobsterScope the process of touting his credentials for the office, conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh may have inadvertently caused West Virginia Senate candidate John Raese. a major political headache. “I happen to know John Raese,” Limbaugh said, in a segment late last week that endorsed Raese’s candidacy.“He is a part-time resident here in Palm Beach and he has a …

Just say ‘NO’ to the START Treaty! | BUNKERVILLE | God ... 18, 2010 · Just say ‘NO’ to the START Treaty! November 18, 2010 — bunkerville Obama and Congress are so use to the cram downs done in the dark of the night, with little knowledge of the facts, that it bothers them not one whit to try once more and ram this down our throats.

Louisiana Politics?????? | Facebook this pageYesterday one of them was approved by a Senate committee, and will likely be approved by the full Senate soon. It still doesn’t require any rate cuts. Either the Louisiana Legislature is filled with naive knuckleheads who think insurance companies have big hearts and large souls, or its full of the same kind of knuckleheads that Term Limits ...

Mrs. Clinton Assures the World: America Won't Steal Libya ... 02, 2011 · Rush Limbaugh, America's Anchorman and Doctor of Democracy, is known as the pioneer of AM radio. Limbaugh revolutionized the media and political landscape with his unprecedented combination o f ...

The Tweeting Twit, Xi, the CCP’s 19th Party Congress, and ... 19, 2017 · The Tweeting Twit, Xi, the CCP’s 19th Party Congress, and the Road to Hell Posted on 19 Oct 2017 by sanculottist Western hypocrisy has never waned and at a point in time when an almost peerless moron holds the highest office in the US of A, that hypocrisy is accompanied by existential threats to all and sundry no matter who, or where, they are.

MediaBloodhound: Op-Ed Column: Something Else to Learn ... issues people had with Tim Russert's political coverage during the George W. Bush years (and I and many others outside the Beltway intelligentsia had many), I don't wish to raise them now. First, I'd like to extend my condolences to Tim Russert's family and friends. After watching the extensive and ongoing memorializing at MSNBC and NBC, it is clear that, despite what anybody thought ...

25 | September | 2008 | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog 25, 2008 · By- Suzie-Q @ 7:45 PM MST. Witches and Israelites. Politico- Ben Smith. September 25, 2008. I’d missed this line from that striking sermon preceding the blessing of Sarah Palin (against witches, and other things), which Andrew Sullivan, a noted Sarah Palin fan, catches: The second area whereby God wants us, wants to penetrate in our society is in the economic area.

Fresno State Professor Gloats Over Death Of “Amazing ... 18, 2018 · This is the hate the left has created and cultivates in America. Liberals are the most vile, despicable people in this country. Quote: On Tuesday, a professor at Fresno State made highly outrageous comments celebrating the death of former First Lady of the United States Barbara Bush as she also took delight in the pain that George H.W. Bush is ...

Choose Wind | DelawareLiberal.Net 08, 2007 · This is an enormous victory for the activists who pushed for truly clean energy. But there is no assurance that negotiations will lead to a successful outcome. Three weeks ago, DPL president Gary Stockbridge was openly defiant of the PSC, saying the …

JustOneMinute: Strange Stool Fellows the saying goes, politics makes strange drinking buddies:. Court Says Police Need Warrant for Blood Test. By ADAM LIPTAK WASHINGTON — The fact that alcohol dissipates from the bloodstream over time does not by itself give the police the right to draw blood without a warrant in drunken-driving investigations, the Supreme Court ruled on Wednesday.

Dr Kevin Bonham: July 2014 and Australian psephology, opinion poll analysis, election analysis and political commentary by Dr Kevin Bonham.

Obsidian Wings: You Never Trust a Millionaire Quoting the ... for Arnold. The howling sh*tstorm conjured up by the corrupt anti-American elements infesting this country and its business, financial, media and political culture deserves a howling sh*tstorm in return, but the latter needs to be exponentially larger and much more dangerous to eradicate kill the infestation.

June | 2008 | The Political Tipster posts published by thepoliticaltipster during June 2008. Why McCain needs to invoke the spirit of Theodore Roosevelt. As I have said elsewhere, it is obvious from the polls that that McCain’s attempt to run on a hard right tax cutting agenda isn’t working, and more importantly is something that McCain doesn’t believe in.In reality McCain is a right of centre populist who believes in ...

Popular Music – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America the elder Cruz explained, Ted and his family “spent six months in prayer ” trying to decide if he should seek the presidency, which culminated in a two-hour prayer session at his church where his family and top advisers “spent two hours on our knees seeking God’s will about this decision.” – Rafael Cruz Says The ‘Presence Of The Holy Cracka ‘ Convinced Ted Cruz To Run For ...

Open Thread – 11/25/2019 – Politics Plus 26, 2019 · Cartoon: Sounds familiar…. RA: Bummer….looks like the score we had when we played the Jags… 11/3. BBA: What’s really sad…(to me), is that folks listen and digest to this type of garbage F&F, that’s spewed every day. Lt. Col Vindman is a true patriot in the field, as well as for testifying.

President Obama | Missouri Communication 06, 2010 · One of the many ways that the election of Barack Obama as president has echoed that of John F. Kennedy is his use of a new medium that will forever change politics. For Mr. Kennedy, it was television. For Mr. Obama, it is the Internet. Kennedy and Nixon made the media a direct and influential part of the political campaigning.

ashley todd | the plaid lemur politics of hate are still tumbling out of the mouth of John McCain, just as the politics of smear are bellowing from his running mate’s public address system and her frenzied crowds. This case should have been an early warning, but it went away just as fast as the swipe of the blade sliced the face of the Obama campaigner. Politics Part : ... Media Type :

Senior Citizens | Retire Garrett non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates that even in the first year of enactment, the legislation would cost seniors an additional $6,000 over the existing Medicare program and would become more expensive over time as the value of the voucher would not keep up with the increasing cost of buying private health insurance.

Referendum Day | The Moorish Wanderer about Referendum Day written by Zouhair ABH. The political rift also allows to glimpse at the dangerous levels of social and economic frustrations among the lower bracket of working class, whether in their anger towards local administration, or in their open hostility against middle-class protesters.

TigerHawk - Blogger TigerHawk (ti*ger*hawk): n. 1. The title of this blog and the nom de plume of its founding blogger; 2. A deep bow to the Princeton Tigers and the Iowa Hawkeyes; 3. The nickname for Iowa's Hawkeye logo. Posts include thoughts of the day on international affairs, politics, things that strike us as hilarious and personal observations.

Political Irony › Blog archives Palin’s longest political experience is as the mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, so one might ask what the mayor does in Wasilla. Lucky for us, the Powers and Duties of Mayor of Wasilla are listed online. Here are the first two duties on the list: Preside at council meetings. The mayor may take part in […]

HARIHAR Offers Mutual Agreement Opportunity to Defendants ... Offers Mutual Agreement Opportunity to Defendants including WELLS FARGO - Copying POTUS, Congressional Leaders & the DOJ (HARIHAR v US BANK et al, Appeal No. 17-1381) - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. "...If no agreement is reached and the referenced pattern of corrupt conduct continues to be evidenced in the United States Supreme Court, I ...

Ayn Rand Political Philosophy | elmsprogressivemedia 13, 2012 · by Ayn Rand Dumb Voter No More . comPOLITICAL PHILOSOPHY -ayn rand Dumb Voter No More . comWhat Really Goes On In WashingtonPhilosophy of LibertyWhere We Went WrongWhat We Need To DoLimiting PoliticiansDemocracy vs FreedomMan's RightsFOUNDATION of a FREE SOCIETYGood Govt Protects Individual RightsProperty and GovernmentFreedom, Individual …

Joshing Politics: Fair Share Tax Effort Needs Your Help Now! 09, 2009 · As the article by Irene Jay Liu prefacing the letter states, what the Senate decides on tomorrow isn't binding, but it does set the general direction of how they want the budget to look. The important thing to note here is that if both the Assembly and the Senate have some form of tax increase on the wealthy, the compromise will look a lot ...

The Rude Pundit 11, 2012 · But it's also enough to say this: Fuck Mitt Romney. Fuck him and everything he represents. Vote to make him pay in a way he never has had to in his entire awful life. (Note to fellow liberals: If you don't wanna vote for Obama or want to vote for Jill Stein, well, it's your vote, motherfuckers. Do with it what you will.

17 | November | 2019 | Bill's Links And More 17, 2019 · “President Donald Trump continued his strategy of using his office for political gain, including re-election, by delivering for the first time a speech in New York City on Veterans Day. Trump recently attended several sporting events where there were protests against him, and today was no different.

JustOneMinute: Because You Are Looking For Things To Do 26, 2005 · The Congressional Budget Office recently released a study titled "Uncertainty in Analyzing Climate Change: Policy Implications".Having riffled through it, I was more impressed than Tim Worstall was by the new study released by International Climate Change Taskforce titled "Meeting The Climate Challenge".The "Climate Challenge" report was summarized by The …

Blog 5: Political Blog | Missouri Communication 07, 2011 · The vlog is self produced by illusionist and self-proclaimed libertarian Penn Jillette. I follow this vlog for three primary reasons. First, Jillette is funny, and since journalists have taken to covering the news poorly and primarily with emotion (as we discussed in the previous blog), if I’m going to be gathering information from an industry that is widely regarded as a joke in the first ...

Hillary | Something should go here, maybe later. in Trouble Financially. Hillary is having more trouble that simply falling behind in the polls and delegate count.. The Politico reports that Hillary Clinton’s campaign is cash-strapped and has been slow in paying her bills, opting instead to make more media buys: “Hillary Rodham Clinton’s cash-strapped presidential campaign has been putting off paying hundreds of bills for ...

14 | July | 2010 | Smart and silly 14, 2010 · The group has drafted a resolution of its own condemning the civil rights group for reducing itself to a “bigoted” and “partisan attack dog organization.” The missive accused the NAACP of resorting to political tactics and urged the IRS to reconsider whether it can continue to qualify for tax-exempt status.

Political Diary: Notes on Employee Rights:Desjardins and ... 06, 2008 · For the essence of a contract. But if EEs are subjected to a DT in a way that is not fully free and informed, then such subjection is in violation of the contract. (ii) If EEs are not allowed to help create DT policy, then there is a risk that the ERs will create the policy in …

Proof of the Existence of Mini-Nukes and Micro-Nukes 20, 2007 · And here is a govt scientist, Peter Leitner, PhD, speaking to a Congressional Committee, in 1998. This is proof of nuclear bombs down into the range of “several pounds of TNT.” He stated, “These experiments involve the ACTUAL TESTING of extremely low-yield fission devices (as low as the equivalent of several pounds of TNT) within a ...

Adam Smith | Writings of J. Todd Ring vile, amoral service to power – nothing disgusts me more; yet, it is rampant in the political class, and it is rampant in other sectors of society too, such as the corporate world, the media, the military, the police, the academy and the schools, the legal profession, the judiciary, the security forces, the bureaucrats and the government ...

Balkinization: The Constitutionality of the Individual ... a previous version of the argument, see here and here) If you want just the highlights, here is the core of the argument that the individual mandate is a constitutional tax: The constitutional test is whether Congress could reasonably conclude that its taxing and spending programs promote the general welfare of …

Wordplay VI: (Mostly) Politics Edition | ACADEME BLOG 03, 2019 · “This Is the New Abnormal.” [The Los Angeles Times’s Daily Headlines Newsletter. 12 Nov. 2018. On the outbreak of major wildfires in California.] [Very close to the same heading, “The New Abnormal,” appeared on The Week’s Daily Newsletter on the same day.] “This Is What Happens when a Stable Genius Leads a Stupid Country.”

Political inSecurity: Special Operations: Decapitation in ... is a topic that I seem to harp on about often. The Special Ops boys do not get the credit they deserve. Keep up the good fight, lads! Special Operations: Decapitation in Afghanistan: "Decapitation in Afghanistan August 25, 2008: Afghanistan is once more becoming a gathering place for special operations (commando) operators from dozens of countries.

The Bulldog Manifesto 05, 2005 · The dictator, however, is eventually overthrown in 1959 by Fidel Castro. CIA soon begins organizing what will become known as the Bay of Pigs invasion against Cuba. It fails. Over the years, the CIA attempts numerous assasinations of Castro. The …

Accidental Deliberations: Wednesday Morning Links 09, 2017 · This is why public services must be fully carved out. Transparency and accountability are missing from the current trade model. ... - And Jim Stanford discusses how Canada is better off for Petronas having pulled away from its plans for a ... Phil McDuff points out how a shift from first-past-the-post politics to a proportional electoral system ...

How have your Repug state legislators ruined your life today? 03, 2019 · The Bluegrass Region of Kentucky is Central Kentucky, the area around Lexington. It's also sometimes known as the Golden Triangle, the region formed by Louisville in the west, Cincinnati in the north and Lexington in the east-south corner. This is the most economically advanced, politically progressive and aesthically beautiful area of the state.

No Violence Protesting Nazis in Pikeville - Blue in the ... 06, 2017 · The Bluegrass Region of Kentucky is Central Kentucky, the area around Lexington. It's also sometimes known as the Golden Triangle, the region formed by Louisville in the west, Cincinnati in the north and Lexington in the east-south corner. This is the most economically advanced, politically progressive and aesthically beautiful area of the state.

Glossary of Relevant Terminology – The Liberal Activist ... matters. (For a fantastic and always meaningful argument as to why, see George Orwell's 1946 essay, "Politics and the English Language.") But politics breeds euphemism and obfuscation—at its worst, as Orwell says, "to name things without calling up mental pictures of them" and "to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable."

Science and Politics genes, opening the door to a whole new realm of scientific inquiry. Since every chicken gene is 95-100% orthologous with a quail gene, sequencing the chicken is like sequencing the quail, and quail hatches in 17 days and matures in six weeks at about 150g - …

Term Limits We Can Believe In | Double Dip Politics 08, 2012 · At the end of February, my more conservative counterpart Phil Zieber, of The Stalwart Enterprise, posted the second part in a five part series regarding America's future. You can read part one HERE. Zieber speaks of the corruption of power, and term limits. Today, we will look at proposed federal term limits for government officials and…

The Hildebeast is caught - Page 2 - JustPlainPolitics.com 01, 2020 · Yes and no. But I'll remember that you don't believe in attacking the source the next time I decide to post something from Daily KOS. LOL at you. Something published at one of those sources isn't prima facie inaccurate, but it skews the odds heavily enough in favor of bogus that I …

OpenlineBlog: Dick Mell v. Rod Blagojevich | Why? 03, 2006 · "This is the kind of thing that I think separates the men from the boys in leadership. Do you have the testicular virility to make a decision like that, knowing what's coming your way?" Blagojevich said. "I say I do." So, now you know. The war between Mell and Blago has elements of politics, but it's really connected with testicular virility.

JustOneMinute: Resistance Is Futile NY Post on Hillary's smooth flight path:. So there was Bill Clinton at Bush's side, volunteering that Iraq's elections "went better than anyone could have imagined" and warning against any demand that Bush set an exit timetable for Iraq — points sure to enrage liberal Dems.

Voting Record « The Bright Coast 29, 2009 · One of the easiest things to check into and then use as political ammunition is your opponent’s voting record (or lack thereof). I don’t know how many times I’ve heard that issue come up over the years, but it’s been quite a bit.

Quick Tip for Future Office Seekers: Vote! « The Bright Coast 29, 2009 · One of the easiest things to check into and then use as political ammunition is your opponent's voting record (or lack thereof). I don't know how many times I've heard that issue come up over the years, but it's been quite a bit. It usually is brought up in smaller races, but ever so often…

Ted Stevens | Smart Liberal and Female the final race to reach 60 brings me to one of my favorite states, Minnesota. This is Paul Wellstone’s seat. It will always be Senator Wellstone’s seat to me. They are currently getting ready to start the recount between Al Franken (I’ll admit I’m a fan…love that guy’s books) and Norm the suit wearing worm Coleman.

13 | October | 2008 | Smart Liberal and Female 13, 2008 · Okay. This is a topic that is near and dear to my heart. I used to work on a small grant program promoting broadband service in Rural America. It was truly fantastic. I can’t even begin to describe the ways technology can change a community and enrich lives. It was an exciting moment to see Senator Obama talk about this issue!!

Buckdog: May 2014 05, 2014 · As a positive step toward fixing the seniors care crisis, the NDP introduced legislation that would have required the government to establish minimum quality of care standards and a residents-in-care bill of rights. The government voted unanimously against the NDP’s bill, despite its own Law Reform Commission recommending such legislation.

Sean Hannity Launches Islamophobic Attack Against Keith ... Hannity Launches Islamophobic Attack Against Keith Ellison By Igor Volsky /Think Progress Conservative talk show host Sean Hannity launched an Islampophobic attack against Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) during his Fox News show on Thursday night, implying that the Muslim Congressman is a racist and an anti-Semite.

Dis Dat And Da Utter Tinghttps://disdatanddautterting.blogspot.comIn response to See, Hear, and Speak No Evil Boy in today's Star News, I just wrote: After 9/11, President Bush said, "You are either with us or against us." That seems to have become the conservative mantra. Anything but the brightest, sunniest picture is seen as proof of a liberal bias.

Organized Exploitation: Porn Industry Stimulus 10, 2009 · Politico reports this morning on Chuck Grassley's probe into the National Science Foundation's addiction to porn on the job. In one particularly egregious case, the report says one NSF “senior official” was discovered to have spent as much as 20 percent of his working hours over a two-year interval “viewing sexually explicit images and engaging in sexually explicit …

Arizona shooter labeled “Left-Wing nut Job” by bloggers ... 09, 2011 · A man gunned down Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and at least 17 other people, six of whom were killed, during a the congresswoman’s meet-and-greet Saturday with constituents outside a supermarket in Tucson.. Among the dead were U.S. District Judge John M. Roll and a 9-year-old girl. The suspect, identified by a federal source as Jared Lee Loughner, …

Security | American Polly Bush Makes Thanksgiving Day Calls to Members of the Armed Forces. November 23, 2007 at 3:51 pm · Filed under Afghanistan, Air Force, America, Army, Bush, Defense, George W. Bush, International, Iraq, Navy, Politics, President, Security, Terrorism, Thanksgiving, Tradition, United States, White House. The President made telephone calls this morning to exemplary …

About ‘The Political Tipster’ & Contact details | The ... 'The Political Tipster' The Political Tipster is a PhD student at the London School of Economics and Political Science. Frustrated with the bias on certain other poltical betting websites he decided to create in the Summer of 2007. Since then he has experienced highs (making money betting on John McCain to win the…

Obama to Congress: NO CZARS FOR YOU! | We Have Seen Better ... 23, 2009 · Obama to Congress: NO CZARS FOR YOU! October 23, 2009 by hecubus I have to say, in my 40 years on this planet I have never seen a more openly transparent and agreeable administration, determined to unite both sides of the political aisle and bond together every view across the ideological spectrum in an amalgam of peace, love, and hope and change.

deb haaland - Scoopnest News | Latest news, Breaking news haalandA little perspective on the significance of Deb Haaland and Sharice Davids being in Congress today. More than 10,000 people have served in the House + nearly 1,300 in the Senate since the first Congress met in 1789. Not one was a Native American woman.

Intro: The Future of Politics in America and Delaware | 10, 2007 · We had an election, votes were cast, a winner drawn, and a verdict was given by the American electorate. So it’s done, it’s over. . What direction does one move after the fight is over? And now with ’08 is rising above the horizon, casting long shadows across the landscape, which way does one move?

political bastard timeshttps://politicalbastardtimes.blogspot.comAug 28, 2007 · Rudy The Serial Adulterer And Cousin Fucker was the most hated man in NY on Sept 10th, 2001, his best buddy Bernie is a confessed felon and under indictment again, he is as corrupt and incompetent as the day is long (and his record proves it), he's a womanizer and a cross dresser, and he looks and talks like a character from Goodfellas.

PresentFlag: February 2005 28, 2005 · Following her husband's death in 1848, Louisa continued to live in Washington, where she died in 1852. In an unprecedented mark of respect for a former first lady, Congress adjourned for her funeral so that members could pay their respects. She was buried beside her husband and his parents at the First Church in Quincy, Massachusetts.

Biophilia Hypothesis — How Virtual Reality Can Help Us ... News was the first ever 24-hour news source in the US intentionally dedicated to serving the interests of a political party and its associated ideological movements, and over time it has both grown in influence and continuously moved to the right without stop. The …

Biophilia Hypothesis — Investors urge drillers, miners not ... News was the first ever 24-hour news source in the US intentionally dedicated to serving the interests of a political party and its associated ideological movements, and over time it has both grown in influence and continuously moved to the right without stop. The …

Political Argument: Gingrich and Bilingualism in America 1981, the first English Only legislation was proposed, which would have virtually banned all uses of non-English language by federal, state, and local governments. Although this was never congressionally voted, it was the catalyst for twenty two other states to adopt variations of the Official English legislation.

liberal catnip: A PR Stumble by Harper 21, 2007 · A PR Stumble by Harper You would think that Steve would be extremely careful about how he talks about Canada's Afghanistan war casualties, considering that he seems to think his government just has a "communications" problem (ie. the propaganda just isn't working) when it comes to boosting support for the war.

illusory tenant: March 2013 20, 2013 · The First Amendment — as you know — originally applied only to Congress. Since then the United States Supreme Court has held, by selective incorporation , that certain elements of the Bill of Rights apply to State governments, but the right to vote has never been incorporated through the First Amendment.

AZ-Sen: Remington Research Group (R) for Martha ... - Scribd Martha McSally is a veteran of the United States Air Force and was the first female fighter pilot to fly in combat and command a fighter squadron. Now, she’s deployed to DC, serving Southern Arizona in Congress.

Crooks and liars" Keyword Found Websites Listing | Keyword ... and Liars: Contact Information, Journalists, and ... Crooks and Liars is an award-winning site for progressive news and media criticism. Started by John Amato in 2004, was the first website to feature audio and video online, revolutionizing how political news is consumed and distributed on the Internet.

At least the 1856 Sean Delonas knew how to draw | least the 1856 Sean Delonas knew how to draw File under: Historical parallels. Groundbreaking 19th century presidential candidate was tarred as a secret Catholic — and dangerously liberal.

01 | December | 2018 | Sohum Parlance II 01, 2018 · I’m leaving Fred’s blog up as a tribute. His was the first to really generate some traffic. I didn’t agree with much of his politics, but I miss him! The renaissance is clearly over as I other social media has replaced the blog. If anyone knows of …

22 | December | 2016 | Sohum Parlance II 22, 2016 · The biggest problem was the complacent liberal elitism her campaign represented. Those of us who supported Sanders in the primary, most of us, did turn around and support her. She was the candidate who could defeat Trump. ... Shame on the JC Penny employees for not kicking her ass out of the store on the first comment.

Hitchens vs. Hitchens Debate in Grand Rapids – MediaMouse 08, 2008 · Last Thursday, Grand Valley State University’s (GVSU) Haunstein Center for Presidential Studies, the Center for Inquiry, and the Interfaith Dialogue Association hosted a debate titled “Hitchens vs. Hitchens: On God, War, Politics, and Culture” at Fountain Street Church in downtown Grand Rapids.The debate–between brothers Christopher Hitchens and Peter Hitchens–was the first …

realcl - Yahoo Suche Suchergebnisse this pageBut, 18 months after the first shots in the Sino-American trade war were fired, the situation is more complicated than that, owing not just to economic realities and the new coronavirus outbreak, but also each country's political priorities.

Political Irony › Schmoozegate! 02, 2016 · Still, maintaining objectivity is something that requires continuous vigilance, as politics engages our emotions (and pocketbooks) as much as the rational side of our minds. IMHO, Dana Milbank’s oped in the WaPo the other day put the whole Benghazi debacle in perfect context and, for me anyway, is the final word on the the whole sorry subject.

I.F. Stone | The Opinion Mill 29, 2008 · Posts about I.F. Stone written by stevenhart. The New York Times list of the 100 Notable Books of 2008 doesn’t have any truly egregious entries — true, they have Thomas Friedman’s latest book, but there’s nothing like Liberal Fascism or its ilk, and there are some outstanding liberal and progressive books, such as Rick Perlstein’s Nixonland: The Rise of a President and the Fracturing ...

Kerchner v Obama/Congress/Pelosi - Amicus Curiae Brief ... v Obama/Congress/Pelosi - Amicus Curiae Brief Filed by the Western Center for Journalism to Support Kerchner v Obama Petition - SCOTUS - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Kerchner v Obama/Congress/Pelosi - Amicus Curiae Brief Filed by the Western Center for Journalism to Support Kerchner v Obama Petition - SCOTUS - More details; http ...

Sgt. Joe Crowley | The Liberal Doomsayer is a bit more of a heavy duty vehicle that Mullane could drive anywhere (probably a bumpy ride for the kids, though). And if our hero really wants to splurge on price, he could go for the Buick Enclave Minivan ($35-$43K), with its 3.7L engine and 16 City – 21 Highway mileage estimates (notice that the lower the mileage estimates, the ...

Oh Well: A Commentary: Most consider lobbying scandal a ... 10, 2006 · For the first time since 1994, a plurality of Americans say most members of Congress don't deserve re-election. The 42% who say most members do deserve re-election is the same as in the first USA TODAY survey of 1994. Typically, voters feel more favorably about their own representatives than they do most members of Congress.

Politics – TheStatesOfMind 19, 2018 · Upate: This was an unpublished post from 2013. I have to warn you up front… just a rant. That is all . I am not worried about sounding funny or witty or anything of that sort. I am not in the mood to try to understand how orContinue reading “Daily KOS: Proof that the left is a bunch of whining hate-filled lunatics”

Eric Massa | The Liberal Doomsayer Capehart of the Washington Post tells us here that he’s fed up with “the antiquated arguments against gays serving openly in the military,” recycled in a Post Op-Ed today by James J. Lindsay, Jerome Johnson, E.G. “Buck” Shuler Jr., and Joseph Went.. This is a particularly timely subject because, as noted here…. The Capitol Hill newspaper Roll Call reported (U.S. House 8th ...

liberal | Missouri Communication 11, 2010 · The vlog is self produced by illusionist and self-proclaimed libertarian Penn Jillette. I follow this vlog for three primary reasons. First, Jillette is funny, and since journalists have taken to covering the news poorly and primarily with emotion (as we discussed in the previous blog), if I’m going to be gathering information from an industry that is widely regarded as a joke in the first ...

Dawg's Blawg: Another human target for conservatives 09, 2008 · Conservative MP Pierre Poilievre launched a disgraceful attack on transsexuals last week, for which he was soundly spanked by the Ottawa Citizen: Usually politicians looking to score easy points will rail against needle exchange programs, but transgendered people are even more marginalized than drug addicts, so they make an even safer target to beat up on.

Washington State Political Report first walk was the 1987 cross-country Great Peace March for nuclear disarmament. The next year he took part in an equivalent march in Russia. Other walks took him to Central America, the Caribbean, and Africa, where he was part of a group that retraced the slave route. “For him, racism and militarism were linked,” his son said.

women candidates | Sheila Kennedy first gender social norm index analysed data from 75 countries that, collectively, are home to more than 80% of the global population. It found that almost half of people feel men are superior political leaders and more than 40% believe men make better business executives.

The Mass Media and the Political Agenda - Mr. the record: information provided to a journalism that can be released and attributed by name to the source. Covering the Presidency PRESIDENT IS THE FOCUS OF THE MOST MEDIA COVERAGE. Can summon the press at will FDR was the first to use the press conference as a means to shape public opinion and explain his actions.

Pictures | Unreasonably Safe Observer 02, 2009 · WASHINGTON D.C. – If the fun-loving bunch of politicians and pundits were looking for a break from a tense political season, then the Howl-oween Bash held this past Saturday evening was the place to be. Check out some of this year’s best & worst costumes:

Doomsy’s Do-Gooders and Dregs (2015 – Pt. 10) | The ... 21, 2015 · Prior related posts appear below: Part 9 Part 8 Part 7 Part 6 Part 5 Part 4 Part 3 Part 2 Part 1 (with setup) Do-Gooder of the Year Nominee William Shatner for this – what a great, productive gesture, trying to make something positive from the passing of …

Impolitically Correct: July 2007 Correct I'm an American who loves his country but really worries about it now. This is a place for rants I can't find on the Internet, mostly political, I think they're correct (I'll change them if you can show me I'm wrong), and I'm very impolitic about my opinions, hence "Impolitically Correct" is …

Blog 5: Find a political blog | Missouri Communication 07, 2011 · The fact that someone made a blog on this article seems a little ridiculous. Honestly I’m not sure why important political information or why Palin even cares about what Kathy Griffin has to say. Griffin was on a show called “My Life on the D-List.” It makes no sense for her to care.

Carly Fiorina « Jamesb101.com 12, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

pushback « Jamesb101.com 01, 2009 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Attorney General Gonzalez Resigns! Oh Happy Days: First ... 27, 2007 · Attorney General Gonzalez Resigns! Oh Happy Days: First Karl, now Alberto! | August 27, 2007. By STEVEN LEE MYERS and PHILIP SHENON. Published: August 27, 2007 New York Times. WACO, Tex., Aug. 27 — Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales, whose tenure has been marred by controversy and accusations of perjury before Congress, announced his resignation in Washington …

Kathy Griffin | Missouri Communication 07, 2011 · The fact that someone made a blog on this article seems a little ridiculous. Honestly I’m not sure why important political information or why Palin even cares about what Kathy Griffin has to say. Griffin was on a show called “My Life on the D-List.” It makes no sense for her to care.

The Political Environment: 100-Year Floods Hit Michigan ... 03, 2009 · The other day I put up a post about Waukesha's probable plan to dump its wastewater into Wauwatosa's Underwood Creek in order to return diverted water to Lake Michigan, and I noted that huge rain events - - including the now-not-so-accurately named "hundred-year-floods" - - seem to be arriving a lot more frequently. Here's a fresh example from across Lake Michigan.

Constructive Interference: NSA Wiretaps and Posse Comitatus 03, 2006 · See Dadahead for a list of right wingers insisting that this act of congress prevented Bush from acting. As Bob Barr put it, "A frustrated President Bush could only stand by and watch as the horror unfolded until he received the request for help." because to do otherwise would violate federal law.

Political Irony › Dialog 20, 2013 · And failed VP candidate Paul Ryan introduces a budget that cuts taxes for the rich twice as much as the budget he and Mitt Romney proposed (and voters rejected soundly). It increases the national debt by $5.7 trillion. Oh, and it repeals Obamacare. Even conservatives don’t like his new proposal. I really wish they would give up. Seriously.

Accidental Deliberations: On cult leadership 12, 2019 · But it's a new development for mainstream politicians to be openly using their positions of power to serve as missionaries for a death cult. And we should use any politician's willing association with the attempt to build a religion around oil - whether in collaborating directly, mirroring messages, or uncritically accepting policy goals - as a ...

TGIF Jokes | Spinny Liberal a week! It started out with the Superbowl for us online shopping addicts. Cyber Monday! I took the day off to properly observe the holiday – complaining about servers being slow because of site traffic and getting amazing deals – all from the comfort of my own bed.

26 | June | 2008 | The Plainsman Politico has moved 26, 2008 · 12 posts published by plainsmanpolitico on June 26, 2008. Much has been made of Barack Obama’s comments that he would talk to our enemies, pivoting as a policy shift of not even acknowledging the mere existence of the original Axis of Evil (Iran, Iraq and North Korea) and certainly not negotiating with them to change their policies.

Half Empty: You Have GOT to See SiCKO 11, 2007 · And a recommendation that you also jump through those hoops, well, hopefully fewer ones than I had. I live in what was once aptly called DeLay Country. Aptly named, because up until last year, voters in my area were wildly enthusiastic about returning to congress every two years one of the meanest, self-aggrandizing, disingenuous, and corrupt ...

A good idea on campaign finance reform « Mercury Rising ?? 07, 2009 · Ralph Lopez has an extremely good idea for campaign finance reform: force corporations to donate only within the districts in which they reside. This could get around the perverse Supreme Court ruling in Buckley v. Valeo (money = speech) that effectively legalized political bribery. A risk that Lopez doesn't recognize is that poor districts could…

Kentucky Senate primaries « Jamesb101.com 07, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Irish Trojan in Tennessee: June 12, 12, 2008 · I'm Brendan Loy, a 26-year-old graduate of USC and Notre Dame now living and working in Knoxville, Tennessee. My wife Becky and I are brand-new parents of a beautiful baby girl, born on New Year's Eve. I'm a big-time sports fan, a politics, media & law junkie, an astronomy buff, a weather nerd, an Apple aficionado, a Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter fanatic, and an all-around dork.

Code Stink | Lonnie Walker's Blog 17, 2009 · The only hope they have is that your too stupid to understand you can’t have warming and a ice age at the same time. So to break all this down for the dumbest of liberals to understand, man-made global warming is a scam to get funding for studies.

Tina Fey on Julianne Moore's performance in Game Change ... 10, 2012 · Courtesy of the Hollywood Reporter: Fey returned from 30 Rock to SNL to give a much-celebrated impression of Sarah Palin during the 2008 election, which had been the defining interpretation of the politico until Julianne Moore took on the part in HBO's much more serious TV …

Balkinization: Partisanship, Norms and Federal Judicial ... courts are the third branch of government laid out in the U.S. Constitution. While individual judges are made independent from the elected branches of government, the judiciary as a whole is largely made dependent on the goodwill of the legislature and the executive. The courts have been a political prize to be won and a lagging indicator of political success.

Thursday Mashup Part One (10/21/10) (updates) | The ... 21, 2010 · 1) I swear, every time I think our corporate media can’t get any stupider (here)… Yesterday, several news outlets reported that White House aides had scrapped a planned presidential tour of the Golden Temple in Amritsar, India, the spiritual center of the Sikh religion. The reason for avoiding the temple, according to unnamed sources: Head…

Louisiana – Skeptical Brotha about Louisiana written by skepticalbrotha. Keeping a watchful eye on black politics

Michael Scherer | The Liberal Doomsayer reason for avoiding the temple, according to unnamed sources: Head covering. As the New York Times explained, “[T]he plan appears to have foundered on the thorny question of how Mr. Obama would cover his head, as Sikh tradition requires, while visiting the temple.” (It was previously reported, in India, that Obama would likely visit the ...

The Useless Tree: Karl Rove and Han Fei Tzu, power-hungry, hard-ball politics were not invented by Machiavelli, even though we often invoke the adjective he inspired. Rather, Machiavelli is the Italian Han Fei Tzu (ca. 280-233 BC). Han is primarily concerned with how the ruler can maintain his personal control …

Obama’s First Press Conference Post Election | The Liberal ... 07, 2008 · Obama's first Press Conference was very interesting. First, he seemed a little tight and off his game. As a man who has campaigned for the last 22 months and was quick with the answers, his responses to day were a little 'tight' and 'off key' at times. Part of this can be attributed to a…

#ComradeTrump | The Recovery Through Wholeness Chalkboard ... must expose dark money donors and end unlimited political spending on our elections. SIGN THE PETITION Without disclosing the sources of their funding, powerful groups have used dark money to pour $1 billion into federal elections since 2010. Without transparency, voters don’t know who is trying to influence them or to whom a candidate is beholden.

Roan Garcia, political activist or political bully? 06, 2010 · Roan Garcia-Quintana has started believing in his own day dreams. He believes he is a power in the upstate and if the candidate is not “his” candidate then anything he does is OK. It is time for the conservative groups to examine his actions and goals carefully.

19 | September | 2008 | The Liberal Crab 19, 2008 · Posted on September 19, 2008 by The Liberal Crab I was driving to meet my sister-in-law for lunch Today and caught Obama’s statement on the economy and the Fed’s bail-out package. I was surprised to hear him say he had time for several questions.

Politics « 4kilo 09, 2007 · Posts about Politics written by 4kilo. While observing the current political atmosphere… it is disappointing to note that we are still in such intolerable hate politics.One might not be surprised the way the Pro-TPLF website,Aigaforum, is posting, death treats against CUD leaders,talk of revoking their citizenship.Aigaforum, is posting, death treats

"RIGHT" POLITICOL: December 2010 website is a right-wing/conservative site that will dispute much of what is on other left-wing/liberal sites. In other words, the "Right" Politico site because it has all the "correct" information. This site gives out TRUTHFUL INFORMATION. Arm yourself with information and the truth! ! This is an EDUCATIONAL and RESOURCE webiste! !

petition | cadesertvoice stand with me in fighting for a deficit reduction plan which is fair — Sign the petition calling on Congress to let the Bush tax cuts expire, while protecting vital programs. Let me be clear. Social Security has not contributed one penny to the deficit because it is funded independently by the payroll tax.

Second Amendment | The Pardu's Scroll 05, 2013 · A piece that echoes the reality of a continuing confederacy in the United States. A confederacy that is the tool of plutocrats and greedy politicians, the tadpole pool of the gullible and an anvil for the nation.

Thad Allen « Jamesb101.com 15, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

The Debate Link: A Bit Behind The Ball Gaucho Politico said.... The evolving definition of whiteness is hardly a new phenomenon. As whiteness has been a dominant characteristic or description for average americaness the ethnic groups that have integrated with the dominant cultural norms have, over time, come to be accepted as "white".

Political inSecurity: 2006-11-19 allegedly had $118,000 in $50 notes in a suitcase and a mobile phone concealed in his rectum when he was arrested at a Surfers Paradise bus station on Thursday night. Islam faced Southport Magistrate's Court yesterday charged with possessing tainted property but police prosecutor Sarah Fox said more serious charges could be laid.

'It Was Never Politics, It Was Always Science': 'BradCast ... we now have hard evidence on today's BradCast to prove that, perhaps for the first time, he was finally telling the truth. [ Audio link to full show is posted below. On Wednesday, confirmed new coronavirus cases in the U.S. set a single day record of more than 38,000.

18 | December | 2008 | The Liberal Doomsayer 18, 2008 · However, not what people will truly remember about him (and here he is, a demagogue until the very end, claiming a few days ago that Barack Obama “wants to see to it that gay marriage is accepted nationally” and claiming that Obama supporters such as yours truly want “unlimited taxpayer-funded abortions” and also – wait for it ...

Accidental Deliberations: 2017-10-22 01, 2017 · Assorted content to end your week. - Rupert Neate reports on a new study showing that the world's 1,500-odd billionaires between them control over $6 trillion in wealth. - Stuart Trew sets out Canada's choice between corporate-oriented trade deals such as the CETA, or sustainable and fairly-distributed economic development. And Laurie Monsebraaten writes about the need for political action …

Manifest Destiny - Ashley's Online Portfolio Destiny is the belief that it was the United States destiny to expand its territory over all of North America and to enhance its political, social, and economic influence. Some say Manifest Destiny is a God-given right; others say it was just us being greedy.

My Open Kimono: August 2008 particular note was the theme of blogs that were affected. While anti-Obama blogs were the first and loudest to cry foul, many political, adult and left-wing blogs were trapped in a Google-esque loop with no human connection.

TigerHawk - Blogger (ti*ger*hawk): n. 1. The title of this blog and the nom de plume of its founding blogger; 2. A deep bow to the Princeton Tigers and the Iowa Hawkeyes; 3. The nickname for Iowa's Hawkeye logo. Posts include thoughts of the day on international affairs, politics, things that strike us as hilarious and personal observations. The opinions ...

Not so Fast. Here’s Why the GOP Should Encourage Obama to ... 02, 2017 · For a political movement that prides themselves in being reality based, there is probably no group more susceptible to wish-casting and the use of Martian logic than the left. Hillary Clinton’s loss to Donald Trump has created an industry about the ridiculous idea that Russian hacking or …

The Abortion Debate: Individual Rights vs Theocracy ... 02, 2007 · The abortion debate is excites such passion for a number of reasons. One reason is that it is fundamentally a debate about the role of religion in the political sphere. It is also a debate over whether or not a woman must give up control of her own body to the state. Two letters to…

The smear industry « Mercury Rising ?? probe began after right-wing activists secretly videotaped ACORN employees giving tax advice to a couple posing as a pimp and a prostitute. So, with the help of FOX News and Andrew Breitbart, a right-wing sociopath succeeds in destroying the one main organization that gets the poor involved in politics and gets dozens of innocent people ...

KC Buzz Blog: Missouri General Assembly hat tip to a KC Buzz Blog commentator for directing us to this hysterical Alice-in-Wonderland-Looking-Glass link. Yes, that is the Columbia Dispatch informing its readers on its political blog that Bartle was reading Kit Wagar's post on the KC Buzz Blog about the filibuster and then intoning about the not-so-flattering reaction from posters.

Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO) - Series Discussion Thread ... 21, 2012 · TV Talk - Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO) - Series Discussion Thread - I have watched the last several episodes, had only seen bits and pieces previously. I find it entertaining. I really don't agree with most conservatives or liberals, so I don't have …

Random Thoughts and Ruminations: January 2010 04, 2010 · Where this occasional contrarian, freethinker and all around opinionated sob rumbles on about just about everything under the sun from the movies to art, culture, literature, politics, science, history, blogging, the web, web design, maybe even friends and family and current affairs. (And then some) And if you flatter me a bit, I may even claim to have all the answers.

sneakers « Jamesb101.com 04, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Irish Trojan in Tennessee: June 30, 30, 2008 · I'm Brendan Loy, a 26-year-old graduate of USC and Notre Dame now living and working in Knoxville, Tennessee. My wife Becky and I are brand-new parents of a beautiful baby girl, born on New Year's Eve. I'm a big-time sports fan, a politics, media & law junkie, an astronomy buff, a weather nerd, an Apple aficionado, a Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter fanatic, and an all-around dork.

L. Frank Baum | The Pardu's Scroll power of the (communication) message doesn’t go unnoticed as we watch America’s social and political Right work to shape a nation in its likeness. Communication is a innate and incredible gift to human beings. The gift is often an influencing a propaganda tool of people skilled in delivering messages of fear, indifference intolerance and messages that do great harm.

24 | May | 2019 | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! 24, 2019 · But Kim Foxx has also found two other sources of cash, in the form of twin $300,000 donations to a Super PAC supporting her called Illinois Safety & Justice. The sole donors to the PAC are neoliberal superdonor and conservative-boogeyman George Soros and a “dark-money” group called Civic Participation Action Fund.

Thursday, April 27, 2006 - Chicago Tribune is most certainly a political ploy, and a rather disgusting one at that. It's not like we had a thousand same-sex couples who stood on the steps of the State Capitol and demanded to be married - and even though there are likely some people who would like those protections (and likely would honor their commitments better than many ...

Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan | The Liberal Doomsayer the “rush to judgment” files, I give you the following from Irrational Spew Online (with the 101st Keyboard Kommandoes deciding that Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, the accused gunman in the Fort Hood shootings, was just some terrist lurking under everybody’s nose but enabled by those damn liberals and their political correctness)…. There is a reason the Pledge of Allegiance asks us to ...

David Daleiden – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America case in point was the interview that Lila Rose, the founder of Live Action and a mentor of indicted activist David Daleiden, gave to conservative radio host Eric Metaxas yesterday, in which she falsely claimed that a prosecutor who serves on a local Planned Parenthood board had refused to recuse herself from the investigation into the videos ...

Tag: senate - - Page 2 interesting 2008 Huffington Post piece took a deep dive into Sen Mitch McConnell’s past and came out with the startling revelation that there are glaring inconsistencies surrounding the official reasons given for the Senator’s military discharge. Even more startling is the fact that these glaring inconsistencies have strangely escaped the attention of the mainstream media, given the ...

First Things | Black Orpheus Reagan was the culmination of Goldwater conservatism launched in 1964, loved America, was an all-around great guy, a hero to us, and we love him. He wasn’t perfect but we have good reason to tear-up when we think about him, kind of like liberals do when they get all teary-eyed on Stalin’s birthday.

environment | The Liberal Doomsayer the Middle East situation deteriorated, the Muslim Brotherhood became the chief beneficiary of America’s financial, diplomatic, and military support. This same Brotherhood was the driving force behind the Islamist surge, the mentor of Osama bin Laden and …

Marc Valdez Weblog"This is one of the great triumphs of American presidential politics," Brokaw said sternly, "and the rest of us who were saying out loud that this was not going to happen, we've got a lot of explaining to do." Every time he appeared again, Brokaw seemed anxious to hammer this point home.

FBI | American Commentary Blog 16, 2009 · The explosive interview article in The American Conservative Magazine sparked a vehement denial of Sibel Edmonds’s account by Congresswoman Schakowsky’s office concerning Turkish agents attempts to blackmail the Congresswoman with a lesbian affair. The background of the episode can found at The Brad Blog.Here follows Sibel’s formal response and after, Rep. …

Donald Trump - Page 269 - The Shed - Jambos Kickback 11, 2019 · From day one of Trump I have mentioned what I saw as his parodies of Mussolini, last night I again saw Mussolini and if Trump hasn't copied some of his antics he sure has them. What was intersesting of course also was the resemblance between Trumps policies and some of the two now long gone political criminals.

Bullies - Ben Shapiro - Englische Bücher kaufen | Ex Libris this page"From the editor-at-large of, a timely and compelling look at how liberals use bullying toward their opponents on today's top political issues. Bullying is an urgent topic on many minds and lips today. After the "It Gets Better" program was sanctioned by Obama himself, the left turned bullying into one of its most beloved pet issues. But what they seem to have missed is that ...

The Johnsville News: Duke Lacrosse Scandal: Nifong v. Newsweek that this will make the slightest bit of difference to you, but the real irony of this whole situation from my point of view is 1) that my initial cooperation with the press was based not on any perceived political advantage to be had, but on my (in retrospect, admittedly naive) belief that such cooperation would help effectuate a more ...

Civil Rights Hero Calls for Marshall Plan - Progress Pond 05, 2005 · Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.), cutting to the chase: We’ve got to do more than the $10 billion that Congress appropriated. We need a massive Marshall-type plan to rebuild New Orleans.But in rebuilding we should see this as an opportunity to rebuild urban America. New Orleans could be a model. There must be a commitment of […]

An Infidel Reads the Quran: Surah 20: Ta-Ha | House of the ... 02, 2018 · About comradedread. Living in Los Angeles, I am a family man with a theology background mostly interested in economics, politics, religion, and good fiction.

TigerHawk - Blogger TigerHawk (ti*ger*hawk): n. 1. The title of this blog and the nom de plume of its founding blogger; 2. A deep bow to the Princeton Tigers and the Iowa Hawkeyes; 3. The nickname for Iowa's Hawkeye logo. Posts include thoughts of the day on international affairs, politics, things that strike us as hilarious and personal observations.

Tuesday Mashup (8/3/10) | The Liberal Doomsayer 03, 2010 · 1) Even the animals are feeling the effects of the wars (here)… Gina was a playful 2-year-old German shepherd when she went to Iraq as a highly trained bomb-sniffing dog with the military, conducting door-to-door searches and witnessing all sorts of noisy explosions. She returned home to Colorado cowering and fearful. When her handlers tried…

corporations | Bob Higgins Washington Post’s Dan Eggen reports this morning on the results of a WaPo/ABC News poll which shows Americans to be “overwhelmingly” opposed to the recent SCOTUS decision to allow corporations to spend unlimited amounts of cash in election campaigns. “Eight in 10 poll respondents say they oppose the high court’s Jan. 21 decision to allow unfettered corporate political spending ...

MediaBloodhound: Story of the Day: Mark Danner Schools ... below -- updates I -V). During a recent segment on CNN's AC 360, journalist and professor Mark Danner torpedoed CNN senior political analyst David Gergen's attempt to minimize new revelations of Bush administration CIA torture tactics released by the Obama administration.. Host Anderson Cooper and Danner first discussed the CIA torture memos, which included techniques such as ...

Politicians Join Demonstration Against Prominent Chabad ... 19, 2015 · 130 residents lived at Prospect Park Residence when Deitsch abruptly announced its closure just over one year ago. Now only seven remain, including one who is 100-years-old and a Holocaust survivor. Moving frail elderly from one residence to another is frequently harmful to them and anecdotally appears to shorten their lives.

The Useless Tree: Friday I Ching Blogging: Reversal of ... is something that Allan also suggested in his reply. My sense of the hexagram overall is that it is speaking about the leader of the military, who is not the same as the supreme poltical leader. Hu was chief of the Party, fairly close to supreme political status (Deng Xiaoping's informal power kept Hu from truly being the top man) and he ...

ROVE RESIGNS EFFECTIVE AUG. 31 | The BRAD BLOG in a newly published profile in the Wall St. Journal comes word that Karl Rove is resigning as head of the White House political office effective August 31. Rove says he is giving up his powerful position in order to spend more time with his family: Rove insists his exit has nothing to do ...

Political Irony › Is There a Solution? 30, 2017 · I gave birth to a genius who made a fortune in the .com business and has since given that up to have a lower salary. Meanwhile he fixed me up to have heaven on earth where he paid for the residence in his name, I pay all expenses. Just sort of happened.

Motor City Liberal: Sean Hannity caught lying(I'm shocked) Media Matters: During the January 23 edition of Fox News' Hannity, while interviewing former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani, host Sean Hannity repeated the false claim that "[s]ixty-one people we know now were released [from Guantánamo] and now they're back on the battlefield" to support his assertion that President Barack Obama is "an ideologue."

liberal catnip: Spinning the Bush Leak, it was a Washington Post Sunday editorial, "A Good Leak" justifying Bush's declassification of the October, 2002 NIE in July, 2003 to allow Libby to attack Joe Wilson. Now, New York Times reporters David E Sanger and David Johnston jump on the bandwagon as well in their article, "Bush Ordered Declassification, Official Says". The White House, via press secretary Scott …

Washington Scandal: McCain Seeks Meek Submissive Door Mat ... might be the right approach for a reporter lucky enough to interview McCain's 96-year-old mother, Roberta. (If only our politicians were so plain-spoken.) But it would be wrong -- and, dare I say it, even sexist -- to suggest that Sarah Barracuda is too meek for a little back-and-forth with the denizens of the Fourth Estate.

Shadow of the Hegemon: Cole's End Game - Blogger 04, 2008 · Juan Cole made a good point on all this.What's the end-game here? What I can't understand is the end game here. The Israelis have pledged to continue their siege of the civilians of Gaza, and have threatened to resume assassinating Hamas political leaders, along with …

Political Irony › Impeachable Offenses? 18, 2017 · Hate to be the wet blanket in the house, but it doesn’t look like Trump will be going anywhere soon, short of choking out on a taco bowl or whopper. Vice News gave a rundown on the four ways a President can lose office. The first two, death or resignation, don’t seem very likely (though we can always hope).

01 | July | 2009 | The Liberal Doomsayer 01, 2009 · (On an unrelated note, I should mention that, with the exception of a video or two, this will probably be the last post for a little while, at least through the holiday weekend; this will be happening sporadically through July, and there …

Liberal Anger Warning - Macsmind - Conservative Commentary ... 22, 2005 · Michelle Malkin: BUSH DERANGEMENT SYNDROME STRIKES AGAIN Michelle advises therapy for Mr. Jonathan Chait.Who seems fixated on President Bush's exercise habits. I would agree. Alas this repressed anger and negativity is typical of some angry liberals, and a …

Tucson Progressive: Political signs coming down in midtown ... 16, 2010 · This is a problem. If the signs have been placed in accordance with city sign ordinances, they should not be removed. If you live in midtown, contact Kozachik's office at [email protected] and tell him that you value free speech and you want him to leave the signs as they are.

WebWeaver's World: (Not the greatest) customer service at WINZ 11, 2009 · A blog about my passions. May include some or all of the following: geek stuff (web design & development, CSS, accessibility, usability), environmental activism, my adopted home of New Zealand ('cos it's so totally wonderful), international & green politics (rants from a left-wing perspective), gardening, cats, literature, rugby, and a whole lot of other stuff besides.

Welcome To | Save-the-corporate-rich.com Is A Joke Site. I am a liberal. That’s right I am using paradoxical intention! Much like the “Billionaires For Wealthcare” and the TV Show called the “Colbert Report“. This site uses “paradoxical intention” to poke fun at the self righteousness and contradictions of conservatives. Also I …

Political Irony › Stuff that Needs to be Said 31, 2017 · [ a blog post by pastor John Pavlovitz] I remember the day after the Election, a friend of mine who happens to be white, remarked on social media that he “finally wasn’t embarrassed of America and our President.” I sprained my eyes rolling them and they have never fully recovered.

ABC and Fox ban a Lane Bryant ‘Big girl ... - Jamesb101.com 22, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Wish-Fulfillment | All Things In Their Place I’m no fan of Hillary, obviously. But as a voter and a political observer just sick to death of news outlets throwing poll numbers around as though they provide palantír-level accuracy and smugly reporting the news as though it’s a month in the future and their predictions about the present have already come true, it’s been great fun to watch while the pundits stumble dazedly ...

Author: Clinton, Palin Coverage Tainted by Gender ... 05, 2009 · On Tuesday, Kathleen Hall Jamieson--a professor at the Annenberg School for Communication and author of several books on politics and the media (including Echo Chamber: Rush Limbaugh and the Conservative Media Establishment and unSpun: Finding Facts in a World of Disinformation)--spoke at Fountain Street Church in downtown Grand Rapids on the topic of women …

Mark in Mexico: No hurricanes 02, 2006 · The first day of the 2006 hurricane season passed today and no hurricanes hit the United States causing widespread death, billions of dollars in damage, poorly designed, poorly built and poorly maintained flood protection systems to fail, incompetant local and state politicians to start blaming Bush and each other and the bloated and lumbering federal disaster response …

Stubborn Liberal: Happy Birthday, John Glenn! 18, 2011 · Today is John Glenn's 90th birthday. Philadelphia Inquirer: He was a hero in two wars, then a fabled test pilot, a four-term senator, a presidential candidate, finally a party elder.

Earth Day Turns 40 « The Bright 22, 2010 · A year ago, I briefly wrote about the origins of Earth Day and the current state of the environmental movement. I talked about how Earth Day has lost much of its meaning, primarily because the environment isn't high on the list of issues that concern the public, and thus, politicians are slow to respond. Even…

The APSA Minority Fellows Program,... - American Political this pageThe APSA Minority Fellows Program, established in 1969, aims to increase diversity in the discipline of political science. The Spring MFP supports students from underrepresented backgrounds who are currently enrolled in the first or second year …

Silencing Political Dissent: How Post ... - 20, 2003 · Click on the image to purchase this book through Purchases help support This short book examining how post-September 11 anti-terrorism measures threaten our civil liberties is a part of Seven Stories' Open Media Series. The book is a 138-page look at how the USA PATRIOT Act, passed without any serious debate in the…

parents | Missouri 18, 2010 · As crazy as it may sound, my two main sources of political information are my parents and the status updates from my friends on facebook. I will be the first person to admit that I don’t have the widest rang of knowledge when it comes to political information (which is partly why I took this class), but what I have learned about political happenings usually comes …

Politics Weekend | Electricity & 04, 2008 · Gordon’s getting jittery and the taxes are the first to benefit. So Boris won… he’s really going to have to shed the buffoon image now, isn’t he? David Cameron has very cheekily turned against him. Indeed, his win could mark the beginning of Cameron’s final demise. He must perform now though.

impolitic eye: May 2011 13, 2011 · I attended a funeral for a nine-year old the other day. At the end of the funeral, the kids were given butterflies to release. Each had a monarch in an envelope, and Abbie's parents were given a swallowtail to release. The monarchs flitted through the church courtyard, but the swallowtail landed on Jeff's hand and stayed there for a long time.

archives | The Smirking 19, 2017 · Only a New York politician or slick Southern demagogue could make two opposing points with equal conviction, leaving the reader to decide which to agree with. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand was just such an instance of the former, telling the Times Thursday, "Yes, I think that is the appropriate response," when asked if President Bill Clinton should have resigned because of the Lewinsky scandal.

Even The Graft Is Worse… | Sheila Kennedy demise of our civic culture, in business as well as politics, is well captured in Robert Reich’s new book – The Common Good. Once compromised, it is very difficult to re-establish the norms necessary for a functioning democracy (and a productive economy). As Sheila has …

Gen. Smedley Darlington Butler | progressivenetwork Nathaniel Smith, Politics: A View from West Chester, 1/26/15 I recently read The Plot against America by Philip Roth (2004), a gripping historical novel, a genre that I always enjoy for the challenging light that it sheds on both the past and a present that could have been marked by a different past.. Roth takes two and a half years out of US history—from June 1940 to November 1942—to ...

Bill's Big Diamond Blog: Energy’s been a Saturday of significant news in American politics. Specifics include: — the announcement President-Elect Obama made this morning about the massive stimulus plan he intends to sign into law shortly after his inauguration on January 20, starting with funding $156 billion in state and local infrastructure projects. Medical records, energy savings, as well as internet connections ...

Sunday Morning News Show (Big Four plus CNN) the domain of ... 08, 2012 · In late 2010, I stopped watching the big four Sunday Morning news (related) talk shows. As my interest in early morning the shows waned to nil, I wrote it off as, well, smarting from the November Election Tea Party successes and a general lack of interest in politics (albeit it temporary). Recent articles and re-circulation of the articles have finally reached my…

TBogg - "...a somewhat popular blogger" is not the usual post-hurricane scrambling for FEMA patronage and post-hoc insurance coverage. Fair or not, accurate or not, the normal rules really don't seem to apply here. That is a political reality and in all probability every other kind of reality.

Politics and suchhttps://jamiepoliticalblog.blogspot.comThis is a little preview of Bill Moyer's special "Buying the War" on how the administration marketed the war to the media and the general publice. The special aired in April but you can view more clips of his documentary on The Bill Moyer journal airs on PBS at …

Motor City Liberal: Geraldo Rivera Says All Six Jurors ... Friday morning, as George Zimmerman’s defense team prepared to deliver its closing statement in the 3-week trial, Fox News’ Geraldo Rivera told Fox & Friends that the all-female jury would have also killed Trayvon Martin if they had encountered him on that fateful night:

Dead Officer’s Legacy: Exposing ... - Mercury Rising ?? 05, 2011 · Jessica Lussenhop is a very clever person.. In the first of a promised series of reports, she discusses “the Suicide Files” — the material entrusted to her by Ramsey County Sheriff’s Deputy Dan Ruettimann, a political foe of former Sheriff Bob Fletcher, before he was found dead, a presumed suicide, in October.She details Ruettimann’s suspicions, and some of the evidence he provided ...

'Friends' settle Iraq war with guns - Progress Pond 07, 2005 · This is very disturbing to me. My spouse ridicules me over my concern about the politics of the day and we’ve had many arguments about many issues. He’d rather watch tv and stay in his dumbed down bliss state while I want to save the world. Thank god we don’t own any guns. A No Win situation for most of us I dare say.

Judge not indulging Trump in the slightest | Sohum Parlance II 21, 2019 · This is probably the most significant legal battle between branches of government since FDR tried to add Justices in order to stack SCOTUS. If Trump does win, it will weigh the Executive Branch heavier than the Legislative as a matter of law, although Congress has done much to weaken its own power by giving it over to the Executive on a number ...

Jesus' General: Sir Newt and the Tell-Tale Discharge is the way it always worked. A lesser person could not have survived the first few minutes of the onslaught. But out of the billowing smoke and dust of tweets and trivia emerged Gingrich, once again ready to lead those who won't be intimated by the political elite and are ready to …

planned parenthood | Smart Liberal and Female about planned parenthood written by smartandfemale. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email.

Motor City Liberal: Michelle Malkin and the anatomy of the ... 14, 2009 · It turns out that's what kicked off the right-wing blogosphere's comically inept misinformation campaign last weekend to try to swell the size of Saturday's anti-Obama protest in the nation's capital, to jack the crowd size up to the wildly inflated -- and erroneous -- number of 2 million people.. Nice try. According to estimates provided by the Washington, D.C., fire …

Laughably Stupid WaPo “Journalist” Awarded Prestigious Kim ... W. Drezner and his “hard-working staff” do not like Attorney General Jeff Sessions. No sir, not one bit. Their reasons: he was the first senator to endorse Donald Trump, he dismissed divergent views as “soulless globalism” and he’s bringing back the war on drugs.

repatriation | Desert Beacon 09, 2012 · Posts about repatriation written by desertbeacon. When last we left the subject, Governor Romney’s “jobs” plan consisted of “five major proposals” for Congressional action in the first 30 days, one of which was the ratification of the Trans Pacific Partnership agreement — or NAFTA on Steroids.

Forget ‘Slacktivism’ – We Dismiss the Power of Politics ... 02, 2017 · Originally published on The Conversation, as part of the Democracy Futures series Log on to Facebook or Twitter and you’re likely to see a deluge of political posts – a humorous meme or viral video skewering politicians like Donald Trump, the latest hashtag slogan in response to breaking news, maybe even a social movement symbol as an updated profile …

katiemarie26 | Political Communication. Rowan University ... is dangerous for the public since most cannot see past these frames and make an informed decision about the candidate. People began to question Palin’s family, religious, and political values. The frames used in the stories play off of the drama and conflict that the Palin family are currently going through with the father of the child.

Lydia Cornell: Aug 30, 2008 Cornell's funny, wonderful blog about Miracles, healing, humor, comedy, moms, children, aliens, husbands, Neanderthals, NASA JPL, love and life!

Accidental Deliberations: Saturday Morning Links 11, 2018 · This is one way – of perhaps many – in which inequality sustains itself. - Meanwhile, Harry Glasbeek argues that capitalism (as opposed to democracy or liberalism) lies at the core of Canada's political power structure, resulting in the government's willingness to hand out corporate welfare at the drop of a hat while attacking workers and ...

SHADOW'S WORLD - Blogger on Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Engineering. Oh, and Politics.

Songbird John McCain sings circa 1969 – the transcript and ... 12, 2018 · My biggest excitement was when our class did our mandatory D.C. senior year Washington trip and to be in the Senate gallery and see Goldwater in action, later running into him in the hallway and saying hello. “None dare call it treason” was the first book I cut my political teeth on at a very early age. Like Liked by 3 people

Harry Clarke: Climate change mitigation & the case for ... 10, 2007 · The 4th IPCC report on the scientific basis for global warming has been released and is being assimilated. It is an important document because it narrows the range of uncertainty over climate change as a policy issue. This gives conservative politicians, of all persuasions, incentives to act. There is a need to devise sound global policies which involve emerging countries such as India and ...

Pedestrian Infidel: Malaysia supports Hamas in war against ... 12, 2008 · KUALA LUMPUR, 29 Dec 2008: Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) has called on all Malaysian political parties to support a motion in Parliament to condemn the latest killings in Gaza to demonstrate the country's unified stance against state terrorism and illegal occupation.. PKR deputy president Dr Syed Husin Ali said ..."On this occasion, we urge Malaysians to pray for all the oppressed people of the ...

The Real Problem: At Least 6 In 10 Americans Read ... 10, 2020 · The Post noted: ”According to a study by computer scientists at Columbia University and the French National Institute, 59 percent of links shared on social media have never actually been clicked: In other words, most people appear to retweet news without ever reading it. Worse, the study finds that these sort of blind peer-to-peer shares are really important in determining what news gets ...

war | Dystopian Blues: News Liberal Progressives Need don’t know about you, but EXACTLY the way I remember 9/11 going down. I wonder how many public school (or home-schooled) kids will have to suffer watching this tripe. For more about Rev-Prez-Wannabe Huckabee’s attempts to brainwash young Americans with cartoon-y “history” lessons, including the above and “The Reagan ...

When Willful Ignorance Meets Economic Reality | Desert Beacon 10, 2011 · Why is it that when voices from the political Left or Right discuss the likely repercussions of a default on the U.S. national debt there are voices raised in protest that the mere discussion of the topic is "fear-mongering?" The implication is, of course, that irrational fear-mongering. As noted in yesterday's post, there…

Dawg's Blawg 11, 2005 · Lawyer Richard Mahoney--and you'd better get the pronunciation right, or some Liberal hack will accuse you of being anti-Irish--has been caught lobbying for a big corporate client, Canadian Satellite Radio, without registering with the Lobbyist Registration Branch of Industry Canada, as he was required to do by law.

RADAMISTO: SEN. JEEBUS BROWNBACK 07, 2006 · TUNAMAN at DKOS found an article in Rolling Stone Magazine about JB that shows he fits right in with Scalia and D. James Kennedy: All 3 want a theocratic America and they mean their god, not yours or mine. Excerpts from the article: Brownback seeks something far more radical: not faith-based politics but faith in place of politics. In his dream America, the …

You’re Welcome In, Just Don’t Crap on My Carpet | New ... 28, 2009 · You’re Welcome In, Just Don’t Crap on My Carpet Posted on March 28, 2009 by Paul Sonderman The author of a mean-spirited, conservative site that deals in racist slurs, presents unsupported opinions as fact and generally exists to slime liberals, announced that I’ve banned him from my site.

feel good rhetoric – Skeptical Brotha about feel good rhetoric written by skepticalbrotha. Keeping a watchful eye on black politics

Rob Portman | The Political Tipster Mitt Romney – He is the chosen candidate of the fiscal right and adds business experience to the ticket. If the convention were settled in the back room he would be odds on to be the candidate. However, he performed poorly in his home turf, losing to McCain in New Hampshire, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut….need I say more?

JustOneMinute: Kerry "Cut and Run" Watch have questioned the extent to which John Kerry, if elected, will commit political capital to redeem George Bush's mistakes in Iraq. Consequently, we get nervous when we see him introducing 'wiggle room' in his policy pronouncements: One reporter cited Mr. Kerry's famous query in 1971, upon returning from Vietnam, about how the country could ask men "to die for a …

May | 2012 | Blevkog post published by kevvyd during May 2012. In his video that the TED series wouldn’t air as being ‘too political’, the venture capitalist Nick Hanauer points out the fallacy in the argument that the wealthy are ‘job creators’ and that taxing them provides hurts the economy.

taxation | Blevkog about taxation written by kevvyd. In his video that the TED series wouldn’t air as being ‘too political’, the venture capitalist Nick Hanauer points out the fallacy in the argument that the wealthy are ‘job creators’ and that taxing them provides hurts the economy.

Labor Day Open Thread – Skeptical Brotha 08, 2010 · The President opened the fall campaign in his customary way today with a barn burning speech in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Continuing the piecemeal approach of incremental change that our political system allows, President Obama announced a plan for $50 billion of infrastructure investment. The plan is weighted heavily toward roads, bridges, high speed rail, …

Palin shopping spree | Mudflats know American’s do NOT like complainers and whiners, that’s for sure. That’s pretty much the kiss of death for a politician. So it’s good she’s not complaining, except for saying it’s unfair, and sexist, and there’s a double standard, and people don’t understand the real her, and it’s painful because….heeeeeyy.

Teeth of the Buzz Saw: Why I Do This 08, 2011 · This is wrong. And a way to fix it is for people like me, who have already dealt with their parents and who live in a liberal, open-minded community where I do not need fear being ostracized, to be the ones to be fully open about our lack of belief. There are bound to be family members who read this that had no idea.

Saturday’s Passel of Potpourri | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns ... 07, 2019 · It’s Saturday and time for a break and a smile or two. Page down for politics. Wishing you a great day! The best way to put up one’s Christmas lights. Sound. Click twice. Talk a…

25 | October | 2008 | Smart Liberal and Female 25, 2008 · It amazes me as I watch this video how many of us have been waiting. Waiting for inspiration. Waiting for a leader to come and give us hope. Having been to one of his rallies recently, I found myself amazed. Amazed at the positive message and amazed at the numbers of people attending. It takes only takes one to get a movement started.

Beer Brewers « Jamesb101.com 03, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Pedestrian Infidel: Leaders Without Testicles 01, 2009 · I entitled this essay, Leaders Without Testicles. The title was pertinent when I wrote the essay; it is even more pertinent today. The liberal élite in The Netherlands are but a glowing example of what cravenness will do to freedoms: It will destroy them! This was the essay I wrote back in 2006.

Is "Terrorist Threat" to America Another Bush-Cheney 17, 2007 · Consider this final point: The last "terrorist" strike on U.S. soil was the anthrax attack on Congress in October, 2001 that killed five people --- and the anthrax used was traced back to U.S. military facilities, George W. Bush, commander-in-chief. _____

POLitics: The Party Leader and the Campaign 06, 2011 · For example, in 1964, 43% of the British citizens were ‘very strong’ supporters of one of the main parties and this number has decreased to only 13% in 2005. Using your own knowledge as well as the extract, explain how party leaders have become more central to the election campaign.

Russ Dondero - Political Blog - Journal - JESUS TO PAUL 17, 2017 · Taxes are the price we pay for a civilized society - Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. "Parliament is not a congress of ambassadors from different and hostile interests, which interests each must maintain, as an agent and advocate, against other agents and advocates, but Parliament is a deliberative assembly of one nation, with one interest ...

term limits | Sheila Kennedy first thing every newly elected Representative does is hire staff from among the available pool of political and policy experts with relevant experience, and for at least the first term–and probably the second–a smart Congress-critter will be guided by those staff member, because they’ve been around long enough to know the ins and outs.

Salon struggling to pay its rent. - MTStars 06, 2017 · Salon struggling to pay its rent. Posted: Aug 6, 2017 publisher, is having trouble paying its rent. A landlord who late last year evicted Salon from its New York offices for nonpayment of $90,000 in back rent is now trying to force the digital publisher to pay more than $700,000 for the unused portion of a five-year lease that is slated to run through September 2019.

Conservatives | The Zen Stoic 20, 2008 · Conservatives, on the other hand, are averse to change and risk. So progressive, liberal, etc. tends to get the young, the academics, and the intelligent. Conservatives get the uneducated, the super-rich, and those who just don’t know any better. Once again, I’m not bashing conservatives.

A Double-Barreled Dubya Disgrace | The Liberal Doomsayer 14, 2009 · A Double-Barreled Dubya Disgrace Via HuffPo, this article from The Atlantic last Friday tells us the following… (Last) Thursday’s annual Census Bureau report on income, poverty and access to health care-the Bureau’s principal report card on the well-being of average Americans-closes the books on the economic record of George W. Bush.

American racism | The Pardu's Scroll poem was written in reaction to a White House dinner hosted by President Theodore Roosevelt, who had invited Booker T. Washington, an dark as spades coon, as a guest. The poem reappeared in 1929 after First Lady Lou Hoover, wife of President Herbert Hoover, invited the sheboon of nigger congresscoon, Oscar DePriest, to a tea for congressmen ...

Palin | Smart Liberal and Female out of six said they know people who will not vote for Obama because he’s black. Funnily enough 6 out of 6 said they think Sarah Palin is a hindrance to the McCain campaign. However 3 of the 6 said they are voting for McCain. Can I just say that one of those people said they think Obama’s economic plan was better. One for Obama.

liberalpastor in burnsville: Holy Week Thoughts might have been the end of the Jesus story, too. It wasn't, but that is a subject for another post. Let me end this one by reiterating that I believe the path that Jesus found for himself and shared with others was a path of healing and hope. It was both an inward journey that led to a deeper, more fully human person.

More Religious Lunacy- The Christian Right in America ... 05, 2006 · Listen to a radio Interview with Robin Meyers, Ph.D- Senior Minister, Mayflower Congregational United Church of Christ & Professor of Rhetoric at Oklahoma City University. Meyers discusses how the Christian Right has hijacked American politics.

news coverage | seattleDIRT is an e-mail I got from Congressperson Jim McDermott in response to a letter I sent about war coverage in mainstream media. As you may have heard, the Pentagon deals a shady deck when it comes to influencing war reporting and it’s not acceptable.. Mainstream Media needs reform like no other, and not just in the realm of war coverage. All aspects of mainstream media are tainted by ...

Tax | House of Cards his first major public speech as Director General of the CBI, Richard Lambert said that too few politicians recognise the “fundamental role” of business. Britain needed a free trade, low tax, high skill economy – otherwise it faces an inward-looking, protectionist state bedevilled by high unemployment and high taxes, Mr Lambert said.

Sarsour caught on camera talks about her mentor WTC ... 09, 2018 · Two comments: If you had a dollar for each Michigan liberal voter who gives a ?? about any of this you would remain broke. Second point: Not unlike Child Services here in New Jersey, formerly called DYFS- Division of Youth and Family Services- which is set up to protect the bad mother rather than the child or the good father, why would a government agency put …

Deadliest Man Alive | The Pardu's Scroll A Day – Political Cartoons; Celestial Wonders: Earth and Beyond (Pluto) International Space Statioin Link; Jon S. Randal : US History Often Overlooked (Jim Crow, The Fight For Equality, Information, Quest for Peace)

infant viability | Desert Beacon again, Nevada junior Senator Dean Heller gets stretched out into Immoderate territory in Senate votes this week. On September 22, 2015 Senator Heller voted in favor of the unscientific and pretty thoroughly politicized “Pain Capable…” forced birth bill (H.R. 36) [roll call 268] Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) explained the opposition to the bill by noting it is (1) unconstitutional ...

fickfrusthttps://fickfrust.blogspot.comLooks like Rove's recent remarks about how "libruls hate 'merica, hate our troops, and luv the terrists" are getting him some long overdue exposure in the so-called liberal media. Karl Rove (via kos): Liberals saw the savagery of the 9/11 attacks and wanted to prepare indictments and offer therapy and understanding for our attackers.

Speaker Boehner | AARON HILL’S NOTEBOOK 04, 2011 · Speaker of the House John Boehner’s unsupportive response to a resolution to honor WWI vet Frank Buckles in the Capitol rotunda, who is representative of every man and woman who served during the First World War, has created a bit of a backlash. Of course, some of this comes from the usual places, such as the political blogosphere, but some history forums are getting in on the …

Progressive Group Issues 'Deadline' for Woolsey to ... By Brad Friedman and Ernest A. Canning. As The BRAD BLOG reported over the weekend, an internecine firefight has blown up among progressives who support the candidacy of Marcy Winograd against entrenched "Blue Dog" Jane Harman (D-CA), and Rep. Lynn Woolsey (D-CA), long regarded as one of the more progressive members of the U.S. Congress.. Woolsey, the co-chair of the …

Election 2012 – Presidential | TheZoo 15, 2011 · While true to a certain degree, some political philosophies are readily proven to be wrong, simply by looking at history. I am compelled to dismiss Mr. Keyishian’s base premise where he “assume[s] that each side of the political spectrum has something meaningful to contribute…” or “that we all possess the sincere desire to ...

Liberal Media | Veritas Nihilum Vincet laundry list of people other people seem to listen to have leapt to the defense of Juan Williams. They’re all wrong. The slate reads like a who’s who of pundits, fools and freaks from the darkest, moldiest corners of media blithering bobbleheads ever conceived: Sarah Palin, Mike Huckabee, Michelle Malkin, Bill O’Reilly, Erick “Goat Fucker” Erickson and all the other fuckwits on the ...

Buckdog: August 2012 27, 2012 · Sgt. Cheryl Wallin had open alcohol in her SUV and a blood alcohol level that was twice the legal limit — but she left a Humboldt courtroom with an absolute discharge. The incident took place in July, 2010. While off duty, Wallin was pulled over by RCMP on the highway outside Lanigan, Sask., according to records recently obtained by CBC News.

Rainbow Warrior, Schema-Root former Rainbow Warrior kicker, who later became a three-time All-Pro and two-time Super Bowl champion with the Denver Broncos, was named one of six former student-athletes to receive the 2018 NCAA Silver Anniversary Award, according to a press release.

Citizen Cartwright: Trump administration was the most positive news a House committee heard Tuesday as members of the White House coronavirus task force appeared before Congress for the first time in more than a month. Oversight efforts by Congress have been stymied by the White House policy that senior officials aren't allowed to testify without permission from chief of staff ...

Environment | The Julianna Michigan Show 16, 2011 · Posts about Environment written by juliannamichigan. Today, the day after some 13,000 people surrounded the White House to call on President Obama to apply leadership in denying the Keystone XL pipeline application, Politico broke the news that the State Department’s Inspector General will conduct an investigation into State’s handling of the Keystone XL pipeline application.

Shooting Exposes the Vacuous Liberal Mind - Blogger as the truth emerged about the shooter, these liberal nuts were and are unable to backtrack to the truth. So, they travel around the conservative blogs and whine about the name-calling and vitriolic language while they are the ones actually doing it. These people need help and here is …

SHADOW'S WORLD: 10/27/12 IN AMERICA Only in America could politicians talk about the greed of the rich at a $35,000.00 a plate campaign fund-raising event. Only in America could people claim that the government still discriminates against black Americans when they have a black President, a black Attorney General, and roughly 18% of the federal workforce is black while only 12% of the population is black.

gonzography: My Baloney Has a First Name ... 07, 2004 · These are the incoherent ramblings of a heat-seaking progressive. If you need more explanation, consider it brutal satire at the cost of free speech. If you still don't understand the context, consult a therapist, a 12-step reality based political party or turn your life over to organized religion.

liberal catnip: Hell in Iraq - No water, no electricity is no escape. Via the AP: BAGHDAD (AP) - Iraq's electricity grid could collapse any day because of insurgent sabotage, rising demand, fuel shortages and provincial officials who are unplugging local power stations from the national system, electricity officials said on Saturday. For many Iraqi citizens, however, trying to stay cool or find sufficient drinking water was a more urgent problem.

The Marxist View of the Iraq War - The New Bush presidency. The model for this approach is Marx’s explanation (in his Eighteenth Brumaire) of Louis Napoleon’s coup d’etat in 1851. Other readings include both long-term critiques of American liberalism, such as those by Richard Slotkin and Patricia Seed, and …

13 | February | 2008 | Melissafrei's Weblog 13, 2008 · The Potomac Primaries – Simply Evolve. February 13, 2008 at 9:49 am · Filed under Democracy, Politics and tagged: Politics, Potomac Primaries. The overarching variable in this election is exhaustion. Exhaustion from lies, back room dealing, lack of ethical behavior and out and out criminal behavior. I have been pleased with my choices of candidates in this election.

NYT | Bloviating Zeppelin couches the true meaning of his article in the crafty guise of a response about Hillary Clinton as the victim of Trump when, in truth, the real intent is revealed in his final paragraph: People are playing with fire here, and there is no bigger flamethrower than Donald Trump. Forget politics; he is …

A ruandai tömeggyilkosság esete a Corvinus-szal (heheposzt Trump-tanácsadó Gorka Sebestyén disszertációjából (témavezeto Lánczi András) 163.oldal For Kiras, the September 11-th attacks were just as much politically driven as the slaughter of almost a million Hutu by the Tutsis in Rwanda in 1994. A ruandai tömeggyilkosságot…

How to Spend that Political Capital | Bahamas Black Book ... 09, 2008 · PLP Chairman Glenis Hanna Martin is riding high these days. She is riding a wave of respect and new found political capital following the surprising success of the PLP Labor Day march where about 2,000 PLP supporters turned the parade into a PLP rally, and of course, she led the charge that resulted in Sidney Collie handing in his resignation.

The Rude Pundit: These Motherfuckers: Voting Rights Edition 08, 2016 · As the Fourth Circuit’s ruling shows, the politicians who peddled this line are in fact the misdirecting, racist motherfuckers that we’ve been saying they were for, I dunno, ever. Of course these laws were passed to keep black people from voting. You know it. I know it. They know it. Everyone knows it. And the Fourth Circuit just affirmed it.

Buckdog: Stephen Harper's Recent Embrace Of 'Science' Is ... 12, 2012 · An oil "spill" isn't something that can be cleaned up with a paper towel. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency faced the first ever major spill of diluted bitumen into water (the Kalamazoo River) two years ago. It found that the lighter chemicals in "dilbit," as it's called, evaporated and the bitumen sank to the bottom sediments.

Campaign Slogans | Politics Of The United States | United ... documents we are dealing with (= under study ) are the two official campaign slogans that were used by both candidates during the 2012 American presidential election. The first one which was designed by Barack Obamas campaign team uses the word forward.

language | Kitty Reporter's Blog: Hot Cat's Meaow Topics News Politics Claims Twitter Feed Hacked Fox News claims its Fox News Politics twitter feed was hacked into on July 4, 2011 with a malicious series of tweets masquerading as the real FoxNewsPolitics and spewing false rumors about President … Continue reading ?

Proposition 107 | NeverPolitics.com country is nervous. The Clinton supporters are anxious. But the night is young and it is still early yet. A lot rides on Florida and North Carolina, both of which are still too close to call as the clock ticks past 10:00 on the East Coast. MSNBC is reporting that 12 states are too close to call.

MNMuseTube: Amy Klobuchar (Pay Equity) knew she was getting the same pay as the men doing the same job. But early in her tenure as manager, the company went to a ``merit-based'' pay system. Payment records were kept confidential, as they are in many companies, and Lilly did not think to ask what her male colleagues were making.

kingston progressive: SHOULD OBAMA REPLACE GEITHNER WITH ... 11, 2009 · Mike: again a superb idea- However do we want the world to view the USA in the same fashion that many look upon DC with a mayor who served time for drugs etc- oops- IS conviction of prostitution a lesser evil than non-payment of federal taxes? hey you ought to right a book - ditch the blog and go for a novel- suspense, politicss, sex, money ...

REAL ART (and politics and culture) 11, 2005 · Not enough to amount to a firing offense? This strikes me as absurd: two bags of chips is enough to lose a restaurant or convenience store job, and the people in those positions aren't the ones who are supposed to enforce the law. That is, cops should be held to at least as high of a standard as the lowliest McJob worker is held to.

Dept. of the Navy and marines « Jamesb101.com 06, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

March | 2012 | Double Dip Politics isn’t a post for or against religion. This isn’t a post for or against Jesus, the Bible, faith, or spirituality. This is an article looking at the positions the two parties have taken, and what position Jesus would have taken. Driving around town two weeks ago, a truck carried a …

Media Giraffe Project -- Link & reference blog: October 2006 Benton Foundation newswire, written by Editor Kevin Tagland, wraps up reports on a study of local TV news in Midwest markets, which found little prime time devoted to election coverage. "The failure of local television news to foster and encourage informed citizen participation in the political process is scandalous," commented Lawrence Hanson, of the Joyce Foundation, which funded the ...

TRUTH—THE NO SPIN POLITICALLY INCORRECT ZONE: May 2011 ... 03, 2011 · Dedicated to truth, whether politically correct or not, right wing or left wing. Less spin than Bill O'Reilly, more edgy than Bill Maher. The enemy are the demagogues, in both parties. Truth in politics, news, entertainment, and pop culture.

Smiley | The Moorish Wanderer 08, 2011 · Politics worked sometimes as a background for individual stories, as the storyline goes on, the viewer learns about the characters, which gives a human touch to the whole thing. The West Wing is perhaps -to my knowledge- one of the very few TV shows actually pushing for a …

TV Show | The Moorish Wanderer 08, 2011 · Politics worked sometimes as a background for individual stories, as the storyline goes on, the viewer learns about the characters, which gives a human touch to the whole thing. The West Wing is perhaps -to my knowledge- one of the very few TV shows actually pushing for a …

General Snakeoil | Political Bunko“The public forests of western Oregon provide enormous benefits to the American people. They are the sources of clean drinking water for many communities, provide hiking, fishing, camping, rafting, and other recreational opportunities not often found on private lands, and provide key habitat for a wide range of wildlife and fish species, especially wildlife that are threatened with ...

Walker, Wisconsin again flunk the Minnesota test 11, 2018 · left has rendered that Wisconsin state constitutional water guarantee and the DNR's mission statement useless. Remember, Walker began formally weakening Wisconsin's wetland protections within the first hours of his first term, and administratively blew up a wetland permit review for donor-developer so his plan to fill a wetland for a big-box store near Lambeau Field could be fast …

Political Parties Poster | Whig Party (United States ... the first time, most voters identified strongly with one party or another.The first party nominating conventions were held, and the parties used parades and other events to rally voters. Some 80 percent of eligible voters turned out at the polls. Several “third parties” were also active in this period, electing representa- tives to Congress around issues such as slavery and immigration.

liberal catnip: Bush Crawls Back to the UN Bush administration has so utterly failed in its handling of the Iraq war and the resulting, growing tensions in the region, that it has decided to cede diplomatic control to the UN. After reviewing its Iraq policy last winter, the White House committed to boosting diplomatic efforts in the region.

PLAINFIELD TODAY: US Senate candidates debate tonight on NJTV 05, 2013 · This is the first time that front-runner Cory Booker will be facing off with the other three -- Rep. Rush Holt, Rep. Frank Pallone and Assembly Speaker Sheila Oliver. Pallone was Plainfield's Congressional representative for ten years, being replaced in the most recent election when the city was moved into Rush Holt's district.

Political inSecurity: 2007-09-23 29, 2007 · The First Post: Beware Russia, energy superpower: "In a world concerned with terrorism, genocide and nuclear-powered despots, Vladimir Putin's Russia is assembling an economic machine powerful enough to force Europe, the US and Asia to their knees.It does not involve uranium, explosives or suicide bombers, but the natural resources that power the global economy.

One Giant Leap For Womankind | Because It's 2015 09, 2016 · UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon called for member states to put forward more women to serve as peacekeepers. As the term of Ban Ki-Moon as UN Secretary-General comes to end on December 31, 2016, a movement has started pushing for the first ever female to lead the world’s largest international political body.

The Foolishness that is Rosie O’Donnell… | Shadow Democracy 09, 2007 · Recent comments by Rosie O'Donnell seem to complete a personality about-face that began with her first talk show "Rosie" in 1996, and have recently eroded to her latest conspiratorial blathering on "The View". How exactly did the once crowned "Queen of Nice" morph into the "Bitch of Bayside" (Queens, NY in case you were wondering)?

Leading Israeli Modern Orthodox Rabbis Come Out In Support ... group of leading Zionist Orthodox - Modern Orthodox Israeli rabbis, including the head of the liberal Zionist Orthodox Tzohar organization, have come out in support of Riverdale's Rabbi Avi Weiss, whose ability to vouch for the Jewishness of American couples seeking to marry in Israel was removed by Israel's haredi-controlled chief rabbinate without a hearing or a beit din (religious court ...

Occupy Wall Street & Tea Party WAKE UP–This Is A Message ... 18, 2012 · Bryan Henry is a young teacher and family man in Kingwood Texas who is very civic minded. He participates actively in the Kingwood version of the Occupy Movement which from its inception has followed the tenet of much of what he speaks about in the excellent piece he wrote below.. In fact his article comes at a good time for us locally and for the movement as a whole nationally.

CISPA’S GONE, ONE MORE ROUND, CISPA’S GONE | kavips 26, 2013 · Like a zombie it may rise again. But around 2 o’clock yesterday afternoon, members of the Senate confided to US News that in the way as the CISPA House Bill was passed, “that” bill is dead. Pieces of it may be pushed through the Senate in an effort to preserve the parts that protect our cyber-structure, but those pieces designed to protect sitting politicians…

‘Occupy Congress’ Protesters Swarm Capitol Hill To ... 19, 2012 · from The Huffington Post by Michael McAuliff A diverse crowd of hundreds from around the country descended on Capitol Hill Tuesday as the Occupy movement tried to get its point across to a Congress returning from a long recess. "We came to add to the numbers, to be heard," said Rosetta Star, a social entrepreneur…

Obsidian Wings: 28, 2018 · by Ugh. As the liberal illuminati outsmart themselves by sending pipe bombs to their own leaders in a horribly failed attempt to distract from the overwhelming menace of a caravan of more than 100,000 heavily armed foot soldiers of Middle Eastern descent steadily marching toward the U.S.'s naked southern border, and due to get closer than 1,000 miles any day now, I present to you this open thread.

Avedon's Sideshow: She's no fun, she fell right over is one of the most important questions we need to spend time on. And I think, at the outset, I should say that one very fundamental difference in our campaign than most of what people see as politics, or what most people see as politicians is that this campaign was not launched in the service of one individual's political and personal career.

RWNJ Pastor Wants Martial Law Declared If People DARE To 22, 2017 · Among the religious right leaders who are still bowing to Donald Trump, Rick Joyner is in a class by himself. He was one of the first prominent fundies to warn against opposing Trump. Initially, he tried to explain that those raising their voices against the Donald were driven by witchcraft and the devil himself.. He has since warned us that God still has favor on Trump, and for that reason we ...

Irish Trojan in Tennessee:Old UConn Law prof nabbed in'm Brendan Loy, a 26-year-old graduate of USC and Notre Dame now living and working in Knoxville, Tennessee. My wife Becky and I are brand-new parents of a beautiful baby girl, born on New Year's Eve. I'm a big-time sports fan, a politics, media & law junkie, an astronomy buff, a weather nerd, an Apple aficionado, a Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter fanatic, and an all-around dork.

Barack Obama: Whose Money Is This? | Mike Cane 2008 06, 2008 · Explore posts in the same categories: Politics This entry was posted on February 6, 2008 at 9:06 pm and is filed under Politics.You can subscribe via RSS 2.0 feed to this post's comments. You can comment below, or link to this permanent URL from your own site.

Political Party’s | 3 lanterns email to a Fox News spokesperson was not immediately returned.Instead, what’s more interesting is the fact that the video leaked in the first place. Off-air moments during the taping of a television show almost always produce more candid and newsworthy exchanges than those that take place on air.

environmental catastrophe | Dystopian Blues: News Liberal ... is at least the second ship burning oil, and it’s been deployed for at least a week, with a capacity of up to 10,000 barrels (600,000 gallons) a day. Who is allowing BP to just burn oil at the surface of the water? You guessed it, the Minerals Management Service, which authorized burning up to 12,000 barrels. For the rest of the story ...

Seung Hui Cho | The Liberal Doomsayer Occasionally the Bucks County Courier Times experiences a journalistically lucid moment, and they did so yesterday here in an editorial about departing County Operations Office David Sanko…. Sanko, an ex-big wig with the GOP, was hired in 2004 at $125,000 a year, not exorbitant for the chief executive of a large organization.

ALERT: The GILLUM AND ABRAMS CAMPAIGNS NEED YOUR HELP ... 07, 2018 · Even though 3Chics Politico is written and curated by three women: Ametia, Rikyrah, and SouthernGirl2, I must nominate this as one of the most engaging blogs I've found. Devoted to politics and culture, these three shine a light on contemporary life with humor and spirit.

Open Thread | Some Thoughts On COVID-19 | 3CHICSPOLITICO 22, 2020 · I am back to posting on COVID-19, because, it is the biggest story in the world. I will be going back to my physical workplace on June 1st. I admit that I am terrified. All my energy will be spent getting to and from work , COVID-19 free. That is what will consume me, Monday…

Down With Righty!: July 2008 07, 2008 · Probably most unnerving is the fact that yet antother attempt by conservatives to downplay their own ideolgical ties to fascist regimes by painting liberals as the modern-day Third Reich. While fascism may have a few fleeting elements in common with liberalism, much of the neo-conservative playbook is taken from the most fundamental ...

Motor City Liberal: House GOP Tax Plan Raises Taxes On 10 ... to the analysis, roughly 11 million American families would lose some or all of the American Opportunity Tax Credit, which provides a tax break on college tuition payments, at an average cost of $1,100 each.About 12 million would lose part or all of the Child Tax Credit, costing them an average of $800, and about 6 million would lose all or part of the Earned Income Tax Credit, which ...

tcnorris: 07/01/2007 - 08/01/2007 29, 2007 · Harper has called the first two of seven pending by-elections for September 17. The one that matters is in Outremont. It is the first electoral test of Stéphane Dion, who has selected Jocelyn Coulon, an academic and media commentator similar in profile to Dion himself, as the Liberal candidate.However, he faces a serious challenge from the NDP.

How Melania Trump blocked Ivanka Trump from encroaching on ... Melania Trump blocked Ivanka Trump from encroaching on the her domain The Washington Post - 2020-06-13T06:00:00.000Z

Why Bill Clinton is Right on Medicare | 44-D 26, 2011 · Written By Ogenec Another politician falls victim to the "hot mike." This time it's good ol' Bill. Caught, as it were, in fragrante delicto with Paul Ryan. As all good liberals and progressives know, Paul Ryan is the bete noire of all that is decent in the world, because he …

Courting Young Voters: The Millennial Young Voters: The Millennial Generation By Representative Barbara W. Ballard (KS), NBCSL Immediate Past President is the Immediate Past President of NBCSL and currently serves as President of the NBCSL Foundation. She is the Associate Director at the Robert J. Dole Institute of Politics at the University of Kansas, and the Director of the Youth Civic Leadership Institute (YCLI).

conservative party | Electricity & Lust Our new key political enemy in the UK? The Grey Squirrel. Gordon Brown is pleading for help from oil-rich nations on nuclear energy in the UK.. 29% of secondary schools in the UK have sexual health clinics.. Labour is careering towards financial disaster.. Apparently we are also leading the world in arms sales.. MPs want money for second homes.. Brown’s plans for eco-housing are being ...

May | 2011 | 44-D By Ogenec. Another politician falls victim to the “hot mike.” This time it’s good ol’ Bill. Caught, as it were, in fragrante delicto with Paul Ryan. As all good liberals and progressives know, Paul Ryan is the bete noire of all that is decent in the world, because he had …

BLOG 3 | Missouri Communication 28, 2015 · This is important because he announced his resignation this past weekend and could deeply effect the relationship between the two parties in Congress. This data was recorded with GovTrack. GovTrack is a website that collects quantitative data of members of Congress and other representatives, such as voting records.

Blog Archives are the facts. As we debate eliminating health care for millions over 4 words and as we see our political process bought by secret money, there is no point in holding back about what is stake in our current political and cultural conflicts.

The Dual Mythology of the Market and the State – Critical ... 09, 2014 · In my last Politics of Debt post, I went through Graeber's three categories of society, which function to isolate certain distinct social phenomena playing on human relationships: Baseline Communism, Exchange, and Hierarchy. Careful to keep separate the morality that might follow the anthropologist himself from the immense store of facts and recordings on diverse societies…

Liberal lunacy | The Lyssa racist. (ba dump bump!) I didn’t even have to start an argument against a commenter who followed me here from my new distractor blog hangout, Corporette (which is really fun for fashion tips for professional women) to already be winning it. She just dropped in, accused me of being a racist, extremist, radical, etc., gave absolutely no examples or support of why she thinks that way, and ...

Bank Fraud | The Great American Lemming Farm it’s all an illusion my friends, even as there are increasing calls for auditing The Fed, so much so that Ben Bernanke is taking to the hustings on a public relations/politics tour just to show how important that it is to not scrutinize the temple of the moneychangers and to keep it free from political matters (GAG). Now the protector of ...

On Transmigration: Ordinance of Secession: 150 Years Ago Dec. 20, 1860, 169 men — politicians and people of property — met in the ballroom of St. Andrew’s Hall in Charleston, S.C. After hours of debate, they issued the 158-word “Ordinance of Secession,” which repealed the consent of South Carolina to the Constitution and declared the state to be an independent country. Four days later, the same group drafted a seven-page …

10 | December | 2007 | Melissafrei's Weblog 10, 2007 · 2 posts published by melissafrei on December 10, 2007. The Candidates on EDUCATION. December 10, 2007 at 3:14 am · Filed under Education, Politics and tagged: Politics. A popular government without popular information or the means of acquiring it is but a prologue to Farce or Tragedy or perhaps both.

Vagabond Scholar: Blogiversary XI: This Blog Goes Up to Eleven 07, 2016 · Earlier this year, this blog turned 11. Alas, a busy year in real life lead to a quiet year of blogging, despite plenty of material. (But some big posts are in the works.) The most notable political post since last time was "Spite," about Donald Trump and …

Education | Melissafrei's Weblog about Education written by melissafrei. The Candidates on EDUCATION. December 10, 2007 at 3:14 am · Filed under Education, Politics and tagged: Politics. A popular government without popular information or the means of acquiring it is but a …

Motor City Liberal: REPORT: Media Ignore Rep. Issa's ... 11, 2011 · Only One Of 15 Articles Substantially Mentioning Issa Referenced Any Of The Allegations. Media Matters examined coverage of Issa in The New York Times , The Washington Post , The Wall Street Journal , USA Today , and the Los Angeles Times from November 3, 2010, through January 10, 2011.

Congressional Quarterly | This Is group known as the Northern Virginia Tea Party is offering to host a debate between veteran Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kan., and challenger Milton Wolf. Wolf may be best known to HOH readers as a distant relative of President Barack Obama. Wolf, a radiologist, has fire for, among other things, posting patient x-ray images on Facebook ….

Vol. 16, No. 18 November 14, 2016 | American Jews - Scribd on the U.S. Presidential Election and its Implications for American Jewry and the State of Israel - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The victory of Donald Trump has fundamentally transformed the place of America’s Jewish community within the political arena. The surprise victory represents an election tsunami for Jews and other key ...

Black Mayors | All Other Persons is a list of black mayors in cities with a population over 50,000. This is based on information from the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies. The Joint Center describes itself as “one of the nation’s premier research and public policy institutions and the only one whose work focuses exclusively on issues of particular concern to African Americans and other people of color.”

The Liberal Playbook: Gay Marriage | Calvin Freiburger Online 28, 2009 · The man (Calvin) is one of the weakest writers in this community. If my sources are correct, he is barely making it through community college. I know times are tough and an issue that needs to be debated, but please limit editorials to those with an IQ over 75.

29 | September | 2008 | The Liberal Crab 29, 2008 · 4 posts published by The Liberal Crab on September 29, 2008. “We’re all worried about losing our jobs. Most of us say, ‘I want this thing to pass, but I want you to vote for it—not me.'” said Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis (note – see my other post for the most honorable quote of the day). It’s great to see how ‘working for the people” means taking care of yourself first.

2010 October 22 « Mercury Rising ?? 22, 2010 · News concerning Men Behaving Badly has flooded into my mailbox this morning: — Congressman Ken Calvert (R-CA), he who is currently in the news for blatantly breaking the law forbidding using taxpayer funds to send out political mailings, has a history of breaking the law and getting away with it.Here’s how Ken Calvert first came to the nation’s notice:

American Power: What is Happening to this Country? 06, 2008 · Commentary and analysis on American politics, culture, and national identity, U.S. foreign policy and international relations, and the state of education - from a neoconservative perspective!Keeping an eye on the communist-left so you don't have to!

American Power: Obama Ignites Ideological War 02, 2008 · People don't want to use the "s-word" in American politics. The U.S. stood against the advance of socialism in its historic ideological struggle against Marxist-Leninist ideology and Soviet totalitarianism. In Latin America today, there's one of the strongest shifts to popular socialist regimes in recent decades.

How To Honor Dr. King – Always Cast Your Ballot 17, 2010 · Hi, I'm Congressman John Lewis. Tomorrow, our nation will commemorate the life of Martin Luther King, Jr. It's a day of special significance to me. As a young man, it was Rev. King who inspired me to join the civil rights movement. His words sparked an amazing journey. As Chairman of the the Student Non-Violent…

it’s nice to see someone’s still got a sense of humour 29, 2020 · The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund and other free speech organisations subsequently got involved, sending a group letter to Redbubble that accused Trump’s campaign of having “misused Redbubble’s reporting mechanism to suppress protected political expression in the form of parody, critique, and satire” and arguing that the work and those who publish it are protected by the first …

2009 September 22 « The Futility Monster 22, 2009 · 1 post published by The Futility Monster on September 22, 2009. Twutility Monster. 2012: Scores On The Doors 7 years ago; Liberal Luvvie Lord Leveson Likes Lunatic Lefties 7 years ago; Another one of my 2012 predictions comes true with Man City winning the title.

22 | February | 2009 | Smart and silly 22, 2009 · Also from at the John and Ken show, the show has re instituted political human sacrifice. Two years ago the Team instituted the first political human sacrifice opposing the House of Representative member David Dreier (R) of Glendora. Dreier won re-election, but it sent a message that the people unsatisfied with business as usual.

liberal bias | Thoughts Of A Conservative Christian man. It is clear that Jared Loughner, in his demented condition, rejected God and all moral absolutes. There was the discovery of his backyard shrine — containing a skull with burnt oranges — and reports that his favorite books included The Communist Manifesto and Mein Kampf. This is all anti-Christian behavior.

William Clinton and Monsanto – a Team for Mutual Profit"One of Taylor's duties was to represent Monsanto's efforts to get its bovine growth hormone approved by the FDA." (Political Friendster) [2] "[Michael Taylor was the] Attorney for Monsanto who rewrote the "regulations" for Genetically Modified foods.

gop | Albany Citizen One 08, 2010 · “This is also why we need an ethics law requiring full disclosure of all outside income by state legislators – we need to drain the swamp of corruption in Albany.” “Career politicians in Albany are running amok, and Andrew was born into this corrupt ruling class,” Paladino said.

America: Imagine the World Without Her - Alchetron, the ... 20, 2018 · America Imagine the World Without Her is a 2014 American political documentary film by Dinesh DSouza based on his book of the same name It is a followup t

In new bombshell story, "Bloomberg Markets" reveals that ... 02, 2011 · He was also sacked and sued Koch Industries in June 2009, but two labour law courts in France ruled in his favour, saying that a man called Christoph Ender, who was the President of Koch-Glitsch for Europe and Asia, as well as the controllers and auditors, “allowed such business practices to continue without doing due diligence in their ...

Mudflats | Tiptoeing Through the Muck of Alaskan Politicshttps://mudflats.wordpress.comOne of those things was the Palin administration’s record on health care for children and pregnant women. The national media was not kind in its analysis of how Palin was caring for women and children, and many Alaskans had been furious about it for some time, and felt vindicated by the media analysis from outside the state.

Glenn Beck | Emptysuit | Page 2 is an old joke that goes “how do you know you are winning an argument with a liberal?” The answer is “He calls you a racist.” America, we are winning this argument.

Rush Limbaugh | Emptysuit | Page 5 first amendment guarantees our right to free speech, we are free to speak our minds and listen to other points of view, but liberals don’t want any kind of dissent from their philosophy. Liberals understand that talk radio is the major source of conservative grassroots networking and information sharing.

New Mexico Politics with Joe Monahan was a bit of a surprise on withdrawal day when someone actually withdrew. That would be longtime ABQ GOP State Rep. Larry Larrañaga.He said he was getting out because of family health reasons. First elected in 1994 and a major player on the House Appropriations Committee, Larrañaga has given the R's just one week to come up with a replacement for the district, all of which is in BernCo.

Teresa's Political Theater Bloghttps://politicaltheatreblog.blogspot.comI didn't know him then, but I imagine he was as much an endless talker, a laugher and a fighter as the man I met 50 years later. He had dreams. One of them was the dream of family. That was the big one. When Jack graduated from school he was allowed to live at home for a bit while he found a job.

the real campaignhttps://realcampaign.blogspot.comApr 04, 2008 · Ben Smith of was the first in the blogosphere/media to post this story, 2 days after the Emanual Cleaver interview aired on the CBC Radio 1 show the Sunday Edition. Within hours CNN, AP and others had picked it up.

Donald Trump and Deregulation – A Prelude to the Fall ... 13, 2017 · One of the first issues he will face is the reinstatement of the federal debt limit on March the 16th, when US national debt will break through the $20 trillion mark. To prevent the US defaulting on its debt, the debt ceiling will have to be raised, which will require approval from Congress.

ESPN’s Racist Michael Wilbon ... - AmeriCAN-DO Attitude 09, 2009 · ESPN’s Racist Michael Wilbon Proves PTI Stands for ‘Pardon the Ignorance’ UPDATE III @ 10/14/2009: Here is the “bloods vs crips” quote in FULL context: Rush Limbaugh’s “NFL Bloods vs Crips” Quote in FULL Context. UPDATE II @ 10/13/2009: Smash Mouth Politics has an excellent post proving that some leftist Rush-hater just made up racist quotes, attributed to Limbaugh, out of ...

Obsidian Wings: Well, They Agree on One Thing of my fellow posters at Liberal Street Fight agrees with you Catsy: I’ll never forget watching coverage of the “Holy Father” giving one of his speeches in Africa, in a country wracked by hunger and disease, and this odious relic of the dark ages, bedecked in finery, telling them that salvation required them to not use birth control, and that suffering was redemptive and a gift from ...

Uncategorized | The Political Tipster is not on some assumption, as had been suggested, that Latino voters are somehow biased but simply a recognition that McCain carried 75% of the Latino vote in his home state. Latino-American voters have been steadily losing their automatic identification with …

The Irony Supplement | Politics and the Media | Page 2 and the Media. When I ran the satirical business news blog The Walnut some years ago, I wrote a story about the Wall Street Journal running blank pages to save money on staff.. The Journal had just gone through a round of layoffs (a relatively mild one compared to the blood-letting that goes on now). The absurdity of publishing white space was meant as a jab in the eye at the bottom ...

vegetarianism | The Point of a Sharp Instrument sites. Act.TV A facebook page dedicated to grassroots activism.; Counter Current News An alternative news site that focuses on exposing corruption.; Cruelty-Free Living Animals suffer greatly for our vanity and careless lifestyles. The National Anti-Vivisection Society is working to educate the masses on these horrendous crimes against our fellow-creatures.

Right Wing Nut House » RELIGION AND POLITICS: INTOLERANCE 02, 2007 · ed Said: 12:23 pm I appreciate the article, but I got lost regarding Mr. Cenk Uygur’s comments. You saw no difference in Sir Isaac Newton’s declaration that the Bible was divinely inspired and those that believe Jesus Christ will return IN 2007!!Despite Mr. Uygur’s sniping ugliness in attacking Christians overall, believing you know the return date of Christ is both anti-Biblical and silly.

Uncategorized | The Liberal Crab 23, 2009 · Forgive the Crab. I am having trouble staying on one topic. So please forgive the wanderings of the blog: I admit, I am not an economist (though took my share of courses in college) or a health care professional (though my wife is a psychologist), or anything else that qualifies me to talk with authority on the subject of health care.

John Sigler | kavips 29, 2013 · This is the first thing I saw as I began my day, and that day is ruined already…. On Delaware Liberal what greeted me….. Whole Jewish families lined up against the walls of the Warsaw Ghetto, and shot Courtesy of Iranians Don’t Have Pigeons Courtesy of Nazi’s Idea of Crossing State Lines to engage in sport shooting illegal in their own …

Trump In Power: The First 100 Days - International first clue was the cabinet. Because he was a maverick and not a politician—the very “outsider” identity that propelled him into office—he had none of the usual political infrastructure of most incoming presidents: no savvy political advisors, no circles of party loyalists, no legislative allies, no strong ties to …

tkrueg | Missouri Communication 28, 2011 · Voters are looking for a good-looking man who they feel they can “have a beer with.” Back in my parents day if a candidate looked OK in a picture they had a good shot in the election. It is a whole new world now. Politics have changed from my parents time to mine and I can only imagine what they will be like when I have a child who is my age.

Media and politics | The Irony Supplement DESTINATION: In 2004, Bush requested funding for a mission to Mars. “We choose to explore space because doing so improves our lives and lifts our national spirit,” he said at the time. In his case, I couldn’t agree more. We can put him in one of the shuttles that’s …

Mudflats | Tiptoeing Through the Muck of Alaskan Politics ... Stevens accordingly requests this page-limit extension to address the many grounds for a new trial and to preserve these issues in the event of a potential appeal.” So whatever the reasons the defense will give for asking for a new trial, we know that it will be more than 45 pages worth. My guess is that it will be a LOT more than 45 pages.

2014 January « Mercury Rising ?? the air is filled with more stories of his current antics, I thought a little refresher on Texas congressman Steve Stockman’s history might be in order.. You see, Stockman was a congressman nineteen years ago, too. He’d just been elected to his first term, and was a darling of the far-right Bircher-birthed militia movement, the ancestors of today’s Tea Party twits.

30 | December | 2015 | The Liberal Doomsayer 30, 2015 · In one of his regular “Congressman’s Notebook” columns in his house organ, the Bucks County Courier Times, our departing PA-08 U.S. House Rep Mike Fitzpatrick gave us his version of how the James Zadroga Health and Compensation Act passed Congress; Zadroga being one of many first responders who worked to try and save as many lives as he ...

Critiques Of Libertarianism: What is Political Capitalism? said.... A few comments from a libertarian (but non-Austrian) point of view: 1. libertarians will, by definition, value perfect freedom over other goods, all other things being equal. That's largely what it means to be a consistent libertarian. There's nothing wrong with that as long as one is clear about that (and does not pretend it should be more convincing than it is - any honest ...

Otto's War Room (??): Unconditioned release for all ... to news, views and satire you can use. Anyone offended by this can be assured it is purely intentional. For comments on this blog: [email protected] or [email protected] ?

motivated reasoning | Sheila Kennedy of my graduate students pointed me to an interesting article in the Chronicle of Higher Education, highlighting a study into the persistent accusation that “liberal” professors are guilty of politically indoctrinating their students. Dodson’s analysis of the data shows that students who get engaged academically are likely to increase their time talking about political issues and ...

Nate Silver, Baseball and Political Statistician ... 04, 2008 · This is too cool…in Umair Haque’s inspiring post “A Manifesto for the Next Industrial Revolution,” Umair Haque calls on us to create value in terms of increasing human welfare, to “organize” things like the world’s hunger, energy, and thirst.Well, as a start, Nate Silver has “organized” baseball forecasting, reinventing it and refining it to a degree using innovative ...

Conservatism, Personality and Political Extremism by Rob ..., Personality and Political Extremism by Rob. Schoenberger - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Conservatism, Personality and Political Extremism by Robert A. Schoenberger The American Political Science Review, Vol. 62, No. 3 (Sep., 1968), pp. 868-877

Culture & society | Jafapete's Weblog 24, 2008 · WHAT: Drinking Liberally Auckland City WHO: You and any of your left-leaning comrades WHEN: 7.30pm, Wed 24th September WHERE: London Bar, cnr Wellesley & Queen Sts (opposite Civic). The entrance to the bar is around on Wellesley St, you need to go up the stairs and we will probably be congregating at the far end by the stage, fiddling with the sound and setting up video.

recount | Smart Liberal and Female the final race to reach 60 brings me to one of my favorite states, Minnesota. This is Paul Wellstone’s seat. It will always be Senator Wellstone’s seat to me. They are currently getting ready to start the recount between Al Franken (I’ll admit I’m a fan…love that guy’s books) and Norm the suit wearing worm Coleman.

Tough Dove Israel: Selected Publications: Gidon D. Remba 30, 2008 · Gidon (Doni) Remba is Executive Director and President of the Jewish Alliance for Change (JAFC), and co-director of the Campaign for Bedouin-Jewish Justice in Israel.A veteran progressive pro-Israel activist, political analyst and communications consultant, he previously served as National Executive Director of Ameinu: Liberal Values, Progressive Israel.

Motor City Liberal: October 2008 was something of a de facto member of the group as he launched his political career in the early 1980s, just one of several prominent "names on a letterhead," as the council's founder told AP. But, that membership at least seemed to indicate a tacit endorsement of its goals in …

Contingencies 06, 2007 · "The only fascist science fiction writer in America": RA Heinlein (The Politics of Sci-fi, continued) From Libertarian Forum, 1969 or so: """""According to a February issue of National Review magazine, Robert Heinlein is one of 270 signers of a jingoist petition circulated in the U. S. Author's Guild by the facile William Buckley and his spiritual cohort Frank S. Meyer.

Monday Open Thread- Denzel Washington Week | 3CHICSPOLITICO 20, 1981 · I thought we could spend this week with Denzel Washington. Denzel Hayes Washington, Jr. (born December 28, 1954) is an American actor and filmmaker. Washington has received much critical acclaim for his film work since the 1990s, including his portrayals of real-life figures such as Steve Biko, Malcolm X, Rubin "Hurricane" Carter, Melvin B. Tolson,…

The RNC Winter Meeting Yields A Peculiar Item | The Pardu ... 25, 2014 · The Inspectors General Report states that a month after the Program begins, only four members of Congress are provided a briefing: “On October 25, 2001, White House officials and [NSA Director] Hayden conducted a briefing on the PSP for the Chairman and Ranking Member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, Nancy P. Pelosi and Porter J. Goss; and the Chairman …

CU ConsolidatedJunePrimary IssueBrief June 2014 | Voter ... order to fully participate in this year’s elections, voters registered in one of New York’s two major political parties will need to turn out to vote in three separate elections: the June 24 t h federal primary, the September 9 t h state primary, and the November 4 t h general. In the last presidential election year, 2012, some voters could have voted in as many as four separate ...

Politics | Unreasonably Safe Observer, many say her feelings on Palin go way beyond party politics, as one of the show’s producer’s claims that she believes Palin’s success is a clear indication that America is doomed and is too forgone to help. The anonymous producer said the Palin interview just proved to Winfrey that while she may have succeeded in raising the self ...

Foreign Affairs | K. Daniel Glover so, it will not be the first time. Congress had the same debate for the first time this century in 1917, just after declaring war against Germany, and its decision led to the first-ever U.S. draft for a foreign war. The draft as last resort Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution grants Congress the power “to raise and support armies.”

03 | December | 2006 | SUZIE-Q! 03, 2006 · A “new generation of Web-savvy spies” taking cues from bloggers and Wikipedia users might just be able to “prevent the next 9/11,” according to “some of the country’s most senior intelligence thinkers,” but “political will and institutional culture” is holding them back, reports an article in Sunday’s New York Times magazine.

moderates | Conservative Standards McClay of the University of Oklahoma best summarized the root cause of conservatives’ unpleasant choice for president this fall: “when a political culture forbids respectable politicians from raising essential topics, the electorate will soon turn to ‘unrespectable’ ones” like Donald Trump.. Unfortunately, the punditry remains slow to recognize this, and nothing symbolizes ...

Accidental Deliberations: Saturday Morning Links 10, 2017 · One of the first rules of politics is, know your enemy. We’re getting there. - Robert Reich writes about the erosion of social bonds by growing inequality. And Jonathan Kay discusses how the U.S. is suffering for refusing to raise tax revenue as the price of a civilized society.

Luna Park: A Lion Passes Mailer died early last Saturday November 10, 2007, at 84 years old. With him passed one of the twentieth century's most prolific, important, and controversial writers. Among his many other achievements, Mailer wrote for literary and political magazines from a very early age.

credit | Desert Beacon of the Nevada congressional delegation will be voting on two major bills this week. H.R. 2101, reforming the U.S. weapons acquisition system, and H.R. 2187, the “21 st Century Green High Performing Public School Facilities Act,” will be coming to the House floor on Wednesday.. H.R. 2101 requires the Secretary of Defense to designate an official within the department as a principal ...

Rick Scott - Florida Governor 02, 2018 · Richard Lynn Scott (born December 1, 1952) is an American businessman and politician serving as the 45th Governor of Florida since 2011.. Born in Bloomington, Illinois, Scott is a gra duate of the University of Missouri, Kansas City, later receiving his law degree from Southern Methodist University's Dedman School of Law. He served in the United States Navy before starting his career, …

John Dingell, giant of Congress, dies at 92 - Citizen ... joined the House in 1955, filling the seat of his father, who died in office after serving 22 years. When the younger Dingell retired in 2014, his wife Debbie had little trouble winning election to his seat, becoming the first person to ever come to Congress as the successor to a living spouse.

November | 2009 | Unreasonably Safe Observer 20, 2009 · WASHINGTON D.C. – If the fun-loving bunch of politicians and pundits were looking for a break from a tense political season, then the Howl-oween Bash held this past Saturday evening was the place to be. Check out some of this year’s best & worst costumes:

Michael Castle | DelawareLiberal.Net 13, 2007 · But Gonzales’s critics on and off Capitol Hill say he has had trouble with the truth for more than a decade, pointing to a controversy over Gonzales’s account of why Bush was excused from jury duty in 1996 while serving as the governor of Texas. And yet Mike Castle has not answered 3 of my letters to him asking how he feels about this guy….

Rev. Steve: Bill to Bar LGBT Adoption Discrimination to be ... 09, 2011 · The 111th Congress was the first time the legislation had been introduced in the House. Many states have recently undertaken action to restrict adoption by LGBT people. In Arizona, for example, Gov. Jan Brewer (R) signed legislation earlier this month that would give primary consideration for adoptive placement to opposite-sex married couples.

Boss Hogg and His Ingraham Angle - David Hogg, one of the surviving students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, has become the media face of those pushing increased gun control after the tragedy. But tragedy does not impart wisdom, evident by Hogg's failure to blame Broward's Sheriff Scott Israel, the deputies who stood outside as 17 were slaughtered, or the ...

History of New York City | New York City | The United States city emerged as the theater for a series of major battles known as the New York Campaign during the American Revolutionary War, and was occupied by the British for over seven years, serving as their political and military base of operations in North America (1776-1783).

Aww: HuffPoster Terribly Offended by NY Post Chimp Cartoon 12, 2009 · These idiotic racist liberals are always the first to see racism where it doesn't exist. Meanwhile, never one to miss an opportunity to demagogue, racist huckster Al Sharpton chimes in. "The cartoon is a clear parody of a current news event , to wit the shooting of a violent chimpanzee in Connecticut.

Joshing Politics: Councilwoman Darlene Mealy Must Go 02, 2008 · Councilwoman Darlene Mealy Must Go Twenty-nine Councilmembers voted to allow themselves and the Mayor a chance to run for re-election despite two referendum in favor of term limits in New York City. It was a disgraceful day for democracy and a shame to see these people vote for a bill that was only for their own self-interest.

BHO Experience vs. Palin Experience for Prez: Darn, I ... 08, 2008 · BHO Experience vs. Palin Experience for Prez: Darn, I Forgot She is Running for Veep ... "Palin has no experience, she was only a mayor of 9,000 and a Governor for 2 years!" "You can't have her one step away from the Presidency!" "Yeah and it negates the experience issue about Barack!" ... She was the Chairwoman of the State's Oil and Gas ...

PRAWN Blog: February 2013 on 9:00pm on Monday 18 February. Rachel Maddow previewed it a few days beforehand. Real Clear Politics presents all of the ten-minute segments of it. I agree with David Swanson, the show has some flaws, but I'm very happy that it was shown.As I've related to many people, I had read appeals before President George W. Bush's UN speech (Made just after the first …

Charley Reese – “America First” | The Revolution Will Not ... 20, 2008 · Teddy Roosevelt was the first president to leave the continental U.S. It’s too bad he wasn’t also the last. Politicians and celebrities with an urge to see poverty only need to visit the Mississippi Delta or some of the neighborhoods in American cities.

WebWeaver's World: Vote Green! 10, 2008 · A blog about my passions. May include some or all of the following: geek stuff (web design & development, CSS, accessibility, usability), environmental activism, my adopted home of New Zealand ('cos it's so totally wonderful), international & green politics (rants from a left-wing perspective), gardening, cats, literature, rugby, and a whole lot of other stuff besides.

tcnorris: 09/01/2015 - 10/01/2015 27, 2015 · A good example was the 2013 B.C. election where polls and the media anticipated a significant NDP victory. Instead majority victory went to Premier Christy Clark and her B.C. Liberals. Another part of it may be new polling technologies and methods. The polls were wrong in …

Sean P. Harvey on the Standoff at Malheur in Historical ... 05, 2016 · As the historian Terry Bouton has argued, these “rebels” should be viewed as “regulators,” heirs to a long tradition in Anglo-American political culture of ordinary people acting out of doors, violently, to curb particular uses of governmental authority at …

trickle-down | The Pardu's Scroll about trickle-down written by The Pardu. Smile A Day – Political Cartoons; Celestial Wonders: Earth and Beyond (Pluto) International Space Statioin Link

Friday Open Thread | Christmas Jams 2017 | 3CHICSPOLITICO 15, 2017 · Jingle Bells is one of the best-known and commonly sung winter songs in the world. It was written by James Lord Pierpont (1822–1893) and published under the title “One Horse Open Sleigh” in the autumn of 1857. Even though it is commonly thought of as a Christmas song, it was actually written and sung for Thanksgiving. It was mistakenly branded as a Christmas song because being extremely ...

WebWeaver's World: November 2008 12, 2008 · A blog about my passions. May include some or all of the following: geek stuff (web design &amp; development, CSS, accessibility, usability), environmental activism, my adopted home of New Zealand (&#39;cos it&#39;s so totally wonderful), international &amp; green politics (rants from a left-wing perspective), gardening, cats, literature, rugby, and a whole lot of other stuff besides.

MSNBC | The Liberal Doomsayer are the giant benefit programs like Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and food stamps that run on autopilot and are increasingly driving the government deeper into debt. Even though the programs that Taylor mentions only account for about 45 percent of federal spending, as noted here.

San Diego Politico: 5/19/13 - 5/26/ The California State Assembly today unanimously passed a bill by Assembly Majority Leader Toni Atkins that will lead to a determination of how best to address the water pollution caused by copper-based boat hull paint. AB 425 requires the California Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) to evaluate and make recommendations regarding whether to make the paint subject to ...

Who Hijacked Our Country: Stupid Human Tricks 16, 2009 · 13 Comments: Lew Scannon said.... State trooper and politician: two jobs you don't have to pass an IQ test to get. The problem is we have become an Idiocracy, a country where stupid people breed at a higher rate than intelligent people, leaving nothing but a bunch of morons to fill positions that require a certain amount of reason and intellect.

Science and Politics is a methodology of figuring out, with as great confidence as possible, how the world works. Evolutionary theory is one of the biggest, strongest and best-supported bodies of all of science. Borderland Science refers to first small steps in acquiring realistic knowledge about a not-well-understood aspect of the world. It aspires to ...

Sarah Palin Sexism Watch: Naomi Wolf: Palin is Frankenbarbie 23, 2008 · Broadly, I would define sexism in the political sphere as the following: When the woman is held to a higher and different standard than a similarly situated male, especially but not limited to issues that have no relevance to the race and that tend to diminish the woman's professional accomplishments by playing into gender stereotypes.

Chuck Baldwin – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America what the media has kept hidden from us and what most conservatives don’t want to admit is that the Bush family has been one of the principal reasons for fascism’s American reincarnation. Alabama: how to break the back of judicial tyranny By Bryan Fischer – We have groaned as a nation under judicial tyranny for a good part of our history.

Is Now The Time For the 51st and 52nd States of America ... 28, 2012 · The United States is growing, in population and diversity. There are several areas under U.S. control, but are not states. U.S. territories include: American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, and Washington D.C.. They are U.S. citizens, with all the benefits of members of states. For two of these territories, the push for statehood…

Liberal Journalist Continues Parroting Debunked Smear on ... 16, 2009 · On Tuesday night’s The O’ Reilly Factor, Billo did a segment on his show where he attacked liberal journalist Rick Perlstein, who wrote an article published in Newsweek on July 10 titled, “Beyond the Palin”. The article is about why conservative elites are nervous about middle and working class white conservatives. Billo was angry with Perlstein for including his name in a list of ...

stephaniemaree | Missouri Communication 06, 2010 · One of the glaring differences that has become a growing medium is for expression to be seen on the internet. Not only are newspapers converting their stories to a more digital platform, but politicians can now post ad campaigns, that used to be limited to television and radio, to websites like youtube and facebook .

Ford | Smart Liberal and Female to a poll by CNN, 61% of Americans oppose a bailout. I hear ya. I feel ya. And on many levels I agree with ya but….lets be real here for a minute. How many jobs will be lost by those employed by the Big Three? And how many jobs lost by companies that will go under if the Big Three go under?

Washington Post | Missouri Communication 07, 2011 · Another feature of the website is a “Tweet Tracker” that highlights political tweets from sources such as Washington Post, Fox News,, and many other political news outlets. This site component is appealing because of the tie is creates to another large media outlet through which many people today are getting their news and learning of current events.

Declaring Independence: Hand-transcribed by Timothy ... 04, 2011 · Hand-transcribed by Timothy Matlack, Everyone signs the undotted line. On July 4, 1776 the Declaration of Independence was approved by the colonies and on July 19 the Continental Congress ordered that the Declaration be “fairly engrossed on parchment, with the title and stile [sic] of ‘The unanimous declaration of the thirteen United States of America,’ and that the same, when engrossed ...

Hillary Clinton for President 2008https://hillaryrclintonpresident2008.blogspot.comApr 29, 2007 · pril 29, 2007 -- It's time for Chelsea Clinton to hit the campaign trail again. That's the consensus of several political insiders, who say Chelsea stumping for her mom's presidential campaign is a foregone conclusion, although Hillary Rodham Clinton's …

A Word About The “Fly Guys” | The Liberal Doomsayer 29, 2010 · I realize that I don’t delve into the world of sports too often, but I believe the occasion presents itself here with the return of the Philadelphia Flyers to the Stanley Cup Finals against the Chicago Black Hawks starting tomorrow night. At the outset, let …

Profits Before People | Dystopian Blues: News Liberal ... 18, 2011 · Later, after the drums of war had begun to beat, after the first headlines had screamed their World-War-II-style messages (“the Pearl Harbor of the 21st century”), I had another thought. And for a reasonably politically sophisticated guy, my second response was not only as off-base as the first, but also remarkably dumb.

Playboy Cover Girl Writes Haredi MKs A Letter ..."Ban on fur trade in Israel frozen via dirty politics," was the title of the international anti-fur coalition's report. In the letter she sent this week , Pamela Anderson urged Minister Margi (of the Sephardic religious party Shas) to support the historic bill. She linked to a PETA video.

M K Stalin.pdf | Political Events | Elections first was the realization that the DMK would have to spend at Rs 30 crore in Tiruvarur if the byelection to be held merely to be on par with the AIADMK and TTV Dinakaran’s AMMK. ... The DMK changed its strategy of looking for a morale-boosting victory to a safety-first strategy of postponement, so that it could go along with the AIADMK ...

satire | Missouri Communication 01, 2010 · Whether the death of Osama bin Laden was the outcome of a carefully planned mission that was carried out on May 1st, or whether bin Laden’s been dead for a few days and President Obama decided to make the announcement coinciding with the 8 year anniversary of George W. Bush’s “Mission accomplished” proclamation for the sake of political ...

Bush's executive privilege to obstruct justice in Katrina ... 25, 2006 · The Nixon case essentially holds that a claim of executive privilege can not be used to prevent disclosure of documents when the privilege is based on a generalized interest of confidentiality and candor in a criminal case. Now Bush has raised executive privilege in the Congressional Katrina probe, a strategy likely to be followed in the NSA probe of illegal domestic surveillance.

September | 2011 | Double Dip Politics me a tax-and-spend liberal, that’s okay. I’m used to it. This is just a look at how taxes translate to the future of America, something the small-view, immediate returns financial industry, Wall Street, and Tea Party funding billionaires (Hello Koch Brothers!) don’t take into account. Continue reading ?

It's official - - POLITICO.com's official. SIMI VALLEY, Calif. -- Each of the Big Three GOP candidates support some form of earned citizenship or guest worker status for illegal immigrants.

Culver's Conservative: Liberal Fascism Part 8 (Propaganda) Hey, im Max imma a normal kid who lives his life. im short, which is the first thing people will prolly tell ya haha (but i havent hit my growth spirt yet sooo ve shall see) im random, fun and like to meet new people. i like listening to music, watching movies, and arguing with people, eating is one of my favorite things n i like to laugh a lot.

Motor City Liberal: Hannity, Breitbart lead conservative ... agree with one of the comments posted under the story, the whores in the right wing media know these two future Fox News spokespeople are going down so in the meantime they're going to whip up their brain-dead followers in a frenzy.

Let's talk about politicshttps://kaosonpolitics.blogspot.comWith the new bill some of the perks are just senseless. For example there putting "elimination on excise taxes on wooden arrows for children." I mean that’s just crazy. On some of the comments with this article one person said “Not to pass the Senate version is to wait for a …

Gratitude | No, THIS is how you do it… is a tricky business. Sad but true to say, especially since it should be neither tricky OR business, but there you have it. In spite of this, it is the cross we must bear in order to self-govern, though …

Stormy Daniels – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America about Stormy Daniels written by dummidumbwit. Asked about Andrew McDonald, who was recently nominated to serve as chief justice of the Connecticut Supreme Court and, if confirmed, will be the first openly gay chief justice on any state court in the country, Staver was not shy about voicing his opposition. – Rat Staver: Gay Judges Are Incapable Of Giving Christians ‘A Fair Shake’ In ...

Kenyan | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! of Congress are beginning to question the Obama administration’s full throated support for a radical Islamic constitution in Kenya. Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) is calling for an investigation and says the administration may be violating federal law. This is really rich.

October | 2010 | Koulflo Memo the name calling, head stomping stupidity is the underlying attempt to question political authority in the United States. For the first time in a long time, the narrative is explicitly peeling back a vision of America to its pre-New Deal, even pre progressive era of Lochnerian corporate excess (unregulated freedom of contact).

Erik's Super Awesome Weblog: February 2006 24, 2006 · Erik's Super Awesome Weblog My thoughts on religion, books, music, politics and other subjects super awesome! Friday, February 24, 2006. Star of the Prophet Muhammad. so, funny, if you had been following the Danish Cartoon story (see below) you can see that the muslim world is somewhat angry at Denmark. ... numerical display and a door ...

tcnorris: How the riding by riding forecast performed. 30, 2004 · I have been doing this modelling for awhile and this was actually one of my better nights, although normally the model is better than 80% accurate. The model numbers from last week's polls were nowhere near the final seat outcome, but that is principally because a reported average 4% Liberal lead in Ontario became an actual 13% Liberal lead.

The Messy Truth ABOUT Black Radical Van Jones—Now On CNN ... of Jones's more "creative ideas" was signing a petition in 2004 calling for congressional hearings and an investigation by the New York attorney general into "evidence that suggests high-level government officials may have deliberately allowed the September 11th attacks to occur." That's right.

Walking through the Ocean Breeze in Venice, L.A.! | Paul ... 18, 2011 · And one of my favorite state politicians – Debra Bowen – is running in what has become a very crowded race. Debra is the California Secretary of State (and prior to that, was in the state legislature) and has long been a champion of open and transparent government – as well as the progressive issues we all care about.

You Might Be A Militia Member If… | Holy Hell! 20, 2009 · The Feb. 20 report called "The Modern Militia Movement" mentions such red flags as political bumper stickers for third-party candidates, such as U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, who ran for president last year; talk of conspiracy theories, such as the plan for a superhighway linking Canada to Mexico; and possession of subversive literature.

on | Political Loudmouth the War on Women accelerates, it’s time to call all the powerful spirits you know to join this battle. Whether they live within you or without you, the moment for them to appear. For a hi-res version of this for printing, just click the image above. To see more free …

Video | 3 lanterns 09, 2011 · Retired Marine Major Larry Carmon was one of thousands who came to watch Chambers. “I did 28 years in the Corps,” Carmon says. “I was a drill instructor. I’m totally impressed with this young man. Totally impressed.” Carmon says holding a salute this long is nearly impossible for a healthy Marine. It’s unthinkable for a wounded warrior.

Obsidian Wings: Not all Jews who wander are lost The average age of AIPAC donors is high, whereas the phenomenon I'm talking about is mostly found in Jews under 50, or under 40. Birthright trips seem to be one of the *causes*, actually -- or at least among non-Orthodox rabbis and rabbinical students [pdf], more visits to Israel correlates with *less* political support for Israel.. It's really hard to tell how important it is, because ...

Politics | 3 lanterns 19, 2011 · Retired Marine Major Larry Carmon was one of thousands who came to watch Chambers. “I did 28 years in the Corps,” Carmon says. “I was a drill instructor. I’m totally impressed with this young man. Totally impressed.” Carmon says holding a salute this long is nearly impossible for a healthy Marine. It’s unthinkable for a wounded warrior.

Assault Rifles | Spinny Liberal, Happy New Year to Everyone! Second, a busy holiday season followed by preparing for a company audit (we passed) are my excuses for a shamefully long absence. Third, I’m sick to death of this gun debate, prompting my jump right back into blog waters. Fair warning, …

19 | October | 2009 | The Liberal Doomsayer 19, 2009 · Bain & Co. Italy, described in company literature as “the Italian branch of Bain & Co.,” received a $2.3 million contract from the National Iranian Oil Co., in September 2004. Its task was to develop a master plan so NIOC — the state oil company of Iran — could become one of the world’s top oil companies, according to Iranian and U.S ...

Right-wing politics | Ned Resnikoff 11, 2012 · Via Lee McCracken, here’s a particularly pungent example of how right-wing moralists like to abuse the term “moral relativism.” Our author, Gene Callahan, thinks that an example of the moral relativist position: The Rush Limbaughs of the world don’t get to define the boundaries of appropriate sexual or moral behavior.

Science and Politics are the places to go when you are looking for people who share a specific interest with you. You are likely to exchange a lot of e-mail addresses because you want to stay in touch with such people. Sending an entry to a specialized carnival exposes you to …

Charlotte Trumps Atlanta? No Way! Lacks Real Diversity ... 07, 2010 · The plans also call for building a bridge over the trench for the north-south tracks at the current four-way-stop. That will keep trains moving constantly in both directions, but it also: Modernizes north-south tracks so they can carry high speed trains. Allows space on the proposed bridge for a future CATS light-rail line.

Behind New Labour’s online operations | Liberal 22, 2008 · My first memory of you was during the 1987 election, listening to you read the contents of a Daily Mirror editorial (or maybe it was the Daily Mail) praising the skills of Labour’s newly appointed head of media operations – Peter Mandelson – to a group of Conservative party pensioners, somewhere in Manchester where Thatcher was about to ...

Political Communication. Rowan University. Spring 2010 ...https://cspc10.wordpress.comMay 02, 2010 · This is a great representation of the importance of civil society and the need to work together to fight for a cause. In this situation, numbers are everything. If one woman comes to the hearing and says that she was discriminated against, that is all well and good, but it …

Potter, Politics, and Pens (Take Two)https://potterpoliticspens2.blogspot.comWithin the first 60 seconds, I somehow managed to misunderstand the stock market, mispronounce one of the interviewer's names, and unintentionally misconstrue the benefactor of the scholarship as deceased, when he's still very much alive and kicking (probably in my direction, not that I …

"RIGHT" POLITICOL: April 2011 22, 2011 · This website is a right-wing/conservative site that will dispute much of what is on other left-wing/liberal sites. In other words, the "Right" Politico site because it has all the "correct" information. This site gives out TRUTHFUL INFORMATION. Arm yourself with information and the truth! ! This is an EDUCATIONAL and RESOURCE webiste! !

Massachusetts Conservative Feminist | Ordinary: Degrees of ... 06, 2008 · A comment on this blogs Post, “Sarah Palin, Sexism and Politics Why the Sudden Respect”, questioned the emergence of Conservative Feminism as “newly found” and tied exclusively to Sarah Palin the G.O.P. Obviously, there has been an increased interest, judging from “Google Search” (1.9 Million searches for Conservative Feminism, 2.9 million searches Conservative Feminist) in the ...

How We Got Here | Sheila Kennedy couldn’t possibly know how we got here as he has had to apologize in the past for not understanding the depth of racism. We got here through the machinations at the SUB-SURFACE level of American politics which contained the platform to release the lethal, racial hating, VIRUS OF THE MIND.

RealClearPolitics is certainly true of FOX's final poll in FL where they showed Kerry ahead by five points. In fact, that 10-point miss stands out as the worst among the final battleground polls we looked at.

Politest: the test to see where you are situated politically 08, 2012 · In France. (Lecteurs francophones peuvent procéder directement au test ici). For those who don't know French—and even for those do— a multiple choice questionnaire developed six or seven years ago by former students at Sciences Po, to determine where one is situated on the French political spectrum. There are questions on twelve key issues,…

Fairness Doctrine | from the foothills over at Politico, Michael Calderone reports on Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) and the fairness doctrine. From the get-go I can smell the bias in the Politico piece – though it is in the blog section and not pure news – when Calderone describes that radio host Bill Press and the Michigan Senator met “and talked about whether there needs to be a balance to right-wing talk on the ...

TRUTH—THE NO SPIN POLITICALLY INCORRECT ZONE ...https://truthrock.blogspot.comDedicated to truth, whether politically correct or not, right wing or left wing. Less spin than Bill O'Reilly, more edgy than Bill Maher. The enemy are the demagogues, in both parties. Truth in politics, news, entertainment, and pop culture.

Valerie McDonald and Gerrie Schipske announce for ... 11, 2007 · Valerie McDonald, daughter of the late Congresswoman Juanita Millender-McDonald announced her candidacy for Congress this week. Ms. McDonald enters this race with the endorsement of Los Angeles Congresswoman Diane Watson pictured above. I normally like Diane Watson's judgement and votes, but she also defended the morally bankrupt New Orleans Congressman "Dollar Bill" …

polling « Jamesb101.com 07, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Marc Valdez Weblog: 02/01/2015 - 02/08/2015 area community musical theater (esp. DMTC in Davis), Liberal politics, Meteorology, "Breaking Bad" and "Better Call Saul" filming locations reference site, New Mexico and California arcana, and general weirdness.

Debunking the STEM Crisis Myth | Bud Meyers Salzman, Ph.D., Professor at the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy and Senior Faculty Fellow at the Heldrich Center, was part of a Congressional panel addressing the impact of the H-1B visa program on the economy, innovation, and the workforce.

If We Have To Keep The Electoral College… | Sheila Kennedy succeeded to a point, a point that was outlined by Benjamin Franklin in his address to the Continental Congress at the Ratification of the Consitution. WE are there – at a point where the people will only settle for corrupt government because that is all they have come to know (my paraphrase you can find it online I am sure or in a library ...

Why Obama Doesn’t Want to Talk About 9/11 | The Daily Caller 05, 2014 · Obama won on a cult of personality fashioning himself as the anti-Bush, and America rejoiced. Only in office did Obama’s policy priorities become clear. And we realized how different his political views, for a president, really were. A party-line health reform vote pissed off millions of older people and gave rise to the tea party.

Midtown Blogger/Manhattan Valley Follies: Born today ... David Alinsky (January 30, 1909 – June 12, 1972) was an American community organizer and writer. He is generally considered to be the founder of modern community organizing.He is often noted for his book Rules for Radicals. In the course of nearly four decades of political organizing, Alinsky received much criticism, but also gained praise from many public figures.

John Lindsay - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia | Politics ... Lindsay - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia | Politics ... ... no

20 | November | 2008 | Out Foxing Karl Rove 20, 2008 · Roger Stone is one of the last guys on Earth one would expect to feel guilty over an episode of rough and tumble politicking. As a self-admitted hit man for the GOP, Stone has had a hand in everything from Nixon’s dirty tricks to Eliot Spitzer’s resignation to spreading discredited rumors of a Michelle Obama “whitey” tape during the ...

Accidental Deliberations: Saturday Afternoon Links 02, 2019 · Saturday Afternoon Links Assorted content for your weekend reading. - Suresh Naidu, Dani Rodrik and Gabrien Zucman write about the developing movement toward an economic discipline which recognizes the importance of human well-being, rather than being bound by neoliberal ideology and an assumption that GDP is the only end to be pursued.

Politically Confused: FT: "The World Needs an Unbiased ... it's sort of 10 year old news, but there you go. Supposedly one of the very mind controlled special forces shot him in the head, although given the notorious nature of the invading forces' willingness to kill someone then play dress up afterwards, who knows it may have been a woman who they drew a beard on with marker pen.

Decision '08: Candidate Profile Eleven: Newt Gingrich 21, 2005 · Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich is nothing if not smart. He has timed his will-he-or-won't-he-run press offensive to coincide nicely with the release of his new book, Winning the Future: a 21st Century Contract With America.The subtitle's reference, of course, is to Newt's famous Contract with America during the heyday of his congressional reign, about …

Mo Rage: I'm so old blog about American society: its politics, current events, history, entertainment, music, comedy, movies and society overall and where we're headed.

Buckdog: October 2014 22, 2014 · But in response to a question in the House, Finance Minister Jim Flaherty accused the CLC of supporting higher taxes for firms and failing to acknowledge the country's record in creating jobs since the recession. He added that business investment had increased by 6.2 per cent since the 2008-09 slump.

CBS News-New York Times money and politics poll ... News-New York Times money and politics poll - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. CBS News-New York Times money and politics poll, Obama approval

Gray Falcon: Speaking in Tongues 26, 2009 · CubuCoko said.... Things have been so politicized for a number of years, unfortunately. Last year, at an international sporting event in Zadar, the organizers removed the flags of all the participating countries so they wouldn't have to put up a flag of Serbia. Just the other day, a a Serbian tourist's car was smashed up in a village near Dubrovnik (if I recall right).

Iceland Forgives Mortgage Debt for the Population | 2013 ... 19, 2012 · Iceland Forgives Mortgage Debt for the Population. Sherrie Questioning All April 13, 2012 This is awesome. It shows when the people DO STAND UP they have more power and win against the corrupt bankers and politicians of a country. Iceland is forgiving and erasing the mortgage debt of …

politicans « Jamesb101.com 06, 2009 · Posts about politicans written by jamesb101. Spitzer gets a warning….The NY Post reports on his money spent on call girl’s…….

Kickin’ It In ‘Da Boot’ | The SmackDog Chronicles was people like her who made me an Left Independent to begin with: Blanco signs abortion ban into law6/18/2006, 4:30 p.m. CT The Associated PressBATON ROUGE, La. (AP) — Gov. Kathleen Blanco signed a strict anti-abortion ban into law and a group supporting abortion rights condemned the move as an example of “misplaced priorities of politicians in Louisiana.”

Fed Up with the Gun Debate | Spinny Liberal 17, 2013 · First, Happy New Year to Everyone! Second, a busy holiday season followed by preparing for a company audit (we passed) are my excuses for a shamefully long absence. Third, I'm sick to death of this gun debate, prompting my jump right back into blog waters. Fair warning, …

Public Opinion and Military Intervention Afghanistan, Iraq ... Political Quarterly, Vol. 84, No. 1, JanuaryMarch 2013. Public Opinion and Military Intervention: Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya BEN CLEMENTS. BRITAIN has participated in several military interventions of varying duration, extent and political controversy in recent years.

Jesse Ventura | Grand Delusion 03, 2010 · Jesse’s article was on Huffington Post for approximately 4 hours, before it was “banned.” Here it is: You didn’t see anything about it in the mainstream media, but two weeks ago at a conference in San Francisco, more than one thousand architects and engineers signed a petition demanding that Congress begin a new investigation into the destruction of the World Trade Center skyscrapers ...

New Michigan Congressional Map: Evidence Michigan ... 17, 2011 · More than two weeks have passed since Michigan Congressman Thaddeus McCotter (R-Weirdo) told Politico's Jonathan Martin that he would decide within two weeks whether he'd run for President, but he still hasn't made an announcement. He has, however, used Mitt Romney's visit to McCotter's district to whack Romney for opposing federal help for the auto…

Center for Medical Progress – Arts and Politics from the ... case in point was the interview that Lila Rose, the founder of Live Action and a mentor of indicted activist David Daleiden, gave to conservative radio host Eric Metaxas yesterday, in which she falsely claimed that a prosecutor who serves on a local Planned Parenthood board had refused to recuse herself from the investigation into the videos ...

Motor City Liberal: Obama Voter Fired By Ohio Company Days ... Kunkle's was one of the very important votes that gave Ohio's electoral votes to President Obama thus helping him win the Presidency (as well as giving Karl Rove fits). Given that this lawyer has chosen to represent what would normally be a sure loser since Kunkle is an 'at will employee', this should prove to be very interesting.

Visual Politics FYS: The Greatest picture itself is one of the highest examples of the art. The low angle makes Ali appear even taller than he actually was and captures a facial expression planned for one man- the defeated Liston. The angle and lighting also hide all but the first row of spectators from view, leaving a black backdrop that helps Ali almost leap out of the image.

The Daily Ripple-News Music Ideas - Koch PAC requests ... move came as the Koch network was in the throes of a rebrand [6], ... The PAC donation came days after Greene’s campaign earned national news coverage when one of her ads was pulled from Facebook for ... did not respond to follow up questions about the state of the refund or how the PAC decided to contribute to Greene in the first place.

White House White Board: CEA Chair Austan Goolsbee ... 30, 2010 · Posted by: Audiegrl Written by Jesse White. Today we’re trying out something new — White House White Board, in which one of our key players on the White House team will cut through the political back-and-forth you hear every day and break down an issue affecting American families into simple, understandable terms. Today, Austan Goolsbee, the new Chair of the Council of Economic …

Obama White House attempted to take over Spygate ... 01, 2018 · That’s the first part. The second part is as the investigation was just starting to ramp up there are internal FBI documents showing FBI agents talking about the White House trying to take over the investigation. Fears that the Justice Department were going to leak for political reasons and their own personal fear… Sean Hannity: Slow down ...

Will You Be Watching? « The Futility Monster 20, 2009 · It seems the most anticipated political event of the moment has got to be the BNP's presence on the BBC's flagship political programme Question Time. It's also the one that's generated the most hot air. To me, it's pretty simple. They are a political party. They are not illegal. OK, there's a …

Presidential Election | Smart Liberal and Female* If your total resume is: local weather girl, 4 years on the city council and 6 years as the mayor of a town with less than 7,000 people, 20 months as the governor of a state with only 650,000 people, then you’re qualified to become the country’s second highest ranking executive.

Obama | Black Thought’s first appointment should rightly be a woman, seeing as they are more than 50% of the population and have one representative on the bench. I believe she will be the first appointment because she is an uncontroversial slightly liberal woman, and would be the first latino to boot.

austan goolsbee | 44-D about austan goolsbee written by audiegrl. Posted by: Audiegrl Written by Jesse White. Today we’re trying out something new — White House White Board, in which one of our key players on the White House team will cut through the political back-and-forth you hear every day and break down an issue affecting American families into simple, understandable terms.

alias Bruce.: June 2011 Term Limits. 12 years only, one of the possible options below. A. Two Six-year Senate terms B. Six Two-year House terms C. One Six-year Senate term and three Two-Year House terms 2. No Tenure / No Pension. A Congressman collects a salary while in office and receives no …

polls – MediaMouse does not typically report on results from polls, we found two new polls to be interesting because they contained some interesting perspectives on “free trade” and neoliberal trade agreements such as the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).. The first, a “Big Ten Battleground” poll on Michigan asked a group of Michigan residents:

Inaugruation LGBT | Spinny Liberal was really looking forward to it. Even though Obama won, in an electoral college landslide smack down of Romney, it isn’t official until he’s sworn in. That was when I was able to fully exhale. People say it wasn’t as memorable or exciting as 2008. Of course, that has to do with him being the first …

Propaganda Sandwich - Bloggerhttps://thebigmic.blogspot.comThere have been over 650.000 Iraqi deaths since the start of Operation Iraqi Freedom began. Now, granted, some of those people may have been liberals but still, others may have lived on and could have worked tirelessly in Iraq to put Reagan's image on the American dime. In retrospect, was the Iraq war worth it?

Morocco’s Political Leaders and Some Fiction Characters ... 04, 2011 · Just like N°6 (portrayed by Peter Falk‘s long time friend, Patrick McGoohan) Prof. Najib Akesbi (a PSU leader) is the prisoner of a nice but nonetheless real prison; The allegories are numerous: his party (PSU) is a number among other left-leaning political parties; a resident of a nice island but denied permission to leave it as symbolic of a certain “holier-than-thou” …

idiot politicians « The Futility Monster 23, 2010 · No, not Michael Palin, unfortunately, but our gal Sarah. Some opening remarks: she is crazy.I mean, absolutely crazy.How can anybody watch these two videos, where she unleashes a stream of consciousness, scrawled down onto a teleprompter, comprising a torrent of verbal diarrhoea, ceaseless non-sequiturs, botched metaphors, effortlessly seguing from one …

June | 2008 | Melissafrei's Weblog posts published by melissafrei during June 2008. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Report. June 10, 2008 at 9:55 pm · Filed under Bush's War, Democracy, Patriotism, Politics, Responsibility and tagged: IRAQ. Unless you read the newspapers, you would not have heard that the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence released a long awaited report subscribing to …

Bristol Palin | the plaid lemur 06, 2008 · 3. This is a remake of the Real Clear Politics electoral map as of today. Blue is polling for Sen. Obama, Red for Sen. McCain. So, what to make of it? Honestly, I don’t know. There were maps like this made after the 2000 and 2004 elections, and I wanted to see if …

No More Apples: "WE DON'T WANT TO BE PLANTATION OWNERS" 22, 2004 · "The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness." -- John Kenneth Galbraith "Reality has a liberal bias." -- Stephen Colbert We are proud members of the resistance.

officers handcuff at gun point a crying 11 year old - Page 4 14, 2017 · officers handcuff at gun point a crying 11 year old; If your first visit, ... Right at the time the officers were arriving to look for a relative who was a murder suspect The adults were shouting in the background. It was a rather chaotic situation. And it …

Protecting A Chrony In The Face Of Heroes | The Common ... 20, 2007 · Currently, there is a bill in the House, with over 100 co-sponsors signed on, calling for a congressional pardon. However, Bush gave no signs that he was feeling pressured by congress or outraged Americans. Sounds like he’s ignoring us again… Bush: “I know an emotional issue, but people need to look at the facts,” he said.

Valerie Jarrett on "DADT" and Defense of Marriage Act at ... rough day at Netroots Nation 09 for Senior White House Adviser Valerie Jarrett, sometimes described as President Barack Obama's "most trusted adviser." The political strategist was the featured guest on a panel moderated by Baratunde Thurston of Jack and Jill Politics, and, while attendees were largely "supportive throughout the question and answer session, the reception was warm at best."

Abortion | Political Loudmouth 13, 2013 · The right wing campaign against women continues to grow. This is the moment to gather our forces and strike back. When is the time to get fired up? Now! To download a free, printable version of this poster, just click on the art above. If you’d like this art …

support | Political Loudmouth 03, 2012 · We’ve had many requests for a T-shirt based on the poster we made in support of the Wisconsin legislators, “I am one of the Wisconsin 14.” We’ve also added these T-shirts, based on other recent posters that have been generating interest. “I am one of …

Marc Valdez Weblog: 09/07/2014 - 09/14/2014 12, 2014 · Sacramento area community musical theater (esp. DMTC in Davis), Liberal politics, Meteorology, "Breaking Bad" and "Better Call Saul" filming locations reference site, New Mexico and California arcana, and general weirdness.

Outside is America | ACTS OF TERRIER 14, 2012 · Outside is America Leave a comment As much as I would like to avoid the Facebook postings today, the news about the Connecticut school shootings was unavoidable, as was the subsequent philosophical split between those who don’t want to “politicize” the tragedy and those who view events like today as a time in which we have no choice but ...

Congress Saves The World | kavips 21, 2008 · Fannie and Freddie Mac were less than 2%… According to the Wall Street Journal, Bernanke even recommended Fannie and Freddie Mac as the primary tools to open up the housing market again… But the bottom line was that the global world of finance was up until last week, in freefall.. Only the US had the remote capacity required to stop it.

The Proud Liberal Bitchhttps://proudliberalbitch.blogspot.comThe diminution of manufacturing, which employs just 11 percent of the U.S. workforce, may please Wall Street, which looks with disfavor on decent-wage domestic production, and Wal-Mart, which tripled its purchases from China (from $9 billion to $27 billion annually) during roughly the same years those American factories closed, but it poses a ...

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: Items of interest 30, 2006 · A few noteworthy matters: (1) QandO, one of the more intelligent and interesting conservative-ish blogs, has an informative post regarding the McCain-Coburn legislation to require up-or-down votes on "earmark" spending - i.e., pork projects.Aside from the symbolic whiff of corruption which these sorts of wasteful, politically self-serving expenditures create, they also now account for billions ...

A Buddhist (Sort of) Response to the Corporate Inversion ... 10, 2014 · It looks as if the matter of corporate tax dodging is shaping up into one of the most important political struggles of the new century. It reminds me of the clash in 1840s England over the so-called Corn Laws , which kept the price of corn artificially high to protect the profits of wealthy land-owners (and which also resulted in mass ...

COBRA | The Liberal Doomsayer as the GOP and its Tea Party base calls for a balanced budget, they want the Treasury-draining Bush tax cuts for the wealthy to be made permanent. Of course, a balanced budget could theoretically still be achieved if the GOP and its Tea Party storm troopers were willing to make draconian budget cuts to the $3.8 trillion federal budget ...

25 | October | 2008 | the plaid lemur 25, 2008 · The politics of hate are still tumbling out of the mouth of John McCain, just as the politics of smear are bellowing from his running mate’s public address system and her frenzied crowds. This case should have been an early warning, but it went away just as fast as the swipe of the blade sliced the face of the Obama campaigner.

Nuclear Weapons | The Liberal Doomsayer July 2006, the North set off a Taepodong-2 from its long-established site in the north-east of the country, but it fizzled out and fell into the Sea of Japan in a major embarrassment for the country’s armed forces. … The current Taepodong-2 development is believed to have a range of just over 4,000 miles, enough to hit Alaska and maybe ...

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: NSA story v. 9 ... 08, 2006 · When the Times first published the story on December 16, 2005, it admitted that it sat on the story for some time, but misled its readers -- as its own Public Editor, Byron Calame, recently noted-- by claiming that it "delayed publication for a year," meaning …

Science and Politics"Blinded" means almost literally "eyes dug out of the orbits with a dull knife". Even the choice of the word which I had to translate as "priest" is a derogatory one, at least it feel that way in a context like this. I wish an US paper would once, for a change, publish an editorial …

Japanese child abduction cases when the shoe is on the ... 10, 2011 · This one in the Japan Times.. I have been meaning to post one concerning another instance where the Japanese mother was left on the short end of the stick. The CRN Japan group, which has been active in promoting the child abduction issue before the U.S. Congress, posted that a Japanese woman was arrested in Hawaii earlier this year, after having abducted her son from Wisconsin to Japan.

Obama, Clinton & the NAFTA Kabuki Dance | LEFT OF DAYTON 19, 2007 · David Sirota on November 14, 2007 - 1:57pm.We are watching something truly absurd - and that says a lot for the generally absurd realm of American politics. Earlier this week, we saw Sen. Hillary Clinton (D) promise to call a "time out" on passing NAFTA-style trade deals if she is elected president - a promise…

JustOneMinute: Politicizing The Intelligence Bay, Cuba, 2006. Different centuries, different countries—but the link between the two is significant for attorney Mark Denbeaux '65. He says he will never forget the 54-mile civil rights march that he and two other Wooster students joined. "Selma was an ugly and scary place. But it was also one of the most moving experiences in my ...

if | Political Loudmouth’ve had many requests for a T-shirt based on the poster we made in support of the Wisconsin legislators, “I am one of the Wisconsin 14.” We’ve also added these T-shirts, based on other recent posters that have been generating interest. “I am one of …

Logan Elm School District | A Christian in the Classroom the other hand, the reaction regarding the buildings is one of good ol’ fashioned hardball politics. In addition to losing the bond issue we are also letting a permanent improvement levy expire. We will no longer be able to make all the repairs to our buildings.

Dan Riehl sucks - Smash Mouth Politics 08, 2010 · Real Riehl bad. Glen Beck allegedly misquotes a George Washington quote (that's not my point whether it was said by George Washington). So according to asshat Dan, here is Dan Reihl Sucks' conclusion: "We need to reject demagogy in all its forms. And if Beck can't clean up his act given all his resources, then we have…

Adam Nagourney | B.D.'s Last Refuge I may not agree with every detail of her construction, Tina Dupuy offers up a long-overdue theory to the political arena: It seems everybody gets their own pet conspiracy these days: Birthers, Birchers, Deathers, Truthers and whatever you call the people who won’t get their kids inoculated.

Thanksgiving | kavips 29, 2011 · Bottom line, and cold reality is: tonight, any one of them, could breathe their last … And for what? For a gabble of egoistic, cranky old coots jamming the halls of Congress? For a man, (or women) having the luck to convince more levers, more buttons, more check-marks, to be cast for his name as opposed to his rival’s?

Balkinization: Will Obama FCC Break Network Neutrality ... somewhat obtuse Washington Post article today says that the FCC Chairman is considering a “deregulatory” framework for Internet access. Translating the article is simple for those watching this debate at political sites: the FCC is considering following the Bush administration’s disastrous policies of stripping itself of jurisdiction over Internet access, treating such access as ...

TRUST and It’s Involvement in the Political Process | kavips 25, 2007 · One knows a long termer is wary of trips and hazards, and Biden is a long termer. Comparatively, the newness of some of our front runners, is not reassuring. No Senator since Kennedy has attained election as the most powerful person in the world. Perhaps that is why relations between Congress and Executive are at an all time low…..

liberal newsrooms | Bloviating Zeppelin NY Daily News called the suspects “brutal bigots” and a “hate-spewing trio.” The LA Times wrote “Muslim women (plural -BZ) targeted in New York.” Ah yes, as I said, the American Media Maggots picked up that meme of Easy Anti-Trump/Pro-Muslim Meat and ran right into the end zone with it.

tea party | Veritas Nihilum Vincet soon as the most recent cover of Newsweek was leaked on Twitter, the right wing bloggers predictably began screaming (again) about the bias of the Liberal Media; the sexism against Conservative female candidates – all of the same bullshit whiny victim cards they play every time someone tells the truth about their beloved ideologues and batshit insane players.

flux capacitor - WordPress.com that the flux capacitor has cooled and I’ve refueled the DeLorean (great scott that was expensive) we can resume looking at the Palin Phenomenon and how McCain’s vice presidential choice was nothing more than a political stunt.. As we rev up the engine to 88 miles per hour I’ll set the course back even further than last time to see what would happen if Hillary Clinton was chosen as ...

Motor City Liberal: Pundits Try To Gore Joe Biden's Debate ... stressed that Gore's sighs were "universally panned by pundit" are now "remembered as one of the standout aspects of the debates that year." What's lost in that rewriting is that Gore actually won the first debate. The Associated Press reported on October 4, 2000 that Gore had won three out of four snap polls conducted that night.

A People’s History of the United States | Fulcrum Publishing the U.S., indigenous nations were the first targets of corporate/government oppression. The landmark case of Johnson v. McIntosh(1823), which institutionalized the “doctrine of discovery” in U.S. law, and which justified the theft of 2 billion acres of indigenous territory, established a framework of corrupt political/legal/corporate ...

Irish Trojan in Tennessee:What is Maureen Dowd talking about?'m Brendan Loy, a 26-year-old graduate of USC and Notre Dame now living and working in Knoxville, Tennessee. My wife Becky and I are brand-new parents of a beautiful baby girl, born on New Year's Eve. I'm a big-time sports fan, a politics, media & law junkie, an astronomy buff, a weather nerd, an Apple aficionado, a Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter fanatic, and an all-around dork.

Politics | Nolan Dalla’s still way too early, but it looks like the American stock market is about to take another nose dive. At the time of this writing, investors stand to lose about $65 billion in total value on what’s being called “Black Monday.” Never mind that recent “profits” were an illusion, a money mirage, nothing more than a …

Mo Rage: Entertainment overnight blog about American society: its politics, current events, history, entertainment, music, comedy, movies and society overall and where we're headed.

Nothing Better to Do: Drelyse African Restaurant 16, 2009 · Ghana's signature vegetarian dish is called red red. Red red is black eyed peas pan fried in palm oil with onions, tomatoes and a liberal dose of spices. Some places will prepare red red with seafood or a food additive called …

Bruce Cain « The Bright Coast 17, 2009 · Just read this article in today’s Mercury News. It includes a quote from Bruce Cain, my favorite political science professor at Cal. The article discusses whether Senator Barbara Boxer could be in trouble next year if she goes up against …

Trouble for Boxer in 2010? « The Bright Coast 17, 2009 · Just read this article in today's Mercury News. It includes a quote from Bruce Cain, my favorite political science professor at Cal. The article discusses whether Senator Barbara Boxer could be in trouble next year if she goes up against Carly Fiorina, the ex-chief of Hewlett-Packard. I really don't know a whole lot about Fiorina…

04 | March | 2009 | The Liberal Doomsayer 04, 2009 · …the Obama administration is ahead of the confirmation pace of previous administrations, but it should be. Changes in law and the energetic cooperation of the Bush White House made it easier for Team Obama to get its people in place quicker than any administration in history. There have, however, been many more fumbles than should have occurred.

The Ugly Story in Joe Scarborough's Political Closet - archive 23, 2017 · webpage capture. Saved from

Monday Open Thread | Israel calls migrants from Africa ... 09, 2018 · The Israeli government has ordered thousands of African refugees and migrants to leave the country within three months or face prison. The Population and Immigration Authority called this week on those from Sudan and Eritrea to leave "to their country or to a third country", meaning Rwanda or Uganda. Those who leave by the end…

Congressional Dishonesty | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and ... 10, 2019 · Congressional Dishonesty by Mustang Whenever someone violates an oath or a vow, either by swearing to what is untrue, or through omission (concealing truth), intentional or otherwise, or to fail to do what has been promised under oath, they are guilty of false swearing. In our judicial system, we call this perjury. …

gay rights | Paikea Restored was the only candidate who opposes same-sex marriage to acknowledge the complicated politics of the issue. "The country isn't there yet on gay marriage," he said. "We have to bring the country along." His comment on the roots of homosexuality drew hisses from the audience of about 200.

Motor City Liberal: Pelosi To Boehner: You're Not Taking ... 30, 2010 · Pelosi To Boehner: You're Not Taking My Gavel Sam Stein House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Cali.) said last Friday that she fully expects to hold on to her gavel even as Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) finishes every campaign-related speech by predicting he will be the next Speaker.

Colin Farrell’s Eloquence and One of Sully’s Other Quotes ... 09, 2010 · First: “I could give a flying crap about the political process. … We’re an entertainment company,” –Glenn Beck. And that’s why…you (as a blogger) don’t take Glenn Beck very seriously.I don’t think I’d ever put a straight up ban on talking about certain people here, but if I did, Beck would be first, followed by Palin.

The Rude Pundit 05, 2005 · The "Fuck History" Option: The Rude Pundit isn't sure 'cause, you know, he's no etymologist or Congressional historian, but it seems that overturning 200 years of history, tradition, and procedural precedent would be, well, shit, the exact opposite of "conservative."

Flashback : Comey declared that FBI would be independent ... 16, 2018 · For Saturday's flashback and whatever happened to - I went back to an old 2013 post of James Comey. I don't think I have to fill you in on the "whatever happened to" part. Amazing that it recalls that he became the new FBI Director in the fall of 2013. So that is when…

Blogging RightOnline, Changes coming to KCC - Katy's ... is the right's answer to the left's NetRoot's Convention. Put together by the Americans for Prosperity, the RightOnline conference follows NetRoots around the nation each year, to stop the spread of their liberal message. Americans have had enough of it and want to hear something fresh. In short, they want to hear the good news that that "hopey changey stuff", as Sarah …

12 | April | 2009 | Veritas Nihilum Vincet 12, 2009 · 2 posts published by cousinavi on April 12, 2009. Florida congressman Bill Posey, in an effort to prevent any future shenanigans over whether or not a candidate for president is an American citizen, introduced a bill to require anyone seeking the …

Trumpster Fire – Liberal Scum 16, 2017 · Trumpster Fire May 16, 2017 May 16, 2017 Liberal Scum Donald Trump , Russia The view from up here in the attic is getting more alarming – it appears the downstairs neighbours have set themselves on fire while trying to make some ramen.

Political Irony › Thorium in China 22, 2014 · One of the Chinese leaders of the new program says “This is definitely a race. China faces fierce competition from overseas and to get there first will not be an easy task.” This is not terribly surprising. Severe pollution problems in major Chinese cities gives them a strong motive to take advantage of better and cleaner sources of power.

Motor City Liberal: Panic And Denial: The Right Wing Media ... 19, 2012 · This is what we have as a president: A radical ideologue, a ruthless politician who despises the country and the way it was founded and the way in which it became great. He hates it. He hates it. Did I mention the likes of Hannity and Limbaugh and the entire Fox News complex have been demonizing Obama every day of his presidency in a way we ...

illusory tenant: "Prosser, J., did not participate." 21, 2011 · [Dec. 2] UPDATE 1: Justice Prosser is ill. UPDATE 2: The petition is withdrawn. Unstated whether 2 follows directly from 1, but it was among the "issues raised" in the Supreme Court of Wisconsin's November 30 order.You'd expect the withdrawal to come about on account of the substantive issues raised, but primarily about political power for these folks.

Nazi metaphor | This Is it is also a reminder that Nazism, which several generations of Americans have grown accustomed to thinking of as an exotic symbol of pure, abstract evil, in reality represents a political faction. Trump is not a Nazi. Nor, even, is Steve Bannon.

health effects of energy systems | Physical Insights, I’m referring to the book. “…we can no longer afford to entrust our lives, and the lives and health of future generations, to politicians, bureaucrats, “experts”, or scientific specialists, because all too often their objectivity is compromised.” Oh dear oh dear. In other words, any scientist or engineer, physician or physicist, who potentially disagrees with us, must clearly ...

U.S. Congress – Page 3 – Hoofin News Today This is an interesting website that tried several different themes before it hit on posting Japan disaster pictures. Now, it is taking off. Jeff Jarvis' Buzzmachine — Jarvis is one of the premiere web media “thinkers”, and has been for years. Nejibana Meaning twisting flowers. But “it’s not twisted. It’s Japan”.

LIVERPUTTY: Dowd on Schiavo there are questions, which is why Congress wanted more appeals on the case. As a friend of mine said, perhaps Terri would have a better chance if she was on death row. Krauthammer made a pretty good assessment when he described the issue as a choice between a legal travesty and a moral tragedy.

Political Irony › Safety and Liberty 23, 2018 · In 1775, Benjamin Franklin famously wrote, “They who can give up essential Liberty to obtain a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” We should all remember that when we consider the actions and words of Donald Trump this Thanksgiving weekend, when he attacked the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals because they would not give him what he wanted on immigration policy.

The Political Warrior: Commentary! 14, 2018 · This is a way bigger problem, but I will keep it limited to women in the workforce. In the workplace women on average earn 79 cents for every dollar a man makes ( AmericanProgress ), are less likely to be employed because it’s instilled in our brains that men perform better at their jobs ( hbswk ), and the list goes on a lot longer.

Political Poethttps://politicalpoet.blogspot.comThis is George Bush's world And its wealth meant for the few. To fund tax breaks for the well-heeled's sakes Assistance to the poor he'll eschew. This is George Bush's world, It reflects his hopes and dreams For power, greed, and a zealot's need To dominate us all with his schemes. This is the Bushies’ world But it’s only theirs on lease

Nob Hill Observer: October 2007 Hill Observer A place for NM Politics, Linux, Photography, Dogs and Perl. Proud member of the Firebagger Lefty blogosphere! Wednesday, October 31, 2007. 2007 jack-o-lanterns. Posted by Michael at 9:00 PM No comments: Tuesday, October 30, 2007. Thank you John Edwards!

The Domino Pizza Theory | Zero Tolerance For Silence 13, 2010 · This is the Domino’s Pizza theory of politics: we want it within 30 minutes or Barack Obama is a failure. We can sit back and suffer as gays gripe, minorities mope, pro-choicers pout and every other special interest group complains about Obama not delivering the change they voted for.

Let's face it…… BOTH Political Parties can spend money on ... 21, 2010 · About this site….. This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is…..

Obsidian Wings: St Johns Church timeline Johns Church timeline by liberal japonicus Another video , this a reconstruction of the class between non-violent protesters exercising their rights before the curfew and a collection of various law enforcement and military personnel.

SocialChange | A young liberal trying to figure out the ...https://benevender.wordpress.comNo one remebers more than a few months before and because he was all about fixing the economy for the sake of fixing the economy, he lost the re-election. Although he did have other issues: Hostages, a simple take to explain another issue, not debate the moralness of Carter, Nobel Peace Prize. Which brings me to Obama.

Supreme Court | Political Loudmouth, friends. Thanks for stopping by. This is the place to find political posters and flyers that you can download, print, and use absolutely free! Thanks so much to for featuring so many of our posters on their Facebook page and Tumblr blog. You can get T-shirts, stickers and totes at the Political Loudmouth Merch Page

The Online Lunchpail ™: Teen harassed at school over religion 02, 2009 · Please help keep food on the table for a writer who's had your back since 1993. Resume The blog ad industry has blackballed me and all of my websites because of my political views, so I can no longer support this site through ads.

JustOneMinute: The Topless Ann Althouse 21, 2009 · Ann Althouse is a tenured Obama voter who is surprised a couple of times a week that Obama is the same person in the White House that he was in the Senate. Sarah Palin is a former governor and small business owner and one of the most popular people in the country, and she can alter national politics from a Facebook page.

Scott Brown | Political Communication. Rowan University ... Communication. Rowan University. Spring 2010 · The collective musings of politics and deliberation from students enrolled in CMS 04375 at Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ

McCain makes it official: No matching funds - - POLITICO.com makes it official: No matching funds. Per AP, he sent letters to the Federal Election Commission and the Treasury Department stating he'd not take public funds for the primary.

Motor City Liberal: Obama Created More Jobs In One Year ... Alex Seitz-Wald. This morning, the Labor Department released its employment data for December, showing that the U.S. economy ended the year by adding 113,000 private sector jobs, knocking the unemployment rate down sharply from 9.8 percent to 9.4 percent — its lowest rate since July 2009.The “surprising drop — which was far better than the modest step-down economists had forecast ...

gay rights | The Absurd Flipper is even more toxic in a year when that group has been marginalized and stripped of its rights by ballot initiatives fomenting precisely such fears. “You’ve got to give them hope” was the refrain of the pioneering 1970s gay politician Harvey Milk, so stunningly …

tcnorris: 03/01/2016 - 04/01/2016 21, 2016 · There are other differences: Rana Bokhari's first election as Liberal leader while 1988 was the second for Sharon Carstairs. She had already achieved at least modest success in the 1986 Manitoba election including winning a seat in the legislature.

The Johnsville News: Housing/Subprime/Credit Roundup — May ..., Justice, Liberty, Humanity . . . . left right politics showbiz tech invest good life gossip fun hot Mother Jones

REAL ART (and politics and culture) 10, 2003 · Elizabeth Jane Burke, 27, trembled and sobbed as the verdicts were read by state District Judge Carol Davies. She was accused of holding a blanket over the head of Ian Nathaniel Noel on Oct. 14 because she was mad at her husband, Eugene "Eddie" Noel III.

Why I Hate Alabama (or otherwise known as the BUCK FAMA post)'m Brendan Loy, a 26-year-old graduate of USC and Notre Dame now living and working in Knoxville, Tennessee. My wife Becky and I are brand-new parents of a beautiful baby girl, born on New Year's Eve. I'm a big-time sports fan, a politics, media & law junkie, an astronomy buff, a weather nerd, an Apple aficionado, a Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter fanatic, and an all-around dork.

Cracks in the facade - 19, 2019 · Biily Barr was the easiest part of the cover up,keeping people of interest from testifying before congress and filling in all the redactions will be the hardest as well as "the loyal"falling out of line.I understand your desperation.

independent contractors « Mercury Rising ?? about independent contractors written by Phoenix Woman. Politics, life, and other things that matter

equal rights | Josh Derke for State Representative is the most direct I’ve been in a response to a survey. And I believe that it’s really important to be outspoken about these kinds of things. You have to stand up for what you believe–for what’s right. That’s my promise–I stand up for what is right, regardless of politics, or elections.

Kalamazoo Activists Barred from Bush Speech – MediaMouse 06, 2004 · Kalamazoo Activists Barred from Bush Speech Two Kalamazoo residents were denied entrance to President Bush’s speech at Wings Stadium because of their political beliefs. On Monday, May 3, George Bush was at Wings Stadium in Kalamazoo Michigan as part of his Michigan “bus tour”.

2 Political Junkies: Jack Kelly Sunday (UPDATE!!) 14, 2016 · This'll be a short one - as Jack's column this morning is mostly about how Donald Trump has ruined the GOP. But in doing so, Jack commits...

liberal catnip: Harper Announces Softwood Lumber Deal of the most contentious portions of the agreement is the return by the US government of only $4 billion of the $5 billion in duties that it has collected and that the opposition parties believe it owes our country. $1 billion is a huge amount of money and that will not be overlooked by many Canadians as we are left to wonder why the US was ...

Authentic By Design | Faulty Wiring first hip-hop concert at Amherst College since the Common and Talib Kweli spring concert of my freshman year had finally arrived. On March 31st, in Amherst College’s alumni gymnasium, one of the most critically-acclaimed, politically conscious lyricists of our generation, Immortal Technique, performed a sold-out show with DJ G.I. Joe, and ...

Newsalert: Operation Roti: Mayor Daley's Friends Unusual ... of the developers reportedly involved is his loyal political supporter, and second favorite developer, Thomas DiPiazza. Tommy D., as he's known on Rush Street, is no chumbolone -- Bridgeport slang for idiot or fool. No chumbolone could buy a polluted lot for $50,000 and sell it to Daley's administration a few years later for $1.2 million.

Monday Mashup Part One (6/21/10) | The Liberal Doomsayer 21, 2010 · This tells us that, in April 2008, the average price for a gallon of gas was $3.35 under Former President Highest Disapproval Rating In Gallup Poll History (it was about $1.66 a gallon when he took over). And every time Number 43 made noises about attacking Iran or threatening Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, that country’s “president,” the price ...

Racism & Civil Rights – Illuminate 15, 2016 · From Right now, the Senate is deciding whether to vote on a bill called the Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act – the most significant criminal justice reform legislation to be considered by Congress in the last five years. It will essentially ban juvenile solitary confinement in the federal system and retroactively reduce overly harsh drug sentences.

David's Mental Jujitsu: February 2009, I don't like to bring up gay marriage too much, simply because there are bigger things I care about, and I don't want to be seen as the liberal gay man screaming for marriage either. Good thing I have my friends to help me remember working for a good cause is …

Harvard Law Review | Sheila Kennedy aside, however, the wild thing about this Harvard Law Review proposal is that it is absolutely, 100 percent constitutional. The Constitution provides that “new states may be admitted by the Congress into this union,” but it places no limits on the size of a state either in terms of …

Opposition (parliamentary) | The Moorish Wanderer our case, not only Minister Belkhayat acts as the middle man for a higher -and much more powerful- politician/businessman/palace favourite/royal minion (Mounir Majidi) he is engaged in some very questionable business dealings, all of which, if he is indeed the new-model politician he boasts to be, should compel him to resign his post and request a full independent inquiry on the subject.

trump pretty weak at NK summit - One Political Plaza 12, 2018 · trump was the loser at the summit with NK Kim walked out with everything he could hope for ... Reversing Everything Obama 'Achieved' With His Pen And A Phone With Trump's Own Pen And A Phone Just Sit Back And Watch The Master Ply His Trade ... This is as close as Obama got to meeting with Kim Jong Un. They got a Chinese actor and a Kim Jong Un ...

Brian Brown – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America about Brian Brown written by dummidumbwit. “For years I’ve been saying, ‘Look, look, we’re living in very prophetic times,’” Gallups said. “Israel is back in the land, Russia and China are in the Middle East, ISIS has exploded, Christianity is being exterminated, on and on down the list you can go … And so, now, we turn to what Jesus said in Luke 17.

Oil damaged wildlife « Jamesb101.com 13, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Oh and What a Time | Red Rabbit's Life 10, 2007 · Well, I hope you had a Merry Generic Holiday Season and all that other politically correct stuff.Imagine, if you will, something more out of place than an Evangelical Atheist in an African Baptist Church on Christmas Day with a load of International Faithful Folks and an African American preacher from Mississippi or Tennessee or somewhere…

Follow-Ups | The Radical Notion 04, 2008 · So, a day and a half after the Debate to End all Debates, the group consensus* seems to be that Palin did wonderfully in the eyes of conservatives (especially male ones who admitted to being a bit turned on by her performance; via), and not as awful as most liberals thought she would, as long as you don’t take things like facts into account.I think the flow chart below accurately summarizes ...

World Congress of Families – Arts and Politics from the ... about World Congress of Families written by dummidumbwit. “For years I’ve been saying, ‘Look, look, we’re living in very prophetic times,’” Gallups said. “Israel is back in the land, Russia and China are in the Middle East, ISIS has exploded, Christianity is being exterminated, on and on down the list you can go … And so, now, we turn to what Jesus said in Luke 17.

AETNA | The Liberal Doomsayer me tell you why I hate AETNA and believe that a dick move like totally in character for them.. I made a job change last year, and I ended up having a gap between the expiration of my coverage from my prior employer and the beginning of coverage from my new employer; the gap period was a month.

Political Argument: Designer Babies? Ethical dilemmas ... 27, 2007 · Secondly, John Rawls, one of the great political philosophers of our time, argues that we do not have any reason to deserve the talents we are given. Our innate abilities and capacities are unfortunately a matter of luck and to the extent that we can equalize our …

3/20/09 - LEFTY LOONY LIBERALS via Wikipedia. What Professionals Are Saying . Source: CNBC Global stocks traded higher, as did the dollar against the euro, Thursday after the Federal Reserve's surprise announcement it would buy $300 billion in US Treasurys in order to help the ailing economy.. But experts tell CNBC they have concerns over the Fed's latest move and that the current national balance sheet is a disaster.

LoneStarBear: Garble Garble 25, 2007 · They opposed them on every one of those things... every one! So when you try to hurl that label at my feet, 'Liberal,' as if it were something to be ashamed of, something dirty, something to run away from, it won't work, Senator, because I will pick up that label and I will wear it as a badge of honor."

Imaginenbspyou are a rookie news journalist and you just E-mail. Imagine you are a rookie news journalist, and you just completed your first major assignment covering a political campaign, including extensive research of websites to provide the political background of your story.Your best friend e-mails you and asks how it went. Write a 350- to 700-word e-mail to your friend in which you detail the challenges you faced regarding the ...

The Fourth “C” | kavips 10, 2013 · Delaware has 3 C’s. Carney, Coons, and Carper all representing us in our national assembly, Congress. As the vote for Syria gets put on hold, it becomes time for Delawareans to call up their three Congressional representatives and give them insight into what their constituents are feeling.

Andy Stunich on the Pending Economic Apocalypse | Sohum ... 19, 2012 · The counterculture fell asleep after the ’60’s and early ’70’s, that’s for sure as the Lefties took over and thereby destroyed the real radical heart of this movement which wasn’t politically but spiritually motivated. That secularization of the counterculture still …

pants on fire claim | Bloviating on Fire claim that George Soros money went to Women’s March protesters. by Jan Greenburg, January 25th. According to several blog posts, the women’s marches around the country did not reflect grassroots concern over the policies of President Donald Trump. Rather, they were the work of the liberal billionaire philanthropist George Soros.

smear | 44-D Politico, cited above, below are the RNC’s categories of donors. Visceral giving. Those to manipulate and scare. The most unusual section of the presentation is a set of six slides headed “RNC Marketing 101.” The presentation divides fundraising into two traditional categories, direct marketing and major donors, and lays out the ...

La strategia di Obama | Valentina in Italiano this pageWashington D.C. – La campagna di Barack Obama sarà ricordata non solamente perchè il Senatore dell’Illinois è il primo candidato di colore con possibilità concrete di diventare Presidente degli Stati Uniti, ma anche perchè Obama sta inventando un nuovo modo di fare politica elettorale. Internet è senza dubbio il centro nodale delle operazioni di Obama…

"Blog Bless America": U.S. National Government 28, 2014 · I have not yet worked for a campaign, but I hope to do so in the near future. I am taking this class to complete my basics and I would also like to gain more political experience. I hope to understand more of how the government works and operates. I did not do well on the Civic Literacy and Current Event quizzes, scoring a 52% and a 50%.

tcnorris: 01/01/2015 - 02/01/2015 28, 2015 · Ontario was the key to Harper's 2011 majority. There the Conservatives captured 44% of the vote and had an 18 point lead over the NDP and the Liberals. Recently an Angus Reid poll gave the Conservatives 43% of Ontarians in a poll of eligible voters (there was a slightly smaller share of 40% among the firm's estimate of likely voters).

The Angry White Mom: Well, It's This Gun Thing... 15, 2013 · Jeez, it seems like just yesterday I was pissed off at conservative rich guys, corporations and right-wing muscle. Honestly, I really haven't had much to add to the regular ol' liberal batch of pundits's opinions, and have found it is easy to slack off when so many other folks -- much much smarter than I -- are speaking my mind just fine.

The government wants to now "shape our behavior." (sm) government wants to now "shape our behavior." (sm) ... If you Google Newt and Airforce One you will find that he absolutely admitted that one of his motivations for shutting down the government years ago was that he was angry at Clinton for making him sit in the rear of the plane and exit through the rear. ... Thanks to a provision passed ...

up | 44-D post by: Audiegrl, Geot, and BuellBoy Calm, ambiguous, inscrutable, Giulio Andreotti–known variously as “The Sphinx,” “Beelzebub” and “Il Divo” (from a nickname for Julius Caesar)–has been a fixture on the Italian political scene for more than four decades.He first entered government in 1946, and has served as Minister of the Interior, Defense, Foreign Affairs, Prime ...

impolitic eye: May 22, 2013 · For a while, I thought I'd start a new blog, one focused specifically on food and drink or one that delved back into parenting. Then, I realized I am at my best when I poke at all the things I love. And all the things that distract me. That's where this blog started in the first place in the spring/summer of 2004.

TigerHawk - TigerHawk (ti*ger*hawk): n. 1. The title of this blog and the nom de plume of its founding blogger; 2. A deep bow to the Princeton Tigers and the Iowa Hawkeyes; 3. The nickname for Iowa's Hawkeye logo. Posts include thoughts of the day on international affairs, politics, things that strike us as hilarious and personal observations.

Jive in the [415] Blog | Gay LGBT News Political…Nov 30, 2018 · As we celebrate the success of our ‘rainbow wave’, and the record numbers of gay and lesbian candidates elected to Congress and state legislatures across the country, it’s dispiriting to hear about the violence and hateful rhetoric directed at the LGBTQ community on a constant basis. Today I read about another controversy that involves Chick-Fil-A and gay …

Ezra Klein: Booker's's Back. It's good to hear that Cory Booker overwhelmingly captured Newark's mayorship last night. Much of my family is from New Jersey, and just about the first political act I ever took part in was flying out with my older brother to work on the last day's of his 2002 campaign. I was convinced then, as I am now, that the guy is a phenom ...

TOO IGNORANT TO LEAD | jbjd 20, 2011 · ©2011 jbjd. A brief article entitled, “Flake says: “Get off this Kick”” appeared on the blog, Seeing Red AZ, whose byline reads, “political views from a red state.” This blurb about Representative Jeff Flake (R-AZ) was taken from a longer article that appeared in The Hill, citing an interview conducted by CNN, who asked the candidate for U.S. Senate to comment on the results of a ...

Mo Rage: Support for this President from a most unlikely blog about American society: its politics, current events, history, entertainment, music, comedy, movies and society overall and where we're headed.

EMPIRE of DIRT (click Cash cover of "Hurt"): Open Date 17 25, 2014 · Have Satire-Will Travel: Florida politics development growth corporate corruption progressive politics guerrilla war cosmology and absolutely astrology free

RADAMISTO: AND A CHILD SHALL LEAD 05, 2009 · The kid thinks these are the distinguishing principles of conservatism: 1) Respect for the Constitution 2) Respect for Life 3) Less government 4) Personal responsibility (1) is superfluous because liberals respect the Constitution. (2) is a sop to the Fundies. (3) is unresponsive to the needs of the American public (see the unemployment debate ...

Stubborn Liberal: December Liberal These are the rants and raves of a stubborn-headed, midwestern, baby boomer, liberal, wife, mother, and grandmother. ... It is a moral outrage and a national disgrace that civilians can legally purchase weapons designed specifically to kill people with brutal speed and efficiency. These are weapons of war, barely modified and ...

Stubborn Liberal: GOP Irrelevant???? 14, 2009 · * The Jon Stewart vs. Jim Cramer "showdown" had huge ratings.Entertainment Weekly: Thursday night's anticipated appearance by CNBC financial guru Jim Cramer on Comedy Central's The Daily Show With Jon Stewart netted big ratings, the cable network announced on Friday.The program drew a crowd of some 2.3 million viewers, making it the year's second …

Starting Gazette Salary in Perspective - 07, 2008 · Starting Gazette Salary in Perspective We have attracted significant amounts of offline comment on our Gazette series, most of which we will address tomorrow. But one subject that appalls many is the starting salary for Gazette reporters: $26,500.

Michelle's political pressmichellespoliticalpress.blogspot.comIf Obama was elected president he proposed a plan to provide at least $80 billion a year in tax cuts for the middle class and elderly. Obama says he would "end the preferential treatment that's built into our tax code."

If April is Child Abuse Prevention Month, Why Are We Now 10, 2014 · Kavips, politicians are the one’s that are failing.

Russian National Assembly on Freedom | Kainos 21, 2008 · The Russian opposition has put together a cooperative effort to fight for political rights and freedoms in the Russian Federation. They put together a Declaration and a Charter, drawing on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Constitution of the Russian Federation (“Man, his rights and freedoms are the supreme value.The recognition, observance and …

Political Irony › Cheapskate 01, 2016 · Even more troubling, his liquid assets were around $250 million. As The Guardian points out, this puts the lie to Trump’s claim that he could self-fund his presidential campaign. He has already loaned his campaign around $50 million and will need far more than $250 million for the general election.

Political Irony › Flim Flam 07, 2016 · As the headlines are announcing, Trump just raised $55 million in the month of June alone. ... (ironic that) that he had license to carry a gun and was reaching in his pocket for his car license. That is all on the video. When other officers arrived on the scene, they comforted the first officer instead of tending to the black man who was still ...

Extras - NY State of Politics NYT’s City Room truth squads Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s claim that Sandy was “more impactful” than Katrina.. The Nation editor Katrina vanden Heuvel joins left-leaning critics of Cuomo for his failure to get involved in the Senate leadership fight.. Jimmy Vielkind and Josh Benson debate the merits of the governor heeding the call for him to try to settle the Senate battle in his fellow ...

Will Jordan speaks his mind - Radio 03, 2004 · The 59-year-old Greensboro native has practiced law in his hometown for more than three decades (his undergraduate and law degrees are from Chapel Hill). A grandfather who has been active in such non-radical causes as the United Way and St. Francis Episcopal Church, Jordan says he resists political labels because they are often misleading.

08 | October | 2010 | Smart and silly 08, 2010 · Steeh is the first judge nationally to rule on accusations that Congress exceeded its constitutional authority by requiring most people to buy health insurance or face penalities. The lawsuit was by four individuals through the Thomas More Law Center in Ann Arbor, MI is appealing the ruling:

Cornell Belcher | All Other Persons are my own election winners and losers, plus some “too early to tell” entries. Winners: Barack Obama. Duh. This Hawaiian born and bred biracial intellectual with minimal experience has become perhaps the most unique and remarkable politician in American history.

online politics | Missouri Communication 08, 2010 · The base of politics is the constant change happening everyday. Saying that politics online is exactly the same as in “real life” is unrealistic. Of course there are differences, but that just comes with the territory of a new developing medium. Just as the rules of politics changed on television, so have the functions of the internet.

slumpoliticshttps://slumpolitics.blogspot.comWow, I just finally put in my vote! This is the first time I've ever voted in my life, and I'm not sure what to feel. But man, whoever wins- everything is going to be different. I have a very long video that I will post, documenting my treacherous and torturous journey to cast my vote. To say the least, this process took me 4 hours. Stay posted ...

Motor City Liberal: Glenn Beck sides with Nazis, claims ... 16, 2010 · By Stephen C. Webster Fox News personality Glenn Beck believes the Jews were responsible for killing the biblical messiah Jesus Christ, and Gosh Darn It, if the Christian savior had been more like Barack Obama he'd have "come back and made the Jews pay for what they did.". That's just the tip of a bizarre rant recently aired by News Corporation, which featured the chalkboard-handy host …

Accidental Deliberations: Wednesday Morning Links 08, 2019 · Miscellaneous material for your mid-week reading. - Christo Aivalis discusses the lessons the Canadian progressive movement should take from the emergence of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders in shaping the U.S.' political discourse: What is so crucial to Ocasio-Cortez’s potential—as well as the sheer hatred she inspires among the right—is the simple fact that she …

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: Increasing ... 07, 2006 · Gillespe and Mehlman both trumpeted Hastert's heroism by claiming that it is "the first time in 30 years in this town" that such a tough ultimatum was given to a Congressman by a Speaker. In fact, as Think Progress documents, the whole story is a complete fabrication. Hastert himself admitted that Foley had already resigned by the time Hastert ...

No More Mister Nice Blog 04, 2009 · LET'S SEE HOW THIS GOES OVER It's after the fact, but I think the spirit of this Politico piece by California congresswoman Lynn Woolsey is more or less what Aimai was calling for on Sunday. (UPDATE: Actually, it's not -- see what Aimai says in comments.)Lynn Woolsey: IRS should scrutinize bishops I expect political hardball on any legislation as important as the health care bill.

Larry Pratt – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America Illinois Terminal Railroad, known as the Illinois Traction System until 1937, was a heavy duty interurban electric railroad with extensive passenger and freight business in central and southern Illinois from 1896 to 1982. When Depression era Illinois Traction was in financial distress and had to reorganize, the Illinois Terminal name was adopted to reflect the line’s primary money making ...

January 10th Deadline | Exceptional Delaware 09, 2018 · This is a must read for every politician and parent in Delaware so please share. As the Talented and Gifted Educator for the Christina School District city schools; I have spent over 30 hours already this week, going to student’s houses and helping their parents fill out Choice forms on my personal computer.

Bill Clinton | are we ready? 25, 2007 · Bill has started thinking about what his role will be when he returns to the White House– not as the ou r political leader in charge, but as her devoted husband. As this NYT article points out, the main change will be that he will not continue working; instead, he will pay his expenses out of the Clinton savings account and focus on representing the United States of America by Hillary’s side.

No Right Turn: Citizen's juries 06, 2007 · One of the better ideas to come out of last week's Transparency International / VUW Institute of Policy Studies symposium on The Funding of Political Parties and Election Campaigns was the idea of convening a citizen's jury to consider the issue and make recommendations. Unfortunately, it was immediately rejected by the politicians present (with the honourable exception of the Greens' Dr ...

It’s Your Country. You Are Voting For A Party To Run It ... 04, 2016 · This is one of the reason our Congress is filled with Tea Party idealogues who strut and fret over the direction our nation is taking, without doing anything solid to get us moving. This is ninety-five percent of the reason middle class white America is …

divorce | Double Dip Politics is the 50th article on Double Dip Politics, and to celebrate, I decided I would do the most requested article. Since the most requested article was for me to “be quiet and die you liberal b****”, I decided that I’d go with the second most requested, “What is the gay agenda?”.

Grandma Got Run Over By Obama | The Rogue Jew 21, 2008 · Grandma got run over by Obambam Sitting in her nursing home one eve You can say there’s no such thing as family But as for Barack, in Trinity United, he believes. She sacrificed her life to raise her grandson Despite the fact we’re told she hated blacks But sent him to a private school in Hawaii Where he learned to be a political hack

Politico – The Blessings of Liberty 22, 2015 · Of particular interest to the McDaniel campaign was the turnout in Hinds County, which Cochran won by nearly 11,000 votes Tuesday. By contrast, Cochran won the county by 5,300 votes on June 3. Just under 25,000 total ballots were cast in Hinds County Tuesday, while 16,640 total ballots were cast on June 3.

Vladimir PUtin | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! U.S. has a long history of attempting to influence presidential elections in other countries – it’s done so as many as 81 times between 1946 and 2000, according to a database amassed by political scientist Dov Levin of Carnegie Mellon University.

A plain blog about politics: Impeachment! 01, 2013 · It does seem like Impeachment proceedings against the President would probably backfire, maybe not enough to have a large electoral effect, but I wouldn't doubt that ushering in a new GOP conference in 2014 will bring the calls back out. Also I wonder if there's a bit of sit back and let Obamacare be the story for a while, until it's fixed or not.

Washington State Political Report - Blogger I don't Check The Rossi Web Page Enough This is a couple weeks old, but it's just too funny. Dino Rossi is bragging about the fact that there's a poll out saying that he's a point behind Gregoire for the Governor's race. Wow. Sounds impressive in lefty Washington. I mean neither of them has really kicked up their campaign and already it's close.

19 | June | 2007 | Living In the Edge of Madness 19, 2007 · In the first place, it’s free unless you have it mailed to your door (circulation 61, 000). Every Thursday, I just stop by one of their little newstands in a restaurant or store and pick up the latest edition. In the second place they have a definite liberal bias. Finally they are advant garde. They report on the news no one else is reporting.

The Ukraine Scandal Needs a Solid, Unforgettable Nickname ... 04, 2019 · Image: Axios As I remarked in the teasers to my last post, President Donald Trump’s Ukraine scandal desperately needs a good solid nickname.. But as Wikipedia ably demonstrates, the Watergate break-in did more than just bring down a presidency, it set a stiflingly lazy standard naming political scandals: just tack “-gate” onto the end.Former New Jersey governor and funny fat guy Chris ...

National and International Headlines for April 8 – MediaMouse 08, 2008 · Headlines from, a daily TV/radio news program, hosted by Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez, airing on over 650 stations, pioneering the largest community media collaboration in the US. Petraeus & Crocker to Testify on Capitol Hill Army General David Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker are heading to Capitol Hill today to update Congress on…

school funding | A Christian in the Classroom is the most frustrating observation of all, and the one created the most anger with me. ... On the other hand, the reaction regarding the buildings is one of good ol’ fashioned hardball politics. In addition to losing the bond issue we are also letting a permanent improvement levy expire. ... On the first weekend in November the Ohio ...

Saturday Open Thread | 3CHICSPOLITICO 20, 2019 · Good Morning. I hope that you are enjoying this weekend with family and friends. Just dust ??????

Delaware | DelawareLiberal.Net have to over at First state politics too be totally honest with ya. When they aren’t turning off the comments On a ridiculous 9/11 commemorative post by their own version of a blathering idiot. They are accusing criminal behavior and allowing no one to comment or defend themselves or point out the obvious staginess of the photo. The post just sits out there for all to see like a noose ...

27 | April | 2007 | DelawareLiberal.Net 27, 2007 · April 26, 2007 – For a guy whose presidential campaign was declared dead almost the day it started, Joe Biden sounds a bit too confident these days. Especially when it comes to Iraq. “If it were up to us,” says Larry Rasky, Biden’s chief campaign flack, “all 90 minutes” of Thursday night’s inaugural debate between the eight ...

Preposterous Universe is dangerous for a President to be the bubble boy of American politics. But it might explain why the President can t admit the problems of people without jobs, without health care, without prescription drugs, or trying to put their kids through college. He doesn t know about them because he refuses to even see them."

Around the Keg: Two Great Websites for the Political ... 02, 2008 · RCP and Politico have been well visited by myself. They seem to be pretty informative. I also like FactCheck for a good starting point when I am trying to figure out some particular candidates BS. I am sure that many people feel that increased penalties for racial, religious and other types of hate crimes is a pro-civil rights position to hold.

The Liberal Doomsayer: 2013-11-24 I live in the area of Philadelphia, PA, USA, specifically in Bucks County. My blog deals primarily with political matters and current events in the region where I live, my country, and the world (with other stuff thrown in from time to time), and I …

Big Bad Bald Bastard: Oh, No, Not Black Leaf Jack Chick!!! 02, 2016 · Proving the adage that only the good die young, outsider artist, fundamentalist, and bigot Jack Chick has died at the age of 91. Chick was known for his religious tracts in comic strip form and for his damn near universal bigotry- hating Catholics, gay people, Jews, Mormons, Muslims, gamers, Hindus, hippies, and you, you snarky liberal!

Political Bean Polehttps://politicalbeanpole.blogspot.comSep 22, 2006 · That doesn't sound very nice and I didn't want to say it but its true! We took our eye off the ball. We are America! We are Patriots. We are Inventors. We are Explorers. We are Advanced. We are Open-minded. We are Scientist. This country changed the world in so many good and positive ways...and then we came to a dead halt.

Financial Regulation | Dystopian Blues: News Liberal ... may make for a good sound bite, but it’s not factually accurate. In fact, the system as it stands is what led to a series of massive, costly taxpayer bailouts. Only with reform can we avoid a similar outcome in the future.

>Women and Children First, except for Ensign and Heller ... 28, 2009 · Ledbetter Fair Pay Act: Nevada Representatives Shelley Berkley (D-NV1) and Dina Titus (D-NV3) were among the 250 members of the House who voted in favor of S. 181, the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009.Congressman Dean Heller (R-NV2) voted against the measure yesterday. [roll call 37] The bill passed 250-177, with 6 not voting.The Ledbetter Fair Pay Act …

Wall Street Speechifying | Dystopian Blues: News Liberal ... 22, 2010 · That may make for a good sound bite, but it’s not factually accurate. In fact, the system as it stands is what led to a series of massive, costly taxpayer bailouts. Only with reform can we avoid a similar outcome in the future.

10 | May | 2015 | Blevkog 10, 2015 · 1 post published by kevvyd on May 10, 2015. The release of Omar Khadr, on strict conditions, has reignited the debate over his capture and imprisonment in Guantanamo Bay.The Conservative Party, ever in campaign mode, is always looking for a political issue to use to charge up their base, and his release, which they opposed and continue to appeal, is their …

18 | October | 2008 | Mudflats 18, 2008 · Ted Stevens took the stand. He was reminded by Judge Emmett Sullivan that he didn’t have to take the stand, but Stevens said, it was “an honor and a duty.” Well, it wasn’t a duty (the whole point of not having to do it), but he did it anyway. After extensive questioning by his own defense team, who asked about his life and times, and great moments in his political career, it was the ...

Fate of the Know-Nothings - The New Jacoby: The Know-Nothings today are spoken of with disdain, but their attractiveness to voters was once a powerful political phenomenon. One of Romney's predecessors as governor of Massachusetts, Henry J. Gardner, was elected three times on the American Party (the "Know-Nothing") ticket.

elites | Sheila makes several points with which it is hard to disagree: America does need a political establishment– people who have been educated to actually know something about public policy problems, people with government experience and a commitment to ethical public service.

PoliScope: Roy Torcaso, licensed notary public 10, 2007 · Roy Torcaso, who died last week at 96, is not a name that often comes up in any discussion of the evolution of post-World War II American church-state law.I'm willing to bet that most constitutional law teachers, whether law school professors or political scientists like myself, teach Torcaso v. Watkins (1961) in their courses (I don't). But this former Maryland notary public is among the most ...

Brooks Wilson's Economics Blog: Freedom to Joke in East ... 01, 2009 · The Stasi had 91,000 employees and a network of around 189,000 civilian informants to spy on the East German population of 17 million. It regarded every political joke as a potential threat. Anyone who poked fun at the representatives of the organs of …

Dispassionate Liberal: dick Cheney vs. The Sopranos 08, 2007 · dick Cheney vs. The Sopranos By: Mark W Adams The following is reprinted without permission, but with a LINK to the original, and a nudge to check out more of McSweeney's Internet Tendency where you can find more silly lists.

Donate to Effective Liberal Charities – The Liberal ... giving to any charity, do two things: Check up on them via Charity Navigator or similar oversight utility (groups listed below with four star ratings in Charity Navigator are marked with a check ) Check to see if your employer will match your contribution Civil liberties: Advancement Project ("A next generation, multi-racial civil rights organization.

How relevant is the Black Church today? 19, 2010 · "The Black Church in the 21st Century" is a new book edited by Bishop Dr Joe Aldred and Keno Ogbo in which the authors explore the influence and position of the Black Church in Britain today. Topics include reflections on the Black Church and theology, ecumenism, Holy Spirit, gospel music, conflict resolutions, politics, elders, youth,…

No Government shut down of budget for 2013 « Jamesb101.com 26, 2012 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

What We Could Have Done With The Money: 50 ... - MediaMouse 25, 2009 · Weighing in at just 97 pages with a cartoon cover, Rob Simpson’s What We Could Have Done With the Money: 50 Ways to Spend the Trillion Dollars We’ve Spent on Iraq on Iraq is a short explanation of what is an incredibly serious topic that will have consequences for years to come. The Iraq War has cost $1 trillion according to the Congressional Budget Office (a conservative estimate) and as ...

Marc Valdez Weblog 14, 2008 · Sacramento area community musical theater (esp. DMTC in Davis), Liberal politics, Meteorology, "Breaking Bad" and "Better Call Saul" filming locations reference site, New Mexico and California arcana, and general weirdness.

Monegan Governor | Mudflats she asked for a firmer answer to the question about running for governor and he said he didn’t want to violate the non-political requirement of speaking at UAA. [snip] As long as it’s not violating any rules I could honestly say that my wife and I are talking about it. And a hush falls on the land. What’s this?

Native American Music & Chants | 3CHICSPOLITICO 09, 2017 · Wednesday Open Thread | Native American Music & Chants Posted on February 27, 2013 by SouthernGirl2 Native American music is as vast and diverse as the people who create it, and each tribe has its own musical approach and style that has been passed down for centuries.

Liar! Liar!: September 2011 - pandering Bill of Rights is a paragon of conciseness. None of the first ten amendments, save one, wastes a single word on explication or justification. The Second Amendment reads in its entirety, "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

Campaigning Walker to milk groundwater giveaway bill signing 11, 2017 · It won't surprise me if right-wing GOP WI Gov. and perpetually-campaigning Scott Walker signs the groundwater privatization bill that's sitting on his desk with a freshly painted dairy barn or prepped-for-planting potato farm in the photo op frame. A regular bill signing in the Governor's Office would waste a perfectly-good, taxpayer-subsidized benefit of incumbency, and while Walker has done ...

The Political Environment: Meeting Wednesday Afternoon In ... 12, 2010 · The issue is important because moving water from a low-income and land-locked city (Milwaukee) to a growing, relatively-wealthier and far-whiter city (Waukesha) would exacerbate the region's economic and racial segregation - - unless there are guarantees in a water sale agreement that Waukesha would also contribute to a greater share of the region's affordable housing, transit and job ...

Jim Webb acknowledges that marijuana legalization should 27, 2009 · 4 responses to “Jim Webb acknowledges that marijuana legalization should be on the table”. Jonny Politics says: . As a Virginian I’m very proud of Senator Webb for what he’s saying re: the prison problem. And I’m very glad that he seems to be one of the few politicians with enough spine to at least say legalization should be on the table.

SCHotline Principal Jeffrey Sewell – Biography 14, 2007 · SCHotline Principal Jeffrey Sewell - Biography [Updated on June 19th, 2009] There aren’t too many political consultants in South Carolina who can pull off a Frank Sinatra-style ascot at a down home country barbecue, but that’s the first thing you need to know about Jeffrey Sewell: He’s not afraid to be himself. And speak his…

Impeachment | Lonnie Walker's Blog 12, 2012 · So the last election was idiots led by idiots to vote for the liberal messiah and now they are upset at what he’s doing as if the first 4 years wasn’t enough to tell you his agenda wasn’t working. You idiots doubled down on it. Now the young idiots that …

Accidental Deliberations: 05, 2019 · Assorted content for your weekend reading. - Crawford Kilian reviews Richard Johnston's Canadian Party System: An Analytic History, and in the process points out how a sensible federal political system would include the NDP as one of the primary options to form government.And Jamie Maxwell discusses how Jagmeet Singh's by-election victory in …

Dilbert Creator Adams Exposes The Real Bully Party | Zero 25, 2016 · Team Clinton has succeeded in perpetuating one of the greatest evils I have seen in my lifetime. Her side has branded Trump supporters (40%+ of voters) as Nazis, sexists, homophobes, racists, and a few other fighting words. Their argument is built on confirmation bias and persuasion. But facts don’t matter because facts never matter in politics.

Meeting of the International Congress of Ministers of's Danbury News-Times reports, "Professor speaks at anti-death penalty congress in Rome."." It's written by John Pirro. As one of the hundreds of Connecticut residents who worked for years to get rid of the death penalty, George Kain, of Ridgefield, said he was proud to attend the seventh International Congress of Ministers of Justice in Rome this week, an organization …

second inaugural speech « SOCIAL 21, 2009 · Rearte earned a bachelor degree from the University of Miami (2003-2007), with a major in Political Science and a minor in Portuguese. He graduated Cum Laude. In the fall of 2007, Rearte began his study of law at The George Washington University Law School.

Walter Jones | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Jones, GOP Congressman, Signs On To Investigating Bush. HuffPo- Sam Stein. February 13, 2009 12:56 PM. There is, in fact, an element of bipartisan support for creating of a truth and reconciliation committee to investigate illegalities from the Bush years.

Campbell 11 | Government | Politics | Free 30-day Trial demonstrate the government also wants to participate in these measures. c) be deeply unpopular. 3. The plan is to cut spending a) by almost one and a half billion dollars b) by more than 1.4 million dollars c) by more than 1.4 billion dollars Part B. Composition (130-150 words approximately). Choose one of the following topics. (4 points) 1.

Redeye's Front Page: February 2018 09, 2018 · A picture is worth thousands of lives As attorney general, Eric Holder saw the carnage of Sandy Hook firsthand. “If the American people had access to those pictures, if the American people had seen those pictures, the calls for reasonable gun safety measures would have been passed,” Holder said in a 2016 interview.. “If members of Congress perhaps had a chance to see those pictures and ...

The fallacy of insufficient extremism - Brendan Nyhan aren't angry because the president wasn't liberal enough, but because he hasn't done enough to fix the economy. Had he asked for a 1.2 trillion dollar stimulus and gotten it, we'd be much better off. Had he asked for a 1.2 trillion dollar stimulus and been filibustered by the …

National and International Headlines for October 1 ... 01, 2008 · Sen. Barack Obama: “This is one of those defining moments when the American people are looking to Washington for leadership, so it’s not a time for politics. It’s not a time for partisanship. There’s going to be a lot of time left and a lot of topics and issues to debate in the next five weeks.

Lakoff, G: All New Don't Think of an Elephant: ... this page"The All New Don't Think of an Elephant! is an indispensable tool for progressives--packed with new thinking on framing issues that are hotly debated right now, and new insights on how to reclaim the political debate on meaningful terms that can yield true progress, not just political gains."--Jennifer M. Granholm, former governor of Michigan "When the original Don't Think of an Elephant! came ...Reviews: 226Format: TaschenbuchAuthor: George Lakoff

Wednesday Mashup (4/25/12) | The Liberal Doomsayer 25, 2012 · Wednesday Mashup (4/25/12) ... Virginia, the Senate remained under the control of the Dems. I wanted the post with the Rachel Maddow video to remain as the first thing a reader saw at this site as a “J’Accuse!” gesture of sorts (I think it’s safe to say that, after all this time, I’ve made my point). ... This is the same Russia whose ...

real politicians « The Futility Monster 10, 2010 · It would be nice if they could be beyond reproach, but it takes a stunning level of naivety to believe that that is ever achievable. Nevertheless, it was good to see MPs exposed, partially because of the waste of taxpayers money, but also because they’ve had it coming to them for a long time.

people in politics « The Futility Monster 10, 2010 · It would be nice if they could be beyond reproach, but it takes a stunning level of naivety to believe that that is ever achievable. Nevertheless, it was good to see MPs exposed, partially because of the waste of taxpayers money, but also because they’ve had it coming to them for a long time.

WebWeaver's World: June 2007 06, 2007 · A blog about my passions. May include some or all of the following: geek stuff (web design &amp; development, CSS, accessibility, usability), environmental activism, my adopted home of New Zealand (&#39;cos it&#39;s so totally wonderful), international &amp; green politics (rants from a left-wing perspective), gardening, cats, literature, rugby, and a whole lot of other stuff besides.

Dianne Feinstein | Salamander's Blog Calitics, Dianne Feinstein is the only member of the California Congressional delegation not to have co-sponsored the Employee Free Choice Act.The senator has an unfortunate history of caring more about corporations than about her constituents. Feel free to call her offices and ask them why she is putting corporations before Californians.

mahmoud ahmadineijad – Skeptical Brotha a watchful eye on black politics. Sidebar. May 2020; S M T W T F S : 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: 18: 19: 20

President Bush | Missouri Communication 27, 2010 · The first major implication of online political communication is that non-participants are motivated to act IF they receive the right information. On a negative side, these “non-participants” may feel that liking a page/following a Twitter account is enough to warrant political involvement; this only leads to laziness and harms politics in ...

TigerHawk - Blogger TigerHawk (ti*ger*hawk): n. 1. The title of this blog and the nom de plume of its founding blogger; 2. A deep bow to the Princeton Tigers and the Iowa Hawkeyes; 3. The nickname for Iowa's Hawkeye logo. Posts include thoughts of the day on international affairs, politics, things that strike us as hilarious and personal observations.

Creationism is a Political Tool to enable Fundamentalism ... is a Political Tool to enable Fundamentalism!!! Fundamentalism is then further supported by Junk Science, Junk History, Junk Therapy and Junk Economics!!! My horrible right-wing past: Confessions of a one-time religious right icon – I was a religious fanatic appealing to political leaders. Today, the fanatics are the political leaders – FRANK SCHAEFFER – I am a white ...

The Politics of Whine | Desert Beacon 30, 2018 · It’s when the person isn’t two years old anymore, is over 5’4? and weighs 128 or more pounds, I lose all patience. This is why I was pleased to note the news networks didn’t choose to broadcast the last presidential rally in full. The presidential speeches are the …

Judicial Crisis Network – Arts and Politics from the ... Of Anti-Garland Group Once Demanded Judges Have A ‘Biblical View Of Justice’ BY Miranda Blue – See more at: – As we and others have noted, the Judicial Crisis Network, the primary outside group backing the Senate GOP’s blockade of President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee, is funded almost entirely by a dark-money group connected to a single family of conservative donors.

>Nevada Governor Yells At Clouds | Desert Beacon 23, 2010 · >Nevada's most likely candidate for the title of "His Irrelevancy," Governor Jim Gibbons, doesn't like the health care reform legislation recently enacted by the 111th Congress: "What if the federal government forced you to buy a car or a television set then threatened you with IRS fines if you didn’t obey?”, Gibbons said in a…

Citizen Cartwright: January 2017 are the words of Politico. Time headlines: “Why Twitter is talking about Steve Bannon with the hashtag #StopPresidentBannon." "Bannon seizes a security role from generals,” headlines The New York Times. “The defining moment for Mr. Bannon came Saturday night in the form of an executive order giving the rumpled right-wing agitator a full seat on the 'principals committee' of the ...

Constitution | SPANISH INQUISITOR 06, 2012 · Uneventfully, last week marked the sixth anniversary of when I started this blog. Since then, a lot has happened. The Boston Bombers killed 4 and maimed scores in another “faith based initiative”, were discovered, one was killed and the other captured, and (finally) read his Miranda rights. Congress failed to pass a weakened version of a bill designed to require people to get background ...

Political inSecurity: Geronimo, Colonel Murphy'Bob was the first on the ground and the last to leave,' Nightingale said. Mr. Murphy's role as paratrooper in the Normandy landing is depicted in Cornelius Ryan's book 'The Longest Day' and the film based on it, as well as in Mr. Murphy's own book, 'No Better Place to Die.'

crooks and liars | Progressive news and media coverage on ... in 2004 by John Amato, Crooks and Liars is a progressive news blog focusing on political events and the news coverage of them.According to their about page “Crooks and Liars is an award-winning site for progressive news and media criticism and was the first website to ...

Furthering the common good and general welfare | The ... 18, 2016 · Problem: How to anonymously infuse millions of dollars into a political campaign to bias the outcome. Answer: Social Welfare. Prior to the Citizens United and the lesser-known SpeechNow rulings in 2010, individuals, corporations and unions were limited to donations of $5,000 or less to groups that ran "independent" political campaigns.

defense appropriations | Veracity Stew John “Jack” Murtha (D-Pa.) has died at the age of 77 after an illness following gall bladder surgery. Murtha was a tireless advocate for the military, and was the first Vietnam veteran elected to Congress. He came under fire in 2005 when he gave a speech on …

crooks and liars | Progressive news and media coverage on ... and Liars is a liberal / progressive news blog focusing on political events and the news coverage of them, founded by John Amato. Karoli Kuns is the managing editor. Along with John Amato, frequent contributors include Susan Madrak, Nicole Belle, Logan Murphy, Mike Finnigan, David Neiwert, SilentPatriot, Fran Langum Nonny Mouse, Kenneth ...

Mainstreet Canada 12may2020 | Opinion Poll | Survey ... Federal Vote Intentions Canadians’ attitudes about privacy and work restrictions 12th May 2020 METHODOLOGY ABOUT MAINSTREET The analysis in this report is based on results of With 20 years of political experience in all three a survey conducted between May 6th and 7th, levels of government, President and CEO Quito 2020 among a sample of 1404 adults, 18 years Maggi is a respected ...

choice | Political Loudmouth right wing campaign against women continues to grow. This is the moment to gather our forces and strike back. When is the time to get fired up? Now! To download a free, printable version of this poster, just click on the art above. If you’d like this art on a T-shirt or poster, please visit our cafepress page.

BartCop's most recent rants - Political Humor and CIA has closed a unit that for a decade had the mission of hunting Osama and his top lieutenants, intelligence officials confirmed Monday. The unit, known as Alec Station, was disbanded late last year and its analysts reassigned within the C.I.A. Counterterrorist Center, the officials said.

Susan J. Demas: Attack of the right-wing cannibals same debate is bobbing up in the 7th Congressional District. In the most overlooked story last week, some Michigan GOP poobahs are fishing for a candidate to knock off freshman U.S. Rep. Tim Walberg in a primary. The preacher’s problems evidently go beyond the congressional cafeteria mucking up his coffee, as he recently whined to the media.

tcnorris: 11/01/2011 - 12/01/2011 08, 2011 · Another great post from Ezra Klein: In “Reaching for a New Deal,” Theda Skocpol and Lawrence Jacobs recall with bemusement the sepia-tinged excitement that greeted Obama’s victory in 2008. What the FDR-obsessed pundits missed, the two political scientists say, was that “the timing, nature, and severity” of the economic crises the two presidents faced were very different.

A Growth Industry We Could Do Without | The Liberal Doomsayer 29, 2009 · The loan cap of fifteen cents per dollar loaned in HR 1214 authorizes lenders to charge $60 for a typical $400 loan, which is due in one pay cycle. This means that, for the typical borrower with nine loans per year, H.R. 1214 authorizes lenders to collect $540 in finance charges for a $400 loan taken out over an 18-week period.

Newsweek Finds Hillary's Pinnacle of Moral Purpose ... 09, 2007 · This week’s Newsweek cover story on political courage ("Wanted: A New Truman") is truly baffling. Evan Thomas has a strange way of assessing what marks courage in our presidential contenders. He easily acknowledges that John McCain’s long …

Provincial Leaders Debate Tonight | Politics Of Canada ...“This is Andrea Horwath’s chance to shine.” Tory Leader Tim Hudak — also in his first campaign as leader — faces the same hurdle, but to a lesser degree. Hudak said he’s eager for his first televised debate as leader, pledging to stand apart from his two rivals.

Beware The Artful Codger | Desert Beacon 21, 2017 · One congressional Representative for our northern neighbor, Idaho, has a problem in his Lewiston office: Too many artful codgers showing up there around lunch time with complaints about his political philosophy. "A spokesman for U.S. Rep. Raul Labrador's office in Lewiston has filed a complaint alleging a threat from a group of local citizens who…

Robert Maginnis – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America and large the result of year after year of increasing Christian extremism driven by Fundamentalist Christians voting on Abortion and Traditional Marriage!!! Roy Moore ‘Closest Thing To A Founding Father’!!! Steve King: Jane Doe’s Child ‘Would Have Been An Anchor Baby’!!!

Net News Global - Details zum Eintrag Ebb and flow of Iran ... this pageGetting caught between a rock and a hard place is an unenviable situation for a politician. A tragic case in modern times was of Hafizullah Amin, the Cold War era Afghan communist politician who tried to reduce his country’s dependence on the former Soviet Union.The predicament of the present ...

Jefferson defeats Karen Carter in landslide – Skeptical Brotha 10, 2006 · Hypnotized by a steady diet of hate and led around by the nose by a dishonest band of crooks claiming to be men of the cloth, Black folks, in a fog of ignorance, voted against their own best interests and returned a crooked son-of-a-bitch back to Congress where he can continue to vote the interests…

Accidental Deliberations: Leadership 2017 Links 08, 2017 · The latest from the federal NDP's leadership campaign as the first voting window remains open. - Power & Politics and the Toronto Star have each posted new summaries of the candidates and their plans. Gloria Galloway reports on Charlie Angus' campaign as focusing on taking the NDP back to its roots. And Maura Forrest interviews Niki Ashton about her efforts to pull the NDP …

Father Geoff Farrow: Mormon & Catholic leadership's role ... 05, 2010 · The 2008 California ballot initiative Proposition 8 stripped Same-Sex couples of their right to a Civil Marriage. 72% of the funds spent on the Proposition 8 campaign came from the Mormon Church. They did not want to be directly associated with this political campaign that Judge Walker stated was motivated by an animus against gay people.

Sunday Link-Off: The Dangers of Stardom | The Lowdown 14, 2012 · By our standards from the last couple of months, today's linkdump is fairly light on politics. That doesn't mean that we don't have some interesting links for you to peruse. In keeping with changing things up a bit, let's start with Romanian model Andreea Mantea who makes her first appearance on the blog. Last week…

BREAKING! Rabbis Alleged To Have ... - FailedMessiah.com 13, 2004 · According to a source in the food science community close to the USDA, on the afternoon of October 23, 2003, rabbis from the OU, Star-K, CRC (Chicago), Agudath Israel, and from other haredi kosher supervision agencies met in Washington, DC with senior USDA staff including some of the most senior political appointees in the agency.

Ferris Bueller's Day Off | kavips of Delaware Liberal’s Hot & On Top Reporting). Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced that 5,600 Delaware residents will benefit from $1.8 million in rebates from insurance companies this summer, because of the Affordable Care Act’s 80/20 rule.These rebates will average $351 for the 5,300 Delaware families covered by a policy.

Bo Xilai: The end of elite political unity in China? 15, 2012 · The news last night of the rather abrupt political demise of Bo Xilai has set the world of Chinese political analysts alight. What can it mean? I think this point is well taken:. For 20 years, says Peking University politics professor Zhang Jian, “there has been a basic consensus in the party … that factional struggles should never rock the ship.

Collin Powell | The Political Tipster should also be remembered that before Obama was seen as a serious candidate, Warner was the ‘candidate of change’. The only downside is that he has a serious shot at the nomination in 2012 (since a Warner/Ford ticket would be unbeatable) and may prefer to …

American Pastors Network – Arts and Politics from the ... Kerr Orders East Coast Winter Storm to Put Out the California Wildfires By Kyle Mantyla – Self-proclaimed “prophetess” and “weather warrior” Kat Kerr posted a video on her Facebook page yesterday ordering the winter storm that is bringing freezing rain and snow to the East Coast to shift and head west in order to extinguish the devastating wildfires that have been ravaging ...

Judie Brown – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America what the media has kept hidden from us and what most conservatives don’t want to admit is that the Bush family has been one of the principal reasons for fascism’s American reincarnation. Alabama: how to break the back of judicial tyranny By Bryan Fischer – We have groaned as a nation under judicial tyranny for a good part of our history.

Battle of the Somme | The Liberal Doomsayer course, these folks listen to similar conservative talk radio in their country as the type we’re inflicted with here, but I don’t say that to demean London’s cabbies; we “cabbed” it about 6 or 7 times at least, and each one of the drivers was polite, knowledgeable, and …

ABC | The Pardu's Scroll is only true if you lump together the top 1 percent with the next 19 percent of taxpayers. Break them apart (as I’ve done below, using the same data sets as the Journal), and it’s clear that the only cohort responsible for a notably larger share of the country’s tax bill is the top 1 percent. (The graph includes a break where it shifts from Congressional Budget Office data, which ...

Obama | the plaid lemur embattled cannot dictate terms, especially something so major as a sit-down in front of news cameras without something to negotiate with. Stevens plays hardball. Not typical hardball, but hardball even by Washington standards. This is a class A, 100 percent certified bastard of a politician.

Christy Clark: Another Liberal With The Illusion Of ... B.C. conflict-of-interest laws, the key requirements for a conflict to occur are that an official act or duty is being done and that it’s being performed by somebody who is being given a direct benefit through the execution of those duties. Mr. Eby believes that there is …

Impractical Proposals: 2007/09 - 2007/10 09, 2007 · This is how Wikipedia describes a political machine: "A political machine is an unofficial system of a political organization based on patronage, the spoils system, "behind-the-scenes" control, and longstanding political ties within the structure of a representative democracy.

Monday Mashup (12/7/09) | The Liberal Doomsayer 07, 2009 · 1) In case anyone somehow isn’t aware of it, today is the 68th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor, and in yesterday’s New York Times, writer James Bradley blamed the attack on…Theodore Roosevelt. Really. Bradley makes the case here that, while brokering peace in the Russo-Japanese War (for which Roosevelt won a Nobel Prize,…

PrawfsBlawg: Why President Obama Will Not Appoint Judge ... of to suggest, of course, that any justice could be manipulated toward any liberal (or conservative, as the case may be) purposes: they could not. But I do mean to suggest that the bigger question is who might create and/or inject the most consistent dose of genuine deliberation into the larger dynamics of the Court (sometimes ...

Balkinization: The Necessary and Proper Clauses, Part 3 ... first clause on the right of originating acts is orthogonal to the present discussion. The second clause vesting Congress with the legislative power it possessed under the Articles of Confederation clearly derives from Madison’s letters to Randolph and Washington. So does the fourth clause giving Congress a veto on state laws.

Fox News | 3CHICSPOLITICO News host Kimberly Guilfoyle thinks the Secret Service should pay rappers Snoop Dogg and Bow Wow a “visit” for their childish attacks on President Donald Trump. In his new music video for “Lavender,” Snoop mock-assassinates a clown version of … Continue reading ?

01 | February | 2012 | 3CHICSPOLITICO 01, 2012 · Oscar Devereaux Micheaux (January 2, 1884 – March 25, 1951) was an American author, film director and independent producer of more than 44 films. Although the short-lived Lincoln Motion Picture Company produced some films, he is regarded as the first … Continue reading ?

Liberty's Torch: Impeachment? Fuhgadaboutit 26, 2019 · Trump’s interest was sold in 2005. But the dynamic of Trump and Nadler’s relationship was set. In his book “ The America We Deserve,” published in 2000, Trump called Nadler “one of the most egregious hacks in contemporary politics.” Not exactly the temperament of an impartial judge.

Could Melania be the Trump Who Makes America Great Again ... 28, 2018 · If a presidential administration were a sedan, the first lady would be its hood ornament. If it were a manse, she’d be the topiary bracketing the front stoop.” Normally, speculation on political marriages would be off-limits, or at the very least relegated to the slimy rags on grocery store newsstands which make a fast buck off rumor and ...

Left-Wing Website With Direct Ties To White House Smears ... 29, 2009 · As the establishment intensifies its efforts to demonize its political adversaries as extremists and terrorists, an George Soros-funded left-wing website with direct ties to the Obama White House has parroted the months-old debunked smear that Pittsburgh cop …

GreenMountainPolitics1: Welcome To The Freak Show Madame ... 01, 2007 · The real problem is that Speaker Pelosi lost control of her public image so easily. The real problem is that his foolish story has been hanging around for a week. The real problem is that this story was allowed to work its way out into the Old Media in the first place. Speaker Pelosi looks weak and …

Buckdog: Massive Increase In Taser Use By Police - RCMP ... 24, 2008 · "The number of incidents involving RCMP stun guns has more than doubled since 2005, according to records obtained by CBC News. Statistics prepared by RCMP officers on the use of stun guns, or Tasers, show Mounties across the country drew or threatened to draw their Tasers more than 1,400 times last year — a dramatic rise in incidents, compared with 597 in 2005.

WATCH LIVE: Wisconsin rallies as the GOP sodomizes the ... 12, 2011 · Despite frigid temps and draconian political pressure from Scott Walker's Koch Bros.-buttressed administration, unprecedented throngs of union faithful and supporters of the American Labor Movement continue to gather in Madison, WI to protest the first prong of the National GOP-orchestrated mass sodomy of the American worker. Despite compensation and benefit concessions asked for by …

Working | New World Odor about Working written by Paul Sonderman. Despite frigid temps and draconian political pressure from Scott Walker’s Koch Bros.-buttressed administration, unprecedented throngs of union faithful and supporters of the American Labor Movement continue to gather in Madison, WI to protest the first prong of the National GOP-orchestrated …

86 Civil Liberties Groups and Internet Companies Demand an ... Reitman EFF. Today, a bipartisan coalition of 86 civil liberties organizations and Internet companies – including the Electronic Frontier Foundation, reddit, Mozilla, FreedomWorks, and the American Civil Liberties Union – are demanding swift action from Congress in light of the recent revelations about unchecked domestic surveillance.

National Security Advisor | Smart Liberal and Female about National Security Advisor written by smartandfemale. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email.

secretary of state | Smart Liberal and Female’m hoping for the first year, and then we’ll just have to see how that goes. Hillary Clinton will be named as Secretary of State. I think this will be a huge step up from what we’ve had… Marine Gen. Jim Jones named as the National Security Adviser at the White House. Susan Rice named as the …

female politicians worldwide | are we ready? has started thinking about what his role will be when he returns to the White House– not as the ou r political leader in charge, but as her devoted husband. As this NYT article points out, the main change will be that he will not continue working; instead, he will pay his expenses out of the Clinton savings account and focus on representing the United States of America by Hillary’s side.

So, What is Lyin' Gordon Sondland Gonna Do? - Progress 20, 2019 · Martin Longman. Martin Longman is the web editor of the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. Before joining the Monthly, Martin was a county coordinator for ACORN/Project Vote and a political consultant.

08 | January | 2011 | The Word of 08, 2011 · 1 post published by the word of me on January 8, 2011. Salman Taseer, the Pakistani governor of the Punjab province who was killed by one of his own bodyguards for being too liberal and wanting to reduce the penalty for blasphemy from death to a lesser sentence, apparently was considered too liberal by mainstream Muslims in the country.. From The …

The Social Poets Fav Linksthesocialpoetsfavlinks.blogspot.comDec 11, 2015 · Companion blog to The Social Poets for my favorite links: coffee sites, favorite fellow poets, how to improve your writing and poetry, art, educational links, social issues, social responsibility groups, politics, my Libation Friday! and …

Swine of the Week | The Gonzo Think Gonzo Think Tank, in honor of Dr. Gonzo: Hunter S. Thompson, will begin a new weekly feature titled “ Swine of the Week.” Thompson, a.k.a. The Good Doctor, would unabashedly lambaste swine, mainly politicians, pederasts and pedestrians who would irk him.. The inaugural winner of the “ Swine of the Week” (Drum roll please …) issss Andy Martin, the soulless …

El Baradei | Bob intent and effects are the same; to calm the nerves of this or that group, to buy some time or a few points in the polls while hand to hand combat continues behind the scenes in the vaudeville of American politics. These speeches aren’t new, most presidents have hiked the same trail.

The Blog Is [Not] the Territory: 2018 a long time I kept the political emails because I was an inveterate petition signer. But having been persuaded that petitions don't really make a difference (for the issue being addressed), those emails (so many!) became just so much spam. In the current environment, I am really trying to avoid outrage triggers. They are so ubiquitous!

Crazy Eddie's Motie News: Senator Schumer supports science nearly all the political commentators are buzzing about the speeches of President Obama, former President Bill Clinton, First Lady Michelle Obama, and Vice President Joe Biden, I want to call attention to one of the speakers on the undercard Wednesday, Senator Chuck Schumer.Note that I didn't write that I wanted to call attention to his speech.

American Power: Ali Akbar Targeted by 'Breitbart Unmasked' 05, 2012 · Ali Akbar, one of the founders of the National Bloggers Club and a conservative political consultant, is the latest conservative to be targeted by Leftist thugs. As is typical, they’ve gone after Ali’s family as well. And see AoSHQ, "National Day of Blogger Silence -- This Friday."

Tucson Observer: GLAAD president Giuliano resigns 30, 2009 · In a statement, the former Tempe, Ariz. mayor and Arizona State University administrator said that he is resigning to give more time for a book he is writing about his political life. “I have informed the national board of directors of my decision to step down as president later this year and look forward to a successful and smooth transition ...

Headlines: EPA Halts Mountaintop Removal Mining; Pentagon ... 25, 2009 · Headlines from, a daily TV/radio news program, hosted by Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez, airing on over 650 stations, pioneering the largest community media collaboration in the US. Admin Proposes New Authority to Seize Non-Bank Firms The Obama administration is seeking Congressional approval for the authority to seize troubled …

Mitt Romney | Double Dip Politics Romney, Mitt Romney’s father, released 12 years of tax returns when he sought the White House in the 1960s. Mitt Romney has released his 2010 return and a 2011 estimated return. Romney has stated he is not certain if he paid lower than the 13.9 percent tax rate in any previous year. Continue reading ?

New Jersey Politics – Skeptical Brotha’s where Cory Booker comes in. The only way to head off Chris Christie in 2016 is to defeat him in 2013. I’m not one of those who believe Christie won’t run for re-election. He loves the power too much and New Jersey has one of the most powerful governorships in the nation.

Louis Scott – Skeptical Brotha about Louis Scott written by skepticalbrotha. Keeping a watchful eye on black politics

News | Electricity & Lust 02, 2008 · So, that’s the basis of it at the moment. It’s important to say that the site will still be doing pop culture news but only on Saturdays. The Diggin post will be weekly on Sundays and a political news post will also go up on Saturday. Hopefully, this …

April | 2018 | 3CHICSPOLITICO 30, 2018 · Even though 3Chics Politico is written and curated by three women: Ametia, Rikyrah, and SouthernGirl2, I must nominate this as one of the most engaging blogs I've found. Devoted to politics and culture, these three shine a light …

Blue in the Bluegrass: No, Seriously, Don't Fuck With Rev ... 01, 2018 · The Bluegrass Region of Kentucky is Central Kentucky, the area around Lexington. It's also sometimes known as the Golden Triangle, the region formed by Louisville in the west, Cincinnati in the north and Lexington in the east-south corner. This is the most economically advanced, politically progressive and aesthically beautiful area of the state.

David Brooks, "The Coming Political Realignment": Lynch ... In his latest New York Times op-ed entitled "The Coming Political Realignment," David Brooks discusses Donald Trump's chances of winning the presidential election.Brooks writes: "Trump’s only hope is to change the debate from size of government to open/closed. His only hope is to cast his opponents as the right-left establishment that supports open borders, free trade, cosmopolitan ...

JG, Caesarea: Paul Krugman, "Plutocrats and Prejudice ... is a big mistake. It’s a mistake politically because people who believe Hillary Clinton is still too close to Wall Street will not be reassured by her position on Glass-Steagall. Many will recall that her husband led the way to repealing Glass Steagall in 1999 at the request of the big Wall Street banks.

Clinton Il. – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America Religious Right’s Year In Anti-LGBT Hate By Brian Tashman – It’s now been more than one year since the Supreme Court’s Obergefell ruling struck down state-level marriage equality bans, and the Religious Right ’s many dire predictions about the ruling’s impact still haven’t come true.

Rush Limbaugh and ethical vote tampering | Philosophiae ... 25, 2008 · The result is that many vote for a candidate, particularly at the Presidential level, whom they view not as legitimately representative, but as the saying goes, the lesser of two evils. The background for many of those disaffected is that there was in fact, a candidate that at one point satisfied their political beliefs, but that the candidate ...

doddering old fuckwit | Veritas Nihilum Vincet lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of ...

Pope John Paul II | Steve Guggenheimer about Pope John Paul II written by guggen. I have previously discussed the fact that the abortion issue is by far the most important if not the only political issue that matters for a large portion of Christian America. The Religious Right as well as the American Catholic Bishops have used that issue to drag their respective flocks as far to the political right as possible even though on ...

The Liberal Doomsayer: 2014-05-18 also posted here.) Happy 50th birthday to “The Great Society” of President Lyndon Johnson, derided (usually inaccurately) by wingnuts everywhere (); the following clip comes from January 1965 (yes, lofty goals and picturesque rhetoric I know, but Johnson was a hard, cold realist too – there’s a lot more to learn about it, but this clip gives a taste of what it was all about)…

The Moderate Liberal: Comic Book Politics 06, 2005 · Ok, just fun. Apparently, someone somewhere is teaching a college course on Comic Book Politics complete with a class blog. Back in high school I read collected some of Marvel's mutant titles like X-Men, New Mutants and the first year of Alpha Flight, but I really haven't kept up. Today my daughter is very into Japanese manga which makes the good ol' American superhero …

April 2014 – OK, Fine. - OK, Fine. – reasonably liberal. an ample boost in federal money, $100.2 billion was spent by governments on all levels in 2010 on capital improvements for the nation’s 604,493 bridges and 4.1 million miles of roads.That sort of spending brought progress in the first decade of the 21st century, leading to a slight decline…

The Media Never, Ever Gives Peace a Chance | The Smirking political culture has devolved from the Vietnam era, when pacifists were marginalized, to a kneejerk bellicosity in which they don’t exist as part of the debate. To its credit, The New York Times — still with blood on its hands from its unwholesome publishing of Judith Miller’s pro-Iraq War screeds — has printed statements by ...

voter suppression | President Obama: Moving Forward I have stated previously, a CRUCIAL election. We have got to GO VOTE on November 6th. Let’s keep things moving F O R W A R D! I 100% wholeheartedly approve of this message. ~ REMEMBER THIS ~ “Bad politicians are sent to Washington by good …

Bailout | Organizing for Change crisis, much like today’s subprime-mortgage meltdown, resulted from misbegotten banking deregulation, and ultimately left taxpayers to pick up a tab of more than $124 billion. Keating, who raised more than $100,000 for McCain’s race, lavished the first-term congressman with the kind of political favors that would make Jack Abramoff blush.

Nancy’s triumph – Skeptical Brotha 23, 2007 · The bill marks the first time Congress has used its budget power to try to end the war, now in its fifth year, by attaching the withdrawal requirements to a bill providing $124 billion to finance military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan for the rest of this year.

accord de doha | Ibn Kafka's obiter dicta - divagations d ... this pageL’International Herald Tribune, qui n’est pas à proprement parler un brûlot antimpérialiste, titre « Lebanon agreement shifts power to Hezbollah« : An agreement reached by Lebanese political factions early Wednesday amounted to a significant shift of power in favor of the militant Shiite group Hezbollah and its allies in the opposition, who won the power to veto any cabinet decision.

Trump’s speech before congress — how did he do? | Politics ... 01, 2017 · As a teacher and scholar of political rhetoric, I was anxious to see the president’s address to congress on Tuesday. Earlier in the day, I thought about what the president needed to accomplish with this speech in terms of tone and content. I came up with …

Losing Interest in Politics | Larry Gross Online 01, 2015 · This has been a long time coming—well, maybe that’s not really true but at least it is this morning—but I am losing interest in politics. It all seems like a game to me. I know Jeb Bush is one of the top 10 GOP candidates, but I can’t get excited about that and do we…

Irish Trojan in Tennessee:Baby Pool:'m Brendan Loy, a 26-year-old graduate of USC and Notre Dame now living and working in Knoxville, Tennessee. My wife Becky and I are brand-new parents of a beautiful baby girl, born on New Year's Eve. I'm a big-time sports fan, a politics, media & law junkie, an astronomy buff, a weather nerd, an Apple aficionado, a Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter fanatic, and an all-around dork.

115th Congress | Bloviating Zeppelin 2011, the bill was the first piece of legislation he ever introduced as a member of Congress. He introduced it a second time in the 114th Congress in 2015. “One of the principal duties of the government is to protect its citizens, and the idea of sanctuary cities runs …

Alaska political corruption | Mudflats | Page 4 governor lost no time today. Mere hours after announcing that she had launched her own preemptive investigation of her own firing of Department of Public Safety Chief Walt Monegan, she also announced that she has discovered something! Eureka! It seems that despite the fact that Palin repeatedly claimed no one on her staff ever ever pressured anyone to fire her ex-brother-in-law Trooper ...

Akratic Liberal Egalitarian: November 2016 first is philosopher John Rawls’ conception of Justice as Fairness which claims that: (1) every individual has an equal right to a set of basic liberties, but (2) there may exist some inequalities in society, such as those regarding income and wealth, which can in influence the worth of those liberties.

The Useless Tree: Why Snow Matters Politically in China blizzards and associated transportation breakdowns in China of the past couple of weeks have started to raise political questions. Indeed, any time a prime minister feels he has to publicly apologize for the weather - or the way in which public services failed to handle bad weather - it is occasion for political analysis. Howard French, in an IHT article, does a good job in getting things ...

Verizon | The Liberal Doomsayer the last few days, the New York Times has provided extensive coverage on the issue of driving while talking on a cell phone (hands-on or hands-free) and texting (Matt Richtel is the author of the thorough reporting on this issue, particularly last Sunday but today also).. Last Sunday’s report featured the following information…. A 2003 Harvard study estimated that cell phone ...

L.A. Times – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America isn’t scheduled for a main-stage slot at the march, but he’ll be making appearances at the Planned Parenthood protest, the evangelical summit, the lawyers’ event and a Family Research council event, along with a related Students for Life event on the West Coast on Sunday.

immigration – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America“This is demonic,” McDonald said about the wave of immigrants attempting to cross the southern border. “This is the spirit of Antichrist. Whether people want to admit it or not, it’s the spirit of lawlessness.” – ‘God Doesn’t Pander to the Lawless’: Chris McDonald Says Detained Immigrants Are Not Entitled to Soap or Toothpaste!!! Kat Kerr: Paula White’s Prayer Unleashed ...

coors | The Rogue Jew Liberal Tax and Spend schmucks in the state of Oregon want to impose a 1900% tax increase on Beer Sales to help their budget. From KGW.Com:. PORTLAND, Ore. — Five Oregon state lawmakers want to impose a hefty tax on beer and have introduced a bill that brewers say would cripple them.

Jon and Kate plus 8 « Jamesb101.com 18, 2009 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Nixon | The Pardu's Scroll“We want to cut this,” is much more abstract than even the busing thing, uh, and a hell of a lot more abstract than “Nigger, nigger.” Read more We suggest Phillips and Atwater’s ghost live in a horde of Right-wing media demagogues and in the hearts and minds of many GOP politicians.

Nolan Dalla | Nolan Dalla, not a war movie as much as an intriguing political drama. The film’s primary focus is the struggle to pass the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. That’s the amendment which essentially outlaws slavery in America (Note: To be precise, the …

Fund-Raising Review By Province - 04, 2011 · As promised, let's dig into La Presse's party fund-raising data to see what we can conclude about where and how Canada's political parties have raised money over the past few years - starting with the party which has lapped the field in the area. The numbers are arrived at as follows: - The full list of donations is sorted by party. - The party donations are sorted first …

02 | April | 2007 | 02, 2007 · UPDATE: Mitt Romney is a dolt who thinks Bush was right to attack Iraq. Stick a fork in him too. Tons and tons of bad news for Mike Castle’s pick to be the next President of the United States. First of all, the Sunday pundocracy threw him under a bus called “Fred Thompson”.

The Eleventh Hour: Pee, life, music and other stuff from someone who doesn't know anything.

Marc Valdez Weblog: "Dark Matter" And Them Dad-Gum, the left-wing blogosphere is all a-twitter with liberals making fun of Conservapedia for a summary statement they made a few days ago: A slight modification to Isaac Newton's theory for very low gravity and a new experiment may disprove liberal claims that "dark matter" comprises 25% of the universe.

New Poster: “Love Is For Everyus. Love Is For Everythem 20, 2011 · In celebration of Pride Week, we put together this new series of posters supporting marriage equality. Just click the image above to download a hi-res version you can print out. To see more free posters on this topic, go here. If you'd like to have this image on a T-shirt, please visit our cafepress page.

26 | October | 2007 | WORLD GONE 26, 2007 · 1 post published by Brian on October 26, 2007. I just posted a comment over at Impolitic and it made me think. Does all of our blogging really do anything other than feed our need to be heard by someone – anyone?I look over at my blogroll and at least the political part is all people that feel more or less exactly like me.

Family First Response | Something should go here, maybe 21, 2009 · Family First NZ is welcoming the result of the anti-smacking Referendum and says that it is now time for the politicians to respect the people they represent and amend the anti-smacking law. “87.6% of voters have called for a law change by voting NO in the referendum. The National government should move immediately to amend…

Roubini and Taleb: This Just The Beginning? | ScreamBucket 26, 2009 · Roubini and Taleb: This Just The Beginning? March 26, 2009 Posted by aetiusromulous in Economics, news, politics, Video, YouTube. Tags: black swan, business, culture, Economics, economy, finance, government, hassim taleb, news, Nouriel Roubini, politics, society, Video trackback Fundamentals Still Unaddressed. While individual nations try and …

Top Oil Companies Have Same Environmental Cleanup Plan ... 18, 2010 · a reference to “walruses” that have not existed in the Gulf for millions of years and; a reference to the same supposed “expert” who is deceased since 2005. Congressman Markey states in the HuffPost article: “In preparation for this hearing, Congress reviewed the oil spill safety response plans for all the top five oil companies.

politics | Consumat casting of TV On The Radio’s Tunde Adibempe as Rachel’s husband — who is touchingly forgiving of Kym’s transgressions — was an inspired choice. And a film class geek like me will never argue with the jazzy Altmanesque direction employed by Demme in this, probably his best movie since “Silence Of The Lambs.”

The Moderate Liberal: 02/27/2005 - 03/06/2005 04, 2005 · The Moderate Liberal ... In fact, the paradigm shifted so quickly it couldn't even happen in a post 10:00am 9/11 world -- it was the rapid paradigm shift that prevented that fourth plane from becoming the fourth bomb. ... This is true both at the hotel and at the office. I have no idea why as the drain doesn't work too well that way. Meat and ...

sanity | Sheila Kennedy“This is America, we don’t want Sharia law,” one attendee explained. “Christian country,” he added. One man insisted that Senator John McCain was a “secret communist.” Beam me up, Scotty! Today’s deepest political schisms aren’t partisan, and they aren’t political in the traditional sense of that word.

Hanging out with Bernie Sanders: it ... - Boing Boing BBS 07, 2017 · He’s the blackEST President we’ve had to date, no question. And he was more than black enough to rile the bigots. But it still took a mixed race man who grew up in a white family for a majority of American voters to finally give a non-white guy a shot at the White House. That’s not a dismissal of Obama’s cred as a black man, it’s an indictment of just how slow the American electorate ...

Obsidian Wings: The Wealthiest Of Nations Andrew, Jacob's observation is fundamental to a strain of leftist analysis. Individual poverty as well as the scarcity and low quality of collective goods are political choices, not real resource constraints. Can the US afford and prosper while fighting global warming and transitioning to a post-fossil fuel world. The left says yes.

Przeworski Minimalist Conception of Democracy | Voting ..., not the place to enter into a dis- cussion of a central topic of political theory (Dunn 1996a: chap. 4) but I stand with Kelsen (1998 [1929]: 21) when he observes that ‘‘The purely negative assumption that no individual counts more than any other does not permit to deduce the positive principle that the will of the majority ...

05 | November | 2018 | Women Born Transsexual 05, 2018 · Trying to scare white people is an effective political strategy, but it is also an effective ratings and traffic strategy. Trump’s ability to manipulate the media through provocation and controversy has been effective precisely because covering those provocations and controversies provides news outlets with the ears and eyeballs they crave.

Holding Feet to Firehttps://hotfootpolitics.blogspot.comOct 30, 2012 · "We have this fantasy that our interests and the interests of the super rich are the same. Like somehow the rich will eventually get so full that they'll explode. And the candy will rain down on the rest of us. Like there's some kind of piñata of benevolence. But here's the thing about a piñata: it doesn't open on it's own. You have to beat it with a stick." - Bill Maher

Why we must fight like hell to protect the right to vote ... 10, 2012 · H /T Ivan Ivanovich Renko via Jack and Jill Politics Getting a check cashed is not a right. Driving a car is not a right. Getting into the club is not a right. Buying a mojito is not a right. When there appears to be the very least chance of interference with their …

Oh Well: A Commentary: Bush rejects calls for pullout from ... 05, 2006 · This is from Yahoo News: WASHINGTON - President Bush, just back from Iraq, dismissed calls for a U.S. withdrawal as election-year politics and refused to give a timetable or benchmark for success that would allow troops to come home. "It's bad policy," Bush said in a Rose Garden news conference Wednesday, about six hours after he returned from ...

GreenMountainPolitics1: "Sippin Whiskey Out The Bottle ... 12, 2008 · Monday Morning is taken from the expression "Monday Morning Quarterback" - we try to remind ourselves not to take ourselves too seriously around here. Clacker is taken from the Cowboy Governor, who has declared his disgust with Washington DC "Clackers" (read: Press).

November 2018 – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America post published by dummidumbwit during November 2018. Rohrer was quite fond of his formulation that, unlike the Religious Right, the “religious left” is in fact “irreligiously wrong.” Rohrer and his co-hosts were not shy about judging the progressive religious activists as “false prophets” and “false teachers” that the Bible warns against.

Farm Bot? - The New Bot? According to Illinipundit, "Some local Greens and friends have come up with a proposal for a new [University of Illinois] mascot," which would replace the controversial former mascot, Chief Illiniwek. (via RealClearPolitics) If at all serious, I weep openly and unabashedly for …

Brewer Pledged Cash For Immigration Fight, Instead Spent ... 02, 2012 · TPM Muckraker- Nick R. Martin February 2, 2012, 11:47 AM Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer (R) launched a special fundraising political action committee in October, pledging to use the money to fight illegal immigration and take on other issues she believes in. But based on financial disclosures filed this week, she has so far used it…

obviously just making it Nothing new here.... 12, 2016 · This is the proof that a big stimulus pays off: We hold these truths to be self-evident but our website will answer all your doubts: 1. World War II finally ended the Great Depression as all that Congressional spending went into war bonds bought by Americans working …

GOP SOP | The Button Valley Bugle 05, 2011 · It is really all about public access and there is the potential for a damaging outcome given today’s conservative anti-conservation political ideology.” Fishing Outfitters Association of Montana: “House Bill 309 overturns current Stream Access Law as we know it through a redefinition of what exactly is a ‘ditch’ for irrigation ...

Personal | My Weekly Thoughts those of you just catching up on the latest attempt by Congress to limit the voice of the people, go read the linked articles. Then take action and make your voice heard. It may be the Christian Right making the effort, but for everyone—Left andRight. Beth shared a really sad tale. It […]

Friday Open Thread - Colorado Politics, News and Inside ... United has released a research report detailing systemic violations of 1st Amendment seperation, and is asking for a reply within 30 days. Among the allegations are that, despite a 30% Catholic, 30% traditional Protestant, 30% Evangelical Protestant, and 10% other religion split, the Air Force chaplains are almost universally Evangelical.

President Bill Clinton | Bloviating is only the second FBI Director to be fired in my recent memory. Then-President Bill Clinton fired William Sessions in 1993. Trust me, within the FBI building, line-level agents are breathing a collective sigh. Comey continued to inject himself into politics time …

Campaigning for Hearts & Minds: Emotion & Political ... 22, 2010 · Campaigning for the Hearts & Minds makes important contributions to understanding political advertising. Brader's (2006) biggest contribution is his evidence that suggests emotion is important for political advertising. Although this may seem obvious, much of the scholarly research on political advertising lacked an investigation into emotion.

Occapy Oakland | elmsprogressivemedia 13, 2012 · The Battle of Oakland from brandon jourdan on Vimeo.. The Battle of Oakland by Brandon Jourdan and David Martinez: Read the Rules [-] 3 points by proudofOKC (193) 11 hours ago There was a really good comment near the end of the video, about coming together as …

Marc Valdez Weblog: 02/17/2013 - 02/24/2013 area community musical theater (esp. DMTC in Davis), Liberal politics, Meteorology, "Breaking Bad" and "Better Call Saul" filming locations reference site, New Mexico and California arcana, and general weirdness.

THE CUP OF JOE: Cheaters and Sneaky Snakes year, I think I went to more live theater than I did the movies. Yet I rarely write about theater because it doesn't fit with this site's extremely tight focus on "politics, movies, TV and kittens." I will, however, put in a plug for a recent show that just opened in Chicago and which will be running until the end of May at one of this country's most renowned acting companies, an ensemble ...

Rand Paul Should Avoid Use Of Race In His Speeches ... 25, 2014 · Be aware of the Chameleon. You know Rand Paul!Do not allow false messages to tip your psyche into allowing him in the Gate."Rand Paul continues to traipse around the country campaigning for the 2016 GOP nomination for president. Paul is a seriously misguided man, despite comment from certain pundits on the right that his message…

YankeeConhttps://yankeecon.blogspot.comNRO Miserable Failure The war is an unwinnable exercise in imperialistic hubris . I n 1971 President Richard M. Nixon prevailed upon Congress to pass the National Cancer Act, effectively declaring war on a leading cause of death in the U.S. The goal of the National Cancer Act was to discover a cure by the year 1981, a notion that today seems almost as naïve and dated as the disco outfits we ...

Democracy for New Mexico: Guest Blog: Julie Heinrich is a guest blog by Julie Heinrich. We hope to feature some additional insights from Julie and family as time goes on, Martin is sworn in, Obama is inaugurated and the 111th Congress is convened in Washington. Guest blogs are a good way to express your views on issues of interest to our readers.

hillary clinton | The Political Tipster | Page 2 still on course for a crushing victory in WV. My latest projection for West Virginia is. Hillary Clinton 60.84 Barack Obama 22.92. Although Obama has closed the gap when compared with the last poll, he is still doing worse than he was doing at the start of this month.

Obama’s Strategic Manuvering: Cloward-Piven, Gamaliel ... 19, 2008 · This is to be as large as and funded as well as the American military. Then Congress will enact a bill that seizes all 401 k Retirement accounts and covert them the “Government Retirement Accounts” or GRA’s. This is already being proposed and discussed in Congress.

Fascism – Which party supports it? | BUNKERVILLE | God ... 30, 2019 · But, in his own time, Gentile was one of the most influential philosophers. Giovanni Gentile believed that there were two diametrically opposed forms of democracy. The first was liberal democracy, which we Americans sometimes call “classical …

African-Americans | 44-D by: Audiegrl The Congressional Black Caucus was formed in 1969 when the 13 black members of the U.S. House of Representatives joined together to strengthen their efforts to address the legislative concerns of black and minority citizens. African-American representatives had increased in number from six in 1966 to nine, following the 1969 elections.

Frederick Politics: Symbol, Sense and Substance 08, 2008 · Jack Lynch Thankfully, a shameful tittering did not rise from the Congress as President Bush addressed the nation. Maintaining some civility and respect for an office that many in attendance aspire to reach is a reasonable approach.

Oh Well: A Commentary: Hillary is running for president 08, 2007 · If successful, Mrs. Clinton would be the first female nominee of a major American political party, and she would become the first spouse of a former president to seek a return to the White House. President Bill Clinton left office in 2000 after two terms marked by robust economic expansion and a series of investigation into his personal life ...

wooden nickelshttps://wooden-nickels.blogspot.comThis is the nail in the Iraq War's coffin for any sane, thinking individual, regardless of their political stripe. (Thanks to Tom and the Center for American Progress.) To get some perspective, here are some real-life comparisons about what $87 billion means:

Uncategorized « PinkoFreeptard 21, 2007 · Inside the chamber where the National Assembly met, members of the Third Estate sat on the left side and members of the First Estate sat on the right. The Third Estate consisted of revolutionaries, while the First Estate were nobles. Thus, the left wing of the room was more liberal, and the right wing was more conservative.

internet | The Liberal Crab first thing you start to notice as a difference between Obama and Bush is the transparency of the incoming administration. He is encouraging information sharing and input from the people who he is representing. This is a far cry from the clandestine operations, in all facets, of the Bush Administration.

What George Carlin Taught Us About Media Propaganda by the old George Carlin joke, the TV sportscaster announces: “Here’s a partial score from the West Coast – Los Angeles 6.” For a brilliant comedian like Carlin—who skewered corporate power, class structure and political/media propaganda—that’s one of his more innocuous jokes. But it’s sharply relevant today as corporate TV news outlets serve up a series of partial scores.

(POLITICS/MEDIA) Obama Snubs FOX News… | DNN Daily News ... 17, 2009 · The search for a 2 1/2 year-old boy who was led away from a market in southern Mexico three weeks ago led police to a horrifying discovery: 23 abducted children being kept at a house and forced to sell trinkets in the street. Prosecutors in Chiapas state said Tuesday that...

What kind of Health Care Legislation will Congress give us ... 14, 2009 · "Don't bet against us. We are going to make this thing happen," said Barack Obama to reporters yesterday when he announced that he expected a Senate Health Plan to come out of Max Baucus' Finance Committee by the end of the week. Obama is committed to having this plan out before Congress takes its August…

Ad Nauseahttps://adnausea.blogspot.comHANNITY: By the way, ladies and gentlemen, I want to you to please -- hang on. [Caller], don't hang up. We need to use you for a second here. Ladies and gentlemen, a classic example of modern liberalism. Hatred, hatred, hatred for Bush and anyone associated with him. Throw him in jail!

CFP: Technology Policy '08https://cfp08.blogspot.comCFP's keynotes are quite varied, including - politicians who's been fighting the good fight for civil liberties, for example Patrick Leahy in 2006 - significant policy addresses, for example Konstantinos Karachalios of the European Patent Office in 2008 - "big picture" thinkers, for example Clay Shirky's closing keynote from 2008 (video here, notes here)

Intrepid Liberal Journal: July 2006 25, 2006 · Intrepid Liberal Journal A forum for civil debate that promotes progressive alternatives to current challenges and a firm voice for the Patriotic Left. Tuesday, July 25, 2006. Wanted: A Twenty First Century George Kennan.

NumbersUSA: By The Numbers! | Conlibe: Political Blog for ... 08, 2018 · U.S population now: 316 million How many of you reading this would believe a poll that said: Living on Mars is bad for you - if the poll came from a company that is selling condos on Venus...and is also locked in a bitter rivalry with the company building vacation homes on Mars...? Well anti-immigration group…

NY Times Magazine piece « Jamesb101.com 21, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

2011 June « Jamesb101.com 12, 2011 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

17 | June | 2008 | The Plainsman Politico has moved 17, 2008 · A divorce case filed by Philip Frye against Angela Mascia Frye, who is the director of European operations for the West Virginia Development Office, implicates Wise as the reason for the couple’s split. Frye told the Charleston Daily Mail that his wife of seven years had been having an affair with the governor for months.

24 | October | 2008 | The Liberal Crab 24, 2008 · This is why an Obama win is critical. This country is dealing was some significant issues right now, primarily on the economy. This is not a time where Washington gridlock can exist. I understand how hard a pill to swallow for a Conservative. I can imagine how hard it would me to accept this position if the roles were reversed.

The BRAD BLOG : Results Go BACKWARD in NC09 Race?; PA ... today's BradCast: Questions about the results of a controversial do-over U.S. House election in North Carolina and about disturbing revelations from a secret reexamination of a wildly unsecure touchscreen voting system being deployed in Pennsylvania (and elsewhere) next year.[Audio link to show is posted below.At long last, NC's 9th Congressional District has held its do-over election ...

Saturday Open Thread | 3CHICSPOLITICO 14, 2019 · Good Morning. I hope that you are enjoying this weekend with family and friends. The big movie news is that Halle Bailey has been cast as Ariel in the live action remake of …

you | 44-D about you written by audiegrl. The Bidens’ Love Story: Jill & Joe Talk Policy Fights, Lunch & Political Marriages On Good Morning America

The Dolan’s « Jamesb101.com 27, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

A little bit on Obama’s drop in the ... - Jamesb101.com 21, 2009 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Sunday Praise & Worship | Worthy Is The Lamb | 3CHICSPOLITICO 23, 2018 · Even though 3Chics Politico is written and curated by three women: Ametia, Rikyrah, and SouthernGirl2, I must nominate this as one of the most engaging blogs I've found. Devoted to politics and culture, these three shine a light on contemporary life with humor and spirit.

Whistleblower, Whistleblower Who Art Thou? | BUNKERVILLE ... 09, 2019 · In an Aug. 26 letter, the Intelligence Community's inspector general, Michael Atkinson, wrote that the anonymous whistleblower who set off the Trump-Ukraine impeachment fight showed "some indicia of an arguable political bias ... in favor of a rival political candidate." Ed: (Well. Atkinson was a little less than candid shall we say?) A few weeks later, news reports…

The “Hostile Takeover” Of Our Democracy | Beach Peanuts 22, 2010 · (Update below) Yesterday’s Supreme Court decision in Citizens United v.Federal Election Commission is a disaster in the making and a threat to Democracy itself. The Supreme Court ruled that corporations are now “persons” and entitled by the U.S. Constitution, for all intents and purposes, to pour unlimited amounts of cash into the political process to buy elections and run our government.

mayor of london | The Political Tipster gives his final thoughts on the Mayoral Election. 1. From a betting point of view the results were dire. My last minute bet on Ken Livingstone proved to be wasted, while despite the projections that Johnson would get 46% of the vote, in the end he failed to pass the 45% mark.

Obsidian Wings: 'Grief is its own size' 17, 2012 · by liberal japonicus. A little bit back, Gary Farber linked to this Playboy interview of Stephen Colbert on his facebook page. (apologies for the various stuff around the interview, but I can't find a way to just link to the frame) From the interview, Colbert talks about the experience of his father and two brothers dying in a plane crash when he was a teenager.

duping the electoratew « The Futility Monster 20, 2010 · Twutility Monster. 2012: Scores On The Doors 7 years ago; Liberal Luvvie Lord Leveson Likes Lunatic Lefties 8 years ago; Another one of my 2012 predictions comes true with Man City winning the title.

ASBOs « The Futility Monster 29, 2010 · Posts about ASBOs written by The Futility Monster. Twutility Monster. 2012: Scores On The Doors 7 years ago; Liberal Luvvie Lord Leveson Likes Lunatic Lefties 8 years ago; Another one of my 2012 predictions comes …

David Scott | All Other Persons Wilder Era Comes to a Close in Virginia. Doug Wilder, the trailblazing African American politician from Virginia, is about to end his career as an elected official. In 1990, he became the first African American ever to be elected to governor of an American state. Wilder, has been serving as mayor of Richmond, Virginia since 2005.

Monday Open Thread | Happy Memorial Day | 3CHICSPOLITICO 27, 2019 · Today is Memorial Day. Let us remember all who fought for this country and died in service to this country. Never forget, African-Americans have served in …

JustOneMinute: Fifty Shades Of Red And Grey Obama explained to a bemused world audience that it was the US Congress that had drawn a red line with respect to Syrian use of chemical weapons he cited the "Syria Accountability Act". That presumably is a reference to the Syria Accountability and Lebanese Sovereignty Restoration Act (SALSRA) of 2003 (): "First of all, I didn't set a red line," said Obama.

Politics | Under The LobsterScope technology apparently cost ex-CIA Director David Petraeus his job. The retired general’s affair with his biographer Paula Broadwell was discovered by the FBI while it was investigating harassing emails she sent to Jill Kelley, a 37-year-old woman who serves as an unpaid social liaison to MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Fla. A former associate of Petraeus says he and Kelley are just ...

Tony Perkins – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America Perkins: Accepting Transgender People Like Allowing Man Who Thinks He’s A Bird To Jump Off A Building By Jared Holt – Tony Perkins, president of the anti-LGBTQ hate group, Family Research Council and recent appointee to the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, compared tolerating transgender people to allowing someone to jump off a building to their death.

citing sources - left vs right This is one of those posters the moderator has mentioned before as baiting and trying to get an argument going. In which I will not take the bait and ignore future messages. or 3. Stalking specific posters trying to start an arguments with them just because of their moniker. In which case I will not take the bait and will ignore future messages.

American Family Radio – Arts and Politics from the Armpit ... this morning’s episode of American Family Radio’s “Sandy Rios in the Morning” program, Rios reacted to news that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange had been arrested in London “on behalf of the United States” after a 2018 U.S. indictment charging Assange with conspiracy to illegally gain access to a Defense Department computer in order to obtain classified material was unsealed.

October | 2016 | Sasshole | Page 3 27, 2016 · Team Clinton has succeeded in perpetuating one of the greatest evils I have seen in my lifetime. Her side has branded Trump supporters (40%+ of voters) as Nazis, sexists, homophobes, racists, and a few other fighting words. Their argument is built on confirmation bias and persuasion. But facts don’t matter because facts never matter in politics.

NY State Senate District 11 - Gotham Gazette Races to Watch NYC Candidate Lists Ballot Proposals Voter Registration Who Represents Me Now Political Clubs Debates of 2014 Vacant Seats Primary Archive «NY State Senate District 34 NY State Senate District 14» Overview Tony Avella (D) John Liu (D) Paul Gilman (G) {tab Avella (D)} Tony Avella (D) Campaign WebsiteFacebookTwitter - Individual On the Issues Endorsements Record in ...

Torture Garden - Blogger the March Harper's (cover story: "The Case for Impeachment," by Lewis Lapham, about which more soon) is a revised version of an essay from the Virginia Law Review entitled "Liberalism, Torture, and the Ticking Bomb," by David Luban, professor of law and philosophy at Georgetown University.Mr. Luban begins with a Foucaultian analysis of societal prohibitions against cruelty (which he finds ...

No Right Turn: Subverting transparency 04, 2005 · The government's plans to shelve the Members of Parliament (Pecuniary Interests) Bill and replace it with a system under the Standing Orders smacks of "mates justice" and an effort to evade public scrutiny. Rather than being overseen publicly by the courts, the disclosure regime will be dealt with by Parliament's privileges committee - politicians sitting in judgement on themselves, in secret ...

Quigley on Top: Prologue from WEAPONS SYSTEMS AND ... 02, 2016 · The following is the third in the series containing excerpts from the Prologue to Quigley’s uncompleted magnum opus, WEAPONS SYSTEMS AND POLITICAL STABILITY that I began in previous posts. Community “Any community of persons consists of the land on which they are, the people who make it up, the artifacts which they have made to…

“There Is Now A Direct Connection Between Trump And Putin ... 29, 2017 · The following is an excellent article written by Jason Easley on the website on August 28, 2017 titled "There Is Now A Direct Connection Between Trump And Putin As Evidence Of Russia Collusion Grow" and I quote: "There Is Now A Direct Connection Between Trump And Putin As Evidence Of Russia Collusion Grow" By…

It is time… | Blevkog 27, 2009 · 80 pastors/ministers participating in the American Pulpit Freedom Sunday have agreed to discuss politics with a Biblical perspective in defiance of the IRS rules that dictate that non-profit organizations with tax exempt status cannot be directly involved in political activity. “Pastors have a right to speak about biblical truths from the pulpit without fear of…

More Private Contractors Like Blackwater Needed to Protect ... 01, 2010 · From this link: Now that most U.S. military forces have left Iraq, the American diplomats left behind face serious security problems the State Department is ill-prepared to tackle. That's the grave message the Commission on Wartime Contracting in Iraq and Afghanistan presented to Congress on Thursday. Much of the security once provided by the military…

Who Votes, Who Doesn’t, And Why | Voter Registration ... are politically estranged: They are the least interested in local politics of the four groups and the most likely to say voting doesnt change things. They also are five times more likely to say theyre too busy to vote than are regular voters (43% versus 8%).

Harry Clarke: Did liberalising abortion reduce US crime? 07, 2006 · In relation to the post immediately following, Rabee Touky provides a link to C.L. Foote and C.F. Goetz ' Testing Economic Hypotheses with State-Level Data: A Comment on Donohue and Levitt (2001)' here which critiques the conclusions of J.J. Donohue and S. D. Levitt 'The Impact of Legalized Abortion on Crime', Quarterly Journal of Economics, 116:2, pp. 379–420' (an unpublished …

Dr Kevin Bonham: Wentworthless: Another Epic Seat Poll Fail 16, 2018 · The reason for that the Liberals endured a horror final week, with issues capable of embarrassing them springing up on a much more than daily basis. This was reflected in the higher than usual difference between pre-election and on-the-day voting, and also in the unprecedented size of the turnaround in Phelps' favour from the early ...

After H8, What? | Political Loudmouth 02, 2009 · This is typical of the pro-gay marriage stuff out there. We are going to try and do a pro bono campaign for this as one of our first projects. The trick will be to loosen the logjam a little, so we're not just saying the same things over and over and over and over. Finding…

9/11 Attacks | Dystopian Blues: News Liberal Progressives Need, Anthony! Here’s the recap from Talking Points Memo … “The House was debating a bill last night that would provide up to $7.4 billion in health care aid to rescue and recovery workers who have faced health problems since their work in the wake of the September 11 attacks. The bill ultimately failed 255-159, and Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY) was not happy about it.

Political Irony › Late Night Political Humor 29, 2017 · This is business. – Stephen Colbert. There was one uncomfortable moment later on. President Macron’s wife, Brigitte, is 25 years older than he is. He’s 39. She’s 64. Which you know has to be making Trump’s crazy orange head spin. For him that’s about as backwards as it gets. This is what he said to her: “You’re in such good shape.

Political Irony › Late Night Political Humor 03, 2017 · According to the first two pages, Trump made $150 million in income, paid $38 million in taxes in 2005. Some people were surprised he paid any taxes at all. 2005 was an off year for everyone. Johnny Depp made that Willy Wonka movie. Kanye West and George Bush had that problem. Harry Potter’s goblet caught on fire.

saxby chambliss | Smart Liberal and Female Chambliss. Every time I hear that name the first thing that comes to mind is the little vomit taste in my mouth. I’ll admit, I’m no lover of the freshman Senator from Georgia. In fact, I really just feel pure rage and utter contempt.

michaeljfish28 | Missouri Communication 30, 2015 · This is important because he announced his resignation this past weekend and could deeply effect the relationship between the two parties in Congress. This data was recorded with GovTrack. GovTrack is a website that collects quantitative data of members of Congress and other representatives, such as voting records.

2009 August 31 « The Futility Monster 31, 2009 · 1 post published by The Futility Monster on August 31, 2009. Twutility Monster. 2012: Scores On The Doors 7 years ago; Liberal Luvvie Lord Leveson Likes Lunatic Lefties 7 years ago; Another one of my 2012 predictions comes …

OIG | Koulflo Memo the Reagan that Bush had hoped to emulate, may the history books record that it was one of Reagan’s most shameful policy initiatives, and keep in mind, there were many. 2 Comments Posted in immigration , politics , Uncategorized

Thomas Sowell | The Liberal Doomsayer 4/14/17: Stephens recently won a gig as a columnist at The Old Gray Lady, where he no doubt will challenge BoBo as the leading white male practitioner of talking down to women, people of color and LGBTQ gender preferences – I think a good column to link to as a rejoinder of sorts (h/t Atrios).

Sarah Palin resigning; Governor no more, will not run for 07, 2009 · In the first instance, it was the image on a local Alaskan blog that published Palin with a conservative radio talk show host head. But after Stapleton’s ridiculous press release , …

automobiles « Mercury Rising ?? about automobiles written by Phoenix Woman. Politics, life, and other things that matter

Music « Jamesb101.com 24, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Liberals Destroy Themselveshttps://liberalsdestroythemselves.blogspot.comMar 26, 2009 · The first jobs of the federal clean-energy stimulus plan are here -- and they’re for lobbyists. SmartSpark is part of a stampede of technology companies hiring insiders in Washington and state capitals to gain influence. They’re vying for a piece of last month’s $787 billion stimulus package.

The War on Women: More Than Just a Political Slogan 23, 2014 · This is the first campaign of its kind at the UN. We want to try to galvanize as many men and boys as possible to be advocates for change and we don’t just want to talk about it.

Hard Rock Conservative: October 2009 03, 2009 · The rantings, ravings, and thoughts of a 26 year old Minnesota kid about politics, music, pop culture, sports, world news and all the crap thats fit to print in todays media world.

Connecticut Bob: September 2009 29, 2009 · ConnecticutBob.Com is a modest blog on the internet since 2006. Progressive ideas are encouraged, and all politically-minded and reasonable people are welcome. America is the greatest country in the world, but we'll invade you if you disagree.

Open Thread | Cutting SNAP Benefits- Never Forget….the ... 31, 2019 · The evil never stops with these clowns. Nearly 700,000 will lose food stamps with USDA work requirement The Trump administration’s rule change would limit states’ abilities to provide residents access to food stamps. Dec. 4, 2019, 12:38 PM CST By Phil McCausland The Trump administration Wednesday formalized work requirements for recipients of food stamps, a…

Debunking Stupid Liberal Memes, Part VII: “Bush Lied ... 07, 2010 · Debunking Stupid Liberal Memes, Part VII: “Bush Lied, People Died!” Back in 2006, Bill Whittle wrote a brilliant piece entitled “ Seeing the Unseen ” in which he dismantled many of the typical Liberal mantras, most of which could be found proudly and ignorantly plastered on the back of their car bumpers. This post by Mr. Whittle was the first one I read by him and it made me an instant ...

entitlements | Bloviating streets were calmer, safer, violent crime was down and New York under Giuliani was the safest it had been in at least two decades. Demorats made crime their issue because, for a few years, Bill Clinton waltzed about in a brief fog of clarity and resolution. He was always a much more insightful politician than Hillary ever was or will be.

NAACP | All Other Persons 13, 2009 · Walter White was one of the most important figures in civil rights and black culture (Harlem Renaissance and New Negro movements) in the first half of the twentieth century. He headed the NAACP from 1936 until his death in 1955, during which time the organization achieved numerous political and judicial victories for African Americans.

South Dakota Politics: focuses on national politics with a special emphasis on South Dakota. It also includes posts on philosophy, science and culture. SDP was founded by Jason Van Beek, who stopped blogging after becoming a staffer for Sen. John Thune (R-SD) and is currently operated by Ken Blanchard.

McCulloch V | United States Constitution | Military Justice McCulloch v. Maryland Brief Fact Summary. The state of Maryland enacted a tax that would force the United States Bank in Maryland to pay taxes to the state. McCulloch, a cashier for the Baltimore, Maryland Bank, was sued for not complying with the Maryland state tax. Synopsis of Rule of Law. Congress may enact laws that are necessary and proper to carry out their enumerated powers.

propaganda | Conspirosphere's Blog article in the journal, Sociological Inquiry, [“There Must Be a Reason”: Osama, Saddam, and Inferred Justification, Vol. 79, No. 2.(2009), pp. 142-162. [PDF ] casts light on the effectiveness of propaganda. Researchers examined why big lies succeed where little lies fail. Governments can get away with mass deceptions, but politicians cannot get away with sexual affairs…

Unemployment | Beach Peanuts, politicians are known to stretch the truth on occasion, but different. Ever since President Obama was elected, the GOP have all but launched attack after attack, blocked every form of legislation, and tried to bring government to a halt. Merely because they lost the 2008 election.

Sportsmanship | Respect in Politics Jersey may have scored another first. After becoming the first state to test all high school athletes for steroids, the Garden State now will be enforcing tough rules intended to keep conversations on the playing field more civil. The state attorney general’s office ?

Venice For Change: Hahn Baits Winograd Into Joining CA36 ... 18, 2011 · In what can only be described as a cynical and calculated move to bait Marcy Winograd into entering the CA36 Congressional race and split the progressive vote, Janice Hahn issued a press release today urging Debra Bowen to join her in a pro-Israel pledge. The problem isn't the pledge itself - a fairly standard boilerplate declaration that supports Israel's right to exist, a two-state solution ...

Obama's Justice Dept. defends DOMA in federal court. Says ... 02, 2009 · Invokes incest and marrying children. by John Aravosis (DC) on 6/12/2009 09:44:00 AM UPDATE: Obama spokesman caught lying to Politico. Joe and I have been trying since last night to get a copy of the government's brief just filed in this case. This is not the GLAD case that we've written about previously, it's another in California.

Evening with Mitt Romney for Romney Victory Inc. - Scribd with Mitt Romney for Romney Victory Inc. - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This is an invitation for a political fundraiser on September 21, 2012. Get details at Sunlight Foundation's Party Time

Open Thread | More on COVID-19 | 3CHICSPOLITICO 28, 2020 · 4 or more, to make a lot of foam). By dissolving the fat layer, the protein molecule disperses and breaks down on its own. * HEAT melts fat; why it is so good to use water above 25 degrees Celsius for washing hands, clothes and everything.

03 | September | 2011 | Under The LobsterScope 03, 2011 · This is because Congress, decades ago, felt that a day celebrating Labor with the rest of the world made it seem that the USA endorsed Socialism and Communism… so they changed the date and for years have turned the meaning of the the holiday to a …

Open Thread | More Heartbreak from COVID-19 | 3CHICSPOLITICO 25, 2020 · They just called me for a Nigerian COVID patient they want to extubate but weren’t sure if he didn’t understand English or was just agitated/delirious. I walked in the room and greeted him in Yoruba. He stopped fidgeting and looked at me, his eyes lit up and he started crying ?? — Omo Shèpètérì (@ItsMissIsi) April 23, 2020

Political Irony › Palin Fiddles While Nome Melts 17, 2009 · Palin Fiddles While Nome Melts It may surprise you that Sarah Palin was once a believer in global warming. After all, in an editorial in the Washington Post last week , she called for Obama to boycott the Copenhagen conference because of ClimateGate, and claimed that global warming is “natural” rather than caused by human activities.

Red State Rebels: My new gig far as we know, we're the first-ever campaign blog in Idaho. I've been posting for about two weeks, but today is the official launch, with Larry's "welcome" message. Woo hoo! Larry is running in Idaho's 1st Congressional District - the post now held by Butch Otter, who is vacating the job to run for governor.

Sunday Morning Links - Blogger 09, 2017 · This and that for your Sunday reading. - Richard Hill wonders whether neoliberalism is approaching its end, while noting the dangers of a...

StrawmanLiberalhttps://strawmanliberal.blogspot.comAlso, I checked the mail Saturday. In it was the check from the ACLU containing the money from George Soros. With check in hand, I placed two full-page ads in the local paper, set to run for the entire week of Christmas. The reason for placing two ads has to do with the double-pronged attack strategy.

West Michigan Media Gives McCain a Free Pass – MediaMouse 18, 2008 · The fundraiser–which netted around $1.2 million for McCain according to media reports–was the primary impetus for the trip. However, rather than use the event as an opportunity to focus on the role of money in electoral politics, the corporate media in West Michigan focused most of its coverage on where McCain was at any given time and the ...

CTCA in Atlanta paper | The truth about Cancer Treatment ... 02, 2014 · But the General Assembly approved a separate approval process for a “destination” hospital serving a national patient base, not just filling a need for Georgia patients. As the company pressed its case for the new designation, it made thousands of dollars in political contributions. Since 2006, the company has contributed about $340,000.

USA | Missouri Communication 02, 2011 · Whether the death of Osama bin Laden was the outcome of a carefully planned mission that was carried out on May 1st, or whether bin Laden’s been dead for a few days and President Obama decided to make the announcement coinciding with the 8 year anniversary of George W. Bush’s “Mission accomplished” proclamation for the sake of political ...

Johnny Pez: Sobel Wiki: impeachy 23, 2013 · Sobel Wiki: impeachy This week's featured article at the Sobel Wiki is on Bruce Hogg , the fifteenth Governor-General of the Confederation of North America, and an ardent isolationist. Being an isolationist was not unusual for a North American politician of Hogg's generation.

Mass Media - Political Science - Lecture Slides - Docsity lecture is from Political Science. Some keywords are: Mass Media, Media Power, Primary Source of Political, Fourth Branch, Power is Concentrated, Major Tv Networks, News Networks, More Liberal, Fox News, Late Summer

Liberal | Political Loudmouth is the first in a new series of posters celebrating the many ways that liberal ideas have shaped the country we live in today. Download a printer-friendly version here. This is the most Liked and commented on poster we have done so far. Join in the Facebook conversation here.

Political Clown Parade: Sessions speech in Nogales AZ reasons: he was the first senator to endorse Donald Trump, he dismissed divergent views as “soulless globalism” and he’s bringing back the war on drugs. Clinging fervently to his reflexive outrage, Drezner merely glanced at a Tweet from Josh Dawsey, a Politico White House reporter, who truncated a line from Sessions’ speech to the ...

Brilliant at Breakfast: Where no one cashes in on unpaid ... a shot was fired, not a law was changed -- and yet we no longer have a President, we have a king -- a king who claims he need not obey any law he doesn't like: President Bush has quietly claimed the authority to disobey more than 750 laws enacted since he took office, asserting that he has the power to set aside any statute passed by Congress when it conflicts with his interpretation of ...

Trump's Attempt To Play Off Russian Bounties As A 'Hoax ... The New York Times reports, one of the raids that happened at the end of 2019 involved Rahmatullah Azizi, a man who started as a drug smuggler, then skimmed money as a U.S. contractor in Afghanistan, before becoming a conduit between Russia and the Taliban.

Ed Schultz: Confiscate Guns and Kill the Second Amendment 17, 2012 · George Mason, considered one of the founding fathers of the Bill of Rights, said disarming the people is “the best and most effectual way to enslave them.” This is precisely what Ed Schultz and the liberals want to do – disarm the American people. For Schultz and his fellow travelers, a tyrannical government is inconceivable .

Ezra Klein: Everything Is Going According To Plan 30, 2007 · Everything Is Going According To Plan. By Neil the Ethical Werewolf. There's lots of good stuff in the latest Pew Poll, but one of the neatest bits is this survey of where people think the candidates stand. Higher numbers mean that people think the candidate is more liberal; lower numbers mean that people think the candidate is more conservative.

12 | February | 2011 | Spinny Liberal 12, 2011 · Enter required reading for one of my classes: The Handmaid’s Tale. This dystopian novel was about a future where women are the property of an all-male theocratic government. This book rocked my world. It made me think. Really think. Is a future like this possible? Can women be nothing more than walking uteri?

race | Kainos Delphi 12, 2008 · Affirmative action is undoubtedly one of the touchiest subjects in modern American politics. Inextricably linked to the issue of race, discussions of it are often tense and are sometimes heated. Proponents of it claim that it is a necessary step toward achieving racial (and, in some other countries, gender) equality.

Jon Stewart | Missouri Communication | Page 6 01, 2010 · An example of Petula Dvorak’s article “Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert might actually bring out the real moderates” about Stewart and Colbert’s “Rally to Restore Sanity” and “March to Keep the Fear Alive” these are events which they are putting on respectively to mock actually comments and events held by politicians ...

Continued Coverage of Todd Willingham Case - The StandDown ... Coverage of Todd Willingham Case Let's start with what's in today's newspapers. " Flawed science, not politics, is core issue, fire expert says ," is the title of Christy Hoppy and Gromer Jeffers Jr.'s report in the Dallas Morning News.

Ted Kennedy | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! late Sen. Edward Kennedy’s dog, Splash, who was the star of a children’s book about Capitol Hill, has died. Kennedy’s widow, Vicki, announced his death in an e-mail Thursday. She calls the 13-year-old Portuguese water dog “a world-class fetcher of tennis balls and a meeter and greeter of presidents, senators, congressmen and even ...

Media declares President Trump a dictator - Page 4 03, 2020 · Join Date Dec 2016 Location somewhere in the deep south Posts 5,220 Thanks 3,636 Thanked: 7,887 Rep Power 9195162

Greta Thunberg - Page 81 - JustPlainPolitics.com 24, 2019 · The Arctic 1920–40 warming is one of the most puzzling climate anomalies of the twentieth century. Over some 15 yr the Arctic warmed by 1.78C and remained warm for more than a decade. This is a warming in the region comparable in magnitude to what is to be expected as a consequence of anthropogenic climate change in the next several decades.

Buckdog: Kady O'Malley Looks At The Poll Numbers ... Ouch! 08, 2009 · Here’s a suggestion: for the first time in more than two years, you’re not only trailing the Conservatives in Quebec — yes, it took a while to work through the system, but that much anticipated plunge finally seems to have happened — but in Atlantic Canada as well. Atlantic Canada! That was your one remaining beachhead of stubborn support!

Opinion Forum » Krauthammer in Der 02, 2009 · 16 Responses to “Krauthammer in Der Spiegel” Tom | October 29th, 2009 at 8:06 am. I strongly agree that everyone should read the Der Spiegel interview. I also recommend reading the Wikipedia entry on Krauthammer.. I have a lot of respect for the thinking of people who can see both sides of an issue and sometimes adopt positions that seem outside the boundaries of their political …

The Daily | Daily news, politics, sport, gossip and analysis.https://thedaily.wordpress.comUnsurprisingly, there was a majority for both propositions, but a larger majority on the first. But that does not actually add up to evidence that most people think “religion does more harm than good”. We don’t want to get in to a debate about religion at The Daily, but …

Big Business | Dystopian Blues: News Liberal Progressives Need Nigeria, for example, every year since 1969, oil operations in the Niger Delta have spilled as much oil as the 1989 Exxon Valdez. Let that sink in for a minute … an Exxon Valdez spill every year. Read the rest of why we must end the world’s dependence on oil here.

What Do We Know About Voters Who Don’t Fit Neatly Into an ... 13, 2012 · As anybody with a TV, radio or newspaper subscription can affirm, the big story coming out of the 2012 election is the long feared/eagerly awaited arrival of the Latino vote as a national political force capable of deciding a presidential contest. Latinos accounted for a record ten percent of the electorate this year, and something north of 70 percent of them cast their ballots for Obama.

April | 2012 | Double Dip Politics stated Arizona’s SB 1070, known as the “Papers Please” law, was a model for America, only to walk those comments back. These positions, and many others Romney has taken, can be easily walked back and avoided during the general election if the candidate will take in one piece of advice.

GOP Fascism – Politics Plus of the most troubling efforts is a government proposal that would allow it to detain people indefinitely without trial during national emergencies. The justice department sent a request for the move to Congress around 20 March, in response to the coronavirus outbreak…

Boffoblog: Television 28, 2004 · In yesterday's NYT, Sen. Jon Kyl (R-AZ) says -- clearly way off script -- "You can't very well claim there was a mandate in this election for tax reform.". I don't believe in mandates. Let me rephrase: I don't believe there is an objective thing one can point to as a mandate. And when I say I don't "believe" in them, I mean just that, because they are more a matter of political theology than ...

rape « Mercury Rising ?? about rape written by Phoenix Woman. Politics, life, and other things that matter

The Facebook guy does a very good ... - Wide World of Stuff 24, 2010 · A Wimbledon memory after a weekend bereft of its usual glory. And a great story about the last news reporter covering a small town; Good News Friday: The Negro Leagues turn 100, and there’s a whole lot of love being shown. A woman is joining the Army Special Forces for the first …

Culture in a Realignment - Progress Pond 21, 2008 · Charles M. Madigan, a professor at Roosevelt University, makes the following observation in the Chicago Tribune, while discussing the possibility of a political realignment. A lot of people are disturbed by the possibility of realignment, largely because realignments change the direction of politics and government so completely that what comes after one bears little resemblance […]

Rick Noriega | Off The Grid, there is the fact that you don’t want the opposing party in office, but it’s the satisfaction of trying to corrupt the opposing party’s votes that motivate you. This gives you permission to lie and deceive. Ahhhhh… true democracy ?? “Democracy is being allowed to vote for the candidate you dislike least.”–Robert Byrne.

Why China’s Political Model Is Superior: Shanghai ... first was Athens, which lasted a century and a half; the second is the modern West. If one defines democracy as one citizen one vote, American democracy is only 92 years old. In practice it is only 47 years old, if one begins counting after the Voting Rights Act of 1965 — far more ephemeral than all but a handful of China’s dynasties.

08 | April | 2009 | seattleDIRT 08, 2009 · Last Tuesday, leaders in Congress released a draft of a major climate and energy bill — the first to reach for science-based targets to cut global warming pollution. It’s a huge first step to lead America into a clean energy economy. But there are many key parts we have to …

2010 February 27 « Jamesb101.com 27, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

commonsense: December 2015 - Blogger legal basis for a charge of treason: "Article 3, section 3, clause 1 of the U.S. Constitution specifies that the giving of aid and comfort to the enemy is an element in the crime of Treason . Aid and comfort may consist of substantial assistance or the mere attempt to provide some support; actual help or the success of the enterprise is not ...

Blue in the Bluegrass: Run, Attica, Run 06, 2018 · The Bluegrass Region of Kentucky is Central Kentucky, the area around Lexington. It's also sometimes known as the Golden Triangle, the region formed by Louisville in the west, Cincinnati in the north and Lexington in the east-south corner. This is the most economically advanced, politically progressive and aesthically beautiful area of the state.

May 2016 | Bud Meyers Meyers writes about the economy, politics, Social Security, corporate out-sourcing, labor statistics, the REAL unemployment rate, taxes and tax evasion, government and corporate corruption, and the plight of the long-term unemployed.

The 112th Congress Gets Sworn In Today… | Under The ... 05, 2011 · … and then the fun begins. It has already been scheduled for the House to present legislation to repeal the Health Care Bill on Friday, an action that will not be supported by the Senate and cannot possibly go through.

“Christian Identity” – Arts and Politics from the Armpit ... Old Main Building – “….The foundations of the building had been laid, but no work had been done for about a year. Two shanties near the building covered the lumber and other material, and made a temporary house for the keeper. What is now the campus, was then a …

Vivian Paige – Skeptical Brotha about Vivian Paige written by skepticalbrotha. Keeping a watchful eye on black politics

Annotated Bib Jane Addams NHD | Politics is a secondary source because it is written by Scholastic News, where many teachers and students can get resources and articles about all sorts of subjects, one of them on Jane Addams. This article provides the reader with Janes reasons behind the creation of the Hull-House, her leadership in leading the Hull-House to fame, and the legacy ...

Laura Bush | The Liberal Doomsayer 03, 2010 · In the first place, what it is is money that is raised from financial institutions, not from the tax-payers. Secondly, it can only be spent to help put the institution to death. What we do in this bill, first of all, is to say that unlike the current law, the regulators don’t have to pay — they don’t have to choose between paying all of ...

The Real View - a look at America and The Worldhttps://proudliberaldem.blogspot.comWe commend the police for doing a fantastic job keeping the peace and protecting public safety. As to the antifas/idiot anarchists, well karma is a beautiful fucking thing. One of those assholes tried to attack the police and the results, as you can see below starting at :09, are beautiful! Damn well done officers.

Liberal Candy: 12 ridiculous things Ann Coulter has said 10, 2006 · brings up some of the most idiotic things the super conservative pundit Ann Coulter, author of "Godless: The Church of Liberalism," has said. 1. "Liberals hate America, they hate flag-wavers, they hate abortion opponents, they hate all religions except Islam, post 9/11. Even Islamic terrorists don't hate America like liberals do.

tcnorris: 10/01/2008 - 11/01/2008 31, 2008 · Here is why over: In order to win the election, all Barack Obama needs are the Kerry states, plus Colorado, Iowa and New Mexico. That adds up to 273 electoral votes. Obama leads by at least 9.5% in every Kerry state and Iowa, according to both and Real Clear Politics. Also, my own numbers concur with those calculations.

journey2infinitive: April 2008 04, 2008 · Another Month of March has been passed.We are slowly moving towards the Mid part of the year. Just. I am being curious “ How are the people of Country in so called non political , non violent and Corruption free Bangladesh.?”. I think they are doing quite fine. I am giving some example- “ There is an Editor who has made a new revolution in journalism post 1/11. We came to know so many ...

Hearing on Domestic Spying Live Now - Progress Pond 20, 2006 · Congressman John Conyers is holding a meeting on Domestic Spying–taking up where Al Gore left off. It’s live right now (11:10 a.m. on c-span. He invited Atty. General or his representative to be there, and asked: Is there anyone here from that office? No one responded. Conyers has been a voice crying in the wilderness, […]

Indiana Priest Suspended for Condemning BLM’s Violence ... 07, 2020 · We are witnessing the wholesale capitulation of the bishops before the Marxist mob. Father Theodore Rothrock from St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic Church in Carmel, Indiana was suspended this week after his condemnation of the radical Black Lives Matter protest movement published in the parish’s Sunday bulletin on June 28, 2020. Liberal media outlets almost immediately published excerpts from ...

Irish Trojan in Tennessee:Hillary's conservative'm Brendan Loy, a 26-year-old graduate of USC and Notre Dame now living and working in Knoxville, Tennessee. My wife Becky and I are brand-new parents of a beautiful baby girl, born on New Year's Eve. I'm a big-time sports fan, a politics, media & law junkie, an astronomy buff, a weather nerd, an Apple aficionado, a Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter fanatic, and an all-around dork.

February | 2010 | Koulflo Memo give a lot of credit to Glenn Greenwald who I believe is one of the most perceptive political critics around. In one of his latest columns (Feb 1) he correctly lambasts Susan Collins for suggesting the Constitution only applies to U.S. citizens, which is absolutely wrong.

Motor City Liberal: Washing your hands off blood 2.0 22, 2016 · Washing your hands off blood 2.0 There's another case of we're going to wash our hands of blood if we enable another American dark age, professional ass clown @HumanistReport wrote a shitty piece entitled "If Trump wins, blame Clinton" the writer claims Clinton is running a campaign that has no vision it's clear Mikey here hasn't ventured ...

Harry Clarke: Junk food taxes? 09, 2006 · Barry Popkin and others have suggested a tax on sugar – or specifically on soft drinks – to curb the obesity-diabetes problem. Access Economics’ Lynne Pezzulo explained at the International Obesity Congress yesterday why such ‘fat taxes’ won’t be effective or fair. There are several issues here. Taxes on unhealthy food would fall primarily on the poor who tend to eat less healthy ...

view" by that you mean the views of our founding... 30, 2019 · Whoa, a big deal, this was not some frivol... ( show quote ) Yep, and I know you're just so proud of them for doing this all the while ignoring the business of the country and going full tilt radical just to 'Get Trump'.

Politics | The Pursuit of a Life 04, 2008 · This line of thinking supposes that the Great Man Theory is correct; that Bush 43 was the primary driver of the Iraq War, deregulation, credit default swaps, and all the rest. Even if you don’t buy the theory that W was a pawn of larger forces, embodied by Dick Cheney and the PNAC crowd, it just seems to me that there is too much going on in ...

Red State Rebels: Labor"This is a time to put our shoulder to the wheel and win." He blasted the John McCain-Jim Risch health care plan, saying he could describe it in three words: "Don't get sick." He also reminded the crowd that, as a Congressman in the 1990s, he voted against Bill Clinton's wishes and voted against NAFTA.

realclearpolitics - Yahoo Suche Suchergebnisse this pageRealClearPolitics (RCP) is a political news site and polling data aggregator formed in 2000 by former options trader John McIntyre and former advertising agency ...

Irish Trojan in Tennessee:When hot alien women'm Brendan Loy, a 26-year-old graduate of USC and Notre Dame now living and working in Knoxville, Tennessee. My wife Becky and I are brand-new parents of a beautiful baby girl, born on New Year's Eve. I'm a big-time sports fan, a politics, media & law junkie, an astronomy buff, a weather nerd, an Apple aficionado, a Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter fanatic, and an all-around dork.

TNT tomorrow night – Chuck Rogers, Jill Stein, and lots of ... 08, 2017 · Chuck Rogers and I will talk politics again tomorrow night, with a guest appearance by Green Party leader Jill Stein. We’ll talk about Tuesday’s election results, the latest in the ongoing investigations, tax reform, and whatever else might come up before tomorrow evening.

Our Rants & Raves!: Health Care Legislation Peer Review 10, 2009 · The first full piece of draft legislation has now been released by the House of Representatives. The House effort was led by my my favorite politician on Capitol Hill, Congressman Henry Waxman, who also happens to be my congressman. ... I left a long comment earlier but it must be lost somewhere in the blogosphere. July 21, 2009 at 1:02 PM Post ...

Red Star Politics: 2009 18, 2009 · For the first time in a long time, politics is taking a bit of a backseat. I'm still keeping up, of course, I needs mah fix, but it's not all I'm into for once. My friends and colleagues probably enjoy a move away from the Obamania I put them all through for the last year too :P

illusory tenant: Gableman lovers remain in denial 21, 2008 · Burri and McIlheran are free to believe it's all about politics, of course. But it isn't. It's about dissembling and falsehoods. In any event, none of surprising, since McIlheran himself played right along with those who were blatantly and shamelessly lying about Justice Butler's record throughout the election campaign.

Contextual Criticism: Dan Maes and Teapot Crackpots, and important, Americans, in the past, often pretended to want to do the right thing. Few politicians anywhere would dare step into the public eye to say he or she didn't care about the poor or the unemployed. Even fewer would stand on a soap box and brag about being wholly owned by …

Say it ain’t so: The left’s welfare dependency denialism ... 05, 2014 · The concept of per capita seems really hard to explain to liberals. America is mostly white so mostly everything, good and bad, is white. However, we are meant to be an educated nation so we should be able to grasp things like Dominicans tend to abuse food stamps more than their numbers in the general population say they should.

Political Irony › Whistling Dixie 21, 2017 · This is why the Trump coalition surprised people. Ryan and McConnell and so on down the line (right through the GOP primary contenders) were shocked that people in middle America didn’t give half a whit about free trade and weren’t so hot on gutting Social Security or Medicare.

Balkinization: Trump's Wild Cards or Is a Constitutional ... first is whether Trump will triple down on his insistence that the CIA must be wrong about Russian attempts to interfere with the election. This insistence has brought him into conflict with an agency that, whatever its problems and past issues, has a great deal of credibility in official Washington, including in Congress.

Mo Rage: Great satire blog about American society: its politics, current events, history, entertainment, music, comedy, movies and society overall and where we're headed.

Accidental Deliberations: Thursday Morning Links 10, 2015 · This and that for your Thursday reading. - Canadians for Tax Fairness crunches the numbers and finds that Canada is losing out on nearly $200 billion in assets being sheltered in tax havens. And David Kotz writes about the need for large-scale restructuring to address the glaring flaws in neoliberal dogma: Despite the resurgence of neoliberal ideas and policies, …

WARNING: THE FOLLOWING PRESENTATION IS CONTROVERSIAL … 18, 2011 · Obama re-wrote some of that legislation and then had Congress pas financial reform. Today, most of that money is paid back and banks are being made to live up to end of the bargain by finally making loans to small businesses and individuals- which is why there loaned the money in the first place.

Mo Rage: Entertainment Overnight -- Christmas blog about American society: its politics, current events, history, entertainment, music, comedy, movies and society overall and where we're headed.

SHADOW'S WORLD: 05/21/10’s an attempt by Congress to step around the First Amendment and regulate political speech that threatens incumbents, just as McCain-Feingold attempted. ... “Nobody has a right to a paycheck. Nobody has a right to work. What conscientious, honest people have is the will and drive and responsibility to work as hard as we possibly can so as ...

One billion minus one | of Bruce's books, that plug at the end of the first graf doesn't quite work. The Oscars is the one ceremony where winners don't thank God, seeing as how they're all liberal Hollywood elites. However, that may change this year now that they've nominated so many blactors. Everyone knows black folks love God more than the rest of us.

PUMA | Blevkog Clinton’s speech last night is the first step in uniting the party before the November elections, it is only the first step – Clinton’s campaign fought hard, but it fought low and those wounds are harder to heal on both sides. Hillary badly damaged her political capital by hanging on for an appeal to the decision on Michigan and ...

Northern Virginia | Smart Liberal and Female drive my car about 2.5 miles to a free parking lot, get in a line, and poof drivers show up. Okay, sometimes I have to wait a bit, but it really does work that smoothly. Of course there is the occasional driver you don’t want to ride with, but you just pass and let the next person in line deal with them and their stinky car.

Political Irony › Late Night Political Humor 15, 2017 · This was written by Iron Knee.Posted on Monday, May 15, 2017, at 12:12 am.Filed under Humor.Bookmark the permalink.Follow comments here with the RSS feed.Both comments and trackbacks are currently closed. ‹ Traveling

Political Windshttps://political-storms.blogspot.comThe fact is that terrorists take things to a whole new level and cause detriment to the areas they strike. I feel the issue is just that: terrorists. Due to what this nation has faced, there are always going to be certain individuals that feel the need to take things a step further than need be.

Advance Bloggershttps://advancebloggers.blogspot.comThis is the first such legal case against bloggers in the country. In the United Kingdom, a college lecturer contributed to a blog in which she referred to a politician (who had also expressed his views in the same blog) using various uncomplimentary names, including referring to him as a "Nazi".

Secular Coalition Hires First Lobbyist for Non-Religious ... 25, 2005 · This is the first step in breaking the religious right’s stronghold on cultural politics in our nation’s capital. Lori Lipman Brown will serve as Lobbyist and Director for the SCA. Her tenure in D.C. will begin September 19, 2005 and she will not only lobby Congress, but also try …

ONA | The Moorish Wanderer Moorish Wanderer. Tallyho Politics, The Reign of Amateur Policy-makers. Posted in Flash News, Moroccan ‘Current’ News, Moroccan History & Sociology, Moroccan Politics & Economics, Moroccanology, Morocco, The Wanderer, Tiny bit of Politics by Zouhair ABH on January 21, 2011

Gegen den Mythos vom liberalen Tahrir-Platz - Jörg Lau this pageDie Hoffnungen, dass der „arabische Frühling“ zu einer liberalen Demokratie führen könnte, beruhen auf (Selbst-)Täuschungen westlicher Beobachter, die keine Ahnung von der ägyptischen Realität haben. Davon sind Amr Bargisi und Samuel Tadros überzeugt, die in einem Essay anläßlich der massiven Gewinne der Islamisten das ägyptische Jahr Revue passieren lassen.

Immigration | 3CHICSPOLITICO though 3Chics Politico is written and curated by three women: Ametia, Rikyrah, and SouthernGirl2, I must nominate this as one of the most engaging blogs I've found. Devoted to politics and culture, these three shine a light on contemporary life with humor and spirit.

NEW BLACK BELT POLITICShttps://newblackbeltpolitics.blogspot.comJan 02, 2012 · This is the first post on how Old Politics is alive and well in the New South/New America and changing it for the worst. I have become increasingly saddened and frustrated by how politics of the Old South is influencing 21st century politics and policy.

Views of a Nepali Economist: January 2015 is not the first time he has done so. He is prone to making comments that are politically incorrect. Over a year ago, when one of his constituents asked him if he would ever return to his constituency again after the election, Oli verbally thrashed the questioner.

Chickens coming home to Roost ? | Sky Dancing 21, 2011 · Wow! And this protest was in San Francisco, the bastion of all things Obama. Picked this up from the SF Gate: Outside, Casey, one of the composers of the protest song, said the group’s actions today constitute “the first initiative” in what they hope will be a series of lively “performance art” protests by liberals regarding the Obama administration.

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: Gatecrashing 20, 2006 · We are the mainstream. We are the majority. But to take our rightful place in American politics and government we must start thinking like a majority and acting like a majority. It’s way past time to stop standing outside the gates of power handing out fliers. Kos is right -- it’s time to crash the gate.

Tapolca | Observationalism 12, 2015 · Turnout was some 42%, which is brisk for a by-election, especially in a traditionally low-turnout country like this; in last year’s general elections turnout in this constituency had only been 60%. The left/liberal candidate only came first in Ajka ; the rest of the constituency went for Jobbik (especially Tapolca and surroundings) or Fidesz.

A Christ- worshipping agnostic | The Least, First 23, 2007 · Over at the excellent God's Politics, Ryan Rodrick Beiler quotes recently-deceased Kurt Vonnegut who, for reasons un-explained, gave a sermon on Palm Sunday in 1980. I excerpt the excerpt, touched by his tender heart: I am enchanted by the Sermon on the Mount. Being merciful, it seems to me, is the only good idea we…

East Texas Liberals Respond: August 2009 23, 2009 · Let's face it, the GOP did quite a number on religious people for a number of years by co-opting the Christian message in order to win elections. But ownership of the "Values Vote" has come into serious question in the wake of a rash of high-profile sex scandals of late, and the light being admitted into the room seems to be waking religious ...

WebWeaver's World: Farewell Sir Ed 11, 2008 · A blog about my passions. May include some or all of the following: geek stuff (web design & development, CSS, accessibility, usability), environmental activism, my adopted home of New Zealand ('cos it's so totally wonderful), international & green politics (rants from a left-wing perspective), gardening, cats, literature, rugby, and a whole lot of other stuff besides.

This Is Not a Normal Election | The Smirking 06, 2020 · This is about democracy vs. fascism. About author Peter Dreier is E.P. Clapp Distinguished Professor of Politics, and chair of the Urban & Environmental Policy Department, at Occidental College. His most recent book is The 100 Greatest Americans of the 20th Century: A Social Justice Hall of Fame (Nation Books, 2012).

Irish Trojan in Tennessee:Ladies and gentlemen, start your'm Brendan Loy, a 26-year-old graduate of USC and Notre Dame now living and working in Knoxville, Tennessee. My wife Becky and I are brand-new parents of a beautiful baby girl, born on New Year's Eve. I'm a big-time sports fan, a politics, media & law junkie, an astronomy buff, a weather nerd, an Apple aficionado, a Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter fanatic, and an all-around dork.

Lucid Lang | The Gonzo Think Tank 27, 2010 · For the record, the First Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Getting ready to deploy to Afghanistan……. « Jamesb101.com 23, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Uncategorized | Progressive Ideas 1% has been busting our camps as they’ve busted our chops for years with economic warfare and “divide and distract” politics. Well, if they’re not going to let us occupy the parks, we’ll occupy houses.However, there are still a couple of houses we must occupy with committed 99%ers…and one senate. I suppose we actually need to occupy a set of these in every state.

Accidental Deliberations: 2016-05-08 09, 2016 · Assorted content for your weekend reading. - Ed Finn comments on the history of neoliberalism - but notes that while the public is rightly skeptical of corporate spin, that awareness hasn't yet translated into a strong alternative: (S)cores of well-known thinkers, writers, economists, and activists have vociferously denounced the many abuses of large business empires driven by their greed and ...

February | 2011 | Majority Rules is in addition to 10 Congressional seats (counting the new seat as a result of popuation growth) and all the Statewide races from Governor on down. And then there are the Legislative races. So it is a wise decision to get an early start for a statewide race with all the …

Blue in the Bluegrass: Political Suicide by Hippie-Punching 08, 2010 · The Bluegrass Region of Kentucky is Central Kentucky, the area around Lexington. It's also sometimes known as the Golden Triangle, the region formed by Louisville in the west, Cincinnati in the north and Lexington in the east-south corner. This is the most economically advanced, politically progressive and aesthically beautiful area of the state.

Steve Deace – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America Jackson Supports Roy Moore Because ‘You Don’t Ever Want To Give These Leftists Another Head To Mount On Their Mantel’ By Kyle Mantyla – On his radio program today, Religious Right activist E.W. Jackson said that if he lived in Alabama, he would vote for Roy Moore despite the fact that he has some concerns about the multiple allegations that Moore pursued sexual relationships with ...

Q&A on Legislative Inquiry | Congressional Oversight ... on Legislative Inquiry - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. gnmzsmgxfdm

2013 April « AmeriCAN-DO Attitude 10, 2013 · 1 post published by Michael in MI during April 2013. Barack Obama Doesn’t Care About Black Kids. Yes, I am channeling Kanye West and his statement during a Hurricane Katrina fund-raising event that President George W. Bush “doesn’t care about Black people“. Well, using that liberal logic, it follows that Barack Obama doesn’t care about Black children, based on his actions regarding ...

Red Auerbach, Basketball and Politics | Mirror On America 03, 2006 · The publisher of African American Political Pundit was raised in Boston and remembers listening to the Boston Celtics late night on a little AM radio as a kid growing up in a segregated Roxbury section. He also remembers watching the Boston Celtics and Red Auerbach providing most blacks in Boston black sports hero’s like Bill Russell, Sam Jones, KC Jones, Satch Sanders,and Wayne Embry …

Goodbye, Triciawyse | Norbrook's Blog 06, 2016 · She was one of the reasons I stayed on Kos as long as I did. The PW community was the place you went to take a break from the pie fights, a place where politics were set aside for a while, a chance to smile, laugh, and share our love of animals.

WebWeaver's World: April 2010 06, 2010 · A blog about my passions. May include some or all of the following: geek stuff (web design &amp; development, CSS, accessibility, usability), environmental activism, my adopted home of New Zealand (&#39;cos it&#39;s so totally wonderful), international &amp; green politics (rants from a left-wing perspective), gardening, cats, literature, rugby, and a whole lot of other stuff besides.

Sunday Morning Coffee (or Tea) – 89 | Lynnrockets' Blast-Off 21, 2011 · Sorry about the late post but these beach days are cutting into Lynnrockets’ productivity! Just a few newsworthy items (and comments thereon) that have been making their way through the political universe this past week but may have escaped your attention. Please ponder and maybe chuckle a bit before enjoying a wonderful day! BREAKING NEWS: …

Secret Bases · 2012 United States House of Representatives ... 2012 United States House of Representatives elections in Arizona were held on Tuesday, November 6, 2012, to elect the nine U.S. Representatives from the state, one from each of the state's nine Congressional districts, including the newly created 9th district following the 2010 United States Census.The elections coincided with other federal and state elections, including a quadrennial ...

Steven Landsburg - Infogalactic: the planetary knowledge core E. Landsburg (born February 24, 1954) is an American professor of economics at the University of Rochester in Rochester, New York.From 1989 to 1995, he taught at Colorado State University.Landsburg is also an outspoken commentator on economic, legal, and political issues whose comments have sometimes been regarded as controversial.

Contextual Criticism: 3/11/12 - 3/18/12 Criticism Political and religious commentary from a liberal, secular, humanistic perspective. Friday, March 16, 2012 ... One of the things about people who live via firm creedal affirmations, even though they may be highly educated, is they act stupid. ... the Roman church and a lot of other churches are on the wrong side of history!

LEFTY LOONY LIBERALS: 2010 15, 2010 · If you have a full fridge, clothes on your back, a roof over your head, and a place to sleep, you are wealthier than 75% of the world's population. If you currently have money in the bank, in your wallet, and a few coins in your purse, you are one of 8 of the privileged few amongst the 100 people in the world.

The Daily GOP Ignominious: Ted Cruz And Natural Disaster ... 29, 2015 · Ted Cruz, R-TX., GOP 2016 primary candidate spoke int he aftermath of major tornado damage in his home state. His on-camera appearance reminds of any politician who’s home district suffers a natural catastrophe. His words are welcome, if you are a Cruz supporter, or if you are not a supporter yet stand to derive benefit from federal aid and a visit from FEMA.

Who’s Kidding Who, Automakers, UAW or Congress…? « Dr ...’s...Nov 20, 2008 · America’s new and most charismatic 44th President, will receive on-the-job training how past Associations can shape a man who becomes a President… It’s only one of the young President’s early challenges in his presidency. There will be several at the starting gate.

Erika Prince, Beloved Special Education Teacher Gunned ... 03, 2008 · The latest gun violence in Chicago has claimed the life of an educator, Erika Prince, 32, who was shot in the head at the wheel of her 2008 cranberry-colored Dodge Charger as she waited in the 8700 block of South Euclid for her 9-year-old daughter and a 16-year-old relative to hop inside and join her.Erika…

DCDL » Support the DC Voting Rights Act Thursday 17, 2006 · The Absurdist e-mailed me an alert about an important event tomorrow:. Come to Rayburn House Office Building room 2154 on Thursday, May 18 at 3:30 to show your support for legislation to give Washington, D.C. a vote in Congress.

Viking Pundit Bill and Hill double shill Here’s Joan Vennochi in today’s Boston Globe about how Bill Clinton is acting as the wink-and-a-nod frontman for Hillary’s ambitions: Husbands and wives are free to disagree on politics. But with the Clintons, when does a policy disagreement become a strategy to straddle both sides of the issue?

Accidental Deliberations: 2019-04-14 08, 2019 · Max Fawcett is right to a point in discussing the need to acknowledge the political problems with carbon taxes as matters stand now. But there's a serious problem with the conclusion he tries to draw. It's true that carbon taxes were originally - and understandably - pitched as the form of greenhouse gas emission reduction which fit best with laissez-faire economic theory.

Pakistan | The Word of Me... 29, 2011 · Salman Taseer, the Pakistani governor of the Punjab province who was killed by one of his own bodyguards for being too liberal and wanting to reduce the penalty for blasphemy from death to a lesser sentence, apparently was considered too liberal by mainstream Muslims in the country.. From The National Review by Jonathon Goldberg 1-7-11 “A group of more than 500 leading Muslim scholars ...

theunionnews.blogspot.com 06, 2009 · Labor overlords rule D.C. Dems with iron fist ... The huge economic stimulus bill working its way through Congress is just the latest measure to bypass the normal operating proced

Balkinization: Law and Political Science say that all generations fear for the next. Mark paints a grim picture; fortunately, it's also an inaccurate one. There's a far more optimistic one that goes like this: The trends with respect to political science are clearly upwards. Fueled in part by the behavioral and formal turns in the rest of the discipline, public law and judicial politics is beginning to return to the position of ...

Let’s not meet in the middle… Political deadlock and how ... 15, 2012 · Ahh, the heady warm-breeze of overheated election year politics. And amidst all the claims and counter-claims, many talking heads and regular citizens bemoan the lack of civility and the intransigent deadlock of the extremes of both parties working against each other. These protestations are almost always concluded with a sad shaking of the head and…

May | 2015 | Blevkog posts published by kevvyd during May 2015. With the new round of polls in the hopper and the NDP surge from their surprising provincial victory in Alberta quantified, if it didn’t before, it looks like the national election campaigns are firmly up and running for the three major political parties.The campaign ads are beginning to appear and the editorials are getting written.

social media | http://unitedBIT.com The Library of Congress of citizen video clips and a ton of professional ones illegally uploaded too. If you haven’t heard of them, we can’t help you. Dailymotion: Think Friendster with videos as the currency. This may be a prime example of late-to-the-party …

16 | October | 2009 | 44-D 16, 2009 · For the first time since 1975, the Social Security Administration has announced, seniors will not receive an annual cost-of-living adjustment in their Social Security benefits. The move makes good policy sense—the formula used by the SSA shows the cost of living has not increased in the past year. But it’s also politically unpopular.

small | 44-D about small written by audiegrl.—Premiums, Profits, and the Need for Health Reform ~ The President points to outrageous premium hikes from health insurance companies, especially those already making massive profits, as further proof of the need for reform. Looking ahead to the coming bipartisan meeting on reform, the President urges members of Congress to come to the ...

Fred Klonsky – Page 1144 – Fred Klonsky am a retired elementary art teacher, union guy, political activist, artist and blogger. I taught for 28 years in Park Ridge, Illinois and was President of the local union for 10 years.

Planned Parenthood v. Casey | The Liberal Doomsayer the early 1990s, advocates have focused on pushing largely modest state-level restrictions, from parental notification laws to waiting periods to bans on what we see as the grisliest forms of abortion. This is one of the reasons why I honestly try not to say anything about abortion, and basically why I think no man should either, and that ...

2009 October 03 « Mercury Rising ?? 03, 2009 · The first two points are simply not permitted by the Constitution as it stands. 205:10 purports to give Congress the power to interpret the laws, a clear violation of Separation of Powers, and was imposed by Congress against the express will of the Supreme Court. ... said one of the teachers in the meeting, if “La Central” falls, if ...

Sarah Palin Exxon | Mudflats first time I watched this clip, I chuckled. ... Supreme Court Justices last a lifetime. A court like what we get when so many of us swallow the red Kool-Aid, and don’t think about the political ramifications of our votes to our own interest when the chips are down. ... I ask you, Sarah Palin, as the Governor of Alaska, a state ...

Culture of Violence and Control - Progress Pond 10, 2005 · It’s not just a choice, it’s a question of freedom — Liberal Street Fighter. In some of the good news that came out of Tuesday’s election, one of the more heartening was the rejection by California voters of Arnold’s parental notification ballot initiative, though I suspect that the rejection was as much or more a reflection of the rising unpopularity of the Governor.

davidthompson: MilneWorld (2) boy. On today’s Comment is Free, the incorrigible Seumus Milne takes umbrage with Andrew Anthony, whom he denounces as a “cheerleader of the wider US NeoCon project”, along with his book, The Fall-Out: How a Guilty Liberal Lost His Innocence. (Extract here.)Milne’s railing against the apostate is typically evasive and distressing to the moral senses, so I’ll highlight only one of ...

2 Political Junkies: Blogging for The Man? 24, 2009 · I think that's an interesting contention. I think I've had the same thought in the past, and it probably colored my view of some things in that past. But it's not my impression that Matt H is hiding his new employment. It's pretty brand new. March 24, 2009 at 10:59 AM

The Back Forty » Brushes with Inequality: A Blog Action with Inequality: A Blog Action Day 2014 essay. by Miryam Ehrlich Williamson. The girl was eight, in third grade, when she was introduced to inequality. She didn’t know the word, but she had a strong feeling that could be summed up as “That isn’t fair.” ... A state representative described a woman running for Congress in his ...

More Politico - Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion 16, 2011 · More Politico. Posted by William A. Jacobson Sunday, January 16, 2011 at 6:06pm | 1/16/2011 - 6:06pm. I made the point about a month ago that I had grown tired of Politico’s news coverage: I find myself bored with it, and it seems to be drifting very mainstream media, with all the inherent liberal biases that entails. ...

read my mind: Youth Charged for Trying to get Muslim Man ... 27, 2019 · The family came to Canada about two years ago after fleeing war-torn Damascus for Kuwait. Their home in Syria has been destroyed. The father was once imprisoned for not joining the ruling political party and would be vulnerable to arrest and severe retaliation should he and the family return home, according to one of the churches that sponsored the refugee family.

220 South: Roanoke Times Gives Tom Some Props 23, 2009 · But it did bring up two points I'd like to talk about briefly. First, the article quotes a George Mason University political scientist who says as long as Tom maintains independence and doesn't turn into a "party robot for Pelosi and Reid," it will help him to win re-election, despite his vulnerability as a freshman congressman.

Daily Headliners--Monica, Monica, Monica - Oh Well: A ... 12, 2007 · What can I say, but it is Monica Goodling--all Monica, all the time! According to MSNBC News: WASHINGTON - The Justice Department’s former White House liaison denied Wednesday that she played a major role in the firings of U.S. attorneys last year and blamed Deputy Attorney General Paul McNulty for misleading Congress.

Common Sense Border Security | The Common Sense Conservative 15, 2007 · In a conversation with a former, junior soldier, I gleaned a bit of ‘common sense’ that I wish our politicians had. With his unrefined grammar and street slang idioms, he described to me how he was trained to "secure" a building. He described something like this. Two squads; one to seal the perimeter, the other…

15 | December | 2009 | blahgblog 15, 2009 · The fact remains that Joe Lieberman is one of the most reliable liberal voters in the Senate and even more so this past year than throughout his previous senatorial career. There are better metrics of voting records than blog commenter tantrums. Morbo December 15, 2009 12:28 PM in reply to AdAbsurdum

Balkinization: Competitive Federalism and Collective ... prominent example is the Commerce Clause, which empowers Congress to regulate commerce “among the several States” but not commerce that is internal to a state. Collective action federalism’s structural account of Article I, Section 8 draws substantial support from constitutional text, history, and much judicial precedent.

Deal Or No Deal: Traitors? Sedition? Disrespect ... 10, 2015 · Pdf copy linked here Jake Tapper, CNN, interviewed freshman Senator Cotton (R) AR. this afternoon. The CNN segment is close to six minutes in duration, but it is important to know the caliber of politician we are electing to the US Congress. The level of overt ignorance from the freshman Senator is both overwhelming and dangerous. Some writers have…

Progressive Alaska: Palingate? was one of the people behind the scenes in the moves last winter to keep State Rep. Gabrielle LeDoux from raising campaign funds while performing the duties to which she had been elected. But Parnell has been doing just that. For months. The only major politician in Alaska smiling really big smiles over Don Young.

Mitchell Langbert's Blog: 10/18/09 - 10/25/09 24, 2009 · In fact, Rome was the inventor of the mixed economy, centrally controlled political system pretty much what is called "Progressivism" or "state-activist liberalism". Hence, this economy is neither liberal, conservative or Progressive. It is reactionary. 2. "Liberalism" means "of freedom" or pertaining to a …

Liberal Outpostshttps://liberaloutposts.blogspot.comOct 16, 2013 · After all, a state where the government-run lottery promised to bring salvation to education, but since its inception in 1988 has managed to deliver under 40 percent of its revenues to the state's Educational Enhancement Trust Fund, covering only one-twentieth of Florida's annual education budget, according to a CBS News investigation ...

pisarr41 | Political Communication. Rowan University ... 02, 2010 · He called it “one of his most unpopular decisions” but reasoned that it was a case largely decided by the law and that he had little to do but implement precedents. He points out that he was actually quite vehemently against the burning of a flag, in Texas v Johnson, even though it was ruled to be an act protected by the first amendment.

Massachusetts Conservative Feminist | Ordinary: Degrees of ... 07, 2009 · One of the latest propositionson Health Care Reform to come out of the U.S. Congress is a fine for those who fail to comply with Government Mandated Health Insurance coverage. Max Baucus (D-MT), working with the so-called bi-partisan “Gang of Six” to form a bi-partisan compromise on Health Care Reform, came up with a proposal that mirrors one currently in place in Massachusetts: (From AP ...

begemothttps://begemot.blogspot.comNov 14, 2007 · John Gorenfeld, Moon the Messiah, and the Media Echo Chamber [Reposted from my diary at dKos] I've been thinking about how the story that John Gorenfeld has been following for months concerning politicans' close ties to the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, and in particular the bizzarre ceremony this March where Moon was crowned messiah, has suddenly burst into the open in the past several …

create blog, create blog, create blog, create bloghttps://createmyblogforprovit.blogspot.comA collaborative blog is a type of weblog in which posts are written and published by more than one author. The majority of high profile collaborative blogs are based around a single uniting theme, such as politics or technology. In recent years, the blogosphere has seen the emergence and growing popularity of more collaborative efforts, often set up by already established bloggers wishing to ...

Diversity, Politics and Leadership Journalhttps://grs390j.blogspot.comThe Jilting of Japanese Baseball In the shadow of the sports dramas Glory Road, Invicible and now Pride, Audience Award winning filmmaker Desmond Nakano strikes out with Warner Bros.Thursday, March 29, 2007 at 8:45 PMBy Pam Grady Lyle Nomura (Aaron Yoo) has two loves: jazz and baseball.

Hard Rock Conservative: December 2009 10, 2009 · The rantings, ravings, and thoughts of a 26 year old Minnesota kid about politics, music, pop culture, sports, world news and all the crap thats fit to print in todays media world.

Betsy DeVos – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America Fischer: Court Ruling Against Anti-Gay Florist Is A Modern-Day Kristallnacht By Kyle Mantyla – Last week, the Washington Supreme Court ruled unanimously that florist Barronelle Stutzman had violated the state’s anti-discrimination law when she refused service to a customer seeking to purchase flowers for a same-sex wedding.

Open Thread | I Felt This Righteous Anger | 3CHICSPOLITICO 05, 2020 · My friend, who is immunocompromised- is freaking out. They poo-pooed her , not willing to test, until they saw the COVID-19 TOES- that was the only sign. It’s going to be a long next 3 weeks for them :(Like Like

Living in Their Own Reality…. – Stand Up For America 29, 2009 · 49% of Americans rate Barrack Obama as more liberal in his views than they are, and he hasn’t shown his views to be nearly as liberal as Pelosi and Company. A January 22, 2009 poll found that 14% of voters give Congress good or excellent marks, but 47% say Congress is doing a poor job.

Political Pistachio Too | The World is Nuts, The World of ...https://douglasvgibbs.wordpress.comDec 14, 2009 · Two-time guest on the Political Pistachio Radio Revolution, John C. Wohlstetter, is a Senior Fellow for Technology and Society at the Seattle-based Discovery Institute.As a Washington DC attorney, whose corporate career in telecommunications spanned 22 years, he became a Senior Fellow for the Discovery Institute in April of 2001.

Mccain Maverick | John Mc Cain | Politics Of The United ... It should be noted that moderates can be mavericks, too, provided that vote with their party even less than we would already expect, given their centrist positions. 1 0 Their measures of ideology (here we use DW-NOMINATE dimension 1 scores) use multidimensional scaling to recover the underlying structure of ideological conflict in roll-calls, within a given Congress.

Dana Perino | The Liberal Doomsayer Think Progress tells us, McClintock wasn’t in Congress when the Iraq war was authorized, and Duncan opposed the vote, some truly rare courage for a Repug. However, Dana Rohrabacher has no such excuse (and a particularly awful admission on today of all days, the seventh anniversary of the beginning of the war).

Election 2008 | Politics of the Common Good McCain, of 2008 “Country First” fame, appeared with Sarah Palin the other day to speak to a crowd of Tea Partiers. While Palin continued to gloss over the constant references to violent acts in her exhortations to Tea Partiers over the past couple days, McCain railed against health insurance reform, vowing a repeal of the newly-passed law.

Open Thread–2/17/2014 – Politics Plus 24, 2020 · That's the reason he "was the first black kid in Savannah, Georgia to go to a white school". Selective memory at it's worst! As for the rest of Alternet's stars of the week, my favorite is Sen. Bernie Helpin who thinks it's a good thing the Aurora, CO movie theater shooter had 100 round magazines because the gun jammed.

Bush Impeachment | Big Brass Balls The Boston Globe:. Hearing vowed on Bush's powers Senator questions bypassing of laws. The chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, accusing the White House of a ''very blatant encroachment" on congressional authority, said yesterday he will hold an oversight hearing into President Bush's assertion that he has the power to bypass more than 750 laws enacted over the past five years.

ModeratePoli: Antifa and the MSM blog of political positions and thoughts, from a liberal who evolved into a moderate, and who keeps on evolving. Open-minded analysis. Plain writing.

Yesterday Was a Great Day for Obama, An Even Better Day ... 29, 2012 · Just in case you were too busy yesterday trying to stay cool with all this hot weather around here and weren’t paying attention to the news, the Supreme Court upheld the basic provisions of the health care overhaul. Chief Justice Roberts joined the four more liberal judges on the court to make this a great day for President Obama and for those of us who support real change in this country.

Life Dynamics – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America International House of Prayer is engaged in many outreaches, justice initiatives, and mission projects. For the last 16 years, their prayer room has continued nonstop in 24/7 prayer led by worship teams. 800 staff members work at the IHOPKC Mission Base in Kansas City, and 800 full-time students and interns attend the International House of Prayer University, which consists of three full ...

Winston First | Something should go here, maybe later. got Je Lan Brash on side but Don chose the Peter Keenan draft, and, politically, that was the right call. In a sense, it was fair enough for Keenan to call me, as reported in “The Hollow Men” “an idiot”. Nevertheless, I caused a bit of a fuss. I had paid for a table for 10 at the Orewa speech.

Local Media Sucks! | DelawareLiberal.Net | Page 2 by delawareliberal under Local Media Sucks!, Uncategorized [3] Comments 1) To perform fellatio. A common technique of fellatio is to take the glans of the erect penis in the mouth while rhythmically caressing the rest of the penis with the hands.

06 | July | 2009 | The Liberal Doomsayer 06, 2009 · When the civil rights stakes for a group of individuals in this country are a lot higher than merely a “conundrum,” then I’ll favor a legal action to rectify their circumstance. But not until then (Krauthammer is right about the 45th anniversary of the Act, though, which we just observed last week). Update 7/12/09: Indeed.

Next Left: Tory leadership trivia 06, 2008 · Tory leadership trivia quiz ... But, the real anoraks' answer is that Hague was the first. It wasn't until Bonar Law in 1922 that a leader was formally appointed. ... Put either way round, I do think this does more than anything to get across the point about the 20th century as the 'Conservative century' in electoral politics.

American Bombers over Chinese Sea | Bud Meyers 26, 2013 · This was the first government use of a term normally reserved for highly sensitive Chinese political concerns such as Taiwan, Tibet and the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. And in recent days, China has made the very provocative decision to establish an air defense zone that encompasses the Senkaku skies."

Famous Alumni of Boston University | Celebrities Who Went ... 14, 2019 · List of famous alumni from Boston University, with photos when available. Prominent graduates from Boston University include celebrities, politicians, business people, athletes and more. This list of distinguished Boston University alumni is loosely ordered by relevance, so the most recogniza...

"It Was A Dark Day"- Liberals Declare Just Three Days Into ... 26, 2017 'It Was A Dark Day'- Liberals Declare Just Three Days Into The Trump Presidency: 'Today Was The Worst Day Yet' - Progressive PC Police Misrepresent Trump's Immigration And National Security Executive Orders

Black History Month Daily Thread | Mirror On America 11, 2009 · Rev. Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. (November 29, 1908 – April 4, 1972) was an American politician and pastor who represented Harlem, New York in the United States House of Representatives between 1945 and 1971. He was the first African-American elected to Congress from New York. He became chairman of the Education and Labor Committee in 1961.

A Youthful View on Black Political Rally 30, 2010 · A Youthful View on Black Political Rally. ... The Rt Hon Harriet Harman was the first of the deputies to give her speech which addressed the progress Labour has made for BME communities as opposed to the Conservatives. ... His Q & A’s stopped and started as the audience shouted statements rather then questions at George Osborne.

hippies | Missouri Communication 07, 2011 · Whether the death of Osama bin Laden was the outcome of a carefully planned mission that was carried out on May 1st, or whether bin Laden’s been dead for a few days and President Obama decided to make the announcement coinciding with the 8 year anniversary of George W. Bush’s “Mission accomplished” proclamation for the sake of political ...

Is That a Banana in Your Pocket? The Politics of Cultural ... 09, 1994 · Reprinted from The FUNdamentalist (September 1994)Last month I was riding my bike south on Plainfield Ave. and while waiting at an intersection I was assaulted by the message on one of the hundreds of billboards that clutter the Grand Rapids landscape. It was a Meijer ad celebrating the 50th anniversary of what is now marketed…

CAFTA | The Liberal Doomsayer September, the U.S. Labor Education on the Americas Project, a non-profit that supports workers in Latin America, revealed that “41 union members were killed in Colombia in the first eight months of 2008, more than the entirety of 2007.” But never mind states the media.

Irish Trojan in Tennessee:Calling all moral celebrities!'m Brendan Loy, a 26-year-old graduate of USC and Notre Dame now living and working in Knoxville, Tennessee. My wife Becky and I are brand-new parents of a beautiful baby girl, born on New Year's Eve. I'm a big-time sports fan, a politics, media & law junkie, an astronomy buff, a weather nerd, an Apple aficionado, a Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter fanatic, and an all-around dork.

Political Delay of Game | Nolan Dalla 2010 and 2014 midterm results where conservatives picked up wins are the best example of Tea Party hysteria and the mobilization of grass roots reactionaries. Yes, stonewalling everything President Obama does sometimes works, even though it’s terrible for …

Food for Thought: The Ethics, Culture, and Politics of Eatinghttps://wufood.blogspot.comInstructors: Lucy Jarosz ([email protected]) Ann Anagnost ([email protected]) Course Description: This course explores how food production and consumption creates meanings, identities, relationships, and values that extend far beyond meeting our nutritional needs. It is organized thematically to include considerations of the industrialization of food, food and health, local and ...

Donald Trump’s Bible or George Floyd’s? That's the choice ... Trump sees the Bible as a political prop. For George Floyd, it was a path to peace, justice and healing. America needs that now more than ever.

The Wild and Wonderful Whites of Virginia « Jamesb101.com 13, 2011 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

The resurrection of John Brennan continues……..And the ... 04, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

World Economic Forum and YouTube: Make Your Voice Heard ... 29, 2009 · World leaders and thinkers, from Bill Gates to Bono, will be attending the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland on January 29, 2009. They will be meeting to address some of the key issues facing our planet: the economy, ethics, environment, and politics. The theme for the forum is "Shaping the Post-Crisis World." Through,…

Leahy: Rove Investigation Will Continue | Suzie-Que's ... 13, 2007 · Anthony @ 19:07 BST. Leahy vows to press forward with Rove investigation. Huffington Post. When asked whether he was leaving to avoid congressional scrutiny, Karl Rove told the WSJ: “I’m not going to stay or leave based on whether it pleases the mob.”And Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) has made clear he’s not going to determine his subpoenas based on whether Rove stays or leaves.

Anti-immigrant activists are reportedly trying to get ... 18, 2019 · The move came soon after a physical, videotaped altercation that took place in Newark, when an activist approached him after a community event and called him an "Uncle Tom" and a "sell out c00n." Activists with ties to the far right quickly seized on the video and are reportedly using the incident in an attempt to get Thompson fired from his ...

The "Biggest Bell in US Politics ... - Stephen Curtiss Rose 15, 2008 · Hey, when emotions are high let's at it a bit.James Carville says, accurately, that with the Clinton's provocation, "The biggest bell in American politics just got rung."Newsweek has the whole sordid aftermath.The thing that interests me in the Newsweek piece above is the following from John Lewis:Rep. John Lewis (Ga.), a prominent Clinton supporter, raised…

The Next Hurrah: 100 things Congress could do that would ... It's been two and a half years and we still need a Hurricane Katrina Commission report 54. Forbid an unprovoked attack on Iran -- or anywhere else 55. Expressly allow civil and federal prosecution of phone companies who violated consumer privacy 56. Require pharmacists to fill prescriptions, personal religious dogma notwithstanding 57.

Latte-swilling Liberalhttps://latteswillingliberal.blogspot.comAfter the Aquarium we went to the Ripley museum. No matter how many times I go to one of those I still enjoy going to those. I used to like to read the Ripley books when I was a kid, along with the Book of Lists and the World Book Encyclopedia. My favorite thing at the Ripley museum was the two-headed baby, or, if you like, the one-bodied babies.

jennadler | Missouri Communication 26, 2010 · As the essay by Bennett describes, we are at a crossroads in the way that youth learns about citizenship and political engagement. First the author talks about two negative scenarios in which there will either be a gap between youth and politics because of the unwillingness of politicians to change their style of communication.

2009 December 23 « Mercury Rising ?? 23, 2009 · That scheme, also reviewed by the board, led to a record $3.8 million fine from the Federal Election Commission for illegally using corporate resources to host fundraisers for politicians. Emanuel was the beneficiary of one of those parties after he left the board and ran in 2002 for a seat in Congress from the North Side of Chicago.”

Randi Rhodes - WordPress.com btw, the existence of AAR and progressive talk radio in general had a huge role in activating progressives and taking the Congress blue which is why Clear Channel started canceling stations all over in late 2006 & early 2007), there’s even a new channel in Maine supported by Stephen King, XM/Sirius Channel 167 (and Randi Rhodes on 165 3 ...

No More Mister Nice Blog: It rhymes 02, 2017 · “[Agents] out in the field never want to give a case to D.C., because they believe headquarters is a hindrance to their investigations,” says [one retired F.B.I.] agent, who also notes there is a paranoia that politics might interfere at headquarters. New York has an especially dim view of Washington and a reputation for fierce independence.

Commentaries On The Times | The Pardu's Scroll Speaker of the House has a compensation level of $223,500 per year; $50,000 more than other members of Congress ($174,000) and $30,000 more than House and Senate Majority leader positions ($193,400).While, not a matter of discussion, nor an issue we actually care to posit on in this screed,the position probably carries a wealth (excuse the pun) of opportunity for other remuneration.

bomb | The Rogue Jew“Politically, one can understand that a hot potato,” said Muneer Fareed, secretary general of the Islamic Society of North America and a former professor of Islamic studies. “People don’t want to identify with the political equivalent of Jeffrey Dahmer.” What would happen if someone asked for the hijackers’ remains is not clear.

Visual Politics FYS: Mission Complete was the reality for 33 miners in Chile for the past two months. 32 Chileans and 1 Bolivian man are being strategically pulled up and out of the death trap below as I am writing this. Tremendous joy and relief were experienced around the world as the first man, Florencio Avalos, was lifted out and embraced his family and then President ...

Concerned Women for America – Arts and Politics from the ..., it is much better known as a single by American singer Cyndi Lauper, whose version was released in 1983.[1] It was the first major single released by Lauper as a solo artist and the lead-off single from her debut album She’s So Unusual. Lauper’s version gained recognition as a feminist anthem and was promoted by a Grammy-winning video.

Political Irony › This is the way the war ends, not with a ... 30, 2008 · This is the way the Obama administration begins, not with a bang, but a whimper With little criticism in the US press, incoming equivocator-in-chief Obama has just basically surrendered to the neo-cons, and the only question is whether the thing that can be seen waving is a white flag or Obama’s tail between his legs.

A Decade of Change (or not?), in Numbers « The Bright Coast 29, 2009 · This is a pretty neat list that was linked on Yahoo earlier this evening. It simply shows how certain figures have changed over the past 10 years in a variety of different categories, like politics, the environment, technology, the economy, education, etc. Lots of these numbers definitely reflect the current sad state of our economy. In the…

Statistics « The Bright Coast is a pretty neat list that was linked on Yahoo earlier this evening. It simply shows how certain figures have changed over the past 10 years in a variety of different categories, like politics, the environment, technology, the economy, education, etc. Lots of these numbers …

Ma’ak ya el khadra | Ibn Kafka's obiter dicta ... this pageThe CNASPS delegation’s attendance of this year’s ceremony was the testimony of the support and solidarity of the Algerian civil society to the just cause of the Sahrawi people. During its stay in Washington, the Algerian delegation also had a number of meetings in Congress, with non-governmental organizations, as well as with members of ...

Balkinization: How the Constitution structures the debt crisis group blog on constitutional law, theory, and politics

officers handcuff at gun point a crying 11 year old - Page 9 15, 2017 · officers handcuff at gun point a crying 11 year old If your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. You may have to register before you can post: click the register link above to proceed.

drugs | Supradeep Narayana's Blog 17, 2010 · Iowa was the place which jump started the presidential campaign of president Barack Obama. Today Iowa, has taken a giant step in gay rights issue. I think with this growing trend don’t rule out the possibility if Iowa becomes the first state to decriminalize marijuana or any other “drugs”. Iowa turning in to a liberal heartland. Go Iowa!

-gate news: November 2012 - Blogger 01, 2012 · -gate news Non-partisan investigative reporting on political scandals, propaganda, security firms and hackers; media criticism. In 2015, Judicial Watch, Huffington Post, MSNBC, WSJ, DC Examiner, Breitbart News and other media outlets ran stories based on my coverage of Hillary Clinton. 2016 articles published by Daily Caller at this link .

Buckdog: July 2013 29, 2013 · Yet what sticks out in his attempt at putting more women in cabinet is that the male guard remains responsible for Canada's fiscal and economic policies. It is the same old, same old, with Finance Minister Jim Flaherty, Treasury Board Chair Tony Clement, International Trade Minister Ed Fast and Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver staying put.

tcnorris: 08/01/2006 - 09/01/2006 27, 2006 · The Green Party has elected a new leader.She is Elizabeth May, a long-time environmental advocate and activist.May is also their first leader with real political skills. She is an effective communicator and should have a stronger media presence then predecessor Jim Harris, who, how shall we put this delicately, was a little weak in this department.

Troy King, Allegedly Outed McCain Alabama Chairman, Was ... blogged by Jon Ponder, Pensito Review. The McCain campaign's Alabama chairman, Attorney General Troy King, the virulent homophobe who is the subject of rumors that his wife discovered him having sex with another man, was a client of Strategum USA, the consulting firm of Ralph Gonzalez, a closeted gay GOP political operative who was killed last summer in a double murder-suicide in his ...

political media – Eric Lightborn's Blog about political media written by Eric Lightborn. University of California Santa Cruz is often associated as a left-leaning campus and administration, being the keepers of The Grateful Dead Archive and located in a mainly undisturbed forested historic location, but they have raised the ire of this liberal blogger in the aftermath of a recent four day sit-in protest of a 32% increase in ...

Clinton administration | Out Foxing Karl Rove of those will likely be Jeanne Lambrew, a veteran of the Clinton administration and a co-author of Daschle’s book “Critical: What We Can Do About the Health-Care Crisis.” Lambrew, in a chapter of a book published by the liberal Center for American Progress outlining a proposed agenda for the incoming president, agreed that fixing the ...

ce399 | research archive: Electromagnetics and the Mind, a stated promise to stop the research was the only punitive result. In 1977, one of the CIA whistleblowers, Michael Copeland, stated that despite claims to the contrary, the research continued and that, "the congressional subcommittee which went into …

Imagine Dream Desire Love Smile Think Remember Act Be ... 31, 2013 · Reaction to the Stop Online Piracy Act (H.R. 3261) - as well as its Senate counterpart, the PROTECT IP Act (S. 968) - has been severe. Here are some of the highlights from the growing chorus of opposition – in Letters to Congress, In the Press, in Blog Posts and Statements, and in Long-form Analysis Here is a list of organizations and individuals expressing concern with SOPA and PROTECT IP.

Elizabeth Warren | Sheila Kennedy first gender social norm index analysed data from 75 countries that, collectively, are home to more than 80% of the global population. It found that almost half of people feel men are superior political leaders and more than 40% believe men make better business executives. 40 posts from February 3, 2013 ... a gritty dead-end alley in ultra-Orthodox Brooklyn, past a loading dock and a couple of dumpsters, a set of stairs leads up to a small room with bare walls and a dozen computers. The plaque on the door at Kollel L’Horauh calls the room a library. As a library, it has received $135,000 in congressionally mandated library subsidies.

Obama muslim smear – Skeptical Brotha’s rise to prominence has been swift but it is not unlike that of another little known state politician who rose to prominence over thirty years ago, Jimmy Carter. Carter, you’ll recall was a born-again Baptist layman who also made common cause with all people regardless of race, religion, or background in order to heal the nation after Watergate.

Nancy Pelosi – Skeptical Brotha trailblazer in law and politics, she was the first African American woman to sit on both Cleveland’s Municipal Court and Cuyahoga County’s Court of Common Pleas. After losing a 1990 race for the Ohio Supreme Court, she entered the race to become Cuyahoga County Prosecutor and served until her election to Congress to replace a legendary ...

2 Political Junkies: DeSantis Responds 18, 2007 · As The Burgher wrote, ... (I believe) left messages, and DeSantis has not responded. Its not clear to me, but it looked like the Mayor was implying he personally had called. Maybe he asked for DeSantis personally, at time when DeSantis wasn't available. DeSantis, for his part, says he has some one working full time on debates, so if the Mayor's ...

REAL ART (and politics and culture) 12, 2010 · * McCoy: "I'm a doctor, not a coal miner." Glad they were able to get one of these in. * McCoy hypos the Captain. Glad they got that in, too. It is, after all, his weapon of choice. McCoy then hypos Spock, leaving the Doctor as the only choice for the …

Statement from Rep. Jared Huffman on the pending war ... 03, 2020 · Statement from Rep. Jared Huffman on the pending war January 3, 2020 in Uncategorized I’m deeply concerned that President Trump, acting impulsively, without consulting Congress, without legal authorization, without consulting our allies or the Ir aqi government, has taken us to the brink of a major war by ordering the assassination of Iran ...

A Profile in Political Courage (Bizarro Bonehead Mix ... 23, 2015 · It would be difficult enough to construct an infraction scheme for our political discourse, but at some point Gov. Scott Walker (R-WI) needs some time in the penalty box. After ducking obvious questions about evolution and the ravings of a madman, the Badger-in-chief has once again stared into the eyes of a straightforward question and…

Rod 2.0:Beta #gay #news #lgbt #gaynews: YearlyKos Day One far, so good on the first day of YearlyKos in Chicago.. Mike Rogers and Pam Spaulding (Pam's House Blend) led a great discussion among the LGBT Caucus.These were bloggers, activists, journalists, Beltway insiders and politicos—including representatives from the Dodd campaign. Much of the conversation focused on messaging and strategy (more or less what we discuss here) and how that …

Mistaken reports of death – Skeptical Brotha about Mistaken reports of death written by skepticalbrotha. Keeping a watchful eye on black politics

anti-Obama CCIII | Tea Party Movement | United States ... coalition of conservative activists living in the 8th Congressional District [and linked nationally] approved three Press Releases related specifically to ObamaCare, with the third [10/5/2013] reading: We urge Congressman Fitzpatrick do everything possible to support funding the government without voting for a Continuing Resolution that funds ...

WebWeaver's World: Practising the traditional grip 11, 2007 · A blog about my passions. May include some or all of the following: geek stuff (web design & development, CSS, accessibility, usability), environmental activism, my adopted home of New Zealand ('cos it's so totally wonderful), international & green politics (rants from a left-wing perspective), gardening, cats, literature, rugby, and a whole lot of other stuff besides.

Reform Dem: Should Peg Lautenschlager Run For DPW Chair? 18, 2007 · Just in case you were wondering, here are the exact numbers from the straw polls at the last convention: DFW Poll: Peg 162 votes (59%), Falk 115 votes (41%) WisPolitics Poll: Peg 315 votes (58%), Falk 228 votes (42%) Almost every convention delegate voted in one or both of these polls, and Peg won by a heck of a lot more than "12 or 22 votes".

Stubborn Liberal: November 2009 30, 2009 · > The Berlin Wall came down 20 years ago this week. I visited Germany a year and a half after the Berlin Wall was dismantled. When I visited Berlin, there were people selling small pieces of what they claimed to be part of the Wall. Of course, I had to buy a chunk of it. Even then there was a contrast between East and West Berlin.

Barstow Politics: 2009 23, 2009 · This is where it gets heavy. Bob and Jackie Conaway are a husband and wife team from Barstow who have been going after Buck McKeon for over a decade. In 2008, it was Jackie's turn to take a shot and she raised $5,800 for her campaign. The online record of her effort is basically non-existent.

Unfashionable Fascism: Mainstream Politicians Switching 14, 2014 · In other words, what disappears are the very conditions that have made possible a new and more feral American-style fascism. Systemic corruption, crassness, overt racism, a view of misfortune as a weakness, unapologetic bigotry, and a disdain of the public and common good has been normalized under Trump after gaining strength over the last 50 ...

replies to my email and says; The most recent... replies to my email and says; The most recent data from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), which is based on 2011 tax returns, shows that the so-called wealthy already pay the bulk of the taxes. My response to him is, well duh, ya think that may be because they have the bulk of the money? He is …

Politics-Climate Change-News You May ... - Power To The People World Bank’s board on Tuesday agreed to a new energy strategy that will limit financing of coal-fired power plants to “rare circumstances,” as the Washington-based global development powerhouse seeks to address the impact of climate change. People in developing economies are to be denied a tried, tested, cheap form of energy.

US House PA-16 | progressivenetwork rates the US House of Representatives for progressive votes on individual issues and overall. Their overall ratings for SE PA, out of 431 in Congress, based on 2009-10 votes, are: 51 (tied) Robert Brady, CD 01 (-0.80) 57 (tied) Chaka Fattah, CD 02 (+5.70)

Harvard University, Melvin White and a Much-Needed Plan to ... the visit, White’s plan, although it had received local and national media attention, had been ridiculed by some politicians and basically ignored by local, uber-wealthy educational institutions like Washington University.In 2014, the Riverfront Times, perhaps unknowingly, did a somewhat divisive story on White and BSA that rankled some black aldermen along the MLK strip.

Open Thread – 2/22/2018 – Politics Plus 24, 2020 · The store was out of one of my items, boneless fried chicken wings. A normal person would have called and asked, if I wanted to skip it, or have her get bone-in wings instead, but not Wendy. During a Winter Storm Alert that has schools and many businesses shut down, Wendy drove several miles to a different store, just to get my wings.

November | 2010 | Bob Higgins 20, 2010 · The election postmortems are rolling in as fast as the appeals to vote and donate in the days before the election. Between the flaccid faced politicians strutting their new born power and celebrity, the usual sad collection from TV’s endless supply of political experts and the vast stock of internet pundits, this carcass will be sliced, diced and inspected ad nauseum in the weeks to come.

Military | Under The LobsterScope leaders say they are unable to conclude that the deployments are the main cause of the suicide increase — one-third of the active-duty soldiers who killed themselves in 2009 have no deployment history, according to Army Vice Chief of Staff Gen. Peter Chiarelli. But many senior members of Congress say they believe there is a connection.

Inspire Political Discourse: State Dept. Saturday, Palin spoke at a news conference with Gov. Jan Brewer [R-AZ] in an effort to discourage the growing boycott of Arizona due to SB1070, the immigration law enacted in Arizona earlier this month. Palin defended the law by declaring President Obama responsible for the lack of secure borders, said lack "forcing" Arizona to take action to defend itself and secure it's own …

Great Mothers of Mayor Cory Mason’s Ratcine #1 in a Series ... 16, 2019 · All City of Racine residents should be as fortunate as Mayor Cory Mason and Municipal Judge Rebecca Mason, who purchased a Lakefront home at 3907 Lighthouse Drive for a steep discount from the (politically connected) owner who benefited, over time, at seeing his property assessment drop by HALF – from a high of $800,000 in 2008, to a new low ...

No Right Turn: Graphing the NZ blogosphere, part II 11, 2003 · Yesterday's request for data has produced enough results for a graph, so here it is: how NZ bloggers score on Chris Lightfoot's Political Survey: . A note about the axes: As noted below, this uses axes based on statistical clustering in the questionspace. Left / Right is like the traditional L/R axis, and is about authoritarianism, nationalism, laissez faire vs interventionist …

Fitch Issues a Credit Rating Warning ... - The Pardu's Scroll 15, 2013 · The GOP keeps pushing. USA Today is reporting Fitch has issued a warning about the US AAA Credit Rating. As you read on, we ask that you keep in mind the federal government shutdown has been in the works for at least two to three years. Our research indicates it has genesis in uber wealthy plutocrats who sue political…

A “Do Nothing” Plan To Reduce The Deficit For A “Do ... 20, 2011 · Up until now, I have had nothing to say about the so-called deficit reduction "Super Committee." They have been wasting the nation's time and money in a deadlock which everyone knew would be the case and which has persisted since August. Now their deadline looms. By this Wednesday, they are supposed to present to Congress…

Debate of the Living Dead | The Opinion Mill 24, 2009 · February 25, 2009 at 9:42 am. The difference: hollow-earth cultists do not number in the millions, backed by powerful institutions (Roman Catholic and evangelical Christian churches) and with controlling interest in a major and neo-Fascist U.S. political party that owned the White House for the past eight years.

police cover-up – Skeptical Brotha a watchful eye on black politics. Sidebar. May 2020; S M T W T F S : 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: 18: 19: 20

16 | August | 2007 | DelawareLiberal.Net 16, 2007 · 4 posts published by jason330 on August 16, 2007

bastet: congratulations, liberal blogosphere! we're ... 01, 2008 · and we don't even to get up off our comfy asses! ;) White House Claims Congress Is Caving to "Left Wing Bloggers" by Opposing Torture "The American people will find it baffling that on a day that House leaders are trying to put off passing critical legislation to keep us safer from the threat of foreign terrorists overseas, they are spending scarce time to become the first …

Monday Morning Links - Blogger 07, 2015 · Assorted content to start your week. - Robert Reich writes that the most important source of growing inequality in the U.S. is a politica...

TigerHawk - Blogger TigerHawk (ti*ger*hawk): n. 1. The title of this blog and the nom de plume of its founding blogger; 2. A deep bow to the Princeton Tigers and the Iowa Hawkeyes; 3. The nickname for Iowa's Hawkeye logo. Posts include thoughts of the day on international affairs, politics, things that strike us as hilarious and personal observations.

Framing Immigration from Ellis Island - Blogger is about Michigan, and how we as a community realize our hopes and dreams into a reality for our great state. Michigan's got a lot going for it, and a lot of things trying to work against it. The potential for our great state is so large, so incredible, and all it needs is us - working for it. LLP is about how we become closer as a community, stronger as a state, and more invested as ...

Civil Rights | "Global Possibilities" Person Is Political. Oct 23, 2018 by GlobalPossibilities. LGBTQ legal strategy has long focused on equal protection. But if identity itself can be political speech, the First Amendment could be our future.

Jumping on the Trump Train or Ditching the Donald ... 25, 2018 · 3 Although there have been many scandal plagued candidates such as Bill Clinton in 1996, the 2016 election appears to be the first modern campaign where endorsing the top of the ticket might hurt congressional candidates en masse. Newspapers, however, are less likely to toe the line and will withhold endorsements depending on the candidate.

The Daily GOP Ignominious: General ... - The Pardu's Scroll 30, 2013 · Odierno "Don't Look happy."There is something about Congressional hearings that simply digs-in under my finger nails. Obviously the general pictured above shares my sentiments. Members of Congress work less than 200 actual work days during the course of a calendar year. They earn as a minimum $174,000 and maximum $225,000 (Speaker of the House of …

it's not the money it's the power | Bloviating 20, 2017 · Further, from Levin: GOP leaders must resign over sexual harassment in Congress. by Chris Pandolfo. Tuesday on the radio, LevinTV host Mark Levin discussed the day’s reports and testimonies concerning the subject of sexual harassment in Congress. He played a clip of Rep. Jackie Speier, D-Calif., who testified there are at least two …

Lucid Lang: “Fiscal Speech” | The Gonzo Think Tank 27, 2010 · Last week’s U.S. Supreme Court decision to lift spending limits on political contributions removes “free” from “free speech.” Corrupt corporations and queasy conglomerates now have the ability for limitless spending on ads, further dwarfing the messages from small groups such as non-profits supporting the poor as well as environmental and educational …

“Leadership,” George W. Bush Style | The Liberal Doomsayer 29, 2009 · Thus did an ironclad rule of the George W. Bush administration — coat and tie in the Oval Office at all times — fall by the wayside, only the first of many signs that a more informal culture is growing up in the White House under new management. Mr." Keyword Found Websites ... keyword after analyzing the system lists the list of keywords related and the list of websites with related content, in addition you can see which keywords most interested customers on the this website

About | Koulflo Memo, a.k.a.Robert Koulish (link to web site) email: [email protected] The blog photo above is of the beautiful women in my life, Steph and Olivia, enjoying the carnival ride in Central Park. Little brother Julian was watching nearby. I am an interdisciplinary and experiential political scientist-- Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Eintrag | USA Erklärt | Seite 42 this pageAug 18, 2006 · The Government appears to argue here that […] particularly because the President is designated Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy, he has been granted the inherent power to violate not only the laws of the Congress but the First and Fourth Amendments of the Constitution, itself.

BREAKING: Reed v. Bachmann? Updated responses to "BREAKING: Reed v. Bachmann? Updated" Karl On May 4, 2009 at 5:40 PM Veeery interesting. I think a lot of people will pressure El to stay out of the race if true. It still does not really address the problem that has prevented us from winning before though.

Now We Have Proof That Charter Schools Are Worse Than You ... 07, 2016 · The Bluegrass Region of Kentucky is Central Kentucky, the area around Lexington. It's also sometimes known as the Golden Triangle, the region formed by Louisville in the west, Cincinnati in the north and Lexington in the east-south corner. This is the most economically advanced, politically progressive and aesthically beautiful area of the state.

Election 2010 - Massachusetts - How Many Long Held ... 09, 2010 · Several points to consider: a mid-term not a general election where the focus is more on the Presidential candidates than on those running for Congress, the aforementioned angst which is fueled by high deficits, and unemployment, as well as a “brand” gone bad – sets the stage for an electorate that is ready to try something different.

Welcome to the combat Here's a nice...,Otis Welcome to the squiggly pit of biassed discourse and occasional nuggets of logic. Here you can find some gems of wisdom buried under the occasional sludge of ignorance and prejudice. I am pleased to read your contribution, both for hearing about your background and also to note that you know how to spell, punctuate, and write correctly.

>McCain: Another Day Another Lobbyist Problem, Another ... 28, 2008 · >Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) did some politicking in Las Vegas, NV and highlighted his proposals concerning the subprime mortgage meltdown: “Obama laid out part of his proposal for economic security and keeping people in their homes: support for pending legislation that would help borrowers and lenders renegotiate adjustable-rate mortgages and switch to fixed 30-year mortgages;…

Fox News: Obama is an “Angry Black ... - All Other Persons 04, 2008 · The “angry black male” is one of America’s enduring stereotypes. The image of the emotional and violence-prone black man goes back to the days of slavery (see Nat Turner), and reached its political zenith in the negative-imagining of Jesse Jackson during his runs for president. I’ll never forget a Newsweek magazine cover from the period that featured a picture of an impassioned Jackson ...

lawyer Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Schema-Root F. Kennedy Jr., one of the nation's leading environmental attorneys, famously opposed a planned wind project off the Nantucket Sound on the grounds that “some places should be off-limits to any sort of industrial development” — never mind that, when seen from the shore, a single turbine wouldà  ...

2008 Election | Melissafrei's Weblog Candidates on Foreign Policy…..Let’s Re-Engage. December 2, 2007 at 2:48 am · Filed under Bush's War, Politics and tagged: 2008 Election, foreign policy. I was against our invasion of IRAQ because I did not believe what I was being told about the reasons for going to war. It goes without saying that our next president will have to possess strong foreign policy credentials.

alias Bruce.: Weather Christie's Wednesday news conference in which he called his own party and its congressional leader, John Boehner, what they are: a den of amoral mercenaries more beholden to their own crooked loyalties than anything remotely resembling the public interest. This truth is no secret, to be sure. But to hear a solid corporate-political functionary so bluntly and bitterly call out his ...

Michele Bachmann – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of ... Wiles: The Antichrist ‘Will Be A Homosexual Jew’ By Kyle Mantyla – End Times broadcaster Rick Wiles remains irate over the fact that former Rep. Michele Bachmann recently apologized for past remarks in which she said that Christians must focus on converting Jews because the End Times are near, and he dedicated much of his “ TruNews ” television program on Tuesday night to ...

"True Blood's" Nelsan Ellis on the Return of Lafayette ... gears from politics: Sunday night programming is once again must-see television with the return of Alan Ball's True Blood on HBO. The second-season premiere ratings are up an incredible 51% from their season finale, averaging 3.7 million viewers.It's the most viewers HBO has had since The Sopranos series finale.. Many fans of the southern gothic vampire series are ecstatic to see the ...

Morgan Stanley Raises Exec Salaries | New World Odor 10, 2009 · Morgan increased the base salaries of all of the named officers — except Chairman and Chief Executive Officer John J. Mack, who is paid $800,000 — as the company moves to balance pay between bonus incentive payments and base pay. The banking industry has been under fire from politicans and regulators for lavishing bonuses on employees.

31 | July | 2012 | The Liberal Doomsayer 31, 2012 · Oh yes, how dare those mooching, in-debt college students go looking for a “big gumint” handout, right (oh, and by the way, “Foxies,” you can have more than one sentence in a paragraph). In response, please allow me to point out how the ruinous 109th Congress rewrote the bankruptcy law that is now devastating both credit card and ...

The Political Ribbithttps://danamaxey.blogspot.comBut, the closest thing to a suggestion of action is more gun education similar to CHL classes. Instead, there is a lot more focus and detail in the Connecticut shooter's mental state is far greater than anything else in the post and then just ends the post abruptly.

talk – Eric Lightborn's Blog called in to a radio show tonight to express my disgust for the current state of political debate in America today.. Alan Colmes of Fox News Talk has this late night / evening political talk show that has some of the lightest call screening in all of the talk medium, let alone that he is working under Fox. Many doubt it but he is a liberal, I would think of him as the kind of liberal who ...

Is violent political rhetoric and imagery incitement 10, 2011 · This is an attempt to rewrite history and it's right out of Karl Rove's Playbook: when they have something on you, accuse them of it. No one has said that every single use of a bullseye or a target image, or the use of words like target and bullseyes are the issue.

Ladda Tammy Duckworth | The Pardu's Scroll the circus begins. The NRCC has already commenced raising money form the hearings, despite actual hearings as weeks and maybe months away. Remember, Boehners “rangers” are in no rush as fundraising and political leverage for 2014 mid-terms and 2016 general elections are the …

The 2014 elections | The Pardu's Scroll are the sorts of polling and polling reporting that contributed to Mitt Romney filing to develop a concession speech in 2012. Karl Rove has pumped the Right with so much flawed survey data, the completely ill-equipped and naive Mitt Romney committed a political. Of even more significance political independent Americans vote along the same lines as the leanings of poll results.

StoneHeads ( ??? ): May 2006 26, 2006 · Let's review. The actual text of the First Amendment says: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

artistdogboy: April 2008 03, 2008 · artistdogboy Tuesday, April 29, 2008. Oregon Congressmen Earl Blumenauer Rallies Obama Supporters In Portland. Here's the video of Oregon Congressman Earl Blumenauer rallying Obama volunteers on Saturday morning prior to the begining of a massive voter registration drive in Portland. In the speech he attacks Hillary Clinton and John McCain for ...

Rep. Dennis Kucinich on His Battle With the Banks | Suzie ... 17, 2008 · Rep. Dennis Kucinich | Truthdig | December 15, 2008 Once they were as gods, but the deities of the American banking system are now in ruins, plunged from their pedestals into the maw of taxpayer largesse. Congress voted to give the banks $700 billion, lifting them temporarily out of their sepulcher of debt, while revealing…

Gideon maine Collins in the fall, one of the most Jun 28, 2020 · Gideon has also highlighted the issue in her tenure as House speaker, during which the Maine Legislature passed several landmark climate bills after the 2018 election of Gov. 2 days ago · Sara Gideon (born December 4, 1971) is an American politician serving as the Speaker of the Maine ...

Voting Restrictions | The Recovery Through Wholeness ... 22, 2019 · Delaney, one of the wealthiest members of Congress, was the first to announce he will seek his party’s nomination in 2020. He said he was entering the presidential race early because he knows he will need time to build name recognition. Tulsi Gabbard, 38. Tusi Gabbard has served as a US congresswoman from Hawaii’s second district since 2013.

Can a Third Way Movement Emerge in Georgian Politics ... is clear demand for a new political actor in Georgian party politics. Currently, the parliamentary opposition is at one of its weakest points in the history of independent Georgia. The ruling GD party holds a constitutional majority in parliament, with the opposition holding only 23.33% of seats.

16 | June | 2013 | Justice For All 16, 2013 · UPDATE!! I wrote the post below June 16th before the trial of George Zimmerman had begun before a jury had been chosen. The concluded on Saturday July 13th, after 16 hours of deliberations the jury of 6 women found GZ NOT GUILTY!. Now the NAACP, and other liberal groups want the Department of Justice to pursued some sort of civil rights violation and put Zimmerman …

PBS News-Hour: What We Know About Russian Meddling and ... 28, 2017 · The following is an excellent program from the February 27, 2017 PBS News-Hour program reported by Judy Woodruff and William Brangham titled "What We Know About Russian Meddling and Putin's Playbook" and "Congress Grapples With Investigating Russia Ties" I quote: "What we know about Russian meddling and Putin’s playbook" February 27, 2017 at 6:35 PM…

Tiny bit of Politics | The Moorish Wanderer | Page 8 04, 2011 · This is one of these magical tricks where numbers create a reality by themselves: in this case, the average household has been created by simply dividing, every year, the total Gross National Income-or the Big Plate of Couscous- over the adult population -or the total number of hosts gathered around the big plate. It is a convenient estimate to ...

John Cornyn | 44-D 04, 2009 · Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) accused Franken exploiting the story of Jamie Leigh Jones — a former KBR employee who says she was locked in a container in Iraq after alleging she was raped by co-workers — to further his political agenda. “Trying to tap into the natural sympathy that we have for this victim of this rape –and use that as a justification to frankly misrepresent and embarrass his ...

September 30, 2010 – Under The LobsterScope 30, 2010 · “It’s embarrassing to me and a great many Minnesotans that Michele Bachmann, a politician who is so busy grandstanding and giving interviews on Fox News that she doesn’t have time to serve the people who elected her, represents the 6th District in Washington. Minnesota‘s 6th District has some of the highest foreclosure and unemployment rates in the state, but in an interview with the ...

2010 June 09 « Jamesb101.com 09, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Political Miscellany | All Other Persons Wilder Era Comes to a Close in Virginia. Doug Wilder, the trailblazing African American politician from Virginia, is about to end his career as an elected official. In 1990, he became the first African American ever to be elected to governor of an American state. Wilder, has been serving as mayor of Richmond, Virginia since 2005.

Motor City Liberal: Fox News Publishes Name Of SEAL Who ... 23, 2012 · Fox News today published the name of a U.S. Navy SEAL who led the raid on Osama bin Laden’s compound in Pakistan last year that ended up in the al-Qaeda leader’s death. The SEAL under the pseudonym Mark Owen is the author of a book set to …

Social Change Agent Diana: White Male History 16, 2009 · The traditional history of Europe and early America is white male history, as the white male was more or less the only one to write the history, have most major roles in society, politics, etc. So your 101 level European history class would be white male history.

Accidental Deliberations: Tuesday Morning Links 08, 2013 · But in fact, merely a conjunctural form of a wider problem. Just as the definition of crime is inherently ideological, so the decision as to what constitutes an "official" protest or an "extremist" outrage is in part ideological and normative, deriving from the legal and political culture of policing in a given state and bureaucratic ...

commonsense: Trump's Birth Certificate Reveals His ...'s Birth Certificate Reveals His Jamaican Birth ... Reviews: This is a seminal work which "tells it like it is" concerning the current power arrangements in the American political system, as well as the political leadership's aspirations towards global empire. Prof. Wolin sets the tone of his work on page 1, with the juxtaposition of the ...

REAL ART (and politics and culture) 07, 2010 · For starters, a pretty blatant example of one of those "parallel Earth" episodes. That is, it offers an alien culture which is almost exactly like ours, with a critical exception or two. It's blatant because, having already established the concept in the first season's " Miri ," the narrative takes almost no time setting up the idea.

Not Exactly News …. | This Is 12, 2013 · This is one of the great legacies of the FOX News era, in which the “liberal media conspiracy” myth has not only given rise to blatant conservative partisan media, but also encouraged allegedly genuine journalists to temper reality according to partisan outlooks.

Masters of Hate — The Conservative Disinformation Campaign ... 22, 2012 · Sadly, just a partial list, an infantesimal tip of the iceberg of hoaxes by self-described conservatives. Many people — good and decent people — simply chose to ignore ths stuff. Perhaps they think these types of things do no harm. They accept this rubbish as just being part of the political process every few years.

Why bail out Wall Street , When we can’t bail out Main ... 24, 2008 · There are two points about this bailout that should be clear. First, a bailout – we are handing money to Wall Street. Second, we don’t have to hand tens of billions of dollars to the country’s richest people to save the financial system. The politicians will try to do their best to obscure the first …

David Scott’s office tagged with a Swastika | The ... 11, 2009 · Via the AJC, A vandal spray-painted a large black swastika on the sign outside U.S. Rep. David Scott’s office in Smyrna. It's a short article - story is just in the breaking phase. The police are on the scene and the Congressman is on his way to the office. Scott is one of the few…

501 Don’t See Me | The Button Valley Bugle 03, 2015 · A rhetorical war is being quietly waged over the remaining natural resources in the American West. We have recently seen the battles play out in Congress, as they pass funding to help transfer federal lands to states and, of course, we have seen it in the legislative bodies of several western states, including Montana, where proposed bills to transfer federal lands to state control have been ...

Ranked ballots | Voting | Political Events• This process is repeated until a winner can be declared with 50% plus one of the vote. 50% Elections Office | City Hall, 300 Dufferin Avenue, London ph. 519-661-4535, TTY 519-661-4500, Fax 519-661-4892

Politico « Mercury Rising ?? about Politico written by Phoenix Woman. Politics, life, and other things that matter

White House Tours | Smart Liberal and Female can remember a time when you could actually tour the White House. Hell, I took s, the tour in 1994. I didn’t need a group of 13, 10, or some other absurd number. I just requested a tour and gave some personal information-then magically I would show up at the White House and a tour guide would show a group of us around.

cycle of life | The Point of a Sharp Instrument sites. Act.TV A facebook page dedicated to grassroots activism.; Counter Current News An alternative news site that focuses on exposing corruption.; Cruelty-Free Living Animals suffer greatly for our vanity and careless lifestyles. The National Anti-Vivisection Society is working to educate the masses on these horrendous crimes against our fellow-creatures.

May | 2009 | Smart Liberal and Female can remember a time when you could actually tour the White House. Hell, I took s, the tour in 1994. I didn’t need a group of 13, 10, or some other absurd number. I just requested a tour and gave some personal information-then magically I would show up at the White House and a tour guide would show a group of us around.

Left | Something should go here, maybe later. let’s sum this up: When the media talks about Timothy McVeigh, they’re citing one horrific act of a madman as an example of the evil right-wing extremists. But they pass over one hundred seventy left-wing extremist incidents by failing to cite a single one of these examples. That’s right.

Senate Bill 1867 | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! Check out the video of Carl Levin“But… It was his administration that insisted that the language be included in the bill”. From the video: Senator Carl Levin (D-Mich.) told Congress recently that under the original wording of the National Defense Authorization Act, American citizens were excluded from the provision that allowed for detention.

Redeye's Front Page: April 2016 10, 2016 · EYE have been in deep mourning every since EYE leaned of the sudden death of the award winning artist known simply as Prince. This is a hard one. Prince was more than a musician, he was an explicitly political artist in how he presented himself, his music and his quest for creative independence. Prince, despite seeming racially and sexually ambiguous, was always very clear and political in his ...

Beekman Placehttps://sjohntucson.blogspot.comHi folks. This is a post I promised to write to several friends about my visit to go see Jefty on Death Row (for background on Jefty, see (good summary of original cases) here, here, (of particular political interest) here, and here (and there is a lot more out there, google "Jeffrey Landrigan" if …

Frederick Politics: December 2014 - Blogger 01, 2014 · Don’t hold your breath for an amiable start to charter government in Frederick County, Maryland. In one of the last acts by the current board of commissioners, and a poke in the eye to incoming county executive Jan Gardner(D), they appointed board president Blaine Young(R) to a vacant planning commission position.

Proviso Probe: August 2009 31, 2009 · This is the email response I received: Rep. Davis was instrumental in helping to start the National Association of Community Health Centers and served as President before getting elected to Congress. He is also a former employee, board member and patient of two health centers and a long time friend of the Community Health Center Movement.

Political Irony › I just don’t know about this Obama fellow 24, 2008 · For example, James Buchannan was the most experienced person ever elected president, but he is considered to be one of the worst (only slightly edged out by Warren G. Harding for that “honor”). Or take Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson, who had little experience but who are considered to have been very good presidents.

AP in Obama’s Pocket | Doctor Bulldog & Ronin 08, 2008 · Explore posts in the same categories: Media Bias, politics This entry was posted on 8 September, 2008 at 2:14 pm and is filed under Media Bias, politics.You can subscribe via RSS 2.0 feed to this post's comments. You can comment below, or link to this permanent URL from your own site.

Friday Open Thread | 3CHICSPOLITICO 06, 2019 · Visiting the Lorraine Motel in Memphis Was the Most Emotional Museum Experience I’ve Ever Had Panama Jackson Yesterday 3:42pm. I went to the Lorraine Motel and the National Civil Rights Museum for the first time in January, and I can say, without question, it was the most emotional experience I’ve ever had at a museum.

June | 2008 | Desert Beacon Dean Heller (R-NV2) was the only member of the Nevada congressional delegation to vote against H.R. 6052, the “Saving Energy Through Public Transportation Act, on June 26 th. [ vote 467 ] H.R. 6052 is a straight-forward enough bill, providing funding for public transportation authorities to receive grants for expanding and ...

Before Frederick Douglass became Lincoln's thorn and ... strong stuff to characterize the guy who would become known as The Great Emancipator. But Douglass wanted action in 1861. This was the moment, one of those rare crises that much later politicians would say should never be wasted. The incipient rebellion shouldn’t be soothed away with concession, Douglass made clear.

Brie Larson | Wide World of Stuff World of Stuff. I want to tell you about two awesome TV shows I’ve been binge-ing during the pandemic. And the Portland Moms protesters are so freaking awesome; Remembering John Lewis, a true American hero. The best political ad of the year, by Lindsay Graham’s opponent. And a “pandemic sport” involving beer cans that’s wildly ...

2008 Mississippi's 1st congressional district special ...'s...2008 Mississippi's 1st congressional district special election This is an article about the U.S. House seat formerly held by Roger Wicker.For the election article regarding the general U.S. House election in Mississippi, see United States House of Representatives elections in Mississippi, 2008.. The 2008 Mississippi 1st congressional district special election was a special election in the ...

December | 2011 | Double Dip Politics is the end of the year, and as such, we’ve waited until today for the list of the top ten stories in politics in 2011. The number one choice was the pick of the readers for the year, so let’s get started and see what events were the most important in 2011.

Non-governmental organization | The Moorish Wanderer is one of these rare occasions where I take off my “left-wingy, radical nuts” and try very hard to consider Moroccan politics from a dispassionate viewpoint. As it happens, I had little to do these last couple of days, and I thought I should give Jean-Claude Santucci’ s paper a good second reading.

Daniel Henninger | The Liberal Doomsayer investigations. A new “revelation” every day about the First Family (get ready for the return of Bill Ayres, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, and hearings into the alleged “New Black Panther Party” Philadelphia polling scandal on Election Day 2008, for starters). And no legislation (none of any good to us, anyway). Privatizing Social Security.

2011 September 11 « Jamesb101.com 11, 2011 · 2 posts published by jamesb101 on September 11, 2011. As the White House kicks off its national campaign to get Congress to pass modest job creation legislation, we are continuing our brainstorming sessionto develop a comprehensive list of ways the White House can create jobs and otherwise improve the national economy without any congressional action whatsoever.

Nassau GOP Watch: August 2006 at, site owner and reporter Christine Sohmer in her video news segment tells us of a local Massapequa politician who missed a photo-op at the Classic Car Night at the Massapequa LIRR station.Ms. Sohmer goes to all the local events, photographs the activities and visitors and posts the pictures on her site. Seems this one politician missed the chance to be in the ...

Congress rubber-stamps Bush wiretapping bill to spy on ... 10, 2007 · It is official. Congress has just given President Bush the legal authority to spy on Americans without any court order. The Senate passed the bill in a late-night session on August 3, 2007, by a vote of 60-28. The House passed the wiretapping bill Saturday August 4, 2007, by a vote of 227-183. President Bush signed the bill into law on Sunday, August 5, 2007.

A Liberal Goes A Long Way: What would a Lib Dem reshuffle ... 30, 2007 · Liberal Polemic said.... A couple of points about your opening: 1) The Times is reporting that Brown has decided that he will make the Deputy Leader DPM 2) It's not as wholesale as the Night of the Long Knives. As for the narrative, I've never seen a better slogan than "It's about freedom". These triplets (free,fair,green; safer,fairer,greener; freedom, fairness and trust; etc.) don't excite ...

MajMike's Free Speech Zonehttps://majmike.blogspot.comCommentary on politics, economics, national security, and whatever else is pissing me off that particular day. I'm a disabled Vet who's trapped at home and tired of talking to the TV (my dog is tired of listening too), who's trying to understand our complicated world. WARNING: Low bullshit threshold. Lived inside the Beltway while at the Pentagon (3 yrs), saw truly artistic bullshit up close ...

How the 'soft sciences' create 'counterfeit truth' 04, 2006 · Psychology. Marketing. Political science. These are what we call, "soft sciences." "Soft" in that they can be manipulated to suit one's needs. Polls can be worded in a deceitful way to produce a ...

JustOneMinute: But What Do They Really Think? 10, 2015 · The NY Times editors tell us how they feel about Obama's ongoing Syrian misadventure:. An Incoherent Syria War Strategy. Shouldn't "Strategy" be in quotes? Liberal bias dies hard! The Obama administration’s $500 million initiative to train and arm so-called moderate rebels to take on the Islamic State never seemed promising when it was rolled out last year.

People’s Budget 2016 | Eslkevin's Blog 12, 2016 · Our economy is rebounding from the Great Recession but too many hardworking Americans have been left behind. Our economic and political system has lost sight of what matters most:We the People. This year’s Congressional Progressive Caucus Budget provides major job-creating investments in our country through clean energy, infrastructure, housing, and education, which will …

oligarchy | DEEP GREEN PERSPECTIVE 2014, a pair of highly respected political scientists at Princeton and Northwestern Universities jointly researched and published a study on the influence of the extremely wealthy in American politics, which confirmed what a great many of us political activists knew in our guts: the United States is an oligarchy, a country whose political process is controlled by, and largely benefits, the ...

The Serpent's Choicehttps://serpentschoice.blogspot.comMar 20, 2007 · And a lot of a typical document dump -- duplicated text, copies of material already available elsewhere (Congressional testimony, press releases, and even law journals), and of course redactions upon redactions. But that doesn't mean there isn't anything worth taking note of.

Buckdog: September 2013 30, 2013 · Science is the gathering of hypotheses and the endless testing of them. It involves checking and double-checking, self-criticism and a willingness to overturn even fundamental assumptions if they prove to be wrong. But none of this can happen without open communication among scientists. This is more than an attack on academic freedom.

June | 2018 | DEEP GREEN PERSPECTIVE posts published by brothermartin during June 2018. In 2014, a pair of highly respected political scientists at Princeton and Northwestern Universities jointly researched and published a study on the influence of the extremely wealthy in American politics, which confirmed what a great many of us political activists knew in our guts: the United States is an oligarchy, a country whose political ...

Maxfield and Oberton | The Liberal Doomsayer to a draft, the bill would expand early childhood education from birth to age five over a decade. It would give states funding to expand preschool to all four-year-olds in low-income families who earn below 200 percent of the Federal Poverty Line, or about $47,000 for a family of four, based on the number of children that would be served.

Election Fact Sheet 2016 | Absentee Ballot | Identity Document When a voter votes for his or her choice for President and Vice President, the voter actually is voting for the state of electors for that candidate. Virginia has 13 electoral votes (one for each congressional district, plus two at large). The names of the individual electors no longer appear on the ballot for space reasons, but the names are available on the Virginia Department of ...

2012 February « Jamesb101.com 27, 2012 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

rural/urban divide | Sheila Kennedy recent article posted to the website of the Niskanen Center corroborated a depressing theory that I have entertained over the past several years.. The United States is not very united. Americans have been sorting themselves along ideological lines into like-minded regions of the country, increasing polarization in congressional voting patterns, and creating a striking division in political ...

NewsBusters | Something should go here, maybe later. shines the light on one of the MSM tricks that are less odvious to the general public. One of the favors the media routinely perform for liberal politicians is citing left-of-center think tanks as “non-partisan” entities, who just happen to have evidence proving the awfulness of conservative policies.

Copyright | Political Graffiti am writing a paper for a Media Studies course over the media’s use of patriotism to market bias and justify governmental actions that would otherwise be contradictory to the ethical standards of human rights. I would like to use your cartoon depicting a couple watching the news as the pundits argue who’s flag lapel pin is the shiniest.

war | Political Loudmouth 25, 2013 · As the War on Women accelerates, it’s time to call all the powerful spirits you know to join this battle. Whether they live within you or without you, the moment for them to appear. For a hi-res version of this for printing, just click the image above. To see more free posters related to the War on Women, please go here.

School Shootings | Spinny Liberal warning, probably going to be a rambly rant. The CT school shootings were horrific, which definitely took the 2nd Amendment off the back burner. I remember during the debates, gun control was not really addressed other than the usual, “make sure kids have a good childhood so they don’t turn into the Columbine monsters.”

The Joker to the Thief: King George of the United-States. 26, 2005 · Yes, there should be "national security" concerns - especially after 9/11 but somewhere a line must be drawn.That's why there are laws. This nation is not even officially at war (Congress has not issued a formal declaration of war) and this administration is still supposed to subject to the rule of law, strict checks and balances and good governance.

Science and Politics and politics. If you have read my past rantings and believe that I am either oevrsimplifying or just plain wrong to reduce all of American politics to sex, particularly to anxious masculinity of Conservative men induced by Dobsonian Strict Father upbringing, then let me offer you stuff to read that is not written by liberal psychoanalysts, but by Freepers themselves.

Perils of Proposing Public Parcel Plunder | The Button ... 20, 2015 · Todd Tanner published a great piece in High Country News on the menace of recent Congressional legislation to promote the transfer and sale of public lands.. This is about power, plunder and money. It’s about water, which is the source of all that power here in the West. And it’s about the fact that an awful lot of folks back in Washington want to privatize our federal lands.

Obsidian Wings: 28, 2020 · by wj. I was tempted to title this The Best People. But it's what the "best people" have been doing that boggles my mind. The blanket refusal to respond to subpoenas has been in start contrast to how previous administrations, all previous administrations, have dealt with Congress. Let's face it, no matter what one's opinion of Trump and all his works, it looks terrible.

Malcolm X | Nolan Dalla 27, 2020 · MALCOLM X (MOVIE REVIEW) This is a hastily-written short review I feel compelled to share. I have no clue as to why I’d never seen Malcolm X, the biopic of the iconic Afro-American civil rights political activist who was assassinated in 1965. An oversight, perhaps.

news internet st.louis post dispatch | Missouri Communication 28, 2010 · Coming from the St. Louis area, my primary source of political information always came from the St. Louis Post Dispatch. Now that I have moved away from the area and no longer get the paper in hard copy form, when I want to hear about local St. Louis news in look online at .. Not only is this site free to use, it is also very easy to navigate.

change, global warming, global cooling, man made... change, global warming, global cooling, man made storms, science based truths, all concocted to take away America's energy supplies. And the lefties use a thousand year old trick that the shamans and witch doctors used. "You give me beads and shells and I will make it rain." Or:

The Determinant Of Populist Leadership in Moroccan ... 17, 2012 · As far as the content of this post goes, these differences are of no particular importance: while it is generally quite important to define the sort of populism one talks about, it seems there is good evidence to support the claim that a standardized narrative can be fitted in the Moroccan political discourse, to state that populism among our politicians is driven by three main components ...

IRR- Most Influential People in JPIA | Politics | Government Search for National Federation of Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants Most Influential People in JPIA award shall be awarded to those individuals who had showed powerful personality and brought impact to JPIA as a whole This is also to recognize those people who showed admiration, change, guidance, encouragement and congeniality to ...

Politics 2016 | kavips 30, 2015 · Nationally the same scenario is being played out in that all the candidates are the same except one. Only one candidate of either party is taking on corporate America. All the rest are fortressed and supported by Corporate America marking all the differences actually existing between them as petty and insignificant when compared to the pressing ...

Balkinization: The Constitutional Moment of Health Care Reform "constitutional" impediment to passing health care reform is the 60 vote requirement for passing bills in the Senate. I use the term in quotes because it is merely a matter of internal Senate rules and could be changed at any time. But it is "constitutional" in another sense because it has come to be understood as a basic rule of politics.

Life In These United States, Donald J. Trump Edition ... 28, 2017 · The election is over. And sorry if this sounds self-serving, but it’s not like I didn’t warn you . Update 1 1/28/17: I don’t know about you, but we regularly deal with people who, by all accounts, are good neighbors and friends and people who are really good at …

Gingrich Correctly Call It War | Big Brass Balls 16, 2006 · From The Seattle Times: Gingrich says it's World War III Former U.S. House Speaker Newt Gingrich says America is in World War III and President Bush should say so. In an interview in Bellevue this morning Gingrich said Bush should call a joint session of Congress the first week of September and talk about global…

Irish Trojan in Tennessee:Willingham not'm Brendan Loy, a 26-year-old graduate of USC and Notre Dame now living and working in Knoxville, Tennessee. My wife Becky and I are brand-new parents of a beautiful baby girl, born on New Year's Eve. I'm a big-time sports fan, a politics, media & law junkie, an astronomy buff, a weather nerd, an Apple aficionado, a Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter fanatic, and an all-around dork.

Political Irony › Late Night Political Humor 19, 2017 · So like sending flowers to the funeral of somebody you just murdered. – James Corden. President Trump said today that his infrastructure plan could cost more than the projected $1 trillion. Said Trump, “I don’t want to alarm anyone, but it could go as high as a bajillion.” – Seth Meyers

Chronicle of Higher Eduction | The Liberal Doomsayer graduate student blamed the housing crisis in America on institutional racism. And a third argued that conservatives like Thomas Sowell, Clarence Thomas and John McWhorter have “played one of the most-significant roles in the assault on …

What Obama’s Cuba Policy Ought to Be « SOCIAL VOX 27, 2009 · What Obama’s Cuba Policy Ought to Be. In the ebb and flow of politics, change is the ultimate catalyst for achieving better government. As in the market, where demand for an old and unattractive product wanes, an unsuccessful political leader or policy, too, can lose favor.

Roger Ailes: 06/01/2006 - 07/01/2006 29, 2006 · A Cross, A Flag and A Gallon of Ancient Age. Peggy Noonan gives alcoholism a bad name: "Second, nobody thinks America is overrun with people burning flags, so the amendment does not seem even to be an exotic response to a real problem. There are a lot of pressing issues before the Congress, and no one thinks this is one of them.

internet bullhornhttps://internetbullhorn.blogspot.comJan 09, 2010 · Conor Friedersdorf is one of the most intelligent, clear thinking, and intellectually honest writers on the internet right now, and his review of Avatar is worth reading, especially if you want a more in-depth political/philosophical analysis than …

Washington State Political Report House passed a bill that makes it so that we can license Canadian pharmacies.This will make it easier to get cheap drugs from Canada. Rep. Sherry Appleton, who sponsored the bill, said the monthly drug bill for her 88-year-old mother, a cancer survivor, dropped from $836 to $300 when she started buying medications over the Internet from a Canadian pharmacy.

New Mexico Politics with Joe Monahan that statement Mayer, 56, aimed both barrels directly at any major Chavez initiatives in his remaining two years in office. The Mayor has already faced a veto proof council, recently losing several issues on 6 to 3 votes. Mayer has been one of his three reliable votes along with …

ME's Political Ranthttps://me-politicalrant.blogspot.comMuch maligned in the news in the month of August was the UK's National Health Service. Eric's mom-- who also sent me a link to this very interesting, and not atypical, story about the NHS-- was out here for a visit last week and happened to be staying in a B&B with a physician from the UK's National Health Service. I'm grateful to her and to Dr ...

1492https://1492columbus.blogspot.com1492 This is a blog on some of what I find interesting. Local, State (NC) and Nationial politics will be the main focus of this site, with a splash of sports, tech, computers, books, sci-fi, tv, movies and whatever else catches my eye.

No More Apples: 03/30/2008 - 04/06/2008 04, 2008 · No More Apples "Adam ate an apple from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. It's a shame we ran out of apples." -- The Sage. "The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness." -- John Kenneth Galbraith "Reality has a liberal bias."

Buckdog: January 2014 29, 2014 · His zeal for a progressive and fair society dates back decades to his youth. Doug obtained a BA in sociology at the University of Regina in the 1970's.. His first employment after university was a contract to write the history of SGEU. This was the first of a number of works he authored, edited or contributed to over the ensuing years.

Facts Can Be So Pesky | Sheila Kennedy did Trump do? In his 2020 budget, he asked Congress to cut that number to: Zero. Zilch. Nothing. Let me repeat the newspaper’s most damning discovery: in the 2019 fiscal year budget, Trump asked for a $595.5 million dollar cut to the overall public health preparedness and response efforts.

National | Something should go here, maybe later. thinks that National showed restraint this time too, and that due to MMP. MMP stops the Revolution. We have MMP to thank for this. Under a fair electoral system, any repeat of the strategy of deceit seen in 1984 and 1991 would result in a one-term government, and a lengthy spell in opposition.

Obama speech – Skeptical Brotha’s rise to prominence has been swift but it is not unlike that of another little known state politician who rose to prominence over thirty years ago, Jimmy Carter. Carter, you’ll recall was a born-again Baptist layman who also made common cause with all people regardless of race, religion, or background in order to heal the nation after Watergate.

Stephanie Tubbs Jones – Skeptical Brotha reaction to the death of Ohio Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs Jones has been swift. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi: “On behalf of all Members of Congress, I express my deepest condolences on the sudden death of our friend and colleague, Chairwoman Stephanie Tubbs Jones, to all who loved her, particularly her son, Mervyn Leroy Jones, II, and her sister, Barbara Walker.

May | 2012 | Enneagram... Exploring Your True Self 29, 2012 · I was catapulted to a position with real power, influence and status.” Excerpt of Ross’ article Occupy Wall Street and a New Politics for a Disorderly World in The Nation on February 7, 2012: “…This [OWS] is a politics of the many for the many, rather than that of a small clique of elected representatives, co-opted by the powerful few.

local Dems | DelawareLiberal.Net 26, 2007 · It’s the end of the day and the short weeks always feel the longest. But cheer up, tonight is Drinking Liberally at one of the finest Newark drinking establishments that hasn’t been turned into condos. The Deer Park is the place to be someone tonight at 8PM. Several of the contributors and commenters on Delaware Liberal make a point of getting out there and blogging in person.

Eagleize Freedom - Bloggerhttps://eagleizefreedom.blogspot.comSuch as the higher taxes for higher wage earners and a national health insurance program. The author makes the argument that national health insurance might not work because the business politics in the current health care system do not all have the same standards.

Slow Down. The Case for a Deliberate and Focused 28, 2019 · Even if considered sufficient for articles of impeachment and a credible Senate trial, this will take time, so that the case before the American public is powerful, and so that all who are complicit in political malpractice be held to account.

Dead In Its Tracks: An Anatomy of Norm Coleman's Failed ... received an MA in political science at Cal State University Northridge and a BA in political science from UCLA. He's also a Vietnam vet (4th infantry, Central Highlands 1968). The BRAD BLOG has covered your electoral system, tirelessly, fiercely and independently for years, like no other media outlet in …

rallies | Out Foxing Karl Rove is the writer who found his way into a speech by a potential vice president at a national political convention. It’s astonishing there’s been no demand for a public accounting from the McCain campaign. Imagine if Obama had quoted a Black Panther or Louis Farrakhan — or William Ayers — in Denver.

2011 February 19 « Mercury Rising ?? 19, 2011 · The first: In the last edition of his book (I think it was in 1970) The Arab Cold War, the late Malcolm Kerr lamented that Arab politics is not fun anymore. I wish Kerr lived to this day. I would have told him: Arab politics will be fun from this day forward. It may not be fun for Israel, but it is going to be fun for the rest of us.

Tonight's Returning TV Show 'Jericho' Takes a Left Turn ... 12, 2008 · It it looks like CBS's resurrected nuclear holocaust survival drama “Jericho” is turning left. “It intentionally resembles Iraq” this season. Co-producer Jon Turtletaub stated “'Jericho' is not ignoring the political and social landscape” and star Skeet Ulrich added, “I feel like we were really making a statement to some extent.” There were previous hints about “Jericho's ...

Supreme Court decision puts Democracy up for sale. 02, 2010 · Supreme Court decision puts Democracy up for sale. The Supreme Court on Thursday opened wide new avenues for big-moneyed interests to pour money into politics in a decision that could have a major influence on the 2010 midterm elections and …

Tagg Romney Invested in Ohio Electronic Voting Machines 19, 2012 · The new owners of Ohio’s voting machines under the brand name HART Intercivic is none other than Tagg Romney the son of one of the candidates Mitt Romney. In recent weeks Tagg has taken a more “active role in his father’s campaign management” but when you look further, he also has a major problem with that role.

Reverend Cementa Pinckney Homegoing | 3CHICSPOLITICO 26, 2015 · Please join 3 Chics in honoring the life of Reverend & Senator Clementa Pinckney. More to come Live coverage of Reverend Pinckney’s Homegoing today. MSNBC will air it live. President Oba…

Charlie Chaput (Cha-poo) – “Private Citizen” | George In ... 20, 2008 · When Denver Roman Catholic Archbishop Charlie Chaput suggests that he is speaking as a "private citizen"--winky-winky--and not as a representative of the Denver archdiocese, and his banter is clearly political, clearly designed to rouse the faithful to vote against Obama because of Obama's pro-choice stance, I'm inclined to, oh, I don't know, at least respond…

Ellipsoid Orb – Politics Hillary Clinton, a career politician and one of the most divisive political figures of our time, accused Bernie Sanders of being a “career politician” and unlikable is, well, pretty astonishing—as is the claim that she wouldn’t support him as the nominee over Trump, thereby prioritizing petty jealousies over the fate of …

liberals – Everblog 13, 2015 · liberals April 13, 2015 by Deborah Ludwig. Defending Hillary “In the Senate, I have worked across the aisle to make change. When I was elected, the people of New York took a chance on me and it was a great honor that they did. But I knew that I had to go and get things done. I couldn’t just say, ‘Well I’ve been elected, thank you very ...

The all-new "US Politics and coronavirus" thread - Page 20 25, 2020 · In his letter, Mark Grenon told Trump that chlorine dioxide – a powerful bleach used in industrial processes such as textile manufacturing that can have fatal side-effects when drunk – is “a wonderful detox that can kill 99% of the pathogens in the body”. He added that it …

The Useless Tree: Yan Xuetong, History and Philosophy 22, 2011 · Qin Shihuangdi was the most ruthless, inhumane of them all. And he was the ultimate victor of the Warring States period. His state, Qin, unified, by brutal force of arms, all the rest. Moreover, the political structure and legal system developed by Qin …

The chickens have come home to roost all you Trump ... 01, 2020 · Deny, deflect, distract and deceive. The stories surrounding Trump are almost always followed with hard evidence. With nowhere to go just accuse your opponents of the same thing, deflect, distract ,deceive, and deny, When that doesn't work follow that up with the old, ' its' not illegal' and then ,”it's not illegal if the President does it”.

Right-Wing | DNN Daily News Network On Top. Rhode Island Governor Don Carcieri has accepted an invitation to be the keynote speaker at an upcoming fundraiser for the anti-gay group Massachusetts Family Institute (MFI), The Providence Journal reported. The group’s 18 th Annual Fundraising Banquet is scheduled for October 15 in Newton, Massachusetts.. Carcieri’s participation has raised the hackles of gay rights groups ...

Is a Political Balance of Powers Unconstitutional? … JB ... 29, 2013 · But the world we live in today Last week, the Mississippi State Legislature was the first to introduce The Balance of Powers Act currently sweeping across all state legislatures, in their effort to protect and preserve the rights of the State and the people currently under direct and extreme assault from their federal government.

BP Oil Spill | The Pardu's Scroll Barton (R) TX, joined MSNBC’s Martin Bashir for a discussion of a couple of topics relevant to current events. It is important to remember a few things about Barton. He is the congressman from Texas who responded to an angry President Obama’s orders for BP to …

Gavin McInnes | pundit from another planet McInnes interviews Tucker Carlson, co-founder of The Daily Caller, and a Talk Show Host of Crossfire, Tucker, and now Tucker Carlson Tonight. They cover a plethora of topics in this great interview ranging from feminism, racism, political correctness, and much more. Very funny and educational at the same time. Originally aired April 2, 2015.

October | 2007 | Electricity & Lust | Page 4 AV Club compiles a list of movies that created Wes Anderson.. The Onion praises the healing power of sports.. PopMatters begins a week long celebration of television on DVD, starting with the building blocks of classic box watching.. Slate gives a genuinely funny round-up of the year’s US political videos and discusses Palme D’or winner 4 Months, 3 Weeks, 2 Days.

Driving | The Liberal Doomsayer the last few days, the New York Times has provided extensive coverage on the issue of driving while talking on a cell phone (hands-on or hands-free) and texting (Matt Richtel is the author of the thorough reporting on this issue, particularly last Sunday but today also).. Last Sunday’s report featured the following information…. A 2003 Harvard study estimated that cell phone ...

Mitt Romney – Skeptical Brotha about Mitt Romney written by skepticalbrotha. Keeping a watchful eye on black politics

senile | Veritas Nihilum Vincet lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of ...

foreign entanglement | The Word of Me... is cold and cruel and calculated evil of the first order and it doesn’t seem to faze any politicians at all. The only ones to profit are politicians, businesses, and bankers. The profits are dollars…the losses are the deaths of our children and tens of thousands, or more, …

Mike DeWine: What to know about Ohio's governor also served as a Greene County prosecutor, a state senator, a U.S. congressman, Ohio's lieutenant governor and a U.S. senator. DeWine issued a new public health order on April 1 instructing all hospitals to send specimens to one of four major medical facilities for coronavirus testing, claiming it was lagging at private hospitals in the ...

Restore Justice at Justice: VR Calls for DoJ Action on ... follows below is a letter I sent to AG Eric Holder last week, on behalf of (of which The BRAD BLOG is a co-founder), calling for his immediate investigation of all political prosecutions at the DoJ during the Bush era, including those of former Alabama Gov. Don Siegelman and ...

September 30, 2010 – 44-D 30, 2010 · 2 posts published by audiegrl on September 30, 2010. Posted by: Audiegrl Written by Jesse White. Today we’re trying out something new — White House White Board, in which one of our key players on the White House team will cut through the political back-and-forth you hear every day and break down an issue affecting American families into simple, understandable terms.

Joshing Politics: 5/23/10 - 5/30/10 02, 2010 · Borrowing a page from Barack Obama —and a consultant in new media, Stephen Geer, from Mr. Obama’s 2008 campaign — Mr. Cuomo wants to create a cadre of grass-roots activists to pressure lawmakers from the bottom up, backed by an advertising campaign that aides said would focus more on Mr. Cuomo’s platform than his already well-known ...

The Union News.: Todd Palin's union dues used against GOP 06, 2008 · Steelworker dues will pay for a variety of political activities throughout the electoral season, and a significant portion of those activities will be aimed at defeating the McCain-Palin ticket. In fact, at the USW's 2008 convention, union officials adopted a resolution "vowing to play a key role in electing Obama," thus pledging workers' dues ...

Buckdog: June 2006 26, 2006 · He arranged for an airplane, some wreaths and a piper. At five o'clock the next morning we flew in, laid the wreaths and put on a bit of a military parade. Sometime later I was in Ottawa for a federal-provincial conference. I went for a haircut and there, sitting next to me, was Jimmy Gardiner. I nodded to him but he looked straight ahead.

Accidental Deliberations: Monday Morning Links 10, 2017 · Miscellaneous material to start your week. - Steve Burgess points out that we shouldn't be the least bit surprise by the latest news of politically-connected billionaires managing to tilt the tax system in their favour. Ed Broadbent calls for a much-needed end to tax policy that favours the wealthy in efforts to avoid contributing to the public good. . And Tom Parkin …

A Liberal Spirithttps://liberalspirit.blogspot.comSay what you want, Senator Clinton, but Obama's optimism is truly what this country needs. The fact that Senator Obama also has a meaningful health care plan, a plan for getting us out of Iraq and a plan to rally America around the kinds of ideals we all used to hold dear hasn't changed. He's selling the only thing you can't: Hope.

Merit Pay Is Sham To Destroy The Teaching Profession | kavips 28, 2014 · Merit pay for teachers will not be the death of education in Delaware. At least not as long as I and a few others are in office. No matter how powerful or popular anyone in Delaware politics thinks they might be, that is a bridge too far and anyone proposing or considering it should save themselves the embarrassment and humiliation of a sound thumping.

Political Beast: January 2009 26, 2009 · Senator Mitchell is an even handed, shrewd negotiator. He was the main architect of peace in Northern Ireland, which was probably as difficult an assignment as the Middle East if not more due to the length of that dispute. If anyone can bring peace to the Middle East, Senator Mitchell can, especially with the full backing of President Obama.

commonsense: Insanity is... - Blogger This is a seminal work which "tells it like it is" concerning the current power arrangements in the American political system, as well as the political leadership's aspirations towards global empire. Prof.

Liberal Smear Machine Backfires After Gunman Found To Be ... 10, 2011 · – Being a “left-winger” and a “liberal” – Smoking pot – Having long hair – Dressing up as the grim reaper – Dabbling in the occult by worshipping a replica of a human skull – Expressing the desire to be a woman – Describing Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto as a favorite book A …

Scott McAdams on Moore Up North | SHANNYN MOORE: JUST A ... 09, 2010 · This week on Moore Up North we were joined by Tom Begich and Scott McAdams. Tom has worked on over 150 political campaigns. He was the State's Expert Witness for Reapportionment for the 1992 and 2002 reapportionments as well as the State's Expert Witness for Campaign Finance Reform. Tom shows us the mathematics and statistics…

Planned Parenthood – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of ... this week, one of the members of that board, Richard Land of the Southern Evangelical Seminary, appeared on the “Point of View” radio program, where he told host Kerby Anderson that he has been shocked by how much influence he and other Religious Right activists have had over the make-up of Trump’s administration. – Thank you, Southern Baptists The so-called

also don't understand the Constitution and Bill of Rights ... 31, 2016 · U.S. Postal rates went up to five cents for the first ounce. AT&T introduced touch-tone telephones. The Yankees played in the World Series again; but lost to the Dodgers in four straight. The government and NASA began the Apollo program. This is just a brief snapshot of some things that were going on back in 1963. Remember?

VIDEO MASHUP: Chris Matthews Problem With Telling The ..."I called for a congressional investigation and a hearing, I looked around the country for other sites like that. I found a little place in upstate New York called Love Canal. Had the first hearing on that issue, and Toone, Tennessee---that was the one that you didn't hear of.

Stephanie Tubbs Jones 1949-2008 – Skeptical Brotha 21, 2008 · Iconic, intelligent, and irreplaceable, Ohio Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs Jones is being remembered today for her zest for life, law and politics. A trailblazer in law and politics, she was the first African American woman to sit on both Cleveland’s Municipal Court and Cuyahoga County’s Court of Common Pleas.

divide and conquer | Veritas Nihilum Vincet’s speech upon clinching the required number of delegates was an amazing thing. It may rank as one of the great political speeches of all time – King, Kennedy, Roosevelt, Churchill, Ike, Malcolm X – truly riveting and inspiring. The euphoria of the 17,000 gathered there could be …

WebWeaver's World: January 2007 12, 2007 · A blog about my passions. May include some or all of the following: geek stuff (web design &amp; development, CSS, accessibility, usability), environmental activism, my adopted home of New Zealand (&#39;cos it&#39;s so totally wonderful), international &amp; green politics (rants from a left-wing perspective), gardening, cats, literature, rugby, and a whole lot of other stuff besides.

2009 October 02 « Mercury Rising ?? 02, 2009 · Update: This is just too good. Oscar Arias declared that the Honduran Constitution is “a monstrosity”, the worst Constitution “on the face of the earth.”. Laura Carlsen has another great piece, this on how divisions in the US government feed the coup here.The Pentagon paid to send Congressmen Aaron Shock, Peter Roskam, and Doug Lamborn, as well as Senator Jim DeMint to Honduras to ...

Political Irony › Congressional Sexism? 31, 2017 · Hassan, reality is that, the AFA was first introduced in the House as the “Service Members Home Ownership TAX Act of 2009” (H.R. 3590) by Charlie Rangle of NY on Sept 17, 2009; committee consideration by Ways and Means; passed the House on October 8, 2009 with a nearly unanimous vote of 419-0; passed the Senate as the “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act” on December 24, …

2012 May 16 « Mercury Rising ?? 16, 2012 · NCSL – due to ABC’s reporting – was the inspiration for a broader US Department of Justice (DOJ) investigation on corruption in state politics. “Nightline” went so far as to describe state governments as the new “ground zero of influence peddling” for corporate lobbyists, using NCSL as …

kirstena88 | Missouri Communication 26, 2010 · The debate regarding online political participation versus actual real life involvement in political events is a recent development following the 2008 election.In the 2008 presidential election, the use of Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and blogs took over the campaigns of both candidates.

The Smyk Miller Connection | Exceptional Delaware 02, 2018 · Miller wasn’t the only campaign treasurer for a Sussex County politician. Turns out he was the campaign treasurer for the recently convicted former Delaware State Representative John Atkins as well. While Miller’s name doesn’t appear on the 2017 annual campaign finance report for Atkins, it is worth noting that NO ONE signed that filing.

Ezra Klein: Smart For One, Dumb For All Problems is what the economist Robert Frank calls a "smart for one, dumb for all" problem. Given that Matt is having breakfast with a major politician, and everyone in the room will be wearing jackets and ties, it's very smart for him to adopt a blazer and some neckwear. Same goes for …

Pompeo defends firing of State Department watchdog — Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Wednesday defended the firing of State Department Inspector General Steve Linick, a decision that has since come under congressional scrutiny, saying the longtime internal watchdog should have been ousted "some time ago." "The president has the unilateral right to choose who he wants to be his inspector general in every agency in the federal ...

Congressional Progressive Caucus | progressivenetwork sent to the Phila Inquirer, 4/15/11: If E J Dionne (Inquirer, 4/15) is interested in convincing the public that “the Obama plan comes to be defined as the ‘left’ pole in the negotiation,” he will need at least to detail the provisions of the Congressional Progressive Caucus “People’s Budget.”. Why the Inquirer itself has failed to cover the release of this document, while ...

Yahoo! Finance: Trump Tax Plan Leaves Congress, Ryan With ... 27, 2017 · The following is an excellent article written by Stephen Ohlemacher and Josh Boak of the Associated Press on the Yahoo! Finance website on April 27, 2017 titled "Trump Tax Plan Leaves Congress, Ryan With Heavy Lift" and I quote: "Trump tax plan leaves Congress, Ryan with heavy lift" STEPHEN OHLEMACHER and JOSH BOAK Associated PressApril…

Joe Half-Rack: February 2010 speaking of jobs, really going to piss off the GOP: The Obama administration's $787 billion stimulus bill created up to 2.1 million jobs during the final three months of last year, according to a new report from the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office.

commonsense: May 2012 - Blogger truth is this: "Without a successful consumer class, nobody will be a job creator." Commentary: There is a economic theory that has taken hold in the America that has fundamentally changed the course of American ascendancy and that is responsible for the precipitous decline of the middle class and the stagnation of this Nation's economy. I have said time and again that there aren't enough ...

Bill Clinton | Off The Grid hilarious parody from the Onion:. After months of tirelessly supporting his wife on the campaign trail, devoted spouse and former president Bill Clinton breathed a resigned sigh Monday and carefully folded the charcoal silk, fitted sheath dress he had hoped to wear as first lady during next January’s inauguration and placed it back in its beautiful box.

Katy's Conservative Cornerhttps://katysconservativecorner.typepad.comOct 18, 2010 · Then, he got back in, when those 'crats came back around. But, it wasn't enough to beat Lucky Elaine so off to the runoff they go. Please get out and work for U.S. Senator Richard Burr. We need a big turnaround in Congress and making things right at home, is the first step.

Local Evolution Story | SPANISH INQUISITOR 06, 2012 · Sometimes I think that anti-science, anti-evolution, pro-religion craziness is just something that goes on at the national level, but as Tip O'Neill once said, "All politics is local". Same goes for craziness. Here's a local story from a teacher at Annville-Cleona High School, located in a little hamlet between Harrisburg and Lancaster PA, approximately 30…

politics | Zambian Chronicle | Page 3 continues … US presidential hopeful Senator Barack Obama (IL) did not only heave record dollars ever raised by a black candidate last quarter amounting to $32.5 million (in just three months) outpacing every body including his closest rival former First Lady Senator Hillary Clinton (NY) by nearly $5 million, he also attracted what is now known as “A Crush On Obama”.

women voters | Desert Beacon 07, 2014 · If there’s no ‘war on women’ then the conservatives, at the least, are offering us a variation on the Patriarchs Last Stand narrative. Women comprise 50.8% of the nation’s population and 49.6% of the Nevada populace. Going a step further, for all the chatter about the Gender Gap in electoral politics, not a recent phenomena.

06 | August | 2009 06, 2009 · Of course, those who oppose gays in the first place will call it “liberal bias.” To them, I say that it is very hard to argue against that many studies done over a long period of time. Spread this one far and wide, and point it out the next time groups like the American “Family” Association whine that homosexuality is curable.

Impractical Proposals: 2013/02 - 2013/03 02, 2013 · Even a worker lucky enough to land two full-time jobs -- 80 hours a week -- would take home less than $720 a week after deductions. Clearly, a minimum wage of $9 is not sufficient if the goal is to assure that, as the president said Tuesday in his address to Congress, no one with a full time job should have to live in poverty.

political science « The Futility Monster would, for a liberal leftie like me, be preferable to see the Labor Party win, in the vain hope that they will stick to their guns and push hard for wider, faster, and deeper agreement on carbon reduction. The more voices in that camp, the easier agreement will become. Perhaps that’s a little naive, though.

murder « Mercury Rising ?? about murder written by Phoenix Woman. Politics, life, and other things that matter

Congress – The Liberty Principle 16, 2014 · Somebody tell the good folks in Philadelphia to ring the Liberty Bell because Georgia is the first state in history to pass a resolution that calls for a Convention of States which proposes Constitutional amendments. A Convention of States, called a constitutional convention by many, can be convened when requested by two-thirds of the states.

Hillary Makes History…To Be Continued. | Zero Tolerance ... 08, 2016 · First things first. With all the faux drama of “What’s Bernie Gonna Do?” and “Ooh! The Donald Can Read a Teleprompter. How So Very Presidential of Him!” it should not be lost as the 2016 primaries come to a close for the first time in American history a major political party has chosen a woman as its presidential nominee.

Obama speech on race – Skeptical Brotha’s rise to prominence has been swift but it is not unlike that of another little known state politician who rose to prominence over thirty years ago, Jimmy Carter. Carter, you’ll recall was a born-again Baptist layman who also made common cause with all people regardless of race, religion, or background in order to heal the nation after Watergate.

Read A Less Perfect Union Online by Adam Freedman - Scribd of America’s leading conservative commentators on constitutional law provides an illuminating history of states’ rights, and the vital importance of reviving them today. Liberals believe that the argument for “states’ rights” is a smokescreen for racist repression. But historically, the doctrine of states’ rights has been an honorable tradition—a necessary component of ...

02 | November | 2016 | TheZoo 02, 2016 · South in his Sermon IX, p. 69, ed. 1843, comments on this passage as follows: “That great patron and Coryphaeus of this tribe, Nicolo Machiavel, laid down this for a master rule in his political scheme: ‘That the show of religion was helpful to the politician, but the reality of it …

Supreme Court Endorses Political Corruption | BUNKERVILLE ... 09, 2018 · High Court Endorses Political Corruption By Mustang Chief Justice of the United States John Roberts was underwhelming in his acceptance of the so-called Obama Healthcare Plan. It is a tax, he said, and the federal government is permitted under the Constitution to tax the bejesus out of the American people. Well, no conservative he,…

Supreme Court – BnmnG about Supreme Court written by bnmng. Despite all of the memes on Facebook about how your boss’s religion trumps your personal rights, the Hobby Lobby ruling isn’t so much about bosses, employees, or even religion as it is about the legislative authority of Christians and those of Christian heritage pretending to be Christian.

Political Parties 1 Running Head: Political Parties ... docx - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.

sarah palin | Political Communication. Rowan University ... article entitled, “Palin Considering 2012 Run, Defends Limbaugh’s Use of ‘Retard’ On Fox News Sunday”, written by Sam Stein, is an attempt to illustrate to its readers that Sarah Palin is a hypocrite (

More Congressional Black Caucus news – Skeptical Brotha 10, 2007 · HAT TIP: DC'S Political Report, MyDD The New York Times has an update on the special election in California's 37th Congressional District vacated by the late Juanita Millender-McDonald. Assemblyman Mervyn Dymally, one of the godfathers of California black politics and a former holder of this seat, has endorsed his colleague, Laura Richardson.

Marc Valdez Weblog: 07/14/2013 - 07/21/2013 area community musical theater (esp. DMTC in Davis), Liberal politics, Meteorology, "Breaking Bad" and "Better Call Saul" filming locations reference site, New Mexico and California arcana, and general weirdness.

No Right Turn: Fiji bans political parties 01, 2013 · But it will be the effective outcome of their new party registration rules: ... They've spent the past six years calling for a new, non-ethnic electoral system, and the draft constitution provides one: a dual-level proportional representation system with regional lists and a national top-up. That proposal has wide acceptance - Fiji's political ...

media bias | Missouri Communication 16, 2011 · This does not make the shows a bad source for political news, but it does make them undesirable sources for one’s only access to news. If an important story doesn’t have potential for a humorous spin, it won’t get covered on the shows, and it is important for viewers to realize this.

Motor City Liberal: Tom Barrow, Detroit Mayor Candidate ...'s 1997 charter didn't include a stated residency requirement for elected officials. The revised charter, which was approved by voters in 2011, calls for any candidate for political office to be a "resident and a qualified and registered voter of the City of Detroit for one year at the time for filing for office." The commentary notes that residency requirements make it "more likely ...

Liberal in the Land of Conservative: Sign Of The Endtimes... you ever wondered about all those people claiming it is the endtimes and that the world as we know it will be gone? I had considered them little more than crackpots in a long line of endtimes predictors.Yet, today I am beginning to wonder if they don't have a point as political slime merchant Karl Rove took John McCain to task for being a liar.

GEORGIA WOMEN VOTE!: For the Record 12, 2007 · Congressman Marshall's plan to vote no on the war resolution falls in the category of the 50% of his decisions I disagree with.I would like to tell you that I am surprised by his choice, but I am not. I don't agree with this, but in the past, I have heard him make the case that you don't criticize and analyze a war while you are in it because it is demoralizing to the troops.

That's right….Obama has Bill Clinton to thank ... 04, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Thursday Mashup 10/18/12 | The Liberal Doomsayer 18, 2012 · I give you The Daily Tucker (here)… Thursday marks the 40th anniversary of the Clean Water Act. No doubt, the billions spent on the act have improved overall water quality. Yet as someone who regularly rowed on Washington, D.C.’s Potomac River during college, I know that the Clean Water Act and the EPA are still…

Another Smelly Screed By “Byko” | The Liberal Doomsayer 11, 2009 · “I suppose we’ll hear a lot of jokes on David Letterman and Jay Leno and a lot of other people will be making jokes about this money for manure. But keep in mind not wasteful or an unnecessary or frivolous. This is very important in the daily lives in the people of my state, in North Carolina and every other place where we raise ...

US Congress « AmeriCAN-DO Attitude 16, 2007 · “This is a very significant set of facts,” former 9/11 commissioner, Mr. Kerry said yesterday. “I personally and strongly believe you don’t have to prove that Iraq was collaborating against Osama bin Laden on the September 11 attacks to prove he was an enemy and that he would collaborate with people who would do our country harm.

Paleozoic Era GOP | The Pardu's Scroll GOP politicians go about spewing venom regarding segments of the population considered outside of their 92% demographic. Yes, use of “92% demographic” was a convenient euphemism for total intolerance beyond the parities predominantly white male (aged) and married women population.

BLACK POLITICAL BUZZ....: RED LOBSTER Restaurants Are ... 09, 2014 · According to Forbes, Darden reported a 37.6% drop in earnings per share in the first quarter of the current fiscal year compared with a year before. Red Lobster was the biggest culprit. The magazine reports that the restaurant's revenue dropped 4.9% during the second quarter.

Irish Trojan in Tennessee:Popping the quiff in'm Brendan Loy, a 26-year-old graduate of USC and Notre Dame now living and working in Knoxville, Tennessee. My wife Becky and I are brand-new parents of a beautiful baby girl, born on New Year's Eve. I'm a big-time sports fan, a politics, media & law junkie, an astronomy buff, a weather nerd, an Apple aficionado, a Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter fanatic, and an all-around dork.

Dr Kevin Bonham: July 2013 and Australian psephology, opinion poll analysis, election analysis and political commentary by Dr Kevin Bonham.

07 | February | 2008 | purely partisan politiks 07, 2008 · This is why the WFP exists – to use key elections as opportunities for real change for New York’s working families. In 2008, the road to a progressive agenda starts with Darrel Aubertine’s drive to the state house. But it’s going to take all of us to get it done.Click here to chip in.As usual, we won’t waste a penny.

aya tarek | Ibn Kafka's obiter dicta - divagations d'un ... this pageThis is my problem, generally, particularly with how the ‘West’ looks at us. I think it happened with Beirut after the Civil War, and [the same thing] happened with Iran. All the Iranian [directors] who make movies about oppression, women, and politics – [they] all sell well.

Anarchy Alive!: Anti-Authoritarian Politics ... - MediaMouse 31, 2009 · Click on the image to purchase this book through Purchases help support For those of us who consider ourselves anarchists or who are sympathetic to the idea of anti-authoritarian, bottom-up forms of organizing, it is occasionally frustrating that many of the books written on the topic are decades old. While there is much…

“Do you think European countries think that they’re ... this pageThis is my problem, generally, particularly with how the ‘West’ looks at us. I think it happened with Beirut after the Civil War, and [the same thing] happened with Iran. All the Iranian [directors] who make movies about oppression, women, and politics – [they] all sell well.

Canada may have to put up a border fence - MTStars 19, 2015 · Canada may have to put up a border fence Posted: Feb 19, 2015 'Fox News North' Is Shutting Down The market speaks, and what it says is Get lost, nobody in Canada wants to watch your right-wing faux news: Sun News Network is about to sign off, permanently. CBC News has learned that the cable news television channel will shut down early Friday.

Regulation 225 | Exceptional Delaware 02, 2018 · A big head’s up to Alby over at Delaware Liberal for tipping me off to a New York Times article from January 10th! While Delawareans up and down the state have been scratching their heads over Regulation 225, an anti-discrimination measure for trans-gender students, the true motive behind the controversial regulation may have been in front of ...

Rep. Susan Davis: DRE Voting Machines Are the '800 Pound ..."As we have looked closely at all the issues concerning Election Day voting systems, we are still ignoring the 800 pound gorilla in the room," declared California Congresswoman Susan Davis in a statement sent to The BRAD BLOG late this afternoon.. That 800 pound gorilla, Davis goes on to say, is "the question of whether and how Direct Recording Electronic (DRE) Voting Machines should be used ...

lisa murkowski | The Sarah Palin Blog 27, 2008 · First, we look at the Gallup Poll released yesterday that lists Sarah Palin as the second most popular woman in the country, after Hillary Clinton. The Gallup people point out that although she was a relative unknown at this time last year and after an onslaught of attacks and a political loss, she is still admired an extremely popular.

TigerHawk - Blogger TigerHawk (ti*ger*hawk): n. 1. The title of this blog and the nom de plume of its founding blogger; 2. A deep bow to the Princeton Tigers and the Iowa Hawkeyes; 3. The nickname for Iowa's Hawkeye logo. Posts include thoughts of the day on international affairs, politics, things that strike us as hilarious and personal observations.

Ted Haggard: Begging Money in the Lord’s Name With the ... 27, 2007 · We all know the story. Ted Haggard had it all. He was the pastor of the New Life megachurch in Colorado Springs, CO, the Christian fundamentalist's Mecca, and president of the politically influential National Council of Evangelicals. In the latter capacity, he participated in weekly phone conferences with White House staff. It all came crashing…

The Intelligence Report Media Grouphttps://theintelligencereport1.blogspot.comJul 11, 2010 · The lawsuit asserts a few major breaches of constitutional limitations by the federal government. The first is that under the enumerated powers of the Constitution, the federal government has no authority to require its citizens to purchase a product. Some liberals might claim that the government already requires you to purchase auto insurance.

Science and Politics is the place to do science - the ONLY place in the world where one can do really serious science, where it is possible to get to the top without a need to squash competition as there is enough space and money for everyone, and a place where I can certainly be able to make a living.

Political Arithmetik: 2008 Arithmetik Where numbers and politics meet. Wednesday, October 29, 2008. Undecided Voters and Racial Attitudes. How will undecided voters break, and will racial attitudes color their votes? We've seen an enormous amount of speculation but little evidence based on data, so let's try to tip the balance back to empirical evidence.

Standing at the Intersection of Church and Statehttps://intersectionofchurchandstate.blogspot.comThe lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of ...

Campaign | Art of the Possible Debate To End All Debates (between Massa and Kuhl) October 20, 2006 Posted by Kilgore Trout in Campaign, Economic, Energy, Evironment, Fighting Dems, Gay Rights, Local, Politicians, War. 4 comments. Last night the final debate in the 29 th district of New York was rebroadcast. It was in Rochester in a news studio with no audience.

Obsidian Wings: Consistency Is For Other People should note the rolling scandals surrounding Rep. Rick Renzi (R-AZ), which are connected to the US Attorneys scandal (one of the USAs who was asked to resign was investigating him.) The WSJ has had the best coverage of this, but unfortunately it's behind the subscription wall. The main scandal involves a land swap: "In exchange for supporting the bill, the local congressman, Rick Renzi, a ...

Irish Trojan in Tennessee:A letter to Obama about'm Brendan Loy, a 26-year-old graduate of USC and Notre Dame now living and working in Knoxville, Tennessee. My wife Becky and I are brand-new parents of a beautiful baby girl, born on New Year's Eve. I'm a big-time sports fan, a politics, media & law junkie, an astronomy buff, a weather nerd, an Apple aficionado, a Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter fanatic, and an all-around dork.

Elections | Some things Considered - musings and mumblings ... we don’t, He won’t. It doesn’t matter who is president, congressman, or judge. God’s rule trumps man’s devices. As the scripture says, “Righteousness exalts a nation, But sin is a disgrace to any people.” This is a blueprint that has to start in the House of God.

Something more than politics needed… | Lila Rajiva: The ... 10, 2007 · Here are some insights from a spectrum of writers, excerpted from a lengthy piece here in the American Conservative.. Reading it, I found a lot of support for some of the things I’ve always thought we needed more of – less partisanship; less politics and more of the fundamentals behind politics; secession from the state, metaphorically and literally; conserving the past and the environment.

November | 2008 | The Liberal Chronicles the Americans casted their vote on a historic November 4 th, I could not believe what America has come into – indeed, the election was one of the most hotly contested but the election of an African-American into the US presidency, a son of a Kenyan, belonging to a third world country, raised by his grandmother, a son of mixed cultures ...

Conservatives Generous and Full of Love, Liberals Grasping ... 17, 2006 · OK, I'm just kidding about the headline. But Syracuse University professor Arthur Brooks (the guy who opined that the liberal-conservative birth divide was going to doom liberalism) has a book coming out that argues conservatives (specifically, religiously-believing, nuclear-family-dwelling, welfare-state-disliking conservatives) are the most generous Americans, in terms of charitable giving ...

Games and politics - Brainy Gamer 15, 2013 · Today the U.S. Supreme Court struck down a California law that would have restricted the sale of violent video games to minors. This landmark ruling - and I don’t use that term lightly - goes farther than any scholarly treatise, keynote address, or impassioned blog essay in settling the case for games as a medium of artistic, and, therefore, protected expression.

Gun Violence and the search for a scapegoat, autism ... me, a problem, because the core deficits of these 2 disorders are so different. I don't know why the ASD dx is being given out so willy-nilly. I am one of those who believes (after reading The Mislabeled Child and several of Greenspan's books) that the ASD label is handed out too liberally.

Voting | All Other Persons Wilder Era Comes to a Close in Virginia. Doug Wilder, the trailblazing African American politician from Virginia, is about to end his career as an elected official. In 1990, he became the first African American ever to be elected to governor of an American state. Wilder, has been serving as mayor of Richmond, Virginia since 2005.

black politicians | All Other Persons All Other Persons has been out for a while on vacation, but we are back to it. I hope all of you enjoyed your holiday. OK, we’re just about at the end of the 2008 election season. Here are some political news and notes as we reach the close of what has been an exciting year.

The Irony Supplement | Politics and the Mediahttps://ironysupplement.wordpress.comMar 01, 2010 · But it appeared in his blog, and not in the newspaper. Not a single mention of this has been made in any media outlet since. Most of the coverage has been in the reduction of overtime for officers, and the elimination of some specialized units, thereby putting more police on the streets.

Thomas Jefferson | The Liberal Doomsayer Goldberg, apparently vying for the title of Most Idiotic Pundit in the Universe, inflicts the following while bashing Number 44 overall for a variety of alleged reasons ()…The Environmental Protection Agency’s decision to treat carbon dioxide as a “pollutant” is an outrageous expansion of executive power.

Media – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America, who is blatantly anti-Semitic, highlighted a list contained in his copy of the “ Pronouncing Edition of the Holy Bible “ —which was published in 1900 and claimed that there were 7.5 million Jews in the world at the time—and used it to question how six million Jews could have been killed in the Holocaust just a few decades later.

#SandraBland | 3CHICSPOLITICO about #SandraBland written by rikyrah and SouthernGirl2. We found out yesterday that Sandra Bland recorded her encounter with the police.

Communism | Oxypolitis thought they were supposed to be unbiased. FactCheck supposedly exists to look beyond a politician’s claims. Ironically, in its analysis of NRA materials on Barack Obama, these so-called “FactCheckers” use the election year campaign rhetoric of a presidential candidate and a verbal claim by one of the most zealous gun control supporters in Congress to refute facts compiled …

HOWIEINSEATTLE: "Kent's Medical Marijuana Collective ... started posting on HowieinSeattle in 11/04, following progressive American politics in the spirit of Howard Dean's effort to "Take Our Country Back."

Ca. Dad Begged For Life While Cops.......... | Yellow ... 11, 2013 · The Political Corner. Ca. Dad Begged For Life While Cops..... Jump to Latest Follow

Does Modern Academia Encourage Unthinking Acceptance of of my favorite teachers at Yale, John Morton Blum, was an academic and a liberal (not a “librul” as I have come to use the word) in the classical sense. A student of both Theodore and Franklin Roosevelt , he had recently done much research at Hyde Park reviewing FDR’s papers and discussing them with his widow, Eleanor.

THE LAST THREE MILES | STEVENHARTSITE“The Last Three Miles is an adroit blend of the historical lore surrounding one of the first great road building projects in modern America, intertwined with the legendary exploits of the corrupt machine politician through whose turf the Pulaski Skyway marched. Hart’s narrative is as authoritative as it is enjoyable and illuminating.”

Maybe We SHOULD Run Government Like These Businesses ... We SHOULD Run Government Like These Businesses… April 9, 2016 Uncategorized ALEC , businesses , GOP , tax policy Sheila Political Animal had an interesting item a few days ago, pointing out that American businesses are increasingly uncomfortable with the supposedly “business-friendly” strategies being pursued by the GOP.

timing in politics « The Futility Monster then Gordon Brown has looked like a dead man walking. For years, the opinion polls have been terminal, the “mid-term” election results in-between have been horrendous, shedding thousands more councillors from historically low levels, and a pitiful European election performance which resulted in two MEPs being elected from the BNP.

Our Biggest Loss | kavips 05, 2014 · Appreciate this, and other statements of support following my underwhelming performance at the polls this week. Right now my plan is to take a short hiatus from blogging, Facebook, and politics–starting this weekend–to recharge batteries, gain perspective, and finish the book on Golden-Age Science Fiction I have to have done before New Year’s Day.

gay marriage | Defense Of Marriage Act | Same Sex Marriage One of the fastest rising topics in modern politics is whether gay marriage should be legalized. 10 years ago, same-sex marriage was banned in all 50 states. In 2004, Massachusetts became the first state to legalize, and since then, the gay marriage debate has become a …

Women’s Issues « SOCIAL VOX 20, 2009 · A Project for the First Lady, Michelle Obama. At least in recent years, one of the roles of the first lady has been to increase awareness of certain women’s issues throughout the globe. While I’m sure that Mrs. Obama already has an agenda for herself, there is an issue that I believe is worthy of her attention: widows in India.

Some “Debate On The Merits” For Joe Lieberman, Komen, And ... 15, 2009 · (UPDATED 2-1-12) Among other things that Joe Lieberman professes to be “incensed” over in the health care debate is the view of “liberal bloggers” who have taken issue with his actions to block health care reform and the conflict that exists in his wife Hadassah Liberman’s position as Global Ambassador for the Susan G. Komen Race For The Cure Foundation. Those bloggers have urged the ...

McCain Obama | Out Foxing Karl Rove 07, 2008 · A reader sends over a clip from the film company “Journeyman Pictures,” that replays some notable news footage from those heady political days. In it is a shot of a woman, addressing McCain at a South Carolina rally, with word of the behind-the-scenes effort to paint him as “a cheat and a liar and a fraud.”

KC Buzz Blog: Tangled up in green, in politics, often thicken. As promised, Bob Johnson filed an amended financial disclosure in Missouri's 8th Senate district race. He also filed an eight-day-before election report, claiming $157,760 raised to go with his $58,776 carryover. Total: $216,536, still short of Matt Bartle's effort. Where did Bob get his money? From labor, big time, including Taxpayers Unlimited, the Kansas ...

Buckdog: Rahim Jaffer's Anti-Drug Ad 16, 2009 · Rahim Jaffer's Anti-Drug Ad "Jack Layton and the Ottawa NDP have publicly supported the legalization of marijuana. In fact when asked about marijuana Jack Layton called it a wonderful substance which Canadians should be free to smoke at home or in a cafe.

A Political Season: Lucifer Was Insane 16, 2009 · Unlike us humans, Lucifer could perceive God directly, had up front and personal contact with Jehovah. He existed in Heaven, surrounded by all of God's works, created from His hand. Lucifer not only perceived God in His glory directly, but he had a favored relationship with God (Ezekiel 28:14). The Bible says he was an anointed cherub.

Obsolete Capitalism: 2.9. Il diamante grezzo e il cuore ... this page2.9. Il diamante grezzo e il cuore del complotto - Parte XVII - Tratto da «Moneta, rivoluzione e filosofia dell'avvenire. Nietzsche e la politica accelerazionista in Deleuze, Foucault, Guattari, Klossowski» (Rizosfera/OCFP, 2016)

Fahrenheit 9/11 and Beyond: Thinking Outside the Partisan ... 11, 2004 · Possibly one of the most moving parts of the film was early one when one after another, members of the Congressional Black Caucus kept challenging Senators to sign on to their claims that voter fraud had occurred in Florida in 2000. I had read the essential investigative work by Greg Palast in his book The Best Democracy Money Can Buy

Liberal Media Refuses To Admit A Victory of Any Size For ... 24, 2006 · Liberal Media Refuses To Admit A Victory of Any Size For America! Posted on June 24, 2006 by The Rogue Jew Seven Americans were arrested in Miami for plotting terrorist attacks here in the United States, one of their targets was the Sears Tower in Chicago, Illinois.

Kansas | Bloviating Zeppelin conviction of Bebek was the eighth for Kobach since he gained the authority to prosecute voter fraud in 2015, his office said. “Political left.” Kobach is quite astute. And precise. “This conviction shows how important prosecutorial authority is,” Kobach said.

Political/Topical | SPANISH INQUISITOR 11, 2013 · Yes. While that may be a delicious thought to many, it’s pointless.. We all know now that Cheney was the puppet master running the government behind the mask of President-in-name-only, George W. Bush, and was primarily responsible for the Iraq War, that boondoggle of military aggression that is the partial reason why the economy is in such a funk these last few years.

NDP | Blevkog Child Care: The Liberals have been promising a National Child Care program since 1993, in every one of their Red Books. They had clear majorities for more than enough years to implement a child care programme if they actually wanted it. I find it hard to swallow that they would follow through on this policy this time around.

The Rude Pundit 05, 2013 · Dennis, Denny, baby, listen, the Rude Pundit knows that it's really hard to come up with new shit to talk about all the time. But speaking out against giving a mini-bagel to a kindergartener is about as low as one can go. And if you really have a problem with that, well, you should probably go fuck yourself with a granola bar.

2 Political Junkies: Embarrassing, Colin. Just Embarrassing. 06, 2014 · This is probably as far back as McNickle went. He should have gone farther. But where did Mencken get it? From Quoteinvestigor: QI has traced this expression back to a diary entry that was written in 1920 by George Riddell who was a powerful newspaperman and close friend of the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom David Lloyd George.

Milwaukee columnist Joel McNally propagates a myth 03, 2012 · The present situation is one of pure lawlessness and again I ask myself, what is the point of even posting at this blog directed to a jurisdiction where conservative media drive the political narrative and now even prominent local liberal commentators are suckered by …

GreenMountainPolitics1: McCainBlogette Shoots It Right 11, 2007 · From a purely technical standpoint, this is one of the best Web 2.0 campaign videos to come out of any campaign so far. Very well done. From a purely personal standpoint, we have to disagree with Ms. McCain slightly. Relationships can be maintained on the campaign trail, but its' just about the hardest thing you've ever done.

SubtleKnife: August 2012 - Blogger's boring me. I think it's me. -- Dylan Thomas -- Welsh poet (1914-1953) Virtue is its own punishment.-- Aneurin Bevan -- Welsh labor leader & politician (1897-1960) Procrastination isn't the problem, it's the solution. So procrastinate now, don't put it off. -- Ellen DeGeneres -- US comedian, actress and talkshow host This is and will forever (or until I get sick of it) remain very ...

TigerHawk - Blogger TigerHawk (ti*ger*hawk): n. 1. The title of this blog and the nom de plume of its founding blogger; 2. A deep bow to the Princeton Tigers and the Iowa Hawkeyes; 3. The nickname for Iowa's Hawkeye logo. Posts include thoughts of the day on international affairs, politics, things that strike us as hilarious and personal observations.

Ocasio-Cortez and her relationship to George Soros ... 02, 2018 · But what it looked like last year according to the Wayback archive. What is a Brand New Congress? Their goal was to have 400 candidates to run for Congress by last year and each of those 400 is supposed to commit to a similar far left platform including immigration reform and the abolishment of ICE.

T is for Tragic | WriteChic Press 25, 2008 · Watch homeschool theocrats dismantle the human intellect before it's even fully developed. BC Tours (that stands for Biblically Correct) advertises: Art, Animals, Law & Government and more! B.C. stands for Biblically Correct. We are B.C. and not P.C. (politically correct). We might even say the "J" word in public. And the "J" word isn't Jurassic.

A real winner « Mercury Rising ?? 22, 2015 · Visit the post for more. Politics, life, and other things that matter

01 | May | 2014 | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! 01, 2014 · It was his administration that insisted that the language be included in the bill”. From the video: Senator Carl Levin (D-Mich.) told Congress recently that under the original wording of the National Defense Authorization Act, American citizens were excluded from the provision that allowed for detention.

Wrapped in the Flag and Carrying a Cross - Progress 21, 2019 · Martin Longman is the web editor of the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. Before joining the Monthly, Martin was a county coordinator for ACORN/Project Vote and a political consultant. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.

sarah palin | Mt. View reader of this blog took me to task for saying that conservatives don’t care about improving Mt View. While I stand by that statement, I also realized that my goal here wasn’t to get overtly political — that most of Mt View’s burning issues transcend mere politicking, and we have to learn to thrive and grow whether or government is led by progressives or reactionaries.

03 | February | 2012 | Double Dip 03, 2012 · Let me begin by saying I’m a big believer in Planned Parenthood. Despite the name, Planned Parenthood does so much for so many in terms of reproductive and physical health. Abortions are a very small part of their mission, while preventative care, contraception, and routine screening are the major part of Planned Parenthood.

The destroyer of slavery | Abraham Lincoln | American ... Lincoln Was an American Politician - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online.

My Apolitical Vacation | Beach Peanuts 07, 2010 · The first couple of days I kept up on the news and in spite of very little free time I was able to crank out a quick post from my iPhone while traveling on Amtrak. (Not an easy task for someone like myself with big thumbs and poor typing skills, making due on a teeny tiny keyboard while bouncing over rough rails at high speeds.)

abortion | wild/precious 10, 2011 · But I’ve seen VM and on rewatch it just gets better and better. I’m basically starting the first season over: somehow I don’t want to watch the 3rd season and I’ve only watched some of the 2nd. The Lilly Kane mystery really was the best. 5. Oh, and the existence of dry shampoo. I love that stuff. 6.

Balkinization: Be careful what you wish for in Evenwel ... another major Texas redistricting case, eight years ago, the Court faced the question of what to do about Congressional District 23. It was an odd wrinkle in an odd case, and frankly one that no one thought would be the major storyline emerging from LULAC v.Perry—but that is what it turned out to be.What happened was this.

The Political Environment: Talk Radio/Walker/WMC Alliance ... 12, 2013 · Anonymous said... I see Patience Roggensack will be presenting as well. But it's a non-partisan post, supreme court justice. or not February 13, 2013 at 1:10 PM

Bruce Rauner – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America the elder Cruz explained, Ted and his family “spent six months in prayer ” trying to decide if he should seek the presidency, which culminated in a two-hour prayer session at his church where his family and top advisers “spent two hours on our knees seeking God’s will about this decision.” – Rafael Cruz Says The ‘Presence Of The Holy Cracka ‘ Convinced Ted Cruz To Run For ...

Harry Clarke: Kevin Rudd's 'Me-tooism' - Blogger 08, 2007 · Over at Troppo the normally rational James Farrell is at pains to point out why frothing at the mouth with hatred that is directed generally at the Liberals – but specifically at John Howard – makes sense. Yes, hatred is rational! It is a hypocritical post since, while James decries Coalition mudslinging, he ignores the lack of morality in Kevin Rudd’s ‘me-tooism’.

press – Eric Lightborn's Blog is nothing wrong with doing agenized-news. But it is dishonest and unethical to claim objectivity if you are playing toward a specific political wing, or any specific agenda. This is the greatest offense of the so-called “Fair & Balanced” Fox Broadcasting. As a network they cater to right-wing political agendas and refuse to declare ...

August 2016 – Politics Plus is the first day in weeks that I’ve made it until Noon without having to turn on the A/C. I took a much-needed nap, and am ready for more. Jig Zone Puzzle: Today’s took me 2:36 (average 5:45). To do it, click here. How did you do? Short Takes: From KP Daily Funnies: How ISIS Really Feels About Trump

POW - The blog: 08/01/2006 - 09/01/2006 01, 2006 · Academician Bernard Lewis, a specialist in Middle-Eastern culture and politics, and one of Dick Cheney's favorite thinkers, appeared to have it all worked out in an op-ed piece published by the Wall Street Journal .After a careful reading of scripture, and a bit of arithmetic, Lewis was able to determine the ideal day for Iran to nuke Israel, initiating the atomic Armageddon that we've all ...

Kent State: Authoritarianism And US History (Four Dead In ... 06, 2015 · Smile A Day – Political Cartoons; Celestial Wonders: Earth and Beyond (Pluto) International Space Statioin Link; Jon S. Randal : US History Often Overlooked (Jim Crow, The Fight For Equality, Information, Quest for Peace)

Britain and America: How can the UN improve its human ... Robertson QC, a leading human rights barrister and author of Crimes Against Humanity, offered some interesting insights into the UN’s way of operating.He agreed that the membership rules of the Council had a lot to be desired, arguing that members should at least be required to sign the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

Rachel Maddow’s Lean Forward Ad | Spinny Liberal 05, 2011 · 4-day weekends are heaven sent. On this lazy, hot summer day, I've been perusing the net and found this gem. I am in love with this ad. Beautifully written. And yet another reason why Rachel is on my Laminated List. :-D via me2too

Helluva Planet!https://whataplanet2.blogspot.comJun 29, 2007 · Politicians clogging the streets on purpose for a frivolous commercial privilege like this should earn a caning offense. This is especially dangerous in a post-9/11 World. Think of the children breathing all that carbon monoxide that Bloomberg claims to want to clean up! Calling 311 repeatedly has not cleaned this up, maybe you can.

Buckdog: Saskatchewan To Abandon Wheat Sheaf Logo 13, 2007 · For them a partisan issue. We'll see how their rural base reacts when the government removes a potent symbol directly connected to them While I'll agree that the NDP didn't really do anything to stop the mass exodus from rural communities during the Calvert/Romanow years, no government really has, left or right. If the Sask Party is really into "modernizing" Saskatchewan, that …

TigerHawk Comments: By SR, at Sat Feb 09, 10:02:00 AM: . Can't stand Bill or Hillary. Don't know anything about Chelsea. It is really great, however to see a "news" liberal take a hit for a rude comment.

CBS Siegelman Story Not Dead | WriteChic Press 07, 2008 · The CBS News magazine show “60 Minutes’ is not backing down from running an investigative story on the political prosecution of Don Siegelman based on the testimony of Alabama lawyer Jill Simpson, according to sources who are directly involved with the show’s scheduling, says The Locust Fork Journal. Also, today, the political prosecution of…

Oh, Come On, Part Two! | FrameWork 21, 2007 · One who is generous; one who favors greater freedom in political or religious matters; one free from prejudice or narrow thinking. Ant.- stingy, mean, bigoted, or conservative In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated scorned.

Stephen Coleman | Missouri Communication 18, 2011 · Voters are looking for a good-looking man who they feel they can “have a beer with.” Back in my parents day if a candidate looked OK in a picture they had a good shot in the election. It is a whole new world now. Politics have changed from my parents time to mine and I can only imagine what they will be like when I have a child who is my age.

Obama Administration – Everblog Darrell Issa’s folly is becoming clearer every day, especially related to the IRS investigation. It is ironic that someone with Issa’s questionable past, who is no stranger to scandal himself, is the chairman of the House Oversight Committee and spearheading this and other investigations.Mr. Issa’s rabid obsession of trying to tie the IRS ‘scandal’ to the Obama ...

27 | May | 2009 | Liberal Rapture 27, 2009 · 2 posts published by littleisis on May 27, 2009

No More Mister Nice Blog 11, 2006 · The candidate, immersed in one of the most competitive Senate races in the country, sat down to lunch yesterday with reporters at a Capitol Hill steakhouse and shared his views about this year's political currents. On the Iraq war: "It didn't work. . . . We didn't prepare for the peace."

David Eden - Autonomy Capitalism, Class and Politics ... Eden - Autonomy Capitalism, Class and Politics - Ashgate, Uk, September 2012 Autonomy: Capital, Class and Politics explores and critiques one of the most dynamic terrains of political theory, sometimes referred to as 'Autonomist Marxism' or post-Operaismo.

November | 2007 | Fantasy Politics USA Giuliani has released the first T.V. ad of his campaign this week. The ad is called “Tested,” and will start airing in New Hampshire on Thursday. It highlights his accomplishments as mayor of New York. In the ad Giuliani … Continue reading ?

Motor City Liberal: Rand Paul hedges on support for 1964 ... 20, 2010 · Rand Paul hedges on support for 1964 Civil Rights Act. By David Edwards and John Byrne. 2nd update on bottom: 'I unequivocally state that I will not support any efforts to repeal the Civil Rights Act of 1964...we are sure to hear more wild, dishonest smears during this campaign,' Paul campaign statement says ...

Governettehttps://governette.blogspot.comKendria I consider myself a Liberal. I do not have any experience in the political feild no have i ever voted. I am taking this class to pass and get credit (hopefully :] ), but i would also like to learn enough to be able to comprehend current issues and make informed decisions when i do vote.I answered 23 out of 33 correctly giving me a 69.70 % on the civic quiz and i answered 6 out of 12 ...

Desparada News: Aaaalso... - Sarkozy wird deutlich ... this pageMar 23, 2010 · In France he is believed to be an adamant pro-American politician. During his election campaign in 2007, Sarkozy named strengthening of the relations with the US a priority of his foreign policy. He demonstrated his intentions on many occasions, for example, when he made France more actively involved in NATO for the first time since 1966.

DHS employees worry that Portland will hurt agency's image ...!READ THIS BEFORE YOU GO Dear Reader, This feels like the most important fundraising drive since The Revival of the Progressive Party (1912 | 2018), with enormously high stakes and so much passion. In “Our Movement” we unveil the reality we are all facing and how we rise to the challenge. — If you’re able to, a critical moment to propel the Progressive Party to new heights ...

hist134 m6 research paper | Battles | Military Selesky. HIST 134 M6: Nano-History Paper TOPIC: Military History- Alexanders battle tactics that are still taught today War and conflict over the generation of power and whom possess that power has been a lifelong struggle. Victory and loss are concepts that have driven motives of leaders, politicians, generals, and many other public figures that we have seen throughout history.

Against Our Better Judgment: The hidden history of how the ... this pageAGAINST OUR BETTER JUDGMENT brings together meticulously sourced evidence to illuminate a reality that differs starkly from the prevailing narrative. It provides a clear view of the history that is key to understanding one of the most critically important political issues of our day.Reviews: 533Format: Format KindleAuthor: Alison Weir

Political Irony › Late Night Political Humor 26, 2017 · In a tweet this morning, President Trump called Confederate statues “beautiful”. People were shocked because it’s the first time Trump has complimented anything that’s over 40 years old. – Conan O’Brien. Trump thinks these 100-year-old Confederate monuments are beautiful. Which is weird.

How many in Congress are being blackmailed by IT Imran ... 27, 2017 · Wasserman Schultz told a police chief there would be “consequences” if he didn’t hand over her ex-IT staffer’s computer over to her. Congressional technology aides are baffled that data-theft allegations against four former House IT workers — who were banned from the congressional network — have largely been ignored, and they fear the integrity of sensitive high-level information.

Japanese heading for a December election. – Hoofin 18, 2012 · Japanese heading for a December election. hoofin Japanese Government, Japanese political scene, U.S.-Japan relations November 18, 2012 November 19, 2012 2 Minutes. So much for Seiken Koutai. I like to read Michael Cucek’s blog for insight about the Japanese government, particularly since I’m not there anymore. He has had a lot recently ...

He Braced Himself for this Big Fucking Scream | If-By-Whiskey really are delving into the nether regions of Teh Stupid here. “On an upcoming trip to India, President Obama will skip visiting one of the country’s most sacred shrines out of fear that wearing the requisite headgear might make him appear Muslim,” Jake Tapper reports. So the Obama administration has to potentially piss off an ally because his political team knows the mouth breathing ...

Michele Bachmann and John Wayne Gacy’s America | The Great ... 29, 2011 · “That’s the kind of spirit I have, too”-Moonbat Bachmann on serial killer John Wayne Gacy“They were just a bunch of worthless little queers and punks” -Serial Killer John Wayne GacyIn one of those classic political gaffes, on the day of the media adulation that circled America’s next great heroine like fecal particles going down a swirling…

Thursday Mashup (8/23/12) | The Liberal Doomsayer 23, 2012 · Thursday Mashup (8/23/12) ... This was the lowest real GDP growth over any 8-year span since 13.33% from 1966 to 1976. ... This is a clear example of the power of federal judicial appointments. Two George W. Bush appointees at the DC Circuit Court just rolled back pollution regulations to the George W. Bush parameters.

Mike Turzai | The Liberal Doomsayer is a clear example of the power of federal judicial appointments. Two George W. Bush appointees at the DC Circuit Court just rolled back pollution regulations to the George W. Bush parameters. As a result, according to the EPA’s statistics, 30,000 Americans will die prematurely, hundreds of thousands will fall ill, and 240 million will ...

Celtic Diva's Blue Oasis: 9/4/05 - 9/11/05 10, 2005 · Celtic Diva's Blue Oasis HAS MOVED!!!!! ... You see, when Pat Robertson was all over the news a couple of weeks ago, I was one of the Christians sitting up and railing against yet another example of how the religious right hijacks our faith. Which is why it's a good time to talk about Jim Wallis, author of this year's God's Politics: Why the ...

Nuclear Power, Energy Justice, and Ending Poverty 29, 2015 · Nuclear energy advocates including both Political Liberals and Conservatives appear to agree on certain long term goals. These goals involve the development and spread of low cost, safe and highly scalable nuclear power that can replace carbon emitting electrical generation facilities in developed nations, and provide low cost energy to the poor of less developed nations as well as preventing ...

Irish Trojan in Tennessee:Was there an Armenian genocide?'m Brendan Loy, a 26-year-old graduate of USC and Notre Dame now living and working in Knoxville, Tennessee. My wife Becky and I are brand-new parents of a beautiful baby girl, born on New Year's Eve. I'm a big-time sports fan, a politics, media & law junkie, an astronomy buff, a weather nerd, an Apple aficionado, a Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter fanatic, and an all-around dork.

Brian Newby – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America dra w: Route 66 visitors center drives tourism – Maria Nagle [email protected]. U.S. Route 66 (US 66 or Route 66), also known as the Will Rogers Highway and colloquially known as the Main Street of America or the Mother Road, was one of the original highways within the U.S. Highway System. US 66 was established on November 11, 1926, with road signs erected the following year.

Socialism | Steve Guggenheimer Anthony Weiner just made a terrific appearance on HBO’s “Real Time With Bill Maher.”This guy is quickly becoming one of my Congressional all stars. Not only does he make a very convincing and easy to swallow case for single payer health care, but he also addresses one of my biggest pet peeves. When Maher called single payer “socialized medicine,” Weiner actually responded by ...

“The only security of all is in a free press.” ? Thomas ... 09, 2017 · The American "PRESS" today is not free, but controlled by the liberal and progressive fascists, just as was the case in the old USSR, and to call our "PRESS" today as being free, is the same as calling Pravda free. The only real "FREE PRESS" is one that is fair and balanced in it's reporting, that way it serves all the people.

November Fifth: August 2010 10, 2010 · It's a dreary fact about our 24-hour news channels: it's "All Politics, All the Time." I know it's primary season, but does anyone out there in the blogosphere feel as though we *never* get a break from the "Dem said/GOP said" of the news?

World Innovation Foundation Blog: Obama and His ... 02, 2015 · Obama and His Administration Voted for Nazism to Exist in the United Nations Resolution on Banning it Globally (unbelievable but perfectly true according to the UN Vote in November 2014) - What is the Modern World of Politics coming too When the Most Insidious Political Ideology and Regime Ever Invented that Murdered tens of Millions world-wide, is Allowed to Exist and Flourish - But Obama ...

Sunday Praise & Worship | Lord Help Me To Hold Out ... 18, 2018 · Even though 3Chics Politico is written and curated by three women: Ametia, Rikyrah, and SouthernGirl2, I must nominate this as one of the most engaging blogs I've found. Devoted to politics and culture, these three shine a light …

The Liberal Doomsayer: 2007-12-23 was the creation of those forces for the Afghan war that eventually led to the rise of the Taliban, the creation of al Qaeda, and the radicalization of the mostly Pashtun peoples in the "tribal areas" of Pakistan, where Bin Laden is widely believed to have found a safe haven, most likely with the tacit acceptance of Pakistan's intelligence ...

GreenMountainPolitics1: September 2007 07, 2007 · Edwards is the first '08 candidate to participate in the hour-long forum, which mixes audience questions with questions from the (far) larger MySpace online community. All in real time. Live streamed on the web. Taped to play at 7pm EST tonight on MTV. The debate format worked well. "Hip" debate staging aside.

“Tax” Is Not A Four-Letter Word | Sheila Kennedy 18, 2017 · As Congress takes up consideration of the tax bill of 2017–what the President and GOP have labeled “tax reform,” and what impartial observers describe as tax cuts mostly for the wealthy–it’s time for a re-run of my rant on the subject of taxation.. I’ve been particularly incensed by the appearance in Indiana of a TV spot aimed at Senator Joe Donnelly.

Obsidian Wings: "Conservatism Is Formless Like Water""Conservatism is "formless" like water: it takes the shape of its conditions, but always remains the same.This is why Russell Kirk calls conservatism the "negation of ideology" in The Politics of Prudence.It is precisely the formlessness of conservatism which gives it its vitality.Left alone, the spirit of conservatism is essentially what T.S. Eliot calls the "stillness between two waves of ...

Bernard Madoff | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog Sirota on yesterday’s hearing about Bernie Madoff:. At a contentious Financial Services Committee hearing today about the failure of the Securities and Exchange Commission to prevent the Bernie Madoff scandal, the SEC’s General Counsel cited executive privilege as reason that he and the SEC’s enforcement branch were refusing to answer congressional inquiries.

President Obama and First Lady Michelle Observe 9/11 ... Weekly Update 9-13-13 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. DNC's weekly political update

Left-wing politics | The Moorish Wanderer Abdelmoumni, a respected Human Rights activists and a father-figure (of sorts) with the Feb20 movement, expressed short-sightedness in his analysis regarding the future of this government. He claims:. Enfin, les prochaines semaines nous montreront si ce gouvernement est conscient qu’il joue sa survie, celle d’un parti majeur et celle du pays.

Marion Young | The Pardu's Scroll about Marion Young written by The Pardu. Smile A Day – Political Cartoons; Celestial Wonders: Earth and Beyond (Pluto) International Space Statioin Link

paul robeson | Tumblr robesonPaul Robeson and Elisabeth Welch in the 1937 British-produced film, “Big Fella.” Paul Robeson (1898-1976) was, of course, a majestic singer and actor, brilliant scholar and athlete and a fierce political activist. Elisabeth Welch (1904-2003) was an American singer who became a superstar in England.

Teachers | elmsprogressivemedia 13, 2012 · The release came the same day as the South Carolina primary, where four candidates competed in the latest contest to determine Obama’s general election rival. The prime-time speech will be not just a traditional pitch about the year ahead. It will be perhaps Obama’s biggest stage to make a sweeping case for a second term.

Kung Fu Monkey: Red Cross - Monkey Kung Fu John --One of your spec monkeys know I don't fully agree with your politics, but I love you man. I emptied my paypal account (only 30 bucks) via your link, but rest assured I'll be giving much more. Just don't want to break your bank.

REAL ART (and politics and culture) 12, 2006 · It usually takes around four and a half hours or so for me to drive from Houston to Baton Rouge. But not Monday. On Monday it took me seven hours to make it back to the Red Stick. Just as I hit the western outskirts of Beaumont on Interstate 10, the flow of traffic came to a near halt.

Warren targets Facebook with ad claiming Zuckerberg ... is a false choice; there are ways to safely reopen, and consumer confidence depends on the reassurance of public health protections. "Another flaw with this argument is that those making it are committing others to a sacrifice they did not choose.

Vern Ehlers Answers Questions from Constituents at Annual ... 07, 2006 · Vern Ehlers Answers Questions from Constituents at Annual “Town Hall” Meeting On Saturday, Vern Ehlers, congressional representative for the Grand Rapids area and Michigan’s 3rd District, held a “town hall” meeting during which he addressed a …

The Zeigeist ( economic data ) for the week of March 22nd ... 22, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Talk shows « Jamesb101.com 22, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

un-American | Smart Liberal and Female I’m a public school teacher, leading America’s youth to a better tomorrow. I support Barack Obama. Does that make me un-American? C. I work for the federal government as (fill in the blank). I support Barack Obama. Does that make me un-American too? D.

fragmentation | Missouri Communication 15, 2011 · Chapter 4 of D. Garber’s book Media Power in Politics (6th Edition) talks about the effects of new media on political information.One of the biggest effects was fragmentation of audiences. Gurevitch, Coleman, and Blumler (authors of this section of the book) define fragmentation as finding political information that reinforces your political ideas and beliefs.

Saul Alinsky | Indiana Oracle speaking, neither political party can hold itself out as being better than the other in this author’s opinion. But clearly, the leftwing of all parties globally has a long and documented history of social anarchy, support of autocratic and utopian social models of government, and a desire to suppress dissent and overthrow models of government which oppose them.

WebWeaver's World: December 2009 01, 2009 · A blog about my passions. May include some or all of the following: geek stuff (web design &amp; development, CSS, accessibility, usability), environmental activism, my adopted home of New Zealand (&#39;cos it&#39;s so totally wonderful), international &amp; green politics (rants from a left-wing perspective), gardening, cats, literature, rugby, and a whole lot of other stuff besides.

WebWeaver's World: April 2009 12, 2009 · A blog about my passions. May include some or all of the following: geek stuff (web design &amp; development, CSS, accessibility, usability), environmental activism, my adopted home of New Zealand (&#39;cos it&#39;s so totally wonderful), international &amp; green politics (rants from a left-wing perspective), gardening, cats, literature, rugby, and a whole lot of other stuff besides.

Accidental Deliberations: 2018-07-01 08, 2018 · In 1942, shortly after Pearl Harbor, FDR asked Congress for a 100% top tax rate that would leave no individuals with more than $25,000 of annual income – about $375,000 today – after taxes. America’s top unions backed FDR’s plan – and so, Gallup pollsters reported, did a clear plurality of Americans. Congress felt the heat.

About hot topicshttps://about-hot-topics-v.blogspot.comIt demonstrates hardly as the carbossimetilazioni are to work scared. When a real woman who has demonstrated to its integrity and resistance in the politics succeeds, only resource that make is of belittle and lowering itself. What hypocritical! In the first instance, if the youre that go to write a starter shaft debunking, you must write exactly.

Best Posts in Thread: To my fellow THFSG exilers ... 16, 2020 · The fact is I really don't care about the Political Forums of either board, as the Chatter isn't a political board. This is just a bonus room for bored people. I care much more about being a better sports board. As for me, I would never ban, suspend, or put a liberal on global ignore. Not me, no way.

The Port Authority of NY and Nj « Jamesb101.com 17, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

PrawfsBlawg: A Congress Obsessed With Federal Jurisdiction Congress Obsessed With Federal Jurisdiction My original thought for a fun Sunday afternoon bl o awg topic was to have been the Bowl Championship Series, both in light of the announcement of the pairings (man, did Oregon get screwed!), and Friday's news that Congress plans to hold hearings this week on the BCS and the possibility of ...

Reading Homework – The Liberal Activist Toolkit mission is one of action, so beware the internet rabbit hole. (Remember that sitting in chairs helped get us into this mess.) But be informed. Recent articles: A Better Way to Look at Most Every Political Issue, Conor Friedersdorf, The Atlantic, February 11, 2018 The First White President, Ta-Nehisi Coates, The Atlantic, October 2017 Meet…

JustOneMinute: Social Security Again, something has me really puzzled about people on the left who proclaim to be the big defenders of Social Security. Social Security is a program whose huge political popularity to date is based entirely on its paying *big* positive returns on contributions to the middle class -- $10 trillion dollars worth by 2000, the great bulk of that going to the *non-poor*.

politics | Bakhtin's Cigarettes first answer is economics. In the south especially, the population continued to live in the country, but more and more of them worked in the city. Places like Dallas, Houston, New Orleans, Atlanta, Birmingham, and Tampa all saw their populations explode as the …

Clif Clendenen | Sohum Parlance II great turnout with surprising Sohum representation – and a strong cross-section of political ideology and economic interests represented. A great meal, most of the food coming from local sources, and some of it prepared by local businesses – again, some of it from Sohum. The plan is to win it outright in a year and a …

PTSD Combat: Winning the War Within: September 2006 ... 10, 2006 · After reviewing the recommendations, Worley stated, “It is disturbing that in 2006, the Institute of Medicine is presenting, as the first of three recommendations, the implementation of the same tracking system which Congress mandated in Public Law 105-85 (The National Defense Authorization Act of 1997) nine years ago.”

09 | July | 2009 | The Liberal Doomsayer 09, 2009 · The number, one of the first counts of actual stimulus-based employment, is based on state reports to the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee. Thousands of indirect jobs — such as the deli employee who prepares lunch for the construction crew or the workers who produce the steel needed for projects — were also created or ...

Alicé Anil - Posty | Facebook this pageAlicé Anil. 50 tys. osób lubi to. Opinionated documentaries and political analysis---with a progressive edge. No frills, No BS.

Campaign Ads | Missouri Communication | Page 2 05, 2010 · One of the many ways that the election of Barack Obama as president has echoed that of John F. Kennedy is his use of a new medium that will forever change politics. For Mr. Kennedy, it was television. For Mr. Obama, it is the Internet. Kennedy and Nixon made the media a direct and influential part of the political campaigning.

South Texas Chisme: Tom DeLay trying to get in front of ... you call for revolution, isn't that sedition? Former Texas congressman Tom DeLay called on members of the Texas Patriot Tea Party on Tuesday night to join him in a revolution for the Constitution, to “shut down” every part of federal government that is not specifically based on the Constitution.

May | 2010 | Political Communication. Rowan University ... May 1, 2010 there was pubic outcry about a newly passed bill in Arizona. The bill allows police officers in the state of Arizona to ask anyone they suspect of being in the country illegally questions. Those who can not prove that they are in the country legally are subject to up to a six-month jail sentence and a $2500 fine.

Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room | The Least, First 16, 2006 · Excellent writing of Brian McLaren about the link between God-in-our-hearts and hope-for-our-world. Click its title to see the whole piece in situ. Or read the excerpt here. But be encouraged! Brian McLaren: The Politics of Joy . . . Earlier this week, I was speaking to a group of Methodist ministers and we sang the…

Census | The Liberal Doomsayer comments came the day after Rush insisted on his show that they would fight this to the bitter end. But Checketts, like most owners a long time donor to right wing causes, had no desire to link arms with Limbaugh for a public crusade. You might think Rush would have gone on the air to slam Checketts’s absence of a spine.

SE @ PoliticalDog « Jamesb101.com 04, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Motor City Liberal: GOP Stresses Need For Mental Health ... is talking about ‘oh, about people having guns, about political speech.’ None of that had a factor here. When you look at the evidence that has been collected up, this wasn’t about politics…If we want to solve this from happening in the future, you can talk about all the gun laws you want — that’s not going ...

GEORGIA WOMEN VOTE!: Will Saxby Sink Georgia's Children? 03, 2007 · I've got news for Sen. Chambliss. We're ALL already paying for the failure to make sure that every child has access to quality, affordable healthcare, and if Congress fails to reauthorize SCHIP, that cost will skyrocket. This is literally a pay me now or …

Francis Oduro, Jr. Gunned Down in Gang-Related Violence on ... 23, 2008 · This is a fatal blow to this family. The media has reported that Francis Oduro Sr. recalled the joy of bringing his son to live with him in December 2006. He said his son had grown to be a wonderful man, steadfast in his Roman Catholic faith, and an easygoing guy who still loved soccer, which he grew up playing.

JustOneMinute: You Can Leak, And You Should Hide is not the best way to get a clear story - the Administration opponents (often Congressional staffers) generally leak the most embarrassing material; Admin supporters are then pressured by reporters to leak some offsetting good news. On net, I am sure that context is lost, but I also am sure that a useful check on the Administration.

Contextual Criticism: Hamas hypocrisy and religious commentary from a liberal, secular, humanistic perspective. Saturday, January 3, 2009

Vote tally count Keystone pipeline Senate vote defeated ... 18, 2014 · Nov 18 280 (59-41) Rejected On Passage of the Bill S. 2280 U.S. Senate Roll Call Votes 113th Congress - 2nd Session Click on "blue" icons below for individual votes as compiled through Senate LIS by the Senate Bill Clerk under the direction of the Secretary of the Senate Vote Summary Question: On Passage of the Bill…

Is Any Involvement in Politics Better Than None At All 08, 2010 · In my opinion I believe that any involvement in politics is better than none, even if it is strictly online. You are still getting a dose of "real life" politics that are the same topics that are being discussed in news online and on television. They …

Affiliations | Espionage | - Free download as (.rtf), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. a

no | Political guess she missed the Supremacy Clause, Article VI, Clause 2, of the U.S. Constitution, which declares that laws enacted pursuant to the Constitution are “the supreme law of the land.” But Bachman at least has the excuse of being a politician, and one who has to win reelection every two years as a Member of the House of Representatives ...

Rick Sanchez | Missouri 08, 2010 · You are still getting a dose of “real life” politics that are the same topics that are being discussed in news online and on television. They may be more polarized views online, but that is what happens when people go online and find …

Motor City Liberal: 8 Reasons Why Cantor’s Rebranded GOP ... 08, 2013 · On Tuesday afternoon, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) delivered a speech that sought to “rebrand” the GOP as a party that can advance legislation that would improve the lives of the “most vulnerable” Americans. “Our solutions will be based on the conservative principles of self reliance, faith in the individual, trust in the family, and accountability in government ...

PoliticalChurch: Breaking Church News + Business, Politics ... This is not about Rev. Sharpton. It's about the cartoon being blatantly racist and offensive. I believe in freedom of speech, and you have every right to print what you want. But freedom of speech still comes with responsibilities and consequences. You are responsible for printing this cartoon, and I hope you experience some real ...

PLAINFIELD TODAY: Plainfield political sign wars reach new ... 06, 2009 · Plainfield political sign wars reach new heights. ... and Sheila Oliver is laughing the whole way to the Speaker position. For all of the money that Jerry has squeezed in his land deals with the UCIA, with his "consulting" job with Alman Group at $50 grand per year, his lies about Muhlenberg and his pay to play with Remington Vernick, Maimon ...

Route 66 – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America 2011, Kobach helped push through a law in his state requiring people registering to vote to present one of a narrow list of “proof of citizenship” documents, which led tens of thousands of Kansans to have their voter registrations suspended when they tried to sign up to vote in last year’s elections. Kobach was locked in a years-long battled with the EAC over federal voter ...

DruggyBear's Den: July 2009 31, 2009 · On 2.5 years of experience as the Governor of a cash-flush state with no real problems? If the economy is still shitty and unemployment is over 10% when 2012 comes around, there's no doubt Obama will be vulnerable. But no way in hell voters would gamble our future on another charismatic politician w/ a flimsy resume.

Every Man Changes for the Better ... - AmeriCAN-DO Attitude 01, 2009 · This is simply a comment I left in a completely unrelated post I made, but I thought it explained my opinion on where I am nowadays in my thought process of dating, marriage, etc. So I figured I would make a post out of it, instead of letting it languish, unnoticed in the comments section of one of my political posts.

Jesus' General: Balls and the Bible Randy Forbes US House of Representatives Dear Rep. Forbes, It's comforting to know that in these times of economic bleakness, there are Congressmen like you working on what's really important: passing a resolution declaring the Bible to be the word of God. It's about time we finally did this.

realclearpolitics – Eric Lightborn's Blog is the only reason I call myself a Media-Watchdog, one of the last of the breed. These are just some of my saved email contacts from my personal email account. [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] press ...

15 | July | 2011 | Spinny Liberal 15, 2011 · This is the city where people are protesting the building of a mosque. There is an on-going legal battle over one of the basic First Amendment rights: Freedom of Religion. Of course, Cain weighed in, opposing the building of the mosque.

Johnny Pez: Sobel Wiki: shibboleth 21, 2013 · This week's featured article at the Sobel Wiki is on Carlos Conceptión, the 19th century Mexican politician-turned-revolutionary.Although Sobel never explicitly says so, it is clear from Conceptión's rhetoric that his ideology has been heavily influenced by the Sobel Timeline's alt-Karl Marx.

Travis Childers | The Liberal Doomsayer 26, 2018 · You know, you really have to hand it to Cindy Hyde-Smith, the Mississippi Repug running against Mike Espy for the U.S. Senate (the runoff election is this Tuesday, just to let you know – more here).The seat was opened by the retirement of Repug U.S. Senator Thad Cochran.

2008 Presidential Campaign | the plaid lemur about 2008 Presidential Campaign written by plaidlemur. The spoken words from The Audacity of Hope were both well chosen and well placed.There can be no doubt that there is a true and meaningful choice we make this November, not just between blue and red, or conservative or liberal, but a choice between truthfulness and equivocation, between principles and pandering, between the common ...

BLOG 3: Political Campaigns since Nixon | Missouri ... 21, 2011 · One interesting difference between the 1968 and the 2008 elections is the use of face versus symbols. Nixon, who was not a particularly attractive man, still relied on his face as the symbol for his election, obsessing over his appearance on TV and boldly displaying it on campaign posters.

Another Look At Perry Christie | Common Sense, Uncommon ... 30, 2010 · While going through my archives this week, I came across a biography of Hon Perry G. Christie, Leader of the Progressive Liberal Party. It is an impressive biography by an unknown author. I wish to share it, in part, with readers. The name Perry Gladstone Christie has been synonymous not just with politics, but with…

Trump's top Pentagon nominee says he regrets being a ... to a tweet in which Brennan quoted Cicero, Tata wrote: "As incompetent as @JohnBrennan was as a #CIA analyst (failure at Khobar Towers), we must assume he knows spy tradecraft. This is a signal to someone, somewhere. Cicero was assassinated for political reasons. This is a clear threat against @POTUS."

Washington Post | Sheila Kennedy Amazon’s Jeff Bezos developed a workable business model for real journalism? According to Politico and other sources, the Washington Post–which Bezos bought three years ago–plans to add sixty reporters in the first quarter of 2017. That’s not a typo–the Post really is hiring sixty new reporters. The Post newsroom will grow by more than 60 jobs — or 8 percent — an astounding ...

Political Irony › Are We Being Played? 04, 2017 · From Heather Richardson, professor of History at Boston College (as posted to Facebook, and verified by Snopes):. I don’t like to talk about politics on Facebook — political history is my job, after all, and you are my friends — but there is an important non-partisan point to make today.

politicians | cadesertvoice Americans KNEW that the oil and jewels deep in the ground are the VEINS aka the blood of the earth. It takes hundreds, even thousands of years for fossil fuels to regenerate. Trees too. The Rain Forests of Brazil have been a buffer for the entire planet. It too, has been decimated.

Finance | eggslap is so f***ing hilarious. From 2001 – 2006 they had the majority in the House and Senate, and [the presidency, and never gave this a consideration at all. Bringing this up now is just an attempt to make political hay. No prayer of this becoming law. [By the way,] WHERE ARE [THE] JOBS, REPUBLICANS?

Trade Deals « Jamesb101.com 14, 2009 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Political Thermopylae: April 2007 29, 2007 · This is an important legal technicality, as federal law prohibits "payment of services" for certain recess appointments. However, if the recess appointee in question agrees that he or she will take an unpaid position and not sue the government at a later date for compensation, then the appointment can go forward, at least as the White House ...

tcnorris: 08/01/2007 - 09/01/2007 29, 2007 · The polls have suggested for a long time that there could be a close competitive race and now that seems to be a certainty. The Liberals can still reasonably hope that as the likely second choice of the Greens and the NDP, they might still pull out a majority or minority win.

Ezra Klein: Clinton vs. Obama, Clinton and Obama 27, 2007 · « S-CHIP And Funding | Main | On TNR and the Right ». July 27, 2007 Clinton vs. Obama, Clinton and Obama. I agree with Brian that it would be nice if political journalists would actually evaluate the substantive merits of the Clinton/Obama spat rather than engaging in endless meta-analysis of its positional impact on the horserace, but I fear that he's wrong to think this actually represents ...

Political Irony › Morality 15, 2017 · Hassan, take a look at who they invite to speak at the Values Voter Summit. Brigitte Gabriel and Frank Gaffney were there this year. Or you could just look at the head of FRC, Tony Perkins, who doesn’t believe Islam is a religion and therefore that the U.S. Constitution doesn’t protect Muslims.

The Eleventh Hour: 06/01/2009 - 07/01/2009 Eleventh Hour Politics, life, music and other stuff from someone who doesn't know anything. Thursday, June 25, 2009. Insurance Scam. I know we need insurance for a variety of things (home, auto, health) to help level the rough financial spots in life. But I’ve always had a bad attitude toward insurance companies because, well, they seem ...

thecriterionreport-v1n3-december2018 | Opinion Poll ... - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. In line with the IRR’s objective to become an authority on political market research, the Institute has undertaken a snap poll, focusing exclusively on party political support, to supplement the IRR’s first full survey on the electoral landscape, carried out in September 2018.

2009 December 21 « Jamesb101.com 21, 2009 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

AMERICAN COPROPHAGIA is pretty much what "satire" has been reduced to. The Realist, Terry Southern, and the original Lampoon have never been deader. Also, most American comics are deeply apolitical; and those who riff on "current events" usually operate well within shared assumptions about politics, history, and US power.

Joshing Politics: 6/13/10 - 6/20/10 09, 2010 · For a lot of retirees, that is a valid objection, but if one was to dial the numbers of the people on this list, they better pony up for your good cause. Celeste at the DP has more : The Empire Center has out a new database of the pensions of 342,543 New York State retirees on , and I gotta say it looks to me like the party's ...

Wouldn't It Be Scarier?: January 2006 05, 2006 · Probably going to become a ranting area, for things I can't get away with boring people with who I actually know. So, for my first rant: The General Public are Idiots. One of the genres of TV almost guaranteed to annoy me is those shows where they get some politician, especially Tony Blair, in front of an audience of Ordinary People.

Don't Be Fooled. The Corporate Elites Are Gaslighting You 18, 2020 · The crisis we face is not, as the ruling elites want us to believe, limited to police violence. It is a class and generational revolt. It will not be solved with new police reforms, which always result, as Princeton professor Naomi Murakawa points out in her book “The First Civil Right: How Liberals Built Prison America,” in less ...

When a Religious Sect Took Over the ... - progressivenetwork 30, 2013 · by Diane Ravitch, 4/27/13 There is good reason for separation of church and state. America was founded by religious dissidents. Our Founding Fathers wrote into the First Amendment that Congress was not permitted to establish a religion. They wanted all people of all faiths--or none--to live in peace. Some states had an established religion for…

Wednesday Open Thread | #VeteransForKaepernick Exploded On ... 01, 2016 · Colin Kaepernick’s refusal to stand during the national anthem has taken over the news cycle. It seems almost everyone has weighed in on the issue except one, extremely important group: American combat veterans. That changed Tuesday night the hashtag #VeteransForKaepernick was trending worldwide on Twitter, with thousands of vets standing by the San Francisco 49ers…

04 | January | 2008 | Truth and Reason 04, 2008 · Filed under: Mike Huckabee, Election, 2008, Politics, Conservatism Despite a torrent of potshots by the conservative elite in the last two months, Huck took Iowa last night, 34% to Romney’s 25%. Thompson and McCain finished virtually tied for third.

Dictator Obama waives Congressional ban on Aid to ... 27, 2013 · The move comes as the administration is preparing to host renewed direct talks in Washington between Palestinians and Israelis for the first time since 2010. The president in March directed about $500 million to be sent to the Palestinian Authority, also …

Sylvester Brown, Jr.: "It’s all about land mass and power ... conversation with Alderman Charles Quincy Troupe is like a college history course on regional politics. With more than 41 years experience as an elected official, Troupe has seen the pendulum of power swing in different directions. With history as his barometer, the former state legislator and current aldermen of the 1st Ward, argues that now, more than ever, is a critical time to halt an ...

Motor City Liberal: Right-Wing Billionaires Behind Mitt Romney McMANSIONEER: Bob Perry Position Owner of Perry Homes, a megabuilder of high-end sprawl in Texas. Age 79 Fortune Estimated at $600 million Past Donations Spent $4.5 million to Swift-boat John Kerry in 2004.A Texas good ol' boy, his relationship with Karl Rove stretches back 25 years. In the past decade, Perry has invested nearly $80 million in political candidates, including $7 million to ...

Secret Bases · John Conyers 2013, his district was renamed as the 13th district. In total, Conyers won re-election twenty-five times and was serving in his twenty-sixth term. He was the dean of the House as longest-serving current member, the third longest-serving member of the House in history, and the sixth longest-serving member of Congress in history. He was the ...

Politics | Nolan Dalla Reasons Why Online Poker Could Get Outlawed . Go back and read the poker forums sometime. The evidence is all there in black and white. In 2006, popular sentiment at the time was the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act would never become a law. Then, after the UIGEA did indeed pass and become law, the prevailing thought within the poker community over the next five years was the ...

Grassley | Desert Beacon 29, 2012 · Astra Zeneca was embarrassed by publicity generated when Grassley publicized its “Seroquel” study the lead author of which was paid $238,000 by the manufacturer. In 2007 Grassley used this and other examples as the rationale for his Physician Payments Sunshine Act, S. 2029 in the 110 th Congress. The bill died in his own Finance Committee.

Dirty Politics | Two Putt Tommy, Hansen was subsequently appointed to a highly visible position within the state GOP leadership structure. In response to this disparaging letter, veterans and other concerned citizens will be raising awareness of this issue at the Minnesota GOP Convention October 3, 2009, at the River Center in downtown St. Paul, Minnesota.

May | 2012 | Retire Garrett non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates that even in the first year of enactment, the legislation would cost seniors an additional $6,000 over the existing Medicare program and would become more expensive over time as the value of the voucher would not keep up with the increasing cost of buying private health insurance.

Pro-choice mocking | Saynsumthn's Blog | Page 4 left-wing liberal community are always the first ones crying for tolerance- yet- when things do not go “their way” they are the most hate-filled intolerant people you can imagine. As Megyn Kelly summed it up on the O’Reilly factor – “This is about the war on the religious right not the war on women.”

Bangsamoro Year-End Report 2015 | Philippines | Politics Year-End Report 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Bangsamoro Year-End Report 2015

Energy | Earthanet about Energy written by earthanet. Now that Congress has reversed itself and decided that offshore drilling is OK after all, the debate has shifted to whether opening up new oil reserves in previously protected wild areas of the United States will actually bring relief at the gas pump.

Green Eagle: Our Liberal Press, Chapter Ten Thousand 09, 2013 · So, one false book gets massive publicity. And CBS has come "under fire." That will, I am sure make them very sad. In the meantime, here are some of the other authors published by Threshold Books: Glenn Beck, Oliver North and Mark Levin. Any one of these guys' books contain more lies that the Benghazi guy could hope to tell in his whole life.

Contextual Criticism: What's Happening? - Blogger and religious commentary from a liberal, secular, humanistic perspective. Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Dennis Ross « Mercury Rising ?? about Dennis Ross written by Phoenix Woman. Politics, life, and other things that matter

Periods for Politicians | Sheila Kennedy campaign brought national attention to–and censure of– our retrograde Governor and legislature. It became Periods for Politicians when he joined Trump’s ticket. Women planning to attend the November 2d rally are encouraged to bring sealed menstrual hygiene products and bras for distribution to homeless women and girls throughout Indiana.

Political Action Network Netroots Projecthttps://panrootsproject.blogspot.comPolitical Action Network Netroots Project The Netroots Project is the baby of a handful of blogs in the reality based community: Firedoglake, Crooks & Liars and Unclaimed Territory.This is an adjunct to the Netroots Project for information sharing for and by the individual state groups.

Talking Stick Rules: 07/22/2007 - 07/29/2007 26, 2007 · For a decade, former VECO Chief Executive Bill Allen has held fund-raisers for Mr. Young in Anchorage every August, known as "The Pig Roast," participants said. Public records show contributions to Mr. Young of at least $157,000 from VECO employees and its political-action committee between 1996 and 2006, the last year the event was held.

Determinehttps://mattarundel.blogspot.comJun 12, 2009 · This is a blight on our history that recalls the Trail of Tears and the Japanese internment camps when viewing from the perspective that, radically, humanity is worth preserving. We must challenge our representatives in Congress, challenge the president, and challenge our fellow citizens who don't have the political will or stomach to act alone.

Chilean Scholar Discusses Art as Resistance during the ... 03, 2007 · The dictatorship could no longer deny what had been done. This is also the time that the first demonstrations against the regime had began, with organized political opposition by 1982. One artistic example was the work of Luz Donoso and Hernan Parada who did an exhibit in the main street with images of the disappeared and TVs.

WOOD TV 8 Political Ad Claim Check – 31, 2004 · never called for a $900 billion tax increase.” Reporter – Again we find the claim that Kerry has never proposed a tax. increase of more than $900 billion true, but as we told you last week part. of question about the tax raising claim is …

Conceitos e Preconceitos: Donald da this pageSeja qual for a opinião de cada um sobre esses debates, é o processo democrático – as eleições presidenciais, o processo de confirmação, os líderes do Congresso, os procedimentos jurídicos, o ativismo dos cidadãos, a desobediência civil – que deve …

Wet Casements: "failing upwards" 20, 2019 · Nick Cohen on what links the sheer incompetence of men (almost always men, white men) like Boris Johnson and Donald Trump as they drag us all down to a hell of their own making: "Johnson’s career of failing upwards since he left Eton illustrates that overconfidence is class determined. In politics and so many other British institutions, you see mediocrities take …

WebWeaver's World: Oh you bastard! You just gave away the ... 12, 2007 · A blog about my passions. May include some or all of the following: geek stuff (web design & development, CSS, accessibility, usability), environmental activism, my adopted home of New Zealand ('cos it's so totally wonderful), international & green politics (rants from a left-wing perspective), gardening, cats, literature, rugby, and a whole lot of other stuff besides.

Thinking Liberallyhttps://liberalfriends.blogspot.comMar 02, 2017 · 2012 offers nothing like the ecstasy of taking part in a historical advance: the reëlection of the first African-American President does not inspire the same level of communal pride. But the reëlection of a President who has been progressive, competent, rational, decent, and, at times, visionary is a serious matter.

Accidental Deliberations: Sunday Afternoon Links 04, 2018 · This and that for your Sunday reading. - Jeffrey Sachs writes that the fight against climate breakdown demands a concerted solution to global problem - rather than political wrangling over whether anybody will accept any responsibility for desperately-needed change. And Adam Tooze points out the foreseeable political threats posed by rising sea levels.

Possible Experience: Jun 10, 2011 10, 2011 · Here's the first of the revelations: yeah, she spent 35k of Alaska's money to install a tanning bed in the Governor's mansion in AK. Also, speciality AMC theatres will be showing the Palin political porn presidential campaign movie and presumably charging people to watch it. (this last sentence is both true and a fun tongue twister [though ...

Political science. A fizzing erotic romance of simplistic ... 30, 2016 · Political science. A fizzing erotic romance of simplistic rhetorical plugs and sockets, pumps and valves, a sawtooth wave of airheaded chuckles and sharp regret, and helplessness to ever accomplish anything at all until it pleases the idiot …

Facebook….UGH | Smart Liberal and Female 02, 2012 · Needless to say, something rational in me kicked in and I simply deactivated my page. As I mentioned this to a friend today, she liked Facebook to the days of the gladiators. It’s a place where everyone gathers, they shout out nonsense, and bully to the death. So…so long Facebook. For my personal sanity and sleep I bid you adieu.

DemoCurmudgeon: All-Payer look at the latest Political news, environmental, jobs, healthcare, and tech stories.

Pancho's Blog: 01/15/2006 - 01/22/2006 20, 2006 · A Chicano Yalie posts on life, family and politics, all while growing a Ciuapilli.

The Daily Show | thoughtcrimes and misdemeanors you’ve been watching Glenn Beck much lately – something I generally try to avoid, but I inevitably see clips on Countdown, The Rachel Maddow Show, The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, and/or just about every blog on the liberal side of the blogosphere – you know that the man has been bandying about terms like “Nazi” and “fascist” and “Hitler” pretty freely in connection ...

Trump admin still hasn't reopened DACA to new applicants ... hold signs during a rally in support of the Supreme Court’s ruling in favor of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, in San Diego, California June 18, 2020.– Supreme Court dealt President Donald Trump’s anti-immigration efforts a fresh blow Thursday when it rejected his cancellation of a program protecting 700,000 "Dreamers," undocumented migrants brought to the ...

stochastic terrorism - 02, 2019 · Origin: While evidence for the term dates back to at least 2002, the term stochastic terrorism, as we are using here, spreads in the 2010s, popularly credited to a blog post in 2011 [[see quote below]].Terrorism experts, security analysts, and political observers have been increasingly using the term stochastic terrorism in the late 2010s, especially in terms of how rhetoric from political and ...

privatize | The Liberal Doomsayer 29, 2010 · No one has considered this as the unintended consequence of “privatization.” Susan Gibbons Fairless Hills, PA. Finally, Toomey supports reducing business tax rates – please watch Keith Olbermann’s report here (first video) and then try to tell me why I should give a …

28 | June | 2006 | Blevkog 28, 2006 · 3 posts published by kevvyd on June 28, 2006. Citing Stephen Harper’s craftiness, the president of the federal Liberal party, Mike Eizenga, suggested that the Liberals making plans for a fall election by preparing for a hasty early vote should the writ be dropped.. Some Tories figure that the Liberals are running scared, I presume after Harper has at least proven politically competent to the ...

Nukes of Hazard: Sen. Kyl Urges Opposition to CTBT Provision 08, 2007 · Jeff Lindemyer said.... Congressional Record, October 24, 2007, pp. S13357-S13358 DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION Mr. KYL. Mr. President, I rise today to bring the attention of the Senate to a provision of the fiscal year 08 Defense Authorization Act, now in conference. Section 3122 of the bill undermines the Senate’s position on the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, CTBT, without the …

The Political Environment: Walker's deleted ethics code ... 05, 2017 · Whenever I need a good laugh I go back to the ethics code Scott Walker briefly trumped during his ill-fated run for Governor in 2006, since there have been so many intervening matters, like his use of Milwaukee County resources as County Executive to subsidize his 2010 campaign, or that campaign's secretive fund-raising coordination revealed in John Doe records make it alternately …

JABBS: April 2006 17, 2006 · NASA is touting a more accessible public information policy after acknowledging that a political appointee in its public information department attempted to silence one of the agency's experts on climate change. The new policy clarifies the right of NASA experts and others to express their own opinions on policies without political vetting. It follows an embarrassment at NASA, when in January ...

Scattershooting, while wondering whatever happened to ... 15, 2014 · Rejoice in his floundering failure to impact the political landscape one iota, even after spending $100,000,000 on U.S. elections and lobbying since 2012 (add another $30 million or so for Israel). No compromises. No carve outs. Let Adelson lose, and lose big. Then, let that stench of failure hang for a while.

Joe Biden | Unreasonably Safe Observer of the more publicized of Biden’s crashes occured on Tuesday evening. when an unmarked police car helping to escort the VP to a taping of The Daily Show in ... where the VP was in town as the keynote speaker at a $1000/plate fundraiser dinner for local politicians. In that accident, a sheriff’s vehicle traveling in Biden’s ...

Beef Products Inc. | The Liberal Doomsayer who was the U.S.D.A. head who approved the scheme around 2002 to inject ammonia into the beef, leaving it tainted and rendered as “pink slime”? Why, that would be Bushco’s Ann Veneman . And who was in charge of the U.S.D.A. in 2007 when the decision was made to exempt Beef Products, Inc. from testing before selling their “Franken ...

Sarah Palin Ted Stevens | Mudflats thing I didn’t expect was the two candidates’ take on Sarah Palin. Remember, Sarah Palin, who launched her political career at the feet of Ted Stevens, and served as the Director of his 527 group “Excellence in Public Service, Inc” which could raise unlimited funds from corporate donors, has recently turned on her former mentor.

Bush | Et Cetera: Publick and Privat Curiosities to a retrospective from the Museum of the Moving Image, which compiled dozens of presidential campaign spots from 1952 through 2008, viewers can dive deep into the fascinating history of a unique brand of television advertising. This montage represents the breadth of strategies and styles over six decades of presidential political wars ...

Ileana Ros-Lehtinen | The Liberal Doomsayer tells us that U.N. Secretary Ban Ki Moon referred to the U.S. as a “deadbeat” donor to that world body; here’s the reason why…. Ban said he had wanted to draw attention to the fact that the U.S. agrees to pay 22 percent of the U.N.’s $4.86 billion operating budget, but is perennially late with its dues — and now is about $1 billion behind on its payments.

FOX « Jamesb101.com 06, 2009 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

New ‘Fact-Check’ Feature From Search Giant Google Almost ... 10, 2018 · Google, the most powerful search engine in the world, is now displaying fact checks for conservative publications in its results. No prominent liberal site receives the same treatment. EDITOR’S NOTE: The new ‘fact check’ feature from Google only seems to target Christians and Conservatives, in the same way that the new...

Linda Harvey – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America, who has compared Trump to Jesus Christ and Martin Luther King Jr., said that conservative Christians who oppose the candidate should remember that “God called King David a man after God’s own heart even though he was an adulterer and a murderer.” – Jerry Falwell Jr.: Tronald Dump Is America’s King David!!! Ted Cruz Is ‘Thrilled To Announce’ The Endorsement Of Linda ...

Election 2012 | 84th State Rep District Race - Pat Fee ... 09, 2012 · Stephanie Kifowit, who doesn't even live in the district, is a flip-flopping, wild spending, taxpayer exploiting stooge for the political mafia and Michael Madigan, the person in Illinois most responsible for the mess and wants to keep it that way.Kifowit is running for political power and personal wealth...she wants to buy a new house.

Reich’s Rules | Sheila Kennedy perfect example of “privately owned and operated” services is the health care insurance industry. Ever since Reagan turned to sharks of insurance loose on health care, EVERY cost category of our health care has soared to the point where fully 1/3 of our citizens can’t afford it…the ACA is only a band-aid, while Medicaid still resides in the realm of state-controlled politics.

single-payer – Eric Lightborn's Blog is called ‘incrementalism’ and in my view President Obama should have just gone for the whole-nine-yards of single-payer but it’s looking like that’s not going to happen. Mostly because they are all corrupt in Congress and hyper-corrupt in the GOP so it’s just plain outside of …

Marian's Blog: Bush, Inc: GOPgate - Haven't We Had Enough ... is not just about government-sponsored perversity at Gitmo or Abu Ghraib nor just Commander in Chief Bush's time-delayed response to a storm called Katrina. It's also not just war-making so elegantly combined with massive contracts gifted to political cronies, nor is it just the related hemorraging of the United States budget.

“We All Pray To The Same God” | SPANISH INQUISITOR 06, 2012 · A little piece in the “Faith and Reason” section of USA Today tries to report on attempts to reconcile various religions from a political perspective. One report indicates that of the 4 major Christian groups (comprising 75% of the country) – White Evangelicals, African-American Protestants, Mainline and Catholics – the majority in each group have a conciliatory approach to gay and ...

Marian's Blog: Election 2004 is not just about government-sponsored perversity at Gitmo or Abu Ghraib nor just Commander in Chief Bush's time-delayed response to a storm called Katrina. It's also not just war-making so elegantly combined with massive contracts gifted to political cronies, nor is it just the related hemorraging of the United States budget.

The Political Environment: Unhealthy air over SE WI ... 01, 2018 · "A little fill here and there may seem to be nothing to become excited about. But one fill, though comparatively inconsequential, may lead to another, and another, and before long a great body may be eaten away until it may no longer exist.

Political Irony › Trump Embarrassed? 23, 2017 · This die hard support of Trump and former presidents puzzles me. I get why people admire Obama. Great family guy, ultra smart, outgoing but he was the president and he was responsible for the safety of me and my family and whether its fair or not i feel that he failed at least during his 2nd term. Trump is failing in ways that are magnitudes ...

safety | cadesertvoice Obama spoke in Newtown CT yesterday saying this was the most difficult time of his Presidency, referencing the massacre of 20 children (plus 7 adults) in that city. I think this time something will be done about gun control. Senator Feinstein said she will introduce a gun control bill first thing when Congress reconvenes.

Buckhorn Road: June 2009 09, 2009 · This is what is occurring today, and has been since 1965, as the U.S. receives millions of immigrants from third-world countries whose cultures, religions, and political philosophies are often anathema to what has made the United States a place to which people around the world are willing to risk their lives to reach in the first place.

A Topsy-Turvy World – Double Standards and Liberal Racism ... 08, 2007 · The following story, commencing this past October of 2006 in the city of Long Beach, California (about 30 miles south of where I live in Los Angeles), with a brutal, racially motivated beating and culminating with the severe travesty of justice that is the sentencing doled out to the perpetrators, is nothing short of shocking…

American Enterprise Institute | The Pardu's Scroll are the sorts of polling and polling reporting that contributed to Mitt Romney filing to develop a concession speech in 2012. Karl Rove has pumped the Right with so much flawed survey data, the completely ill-equipped and naive Mitt Romney committed a political. Of even more significance political independent Americans vote along the same lines as the leanings of poll results.

The Sequester | The Pardu's Scroll about The Sequester written by The Pardu. Smile A Day – Political Cartoons; Celestial Wonders: Earth and Beyond (Pluto) International Space Statioin Link

thomas friedman | Ibn Kafka's obiter dicta - divagations d ... this pageThe Adelsons, in fact, are the largest single donors in American politics, accounting for a total of $26.5 million in gifts in this campaign between the two of them and their three daughters. Most of their gifts, $21.5 million, went to the pro-Gingrich Winning Our Future PAC. The other $5 million went to the pro-GOP Congressional Leadership Fund.

Frederick Politics: Dem Campaign Chatter 10-20-2008 09, 2008 · George Wenschhof Today, Obama is in Tampa and Orlando, Florida - Florida is one of the battleground states and Obama is currently polling ahead by 3-4 points.Biden is in Seattle, Washington. Early voting has begun in Florida and Obama will be joined by Senator Hillary Clinton (NY) and Governor Bill Richardson (NM) as he campaigns in the state.

Trump Endorses a New Three-Fifths Clause | Progressive ... Images Donald Trump’s new memorandum to exclude undocumented immigrants from the next round of congressional apportionment is morally repulsive, illegal, and impossible. It is repulsive because it borrows the logic of the notorious Three-Fifths Clause to declare that undocumented immigrants are not full “persons” under the Constitution.

I Didn’t Want To Talk About This | Dreams of the Shining ... 19, 2015 · Right. A month or two ago, I gave up commenting on political blogs, and cut back severely on even reading them. I was developing a bad case of Internet Rage Addiction. I was wasting precious, irreplaceable hours out of my life writing long, angry comments in the hopes of scoring points against people who were…

Right Wing Nut House » The “Baby is her Daughter’s” Palin 30, 2008 · This is actually pretty interesting, as far as political smears go. Driven entirely by the internet, the thought that Sarah Palin’s 5th child, born in April and afflicted with Downs Syndrome, is not really hers but her daughter’s should be exhibit “A” in any study of how low the left can go in …

Rafael Cruz – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America“This is a planned invasion, not only in Europe but also in the United States, I believe for the specific purpose of destroying Western Christendom.” Bachmann said that countries with large Muslim minorities like France now experience “Islamic jihad 24/7, terrorist bloodbath attacks 24/7,” warning that the same thing is coming to the U ...

Thursday Mashup (4/3/14) | The Liberal Doomsayer 03, 2014 · (And by the way, two adult tickets for a Sunday show were $24, and a medium popcorn and two “medium” drinks, with each “medium” cup holding about a half a gallon of soda, were $19. And that was less expensive than playing the concession games afterwards, including pinball, Alien Hunter, etc. Thankfully, he appears to have left that ...

(IRS rules on non-profit endorsements) | progressivenetwork 03, 2008 · Election Year Activities and the Prohibition on Political Campaign Intervention for Section 501(c)(3) Organizations FS-2006-17, February 2006 The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is releasing this fact sheet to provide information to help section 501(c)(3) organizations stay in compliance with the federal tax law. Many of the types of political intervention activities addressed in the fact…

Todd Starnes – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America the interview was beginning to wrap up, Goldy asked if Robertson and members of the live stream chat were trying to prompt her to say the “14 words,” the world’s most popular white supremacist slogan. Goldy obliged. “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children,” Goldy said.

Democracy | Melissafrei's Weblog Select Committee on Intelligence Report. June 10, 2008 at 9:55 pm · Filed under Bush's War, Democracy, Patriotism, Politics, Responsibility and tagged: IRAQ. Unless you read the newspapers, you would not have heard that the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence released a long awaited report subscribing to the notion that the administration engaged in a propaganda campaign that lead ...

An Update on Congressional Investigation into Mega ... 08, 2007 · I think it is High Time that men of God STAND UP and speak the truth in love in response to what the Bible says about proper Christian conduct and how a Man of God should be an example to the Church and the unbeliever.First of all I believe the Bible teaches that Jesus Christ is the Son of God,That Jesus was born of a Virgin,That Jesus died on the cross of Calvary to provide redemption …

2010 February 06 « Jamesb101.com 06, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Socialism | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog September 9, 2010. With the 9th. Anniversary of 911 Current U.S. troop levels in Afghanistan are reaching 95,000, more than we have in Iraq.We are leaving the Worlds largest embassy, Fortress America, in Iraq and currently working on a similar one in Pakistan, while boasting of 737 military bases worldwide.. As the frogwater becomes noticably warm, the AIPAC oriented congress ...

2010 March 17 « Jamesb101.com 17, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Detroit Politics – Skeptical Brotha and one of his consultants confirmed today that polling will begin soon to gauge his support for a run at mayor next year or a campaign this year for the 13th District, which spreads from the Grosse Pointes to Downriver. Brown insists it’s not personal and would only discuss his interest in taking on Cheeks Kilpatrick, 62.

GENESEE FLINT . COM: Aug 29, 2008 10, 2008 · The speech was inspiring and intimate and at one point he stated, "I really am one of you." As he boldly attacked the status quo, he was thorough and he filled his remarks with detail. Obama said what America thirsts for is a new politics for a new time.

American Civil Rights Union – Arts and Politics from the ..., it is much better known as a single by American singer Cyndi Lauper, whose version was released in 1983.[1] It was the first major single released by Lauper as a solo artist and the lead-off single from her debut album She’s So Unusual. Lauper’s version gained recognition as a feminist anthem and was promoted by a Grammy-winning video.

Ryanair | Sheila Kennedy first consists of simply unhinged acts, like John Hinckley Jr shooting Ronald Reagan in the hope of impressing the actress Jodie Foster, or Timothy McVeigh hoping to bring down the government with a bomb. The second is more systematic and sinister: the violence used to keep down groups who threaten the social and political order.

The Crucible Essay | House Un American Activities ... the portrayal of justice and injustice in The Crucible to the. events of the HUAC Congressional Hearings. The House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) was created in 1938 to investigate alleged disloyalty and suspected ties with Communist parties. Because of their criticisms of Franklin D. Roosevelts the U.S. president of the time programs, the organisation was very unsuitable to ...

Overton Window | Sheila Kennedy is the phenomenon that allows us to look at seriously radical politicians and fail to recognize how far they are from what used to be the mainstream. It is the sort of “normalization” that allows us to consider Senators and Representatives “moderate,” despite their consistent support for Trump and his warped agenda, simply because ...

Namekagon Notebook Blog - 24, 2017 · This is not the first time I've written about the bad rap that the term “conspiracy theory” has gotten here in the land of the free. Back in March I penned a piece entitled In defense of a phrase: conspiracy theory. I posted it on the supposedly liberal blog site, Daily KOS

5 billion in lost revenue | kavips 30, 2007 · So applying the same formula to the Bush administration’s budgets, I came up with these theroitical deficits from what we could have received if we had again maintained the politically controlled .90 cents to a dollar from the base line. 2001 289,000,000. 2002 505,000,000. 2003 420,000,000. 2004 615,000,000. 2005est 615,000,000

“Christian,” huh? – Linkmeister 25, 2015 · The day after the Pope spoke to Congress and to us all about the Golden Rule, the reaction to a government worker’s leaving his job in part because people like those in that hall made it really difficult to perform it. To those people, unless you see and do things their way you’re the enemy.

Marc Valdez Weblog: 04/08/2018 - 04/15/2018 longtime fixture in Mexican politics— the third time he’s running—AMLO, as he’s known, has benefited from growing tensions with the United States under President Donald Trump, which have only grown more acute since Trump ordered troops to the border and began raising fears of a “caravan” of migrants passing through Mexico.

X-Box | Living Behind the Gates“The education reform debate and the current state of education policy are absent authoritative leadership, and like the century leading up to today, we will remain mired in bureaucratic insanity at the expense of students and the wider American society.. It is past time that we acknowledge some harsh facts: Without his political appointments, Arne Duncan’s claims about education would ...

President | Unreasonably Safe Observer 20, 2009 · That came on the heels of Biden-caused accident #2 in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where the VP was in town as the keynote speaker at a $1000/plate fundraiser dinner for local politicians. In that accident, a sheriff’s vehicle traveling in Biden’s motorcade collided with another vehicle. Luckily, this accident caused the least amount of damage ...

Fallenmonk: September 2004 by a "Liberal" they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people - their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights, and their civil liberties - someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad; if that ...

Jon Luckshttps://jonlucks.blogspot.comJon Lucks I am a college senior at George Washington University studying English and political science. In this space you'll find occasionally thoughtful and rarely witty musings on current affairs, political goings-on, and the glories and peculiarities of American culture, in the service of individual liberty, reason, limited government, and the perpetual war of ideas.

Get Off This!: You Have No Rights! 26, 2007 · He cites the Authorization for Use of Military Force bill, which Congress passed on September 18, 2001, as the justification for this enormous leeway. "Congress gave me the authority to use necessary force to protect the American people, but it didn't prescribe the tactics,"Bush said in a speech at Kansas State University on January 23, 2006.

Truth is Slipperyhttps://truthisslippery.blogspot.comJun 05, 2009 · Rep. Earl Blumenauer, D-OR, one more of a long line of liberal politicians talking about how people have a "right" to all sorts of things, claims that Americans have a "right to a policy free of special interest giveaways.", when he, Blumenauer, is speaking for a special interest himself.

Conscientious Objectorhttps://conscientious-objector.blogspot.comIt's 2007, and we're surging ahead in Iraq, and our options are twofold: total victory-- liberal democracy, capitalism, multinational investment in Iraqi infrastructure (read: oil)--or utter defeat--cuttin ' and runnin ' ( kind of evokes a street thug snatching your grandmother's purse), theocracy, Muktada al-Sadr victorious, a Shia superstate with a hegemonic Iran sprinkled with Al-Qaeda ...

“Pro Life” Really Isn’t | Sheila Kennedy attempt,or just a ongoing attempt,to control people,by a religious org. remarkable how politicians today,side with the likes of double talking religious zeolots who see controling any situation as their need to be god like. as a non believer,( and dont even think im not seriously into this issue of god,)my many discussions on both sides with believers,and non believers, has made a two ...

What’s the Deal With Unions in the South? | What's The ... 16, 2014 · The move towards a union faced serious political hurdles and threats from lawmakers. Had the plant unionized, the Tennessee governor Bill Haslem, Senator Bob Corker, and state senator Bo Watson asserted that parts suppliers would have located elsewhere and that subsidies would have been taken away from the plant. Several states have been passing or considering “right to work” laws or ...

Irish Trojan in Tennessee:I'm officially a'm Brendan Loy, a 26-year-old graduate of USC and Notre Dame now living and working in Knoxville, Tennessee. My wife Becky and I are brand-new parents of a beautiful baby girl, born on New Year's Eve. I'm a big-time sports fan, a politics, media & law junkie, an astronomy buff, a weather nerd, an Apple aficionado, a Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter fanatic, and an all-around dork.

same-sex marriage | politicallywag first half of it was an interesting account of young Steven’s life in N. Carolina towards the end of the “Jim Crow” era, as a white northerner. It was very courteous of him to note that these kinds of segregationist norms were uncommon in S. Dakota “probably because there were so few black people living in the Northern Plains states.”

Three Excellent Articles on the Politics of Food | Sohum ... 02, 2012 · Not by Bread and Marg Alone – about the complexities of NYC Mayor Bloomberg’s crusade against the sale of large containers of soda pop and the impact of processed foods on the working class.. Good Food for the Hungry – About a multi-faceted program trying to make nutritious food available to the low income.. Naked Children and Tomatoes: WWOOfing in Louisiana – about …

Some sweet day I'll stand beside my king | reason people don't realize because Bono is such a lazy lyricist (Pride, which is as much about Jesus as MLK, features the notorious "Early morning, April 4" line). We were pretty clear on their politics and faith on War, but I went to a Catholic high school filled with Irish Americans.

Ehlers Claims War Vote a Mistake, Press Portrays him as ... 03, 2007 · In an article published in the Grand Rapids Press on Monday titled “Ehlers voices second thoughts on war,” the Press cited Grand Rapids 3rd Congressional District Representative Vern Ehlers as saying that he now believes the war in Iraq was a mistake despite voting for a resolution authorizing the war in October of 2002.According to the Press, Ehlers described the decision as “a very ...

welfare | We Have Seen Better Days current immigration legislation debacle has hit a snag. A small victory has been achieved–postponement of a vote–largely due to riled American citizens calling and writing their congressmen and senators with indignant outrage focused on the measure itself and just about every member of the house and the senate whether they approve of the legislation or not.

Cowanda Jones-Johnson | 3CHICSPOLITICO 21, 2017 · Posts about Cowanda Jones-Johnson written by SouthernGirl2. U.S. Army Sgt. La David Johnson, who was among four American service members killed in Niger earlier this month, was laid to rest in his home state of Florida on Saturday.

Denzel Washington | 3CHICSPOLITICO about Denzel Washington written by rikyrah. Fences, based on August Wilson’s play, and directed by Denzel Washington, is up for 4 Academy Awards: Best Picture Best Actor: Denzel Washington Best Supporting Actress: Viola Davis Best …

Stevens v Public | Political Communication. Rowan ... 04, 2010 · Specifically speaking, the Judge referred to a court case that took place in 2005, Kelo v City of New London. He called it “one of his most unpopular decisions” but reasoned that it was a case largely decided by the law and that he had little to do but implement precedents.

Happy Birthday, Faye Dunaway | 3CHICSPOLITICO 14, 2013 · Dorothy Faye Dunaway (born January 14, 1941) is an American actress. She won an Academy Award for Best Actress for her performance in the 1976 film Network.[1] She was previously nominated for Bonnie and Clyde (1967) and Chinatown (1974). She has starred in a variety of other successful films, including The Thomas Crown Affair (1968),…

How Big is the Military Industrial Complex? Why does the U ... 03, 2011 · The Congress is concerned about our deficit. The United States spends close to 50% of the entire world's military expenditures. Why do we need to spend 7 times more than China and 13 times more than Russia on military issues? The U.S. spends more on military expenditures than the next 14 ranked countries combined according…

Business | House of Cards 18, 2007 · In his first major public speech as Director General of the CBI, Richard Lambert said that too few politicians recognise the “fundamental role” of business. Britain needed a free trade, low tax, high skill economy – otherwise it faces an inward-looking, protectionist state bedevilled by high unemployment and high taxes, Mr Lambert said.

Are Whites Racially Oppressed? The Question Media Matters ... 04, 2011 · This is all going to end in tears anyway. To adapt another phrase , the historic American nation (= Anglos) will fight on the beaches , or it will fight in the hills. Even outnumbered, Anglos in Texas and America would be a formidable force—one which probably could not be contained within the current political framework.

Rachel Maddow, Keith Olbermann, Ed Schultz - How MSNBC 01, 2009 · Thank God for MSNBC that has a liberal news point of view from their news shows from 3PM to 10PM. It sure as hell is needed to balance out FOX News. And CNN has just kind of become a bunch of dribble and a bunch of non-news newsreaders in their format. He's one of the few who keep driving home the importance of single payer healthcare.

The Next Hurrah: The Next Open Thread DemFromCT. While the Iraq war and the 2008 horse race get most of the attention, the issue emptywheel is working on, the DoJ scandal, keeps growing in unease. The disclosure of a secret order by Attorney General Alberto Gonzales that gave broad authority to his former chief of staff over the hiring and firing of senior Justice Department employees is drawing bipartisan ire in Congress.

Pope Francis I | The Liberal Doomsayer $986.3 billion stopgap bill would fund the government until Dec. 15, preventing a government shutdown, but it’s expected to be dead on arrival in the Senate, as it also defunds the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. It was the 42nd vote the GOP has taken to …

political propaganda | Propaganda | Political Campaigns ... propaganda - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Search Search

S-92 « Jamesb101.com 16, 2009 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Rod 2.0:Beta #gay #news #lgbt #gaynews: Jim Webb Obama will sign the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" on Wednesday but abolishing the 17-year-old ban on openly gay service members could take many months, reports Politico. "The service chiefs wanted to have more than a year to implement the new policy, citing the need to train the force and prepare it for “open service,” according to a source close to the matter.

Returning to National Greatness: How the GOP can reinvent ... 16, 2008 · In this David Brooks argues for a several key principles, ‘limited but energetic government, full-bore Americanism, active foreign policy, big national projects (such as the Panama Canal and the national parks), and efforts to smash cozy arrangements (like the trusts) that retarded dynamic meritocracy’.

Valerie McDonald – Skeptical Brotha McDonald, daughter of the late Congresswoman Juanita Millender-McDonald announced her candidacy for Congress this week. Ms. McDonald enters this race with the endorsement of Los Angeles Congresswoman Diane Watson pictured above. I normally like Diane Watson’s judgement and votes, but she also defended the morally bankrupt New Orleans Congressman “Dollar Bill” Jefferson, which ...

Dark Money | Dark Money | Political Action Committee Money - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Dark Money in Arizona: The Right to Know, Free Speech and Playing Whack-a-Mole

Political Engagement – How Can I Push Back? Re:Act newsletter from two weeks ago had an excellent section on preparing for special elections and regularly scheduled elections in 2017 as well as the very important 2018 midterms. I’m going to share it here because I think as many people as possible should see it. I’ve already mentioned and supported several of these organizations and promoted some of these actions in this blog ...

Speaking of “Fake News”… | Sheila Kennedy is not the first such spat but it may be the most dangerous. The Saudis and their allies are eager to punish Qatar for supporting the Muslim Brotherhood, for hosting Al-Jazeera, and keeping ties with Iran. Rather than a united front to contain Iran, the Riyadh summit’s outcome is exacerbating sectarian and political tensions in the region.

Bombs Over Mobtownhttps://mobtownbomber.blogspot.comI have a 5-comment theory on political internet chatter. The theory goes that (once commenters start a post-article dialogue) somewhere after the first to the fifth comment, the line of argument will either have gone completely off-course or will have devolved into pure id-driven rage or eroticism. The latter usually happens when commenters can remain anonymous. the former just usually happens.

GEORGIA WOMEN VOTE!: October 2009 06, 2009 · Sen. Reid has indicated that he will support a health care reform bill that includes a public option, but that allows states to opt out.Unfortunately, since our congressional delegation has already opted out, there's little question that Georgians, whose health and access to health care can be correctly categorized as the least, the lost and the last, will find ourselves watching as the public ...

Newsfelch « The Futility Monster now he’s changed his mind. Film at 11. How very convenient for a man who is retiring as an MP and has gainful employment already lined up. Universities are going to bear a large swathe of the cuts in this country. This is only the first step. A politician’s mind: cut things to the people who a) don’t vote and b) no one else cares about.

Eruptions At The Foot Of The Volcano: “After ten years of ... 08, 2012 · ¨The appointment of a lesbian politician as Ecuador’s new health minister has caused a stir this week, as she announced a campaign to shut down religious ´lesbian cure´ clinics . Ecuadorian president, Rafael Correa, announced the appointment of Carina Vance Mafla, who is openly gay, as the newest member of his cabinet.

NHS reform « The Futility Monster 16, 2010 · This is all very clever, but it has a horrible habit of ripping the soul out of politics. No more is it a battle of conviction, trying to persuade their electorate that your values are what the country needs. No, it is a question of pressing the right buttons to get people to “buy” your product.

Wednesday Open Thread | Amy Sherald | 3CHICSPOLITICO 25, 2017 · Trump’s silence on the U.S. deaths in Niger is untenable 10/25/17 11:21 AM—UPDATED 10/25/17 02:17 PM By Steve Benen. It’s been three weeks. On Oct. 4, four U.S. Army Special Operations soldiers were killed in an ambush in Niger, in the deadliest combat incident since Donald Trump took office, and yet, the president hasn’t even acknowledged what happened.

James Chaney | The Liberal Doomsayer von Brunn, who is alleged to have opened fire and killed a guard at the Holocaust Memorial Museum, is apparently a consummate bigot. His former wife said that his hatred of blacks and Jews “ate him alive like a cancer,” so it might seem appropriate that in addition to having been indicted last week for murder and gun-law violations ...

Matt Trewhella – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America“The worst, most dangerous terrorist organization [is] the media,” Joyner said, paraphrasing a quote from the late ” prophet” Bob Jones. “The way the devil is using the media; yeah, I do believe the devil is the accuser of the brethren, [that’s] one of the names of the devil and that’s one of the things that is most commonly manifested through the media.”

Political Irony › The Muslim Ban 06, 2017 · The Muslim Ban. I think it is important to show what the Muslim ban means to real people. In that vein, meet Mo Farah, who is a British athlete living in the US. Farah was born in Somalia — one of the seven countries listed in Trump’s ban — but at the age of eight was welcomed into the UK as a refugee. Farah followed his dreams and went ...

KC Buzz Blog: Nace fundraising flap Thomas Charles Simone said Friday he is one of three hosts of a Monday fundraiser for Kansas City mayoral candidate Becky Nace. And, he said, his father – also named Anthony Simone – has nothing to do with it. Which is at the heart of a political tempest this week. The invitation for the Monday fundraiser, made public this week, listed “Anthony Simone” as one of the hosts.

July 2016 – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America, who is a member of Trump’s Evangelical Executive Advisory Board, said in an interview with End Times radio host Jan Markell that Clinton will complete President Obama’s “fundamental transformation of America,” which she said is turning the U.S. into a Marxist and Islamist society. – Michele Bachmann: God Guided Me To Smear Huma Abedin BY Brian Tashman – Bichele …

Read for Yourself | The Double Talk Express - Mispeaks ...“We are looking for a very aggressive last 30 days,” said Greg Strimple, one of McCain’s top advisers. “We are looking forward to turning a page on this financial crisis and getting back to discussing Mr. Obama’s aggressively liberal record and how he will be too risky for Americans.”

The Nation | elmsprogressivemedia 13, 2012 · These two principles are the roots of two opposite social systems. The basic issue of the world today is between these two systems. 2. What Is a Social System? A social system is a code of laws which men observe in order to live together. Such a code must have a basic principle, a starting point, or it cannot be devised.

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: The Dumbest Law Ever 20, 2006 · By Anonymous Liberal (updated below - by Glenn) According to the USA Today, the Senate is currently only one vote shy of the 67 votes needed to pass the "Flag Desecration Amendment."If so, I'm convinced the amendment will go down in history as the dumbest law ever written. As an initial matter, it's hard to think of anything more un-American than banning a purely symbolic act.

Motown Strong: July 2016 22, 2016 · This is not the first case of plagiarism in politics. In 2008, Hillary Clinton was accused to plagiarizing U.S. Sen. John Edwards multiple times during her presidential campaign. In 2007, President Obama shared speechwriters with Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick, and neglected to give Patrick credit on several occasions.

One Big John Doe Question Left Hanging At Tim Russell's ... 12, 2013 · One Big John Doe Question Left Hanging At Tim Russell's Sentencing. ... And a basic John Doe question, and has been raised before From this blog posting a year ago: But it still is not clear why Walker chose to give Russell control over the veterans' charitable money, A) ...

Dr Kevin Bonham: 2018 Tasmanian State Election Guide: Bass is the Bass electorate guide for the 2018 Tasmanian State Election. (Link to main 2018 election preview page, including links to other electorates.) Bass (Currently 3 Liberal 1 Labor 1 Green). North-east Tasmania including most of Launceston Mixed urban/small-town/rural Declared Candidates

My view on politics and governmenthttps://qmai21.blogspot.comSep 16, 2011 · But it's a necessary evil this world needs, I suppose. I strongly believe that if we were all more capable of critically thinking for ourselves, we could help make changes for our future. I'm hoping to be more politically involved and aware, and taking this class may be the first step to it.

Catholic Clerical Pedophilia – blame gays and liberals ... 14, 2011 · The SF Chronicle’s John Carrol covers the “darker side of the Catholic Church,” specifically Bill Donohue, the president of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights.. His point, basically, is that the Roman Catholic priest pedophilia scandal is way overblown, and it’s all the fault of the church’s enemies, including those who are “pro-abortion, pro-gay marriage and pro ...

No Slogan Is Safe From Politicians | Progressive Party USA flip side of that it’s very easy for a politician to say of course black lives matter —without endorsing everything else that the demand implies, or even acknowledging their own role in impeding progress. This is the trouble with slogans: Anyone can say them, and no one can control their meaning.

RED OR BLUE? WHAT COLOR IS YOUR MARKETING DEPARTMENT? some might suggest that the reason for the fact that Blue Ocean is simply a better book. But it's not. And it is no secret that many CEO's are ready to jettison their marketing departments. So the question is what color is your marketing department? And is political correctness impacting the competitiveness of your enterprise?

Texas closes the door or Abortion And poor Women’s Health ... 27, 2014 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

November | 2008 | Life Is A Cookie | Page 2 from having waaaayyyyyy too many of ALL of the weird vowels and consonants – they named their kid after the poorest Congressional district in the entire fucking country … and a fictional character who’s name may or may not mean ‘frog’.

5 and a half Random Stupid Questions - A Chicken Is Not ... 05, 2009 · 2) Donkey (only because a (primarily) political blog. 3) Hard one... I would have to go with Shawn Connery (even though he is a pig to women). His breadth of acting is amazing. 4) again, hard one... My small head really likes Jessica Alba, but my big head leans more toward actresses like Charise Theron, that can play just about any role.

The Heretik: AMAZOMBIE AND BITCH APOLOGIZES it isn't, Heretik, because the same sexism we would have killed in the 70's is now very much in fashion. To protest it is to be "politically correct" (God forbid), or without a sense of humor. When women let go of the feminist movement, they got Abercrombie …

tea bag | Traitor Joe Lieberman is down from a peak of 12 percent in 1981. The effective federal rate for the middle fifth of all taxpayers is 3 percent. Taxpayers seem to think a reasonable levy. Second, contrary to received political wisdom, the tax system is viewed as pretty fair overall. In …

2014 April « Jamesb101.com 27, 2014 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

KINGSTON TEA PARTY MEETING ON AUGUST 5TH, 2009 | Blog for ... 31, 2009 · Dear Patriots; We are all aware of the continued attack on the core values and principles on our American Society by President Obama, House Speaker Pelosi, Senator Harry Reid and a Congress filled with depravation. Our nation is rapidly disintegrating right before our very eyes. Our elected officials are gaining unprecedented momentum in attempting to…

26 | August | 2009 | The Liberal Doomsayer 26, 2009 · Yes, bad stuff, I know. But considering that Obama inherited a $1.3 trillion dollar deficit, only a teabaggin’ fool would believe he could turn that around in a mere matter of months. And of course, for good measure, former Bush economic advisor N. Gregory Mankiw chimes in here that it may be $14 trillion (past Mankiw ignominies on ...

Drinking Liberally in New Milford: 2006 Liberally in New Milford by Stephen Herron, aka: Connecticut Man1 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be requested by Emailing Connecticut Man1 with your request. For Bloggers: Use Creative Commons sense! I link to my sources for information, material and ideas and I would ...

John G. Schmitz: American politician (born: 1930 - died: 2001) 1972 he was the American Independent Party candidate for President of the United States, later known as the American Party. Schmitz was notable for his extreme right-wing sympathies. By one measure, he was found to be the third most conservative member of Congress between 1937 and 2002, and the ultra-conservative John Birch Society, of which ...

Everyday Erinyes #197 – Politics Plus 21, 2019 · Demings and Nadler made a valid point, but they used the wrong analogy. Senators at an impeachment trial are not the equivalent of a jury and they are not held to a juror’s standard of neutrality. President Trump returns to the White House from a trip to Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., Dec. 8, 2019. AP/J. Scott Applewhite Harkin’s objection

Secret Bases • Fred R. Harris was born November 13, 1930 in Walters, Cotton County, Oklahoma, the son of Eunice Alene (Person) and Fred Byron Harris, a sharecropper. He graduated from the University of Oklahoma (OU) in 1952, where he earned bachelor's degree in history and political science. He then entered the OU law school, where he was administrative assistant to the dean and was successively book editor and ...

D.R. Tucker | The BRAD BLOG tweet, in response to my January 12 piece for The BRAD BLOG about my bizarre ride to the dark side of American right-wing politics, was the shortest reaction to my article, yet perhaps the most profound. It was every bit as profound as a 2011 remark from one of the many progressive voices I was once taught to hate...

U.S. Politics and History - AMoMaI: First Black RNC Chairman? The Root giving some perspective on the vote for the new RNC Chairman. An excerpt: "It’s true that two black men--of very different political leanings--are among the six men fighting to represent the party of Abraham Lincoln.Blackwell is a rock-ribbed conservative who writes for the far-right Town Hall, belongs to the Family Research Council as well as the National Rifle Association.

Horizons: Is Uncertainty a Liberal Value? the Obamas moved in to the White House, they made some changes to the artwork that decorated their new home. The painting above by Ed Ruscha titled "I Think I'll..." was one they chose.

The Cold War Ends: Squandered Opportunities – Part III | isely 10, 2015 · The following is an excellent excerpt from the book “THE UNTOLD HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES” by Oliver Stone and Peter Kuznick from Chapter 12 “THE COLD WAR ENDS: Squandered Opportunities” on page 478 and I quote: “Despite Cheney’s insistence that congressional approval of the use of force was not needed, Bush decided to take the measure to Congress.

The Useless Tree: China - Still Legalist? January I posted a piece, China: No Longer a Legalist Society, which, perhaps optimistically, suggested that popular resistance to state control of the flow of information, especially in the matter of book banning, pointed to a certain liberalization of Chinese society.I think that is still true. But it is also true that certain Legalist practices and orientations are still to be found in ...

JustOneMinute: No Liberal Bias At The Times 26, 2007 · kim, a discount for a standby rate is a good, solid business reason. Newspapers need to publish using an even number of pages, given a fixed page size, 365 days per year. Yeah, I can see that on a day where the paper just happens to comes up as an odd number of pages then you can buy a page worth of advertising for very very cheap -- because their other choice is to have a blank page.

21 | May | 2015 | Exceptional Delaware 21, 2015 · But a man the DOE whispers to with all these anti-opt-out sweet nothings and he takes it as the Gospel truth. This is classic political maneuvering on the DOE’s part, and they think they have their man with Earl Jaques. But nobody is drinking …

30 | July | 2007 | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog 30, 2007 · The new charges each carry a penalty of up to one year imprisonment, while the original charge was up to a three-month sentence in the county jail. “This is political prosecution,” said environmental rights attorney Shawn Collins, who has taken on Zurawski and Hartfield’s case pro bono. Crooks and Liars Via Read More—>

Abe Gardner wonders and worries: August 2005 30, 2005 · Abe Gardner wonders and worries My often rude and rarely funny thoughts on pictures, politics, and the life of a happily distracted public defender. Yes, a mildly odd way to waste your time. 30 August 2005. Puppies and EBCLC. ... Meg is bummed about the prospect of moving and a bummed Megan leads to a bummed Abe. I crawled all over ...

Twilight from the Cold: January 2010 28, 2010 · Where I am, there is a small blizzard and the girls are joyously rioting in the snow. But for me, to paraphrase Shaky, the winter of my discontent. The political landscape that is emerging from the cold here is one of catastrophic, epic shithole proportion. Stephen Harper have decided that he doesn't need parliament to have a good time after all and decreed - by some imaginary ...

Hacking NetFlix : "Netflix doesn’t purchase advertising on ...'ve tried to avoid mainstream politics on this blog, but a number of readers alerted me to a story on The Atlantic Wire that claimed that "Netflix was sticking with Rush." However, a Netflix representative told HackingNetflix, "Netflix doesn’t purchase advertising on the Rush Limbaugh Show."

More Legislative News From the States - The StandDown ... seems out of step on that issue, apparently the only state that has never allowed such a test to a convicted defendant, and one of only six states without a law permitting it. This seems quite different from 1957 when sensitivity to Alaska's national and Congressional image was far more paramount.

Saturday’s Passel of Potpourri | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns ... 02, 2019 · It’s Saturday and time for a break and a smile. Page down for politics. ... WOW, I love our Police so much!! This is never reported on MSM . Retweet if you love this as much as I do…plus #Dogs are so precious . ... 16 Responses to “Saturday’s Passel of Potpourri” ...

Colbert Video | Bob Higgins 25, 2010 · That for a few minutes someone injected a bit of truth laced with satirical wit into our hallowed lower chamber of mendacity? (more…) Tagged with: Colbert Congress , Colbert Hearing , Colbert Immigration , Colbert Video , Eat The Press , Media Criticism , Media News , Stephen Colbert , Stephen Colbert Congress , Stephen Colbert Hearing

Helena-West Arkansas – Skeptical Brotha a watchful eye on black politics. Sidebar. June 2020; S M T W T F S : 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: 18: 19: 20

Corruption - MDST 485 Class Blog | This is the blog for ... 22, 2012 · Eric Holder was ruled in contempt of Congress this week due to his not being fully forthcoming with regards to “Fast and Furious”. This NY Times editorial writer seems to think that the contempt ruling was a “pointless partisan fight”, in which he accuses the GOP of trying to make a pretty serious situation nothing more than political jockeying in an election year.

30 | March | 2006 | Blevkog 30, 2006 · 6 posts published by kevvyd on March 30, 2006. Facing growing pressure from the Bush administration for him to step down, Prime Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari of Iraq vigorously asserted his right to stay in office today and warned the Americans against undue interference in Iraq’s political process.

2009 October 22 « Jamesb101.com 22, 2009 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Churchill's Cigar: Individuals vs. Community: The TN House ... 09, 2010 · Individuals vs. Community: The TN House Fire This story is sweeping the media right now and people all across the left end of the political spectrum are making snide comments about the reality of what 'libertarian' America would be like, so if you haven't heard the 4-1-1 here it is: in this particular rural area of TN, the county operates their ...

TigerHawk - TigerHawk (ti*ger*hawk): n. 1. The title of this blog and the nom de plume of its founding blogger; 2. A deep bow to the Princeton Tigers and the Iowa Hawkeyes; 3. The nickname for Iowa's Hawkeye logo. Posts include thoughts of the day on international affairs, politics, things that strike us as hilarious and personal observations.

Int’ Think Tanks « Embracing Think tanks The American Enterprise Institute: Dedicated to preserving and strengthening the foundations of freedom--limited government, private enterprise, vital cultural and political institutions, and a strong foreign policy and national defence--through scholarly research, open debate, and publications. Ayn Rand Institute: The authoritative online source for …

The Games Continue … | 18, 2009 · The Games Continue … June 18, 2009 in Mike Castle , parental responsibility , political favors , poor get poorer , Rush Limbaugh , Senator Ted Kaufman , Senator Tom Carper , thought models Today’s News Journal was giving some flack back at Obama’s health care plan.

Contextual Criticism: Trump Military Vehicles - Welcome to ... and religious commentary from a liberal, secular, humanistic perspective. Tuesday, January 31, 2017. Trump Military Vehicles - Welcome to Nazi America!

Who Hijacked Our Country: Gil Scott-Heron 28, 2011 · Gil Scott-Heron died yesterday afternoon. He was probably most famous for “The Revolution Will Not Be Televised.” (Check it out here.) The lyrics — this was the 1970s — seem sort of tame today, compared to the political hatred spewing all over the Internet and all the angry violent heavy metal/rap lyrics out there. But it was a start.

The Libs can’t handle the disturbing Planned Parenthood ... 30, 2015 · My internet was down yesterday, giving me the opportunity to spend my day watching C-Span and the Planned Parenthood hearing rather than disturbing myself with the latest world news which I will only find out more of by scouring the internet. But alas. It was a debacle. No videos were available since apparently the Liberal…

meghan mccain bra | Daily Dose, Meghan McCain’s boobs can’t really talk, but thankfully, Meg’s Twitter feed is such a treasure trove of good quotes, they really don’t have to. Politico even put one of Meghan’s tweets in its “Politi-quotes: The week in one-liners,” but I think she deserves a whole list to herself.. First, there was Politico’s pick, Meg’s tweet about killing a cockroach in her ...

the dictionary, if you have one and know how to... 13, 2014 · There were high hopes among gun-control advocates after the slaughter at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, last December that the United States would finally get serious about reducing firearm violence by requiring every would-be buyer of a gun to undergo a criminal and mental health background check and restricting the type ...

judiciary « The Futility Monster about judiciary written by The Futility Monster. Twutility Monster. 2012: Scores On The Doors 7 years ago; Liberal Luvvie Lord Leveson Likes Lunatic Lefties 7 years ago; Another one of my 2012 predictions comes true with Man City winning the title.

free speech | Wide as the Waters about free speech written by jackhudson. O’REILLY: And it’s not about — it’s about politics as I said. But — my analysis is that this Israel thing and that liberals feel that United states is somehow guilty in the world, of exploitation and backing the wrong side, and it makes it easier for them to come up with this kind of crazy stuff that, well, you can’t really say the ...

The Crisis of Legitimacy in Political Economy | Financial ... the prosperity of the first 20 years or so, this was hidden beneath general growth. But once a crisis hit, the inability of Greece to devalue its money which, as the euro, was controlled by the European Central Bank and the ability of Germany to continue exporting without any ability of Greece to control those exports exacerbated Greeces ...

Motor City Liberal: GOP Rep Drives Away From Constituent ..., in video flagged by CREDO SuperPAC, a constituent approached Duffy outside a meeting in Wausau and attempted to ask him a question about the minimum wage. Duffy told the man he’s already held his single yearly town hall, got in his car, shut his door, and drove away, leaving the veteran tried to shout his question through the car’s rolled up window:

Motor City Liberal: Jay Smooth figures out how Mitt Romney ... 27, 2012 · “Diplomacy usually requires having conversations with human beings, which is not Mitt Romney’s strong suit,” Smooth explains. “Up until now, the campaign has been trying to help Romney avoid human contact … but since human interaction is pretty much unavoidable on a goodwill tour, the Romney campaign has tried to cushion the blow by starting him off in the easiest place possible ...

ASU cheerleading team axed over raunchy'm Brendan Loy, a 26-year-old graduate of USC and Notre Dame now living and working in Knoxville, Tennessee. My wife Becky and I are brand-new parents of a beautiful baby girl, born on New Year's Eve. I'm a big-time sports fan, a politics, media & law junkie, an astronomy buff, a weather nerd, an Apple aficionado, a Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter fanatic, and an all-around dork.

David Guetta feat Sia, Wifey and Lana Del Ray Pounding ... 19, 2018 · Group That Runs Fundamentalist Bible Studies For Cabinet & Congress Growing ‘Beyond Our Wildest Imaginings’ Globally By Peter Montgomery - Ralph Drollinger, who runs fundamentalist Bible studies for dozens of members of Congress and President Trump’s Cabinet every week, said in a fundraising letter this month that his group “has been blessed by God with extraordinary growth …

Carter Administration – Skeptical Brotha about Carter Administration written by skepticalbrotha. Keeping a watchful eye on black politics

the Supreme Court – Everblog 30, 2013 · The House of Representatives isn’t terribly fond of the ACA/Obamacare. They have voted 42 times to repeal it. Many of the most outspoken members of the House regarding the health care law happily identify as Tea Party members/supporters, even when Tea Party support is at an all-time low.. Now, some members of the House are actively committing what Al Gore labeled best: political terrorism.

Byzigenous Buddhapalian: 2008-04-13 19, 2008 · Byzigenous Buddhapalian Miscellaneous spiritual, aesthetic, cultural, and political explorations by a world citizen. Saturday, April 19, 2008 ... space-time or the universe) [1]. Pachamama and Inti are the most benevolent deities and are worshiped in parts of the Andean mountain ranges, also known as Tawantinsuyu (stretching from present day ...

WTWC: Watching Those We Chose: 01 February 2009 since these are the people of ostentation and material success, their influence is great among fashionable "thinkers" of the day. Now the big bust is upon us. It's a bit like 1933 all over again -- not as grim or total in devastation, but it's likely to get worse. President Barack Obama has warned us that …

RACIST POLITICIAN FIGHTS “B.O.” ON BUSES | Suzie-Que's ... 03, 2009 · This is the guy who used the term “wetbacks” in a public meeting not too long ago. His new racist offensive is targeted at foreigners whose hygiene standards may be different, or at the poor whose access to bathrooms is limited –In part by lax planning, zoning, building and housing codes and a lack of affordable housing and public facilities.

GOP Age of Un-Enlightenment: Heller one of the #Iran47 ... 10, 2015 · Nevada’s junior Senator, Dean Heller (R) is one of the signers of the now infamous ‘enlightenment letter’ to the Iranian leadership. Heller, who has a certain flare for the dramatic – if not the practicable – has demonstrated his willingness to participate in amateur political theatricals before. Witness the “Balanced Budget Amendment” which he hauls…

Congrats the Useful idiots bought the Russia propaganda turd for brains, only an ignorant Dumb ass liberal could come up with such utter Bull Shit. And a useful idiot is someone who has absorbed and accepted Marxist propaganda and thinks the revolution will be a good thing. A conservative cannot be a useful idiot. That big a long list of things that you think are all lies are actually all true ...

Open Thread for June 2nd ……. « Jamesb101.com 04, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com We have decided …

Iran | Veritas Nihilum Vincet wasn’t enough for Trey Gowdy and a gang of Relublican assholes to meddle in foreign policy by writing directly to Iran – a pretentious and vain effort to undermine a sitting president in the exercise of his exclusive authority to negotiate with foreign governments and which flirted with the line between being an asshole and being a traitor.

Sins of Omission: How Journalism Kisses Corporate Booty ... 01, 2005 · Yeah, sure there are examples when rich people get caught in “scandalous” behavior, but it is pretty rare to see a serious critique of people in power. Now, I am one of those folks who think that a primary function of journalism is to scrutinize those in power whether that is economic or political power.

Marc Valdez Weblog area community musical theater (esp. DMTC in Davis), Liberal politics, Meteorology, "Breaking Bad" and "Better Call Saul" filming locations reference site, New Mexico and California arcana, and general weirdness.

2 Political Junkies: Chelsea Afternoon (+ Bill + Volunteer 15, 2008 · Chelsea Clinton visited Carnegie Mellon University yesterday, but first she stopped by her Mom's Pittsburgh campaign headquarters. Actor Sea...

view from the thirteenth floor: February 02, 2007 · took off work a little early and went down to the south eastern flow er show---they always stick it at the far end of the congress center, which is almost to simpson street----i wasn't all that impressed with the landscaped gardens that they installed for the show---the individual plants and flowers are the best--- saw a side of atlanta i don't see too much---what all the …

History Is A Weapon (And a blog) if we tried to, you can't be convinced. And if we agreed to disagree, as we had left it after a brief exchange, you turn up weeks later with a nonsense rant about how we're liberal because we don't accept your 9/11 rabbit hole. This is one of the prime reasons we think that the Left should cut ties with the conspiracy people.

filibuster | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog unlike Santelli’s “stop spending” idea, a strategy which also, to the best of my knowledge, has no historical precedent. For the first time ever — and worth repeating — one of the two major political parties in America is sabotaging a delicate economic recovery for the sake of humiliating the president and his ...

abortion rights | This Is Is with your host, b.d. Menu. If Sixes Were Rice; Search for: abortion rights Your Quote of the Day (Mike and the Chicken) “Whatever Mike Moon does with a chicken in the privacy of his home is his own business. But we will not let him use the rights of women across Missouri as some kind of political prop. His call to ban abortion is ...

Presidential Medal of Freedom | The Liberal Doomsayer Bill to fully liberalise the law on the availability of contraceptives, and a law fully decriminalising homosexuality and unlike Britain and much of the world at the time, providing for a fully equal age of consent, treating heterosexuals and LGBT people alike.

Christian heritage | Search Results | The Least, First Tuesday King distinguished himself as the only member of the U.S. House to vote against placing “a marker acknowledging the role that slave labor played in constructing the Capitol” in a “prominent location in the visitor center’s Emancipation Hall.” This was not a partisan resolution; 399 members of Congress voted yes, including certifiable wingnuts such as Minnesota’s Michele ...

Obama Administration | 44-D photos from the event and watch a video of the President’s remarks, the tree lighting ceremony, and a reading of “Twas the Night Before Christmas” by the First Lady. President Barack Obama addresses the crowd as he and the First Family attend the National Christmas Tree Lighting ceremony on the Ellipse in Washington, D.C., Dec. 9, 2010.

Al Franken, NSA, Media Matters, Al Franken: God Spoke 19, 2006 · In one of the few challenges to Franken we've ever seen from the left, however, the Brad Blog isn't afraid of Mr. Smalley. This emerging liberal website and its readers believe Franken is keeping quiet on issues important to the "progressive" movement: I was in studio today with Marc Maron of Air America. First time on his show.

A Buckeye’s Lament: What Has Happened to Ohio and the author Mike Lofgren is a former career congressional staff member who served on the House and Senate budget committees. His latest book is The Deep State: The Fall of the Constitution and the Rise of a Shadow Government.He has appeared several times as a guest on Moyers & Company.Learn more on his website:

LEFT OF DAYTON | Social/Political Commentary from the Left ... 05, 2008. By Paul Craig Roberts. Today (April 5) the London Daily Telegraph reported that “British officials gave warning yesterday that America’s commander in Iraq will declare that Iran is waging war against the US-backed Baghdad government.A strong statement from General David Petraeus about Iran’s intervention in Iraq could set the stage for a US attack on Iranian military ...

Tony Sutton « Mercury Rising ?? about Tony Sutton written by Phoenix Woman. Politics, life, and other things that matter

SNAP | The Liberal Doomsayer fact that the “fourth estate” has (for the most part) completely abdicated its responsibility to educate and inform (along with the fact that too many of us have let that happen) will be one of the epitaphs of this country over the last 30 years or so.

My Netroots Nation panel: Investigative techniques to ... 12, 2009 · The federal government expanded mental health services in the Kennedy era, and one bill provided for a new facility in Alaska. One of the most widely listened-to right-wing radio programs in the country, hosted by a former FBI agent, had millions of Americans believing it was being built to intern political dissidents, just like in the Soviet ...

the united american party: February 2005 media's "view of the world" might not be seen through a pinhole but it is definitely blurred by the efforts to increase shareholder return on investments so that they can strengthen their political agenda's. One way to possibly fix to adopt the same rules set out by the government to regulate the accounting industry.

Tony Snow | View From The Ridge... 28, 2008 · Mr. Novak is best-known as the longtime co-host of CNN’s “Crossfire,” where he bumped heads with liberal co-hosts from 1980 to 2005, when he left to join Fox News as an occasional contributor. Mr. Novak was criticized after he was the first to publicly reveal the name of CIA operative Valerie Plame in a 2003 column.

democracy | Missouri Communication 18, 2011 · Whether the death of Osama bin Laden was the outcome of a carefully planned mission that was carried out on May 1st, or whether bin Laden’s been dead for a few days and President Obama decided to make the announcement coinciding with the 8 year anniversary of George W. Bush’s “Mission accomplished” proclamation for the sake of political ...

Spocko's Brain: June's Brain Analysis of Media bias, consumer advocate, political shenanigans this election, religion from a progressive viewpoint. Oh. And science fiction in all its forms. Books, movies, TV and radio. Email: spockosemail at gmail com

Venezuela's Blurry Picture | Opinion Poll | Voting | Free ... this is one of the reasons why not to answer the polls, these companies should investigate other ways to find answers that reflect the political reality in Venezuela, 5 highly polarized, under the hypothesis that the majority of those who do not respond are not undecided, or “Don’t Know/Won’t Answer,” but are “They DO know, and ...

Marian's Blog: Culture/ethnicity/race may make "strange bedfellows," as the saying goes, but there have to be limits, and every now and then I reach one of mine. In this case, for me, it's around the 2008 U.S. presidential election. As Peter Finch's character shouted in the film Network, …

Wednesday Open Thread | Native American Dance | … 10, 2014 · The Gourd Dance is a type of Native American celebration dance and ceremony. It is believed that the dance originated with the Kiowa tribe. Gourd dances are often held to coincide with a pow-wow, although the Gourd Dance has its own unique dance and history. Gourd Dancing may precede the pow-wow or it can be…

PMSNBC | Lonnie Walker's Blog 27, 2010 · This is the kind of crap liberals are known for doing. When fans think of the WWE, Linda McMahon is the last person they think about. She had a less than prominent roll on TV. When WWE is thought about, the wrestlers are the very first thing people think of and of course Mr. McMahon.

American Power: Obama Dishonesty Takes Political Attacks ... 12, 2008 · Barack Obama miscalculated when he took Rush Limbaugh out of context for a Spanish-language ad that attempted to paint John McCain as a racist, for about the sixth time in this campaign. Not only was the ad completely and transparently dishonest — McCain and Limbaugh are far apart on immigration policy — but it used lines from a parody ...

Olbermann Special Comment--Bush just playing us with ... 01, 2007 · That, perhaps, was the mostly perfectly-crafted phrase of his presidency. For depraved indifference to democracy, for the craven projection of political motives onto those trying to save lives and save a nation, for a dismissal of the value of the polls and the importance of the media, for a summary of all he does not hold dear about this ...

We Need a New Standard for When Politicians Should Step was the kind of precedent that saw prominent former Senator Al Franken (D-MN) resign for sexual misconduct in the era of “Me Too.” But it’s not just about resignations — this standard also enabled the most diverse House of Representatives ever to be sworn into office this year, a true reflection of the melting pot that is the ...

We Begin – The Liberal Activist Toolkit 21, 2016 · November 9, 2016: Having a very difficult time working today. I will get out and run shortly, but I really just wish we had a heavy bag in the gym here, so I could hit it until it hurts to lift my arms. September 11, 2001 was the saddest day of my life. Today, is…

BLACK POLITICAL BUZZ....: Tiger Woods' Pre-Nup Being ... 02, 2009 · Many sources are saying that for now, wife Elin Nordegren, who is often a fixture on the 18th green at golf tournaments, is standing by her man. “She and Tiger have had problems in the past, obviously as bad as it’s ever been, but she’s not leaving as of now,” said one person with knowledge of the couple’s marriage over the years.

socialized medicine | Geoausch 06, 2009 · So Chairman Obama has gathered together members of the medical community and politicans from both sides of the aisle to discuss health care.This is another step towards socialized medicine.. If you ever want to know what a business would look like it were socialized, look no further than the post office. I walk into the post office and the customer service is non-existent.

US presidential elections are vastly overrated | Ibn Kafka ... this pageObviously, foreign mass society standing outside the US is the first victim of the massive worldwide media coverage of these elections ! but in the US, the big show reflects another reality; america claims time for big changes, even the powerfull media industry failed to deliver the package, there is a war occurring in the backstage between the press and the politicians blaming each other for ...

9/11 | Bob Higgins 25, 2010 · Posted in Humor, News, Politics, Pop Culture, Religion by Bob Higgins on September 10, 2010 I’m not a big fan of symbolism, religious or political; the flag waving at the Olympics, hands held over hearts at ball games and auto races, fingers pointed at the sky or genuflection in the end zone strikes me as empty, meaningless, affected behavior.

What Is Civic Health? | Sheila Kennedy National Conference on Citizenship–a Congressionally-chartered organization dedicated to “strengthening civic life in America”–has promulgated one of them. The Conference works through a nationwide network of partners, and one of the projects those state partners pursue is the production of a periodic, state-specific “Civic Health ...

01 | June | 2017 | Exceptional Delaware 01, 2017 · 3 posts published by Kevin Ohlandt on June 1, 2017. I am getting very sick of the political games in Dover. Very sick. We have the Joint Finance Committee cutting programs left and right, with House and Senate leadership on both sides of the aisle continuing to …

RNC – John Malcolm popular measure (HJR 587) in Tennessee was passed by a bipartisan 72-to-23 landslide in the state House of Representatives last month. And on Tuesday, it was overwhelmingly approved in the Senate with 19 in favor and 11 against. A broad coalition of activists from across the political spectrum came together to support the resolution, urging lawmakers to stand firm in the face of attacks to ...

Right-wing political ads | The Pardu's Scroll of the nation’s Far-Right Hate President Obama ‘uber’ wealthy has revisited his efforts to end the presidency of Barack Obama. Joe Ricketts’s failed heinous and racist anti-Obama/Rev. Jeremiah Wright commercial has been replaced with another example of “get rid of the Other and give us our country back”.. Ricketts’ latest efforts to ‘Banish the Other’ follows the much ...

Dr Kevin Bonham: Tasmania 2018: ReachTEL Confirms Liberals ... is the first public poll since early December last year and has a large sample size but still shouldn't be treated as the final word, especially on the seat breakdowns. I have included it in my polling aggregate in a way that weights the overall distributions of voting intention in this poll at 80% (since it is so long since the last data ...

Ramblings from an Awoken Mindhttps://awokenmind.blogspot.comNov 16, 2010 · There should be no debate what-so-ever and the whole “teach the controversy” saying is nothing more than propaganda for a religious agenda. It can be summed up briefly in two reasons that leave no room for debate. 1) The First Amendment to the Constitution states, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion…”

Marginalized taking the DC BAS 09, 2009 · This month's The New York Review of Books has a powerful critique of WfS by Diane Ravitch titled "The Myth of Charter Schools" in which she puts the message of the film in a broader context. An expose of where the funding for the film came from reveals its political agenda in Barbara Miner's article on the Not Waiting for Superman Web Site. Here's a thoughtful review by Columbia …

TigerHawk reason so explosive is that it touched on the driving tenet of liberalism that must never be spoken out loud. That is- people are essentially widgets (exception- the political and academic class, some of them anyway) that can be interchanged. No-one is lazy, no-one is thrifty, no-one is a workaholic.

Little Miss Patriothttps://thinkswansonthink.blogspot.comBut it is a perfect example of what politics should be: logical arguments about solutions to our collective problems. I applaud Obama for having a similar view. Let us lay down our arms and let politics be as boring as the last paragraph. Happy New Year!

Why Term Limits Aren’t The Remedy | Sheila Kennedy of the most popular is Congressional term limits, which would rid us of doofuses like Louie Gohmert, but also deprive us of the invaluable institutional memory and wisdom of a Richard Lugar, or the savvy of a Nancy Pelosi. My primary concern about term limits as a …

And in Other News | Spinny Liberal – the point where I fill the cavity with aromatics (half of an onion and a bunch of thyme sprigs), and truss the turkey. Trussing is tying up the turkey. It is not absolutely necessary, but it does make for more even cooking and a prettier turkey. Alton Brown gives …

Ok, So How Are We Going To Fix It? The Economy Stupid ... 16, 2008 · Big dive in the banking sector, followed by big buy ups and a seeming rise. This year is in danger of the same thing happening. Don’t let the Olympics distract you, the price of oil will rise before the year end. This is despite political veribage from the …

May | 2009 | Blevkog is a superstition — an idol or “a belief not logically related to a course of events” (American Heritage Dictionary) — because it is blind to what is now done in its name: “The language of enlightenment has been hijacked in the name of corporate greed, the police state, a politically compromised science, and a permanent war economy ...

Critical Fantasies – Page 18 – Towards a Geophilosophy is a broad interpretation of faith and allows one without a definite belief a chance to partake in a empowering modes of resistance without compromising one’s integrity. Critchley turns to Rousseau early on to get an articulation of belief in the context of a politically relevant civic attachment from a …

Pancho's Blog: 10/31/2004 - 11/07/2004's Blog A Chicano Yalie posts on life, family and politics, all while growing a Ciuapilli. Friday, November 05, 2004. We have only begun to fight! ...

religious institutions | Sheila Kennedy really was the Post, and not the Onion. It wasn’t Borowitz. (This assurance does prompt me to give credit to Donald Trump for providing consistent, excellent assistance to political satirists…) E.J. Dionne explains: You would be forgiven for thinking a headline from the Onion or …

Arlen Specter, Sen. (D-PA) | Beach Peanuts“Sen. DeMint is the author of the famous statement that going to be President Obama’s ‘Waterloo,’ that this ought to be used to break the president,” said Specter, referring to the political battle over health care. “So that before the ink was dry on the oath of office — and I …

Army to review Iraq contracts for fraud - Blogger 27, 2007 · In Warren, Mich., home to a large Army acquisition center, the contracting review team will examine 314 of the Kuwait contracts, each worth more than $25,000 and issued between 2003 and 2006. In Kuwait, a separate team of 10 at Camp Arifjan is already going through 339 contracts of lesser value and awarded during the same time period, according ...

bumper-sticker solutions | Sheila Kennedy of the most popular is Congressional term limits, which would rid us of doofuses like Louie Gohmert, but also deprive us of the invaluable institutional memory and wisdom of a Richard Lugar, or the savvy of a Nancy Pelosi. My primary concern about term limits as a “quick and easy” solution to bad lawmaking is institutional.

Colbert Addresses Congress Tells Truth, Angers Press and ... 25, 2010 · But Elmo, after all, was a puppet and a sizable portion of congress shares 95% of Elmo’s DNA. They totally understood Elmo. I’ll admit that this wasn’t Colbert’s best five minutes, but it must have been a stifling atmosphere, a tough crowd, addressing several hundred crooked old windbags. For five minutes though at least it wasn’t boring.

Caliban's Market: April 2012 09, 2012 · As we saw with Greece, only a game, and it is only a question of when and where the pain will fall -- haircuts for bond holders, austerity and unemployment for the common people, or political disunion for Europe. In a connected financial system, the fallout will touch everyone, even in the US, yet another reason to lack trust.

political calculus | This Is was, what, all of two days ago Gov. Scott Walker (R-WI) described himself as “the most scrutinized politician in America”, and while that claim might justly find widespread derision, we would also beg leave to accommodate the cowardly Badger a long enough to remind that he does himself no favors on that count by saying stupid things:. By any fair measure, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R ...

The Heretik: COMEDY AND TRAGEDY THE DIVISIONS of politics divide people and nations, the tragedy of the real [] makes clear we share a common misery as well as a shared joy that less have suffered from catastrophes natural and man made. From near the roof of the world comes word Allah (or is it Vishnu) has tested the souls of Muslim and Hindu both with shaking of this mortal earth.

Sarah Palin « Jamesb101.com 09, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

2nd Amendment | Spinny Liberal it’s reality. I used to sub for a “low-performing school district” (translation: poor and minority). At one of the high schools, city police officers hung out at the cafeteria at lunch everyday. I was a bit taken aback at first. As the days wore on, they became part of the landscape. I …

books | Electricity & Lust Slate Culture Gabfest, the culturally-motivated podcast from the good people at Slate, this week had a segment on the Nobel Prize and its place amongst awards including the Oscars and Grammy’s, where the winner is often chosen through political, economic and diplomatic motivations rather than the quality of the work. They highlighted an excellent website, Great Books Guide, in which Ted ...

The Paul Ryan Watch: March 2014 31, 2014 · The plan returns Ryan to the national stage, where he hopes to position himself as the party's big thinker in advance of a possible 2016 presidential run. This is an old, soulless trick. Attacking the poor. It's so easy. Cross-posted at The Political Environment.

Tully's Page: Priape's Page The political and social commentaries of a man who embraces and loves life. Politics, Economics, Civil Liberties, Freedom, Nautical events, Sports, Culture, and International affairs thrown in. I am probably best described as a "fiercely independent contrarian environmentally conscious libertarian." Just when you think you have me ...

FDR, the So-Called Liberal and Paul Volcker, the ... 31, 2013 · The following is an excellent excerpt from the book “CONFIDENCE MEN: Wall Street, Washington, and the Education of a President” by Ron Suskind from Chapter 12 on page 289 and I quote: “Then something dawned on [Paul] Volcker that he told the old engineer. “Well, I said, 'The trouble with the United States recently is…

Teachers' Pets - The New's one of the reasons I am no longer a conservative myself. (Conservatives also demanded--demanded--that we stop teaching evolution by natural selection in the schools.)And I cannot help but observe that in those states where conservatives have political dominion and unions are the weakest that the "product" is the worst educated.

Friday Open Thread | Thank You, Dr. Blasey Ford ... 28, 2018 · It could not have been easy. But, you did it. You were poised, believable and brave. You said that you felt that you had to do your civic duty, and with this country’s eyes on you, you did it…

Wednesday Open Thread: The 45th President of the United ... 10, 2016 · I don’t know, And I am tired. Never more disappointed in this country. No way should this have ever been close.

The Familographer | Of Humankind | Page 2 we work openly to ensure that Korea becomes one of the earliest advanced producers of top-quality cannabis products, especially medical cannabidiol, and a robust medical research program to go with it, Koreans will benefit economically. There’s no reason for Korea to be left behind. All it will take is the political courage to kick it off.

#monumentsforall | Protect Grand Canyon 30, 2016 · Please join Congresswoman Ann Kirkpatrick for a Grand Canyon Watershed Nat’l Monument Stakeholders Meeting. This is the first of a series of meetings to discuss the monument designation. As you know, we have been in an open comment period since February 6th. The open comment period has been extended and now closes on Monday, March 9th.

Joshing Politics: 8/29/10 - 9/5/10 03, 2010 · "Ahmed is a strong man, but mentally he has limits," said Bhairavi Desai of the New York Taxi Workers Alliance. "The trauma he's experienced will last for a long time." Desai spent time this weekend with Sharif. She said his most pressing worry is how he'll provide for his wife and four children -- including a 10-month-old --without a job.

New finding aid for Spark blog posts | Washington Area Spark 07, 2017 · A DC labor and civil rights leader remembered: Marie Richardson [November 19, 2012 by Craig Simpson]: Marie Richardson Harris is believed to be the first African American woman to hold national office for a major labor union. She later spearheaded Washington, D.C.’s National Negro Congress and was jailed for four-and-a-half years during the ...

Election Secrets, Political Arcana, And Harry Truman In A ... 24, 2006 · The Washington Post this morning ran an article, “Bellwethers, Eight Issues That Will Shape The 2006 Elections”or one of a series of articles which is indicative of a coming surf tide of newsprint, virtual and otherwise, which will wash up on the shores of our collective consciousness over the next dozen or so weeks. Predictions about the midterm election will …

Trump And The Art Of The No Deal | The Smirking 12, 2018 · Trump promised a new immigration bill, and a new deal from the young people brought to America as children. But since then, nothing. 9. No budget deal with Congress. The government is still operating under a “continuing resolution.” 10. No deal on replacing the Affordable Care Act. Trump promised to “repeal and replace” the Affordable ...

RealClearPolitics, who served for a number of years as a foreign correspondent for The New York Times, says the Al Qaqaa story did not meet the paper's traditional standards but made it …

Politics | President Obama: Moving Forward am so proud of our President. He represents our country with style, dignity, grace, and humility, with a resolute, confident, and respected demeanor. He is a beloved father, a loving husband, a formidable political opponent, and a dedicated President. World leaders admire him and hold him in high regard. He was also named Person of the Year ...

IER | The Moorish Wanderer would one take so much trouble (and show of force) when a court proceeding can do just as well? The aim is symbolic (the money part was there to insure it wasn’t costly to the taxpayer) A radical (or liberal left-wing) government will most certainly be ambushed by big businesses, representatives of the economic Makhzen, and act as a hindrance to the Open Society project.

Uncategorized | Smart Liberal and Female Found a car at Jim Coleman Toyota. 2. Was told that I couldn’t pick up the car because the O2 Sensor part wasn’t in. 3. Picked up car on October 28, 2009 and Sean Flemming told us the engine lights (check engine and service engine) were on because it would take a few restarts and running for them to shut off.

REAL ART (and politics and culture) 08, 2005 · This is an interesting question to me, and I haven't really addressed it in blog form, so I might as well give these cyber-searchers a little bit to chew on. Of course, the reason I've never really tried to tackle this question is because the answer seems self-evident: yes, political culture and change alter the meaning of art. Duh.

Otto's War Room (??): What changed with Trump's Jerusalem ... 21, 2017 · U.S. President Donald Trump's announcement that the U.S. would recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital has been seen by too many people as "ego driven" or otherwise irrational, an attempt to distract from his roiling political and legal challenges. This is a misreading of an extremely dangerous situation. There is ample evidence that the Trump regime had planned this move long before his ...

Blue in the Bluegrass: AttN Dem Hillary Haters: You've ... 10, 2016 · The Bluegrass Region of Kentucky is Central Kentucky, the area around Lexington. It's also sometimes known as the Golden Triangle, the region formed by Louisville in the west, Cincinnati in the north and Lexington in the east-south corner. This is the most economically advanced, politically progressive and aesthically beautiful area of the state.

Obsolete Capitalism: Matteo Pasquinelli (ed.) Gli ... this pageL’immaginario politico e l’idea di futuro sembrano oggi cancellati dall’imperativo dell’ austerity . Ma quale sarebbe il vero passaggio ...

Open Thread–11/25/2014 – Politics Plus 24, 2020 · With an interest in almost everything and status as the number two privately held company in the country–behind Cargill—Koch industries is a behemoth that is hard to avoid. But knowledge is power and your dollar is your vote. We can become informed purchasers and refuse to support their political agenda by refusing to purchase their wares.

Bio | Beware The Man, 2005 Thankful for a lot of things, most especially my friends and family, who keep me alive and almost well. I'm from a blue collar rural town, and have worked in the white collar world for 21 years. I was born in '59. I'm a political junkie, because I have the time, because I've…

US CONGRESS | LEFT OF DAYTON | Page 2, Ore. – A House Resolution to impeach U.S. Vice-President Dick Cheney, Dennis Kucinich’s H.R. 799, is gathering more support. The national impeachment continues to grow and generate increasing interest since being referred to the House Judiciary Committee last month, a Kucinich spokesperson said.

Thursday Funnies From The Murdoch Street Journal | The ... 12, 2009 · (OK, Tuesday actually – I’m a little late with this one…) Bret Stephens of the WSJ laments the supposed foreign policy failures of the Obama Administration here (Jeez, people, he hasn’t even been in office for a month! Let’s wait until something blows up …

philly: 31, 2006 · Stayed out way too late last night at Drinking Liberally and then off to Little Pete's for a milkshake and then to McGlinchy's for a Newcastle. I didn't get a chance to fiddle much with the computer other than get SP2 on the box. And tonight we're headed to the 76ers game v the Pistons.

media - WordPress.com are quite a few progressive talk stations still on the air and being run successfully. The important thing is to support them, especially now that AAR is gone and now that the corporations can pour unlimited funds into politics. Progressive stations exist in Portland, OR, Seattle, WA, Madison, WI, San Francisco, CA, Anchora, AK, Los Angeles, CA, Monterey, CA, Chicago, IL,Minnesota ...

deliberation | Political Communication. Rowan University ... 04, 2010 · I think an excellent thing, as the country is still very much divided over the health care bill and still have a lot of questions. However, with the 2012 election just around the corner, Obama and his administration are attempting to ensure that the American public are behind this, understand why it was important, etc.

June | 2011 | Arun with a View | Page 3 The purple lines are the watersheds (geographical markers). The red lines are the political borders, of course. After Oslo II and the division of the West Bank-Gaza into Areas A, B, and C, what maps in Israel have shown (this one is from 2002, before the Gaza withdrawal). Maps in Israel shade Areas A and B of the West Bank but not C.

A Citizen’s Gesture | The Moorish Wanderer 17, 2011 · Fellow blogger @Larbi_org used to exercise his wit at my expenses: intellectuals are all talk and talk, but no walk. First off, I have to say I am honoured to be bestowed such a title (I don’t mind the negative connotation attached to it, and as a matter of fact, the title would do nicely as a badge of honour) What I do crave, on the other hand, is the rough-and-tumble of political ...

An Open Message To Steve Andrews... 10 months ago I traveled out to House District 16B to attend a house party for a DFL candidate by the name of Steve Andrews.The man I found there was both insightful and honest and wanting to run a campaign based upon the foundations of what makes Minnesota a great place to live.

Spy Plane « Jamesb101.com 22, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Hottest Websites Welcome to Hottest Websites !!! Your Source for Hottest Websites Online. # Hottest Websites automatically update as news, stories and photos are added to the Hottest Websites list, you get up-to-the-minute breaking and latest news, in-depth coverage of current and future trends and how they are shaping business, entertainment, communications, science, politics, including latest celebrity ...

August 2015 – americanjuvenal 26, 2015 · White privilege means the luxury of seeing lions as symbols of my own political fashions, rather than as a threat to eat me or my loved ones. In a turn of events that Juvenal can only describe as a delightful surprise, the New York Times today ran an op-ed piece in which (get this) an actual Zimbabwean had the opportunity to talk about the killing that has roiled America, and perhaps all of ...

Politractionhttps://politraction.blogspot.comYeah, it's more than just about policy, we serious people. Here are two congresspersons--nay, friends of the movement who happen to work within the hallowed walls of our parliament. They see contestation as one mode of action for a person elected to an august institution, but in extraordinary times. Politics Exclude : ... Time Period :

The Problem With Selective “Liberty” | Sheila Kennedy Gerson has a way with words. His descriptions of Donald Trump are dead-on; in a recent column in the Washington Post, for example, he considered Trump’s recent attacks on Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), who came to the United States as a Somali refugee, using the 9/11 attack on the Twin Towers and an out-of-context quotation.. It is cruel because Trump essentially delivered his political ...

The TPI Morning Gazette: Trump, Jindal, Survivor, R.E.M ... 10, 2015 · Non-Progressive News...Bobby Jindal never ceases to amaze. His comments about a potential running mate for Donald Trump is beyond comprehension. Of course if you are a closer watcher of US politics, what you are about to read may include a breathe of fresh air. Maybe one of Rience Priebus's clown show has groveled and accepted he will…

Madeleine Begun Kane, Humor Columnist, Notables Weblog Weblog Notables Archives Liberal Links Latest Humor Home . Here's where I archive my Sept. 11-20, 2002 Notables Weblog posts. For my most recent blog postings, click here. And please don't forget to check out my latest humor columns, Dubya's Dayly Diary, and my other political humor. September 20, 2002

George W. Bush | Dystopian Blues: News Liberal ... by Stephen Walt of the Foreign Policy blog, today’s must-read is an epic evisceration of Dubya’s tome. Entitled “Delusion Points”, Walt’s post begins thusly … Two years into Barack Obama’s presidency, it has become a cliché to observe that the newish president, who spent his 2008 campaign promising a U-turn from his deeply unpopular predecessor’s activities abroad, has ...

03 | March | 2016 | TheZoo 03, 2016 · And the base is looking for a candidate who shares this fear. “Just to be clear, Al Qaeda is a real threat, and so is the Iranian nuclear program. But neither of these threats frightens me as much as fear itself – the unreasoning fear that has taken over one of America’s two great political parties.” ~Paul Krugman, circa October 2007

Tax | American Polly his weekly radio address President Bush said, “Congress must address four critical priorities. First, Congress needs to pass a bill to fund our troops in combat. Second, Congress needs to make sure our intelligence professionals can continue to monitor terrorist communications so we can prevent attacks against our people. Exclude : ... Time Period :

Motor City Liberal: How John Birch Society Extremism Never ... Lee Fang. Over 68,000 people have mobilized in Madison and progressive organizers are planning solidarity efforts across the country to denounce Gov. Scott Walker’s (R-WI) radical attempt to bust Wisconsin’s public sector unions. So far, Walker has refused to compromise, even though Wisconsin labor leaders are already coming to the table with large concessions.

Rachel Maddow | Missouri Communication 29, 2011 · Glenn Beck has a habit of speaking his right side views on a constant basis and a lot of the time it allows him to put his foot in his mouth Rachel Maddow who has her own political bias actually calls out another political “pundit”, “mind” in Glenn Beck with her own biased opinions

Chiquita Brands | The Liberal Doomsayer, I would argue that the cover-up began on August 1, 1972, when a $25,000 cashier’s check earmarked for the Nixon re-election campaign was found in the bank account of one of the Watergate burglars. As the Watergate timeline article also tells us, further investigation revealed that, in the months leading up to their arrests, more ...

black voters – Skeptical Brotha trailblazer in law and politics, she was the first African American woman to sit on both Cleveland’s Municipal Court and Cuyahoga County’s Court of Common Pleas. After losing a 1990 race for the Ohio Supreme Court, she entered the race to become Cuyahoga County Prosecutor and served until her election to Congress to replace a legendary ...

The Johnsville News: Duke Hoax: Slippery Slimy Ankle ... the Duke non-rape hoax, Mychal Massie and Cash Michaels are slippery slimy ankle biting cowards. First, Mychal Massie, at, wrote Nifong a zero – parents enablers: Allegations of rape, sullied and ruined reputations, bright futures forever tarnished, calumnious recriminations, poor parenting, a politically motivated dullard for district attorney, spineless ...

back to earth alien. Your inability to read is not... 07, 2013 · At first I thought this was a religious belief and that would be infringing upon our 1st Amendment, but the American College of OB/GYN says that for political gain. The more extreme the attacks on women are the next state makes more extreme attacks and the 1000's of women health experts say putting millions of women's lives in ...

In Pennsylvania, race is still a voter issue | The author Mary Shaw is a Philadelphia-based writer and activist, with a focus on politics, human rights, and social justice. She is a former Philadelphia Area Coordinator for the Nobel-Prize-winning human rights group Amnesty International, and her views appear regularly in a variety of newspapers, magazines, and websites.

Obsidian Wings: The Narcissism of John McCain 23, 2009 · Publius, for a while I was appalled that the "liberal" media seemed to have predominantly right-wing guests on their programmes. Moreover, to have McCain or Graham rather than Lugar talk about foreign policy seemed juvenile. I have, provisionally, changed my mind.

Robert Gibbs | kens*ten: a political blog — and the public — were told the money would start to our solve America’s all-to-real infrastructure crisis. But, it turns out much of the money went to fund liberal-favored non-infrastructure projects. Oh, and BP got $308 million to start building a power plant — about three years later.

Timshel only people who believe that are the bureaucrats in Washington, D.C., who can't see the oil, smell the oil or touch the oil." The governor knows full well that since the day the rock idea was broached by Jefferson Parish politicians, the foremost authorities on Louisiana's coastal ecosystem have …

White – Eric Lightborn's Blog Lightborn's Blog Non-Profit Blog on Politics & Life. Search. Tag Archives: White. 09.17.09. by Eric Lightborn. Overt Race-Baiting From Limbaugh And Racial Politics At-Large “In Obama’s America white kids now get beat up with black kids cheering, ‘Yeah! Right on, right on!’”

PoliOlogy | News and Commentary in Politics, Pop Culture ...https://poliology.wordpress.comIt’s been a tough day. Drudge linked to a story of a 14-year-old girl murdering a guy during a gang initiation. Obviously, a terrible thing, and she should do her time. But people were calling for the death penalty and, of course, blaming “liberal cities” like Baltimore “who’ve never done …

Red State Rebels: Idaho politics Hoffman, former spokesman for the lamentable Bill Sali, has found a few new ways to occupy his time. He's now director of a supposedly nonpartisan free-market think tank and a columnist for the Idaho Statesman. Here's a snip of a guest commentary I did earlier today at regarding Hoffman's new gigs. (I would've sent this straight to the Statesman except another op-ed of mine ...

An ACORN-Friendly, Big Labor-Backing, Tax-and-Spend ... 16, 2009 · Michelle Malkin Lead Story An ACORN-Friendly, Big Labor-Backing, Tax-and-Spend Radical in GOP Clothing By Michelle Malkin • October 16, 2009 10:09 AM Yes, it’s time for the upside-down elephant. The Stupid Party is at it again. The subject of today’s column: An abomination in the NY23 special congressional race to replace former GOP Rep. John McHugh, who…

Julian Assange – About the Law | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns ... 13, 2019 · Julian Assange - About the law. by Mustang - Our man on the beat in the U.K. The law must be applied equally no matter how rich or poor, who they know, or how influential they may be in national or state politics. Julian Assange has been charged with ONE count of…

Obsidian Wings: Priorities: Compare And Contrast 17, 2007 · Checking in later, so apologies for a late reply. To Gary Farber @ August 17, 2007 at 03:48 PM. Really, any politician who is worried about smears from defenders of waste and fraud should just retire, because they're too incompetent to even take bribes. That's crazy.

Caribou Barbie | Veritas Nihilum Vincet anything, Palin has this exactly backwards, since one thing that the First Amendment does actually guarantee is a free press. Thus, when the press criticizes a political candidate and a Governor such as Palin, that is a classic example of First Amendment rights being exercised, not abridged.

Congress | Beach Peanuts below) Yesterday’s Supreme Court decision in Citizens United v.Federal Election Commission is a disaster in the making and a threat to Democracy itself. The Supreme Court ruled that corporations are now “persons” and entitled by the U.S. Constitution, for all intents and purposes, to pour unlimited amounts of cash into the political process to buy elections and run our government.

No Right Turn: Toys overboard! 05, 2007 · This is a natural and normal part of the political process, and a vital means of forming new parties and new agendas and testing them before the electorate. It's also worth noting that, given the high Christian vote for United Future, Copeland could argue that it is Dunne who has betrayed his constituents, not vice-versa.

Breast Cancer Topic: I say YES..Part Deux..Continued,.for ... 14, 2020 · This is written by Byron Dorgan, retired U.S. Senator from North Dakota: Sorry to sound political, but a "middle class" tax cut? Hardly! How about some truth in labeling? This is a tax cut that explodes the federal deficit and adds to a debt that already reaches $20 trillion.

Red State Rebels: 2nd CD race via Actblue!Check out Debbie's website!. Debbie Holmes, idaho's 2nd District candidate for Congress, has been endorsed by the Alliance for Retired Americans.The Alliance represents more than 3.5 million retirees, older Americans and community activists, including more …

jamesb101 « Jamesb101.com 26, 2012 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

political corruption | Mudflats addition were household goods – furniture, a gas range, and a tool storage cabinet. Also mentioned was exchanging an old vehicle for a new one worth much more. The total amount is $250,000+ These items were not disclosed on forms which he filed under penalty of purgery. He didn’t reimburse or repay Veco or Bill Allen for any of these items.

Amazon | The Power Worshippers: Inside the Dangerous Rise ... this pageThis is a book that is both an examination of a new social and cultural phenomenon--and a call for action. - The Boston Globe As November's election looms, The Power Worshippers is a timely political exposé, indispensable reading for 2020 voters regardless of their religious beliefs. . . .

28 | December | 2015 | The Liberal Doomsayer 28, 2015 · This is a tremendous story for a lot of reasons, one of which is because of all the reports of awful police behavior out there – nice to highlight someone in law enforcement doing something wonderful like this (and kudos to the people who contributed also). Do-Gooder of the Year Nominees

Congress should pass the Iran nuclear deal – Everblog 21, 2015 · “Six in 10 Americans, 60 percent, disapprove of how President Obama is handling relations with Iran, up from 48 percent back in April shortly after a framework agreement with Tehran was unveiled.” The above statement is from an article on last Thursday. These numbers are understandable, even predictable, given that the vast majority of Americans…

Do parents hold their children accountable for their bad ... 16, 2015 · There are many of us who have not yet and the field is down to just three now. I want the chance to vote for one of the ones who are not there any longer. If this was a fair election, we all would vote on one day not different months. This is ludicrous. No fair election here. No wonder people do not trust politicians nor government.

My Liberal Political Viewshttps://barbarahyman.blogspot.comOct 09, 2012 · The first example of this that comes to mind in the election of George Bush, Jr. in 2000. When I write the name of George Bush, Jr., a creepy feeling comes over me, as though I'm writing the name of Lord Voldemort, "he who should not be named".

Spring Flower Peaceful Radical: April 2008 28, 2008 · The first act of religion, therefore, concerns those things which are communicated to us from God. The other concerns those things which we yield to God. John Stuart Mill A party of order or stability, and a party of progress or reform, are both necessary elements of a healthy state of political life.

Metastrophehttps://metastrophe.blogspot.comTo which there was the colorful post by "B": sexual politics (3.50 / 2) This is really all it comes down too. You might argue that all it has ever come down to: Fear of the black man for his presumed sexual prowess and alleged promiscuity. Fear of gay men for their alleged promiscuity.

The Kochotopus: Free Market Machine | isely 22, 2016 · The following is an excellent excerpt from the book “DARK MONEY: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right” by Jane Mayer from Part One: “Weaponizing Philanthropy: The War of Ideas, 1970-2008” from Chapter 5 “The Kochtopus: Free-Market Machine” on page 141 and I quote: “After suffering humiliating losses in the courts and Congress, the Kochs ...

Airborne Combat Engineer: Goodbye to the Black Watch ...[LINK] Evening Telegraph and Post Proud veterans, local politicians and Fair City [Perth] residents were all on hand to pay tribute to the world-famous regiment, which is now part of the Royal Regiment of Scotland (RRS). The merger may have...

Muslims « AmeriCAN-DO Attitude 08, 2010 · This is not right, and, more important, we were never asked by our elites in politics and business if what we want. We are a generous and welcoming people; but there is a world of difference of a few guests and a de facto colonization. Posted by: Roach at …

Politics and Pasta | Food for thought on politics …. and ...https://lsrhetoricianblog.wordpress.comFeb 22, 2017 · Last evening, Rachel Maddow promised to reveal Trump’s tax returns. What she actually disclosed was a two page 1040 form from Trump’s 2005 return. As the New York Times points out, some journalists complained that Maddow had “overhyped her findings”.. Her promo on Twitter stating, “we’ve got Trump’s tax returns” did seem a bit misleading.

Islam « AmeriCAN-DO Attitude 12, 2010 · This is not right, and, more important, we were never asked by our elites in politics and business if what we want. We are a generous and welcoming people; but there is a world of difference of a few guests and a de facto colonization. Posted by: Roach at …

Liberal Attacks On Palin | Political Pistachio Too 03, 2008 · The daily KOS, and other liberal sites, have also tried to attack Sarah Palin in other ways, and none of them seemed to work. And then news came out that Sarah Palin’s oldest daughter, Bristol, is pregnant (and a teenager that is unmarried at that). The Liberal Left chomped at the bit. They finally had dirt on Sarah Palin.

Balkinization: The Supreme Court's New Term Gill, the Supreme Court will decide whether the government may, consistent with the Constitution’s guarantees of freedom of speech, freedom of association, and equal protection for all persons, act to subordinate members of a political party because of their views and degrade the effectiveness of their votes.The Court should strike down Wisconsin’s extreme partisan …

B.A. in English | Geoausch 05, 2008 · I made the decision early in college to avoid a career that required wearing a suit. Although I changed my major at least once a semester for my first three years in college, I never strayed from the humanities-a half semester as a religion major, another half as a journalism major, a semester a piece in history, philosophy and political science, back to philosophy for a …

Feminists Urge Women: ‘Vote Your Politics, Not Your Gender ... 17, 2007 · Specifically, they expect a female politician to be less corrupt than a male one, and punish her more for poor judgment in the past. As the article points out, if Hillary Clinton were instead a male (they use the fictional ‘Harry Rodham’), her (his) female supporters would probably be less harsh on his Iraq vote in 2002.

RAGGED THOTS: 06/11/2000 12: 15 p.m. Amadou Diallo and the conscience of today's conservative. By Robert A. George in Intellectual, April 29, 1999: he aftermath of the horrific shooting by four New York police officers of African immigrant Amadou Diallo — 41 shots and three months later — provides a significant clue to one of the most vexing questions of politics.

Meet Your New ScapeGoat Class of Deportees: The Muslims! 02, 2018 · The Bluegrass Region of Kentucky is Central Kentucky, the area around Lexington. It's also sometimes known as the Golden Triangle, the region formed by Louisville in the west, Cincinnati in the north and Lexington in the east-south corner. This is the most economically advanced, politically progressive and aesthically beautiful area of the state.

North Star Politicshttps://northstarpolitics.blogspot.comAs you've no doubt read in the past 10 hours, Al Franken's campaign replaced its campaign manager today.Conservatives, including MDE, take this to mean that Franken's campaign is somehow struggling, that a "staff shake-up".You can decide for yourself how Franken's campaign is doing, but as current reported, this seems to be a routine and evolutionary development for a campaign.

Spring Time of The Peoples-- Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen... Is ... 28, 2011 · The title refers to something that happened in 1848, even before McCain was born. It can be described as series of political upheavals-- or revolutions-- that began in France and spread throughout Europe, including Italy, Germany, Denmark, Poland, Switzerland, Belgium, Romania, Hungary and then on to Brazil.

Huffington Post Deletes Top Blogger's Post Due to Verboten ... 06, 2016 · Excerpted from TRUTH Lance Simmens, author, whistleblower, political veteran, fracking activist, and more, went to see Vaxxed: From Coverup To Catastrophe at one of the California screenings, and was moved, enraged, awakened. He wrote a column for The Huffington Post about it, and it went up, as per the usual protocol–he has been a contributor for 8 years and written …

The Constitution | House Of Commons Of The United Kingdom ... CONSTITUTION. Perhaps the most fundamental difference between the American and British political systems is the constitution - or the lack of one. The United States has a written constitution as does the vast majority of nation states.

Mexican Repatriation | Jeff's Jottings 19, 2017 · Thirteen years later, the founding fathers got around to putting together the nuts and bolts of the new nation and its government, and when the first Congress convened in 1790, one of the first acts they passed was a naturalization act. This law “provided the first rules to be followed by the United States in the granting of national citizenship.

April 2010 – Eric Lightborn's Blog called in to a radio show tonight to express my disgust for the current state of political debate in America today.. Alan Colmes of Fox News Talk has this late night / evening political talk show that has some of the lightest call screening in all of the talk medium, let alone that he is working under Fox. Many doubt it but he is a liberal, I would think of him as the kind of liberal who ...

GM | Smart Liberal and Female first half is spent, and Congress will have to approve the next $350 Billion. Chrysler and GM will receive 13.4 now, and an additional $4 Billion after Congressional approval. The loan terms are for three years if the auto companies show viability.

AR-15 | The Pardu's Scroll Part IV I addressed various “ false flag” operations conducted by or allowed to happen by our Government to achieve a political end. Pearl Harbor, Gulf of Tonkin to name but two. With regard to the massacre at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newton Connecticut I pointed out several disturbing inconsistencies in the official story as it evolved over the course of several days.

Cindy Jacobs – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America was a prominent supporter of Donald Trump, who campaigned at a worship event alongside Amedia, and for a time served as the Trump campaign’s volunteer “liaison of Christian policy.” On Friday morning, Lou Engle took the microphone and began to talk about abortion and the federal courts.

New Apostolic Reformation – Arts and Politics from the ... Route 66 (US 66 or Route 66), also known as the Will Rogers Highway and colloquially known as the Main Street of America or the Mother Road, was one of the original highways within the U.S. Highway System. US 66 was established on November 11, …

So That's Why They're Ditching Net Neutrality Over At The ... 28, 2017 · Back in the 1990's, Congress passed a pair of laws - the Communications Act of 1994, which created the FCC as we currently know it, and the 1996 Telecommunications Act, which pretty much laid out the regulations which governed access to the Internet on both the upstream and downstream (i.e. provider & consumer) ends of the Web. By and large, these …

Organized Exploitation: Political Thesaurus 04, 2009 · Political Thesaurus Throughout the primaries and on up until the day he was elected, The One campaigned on the promise to end the "Politics of Fear" that had been ravaging the hopes and dreams of the American people under President Bush.

Frieddogleg: May 2010 blog where politics, religion, environment, economic issues and social policies collide.

North Carolina bigotry | The Pardu's Scroll we add Transgender people to the list of groups offended by or discriminated against by the GOP, let’s consider 13 groups Donald Trump has offended (Liberal America post).While the list was published in December 2015, I posit the list should be amended to include even deeper offenses against African-Americans and American Jews via Trumps refusal to denounce …

Jornais conservadores perdem lugar no avião | Eleições ... this pageA campanha de Barack Obama “expulsou” do avião presidencial os jornalistas do Washington Times, New York Post e Dallas Morning News, jornais que declaram o apoio a John Mccain. O porta-voz de Obama, Jen Psaki, disse ao Politico que “tinham muitos pedidos para os lugares no avião durante este último fim-de-semana, e por questões logísticas…

whatispoliticshttps://whatispolitics.blogspot.comSep 19, 2007 · I'm guessing the secularism debate here has mostly run its course. If anyone is interested in reviving it, though, this article by Mark Lilla, a humanities prof. at Columbia from the New York Times magazine, while not without its faults, is a decent, very quick overview of the history of church-state separation in the west and some current challenges it faces.

DobblerSpothttps://dobbler13.blogspot.comI'm coming late to this one, but it's still worth a comment. A few weeks ago New York magazine did a package of stories on the possibilities for a third party springing up due to voter alienation, etc. it has some interesting analysis of the current political scene and the prospects for what it calls the Purple Party, but it totally misses the big picture -- the reasons we don't have more than ...

Somelinks4u: 2006-09-17 is a random and possibly boring blog about nothing in particular. It's about whatever amuses me at the moment, which often includes sports, politics, all things pop-culture, and the occasional funny t-shirt. I might even blog about taxes, law, or a combination thereof, but that's only 'cause it's what I do for a …

Conservative Jedi: July 2008 25, 2008 · Zoller, writing a timely piece for the Business & Media Institute, gives a brief history of the rise of talk radio and a true free market of ideas. Thanks to the left and people like Nancy Pelosi, our ability to have media outlets give other than the liberal party line is jeopardized. It is one of the greatest threats to our freedom this July 4th.

Obsidian Wings: A belated Friday open thread: the espresso ... 22, 2012 · by liberal japonicus. This is perhaps not really open thread material, but this Forbes article about the Harvard bookstore and how they are fighting Amazon was interesting and perhaps related to Dr. Science's recent posts on the publishing industry.. The centerpiece of the efforts is the espresso book making machine, which I have put a youtube video below the fold.

Leftist Hysteria Over the GOP Health Care Bill Is Rooted ... 08, 2017 · Rush Limbaugh, America's Anchorman and Doctor of Democracy, is known as the pioneer of AM radio. Limbaugh revolutionized the media and political landscape with his unprecedented combination o f ...

politics and the american language | Weasels Closing In the most pessimistic person in any given room, I’m still expecting either scrambled-egg-encrusted MAGA hats, or, if Mr Granfield gets his way, a bizarre push to change the blue ground of the flag’s canton to a slightly darker shade. In the meantime, stop writing these damn fool articles. It might not help, but it at least won’t hurt.

September | 2016 | This Is often lament the fact of their essentially two-party political league, and the top of the Libertarian ticket, Gary Johnson, is capable of providing spectacular reminders of why we tend toward the binary. The former New Mexico governor and middle-tier celebrity stoner has managed to reduce a human atrocity to yet another icon of American stupidity, which really is no good legacy to build.

Law & Order Perverted: Starring Congressman Darrell Issa ... 27, 2013 · By Doug Porter It’s turning out to be a bad week for San Diego’s Congressman Darrell Issa and City Attorney Jan Goldsmith. Both have seen would-be/shoulda been triumphant scenarios blow up …

money talks « The Futility Monster 23, 2010 · The news this morning that Zac Goldsmith has spent £260,000 of his own fortune on the battle to become the MP for Richmond makes me feel a little uneasy.. We have never had a serious issue with money dominating British politics. Central party financing of campaigns, and spending limits during the election have always made sure that no one individual has been required to raise vast sums of ...

cap and trade | The Button Valley Bugle may be a bit harsh. Maybe a better word would be “uninformed“.As we come down to the line on passing some kind of clean energy legislation through the Congress, it has come to my attention that most people don’t have a clue what the hell we are talking about, but are never the less willing to render an opinion. Most folks are familiar by now with the Pew Research Center poll that ...

March | 2007 | DelawareLiberal.Net is a request under the Freedom of Information Act. I request that a copy ofdocuments containing the following information be provided to me: Communication between the GSA and the Congressional offices of Michael Castle (R-DE) related to GSA projects, investments and activities in Delaware from January 1 2005 through November 31st 2006.

sylvester stallone | Electricity & Lust 23, 2008 · Rambo – Over-violent and lacking in any winking charm, a pretty awful piece of brutal ‘heroic’ violence. Any political comment gets lost in the bruising battles. My Blueberry Nights – Wong Kar Wai, the genius behind Chungking Express, works in the English language for the first time. Avoided by me due to the presence of Jude Law ...

Mo Rage: Toxic Roy Blunt, Jr. from just now--I can't say it any better myself: Since 2005, the Watchdog group, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) has highlighted the most egregious violators of the public trust in its annual Most Corrupt Members of Congress report.Now, CREW has begun a list of Crooked Candidates to shine the spotlight on some of the lousy politicians vying for ...

Gitmo…a lesson for a new President in ... - Jamesb101.com 29, 2009 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Post-Texas Stress Disorder — Trump will deliver killing ...’t miss the fact that coinciding exactly with the push to increase mail-in voting, which would seriously jeopardize Trump’s reelection. you can’t have mail-in ballots if there’s no postal service, right?. Americans, please text USPS to 50409 and ResistBot will send a message to your senators and congressperson telling them to save the Post Office.

30 | March | 2010 | Smart and silly 30, 2010 · If what Scott Rasmussen is reporting in his latest poll the Congress is in for a very rude awakening. The latest Rasmussen Report finds 52% of those surveyed say the tea party movement have move understanding of the issues than members of Congress. Only 30% of those surveyed found Congress have a better understanding of the issues.

Oh, No! Ku Klux Klan Won’t Endorse Obama! | The Least, First 27, 2008 · Huffpo’s Michael Gene Sullivan has spun the funniest satire I’ve seen in a long time.It’s a classic political humor piece at a moment in history that has us tearing out our hair in frustration at the bizarre nonsense that’s passed off with a straight face (eg., Bill Clinton claims the media have covered up the real chances Hillary has of winning).

Acton Institute contributor Says Child Labor a Wonderful ... 27, 2016 · Kathryn Talbert While we'd rather keep the focus local to state politics, the national action right now is hard to ignore, what with Trump tramping all over every decent element of democracy, much less progressive values and all. And Facebook churns endlessly the articles that people pick up and thrown amongst each other, many like…

facebook – Skeptical Brotha a watchful eye on black politics. Sidebar. May 2020; S M T W T F S : 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: 18: 19: 20

Political Irony › Good Results! 02, 2016 · I hate to play the media bias card, but the NYT is firmly in the Clinton camp. They endorsed her the other day and most of their coverage (like the Krugman article you linked a few days back) paints Bernie as the unelectable, unrealistic, cranky candidate of upstart millennials with more anger than intelligence. Part of me gets this.

Oh Well: A Commentary: House Dems propose U.S. troop ... 01, 2007 · First, the big political battle shaping up over a proposed U.S. troop withdrawal before the fall of 2008. Not only are the political polls showing President Bush's job approval ratings dropping to 29 percent, but also that the American public trusts Congress more that Bush regarding Iraq.

October 2016 – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America posts published by dummidumbwit during October 2016. Barton, who has been making this case for months, rolled out a new and rather interesting argument aimed at convincing reluctant Christians to support Trump, insisting that those who do so are in no way endorsing the GOP nominee’s deplorable views or behavior and will not be responsible for anything he does while in office because they ...

debt ceiling « Mercury Rising ?? downward stock market slide Charles noted yesterday continues today (see above). Smart observers know going to kill the American economy, and possibly the global economy as well.. Biden’s now saying that Obama would have invoked the 14th amendment if Congress didn’t get a deal done by today.. Now remember, all through this process the White House pretended the 14th wasn’t an ...

Washington State Political Report will therefore be able to a) change the subject entirely, b) misleadingly paraphrase the question (one of Monkey's best tactics), or c) stall by following-up an earlier point, especially since their opponent is forbidden from asking any direct questions in response. Huge point for Monkey.

WebWeaver's World: Roger Waters - Dark Side of the Moon ... 10, 2007 · A blog about my passions. May include some or all of the following: geek stuff (web design & development, CSS, accessibility, usability), environmental activism, my adopted home of New Zealand ('cos it's so totally wonderful), international & green politics (rants from a left-wing perspective), gardening, cats, literature, rugby, and a whole lot of other stuff besides.

Washington State Political Report Although Rossi would want to repeal I-120 if he's elected governor, he probably wouldn't be able to. But in this week's Stranger Amy Jenniges makes the case that abortion is still important in this cycle. Women who seek abortion services are virtually unrestricted: There is no parental-consent law, no waiting period, and no law mandating a partner's permission.

tcnorris: 09/01/2006 - 10/01/2006 30, 2006 · The results are not all in and the popular vote is very close, but the two networks (CBC and CTV) have declared the Liberals led by Shawn Graham as the winners in the New Brunswick election.This is a defeat not just for putative Conservative leadership aspirant Bernard Lord but also for Stephen Harper. Lord was perhaps the federal Conservatives strongest provincial ally.

Runesmith's Canadian Content: August 2009 Ignatieff spoke out on the isotope issue today, stating the Liberal Party's support of McMaster University's proposal to start producing Moly-99 medical isotopes at its research reactor. Ignatieff's statement comes after months of fairly continuous nagging by local media on why the government has been deaf to the University's repeated offers of help throughout this growing crisis.

fucked in california: July 2005 the chicken with paper towels. season liberally with salt and pepper on both sides. heat the butter and oil in a large pot or dutch oven over medium-high heat. in batches, saute the chicken in the fat, skin side down first, until nicely browned, about 3 to 5 minutes on each side. turn with tongs or a spatula; you don't want to pierce the ...

What’s the Deal With Revolutionary Justice in Bangladesh ... 03, 2013 · Massive rallies in the capital city of Dhaka began to organize on February 5th after a political figure, Abdul Quader Mollah, was only given a life sentence by an International Court Tribunal. The crowds wanted more – the death penalty. Why would they desire this judicial outcome that would make Rick Perry smile? It turns out that Mr. Mollah had been convicted in a Bangladeshi court for ...

Democracy | Off The Grid | Page 2 Done. She said sign the sheet (yes another sheet) with name, phone number, email, and candidate of choice and that we would be delegates for the next level on March 29th. I was the 15th to sign (my husband was the 16th) and noticed the candidate preference listed by the names above mine were clearly for one candidate.

democracy isn’t cheap « The Futility Monster news this morning that Zac Goldsmith has spent £260,000 of his own fortune on the battle to become the MP for Richmond makes me feel a little uneasy.. We have never had a serious issue with money dominating British politics. Central party financing of campaigns, and spending limits during the election have always made sure that no one individual has been required to raise vast sums of ...

political corruption « The Futility Monster 23, 2010 · The news this morning that Zac Goldsmith has spent £260,000 of his own fortune on the battle to become the MP for Richmond makes me feel a little uneasy.. We have never had a serious issue with money dominating British politics. Central party financing of campaigns, and spending limits during the election have always made sure that no one individual has been required to raise vast sums of ...

OWS | Enneagram... Exploring Your True Self was catapulted to a position with real power, influence and status.” Excerpt of Ross’ article Occupy Wall Street and a New Politics for a Disorderly World in The Nation on February 7, 2012: “…This [OWS] is a politics of the many for the many, rather than that of a small clique of elected representatives, co-opted by the powerful few.

The View | The Pardu's Scroll about The View written by The Pardu. Smile A Day – Political Cartoons; Celestial Wonders: Earth and Beyond (Pluto) International Space Statioin Link

Occupy Wall Street | Enneagram... Exploring Your True Self 22, 2012 · I was catapulted to a position with real power, influence and status.” Excerpt of Ross’ article Occupy Wall Street and a New Politics for a Disorderly World in The Nation on February 7, 2012: “…This [OWS] is a politics of the many for the many, rather than that of a small clique of elected representatives, co-opted by the powerful few.

catherinelee23 | Missouri Communication 11, 2010 · As far as my grandparents are concerned, their political opinions have certainly been put to the test throughout the decades. This is in large part to the constant evolution of the media. First, there was the “Fireside chat” via the radio. Then, they had access to about three television channels, one of those being devoted to news.

politics | wild/precious Holocaust Novels. Recently I picked up the latest Jodi Picoult novel, The Storyteller. I actually am not much of a Picoult fan, but I find her books reasonably compelling–something decent to whip through in a day. the real problem i have is that Picoult always saves One Big Twist, and once you’ve read a couple of her books you can guess the twist.

The Owls' Nest: August 2013 08, 2013 · There would be a great shift in political power as the new territories (in a slave-owning part of the country) demanded their fair representation in government. “The people of the East can not reconcile their habits, views and interests with those of the South and West,” declared Thomas Pickering, a leading Massachusetts Federalist.

Who Hijacked Our Country: Congress More Hated Than BP, the ... 15, 2011 · As the linked article says: “Bringing the government to a standstill over and over again to spite Barack Obama (current approval 47% and tracking upward) is working out really well.” Labels: America going Communist , BP approval , Congress approval rating , Hugo Chavez approval , IRS approval , MSNBC Daily Rundown , Paris Hilton , Senator ...

Brooks Wilson's Economics Blog: July 2012 02, 2012 · Second, his post reports transfers as a percentage of market income, and the fifth column of my table. A current political debate focuses on the “fairness” of federal taxes. Fairness means something different for everybody, but a clear view of a presentation of data should clear up some misunderstandings or data cherry picking on ...

Labor Day speech in Massachusettes | CIVILRIGHTSAGENDA.COM is who we are! This is what we stand for! The only way we can win is to be aggressive. We can’t “policy-wonkify” our way through this process, we have to speak with one singular voice as Obama did and punch them in their political faces. Tell them to their faces to quit lying about supporting the middle-class and back it up with facts.

Leeann Tweeden – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America and large the result of year after year of increasing Christian extremism driven by Fundamentalist Christians voting on Abortion and Traditional Marriage!!! Roy Moore ‘Closest Thing To A Founding Father’!!! Steve King: Jane Doe’s Child ‘Would Have Been An Anchor Baby’!!!

Tim Huelskamp | The Liberal Doomsayer 8/12/13: This is yet another reason to vote Farenthold and his pals out of office as far as I’m concerned. #33 – Diane Black (TN – 06) Here, she introduced legislation that basically bars federal government funding on Planned Parenthood (oh brother – yeah, like that would stand up to a …

Obsidian Wings: the persistence of culture russell. For the long holiday weekend, I offer a post that (one hopes) is devoid of rancorous partisan political content. For a long time, I've been interested in (and made a sort of semi-desultory study of) the way in which certain elements of African music have found their way to, and found expression in, cultures and societies in other parts of the world.

Monday Mashup (1/7/13) | The Liberal Doomsayer 07, 2013 · Monday Mashup (1/7/13) (I know I’m a news cycle or two behind on some of this stuff, but the best I can do.) It looks like I’m not the only one who thinks that PA Governor Tom “Space Cadet” Corbett’s lawsuit against the NCAA on behalf of Penn State isn’t a stinking dead dog of a case ( …

Monday Open Thread | Black Women on Television: Ethel ... 24, 2015 · We just had winter finales of some shows, and I was thinking about the evolution of Black women on television. The Beulah Show is an American situation-comedy series that ran on CBS Radio from 1945 to 1954, and on ABC Television from 1950 to 1952. The show is notable for being the first …

Plan B | The Liberal Doomsayer of the principal weapons used by James Eagan Holmes in the horrific Dark Knight Rises shooting would have been subject to a series of sharp restrictions under the now-expired federal Assault Weapons ban. The AR-15 rife carried by Holmes, a civilian semi-automatic version of the military M-16, would have been defined as a “semiautomatic ...

israel « Mercury Rising ?? about israel written by Charles II. Politics, life, and other things that matter

Voter Suppression | The Pardu's Scroll about Voter Suppression written by The Pardu. Smile A Day – Political Cartoons; Celestial Wonders: Earth and Beyond (Pluto) International Space Statioin Link

RADAMISTO: 2009-12-20 03, 2009 · (h/t John Holbo at Crooked Timber) Mike Potemra, one of the Corner Clowns, first wrote this: Its messages are unabashedly liberal ones of the early post-Cold War era – peace, tolerance, due process, progress (as opposed to skepticism about human perfectibility).This is a common conservative misconception about liberalism so it really isn't news but Potemra's next post directly contradicts ...

Conversion Crisis: Israel's Haredim Reject the Diaspora ... 20, 2010 · Israel's Ultra-Orthodox Reject the Diaspora, Threatening to Split World Jewry Sarah Wildman • Politics Daily Foreign Policy Correspondent A Jew is a Jew is a Jew. Except when he or she is not. Just ask Joel Chasnoff, a man who immigrated to Israel, joined the army, fought in Lebanon then discovered the state didn't consider him Jewish.

Conspiracy Theories and the ‘Alternative Media’ / Part 1 ... 23, 2015 · In this blog I will demonstrate how the term ‘conspiracy theory’ has been misused by the media - in particular, by the so-called ‘alternative media’- to marginalize and isolate reasonable suspicions about the political economy which have the potential to delegitimize the prevailing social order. The archetypical example of this cohesive, targeted strategy evolved from…

Georgia Right to Life – Arts and Politics from the Armpit ... to false reports that Jenner is planning to transition back to male, Klingenschmitt asserted that “it would be a dumb statement for someone to try to say that he wants to stay a woman because he’s not a woman. He’s never been one. His DNA has never changed. He still has male XY chromosomes. He is not a woman, he is a man. In fact, he still has male parts, I’m told.”

AP | The Irony Supplement 26, 2009 · His reworking of that photo will still be featured in U.S. political histories a century from now, much as the work of cartoonist Thomas Nast is prominent in any book about 19 th century politics. This is not the typical fate of taggers who deface apartment buildings and overpasses.

National Pro-Life Alliance – Arts and Politics from the ... Garlow posted dozens of photos from the event on his Facebook page last week, revealing that in addition to hearing from Barton, the pastors at the town hall met with several members of Congress, including Sen. Ted Cruz, Rep. Trent Franks and Sen. Chuck Grassley. At one point, Rep. Barry Loudermilk even led the group in prayer: – Dozens Of Members Of the American Crackas Network …

Contextual Criticism: Bobby Jindal's lousy, lying speech it turns out he was being disingenuous and hypocritical at the same time." Jindal is a big-time pork supporter; a hog for pork, you might say. "In fiscal 2008, his last hurrah as a U.S. congressman representing Louisiana before taking over the governor's mansion, Jindal scored big in the pork contest.

Political Irony › Burning the Truth 04, 2017 · I don’t think anyone believes anything Sean Spicer says any more. But what’s really ironic about that in order to support Trump, people have to be willing to not believe anything Spicer, Trump, or anyone else in his administration says. Or else, they have to just pick and choose what they believe, while completely ignoring the rest.

Obsidian Wings: Reading list Doctor Science. What I'm reading now and hope to post about soon: Hamlet's Father by Orson Scott Card. Available as a standalone or as first published, in a collection your library might have.. The Origins of Political Order: From Prehuman Times to the French Revolution By Francis Fukuyama. I may have to do a Read and Rant Along With Me! post (or series), because it's (a) an important ...

Obama, Coal, and Politics as Usual? | BARACK THE YOUTH VOTE 03, 2007 · On Earth Day, I made a call to Obama to step it up on environmental issues, especially those having to do with climate change. The senator’s support in January of the Coal-to-Liquid Fuel Promotion Act of 2007 generated the ire of many environmental groups and raised skepticism that Obama might not be the “new kind” of politician he wants so desperately to be.

18 | July | 2013 | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! 18, 2013 · It was his administration that insisted that the language be included in the bill”. From the video: Senator Carl Levin (D-Mich.) told Congress recently that under the original wording of the National Defense Authorization Act, American citizens were excluded from the provision that allowed for detention.

Green Eagle: Wingnut Wrapup 27, 2013 · Respectfully dedicated today to Allen West, who, after being kicked out of the army for torturing prisoners and barely surviving one term in Congress before getting booted by the voters, has now been fired by PJ Media, one of Wingnut Wrapup's main sources for right wing piggishness, for some sort of violent anti-Semitic outburst which we all know has to go far beyond the details that have …

Concerned UCI Student: Howard Charlop: Ideological Bias at ... 01, 2007 · 6) During the Q&A session one of the students asked why a more balanced panel wasn’t used for this important program. LeVine replied that the panel wasn’t biased and that the truth, based on the facts, was presented. He further characterized the program as not political and that empirical data was presented.

ILLINOIZE: Carol Marin, Lura Lynn Ryan, The FBI and a Lot ... 27, 2006 · Carol Marin marinaded Lura Lynn Ryan in her Sunday Sun Times column and tossed her to the media jackals - Don & Roma shilling for the ditto-heads in their breakfast political chow-down. Politics ain't bean-bag and hard-hitting newspersons know how to throw a punch. Carol's story launched my memory code: I taught in Kankakee ( home of George and Lura …

Patrick Flanary - Freelance Journalist - NPR, Rolling ... · Translate this pagePatrick Flanary is a broadcast and print journalist covering music, politics, LGBTQ, business, and people. He contributes to China Radio International's …Title: ???????????? …Location: ?? ???

Irish Trojan in Tennessee:Lambert the Sheepish'm Brendan Loy, a 26-year-old graduate of USC and Notre Dame now living and working in Knoxville, Tennessee. My wife Becky and I are brand-new parents of a beautiful baby girl, born on New Year's Eve. I'm a big-time sports fan, a politics, media & law junkie, an astronomy buff, a weather nerd, an Apple aficionado, a Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter fanatic, and an all …

Peter King Watch: 07/01/2007 - 08/01/2007 30, 2007 · IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776. The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent …

Stubborn Liberal: 2016 sad news for Ohio following the new April data and the revisions to prior 2016 months, Mr. Zeller said today, is that Ohio has gained only 2,400 jobs during the first four months of 2016. “Ohio’s job growth rate between April 2015 and April 2016 fell to an anemic 1.24%, while the USA national job growth rate for April 2016 was also a ...

Dr Kevin Bonham: January 2017 and Australian psephology, opinion poll analysis, election analysis and political commentary by Dr Kevin Bonham.

Bozeman | The Liberal Doomsayer “cash-for-clunkers” program ground to a halt last week because in less than a week, a program that was supposed to last until November 1, had spent the entire $1 billion allocated to it. Let’s just hope that the government takeover of the rest of the health care industry doesn’t result in similar “success.”

Tuesday Open Thread | Christmas Jams 2019 | 3CHICSPOLITICO 25, 2019 · Merry Christmas Eve, everyone. If you’re traveling to be with family and friends, please be safe. “Silent Night” (German: “Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht”) is a popular Christmas carol. The original lyrics of the song “Stille Nacht” were written in Oberndorf bei Salzburg, Austria, by the priest Father Joseph Mohr and the melody was composed by…

Sylvester Brown, Jr.: And More Babies Will Die... 16, 2019 · Political and civic leaders here have been killing poor, black neighborhoods for the past 70 years. And they are aggressively planning to kill more. More family and neighborhood connections will deteriorate, more people will be banished to unknown vistas. There will be more poverty, more crime, more death and more babies will die.

03 | September | 2008 | Zambian Chronicle 03, 2008 · Mwanawasa’s copper-plated coffin was placed about five metres (yards) from the dais where leaders and officials were sitting. Mwanawasa set himself apart from other regional leaders by speaking out about the political and economic crisis in neighbouring Zimbabwe, and was one of the fiercest critics of Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe — who attended the …

Milwaukeans Leave Lighter Carbon Footprint Than ... 04, 2008 · However, only with regards to conventional pollutants (i.e. things like SOx, Toxics, and VOCs). There really isn't any difference between conventional and reformulated gasoline (RFG)when it come to CO2 emissions. I know this doesn't explain the Milwaukee / Madison difference, but it can't be blamed on the RFG. May 29, 2008 at 5:41 PM

Public, Paul Krugman in the New York Times says the fallout from the subprime housing market in the US continues. A new report from Congress’s Joint Economic Committee predicts that there will be two million foreclosures on subprime mortgages by the end of next year. That’s two million American families facing the humiliation and financial pain of losing their homes.

tcnorris: 07/01/2006 - 08/01/2006 18, 2006 · A Léger poll conducted June 22-25 has the Quebec Liberals ahead of the PQ for the first time since the summer of 2003. The results are: PLQ - 37 PQ - 33 ADQ - 17 Quebec Solidaire - 6 This result led to some hope that Jean Charest was starting to turn things around.

Rev. Steve: Russian Paper Calls Sarah Palin a Traitor: Why ... 09, 2010 · Finally somebody in the press has the balls to call out Alaska's shrieking harpy, Sarah "Half-Term" Palin, for the buffoon she really is. A story posted Monday at has been making the rounds on the webs for its coverage of a story in Pravda, the official newspaper of Palin's neighbor, Russia, called "Spankin' Sarah Palin: A clown short of a circus".

Josh Bernstein – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America Bernstein: Hillary Clinton Will Be ‘The First Lesbian President’ Just As Obama Is ‘The First Gay President’ BY Kyle Mantyla – On his “Pray In Jesus Name” show recently, Gordon Klingenschmitt interviewed right-wing radio host and political commentator …

St. Joseph’s Hospital and ... - The Liberal Doomsayer least one of these items is from last week, but this is the first chance I’ve had to post on it.) 1) Former Senator (and would-be Repug party presidential nominee, apparently – dear God, please let him win the nomination…I’ll post forever!) Man-On-Dog opined as follows in (where else?)

>Black Swans and Brown Pelicans: Beyond Patience ... 25, 2010 · >This post has nothing whatever to do with Nevada, or its politics, or financial regulation reform, it's a product of the frustration over not being able to "plug the damn hole." "Obama's clenched jaw is becoming an increasingly familiar sight. During one of those sessions in the Oval Office the first week after the spill,…

Being Rights | Dystopian Blues: News Liberal Progressives Need the maps on the right show, vast swathes of the world are going to be far drier than they are today in a mere 20 years. "A striking feature," Dai says of his analysis, "is that aridity increases since the late 20th century and becomes severe drought by the 2060s over most of Africa, southern Europe and the Middle East, most of Americas ...

Freedom of Speech | Howard Rich's Blog the expression goes, we may not like what others have to say, but we will zealously defend their right to say it. And that’s how it has to be. Otherwise, one of our bedrock national freedoms would be left to the shifting sands of today’s “political discourse,” which is …

San Diego Free Press – Page 247 – Grassroots News ... 15, 2016 · San Diego Free Press Grassroots News & Progressive Views. The Politics of Trees. September 15, 2016 by At Large. By Patricia Staley. I’m getting …

Pet food recall | Desert Beacon 20, 2007 · >Dirty politics: AB 79 was one of the bills that failed to make the latest deadline in the Nevada Legislature. The bill to prohibit a public officer or employee from using government time, property, equipment, or facilities for political activities was stopped cold in the Senate Legislative Operations and Elections Committee when no action was taken on May 3, 2007.

Obama | Bluebanshee's Weblog is an important issue given the rightward tilt of recent appointments (Roberts and Alito). It is evident that balance must be restored to the highest court in the land. And the list of possibilities that Jouvenal lays out is impressive (and makes this liberal’s heart go pit-a-pat).

The Moderate Liberal: Dr. Dobson 31, 2005 · Or a page 7 with text, for that matter. I read the first two chapters and couldn't find those, either. I'll check my edition at home, which is updated. The last comment has no reference - likely another fake. I have read "The Strong Willed Child" and would not characterize it as ever portraying the child as the enemy of the parent, ever.

Washington State Political Report - Blogger EFF sure like their jackassery. In response to the fact that the state is cleaning up its records, the EFF is pissed: Jonathan Bechtle, director of EFFÂ s Voter Integrity Project, said he was not surprised by the 55,000 illegitimate voter registrations and called it a symptom of a deeper problem.

Political Irony › Voting Machine Village 01, 2017 · CS and other folks have been screaming about this for a long time now. For starters, see: Brave New Ballot (2006) Hacking Democracy (2006) Security Analysis of India’s Electronic Voting Machines (2010) Attacking the Washington, D.C. Internet Voting System (2012). Even if the implementation is perfectly free of software and configuration vulnerabilities (haha, yeah, right!), the …

darfur | Missouri Communication 06, 2011 · To a certain extent, being involved in politics online leads to being involved in politics in ‘real life’.. In his article “Small Change (social networks)”, Gladwell contemplates that social networking sites, like Facebook, help maintain weaker ties (that is with those people who you have little known sense of who they are) and these sites are less likely to produce social change.

Headlines: Supreme Court Limits Warrantless Car Searches ... 22, 2009 · Headlines from, a daily TV/radio news program, hosted by Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez, airing on over 650 stations, pioneering the largest community media collaboration in the US. Senate Report: Torture Planning Preceded Prisoners' Capture, Legal Approval An explosive Congressional report has revealed new details about the Bush administration's torture …

No Right Turn: A closer look: the Electoral Finance Bill 07, 2007 · This is a recipe for political corruption, and it is difficult to see it as anything other than deliberate. By contrast, third parties will be subject to a host of new restrictions. They will be required to register with the Chief Electoral Officer, and will face a spending cap of $2,000 for advertisements related to any candidate, and $60,000 ...

Trivedi for Congress campaign’s first milestone (updated 30, 2009 · The last day of a month is often a crucial milestone for a fledgling campaign, given that its when the party insiders count up the dough. I would like to use my cousin’s campaign as an illustrative example of what you need to do to break in to a race and then remain in it past the first cut (see previous SM entry on Trivedi campaign here).. Since entering his PA primary race against fellow ...

Fiscal Cliff | Atlas Shrugged Today 16, 2013 · There is an old joke: Who is the most conservative person? A: A liberal who has been mugged. Liberal are waking up to realize they have been mugged – by Obamacare. This is funny. I mean really funny. These unwashed supporters of occupy movements, with a room full of fading Obama posters are waking up to the reality that is Obamacare.

Liberal Hate | Holy Hell! after the passage of Proposition 8 in California, the debate continues to rage. From the burning of religious materials on the steps of a Mormon church, to invasion of Sunday morning church by groups of homosexuals with megaphones, throwing condoms, spitting and swearing, to threats of violence and ruin against business and individuals that financially supported Prop 8.

JustOneMinute: Another May-September Break-Up another spring fling that faded with the falling leaves - Obama is adopting the Bush position on indefinite detention and won't vex Congress with a request for enabling legislation. Why the change? Uhh, because Obama we are...

debt | Atlas Shrugged Today is an old joke: Who is the most conservative person? A: A liberal who has been mugged. Liberal are waking up to realize they have been mugged – by Obamacare. This is funny. I mean really funny. These unwashed supporters of occupy movements, with a room full of fading Obama posters are waking up to the reality that is Obamacare.

Balkinization: Justice Department: Constitution? We Don't group blog on constitutional law, theory, and politics

So Your President Isn't A Laughingstock Around The World 12, 2018 · Unlike you however, they respect him because they're afraid not to. You see, Trump is predictable inasmuch as you can wag your ineffective tongue at him but throw a punch and he'll punch back even harder.

House of Cards Season 4: Trump and Frank - Paul of Cards has always been about our political reality writ large and therein in effect criticized and caricatured, and in Season 4 th...

CutTraincuttrain.blogspot.comZionist statesman and political leader, the first prime minister (1948–53, 1955–63) and defense minister (1948–53; 1955–63) of Israel. It was Ben-Gurion who, on May 14, 1948, at Tel Aviv, delivered Israel's declaration of independence. His charismatic personality won him the adoration of the masses, and, after his retirement

Charleston Justice: Death penalty, not flag removal as 22, 2015 · The other day on Google, I saw a post by Daily KOS wondering why it had not been lowered like the other flags. A little later, I saw an ABC News story about the same subject. I didn’t read either and didn’t go back to check, but I wonder which one led the other.

Wise Law Blog: Ontario Human Rights Tribunal Digest ... 07, 2011 · Wise Law Blog features timely articles on legal developments in Canada and the United States, along with commentary on Canadian politics, American politics, technology and noteworthy current affairs.. Launched on April 5, 2005, Wise Law Blog also highlights key decisions of Canadian courts, with focus on Ontario Family Law, Ontario Employment Law and …

Congress Pushing for Nuclear Surface Ships? Defense News : The prospect of the U.S. Navy once again using nuclear energy to propel its larger surface warships edged a bit closer t...

Guns And Protests | Sheila Kennedy First Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. The First Amendment promises rights.

Help! I Am A Political Prisoner In An American Mental ... 02, 2015 · Ohhhh yessss, just remembered a story ( one of a few) told to me by a teacher who had the misfortune to teach at the same school as Icky Spumoni. I won’t reveal all the sad details, but it had to do with having a meltdown in front of the students. Tears, crying, etc. it scared the kids something awful coming from their teacher. Like Like

national health service on Tumblr #UK politics #NHS #National Health Service #coronavirus #covid 19 #fuck the tories #save the NHS. 556 notes

international law | Ibn Kafka's obiter dicta - divagations ... this pageIt's been politicized. But it's essential. It may not… 9 hours ago @AmineBennis2 on te sort la John Hopkins University et tu viens avec ta télé française... 9 hours ago; RT @gtiso: There is also talk of excluding Swedes from a possible "Nordic bubble", and Cyprus which is about to reopen its borders has anno… 9 hours ago

New Appeal to Reason: 04/01/2012 - 05/01/2012 11, 2012 · Ted Koppel is a widely respected newsman, but this week in an NPR interview he channeled crazy right-wing Congressman Alan West who has been widely ridiculed for claiming that 80 members of the U.S. House of Representatives are members of the Communist Party. The standard form of this smear has been to claim that members of the Progressive Caucus …

Ford Decides Not to Run by Michael Barbaro - City Room ... 01, 2010 · The possibility of a run by the telegenic Mr. Ford, who has been working as a vice chairman of Merrill Lynch and a political commentator on NBC and MSNBC since moving to New York in 2006, had riveted New York’s political world, and touched off a furious behind-the-scenes effort to keep him out of the race over the last six weeks.

Main Street 29, 2010 · Upon Further Review, The Court Is Still Wrong Reader D.B. continues the discussion of the Supreme Court's Citizens United decision with, given the weakness of the position, impressive effectiveness. He writes you again argue that restricting corporations from adverising in no way inhibits speech because they can speak in other ways and individual …

Obsidian Wings: OSHA: Nevada is a Good Place to be a Bad Boss Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) last week issued a scathing indictment of Nevada's OSHA program. Nevada has a well-deserved reputation for being a dangerous place to work. Last year, a spate of construction deaths on the Las Vegas Strip prompted a congressional hearing. The Las Vegas Sun won this year's public service Pulitzer for exposing the carnage.

Looking at the Drudge Report and asking all the wrong 15, 2010 · About author Brent Budowsky served as Legislative Assistant to U.S. Senator Lloyd Bentsen, responsible for commerce and intelligence matters, including one of the core drafters of the CIA Identities Law. Served as Legislative Director to Congressman Bill Alexander, then Chief Deputy Whip, House of Representatives. Currently a member of the International Advisory Council of the …

Koch Brothers | progressivenetwork | Page 2 appeared with his brother David on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” this week as part of a PR blitz to soften the Koch brothers’ image ahead of the 2016 elections, where the Koch network plans to spend $250 million on direct electoral activities and a total of nearly $1 billion on broader political work.

The Art of War and Geopolitics – Critical Fantasies 01, 2016 · In Sun Tzu’s military classic from ancient China The Art of War we get an early work of geopolitics. The text is well known for providing insights into commanding a military, maintaining discipline within ranks, and emphasizing the right mind-set for victory but a large part of it is devoted to classifying and evaluating terrain.…

Three Pissed Off Vetshttps://threepissedoffvets.blogspot.comWe're three vets who are thoroughly pissed off about an unnecessary war. So we've decided it's time to share our views on politics. We also all happen to be fans of the greatest rock and roller in the history of the planet, Bruce Springsteen. *Disclaimer: We reserve the right to discuss books, sports, music and movies or anything else we bloody feel like talking about on this site.

Orbit Trap: Fractal Politics 17, 2006 · What kind of man am I, sitting at home reading magazines, going into frustrated fury about everything -- and then going into my studio to adjust a red to a blue?--Phillip Guston, Writing in the mid-1960s . The common wisdom is that people should not talk about two things. This is one of them.

Obsidian Wings: 27, 2013 · by liberal japonicus. Perhaps you've already seen this, but adult diapers are about to outsell baby diapers here in Japan.Of course, since it is the inscrutable Orient, no one is sure if it is going to be 2020 or if it was in 2011.. I find this even more remarkable, given that there is a "bustling Japanese diaper arbitrage trade".Chinese exchange students buy up the diapers, get them back to ...

Who’s Who in The Dark Blue Suit: Winners and Losers | The ... 08, 2012 · Morocco’s brand new 27th government is finally out, although Mr Benkirane looked like he was wrestling with security before the line-up for the picture. Some smiling faces, some grinning through: That picture is heavy with symbolism, with unexpected winners, unlikely losers and some that should -in account of their service to political life- be associated to the business of running government.

August | 2010 | The Liberal Doomsayer (a) wounded combat engineer stands in his shower and looks up, he can see the bathtub on the floor above through a rotted hole. The entire building, constructed between the world wars, often smells like greasy carry-out. Signs of neglect are everywhere: mouse droppings, belly-up cockroaches, stained carpets, cheap mattresses.

Illinois – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America Route 66 (US 66 or Route 66), also known as the Will Rogers Highway and colloquially known as the Main Street of America or the Mother Road, was one of the original highways within the U.S. Highway System. US 66 was established on November 11, …

Don’t Ask…Don’t Tell « Jamesb101.com 11, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

ultrasound | The Liberal Doomsayer, we’re still dealing with the fallout from the latest travesty brought to us by the High Court of Hangin’ Judge JR (and by the way, it’s great that the DOMA was ruled unconstitutional, as noted here, but once again, Anthony Kennedy of the Supremes proved why, rightly or wrongly, he’s the most important man in America, or at worst a close second behind Number 44).

When family lore proves true, and Trump renegs on yet ... 15, 2018 · Based upon family lore, Senator Elizabeth Warren has identified herself as part Native American on various occasions. When she was challenged on it, her certainty seemed to waiver and she was accused of lying (that’s the climate of today’s politics – you can’t simply be mistaken due to stories which had survived generations of a family’s history – you have to be lying if you’re ...

The Liberal Investor: Book "The Secret" and the net haters some reason people love to hate Rhonda Byrnes' book, "The Secret." My own opinion on the book is complicated. The short version is that I do think there are some truths in the book, universal truths if you will, but I think that they are told through the lens of the author and make little sense to a lot of readers.

Socio-Political-Journal... : News Sources news top stories world news politics headlines conservative news liberal news fox news fake news economic news socio political government news updates political blogs editorials illegal immigrant racism terrorism trump trump biden obama clinton mueller investigation dossier russia china congress scandal fbi nas cia doj intelligence science news election news worldwide news invasion ...

United States Senate Committee on Banking Housing and ... shocking fact is that once in office— for federal-level congressional and senate seats, although raising money is part of the process at any level—legislators spend anywhere from 30-70% of their week with donors, via phone or in meetings, asking for dollars. Those most adept at raising campaign funds are the ones the parties support.

Real versus nominal value (economics) | The Moorish Wanderer noted I give Bank Al Maghrib figures too much credit; but the truth is, they are the ones setting interest rates, and they are the ones holding the chips when it comes to foreign reserves, banking regulation and all things monetary. And when HCP datasets are adjunct to the whole thing, detailed analysis paints a pretty accurate picture, one, it seems, political parties (partisan or ...

1979 the Cult Phenomenon in the United States - Senator ... the Cult Phenomenon in the United States - Senator Edward Zorinsky - Free download as Text File (.txt), PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free. The Cult Phenomenon in the United States - 1979 - Joint-Congressional Proceedings, Chaired by Senator Bob Dole. IFORMATION MEETING ON THE CULT PHENOMENON IN THE UNITED STATES, February 5, 1979, 318 Russell Senate Office Building, …

October | 2015 | FeudArt imagery is a visual aid to a simple point: like bending a river’s flow with steel and concrete, we can change the direction of the body politic around climate action with innovation. We each define what ‘climate innovation’ means by leveraging the things we are most passionate about in our life.

Ralph Reed | The Liberal Doomsayer It seems that “Governor Bully” is going to be appearing on “Oprah” shortly today (probably has already by now); as noted here…. The Oprah Show, which flashes on Garden State screens in just a few hours, features the Oprah-adulation of (Newark Mayor Cory) Booker you expect (she’s given millions herself to…Newark), but also features a warm hug from herself to the Governor.

Liberty Belle Patriots | The Liberal Doomsayer It seems that “Governor Bully” is going to be appearing on “Oprah” shortly today (probably has already by now); as noted here…. The Oprah Show, which flashes on Garden State screens in just a few hours, features the Oprah-adulation of (Newark Mayor Cory) Booker you expect (she’s given millions herself to…Newark), but also features a warm hug from herself to the Governor.

The New Yorker | This Is New Yorker The Bubbles Dynasty [#bubblesdynasty] ... He is serving as the chairman of Messer’s Senate finance committee and starred in a video announcing Messer’s Senate bid. Because what the world needs now is a new American political dynasty. Vice-President Pence’s stupidity and vice are the sort of things we can easily pass over as ...

JustOneMinute: Go, Carly! find that to be true in life generally, not just in politics. The skills that make you better at getting a job or making a sale are not the same as the skills to do a good job or deliver a good product. Far too often, people only have one of those skillsets. And sadly, even more often, it's the former skillsets that's much valued over the latter.

Wednesday Open Thread | Barbara Streisand Week ... 09, 2016 · Happy Hump day, Everyone! Hope you’re enjoying Ms. Streisand. More songs from ‘The Broadway’ album. Somewhere Send In The Clowns Pretty Women/The Ladies Who Lunch”

Buckdog: September 2014 22, 2014 · Since 2009, Premier Brad Wall’s government and Saskatchewan agencies have paid more than $3 million to a U.S. law firm to fund an ambitious lobbying onslaught in Washington, D.C., on the long-stalled Keystone pipeline proposal and other energy and trade issues.

The Starting Line – San Diego Congressmen Get Campaign ... 26, 2012 · “This is not altruistic,” he said. “This is good business.” Costco’s stock price has risen more than 10% last year, while Wal-Mart’s has fallen by 5%.

Tort “Reform” | The Liberal Doomsayer 29, 2010 · Wow, did the Inky publish some true editorial hackery today from the author of the former “Contract On America” himself (you know, the guy who accused President Obama of having a “fantasy” foreign policy on North Korea after the former House speaker said we should shoot down their missiles with “lasers” here – Gingrich also said that we should have a space-based air traffic ...

MediaBloodhound: The Wounded-Courier: Let's Play Ann Libs! honor of Ann Coulter's influence on American media and politics, the Penguin Group (USA), in a joint venture with Ms. Coulter's Random House publisher, the Crown Publishing Group, is releasing a special edition of Mad Libs titled Ann Libs. The Wounded-Courier received an advance copy of Ann Libs, which is scheduled for a December 1 release date.

MSNBC Chris Matthews « Jamesb101.com 15, 2011 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Bill O’Reilly – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America turns out Donald Trump’s father was the racist landlord Woody Guthrie hated By Walter Einenkel – As the man who controlled the FHA’s New York office, Powell controlled the flow of money for Beach Haven, a big apartment complex Fred Trump built with FHA loans. He allowed Trump to start building before Beach Haven was actually approved ...

Compromises In World History | Suggested Sites | History ... in American Congressional History | World History. Posted: (11 days ago) Famous Compromises in American History. Although American congressional history contains many examples of compromise, the 1820 Missouri Compromise stands out as a “common ground” approach to the expansion of slavery at a time the nation was slowly becoming polarized over the issue.

Politics – The Liberty Principle Obama embraced a mid-winter heat wave by playing golf as the U.S. suffered its coldest October-March in 102 years. Niagara Falls froze over again earlier this month for the second time this winter prompting President Obama to drop all of his pseudo-presidential duties and immediately fly, using Air Force One, to the frozen falls for a round of golf.

Senator Heller: Any Talking Point In A Storm | Desert Beacon 27, 2012 · Nevadans have a relatively clear choice in the 2012 election between two Senate candidates who are examples of two entirely different political and economic philosophies. Senator (By Appointment Only™) Dean Heller (R-NV), who has demonstrated a few precious moments of moderation, has more often illustrated the politics of the Senator Jim DeMint (R …

When Terms of Endearment Get Politically Incorrect | Nolan ... Terms of Endearment Get Politically Incorrect . ... “man” was the typical greeting Black jazz musicians often used to address each other during the Klan-clawed 1920’s when most of America was undergoing an ugly resurgence of bigotry and mass discrimination. ... coupled with an open mind and a willingness to adapt to one’s ...

overtime | Progressive Action New Hampshire about overtime written by Progressive Action NH. Here’s an excellent article from Politico magazine on another level of the increasingly easy way that the capitalist system is robbing regular people of their earnings.

FL-18 Kimball Political Consulting (R) (Sept. 2012 ... is the world's largest social reading and publishing site.

Political Eye Candy | The Rogue Jew 29, 2008 · Baltimore's incoming mayor already getting off to a bad start on corruption reform Today's hot topics on #TEMS: Facebook's skew, NYT adieu, pro sports eschew, economy cuckoo, and more Today's great mystery: Why did California trash …

Big Bad Bald Bastard: Hillary's Pick 11, 2016 · The big political news today is that Hillary Clinton picked Tim Kaine of Virginia as her running mate.This move seems to involve a lot of political triangulation... Kaine was the governor of a Southern swing-state, he speaks Spanish fluently, and comes across as someone who personally espouses moderately conservative values but upholds moderately progressive …

Live Video Feed for the “Occupy Wall Street” Protest ... 18, 2011 · His work was so prolific, but it was his Disney posters that fascinated me the most. Walking into the Alvin household, one was greeted with the poster for Beauty and the Beast hanging in the entryway. My personal favorite was the poster for Aladdin, though,(those are his hands holding the lamp by the way).

Education | DelawareLiberal.Net 05, 2007 · A study conducted by The Western Michigan University Evaluation Center found that Delawares charter school experiment is resulting in a resegregation of schools and the predictable negatives that go along with that separation. Minority schools are under-funded, under-performing and under-staffed. I have always feared that resegregation was the goal of …

Alaska Candidates on the Couch | Mudflats 21, 2008 · Just got back from the Alaska Women's Political Caucus Debate for House candidates, aka the "Couch Conference". In attendance - Diane Benson, Ethan Berkowitz and Don Young. Glaringly absent - Gabrielle LeDoux and Sean Parnell. I arrived a little late, but walked in just in time to hear Don Young's position on the Iraq War.…

ALEC Politicians Caught Plagiarizing ALEC Bill, Drafting ... 08, 2014 · The Navigator Background Check Act was one of several ALEC model bills introduced in the Missouri legislature in 2014, according to a list compiled by Progress Missouri. Between 47 and 57 Missouri politicians are ALEC members, according to a report from Progress Missouri, Center for Media and Democracy, Common Cause, and Missouri Jobs with ...

BOLDLY LIBERAL: Triumph the Insult Comic Dog goes to the RNC 07, 2008 · Breaking Down Barriers in Sexual and Reproductive Health Reporting in Africa - *This is a guest post by Humphrey Nabimanya, founder of Reach a Hand Uganda. * [image: 2016-04-15-1460736651-1435623-huffpo1.jpg]*Journalists and bloggers...

Green Eagle: Brilliant Legal Scholar all for a very clear reason: Conservative history, Conservative economics, Conservative politics- it is all a gigantic charade designed to further the interests of the hyper rich. None of it has a shred of substance, so it is impossible for the most brilliant, knowledgeable jurist to come up with a defense of it that can withstand ...

Proof Positive: Quote du jour 12, 2011 · Quote du jour (4468) Rule Five (1806) John Cox (1764) Cartoons (1548) Kirkwood (1455) Photoshops (1146) Politics (1045) Classic KiRKWOOD (756) Medal of Honor (588) Friday Night Babes (583) Military (552) Music (495) Vintage Babe of the Week (485) Sex in Advertising (402) Best of the Web Linkaround (384) A Little Saturday Night Music (355 ...

Open Thread | Let Us Never Forget | 3CHICSPOLITICO 27, 2020 · The hardest part of knowing, down in my soul, that it didn’t have to be this way. It just didn’t. These people died because of Incompetence, Malice, and Racism. In 2017, Dolt45 was handed a 69 page Pandemic Guide- PANDEMICS FOR DUMMIES

President | {{site_title}}; Membership; Want more Progressives Donate Today; Home

Did Petraeus, Betray Us? | kavips 20, 2007 · It is harder for him, for the first 2 hours of every day, to get ready for the day than it is for the Senator from Texas or myself or the Senator from Illinois to do our work for a month. Yet this man was viciously attacked and his patriotism called into question. Oh, yes, my friend might say, it was during a political campaign. It was disgusting.

2007 February « Mercury Rising ?? newspapers, radio and online news sources, the top five news-hole fillers for the week just past were mostly hard-news stories, such as the Walter Reed scandal. The one soft-news story, that of the rescued Mt. Hood climbers, was #5 on the list. Stories on Iraq-related topics and politics dominated the list. TV news was another story.

August | 2012 | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! Wahhaj, the “Grand Imam” for the Jumah, is often considered a “moderate” because he was the first Muslim to give an invocation in the U.S. Congress, but as Robert Spencer notes, he has a number of troubling ties to dangerous radicals. In the early 1990's the man reportedly sponsored talks by “the Blind Sheikh” Omar Abdel ...

Womens Rights | Dawn in the Heart of Africa was the first document to comprehensively address women’s rights within political, cultural, economic, social and family spheres. The 1993 Declaration on the Elimination of Violence Against Women (DEVAW) set forth ways in which governments should act to prevent violence, and to protect and defend women’s rights.

What’s Fake on the Internet? Does anyone Even Want to Know ... 19, 2015 · Go Donald! Keep getting out there. And you know, fun, watching this, let them spend money on us… We’re looking forward to a very exciting political year in ’16.” This is the same Les Moonves who declared during the 2012 campaign, “Super PACs may be bad for America, but they’re very good for CBS.”

Hatch Act | The Liberal Doomsayer event was billed as official travel, and she appeared at the event in an official capacity, but in her remarks – which departed from her official text – she advocated for the election of Lt. Governor Walter Dalton in his primary and general election race for governor, and for the re-election of President Obama, saying, “one of the ...

15 | July | 2015 | The Pardu's Scroll 15, 2015 · W e previously devoted a few passages to doctored or edited video from the nation’s right-wing political operatives. Last week noted felon and political operative Dinesh D’ Souza either fell victim to a nascent Photoshop rouse regarding Hillary Clinton, or he himself performed the Photoshop.

‘Scam PACs’ Strike Again in Utah, Wisconsin – Home Remodeling 13, 2017 · ‘Scam PACs’ Strike Again in Utah, Wisconsin By Nathan L. Gonzales Mysterious and misleading political action committees are nothing new, but two recent examples demonstrate just how brazen some PACs are becoming in their money-grabbing email pitches. “BREAKING: Sheriff Clarke Resigned,” announced the subject line of a Sept. 2 email from the Sheriff David Clarke…

corporate mammy – Skeptical Brotha over Aunt Jemima. There is a new corporate mammy in town. EMILY’s List, the “feminist” political action committee that uses the pretext of gender equality to support status quo females in their quest for power and prestige in the halls of congress, has endorsed Nikki Tinker, Harold Ford Jr’s malevolent protégé, against progressive Tennessee Congressman Steve Cohen.

Politics | Bunny News Network one of the most contentious finds was a series of erotic short stories by author Gore Vidal, interspersed between pages 1,625 and 1,842 of the law. An aide to Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass) immediately denied any knowledge of how the stories were included in the bill before this reporter was able to contact his office for comment.

troops « Jamesb101.com 05, 2009 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

impolitic eye: November 2006 30, 2006 · By two and a half, she was a girl. She wanted nothing but dresses and skirts. Pink and purple were suddenly, and vocally, her favorite colors. Barbie entered her life, soon followed by the first of her Disney princesses. I fought it for a while, until I resigned myself to …

Democralypse Now: Bachmann 2012? God Willing! 18, 2009 · Is this Your will?' And He made that calling sure. And it's been now 22 months that I've been running for United States Congress. Who in their right mind would spent two years to run for a job that lasts for two years? You'd have to be absolutely a fool to do that. You are now looking at a fool for Christ. This is a fool for Christ."

Margaret Thatcher | TheZoo a Facebook post scheduled to go up Monday, Palin writes: “I have received an invitation for a visit to London, and part of that invitation included the offer of arranging a meeting between myself and one of my political heroines, the ‘Iron Lady,’ Margaret Thatcher.”

August | 2006 | Beware The Man first one is from fucking Goldman-Sachs, hardly a liberal outfit. Even middle class people have lost earning power, while the corporations account for more dough than our government has ever had a percentage of. It just is so weird and disconcerting that the Ruling Class, a.k.a.,

We scarcely do diplomacy | The Least, First 10, 2008 · “One of the most important lessons of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan is that military success is not sufficient to win,” Mr. Gates said. He noted that the entire American diplomatic corps — about 6,500 people — is less than the staffing of a single aircraft carrier group , yet Congress isn’t interested in paying for a larger Foreign ...

Gerry Connolly | Smart Liberal and Female on a lighter note I took my eight year old daughter out campaigning with me this weekend. We went door to door for the Obama-Biden ticket, Mark Warner, and Gerry Connolly. I try to take her with me when I do this stuff for a number of reasons but the two main reasons are: 1. I work all week so I like to do activities together and 2.

Political Irony › Blog archives police officers have been suspended with pay after being caught on videotape stealing toys from the Toys for Tots program in Washington DC. Ironically, this is the first year that the police had been involved in the program. From WTOP, DCExaminer, and Raw Story.

Right-wing Media And Pundits Seize On ... - The Pardu's Scroll 29, 2014 · Valerie Plame (Former CIA Outed Via Bush operatives) and Husband Joe Wilson Valerie Plame: Congressional hearingPT 1 PT 2In 2003, the Bush Administration busied with historic "charge to war" malfeasance that not only led to thousands of deaths, many more thousand sufferers of maiming and disabilities, a ruined US economy and no bid contracts for Halliburton (former CEO…

the campus war against controversial speakers ... recent years, FIRE reported an alarming increase in disinvitation incidents, especially those from the left of the speaker. (Instead of classifying the incidents by the speaker ’s political beliefs, FIRE denotes disinvitation attempts as coming “from the left of the speaker” or “from the right of the spe aker. ”) 2016 saw an all-time high for such attempts, and in 2017, FIRE ...

Religious Policy: Revamping the Habous | The Moorish Wanderer 15, 2010 · In facts, It has to comply with one course of action: either the monarchy keeps the spiritual title but loses any direct authority over everyday politics, anything that can be derived from that title that is, or the Command of Faithful title is to be abolished so that the Monarchy can be a fully-fledged constitutional monarchy with dynastic ...

snicholsblog: 10/01/2005 - 11/01/2005 12, 2005 · Sara S. Nichols Follow me on Twitter at @snicholsblog Sara S. Nichols is a former progressive lawyer/lobbyist turned new thought minister/spiritual scientist-- she is moved to share her thoughts on politics spirit movies, plays &amp; books My best rating is (:)(:)(:)(:)(:) out of a total of 5 Snouts Up -- I almost never give 5 Snouts--that&#39;s just for the best ever.

Fake News and the Crisis of Truth - American Greatness 14, 2016 · “Fake news” is all the rage these days. Sky-is-falling news reports and politicians would have us believe it is an urgent problem that demands immediate government inquiries and solutions. Yet fake news itself is just a new spin on an old phenomenon. Its current abundance is the result of a public’s mounting crisis of faith […]

Tom DeLay | The Liberal Doomsayer, it concerns me that Naughton, as nearly as I can tell, was the first to question whether or not Strouse is beholden to gas drilling interests in PA, as well as bringing up family campaign donations that, even if they were somehow illegal (and who knows?), are relatively piddling sums regardless (10 grand here, 10 grand there…).

News and politics | Mike's Rants of Adam Smith’s premises in The Wealth of Nations – the book that defined Capitalism back in 1776 – is that the greatest harm to a Capitalist market based economy was the creation of instruments that brought in income without producing valuable items that could be traded in the marketplace. He called these instruments “rents”.

Monday Mashup (10/13/14) | The Liberal Doomsayer 13, 2014 · (Lee) extolled Abraham Lincoln as the first great anti-poverty president. (“[I]n America’s original war on poverty, government did not give the poor other people’s money. It gave them access to other people. In Lincoln’s era that meant dredging rivers, building canals, and cutting roads. It meant the Homestead Act and land-grant ...

Not-So-Smart ALEC: Is New CEO Lying Liar, or Merely ... 04, 2014 · Daily KOS, Sumofus, Forecastthefacts-Disrupt Denial, and others. The thrust is to get the companies to stop supporting climate deniers in Congress. Some petitions have 10’s of thousands of signatures already. We shall see if this works as well as the ALEC campaign. I suspect not as well or as fast, because it’s a different ball game.

Grover Norquist « Mercury Rising ?? scheme, also reviewed by the board, led to a record $3.8 million fine from the Federal Election Commission for illegally using corporate resources to host fundraisers for politicians. Emanuel was the beneficiary of one of those parties after he left the board and ran in 2002 for a seat in Congress from the North Side of Chicago.”

Politics | Appeal To Authority is silly. The fact that there are now 60 (D) votes in the Senate will not change much from when there were 59. First there’s the fact that two US Senators are rarely able to make it for a vote. Senators Byrd (WV) and Kennedy (MA) both are suffering from serious health issues and have had great difficulty making it to work.

Aunt Nikki – Skeptical Brotha 06, 2008 · Move over Aunt Jemima. There is a new corporate mammy in town. EMILY’s List, the “feminist” political action committee that uses the pretext of gender equality to support status quo females in their quest for power and prestige in the halls of congress, has endorsed Nikki Tinker, Harold Ford Jr's malevolent protégé, against progressive Tennessee…

28 | November | 2008 | Blevkog 28, 2008 · They’re baaaaack!. Jean Chretien and Ed Broadbent, in my opinion two of the best political minds Canada has produced, are rumored to be brokering a deal to create a coalition government in response to the Conservative’s continuing insistence on ignoring what is, to all accounts, a global economic crisis. Instead of actually proposing some stimulus for the economy, Harper and his …

Liberal Fascism - Page 18 - Liberal Forum Political Chat Room 21, 2018 · Liberal Fascism. This political chat room is for you to sound off about any political ideology and discuss current political topics. Everyone is welcome, yes, even conservatives, but keep in mind, the nature of the No Holds Barred political chat forum platform can be friendly to trolling. It is your responsibility to address this wisely.

Peoria – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America, who routinely puts forward a completely incoherent theory regarding the meaning of the First Amendment, was discussing a case involving a North Carolina inmate who is suing for the right to practice Wicca when he declared that “worshipers of the devil” and all other non-Christian faiths are not entitled to First Amendment protections.

election 2008 | The Liberal Crab 23, 2008 · Early voting has opened in many states. Check out Rock the Vote’s website to find out if you can vote early in your state. Otherwise, you will either need an absentee ballot or wait until November 4th. Since voting is underway, some tips are provided below to ensure that YOUR VOTE COUNTS.

Megan Barry Poll Draft | Opinion Poll | Political Events ... Barry Poll Draft - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. A draft of the internal poll questions commissioned by Nashville mayoral candidate Megan Barry.

who | Political Loudmouth’s the first in a new series of posters, supporting Community Block Grants and the many programs they enable. Instead of cutting these programs, which usually help the most vulnerable people, a tiny reduction in our military budget could easily pick up all the slack. These are designed to …

Irish Trojan in Tennessee:Iowa caucus open, the first part is academic, but a Romney victory would have ended Huck. Not the case now, but that was my theory. Then we're at High Noon all at once: Mitt v McCain in NH. Edwards has basically lived in Iowa for the past year. This is the political equivalent of all-in.

The Good Soldier: “How to Survive Death” | Enneagram ... 11, 2009 · An astounding film, “The Good Soldier” directed by Lexy Lovell and Michael Uys should be mandatory viewing for every President and member of Congress who is willing to make the decision to send men and women into war.

CALL TO ACTION!: Call Virginia Congressmen Boucher and Nye ... 09, 2010 · Two such congressmen, Rick Boucher (D-Va.), from the very conservative 9th District in western and far southwestern Virginia (my home district, which includes Virginia Tech and Radford University) and Glenn Nye (D-Va.) from Virginia's 2nd District (Pat Robertson's Hampton Roads/Virginia Beach area) are considering proposing a motion to rescind, which is a procedure that allows …

Timshel - Blogger Neely Kennedy's best line of defense to Mary Landrieu's experience was heard on entertaining-in-a-makes-me-cringe-kind-of-way local radio station KVOL in an interview with one of Lafayette's many resident radio idiots, Todd C. Elliott. He was responding to a question posed by Portia Evans, the equally-doltish liberally-minded news reporter and (sort of) co-host to their morning show.

Watchmen on the Wall – Arts and Politics from the Armpit ... to false reports that Jenner is planning to transition back to male, Klingenschmitt asserted that “it would be a dumb statement for someone to try to say that he wants to stay a woman because he’s not a woman. He’s never been one. His DNA has never changed. He still has male XY chromosomes. He is not a woman, he is a man. In fact, he still has male parts, I’m told.”

>Sandoval’s Shadow: Bennett-Cheney Organization Refuses To ... 25, 2010 · In his case, the Alliance for America’s Future started running ads on his behalf before registering with the state as a political action committee. [ RGJ ] The Alliance for America’s Future is based in Virginia, and run by former Jean Schmidt (R-OH) chief of staff Barry Bennett and Mary Cheney.

The Optics of Politics | Exceptional Delaware I read the second sentence, I knew somehow I was going to be a part of this post. Since Steve specifically said at the end of it not to reply with reasons or justifications, I gave a brief reply acknowledging he was talking about me and fully owning my posts about one of the two people he was talking about in his post.

South Africa | Dawn in the Heart of Africa 10, 2006 How Duduzile Saved Papa Zuma. Posted in AIDS, South Africa at 8:27 pm by greatparanoiac. I wanted to follow-up on yesterday’s post on the acquittal of Jacob Zuma. First–check out the NYT’s scathing editorial on why letting him back into political life would be a disservice to the country.. Women’s groups have condemned the verdict and AIDS activists have also spoken ...

Anne Graham Lotz – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of ... and Politics from the Armpit of America. Ooh-we-sha-sha-coo-coo-yeah All the hippies sing together. Tag: Anne Graham Lotz World’s longest railway tunnel to open after 17 years of construction: Trains in Switzerland will travel at 155mph through 35 miles of mountain!!! Mo Ku Klingenschmitt Kracka!!!

Senator Reid: Health Care Bill Goes Forward | 44-D 26, 2009 · In his September 9th address to Congress, President Obama made clear that he supports the public option because it has the potential to play an essential role in holding insurance companies accountable through choice and competition. That continues to be the President’s position.

Defund the Police! - Forumania ahead, I dare you. This is the first time in history the left called for solving a problem by defunding it, but please, go ahead and do it. Take an American city and for one year run it without police. Show the world what liberalism in its purest form looks like. Because there's a word for …

Practical Politics Research Grouphttps://practicalpoliticsrg.blogspot.comDec 01, 2009 · Tantalum is one of those little known metals that is a vital component of so many products in every day use. Although it is a vital ingredient in alloys for jet engines, turbines, cutting tools, power plants and nuclear reactors, its properties in capacitors brings it into daily contact in our lives.

Journalism | Good Common Sense 04, 2010 · This is incredibly exciting news, but I haven’t spoken of it until now because I was waiting to see if it … Continue reading ? Filed under Comment · Tagged with ACORN , Bias , Conservative , Controversy , Democracy , Fox News , Journalism , Mainstream media , Media , Media bias , New Orleans Four , O'Keefe , Politics

Meet Me Tonight In Atlantic City | The Liberal Doomsayer 11, 2017 · This is because Mrs. Doomsy’s niece was one of the contestants. Believe me when I tell you that we’re both very proud of her for competing, and I’d love to tell you which one she was, but I haven’t spoken with her about posting on this subject, so I don’t know if she’d appreciate a mention (she was one of the 15 finalists, but did ...

In good humor Liberals - connectingsingles.com 15, 2009 · One to report it as an inspired government program to bring light to the people, one to report it as a diabolical government plot to deprive the poor of darkness, and one to win a Pulitzer prize for reporting that Electric Company hired a lightbulb assassin to break the bulb in the first place.

The Tennessee Liberal just in. Totally amazing, but on some level, I always knew that if there was rank political corruption going on, William Cotton had to be involved. Updates to come, surely. UPDATE: Brittney at Nashville is Talking has the first story to move on the AP wire. UPDATE 2: Slay the fatted calf, the TFP has updated their Web site. Interesting color with the unmarked cars following him home.

Trump Against the First Amendment | The Smirking has spoken several times of wanting to rewrite libel laws and demolish long-standing First Amendment standards, even those that apply to speech about politicians. Maybe his way to challenge the law and get a radical ruling from his new buddies on the Supreme Court. It’s a potential calamity for the First Amendment and a free press.

Sessions, leaks, security, Manafort and 'false news ... 15, 2019 · Buried in a long story on CNN Thursday recapping the current state of play in the Russia investigation was a reminder that former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, who is largely out of the spotlight at the moment, may not be for long. Manafort, who had spent years on the political fringes helping dictators and strongmen get elected around the world and then lobbying on their behalf in ...

alias Bruce.: March 2008've not blogged for a while. That's because my mother, Marguerite Peoples Jacobs, died earlier this month. She was the kind of 84-year-old I'd like to grow to be if I'm so lucky. She was unflaggingly vibrant, intellectually engaged, politically and morally committed, and impossibly active. She was unstoppable.

Politicians | noodleepoodlee Foxy Proxies’ ongoing spew of mangled fact and outright fiction has forced me to start a new blog category: TORTURED HISTORY. For the first entry to be so categorized, please see: The Craziest Person in the Room at Wickersham’s … Continue reading ?

Frieddogleg: Damned if We Do, Damned if We Don't the face of it, there’s no way to win; we’re literally damned if we do and damned if we don’t. Double damned, actually, because in effect we can’t have either one. The pundits won’t say it, the media won’t air it or print it, the politicians won’t think it and business leaders all deny it, but the status quo has lose/lose ...

Redeye's Front Page: #SweetHomeAlabama State Senator Alvin ... 07, 2017 · According to The Alabama Political Reporter, Senator Alvin Holmes (D-Montgomery) is defending Governor Robert Bentley's (r. Tuscaloosa) right to have a side piece.Although that makes for a provocative headline, the facts don't fit the narrative. Holmes is so NOT defending Bentley, he is pointing out the hypocrisy. Rep. Holmes said on the floor of …

Free-Spirited Ruminations: January 2011 Ruminations at 9:04 PM No comments: Wednesday, January 5, 2011. ... Politically, way to go for passing the First Responders Health Bill - finally! And way to go for repealing Don't Ask, Don't Tell. ... So, moving on into 2011, here's to a healthy, happy year...a year of positive changes, perhaps a move east or west (and a few more ...

New Findings Show Highly Competitive Presidential ... - Scribd Findings Show Highly Competitive Presidential Race in Swing States, and Effective Strategies for Using Trump’s Vulnerabilities to Engage Progressive and Swing Voters - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. MoveOn.Org Political Action engaged Lake Research Partners and Anat Shenker Osorio Communications to conduct an …

Joe Biden | Morningside Mom countdown in on – there are less than two weeks until Barack Obama is elected president! And this liberal mom thinks the occasion calls for a celebration. If you are as excited as I am, and game for a get together, here are some ideas to host your own fabulously patriotic inauguration party. Plan the Party

Le Repenti | Arun with a View 27, 2013 · I just saw this terrific film by Merzak Allouache (English title: ‘The Repentant’; in Arabic: ??????). It is Allouache’s best film ever IMO and one of the best ever to come out of Algeria (and is certainly the best ever Algerian-directed film with a political theme). The “repentant” is a young Islamist fighter who, benefiting from the 1999 law conferring amnesty on members of ...

ABc News | The Pardu's Scroll“We want to cut this,” is much more abstract than even the busing thing, uh, and a hell of a lot more abstract than “Nigger, nigger.” Read more When a political party so wantonly deployed strategy that provided “It is OK to be a bigot” ideology, the party has to accept its role in …

economic zone | Zambian Chronicle | Page 6 by microplus under competitive advantage, cutting edge, economic zone, Economics, education, elections, Emerging Middle Class, first female president, First Lady, Levy's Successor, Maureen Mwanawasa, MMD, zambian politics [5] Comments

Joe Scarborough | The Liberal Doomsayer 8/12/13: This is yet another reason to vote Farenthold and his pals out of office as far as I’m concerned. #33 – Diane Black (TN – 06) Here, she introduced legislation that basically bars federal government funding on Planned Parenthood (oh brother – yeah, like that would stand up to a …

Mike Pence | The Liberal Doomsayer, and if you think the party of Sen. Mr. Elaine Chao was gumming up the Senate to a fare thee well already, get a load of this case on the docket of The Supremes, which could enable the Repugs to wreak even more havoc (and as the Media Matters post tells us, the ruling of unconstitutionality by the D.C. Circuit Court on the recess ...

29 | June | 2010 | Smart and silly 29, 2010 · Forty years later, he said that was the one vote of his congressional career that he regretted most. In his autobiography, Byrd wrote of his membership in the KKK: “It has emerged throughout my life to haunt and embarrass me and has taught me in a very graphic way what one major mistake can do to one’s life, career, and reputation.”

June | 2010 | Smart and silly years later, he said that was the one vote of his congressional career that he regretted most. In his autobiography, Byrd wrote of his membership in the KKK: “It has emerged throughout my life to haunt and embarrass me and has taught me in a very graphic way what one major mistake can do to one’s life, career, and reputation.”

Grassley | Desert Beacon 04, 2017 · A peek at the past — Most people know that Japanese forces attacked the US Naval Base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on December 7, 1941.. The US entered World War II immediately. President Franklin Roosevelt delivered his famous “Day of Infamy” speech to Congress on December 8th. While most Americans recognize the first lines of the speech, it’s time to remind ourselves of …

September | 2009 | All Other Persons inequalities in health care access and quality added more than $50 billion a year in direct U.S. health care costs over a four-year period according to a study released today by the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies.. As stated in the press release from the Joint Center,. In this study, researchers at Johns Hopkins and the University of Maryland found that over 30 percent ...

California’s Prison Despair – Prison Reform Movement's ... 26, 2010 · By: David Dayen Wednesday August 25, 2010 2:22 pm When I wrote for Calitics, the progressive blog for California politics, I took a particular interest in the prison crisis, which has reached epidemic proportions in the Golden State. The health care system has already been taken over by a federal receiver because it violated the…

Congresswoman Bachmann | Smart Liberal and Female I’m a public school teacher, leading America’s youth to a better tomorrow. I support Barack Obama. Does that make me un-American? C. I work for the federal government as (fill in the blank). I support Barack Obama. Does that make me un-American too? D.

06 | November | 2008 | Smart Liberal and Female 06, 2008 · 5 posts published by smartandfemale on November 6, 2008

Tribeca | DrMyers's Blog is most evident during campaign season, as we just experienced with this last election. The number houses held by one politician and “Who’s the Mama” from his running mate, ran a hard race against a man who we were not sure was born in America, and with a running mate who was going to drop out of the race at any minute.

Ann Coulter says she’s a Deadhead | Sohum Parlance II 27, 2006 · And a dirt bag.” The comment has obviously taken on a certain irony in recent news. But I wonder what Ann Coulter ever did to correct her colleague on the matter. I can’t find anything on Google. Coulter has been under a bit of fire herself for comments about 911 widows in her book entitled “Godless, the Church of Liberalism” including:

Susan Collins | Bob Higgins understand, as well as anyone can who is out of the loop, living, as I do, in a flyover state, the ugly machinations of American politics and the unfortunate need for occasional “compromise” with interests that are antithetical to one’s personal principals, but, there are times when lines must be drawn, make that etched, in the sand and ...

EU | ScreamBucket, Obama to Meet at G20 Summit March 30, 2009 Posted by aetiusromulous in Economics, news, politics, Video, YouTube. Tags: America, culture, Economics, economy, EU, finance, g20, government, Medvedev, news, Obama, politics, Putin, Russia, society, Video 1 comment so far Medvedev and Obama will sit down together at the G20 meeting this week, at a time where every …

No suicide by agent who checked in Atta - Brendan Nyhan 19, 2007 · One of the incidents that led to me quitting blogging for The American Prospect was a dispute over a post on Atrios that used a suicide to score cheap political points. But it turns out that there was no suicide. To review, here's a quick summary of the controversy from my column: . Last Wednesday, controversy broke out when I slammed two liberal blogs for using an airline employee's ...

General LGBTQIA issues thread - Freethought 01, 2012 · General LGBTQIA issues thread News, Politics & Law. Yeah, for me whether you believe something is a sin or an abomination is right at the heart of the issue, and to believe that any significant portion of the population will be able or willing to treat people they truly believe are tainted or evil with anything like human dignity and respect is...

Christine Todd Whitman | The Liberal Doomsayer, this actually appeared on the pages of Philadelphia’s newspaper conservative house organ of record today (from here)…. Guys, if you are between 18 and 50 and work in finance, do your country a favor: Get a handle on the potential economy-killer that’s running through your veins, and have yourself tested.

Top Haredi Politician: No True Haredi Man Works For A ... 21, 2015 · As the Haredi strength grows and their control grows, that’ll become clearer.” Religion Dispatches: "The best collection of articles I’ve found can be perused at, the blog of Shmarya Rosenberg, who, with the perspective of insider turned disillusioned outsider, has been probing the nuances and hypocrisies of the ultra ...

The Great Debt Distraction: Heller Participates In The ... 21, 2011 · The Politicians. Whatever predilections might be held by House Speaker John Boehner concerning raising the debt ceiling, [] it is reasonably clear that the battle in the House of Representatives isn’t about the debt ceiling or the country’s economic health. [] It has devolved into a fight over ideological and political budget priorities.This really ought to be a fight for another time, but ...

November | 2015 | Women Born Transsexual the last 20 years I have come to view identity politics as one of the most universally oppressive piles of bullshit to ever come down the pike. You see once there was something called the common good, things most people could agree were good for the majority of …

Joseph Curl | The Liberal Doomsayer Liberal Doomsayer “Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking.” – William Butler Yeats. Home; About . ... (By the way, the author uses the pseudonym “Scoops Delacroix” to avoid prosecution, as the bio tells us.) Well, I oppose whaling, and I can assure you that I am most certainly not a Confederate ...

14 | August | 2017 | Sohum Parlance II 14, 2017 · Many other communities have take the right stands, and they are facing retribution from federal power as the result. Right now, Congress is cowed with regard to immigration reform, because thanks in large part to a man who has (or has had) great influence in the current White House administration, former House Representative Eric Cantor was ...

For VP, my heart says Warren, but the times call for this ... time is certainly right for a Black woman, but California Sen. Kamala Harris would end up mired in a debate over her tenure as her state’s attorney general. Florida Rep. Val Demings was a sheriff. Susan Rice was central in the GOP’s Benghazi conspiracy theory. All three would be amazing, but again, the goal is winning more votes.

The Johnson Amendment | TheZoo Johnson Amendment refers to a change in the U.S. tax code made in 1954 which prohibited certain tax-exempt organizations from endorsing or opposing political candidates.. The Internal Revenue Service website elaborates upon this prohibition as follows: [4] Under the Internal Revenue Code, all section 501(c)(3) organizations are absolutely prohibited from directly or indirectly ...

19 | September | 2016 | TheZoo 19, 2016 · The Johnson Amendment refers to a change in the U.S. tax code made in 1954 which prohibited certain tax-exempt organizations from endorsing or opposing political candidates.. The Internal Revenue Service website elaborates upon this prohibition as follows: [4] Under the Internal Revenue Code, all section 501(c)(3) organizations are absolutely prohibited from directly or indirectly ...

healthcare | {{site_title}}; Membership; Want more Progressives Donate Today; Home

Maxine Waters | The Liberal Doomsayer the panel voted to send the measure on to the full House for a vote, Kendall Minter, chairman of the Rhythm & Blues Foundation, told Radio and Records he considered it a major victory for artists. “This is a right that should be uncontested because half of the creators of songs are being compensated–composers.

American Power: Demon Trolling on the Political Left 09, 2008 · Noemie Emery has done it again with a penetrating essay on the utter pathology in the left's reaction to Sarah Palin's nomination as vice-presidential running mate. There are too many juicy passages to quote (and Emery's takedown of NOW's Kate Michelman, who backed John Edwards in the primaries, is pure gold), but this paragraph is lovely: McCain picked Palin for a …

Trump Gives Speech at Rose Garden Throwing Shade - One ... Donald Trump spoke at the Rose Garden to talk about Hong Kong and relevant topics that his.. • Politics • One News Page: Thursday, 16 July 2020

King County budget | seattleDIRT campaign to be the state’s next commissioner of public lands is one of the tightest and most polarized political races this year. It is also the least understood, though the office determines the management of 5.6 million acres of state timber and aquatic lands, shorelines and agricultural fields for a trust that funds public schools and ...

13 | April | 2007 | DelawareLiberal.Net 13, 2007 · 5 posts published by liberalgeek, doctornick, and jason330 on April 13, 2007

Political Irony › Quandary 28, 2011 · Just as the Tea Party was branded as something for the retirees and old folks, for the young folks. ... I can instantly feel the conversation take a turn where they are suddenly trying their best to give advice to a rebellious child. ... but who is saying it. It’s the same tactic that a lot of politicians use when they don’t want to ...

only said that because the Texan kept kicking his ... MI always kept it warmer in winter and cooler in summer. Hardly any wind there because of all the trees and the lake effect snow was beautiful. Iowa is terribly windy, sometimes 50 to 60 below with the wind chill and little flakes that blow up to drifts as hard as rocks. heart and.soul is here in Iowa's cos where my girls are.

Bibi | Sheila Kennedy is an electoral gambit. Israel has an election next month and Netanyahu is in a fight for his political life. He may even be in a fight for his freedom since remaining in office is his best play to delay or quash corruption charges. This is an effort to juice outrage and support from the Israeli far right.

Stop the World I Want to Get Off…Political Edition ... at first you don’t secede….. Apparently, according to a report from CBS, folks in Northern Colorado are so unhappy with the elitist pinko liberals in Denver, that they are seriously .talking about seceding.They propose to create a 51st state, and are inviting like-minded folk in Nebraska and maybe Kansas to …

Center For Strategic And International Studies, Schema ... Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) is a prominent American think tank based in Washington, D.C., in the United States.The center conducts policy studies and strategic analyses of political, economic and security issues throughout the world, with a specific focus on issues concerning international relations, trade, technology, finance, energy and geostrategy.

Kochtopus « Mercury Rising ?? about Kochtopus written by Phoenix Woman. Politics, life, and other things that matter

Redeye's Front Page: All Politics is Local 02, 2012 · What if the Security Officer forces parent to stop recording Huntsville board meeting issue is being used as a media enabled weapon of mass distraction from the fact HCS superintendent Casey Wardynski used a photo of a young man wearing a hoodie to justify building a $600,000 fence around, and installing a guard shack, I mean welcome center, at the new prison, I mean Lee High School?

3 Things the Government Must Do to Avoid Economic and 24, 2020 · Americans don’t expect much from their government. But even by the standards of a nation with one of the flimsiest social safety nets in the Western world, the inability and unwillingness of both major political parties to manage and solve the crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic is shocking.. President Trump’s lack of leadership is well documented elsewhere so I won’t go into ...

Political Terrorism – Everblog 30, 2013 · The House of Representatives isn’t terribly fond of the ACA/Obamacare. They have voted 42 times to repeal it. Many of the most outspoken members of the House regarding the health care law happily identify as Tea Party members/supporters, even when Tea Party support is at an all-time low.. Now, some members of the House are actively committing what Al Gore labeled best: political terrorism.

My Secret Blogaholism...: Immigration: The flaws in the ... 08, 2007 · A lady wrote the best letter in the Editorials in ages!!! It explains things better than all the baloney you hear on TV. Her point: Recently large demonstrations have taken place across the country protesting the fact that Congress is finally addressing the issue of illegal immigration.

Tuesday Night Buzz: Catching Up Media Are the Real ‘Sanders Attack Machine’ - Corporate is the key word. Corporate media, corporate leaders, and corporate politicians all are working against Bernie. Good post here: The Party’s Over: Bernie’s Last Dance With the Dems "Bernie himself is the same as he ever was.

'We had been beat down a lot': the story behind 60s ... Reeves discusses the making of and the political impact of a Motown hit that became the unintentional soundtrack to a tumultuous time in America A few weeks ago, the Motown singer Martha Reeves went to her first protest march since this historic wave began. “I saw people from everywhere, walking together in peace,” she told the Guardian.

Daniel……More on the Florida Mason-Dixon Poll ... 27, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

John V. Walsh – “The Beginning of the Realignment of ... 12, 2008 · To this observer the importance of the event cannot be exaggerated. As Ralph Nader put it, “This is the beginning of the realignment of American politics.” It is in fact the realignment that the end of the Cold War demanded but has been so long in coming.

feelingbluepolitics — Explosive new revelations just ... is a false choice; there are ways to safely reopen, and consumer confidence depends on the reassurance of public health protections. "Another flaw with this argument is that those making it are committing others to a sacrifice they did not choose.

Politics – Musings on the World philosophy has multiple meanings, including personal autonomy, intellectual and civil liberty, spiritual and moral freedom, and a self-regulating free market. The word has been co-opted and applied to numerous movements over the years (some accurately, some not so much) and refers to a …

Senate Midterm vote « Jamesb101.com 03, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Philadelphia Threatens Protest Encampment With Eviction ... many left without homes or shelter of any kind in Philadelphia, this tent city is a haven. Encampment founders, inspired by the recent anti-police revolts and frustrated by the city’s inaction to protect unhoused populations from the COVID-19 outbreak, formed an encampment of five tents. Word-of-mouth quickly increased that number to over 150 in a sprawling tent city on a grassy field ...

PERRspectives: Tea Party Thanks President Obama for Tax Party Thanks President Obama for Tax Cuts. After months of incendiary rhetoric reached a crescendo with the passage of health care reform last week, this announcement from a coalition of Tea Party organizations comes as a welcome relief. Perhaps cooler heads and a more civil political discourse will prevail in America after all.

The Bully Party.. | Sasshole 27, 2016 · Scott Adams has become persona non grata among the wise Liberals in this country: The Bully Party I’ve been trying to figure out what common trait binds Clinton supporters together. As far as I can tell, the most unifying characteristic is a willingness …

The Dog get’s it wrong on SE…….. « Jamesb101.com 04, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

The 2006 Weblog Awards: Nominations - Best Liberal Weblog Awards are the world's largest blog competition, with over 525,000 votes cast in the 2006 edition for finalists in 45 categories. Nominations ended November 24, and voting was conducted between December 7 and December 15. Final results will be announced Dec. 18, 2006.

The American Conservative | American Commentary Blog 25, 2009 · The explosive interview article in The American Conservative Magazine sparked a vehement denial of Sibel Edmonds’s account by Congresswoman Schakowsky’s office concerning Turkish agents attempts to blackmail the Congresswoman with a lesbian affair. The background of the episode can found at The Brad Blog.Here follows Sibel’s formal response and after, Rep. …

Operating Bases « Jamesb101.com 30, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Girls’ (And Supportive Boys’) Night Out | Sheila Kennedy’ (And Supportive Boys’) Night Out October 29, 2016 Personal Autonomy Periods for Pence , Periods for Politicians , rally Sheila A couple of days ago, I got an email from Periods for Politicians (formerly Periods for Pence), announcing a pre-election rally focused on women’s issues in Indiana.

February | 2014 | TheZoo 28, 2014 · And the base is looking for a candidate who shares this fear. “Just to be clear, Al Qaeda is a real threat, and so is the Iranian nuclear program. But neither of these threats frightens me as much as fear itself — the unreasoning fear that has taken over one of America’s two great political parties.

25 | October | 2014 | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts ... 25, 2014 · In his book, Mark Lloyd said his approach to communications was inspired by left-wing radical Saul Alinsky. “We looked to successful political campaigns and organizers as a guide, especially the civil rights movement, Saul Alinsky, and the campaign to prevent the Supreme Court nomination of the ultra-conservative jurist Robert Bork.

Megan Fox « Jamesb101.com 11, 2009 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

KC Buzz Blog: Mayor Barnes' letter endorsing Wheeler, for a second (third) time, candidate Wheeler is attempting to use the Sanders' critically sick child as a campaign issue. Wheeler, when this was done the first time in April with the CCP e-mails that I read, denied that he or his supporters would EVER use this as politicial fodder.

Obama’s First 100 Days « SOCIAL VOX 22, 2009 · Or will he break away from George W. Bush? To answer these questions, the first 100 days of the Obama presidency will be a good barometer of where we stand as a nation. President Obama showed up for his first day on the job, and made it very clear that …

Trump Nominee Will Politicize Dept. of Justice - Progress Pond 03, 2016 · by Walter Brasch In his successful run to the presidency, Donald Trump spent a lot of time talking about the Second Amendment and defending gun ownership. He spent very little time talking about the other amendments, other than to say he supported the Constitution. He knew his core support came from those who could effortlessly […]

Daniel….Polling Summary « Jamesb101.com 26, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com We have decided …

“Doctor” Mankiw’s Public Plan Propaganda | The Liberal ... 29, 2009 · “Doctor” Mankiw’s Public Plan Propaganda In yesterday’s New York Times, former Dubya Council of Economic Advisors Member N. Gregory Mankiw tells us the following ( here )… IN the debate over health care reform, one issue looms large: whether to have a public option.

presser « Jamesb101.com 03, 2009 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Florida Governor Debate – Smith versus Davis – who won ... 24, 2006 · And Smith, in the debate, still had his almost Baptist minister-like energy, but by the end of the debate, I had begun to get tired of the fast delivery and a sense of over-confidence. His last line in the closing somewhat unnerved me – regarding how Davis had not earned the right to be Governor and (in contrast), he had.

WebWeaver's World: Reported Attack Site! (only not) 11, 2009 · A blog about my passions. May include some or all of the following: geek stuff (web design & development, CSS, accessibility, usability), environmental activism, my adopted home of New Zealand ('cos it's so totally wonderful), international & green politics (rants from a left-wing perspective), gardening, cats, literature, rugby, and a whole lot of other stuff besides.

Random Observations on Movies & Politics"The Onion" is one of the funniest regular publications in print and on the internet. But in addition to the humor, it also offers, in its "AV Club" section, inciteful reviews of new movies along with coverage of selected DVD releases; each week a DVD is singled out for special treatment in their "commentary tracks of the damned" sidebar.If you are interested in learning more about the …

Yes he did (and no, TPT didn’t) | The Political Tipster 05, 2008 · Congratulations to President-Elect Obama During the eighteen moths that I have been running this site, one of my constant beliefs was that a bet on Barack Obama was poor value. I even suggested that, contrary to conventional wisdom, McCain could win a Regan style landslide. However, I was proved wrong last night. Although part of…

Is the United States a failed country? | progressivenetwork 17, 2016 · by Nathaniel Smith, Politics: A View from West Chester, July 4, 2016 That term “failed state” (I prefer “country”*) is often tossed around in news reports to describe other countries, the most dramatic of which are predominantly Muslim countries like Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Syria, and Pakistan (one of the three pieces of what was one country on independence from Britain).

Iran Special: Was a Fake Photo Used for ... - EA WorldView 27, 2015 · The timing of the revelation may be significant. It comes as the US and Iran are at a critical point in negotiations for a comprehensive nuclear agreement before a July 1 deadline. If true, the claim would bolster the efforts of members of Congress and right-wing foundations and think tanks to …

Can You Spare Some Change? Not in This America government is made up of people who have to live in the same society as everyone else, which means that they — and thus also the government — are subject to the same social, political, and class pressures as the rest of us. One of these pressures is the obvious and natural self-interest we all have to survive: to provide for our ...

natural law | The Point of a Sharp Instrument sites. Act.TV A facebook page dedicated to grassroots activism.; Counter Current News An alternative news site that focuses on exposing corruption.; Cruelty-Free Living Animals suffer greatly for our vanity and careless lifestyles. The National Anti-Vivisection Society is working to educate the masses on these horrendous crimes against our fellow-creatures.

ataxingmatter: Tea Party the New York Times reported on Saturday: Stohlberg, A Federal Budget Crisis Months in the Planning, New York Times (Oct. 5, 2013), the current fiscal and political crisis was planned as a manuver to get their way by the inner operatives of the Tea Party/GOP coalition. What the media has tended to report as a partisan dispute with both sides to blame is in reality a planned attack of ...

11 | December | 2007 | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog 11, 2007 · GEF @ 7:08 PM MST. via: TPM Admin Prevents Former Gitmo Prosecutor from Testifying before Congress. By Paul Kiel – December 11, 2007, 11:12AM. When Col. Morris Davis stepped down as the Pentagon’s chief war crimes prosecutor in October, the reason given seemed to be a somewhat bureaucratic one. He stepped down, it was reported, “in a dispute over whether Air Force … | Shadow Democracy’s not about the man, but it is about the man’s decision to set aside his principles in the name of career advancement and politics. Someone needs to remind Giuliani that you don’t grease the wheels of history with American blood – and if someone says they want to, it …

Colin Powell | Missouri Communication 28, 2011 · Another feature of the website is a “Tweet Tracker” that highlights political tweets from sources such as Washington Post, Fox News,, and many other political news outlets. This site component is appealing because of the tie is creates to another large media outlet through which many people today are getting their news and learning of current events.

Blue in the Bluegrass: May 2018 05, 2018 · The Bluegrass Region of Kentucky is Central Kentucky, the area around Lexington. It's also sometimes known as the Golden Triangle, the region formed by Louisville in the west, Cincinnati in the north and Lexington in the east-south corner. This is the most economically advanced, politically progressive and aesthically beautiful area of the state.

Abbreviated Pundit Round-up: Reality has a liberal bias ... 08, 2020 · Abbreviated Pundit Round-up: Reality has a liberal bias after all Los Angeles, but it could be anywhere in the U.S. I guess Trump is going to run on a “Hey, 100,000 died, grandmas don’t count as people, and it’s a second Great Recession, but you can’t prove anyone could have done better, especially Clinton or Obama” platform.

December | 2010 | Sohum Parlance II is what he told them: “Here’s what I do. I get on Amazon; I type in “Liberal Books”. I go through and I say “one star, one star, one star”. The flipside is you go to a conservative/ libertarian whatever, go to their products and give them five stars. … This is where your kids get information: Rotten Tomatoes, Flixster.

Ezra Klein: Why Professors Tilt Left of the points that seems to be lost in all of the prevalence of liberal identification among academics in the physical sciences. it really begs the question, "why would physicists care." the disparity in academia can come from one of the following mechanisms. 1. discrimination 2. succeeding in higher education makes you liberal

John Birch Society | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog York Billionaires Behind The Tea Party Movement. Posted in Liberaland by Alan • August 23, 2010, 3:20 PMET. The myth of the tea party being a grassroots movement takes another hit, as the New Yorker‘s Jane Mayer looks a the Koch brothers, Charles and David, who fund much of the tea party movement (via Glynnis MacNichol).. The Kochs operate oil refineries in Alaska, Texas, and Minnesota ...

Nevada politics | Desert Beacon | Page 4 24, 2018 · Posts about Nevada politics written by desertbeacon. Let’s assume for the moment that much of the goings-on at the Residence on Pennsylvania Avenue have less to do with governance, and ever so much more to do with a tender ego, thin skin, and a …

John Oliver | The BRAD BLOG today's BradCast: The shootings and body counts mount while GOP politicians refuse to take action and rightwing media fan the flames.[Audio link to show follows below.First up today (after a quick thanks to In Deep Radio's Angie Coiro for covering for us late last week so I could "enjoy" some emergency oral surgery), a quick preview of Tuesday's primary elections in Arkansas, Kentucky and ...

United States public debt – Everblog“Raising the debt ceiling gives the government the ability to pay its existing bills. It doesn’t create new deficits. It doesn’t create new spending.” ~ Ben Bernanke, Federal Reserve Chairman Once again, the full faith and credit of the United States was brought to the brink of default by political posturing.

truth addicts: A Fish with Claws? 06, 2005 · You are the first person to ever give any suggestions, Thanks" One of the biggest pieces of crap presented by the media, and the political powers, is that there are only two sides to any given issue. Issues are more complex than they are usually presented.

JustOneMinute: Great Moments In 'No Kidding' Politico: Obama’s standing with women hurts Senate Dems No kidding - Obama wants to go play golf while their children die of Ebola. Or ISIS blows them up, or they lose their health insurance. Was it only 2012 that...

WSJ editorial said Bush supports a “20% expansion” of 16, 2007 · Summary: A Wall Street Journal editorial claimed that President Bush's proposed $5 billion increase in funding over five years for the State Children's Health Insurance Program would be a "20% expansion." But the Congressional Budget Office found that Bush's proposal would underfund the program by $9 billion during that period. An October 13 Wall Street…

Thesis Orientation | Philippines | Democracy | Free 30-day ... Powerful or influential group or family which continues in existence for a considerable time. 3. Hence, a political dynasty would mean: (a) Succession of government officials in the same line or family; (b) Powerful or influential group or family in government which continues in existence for a considerable time. The Problem. 4.

"By 2008, the blogs are going to be so institutionalized ... 12, 2006 · The NYT quotes Markos Moulitsas in an article about how the political parties are trying to figure out and take advantage of blogging. Kos ...

2008 presidential election | Robert's Virtual Soapbox Press photo. A wingnut wears a “National Tea Party Convention” T-shirt at a KKK rally — er, at the “National Tea Party Convention” — today in Nashville, Tenn. Politico unsurprisingly remarks of the convention that the “roughly 600 attendees … came primarily from the South and were largely white and older.” A recent poll shows that almost a quarter of those who ...

Harry Clarke: Israel launches ground attack into Gaza 09, 2009 · The widely-predicted ground attack by Israel into Gaza occurred on Sunday.The response of the media and mealy-mouthed politicians has been predictable. On the one hand a section of the media, backed up by supporters of terrorism around the world, has been to attack the immorality of the Israeli attack often without mention of the past and continuing bombardment of Israel by missiles from …

Guide to All Future Wingnut Gay Sex Police Interrogations 31, 2007 · Guide to All Future Wingnut Gay Sex Police Interrogations It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness, as the saying goes, so I offer this guide to all crazily anti-gay politicians who find themselves on the sharp end of a vice squad interrogation after having been caught engaging in exactly the deeds they find so troubling to the ...

Political Irony › Bitter Dregs 30, 2010 · In all fairness, we have crazies on the left too. There have been arsons, explosions, vandalism, and other forms of property destruction done by extremist environmentalists and animal rights believers. They deserve our condemnation as much as the brick throwing tea partiers do.

Impolitically Correct: October 2007'm an American who loves his country but really worries about it now. This is a place for rants I can't find on the Internet, mostly political, I think they're correct (I'll change them if you can show me I'm wrong), and I'm very impolitic about my opinions, hence "Impolitically Correct" is the name of the blog. In the meantime, don't worry about who I am. That's not important. Focus on the ...

Minnesota Politics: Effectively running a campaign? 10, 2006 · Minnesota is a little different - while Lori Sturtevan was seemingly critical of the Education position paper, its announcement at the state capitol caused a day of mentions on MPR and caused Hatch to get off of his own message and discuss education for a …

Terror Shooting Attack DC Congress Baseball Practice ... 14, 2017 · James T. Hodgkinson, a 66-year-old Illinois man, has been identified as the shooter in the congressional baseball practice shooting that left House Majority whip Steve Scalise and others injured. The shooting took place at around 6:30 A.M. at a practice field in Alexandria, Virginia, where the politicians were practicing for a charity match ...

Sam Rohrer – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America was quite fond of his formulation that, unlike the Religious Right, the “religious left” is in fact “irreligiously wrong.” Rohrer and his co-hosts were not shy about judging the progressive religious activists as “false prophets” and “false teachers” that the Bible warns against. – American Pastors Network Denounces ‘Religious Left,’ Says Progressives Can’t Be ...

Amy Goodman | All you need is a crazy rich guy with a ... lie can be maintained only for such time as the state can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie … The truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the state.” –Joseph Goebbels, minister of propaganda in Nazi Germany, 1933-1945

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of ... about Kareem Abdul-Jabbar written by dummidumbwit. Rohrer told Deace that he has a “great deal of compassion for those who are involved” in the shooting and also believes that “these kind of events are only going to be increasing” for a number of reasons, including that “the Islamists, the Muslim Brotherhood folks, they have made it clear that they’re going to do that ...

The Nasty Party – Istiqlal Manifesto | The Moorish Wanderer this pageNov 22, 2011 · The remaining political heavyweight Istiqlal party produced their own manifesto a week ago, and by far, it seems as though they have put a lot of thoughts in it.So much indeed, that they might well be the only party with no false promises, and actual commitments for austerity program policies.Paradoxically, the new constitution allows Istiqlal to display more brazenly its conservative ...

Bilgrimage: White Catholics, White "Liberal" Churchgoers ... 11, 2016 · Pretending is easier, when all is said and done. And talking among ourselves, though the conversation circle grows ever smaller, tighter, more parochial — less catholic — as younger Catholics leave the church in droves, fed up with its monomaniacal emphasis on abortion to the exclusion of all other moral issues, with its abuse of LGBTQ people; as LGBTQ people leave in droves, too, having ...

school funding – Today’s Workplace 11, 2016 · This is what happens when we don’t vote—when we don’t ask our parents, children and neighbors to vote or don’t knock doors for candidates who will stand up for our values. Whether you live in Kentucky, Alaska, New Hampshire, your commitment to the Labor 2014 program means that anti-worker politicians like Corbett won’t get a chance to ... ?? ????????? - Political Wire ???? ? ... this page?????????, ???????? ? ?????? ?????? ??? ???, ? ???? ?? ?????? ???????? ? ????????. ??? ??????, ???? ???????????

Kevin Rudd « The Futility Monster 24, 2010 · It would, for a liberal leftie like me, be preferable to see the Labor Party win, in the vain hope that they will stick to their guns and push hard for wider, faster, and deeper agreement on carbon reduction. The more voices in that camp, the easier agreement will …

My tweet-sourced dossier on Chuck C. Johnson ? Wheat-dogg 26, 2014 · One of the Internet’s more prolific political bloggers and Twitter (ab)users, @ChuckCJohnson has carved out a niche in the right-wing universe as the originator and publicist for a wide variety of conservative memes, half-truths and bald-faced lies.

Trump Doomed, Y'All Can Go Home Now - Political Anarchy 36. Last minute cancellation leaves us short handed. We can move pieces around. So anyone with intermediate experience as trimmer, pit or mast will be welcome. Specifically looking for help on Saturday, but you are welcome to do Sunday as well. PM or call at 773-531-8037

The Political Environment: Airline Officials Support More ... 12, 2010 · Airline Officials Support More Passenger Rail. ... It would be much cheaper and faster to take one of the existing commuter buses. June 10, 2010 at 3:22 PM James Rowen said ... This is all moot anyways since this 19th century technology will in the end not be built for a number of reasons.

Godless Liberal Homo: More Action for Real Change 01, 2009 · As the text of the act (H.R. 800, 3/2/07) reveals, EFCA contains no language about eliminating the "secret ballot" enshrined in the National Labor Relations Act under Section 9 e. Under EFCA, workers would still have the right to vote in a National Labor Review Board (NLRB) "secret ballot" election if 30 percent of the workforce signs cards ...

Blue in the Bluegrass: Mad that no one calls Fox out on ... 12, 2017 · The Bluegrass Region of Kentucky is Central Kentucky, the area around Lexington. It's also sometimes known as the Golden Triangle, the region formed by Louisville in the west, Cincinnati in the north and Lexington in the east-south corner. This is the most economically advanced, politically progressive and aesthically beautiful area of the state.

When It’s for Me, It Isn’t Welfare–It’s Economic ... is an interesting word. Like so many other politically-charged terms, it means rather different things to the different people who use it.

Fox’s Greta: Sarah Palin ‘God Will Show The Way To The ... 11, 2008 · Sarah Palin sat down with Fox News’ Greta van Susteren to discuss the 2008 campaign and her political future. The wide-ranging interview covered such familiar topics as the $150,000 spent on Palin’s wardrobe for the campaign, as well as the report that she was unable to name all the countries in North America and did not understand that Africa is a continent rather than a nation.

John Lennon | The Liberal Doomsayer That was the title of a hit for Chuck Berry, but The Fab Four covered it, as they did with many Berry songs.) It now looks like The Vatican, in addition to forgiving John Lennon for claiming that the Beatles were once “bigger than Jesus” (I mean, he only said it in 1966, and 42 years is like a fortnight to these guys), has now actually gone so far as to embrace the music of those ...

Vietnam « Mercury Rising ?? about Vietnam written by Phoenix Woman. Politics, life, and other things that matter

Communism in America | VotingFemale*Breaking News* Doug Hoffman Wins Conservative Political Battle as the true conservative candidate The RNC Backed candidate Dede Scozzafava was the Vote Splitter, not Doug Hoffman. Trailing Doug Hoffman by 16% in the Siena poll conducted Oct. 27-29 and released … Continue reading ?

SCHIP | The Liberal Doomsayer, Rahm Emanuel is the individual on the Dem side who knows the vote numbers; he knows ultimately a battle for another day given everything else on the Congressional plate, as it were (jobs and energy legislation and other spending bills). But what really got me in particular about this story was the …

impolitic eye: February 2008 29, 2008 · This is not to say that I want Clinton to fail. She has been a capable senator — though I still quibble with her support for the war — and is an intelligent and experienced individual. She could be an excellent president. She is, however, a "Clinton" which will create an instant liability for her from the beginning of her presidency. Why?

Periods for Pence | Sheila Kennedy is what I have at my disposal to deal with and I deal with it all. What we have on the political scene is the option between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton nationally and local option between rarely seen John Gregg (who is running unopposed in the primary) and currently sitting Gov. Pence. These are the issues we must deal with at this ...

Before You See The Sunday Shows: Thoughts on Broadcast ... 26, 2014 · Every time there's a rumor about replacing hosts on the Sunday morning political shows, or when the dismal ratings are released, we can easily project another gazillion tweets, posts, emails, etc. about the demise of the broadcast media and it's lack of imagination, depth, and 'truthiness.' Before declaring we live in the Worst Times Ever,…

Hillary Clinton Endorsement | The West Hollywood Guardian 01, 2016 · April 19, 2016 (West Hollywood, CA) By: Christopher Nikhil Bowen The political revolution Bernie Sanders began (or more accurately, uncovered) is not over. However, his campaign as a true contender to be our party’s nominee, is. It is for that reason why I, without hesitation or mental reservation, unequivocally endorse Hillary Rodham Clinton for President…

Your Health Care Sucks! | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog 07, 2009 · Naturally, the result of the fact that the health care industry is contributing millions to key senators including Mr. Baucus from Montana. Oh, and the Supreme Court is poised to allow corporations unlimited financial access to political campaigns — a move that will surely exacerbate the health care crisis, among other things.

May | 2009 | Liberal Rapture it all leads to this interesting Generational experiment. I’ll admit it up front: I would have no problem whosoever voting for a Porn star if He/She was the best, qualified candidate for the office, had character and principles that he/she stood by, and a left leaning stance on the issues in …

Election Day | Exceptional Delaware is not the country that Hillary Clinton talked about in her speech last night. It is a very ugly political arena of the very worst America has to offer. Hillary may have the political experience, but look at the many incidents she has escaped unscathed from.

Border policy dispute | Bloviating 19, 2018 · The United States Code delineates crimes against the United States. The first violation of this statute is a misdemeanor. Illegal re-entry is a felony. A crime. Congress built and authorized these statutes. You know, Congress: the Legislative Branch of the US government.

Friday Open Thread | 44 Returns to Campaign Mode ... 20, 2017 · Freedom Caucus will back Senate budget — in exchange for tax promise. By SARAH FERRIS and RACHAEL BADE. 10/20/2017 04:52 PM EDT . The House Freedom Caucus is willing to give their much-needed votes in support of the Senate GOP’s budget — but first Speaker Paul Ryan must commit to a floor vote on tax reform far sooner than currently planned.

Clinton | Smart Liberal and Female here we are. The GOP ticket starts to realize Americans aren’t buying it any more. They are LOSING – hehe (my own little gleeful laugh). Then Sarah throws the first dirty punch. Senator McCain starts in as well. And Senator Obama put his big boy pants on and fought back. This is …

Tuesday Open Thread | Music of the 1980’s | 3CHICSPOLITICO 29, 2015 · “Tonight I am facing off against one of the biggest movie stars of all time,” the late-night host announced, before Cruise came out in force. “My first song has been on the top of the charts all summer long, it’s the song of the summer,” the “Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation” action star said as he took the mic for The Weeknd ...

Christian Conservatives | Search Results | The Least, First Gutenson is a professor at Asbury Theological Seminary (Francis Asbury, the early English-American hero for which ATS is named, was an only child, never married, and is thus, alas, no relative of mine). Chuck writes an excellent blog called Imitatio Christi, and writes occasionally for God’s Politics, where I found this much-needed post last April.

Political Irony › Late Night Political Humor – Sarah Palin ... 31, 2008 · The only other job she had in politics was the mayor of a small town known as Wasilla, Alaska, and now she has the opportunity to be on a ticket opposite of Barack Obama, the first black man she’s ever seen.” –Bill Maher “This isn’t a presidential ticket, a sitcom. The maverick and the MILF.” –Bill Maher

fund | 44-D—Premiums, Profits, and the Need for Health Reform ~ The President points to outrageous premium hikes from health insurance companies, especially those already making massive profits, as further proof of the need for reform. Looking ahead to the coming bipartisan meeting on reform, the President urges members of Congress to come to the table in good faith to address the issue.

Ezra Klein: My Commenters Is Smarter Than I: Romney Edition Commenters Is Smarter Than I: Romney Edition. Jasper writes: It remains to be seen whether or not the speech worked. It is sometimes said that there is no such thing as "bad" PR -- but surely not the case in politics. I thought Romney was doing pretty well, all things considered.

Ayn Rand Fan Tyler Cowen Doesn’t Like The Results Of ... 13, 2011 · This just cracked me up. Tyler Cowen, Ayn-Rand-worshiping product of and coddled hothouse flower in the conservative ideology factory and Koch Brothers plaything known as George Mason University, is all bummed out at how lazy and amoral conservatives and libertarian producers are letting themselves be outshone by liberal moochers in the intellectual and other departments:…

Who??? 24 GOP Candidates Declared for 2016 POTUS Run ... 16, 2015 · “Skip” Andrews is a diverse candidate who probably has at least one opinion to please anyone. Few politicians are able to satisfy both a pro-legalization marijuana advocate and a staunch pro-lifer. Of course, this also means most would object to a majority of his platform.” All right, “Skip”. This is a trip…in every way.

Monday Open Thread | Foreigner Week | 3CHICSPOLITICO 19, 2018 · Happy Monday, Everyone! This week's feature is the music group Foreigner. I know, some folks might think we were covering all foreigners. Sorry to disappoint, we'd have to cover this particular "foreigner" group in perpetuity. Foreigner is an English-American rock band, originally formed in New York City in 1976 by veteran English musician Mick Jones…

Tiger Woods | The Liberal Doomsayer the patent reads: “One application is a system for transferring knowledge in the context of outsourcing job functions of workers.” So, no more of that icky hands-on training of the foreign worker who will then perform your job for a fraction of your wages — a “level of …

Religion – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America, who is blatantly anti-Semitic, highlighted a list contained in his copy of the “ Pronouncing Edition of the Holy Bible “ —which was published in 1900 and claimed that there were 7.5 million Jews in the world at the time—and used it to question how six million Jews could have been killed in the Holocaust just a few decades later.

Martin Luther King Jr. Biography P6 | elmsprogressivemedia 13, 2012 · rights efforts to the Vietnam War. He felt America’s involvement in Vietnam was politically untenable and the government’s conduct of the war discriminatory to the poor. He sought to broaden his base by forming a multi-race coalition to address economic and unemployment problems of all disadvantaged people. Contents Synopsis Early Years …

Steve King – Skeptical Brotha week, the same politician who expressed disdain for “the crazies” in his party flew to Iowa to cozy up to just that in the person of Iowa Congressman Steve King. The gentleman from Iowa has distinguished himself during his tenure in Congress as Iowa’s chief race-baiter, birther, homophobe, misogynist and conspiracy theorist.

Dr Kevin Bonham: December 2015 and Australian psephology, opinion poll analysis, election analysis and political commentary by Dr Kevin Bonham.

JustOneMinute: Obama Looks For His Inner Sarah Palin can't bring himself to say "Drill, baby, drill" but he recycles the same stuff we have been hearing for forty years while calling for a new vision for America's energy:. Obama to Set Goal of One-Third Cut in Oil Imports . By JOHN M. BRODER. WASHINGTON — With gasoline prices rising, oil supplies from the Middle East pinched by political upheaval and growing calls in Congress for ...

Tracking All That Social Media Stuffhttps://myotherblogisfiner.blogspot.comNow, it would seem that I am wrong in saying that a big problem, given that the Huffington Post is so popular. It is considered one of, if not the, most popular political website and just sold for $315m. However, an audience profile reveals that HuffPo is increasingly popular as you move up age demographics. In fact, 68% of readers are ...

Rand Paul plagiarism | This Is sad tale of Aaron Schock is also one of the stranger scandals we’ve seen lately Marin Cogan of New York magazine explains:. The saga unfolded in the most unexpected way. About two months ago, Washington Post reporter Ben Terris dropped by Schock’s office for a coffee with the congressman’s spokesman, Ben Cole.

A Hard Place: September 2008 21, 2008 · Gets Senate seat in New York principally on pity. And what liberal women say is the way to success - not getting it for yourself like Sarah. (And many bloggers decry contempt at even comparing the two - just hillarious). Sarah Palin certainly get any political coattails out of her husband. What a joke.

Discipleship | The Least, First | Page 5 06, 2007 · Interesting statement from the US Catholic bishops, as cited by Joan Chittister:. The truth is that the bishops in their latest document, “Faithful Citizenship” — the church’s attempt to teach the importance of civic participation in the political process — eschewed single issue politics entirely.

president | Smart Liberal and Female“And it struck me that hers would be the first generation to grow up believing it was perfectly natural for a white woman and a black man to be president.” That pretty much sums up how I felt about this election. Zoey was very interested in the fact that Barack Obama would be the first African American to be President of the United States.

UK Politics | Peace & Wisdom 29, 2008 · [Part of a series of articles reviewing blogs and websites (here Bryan Appleyard, Lords of the Blog and Crooked Timber) on my blog-roll; see the about page.]. Bryan Appleyard has an interesting reflection on the Irish thumbing their nose at the EU and David Davis doing likewise at the Westminster robotic party-political culture, both populists moves being as mindless as the proposals they are ...

bernanke | FeudArt 28, 2008 · “This is a side show, and it’s frankly irritating as hell that the political process is so incompetent that it can’t differentiate the important from the trivial,” O’Neill said. “Right now, we have a kind of stay of execution, and workable, meaningful legislation is the only thing that is going to keep us from getting executed.”

The Official Politics and Religion Thread | Page 796 ... 03, 2014 · Joined: Sep 24, 2013 Messages: 5,853 Likes Received: 1,479 Location: Chicago Western Suburb Type of Motorcycle Currently Riding: Cross Country (Suede Nuclear Sunset)

HERRINGPOST CONSERVATIVE POLITICAL BLOG: 2012-01-01 02, 2012 · This is the law that will cement Obama’s legacy in the history books as the traitor who nullified the Bill of Rights and paved America’s pathway down a road of tyranny that will make Nazi Germany’s war crimes look like child’s play. If Bush had signed a law like this, liberals would have been screaming “impeachment!”

The Progressive Voicehttps://progressivevoice.blogspot.comThe last case might seem different, after all Nixon had conspired and obstructed justice. But as important was the situation in 1974, with an accelerating recession, only three years since the last one, and a Congress that had lost faith in the President to exercise his office.

No More Apples: 08/27/2006 - 09/03/2006 02, 2006 · No More Apples "Adam ate an apple from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. It's a shame we ran out of apples." -- The Sage. "The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness." -- John Kenneth Galbraith "Reality has a liberal bias."

Otto's War Room (??): February 2008 to highlight the Marxist Leninist revolutionary thought Friendly struggling proletarian Biharis The pages highlight the struggle for Almarkisiallinini revolutionary thought is not in vain, and bid through coincidence and desire, is the responsibility and duty and the need for historical inevitability of the circumstances of political, economic, social, whether in Iraq or in the Arab ...

Osi Speaks! - Blogger 31, 2016 · In his book "The Politics of Rage," Carter identifies Wallace and his play for working-class white votes as the model for the "Southern strategy" that Nixon and Ronald Reagan would use in four winning elections. Nixon wrote in his memoirs of having to navigate Wallace so he would not "draw a large number of conservative votes from me."

Tully's Page: President Obama ObamaApr 26, 2012 · In Rick Santorum’s world, the most pressing political issue this week was Proper Theology. From questioning President Obama’s position on the environment to criticizing college life for ruining student’s religious faith and criticizing President Kennedy's affirmation of the separation of church and state, Santorum provided a non-stop litany of statements that are both factually and ...

Rumblings of Theocratic Violence | Political Research ... 11, 2014 · Lane’s essay is a clarion call for a contemporary religious war against the supposedly pagan government of the United States. And his notion of war is not just a metaphor for politics. He even called for a contemporary “Gideon” and a “Rahab the Harlot” to rise to the occasion. Gideon is the Biblical figure who leads an Israelite army ...

Teach for America: Liberal mission helps conservative ... 26, 2011 · This is why charter schools are the preferred mechanism for delivery of education reform: as defined by Kopp, charter schools are “public schools empowered with flexibility over decision making in exchange for accountability for results.” And yet, “results,” or rather, academic improvement, act more like a fig leaf, especially in light ...

Washington Post: The 10 Worst Presidents: Besides Trump ... 12, 2018 · A political outsider, the first election he voted in was the one he won in 1848. He was a popular president in his time. He owned plantations and slaves, but fought hard to get the western territories admitted as free states to keep the nation united.

DWStweets – Say What News?! say that politics makes for strange bedfellows, and its taken me most of my life to understand what that even means and it wasn’t until this national election cycle, in fact, that I’ve come to fully understand its true meaning.. Take for instance long-time newsman, pundit and one-time politico for the Lyndon Baines Johnson presidential administration Mr. Bill Moyers.

Politics | House of the Dread moment, when the illusion is removed, when the mask slips, that is the truth. The outward appearance was the lie. Which brings me to religion. For a long time in this country, religion (and Evangelical Christianity in particular) has held a lofty place among us as the moral arbiters, the line judges of social mores.

Sarkozy | All you need is a crazy rich guy with a private army President Nicolas Sarkozy said Friday that the U.N. nuclear watchdog and India appear to be within weeks of an agreement on oversight of New Delhi’s civilian nuclear program – a deal that is key to a U.S. atomic deal with the South Asian country.The announcement came on the first day of Sarkozy’s two-day visit to India aimed at cementing French-Indian diplomatic and political links.

neoliberalism – MediaMouse many people, the protests at the Seattle meeting of the World Trade Organization (WTO) was the first time they heard of the WTO and its agenda. However, activist and public interest groups such as Public Citizen had been monitoring the General Agreement on (GATT) for years and, consequently, have since followed the actions of the WTO.

VIRAL POLITICS | An academic take on the political uses of ...https://viralpoliticsblog.wordpress.comAug 02, 2017 · This is the ratio that Facebook has more-or-less publicly admitted it is ramping down to a target range of 1-2% for Pages. In other words, even if an organization’s Page has 10,000 followers, any given item they post might only reach 100-200 of them.

abortion | Christian Mission Blog absence of a terrorist conspiracy to bomb or attack staff at the South Wind Women’s Center, an abortion mill in Wichita, Kansas, has been exploited by liberal, pro-abortion and anti-religion militants to push their political cause and denounce conservatives, pro-lifers and religious adherents.

Lying, cheating, and stealing: Snakes 05, 2012 · This is what passes for the discussion of substantive policy issues in the year 2012. ... a smile and a glib answer to a question not asked. Political consultants train their candidates to do this. They are paid millions because they know more about human psychology and how to manipulate the public than just about anyone else. ... This makes it ...

Perspectives: Bill Moyers: Dig Deep: Overthrowing Oversight 14, 2017 · A war on government is unfolding. As Steve Bannon held court at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in February, he boasted that President Trump’s Cabinet heads were chosen for “deconstruction of the administrative state.”

X Curmudgeon: Mark Warner--Radical Centrist 15, 2008 · Mark Warner--Radical Centrist ... that will see it go blue for the first time in more than 40 years in a Presidential election. With Mark Warner headlining the state ticket, with an open congressional seat in Fairfax County and a couple other competitive congressional races around the state, with conservatives disillusioned with McCain (and ...

Metaliberalhttps://metaliberal.blogspot.comJul 22, 2005 · If Congress renews or expands Section 215, as they seem intent on doing, you can kiss the 4th Amendment good-bye . . . What two World Wars and a Civil War could not accomplish, al-Qaeda and the cowardly leadership of George Bush will. (emphasis added)" This is probably a good time to remind people what Section 215 gives the government the power ...

10 Years after 9/11 2001….New York City ... - Jamesb101.com 11, 2011 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Eric Lightborn's Blog – Non-Profit Blog on Politics & Lifehttps://ericlightborn.wordpress.comNon-Profit Blog on Politics & Life. Gov. Mike Pence (R) of Indiana has risked sending his state into a fiscal downfall with a recent decision to sign into law a pro-discrimination bill dressed up as Christianity. This bill was put forward by the corrupt, immoral people of Advance America who want to protect hatred for others over the protection of ideals like freedom and liberty.

vice president | Smart Liberal and Female I don’t like the lady. Not one bit. And man oh man does it upset me she is a woman! When I think about her being the first woman to represent us in the White House I truly want to vomit. YUCK!!! I almost feel bad for the people in Alaska. I’m sure they were hoping she’d win and get the Hell out of …

short sales | Desert Beacon 24, 2012 · This is incredibly intimidating: Congress controls the agencies’ budgets, and the increase in workload mandated by Dodd-Frank leaves them woefully short on funds. And should a derivatives rule unpalatable to the dealers somehow survive this Beltway obstacle course, the agencies face an explicit threat of a lawsuit.

Ezra Klein: If You Can Touch Only One have a cousin that was raised in Austin, also known as the "Li'l San Francisco of Texas". An island of liberalism, lotsa queers, old hippies on the city council, etc. After he grew up a bit and decided to go into business for himself, he learned all about risk, reward and how the grasshoppers that play wish to take from the ants that toil.

Beginning To Wonder: April 2010 O'Brien, of The Mahablog sent this to me in an email and asked if I would post this on my blog. Here 'tis:Health Care Reform: The Morning After Many politicians and pundits warned us that the health care reform (HCR) legislation that just became law will destroy America.

Accidental Deliberations: 2016-04-10 08, 2016 · Last week, I wrote that the NDP should be careful about assuming that changes in leadership would necessarily help in a needed process of party renewal. Obviously, both elected to seek out new leadership. And so in this week's column, I point out that leadership races shouldn't put on hold any answer to the broader questions about the proper structure and role of a political party.

The Generals’ Long Con on Afghanistan | The Smirking 15, 2019 · The generals are but ambitious cogs in the super profitable Big Money machinery that includes Big Money bosses, politicians, all sorts of contractors, industrialists, and even social engineers who need somewhere to put unneeded young working class kids who would be roaming the streets without jobs nowadays, since production work was sent to China under Bush and Obama, and …

February | 2015 | Sohum Parlance II I find the most interesting about this debate is the complete disconnect in language between the respective ideologies. Harrington had written The Other America which is said to have inspired Johnson’s War on Poverty. It was written at a time when the US was at its wealthiest in terms of an expansive middle class, and Harrington brought to the attention of national politics that there ...

BILL MAHER VIDEO: David Iglesias Interviewed on US ... put it bluntly, before 2004 the desire to politicize the Voting Section's work was evident, but it was tempered by a recognition that there were limits to doing so. That such constraints diminished over time is evidenced by the well-known and ham-fisted handling of decisions involving Texas' congressional redistricting plan in late 2003 and ...

Big Sky Political Analysis: January 2015 30, 2015 · The first mention of the project came in 2010, when Tester questioned TransCanada’s request to operate the proposed pipeline at a higher than standard pressure—a request which TransCanada withdrew at Tester’s urging. The press release aptly portrays Tester’s position on Keystone XL: He wants it built, but with certain restrictions.

Islamist | The Moorish Wanderer am not an expert, but it seems that the basic idea of it, is to renew the Moroccan and Muslim society through a renewed Islam, some sort of Islamic (and not islamist) humanism as it where. 1956 aftermath was not so politically smooth though, and Istiqlal as well as the monarchy did use Islam as a way to get rid of their not so religious ...

From Deep in the Dark Heart of Texas: GOP Scheme to Cut ... 24, 2015 · Representative Sam Johnson (R-TX3) had a great idea to find some offset money for the government to use for highway construction – or as the Congressman was pleased to say “fight crime and save taxpayer dollars.” [Johnson] The idea is to cut Social Security benefits from those who have outstanding warrants for felonies, and superficially…

Hurricane Katrina | K. Daniel Glover K. Daniel Glover. Meteorologically speaking, the hurricane that slammed into the Gulf Coast on Aug. 29 died days later in the northern part of the continent. Politically speaking, Katrina is very much alive, and its eye has settled over Washington for the foreseeable future.

Markos Moulitsas | The Lefty about Markos Moulitsas written by P. A. M. @Aine. RT @RobletoFire: Today in the Supreme Court: Neil Gorsuch ruled in favor of LGBT+ discrimination protections.Ruth Bader Ginsberg ruled i… - - - 1 hour ago RT @evan_greer: URGENT: The FBI are actively "visiting" people across the country right now gathering information about their political bel… - - - 1 hour …

Stop the Sprawl | The Gonzo Think 05, 2010 · Stop the sprawl Take the jungle back. ... that day’s location was near one of the capitalistas´ failed and now deserted enterprises. ... circulating the Planet Drum house explains how defining our place in bioregions instead of political boundaries is the first step to becoming more environmentally aware.

Learning Strategies: January 2009 - Blogger enjoyed reading To Darkness and to Death, the fourth book in Julia Spencer-Fleming’s series of upstate New York mysteries featuring a female Episcopal priest.Not that I know much about Episcopalians or their priests, but that only makes these books all the more interesting. Eco-terrorism, real estate development, church politics, and town politics all play important roles.

More on King v. Burwell | This Is 10, 2015 · And, certes, there was the whole warring era in Iraq by which we have begotten the New American Century, but, again, way different. The American body politic is a strange beast; we are witnessing a particularly pointed confluence of politics and jurisprudence, the sort of raw cynicism that really exposes the contemptuous underbelly of driving ...

Photo - Obama's Kenyan Birth Certificate (political fraud doesn't need to be peppered with a racist eye but it is, and its something that can't be helped. Its problably 5 generations from now before someone can claim they're truely fighting so hard to prove real to uphold the sanctity of the constitution but for now everyone including myself is …

Saturday Open Thread | 3CHICSPOLITICO 16, 2019 · Even though 3Chics Politico is written and curated by three women: Ametia, Rikyrah, and SouthernGirl2, I must nominate this as one of the most engaging blogs I've found. Devoted to politics and culture, these three shine a light on contemporary life with humor and spirit.

Slacktivist - Blogger 24, 2003 · A 4th-grader, Will Smith of Silver Spring, took on as a class project one of those quaint, symbolic efforts that give state politics a kind of small-town charm. Will wanted to make walking the official state exercise for Maryland. The nine-year-old and his classmates worked hard to get the bill passed by the state's legislature.

Becoming better informed won't help. Here's a small easy ... 11, 2015 · Summary: You can make a difference by taking small steps towards political reform for America. In a few hundred words this post takes you to a conclusions that …

Obsidian Wings: Fish or cut bait liberal japonicus. My reaction to this Guardian piece entitled "US supreme court decision paves way for sweeping expansion of gay rights" is to wonder if this is one of those Brit usages. Damn Brits, screwing up the language. My next reaction is half between laughing like Nelson on the Simpsons and muttering 'chickenh**t' under my breath, someone like Dahlia Lithwick can put it much more ...

David Corn | The Pardu's Scroll about David Corn written by The Pardu. On Thursday, The New York Times broke one of those deliciously dishy New York political-media exposés involving bold-face names. According to legal papers filed in a civil suit, in 2004 Roger Ailes, the pugilistic head of Fox News, encouraged Judith Regan, a flashy publisher, to lie to federal investigators about an affair she had had with Bernard ...

democracy | Missouri Communication | Page 3 28, 2011 · I would argue yes. Online political participation seemsto have become just one form of real political participation. Online news is the same news being communicated offline, online political discussions are the same discussions taking place offline, and a follower on twitter is a real supporter. Limitations of Online Political Participation

Op-Ed Column: <br>My City, Our President and Exploiting 9/11 site normally keeps the “I” to a minimum. In general, the personal occurrences of my life have nothing to do with chronicling and commenting on the entrenched myth of liberal media bias and bringing to light stories that receive little or no attention. But I have lived in New York City for over half my life, and, until today, I couldn't bring myself to write about 9/11.

The BRAD BLOG : Bork and Friends File Amici Brief in Libby ... kind of thing is difficult for a non-lawyer to understand. If they mean that the Special Counsel appointment did not come from Congress or from the Justice Department but sprang up somehow outside the basket, and hopped in --- on December 30, 2003 [PDF] , when the GOP controlled both houses of Congress as well as the White House, with Bush enjoying a 57% approval rating following …

Moroccan people | The Moorish Wanderer 01, 2011 · This is one of these rare occasions where I take off my “left-wingy, radical nuts” and try very hard to consider Moroccan politics from a dispassionate viewpoint. As it happens, I had little to do these last couple of days, and I thought I should give Jean-Claude Santucci’ s …

Freddie Mac | The Liberal Doomsayer me know if and when John Podesta is convicted of perjury, conspiracy and obstruction of justice and sentenced to 18 months in the federal pen, OK, as noted here (although cause for a bit of concern about CAP, though when it comes to undisclosed foreign donations to the “U.S.” Chamber of Commerce, it’s a speck by comparison ...

An October Surprise | SPANISH INQUISITOR 06, 2012 · As we get closer to November 4th, there is speculation in the press that we may become subject to an October Surprise.Not by John McCain, mind you, but from someone only slightly more sinister. Osama bin Laden. The prevailing theory is that Mr. bin Laden would like to keep his hands in American politics, by making some kind of nuisance of himself prior to the election.

John Podesta | The Liberal Doomsayer original legislation creating 340B envisioned that only about 90 hospitals that care for a “disproportionate share” of indigent patients would qualify. But remember, a well-intentioned government program handing out money, with the usual result: By 2011, 1,675 hospitals, or a third of all hospitals in the country, were 340B ...

James Bopp, Jr. — The Biggest Douchebag You Never Heard Of 28, 2010 · — The Biggest Douchebag You Never Heard Of Most Americans — of all political stripes — think the Supreme Court’s “Bribery is a Family Value” decision was a crock. James Bopp, Jr. had been planning and engineering for years to get this issue brought before the Supreme Court.

RADAMISTO: 2015-11-15 12, 2015 · At least Russell Moore has stood up for a real, not political, version of Jesus: The Sheep and the Goats 31 “When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his glorious throne. 32 All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. 33 He will put the sheep on his ...

Science and Politics know a hypothesis from a left field, but anyway, don't think of viruses only as bad guys that make you sneeze - a third of your genome is viral and who knows what aspect of you biology that you cherish so much may be directly traced to a remnant of a viral infection that Ducky the Platypus managed to survive a long time ago.

Congressman William J. Jeffererson | Big Brass Balls the House Website:. May 17, 2006. Statement of Chairman Doc Hastings and Ranking Minority Member Howard L. Berman In accordance with Clause 3 of House Rule XI and Rule 14(a)(3) and 18 of the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct, which authorize the Committee to establish an investigative subcommittee of its own initiative, the Committee has voted to establish an investigative ...

The Funny | Dystopian Blues: News Liberal Progressives Need latest Yes Men hoax caught Chevron with its pants down. Common Dreams has the scoop …. Chevron Corp launched a new advertising campaign on Monday to address negative perceptions of big oil companies, but a bogus release and website by activist hoaxers and an environmental group quickly sought to turn the tables on the company.

Bush-Cheney Legacy Project | Dystopian Blues: News Liberal ... 11, 2011 · The United States is increasingly a safety-net nation, with one in four Americans now enrolled in one of the 15 federal feeding programs. Forty-two million people currently receive monthly benefits under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, more commonly known as food stamps. That’s up by 10 million from a year ago.

Yitzhak Rabin | The Liberal Doomsayer 12, 2010 · In local election news “across the river,” I should let you know that Tony Mack won the right to run against either Eric Jackson (public works director under outgoing Mayor Doug Palmer) or at-large Councilman Manny Segura in the Trenton, NJ mayoral election on June 15th, as noted here.. And in news involving someone who may end up as a candidate for a Darwin Award, mayoral candidate and ...

Political Irony › Here Come the Big Lies 26, 2011 · hey now, W only spent 490 days at the Ranch, 487 days at Camp David for a combined 977 days which according my math is far, far short of the 1095 days that would equal 3 years. (sarcasm) BTW, Miracle of Miracles, Michelle Bachmann actually said something that got a …

Majikthise : George Soros and Jason Leopold set up Mark ... Mark Foley is so brainwashed by the cock he was actively recruiting. But it takes a lot of strength to stage an intervention for a cockaholic, and the house was too busy using that strength to fight back the islamofascistliberal hordes at the door. So, you see, the dems' fault.

[E.O.M.S.]: September 2013 23, 2013 · This is a film based on the book "Death of the Liberal Class" by journalist and Pulitzer prize winner, Chris Hedges. It charts the rise of the Corporate State, and examines the future of obedience in a world of unfettered capitalism, globalisation, staggering inequality and environmental change. It was made completely of clips found on the web.

The Very Idea Of “Rigor” Takes A Hit | kavips 24, 2014 · Education rarely shows up as a top concern for voters in national polls. But it’s been a galvanizing force in recent mayoral elections in New York and Newark, and unions believe it will stir voters on the state level in a year roiling with debates about the Common Core, standardized testing and the soaring cost of college. From Politico

Huffington Post | Veritas Nihilum Vincet 09, 2010 · Some good politics here and there. Good outweighed by Jenny Vaccine and Deepak Ignorance. But now they have gone TOO far. NOW they cut my comments when I say anything less than fawning about the content presented by the author, or the editorial principles demonstrated by the censors. Fuck YOU, Arianna, you vapid bitch with…

TigerHawk - 13, 2008 · TigerHawk (ti*ger*hawk): n. 1. The title of this blog and the nom de plume of its founding blogger; 2. A deep bow to the Princeton Tigers and the Iowa Hawkeyes; 3. The nickname for Iowa's Hawkeye logo. Posts include thoughts of the day on international affairs, politics, things that strike us as hilarious and personal observations. The opinions ...

party loyalty « The Futility 09, 2010 · I’m one of these crazy people who believes the electorate don’t vote for a person. At least, not here in the UK, under our political culture. When the time comes to vote, people look first and foremost for the party label, and if they can’t read, they’ll look for the logo.

Hans Kristensen | of Delaware Liberal’s Hot & On Top Reporting). Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced that 5,600 Delaware residents will benefit from $1.8 million in rebates from insurance companies this summer, because of the Affordable Care Act’s 80/20 rule.These rebates will average $351 for the 5,300 Delaware families covered by a policy.

Glasgow North East « The Futility morning is leading on the issue of what exactly is going to happen in the Glasgow North East by-election.. For those considering a punt on the outcome, clearly nothing would be closer to the front of their mind, and the site’s punter-in-chief Mike Smithson has yet to come to a considered judgement on the issue.

TigerHawk - Blogger a common problem for leaders in business and politics. It takes some serious talent and committment to generate followers from otherwise apathetic people. So Gore has violated one of the primary rules for leaders: Model the behavior you expect. Now as to conservation.

The Jaundiced Eye: 2009 at The Jaundiced Eye, the Independent Bloggers' Alliance, and My Left Wing. Joe Lieberman then: HAVING SPENT much of the past year mired in legislative trench warfare over Iraq, advocates in Congress seeking a mandatory withdrawal of troops are now refusing to pass funding for our forces deployed in Iraq or Afghanistan.

Rep. Matt Gaetz violated House ethics rules to hire ... Politico investigation finds that Rep. Matt Gaetz sent $28,000 of taxpayer money to a speechwriting consultant, presumably for the purpose of writing Gaetz’s speeches. You can't do that: House ethics rules, or what remains of them, explicitly bar using taxpayer money to pay for outside speechwriters and similar political consultants because ...

January | 2011 | The Word of Me... 28, 2011 · Salman Taseer, the Pakistani governor of the Punjab province who was killed by one of his own bodyguards for being too liberal and wanting to reduce the penalty for blasphemy from death to a lesser sentence, apparently was considered too liberal by mainstream Muslims in the country.. From The National Review by Jonathon Goldberg 1-7-11 “A group of more than 500 leading Muslim scholars ...

US President George W. Bush | Suzie-Que's Truth and ... Friedman, one of the nation’s leading propagandists for the Iraq War and a vigorous supporter of all of Israel’s wars, has a column today in The New York Times explaining and praising the Israeli attack on Gaza. For the sake of robust and diverse debate (for which our Liberal Media is so well known), Friedman’s column today appears ...

electoral legitimacy « The Futility Monster 07, 2010 · Posted by The Futility Monster on September 26, 2009 @ 09:50 Last Saturday I wrote about the key political concept of legitimacy : what it means, where it comes from, and what happens to it. The goal of any political reform must always be to enhance legitimacy.

Richard Negri | Joe's Union Review and other reporter’s at UnionReview have been following this story since President Bush, against Congress was going to allow a pilot program starting on, of all days Labor Day in 2007 . according to report’s on the matter in a story by Public Citizen:. Congress (2007) this year held hearings examining the plan to allow trucks from Mexico to travel beyond the border zones.

Contemporary Right-Wing Extremism | Far Right Politics ... his study of five extreme right parties, he finds that the welfare state is not at all rejected, as long as the benefits are confined to the nation's ‘own people’ (Mudde, 2000: 174–5, 189). This policy, called welfare chauvinism, has grown in importance in the West …

Congressional Black Caucus: Selling us out – Skeptical Brotha 30, 2008 · Stop being a silly goose. The mortgages are the lighter that lit the fuse to the dynamite. They ain’t the dynamite, and why we got problems. Nobody wants to explain why we got 45 trillion dollars of phantom money floating around in Credit Default Swaps. But if we let the banks fail, it won’t just be one bank. It’ll be them all.

Barack Obama, a proxy for racial equality – Skeptical Brotha 08, 2008 · Barack Obama is a proxy for some people for the conversation about race that they have no courage or inclination to have. At best, he is a denatured Negro and political centrist acceptably black and mainstream to the white power structure chiefly because of his moderate Senate record and because he refused to discuss the incendiary, racial polarization games of Bill Clinton.

@PoliticoTeacher – A blog by a 30-something Politics teacher.https://politicoteacher.wordpress.comIf successful, the first 100 days can define a President’s administration, setting the tone for the rest of their time in office; if they fail, it often does not auger well. Donald Trump hasn’t been in power for 100 days, but his first 14 days in office have confirmed what many feared during one of the most unusual election campaigns in ...

No Corporate Rule: August 2010 08, 2010 · Last January's Supreme Court decision, in Citizens United v.Federal Election Commission, that corporations can spend freely to support or oppose candidates for president and Congress is just starting to take hold.This is certainly the tip of the iceberg. As the president indicated soon after that "Dred-ful" decision, "It is a major victory for big oil, Wall Street banks, health insurance ...

S.EricB. (@stangmflbrown) | Twitter 22, 2017 · The latest Tweets from S.EricB. (@stangmflbrown). ,Progressive, Liberal, non pre-judgmental, fun w/ an edgy sense of humor .Respect yourself. Too busy living to have an extreme set routine! #UniteBlue. jax,fl

The Progressive Zionist: More Brazen Lies From David ...'s installment of why anti-Israel author David Harris Gershon is a liar contains two wopping lies from the hugger-in-chief himself. First off, in a new post at Tikkun Daily he claims that Israeli politicians are calling John Kerry an "antisemite" because Kerry said that boycotts of Israel may become a problem. Note that Kerry was not endorsing boycotts in any way, just saying that in his ...

Accidental Deliberations: Say No to Bubble Boy 08, 2019 · Say No to Bubble Boy There are already more than enough galling stories circulating in Alberta's political scene to emphasize why Jason Kenney and his party are grossly unfit to exercise any power. But it's worth pointing out one more problem which matches the combination of deeply-rooted corruption and austerian disregard for the public good ...

Meir Kahane | Veritas Nihilum Vincet 08, 2010 · In response to a recent comment from an ultra-right supporter of Meir Kahane, I turned a phrase I deem worthy of promotion. Background: Meir Kahane founded a political party in Israel. At one point in time it even held a seat in the Knesset. Later, though, the entire party was banned for being racist. "Banned…

Unethical Website Of The Month: Redbubble [UPDATED ... 03, 2017 · Unethical Website Of The Month: Redbubble [UPDATED] June 3, 2017 June 5, 2017 / Jack Marshall Just because we have free speech and any company can peddle uncivil, hateful and divisive political stickers, decals and T-shirts doesn’t mean doing so is …

Science and Politics is an old post but I wanted to bring it up to top as I recently saw some blogs shut down improperly, i.e., deleting the complete content. Every now and then a blog shuts down. There are as many reasons as there are bloggers, ranging from getting bored, through getting Dooced, to dying. Every blogger goes about shutting down the blog in ...

Washington State Political Report - Blogger State Political Report. ... as Jimmy explains, the bylaws say we need a man and a woman in our top two seats. Since the current Vice Chair is a woman, unless she gives it up, we'd have to have a man. ... We think it's one of the pre-eminent emerging markets for life sciences," said BioMed CEO Alan Gold, citing the growth of research ...

The Trump campaign is likely regretting asking this fierce ... 28, 2017 · The Political Corner. The Trump campaign is likely regretting asking this fierce Scottish MP for an illega. Jump to Latest Follow

Is there any reason to take anything PG&E says seriously ... 29, 2019 · One of mine is [email protected]. I’m planning on writing an article on this topic, and you sound knowledgeable. HoJ, Political decisions have real-world impact. Utility corporations only get away with deferring maintenance and/or distributing needed capital back to shareholders or to a few highly paid executives when they are allowed to.

July 2005 – Page wish I had seen this on the 4th, but it cheered me today just as much. He quotes liberally from Frederic Douglass’ stirring 1852 oration on the meaning of Independence Day in a slave-holding nation, moving from a convicting rage to an invocation of the progressive bent …

LEFT OF DAYTON | Social/Political Commentary from the Left ...https://leftofdayton.wordpress.comThe USEPA says this is one of the worst contamination sites in the country and has made it a Superfund site. Mitigation systems, which are a patch but not a fix for the problem, have been installed in many homes but the TCE plume continues to move through the groundwater causing levels under the homes to constantly change.

Minimum wage | The Moorish Wanderer same evidence also does not show clear correlation between growth and a fall in unemployment. And that vindicates the third point too. Myth n°3: Government policy can create 200,000+ jobs per annum. This is one of the few targets all political parties talk about.

election 2012 | Smart Liberal and Female I know the President and his family get to live there, great, but it’s still supposed to be our house! This is something I ranted about continually throughout the President Bush (43’s) term-well one of …

race, | Search Results | The Least, First,Apr 04, 2008 · Ponder this graph for a minute (it took me at least a minute!), then I’ll give you a few excerpts from his thought-provoking post from In These Times. The Race Chasm may sound like a conventional discussion of the black-white divide, but it is one of the least-discussed geographic, demographic and political dynamics driving the contest ...

Uncategorized | Granfalloon 02, 2010 · travel to any of the countries he’s mentioned, and anyone can plainly see that Western icons and trends are celebrated and imitated. the Muslim world doesn’t care about your whores, Stephens. what they do care about is the more direct and harmful impact of our politics on their lives. and i think that’s a legitimate and sufficient reason ...

Web Effect on Politicshttps://webeffectpolitics.blogspot.comAlan Keyes was not selected as the far-right Constitution Party's nominee for president over the weekend. I think there's a couple of interesting points here. First, the fact that getting covered at all may be a web difference. At least according to a Google News search, no one is …

McCarthyism – Eric Lightborn's Blog is nothing wrong with doing agenized-news. But it is dishonest and unethical to claim objectivity if you are playing toward a specific political wing, or any specific agenda. This is the greatest offense of the so-called “Fair & Balanced” Fox Broadcasting. As a network they cater to right-wing political agendas and refuse to declare ...

Makes My Brain Itch: Blogger Debate #3 - Third Party? 02, 2010 · Pretty discouraging for a first foray into partisan politics, no? I spent decades an a registered "Independent", yet I have never once voted for a third party candidate. Why? I was one of those who believed that a third party vote is a wasted vote.

Liberal Bloggers Bully, Shame, and Humiliate Bristol Palin ... 01, 2008 · Liberal Bloggers Bully, Shame, and Humiliate Bristol Palin and her Family “The Misogyny Watch at Tennessee Guerilla Women is a bracing read this evening after wading through the incredible bile produced in the latest media feeding frenzie - especially in the left-wing blogs.

voodoo economics | This Is’re just waiting for a far-right president to work with a far-right Congress, just like Kansas’ far-right governor worked with a far-right legislature. It really is the strangest thing. Then again, Kansas. They have their priorities. _____ Image note: Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback (R) speaks at CPAC, 28 February 2015. (Detail of ...

Panel Profile - Intolerant Seattle - Blogger Meeting of Minds and Ideas. What started as a discussion of the 2008 presidential elections has grown larger and deeper into an opportunity to voice and to challenge each other on our opinions about the state of our nation, politics, political ideologies, history, and even philosophy.

Andrew Breitbart | Musings from Clay County Missouri of the biggest and most important battles we need to wage as conservatives has nothing to do with politics. Conservatives need to begin to focus on the news media and culture . The reason Americans are the way they are is largely because of the lies they have been …

Friday Open Thread | Simply Red Week | 3CHICSPOLITICO 31, 2015 · TGIF Shine On Beautiful People!

2010 March 22 « Jamesb101.com 22, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Ezra Klein: Best Political Novels[SPOILER ALERT] One of their progeny, Arturo the Aqua-Boy, born with flippers where his arms and legs should be, serves as the center of an amazing subplot, in which he becomes a messiah-like figure to desperate devotees, the Arturans, who deliberately maim themselves to look like him in pursuit of the gossamer promise of salvation.

Balkinization: Shelby County of the problems with conservative stare decisis jurisprudence is that these judges decline to reverse erroneous precedent and instead engage in often nonsensical workarounds or compromises. This is one of those cases. Roberts should have held that the Warren Court in Katzenbach erred in holding that Congress could limit the VRA to a subset ...

November Fifth: September 2009 01, 2009 · Barack Obama is our president. Duly elected, stamped, sealed, and certified by our national congress and Supreme Court. This fact seems lost on some people who want to get him out of office, regardless of legitimacy or reason.

Civil Liberties | Dystopian Blues: News Liberal ... first was in the Vietnam War years; the second, the one that leaves me as a nine-year-old, began on the morning of September 11, 2001. I turned on the TV while doing my morning exercises, saw a smoking hole in a World Trade Center tower, and thought that, as in 1945 when a B-25 slammed into the Empire State Building, a terrible accident had ...

The Post – more about feminism than journalism or Vietnam ... 28, 2018 · And really the core of the story. It’s less about Vietnam era politics, moral dilemmas of journalism, or the thinly veiled analogies with Trump and his threats to the media and critics, and more about the story of a woman who transforms from wishy-washy to strong leader.

Debating YouTube Style | The Roaring Mouse 24, 2007 · I think a problem that spans the parties. And we don’t just need a change in political parties in Washington. We’ve got to have a change in attitudes of those who are representing the people, America. And part of the reason I don’t take PAC money, I don’t take federal lobbyists’ money is because we’ve got to get the national ...

Global Warming | Wikiality | FANDOM powered by Wikia Truthiness All Ye Who Enter This Internets Tube! "Global Warming" discusses one of the Liberal's Ridiculous Theories and Notions. Global Warming, like The Internets, is a complex consumer confidence scam put forth onto the American public by Al Gore and the Weather Channel. Al Gore claims that we will all die the day after tomorrow if we do not give him lots of money to invest into so ...

Minerals Management Service | The Liberal Doomsayer 21, 2010 · This tells us that, in April 2008, the average price for a gallon of gas was $3.35 under Former President Highest Disapproval Rating In Gallup Poll History (it was about $1.66 a gallon when he took over). And every time Number 43 made noises about attacking Iran or threatening Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, that country’s “president,” the price ...

Sunday Praise & Worship | Amazing Grace | 3CHICSPOLITICO 22, 2018 · Wintley Augustus Phipps (born January 7, 1955) was born in Trinidad and Tobago. Phipps is an ordained Seventh-day Adventist minister, world-renowned vocal artist, and innovative initiator of special projects such as the US Dream Academy.[1] He also founded Songs of Freedom Publishing Company and Coral Records Recording Company. Mr. Phipps has been the featured speaker…

Stupid Enough Unexplanation: 01/01/2010 - 02/01/2010 27, 2010 · One of the Right's favorite beliefs is that a Center-Right country. This is sort of true; certainly by international standards all American politics is right wing. But that's not how Conservatives mean it - particularly since they see moderate liberals like Bill Clinton and Barack Obama as almost as liberal as Mao.

Brewtown Gumshoe: January 2014 31, 2014 · If you consider borrowing, increasing long-term debt, as a "surplus," then Scott Walker has really been on point.Yet, as most can see, merely kicking the can down the road. A bit of smoke and mirrors for Mr. Walker, so he can present the illusion of positive policy outcomes.But in reality, he's just burying Wisconsin is debt so he can advance his own political career.

Armey Throws Us A “Curve” | The Liberal Doomsayer 04, 2009 · Oh yes, the “Laffer Curve”; Armey and the Journal argue that the curve theory proves that U.S. business tax rates are so high that they discourage the type of investment that creates jobs, and merely lowering the rate would have the same effect as the proposed stimulus (two caveats: 1) This is a variation of all the crappy “supply side ...

JustOneMinute: The Desolation of Smug 22, 2016 · A stunner from Emmett Rensin of Vox on the progressive adoption of smugness over empathy:. The smug style in American liberalism. There is a smug style in American liberalism. It has been growing these past decades. It is a way of conducting politics, predicated on the belief that American life is not divided by moral difference or policy divergence — not really — but by the failure …

South Dakota Politics: focuses on national politics with a special emphasis on South Dakota. It also includes posts on philosophy, science and culture. SDP was founded by Jason Van Beek, who stopped blogging after becoming a staffer for Sen. John Thune (R-SD) and is currently operated by Ken Blanchard.

Should it manner?…..The Protestant-Free ... - Jamesb101.com 12, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Inspire Political Discourse: world leaders Obama hosted 47 world leaders at a summit yesterday, with the goal being to find ways to reduce the threat that terrorists such as al Qaeda could obtain nuclear materials or weapons.. President Obama completed a first meeting of world leaders on combating nuclear terrorism with a list of specific commitments from dozens of nations to eliminate or lock down nuclear …

The Rude Pundit 01, 2013 · 12:23: If you want to lower the deficit and debt, the Congress "has a partner in me," says Obama, unconsciously agreeing to a same-sex marriage. 12:24: Question about Obama's insularity and diversity in his cabinet. Bizarrely, reporter says criticism is that he doesn't get out and "socialize." Bullshit question, will get a bullshit answer.

THE BILL OF RIGHTS/US CONSTITUTION [Endangered] | LEFT OF ... First 10 Amendments to the Constitution as Ratified by the States December 15, 1791 Preamble Congress OF THE United States begun and held at the City of New York, on Wednesday the Fourth of March, one thousand seven hundred and eighty nine. THE Conventions of a number of the States having at the time…

Jared Loughner: Arizona shooter motivation may have been ... 10, 2011 · According to this article by the UK Daily Mail: Gunman linked to white extremists: Loner charged after shooting top politician in the head and killing six The gunman who shot a U.S. congresswoman in the head could have had links to a white extremist group, it emerged last night.. Jared Loughner, 22, has been charged over the attack in which six died and 13 others …

tina brown | 44-D by GeoT . Daily Beast founder’s commentary: “Palin’s outrage is calculated” By Tina Brown Founder, editor of The Daily Beast. Now that Palin has stopped pretending to be a politician — there’s been zero effort in any interview so far to leave the EQ stuff behind and divert to a policy message — the abdicated Alaskan governor is back to being as appealing as she …

sexy | 44-D about sexy written by audiegrl. posted by GeoT . Daily Beast founder’s commentary: “Palin’s outrage is calculated” By Tina Brown Founder, editor of The Daily Beast. Now that Palin has stopped pretending to be a politician — there’s been zero effort in any interview so far to leave the EQ stuff behind and divert to a policy message — the abdicated Alaskan governor is …

11 | June | 2006 | Blevkog 11, 2006 · It looks like the first sparks in the Liberal leadership campaign have flown between Joe Volpe and Michael Ignatieff. This week Ignatieff started the current this week by suggesting that Volpe’s acceptance of tainted money has damaged the reputation of the party and, while not saying directly that Volpe should bow out, he said that he must “draw his own conclusions” as …

Racial Politics | All Other Persons | Page 2 an earlier post, I said that Barack Obama might have gotten half of the white vote OUTSIDE the South. Based on my review of exit poll information, Obama missed the 50% mark by a whisker, getting 49.7% of the white vote outside the South-versus just 30.2% of the white vote in the South.

Presidential Campaign | All Other Persons are my own election winners and losers, plus some “too early to tell” entries. Winners: Barack Obama. Duh. This Hawaiian born and bred biracial intellectual with minimal experience has become perhaps the most unique and remarkable politician in American history.

Marian's Blog: Las americas may make "strange bedfellows," as the saying goes, but there have to be limits, and every now and then I reach one of mine. In this case, for me, it's around the 2008 U.S. presidential election. As Peter Finch's character shouted in the film Network, …

Thursday Open Thread - 3CHICSPOLITICO 15, 2019 · At least 12 local elected officials, including black county commissioners, Charlotte City Council members who are people of color, and the black chair of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools board, received similar letters in recent days, according to representatives of those bodies. The letter, which the Observer obtained a copy of from a City Council member, is…

Election 2010 | Bob Higgins 04, 2010 · The election postmortems are rolling in as fast as the appeals to vote and donate in the days before the election. Between the flaccid faced politicians strutting their new born power and celebrity, the usual sad collection from TV’s endless supply of political experts and the vast stock of internet pundits, this carcass will be sliced, diced and inspected ad nauseum in the weeks to come.

Fred Thompson: My Idea of Gun Control is a Good, Steady ... 22, 2007 · Fred Thompson: My Idea of Gun Control is a Good, Steady Aim. Thompson calls for high fences, wide gates. Sen. Fred Thompson came to Bayliss Park Hall Thursday night with notes, his wife, Jeri, Congressman Steve King and a clear, conservative message.

TommyWonk | DelawareLiberal.Net 08, 2007 · The General Assembly has before it a bill, House Substitute 1 to House Bill 146, that would create a meaningful statewide recycling program in Delaware.A competing bill, HB 159, while not as far reaching, would still go a long way to creating the infrastructure for statewide recycling.While either would be good for Delaware, the more comprehensive bill would create …

28 | April | 2007 | DelawareLiberal.Net 28, 2007 · 2 posts published by jason330 and DomoUser on April 28, 2007

Marty Kaplan | Bob Higgins for Sanityman: Can Jon Stewart Save America? By Marty Kaplin. The fate of our country won’t be decided by a politician. It will be determined by a comedian. Not long before Jon Stewart announced his Rally to Restore Sanity, he told a New York magazine writer why he and his crew on The Daily Show would never do something like that. “We’re not activists,” he said.

Proof Positive: Saturday Linkaround 02, 2011 · The difference between an American border fence and a European border fence Will Obama Be a One-Term President? Obama's Winter White House an Illegal Rental No Pity for Robert Gibbs and His 'Modest' Salary Florida Professor Arrested for Having a "Suspicious" Bagel on a Plane Thomas Sowell -Mascot Politics

How to restyle your Most Popular Posts widget - Part 1 ... 02, 2007 · A blog about my passions. May include some or all of the following: geek stuff (web design & development, CSS, accessibility, usability), environmental activism, my adopted home of New Zealand ('cos it's so totally wonderful), international & green politics (rants from a left-wing perspective), gardening, cats, literature, rugby, and a whole lot of other stuff besides.

Al Sharpton joins the team…..goes inside the White House ... 17, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Red State Rebels: National politics 18, 2008 · Still, certain to create headaches for our former gov. According to The New York Times, "The reports portray a dysfunctional organization that has been riddled with conflicts of interest, unprofessional behavior and a free-for-all atmosphere for much of the Bush administration’s watch." More here. And rec this diary at Kos.

political news | Shadow Democracy Democracy Radio is set to return in just a few short weeks as we put the final touches on our new studio, and complete a transition to our new webhost.Keep checking back for the new webcast schedule dates and times. Also, feel free to e-mail us at [email protected] with any show topic ideas, or if you are interested in contributing to this blog.

Polls « Jamesb101.com 10, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

POLitics: October 2011 24, 2011 · "In my heart, in my head, I think Scotland will become an independent country within the European community, with a friendly, co-operative relationship with our partners in these islands," Salmond told the Andrew Marr Show on BBC1.

Nifong/Mangum Hoax — July 12, 2007 — Nifong Disbarment Order 12, 2007 · Ann Coulter, NAPPY-HEADED HOAX-- The New York Times alone has mentioned the Scottsboro Boys case from the 1930s nearly 20 times since 2002 (expanding the "news" part of "newspaper" just a bit), so I think I'm entitled to spend at least one more week luxuriating in the Duke lacrosse players' total vindication and the exposure of a Southern liberal prosecutor as a corrupt …

Sheila Kennedy | A jaundiced look at the world we live in did Trump do? In his 2020 budget, he asked Congress to cut that number to: Zero. Zilch. Nothing. Let me repeat the newspaper’s most damning discovery: in the 2019 fiscal year budget, Trump asked for a $595.5 million dollar cut to the overall public health preparedness and response efforts.

Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog | If you tell the truth ... 03, 2013 · One of the three groups that allegedly channeled the funds to California was the Arizona-based Center to Protect Patient Rights, founded in 2009 by Koch operative Sean Noble, who has emerged in recent cycles as a big player in conservative political and fundraising circles.

Obama Congress | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog 21, 2011 · McCain Grills Obama On Marine One (VIDEO) Huffington Post- Sam Stein. February 23, 2009 04:53 PM. At the closing session of the president’s fiscal responsibility summit on Monday, high-ranking members of Congress were asked to put on their reportorial hats, quizzing Barack Obama on various aspects of his economic priorities.

New York Politics – Skeptical Brotha affidavit referred to a Client 9 and did not identify Mr. Spitzer by name, but law enforcement officials said that Client 9 was the governor. Investigators reviewing the scope of Mr. Spitzer’s involvement with prostitutes said on Tuesday that just in the past year he had had more than a half-dozen meetings with them and had paid tens of ...

Fibbing for Jesus | Subject to Complete Defeasance 14, 2009 · By contrast, discovering and explaining why and how the statement is a misrepresentation involves much hard work and a ton of verbiage. To cite one example, Rep. Forbes informs us in H. Res. 888 that “political scientists have documented that the most frequently-cited source in the political period known as The Founding Era was the Bible[.]”

Donald TrOmp - Pinterest - Explora el tablero de evilsandwichpot "Donald TrOmp" en Pinterest. Ver más ideas sobre Caricaturas politicas, Caricatura de donald trump, S. a.19 pins13 followers

Spiro Agnew | The Liberal Doomsayer 17, 2008 · This Newsweek story tells us that John W. McBush, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden were called by Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Our Gal Condi Rice for an Iraq troop briefing this week…. The calls this week were part of the Bush administration’s campaign to line up political support for a compromise deal with Iraq that cedes some authority over U.S. forces, and a …

Horizons: "This is a No-Brainer...It's Just Math" to a report by Wade Goodwyn at NPR, if you want to see a state that is willing to throw money away in order to satisfy a political agenda, you need look no further than the red state of Texas.Not only does that state have the highest rate of uninsured people in the country (25%), refusing Medicaid expansion has some of their business leaders hopping mad.

One of the Major Reasons McCain Chose Palin - The New of the Major Reasons McCain Chose Palin Read this piece by the Chicago Tribune's Jessica Reaves , and you'll see why. The writer of this piece went to a major private university in the South, and worked for a major national magazine before she came to the Tribune -- yet what she knows about American politics wouldn't fill a thimble.

Ex-offenders and the Ballot Box | Kids in the system 19, 2011 · I’ve worked with “slow” learners all of my 26 years as a teacher. But nothing matches the lack of understanding, insight and plain common sense that many of our politicians and their constituents show when it comes to the treatment of ex-offenders, people who by the law of the land have served their time, paid their dues, made amends, learned their lesson, been punished—whatever ...

Political Irony › Promising the Moon 22, 2017 · This was written by Iron Knee.Posted on Thursday, June 22, 2017, at 9:02 am.Filed under Irony.Bookmark the permalink.Follow comments here with the RSS feed.Both comments and trackbacks are currently closed.

Banks Loans | Shadow Democracy is one of the few positive things this Congress has done recently to help the middle class. College costs have soared in recent years in the United States, forcing students to rely increasingly on loans and driving growth for banks and specialized student lenders …

to | Political Loudmouth’ve had many requests for a T-shirt based on the poster we made in support of the Wisconsin legislators, “I am one of the Wisconsin 14.” We’ve also added these T-shirts, based on other recent posters that have been generating interest. “I am one of …

Mitch McConnel Refutes President Trump: Closing Border ... 03, 2019 · What has become abundantly clear, the GOP and Congress will do nothing to help Trump these last two years. McConnell in particular has set his mind that no attempt to work on Obamacare will happen. Worse, nothing will be done to secure our border. While I …

www. Wednesday | Reyonce Noels half-way through day, ladies and gents! Links for your perusing pleasure… – – – + As everyone here knows, I can get pretty political and impassioned when people are being wronged… but instead, I will just leave this gorgeous series of photos of the prayer chain in Charleston here, because I need–and maybe you to do–to focus on the positive for a while.

The votes not counted | Voting Matters Blog 18, 2008 · June 18, 2008 The votes not counted. Posted in Barack Obama, Elections, paper ballots, politics, voter fraud, Voter ID, voter suppression, voting, voting machines, Voting Rights tagged 2008 election, Elections, Obama, politics, Voter ID, voter suppression at 10:13 pm by bluebanshee. Every election cycle in the U.S. there are votes that never get counted –but not because of computer glitches ...

Political Irony › Dim Bulb 28, 2011 · This is a good thing, since it will save consumers money on their energy bills, reduce energy consumption by $18 billion a year, and reduce global warming. But here’s the good part. PolitiFact questioned them about their claim that the bill bans incandescent light bulbs and they replied that it was a de facto ban because it is not possible to ...

Politics and morehttps://schon-k.blogspot.comHe knows what he is writing about. He put in the effort and it shows in his writing. Sergio writes about President Obama, and how he promised change. “The first month had the president ordering the closing of the Guantanamo Bay prison…the Obama administration has been accomplishing a lot in its first year”.

The Political Environment: Melissa Scanlan Launches A Blog 03, 2009 · Melissa Scanlan Launches A Blog. One of the state's leading environmental lawyers expands her reach and offers a solid new blog. ... He worked as the senior Mayoral staffer in Madison and Milwaukee and for newspapers in both cities. This blog began on 2/2/ 2007. Blog Archive

Milwaukee streetcars spurring growth that anti-rail right ... 01, 2018 · Milwaukee's long-sidetracked streetcars are already boosting development. Great to see this piece by Jeramey Jannene at Urban Milwaukee about a major apartment complex planned along the budding Milwaukee streetcar route downtown. An almost entirely vacant office building along the route of The Hop, Milwaukee’s soon-to-launch streetcar system, is likely to get new life as apartments.

Two Different Worlds? | Sheila Kennedy the number of “safe states” multiplies, so does the number of unyielding, uncompromising ideologues. Even in the absence of that political calculus, however, when people come from an environment that is dominated by a particular political philosophy, it takes effort to …

Science and Politics day each one of us will die at our own dates and times, but we were all born simultaneously a long time ago - about 4.5 billion years ago. Thus, killing some sperm, or an egg, or an embryo, or a fetus, or a child, or an adult, or an elderly person (or a cockroach, or a staphilococcus, or a mouse, or a chicken, or a head of cabbage) all ...

Timshel - Blogger the time, it had been available to the public for less than a year, and Burns says he was the first U.S. politician to use it on the campaign trail. "That's how I was known. I was the guy on the Segway," he recalled. I'm still getting to these Congressional races, but I'll start by saying that this guy doesn't have a chance in this district.

Uniform Monday Holiday Act | TheZoo 1968, Congress passed the Uniform Monday Holiday Act, which moved three federal holidays, Washington’s Birthday, Memorial Day, Columbus Day, and Veterans Day, to fixed Mondays on the calendar. (After public outcry, Veterans Days was moved back to November 11.)

Susan B. Anthony List – Arts and Politics from the Armpit ... about Susan B. Anthony List written by dummidumbwit. Earlier this week, one of the members of that board, Richard Land of the Southern Evangelical Seminary, appeared on the “Point of View” radio program, where he told host Kerby Anderson that he has been shocked by how much influence he and other Religious Right activists have had over the make-up of Trump’s administration.

Ken Klukowski – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America, it is much better known as a single by American singer Cyndi Lauper, whose version was released in 1983.[1] It was the first major single released by Lauper as a solo artist and the lead-off single from her debut album She’s So Unusual. Lauper’s version gained recognition as a feminist anthem and was promoted by a Grammy-winning video.

“Voices Of Conflict” | This is not my blog. to honor Voices In Conflict cast October 29, 2007 Posted by Jeff in "Reality has a well-known liberal bias", "Voices Of Conflict", Drama in Wilton. add a comment. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Larry Horne at 212-807-6222 x17 or [email protected]. Wilton, Connecticut Students to be Honored in Free Speech Gala Event. New York, NY – On November 6, 2007, as part of its 4 th annual ...

US Constitution | TheZoo of the most significant of these differences is that under the constitution, there would be a strong central government rather than a weak one. I believe the part most States’ Rights advocates do not wish to accept. On September 17, 1787, the Congress passed the Constitution put forth by the convention. It was ratified on June 21 ...

communism – In My Not So Humble Opinion of these “reform communist” groups, supposedly, was the Progressive Political Pornographic Party, which formed in the 1960s. Apparently inspired by American underground comix, the PPPP created the character of Octobriana in their self-published periodical Mtsyry. Octobriana was a beautiful Slavic super-human warrior woman who embodied ...

Restore My Faith in America « AmeriCAN-DO Attitude 05, 2012 · 2004 was the first election in which I voted. Yes, I was first legally eligible to vote in 1994, but took no interest in politics until 9/11/2001. I didn't vote in 2002, because I still did not know enough about mid-term local candidates to know for whom I was voting. But by Summer 2004, I…

Drama in Wilton | This is not my blog. to honor Voices In Conflict cast October 29, 2007 Posted by Jeff in "Reality has a well-known liberal bias", "Voices Of Conflict", Drama in Wilton. add a comment. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Larry Horne at 212-807-6222 x17 or [email protected]. Wilton, Connecticut Students to be Honored in Free Speech Gala Event. New York, NY – On November 6, 2007, as part of its 4 th annual ...

Obsolete Capitalism: dicembre 2016 was the time in which the bi-polar world of the Cold War era was dissolving into a multipolar world, steered primarily by the first truly neoliberal regimes in the United States and the European, professing as they did the coming utopia of fluid trade, inter-state co-operation, and unlimited, global communication and knowledge sharing.

VPOTUS – Richard B. Cheney | TheZoo am a big fan of John Nichols. This is an important post. I think it’s important to remember how this nightmare of a decade started.. Good Riddance to Decade That Began With Theft of the Presidency by John Nichols. The British press has taken to referring to the passing decade as “the Noughties” has made quite a big deal of trying to identify the political, economic and cultural trends ...

RNC – Eric Lightborn's Blog pollster Frank Luntz is out promoting his new book: “What Americans Really Want, Really” and getting his definitions completely wrong in regards to Political Science, which I seriously doubt is an amateurish mistake.. On Alan Colmes Radio, Luntz continued the conservative rhetoric that United States of America is a “center-right country” and his words in explanation of this ...

Eruptions At The Foot Of The Volcano: January 2011 04, 2011 · Ultimately, I know that God is watching what is unfolding there, and my hope rests in the belief that Kato's death may stir some otherwise complacent people to see that the time for silence and wishy-washy liberal excuses about not wanting to appear "colonial" will come to a halt. This is a human rights issue, not a matter of trying to impose ...

citigroup plutonomy memos lawyers kilpatrick townsend ows ... is data for 2000, from the Survey of Consumer Finances (and adjusted by academic Edward Wolff). Since 2000 was the peak year in equities, and the top 1% of households have a lot more equities in their net worth than the rest of the population who tend to have more real estate, these data might exaggerate the U.S. plutonomy a wee bit.

Saturday Open Thread | Christmas Jams 2017 | 3CHICSPOLITICO 02, 2017 · Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree is a Christmas song written by Johnny Marks and recorded by Brenda Lee in 1958 on Decca9-30776.. Although Decca released it in both 1958 and again in 1959, it did not sell well until Lee became a popular star in 1960; that Christmas season, it hit #14 on the Billboard pop chart and turned into a perennial holiday favorite.

No More Mister Nice Blog 12, 2014 · BOTH-SIDES-DO-IT!-ISM, EGGHEAD DIVISION I guess I should be pleased that Politico Magazine is turning to more than the usual Beltway hacks -- in this case,this case,

Antonin Scalia – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America End Times pastor uses numerology to prove Obama sacrificed Scalia in pagan ritual SARAH K. BURRIS – Rick Wiles is one of those end-times pastors who thinks that Jesus is returning any day now and that President Obama is the anti-Christ. Conspiracy theories are spiraling out of control surrounding Justice Antonin Scalia ’s death, from being suffocated by a pillow to God killing ...

human White House cockroaches | Bloviating Zeppelin“It was the size of a small drone,” said Martha Joynt Kumar, professor of political science at Towson University, who led the effort Wednesday to capture the bug. Kumar, who has worked out of the press offices studying the president-press relationship for almost four decades, wanted to turn it into the General Services Administration, the ...

dadt - Daily Dose | Tommy Christopher's Daily Dose, Meghan McCain’s boobs can’t really talk, but thankfully, Meg’s Twitter feed is such a treasure trove of good quotes, they really don’t have to. Politico even put one of Meghan’s tweets in its “Politi-quotes: The week in one-liners,” but I think she deserves a whole list to herself.. First, there was Politico’s pick, Meg’s tweet about killing a cockroach in her ...

Abbreviated Pundit Roundup: What the polls tell you and ... the virus spread out of control in Florida, decision-making became increasingly shaped by politics and divorced from scientific evidence, according to interviews with 64 current and former state and administration officials, health administrators, epidemiologists, political operatives and hospital executives. The crisis in Florida, these observers say, has revealed the shortcomings of a ...

Buckdog: Saskatchewan Liberals Take Sharp Ideological Turn ... 23, 2009 · Saskatchewan Liberals Take Sharp Ideological Turn To The RIGHT! The political 'death wish' of the long suffering Saskatchewan Liberal Party ramped itself up over the weekend, when they broke away from the Federal wing of the party and took a hard, sharp turn to the Right!

Is Trump the End of Reaganism or the End of Democracy ... 16, 2019 · Unless, the exercise leads instead to a breakdown in the system itself. That’s what the political scientists are divided on now. One camp sees Trump as the death-cry of the Reagan Revolution and the other seems him as a mortal threat to democracy. They could both be right, so long as Trump goes peacefully after being defeated in 2020.

Dangerous times in the USA - International Viewpoint essence, a political issue and it goes well beyond keeping him in office. While certainly some of the participants are simply Trump supporters, the real danger are the fascist and white supremacists groups looking to expand their movement. The normalisation of fascism, its ideas and groups is a major part of their agenda.

What Everyone Should Know About Budget Deficits and Public ... Everyone Should Know About Budget Deficits and Public Debt We are subjected constantly to threatening talk by politicians and media personalities about budget deficits and public debt. Budget surpluses, or at least balanced budgets, are touted as fiscally responsible, whereas deficits are painted as burdensome and unsustainable. This framing of the debate appears to…

Regime | The Moorish Wanderer 30, 2011 · If dices keep rolling, the whole MENA region’s geopolitics might be profoundly altered: perhaps my analogy is wrong and misplaced, but it feels quite like the late 1980’s behind the iron curtain: the GDR, the most trustworthy ally to the Soviets, went down as the Berlin Wall was joyfully torn apart by enthusiastic demonstrators. In Poland, Czechoslovakia and Hungary, oppressive Stalinist ...

CA Legislature Asks State Supremes to Finally Put ... A. Canning is a retired attorney, author, Vietnam Veteran (4th Infantry, Central Highlands 1968) and a Senior Advisor to Veterans For Bernie. He has been a member of the California state bar since 1977. In addition to a juris doctor, he has received both undergraduate and graduate degrees in political science. Follow him on twitter ...

Neoconservatism Bulletin, 2005 - Softpanorama[Nov 3, 2005] John Walsh the Philosophy of Mendacity Lies of the Neocons: From Leo Strauss to Scooter Libby All governments lie as I. F. Stone famously observed, but some governments lie more than others. And the neocon Bush regime serves up whoppers as standard fare every day.

The Rush Limbaugh Problem - The Rush Limbaugh Show 29, 2010 · Rush Limbaugh, America's Anchorman and Doctor of Democracy, is known as the pioneer of AM radio. Limbaugh revolutionized the media and political landscape with his unprecedented combination o f ...

Obsidian Wings: Political Parties - Take 'Em or Leave 'Em? publius The Almighty Nine opened shop today, hearing arguments on whether Washington’s open primary violated the First Amendment. The more cynical framing of the question is whether the First Amendment provides cartel-like protections to the major political parties. That,...

Ezra Klein: The Folly of Alphabetizing..., as someone who morphed from a sci-fi fantasy nerd, to a politics geek, somewhere around the soph. year of college, I actually have two "collections." Down stairs are the 3 book cases worth of random sci-fi and fantasy, arranged sort of by author. Upstairs are the political and sociology books, arranged mostly by "here is an empty space.":)

Cash for Clunkers | The Liberal Doomsayer “cash-for-clunkers” program ground to a halt last week because in less than a week, a program that was supposed to last until November 1, had spent the entire $1 billion allocated to it. Let’s just hope that the government takeover of the rest of the health care industry doesn’t result in similar “success.”

Political Irony › Obama on Health Care Repeal 23, 2017 · For the first time, more than ninety percent of Americans know the security of health insurance. Health care costs, while still rising, have been rising at the slowest pace in fifty years. Women can’t be charged more for their insurance, young adults can stay on their parents’ plan until they turn 26, contraceptive care and preventive care ...

DFW Regional Concerned Citizens: Accountability 101 - Who ... the wake of the I-35W bridge collapse, it's time to take a hard look at the politicians and policies that may have contributed to the dis...

Politics | Vaults of Imouthes includes Rep. Bill Tauzin, R-La., who is credited with guiding the law’s passage and now works for the drug industry’s top lobbying group, PhRMA, as one of the highest-paid lobbyists in Washington. Bush’s former Medicare chief Tom Scully is now the top healthcare lobbyist for law firm Alston & Bird.

Stifled Mind: 7/27/08 - 8/3/08 10, 2008 · Intellectual Droppings from the Class Clowns. Between the two of us we try to cover science and politics with a little fun thrown in.

The Liberal Doomsayer: 2011-03-13 first bill, (H.R. 830), calls for closure of the FHA’s Refinance Program, also known as the FHA “Short-Refi”. The program facilitates homeowner refinance of mortgages that are underwater, as long as lenders agree to write-off at least 10 percent of the loan’s original principle amount.

Keystone Progress Blog: August 2010 20, 2010 · Behind the scenes, bank-friendly politicians are working overtime trying to keep Warren from coming up for a vote. But, if Warren is nominated, when it comes time to actually vote, they aren’t going to vote against her. This is one of the most important decisions that …

Frederick Politics: January 2016 02, 2016 · A quick and brief history of this project is the idea to have a hotel located in the historic district of The City of Frederick has been around for over 30 years. In fact, it was during the time Maryland state senator Ron Young (D) was mayor, all those years ago, the thought to build a downtown hotel was discussed for the first time. It was at this time Young would embrace the idea to build ...

US Politics | Something should go here, maybe later. to receive lesson 2? I’ve said to a lot of people, that the media really should have learned something from Trump’s election. Here’s a guy they told us was the devil incarnate, and he still was elected by a landslide in the electoral college. (Yes, I know about the popular vote, I also know what that means – bupkis.)

david cameron | The Political Tipster has been anxious to meet Barack Obama, while McCain is going to meet with David Cameron later today. Clearly, my preference, as a longstanding member of the Labour party and someone who has money on McCain, would be for a repeat of 2004 with McCan delivering a few well times snubs to Cameron, but clearly unrealistic.

the washington times | We Have Seen Better Days the Imam shenanigans on US Airways Flight 300 last week, more information has come to the fore concerning the six-member Islamic boarding party on that Phoenix-bound flight that doesn’t adhere to the heretofore politically correct explanations given by the Muslim clerics after they were handcuffed and removed from the plane. “We were simply praying,” was the general cry given by ...

Chapter 1: Putting Money In The Hands Of Purchasers. | kavips 06, 2009 · Part way through this one…. The mortgage holiday is an idea I have played with, but from a different perspective. What I suggested (I think in a comment over at DE Politics) was that all homeowners who become unemployed should have a mortgage holiday for the life of their unemployment benefits (with a few details about options for part payment or what should happen to the interest).

Horrible news from the Congressional wrap-up . . . Nevada ... 10, 2006 · I had meant to discuss this too, but KT just posted a detailed comment on the awful White Pine County, NV lands bill that did pass. This measure, which was attached to the omnibus bill, designates over 500,000 acres of scenic desert mountains as Wilderness, but outside the Wilderness it is privatization of our public…

Honduras Coup, Act III, Day 20/Updated « Mercury Rising ?? 12, 2009 · August 13, 2009 at 7:46 am. My post last night, “Repression Wednesday . . .” referenced two sources — Frente Nacional and Globo Radio. Both of these sources reported that Mr. Nasser, president of the Congress, provoked the crowd verbally causing the protesters to respond in kind and then the police-military moved in.

Alaska politics | Mudflats Join us for a McCain-Palin Victory 2008 rally to “Support Governor Palin” this Saturday, October 4th! It will take place at the Anchorage Christian School Gymnasium (6401 E. Northern Lights Blvd, at the corner of Northern Lights and Baxter Rd) at 1:00 PM. All are encouraged to attend. This is your call to action, and please forward it to ...

WebWeaver's Worldhttps://webweaversworld.blogspot.comAug 15, 2011 · A blog about my passions. May include some or all of the following: geek stuff (web design &amp; development, CSS, accessibility, usability), environmental activism, my adopted home of New Zealand (&#39;cos it&#39;s so totally wonderful), international &amp; green politics (rants from a left-wing perspective), gardening, cats, literature, rugby, and a whole lot of other stuff besides.

archives | The Smirking 24, 2017 · Overseas Aid Minister Priti Patel. Last year the online publication Foreign Policy Journal published ‘The Best Congress AIPAC Can Buy,’ in which it was made clear that the American Israel Public Affairs Committee led a pro-Israel grouping that “is probably the strongest, best organized and most effective lobby network in Washington DC. For the 2015-2016 election cycle, the pro-Israel ...

breaking news | {{site_title}} breaking news American “freedom fighters” are killing themselves and their fellow Americans; what to do?

A Reminder: Beltway Scandal IRS Edition | This Is 28, 2014 · Of course, the IRS “scandal,” which naturally led conservatives to choose Door #3: keep repeating the inaccuracy as if it were true. But it is also important to remember that in reporting these merry tales of politics, it is not the journalists’ job to actually consider whether the facts they are reporting are true †. As such ...

Investor’s Business Daily | The Liberal Doomsayer 10/8/13: There aren’t very many times when I’m ashamed to be a Roman Catholic, bur unfortunately, this is one of them. Next, I haven’t checked in with Former Laura Bush Employee Andrew Malcolm for a little while, so please allow me to do so now here (he who gravitated downward from the LA Times to Investor’s Business Daily; I ...

Creation Science | Under The LobsterScope, America and people can believe anything they want. And they can make sure their children learn the things they believe as well. But it is worth considering why a majority of Europeans (the last figure I saw was 83%) are non-believers as opposed to 9 to 12% of Americans, and they are amazed at the fundamentalist beliefs that affect our country’s education and politics.

United Nations | The Liberal Doomsayer about United Nations written by doomsy. This tells us that U.N. Secretary Ban Ki Moon referred to the U.S. as a “deadbeat” donor to that world body; here’s the reason why…. Ban said he had wanted to draw attention to the fact that the U.S. agrees to pay 22 percent of the U.N.’s $4.86 billion operating budget, but is perennially late with its dues — and now is about $1 billion ...

On Being Notorious...: 9/11/11 - 9/18/11, unions are one of the last -- and, unfortunately, weakening -- obstacles to corporations' having complete control of the American political system. Whenever there is a fight over economics in particular -- whenever a Wall Street-backed tax, deregulation, Social Security privatization or trade bill comes down the pike -- it is the labor ...

Mr. Charlie Farrowhttps://cfarrow.blogspot.comA year later she returned to Newsweek and a new assignment as the magazine’s congressional and political correspondent, a position which she held for six years. After Clinton’s election in 1992, Clift returned to the White House beat for the first two years of the Clinton administration.Clift is also a political analyst for the Fox News ...

Quiz 2D Blog – Updating the Enhanced Precision Political is/was the appropriate military response to terrorism in the 21st Century? What we did. The U.S. response, including the wars in both Afghanistan and Iraq, was appropriate and sufficient. We need to do more. We should intervene in Syria. More: we need to stop …

November | 2008 | The Rogue Jew | Page 7 05, 2008 · Maybe you have no real understanding of politics, the U.S. Constitution, or the idea that the benefits of someone else’s hard work and determination are not yours for the plundering. Maybe you thought it was cool to vote for Obama. Maybe you actually researched the candidates and honestly felt he was the best choice.

The Other Chicago School–of REgulatory Politics | isely 20, 2014 · The following is an excellent excerpt from the book “THE GREAT DEFORMATION: The Corruption of Capitalism in America” by David A. Stockman from Chapter 14 “Pork Bellies, Floating Money, and the Rise of Speculative Finance” on page 305 and I quote: “The Other Chicago School—of Regulatory Politics – Leo Melamed had also audited another course…

The Arab Spring, Social Media and Democracy | Digital ... Arab Spring, Social Media and Democracy - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Research project by Gabrielle Nygaard. Completed for the Mass Media, Politics and Public Opinion course (MSCM 345) at Linfield College, fall 2012.

Obama to impose International tax-combat Climate change ... 06, 2011 · The precedent being set, now it goes on and on. This is exactly how Agenda 21, the Rio Treaty, and the Wildlands Project are being forced on us, without a treaty being ratified by our congress. Clinton called this “the Third Way,” I think. This is also how the public/private partnership collusion started and continues to grow.

Marie Corfield: 2014 29, 2014 · Mother, artist, teacher, education activist, former NJ State Legislature candidate, that teacher in that Chris Christie You Tube video, writing about education, poverty, politics, women's issues, social justice and living in a world gone strange.

The Fix - Blog Roll: The Best of State Political years ago, Iraq's Ministry of Electricity gave a $50 million contract to a start-up security company - Companion- owned by now-indicted businessman (TONY REZKO) Tony Rezko and a onetime Chicago cop, Daniel T. Frawley, to train Iraqi power-plant guards in the United States. An Iraqi leadership change left the deal in limbo.

In case there was any doubt... - - POLITICO.com case there was any doubt.....that many social conservative leaders are putting pragmatism above all else, see the below. In a radio interview with Romney backer Hugh Hewitt, NRLC executive ...

Today’s Workplace – Page 107 Obama’s expansion of overtime pay goes into effect on December 1. But what happens if it gets rolled back in 2017? Here are some of the Department of Labor’s takeaways from a Congressional Budget Office report:

sarah palin | The Political Tipster Political Tipster looks into his crystal ball Instead of giving my usual predictions I am going to outline four major scenarios that can occur in in the next fifty days and their implications. Three of these outcomes can be predicted while the final outcome is a general compilation of possible scenarios.

I will be on the North Coast News tonight | Sohum Parlance II 12, 2019 · Let’s be clear — a lawless, morally bankrupt president, proposing to use government resources to deploy thousands of refugees as pawns, explicitly for political purposes.. The fact that suggesting such a blatantly corrupt policy isn’t even the most outrageous policy suggested by the president this week, shows just how far Trump has lowered the bar, and still he continues to lower ...

george w bush | The Political Tipster system had grown to a point where a lot of people were dependent upon each other and a collapse of one part of the system wouldn’t just affect a part of the financial markets, it would affect … capacity to borrow money. to buy a house or to finance a college loan. It’d …

ISSUES FACING A DEMOCRACY | Liberal Democracy | Voter ... FACING DEMOCRACY “No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed, it has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.”-Winston Churchill. In political theory, Democracy describes a small number of related forms of government

1960s radical | Out Foxing Karl Rove it’s not just the old Joe McCarthyesque guilt-by-association game, however spurious, that’s going on here. Don’t for an instant believe the many mindlessly “even-handed” journalists who keep saying that the McCain campaign’s use of Ayers is the moral or political equivalent of the Obama campaign’s hammering on Charles Keating.

Outside the Perimeter: Politics of Division | kavips 19, 2008 · As mentioned above, the one good idea coming out of this whole post. It can be easily fixed by one amendment and a voice vote. Exhibit K. Now, back to Rep. Schwartzkopf. His argument is since Reps. Valihura and Stone see the issue from the same point of view that the park owners do, that they are somehow looking out for the park owners.

election – Eric Lightborn's Blog is the only reason I call myself a Media-Watchdog, one of the last of the breed. These are just some of my saved email contacts from my personal email account. [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] press ...

Citizen Cartwright: Justice"And for too long, Congress has failed to act,” he says. "That ends today with the landmark Justice in Policing Act which, for the first time in history, will take a comprehensive approach to ending police brutality. On the back-end, the bill fixes our federal laws so law enforcement officers are held accountable for egregious misconduct and police abuses are better tracked and reported.

September | 2008 | The Liberal Crab is an important. Always think of Obama as the underdog – because he still is. I don’t care what the polls say. We’ve got all fight and work as hard as ever to ensure we restore honor and respectability to the White House. This is a blog I hope you pass on to other Obama supporters and those still deciding.

March | 2010 | The Tonka Report | Page 7 18, 2010: Daniel Taylor / Old Thinker News – March 17, 2010. In 2006, the United Kingdom’s Ministry of Defense published the DCDC Strategic Trends 2007-2036 report, outlining possible scenarios for technology, society and world politics. Among other issues, the 2006 report accurately envisioned a “revolutionary middle class” that would revolt against economic hardship and burdens ...

OTHERWISE: Boehner's Last Stand - NYTimes.com are the demands for delaying the health law, or delaying the individual mandate, or delaying the medical device tax. The final stand, according to the latest reports , is simply this: remove the health insurance subsidies for members of Congress, some executive branch officials, and some of their staffs.

Facing the Firing Squad | Nolan Dalla the Firing Squad: Roger Rodd (Comedian) MEET ROGER RODD: If great comedy requires courage, then Roger Rodd is the bravest of souls. The versatile Los Angeles-based comedian and actor, perhaps best-known for his anti-politically correct stage act and topical rantings on current events which are posted almost by-the-hour on social media, reveals an unshakable chasm between what we so ...

JustOneMinute: Radio And Televison Top Ten Political Moments ought to enliven the right type of dinner party - pick your Top political moments on TV, radio. The author provides his starting point: 10. "The audacity of hope" (July 27, 2004): If Barack Obama's campaign crashes tomorrow, he...

Tucker Carlson | TheZoo 24, 2015 · That would be the first thing an actual journalist would make clear to his audience, but I digress. Second, it wasn’t “Liberals” who were “banning the American flag.” it was the county officials in this one school district. Now, FTR, I think they went too far in …

Marxism | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades!, in his own time, Gentile was one of the most influential philosophers. Giovanni Gentile believed that there were two diametrically opposed forms of democracy. The first was liberal democracy, which we Americans sometimes call “classical liberalism.” This was what our founding fathers believed.

senate | The Rogue Jew is magnificent! From Zombie Time: • We believe that Barack Obama is a brilliant orator and a man possessed of more charisma than any politician since JFK. • But we also believe that his philosophy of “ spreading the wealth around ” is an ill-disguised form of socialism that …

Weekend Open Thread | Tyler Perry Opening His New Studio ... 13, 2019 · Good Morning. I hope that you are enjoying this weekend with family and friends. I wanted to take this time to acknowledge the accomplishment of Mr. Tyler Perry. He opened up his new studio down in Georgia. This Black man, from Louisiana, who was abused and homeless. Built up his entertainment empire, and now has…

Balkinization: The Next Reconstructive Presidency group blog on constitutional law, theory, and politics

Under The LobsterScope | Politics and The Arts (and other ...https://underthelobsterscope.wordpress.comHarold was the kind of friend you didn’t have to see in years and yet nothing changed. You don’t get many like that. He spent the last couple of years fighting pancreatic cancer … in and out o9f hospitals and with the caring support of his wife, Monica , and his daughter, Caroline , …

NAACP – Skeptical Brotha a watchful eye on black politics. Sidebar. May 2020; S M T W T F S : 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: 18: 19: 20

money « Jamesb101.com 01, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Allen weaves his way through the politics of the Ryan plan ... 16, 2011 · It is the first major battle of the 2012 campaign and George Allen is smack dab in the middle of it. The fallout from Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan‘s budget plan, that includes an overhaul to Medicare, was considered at least a part of what destroyed the campaign of an Upstate NY candidate in a special congressional election.. In the wake of its impact on the NY-26 campaign, both sides are ...

Bill Gates New Speech | kavips 10, 2015 · In his first education speech in 7 years, Bill Gates did not back down. His two prong offense continue to be teacher effectiveness and common academic standards—even as both initiatives have sparked a turbulent transformation in the nation’s schools and become deeply politicized….. Due to the timing of the speech, it quickly became apparent that the one person responsible for making ...

Political Irony › Late Night Political Humor 26, 2008 · “This Friday is the first presidential debate. After like nine years of this campaign, we’re going to have a presidential debate, finally. I think that’s good. I think it’s time, don’t you? … Sources from Barack Obama’s campaign say that during the debate — true — Obama’s going to try to get John McCain to lose his ...

May | 2016 | Independent Political Report | Page 2 than 70 cents of every dollar Libertarian Gary Johnson — a man who could play spoiler in battleground states in November — has spent so far in his 2016 presidential bid has gone to the consulting firm of his campaign manager, Ron Nielson, according to a Center for Public Integrity review of federal campaign finance filings.

SullyWatch, the real hero in it, who is not mentioned at all by Wright, is Virginia Postrel. You can say what you want about her as a whole, but on this one she was one of the few non-left bloggers to realize, very early on, that Lott s remark was genuinely distasteful and, most significantly, that outrage over it was not some left-wing political ...

Friday Open Thread - 3CHICSPOLITICO 29, 2017 · 17-Year-Old Maame Biney Becomes 1st Black Girl to Make US Olympics Team for Speed Skating Angela Helm 12/17/17 9:40am We ’bout to see all the #BlackGirlMagic during the Winter Olympics in South Korea, now that a 17-year-old from Virginia has bust through. On Saturday, Maame Biney became the first African-American woman to qualify for the…

It’s good to know that all politicians aren’t A@@h()les ... 04, 2007 · Independent senator Bernie Sanders indirectly takes the Bustards to the matt on the horrible record of the real American economy. The same "booming" economy that has gutted the middle class, busted unions, promoted global corporations to ship all of their production overseas, increased CEO pay rates to over 250% that of their average employee, and an increased the rate…

Musings on Lifehttps://railsmusings.blogspot.comFeb 06, 2015 · The arrogance of politicians (and the justice system) never ceases to amaze me. In the first place, the idea that a man (or men) not medical personnel can presume to know what is best for a woman's health and well-being, in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, is ludicrous and presumptuous in the extreme.

Of Politics, Sports and Sex: October 2014, so there won't be a LOT on here about sex, but tell the truth, that's most of the reason you entered this site, right? So, I'll slip some things in from time to time just to keep you coming back. And it won't JUST be double entendres like "Enter my site" or "slipping things in" or "keep you coming".

No More Apples: 11/26/2006 - 12/03/2006 01, 2006 · No More Apples "Adam ate an apple from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. It's a shame we ran out of apples." -- The Sage. "The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness." -- John Kenneth Galbraith "Reality has a liberal bias."

Gregarious Rexhttps://gregariousrex.blogspot.comThis is something that Seattle has needed for a long time, and it has consistently been tripped up by the crazy Washington state politics (as recently as November '07) - all it took was a trumped-up war, the fall of the Dollar, the rise of China, and people being ridiculously selfish.

European Newspapers | TheZoo a very long time now Barack Obama was the media’s darling. The momentum, inspiration and general feeling of an upcoming change in politics, fascinated voters and journalists alike and were news in their own right. But now there seems to be a turning of the tide ahead, if you look at what European newspapers are focusing on.

Obsidian Wings: Making sense of the senseless 25, 2011 · Making sense of the senseless by liberal japonicus It might be better to have put this as a comment, especially since a growing theme in the comments, but I think sufficiently different from what Dr Science has posted to call for a separate post and I've put it below the fold

Obsidian Wings: Bush's Pointless Speech's Pointless Speech. by hilzoy. ... Last night's speech was the same as any of the other ones— continuing to fool 28% of the people each time, cow Congress into supporting you, and punt the ball down the field and expect the next President to deal with this mess. ... According to General Petraeus and a panel chaired by retired General Jim ...

Liberals: "Underlying crime" in Libby case - Brendan Nyhan several commenters on my original Scooter Libby post, Josh Marshall is assuming the existence of an underlying crime that was protected by Libby's perjury: . Setting aside whether Scooter Libby should spend 0 days in jail for what most people spend from 1 to 3 years in jail, the key here is that it's inappropriate for the president to pardon or commute a sentence in a case in which he (i ...

Left is Right | A place to discuss politics and current eventshttps://leftisrightblog.wordpress.comA place to discuss politics and current events. Stay updated via RSS. Recent Posts. From Grand Wizard to “racial realist”

Eugenics | Living Behind the Gates“The education reform debate and the current state of education policy are absent authoritative leadership, and like the century leading up to today, we will remain mired in bureaucratic insanity at the expense of students and the wider American society.. It is past time that we acknowledge some harsh facts: Without his political appointments, Arne Duncan’s claims about education would ...

Wednesday Mashup (1/16/13) | The Liberal Doomsayer 16, 2013 · This post at The Hill tells us the following… In his op-ed of January 9 (“NLRB Targets secret ballot and private employee information”) Fred Wszolek of the right-wing Workplace Fairness Institute claims that, for the past year, the labor board has “focused almost exclusively on rewarding union bosses with decisions that hurt workers and small…

Skeptical Brotha – Keeping a watchful eye on black politicshttps://skepticalbrotha.wordpress.comCouncilwoman Keisha Lance Bottoms is the current face of Atlanta’s decaying 44 year-old regime of corporate sponsored Black leadership. Endorsed by current Mayor Kasim Reed, the personification of Cosbyesque Pound Cake Conservatism, Keisha Lance Bottoms — young, gifted, and Black, fits the mold of telegenic, well-spoken tokens Atlantans always vote for.

Politics – Skeptical Brotha about Politics written by skepticalbrotha. Keeping a watchful eye on black politics

Donald Trump | Left is Right place to discuss politics and current events. Stay updated via RSS. Recent Posts. From Grand Wizard to “racial realist”

PoliticalDogs Merlin « Jamesb101.com 15, 2010 · Across more than four decades of holding or seeking public office, one of the defining characteristics of Jerry Brown has been political flexibility: an admirable lack of ideological rigidity to his admirers, a failure of political principle to his detractors. His four-year term as the state’s attorney general has underscored that quality.

Georgia | kavips May 2007, Russia was the world’s largest oil and gas producer.” Putin has proven to be as adept at geopolitics as he is at “deal-making”. He has 1) collaborated with the Austrian government on a huge natural gas depot in Austria which will facilitate the transport of gas to southern Europe.

Massachusetts Conservative Feminist | Ordinary: Degrees of ... 05, 2009 · On ThursdayBarack Obama asked Congress to increase the Defense Budget by an additional 83.4 billion; which brings the total 2009 military budget to approximately $150 billion dollars, down from 188 billion in 2008. Obama plans to increase troop levels in Afghanistan from 38,000 to 60,000 and give the Pentagon requested funds to overall increase the overall armed forces to 547,000 plus …

How Britain is Governed | Parliament Of The United Kingdom ... Britain is governed Parliamentary elections in Britain Britain is divided up into 650 political areas which are known as constituencies or seats. Each constituency is represented in the House of Commons by one Member of Parliament who is elected by the people over the age of 18 years living in …

Religion/Politics | Et Cetera: Publick and Privat Curiosities” The recent lawsuit, filed Oct. 2, included allegations of a $39,000 shopping tab at one store for Richard Roberts’ wife, Lindsay, a $29,411 Bahamas senior trip on the university jet for one of Roberts’ daughters, and a stable of horses for the Roberts children.

Politics | The Revolution Will Not Be Digitized. | Page 2 23, 2008 · The news items this week point to a severe international crisis pointing ahead (maybe within months of now). Sweden has enabled new surveillance measures on the heels of Germany . The Treasury’s man Paulson thinks procedures for future bank failures should be erected.

congress | Smart Liberal and Female to a poll by CNN, 61% of Americans oppose a bailout. I hear ya. I feel ya. And on many levels I agree with ya but….lets be real here for a minute. How many jobs will be lost by those employed by the Big Three? And how many jobs lost by companies that will go under if the Big Three go under?

Congress | Shadow Democracy about Congress written by Administrator. Protesters continued to wave the peacock flag of the crushed pro-democracy movement on a solitary march Saturday through the bloody streets of Myanmar ‘s largest city. Many dissidents said they are resigned to defeat without international intervention as regimes like China stood around and watch people being butchered in the streets – same as ...

Jesus' General: My Inner Frenchman: He Reaped What They Sowed it turns out that there was a right-wing political angle to this (and I don’t think the “Copperhead Road” and anti-federal government angles are mutually exclusive, by the way), I wonder whether the right will view this the same way they viewed Ruby Ridge … you know, outrage over the use of deadly force and the death of an innocent victim, all of that sort of thing.

Congressman Cunningham | Big Brass Balls 11, 2006 · Harris is a two-term House member who is running for the Senate. However, she is best known as the state official who certified President Bush's 537-vote win in Florida in the disputed 2000 presidential election. Wade, former president of MZM Inc., admitted making $32,000 in illegal contributions to Harris' 2004 campaign for the House.

July | 2007 | FrameWork who is generous; one who favors greater freedom in political or religious matters; one free from prejudice or narrow thinking. Ant.- stingy, mean, bigoted, or conservative In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated scorned.

Larry Summers | Under The LobsterScope underneath all of Geithner, who is trying to get Congress to do more TARP money… which they are now not likely to do. This seems to call for a real turnover which would be in Obama’s best interest… and might lead him back to his campaign promises.

Here are some National polls… but the storm could change ... 29, 2012 · Here are the latest national tracking polls of the presidential race: Washington Post: Romney 49%, Obama 48% Politico/George Washington University: Obama 49%, Romney 48% Public Policy Polling: Romney 49%, Obama 48% Reuters/Ipsos: Obama 49%, Romney 46% Obama, however, has pulled away from campaign speeches so he could get back to the White House to manage…

'17 Specials & '18 Midterms Thread - Page 105 26, 2018 · Happy Tuesday! The Congressional race in Arizona will get the most attention today, but NY has a bunch of special elections for state level seats as well. Here are the seats, what party most recently held them, and what % of the vote they received in 2016: NY 5 - R 64% NY 10 - R 59% NY 17 - R 63% NY 39 – D unopposed (2018 D candidate also ...

mm333: "Great people shouldn’t have a resume" | Left ... 30, 2008 · M UDGE’s Musings. Mostly, this nanocorner of the ‘Sphere© looks at the news and opinions of the day, be it political, or sometimes technological, seeking some nugget of value that, out of the information inundation, resolves itself as unique and important to yr (justifiably) humble svt, and hopefully to you, faithful reader.. Today it’s not about what’s new.

Bleeding Heartland the jump I’ve posted links to Bleeding Heartland’s coverage of Iowa politics from January through June 2009. Any comments about the year that passed are welcome in this thread. Although I wrote a lot of posts last year, there were many important stories I didn’t manage to cover.

Corporate Crime | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog is one of many reasons why Robert Reich’s plan makes sense at this point. Temporary receivership. Temporary receivership. Despite the political peril involved in such an endeavor, the government should take over BP, its manpower and assets, and eliminate the corporate revenue motive from the capping and cleanup process.

Obsolete Capitalism: Dr. Simon Glezos - Biography his first book, The Politics of Speed: Capitalism, the State and War in an Accelerating World(Routledge, 2012) Simon sought to develop a nuanced theoretical conception of the ontological nature of speed, and trace out the effects of technological acceleration on global, domestic and local politics. This included discussions of the ways in ...

The Washcloth: Political hatred FEMA trailer and a soup kitchen would be extravagant luxuries in most of the rest of the world. And, yet, we squabble over ideas and minor differences. It is our country's great success which makes us so comfortable, and so cushioned from the harshness of the real world, that we have the luxury to argue minute points of disagreement.

morality | Dystopian Blues: News Liberal Progressives Need said he doesn’t "recall ever having been the subject of such absolutely, relentless vituperation" following a story in his 35 years at the Times. He said his email inbox has been full of denunciations from readers and a number of academics at top-tier schools such as Harvard, Yale, and MIT.

About that liberal media | Sohum Parlance II 29, 2008 · From the L.A. Times (which also contains a reference to a study to add to the former): During the evening news, the majority of statements from reporters and anchors on all three networks are neutral, the center found. And when network news people ventured opinions in recent weeks, 28% of the statements were positive for Obama and 72% negative.

Trump is still trying to run against President Obama, and Trump, desperate and miserable in the wake of his Tulsa rally embarrassment, has clutched at one of his political security blankets: attacking former President Barack Obama. In an interview with CBN News, Trump went so far as to falsely accuse Obama of treason. Trump is going back—again—to his insistence that the Obama administration spied on his 2016 …

My Liberal Agendamyliberalagenda.blogspot.comThe Dow Jones dropped about 7 percent today. That makes it under 8,600 *pause for wincing*. Shares are, predictably, also down. Not much news, considering the current climate, honestly. Well, I'm sure that the McCains are feeling your pain right now-if things get too bad, they might even be forced to suffer through selling one of their houses!

SHADOW'S WORLD: 07/02/ DOUTHAT: The Great Disconnect. D.C. gridlock has given the political class an excuse to ignore the country’s most pressing problem — a lack of decent jobs at decent wages, with a deeper social crisis at work underneath — and pursue its own pet causes instead.

Maryland Politics Watch: Registration 02, 2008 · Maryland is one of twenty-six states with closed primaries, meaning primaries are only open to those who register with the party. Some state parties in closed primary states choose to open their primaries, but it is not required by law. As a closed primary state, voters in Maryland must be registered with a political party to vote in its primary.

Giuliani Blasts and Hillary over Iraq Report 13, 2007 · Rudy Giuliani, sharply criticized for attacking Gen. David Petraeus in the New York Times as they effectively labeled him a liar. Giuliani also said Hillary Clinton was spewing political venom during her recent questioning of the general. During an appearance on the "Randy and Spiff Radio Show" in Atlanta, Georgia, Giuliani refered to the ad as "one of …

So Peggy Noonan Is A Liberal? « Mercury Rising ?? 04, 2008 · Subscribe. Entries (RSS) Comments (RSS) Tweet Tweet Tweet. RT @HoarseWisperer: I’ve gotta say, I really look forward to the day when I don’t know where to find specs for government chemical agents u… 1 hour ago; RT @HoarseWisperer: These are the specs from the pepper spray grenades manufactured by one of the companies the …

Blog for Patlak : Patlak for Congresshttps://patlak4congress.blogspot.comThe Washington Post reported yesterday that a "memo issued last summer by a U.S. Army military intelligence officer appealed for suggestions on how to extract information from prisoners in Iraq and called for tougher means of getting intelligence." What we might be seeing is the start of a wealth of information which shows the Abu Graib interrogations were not some abnormal behavior which were ...

Frederick Politics: Overnight on Carroll Creek 08, 2012 · Totally soaked within the first hour or so on location, I discovered how chilling this would become as by 3:00 AM; the temperature had plunged to 50 degrees, making it feel like 30 degrees. As I strolled down the creek during one of the downpours, I went under one of the bridges and encountered a group of co-ed homeless folks trying to keep dry.

Capital Cloak: 12/17/06 - 12/24/06 Gingrich appeared on Meet the Press yesterday, and in an interview covering a broad range of political topics, commented on the Global War on Terror, specifically the various surveillance tools used by our intelligence agencies to identify and track known and potential terrorists.The former Speaker used the example of the recent arrest of a home-grown Jihadist in Illinois to argue that ...

Delegitimizing Trump - Shooting Sports Forum 13, 2016 · After failing to cheat their way to victory, then apparently failing to steal it in the electoral college, it looks like the next line of attack by

March | 2009 | The Liberal Doomsayer in 2000 Sen. Mr. Elaine Chao tells Al Gore to give up his challenge for the presidency here, and in 2004 Bush lackey Andrew Card says here that his boss will give John Kerry “the respect of more time” before conceding (bastard), but in 2009, John Cornyn says here that the GOP is prepared to fight “World War III” to keep Al Franken from being seated in the Senate, a position he won ...

Green New Deal | {{site_title}}; Membership; Want more Progressives Donate Today

WG's Observations: March 2011 real question isn’t whether Washington politicians will find the backbone, the strength of character and the wisdom to do the painful but necessary pruning of Federal programs, but whether we, the American voters, will find the backbone, the strength of character and the wisdom to vote into office politicians who will do what is necessary, even if it means sacrifices in our own paychecks ...

The Unknown Hero Of The Secret Mossad Airlift Of Ethiopian ... 10, 2010 · The first to reveal the secret was Arie Leib Dulzin, one of the leaders of Israel's Liberal Party, and a former minister without a portfolio, who was then chairman of the Jewish Agency. He divulged the secret to donors from Canada, who published the story in one of their bulletins, and from there it reached The New York Times.

voting « Green Response Earth Action Team Integrity Panel Event–LWV. Posted on October 15, 2017 Updated on October 15, 2017. Next month, the Orange County League of Women Voters will host a panel on voting rights and the integrity of our election system.. The panel will consist of the Supervisors of Elections in Orange and Seminole County, Bill Cowles and Michael Ertel, and Susan Pynchon, founder and executive director of the ...

Romney’s southern strategy | The Pardu's Scroll shameful Mormon Mitt Romney resorts to his lifelong teachings and settles-in to spew divisive mantra and political sloganeering. The strategy, attempts to grab as much of the white vote as they can manipulate from those who are not already in the fold.

22 | December | 2006 | SUZIE-Q! 22, 2006 · 5 posts published by Suzie-Que on December 22, 2006. Robin Hayes has the solution to the Iraq war: have our soldiers convert all Muslims to Christianity. Having won the election by only a hair’s width and almost getting himself kicked out of Congress seems to have had some profound psychological effects on poor Mr. Hayes.

Campaign Finance Refrom | Beach Peanuts below) Yesterday’s Supreme Court decision in Citizens United v.Federal Election Commission is a disaster in the making and a threat to Democracy itself. The Supreme Court ruled that corporations are now “persons” and entitled by the U.S. Constitution, for all intents and purposes, to pour unlimited amounts of cash into the political process to buy elections and run our government.

terrorism « Jamesb101.com 29, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Politics 101 For The Left, Revisited | Norbrook's Blog 30, 2014 · Milt Shook over at Please Cut The Crap has a great post up titled "10 Things All Progressives Should Understand for 2014 and Beyond." I strongly recommend reading it. It's common sense, pragmatic, and straightforward. In that vein, I'm revamping a post that was part of a series back at the end of 2011,…

Article VI | United States Congress | United States ... VI - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. poli

It’s “More Health Care Hijinks” Monday! | The Liberal ... 10, 2009 · I stumbled across some truly wankerific punditry by Sheryl Gay Stolberg in the New York Times yesterday in which she attempted to draw a faux equivalency between the “teabaggers” disrupting the town hall meetings (with this as the next logical step in their hooliganism, unfortunately) and members of the SEIU and other Dem-simpatico organizations trying…

alias Bruce.: Guns reportedly then went to a subway platform and put a bullet in his head. So many of us act so surprised at this horror. But the elements were there for the seeing. The political and emotional physics of this long-running tragedy have been scrawled in chalk around bodies on sidewalks thousands of times.

Ohio Sec of State Ken Blackwell | Big Brass Balls his duties as secretary of state, however, Blackwell's staff narrowed the list of companies eligible to replace Ohio's antiquated voting equipment with more modern technology. The Green-based Diebold made the cut, and a rival firm accused Blackwell of improperly favoring the Ohio company.

Mezouar | The Moorish Wanderer might have been saying some mean things about his politics, either as a minister or as a coalition leader, but to be actually invited to an interview with one of the biggest financial data providers and answer questions in French, s’il-vous-plaît, has been the killer: the next Head Of Government-to-be proves to be a shallow person.He was presented as a new kind of technocrat-politician, a ...

Uncategorized – @PoliticoTeacher just over a week there will be a by-election in Stoke-on-Trent in a seat that has elected a Labour member of Parliament since it was created in 1950. At the last election, in this majority working class seat, UKIP surged to 22.7% of the vote, a swing of 9.4% from Labour to the UK Independence Party.

The Moderate Liberal: 12/19/2004 - 12/26/2004 25, 2004 · For a while at least I'll focus on blogs that support trackback; the only method I can think of to advertise The Moderate Liberal. Well, I could go over to Kos, Atrios and MyDD just to post "read my blog", "read my blog" over and over again, but I …

Jaq ExaminesThe Issues: April 2009 wright says, "This is one of the best descriptions of the Hypocrisy of Liberal Socialism I've ever read. If only we knew who wrote it. Enjoy!". There was a time in recent American history when certain Soviet jokes didn't work in translation - not so much because of the language differences, but because of the lack of common sociopolitical ...

The Laffer Curve & Capital Gains Taxes | Bud Meyers 25, 2011 · The negotiations for what would become the North American Free Trade Agreement began in Reagan's second term, but it was President Clinton who pushed the agreement through Congress in 1993 over the objections of the unions and many in his own party. (New data now reports that 56,000 factories closed and 8.2 million jobs were lost from 2000 to ...

Misinformation, Lies, Fox News, GOP and Fact Checker | The ... 28, 2013 · As the barrage of lies and misinformation from the political Right churns on like an oozing 1950's "The Blob," we thought we'd visit Fact Check Dot Org for a 2012 year old update on just how the Right goes about 'working your mind. But, first an acknowledgement of one of our greatest: Steve McQueen starred…

JustOneMinute: Another 'Own Goal' For Hillary for a $900 prize, ending up to be a lot of work! Posted by: James D | February 08, 2016 at 12:12 PM I don't think the American public has any idea how degraded and in the thrall of political correctness and legalese our military has become.

July | 2007 | Connecticut Local Politics and New Hampshire would retain their status as the first, as each would hold its elections before March. The system would begin in 2012, with a lottery held to determine which region goes first. In 2016, the order wold be rotated so that the first region of 2012 would go last in 2016. (Lightman) This is absolutely the right approach.

Right To Work Zones | Exceptional Delaware 01, 2016 · This is why I can’t personally stomach the thought of Sokola sitting in Legislative Hall in 2017. And nothing, not even a potential threat of Right To Work, could get me to change my mind on that. Perhaps Frederika Jenner wasn’t fully supportive of paying for a Sokola political ad as a member of the board of Delawarean’s First PAC.

T-Mobile | The Liberal Doomsayer the last few days, the New York Times has provided extensive coverage on the issue of driving while talking on a cell phone (hands-on or hands-free) and texting (Matt Richtel is the author of the thorough reporting on this issue, particularly last Sunday but today also).. Last Sunday’s report featured the following information…. A 2003 Harvard study estimated that cell phone ...

Artists – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America forward, it’s now the 70’s and I’m listening to Zeppelin, Bowie and Black Sabbath. I avoid top 40 and Album Rock was just evolving. I listen to FM on the Pioneer Receiver and Vinyl on the Thorens.. Now it’s the Eighties and I developed a healthy respect for my Sony ICF-9740W table radio, which I set under my 13 Inch RCA Color TV and wired to pick up MTV off the FM Band.

Brent Bozell | The Liberal Doomsayer put, just another excuse for a “values” freeloader like Winter to let everyone know he’s still around (“I’ll take ‘Desperately Trying To Remain Relevant’ for 100, Alex!” – more here). And here is more on the Parents Television Council, including the fact that it …

Colorado | Subject to Complete Defeasance Dianne Primavera (D-Broomfield) is running for a third two-year term representing House District 33 in the Colorado House of Representatives. Throughout the last four years she’s worked tirelessly to advance the causes of real, live human beings. Many wonder why any decent, capable, honorable human being would even consider becoming involved in politics given how shitty it’s become.

Barack Obama « Axis of Right is shaping up to be the biggest Clintonian convention since 1996, beating out 2000 when Algore was consciously trying to avoid BJ’s political stench. Of course it’s historic that he’s the first half-African American to get the nomination of a major political party. As a …

Misinformation | The Pardu's Scroll the barrage of lies and misinformation from the political Right churns on like an oozing 1950’s “The Blob,” we thought we’d visit Fact Check Dot Org for a 2012 year old update on just how the Right goes about ‘working your mind. But, first an acknowledgement of one of our greatest: S …

chris matthews | Political Mpressions then Think Progress posted a little back-and-forth between Chris Wallace and Mike Gallagher discussing how funny they thought Dick’s comments were.. So, allow me to offer a few points in response to the comments of these debased characters: I will discontinue viewership of Hardballs if Chris Matthews continues to allow blowhard douchebags like Armey to abuse his other guests.

The Useless Tree: Confucius on the Outside, Not on the Inside years ago. That was the year, 1955, that Mao starting pushing acclerated collectivization in the Chinese countryside - the "high tide of socialism." It was the beginning of a political dynamic, driven by Maoist idealism and Leninist coercion, that brought on the disaster of the Great Leap Forward, inhumanity on a world-historical scale.

Occupied. | No, THIS is how you do it… 30, 2011 · Most of our time together invloved required a good amount of lager and me trying not to pay attention to a lot of his rather transparent dialogue. One night while we were out at the Fringe Club, having the requisite beers, we were talking US politics. This was the onset of the second term with W. and he asked me, with total sincerity, why ...

Trump bats 1000 on security blunders. | Political Forum 30, 2016 · Hours After First Intelligence Briefing, Trump Likely Leaked CLASSIFIED Secrets Trump attended an intelligence briefing this afternoon in which he was told sensitive information for his own safety and for the safety of Americans. Within hours he was neck deep into one of his classic word...

John Shadegg | The Liberal Doomsayer was the author of an infamous secret memo to GOP leaders in 1995 titled “Language: A Key Mechanism of Control”, which one of America’s foremost linguists called an outline of a strategy to frame the word “liberal” as “something akin to traitor” in the media. This was in …

Harold Ford Jr: Rotten Apple – Skeptical Brotha 07, 2010 · The “news” broke yesterday that former Tennessee Congressman Harold Ford Jr’s three year effort to revive his flagging political career in the cesspool of New York politics has borne rotten fruit. Since leaving the congress, Ford has kept busy with a few media gig’s on Fox News and MSNBC as a “political analyst,” Chairman of…

The Urgency Of Now | Exceptional Delaware 21, 2017 · The Delaware blogging community saw a very odd thing happen this week. Delaware Liberal saw four of their ten contributors suddenly leave the popular liberal blog. El Somnambulo left on Wednesday. Soon after, Delaware Dem, Cassandra, and Pandora left and began a new blog called Blue Delaware.. The tension came to a high point when Delaware Dem put up a post about changes …

Comcast | The Liberal Doomsayer 22, 2010 · In local election news “across the river,” I should let you know that Tony Mack won the right to run against either Eric Jackson (public works director under outgoing Mayor Doug Palmer) or at-large Councilman Manny Segura in the Trenton, NJ mayoral election on June 15th, as noted here.. And in news involving someone who may end up as a candidate for a Darwin Award, mayoral candidate and ...

SubtleKnife: catching up's boring me. I think it's me. -- Dylan Thomas -- Welsh poet (1914-1953) Virtue is its own punishment.-- Aneurin Bevan -- Welsh labor leader & politician (1897-1960) Procrastination isn't the problem, it's the solution. So procrastinate now, don't put it off. -- Ellen DeGeneres -- US comedian, actress and talkshow host This is and will forever (or until I get sick of it) remain very ...

Supreme Gorsuch sides with the left in latest ruling ... 04, 2019 · Supreme Gorsuch sides with the left in a decision handed down yesterday. This after his decision a week or so ago Supreme Gorsuch sides with Liberals again on Indian hunting case Not to worry, the case went 5-4 saved by the bell no less than by Ginsburg. Just to put the icing on the…

It Wasn’t Abortion That Formed the Religious Right ... Wasn’t Abortion That Formed the Religious Right. It Was Support for Segregation. - By Amanda Marcotte - The modern religious right formed, practically overnight, as a rapid response to the Supreme Court's landmark ruling in Roe v. Wade. Or, at least, that's how the story goes. The reality, Randall Balmer, Dartmouth professor writing for Politico Magazine, says, is…

Politics Thread | Fires of Heaven- A Technology Community 03, 2017 · This is beside the point. If you want to prevent premature deaths you do that by pulling out the list of things that cause premature deaths and start at the top. If cutting out the stuff at the top of the list is too expensive/infeasible you skip those and go …

February 2017 – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America forward, it’s now the 70’s and I’m listening to Zeppelin, Bowie and Black Sabbath. I avoid top 40 and Album Rock was just evolving. I listen to FM on the Pioneer Receiver and Vinyl on the Thorens.. Now it’s the Eighties and I developed a healthy respect for my Sony ICF-9740W table radio, which I set under my 13 Inch RCA Color TV and wired to pick up MTV off the FM Band.

The TL:DR Bible: Proverbs 29-31 | House of the Dread 10, 2017 · Chapter 29: Keep fighting against the system and you will be broken. Wicked rulers sow and reap a harvest of human misery. Whores don’t love you, son. They love your money. Believe me, I know. A good ruler is just, politicians who take large and mostly unlimited campaign contributions in the name of free speech…

business | ScreamBucket General Motors and Chrysler – Gone in 60 Days March 30, 2009 Posted by aetiusromulous in Economics, news, politics, Video, YouTube. Tags: bail out, business, Chrysler, Economics, economy, finance, General Motors, GM, government, news, Obama, politics, Video add a comment Obama, General Motors, and Chrysler each bought an extra sixty days before they must face the inevitable.

interrogation « Jamesb101.com 25, 2009 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Google Favors Good Reporting, Not Liberal Views: Study 06, 2019 · The only reason the Fairness Doctrine wasn’t struck down by courts (before the Obama FCC finally took it off the books in 2011) was that broadcasters are the only media that don’t get full First Amendment protection, as we’ve explained. The Supreme Court has already ruled that Internet media get the full protection of the First Amendment.

James Comey | Bloviating Zeppelin - Part embattled Page tossed James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok and Bill Priestap among others under the Congressional bus, alleging the upper echelon of the FBI concealed intelligence confirming Chinese state-backed ‘assets’ had illegally acquired former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s 30,000+ “missing” emails, federal sources said.

29 | September | 2008 | Liberal Burblings 29, 2008 · 4 posts published by paulwalternewbury on September 29, 2008. Ashish Prashar has worked for the last two and a half years in and around the Conservative Party. He’s spent the last 11 months within the press office, serving as a spokesman for the Shadow Minister for the Cabinet Office, Shadow Leader of the House and the Conservative Head of Policy.

Obsolete Capitalism: Disintermediation of the zoon ... of the zoon politikon. ... Those agents that act within the current representative systems - namely the political parties- are the expression of mediated territorial and social interests. Unfortunately, the general decay of Nations under the expansion of the global financial-economic machine has deprived of credibility the ...

Washington State Political Report - Blogger Majority Rules Blog has the goods on Slade Gorton and Ken Eikenberry's PAC that you got all upset about a while ago and then forgot about because that's what they wanted you to do. And what ought to be done about state PAC's. In today's edition of the Seattle PI Neil Modie continues the reporting on this issue with a story entitled "Political Spending Cap May Backfire" With the Washington ...

Did Obama make an Obscene Gesture referencing Hillary? 22, 2010 · This website is a right-wing/conservative site that will dispute much of what is on other left-wing/liberal sites. In other words, the "Right" Politico site because it has all the "correct" information. This site gives out TRUTHFUL INFORMATION. Arm yourself with information and the truth! ! This is an EDUCATIONAL and RESOURCE webiste! !

The US Left’s Antipathy to Organization « Mercury Rising ?? 22, 2012 · One of the things that most bothers me about the American left is its resistance to being organized. Unlike the members of the right wing, who eagerly organize and get heavily involved in electoral politics to achieve their goals, the farther left one …

U.S. Congress | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog Maidhc Ó Cathail, Foreign Policy Journal, December 4, 2010 Even those familiar with the long and shameful history of America’s appeasement of Israel were taken aback by the Obama administration’s extraordinary offer to Netanyahu.. In exchange for a paltry one-off 90 day freeze on illegal settlement expansion in the occupied West Bank (excluding East Jerusalem), Israel will get 20 F-35 ...

Generations Radio – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of ..., who has compared Trump to Jesus Christ and Martin Luther King Jr., said that conservative Christians who oppose the candidate should remember that “God called King David a man after God’s own heart even though he was an adulterer and a murderer.” – Jerry Falwell Jr.: Tronald Dump Is America’s King David!!! Ted Cruz Is ‘Thrilled To Announce’ The Endorsement Of Linda ...

Ethan Berkowitz | Mudflats | Page 4 latest result for the coveted honor of “Least Popular Member of the Alaska Congressional Delegation” are in! Crowds were stunned when in a surprise slow motion finish, Ted Stevens beat Don Young by a nose in both the Unfavorable, and Very Unfavorable categories!

Motor City Liberal: Paris, South Carolina Sanford's long walk has ended. From the South Carolina governor's office to the Appalachian Trail to Argentina and back, he has returned to win a seat in the House of Representatives. Political victory has redemptive powers and so Sanford now has a chance to write a new chapter in his personal history.

Keystone Progress Blog: McCain's Cousin Endorses Obama 31, 2008 · This was the first politician in a long time that, on a national stage, was saying things like, "Neither party should be defined by pandering to the outer-reaches of American politics." Jump ahead to the campaign Sen. McCain is currently running.

Hard Rock Conservative: 2013 rantings, ravings, and thoughts of a 26 year old Minnesota kid about politics, music, pop culture, sports, world news and all the crap thats fit to print in todays media world.

Motor City Liberal: 12-year-old ‘suffragette’ fires back ... 12, 2013 · A 12-year-old North Carolina girl fired back at Gov. Pat McCrory on Monday (R-NC) after he called her a “prop” because she had accused him of voter suppression for signing a voter ID law that stripped pre-registration rights for young people.

We can only speculate as to the motive | Sohum Parlance II 22, 2019 · We can only speculate as to the motive. October 22, 2019 in Uncategorized. ... so who works in DHHS that has access to a box full of new needles… or is it the liberals who drive around the medical trucks containing the new needles… or is it a high up liberal person person in one of these Medical outfits or agencies or departments that took ...

Universe | Dystopian Blues: News Liberal Progressives Need is the Cat’s Eye Nebula (NGC 6543), one of the first to be discovered. Credit: Hubble Heritage Team. Eerie, dramatic pictures from the Hubble show newborn stars emerging from dense, compact pockets of interstellar gas called evaporating gaseous globules (EGGs) that lie in the Eagle Nebula, a nearby star-forming region 7,000 light-years ...

Obamacare lawsuit | This Is King v.Burwell has even made it to the Supreme Court becomes even more of a mystery; the cynicism of the case is plainly apparent; even Justice Scalia is reduced to cheap politicking.. Perhaps, then, we ought not be surprised at Ian Millhiser’s report for ThinkProgress, which runs under the lovely title, “The Lawyer Telling The Supreme Court To Gut Obamacare Explained Why He Should ...

Sunday Open Thread | 3CHICSPOLITICO 11, 2018 · Went to a Bat Mitzvah today, which was lovely. But as it was starting, the rabbi took time — in a very measured voice — to point out all the exits, including the emergency exits, so people would know how to leave the synagogue if necessary.

Political Irony › Getting High is Solution for Global Warming 25, 2011 · Also known because it was the site of the first tests of atomic bombs, the Marshall Islands seems to be an unwilling victim of Western Technology. But now they are turning the tide, and perhaps tourists will start calling this new …

Buckdog: May 4th - KENT STATE MASSACRE - the day a ... 04, 2007 · The big difference was the use of rubber bullets now and deadly force then. One big difference between the 1960's anti-war movement and today's efforts is that today's protesters are doing much of their agitating online and not in the streets.

2012 Vote | The Pardu's Scroll voters always means a win for the GOP. Clear evidence of such was the onslaught of Tea party activity that led to the 2010 congressional and state-wide results. Thus, a House of Representative which has turned into a chamber of Tea Party dominate horrors and a Senate that is barely holding its nose above the waterline of sanity.

Horrific Tucson Shooting Involving Congresswoman Giffords 08, 2011 · And a separate FB page is immediately put up--"In Memory of Christina Taylor Green is on Facebook". Her photo therein is clearly the cropped photo of the one with her uncle at FB. I've already seen inconsistencies--sometimes in the very same piece!--on a neighbor took her to the rally, no it was the family took her to the rally.

Bilgrimage: Frank Mugisha, Ugandan Advocate for LGBT ... 08, 2015 · Asking LGBT people to keep accepting all of this as some kind of sacrifical price they're expected to pay — the price of silence and invisibility — in order to help promote some "liberal" Catholic vision that cannot even acknowledge their existence or call them by name: what an act of colossal cruelty on the part of people who claim to stand on the side of social justice and human rights.

9/11 | Missouri Communication | Page 2 28, 2011 · Whether the death of Osama bin Laden was the outcome of a carefully planned mission that was carried out on May 1st, or whether bin Laden’s been dead for a few days and President Obama decided to make the announcement coinciding with the 8 year anniversary of George W. Bush’s “Mission accomplished” proclamation for the sake of political ...

jobless | Werking Gerl things are about to get worse for Nunez, who is set to become one of the approximately 18,000 Manhattan residents who will lose their unemployment benefits over the next month after Congress failed to pass an emergency extension on Wednesday. Read entire article here.

The Justice Dept on Netroots Radio Presents: "I've Held ... 24, 2020 · I'm Special Agent DJ Justice, Radio Host and Managing Partner for Netroots Radio and I'm manning the dials, spinning the discs, warbling the woofers, putting a slip in your hip and a

The Justice Dept on Netroots Radio Presents: "And Here, I ... 12, 2020 · The Justice Dept on Netroots Radio Presents: "And Here, I Wish to Say to Her Now, is a Smaller Gift" justiceputnam Community (This content is not subject to review by Daily Kos staff prior to ...

West Coast Cookbook & Speakeasy Daily Special, River City ... 30, 2019 · West Coast Cookbook & Speakeasy is Now Open! 8am-9am PT/ 11am-Noon ET for our especially special Daily Special, River City Hash Mondays! Starting off in the Bistro Cafe, Secretary of State Pompeo was served a subpoena as Trump envoy to Ukraine, Kurt Volker, resigned.. On the rest of the menu, the Trump administration suffered a legal setback to speed up deportations; Moscow Mitch …

Let's Lift Our Voices in Derision to the Organizers of ... will be a somber day, what with funerals being planned in grief stricken Texas and Hurricane Dorian crawling across Grand Bahama at 1 MPH like a giant angry street sweeper with a busted u-joint. But let’s take a moment to laugh at the two sad clowns above. I’ll spare you long biographies but if […]

Article: LET'S NATIONALIZE THE BANKS! | OpEdNews 28, 2008 · Defense secretary's chief of staff tenders resignation as Trump team moves toward war by Daily Kos (With membership, you can see # of pageviews) Trump Threatens War Crimes Against Iran.

Thom's blog | Thom Hartmann - News & info from the #1 ... Is Watching You? Dec. 29, 2017 7:52 am. By thomhartmann. Anytime you turn or do anything - someone may be watching & is trying to make a buck off you. I see this as a beginning. Will your ISP soon be watching you? Or are they already? At what point do we say we want the damn internet back and some privacy too?

Makes perfect sense – because it’s all about how one feels ... 09, 2018 · We are the drain the swamp people. ... Makes perfect sense – because it’s all about how one feels. Posted on November 9, 2018 by Designated2. He feels younger so you should legally honor that; Otherwise you are full of ageism and you are cold-hearted and discriminatory and a fascist and . . .

Your Daily Dose of Racist McCain Supporters | Slog | The ... Your Daily Dose of Racist McCain Supporters posted by David Schmader on October 24 at 14:26 PM. From a McCain rally today in Denver. Thank you, Slog Tipper Rainbird. Permalink. Comments 1 "He's a stupid bum." Priceless. Posted by Lesley | October 24, 2008 2:26 PM 2. The guy in the red beret has no business calling anyone a socialist. ...

The Johnsville News: Duke Case: Holloway's Jungleland essay is her take on the Duke lacrosse scandal. Holloway is a member of the Group of 88 at Duke and a professor of English. KC Johnson draws a map to help us find the missing Karla Holloway, who is sinking in a pool of self-pity deep in a jungle of "men's sports" that is infested with "both masculine and white racial disrespect."

Daylee News Nuggets: Trump's Bad Associates from the Past's Bad Associates from the Past The Klansmen and Mobsters in Donald Trump’s Closet (Michael Daly) from the Daily Beast "Trump’s campaign is haunted by his reported dealings with a mafia boss, a drug smuggler, and a Russian gangster, as well as his dad’s alleged Klan arrest."

THE CUP OF JOE: How YouTube Is Shaping A New Kind of TV you like parodies, you may want to check out the new show on VH1 called Acceptable TV. Each week they have five mini TV show pilots. Viewers vote on their favorites: Two …

Why Do People Keep Thinking A Weak Dollar Is A Disaster ... 20, 2007 · They don't know countries around the world purposely devalue their currencies to make their country economy better and to improve the country's standard of living. Japan devalued their money (yen(¥)) for decades which resulted in Japan having a very large market share of the U.S. automarket. Up until the mid 1980's, Japan's Yen was trading as low as 360 yen to one U.S. dollar (USD).

This is the life you have 06, 2020 · This is the life 2020 — Living Colour. I have no words, the images say it all. Choked me up at the end. x x YouTube Video

THIS is helpful: EPA approves 1st disinfectant spray that ...©2020 Kos Media × Close Close. Close

Lindsey Graham Tells Trump 'Go To Hell' Says Joe Biden's ... is a testament to the power of the recorded word. Lindsey Graham may have undergone Manchurian Candidate brainwashing at some point, but what he used to say about Donald Trump and Joe Biden before the lobotomy. Trump will lose his mind when he sees this. What makes it …

RNC Chairwoman Falsely Claims 'Major Victory' In Mail-In ... 10, 2020 · This is interesting when a dismissed lawsuit is hailed by the party who dismissed it as a “major victory.” I mean, that’s good. I got a high mark in civil procedure in law school and I can tell you, brand new information to me. You can see the below tweet from Ronna McDaniel, who doesn’t seem to be using the family name “Romney” these days. Mitt is probably glad of that ...

OilWars Dot comwww.oilwars.comThis is What War With Iran Will Look Like Daily KOS The Lunacy Of Waging A War On Iran From Which China And Russia Will Win MoonOfAlabama May 2019 Andrew McCabe claims Trump wanted war in Venezuela because “they have all that oil” Feb 2019

Tickle The WireFBI Suspects Chinese Consulate in San ... 24, 2020 · The FBI suspects the Chinese consulate in San Francisco is harboring a Chinese scientist accused of visa fraud. Tang Juan and the three other researchers have been charged with visa fraud for allegedly lying about their ties to the Chinese Military to receive applications to work in the U.S. Three ...

This Modern World » Blog Archive » is the new book! Pre-orders will help ensure that it’s actually published on schedule in this extremely weird moment. Pre-order from Pre-order from Indiebound. Pre-order from Powell’s. Or pre-order from the Amazon beast, if you’re locked into that ecosystem.But support local indies if possible!

Home [] International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 725. If your first time logging in, your username is your last name and your password is your card number

The Jaucian Chronicles | Just another webloghttps://dasovic.wordpress.comMay 3, 2006 Hello world! Posted in Uncategorized at 10:15 pm by Joza. This is my first post.. Why blogging is fun: You get to use great tools like bullets! You can choose, on the other hand, never to use bullets. Permalink 1 Comment

#StopTheBans Actions. This Tuesday, May 21st at noon local time at statehouses, town squares, and courthouses across the nation--with other events throughout the week--we will show up to speak out and fight back against this unconstitutional attempt to gut Roe and punish women.

News Corpse | The Internet's Chronicle of Media Decay ...“During a stint at a station in Mobile, Alabama, he was the focus of a 1999 lawsuit that impugned him for a ‘willful physical attack’ against a local councilwoman; the case was eventually settled. Two years later, while working in Detroit, a man told police that Leaf spewed homophobic obscenities and tried to attack him after the reporter ...

An Echo that's Reversing – Page 24 – more discussions on ... 12 Jun 2018. Updated 9 Jul 2018. We are in a cold war of public insult and offense. It all “started” with Michelle Wolf’s routine at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner.She took the news media to task–with only partial humor, predominantly viciousness–for their complicity in Trump’s success at shaping his mass media persona without balancing it with context (e.g. lies ...

The Debate Over 'Anchor Babies' And Citizenship : NPR 18, 2010 · One of the questions is what a child who is a citizen is not deportable. The parents are, and that does present a social dilemma. CONAN: All right, Louise, thanks very much for the phone call.

Volume 1962 - Worst shooting ever, W's Double Standard is a federal judge, will more than likely issue this bail amount for Carriles. I am still trying to come to grips that a terrorist that took the lives of 73 people would even get bail. Send e-mail to Bart Discuss it on The Bartcop Forum Discuss it on the BartBlog

Al Giordano of Narco News may have a Credibility Problem that little opening made the difference. Al Giordano needs to come clean. This is a pivotal moment in his life. I am not turning this into drama. It is what it is. He's protraying himself and Narco News as being at the forefront of exposing the CIA. Yet one of Duvall's partners was the head of the CIA.

Help Me Out Here, Sloggers | Slog | The Stranger | Seattle ... if you want to take it home.. jones bbq in columbia city is the they have sweet potato pie, way too sweet peach cobbler and sometimes coconut cake. siitin in there is a little cold and loud and it's always sports on the tv screens. however 'horton hears a who' is playing at the columbia city thater tomorrow night so maybe y'all might want dinner and a movie.

Bill O’Reilly Can’t Stop Bashing Homeless Veterans | News ... his program tonight, O’Reilly led off by mocking Greenwald for a film he made 30 years ago. Admittedly Xanadu was not a box office bonanza at the time of its release, but it has since become something of a cult classic and it didn’t lose money either, earning $22 million and ranking #28 amongst all films released in 1980. That put it ...

A Town Hall with Hillary Clinton - Hallmark Channel 03, 2008 · Knoxville is one of 22 cities selected to host the event. February 4, 2008 at 9 p.m. EST. Comcast Channel 59 Charter Channel 77 Directv Channel 312. Update: The local Town Hall Meeting will be held at the Women's Basketball Hall of Fame. The doors open at 7:30PM and the public is invited.

memeorandum: Reducing Risks After the Germanwings Crash 27, 2015 · Pat Robertson: ‘Was the co-pilot a Muslim? Why did he want to kill all those people?’ — DON'T MISS STORIES. FOLLOW RAW STORY! — Christian televangelist Pat Robertson suggested on Thursday that the co-pilot's decision to crash Germanwings Flight 9525 could be explained if …

PostPartisan - Rudy Giuliani fails citizenship shoe bomber failed in his attack just like the underwear bomber failed in his. Bush took longer than Obama to talk about it. Bush and Co. ignored warnings about 9/11, 3000 died and then he and his right wing extremists turned around and divided a united America by claiming unconstitutional powers, and started two wars.

Gabby's Campaign Push-Polling from Off-Shore Call Center ... one of the other candidates gets the urge to trash other candidates, just ask yourself what is the alternative to a Dem you don't prefer - ok, a Dem you can't stand (myself, I don't like any of the other candidates - if I did, I'd get out of the race and back someone else) the alternative is …

The Rude Pundit: 01/01/2020 - 02/01/2020 01, 2020 · You could go with the Trump University fraud (settled for a $25 million payout), the Trump Foundation case (settled for a $2 million payout, an admission of misuse of funds, and a shuttering of the damn thing), or maybe the casino lobbying case from 2000 (settled for a $250,000 fine to avoid criminal prosecution over illegal lobbying).

Democracy for New Mexico: First Look at Marty Chavez's EARLY IN-PERSON VOTING AT SATELLITE LOCATIONS CONTINUES 10/24-11/01: Mail-In Ballot & Early In-Person Voting at County Clerk Offices Continues 10/24: Baracktoberfest! Yes We Carve!, Festivities and Early Voting, North Valley Field Office, 6344 4th St NW, ABQ, 6-9PM 10/24: Bill Moyers Journal, PBS (KNME) Public TV, 9PM 10/24: Early Vote Events with Rep. Linda Sánchez (D …

Obama Initially Considered Voting to Confirm Chief Justice 27, 2007 · Interesting note on Barack Obama in a Washington Post article on his Chief of Staff Pete Rouse today:. It was the fall of 2005, and the celebrated young senator -- still new to Capitol Hill but aware of his prospects for higher office -- was thinking about …

bottlerocketscience: George Saunders Goes To A Trump Rally Saunders Goes To A Trump Rally ... chanting erupts, a look of religious zeal may flash across the face of some non-chanter, who is finally getting, in response to a question long nursed in private, exactly the answer he’s been craving. ... in rough times - Last night, starting at at 1:00 in the morning, my time, was the Nebula Awards ...

Dunner's: Ibrahim (pbuh) and the Birds 18, 2009 · This is my response: I think your connection between verses 2:258 and 2:260 (faith vs. no faith) is very interesting. Personally, I don't see these two verses as being in such a black-and-white contrast; I do view them as a reaffirmation of Allah's (swt) power and ability in light of our niggling doubts.

Another no-bid contract awarded to a small unknown company ... 10, 2020 · As part of its strategy to administer the vaccine as quickly as possible, the Trump administration has agreed to invest more than half a billion in tax dollars in ApiJect Systems America, a young company whose injector is not approved by federal health authorities and that hasn’t yet set up a factory to manufacture the devices.

Flipboard: Patriot Message!!!'m trying to track down who sold my email address to a right wing propaganda newsletter (did anyone else just suddenly start getting this?), but in … View on 6 days ago

Current Events Blog - TV Tropes What It Says on the Tin: a blog whose primary purpose is to cover current events.. Sometimes these blogs will link to a big media news story and then have a comments section on that story. People often read those for the comments.

Did Musician Tommy Lee Write This Open Letter to Donald Trump? Musician Tommy Lee wrote a letter to U.S. President Donald Trump that started &quot;Dear F*cking Lunatic.&quot;Misattributed · Fact checked by

Alyssa Milano, Markos Moulitsas, Julia Ioffe ... - twitchy.com 05, 2020 · Alyssa Milano, Markos Moulitsas, Julia Ioffe and others fall for satire article saying Pat Robertson blamed coronavirus on oral sex Posted at 8:58 pm on April 5, 2020 by Greg P.

Hatch, author of $1.5 trillion tax cut, hasn't found money ... 30, 2017 · Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) and Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) debate the Senate's failure to help the $9 million children relying on the Children's Health Insurance Program.

Susan Collins, now a national laughingstock, has concerns 07, 2020 · Congratulations, Sen. Susan Collins! You've become national figure! Unfortunately for you, it’s as a laughingstock. First she appeared in a Saturday …

As Florida schools prepare to reopen, new COVID-19 cases ... 27, 2020 · In Florida, the COVID-19 pandemic continues to escalate. That's taking a worrying turn as the state's incompetent Gov. Ron DeSantis remains absolutely determined to …

Flipboard: Texas COVID-19 Update VII: Record Deaths ... to the weekly COVID-19 outbreak update for Texas. It’s about two and a half weeks from the Fourth of July, and it appears that the mark order …

Trump has turned on Lindsey Graham over Obama-bashing ... 21, 2020 · Last Thursday, Trump tweeted at Senate Judiciary chair Lindsey Graham, saying that Graham needed to call Obama to testify at hearings on Michael Flynn’s unmasking and the origin of …

Washington, DC and Government Affairs | Vera Institute opened its office in Washington, DC in 2005 to serve as headquarters for the Commission on Safety and Abuse in America’s Prisons.Since June 2006, when the Commission published its report Confronting Confinement, Vera’s Washington DC Office has expanded its mission.. It now provides broad-based support to advance Vera’s mission to drive change in the justice system, and to leverage ...

Company | The American Independent currently serves as the chairman of True Blue Media’s board of directors. Our team of seasoned reporters and editors is led by our CEO, Allison Girvin, a 20-year veteran of national broadcast and digital media, and Kaili Joy Gray, our executive editor and a veteran of several progressive digital publications.

Green Eagle: A New Day For Jingoism 10, 2020 · Therefore, my Administration will not even consider the renaming of these Magnificent and Fabled Military Installations. Our history as the Greatest Nation in the World will not be tampered with. Respect our Military!” It is, of course, respecting our military to name its bases after guys who killed 350,000 of them.

New principal selected for Manchester Memorial High School ..., NH – On Monday evening, the Manchester Board of School Committee approved the hiring of Shaun St. Onge as the new principal at Manchester Memorial High School. Longtime Memorial Principal Arthur Adamakos retired Tuesday, June 30, after more than 40 years in Manchester School District.. St. Onge, a Manchester native, started his teaching career at the Middle School at Parkside …

Karl Rove's deep cover agent? - American Thinker Rove's deep cover agent? By Every now and then the lunatic conspiracy theories of the left, seeing Karl Rove as the master conspirator, gain a moment of ironic plausibility.

Anti-Gay Cartoonist Selling Homophobic Calendar on Amazon ... 28, 2011 · UPDATE: The Calendar is no longer available on Barnes & Noble's website, and a spokesperson for the company told us it has never been available in stores. As the new year approaches, self-proclaimed “Christian cartoonist” Joe King has illustrated a calendar of twelve cartoons called, “I’m Not Gay, I’m Just A Sissy.” The cartoons employ outdated, highly-offensive stereotypes …

Maria Cantwell News, Articles, Stories & Trends for Today Secretary of Homeland Security. Resistance: Man Injured in Portland Standoff Sues Trump - oscarsmom. There’s almost too much news to keep up with today, but I didn’t want this to fly under the radar: Seattle man hospitalized after protesting in …

Keri Farley Named Special Agent in ... - Tickle The 05, 2020 · Keri Farley, who had been serving as the acting chief of staff for the National Security Branch at FBI headquarters in Washington, D.C.m has been named special agent in charge of the Intelligence Branch of the New York Field Office.

Climate Change Denial Disorder - Wikipedia Change Denial Disorder (CCDD) is a satirical short film which parodies climate change denial and perspectives on climate change through discussion of a fictional disease.The film stars actors Ed Begley Jr., Timothy Brennan, and Susan Yeagley.It was directed by Carly Usdin, written by Nicol Paone, and produced by Brianne Trosie.The film was released on April 14, 2015, by comedy video ...

Content: Members Page For Cathy Garger | OpEdNews Garger is a freelance writer, public speaker, activist, and a certified personal coach who specializes in Uranium weapons. Living in the shadow of the national District of Crime, Cathy is ...

False Prophecy | Slog | The Stranger's Blog | The Stranger ... so far it seems all he has is a lot of reporters’ phone numbers and a belief that bluster and exaggeration can substitute for actual clout. It’s a game that works only as long as the media is willing to help him maintain the illusion.

Can Gig Workers Have Flexibility and Protections Afforded ... the National Employment Law Project points out, flexibility exists in many industries that recognize workers as employees. Many gig companies claim that employee status and work flexibility are incompatible. That is not true, and it is a false choice to suggest a worker can have one but not the other.

Trump Supporter Loses It When Regretful Voter ... - Alternet 07, 2018 · “I want to apologize to the nation for my vote for him," one voter said. A CNN focus group of Trump voters on Tuesday quickly turned contentious when a regretful Trump voter called out his ...

Twitter Mocks Hillary Clinton for Endorsing New Media ... seems to forget that a) the internet cannot be filtered easily so it's not hard to dig up the "behind the scenes", b) Millenials can work the internet like a pro, c) Millennials have long memories, and d) Millennials are glorious smart-asses and can deftly tear down most anything a bumbling Boomer/Gen-Xer can craft on "the Intarwebs".

The Best Christmas Story – “Liberty Limited” rolls again ... This shot captures the beautifully restored former Pennsylvania RR E8A locomotive – owned by Mr. Levin.) At 1,850 feet—19 private passenger cars and two classic EMD E-8 diesel-electric locomotives in the Pennsylvania Railroad’s famous Tuscan Red/gold pinstripe keystone livery—the Liberty Limited was a sight to behold, roaring up the Northeast Corridor at 90 mph on December 10 ...

memeorandum: A decade of loss: What slipped away in ... decade of loss: What slipped away in America in the 2010s — History's greatest trick is that our innate human bias toward normalcy always lures us into complacency.You wake up in the morning and the coffee still tastes largely the same, the water runs, the lights come on.

I Stand By My Critique of the Discovery Channel Series on 01, 2018 · Greg Stejskal served as an FBI agent for 31 years and retired as resident agent in charge of the Ann Arbor office. He wrote two critiques (1 and 2) of the Discovery Channel series, “Manhunt Unabomber,” in which he criticized the way FBI agent Jim Fitzgerald was portrayed as having a much bigger role in the Unabomber case than he actually did.. Fitzgerald, who is now retired responded that ...

List of hate crimes that were 20, 2019 · If your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. You may have to register before you can post: click the register link above to proceed. To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below.

To the Person Who Tagged the Granite Sculpture at 21st and ..., it was the boy camel. The girl camel now has a sign around her neck that reads, "Please to not graffiti our camels." Posted by Dominic Holden | March 3, 2008 12:01 PM 7 ...

Ruth Institute Blog » Tough Love is Still Love 19, 2014 · They do not soft-pedal anything. They do not cut corners. In fact in the small-group breakout sessions, one of the young couples said “ not the easiest place in town to get married.” All the other young couples in the group nodded in agreement. “But my parish. This is where I was baptized. We wanted to get married here.”

21 | April | 2008 | News Corpse 21, 2008 · If CNN’s answer to the Fox News signing of Karl Rove it is yet another blunder on the part of their programming staff. The last time they went after the Fox model was the acquisition of Glenn Beck, who is now the lowest rated evening pundit on any of the cable news nets.

memeorandum: After string of anti-Semitic attacks, de 29, 2019 · Monsey Hanukkah Stabbing: 5 Wounded at Rabbi's Home in N.Y. Suburb — The governor called the violence an “act of domestic terrorism” after a suspect was arrested in Harlem.— MONSEY, N.Y. — An intruder with a large knife burst into the home of a Hasidic rabbi in a New York suburb on Saturday night …

Lou Pate | Between Israel, Obama, Ferguson, Fox host back School Racism: What Is Black Life Really Like? Prep School Racism: What Is Black Life Really Like? Noose Found in Garage of Black NASCAR Driver

Cable News Lies - The Truth About The Cable News Networkscablenewslies.comThis is a violation of the ethics rules of Journalism, they are all partisan conservative neo-cons who are put on the air and passed off as objective foreign and war policy experts. Not once have I seen any of them identified as members of PNAC on any cable news show.

Jon Stewart's take on Mitch McConnell's "self filibuster ... 03, 2012 · Jon Stewart's take on Mitch McConnell's "self filibuster" is must see TV! The Daily Show with Jon Stewart ... oh please let Ashley Judd run against him. Kentucky is one of the biggest welfare states...wake up and look at who is taking care of you, turtleman. Oh please...make it stop. ... There was the most delicious dig at Palin. Equating her ...

PRAWN Blog: President Trump: "I got this now"[President Trump] was more easily swayed by advisers, more easily put in one direction or another. And now, sometime around the turn of the new year you could feel, really, him feeling more emboldened, more understanding of what the job was, sort of some level of, "I got this now," and that is what has changed and that's not small.

What A Bird: "Whatever, just crash it" 21, 2006 · One of my personal favorites is the one for the minivan which shows poor "Bob", who is apparently under the control of the whims of two young boys, around 8 years old. Bob is a technician at the crash testing facility where he controls the ramming of mini-vans into walls. This is …

Article: Federal Troops Overstep in Oregon | OpEdNews 01, 2020 · Article: Federal Troops Overstep in Oregon - Trump is not a 'law and order' president, he is a chaos and disorder president. He is mistaken to think that increasing conflict in cities throughout ...

Article: Donald Trump is a murderer | OpEdNews 07, 2019 · Article: Donald Trump is a murderer - Trump's actions result in unnecessary and needless deaths throughout America. Thousands of U.S. citizens in …

News Is Not Good for Michigan’s Blind - Truthdig an effort to cut spending, the state of Michigan has decided to defund NFB-Newsline, a service that provides around the clock audio access to magazines

Air America’s Golden Years | The Lunch Counter 20, 2007 · Great news. The sale of Air America Radio was approved, for $4.2 million. Investors, like Mike Papantonio, who is also co-host of an AAR program called Ring of Fire, will get one cent on the dollar in the deal. . In case you haven’t heard, they had declared bankruptcy.  The free-market works. For evidence on just why their rabid-radio style did not sell, here’s a sample ...

The Fake Frugality of the Fabulously Rich - Smirking— from People's Action Blog. The Kiplinger’s Personal Finance magazine, a prime American source for advice on all matters money related, has just published a piece fetchingly entitled “Frugal Habits of the Super Rich.”. The piece graciously invites readers to meet ten people of substantial means “whose modest lifestyle habits — from clipping coupons to clipping their own hair ...

Disappeared News: Reminder: UH security breach phone call Now! Broadcast Schedule for Hawaii: Oahu Olelo TV, Channels 54 M T Th F 11pm Oahu Olelo TV, Channels 54 7 am M-F (previous day's program) Honolulu KTUH 90.3 FM Mon & Tues 9-10am Kahului, Maui Akaku Ch. 54 M-F 7 pm Kaua'i,Hanalei KKCR, 104.7 (Oahu), 90.9, 91.9 FM M-F 11 am Or listen to the podcast or download or stream audio or video programs from

Food City launches home delivery | article in KnoxTNToday alerts us that Food City is launching home delivery in the Knoxville area. They are partnering with Instacart to provide the service. I checked, and our local Food City is participating. You can check it out here.. Spot checking some prices, it appears some items are priced 20% to 30% more than the regular in-store pricing.

One More Thing About The Philadelphia Debate | News Corpse More Thing About The Philadelphia Debate Posted by Mark NC on April 19, 2008 at 7:16 pm. 2 Comments : Lest anyone get the wrong idea, the problem with the debate in Philadelphia was not that it was more harsh on one candidate than the other, and it was not whether the questions were too tough.

Next Left: The new right was ready for the 1970s crisis to Next Left - a Fabian Society blog As with all Fabian Society publications, posts on Next Left represent the views of their individual authors not the collective view of the Fabian Society as a whole. If you have an idea for a blog post, drop us a line at [email protected]

Hot Air Has A Problem – The American Catholic 31, 2009 · I have often linked to Hot Air, a conservative web-site. I greatly respect Ed Morrissey who posts there. He is a solid orthodox Catholic who has a good nose for news. It disheartens me therefore to have to point out that whenever a story involving the Catholic Church is featured there, vicious anti-Catholic bigots among the commenters always take the opportunity to lambaste the Church in the ...

Kathryn's Comments » Making a faces are numbered such that faces 1, 2, and 3 are the faces of a trihexaflexagon, and adding faces 4, 5, and 6 yields the additional faces of a hexahexaflexagon, etc. That way, the face numbers remain consistent for a trihexaflexagon, a hexahexaflexagon, a dodecahexaflexagon, or any higher order.

Next Left: Charles Clarke on MacIntyre's New Statesman interview with Charles Clarke has an intriguing scoop on Tony Blair's rather unenergetic bid to promote a leadership challenge without telling Clarke of the plan. Rather more parochially, Clarke responds to my advocacy last week of a Lab-Lib coalition: he wants more dialogue with the LibDems but, as in Bournemouth last Autumn, he has some tougher messages for ...

CryptoURANUS Economics: Peer to Peer [P2P]: Defined in ... 09, 2018 · Peer to Peer [P2P]: Defined in CryptoCurrency Peer to peer or P2P for short, is defined as a connection between two or more computers that allow them to …

Bren Lee | Facebook Lee is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Bren Lee and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world...

NoFo: I have a preexisting condition. Rick Santorum doesn ... are a catastrophic moral and intellectual failure as a human being. And that fact is compounded by your desperate attempt to distract the country from your ethical bankruptcy by condemning me and every other taxpaying citizen who is dutifully and faithfully and responsibly managing preexisting conditions through the financially essential and morally right Affordable Care Act, which you ...

Today, I almost fell for a scam. Be smarter than me. 22, 2020 · Did I just almost fall for a scam? I thought I was smart, but they almost got me by making me doubt myself. It sounded like a call from Ameren—my electricity provider—telling me that my power ...

www.dailykos.com 05, 2020 · 301 Moved Permanently. nginx

Trump is hoping for a white backlash. None is coming police rampage across the country (here, here, here, here, here, and this endless thread (at around 300 incidents and counting), the old Vietnam War adage of “winning hearts and minds” comes to mind—and how police are doing the exact opposite.The immediate result is physical pain, emotional hurt, and endless outrage at the gross violations of civil rights, human rights, …

Daily KOS-MOS: Does this count? : Xenosaga KOS-MOS: 2 is better than 1. Daily-Weekly-Montly post. 21. 4 comments. share. save hide report. 10. ... Does anyone know where I could find the game for a decent price? 8. 10 comments. share. save hide report. Continue browsing in r/Xenosaga. r/Xenosaga. Subreddit dedicated to Xenosaga game ! 889. Members. 6. Online. Created Oct 2, 2012.

For the last two weeks, when I click on an item in Daily ... is asking for a PW IN FireFox; not usable - whole page seethrough greyed out !! If I start Firefox by clicking a link in another application or operating system a window without Menu Bar items is opened; Delete browsing, search and download history on Firefox; Recovering important data from an old profile

Flipboard: new format 17, 2020 · Wow. No offense intended to anyone, but this new format is, um, questionable from my perspective. I’ve been around for a while. I don’t write much …

Tell the Postmaster General to Make Postal Banking a those without access to traditional banks, as well as those looking for an alternative to the Big Banks, postal banking is a real solution that serves the public - not Wall Street. Call on the Postmaster General to implement postal banking now. We need a nonprofit banking option, and we need to strengthen and preserve the United States Postal Service.

Portland (Maine) News, Articles, Stories & Trends for Today, Maine, Mayor Meets With Homeless Protesters U.S. News & World Report - Associated Press. PORTLAND, Maine (AP) — The mayor of Portland, Maine met with homeless protesters who have been camped outside City Hall for a week demanding the …

Cheat or Bail, Trump is still losing Cheat. Trump never planned on playing fair in the election to begin with. […] Trump has been denouncing vote by mail for months, falsely claiming it’s a common avenue for fraud.Bill Barr claimed without evidence — or, when you think about it, logic — that foreign countries would mail in counterfeit ballots.The reason they’re making these accusations isn’t subtle.

DailyKos Interview | Discover Magazine to visitors from DailyKos--make yourself at home. If you're looking for a few samplers of the stuff I write, you may want to check out the "Starting Points and Old Favorites" list in the righthand column. I had hoped to respond to comments at DailyKos, but for some reason I can't set up an account.

US Sen. Sasse criticized for jokes in graduation speech ... 17, 2020 · U.S. Sen. Ben Sasse's attempt at humor during a speech at a Nebraska high school's online commencement - which included jokes about students' fitness and psychologists and also blamed China for ...

NPP Partners - National Priorities Project Partners. Facebook Twitter. We believe that organizations and campaigns fighting for a more just federal budget are stronger when they can motivate and bolster broad public support through accessible and timely data and analysis presented in fun, interactive and innovative ways.

Donald Trump says 'I am a young, vibrant man.' Let's look ... Trump told reporters Friday that “I am a young, vibrant man,” in an apparent swipe at former Vice President Joe Biden, who is a few years older than Trump. Okaaaayyy … A young, vibrant man (center) with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau: The slump of a young, vibrant man: “I’m so young and vibrant that golf […]

GA-Runoff/R2000/DailyKos: Chambliss leads Martin by 19, 2008 · Chambliss: 49% Martin: 46% Undecided: 5% The Research 2000 Georgia Poll was conducted from November 10 through November 12, 2008. A total of 600 likely voters who vote regularly in state elections were interviewed statewide by telephone.

Disappeared News: Where is the outrage?"The police can't win it seems like." It's more like "the people can't win" in the face of the use of excess force by police. New York City has seen a steady stream of police murders of black men. 20 bullets shot into a guy holding a hairbrush. 51 shots at a guy leaving a bar after his bachelor's party.

Midweek Cafe and Lounge, Vol. 157 - Progress Pond 15, 2020 · Welcome to the Frog Pond! If you're new here, make sure to visit our FAQ!Here is the latest John Oliver segment: This cafe and lounge is open. Thankfully the jukebox is virtual and so are the drinks. So at least these are safe. Stay safe and well. 0 0 vote Article Rating

Geneviéve Jones-Wright - Wikipediaéve_Jones-WrightGeneviéve LaChelle Jones-Wright is a San Diego, California native who has served as a public defender since 2006. Jones-Wright ran to become the District Attorney of San Diego in the June 5, 2018 primary election against interim District Attorney Summer Stephan after the position was vacated by Bonnie Dumanis in July 2017. Jones-Wright lost the primary 62.62% to 37.02%.

Where to Watch Obama's Speech Tonight | Slog | The ... promised, here is The Stranger’s list of Seattle’s Obama-watch parties.If you have a party you want to add to our list, just email me.. Hosted by the Washington State Obama campaign:. Thursday, August 28th 2008 5:30 PM. Showbox SoDo. 1700 1st Avenue South

Tickle The WireEx-FBI Agent Featured in Reality Show about 14, 2016 · Barrows is a private investigator who is searching for sports memorabilia as part of a new six-episode reality TV show, reports. The show, “Sport Detectives,” will debut April 24 on the Smithsonian Channel and feature Barrows as he helps track down priceless memorabilia that never ended up in the Hall of Fame.

Yeah I'm a Day Late...Sue me...No Don't... Here are the blasts ruling by Trump-appointed judge who is son of RNC member ; Sethi blasts ruling by Trump-appointed judge who is son of RNC member (Tom Humphrey) Federal Judge Temporarily Blocks Tennessee Abortion Restrictions (Nashville Scene) Science and Stuff. Some decontamination processes damage N95 face masks (Science News Daily)

“Those are the incoherent, conspiracy... - The Pragmatic ...“Those are the incoherent, conspiracy theory ramblings of a lost candidate who is out of touch with reality.” — Trump campaign spokesman Tim Murtaugh, on ABC News on April 23, after Joe Biden warned that President Trump would try to delay the election.

US Presidential campaign: Who is winning the race online? Paid search; Programmatic; Ad tech; Content. Content marketing; Viral and buyrals

We Are The New Media | The Rebirth of a True Free Presswearethenewmedia.comOur objective at We Are The New Media is to provide an OUTLET TO HELP SHINE A LIGHT ON THE TRUE FREE PRESS - the uncontrolled, unfettered, listener focused, reality-based, New Media. You are the change we've been waiting for. Help us in moving forward with True Accountability and Self Responsibility. All is Love. Fear is illusion. All beings ...

GEORGE B | Yahoo Answers looks like Putin may be both more, and less, of a scoundrel than most Americans know. There is an excellent article in this month's Imprimis discussing Putin …

Alabama governor issues statewide mask order | KnoxViews, it stipulates Alabamians must wear a mask when within 6 feet of a person from another household; in an indoor space open to the public; a vehicle operated by a transportation service such as Uber; or an outdoor public space where 10 or more people are gathered. Here are the other states requiring people to wear masks when out in public.

Schlichter on “Your Betters for Biden” | We are the drain ... 27, 2020 · These people really do think they are the best and the brightest. Hey, we have our faults – we care too much, work too hard, are too patriotic, and give too much – but we never, say, started Iraq, lost Afghanistan, wrecked Wall Street, imposed Obamacare or slaughtered nursing home patients by filling their facilities with contagious patients.

Justice for Lynne Stewart, Granted Compassionate Release ... 02, 2014 · . In a world where so much good news is lacking, I came across this story glancing through Arab Spring and Egypt News. Former civil rights lawyer freed on NY judge’s order (Al Ahram) – A federal judge in Manhattan ordered a “compassionate release” on Tuesday for Lynne F. Stewart, the former defense lawyer convicted […]

Dichloroacetate: One last time... - RESPECTFUL INSOLENCE 31, 2007 · DISCLAIMER:: The various written meanderings here are the opinions of Orac and Orac alone, written on his own time. They should never be construed as representing the opinions of any other person or entity, especially Orac's cancer center, department of surgery, medical school, or university.

John Boehner is either an idiot or a 02, 2009 · We are the only developed country that allows its insurance providers to be run for profit. This doesn’t work. Health isn’t a commodity like soap, or television sets. You don’t know your provider is scum until it’s too late. At a minimum, we need an individual mandate.

Drunk Rudy Giuliani Just Said He'd Testify, and Said More ... now, weird. So Rudy got A-rated drunk last night, obviously, and made the decision to get in front of the cameras and make word-like noises from his mouth. But it sounded to me like he absolutely would testify, and then he sort of threw his client into the mosh pit (I’m tired of “under the bus,” my New Year’s resolution is not use it once this year). One of the nice things ...

Thousands Take a Stand in Sacramento for Workers’ Rights ... show of support for Wisconsin workers wasn't limited to Sacramento, and it didn’t stop last night. More than 200 people gathered in downtown Oakland for a corresponding vigil, and last Friday, 150 came together for a rally in San Diego. More solidarity events are scheduled for this weekend. Click here to find an event in your area.

Opinion: A personal take on Watermelongate from a parent ... 26, 2014 · Kobrovsky, you might remember, was the lawyer that sued Buist Academy for its diversity quota, which reserved 40 percent of the downtown magnet school's space for minority children.

Feeling the Franken fallout | Washington Monthly 03, 2009 · FEELING THE FRANKEN FALLOUT.... In October, Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) proposed a key amendment to the 2010 Defense Appropriations bill, which generated some attention at the time, but continues to ...

memeorandum: Crumbs for the Hungry but Windfalls for the ... the Nearly 100,000 Lives Lost to Coronavirus in America — America is fast approaching a grim milestone in the coronavirus outbreak — each figure here represents one of the nearly 100,000 lives lost so far.But a count reveals only so much. Memories, gathered from obituaries across …

This Modern Worldhttps://thismodernworld.comThis is the new book! Pre-orders will help ensure that it’s actually published on schedule in this extremely weird moment. Pre-order from Pre-order from Indiebound. Pre-order from Powell’s. Or pre-order from the Amazon beast, if you’re locked into that ecosystem.But support local indies if possible!

Trump Apologist On Fox News Flails Rabidly About Russian ... 12, 2016 · The bombshell revelation that Russia directly interfered with the presidential election is still simmering. But that hasn’t stopped right-wing apologists for Donald Trump from cooking up absurd defenses. One of the most unhinged so far came Sunday …

In Search of Those Hard Working White People | Slog | The ... from Medford, Oregon, way down south near the border with California, where the view from the Holiday Inn Express is as follows: I’m here to attend a Hillary Clinton town hall meeting this evening at the Jackson County Fairgrounds—a place where, a friend familiar with rural Oregon tells me, I am sure to find many of those “hard-working, white Americans” that Clinton is staying in ...

"If you have ever heard Beto swear, Don't worry Beto holds ... Civility: Racism, sexism, homophobia, derogatory remarks, calls for violence and hate speech will not be tolerated in any form. Name-calling and personal insults employed against other users are also prohibited. 2. Off-Topic or Low-Quality Posts: All submissions should relate directly to the Beto campaign or policies and issues promoted by Beto O'Rourke or any affiliated groups or candidates.

If You Ever Thought the American Dream Was Real, Do You Now? it's not true. Basically, the housing bubble was a bank riot, a bunch of banks that ran wild , issuing loans willy-nilly, then robo-signing their foreclosure papers, and avoiding millions in property and deed transfer fees by creating a fake electronic transfer system that no one really approved -- as far as I know -- and in the end, the ...

Puff the savage hairstyle | SorryWatch 02, 2013 · Puff the savage hairstyle Posted on July 2, 2013 by sumac On June 14th Horizon Science Academy, a charter school in Lorain, OH, issued a new dress code for its 500 students in …

Commentary | AAA Targeted Resume Writing & Career Coaching 11, 2015 · It's been a great day. The Cubs beat the Cardinals, and I met some friends for a steak dinner. So, now while chilling out listening to blues and catching up with The New Yorker, I read these words in Amy Davidson's October 8 profile of GOP presidential candidate Carly Fiorina: "When HP fired her, she got a twenty-million-dollar severance package, plus fifteen thousand for career counseling.

The Upside to Robots: Review of MJ Movie "This Is It" more aptly titled than I first thought, "This Is It" is probably not a release MJ would have approved had he lived but it is fascinating and enjoyable nonetheless. For a fan, it's a must see. I'm not sure viewers more casual in their MJ interest would appreciate it as much.

Mah Rabu ?? ???: Look back on those days when my life was ... is a continuation of my goal to write all the posts that I said I would. (Hilchot Pluralism Part VI will be here ASAP, I promise!) I already blogged about Shabbat at IT, and said: Then there was Shabbat at Coventry.This time around, we weren't stupid, and left on Thursday and arrived on Friday morning (after a similarly awful traffic jam), well before Shabbat.

Disappeared News: DHS defense in child starvation case Now! Broadcast Schedule for Hawaii: Oahu Olelo TV, Channels 54 M T Th F 11pm Oahu Olelo TV, Channels 54 7 am M-F (previous day's program) Honolulu KTUH 90.3 FM Mon & Tues 9-10am Kahului, Maui Akaku Ch. 54 M-F 7 pm Kaua'i,Hanalei KKCR, 104.7 (Oahu), 90.9, 91.9 FM M-F 11 am Or listen to the podcast or download or stream audio or video programs from

The American Human: Trump Says Obama's a Disaster. Wages 13, 2016 · The American Human is written by Calvin Ross, a retired teacher who at various points in life has been a musician, woodworker, restaurateur, narrator, English teacher in Japan, novelist, technology journalist, and private tutor to Japanese children here in the U.S. Happily residing in the wine country of Sonoma County north of San Francisco, Calvin has lived in the Philippines, the Netherlands ...

Rising Hegemon : But it has been such an ethical operation ... men in Sendai Station are potential laborers that Sasa can dispatch to contractors in Japan's nuclear disaster zone for a bounty of $100 a head. "This is how labor recruiters like me come in every day," Sasa says, as he strides past men sleeping on cardboard and …

Trump Didn’t Flip Working-Class White Voters. The Rust ... wasn't bad nationally, but it was down in nearly every swing state. Wisconsin was the worst, but there's wide swathes of the upper midwest in particular where Hillary's vote count cratered compared to Obama's previous numbers, without any corresponding uptick for Trump as compared to Romney.

News and commentary round up - WendyMcElroy.com the Federalist: John Bolton Is The Perfect Washington Man. Bolton is a thin-skinned and snarky figure who succeeded in convincing a surprising number of smart people in Washington that he is somehow serious and statesmanlike. From the Spiked Online: John Bolton is more dangerous than Donald Trump.The Room Where It Happened reveals the malign influence of hawkish thought on US …

Could Ben Carson's Plagiarism Kill his Presidential ... 14, 2015 · @rohantocharles Regarding “sci-fi at it’s best” I imagine that most people don’t realize how deep this rabbit hole goes–I certainly can’t fathom it. The Crossing Point by Steven M. Greer, M.D. See you guys later.

Cheney and the BYU 25 - CounterPunch.org 30, 2007 · Mailing Address CounterPunch PO Box 228 Petrolia, CA 95558 Telephone 1(707) 629-3683

Everybody Loves Raiment - Blogger un-holiest of holy wars is just around the corner. Happy Justice Sunday! I cannot make this shit up: An audio recording obtained by the Los Angeles Times features two of our nation's most influential evangelical leaders outlining strategies to “rein in” judges.In their quest to gain control of the judiciary they’ve come up with such schemes as such as stripping funding from ...

IGTNT: Honoring a Soldier from Oregon and a Citizen ... 16, 2020 · I Got The News Today (IGTNT), which is one of the oldest continuous series on Daily Kos, provides members of this community a venue to pay their respects to those who have died as a result of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as in Operation Freedom’s Sentinel, Operation Inherent Resolve, Operation Resolute Support, Operation Joint Guardian and …

Of Advocating Internet Freedom In China - Fallacy and ... 26, 2020 · Even if the subject matter at hand under discussion is unrelated, a tangetial reference and a flyby hit usually involves a statement declaring one of the two listed above. The moment China is mentioned, you can just forsee that within a very short time someone will jump in with one of these cliches. So lets look at each one in turn.

Homeless Vets Earned 'Sweat Equity' in America | House The 06, 2012 · Earlier this year, a Daily Kos columnist pointed out that, however many American service members died in the Vietnam war, twice that many Vietnam veterans are currently experiencing homelessness in the United States, for which they fought and are owed plenty. We have heard of “the gift that keeps on giving.” Vietnam was “the war that keeps on taking.”

DLC On Brink Of A Major Shake-up - CBS News 06, 2009 · The DLC’s apogee came when one of its chairmen, none other than Bill Clinton, ascended to the White House, bringing Reed to the West Wing and enacting free-trade agreements, anti-crime laws and ...

Bill Barr's authoritarian speech to the Federalist Society ... of Attorney General Bill Barr’s dishonest, authoritarian, hour-long speech to The Federalist Society convention Friday was couched in language making it seem that it was the office of the presidency and the Constitution that he was defending. But Barr used the thin veil of “originalism”—the convention’s theme—to gift-wrap yet another attack on the foes not of the …

Did you hear about the judge ordering Trump to pay ... 31, 2016 · Obituary blames Trump for 'needless' virus death. Sean Penn confirms 'COVID wedding' with Lelia George

Wanker of the Day: Richard Cohen - Progress Pond 18, 2011 · When it comes to matters of intelligence, I do trust the Obama administration considerably more than I trusted the Bush administration, but that doesn’t mean I am going to believe any thing that they say. Their story about the Iranian plot to assassinate the Saudi Ambassador in a Georgetown restaurant is filled with holes you […]

Potatoe - definition and meaning Vice President Dan ( "Potatoe") Quayle made the news recently when he walked out of a John Mellencamp concert when Mr. Mellencamp made a derisive comment about the Bush administration.July 2006. One of them caught my eye was the infamous 'Potatoe' quote, where the Veep supposedly told a kid in a school class that he did pretty good at spelling the word …

JIm Steele How Gaia and Coral Reefs Regulate Ocean Jim Steele was just completing his Masters Degree, Dean Kelley believed Jim Steele was the best person to resurrect and grow the Sierra Nevada Field Campus. Together they turned the rustic Sierra Nevada Field Campus into one of California’s leading environmental education centers.

Carl Jones - TuneIn Randi Rhodes Show was the number-one progressive radio talk show in America and was the eleventh-most-popular talk show overall for over a decade. Citizen Radio Podcast Citizen Radio is hosted by Allison Kilkenny (The Nation and Huffington Post), and Jamie Kilstein (Comedy Central, The Onion, The BBC) and is dedicated to covering the ...

Detroit FBI Chief Timothy Slater to Lead ... - Tickle The 02, 2019 · In 2013, he served as an assistant special agent in charge of the Knoxville Field Office before returning to CIRG, where he served as a section chief in 2014 and a deputy assistant director in 2015. Briefly Slater was the special agent in charge of the Denver Field Office in 2016 before becoming the special agent in charge of the Criminal/Cyber ...

Mediterranean Sea Archives - Crisis Magazine“When men follow justice, the whole city blooms, the earth bears rich harvests, and children and flocks increase, but to the unjust all nature is hostile, the people waste away from famine and pestilence, and a single man’s sin may bring ruin on a whole city.”

Bradybunch Mountain | Slog | The Stranger's Blog | The ..., who was the best man at one of those weddings, has also been wed twice. Knight’s recent romance with “America’s Next Top Model” Adrienne Curry, 23, was chronicled on VH1’s “My Fair Brady.” (In the new Playboy, she calls their sex life “elaborate” and “exhibitionist.”)

Presidential Redress 27, 2009 · Usually a major presidential address on an issue is for the benefit and illumination of the entire population. President Obama’s December 1st Afghanistan speech is not one of those. It is a redress, a kind of ‘fix’ or remedy for the problems he faces with that country. However, this redress is not primarily for solving the Afghan dilemma. Obama’s speech is for one group and | <a …

Tickle The Wirejudge nicholas garaufis Archives - Tickle ... Daily News reported that the demand for the letter was the judge’s way of taking a shot at Holder “in view of the fact that the attorney general failed to exhaust all appeals and abandoned the appeal of the case.” The judge expressed concern about the emotional effects a second trial would have on the victims’ families.

Vermont Secretary of State election, 2018 - Ballotpedia,_2018SETTING THE STAGE: Heading into the 2018 election, the secretary of state of Vermont was Jim Condos (D), who was first elected in 2010 and re-elected in 2012, 2014, and 2016.Condos ran for re-election. In 2018, Vermont was under a divided government.It had held this status since Gov. Phillip Scott (R) took office in January 2017. Vermont was also under divided triplex control.

Off by $1 Trillion — Two-Year Anniversary of Mnuchin Lie ...“A treasury secretary who can’t count needs to be held accountable.” That was the message progressive advocacy group Americans for Tax Fairness (AFT) directed at Steve Mnuchin Friday, marking the two-year anniversary of the treasury secretary’s claim that the GOP’s 2017 tax cuts would slash the U.S. budget deficit “by a trillion dollars”…

SOCIAL HISTORY: ORRIN TUCKER DIES AT 100 – LAST OF THE BIG ... 19, 2011 · Orrin Tucker dies at 100; bandleader owned L.A.’s Stardust Ballroom; he was one of the last big-band dance orchestra leaders. The orchestra’s 1939 rendition of ‘Oh Johnny, Oh Johnny, Oh!’ with Bonnie Baker on vocals was a national hit. In 1975 he turned a Sunset Boulevard skating rink into the Stardust, which closed in 1982.

Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Voter ID Photo Fallacy | News ... a weekend full of legitimate news stories like the Olympics or immigration reform, Fox Nation reserved the top spot on their web page to post a blatant lie: “NAACP Requires Marchers Protesting Voter ID Law To Show Photo ID.” Read the acclaimed ebook Fox Nation vs. Reality for more of Fox’s blatant lies.. One of the favorite tactics of propagandists is to expose alleged …

Obama’s Kansas Speech Owes A Debt To #Occupy Wall Street ... 06, 2011 · Obama’s Kansas Speech Owes A Debt To #Occupy Wall Street. ... The most striking thing about the President’s remarks was the extent to which they appear to have been influenced by the Occupy movement. ... The public debate has been utterly transformed in the two and a half months since an unruly rabble encamped in a park in Lower Manhattan.

Mayor's Policing Panel Meets | Slog | The Stranger ... Governor Gary Locke, who was, um, governor and a former King County prosecutor. Hubert Locke, a former professor at UW’s School of Public Affairs. Mike McKay, a former US Attorney and member of a 1999 police accountability panel. Former Mayor Norm Rice, best known for his appearance on the 1,000th episode of Frasier.

Past Projects | Berkeley Office Interiors project illustrates a signature Berkeley Office Interiors project. The challenge was to create a modern look while working within budget confines and a tricky, awkward space for this project. This project involved liquidating Source DNA's office furniture to make a new beginning for their interior environment.

Your 401k: Traditional or Roth | UAW Local 2250 13, 2020 · One of your union-negotiated benefits at GM is a 401k Defined Contribution Retirement Program. Your 401k features both a Traditional and Roth option. This video explains the difference and how each will work when you retire. Enjoy and choose wisely! What’s the difference between a 401(k) and a Roth 401(k)?

Ex-CIA man says exposed spy scheme for better world - SAMAA An ex-CIA employee working as a contractor at the U.S. National Security Agency said he was the man who had leaked details of a top secret U.S. surveillance program, acting out of ...

Tarnished Lady: We love Kime Buzzelli party! this past Thursday was the benefit party for Kime's surgery. It was so much fun and a great turnout. It filled to capacity and the line was an hour wait for those outside who didn't get there before 9:30. Kime was there in a wheelchair to keep her off her feet and protect her sore tummy from any bumps. Winter Flowers

Volunteering for the Obama fundraiser at the home of ... 25, 2008 · The fundraiser began with a “general reception” at the Blanchards’ costing $2,500 per person. After an hour, the real fun began with a “host reception,” for which the price tag was $28,500 a person. At the reception, I had a chance to speak with Governor Richardson, Senator-elect Tom Udall and his wife, and a few other NM gov officials.

Capitol Square | Living In the Edge of Madness was the last Farmer’s Market on the Square for 2007. I bought some Lemon Basil Pesto, an Eggplant, some baked goods and a wonderful arts and crafts planter for my daughter for Christmas. She is going to love it. It is so her. I can’t wait to see her face when she opens it.

Wintley Phipps Sings "Amazing Grace" at the National most moving point of the service was the singing of "Amazing Grace" by the outstanding singer Wintley Phipps. Here is video of Phipps singing "Amazing Grace" today at the Cathedral: The video below contains Wintley Phipps telling the story behind "Amazing Grace" and then singing the song in an even more powerful rendition (Trust me - worth ...

Intelligence Committee Staffers Secret Trip To London ... Maddow highlighted the fascinating story of two House Intelligence Committee staffers taking a trip to London and trying to meet with either Christopher Steele's lawyers or Steele directly.Steele was the author of the infamous "Russian dossier" on Trump and a number of allegations in that dossier have since been corroborated.

"Heat-trapping gases broke records Climate Crisis report ... gases broke records in 2018, climate crisis report finds Report finds 2018 was the fourth-warmest on record since the mid-to-late- 1800s and sea levels were the highest on record www ...

Brendan Gleeson Teases Transformation Into Donald Trump In ... is part of Verizon Media. Click 'I agree' to allow Verizon Media and our partners to use cookies and similar technologies to access your device and u

Read it: White House’s partial transcript ... - Alternet.org 25, 2019 · He was the mayor of New York City, a great mayor, and I would like him to call you. Rudy very much knows what’s happening and he is a very capable guy. If …

Emmys going virtual in 2020 due to coronavirus concerns ... surprise, but the 2020 Emmys are going virtual. Shortly after the nominations were announced yesterday, this year’s Emmy executive producers — including host Jimmy Kimmel — sent a letter to key acting nominees informing them that this year’s ceremony will be virtual, and asking them to prepare to participate from home, or wherever they want to be.

Arson at Another Construction Site | Slog | The Stranger ... week a deliberately set fire in West Seattle destroys a condo development. Last night a fire in a portable toilet on a construction site in Interbay destroyed… well, it only destroyed the portable toilet. But the fire did significant damage to the “residential building” under construction on the site. What are the odds that the the development was the arsonist’s target and not the ...

GOP Debate: Fox News Shines | V B I 07, 2015 · The real winner last night at the GOP debate was the Fox News team of moderators. They grilled the candidates with questions that were well researched and carefully thought out. In addition to those barbed and provocative questions, their willingness to allow heated exchanges between the debaters produced great television. They confronted the candidates with…

Right View from the Left Coast: Yankees vs. Phillies In ... 27, 2009 · It took the Dodgers a while, but in 1956, they finally beat the dreaded Yankees in the World Series. And it was the one and only World Series championship for the borough of Brooklyn. And, two years later, the Dodgers and the cross-town rival New York Giants moved west to Los Angeles and San Francisco, respectively.

Miss West Virginia trashes Trump on stage during pageant ... 09, 2018 · West Virginians and beauty pageant contestants are the two groups Trump has worked his hardest to con — for very different reasons. If they turn against him, who knows how batshit bonkers he’ll get? Getting called out in a Pulitzer Prize-winning author’s book and a devastating anonymous NYT op-ed — his ego can recover from that. But et tu Miss West Virginny?

The Riddle of Climate Change - Canada Free Press change, on the other hand, is a natural phenomenon that is an intrinsic part of the earth’s environmental history. For the past millions of years the natural climate on Earth has ...

Even according to the Left Hillary is done | 13, 2015 · UPDATE: 305 of Hillary’s emails may contain classified material. UPDATE 8/14/15: WASHINGTON (AP) — The two emails on Hillary Rodham Clinton’s private server that an auditor deemed “top secret” include a discussion of a news article detailing a U.S. drone operation and a separate conversation that could point back to highly classified material in an improper manner or …

We Pushed Urban Shield Out of Oakland, But the ... - Pushed Urban Shield Out of Oakland, But the Struggle Continues! IJAN participated in the Stop Urban Shield Coalition, an important campaign that reflects our work on Israel’s Worldwide Role in Repression and particularly the collaboration between the Israeli military and police forces across the United States. Below is the coalition’s statement upon achieving two major victories:

Trump's Week of Pandemic Pandemonium From #FireFauci to ... 18, 2020 · This week in Trumptopia was so wild as to require a score card to keep track of it, so let’s begin, shall we? Sunday, as you may recall, the #FireFauci movement was born, and the blow back was severe enough to force Trump to walk the ill-advised notion back. That led to“total authority” Monday, which went over worse than #FireFauci.Author: Ursula Faw

memeorandum: A Strategy for the Mideast That Has Even ... shows Facebook execs mulling how to remove a fact check label, determined to be well founded, after it was applied to a viral climate misinfo post Yogita Khatri / The Block: Coinbase says that, in the wake of Twitter's hack on Wednesday, it prevented over 1,100 of its customers from sending 30.4 BTC, or ~$275K total, to the hackers

Is Donald Trump a Russia Agent? - Progress Pond 20, 2018 · The main problem I have in understanding Trump’s relationship with Russia is his complete failure to conceal it. For this same reason, experienced former CIA counterintelligence officer Jack DeVine concluded after watching the Helsinki press conference that there is no way that the president is an “agent” of the Russian government. Here’s what he told […]

The Pummeling Brian Williams Deserves | Slog | The ... The Pummeling Brian Williams Deserves posted by Dan Savage on November 20 at 10:18 AM The NBC anchor describes marriage as “under attack” today in an intro to a puff piece about Queen Elizabeth II’s 60th wedding anniversary.

An affirmative case for Hillary Clinton – Prose and Thorn 18, 2016 · The affirmative case for Hillary Clinton is her shear incredulity that an educated woman should be stopped, could be stopped, in fulfilling her maximum potential. We wouldn’t ask that of a man. It is certainly wrong to ask it from any woman, any person, especially one as smart and experienced and, yes, humble (relative to her profession), as ...

The Rectification of Names: Hopeful Family 07, 2020 · The first was the alliance between conservative Catholics and evangelicals, the ecumenical “religious right” that rose with Ronald Reagan and peaked with George W. Bush. Which failed, Ross says, because the "elite" didn't jump on the wagon, and the African American and Latin churches didn't either, because of the "legacy of racism".

Surprisingly, Darfur is a place in Sudan as well as a ... 03, 2006 · I wouldn’t normally just randomly link to stuff on the Guardian blog, but this one is quite important. The “ongoing genocide in Darfur” has been such a staple of Internet arguments over the morality of humanitarian intervention, the effectiveness of the United Nations, the unique moral awfulness of the European Unions etc etc, that it is easy to forget that actually a real place ...

News Corpse | The Internet's Chronicle of Media Decay ... 07, 2007 · In remarks given as host of the Eric Breindel Awards ceremony for Excellence in Journalism, Fox News CEO, Roger Ailes, made a connection that would be shocking if it was in reference to anything other than Fox News: “The candidates that …

The invisible secular humanists | Dale McGowan 05, 2014 · The invisible secular humanists by Dale McGowan In the wake of the April 2007 shootings at Virginia Tech, Dinesh D’Souza wrote an opinion piece asking why atheists are …

Sexuality, Choice, and Kindness | Meridian Magazine first is that human sexuality is a complex topic about which no one (including the Church) has all of the answers. As a result, uncertainty, ambiguity, and misunderstanding are hard to avoid. The second is that a very painful issue for many people. This leads to understandably high degrees of concern and protectiveness.

The HRC Apologia Making The Rounds "The ... - caucus99percent guess some media are concerned enough about the consequences of the Clinton email story having an effect on the election outcome that they have dropped the circumspection of calling "BS" and reverted to its fully enunciated form - BULLSHIT, thus signalling the highest level of outrage they are capable of allowing themselves. They are manning the battle stations and doing

Unethical App of the Year: BuyPartisan | Ethics Alarms 18, 2014 · I can’t tell the difference between this app and a boycott campaign, except that a boycott on steroids. But refusing to patronize a merchant because you don’t like something he is doing outside of the stream of commerce, or outside of his individual transaction with you, is …

Should I Buy A Home? Part 1: Preparation - Searchlight is not due to indecision, but rather due to a lack of necessary information. There are many factors to be considered in my case, and in order for me to make an informed decision about buying, I need to solve for several variables involving cost.

Chainsaws and 57 Chevys, BartCop's most recent rants, but it is true, that the first rule of scoundrelity is "Never admit nothin." Closer to the truth, maybe, is that you agree with Doug more than you agree with me. My being "too stupid" to see it your way is an example of your not being Mr. Manners. Your argument that "agreeing to obey orders, then changing your mind - that's not good"

Not So Humble dot net || Proud Member of the Vast Left ... Wizner, a staff lawyer at the American Civil Liberties Union who is representing Mr. Masri, told Judge Ellis that he should not dismiss the lawsuit on the basis of a “legal fiction.” Mr. Masri’s ordeal was widely known and was acknowledged by federal officials, albeit not in …

Michael Cole – Off the was the first surprise of the day but it wasn’t the last and may not have been the biggest, for next came this. U.S. Rep. Steve Stockman, R-Friendswood, has filed to run against U.S. Sen. John Cornyn in the March GOP primary, joining at least eight other hopefuls vying for the senior senator’s seat, according to a spokesman with the ...

Tickle The Wirepolice chief Archives - Tickle The Bordentown Township Police Chief Frank Nucera, 62, was the first law enforcement officer charged with a federal hate crime in at least a decade. Nucera’s fellow officers secretly recorded him dozens of times using racial slurs. He said Donald Trump, who was a presidential candidate at the time, was the “last hope for white people.”

Darleen's Place: When teenagers have more class than pretend it has any connection to a "loving family" (such as Darleen thinks only righwingers have) is cynicism of the highest order. It's true the baby does sleep a lot more than a typical five month old. I assume that's the Downs. I know my kids at five months never stayed still for a second and had already cut way down on sleep.

Can We Talk About Religion, Please? - The New York Times 27, 2009 · The Issue. Last week the Vatican invited Anglicans who are, as The New York Times put it, “uncomfortable with female priests and openly gay bishops” to reunite with the Roman Catholic Church.If a secular institution, Wal-Mart or Microsoft, for example, made a similar offer — Tired of leadership positions being open to women and gay employees?

Bilgrimage: Footnote to My Eulogy of Carmel McEnroy: "As ... 10, 2019 · This is insightful. It underscores a point that needs to be underscored in my eulogy of Carmel. As far as I know, Carmel ended her life journey with no apology ever having been issued to her by the Benedictine monks of St. Meinrad Abbey for shattering her theological career.

Tickle The Wirepolice chief Archives - Tickle The Wire Bordentown Township Police Chief Frank Nucera, 62, was the first law enforcement officer charged with a federal hate crime in at least a decade. Nucera’s fellow officers secretly recorded him dozens of times using racial slurs. He said Donald Trump, who was a presidential candidate at the time, was the “last hope for white people.”

Rhodes, Nova M up in the air (updated) - LTR 03, 2009 · There are conflicting stories (and a heck of a lot of rumors that have popped up in my email box but I won't disclose at this point) regarding the motives behind Rhodes' absence. However, the consensus is that her flagship station, Clear Channel-owned WJNO in West Palm Beach, FL, has been making preparations for her to return to a local-only show .

Flipboard: AT&T argues being misleading about data plans ... of the grand tricks the telecom industry was able to achieve by getting its henchman, Ajit Pai, into the majority chairman position in the FCC … View on July 3

Urban Dictionary: Daily KOS KOSDaily affirmation to Keep Obama Senator (KOS) and NOT elect him in '08 until he attains more presidentially pertinent experience; even if it takes a decade or more!!!

dailykos | Free Listening on SoundCloud to dailykos | SoundCloud is an audio platform that lets you listen to what you love and share the sounds you create.. Berkeley. 29 Tracks. 26 Followers. Stream Tracks and Playlists from dailykos on your desktop or mobile device.

Daily KOS-MOS #14 - Momo and Kitties : Xenosaga know I as a teenager playing these games while my friends were down at the beach I really didn't like Momo at first but having grown up she may be one of …

Kathy Sierra incident | Geek Feminism Wiki | Fandom Kathy Sierra used to have a technology blog, Creating Passionate Users. In March 2007 she announced that she was cancelling her appearance at O'Reilly ETech. Sierra had been regularly criticised on websites including on technical matters. At some point at least one anonymous poster escalated the criticism and expressed their desire for Sierra's …

Metropolitan School District of Wayne Township, Indiana ... also: Metropolitan School District of Wayne Township, Indiana. Metropolitan School District of Wayne Township is located in Marion County, Indiana. The district served 16,196 students during the 2017-2018 school year. Pivot Counties See also: Pivot Counties by state. Five of 92 Indiana counties—5 percent—are Pivot Counties.

Did Trump Order Americans to Stop Eating Chinese Food? 27, 2019 · On Aug. 24, 2019, the website The Daily Nooze published an article positing that U.S. President Donald Trump had ordered Americans to stop eating Chinese food:. As part of his ever-escalating ...

Subway asks customers to stop open carrying guns in ... 21, 2020 · The Subway sandwich restaurant chain recently updated its corporate policies with a request that customers not open carry their firearms in stores, even in U.S. states where open carry is permitted by law. In a July update to its health and safety guidelines, Subway requested customers, excluding authorized law enforcement officers, remove or conceal otherwise open …

Are there any specific instances which provide evidence 11, 2019 · Is there proof that Trump meets the criteria for functional illiterateracy: A person is functionally illiterate who cannot engage in all those activities in which literacy is required for effective functioning of his group and community and also f...

Trump wants to pardon Scooter Libby to signal his 13, 2018 · Trump wants to pardon Scooter Libby to signal his willingness to free anyone, and to tick off Comey. Posted on AllSides April 13th, 2018 ... Here are the quick facts to get you started: THE QUICK FACTS On... Abridge News. ... In his statement to The Atlantic magazine, former Defense Secretary General James Mattis says of the events of the last ...

'The Putting of First Things First' - the consternation of my children, I once spent an afternoon with Monica Lewinsky. It was at a Thanksgiving Day party in 2000, while the results of the presidential campaign were still unclear, and

Maine woman exposes Tea Party Gov. Paul LePage’s ignorance Gov. Paul LePage (R) was scolded during a radio interview on Wednesday regarding the issue of expanding Medicaid in his state, the Maine …

Virtual Follies Finale: Trump Side of the Moon | 29, 2020 · There's someone in his head; it’s Vladimir And if the cloud bursts, thunder in your ear You shout and no one seems to hear And if the band you're in starts playing different tunes I'll see you on the Trump side of the moon (TRUMP: "I can't think of anything to say except... I think it's marvelous! Ha Ha Ha!") Chorus: All that you touch.

OMB letters show that staffers knew they were committing a Donald Trump handed down the demand that military assistance to Ukraine go into the freezer until he got the Biden-dirt he was demanding from the U.S. ally, someone had to carry out that order. That person was Mick Mulvaney. In his double role as acting chief of staff and director of the Office of […]

67 Best Mother Earth, Our Responsibility images | Earth 20, 2016 - Explore Apey74's board "Mother Earth, Our Responsibility" on Pinterest. See more ideas about Earth, Mother earth and Save our earth.67 pins31 followers

Denver Archbishop Chaput on "the teachings of Jesus Christ NYT reports: "In his written statement Tuesday, Chaput said the parents of Catholic school students are expected to agree with church beliefs, including those forbidding sex between anyone other than married, heterosexual couples. 'The church cannot change these teachings because, in the faith of Catholics, they are the teachings of Jesus Christ,' he said."

Evolution and Samuel L. Jackson | Slog | The Stranger's that revolutionary a study, certainly not "a radical new theory". As crusty a traditionalist as James Fortey spent a good deal of time in his book "Life" on the evolution of motor skills, and the development of fear in pre-humans deriving from snakes and reptiles.

Again: Obama's chief strategist accuses McCain of 01, 2008 · A perfect complement to the last post.For good measure, he re-shovels the unadulterated crap shoveled yesterday by Obama spokesman Robert Gibbs about how a line previously delivered by Obama in the explicit context of race magically became non-racial two days ago when he was slightly less explicit. What you’re seeing here is a campaign so …

George Carlin on arrogant man ‘saving’ Gaia | We are the 12, 2019 · Now Carlin produced some seriously bogus routines over the years, but combine it with the wit of P.J. O’Rourke (predating Carlin’s routine) in his priceless book Eat the Rich and you have a one-two punch against what is really a movement for one-world government central planning by (and for) elitists, toward a disaster for mankind.

www.dailykos.com 22, 2020 · 301 Moved Permanently. nginx

California governor reinstitutes statewide closures as ... 13, 2020 · After attempting to tighten restrictions on a county-by-county, piecemeal basis, California Gov. Gavin Newsom has ordered a statewide re-closing of indoor activities as the state tops 8,000 new confirmed COVID-19 infections in a single day. The...

Ron DeSantis pushes to reopen schools as Florida sees huge ... 27, 2020 · In Florida, the COVID-19 pandemic continues to escalate. That's taking a worrying turn as the state's incompetent Gov. Ron DeSantis remains absolutely determined to …[PDF]

Idiocracy's idiomatics reign as Trump racist remarks get ... was kung-fu fighting at the WH today. Those kicks were fast as lightning; in fact it was a little bit frightening, but they fought with expert timing. So much urination in the WH toilet but in the Brady briefing room, there is swimming in the former WH pool, as the propaganda flood level rises. This […]

Trump says 'the American way of life' started when ...… in the Caribbean, of course. The Genocidal Genoan never set foot in what we now know as the United States. And he had no idea where he was. And the “American way of life” he started was slavery. And greed/plunder. And wanton cruelty. And mass murder. But other than …

COVID-19 News, The University of Vermont Larner College of ... the pandemic continues, Larner College of Medicine faculty and staff continue to rise to the occasion – making improvements to the curriculum and learning environment based on student feedback, data collection, and guidance from local, regional, and national authorities.

Tickle The WireMarc Angelucci Archives - Tickle The Wire the FBI continues the investigation into the attack at the home of US District Court Judge Esther Salas, we are now engaged with the San Bernardino CA Sheriff’s Office and have evidence linking the murder of Marc Angelucci to FBI Newark subject Roy Den Hollander. — … Website Traffic and Information ... has received an estimated 2,800,600 unique visitors over the last 30 days.

Writing & Features — Vote Joia & Features. BYLINES. Race Isn’t a Risk Factor in Maternal Health. Racism Is. // Rewire.News Setting the Standard for Holistic Care of and for Black Women // Black Mamas Matter Alliance; Reproductive Justice for Black Women, Latinas, More Critical Than Ever // The Root; The Black Maternal Mortality Rate in the US Is an International Crisis // The Root ...

2019 Gift Disclosure | MoveOn.Org | Democracy In Action 19, 2020 · 2019 Gift Disclosure. MoveOn believes that disclosure of funding sources is a key to democracy, and therefore in accordance with our Gift Acceptance Policy we voluntarily disclose every contributor to Civic Action who gives gifts totaling $5,000 or more in any year as well as the amount of each such contributors’ gifts.. Civic Action receives hundreds of thousands of ...

California’s Unions Lead to Pass New Pro-Worker Laws for ... 24, 2019 · California’s unions led the way in passing a host of new pro-worker bills that go into effect on Jan. 1, 2020. These new laws, signed by Gov. Newsom, cement California’s status as the nation’s leader on workers’ rights.

BartCop's Supermodel Hotties - Alina Vacariu - Page entry: Alina Vacariu is a Romanian actress and model. Among other work, she was Romania 's Model of the Year in 1998 (at age of 14), which later resulted in signing a contract with Elite Model

The Girl with the Louding Voice - eMediaLibrary - OverDrive unforgettable, inspiring story of a teenage girl growing up in a rural Nigerian village who longs to get an education so that she can find her "louding voice" and speak up for herself, The Girl with the Louding Voice is a simultaneously heartbreaking and triumphant tale about the power of fighting for your dreams. Despite the seemingly ...

2018 Gift Disclosure | MoveOn.Org | Democracy In Action Gift Disclosure. MoveOn believes that disclosure of funding sources is a key to democracy, and therefore in accordance with our Gift Acceptance Policy we voluntarily disclose every contributor to Civic Action who gives gifts totaling $5,000 or more in any year as well as the amount of each such contributors’ gifts.. Civic Action receives hundreds of thousands of ...

BartCop's TV Hotties - Katie Holmes - Page entry: Kate Noelle " Katie " Holmes (born December 18, 1978) is an American actress who first achieved fame for her role as Joey Potter on The WB television teen drama Dawson's Creek from 1998

Fox is facing a lawsuit for it's coverage of the ... trust you are not serious. No reputable media outlet has carried this story. NOT ONE. The small obscure Washington State organization filing this lawsuit can file anything that they want. They have absolutely no ability to win this lawsuit. Ask ...

Donald Trump Jr Admits on Fox News that Daddy’s Rhetoric ... 07, 2019 · Donald Trump Jr Admits on Fox News that Daddy’s Rhetoric Can Incite ‘Fringe Crazies’ to Kill Posted by Mark NC on August 7, 2019 at 2:53 pm. 2 Comments : Most objective people recognize that the language used by national leaders can profoundly influence their followers.

Breaking: Report: British Barrister's Claim Not Part of ... 26, 2014 · Until that time, a “short-form” Certification of Live Birth had been posted by an unknown source at The Daily KOS on June 12, 2008, for which former White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs took credit in 2009. At the time, Gibbs claimed that the short-form “document” was the only birth certificate available for Obama.

This Is Why Sex Education Is Important, People! | Slog ... wonder who the father is? i mean, it's common knowledge that jamie lynn's mother paid $50,000 to that 19-year-old to claim he was the father, when in fact, it was the 50-ish producer of Mrs. Spears' own proposed talk-show. she lied to protect her show. so who is the father this time? maybe Mother Dearest just offered jamie lynn's body up to satan this time--like in rosemary's baby. you know ...

Tony Snow Goes Over To The Dark Side – CNN | News Corpse 21, 2008 · If CNN’s answer to the Fox News signing of Karl Rove it is yet another blunder on the part of their programming staff. The last time they went after the Fox model was the acquisition of Glenn Beck, who is now the lowest rated evening pundit on any of the cable news nets.

Allowing Guns in Schools is a Bad Idea - News & Views ... 05, 2017 · All good arguments. Just go to dailykos and search all GunFail articles. Every week 20-40 folk shot, almost 90% by accident. Negligence. Guns falling out of purses, waistbands, falling off toilet paper diespensers that unaware owners balance it on while on the toilet,…unending, folks that don’t know it …

Viral report of Syrian rebels causing Sarin release 10, 2020 · There is a now-viral report by AP reporter Dale Gavlak that the Sarin gas release in Syria, blamed by virtually all Western governments on President Assad, was the result of an accident caused by the rebel forces who intended to use the gas. The world already knew that the Turkish government had found Sarin gas in the possession of Syrian rebels.

AOC Wins Twitter Again, This Time Against Dave Rubin : AOC is a time of forward movement, and because societies tend to be as strong as their weakest player, one must look towards the marginalized in order to progress. In effect, feminism activism now looks out of date because feminist principles are now accepted as part of our society's common sense.

Legislative Luncheon reveals some disturbing errors's legislative luncheon revealed some curious assertions and false claims by our local representatives. Here's the full video.The sponsor was the East Tennessee Chapter of Society of Professional Journalists, and the event was at the Bearden Banquet Hall (Buddy's BBQ).

Identify this bird? | voting for the August election starts Friday. Here's who is on the ballot. (Commercial Appeal) Chattanooga area news to start your day in just over one minute - Chattanooga Times Free Press (Times Free Press) Local .GOV. Rejuvenated Cal Johnson Building …

Content: Members Page For John Bardi | OpEdNews is why big changes in the collective life of a people cannot be implemented if the changes contradict the collective belief structures of the people. (2 comments) SHARE Wednesday, November 26 ...

House GOP’s Reported Talking Points For Shootings: Note ... 16, 2019 · Gaslighting and agitprop is all the GOP have but, as long was the they can get away with it – corporate media I’m looking at you now – it’s clearly a strategy that remains effective. This has been going on, in a very organized way, since the pioneering days of Newt Gingrich. These creeps can’t even think for themselves.

Trump has ruined two of the GOP's strongest messages 25, 2019 · Not a major diary here. I just wanted to observe that at the same time that Trump has cancelled all daily press briefings, the major media have become very …

Who’s Responsible for Racist “SPICS” Ads on @DailyKos Site? 09, 2012 · Daily Kos: in the end, the people who own and run the DK site are responsible for the page's content and they are also responsible for the ads that appear there. Daily Kos has no problem promoting how popular they are to advertisers , and it is clear to us that they are part of a larger online ad network that pushes this content out.

The Lincoln Project Is Out For Blood. Here's Maxwell2 ... 25, 2020 · I’ve got to hand it to the folks at the Lincoln Project. They are like pointer dogs on the hunt. They see the prey and they move in for the kill. Donald Trump is a renowned misogynist. He insults women routinely, the more powerful and successful they are, the worse the insult. Thus we have “sick” Nancy Pelosi, “nasty” Hillary Clinton (an honor she shares with Megan Markle, by the way ...

Super Tuesday? Try Super March. Every Tuesday is a new ...“Super Tuesday” is a mainstay in our electoral lexicon, but today isn’t the only electorally important day in March. The focus on Super Tuesday overlooks the other important races happening in March and across the primary election cycle as a whole.

No, Trump Isn’t Trying to Kill the Postal Service | The ... 15, 2020 · The outrage has been burning for days, stoked by the usual suspects, like John Dean and the Daily Kos. It is difficult to express just how inane these claims are. For one, hardly anyone wants to ...

Shocker: Breitbart runs piece mocking resigned editor ... 14, 2016 · Shapiro, who is a Ted Cruz supporter, also said he did not violate his employment contract as the piece originally noted, since he is an “at will” employee. AND:

Tickle The Wirewatchdogs Archives - Tickle The Wire general are the watchdogs of federal agencies like the FBI, but they have been stymied by a bureau that has declined to turn over critical records during investigations. Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, said Wednesday that the FBI is obligated to follow the law as he works on legislation that would require the bureau to cooperate with ...

POLS 2301 Quiz 4 Flashcards | Quizlet studying POLS 2301 Quiz 4. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools.

Where are the chiefs? – Off the“Community concerns deepen over delays in naming city chiefs” is the title of the article you linked to Charles yet having read it twice now, either the version I’m reading is different than the final version or the author failed to produce many examples of concerns existing, never mind growing.

Indomitable | The online home of Chauncey DeVega: "What if my eyes, the the Superbowl was blah. But after watching Slate's great video, the question remains: What if George Lucas directed the Superbowl? Your thoughts? Who are the Sith? Who are the Jedi? And would the level of sadness and "suckitude" equal that of Phantom Menace? Or if being really provocative: What if Spike Lee directed the Superbowl?

30 Day finance reports: HISD – Off the Chron notes that where there are elections there are contributions, even for our diminished HISD Trustees.. The threat of state officials stripping power from Houston ISD trustees has not scared off donors interested in the district’s school board elections, with 13 candidates combining to raise about $210,000 through early October.

The Daily Ripple-News Music Ideas - Lou Dobbs and Fox News ... Fox News contributor Charlie Hurt, best known as a partisan hack from way back who spent recent years promoting the amorphous concept of globalists trying to take over the world, called Lightfoot’s use of the term Karen “a racial slur.” Then, later on, Dobbs used his platform to inform his older demographic that the term Karen is “a sexist and racist term.”

Mark Twain's Controversial Novel: Adventures of ... are the opening paragraphs of Chapter II – southern vernacular, “coarse humor,” n-word, and all: WE went tiptoeing along a path amongst the trees back towards the end of the widow’s garden, stooping down so as the branches wouldn’t scrape our heads. When we was passing by the kitchen I fell over a root and made a noise.

Hiding in Plame Sight: The Blockbuster Story No ... - HuffPost 25, 2011 · Consider this an open letter to the reporters covering the Lewis "Scooter" Libby perjury/obstruction of justice trial, as well as the rest of the Washington, D.C. media. I spent Monday through Thursday of last week in your midst in the media room of the E. Barrett Prettyman courthouse, watching the trial as a credentialed blogger (representing ...

Cotuit Center for the Arts - Facebook Center for the Arts stands in solidarity with all people who are oppressed or suffer injustice. As executive director of a community based cultural institution I take the responsibility of speaking on behalf of thousands of people - our board, staff, volunteers, patrons, members, teachers, donors, students, artists - very seriously.

Althouse: "The Bubble. It's Brooklyn. With a bubble on it." 06, 2016 · Such as the Ford Rotunda in Detroit? The Rotunda got its geodesic roof because a conventional roof would have weighed more than the structure under it could support. Unfortunately geodesic domes tend to leak; this one was lost to fire when a workman's torch ignited solvent that was being used to re-seal the roof panels on a November day in 1962.

: North Korea reports first suspected infection as global ... 26, 2020 · Seoul (AFP) – North Korea declared its first suspected coronavirus case on Sunday, becoming one of the last countries to do so as the number of …

First Edition Pamphlet of Frederick Douglass’ “What to the ... 04, 2020 · So ran an advertisement in Frederick Douglass’ Paper (originally the North Star), a week after the famed abolitionist and orator had, on July 5th, 1852, stood before a packed Corinthian Hall in Rochester, New York, and delivered one of the most important speeches in the history of the United States. In addition to its masterful use of ...

Stephen Colbert Nails Fox Nation’s Resident Imbecile Jesse ... 02, 2014 · [For a collection of more than 50 documented examples of blatant lies published by Fox Nation, get the ebook “Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.” Available at Amazon] Now Stephen Colbert has turned his biting incite toward Watters in a hilarious segment that demonstrates the dishonesty inherent to what Watters does.

Snopes’ fact-checking couple try to unravel Web of lies ...’ fact-checking couple try to unravel Web of lies Originally published April 4, 2010 at 10:05 pm Updated April 5, 2010 at 10:53 am No, Kenya did not erect a sign welcoming people to the ...

Iowa Dem Chair Said The Phone Lines Crashed Because ... person on the call told CNN that Price defended Shadow, the company that created the failed app. He said Shadow put a full proposal in — while Microsoft and others did not. Iowa selected Shadow after Nevada already signed on with the firm. Price promised an independent review of the counting controversy, a […]

The Raw Story - One way to prepare for a pandemic is to be ... Americans struggle to obtain COVID-19 tests, one island in Florida is testing every resident — and those who travel to the island for work. “Fisher Island — an exclusive enclave of multi-million dollar condos and homes and one of the wealthiest ZIP Codes in the country — has purchased tho...

How would you implement Prop B? – Off the 25, 2019 · Here, from last week, is Mayor Turner’s official announcement about layoffs, following a failure to come to an agreement with the firefighters’ union about a time frame to fully implement Prop B. Here’s the Chron story about the firefighters protesting the layoffs, which we knew were coming – indeed, we’d known since last year, as that was one of the main points Mayor Turner made ...

Shaun King - Modern Day Civil Rights Keynote Speaker ... ON M5V 2L1. Phone: 800 265 4870 Phone: 416 979 7987 Fax: 416 979 7987. 1123 Broadway, Suite 1107 New York NY 11010. Phone: 212 242 1212 Email: [email protected]

South Carolina’s Voter ID law | Blog or Die! Carolina’s new Voter ID law went into effect January 1, 2013. In order to cast a regular ballot in the election, you must present a qualifying photo ID–one of the following 5 items: A South Carolina Driver’s License. Suspended licenses DO NOT QUALIFY. An ID card issued by the South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles. A US Passport.

Here Are 5 Times Conservatives Have Admitted They Don’t ... suppressing the votes of people who they think will oppose them isn't something new. Earlier this week, GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee said that he didn’t want “stupid ...

20 Top Progressive Leaders: Do They Speak to or for the ... 10, 2012 · January 9, 2012; Source: LexisNexis News (New Statesman) | In the recent past, some conservative critics have railed against nonprofits as the partners of government in an enterprise to move the United States toward a socialistic society. Separating nonprofits from government would revive the notion of nonprofits as “charities” and remove one of the pillars supporting the growth of government.

Cory Booker Finally Solves Newark’s Hot Pockets Crisis ... 08, 2012 · Cory Booker Finally Solves Newark’s Hot Pockets Crisis ... 100 tweets per day from Oct. 29 to Nov. 1.) There is the rare problem Booker can’t solve, but truly, such cases are the exception. When one of his city dwellers tweeted that he was running low on Hot Pockets, the social media-savvy mayor felt his pain, but couldn’t offer the man a ...

The Morning News | Slog | The Stranger | Seattle's Only ... 20, 2007 · The PS3 has a serious over-heating issue due to it's hardware, and the ridiculous idea to throw the power supply inside of the console. The hardware is barely better than the XBOX 360, which doesn't matter because the PS3 has some serious issues with game selection.

PERRspectives: McCain Ads Attack Media That Love 22, 2008 : McCain Ads Attack Media That Love Him. As Barack Obama's global travels - and good fortune - dominate the headlines in the U.S., the McCain campaign has launched two new ads in a petulant campaign against the media itself. The spots, which prominently feature MSNBC's Chris Matthews (among others), blast a fawning media's seeming love affair with Barack Obama.

Who profits? ? Pagan Vigil "Because LIBERTY demands more ...'s an elephant in global warming's living room that few in the mainstream media want to talk about: the creators of the carbon credit scheme are the ones cashing in on it. The two cherub like choirboys singing loudest in the Holier Than Thou Global Warming Cathedral are Maurice Strong and Al Gore.

Fox News CEO Roger Ailes Flips Off Jon Stewart 06, 2015 · Fox News CEO Roger Ailes Flips Off Jon Stewart Posted by Mark NC on August 6, 2015 at 12:10 pm. 6 Comments : The most bitter, paranoid, hostile media boss in the business just affirmed all of those character flaws in an interview with the Hollywood Reporter.

The American Human: Conservatives' Central Problem: Social 09, 2016 · The American Human is written by Calvin Ross, a retired teacher who at various points in life has been a musician, woodworker, restaurateur, narrator, English teacher in Japan, novelist, technology journalist, and private tutor to Japanese children here in the U.S. Happily residing in the wine country of Sonoma County north of San Francisco, Calvin has lived in the Philippines, the Netherlands ...

Deconstructing the Foxman letter - Dennis King 2, 2005 (Part Two on ADL director Foxman and the Bloomberg-Independence Party alliance) ADL national director Abraham H. Foxman's April 20, 2005 letter giving the mayor a clean bill of health regarding his alliance with Lenora Fulani's Independence Party can only be described as a travesty of the ADL's fight against anti-Semitism.

Fake News Workshop, Part 1, September 6 - HIST 302 Famine ... 18, 2019 · Group 1 Mark Sumner -- Daily KOS Group 2 BBC News Group 3 Ellen Nakashima -- The Washington Post Group 4 Hans A. von Spakovsky -- National Review Group 5 Derek Hunter -- Town Hall Group 6 Arthur Delaney -- The Huffington Post Group 7 Sylvan Lane -- The Hill Group 8 Mark Sumner -- Daily KOS Group 9 BBC News Group 10 Ellen Nakashima -- The ...

Trump flips out on NBC reporter for pointing out his stupidity was no different. After whining that President Obama enjoyed the “benefit” of 0 percent interest rates and two payroll tax cuts (you know, because his predecessor had left him with a smoldering crater where the economy used to be), Trump lit into NBC’s Peter Alexander for pointing out Trump’s glaring hypocrisy with regard to Joe Biden.

The Greatness of Tom Tomorrow, Chapter 514 - The Atlantic 23, 2011 · The Greatness of Tom Tomorrow, Chapter 514. ... Back in 1998, in what now seems an unimaginable parallel universe, I was the editor of US News …

Poor Crybaby Trump Whines that it’s ‘So Hard to Watch Fox ... 13, 2020 · High on the list of his most frequent grievances are the relentless assaults on his own State TV network, Fox News. Never mind that it is practically the only network to which he grants interviews, and that it is the home of his closest “Shadow Cabinet” advisors (Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, Lou Dobbs, etc).

Trump Aide Huckabee-Sanders Accuses the Press Corps of ... daily White House press briefing has become a predictably contentious affair during the presidency of Donald Trump. His press secretaries, first Sean Spice and now Sarah Huckabee-Sanders, operate more like defense attorneys for Trump than public servants.

"The Squad" made fools of themselves today (8/19/19 20, 2019 · So they didn’t get to travel to Israel and make a big scene bashing Israel and Jews. Now they are having a snit fit. It was the ugliest bunch of sex deprived losers ever assembled in one place to piss and moan about not being allowed to travel to Israel. Boo Hoo Hoo.

Pass the aspirin already! | We are the drain the swamp people 22, 2018 · Lately it was the Royal wedding. This world is in utter turmoil and we are bombarded with the dysfunction in Harry’s in-laws family. Every night we are given a grain of hope that finally the Deep State is uncovered and heads will roll.

Senior Murfreesboro Mosque Leader Posts Images Glorifying ... 13, 2012 · NOTE: The compilation of materials used in this article are the result of a collaboration between Steve Emerson, of the Investigative Project on Terrorism, Elizabeth Coker, a retired journalist and stay-at-home-mom, Jerry Gordon, former Army Intelligence officer and Editor for New English Review, and Eric Allen Bell, Filmmaker and writer. This article was written by Eric Allen […]

Cyclist Doored, Traffic Shut Down on E Union | Slog | The ... Cyclist Doored, Traffic Shut Down on E Union posted by Jonah Spangenthal-Lee on September 19 at 16:49 PM Seattle Police have closed off East Union Street between 27th and Martin Luther King Way after a cyclist collided with an open car door.

Stop The Pro-Trump News Media Biases: Deaths In Puerto 08, 2018 · Also, the news media reported that South Vietnam’s president, General Ky, admired Hitler. This was the man we were sending our soldiers to defend. The narrative was that General Ky was a champion of democracy. Then came the massacres performed by American troops. President Nixon went ballistic at the news media for reporting the truth.

State and federal primaries set | KnoxViews was the filing deadline for the Aug. 6 state and federal legislative primary. Sandra Clark has the list of Knox Co. candidates... There is also a U.S. Senate primary. Here are the candidates that have filed... The withdrawal deadline is noon on April 9, 2020.

Eschaton: I Hope These People Are Crazy Hope These People Are Crazy. Please. A British defence source said the ground attack on Iraq's capital was imminent. "We're looking towards Monday night, Tuesday for …

The Replacements at Bumbershoot 2014 - HariKari 01, 2014 · The Replacements at Bumbershoot 2014. September 1, ... I’ve been to hundreds of shows at Bumbershoot, and I have to say that their performance yesterday was the best Bumbershoot show I’ve ever seen. Here are the photos – all taken with a Sony NEX-5 using a 55mm – 210mm zoom. (50% resolution for this post.

The Back Forty » Health Insurance Reform That Hurts Rural all, it was the House seat of Tom Price, President Trump’s point man who, as Secretary of Health and Human Services, has led the administration’s charge for the repeal of Obamacare. It also is no shocker that a rural state like Georgia will be taking the lead in seeing any mean-spirited overhaul of Obamacare gets usurped by plans for ...

No Sleep till Brooklyn: Why Bill Thompson isn’t Mayor 30, 2009 · No Sleep till Brooklyn: Why Bill Thompson isn’t Mayor(-elect) A few threads back, there was a lively discussion about voting patterns in Brooklyn, and how that impacted the 2009 mayoral race. Thanks to David who worked his lawyerly Freedom-of-Information magic, …

Voter suppression in Virginia? Has your registration been ... I called the county Registrar. Explained that I was still here, and asked why they thought I’d moved. She explains that Virginia has been cross matching voter lists with other states, and found that I was registered in SC. In 2009. Apparently that was the latest list they could get from SC, so they went with it. (I moved to VA in 2012.) Observe Iosme Iowa News | Iowa Office of ...'s headlines: Observe fresh posts and updates on Iosme Iowa. Unfortunately, we cannot detect RSS feed on this website, but you may observe …

Guns in College - Nolan Sharp's Website off the idea that guns make the world a safer place must be addressed. When it comes to assault, many people, including Linda Hasselstrom, a freelance writer, believe that guns are a form of protection. She states how, “ A pistol is not the only way to avoid being raped or murdered in today’s world, but, intelligently wielded, it can shift the balance of power and provide a measure ...

Michigan Tea Party Supports "Right to Work" ? IREHR 26, 2011 · Tea Party activists will have to dig in and put pressure on shaky legislators in their districts, he said. State Senator Pat Colbeck pointed to what he perceived was the advantageous climate for anti-union crusaders in Michigan today. “Now is the time to push this over the hill,” he said. Previous attempts to pass right to work have failed.

PERRspectives: Obama's Cinco, Bush's Diecisé 5, 2009 : Obama's Cinco, Bush's Dieciséis. As his unfortunate joke to Jay Leno about his meager bowling skills revealed, impromptu humor is not Barack Obama's strong suit. On Monday, to laughter from attendees and the press alike, President Obama flubbed his day-early White House celebration of Cinco de Mayo by proclaiming it, "Cinco de cuatro." And that, the right-wing blogosphere ...

Three More Surprises on Ark Encounter’s Opening Day ... 17, 2016 · by Susan Trollinger and William Trollinger. In our July 9 blog post, we reported being surprised, really surprised, by how few visitors we saw on Ark Encounter’s opening day (July 7).Apparently, we weren’t the only ones who took notice. Plenty of images are now available online that document the fact that for much of the day there were no lines at ticket windows or the main entrance …

CT Blue › The Church of Perpetual to the Church of the One True Faith (that overstates the number by one, by the way), god created man, installed within him a sex drive, ordered him to be fruitful and multiply, and decreed that the act of sex was the sole manner through which new life could be created.

The blog of Nathan Hunstad » Blog Archive » Investigating ... only files that returned were all in that Aviliate directory again, providing confirmation that this was the backdoor they had installed. In my console, the plugin appeared as Akismet, which is a popular anti-spam plugin that many WordPress sites have, which made it blend in and appear to be legitimate.

NEW PAPYRUS: The James Webb Space Telescope James Webb Space Telescope. 1 comment: dwbd said... Great Video, 1080p yet! Thanks for posting. January 8, 2011 at 7:19 PM Post a Comment. Newer Post Older Post Home. Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) Blog Archive 2020 (18) May (5) ...

YouTube Posting Shows School Children Singing Praises to Posting Shows School Children Singing Praises to President Obama - Video Here is an unidentified YouTube post that shows a group of school children singing praises to President Obama. The lyrics are kind of hard to make out, but you can hear them saying, "Hello, Mr. President.

Rep. John Duncan Jr. proven wrong on environmentalists ... John Duncan Jr. proven wrong on environmentalists. U.S. Rep. John J. Duncan Jr. ended his latest constituent newsletter with this broadside: “Far-left environmentalists almost always come from wealthy or upper-income families who don’t have trouble paying their utility bills.” Let’s test that assertion.

Fox pulls Trish Regan after ‘Coronavirus Impeachment Scam ... have consequences. In a statement shared with TPM, Fox Business Network stated that “Trish Regan Primetime” is “on hiatus until further notice.” Regan’s 8 p.m. slot and her 9 p.m. neighbor, “Kennedy,” will be replaced with “long form programming” for the foreseeable future, Fox Business said. It seems that Fox is starting to get the message that […]

Driving may be down, but traffic fatalities are not down from stop-and-go traffic, Gonzalez said he worries speed — already a major problem along Houston area roads and a contributing factor to crashes — is worsening. “Some of the habits do not break whether there is a pandemic or not,” the sheriff said. See here for some background. I too would assume that fewer vehicles on the road ...

Teamster Vision – California Labor Federation 16, 2014 · As the International Brotherhood of Teamsters’ national organizing director, Farmer doesn’t mind that his union has a reputation for being the biggest and baddest kid on the block. Farmer says that when workers organize they want to know they have an even chance to win against the abuses of some of the biggest international companies out there.

Rachel Maddow’s Brilliant Analysis of the Niger Attack ... 22, 2017 · But it’s dangerous to the families that lost loved ones over there because they’re the ones who should be the focus of this conversation and somehow we go down these roads oftentimes and it’s such a distraction and it’s such a disservice to this country and what our job is in the media.”

Sources — The Brainwashing Of My Dad term 'brainwashing' was first recorded in 1950, but it is an expression of a much older concept: the forcible and full-scale alteration of a person's beliefs. Over the past 50 years the term has crept into popular culture, served as a topic for jokes, frightened the public in media headlines, and slandered innumerable people and institutions.

Driving may be down, but traffic fatalities are not down ... from stop-and-go traffic, Gonzalez said he worries speed — already a major problem along Houston area roads and a contributing factor to crashes — is worsening. “Some of the habits do not break whether there is a pandemic or not,” the sheriff said.

Proud Boys Marching for Trump in Orlando Stopped by Police ... 18, 2019 · (Above: They have their marching orders.) Philip Crowther is an International Affiliate Reporter for the AP, on the ground at the Trump Re-election rally in Orlando, Florida. He is doing important work, keeping us updated on the hate-fest. It’s possible the Proud Boys had nothing more in mind than confronting the protestors, probable even…they don’t want to miss der fur-hair’s speech ...

Press Release of the Day | Slog | The Stranger | Seattle's ... Lee, 52, Nordstrom IT Manager, set three American Records in the 75 kilo class with a squat of 283 pounds, a bench of 196 pounds, a deadlift of 308 pounds and a total of 787 pounds. This secured her a first place finish for the third year in a row at Women’s Nationals and …

If we talked about white poverty the way we talk about 19, 2017 · To state the obvious, I am not saying that we shouldn’t care about white poverty or that poor whites haven’t had to endure their share of shaming from a punitive culture that uses wealth to determine the value of a human being (a source of condescension, it’s important to note, that originates from the right and its cult of market fundamentalism).

Unlikely Ocean Acidification and Oyster Shells it was an understanding of natural pH changes that provided the correct solutions. Subsurface waters at a few hundred meters depth naturally contain greater concentrations CO2 and nutrients and a lower pH than surface waters. Changes in the winds and currents periodically bring those waters to the surface in a process called upwelling ...

PERRspectives: Harvard MBAs Debut Oath for the Most 30, 2009 : Harvard MBAs Debut Oath for the Most Dishonest Profession. On Friday, the New York Times profiled a group of Harvard Business School students who have taken an "MBA oath" to act responsibly and "serve the greater good."The ethical pledge of "responsible value creation" can't come too soon for America's future business leaders.

Classic or Baroque 2008 | Slog | The Stranger | Seattle's ... said, I personally lean towards the Classical because I like clarity and a bit of restraint. You can over-egg a pudding. The exuberance of Baroque did reflect the intellectual freedoms of the Renaissance but it also eventually gave way to Rococo which always struck me as the …

31 | October | 2014 | News Corpse 31, 2014 · The Fox poll had an overwhelming 43% of registered voters citing the economy as the most important issue. That was two and a half times more than the next three issues, immigration, healthcare, and foreign policy. Nearly every economic indicator shows that the economy has been booming in recent years.

New bill to ban mermaids, centaurs and other human-animal ... 13, 2009 · Intellectual giants Senator Sam Brownback (R-KS) and Mary Landrieu (D-LA) have introduced the Human-Animal Hybrid Protection Act of 2009 to stem the growing market for centaurs, harpies, satyrs, mermaids and other animal-human hybrid freaks. “This legislation works to ensure that our society recognizes the dignity and sacredness of human life,” said Brownback.

blogs | Girliegirl1965's Blog 16, 2009 · Social Media, So Far…Glorymar, I am with you.. November 16, 2009 Posted by girliegirl1965 in Uncategorized. Tags:, blogosphere, blogs, Chris Anderson, crowd-sourced, Ebay, Google, Google Reader, link, longtail, Netflix, niche, social media, Wikipedia add a comment. Gloymar’s, I am with you.. When we were asked for our thoughts about social media so far, I gave …

Stratification and Silver Linings: Chicago ... - Gapers 18, 2011 · On the face of it, no good can be squeezed out of the official 2010 census numbers that came out earlier this week. Chicago proper saw its population drop about 200,000 from 2,896,016 in 2000 to just 2,695,598. The 6.9%...

Kevin | Blog or Die! cars had a few voice commands, and a promise from Elon Musk that one day, almost everything could be controlled by voice. Well, Merry Christmas! I was originally planning to compile a list of commands, but (silly me) a … Continue reading ?

The Business of Higher Education - Gapers Block Mechanics 16, 2011 · Education Tue Aug 16 2011 The Business of Higher Education. By Megan E. Doherty. Yesterday, Rahm Emanuel announced a plan to improve the Chicago Public School system, and it doesn't involve challenging students more.. But it does involve more of something: merit pay for principals. The bonus money, which is estimated to run between $5,000-10,000 per principal, will be …

So much for the metric: Iowa's Gov. Reynolds still refuses ... 16, 2020 · In other words, it sets an extremely high bar to issue a stay-at-home order in the first place, and then limits the geographic application of such an order to only about 1/6 of the state if one is ...

Write (MS)NBC to Demand Removal of Chris Matthews second, Sanders was the heavy favorite going into the caucuses, and in fact the "first alignment" votes are extremely close to the average of pre-caucus polls.

The Impeachment Inquiry has now begun - Daily Sound and Fury still moves forward as House judiciary begins the first official moves to start the impeachment inquiry by explicit reference in today’s request for materials. Hereâ  s the petition formally announcing in DC federal court the impeachment inquiry in which the House is now engaged. No ifs ands or buts. No ambiguity. The eagle has taken […]

Question of the Day: John McCain Supposedly Roughed Obama’s anti smear web site, and the birth certificate posted on the Daily KOS, are among numerous reasons, redacted Photo-shopped fakes. The numbers on the lower left corner don’t match, and when edited with a Hexadecimal editor, reveal the words “Ducky,” “Adobe,” and “Photo shop” etc.

Minneapolis store owner regrets his clerk called 911 on ... Arab American owner of the corner store George Floyd was violently detained in front of is speaking out after facing criticism for one of his clerks calling 911 on Floyd, an act that some argue set off the chain of events leading to Floyd’s death on Memorial Day. The clerk, who was 17-years-old at the […]

"Religious Freedom Day MRFF Statement" Religious Freedom Day is the annual national observance on January 16th celebrating our historic religious liberties. It commemorates the day in 1786 when the Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom authored by Thomas Jefferson and advocated by James Madison (Virginians, Founders and Presidents) was passed by the Virginia Assembly.

Foes Take Aim At McKinney In Surprise Georgia Race – The ... surprisingly close race involving one of the pro-Israel community’s least favorite lawmakers, Rep. Cynthia McKinney, is poised to become a Middle East proxy fight.McKinney, a left-wing Georgia ...

Only Trump can use "ancient history" to screw up today. 17, 2019 · Sigh. This is a sincere question, but in another presidency would be farce. Is the Trump admin doing this because: A. Someone like Pompeo always wanted to do it, but only under this laughably inexperienced president could they get the authority. B. This is …

Emergency Manager of Benton Harbor strips power from ... Harris, the state-appointed Emergency Financial Manager of Benton Harbor, has stripped control from city officials. It's the first time an emergency financial manager has used broad new powers granted to them by state legislators and Governor Rick Snyder.

Al Gore Rescues Katrina Victims – The Paragraph 23, 2005 · Al Gore Rescues Katrina Victims September 23 ... The doctors at the airport told Gore that the first flight’s evacuation of ambulatory patients was the “tipping point” that allowed them to take care of the bedridden patients. The doctors felt that the privately run evacuation had “motivated” the subsequent military evacuation.

Headline of the Day | Slog | The Stranger | Seattle's Only ... severed foot surfaces off Canadian coast. CNN has the best headline, but the Independent has the story:. In the latest grisly twist to a saga that has spawned dozens of conspiracy theories, two dog-walkers spotted the left foot, inside a shoe, floating in water off Westham island, near the mouth of the Fraser river, on Monday morning. It was detached near the ankle, and had apparently ...

Secrets of the A-list bloggers: Technorati vs. Google 13, 2005 · Technorati vs. Google. So the first dataset I created was a comparative index of Technorati and Google. The set was created by grabbing the number of links to a site in Google and getting the equivalent value for Technorati. The resut looked like this:

Immigrants, We Create Jobs - Case Foundation 18, 2017 · The Broadway musical Hamilton has a line that elicits thunderous applause every night—“Immigrants, we get the job done.” Recent research shows us that the line could just as accurately state, “Immigrants, we create jobs.” One recent study shows that immigrant-founded and owned companies employ nearly 6 million people. And even Mary Meeker’s 2017 report, which analyzes and …

Shadow of the Hegemon: Obama's First Call to a Foreign Leader 02, 2009 · The new US leader told Abbas that the Palestinian president was the first foreign leader he called since taking office, said spokesman Nabil Abu Rudeina. "This is my first phone call to a foreign leader and I'm making it only hours after I took office," he quoted Obama as telling Abbas.

Balkinization: Another June Surprise: Justice Kennedy ...’s decision was the second time the Court has ruled in Fisher. Three years ago, in Fisher I, Justice Kennedy wrote that enrolling a diverse student body “promotes-cross-racial understanding, helps to break down racial stereotypes, and enables students to better understand persons of different races.” Kennedy’s opinion today in Fisher II followed these precepts, upholding the ...

Democracy for New Mexico: Compare and was the first editor of DOB's newsletter, The Ladder, beginning in 1956. Martin took over editorship of the newsletter from 1960 to 1962. Within five years of its origin, the Daughters of Bilitis had chapters around the country, including Chicago, New York, New Orleans, San Diego, Los Angeles, Detroit, Denver, Cleveland and Philadelphia.

William Horberg: Monsters and Heroes is another Fanzine of yore dedicated to the masters of 20th Century pulp and fantastic literature - issue #6 of Larry Ivie's Monsters and Heroes. One of the earliest and most enduring science fiction, fantasy and adventure authors was the former pencil-sharpener wholesaler Edgar Rice Burroughs who realized in 1911 that he could "write stories as rotten as those he read in the pulp ...

schmoo on the run: diy stonehenge building technique 29, 2009 · With the G20 meeting just days away, last minute preparations for the end of capitalism as we owed it continue at the safe house somewhere in central London. We are using the Wally Wallington DIY Stonehenge building technique [video above] for our anti tank defences, as judging by the media hysteria, the Army is sure to riot at some point.

the real story...: May 2017'm reaching out to a small band of dedicated left-wing anti-corruption activists in the UK, to help me finish the Maggie's Hammer investigation. Finally. And for the first time, in a long time, I am today seriously wondering: why bother? If what we're up against.

The Chinese earthquake and Twitter – crowdsourcing without ... 12, 2008 · There's been an earthquake in China, and the Twittersphere is alive with it. I'm going to write a post on this and keep adding to it through the next hour or so. Let me know anything interesting you've spotted @paulbradshaw The first interesting point is Tweetburner: its most-clicked links shared on Twitter are almost entirely…

22 | May | 2018 | News Corpse 22, 2018 · Of course, any result that proved to be detrimental to Trump would be immediately dismissed by the GOP and attacked for being biased. Even though the whole project was the result of the GOP’s whining in the first place. They could hardly complain that the investigation that they demanded should then be set aside and forgotten.

Stabbing at the Funhouse | Slog | The Stranger | Seattle's ... first thought was the Mayor trying to shut down the Funhouse. Years ago, I walked into that place for the first time (when it was Zak's) and thought, " the kind of place where people get stabbed". After a few visits I changed my mind and it has become one of my favorite venues.

Understanding connecting thread in race stories, two POCs ... 20, 2019 · This is the reality of being a POC in America today: The storms tripped our alarm last night and scared the bejeezus out of us. After [my husband] and I cleared all the rooms/closets/cabinets in the house, we tried to cancel the alarm but the deputy had already been dispatched. The first thing that came to mind was: WE'RE MEXICAN![PDF]Your name Course - PaperWritingHelp.net that change the media of communication etc. One of the phonetic changes in the period between the 14th and 18th centuries was the Great Vowel Shift. It influenced the way the certain sounds are pronounced, which resulted in the standardization of pronunciation used in today’s Modern English.

Toronto officer buys shirt, tie for shoplifter who needed ... in r/UpliftingNews by u/Kill_Frosty • 3,444 points and 58 comments

Big Bad Bald Bastard: A Rob Liefeld Christmas 07, 2019 · The first thing that came to my mind when I saw that pouch was the comic art of pouch-aficianado Rob Liefeld, who at least seems to have a sense of humor in the face of detractors. If I were Santa Claus, I'd think twice before sneaking into the house of anybody hanging one of these puppies on the mantelpiece... nobody wants to get their ass ...

Free Pro Choice Abortion Essay refers to a practice whereby a pregnancy is terminated with the outcome being the death of a human fetus (Hillar, 2000). Feel free to explore them to get inspired in tackling the paper. Pro-lifers think it’s morally wrong to kill an innocent child, while pro-choicers think it’s the woman’s decision.

Tickle The Wirelimo Archives - Tickle The Wire“This is one of the biggest losses of life that we’ve seen in a long, long time,” NTSB Chairman Robert Sumwalt told local NBC affiliate WNYT. For reasons that aren’t yet clear, the limo failed to stop at an intersection and careened into the parking lot of an Apple Barrel store and café.

Russell Glasser's blog: Why you should care about Terri ... was also one of the first big cracks in the facade of the Bush re-election "mandate," that has since sent his approval numbers spiraling downwards into the low 40's. It was clear to many before this that Bush was the Christian Right's bitch, but the fact was revealed in all its meretricious glory to the world at large by his grandstanding in ...

Sustainability education news from campuses on the ... concluded the first installment by wishing that "with any luck, this will become a continuing series." The universities whose press releases I included in Overnight News Digest: Science Saturday (Dragon docks with ISS edition) came through, so here's the next edition, featuring sustainability education news from universities in the states of Arkansas, Kentucky, Texas, and Wisconsin.

FeteVefete: Fete in costume de baie - Blogger Ways to Spend Less Money on Groceries - Are you one of those people who spend entirely too much money on groceries every month? You are not alone, as a big problem for many people all ove...

Creationists Need Faster Evolution than Evolution ... 08, 2012 · This is way, way faster than biologists understand human mutation rates happen. Plus, it’s very, very targeted in the HLA genes. Why don’t we have 2,000 alleles for eye color or 2,000 alleles for blood type or any of the other 30,000 genes in the human body… some of …

Trump asked Australian leader for help discrediting ... 30, 2019 · Another blockbuster development: In a new revelation underscoring Attorney General William Barr's key role in Donald Trump's efforts to use his government office to pressure foreign governments int...

Imagine five million Americans surrounding that tiny ... 28, 2020 · I know, because I was one of them. It was impressive. The protest was completely peaceful. During the Women’s March, approximately 500,000 people marched around the White House. That was also impressive. Again, the protest was completely peaceful. Now imagine a clear victory for Joseph Biden is announced late into the evening of November 3rd.

Join us for a day of action to save net neutrality | NTEN is joining with nearly 70,000 websites, Internet users, and organizations for an Internet-Wide Day of Action to Save Net Neutrality on July 12. As part of our commitment to free speech and digital access, we oppose the FCC’s plan to slash Title II, the legal foundation for net neutrality rules that protect online free speech and innovation.

Italian News Org. To Broadcast Evidence Of US Use Of ... 25, 2011 · The Americans are responsible for a massacre using unconventional weapons, the identical charge for which Saddam Hussein stands accused. An investigation by RAI News 24, the all-news Italian satellite television channel, has pulled the veil from one of the most carefully concealed mysteries from the front in the entire US military campaign in Iraq.

The Rude Pundit: Donald Trump Wants More Violence at the ... 06, 2020 · Look, I'm just gonna spitball here on what I really think happened on Monday, June 1, when protesters at Lafayette Square, right near the White House, were pushed out by a bullshit combination of Park Police, National Guard, and Secret Service, along with various other law enforcement officers.Sure, sure, the story we've heard, that the peaceful crowd was violently …

Groups push lawmakers for hearings on voting machine ... Hill 1625 K Street, NW Suite 900 Washington DC 20006 | 202-628-8500 tel | 202-628-8503 fax. The contents of this site are ©2020 Capitol Hill Publishing Corp., a subsidiary of News ...

Watch Washington Post Video Timeline Of ... - National Memo with permission from Alternet. The Washington Post has published this short film based on video footage, audio of police communications and other records in what is undoubtedly "the most complete account to date of the June 1 crackdown on protesters in Washington D.C." . Watch the meticulously compiled 12-minute video below to see what transpired in the hours …

GOP Sen. Jim Risch Lets Pompeo Off The Hook; No Testimony Sen. Jim Risch Gives Mike Pompeo A Pass On Testifying Before Senate Foreign Relations Committee. ... To become an ad-free subscriber please select one of the following two options. ... Any comments that are sexist or in any other way deemed hateful by our staff will be deleted and constitute grounds for a ban from posting on the site ...

The Sierra Club in Durban: Day Two : Compass 29, 2011 · The Sierra Club delegation showed no signs of slowing down on Day 2 of the COP 17 climate negotiations. Several of us started the day in the People's Space, where we met up with old friends who are working to fight coal projects impacting rural communities in South Africa.We hopped in their tripped out van for a very loud and boisterous ride to the Speaker's …

Redefining the land of the free 11, 2011 · The meal was a dinner at Antoine's Restaurant. The attendees included Rep. Tim Jones, R-Eureka, who has been tabbed to become Speaker of the House in 2013, (and who is also a plaintiff in Orly Taitz’ birther lawsuit) and Rep. Shane Schoeller, R-Springfield, who is expected to run for secretary of state.

Matt Rhoades Bio - Affair, Married, Wife, Net Worth ... 15, 2020 · He was the vice president of the public affairs company DCI Group in Washington, D.C. Matt Rhoades- Age, Family, and Ethnicity. Matt Rhoades was born Matthew Rhoades on February 3, 1975, Saratoga Springs, New York, United States.He has …

CNN: Cohen thought Trump would pardon him; people close to ... from CNN: Michael Cohen, the former personal attorney for President Donald Trump who is now a key witness in special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation, was under the impression Trump would offer him a pardon in exchange for staying on message in support of the President in discussions with federal prosecutors, according to two […]

Tickle The WireOregon Federal Judge Tosses Key Evidence in 12, 2018 · By Allan Lengel A federal judge in Portland dealt a blow to the government’s case against FBI Agent W. Joseph Astarita, who is accused of lying about firing his weapon during a 2016 confrontation with Oregon occupation spokesman Robert “LaVoy” Finicum, who was fatally shot. U.S. District Judge Robert E. Jones wrote in a […]

Black Scholars in the Obama Administration: Lisa 04, 2009 · EPA Head, Lisa Jackson *** Lisa Jackson, Head of the Environment Protection Agency: B.S. (Chemical Engineering), Tulane University (Summa Cum Laude); M.S. (Chemical Engineering), Princeton University. The buzz on Lisa Jackson: The buzz on this Obama appointee’s academic credentials is part of the larger buzz surrounding his administration.A …

Flynn case dismissed … Obama’s Deep State is crumbling ... 07, 2020 · OBAMA’S DEEP STATE house of cards is beginning to fall as many of us have been anticipating for years. “The United States of America hereby moves to dismiss charges with prejudice the criminal information filed against Michael T. Flynn,” were the key words in a 20-page court filing made Thursday by Timothy Shea, the U. S. Attorney for the District of Columbia.

The Second Life of Ava Rivers by Faith Gardner – Review ... 21, 2018 · The Second Life of Ava Rivers by Faith Gardner has an expected publication date of August 28th, 2018 by Razorbill and is a contemporary young adult novel. Ava’s disappearance was the crack in the Rivers family glacier. I wish I could explain to you how we were before, but I can’t because the before is so filmy and shadowed with the after.

Hillary Clinton’s Resume | The Lunch Counter 23, 2015 · Got a letter from Tom Fitton, President of Judicial Watch, the nation’s government watchdog that took over when the media watchdog died. Since Hillary Clinton is making a second go at her husband’s last job, there are some things Tom reminds us voters of.

Reading Tonight | Slog | The Stranger | Seattle's Only ... Elliott Bay Book Company, J. Edward Chamberlain, who is a breeder of horses, reads from his book about the horse in history. The book is titled Horse. Even if you’re not into horses, this looks like the best reading of the night, but that’s not an endorsement.

Make It Plain - W A T C H ?? Rev. Robert R.A. Turner of... things like trying to throw money in my face and how much money do you want credit cards in my face, then these two women come grab my arm and pull my bull horn and and this guy threw water on me. this guy who is open to carry a gun to water on me and he comes around and shops in my ear and and just the it was the most disgusting about moment.

"American Delegation Returns from Iraq Fact-Finding ... DELEGATION RETURNS FROM IRAQ FACT-FINDING MISSION. In the midst of a Bush administration debate between moderates calling for "easing sanctions" and hard-liners demanding a "regime change" and tighter sanctions, a delegation of Muslim Americans and Arab Americans traveled to Iraq on March 20, to witness firsthand the effects of the sanctions on the …

Nelson Mandela | V B I Mandela was the archetypal hero. To achieve his goal, he had to endure great personal suffering before leading his people out of the wilderness of fear and pain. He vanquished the oppressors by dint of unwavering faith in the eventual triumph of right. The world has seen few heroes so steadfast in their adherence to their principles.

Gorilla in the Room: Victor Ostrovsky Video Clips 13, 2006 · Youtube is powerful medium. I had read some statements from former mossad agent Victor Ostrovsky, but frankly they sounded a bit incredulous. However, after having watched these Youtube clips of him I think he sounds very credible.

Rise of the Modern Brownshirts | Veritas Vincit Pro Libertate 21, 2016 · Reason Hit & Run. To Get Americans Safely Back to Work and Play, We Need Cheap and Plentiful At-home COVID-19 Testing July 6, 2020; Congratulations to Our Own Mark Movsesian and Keith Whittington, on Being Cited by Today's S. Ct. Decisions July 6, 2020; Pennsylvania Is the Latest State To Loosen Occupational Licensing Rules for Individuals With …

Capitol Briefing - Byrd to Attend Sotomayor 06, 2009 · By Paul Kane Marking his second appearance since a hospitalization May 15, Sen. Robert C. Byrd (D-W.Va.) will be on hand Thursday to cast his vote for Judge Sonia Sotomayor to be Supreme Court justice. Majority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.) told reporters that Byrd would be there for the...

Who is Pennyslvania trying to deter, Foreign Hackers or ... 02, 2020 · I wrote this up in full here on Medium, but in short, Pennsylvania’s official website pages for voter registration, checking registration status, and requesting an absentee ballot are unavailable to anyone arriving at that page from outside the US. The claim is that this a “Security Measure” presumably to foil foreign interests (read Russian hackers) from interfering.

Eschaton: The Hottest Takes Hottest Takes This may well go unremembered in the NYT op-ed bonfire, but James Bennet was a huge champion of Ta-Nehisi Coates at the Atlantic. Ironies abound, I suppose.

The Brief, with Markos Moulitsas - YouTube 27, 2020 · The Brief with Markos Moulitsas, Episode 5: COVID-19 and what you need to know

hong le webb vietnam - Yahoo Search Results Le was born in South Vietnam and came to the United States when she was seven, after the fall of Saigon. She grew up in New Orleans, Louisiana. They married in October 2005. [11] Webb was married twice previously, and has four grown children.Hong Le and Jim Webb have one child together, Georgia LeAnh, born December 2006.

President signs executive orders and calls for Americans ... expected, the two key recommendations on gun violence announced by President Obama today—in a feisty appearance in which he called out opponents to sensible reform—were universal background checks on anybody buying a gun from any source and a renewed ban on semi-automatic assault weapons together with a maximum limit of 10 rounds in the capacity of …

Daily KOS-MOS: Sweet Dreams : Xenosaga was very ambitious and ahead of it's time in many ways. As much of a homage to Xenogears, it was still it's own thing with a grand scope and a cast of characters to match. Even the black sheep, Xenosaga 2, with it's abundance of …

Daily KOS-MOS: A Memento (Featuring Shion and MOMO ... KOS-MOS: A Memento (Featuring Shion and MOMO!) ... As much of a homage to Xenogears, it was still it's own thing with a grand scope and a cast of characters to match. Even the black sheep, Xenosaga 2, with it's abundance of superfluous side quests makes new games look bad. Modern SP games seem to think side quests that old MMOs would balk ...

Flipboard: 9.0 economy earthquake confirmed just now was sleeping and a 4.2 earthquake woke me up at 4:30AM. I live in Los Angeles. So I’ve been watching the news and I just heard about another …

Press Inquiries | MoveOn.org of the news media: Please use the form below to send your request to our Press Office and a real person will review your email as soon as possible and get back to you if necessary. If you are NOT a member of the news media, but you have a question, please email [email protected] and a real person will respond to you as soon as possible.

A movement in Philadelphia to rise from poverty, end mass ... all begins with an idea.Sitting in the corner of Fergie’s Pub in Center City, Philadelphia, Kendra Brooks wishes she could stay in the corner. She’s an introvert, she says, and the room is packed with guests who came to see her—a mother of four, grandmother of three, and a …

Radley Balko – Reason.com Balko is a journalist at The Washington Post.. Previously, Balko was a policy analyst for the Cato Institute specializing in civil liberties issues, where he published a paper on alcohol ...

Municipal elections in Dane County, Wisconsin (2020 ...,_Wisconsin_(2020)Jan 07, 2020 · Dane County, Wisconsin, held general elections for board of supervisors districts 1 through 37 and a circuit court judgeship on April 7, 2020.The county is also holding general elections for county clerk, treasurer, and register of deeds on November 3, 2020. A spring primary for the April general election was scheduled for February 18, 2020, and a fall primary for the …

Randall Akee - UCLA Luskin Akee is an Associate Professor at the University of California, Los Angeles in the Department of Public Policy and American Indian Studies. He is also Chair of the America Indian Studies Interdepartmental Program. He completed his Ph.D. at Harvard University in June 2006. Prior to his doctoral studies, Dr. Akee earned a Master’s degree […]

Lazy | Definition of Lazy at Dictionary.com definition, averse or disinclined to work, activity, or exertion; indolent. See more.

Trump Wants To Kill Federal Arts Funding. These Artists ... 16, 2017 · Trump Wants To Kill Federal Arts Funding. These Artists Are Standing Against Him. March 16, 2017

No, You Are the McCarthyite - Progress Pond 07, 2018 · Shortly before, his family real estate company received a roughly $30 million investment from Menora Mivtachim, an insurer that is one of Israel’s largest financial institutions, according to a Menora executive. The deal, which was not made public, pumped significant new equity into 10 Maryland apartment complexes controlled by Kushner’s firm.

Diary: Ten More Clues in the "Who-is-Trig's-Mother ... 12, 2008 · Recently, we gave the Top Ten Clues in the 'Who-is-Trig's-Mother' Mystery. All of those clues remain operative. Here are ten more additional clues that should be added to the list.

WaPo: Trump Needs to Destroy Venezuela to Save It | FAIR 17, 2018 · It cost the USA about 3% of GDP per year according to Dean Baker, one of the few economists to have warned about it years before it happened. That 3% of GDP per year was the hole the government had to fill when the bubble burst. And it WAS a big deal filling that hole even for a country as rich and powerful as USA.

News Corpse | The Internet's Chronicle of Media Decay ... Hillary Clinton coined the term “Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy” twelve years ago, many members of the VRWC ridiculed her and denied their own existence. Now Think Progress is in receipt of a private memo from the billionaire Koch brothers inviting some of the country’s wealthiest and most powerful individuals and companies to a clandestine meeting last summer where they would ...

Some of her best friends are gay | 01, 2008 · I have one of my absolute best friends for the last 30 years happens to be gay, and I love her dearly. And she is not my "gay friend," she is one of my best friends, who happens to have made a choice that isn't a choice that I have made. Emphasis added.

ReneeSwann – Impeachment News and insurance executive Keith Amemiya, who is a former executive director of the Hawaii High School Athletic Association, took in $724,000 and self-funded another $200,000 during the second half of the year, and he had $360,000 on-hand at the end of December.

memeorandum: Facial-Recognition Company That Works With 26, 2020 · Coronavirus makes the case for Medicare-for-all — Osmel Martinez Azcue wanted to do the right thing, for both his own health and the health of the nation.When the Florida resident came down with flu-like symptoms shortly after returning from a trip to China, he immediately went to a local hospital to get tested for coronavirus.

Life in the "Pitt" eclectic look at the world ... from Pittsboro! As some of you might know, Pat and I have made our escape from the suburban sprawl of North Atlanta and have relocated to a quirky little town in North Carolina called Pittsboro. We are about 20 miles from Chapel Hill down the infamous highway 15-501. I decided to start a blog to keep everyone up-to-date on our adventures in the "Pitt", as we fondly refer to our new ...

Donald Trump Archives - HariKari is a work in progress that I will keep at the top of the blog for awhile – maybe until Election Day. I plan to link the words to news stories and opinion pieces that are apropos to the words. Here are the words you can use to meticulously describe President Trump.

Meet Sarah Palin's Gay Friend | Slog | The Stranger ... we’ll call him SPGF, for “Sarah Palin’s Gay Friend.” SPGF provided me with a photo of him with Palin, a link to a personal ad on a gay dating website created before Palin ran for governor, and a news story written about him in an Alaskan newspaper. “I met Sarah …

memeorandum: The Changing Global Religious Landscape (Pew ... Removed From National Security Council Role in Shakeup — President Donald Trump reorganized his National Security Council on Wednesday, removing his chief strategist, Stephen Bannon, and downgrading the role of his Homeland Security Adviser, Tom Bossert, according to a person familiar with the decision and a regulatory filing.

Opinions You Should Have - July 2003 if he would take personal responsibility for the words in his own speech, Bush said, "I take responsibility for putting our troops into action. And I made that decision because Saddam Hussein was a threat to our security and a threat to the security of other nations." - Bush's remarks during visit of Tony Blair, July 17, 2003

News and Analyses, A Foreign Perspective | themcglynn.com holiday is one of the holiest days in Judaism and has been used a metaphor for the oppression that Jews faced throughout history, including under Nazi Germany. Spicer’s misstep came after controversy in January, when the White House issued a statement to commemorate International Holocaust Remembrance Day, the anniversary of the ...

Balloon Juice | Are These People for Real? 30, 2015 · Speaking of stupidity, these guys are either a ratfucking operation intent on making HRC look bad, or just dumb as a sack of hammers: A group called HRC Super Volunteers just warned me "We will be watching, reading, listening and protesting coded sexism…" (1/2) — Amy Chozick (@amychozick) March 25, 2015 2/2 Sexist words, they …

The Producers, Part 1: hosts, joe-jobs, and show prep ... Producers, Part 1: hosts, joe-jobs, and show prep When we say talk radio- it's Dave, or Rush or Sean, or Bryan. But behind those brands, are the producers: The harried, under-the-gun pros, who daily and minutely, dream up the topics, screen the calls, keep the host in the know, in the moment, in the room, and sounding good.

ABAUM'S WORLD: July is a subject upon which he can dilate effortlessly. In his victory speech upon winning the nomination, Obama declared it a great turning point in history -- "generations from now we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment" -- when, among other wonders, "the rise of …

“It’s not necessarily your friends who get you out of it ... 11, 2013 · Goldstein was the inventor, editor and publisher of a vulgar pulp newspaper called Screw, one of the first to offer classified ads for sex services, as well as nude and ranchy photographs of people performing sex acts, and reviews of New York’s once-ubiquitous “massage parlors.”

read my mind: Illegal Organ Trafficking is Big Business!, 60, could be sentenced Thursday in federal court and faces a five-year prison sentence per count and a fine of up to $250,000, according to reports. He was the first person ever successfully convicted for illegal organ trafficking in the United States. ***** *****

The Half-Believed World — Crooked Timber 07, 2013 · Odd coincidence: I just finished the Milkweed trilogy yesterday and am about to check out The Half-Made World based on the “Gilman’s Claustrophobic West” post. I enjoyed Milkweed in part because of the way Tregillis transforms a familiar genre – the spy thriller – into Lovecraftian horror, and it sounds like Gilman does something similar to westerns in his series.

Jamal Parris, One of Bishop Long’s Accusers, Busted in ... 30, 2011 · UPDATE (9:01 p.m., 6/30/11): From the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, there is more about the arrest of Jamal Parris. Like the name of the cop and who was with Parris at the time. Sgt. Seth Dubinsky stopped the car. When he approached it, he smelled marijuana, he told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution Thursday.. Dubinsky searched the car and said he found 181 grams of marijuana, which …

Daily Views, Pop Culture, Rants and News: July 2009 31, 2009 · A few months ago I promised my therapist that I would actively work on my anger issues. Usually I would ignore such silly suggestions of civility and high-mindedness, primarily because I'm of the sincere belief that the ability to exercise ones demons with a well placed throat-chop or a soul crushing clothesline will literally add years to an otherwise miserable existence.

Things We Do for Free: An Open Letter to Russ Feingold of Scott Walker's most insulting lies about our efforts has been that recall workers were being paid to collect signatures. Obviously, a joke of the lamest order and more of his usual attempt to paint the largest grassroots movement America has seen in decades as a …

Volume 2099 - Obama's Purity, The Front Runners, How to his 'lil attack piece for Arianna, Jones claims "many" took Hillary's ... you haven't worked hard enough toward a goal but are wishing for a miracle that will benefit you in the end. Hope is the last resort for those without the stones to fight, for those too meek to demand. ... and then there was the first splice. I counted 12 splices ...

"Rain is a sign of God's blessing ..." - Is Donald Trump ..."Mr. President, in the Bible, rain is a sign of God's blessing. And it started to rain, Mr. President, when YOU came to the platform. And it's my prayer that God will bless you, your family, your administration, and may He bless America." Reverend Franklin Graham, Inauguration of President Donald Trump.

RADARSITE: Would-be Nigerian Bomber Known as a Threat for ... Nigerian Bomber Known as a Threat for Two Years by Maggie at Maggie's Notebook The Christmas Day Nigerian bomber's failed attack on Northwest's Flight 253 makes us thankful that the plot was foiled by alert passengers, but shows that security in the U.S. is also a failure at critical times.

Father Geoff Farrow: A wedding sermon. 28, 2008 · In the first letter of John (4:16) it states: God is love and those who abide in love abide in God and God in them. In the book of Genesis (1:26) it states that God made us in his image. When we chose to love, it is at precisely that moment, that we most perfectly reflect the image of God in our world.

The Immoral Minority: End Times radio host warns his ... 06, 2015 · End Times radio host Rick Wiles warned his listeners last week that they have a year to “get out” and “flee America” before Obama destroys the country. Saying that he also predicted that “Obama would destroy” Syria, Wiles warned that the president is “a man of destruction, darkness and evil” and will “destroy this nation too.”

Who Are You? – a Lenten Blog Tour 19, 2011 · Although they find two witnesses who testify that Jesus allegedly said that he would destroy the temple and then rebuild it in three days (no textual evidence for this), they had what they needed, even though in getting it they break one of the Ten Commandments – the command to not bear false witness (Deut. 5:20).

read my mind: Hollywood - Hideout for Pedophiles! lawsuit claims, "The parties were typically sordid and featured sexual contact between adult males and the many teenage boys who were present for the parties. Further, the parties included the distribution of drugs and alcoholic beverages to the teenage boys at the party. Upon information and belief, the nature of the parties was well-known and notorious among many men in the Hollywood ...

MARK MARTINEZ'S WEBSITE | … Because I Can’t Delete Ithttps://markmartinez.wordpress.comBecause I Can't Delete It. Welcome to the blog site that I was going to use for my book, The Myth of the Free Market: The Role of the State in a Capitalist Economy. Originally, I had planned on using this site to promote my book and field questions on its content, but there were too many problems uploading documents the way I wanted them.

Sleeping with The Devil: Where is the Adulation I Deserve? blushing will sometimes make a whore pass for a virtuous woman, so modesty may make a fool seem a man of sense ~ Jonathan Swift (11/30/...

The First Key Takeaway: "Trump directed the scheme"— Once again, I listened to most of the Impeachment Hearing today at work, on NPR. And once again my head is spinning — WHY do I do this to myself!? …

Daily KOS-MOS: Won't you let her in? : Xenosaga KOS-MOS: Amongst the flowers. Daily-Weekly-Montly post. 30. 3 comments. share. save hide report. 14. Posted by 2 days ago. Was there ever an interview or statement that clarified what the other episodes would have focused on? Discussion. I recently finished Xenosaga 3 for the first time (it was great even though clearly wrapped up quick ...

KS-Sen: Turns Out That Kris Kobach (R) Is The Farthest ... 24, 2020 · A police report lists the guns as a Beretta XC sporting clays shotgun worth $1,600, a TriStar Viper sporting clays shotgun worth $700, a Glock 42 .380 worth $550 and a Minuteman Defense carbine rifle with scope worth $3,600. There was also $165 in damage to the passenger front window. The total loss was listed as $6,615.

The daily coronavirus task force appearance isn't about ... 19, 2020 · The daily coronavirus task force appearance isn't about coronavirus, it's about Trump Mar 19, 2020 7:01am PDT by Mark Sumner, Daily Kos Staff 298 317

Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters: Russian ad against gay ... addition, he is also a past contributor to Pam's House Blend, LGBTQ Nation, Alternet, Daily Kos and the Huffington Post, He is the 2007 recipient of the Harriet Daniels Hancock Volunteer of the Year Award and the 2010 recipient of the Order of the Pink Palmetto from the SC Pride Movement as well as the 2009 recipient of the Audre Lorde/James ...

The 'K-pop fans will save us' narrative misses the bigger ... 26, 2020 · Keidra Chaney is a writer, culture critic ,and non-profit communications professional based in Chicago. She has been published in the Chicago Sun–Times, Time Out Chicago, Bitch Media, Paste, and a bunch of online publications that no longer exist. She is the co–founder and publisher of pop culture website The Learned Fangirl and founder of ...

After Trump blames mass shootings on mental illness ... Monday, in the wake of two high-profile shootings over the weekend, Donald Trump even called for people with mental illnesses to be involuntarily committed.In reality, research has shown that there’s no link between mental illness and violent crime, even “serious” mental illnesses such as schizophrenia.People with a mental health diagnosis are actually 10 times more likely to be the ...

A Conversation with John Kinder About World War One this week's show, Chauncey and John discuss "human waste" and the other language that was used to describe disabled veterans, America's worship of technology and human improvement, the lies and other propaganda that were used to glorify the harm (and supposed recovery) of American soldiers during war, and why World War One matters in the present.

is allen coulter related to ann coulter - Yahoo Search Results Hart Coulter (/ ' k o? l t ?r /; born December 8, 1961 or 1963) is an American far-right media pundit, best-selling author, syndicated columnist, and lawyer.. She became known as a media pundit in the late 1990s, appearing in print and on cable news as an outspoken critic of the Clinton administration.

Texas AFL-CIO wants to be the defendant in the overtime AFL-CIO branch’s rare motion, filed Dec. 9, marks the latest chapter in a long fight over the rules, which labor regulators contend will provide time-and-a-half overtime pay to an additional 4 million workers. The plaintiffs in the case, including 21 states, won a preliminary injunction last month.

2008: Year of the Vegangelicals & the Retrovores ... 17, 2011 · A vegangelical is, as you may have guessed, a zealous vegan determined to convert meat eaters and dairy drinkers by any means necessary. Take Kim Barnouin and Rory Freedman, the authors of the best-selling Skinny Bitch and its follow-up, Skinny Bitch in the Kitch, for example; by slipping their vegan agenda into an irreverent, edgy "diet" book, they managed to con thousands of …

Ex-FBI Agent Gregg Schwarz - Second Generation Agent 30, 2011 · By Carol Morello Washington Post. WASHINGTON –– Gregg Schwarz frowned as he positioned himself, just so, in front of the wrought iron fence surrounding John Edgar Hoover’s grave, a place he has visited countless times but never before in anger. A retired FBI agent who joined the agency in 1972, the year Hoover died, Schwarz had hired a videographer to film him for YouTube expressing …

Tickle The WireFeds Bust Hollywood Drug Ring that Used 16, 2010 · By Allan Lengel For AOL News. Two top executives of a California entertainment company and a DJ who spun records at actor Eddie Murphy’s wedding in 2008 were among 14 people indicted Tuesday for their alleged role in a Hollywood-based drug ring that shipped hundreds of pounds of cocaine on chartered jets from Los Angeles to Baltimore.

The Scalia effect on current cases – Off the abortion law. On March 2, the court will hear oral arguments in Whole Woman’s Health v.Hellerstedt, which challenges Texas’ 2013 abortion law.Beyond deciding the constitutionality of a law that could shut down about half of the state’s 19 remaining abortion clinics, the Texas abortion case gives the Supreme Court an opportunity to clarify how far states can go in restricting abortion.

Disappeared News: HELCO Rate Hike Denied. Employee Now! Broadcast Schedule for Hawaii: Oahu Olelo TV, Channels 54 M T Th F 11pm Oahu Olelo TV, Channels 54 7 am M-F (previous day's program) Honolulu KTUH 90.3 FM Mon & Tues 9-10am Kahului, Maui Akaku Ch. 54 M-F 7 pm Kaua'i,Hanalei KKCR, 104.7 (Oahu), 90.9, 91.9 FM M-F 11 am Or listen to the podcast or download or stream audio or video programs from

State Rep. Jerry Sexton really wants to waste your tax Jerry Sexton, R-Bean Station, has announced his intent to seek an override of the Governor's veto of the 'Bible as the Official State Book' bill. The Attorney General has said it's unconstitutional. The Governor has said it's unconstitutional and a trivialization of the Christian religion.

BartCop's most recent rants -How-Pelosi-and-Reid-killed biggest changes in Obamacare, such as the new purchasing pools and requirement for everyone to carry insurance, don't kick in until 2014. Among changes taking effect this week: _Young adults can remain on family health plans until they turn 26. _Free immunization provided for kids.

No Guarantees | Slog | The Stranger | Seattle's Only Newspaper the gf of Brian I can tell you that is 100% the real deal. You have to visit North Louisiana and the Ark La Tex area to fully appreciate the folks who call it home. The peaches were amazing, but his Indian Tomatoes were some of the best damn tomatoes I've ever had.

John Oliver DESTROYED every argument against M4A tonight. 16, 2020 · I just finished watching Last Week Tonight, and in my opinion, tonight's main story about M4A should be required viewing for anyone on the subject. Oliver, in his usual brilliant style, systematic...

#CancelCulture may get John Bolton as his book comes out ... 08, 2020 · Bolton is planning to publish even if the White House does not give publication approval. (CNN) Former Trump national security adviser John Bolton is planning to publish his book detailing his time in the West Wing later this month, even if the White House does not give publication approval, a source familiar with the negotiations told CNN.

MORNING READ | TheHill the debate over retired Gen. Wesley Clark's remark about John McCain's military service barrels on, conservative bloggers try to figure out what the brouhaha is all about. Former Massachusetts ...

There's no explanation for Barr's ouster of a U.S ... not just one, but two apparent false statements from Trump Attorney General William Barr on the matter, U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York Geoffrey Berman resigned Saturday evening—a decision he publicly said was due to “Attorney General’s decision to respect the normal operation of law” in having his Deputy U.S. Attorney […]

Old Confederacy is tumbling down | Pulitzer Prize Winner ... 12, 2020 · Most Confederate monuments were built not in the ashes of defeat but in the late 19th century, decades after the Civil War and just as the white South was embarking on a hundred years of Jim Crow. It’s long past time that the saints of the Lost Cause lose their esteemed places at the entrances to courthouses, in carefully-tended public parks ...

Martin Luther King: And One Day We Must Ask The Question ... 20, 2014 · 7 thoughts on “ Martin Luther King: And One Day We Must Ask The Question… Steve in York on 1/20/2014 I never question the capitalist system – it’s the most fair when permitted to operate openly freely – get rid of the central banks and their fraud and it …

The Worst Thing About Trump Isn't His Lying Or His ... the U.S. continues to withdraw more and more American troops from Syria, and as Turkish troops continue to kill more and more of the Kurdish people living in Syria, one might ask oneself, “My God, how can Donald Trump sleep at night knowing that Turkey realized that once U.S. Troops were out of the […]

Crybaby Trump Lashes Out at the Media for Accurately ... 10, 2018 · With Hurricane Michael bearing down on the Gulf Coast, Donald Trump managed to find time to tweet about the media that he regards as “the enemy of the people.” He’s been doing that most of the last two years, even after the GOP-controlled Senate rebuked him for his blatantly anti-constitutional blather.. In his latest Twitter tantrum, Trump characteristically whined about what he thinks ...

You are just a statistic to your “beautiful” incompetent ... 20, 2021 · He spent just four and a half minutes expressing condolences for coronavirus victims. Death Toll reaches 72,000. Coronavirus Has Now Killed More Americans Than Vietnam War. How high will it go? As Covid-19 death toll in U.S. blows past 60,000. U.S. Death Toll Hits 68,000. The novel coronavirus has already claimed the lives of more than 61,000 ...

Inconvenient Truth for MSM: Holocaust Museum Shooter a 9 ... 15, 2009 · Conservative blogger and friend of NewsBusters Andrew Breitbart has an excellent column in today's Washington Times entitled "Left cries 'racist' in crowded country.The creator of the Big Hollywood blog noted in his June 15 column the inconvenient truth the mainstream media did not focus on in the aftermath of last week's Holocaust Museum shooting, even as the MSM furthered the meme …

Conservative Catholics taking offense at Dallas Bishop's ... 13, 2016 · Plenty of Texas gun rights advocates celebrated 2016 as the year open carry finally arrived. But for some conservative Catholics, it’s another reason to clash with Dallas Bishop Kevin Farrell.

A Black Class Divide and a Generation of Rage? - Gapers 21, 2011 · Race Thu Jul 21 2011 A Black Class Divide and a Generation of Rage? By Ramsin Canon. In These Times senior editor Salim Muwakkil, as part of a series called "The Other Chicago", has published a piece, "Black Chicago Divided" looking into how the recession has sharpened a class division among black Chicagoans, and in particular is starting to turn many young black Chicagoans against ...

PERRspectives: Could Trump Face Magnitsky Sanctions? Trump Face Magnitsky Sanctions? Already branded by a survey of historians as America's worst ever, the presidency of Donald Trump may also live in infamy as the most ironic. After all, the man who ran to "Make America Great Again" has already ceded global climate leadership to China and Europe, withdrawn from the Pacific trade partnership ...

Good news for people who want to do good: Day 281 fight for all Jane Does continues. While the 17-year-old immigrant known as Jane Doe was finally able to have an abortion Wednesday, after the Trump administration fought her in court to try to stop her, the fight for other young immigrants denied their right to basic health care continues.. So on Thursday, activists and advocates showed up to the office of Scott Lloyd, Donald Trump’s ...

David Schlendorf Named Associate Executive Assistant 30, 2020 · David Schlendorf, the former assistant director of the FBI’s Human Resources Division, has been named associate executive assistant director of the Finance and Facilities Division at FBI headquarters. In his new role, Schlendorf will oversee the bureau’s finances, facilities, and logistics functions and serve as a chief financial officer.

7 Dirty Words You Can Sometimes Read on Blogs 02, 2007 · In his defense, he notes that “all 45 are from comments left by readers (and a couple look like they are trackback spam that slipped through the cracks).” Mine are almost all trackbacks or ...

Paul Krugman: Tax Cuts for Billionaires are GOP's Number speaker of the House used to be a media darling, lionized as the epitome of the Serious, Honest Conservative — never mind those of us who actually looked at the numbers in his budgets and concluded that he was a con man. These days, of course, he is overshadowed by the looming…

The Great Derangement: A Terrifying True Story of War ... REVELATORY AND DARKLY COMIC ADVENTURE THROUGH A NATION ON THE VERGE OF A NERVOUS BREAKDOWN—FROM THE HALLS OF CONGRESS TO THE BASES OF BAGHDAD TO THE APOCALYPTIC CHURCHES OF THE HEARTLANDRolling Stone’s Matt Taibbi set out to describe the nature of George Bush’s America in the post-9/11 era and ended up vomiting demons in an …

One Percent Takers — Quotes | One Percent Takers -- The just 400 Americans have the same wealth as half of all Americans combined. Let me say that again. 400 obscenely rich people, most of whom benefited in some way from the multi-trillion dollar taxpayer “bailout” of 2008, now have as much loot, stock and property as the assets of 155 million Americans combined.” —Michael Moore

PERRspectives: Cheney's Advice, Krugman's Law and Obama's's Advice, Krugman's Law and Obama's First Year If the road to hell is paved with good intentions, then Barack Obama has been in the fast lane when it comes to bipartisanship. Now one year into his presidency, his near-pathological obsession with consensus has only served to resurrect a moribund GOP while leaving his agenda and his own ...

Tickle The WireBank robber Archives - Tickle The Neavling A Chicago bank teller who was getting robbed gave up more than $1,700. The Chicago Tribune reports that the bank employee also handed the robber a global-positioning system that helped the FBI and local police track him down.. The GPS device activated as soon as the robber left the bank, alerting authorities to the suspect’s every move.

Blogtalk: 'What Hubris and Lying Brings You' - The New ... 22, 2007 · “It shows you what hubris and lying brings you,” said Mr. Stone, smug in his perverse pride. What delicious irony is the hanging of Stone by the lying hubris of his own words. We have been told: “By your words you shall be justified, and by your words you …

Joe Biden told potential donors to his... - The Pragmatic ... tells donors: I'm going to get rid of most of Trump's tax cuts 'and a lot of you may not like that' Biden's warning to his backers came as the candidate laid out an ambitious suite of policy goals during a virtual campaign fundraiser on Monday.

Sherman Alexie Takes the Stand | Slog | The Stranger ... and Stranger columnist Sherman Alexie is up on the stand, giving testimony in the Sonics trial RIGHT NOW!. Josh Feit will post a full account of Alexie’s apparently very enthusiastic testimony later today, but he called in to drop a few gems.

Henry Miller in...and on Paradise - ReligiousLeftLaw.com“There is a type of individual who, after finding what he considers a paradise, proceeds to pick flaws in it. Eventually this man’s paradise becomes even worse than the hell from which he had escaped. Certainly paradise, whatever, wherever it be, contains flaws. (Paradisiacal flaws, if you like.) If it did not, it would be incapable of drawing the hearts of men or angels.

Trump’s Russiagate | Bill's Links And More’s misadventures of our illegitimate, minority-elect President begin with scrutiny of his ignorant actions, a who’s who guide to the key players in his growing Russia scandal, our national embarrassment has the whole world laughing at us, Trump’s tweets are going to play a role in investigating his Russia scandal, breaking down our ...

GA-Sen B: Stacey Abrams Is Determined To Take Away Moscow ... 14, 2020 · Received this e-mail today from Stacey Abrams (D. GA) in support of Rev. Raphael Warnock’s (D. GA) U.S. Senate campaign: Friend, This is a …

Obamacare faces hurdle in potential loss of big insurer ... 20, 2015 · The announcement of Obamacare's robust enrollments in the first two-weeks of its 2016 roll-out have been tempered a little bit by another announcement: UnitedHealth lost $425 million on Obamacare policies and might decide to pull out of the exchanges entirely. It has about five percent of that market (and huge, very profitable employer-based and Medicare Advantage markets, so don't …

Pope Francis: Money is the Root of All Evil – Alternet.org 21, 2013 · Pope Francis: Money is the Root of All Evil by September 21, 2013 September 21, 2013 Written by Scout Finch / The Daily Kos September 21, 2013 September 21, 2013

Judge Jeanine Pirro: “GET A GUN ... - The Daily Wire nearly spit out their gluten-free kale chips in horror and shock at this “lunatic’s” statement. The Daily Kos writes, Pirro is “a perfect balance of being made out of cow manure and hot air but still able to hold the shape and form of an actual human being,” adding that her opening remarks were just, “an unhinged Islamophobic, racist, xenophobic, pro-gun rant.”

Kamala Harris Announces $12M 1st Quarter Haul, Chris ... 02, 2019 · (Full disclosure, I support Harris at this time.) Just days after former South Bend, Ind. Mayor Pete Buttigieg announces he raised $7M in the first quarter of 2019, to much media hooplah and swooning, Kamala Harris almost doubles his efforts disclosing she raised $12M. According to Chris Cillizza, good news for….Mayor Pete. Twitter didn’t think much of that take: Please follow me ...

George Soros Donates $220 Million to Radical BLM Groups ... Soros Foundation announced $220 million donations to BLM and black-led justice organizations building power in black communities across the country. The Open Society Foundations added that the donations will help the movement to “end policing as we know it.” This is not the first time Soros…

Press Mentions for Past Exhibitions | Museum of the City ... Voice of the Village: Fred W. McDarrah Photographs (June 6 - December 1, 2019) ”Here Are the Big Changes Coming to NYC This Year” (January 21, 2019) Thrillist ”12 must-see LGBTQ art shows around the world” (January 30, 2019) NBC News ”Rare Photos of the Stonewall Riots On Display in New Exhibit” (June 4, 2019) NY1 ”Explore The '60s & '70s NYC Through Longtime Village Voice ...

Speaking of Sprawl... | Slog | The Stranger's Blog | The ... is the first I've heard of the possible development. I can guarantee that the homes will very quickly be sold by the "intended" users to anyone and everyone willing to buy. In our area, the most likely buyers are the working poor who, due to our insanely lopsided DC economy, have to buy/share homes with other families or relatives.

Ferries from Amorgos to Kos? - Amorgos Forum - Tripadvisor is not busy, it is because Amorgos has been put on that route for the first time this year and 7 July is the first Sunday in the week that route starts operating. You can also go by ferry Kos->Kalymnos->Astypalaia->Amorgos (not daily), Kos->Santorini->Amorgos (not daily) or fly Kos to Astypalaia with Olympic Air (not daily either) and take a ferry to Amorgos from there.

Hillary demonstrates how to deal with a mansplainer | V B I 24, 2013 · For example, here are the first two steps in “How to deal with a mansplainer”: Step 1: Raise your hands up like, “Whoa you guys you can’t be serious.” Step 2: Make sure to emphasize your points by counting with your hands so that simple tea party Senator mansplainer understands. Mansplainers like visuals. See the rest at Feministing. —

memeorandum: Yes. It's an Entire Culture of Sanctioned ... Lineman Got $63 an Hour. The Utility Was Billed $319 an Hour. — SAN JUAN — The small energy outfit from Montana that won a $300 million contract to help rebuild Puerto Rico's tattered power grid had few employees of its own, so it did what the Puerto Rican authorities could have done: It …

Glenn Beck’s Radio Station Lineup | News Corpse Beck recently compared scores of murdered Norwegian teenagers to the Hitler Youth. It’s not the first time he’s disparaged victims of an atrocity. He previously called Katrina victims scum and said the survivors of 9/11 made him sick. This disgusting hate speech must not be tolerated.

Department of High Standards: "And The Winnah Is ... is a tenure clock. Give me just a little more time/And our love will surely grow: The Brown Daily Herald reports another reason to take a job at this trendy Ivy, other than the school colors ...

The blog of Nathan Hunstad » Blog Archive » Splunk ... through this step by step: the first section says to search my firewall index, and to only include logs of rules that match WAN-*default-D, which is my rule nomenclature for traffic that originates from the WAN zone and is dropped by my default drop rule (meaning no pre-existing connection existed, it just came out of the blue).

DID TRUMP'S RESPONSE TO THE GEORGE FLOYD KILLING REALLY ... 07, 2020 · Greg Sargent of The Washington Post has a theory about why President Trump's poll numbers are dropping: a new analysis by Nate Cohn of the Upshot... finds that Trump’s slippage is driven largely by his eroding support among white voters, particularly those said to be his base.... [Joe] Biden ... continues to hold an average lead of seven points [over Trump] among seniors, Cohn finds, which ...

Aaron Rupar - "How do you go from 10 to 20 to 30,000, to ..."How do you go from 10 to 20 to 30,000, to 300,000 -- even though different. Something is going on. And you ought to look into it as reporters....

Alasandra's Place: You Don't Want to Know by Lisa Jackson ... Don't Want to Know by Lisa Jackson My rating: 4 of 5 stars Ava is obsessed with finding her two year old son Noah who went missing two years ago (he is 4 when the story starts) but everyone else on the island she calls home thinks she should just get over it.

The Ukraine Scandal GOP Speak-English Dictionary 04, 2019 · Twas brillig and the tithy toves, did gyre and gimble in the wabe Lewis Carroll Jabberworky I am so loving this! I wrote previously that in every Trump scandal up until now, it was always Trump who set the narrative, and everybody else tried to negate his nonsense with facts. With this Ukraine scandal, for the first time Trump has lost the narrative, and the results have been nothing short of ...

FAKE NEWS! That’s What Trump Called Media Reports that ... 13, 2018 · He will do a fantastic job! Thank you to Rex Tillerson for his service! Gina Haspel will become the new Director of the CIA, and the first woman so chosen. Congratulations to all! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 13, 2018. This is rather …

Photorefractive Keratectomy Eye Surgery | A Mommy Story 20, 2013 · What Are the Potential Side Effects of PRK Eye Surgery? PRK patients typically experience mild discomfort in the first 24 to 48 hours after surgery and almost all experience sensitivity to light. Within the first six months after surgery, other potential side effects may include: Loss of best vision with or without glasses.

What Powderfinger Said . . . Observations on Life in the ... 17, 2018 · Then it occured to me that I had already established a pretty solid background in just this very area with "Powderfinger." Which already exists and which could live again if I just decided to breathe some life into it. So, once again (for not the first time), I'm considering revitalizing my blog. I have this urge to "let things out."

Outlets That Scolded Sanders Over Deficits Uniformly ... 21, 2017 · Where did all the concern over deficits go? After two years of the media lamenting, worrying and feigning outrage over the cost of Bernie Sanders’ two big-budget items—free college and single-payer healthcare—the same outlets are uniformly silent, days after the largest military budget increase in history.. Monday, the Senate voted to increase military spending by a whopping $81 billion ...

Caitlin J. Dempsey on | Women in history, Inspirational ... out more about the life and career of Chinese-American nuclear physicist Chien-Shiung Wu, dubbed "the First Lady of Physics,” contributed to the Manhattan Project, at Girly Goop Women Who Rock Our World!

BMLTV(Beta): DoD civilians placed on emergency furlough ... the first race in 2003, thousands of people have donned their gorilla suits and walked, run or jogged the 7km City of London route that takes in sights such as Tower Bridge and The Tate Modern. If you like a challenge and agree that gorillas are amazing creatures, the event for you.

Disappeared News: End of a great app or an improvement can do this because Waze users themselves are the source of information that the program uses to guide other users. Waze crowdsources traffic conditions, so it is current, right to the minute. Maybe this announcement had something to do with the search failure: New features ahead: Google Maps and Waze apps better than ever

Is having 10% of taxpayers pay 70% of income taxes ... - Quora 28, 2014 · It all depends on what you consider to be fair. First of all, it should always be remembered that income tax is a tax on income...that's why so many people don't have to pay it (they have very little or no income). It's not a tax one would expect...

Why are so many people dieing? | Yahoo Answers 16, 2007 · Every day so many freaking people lose their homes and are killed by American troops. My Question is, WHY??? The Government has to SPEND money to feed and clothe and shelter and arm the troops, the gods know that it ain't for the good of Americans.

He tried to warn us | KnoxViews rules Tennessee must allow voting by mail, WBIR explains why bad (9 replies) Coronavirus cases in TN up to nearly 20,000 (12 replies) Danger, warning, free masks from State of TN may be hazardous to your health! (9 replies) Coronavirus hits football (2 replies) JCPenney is closing 154 stores this summer (1 reply)

How can we raise the level of discourse on TPH? - Page 3 ... can we raise the level of discourse on TPH? - Page 3 ... ... Poor dumbass


Article: Harassment of Black Americans in the ... - OpEdNews 27, 2019 · OpEdNews Op Eds 5/27/2019 at 01:56:52 H2'ed 5/27/19 Harassment of Black Americans in the Trump Era of White Supremacy By Dr. Lenore Daniels (Page 1 of 2 pages) (# of views) 1 comment

NBC News confirms: First indictment from Mueller to be ... indictment, first reported by CNN, could be for any of the figures that have featured prominently in the investigation into connections between the Trump Campaign and Russian government officials.However, since Mueller’s team is empowered to also bring to light other crimes uncovered during their investigation, this indictment could be on a number of topics.

Donald Trump isn't just a liar, he's an especially ... a researcher who spent 20 years researching lies, liars, and why people lie, says Trump isn’t just any liar—he’s an especially mean one too. Social scientist Bella DePaulo studied Trump’s first 298 days in office and the 1,628 lies he told and found that he was lying on average about six times per day (and 9 times per day in more ...

The Trump Recession. It’s already happening. | AGR Daily News 10, 2020 · The Trump Recession. It's already happening. America's manufacturing downturn isn't letting up. Factory activity contracted for the fifth consecutive month in December, registering a worse drop than expected. The Institute of Supply Management's manufacturing purchasing managers' index logged its lowest level since June 2009 at 47.2, compared with the consensus forecast of 49.

News Corpse | The Internet's Chronicle of Media Decay ... first amendment is on shaky ground in Sin City as “…singer Linda Ronstadt not only got booed, she got the boot after praising filmmaker Michael Moore and his …

TV nets' $5M payments for rights raises Washington Post reports that three TV networks have paid the Presidential Inaugural Committee a total of more than $5 million for exclusive rights to broadcast events.. The newspaper says that the licensing deals are the "the most ambitious and expensive in presidential history" and that they are "prompting questions about the president-elect's efforts to raise money by turning his ...

1225 Best female excellence & empowerment images in 2020 ... 4, 2020 - supporting women's rights, feminism, celebrating womanhood and bad ass women in history. See more ideas about Feminism, Womens rights, Empowerment.1.2K pins173 followers

IRAN, It’s Deal & No-Deal | The Lunch Counter 19, 2015 · 1. Iran’s long term plan includes certain agreed limitations on all uranium enrichment and uranium enrichment-related activities including certain limitations on specific research and development (R&D) activities for the first 8 years, to be followed by gradual evolution, at a reasonable pace, to the next stage of its enrichment activities for exclusively peaceful purposes, as described in ...

A “moral duty”? | We are the drain the swamp people 27, 2018 · Our generation is the first to experience the rapid increase in temperatures all over the world and probably the last that can effectively combat the imminent global climate crisis,” the Vatican paper declares, citing a joint declaration signed by 16 heads of state of European countries prior to the U.N. climate conference, Cop24, to be held ...

Michael Cohen May Be Ready To Flip But S.D.N.Y. May Not Be ... 05, 2018 · Michael Cohen symbolically declared his independence from Donald Trump when he deleted Trump’s name from his twitter profile on July 4. Cohen also telegraphed a desire to flip on Trump when he told George Stephanopoulos that loyalty to his family was his top priority. That’s all well and good on Cohen’s part, but the fact remains that a plea deal is a two way street and there may be ...

memeorandum: The Revolt of the Judges: What Happens When ...'s budget makes perfect sense and will fix America, and I will tell you why — Some people are complaining that the budget proffered by the Trump administration, despite its wonderful macho-sounding name, is too vague and makes all sorts of cuts to needed programs in favor of increasing military spending by leaps and bounds.

News and Analyses, A Foreign Perspective | themcglynn.com in New Zealand, was one of the first marches to start, with protesters gathering on the waterfront and waving signs calling for action. Similar crowds gathered in Auckland. In Sydney, hundreds gathered at Martin Place in the centre of the city and walked to Hyde Park.

32 Best Portraits images | Black history facts, History ... 27, 2018 - Explore lmoyse's board "Portraits" on Pinterest. See more ideas about Black history facts, History and Bob dylan poster.32 pins6 followers

Article: Four Questions for Bertha Holliday, PhD | OpEdNews 11, 2009 · Article: Four Questions for Bertha Holliday, PhD - To mark Black History Month, the American Psychological Association spoke with Dr. Holliday about the …

The Fox News Audience Continues To Display Its Blatant ... 26, 2013 · The Fox News Audience Continues To Display Its Blatant, Frothing Racism Posted by Mark NC on August 26, 2013 at 1:11 pm. 17 Comments : While most Americans are still feeling the afterglow of this weekend’s commemoration of the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech, the Fox News audience is dripping with rancid ... (9674736) "D.L. Hughley offers best explanation ...'re also irrelevant. They're a tiny-but-loud minority longing for a past that never existed. Weaver95: the people we need to reach are the ones who still think the trumpers are sane, reasonable people who can be bargained with. While these people are relevant, I worry that their capacity for self-delusion may make them unreachable. Anyone ...

Steve Chapman: Sparing Rob Blagojevich - Chicago Tribune 26, 2010 · The jury in the first trial was hung, and leaning heavily towards acquittal. I don't mean to say that bringing the charges was the wrong thing to do. After all, the grand jury found enough evidence to indict Robert, so trying him the first time wasn't necessarily wrong.

Very Fake News - Now The Scoop!, page reply to: The GUT I think its an absolute tragedy that an amazingly unique system like journalism has been corrupted like it has. The fact that the mass exposure it provides, and the subsequent shaping of neorulogy that results, should result in a deep, irrevocable sense of responsibility. NOT something to be abused in order to shape minds to turn a spectrum into polarized, equally ...

The trouble with Harold | 10, 2006 · One of them, his communications director, doesn't have a very good record (Wes Clark's Tennessee campaign, Bob Clement, Ann Coulter, not that one, the other one who ran for mayor of Chattanooga - all losing campaigns). His media director has a somewhat better record, with the notable exception of the Kerry campaign disaster.

Balloon Juice | Obamacare Cooties Mean We Can't Have Nice ... 09, 2013 · Here’s some weak sauce: The Washington Examiner — no friend of the reform effort either — sums it all up “Immigration reform is dead and Obamacare implementation killed it.” Rhetorically, this constitutes a massive improvement over the old GOP line that President Obama will somehow be at fault if the House kills immigration reform, because …

The Disaffected Lib: Bombing Libya Into a Failed State ... listened to me. They didn't listen to al Qaeda either. And now Libya is poised on the brink of collapse, a failed state. Back in February, 2011 when the anti-Gaddafi revolt was getting underway, I advocated having the Americans send the Egyptian army and air force to clear out Gaddafi and his troops. It would have been a piece of cake.

The Immoral Minority: Just when you thought the RAM Tweets ... 09, 2011 · This is what happens when you have amateurs and sychphants working for you. This is why Palin is a perennial screw up. She'll never progress or mature because all she cares about is who is kissing her butt. She's a spoiled child. For some reason the …

Well, If You Like Corruption, Hatred, & Disease, Boy Have ... 23, 2020 · Y’know, just the other day I was thinking that the one thing this shitshow was missing was the traumatizing soundscape of the modern battlefield, so a big fat thumbs up to whoever added the all-night fireworks shows to the simulation; it’s that kind of loving attention to detail that makes life truly unbearable here in Hell. Well, that and, of course, the news:

North Carolina Open Thread: Budget News, revisiting Erica ... 23, 2020 · NORTH CAROLINA OPEN THREAD for Sunday, February 23, 2020 249th Weekly Edition This is a weekly feature of North Carolina Blue. We hope this regular platform gives readers interested in North Caro...

The Trump–Cohen tape: Advanced knowledge, dirty cash, and ... 25, 2018 · The Washington Post’s annotated version of the transcript covers the critical sections of the conversation—which also includes Trump shouting at someone to bring him a Coke and food, as well as bragging on a poll and talking about something else that’s not clearly understood. After discussing efforts by the New York Times to gain access to the divorce papers with former wife Ivanka ...

1 Can of paint + 1 brush + 1 floor = Trump in a corner 25, 2019 · As nice as it is to get away for a few days, once you get back you know it’s going to take a week to make the place livable again. Trump at the G-7 is not working out so well. For starters, everybody else in the family is treating him like the kid that they rather reluctantly let out of the corner for drinking from the toilet again.

People - Eliot Spitzer | WNYC | New York Public Radio ... is America's most listened-to public radio station and the producer of award-winning programs and podcasts like Radiolab, On the Media, and The Brian Lehrer Show.

The Slaughterhouse Referendum - Citizens Opposing ... 28, 2013 · On Wednesday morning, Oct. 30th, last week's editions of the Cascadia Weekly will be taken away and new ones delivered. Until then, concerned citizens will find a petition against the county's new slaughter ordinance in the centerfold. This Tuesday, I recommend grabbing as many petitions as your anti-slaughter and anti-bonehead zoning enthusiasm will allow.

Discover the Networks | * Islamo-Fascism 06, 2020 · A basic tenet of German fascism was the notion of a master race and its superiority to all others. The Islamo-fascist variant of what Hitchens called the concept of “the ‘pure’ and the ‘exclusive’ over the unclean and the kufar or profane.” The historian and classicist Victor Davis Hanson buttresses Hitchens’ observations:

CIGNA Capitulates to Patient Revolt | Physicians for a 03, 2008 · Following Massive Protest, Insurer Authorizes Transplant for 17-year-old Nataline Sarkisyan. CNA /NNOC-Sponsored Protest Sparks Flood of Calls from Across U.S.. In a stunning turn around, insurance giant CIGNA has capitulated to community demands, and protests that the California Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee helped to generate, and agreed to a …

James Angleton for Our Times - Progress Pond 17, 2009 · To introduce this material I need to tell you that the CIA opened almost all U.S. mail that was sent to the Soviet Union and Soviet Bloc between 1950 and the early 1970’s. For a full discussion of that topic you can read Volume 4: Mail Opening. The point man in the program was the CIA’s notorious chief of counterintelligence James Angleton.

CIGNA Capitulates to Patient Revolt ( Following Massive Capitulates to Patient Revolt Date:12/20/2007 ... "This is an incredible turnaround generated by a massive outpouring around the country that proves that an enraged public can make a difference and achieve results," said CNA/NNOC Executive Director Rose Ann DeMoro. "CIGNA had to back down in the face of a mobilized network of patient ...

Re: Where the Gas Is Always Greener | Slog | The Stranger ... is feeling guilty about hopping a cab from the airport—well, Dom, check out the car that just picked me up at the Boston airport.. Ben, the rep from the student group that brought me to Boston College for a talk this evening, was very apologetic.He called for a town car and they sent a stretch limo—complete with little twinkly lights on the roof the car and a wet bar stocked with ...

Was that Trump Tower Moscow Deal nearly Done, or was it ... small guide to a really big deal. by Alex Ward, — Nov 30, 2018. Here’s what Cohen says now: Discussions about the Trump Tower Moscow project went on at least until June 2016 — not January of that year as Cohen previously stated.

DeForest Area School District elections (2018) - Ballotpedia DeForest Area School District is located in Dane County.The seat of county government is Madison.Located in south-central Wisconsin, the county was home to approximately 531,273 residents between 2010 and 2016, according to the United States Census Bureau. The district served 3,634 students during the 2015-2016 school year.

memeorandum: Don Lemon Calls Out Cuomo for Kellyanne ...“This Is Not a Normal Time”: Trump and the Rapidly Expanding “Witch Hunt” — The criminality of the key figures in the President's inner circle is now established, and they have started to implicate Trump himself. — Shortly after 11 a.m. on Thursday, Senator Jeff Flake, of Arizona, took to the Senate floor for his farewell speech.

NEW CENSORSHIP: First It Made Me Sad, Then Mad a selective one too in shaping public discourse. Take for instance the “Black Brunch” movement. Black Brunchers storm into places – most often restaraunts, although they did disrupt an awards ceremony in Portland, Oregon for 100 year old Navy veteran Dario Raschio – and instantly take to tweeting their “activism”.

Day 2: Gardening | Slog | The Stranger | Seattle's Only ... only thing Will really wanted me to get rid of was the fennel. It was everywhere. For anyone who has never experienced the smell of fennel, imagine breathing in a jar full of licorice. For a while, I had to take breaks or I would start to feel that pre-puke saliva coating the back of my throat.

Hbee Inc. » In Which I’m Listening To A Lot Of Old a history buff and a cultural history buff, at that, I find old music fascinating, the more obscure the better. The songs that didn’t make it, didn’t make it for a multitude of reasons. In many cases, the glut of that new-fangled “rock and rock” music provided the greatest barrier to entry.

The Debate Link: Holding Out For a Hero Out For a Hero This is an unbelievably important post by Maryland Law Professor Sherrilyn Ifill on the idea of victims of racism as "heroes." Basically, the argument is that people challenging racism have historically been forced to be superhuman figures -- men and women with squeaky clean slates who didn't have a single blemish on ...

Oh Well: A Commentary: Update on U.S. embassy attack in Greece 08, 2007 · This embassy attack takes place two days after President Bush's surge speech, and a day after the U.S. attack on the Iranian consulate. Revolutionary Struggle may have decided to make their own quick, retaliatory strike against the U.S. just after these major news events. In one sense, a brilliant move on the group's part.

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: Absence, Accountability and that ..., Accountability and that ever popular bit of Transparency According to a Prince Rupert website, last night’s City regular Council meeting and Committee of the Whole sessions never took place, no civic business was conducted in Podunk on a Tuesday night and a rather ambitious agenda sat unfulfilled, hostage to a long weekend and an ...

Pucks in the net and votes in the ballot boxes - Blogger 19, 2008 · Pucks in the net and votes in the ballot boxes The Daily News editorial page of Monday was overflowing with boosterism as Earl Gale recounted two highly entertaining events of the weekend. perhaps mindful of now former Mayor Herb Pond's recent chastisement over negativity, the Daily found much to celebrate about Prince Rupert from the weekend.

75 Years Ago Today, the New World Stormed Ashore to ... 06, 2019 · But the year 1944. Much has happened since the Nazi triumphs of 1940-41. The United Nations1 have inflicted upon the Germans great defeats, in open battle, man-to-man. Our air offensive has seriously reduced their strength in the air and their capacity to wage war on the ground.

The Immoral Minority: This is what it is like to ... 02, 2018 · Not a single education class in college ever trained me to defend my students against a madman trying to slaughter us with an AR-15, using just a dry-erase marker and a 3-ring binder. I wonder if future teachers will be expected to add combat training to their college curriculum.

Tyson, LETTERS FROM AN ASTROPHYSICIST | Views from ... 21, 2019 · Tyson was the same age, and he recalls seeing the early space missions on TV as he grew up. Ethos – the characteristic spirit of a culture, manifested in its beliefs and aspirations Ch 1, Hope; About what to hope for in a universe that seems designed to kill us. How not to fear change, or failure.

So It Begins: Shots Fired at Holocaust Museum in D.C After 10, 2009 · “Ethnic cleansing is going on in Gaza. Ethnic cleansing of the Zionist is a sin and a crime against humanity, and they don’t want Barack talking like that because that’s anti-Israel,” Wright said. So Jews are Nazis blah, blah. This kind of rhetoric started on the now defunct MoveOn.Org forums and migrated to every lefty group that’s ...

Northern Gleaner: The end of farm subsidies - The New ... farms might go under. That is true. The farms that cannot produce a crop for a profit will fold, but they will be bought up by other farmers and they will produce a crop and a profit. There are plenty of crops produced each year without the help of subsidies. The farms would not lie empty. They would just be run differently.

No Right Turn: An idea whose time has come 06, 2009 · This is ridiculously cheap, but has tremendous payoffs for justice. This is an idea whose time has come, and we should implement it immediately in New Zealand. And if the government doesn't want to do it, then someone should dig up Richard Worth's old …

The Heroine Campus Cops Who Freed Jaycee Dugard | This ... 01, 2009 · Lisa Campbell is the black woman cop; Alison Jacobs is the white woman cop. Both are officers with the University of California, Berkeley campus police force. I would wish that there were cops like these who are always that curious, especially regarding rape and kidnapping cases. This is not to say that most campus cops…

TV News Stations | This Black Sista's Memorial Page Black Sista's Memorial Page. commentary on the news from 2009…and then some . Chicago TV News Station, WBBM, Distorts What a Four-Year-Old Black Child Said About Guns • August 1, 2011 • Comments Off on Chicago TV News Station, WBBM, Distorts What a …

Academic Freedom versus Academic Legitimacy: The Berkeley ... Freedom versus Academic Legitimacy: The Berkeley Palestine Class A few days ago, Berkeley administrators suspended a course in progress titled "Palestine: A Settler-Colonial Analysis". As it happens, I'm relatively familiar with the course, and became aware of it well before it found itself in the middle of a national controversy.

EPA enforcement report and map | new mapping tool shows facilities where civil enforcement actions were taken for air, water, and land pollution, and a separate map shows criminal enforcement actions. Links: • Press release • 2009 enforcement overview • Interactive map

American Association of Camping | SWT program grew dramatically – from 20,000 participants in the early 1990s to a peak of 153,000 workers in 2008. It is currently capped at 109,000 workers after public outrage over widespread abuses of working conditions, accommodation, compensation and a non-existent cultural component.

NEW PAPYRUS: NASA's Future Water Prospecting Robot for the ... 17, 2012 · The Heat Goes On: Last Month Was the Second Warmest October on Record 6 months ago "The greatest long-term threat to U.S. national security is not terrorists wielding a nuclear or biological weapon, but the erosion of America's place as a world leader in science and technology."

Monkey in the Middle: Do You Have A Plan? would be easy for someone to take two suitcases of explosives, walk up to a busy check-in line, ask a person next to them to watch their bags for a minute while they run to the restroom or get a drink, and then detonate the bags BEFORE security even gets involved. In Israel , security checks bags BEFORE people can even ENTER the airport.

We Are Cannibalizing Our Diversity ... 15, 2020 · It is IMPOSSIBLE for a person to have an opinion that does not toe the line with the established, all-holy, pre-defined 'progressive" position on this …

Note From Howard Dean: The State of the Progressive Movement 20, 2011 · Please take a moment to a let us know your thoughts at or join me live at Daily Kos tonight at 9pm eastern for a live chat. I'll answer questions and discuss with you what you care about most and your ideas on how to move forward on our shared values. The State of the Progressive Movement is strong.

memeorandum: 5 Signs You're In The Midst Of A Moral Panic ... of Migrant Children Quietly Moved to a Tent Camp on the Texas Border — In shelters from Kansas to New York, hundreds of migrant children have been roused in the middle of the night in recent weeks and loaded onto buses with backpacks and snacks for a cross-country journey to their new home …

OpEdNews|DOUBLE STANDARD: The Treatment of Manning and … 25, 2012 · Article: DOUBLE STANDARD: The Treatment of Manning and Bales - This is the tale of two American soldiers. The tale is not over nor is this article …

Trump: a broken man preparing for his final destruction are the Trumplandians; Americans who are "complacent, entitled and often shockingly ignorant on basic points of American law and history," who "are the stagnant pool in which our national prospects risk drowning." And in the fulfillment of a dark Trumpian dream, …

Meeting Planned Concerning Johnson County Flood Risk ... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is hosting an informational public meeting March third to share information and hear comments from the public on the proposed Johnson County Flood Risk Management Project in Paintsville.

The JT LeRoy Verdict | Slog | The Stranger | Seattle's ... lady who pretended to be JT LeRoy has been found guilty of fraud by a jury and forced to pay $116,500 to Antidote International Films, the company that optioned her first book, Sarah. (I mean, JT LeRoy’s first book.) Does this seem weird to anyone else? OK, yes, Laura Albert “lied” to everyone, including Antidote International Films but also Courtney Love and Winona Ryder and Mary ...

Mo Rage: The Collapse of This Presidency Likely Began ... then there are the claims of his niece, as we know. ... So yes, ladies and gentlemen, either yesterday was the day, I feel strongly, or the week but the wheels seem to have absolutely come off this Donald Trump re-election. You're all, we are all witnessing it now. It's not pretty, certainly, and we hope we can and do keep the ...

Who are the rednecks? - HotAir 03, 2008 · The bigotry of the Left. Gawker looks at the blue-staters rushing to define Sarah Palin as a drooling hick with a gun, living in a double-wide Governor’s Trailer in Juneau, and wonders why they believe conservatives to be the xenophobes. For people who supposedly support a woman’s right to succeed on her own terms and express opposition to prejudice, the building meme in the Leftosphere ...

Donald Trump is demanding a strategic plan for a ... 01, 2018 · Courtesy of the New York Times: The White House has grown frustrated in recent weeks by what it considers the Pentagon’s reluctance to provide President Trump with options for a military strike against North Korea, according to officials, the latest sign of a deepening split in the administration over how to confront the nuclear-armed regime of Kim Jong-un.

Today The Stranger Suggests | Slog | The Stranger ... tonight's shiniest stars are the Presidents of the USA, who released their fifth full-length album, These Are the Good Times People, earlier this week. Stay away if you're shy—tonight you're going to be asked to dance. A lot. (Paramount, 911 Pine St, 467-5510. 8 …

True : conservatives, this was the most worth it thing I’ve done. I’ve received so many nasty messages. People calling me disgusting, family members blocking me, people calling me an idiot. And they think that telling me going to stop me from believing what I believe. Nah, it just makes me believe it stronger.

Here are the 30 seconds that may end Attorney General Jeff 02, 2017 · Under oath, Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Sen. Al Franken had this remarkable exchange: At his Jan. 10 Judiciary Committee confirmation hearing, Sessions was asked by Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) what he would do if he learned of any evidence that anyone affiliated with the Trump campaign communicated with the Russian government in the course …

Daily KOS-MOS: 2 is better than 1 : KOS-MOS: A weapon, being used by a weapon? Daily-Weekly-Montly post. 36. 3 comments. share. save hide report. 31. Posted by 6 days ago. Daily KOS-MOS: Stylized Portrait. Daily-Weekly-Montly post. 31. ... Are the emails affected at all be the amount of time passed in the real world? Question.

Daily KOS-MOS: I really like fan-made magazine covers KOS-MOS: I really like fan-made magazine covers. Daily-Weekly-Montly post. Close. 7. Posted by 3 hours ago. Daily KOS-MOS: I really like fan-made magazine covers. Daily-Weekly-Montly post. 2 comments. share. ... Are the emails affected at …

New Paltz LGBTQ Pride Parade draws thousands | Local News ... 03, 2019 · NEW PALTZ, N.Y. – Thousands of participants and spectators converged on downtown New Paltz to celebrate in the 15th annual Hudson Valley LGBTQ Pride Parade & Festival.

Avro Ashton – jet history at risk? 07, 2013 · Other sections of the fuselage contained test equipment. The Nene Mk. 6 engines were placed in pairs in two nacelles under the wings, each producing about 5,000 lbs static thrust; this was sufficient to give a maximum speed of 440 mph, and a range of 3,540 miles.

Sovereignty Restoration Day - Wikipedia Sovereignty Restoration Day (Hawaiian: La Ho?iho?i Ea) is a former national holiday celebrated on July 31 in the U.S. state of Hawaii, which commemorates the restoration of sovereignty to the former Kingdom of Hawai?i following the occupation of Hawai?i by Great Britain during the 1843 Paulet Affair.It is still celebrated today by proponents of the Hawaiian sovereignty movement ...

Jane Everstadt – BEYOND THE CANBERRA BUBBLE, according to Jane Everstadt writing on the weblog the Daily KOS it was right there all along….blasting into the ears of a lot of Americans…who vote. It was the all electric wireless and a shockjock with a mighty ( possibly almighty) big mouth who can take the credit for the installation of Donald J Trump as the ...

Team - Declaration for American Democracy Morgan is the director of the Declaration for American Democracy, a coalition of over 150 groups from the labor, racial justice, faith, women’s rights, environmental, good government, and many other important communities, on a mission to take back our democracy and restore power to the people. She previously served as the Director of Advocacy and Campaigns at the International Corporate ...

Fox News Produces An Anti-Obama Video – Then Scrubs It ... video addresses subjects such as… The national debt (which ballooned as a result of Bush’s tax cuts for the rich, bailouts for banks, and two wars). The unemployment rate (which Fox failed to note has fallen from 10.1 to 8.1, and which was the result of an economic collapse precipitated by Bush’s pandering to, and deregulation of ...

The Bible Proves That Climate Change Is Real, But Science ... 11, 2013 · Barton’s source for his reasoning was the biblical story of Noah and the great flood: Barton: “I would point out that if you’re a believer in the Bible, one would have to say the Great Flood is an example of climate change and that certainly wasn’t because mankind had overdeveloped hydrocarbon energy.”

Broadcast news pioneer Walter Cronkite dead at 92 known as the “most trusted man in America,” former CBS news anchor Walter Cronkite passed away this evening after a long illness at the age of 92.. Cronkite was the broadcaster to whom the title “anchorman” was first applied, and he came so identified in that role that eventually his own name became the term for the job in other languages.

Abdul Malik Mujahid | HuffPost Malik Mujahid is an Imam, an award winning author and a producer with a focus on contemporary social issues, public policy and Islam-West relations. Imam Mujahid is president of Sound Vision and executive producer of the daily Radio Islam at WCEV 1450 AM in Chicago. He is chair emeritus of the Parliament of the World's Religions.

International Crowd Gathers for “Uni Haiti” at Upper East 14, 2011 · New York, N.Y. Although 200 guests were expected, 250 arrived to the United Nations’s social club Aux Antilles’s 21st annual dinner, this year to benefit the International University Center Haiti (), in the Grand Ball Room of the Czechoslovakian cultural center known as Bohemian National Hall on Manhattan’s Upper East Side.The Grand Ballroom of Bohemian National Hall hosted Aux Antilles ...

The Left Coaster: Trump is Spiraling Totally Out of is Spiraling Totally Out of Control by paradox. Ms Mary McCord of the Washington Post detailed yesterday what I’d never, ever thought I’d see in American journalism, plain truth that, incredibly, really states that the President of the United States incited insurrection against American State Governors.. Trump is a lying psychopathic criminal and we have certainly been here before ...

Legal Actions : of the historic trial in GA and DVD of a historic testimony in NH, where evidence was provided showing Obama using a forged birth certificate and a stolen social security number. The DVDs are in a beautiful commemorative case with personal autographs from attorney Dr. Orly Taitz $22.50 each +$2.50 for shipping and handling.

"Peacemaker of the Year" cleans DC streets | The ePluribus ... Diane Baker, the 2006 Dallas Peace Center "Peacemaker of the Year," was missing from the photo taken when the rest of her Texas delegation met in Washington, DC with Senator Cornyn on January 27th.Why? The 60 year old grandmother was busy picking up trash from the Washington, DC streets in blustery 20-degree weather to fulfill her sentence garnered from her September 2006 …

Interview with Oliver Pennington – Off the is a retired attorney, a partner at Fulbright and Jaworski, whose practice focused on municipal law, and a Rice alumnus. Pennington has lived in District G for 40 years and now resides in River Oaks. Download the MP3 file. PREVIOUSLY: Karen Derr, At Large #1 Brad Bradford, At Large #4 Stephen Costello, At Large #1 Lane Lewis, District A

Dan Patrick declares victory on the bathroom bill – Off, okay.. The “bathroom bill” won’t be back this session, its loudest champion suggested Wednesday morning. At a Governor’s Mansion press conference on the second day of this year’s legislative session, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick — who last session was the top state leader championing the measure, which would have regulated the use of certain public facilities for transgender Texans ...

Tickle The Wirekilled Archives - Tickle The was the seventh annual relay to honor Rosas of the Campo Border Patrol station. The relay race requires 22, 2.55-mile legs. Rosas was often referred to as the “Mayor of El Centro” because of his “popularity and his friendly, witty demeanor,” Patch wrote. Rosas was shot and killed while responding to suspicion activity near Campo.

Yukon Public Schools, Oklahoma, elections (2020) - Ballotpedia,_Oklahoma,_elections_(2020)An election for Seat 5 and a special election for Seat 3 on the Yukon Public Schools Board of Education in Oklahoma were scheduled for April 7, 2020.The special election for Seat 3 was called when Don Rowe resigned on June 28, 2019 after moving out of the school district.. Primaries for both races would have taken place on February 11, 2020, but both they and the general elections were canceled.

Anthony Abbate, Jr. Civil Trial, Day 6: Police Expert 29, 2012 · Feature Parents Still Steaming, but About More Than Just Boilers. By Phil Huckelberry / 2 Comments It's now been 11 days since the carbon monoxide leak which sent over 80 Prussing Elementary School students and staff to the hospital.

WG's Observations: A poster child for what is wrong in ... a number of mainstream media reporters and commentators picked it up and expressed the appropriate outrage. Only trouble was, it wasn’t true. Other videos show it was the teenagers, a Catholic school group on tour, who were being hassled by the America Indian elder, who pushed his way into the group calling them “beasts”, and the ...

News Cycle: More Newspaper Layoffs as Belo Cuts 200 From ... includes various niche products and associated companies, such as the Denton Record-Chronicle; Al Día, a Spanish-language publication; and a printing operation called DFW Printing Co. Dallas-based Belo also owns The Providence Journal and The Press-Enterprise of Riverside, Calif.

220 South: RIP Ray Nance: The Last Bedford Boy 19, 2009 · A Bedford County man who was part of the D-Day invasion and a member of the group known as the "Bedford Boys" has died. Ray Nance was the last member of the group. According to obituaries in local newspapers, he died Sunday at age 94. Nance landed on the beaches of Normandy as an Army Lieutenant almost 65 years ago.

African Americans See Hope in Change | Election Coverage, 2008 28, 2008 · By Jean Jones Many members of the predominately African-American community of Lawnside, N.J., young and old, have taken a huge interest in this year’s presidential election for many different reasons, more than in previous years. There is a major difference in the current 2008 presidential election than in previous years. The difference surfaced in the…

» Today Christians Honor The ‘Holy Innocents’ Cristy Li Fiscal Conservative, Pro-Taiwan, Pro-Israel. Categories. 2nd Amendment; ABC News; ACORN; Advent; AFL-CIO; Ai Weiwei; Airlines; Al Gore

Tickle The WireKansas City Archives - Tickle The how was the 25-year-old able to pass the background check? FBI Spokesman Stephen Fischer told Fox4 that Mack gave false information on his application to buy the gun. “Mr. Mack provided false biographical information at the time of his firearm purchase. That information can only be verified at the point of sale,” Fischer said.

LINKS : release: after watching TV reports Taitz recognized Keith Yamamoto as the official, who on 08.08.2011 stood at the entrance of the Health Department refusing Taitz and 2 experts pass the security and meet with Fuddy, even though Fuddy was served with a valid federal subpoena, where Fuddy had to provide Taitz with the original birth certificate of Obama.

» Today Christians Celebrate the Feast of St. Pedro de San Li Fiscal Conservative, Pro-Taiwan, Pro-Israel. Categories. 2nd Amendment; ABC News; ACORN; Advent; AFL-CIO; Ai Weiwei; Airlines; Al Gore

O’Reilly And Beck, Tweedledee And Tweedledum Of Fox News ... 10, 2009 · What's becoming a nightly tradition for Fox News is O'Reilly interviewing Glenn Beck, and they were at it again last night. As I watched in amazement, all I could think about was the 19th century poem which stated: Tweedledum and Tweedledee Agreed to have a battle; For Tweedledum said Tweedledee Had spoiled his nice new…

CipherTrace suggests $3.1 billion may perhaps have been ... 15, 2019 · A noteworthy case in point of this was disclosed back again in May possibly, when Binance — the world’s greatest cryptocurrency exchange — was the goal of a advanced assault that applied a blend of viruses and phishing techniques to steal 7,000 Bitcoins and a significant quantity of particular person specifics this sort of as API keys and ...

News Cycle: Newspapers Laid Off at Least 2,505 People in ... was the second most difficult month this year (only March had a larger number), and was fueled by a large cut by the Gannett chain and an outsourcing of distribution operations by the Orange County Register in California. Email me to report any job cuts in the newspaper industry. July 31: The New Mexican of Santa Fe, N.M., 12 people.

GA-Sen A & B: Sen. Bob Casey, Jr. (D. PA) Refuses To Let ... 27, 2020 · Received this e-mail today from U.S. Senator Bob Casey, Jr. (D. PA) in support of Jon Ossoff (D. GA) and Rev. Raphael Warnock’s (D. GA) U.S. Senate campaigns: What we saw in Georgia's primary election this month was an assault on our democracy. Voters...

How Many Experts Declared Public Option Dead? | The Nation 27, 2009 · As the Senate moves towards including some form of public option in health care reform, it is worth remembering all the Washington "experts" who already declared the public option dead. The list ...

Air cycle machine - Wikipedia air cycle machine (ACM) is the refrigeration unit of the environmental control system (ECS) used in pressurized gas turbine-powered aircraft.Normally an aircraft has two or three of these ACM. Each ACM and its components are often referred as an air conditioning pack.The air cycle cooling process uses air instead of a phase changing material such as Freon in the gas cycle.

Michael Flynn gets a 'good luck' from Trump as he heads to ... Tuesday, former national security advisor Michael Flynn appears in federal district court to be sentenced on charges of lying to FBI investigators. The special counsel’s office has recommended that Flynn receive a sentence at the low end available on the charge—which would likely mean no jail time and a relatively brief period of probation—however, […]

Columbus and King Leopold II statues could be next to fall against symbols of racism continues around world after Black Lives Matter protests spark global reckoning Statues of Christopher Columbus, King Leopold II of Belgium and a hero of Irish nationalism could be the next to fall as the campaign against symbols of …

The Ends Justify the Means: The Day Emma Goldman Shot ... 09, 2011 · Normally, I don’t like to stray too far from the topic of today’s unions but, on Saturday, two horrific acts of evil took place in America that were both sad and infuriating: The first, most heinous act, occurred when six people were slaughtered (including a federal judge and a nine-year old little girl born on 9/11/01) and multiple others that were gunned down in Tuscon, AZ. The | <a ...

Who gets to be on the I-45 panel? – Off the officials want frontage roads in some areas eliminated or reduced to two lanes, and a greater reliance on transit instead of carpools by making the center lanes bus-only rather than HOV. TxDOT has said it is studying the proposal, but said that after years of discussion it is committed to moving its designs along to keep construction on ...

Wage Theft in America | The New Press what has been described as “the crime wave no one talks about,” billions of dollars worth of wages are stolen from millions of workers in the United States every year—a grand theft that exceeds every other larceny category. Even the Economic Policy Foundation, a business-funded think tank, has estimated that companies annually steal an incredible $19 billion in unpaid overtime.

'First Purge' Brings Trump Conspiracies to Life ... unhinged Resistance finally has a movie to call its own. Films take a considerable time to go from the drawing pad to the big screen. 'The Purge' franchise is much more fleet of foot. It releases a new entry every year or two, and that's not including the upcoming 'Purge' series on USA Network. So 'The First Purge,' a peek at the dawn of the blood-soaked conceit, came of age at the height ...

Katie Couric’s Ratings At CBS | The Lunch Counter 12, 2007 · CBS is scratching their heads over why the perky one’s ratings are so dismal. Still in denial over their poor choice, experts look for other reasons, like you. You sexist, racist white guys don’t like hearing news from a woman. So says CBS News Senior Vice President, Standards and Special Projects Linda Mason.. I’m just surprised at how, almost 30 years after I worked on the ...

Third and State | A progressive take on public policy in ...https://www.thirdandstate.orgWe wanted to highlight the Economic Policy Institute’s new analysis on the teacher pay gap and explain why it should encourage Pennsylvania lawmakers to pass a proposal to raise the starting salaries of the state’s public school educators.. Nationally, in terms of total compensation (wages plus benefits), teachers earned 13.1 percent less than similar college graduates in 2018, the EPI ...

Because a lot of them are racist and a... - Canadians for ... the truth is a plain as the nose under the mask on your face. ... Because a lot of them are racist and a lot of us know who they are. ... Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said the term “systemic racism” was left out of the First Minister’s declaration against racism because there …

‘Laugh or cry’: Andrew McCarthy guesses who ... - Twitchy 29, 2015 · ‘Laugh or cry’: Andrew McCarthy guesses who @Reince will announce as the next GOP debate moderator Posted at 11:26 am on October 29, 2015 by Greg P.

Randy Hilfman Spells Defeat | Slog | The Stranger's Blog ... last month’s poor showing, I had little hope of returning to the form that won me second place in the first bee. Then I pulled off my greatest feat of spelling to date: C-I-C-I-S-B-E-I-S-M. The Oxford English Dictionary definies “cicisbeism” as “The practice of attending a married woman as cicisbeo.”

Kicking the “Christianists” | The American Spectator second book, Love Undetectable, is a memoir of my faith-journey through the plague years, an account of the origins of homosexual orientation, and a celebration of friendship as a core ...

Substance Use and Mental Health | Vera Institute charged him with second degree murder, and a judge found that he was a danger to the community, denying his request for pretrial release. Mr. Hicks spent 13 days in jail before his defense team noted that the video actually depicted a different suspect, prompting prosecutors to …

The Good Soldier (2009 film) - Wikipedia Good Soldier is a 2009 documentary film directed and produced by American filmmakers Lexy Lovell and Michael Uys.Using interviews with five veterans from different generations of American wars, the film explores the definition of what being a 'good soldier' really means.. Howard Zinn, author of A People's History of the United States and a former bombardier in World War II, served as an ...

National Press Photographers Association – Off the 20, 2018 · A federal lawsuit filed Thursday in Austin seeks to strike down Texas laws that restrict what can legally be photographed by drones.. Filed by two journalism organizations and a reporter, the lawsuit argues that a 2013 law places improper limits on news gathering, violating the First Amendment by making it a crime to capture images of private property, or a person on that property, no matter ...

U.S. Charges Four in 'Panama Papers' Tax Evasion Scheme ... prosecutors announced Tuesday that they have charged four people with taking part in a decades-long scheme to evade U.S. taxes that came to light after a massive leak of offshore financial data known as the “Panama Papers.”

The Seattle Pancake Renaissance Continues | Slog | The ... had a "Deck Hand Special" at the 5 Point this morning, which includes pancakes, and I'm still feeling just fine. BTW, even though The Mecca & The 5 Point are owned by the same people, apparently the management styles practiced at each location are vastly different, as evinced by Sam (you'd know her if you were a Mecca regular: blonde, tan, Aussie), who now works at The 5 Point, and urged me ...

Tickle The Wiresecurity breach Archives - Tickle The first encounter came during a traffic stop when police found a sawed off shotgun and a map of Washington with a circle around the White House, the AP wrote. Agents contacted him again after being found near the White House with a small hatchet, Despite those findings, the Secret Service did not find him a threat. Other Stories of Interest

League Joins Groups Urging Presidential Candidates to ... Joins Groups Urging Presidential Candidates to Prioritize Democracy Reform Agenda ... The list of candidates receiving letters and a copy of the letter is below. ... as the foundation for your own democracy platform and that you explore additional new aspirational reform measures to …

Midday open thread: Native deaths changed climate; 'Bird ... 1, 2019 - Today’s comic by Mark Fiore is The tactical truth team:What’s coming up on Sunday Kos: Lift Every Voice and Sing for Black History, by Denise Oliver Velez 13 ways it costs more to be poor, by David Akadjian Yes, it is damn cold, but that does not mean climate change is not happening, by Mark E Andersen Fund the wall or we kill the economy: GOP debt ceiling extortion returns ...

SoBro's Sonia Sotomayor's Swearing In Shows Suckas Sotomayor rocked history books today when she was sworn in as the 111th Associate Justice of the United States, and the first Hispanic to do it. Let&#39;s look back at how she got here, and ...

Shoeless Trumpsters Soon To Be Pantless Too! Now That's A ... 05, 2018 · Levi Strauss & Co., an American denim icon, announced that it is launching a series of new initiatives to benefit groups working to prevent gun violence. Chip Bergh, Levi’ Strauss’ CEO wrote in Fortune magazine, “While taking a stand can be unpopular with some, doing nothing is no longer an option”. Perhaps fuelled by the recent announcement of Colin Kaepernick as the new face of Nike ...

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: And yet another media case for the X ... yet another media case for the X Files ... It’s not the first time that a popular reporter has just disappeared into the ether in Prince Rupert, ... Now as the paper changes its direction towards a more softer focus on the news and a dedication to seeking out the positives, another voice that sought to explore all the issues has taken his ...

Rush Limbaugh Affiliates Losing Millions As Advertisers ... 09, 2012 · “A couple of million bucks in the first quarter and a couple of million bucks in quarter two.” Thirty-eight Cumulus-owned radio stations currently carry Limbaugh’s show. The public admission that the cost of the advertiser exodus has reached into the millions directly contradicts Limbaugh’s transparently phony assertions that the ...

Remembering Matters: Bill O'Reilly Inadvertently Endorses ... 12, 2008 · The young person yawns as the old lady drones on and on about her past. How much of who we are is our history? How does the seven-year-old girl live on in the 57-year-old woman? How do our experiences, our lives lived, matter? When I got my degree in Biology over thirty years ago, quarks and neutrinos were new, wild concepts.

High-Speed Rail Will Restore California’s “Pioneering ...“This project,” the New York Times recently reported on California’s High-Speed Rail plan, “goes to the heart of the state’s pioneering spirit, recalling grand public investments in universities, water systems, roads and parks that once defined California as the leading edge of the nation.”. Then, after explaining all the benefits of better transportation, a stronger economy, a ...

Tickle The Wireepa Archives - Tickle The will mark the sixth time that the department has exercised that authority since 2005 and the first time since 2008. A law passed in 2005 gave Homeland Security broad authority to waive “all legal requirements” to build border barriers following years of ultimately unsuccessful court challenges to border wall construction in San Diego on grounds that it violated environmental laws.

California law – California Labor Federation the crisis grows, California’s unions are responding to ensure workers are protected. We’re working with the Newsom Administration to ensure workers have the information they need to protect themselves and their families. The first thing to note is that all California employees have the opportunity to […]

Trump's Jacksonville convention was a science denier's ... 24, 2020 · To a science denier like Trump, it seemed perfect. And a little over a month later, Trump's entire plan lays in wreckage with Jacksonville's daily case counts surging past those in Charlotte. When the announcement was first made, Mecklenburg County, where Charlotte is situated, was averaging 188 new cases a day, as the Washington Post 's Philip ...

Rush Limbaugh has lung cancer—I will not lay the ... 03, 2020 · I was very saddened to hear that conservative radio talk show host, Rush Limbaugh, has advanced lung cancer. Being a cancer survivor, my heart goes out to …

Some examples of Agenda-Setting, Priming, & Framing ... 24, 2015 · Feel free to re-categorize my Current Events examples, as to what Media Theory they really represent. Also add your own Examples in the comments, if you can think of other Media Themes that are better examples of Agenda-Setting, Priming, & Framing techniques in action.. Thanks.

Let's pause to solemnly reflect on the events of five ... years ago today, on Aug. 28, 2014, President Barack Obama wore a tan suit. I know, I know! You’re going to have some feelings about this. It’s okay. Take some time to sit with those feelings. As The Washington Post points out, over the past two and a half years, pointing to the tan suit to highlight […]

The Most Receptive Arts Audience May Be Behind Bars ... 07, 2015 · Yeah, I let that hang there a minute, but it is absolutely true that when I was around 9 or 10 years old, an inmate named Fat Cal with three life sentences for murder taught me to play chess. My parents took us to visit prisoners from the time I was 8 until the time I was about 17.

Will We All Be Better for this Pandemic? - Progress Pond 11, 2020 · But it won’t last sadly. So long as the dingbat runs the country and chases after more money we can be pretty sure it will come back to pre virus days. And he will brag about how great he handled it all being a great general and all.

Want to keep reading stories on the trans ... - Eclectablog 18, 2018 · There are two other ways to help, as well. First, you can use the handy PayPal form at the top of the right sidebar to make a one-time donation via Paypal in the amount of your choice. Second, you can send a check (which avoids Paypal taking out a percentage of your donation) to Chris Savage, P.O. Box 32, Dexter, MI 48130. Please make the check payable to “Eclectablog”.

General Petraeus to testify on 9/11 - Prediction: Tin Foil ... left will pop smoke in 3, 2, 1... Please refer all conspiracy theorists to this excellent post by Grim - "The Petraeus Report" - about the legal background around the testimony that General Petraeus will be compelled to make on September 11th. I believe the testimony was originally supposed to take place by the 15th of September, but the Rosh Hashana holiday begins on the 12th so his ...

The Big Apple: Pentagram (Pentagon nickname) @barrypopik. Above, Big Apple Corner at 54th Street and Broadway in Manhattan. Google Maps. Above, John J. Fitz Gerald, from the Aug. 15, 1931, Binghamton (NY) Press, pg. 14. Listen to Robert Emmerich introduce "The Big Apple," a hit song from 1937. Music written by Bob and performed by Tommy Dorsey's Clambake Seven with Bob on piano.

We can’t just cut our way out of the budget deficit, take is both a fast-growing state, and a state with a large number of young people in it, many of whom are minorities and from lower income brackets. We can invest in their future – which is to say, our own future – by ensuring they have a path to a college education and a professional career.

Farm-to-Table Dinner Highlights the Possibilities of Local ... 15, 2013 · The Growing Experience Urban Farm is located at 750 Via Carmelitos. Head east on Atlantic Plaza—a little road just north of 46th St. that leads you into a shopping center—turn right on N. Via Veranda, then look for the signs as the road bends to the left. For more information, call 562,984.2917 or go to

Reflections on the Meaning of Christmas and the Real War ... Michael Lerner writes that Christmas and Chanukah share a spiritual message: that it is possible to bring light and hope in a world of darkness, oppression and despair. With regard to Christmas in particular, he says: “Christianity took the hope of the ancients and transformed it into a hope for the transformation of a world of oppression. The birth of a newborn, always a signal of ...

Tom Hurley and the Triangle Part Ways | Slog | The ... $26 burger is no more at the Triangle Lounge, and its creator, Tom Hurley, is no longer involved with the Fremont bar and restaurant.Hurley first gained fame for his namesake French restaurant in Portland, which he closed at the beginning of this year; in an interview with The Oregonian, he blamed the closure on lingering effects of a 2004 protest against foie gras staged at Hurley’s.

Fact Checking • Smilodon's Retreat 07, 2014 · So Coburn has massively misrepresented the work of Dr. Williams and a large team of scientists and engineers. In reality, they built and tested a high-tech collar for large carnivores. Those pinnacles of the food-chain that are desperately important to a functioning ecosystem (as the wolves in Yellowstone have proven).

Rethinking Hawai`i Economics In A Post-Tourism 24, 2020 · Corn is defined in the English language as the dominant grain grown -- thus in the U.S. corn means maize. Hawai`i grew considerable quantities of maize but it competed with sugar. Wheat was grown on Maui starting about 1835 and was chiefly grown for export.

'Hotel Mania' for Downtown Houston | Texas Leftist 14, 2014 · As written previously, Downtown Houston is in the beginning stages of a major construction boom, that will continue to ramp up through the course of 2014 and 2015.As the clock ticks closer and closer to Super Bowl LI, to be hosted in the Bayou City, a flood of new projects are racing to get completed before 2017.Though every conceivable type of construction is happening in Downtown, …

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: Tentative deal up for vote deal up for vote ... the story was featured as the front page headline item. ... Rooney were appointed by federal Minister of Labour Jean-Pierre Blackburn to help bridge a deal between the two parties but it took four and a half months to finally reach the tentative deal.

It's Not All About the Kids, Part 2 | Eclectablog Byrum is currently in her second term as Ingham County Clerk, serving as the county’s chief elections official. As Clerk, Barb has successfully conducted 23 elections, 4 union elections, and currently serves on Michigan’s Election Security Commission, the Secretary of State’s team of advisors tasked with strengthening and better ...

A Chicago Report on Zimbabwe's 'Blood Diamonds' - Gapers 20, 2010 · Event Wed Jan 20 2010 A Chicago Report on Zimbabwe's 'Blood Diamonds' By Sheila Burt. Americans can help stop Zimbabwe's "blood diamond" abuses by writing to elected officials and pressing retailers on the source of their diamonds, argues Tiseke Kasambala, a senior researcher with the Human Rights Watch.. Kasambala, who has researched the trafficking of blood diamonds in …

Public Comment - Berkeley Daily 27, 2010 · Israel's attack on civilians was a "deliberate policy" designed to inflict "humiliation and dehumanization of the Palestinian population," according to a United Nations report. On April 28th, UC Berkeley's student senate will cast a final vote on a divestment bill that targets Israel's war crimes and occupation. Fourteen votes out of 20 are ...

Trump and the Factions of the US Oligarchy - OpEdNews 08, 2018 · Nixon's administration was the first to incorporate conservative-faction elements and the interests of the American Security Council (ASC), the leading think tank of the military-industrial complex.Author: Joseph Raso

Board & Staff - Women's Voices for the Earth Isabelle Chaudry / Washington, DC. M. Isabelle Chaudry is a lawyer and human rights advocate. She is the National Women’s Health Network’s (NWHN) Senior Policy Manager, responsible for developing and leading their women’s health and consumer safety policy efforts, with a particular focus on historically marginalized communities.

Women of Labor Unite in Sacramento – California Labor ... 18, 2011 · The face of the labor movement is changing. Gone are the mostly male unions that were so prevalent just a generation ago. Nowadays, fully 45% of all union members are women, and by 2020 women will make up the majority of the unionized workforce.

Article: Maya Angelou's Civil Rights Legacy | OpEdNews 29, 2014 · Article: Maya Angelou's Civil Rights Legacy - Dr. Maya Angelou was one of the wonders of the world. Her personal story was so rich, so varied, so remarkable in its diversity of experience that ...

Sad Puppies - Wikipedia Puppies was an unsuccessful right-wing anti-diversity voting campaign intended to influence the outcome of the annual Hugo Awards, the longest-running prize (since 1953) for science fiction or fantasy works.It was initiated in 2013 by author Larry Correia by means of a voting bloc to get his own novel nominated, and then through suggested slates in subsequent years (led by Correia in 2014 ...

The Bolton threat to the Iran nuclear deal – Civil Defence ..., recently, President Trump appointed one of the architects of the Iraq war, John Bolton, to serve as his third national security adviser, replacing H.R. McMaster, a three-star general with a moderate outlook. Bolton’s track record in the nonproliferation space—as the undersecretary of state for arms control and international security affairs from 2001 to 2005, his brief tenure as the

Speaking of wal mart - Maintenance/Repairs - Car Talk ... course after the farm store got the money with the promise of “creating many well paying jobs” they started laying people off right and left, closed their tire department, slashing inventory, etc, etc.A friend of mine who worked there for a long time was one of the first ones to exit.

The American Human: Did Inflammatory Rhetoric on the Right 02, 2015 · The American Human is written by Calvin Ross, a retired teacher who at various points in life has been a musician, woodworker, restaurateur, narrator, English teacher in Japan, novelist, technology journalist, and private tutor to Japanese children here in the U.S. Happily residing in the wine country of Sonoma County north of San Francisco, Calvin has lived in the Philippines, the Netherlands ...

The Modern Era Hall of Fame ballot – Off the Modern Baseball Era is one of four Era Committees, each of which provide an avenue for Hall of Fame consideration to managers, umpires and executives, as well as players retired for more than 15 seasons. There’s a brief bio of each candidate there, but I suggest you read Jay Jaffe for a …

The Carnage Continues: Catholic Schools Are Still Firing ... is September. The days grow a little shorter. There is that hint of fall crispness in the air. And, of course, it is back-to-school season. And if it is back-to-school time, then it must also be time for that very sad, very sorry, and utterly needless ritual that we all wish would stop happening. I am talking about the Catholic schools that continue to fire gay teachers.

Richard the Third the last Plantagenet – FortLeft 04, 2013 · Richard III was, according to Shakespeare, one of the worst villans to rule England. On the other hand, there were many, including Josephine Tey who believed otherwise. And now, his bones have been found and identified. The bones as discovered. Grey Friars car park, Leicester, where the remains of King Richard III were found. According…

Supreme Court | The Lunch Counter | Page 4 cases where public schools were using race in determining school admissions and which cases were upheld by two lower courts were overturned by the Supreme Court on Thursday, July 28, 2007.. Seattle, which Roberts said had never been under court orders to desegregate, used race as a tiebreaker in assigning students to schools where one race or another predominated.

kos : definition of kos and synonyms of kos (English) the Institute are the ruins of Asklepieion, where Herodicus taught Hippocrates medicine. Kardamena is a popular resort for young British holidaymakers and has a large number of bars and nightclubs. Religion . The main religion practiced is Greek Orthodoxy. Kos has one of the four cathedrals in the entire Dodecanese.

Will Copenhagen Lead to Radical Climate Experiments ... 15, 2009 · By Chris Mooney, Mother Jones Online You won't find geoengineering on the official agenda at the climate summit in Copenhagen. But for anyone watching the trajectory of the climate change debate, the controversial notion of intentionally modifying the planet or its climate system to counteract the effects of global warming is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore. Attracting almost …

Property...Freedom...Peace: Are You A Bully, A Toady Or A ... 08, 2011 · Ludwig von Mises (1881-1973) was the greatest economist of my time.His greatest works can be accessed here a t no charge. Mises believed that property, freedom and peace are and should be the hallmarks of a satisfying and prosperous society.

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: Podunk Below the Masthead, Tuesday ... all 32 years of fishing, this was the first time the Hawkshaws have caught a baby seal in their nets. Usually the big ones will come in and steal fish, bite off the heads and leave. "Fishermen out there will probably think we're crazy for saving a seal but if anything's a baby it deserves to be rescued," said Linda.

Judge Napolitano: Obama used British spies for Trump 27, 2011 · One of the documents obtained by The Guardian is a sales pitch for the GCHQ. The sales pitch is aimed directly at the NSA, and one of the selling points is a legal and regulatory environment in Britain that makes electronic spying easier. It is not illegal for the GCHQ to gather intelligence about US citizens in the United States.

Monkey in the Middle: Happy National Kill A Turkey And Eat ... The first Thanksgiving feast was held in the presence of around ninety Wampanoag Indians and the Wampanoag chief, Massasoit, was also invited there. 10. The first Thanksgiving celebration lasted three days. 11. President George Washington issued the first national Thanksgiving Day Proclamation in the year 1789 and again in 1795. 12.

Who is behind the hannity and friends resistance movement? 08, 2009 · Update 2 Source Watch a website that gathers data about companies SourceWatch is a collaborative project of the Center for Media and …

memeorandum: Here's the Real History Behind Arizona's ... helped prosecute Watergate. Comey's statement is sufficient evidence for an obstruction of justice case. — Philip Allen Lacovara, a former U.S. deputy solicitor general in the Justice Department, served as counsel to Watergate special prosecutors Archibald Cox and Leon Jaworski.

The Three Biggest Errors of Conservative Christians In ... 14, 2015 · By Lincoln Davis Wilson The Planned Parenthood sting videos produced by the Center for Medical Progress give the pro-life cause its biggest opportunity ever to make its case in the public square.

Slog Poll Results | Slog | The Stranger | Seattle's Only ... are the unscientific results of our very unscientific Slog poll, which was posted yesterday morning and stayed live for a very, very unscientific 32 (or so) hours. Make of it what you will: Permalink. Comments 1. Clearly, the local Edwards contingent has mastered the art …

memeorandum: Justice Department Ends Obama Era Practice of ... helped prosecute Watergate. Comey's statement is sufficient evidence for an obstruction of justice case. — Philip Allen Lacovara, a former U.S. deputy solicitor general in the Justice Department, served as counsel to Watergate special prosecutors Archibald Cox and Leon Jaworski.

On raising the full time status of college students to 14 senators proposed Senate Bill 3128, which will require students to take a minimum of 14 credit hours instead of 12 to qualify as full-time.If passed, the bill will take effect July 1, 2011. I wish McCord would just go home now and not wait to retire next year.

38 Best My Feminist Heart images | Feminist, Feminism, Words 12, 2019 - Explore Laura A.'s board "My Feminist Heart" on Pinterest. See more ideas about Feminist, Feminism, Words.38 pins28 followers

On the Morality of Torture & Utilitarianism « YourMorals ... the Morality of Torture & Utilitarianism June 24th, 2010 by Ravi Iyer I personally do not believe in torture, but I have to admit that when I think of it, my mind prototypically thinks of the potential harm that might befall an innocent person caught by an unscrupulous policeman who is all …

Democracy for New Mexico: Communities United to Strengthen the dots of who is on your side Featured Organization: Health Security of New Mexico August 26th, 2006 @ 10am - 1:00 PM: Canvass Saving New Mexico Higher Education Petition Drive. Come to our Albuqurque Resource Center for both events: 2111 Wyoming Boulevard NE. Call 505.237.0120 for more information.

Tickle The Wireriot Archives - Tickle The Wire“This is a large scale, large scope event. It is certainly unprecedented for this field division to have this many fires at one time,” Henderson says. “We have seen a tremendous response from the public providing us with information in regards to these crimes.”

Thomas Clay Jr - This is the most important thing I have ... think we will break 1000 deaths tomorrow. 2000 3 days later with it doubling every 3 days. This is what my buddy David Croll told me today. He is a sciencetician in Swisslandia when I asked about how spreading: "If you ask me for a guess, it's around 60% airborne 30% smear infection (skin to skin) 10% other ways (e.g. fomites).

Are YOU personally offended by the Obama elitist remarks 15, 2008 · I'm not offended at all, and neither are the people I know to whom the remarks are referring. One of my relatives joked 'hey' he's talking about my dad' (who is a steelworker and could definitely be described as bitter about what has happened to that industry and the economic hand he's been dealt) when he heard the brewhaha.

Obama Hands ISIS a Propaganda Plum | Let's Fix This 12, 2015 · the culture Obama Hands ISIS a Propaganda Plum Offends Christians with past they'd rather forget Feb 12 2015 . Well into a talk at the National Prayer Breakfast that was sprinkled with fellowship and self-effacing humor, President Obama chose a few words that could not have found a more inopportune moment.

The Candid Blogger: Stimulus "Tea Party" Steeped in Deceit had close ties to Koch Industries and became one of the major recipients of grant money from conservative foundations and major corporations such as Exxon, Philip Morris, and General Motors. In 2003, CSE's affiliate, the Citizens for a Strong Economy Foundation, split off and renamed itself Americans for Prosperity.

Health insurance subsidies: who's eligible, how many by 05, 2013 · The Kaiser Family Foundation has this report on health insurance premium tax credits (subsidies) available through the new insurance marketplace.. The report explains how the subsidies work and who is eligible. It also has estimates of the number of eligible people by state.

Marooned In Marin: While Left Targets Rush Limbaugh, A ... a war against Rush Limbaugh is being waged by Leftist groups, in coordination with The White House, a vile leftist who months ago started a Twitter account as Susie Breitbart (the widow of Andrew Breitbart), has spent the last week attacking him in the most vile manner, using racism and anti-gay language (h/t Gateway Pundit). The Leftist posing as Mrs. Breitbart even responded to ...

Teeth of the Buzz Saw: Michelle Bachmann is dangerous scary! 02, 2011 · "It might be very difficult for a freed slave to make a living in that economy; under such circumstances setting slaves free was both inhumane and irresponsible." I've heard she also gets history from David Barton, who is known to make obvious factual errors in the things he says. I really don't even want to touch on her homosexual bigotry.

AFTER CHARLOTTESVILLE: Seven key Nazis and their links to ... internet has been one of the game changers and the movement has been helped by things as diverse as the 2014 Gamergate hashtag campaign, the birther campaign against President Obama (of which Trump was a big part), and the fake news (Russian propaganda) movement. Nazis have also successfully incorporated many Southern nationalist groups ...

A Look at the Poor People's Campaign: Theology and ... Look at the Poor People’s Campaign: Theology and Ideology. ... I know it is from Daily KOS but it was the only transcript I could find quickly: ... interest on money, food, or anything that may be loaned at interest. You may charge interest to a foreigner, but to your countrymen you shall not charge interest, so that the Lord your God may ...

Hillary Was Smeared First – DailyCaller, Race-baiting ... 20, 2010 · The Big Blog Boys and the participants in JournoList are members of a cartel engaged in suppression of the news. The Big Blog Boys and the participants in JournoList come from many Big Media business enterprises, many publications, many broadcast outlets, many different companies, many different corporations, many different conglomerates – and they all conspired to suppress the news …

Dailykos | The Confluence first really good news of the uprising was the burning of an entire police station. This is the second really good news: A band playing a live set at one barricade, a DJ at another, people giving speeches to clusters throughout, people painting the streets in one area, maintaining a …

Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor Retiring – The ... Sandra Day O’Connor, the first woman appointed to the Supreme Court and a key swing vote on issues such as abortion and the death penalty, said Friday she is retiring.

Dana Milbank: When You Drown ... - Diane Ravitch's blog 10, 2020 · Plus, a friend of mine loves going there to find bargains. I figured the store would be closed -and it was. The sign scrawled in the window said something, like, we’ll be open again, someday… I was going to take a picture of the front door with my phone for my friend…like, hey, I got here, the place you love. But it was all too depressing.

The Fix - Morning Fix: What NY-23 things have become abundantly clear about the special election in New York's 23rd district over the past week. The first is that Conservative party candidate Doug Hoffman can and may well win the special election next Tuesday. The second is that neither major party knows what to think about the Hoffman candidacy and both are trying to adjust their spin to accommodate what a victory by the ...

CONFIRMED – Officer Darren Wilson Did ... - The Last Refuge 15, 2014 · Things are adding up rather quickly now.First the full video from the convenience store robbery by Mike Brown and Darian Johnson:Contrary to popular media spin, Police Chief Tom Jackson confirms that Officer Darren Wilson did see cigars in the hands of Mike Brown and did view him as a potential suspect in the previous strong-arm robbery…

The Trumpian Christian Fascist Soft Coup - Extra Newsfeed 21, 2018 · Justice James Iredell, (one of the first Justices of the Supreme Court nominated by President George Washington, served from 1790 until his death), said during a debate in his home state of North Carolina: As to offices, the Senate has no other influence but a restraint on improper appointments. The President proposes such a man for such an office.

The Rachel Maddow Show, Transcript 4/12/2017 | 12, 2017 · As the administration, this new administration strides into the middle of some of the most complex stuff on Earth, for a lot of Americans, statements like that from the president today, right ...

After Charlottesville: 7 Key Nazis and Their Links to ... 20, 2017 · After Charlottesville: 7 Key Nazis and Their Links to Putin and Trump by August 20, 2017 August 22, 2017 Written by kmoorh / DailyKos August 20, 2017 August 22, 2017

The Rachel Maddow Show, Transcript 2/16/2017 | 16, 2017 · Show: The Rachel Maddow ShowDate: February 16, 2017Guest: Bob Ferguson, David Nir RACHEL MADDOW, MSNBC HOST: And thanks to you at home for joining us this hour. All right. It was April 29th, 2014 ...

PressThink: Journalism Is Itself a Religion: Special Essay 07, 2004 · Lee Bollinger knew that story because in his other life—legal scholar, specializing in the First Amendment—he had written a book about it, Images of a Free Press (1991). The point of the book is that journalists have one “central image” of the press, standing guard against an atavistic state and serving as the eyes and ears of the public.

Making Light: SOPA and PIPA: Where we are. What they and PIPA: Where we are. What they want. Posted by Patrick at 11:28 AM * 69 comments. SOPA, PIPA, and other laws and proposed laws like them claim to be about “piracy,” but don’t be fooled.

J.K. Rowling's Anti-Trans Views: 'Fantastic ... - Variety 10, 2020 · J.K. Rowling posted a series of tweets on June 6 to her 14.5 million followers that made clear the author of the global bestselling “Harry Potter” book series does not believe that tran…

Rhetorical Questions - The Atlantic have been nine series of televised general-election debates. These started with Kennedy-Nixon in 1960, resumed with Ford-Carter in 1976, and have been a campaign fixture ever since.

But It's a Dry Heat | Online home of P. Kirby, urban ...www.patriciakirby.comApr 10, 2019 · Watching Independence Day: Resurgence, one can’t help but think that if the best that humankind has to offer, then the aliens would be doing the universe a solid by exterminating us.. I admit, the original movie had its appeal, a goofy, over-the-top, cheese-covered heart, which is sorely lacking in the sequel. Sure, Independence Day was populate with archetypes, but none were so ...

Youth with a Mission - Wikipedia late 1960, the name Youth with a Mission (YWAM) was chosen and the group embarked on their first project, a vocational mission trip. The result was that YWAM sent two men in their early twenties to Liberia to build a road through the jungle to a leper colony. This was the …

Matters of Race and Class: How 'Whiteness' is One of the, the militarization of police, the rise of the surveillance society, and how thug cops routinely abuse and violate the civil rights of the public (usually without any consequences) should be a concern for all Americans— especially true for white people because in absolute numbers they are the ones subjected to the most police violence.

You can't evict an idea whose time has come**You can't evict an idea whose time has come.** Two months ago a few hundred New Yorkers set up an encampment at the doorstep of Wall Street. Since then, Occupy Wall Street has become a national and even international symbol — with similarly styled occupations popping up in cities and towns across America and around the world.

P.M. Carpenter's blog | The Smirking 19, 2018 · This, from the Washington Post, was the headline news that came out of Trump's bizarre call-in to "Fox & Friends" yesterday morning: "Trump acknowledged Thursday for the first time that his longtime lawyer and fixer Michael Cohen represented him in efforts to silence Stormy Daniels…. Trump earlier this month denied any knowledge of the ...

Avedon's Sideshow: Though we really did try to make it 24, 2020 · This is The COVID-19 Daily Report for June 12, 2020.. The MLF is a $500 billion fund. Under the self-imposed rules of the emergency credit facilities (governed by Section 13(3) of the Federal Reserve Act), the $454 billion stake from Treasury authorized by the CARES Act must absorb losses from the loans they make.

Media Equality Project helps combat attacks on ... was the first of its kind in nearly three years. It comes two days after North Korea test fired a Scud type ballistic missile. That test was the latest in a string of recent North Korean ...

The Price for Criticizing Israel – Consortiumnews 19, 2017 · This is a throwback to a time before George W. Bush abolished the START treaties and others that were put together so painstakingly over so many …

Taking Back America the Constitutional Way - Capital ... 20, 2020 · Coburn argues for a convention of the states in his new book, Smashing the DC Monopoly: Using Article V to Restore Freedom and Stop America’s Runaway Government. Groups listed on the COS website as endorsers are the Association of Mature American Citizens, U.S. Term Limits, and the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Halfway There: The unpartnered my narrative has indicated, one of my cousins spent years wondering if he should come out of the closet. Another cousin was wondering if he was the only person in the 4-H club who loved his four-legged project just a little more than was generally considered proper for a farm boy (probably not).

My country (hard) right or wrong — Crooked Timber 13, 2020 · It was an on the fly solution to a dynamic set of problems, as you say. I think the reasons a general amnesty was not declared are the same reasons rule of law still has to apply to the military, wherever they are but perhaps especially within the UK. There are many atrocities that were not wrapped up in non-prosecution by the peace process.

Change of Subject: Obama gives Rezko story the life it has big question I have about the Rezko rumpus is this: Why in the world are there still questions? It was 15 months ago that the Tribune broke the story about the unusual but evidently quite legal real estate deal between U.S. Sen. Barack Obama and controversial businessman Tony Rezko.. The deal, involving the purchase of adjoining properties in Hyde Park, began in mid-2005.

LieberDem: DailyKos attempts a rebuttal 23, 2006 · DailyKos decided to put my story debunking the myth that Lieberman somehow betrayed Clinton on the front page of their website (I guess I should start by thanking Kos and Co. for driving some more traffic here). She called some of my arguments "absurd at best," accused me of trying to "rewrite history," and said that my pointing out Feingold's role in the impeachment era somehow constitutes ...

One Angry Man | The New Yorker 23, 2008 · The jeremiad against Bush was a signature Olbermann effort, the sort of stylized, mocking tirade that has lately made him a cable-news sensation, the Edward R. Murrow of the Angry Left.

Judge Orders 'Intentionally Deceptive' DOJ Lawyers To Take ... to the Daily Caller, "The judge overseeing the challenge by 26 states to President Obama's executive action in immigration has ordered all lawyers 'employed at the Justice Department in Washington, D.C. who appears, or seeks to appear, in a court (state or federal) in any of the 26 Plainti...

The Twitter Hack 15, 2020 · This is Phase 1 of something big they have planned for the election...and it’s no coincidence that it happens on the same day the hospitals start reporting directly to HHS AND Trump changes Campaign Managers. The others that were hacked were just a cover for a larger operation...especially Apple.

Flipboard: This is Not What Democracy Looks Like. This is ... Justice. This is Not What Democracy Looks Like. This is What EVOLUTION Looks Like. - BrewtownE. I have had this argument stirring in my mind for years, so I decided to invite y’all for a trip into my imagination.

I've Never Seen This Photo - Daddy 09, 2007 · It's by AP photographer Jean-Marc Bouju, who was embedded with the 101st Airborne Didvision. From the AP's press release: The photo was made during a rare moment of humanity in a war zone, Bouju said, when a father who had been taken prisoner by American troops was allowed to hold his 4-year-old son who also was taken when the man was arrested.

Dem wins easily in a pro-Trump district in Kentucky | all, a district Mitt Romney carried by 33 points in 2012, and which Donald Trump won by 49 points in 2016. The result was practically a foregone conclusion. At least it was right up ...

Health of thousands of U.S. citizen kids at risk due to ... consider the damage being done by the Trump administration every day as families wait for a decision on the DACA program. “This decision is one that has high stakes, not just for DACA recipients but for hundreds of thousands of U.S. citizen children who are critical to our nation’s future,” the Center for Law and Social Policy’s ...

War on labor will backfire | TheHill on labor will backfire By Markos Moulitsas — 02/22/11 11:00 PM EST The views expressed by contributors are their own and not the view of The Hill

Research 2000, DailyKos and Transparency | HuffPost 25, 2011 · Research 2000, DailyKos and Transparency. 06/29/2010 04:17 pm ET Updated May 25, 2011 ... a new blow to the credibility of public polling. ... I've only had time for a single quick read of the Research2000 analysis by Mark Grebner, Michael Weissman, and Jonathan Weissman. ...

keto pecan pie brillig dailykos 10 Best Kitchen Tips You''Cooked With Cannabis''ll be full all morning, and can keep your carbs in check at the same time. For more keto recipes, check out our favorite keto chicken recipes, keto fat bombs, or our Keto for Carb Lovers cookbook.

No More Mister Nice Blog: SEE YOU IN A FEW DAYS 09, 2020 · Sexy lingerie may be history; the ashes of an “acerbic” wit get abandoned again; and another newspaper is now on life support — all signs of a society screwed beyond belief.

Announcing NDesk.Options 0.2.1 - Jonathan Pryor's web argument handling support. This is useful for argument runs, in which the meaning of later options depends upon a prior argument, e.g.: mdoc-assemble--format=ecma A B --format=man C (where A and B are processed with --format=ecma in effect, while C is processed with --format=man in effect).

Did Sarah Palin Write Notes on Her Hand at the Tea Party ..., ironic. Moments after criticizing President Obama as "charismatic guy with a teleprompter" at the National Tea Party convention tonight, Sarah Palin sat down for a Q&A session—and ...

Alan Keyes' Family Values - Wonkette 27, 2004 · For a rampant homophobe, Alan Keyes sure does have a hot lesbian daughter. Actually, despite the best efforts of bloggers, there's no official confirmation from the Keyes campaign that this woman is either actually Keyes' daughter or if she's in fact a lesbian. But we'd totally do her.

Moulitsas: All-out war on women | TheHill All-out war on women By Markos Moulitsas — 04/05/16 07:18 PM EDT The views expressed by contributors are their own and not the view of The Hill

It’s Official! Lou Dobbs is the Undisputed “Most Deranged ... 05, 2018 · Charles Hurt, Washington Times: This is the entire problem that all of these people have. They all have been – have been peddling this fear-mongering, the end of the world nonsense. Dobbs: Actually, the United Nations really wants to go a little bit beyond being a, if you will, a debate club. They’d like to take over the world.

Works Cited - Fracking: Is Energy Independence Worth the ... Cited Ahearn, Ashley. "Managing Wastewater From Fracking, With Robert B. Jackson." Environmental Health Perspectives 120.2 (2012): 1-8. CINAHL Plus with Full Text...

The next assault on the South: ban the hoop skirt 15, 2015 · The University of Georgia banned hoop skirts?Apparently they did.. The hoop skirt ban came after UGA Student Affairs administrators met Monday with some UGA fraternity and sorority leaders, including representatives of the UGA chapters of Sigma Alpha Epsilon and Kappa Alpha fraternities, both of which have deep roots in the Southern Confederacy.

John Paul Stevens - His Character and Work – The Paragraph 26, 2019 · The book gives a good history and description of each problem. For a brief rundown and text of each of Stevens’s amendments, read “Justice Stevens Pens Six Amendments to Tune-Up Constitution.” Sources . Both Opinion and Quip Showed Justice …

Fight for the Future - News - 2020-02-13-letter-from-40 ... 13, 2020 · To school administrators: On behalf of leading consumer, privacy, and civil liberties organizations, we are calling on administrations to commit to not using facial recognition technology (for non-personal reasons, e.g. when used to unlock personal phones) in schools.

Eschaton: It's Morning In America Again's Morning In America Again. Geithner: This is still a very tough economy. For a lot of people, it's going to feel very hard — harder than anything they've experienced in a lifetime now — for some time to come. by Atrios at 15:15.

Headline Smasher | Trump White House Could Be a Hell of a ... headlines are copyrighted by their respective owners. This is a parody of news headlines.

Demand a 2016 Election Day Holiday! is unacceptable for a country founded on the bold idea of a democracy for and by the people. Instead of taking actions to make voting more accessible, some in positions of power are implementing more and more voter suppression tactics, most of which resulted from the Supreme Court’s gutting of the historic Voting Rights Act.

Public Enemy #1 | The Worried Journalist 22, 2017 · If you don't hear from me for a while, it's because of this call I received TWICE today: "Hi. This is the tax crime investigation unit of IRS. The reason you are receiving this prerecorded message is to notify you that IRS has issued an arrest warrant against you. Right now you and your physical…

Sen. Shawn Mitchell's strange brew: Beer enjoyment creates 16, 2010 · Top-popper. Cork-screwer. Can-opener. Cap-twister. Call it what you want, a job most college graduates would actually be qualified to perform under an amendment offered today by Sen. Shawn Mitchell, R-Broomfield. The idea came during debate on HB 1170, a bill that would close a loophole in current law that prevents patrons in luxury boxes in Colorado from opening their own …

AlterNet - Facebook 919,208 likes · 103,512 talking about this. AlterNet is an online community that publishes original journalism and amplifies the best of hundreds of other independent media sources.

Keith Olbermann: A Special Comment From My Father | Crooks Keith's diary over at Daily KOS, A Special Comment From My Father: Last Friday night, my father asked me to kill him. This is not the central fact around which tomorrow's health care summit at Blair House will, or should, revolve.

Etiquette for a Runny Nose | Synonym runny nose due to allergies or a cold is uncomfortable enough on its own. When you add the glares you get from passersby as you snivel your snot, it becomes even more unbearable. Using the proper ...

No Right Turn: Some belated scrutiny 05, 2020 · On Wednesday morning, Parliament passed the COVID-19 Public Health Response Act 2020.Because it was passed under urgency, the Act did not receive the usual select committee scrutiny. But today the government moved a motion to have it scrutinised by the Finance and Expenditure Committee, with a report-back date of 27 July - just a few days before the Act's first 90-day renewal comes up for a …

Coalition Statement Supporting Tribal Lawsuits Against Support of Tribal Lawsuits Against US Army Corps Permits for the Dakota Access Pipeline. August 3, 2016. SIGNED BY: Camp of the Sacred Stones, Indigenous Environmental Network, Honor the Earth,, Bold Alliance: Bold Nebraska, Bold Iowa, Bold Oklahoma and Bold Louisiana, Modern Day Warriors, Fort Berthold Protectors of Water and Earth Rights, 100 Grannies for a Livable Future ...

Companies that use React.js in the Bay Area 18, 2019 · This is a map and list of companies that use React.js in the Bay Area These are companies in the Bay Area that code with React.js. React.js is a popular Javascript developed by Facebook and open sourced to the public in 2013.

Fox News turns against independent media, praises ... his credit, Knutsson did say he didn’t think it was appropriate for “a guy like Mark Zuckerburg” — Facebook’s founder — to be in the business of filtering (censoring) what users see. But then he goes on to say it’s just fine if Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, wants to. “This is a filter.

Focusing on the Amazon in a Time of Maximum Distraction 08, 2019 · The Amazon rainforest is on fire. The Arctic, along with parts of Alaska, Siberia, and British Columbia, have burned this summer or are continuing to burn. The conflagrations destroying the forests of the northernmost parts of the world are a result of the effects of climate change.

Trump throws Hail Mary pass in desperate attempt to save ... 13, 2019 · For the first time in state history, every citizen had access to affordable health insurance. It was wildly popular, over a million people registered, and the state’s uninsured rate dropped from ...

The Associate Professor Blues - Tenured Radical - The ... Potter's is the first book to look at the structural, legal, and cultural aspects of J. Edgar Hoover's war on crime in the 1930s, a New Deal campaign which forged new links between ...

3 of 5 essays: What's the real reason Villaraigosa kicked ... week ago I published a series of essays to the Occupy Los Angeles list serv about our eviction from the Los Angeles city Hall Park on November 30th. They evoked a lively discussion on the list. My plan is to use this material in a larger piece designed for a more distant readership.

Crooked Timber — Out of the crooked timber of humanity, no ... first was prompted by reading an obituary of Anthony Burgess which revealed that he used to write 1000 words every day and then retire to a cafe for a martini. Though I skip the martini part, this works well as a way of making progress on a project over a longish period during which there are other demands on time.

How 'woke' is the left? - Quora think the term “woke” is simply an attempt to appeal to the youth by normalizing substandard English usage. That said, the left is as active as it has been in recent memory. However, it is the fringe that is making the noise. I believe that the ...

Alex Jones And Matt Drudge: The Most Bizarre Interview You ... 08, 2015 · Matt Drudge is just confused. Maybe it’s just that Drudge is the biggest fan of that 1970s Saturday morning TV series, The Secrets of Isis, and clearly, he just decided that ISIS members are all fans of this incredible program or worshipers of the character or maybe the actress who played her (which is totally understandable).Drudge doesn’t exactly know why they’re killing everybody, but ...

Devil Deals - The Daily Reckoning 27, 2011 · Let’s see, if you’re going to get rid of the Bill of Rights, you might as well get rid of the First Amendment as well as the rest of them. Don’t worry; the feds are on the case.

What Movie Did You See? A Response to Emily Yoffe's Review ... 03, 2015 · Claire Potter's is the first book to look at the structural, legal, and cultural aspects of J. Edgar Hoover's war on crime in the 1930s, a New Deal campaign which forged new links between ...

memeorandum: Tomi Lahren to The View: 'I'm Pro-Choice ...'s budget makes perfect sense and will fix America, and I will tell you why — Some people are complaining that the budget proffered by the Trump administration, despite its wonderful macho-sounding name, is too vague and makes all sorts of cuts to needed programs in favor of increasing military spending by leaps and bounds.

One Year After the Orlando Nightclub Shooting, Solidarity ... 12, 2017 · On the morning of June 12, 2016, I awoke to the horrifying, devastating news that there had been a mass shooting at an LGBTQ nightclub in Orlando, Florida. The scope of the tragedy was not yet clear at that point, but I already had feelings of dreadful sadness wash over me. I remember sobbing as I told my own partner what had happened at Pulse.Forty-nine lives, overwhelmingly

Pictures from the Floating World | Slog | The Stranger ... Goldman Sachs boss will see his annual paycheck shrink from last year’s $38 million to a paltry $183,500 once he takes over the job of Treasury secretary. But don’t shed too many tears for Paulson. He has amassed quite a fortune—a roughly $700 million equity stake in …

The Five Stupidest Habits You Develop Growing Up Poor are the new model minority in less than a generation. They are also the next group to transition into whiteness. Once you connect those dots all of elementary. Blacks folks by definition are "unassimilable." Ironic huh? Among the first people here, got a "black president" and you are still marginalized. February 6, 2013 at 10 ...

Crooked Timber — Out of the crooked timber of humanity, no ... the time left to save the planet from uncontrolled climate change gets shorter and shorter, the previously glacial pace of movement on the issues has speeded up. One of the most important, and surprising, developments has been a string of increasingly sharp attacks on coal, coming from representatives of major oil and gas companies.

Rev. Joe Dirt, Author at Curmudgeon a moment of unparalleled national humiliation, of weakness. “When you listen to the President, these are the musings of an imbecile. An idiot. And I don’t use those words to name call. I use them because they are the precise words of the English language to …

South Florida Conservative Talk Show Host Joyce Kaufman of the most notable Tea Party Movement favorites who won election to the House of Representatives last week was Allen West, a Lieutenant Colonel in the Army, who was forced to leave the military after inappropriate treatment of a prisoner In Iraq in 2003, and who has been associated with right wing, pro gun groups! With large amounts of money, including support from Karl Rove associated ...

Balloon Juice | For a good game 03, 2019 · The Rams won the toss, the Patriots will get the ball and we’re off. And for a #AGoodGame Tomorrow night I’ll be donating $100 for every Patriots touchdown and $50 for every field goal to the Loyola Immigrant Justice Clinic as part of the #AGoodGame campaign. There are lots of other ideas for places to …

climate change Archives - Albertideation 17, 2019 · It was the first time some neighbors who’d lived on the block for years had ever met one another. And, the mix of generations was awesome to experience, too. On another day I gave a lesson in “birthday autoresponders” to 2 local 13-year olds while their parents watched.

Today's Teamster News For February 3, 2016 | Teamsters 03, 2016 · Here are the news items of interest to Teamsters for today, February 3, 2016.

Capitol Briefing - In Upset, Tenn. Incumbent Loses on Oil 08, 2008 · Get 2 points for answering a question and 10 points for a best answer. can we send sms to mobile by using this? 0 Stars In Other - News & Events - Asked by Rohen W - 1 answer - 17 minutes ago i want to know what was the question asked in today show of EARTH MATTERS shown don DD NATIONAL dated 10/08/08

Overcoming Resistance to Voting Blue: From “Vote blue no ... 11, 2020 · This is not a post meant to gloat over, pick at, or even analyze Bernie’s demise. I’ve looked at the issue from one angle in another post and there will be time for a full autopsy of what happened later. Right now is the time to start the healing process and work towards bring the party back together after a bitter primary fight between ...

LA en vie: Food and Drink night we went out to a nice restaurant for Mother's Day. It was run by real Italians and was the best meal I have had since moving to L.A. Also, the portions were small and we had four courses without too much food. It was wonderful. But we arrived at eight and shortly afterwards, everyone around us got up and left! Such an early town.

Indomitable | The online home of Chauncey DeVega: What 03, 2014 · And the state prosecutor (who is really a puppeteer to the grand jury) reviews 1,2,3 and says "Nope, what we expect of police in America. Righteous kill. Keep it up" - no probable cause to charge that a possible crime has occurred. December 3, 2014 at 4:29 PM

The Johnsville News: Nifong/Mangum Hoax — June 10, 2007 10, 2007 · Nifong/Mangum Hoax — June 10, 2007. ... This is like the first round of a fight with Mike Tyson. The decision has already been made. ... One of his major victories was the 1988 conviction of a teen who brutally stabbed a nurse to death, raped her and assaulted her 7-year-old daughter.

The Mental Programming Of Our Children » The Mental ... 01, 2014 · This is the goal of the establishment, to breakdown the independent thought of our children and turn them into establishment conformists. From the 'common core' programs to other curriculums, the 'system' is  very effective in 'conditioning' our once free thinking and curious children. It's up to all of us to teach our children to think 'out of the box'. It is imperative that we make our ...

Don’t forget about Pasadena – Off the 05, 2015 · This is a chance to unseat a couple of his minions, however, and if there’s a good local opportunity for anyone upset with the 2014 elections to focus on, it’s here. The Texas Organizing Project did a lot of good work in trying to defeat the 2013 redistricting referendum, and with a little more help they might have succeeded.

Get More Smarter on Tuesday (May 8) - Colorado Pols 08, 2018 · Today is the 73rd anniversary of VE Day. It’s time to Get More Smarter. If you think we missed something important, please include the link in the comments below (here’s a good example). If you are more of a visual learner, check out The Get More Smarter Show. TOP…

The Election Blogging Guide (2006) - LinkedIn SlideShare 30, 2018 · React to a traditional media news items: Traditional media news items (from a newspaper, magazine, TV show, or radio program) are a great sources for a blog post. Remember, if you write a post commenting or criticizing a news item, include a link to the original article (if it is online).

–The Gap, the whole Gap and nothing but the Gap . . . so ... 06, 2013 · Twitter: @rodgermitchell; Search #monetarysovereignty Facebook: Rodger Malcolm Mitchell Laws: The more federal budgets are cut and taxes increased, the weaker an economy becomes. Austerity is the government’s method for widening the gap between rich and poor, which ultimately leads to civil disorder. Until the 99.9% understand the need for federal deficits, the upper .1% will…

The White Blight – Time to Take OUT the Whole Barrel of ... another fine example of Racist douchebaggery has occurred as an assault on a Mother in Georgia, and the resulting charges (or lack thereof) is a second assault. Racist motherfucker West was leaving “CRACKER Barrel” and whipped the door right into Tasha Hill’s 7 year old daughter’s face, and Tasha pulled her back just in time. Then she politely said ‘Excuse me sir, you need to ...

What is so important to hide on an original Hawaiian Birth ... 30, 2008 · This is the first attempt by an individual in over 200 years to usurp our country and rewrite the basic governmental rules of our forefathers. What other rules is he willing to violate? I hope the people wake up before it is too late or they will find a country of which they can no longer identify.

Sarah Palin continues to push a "Convention of States." An ... 04, 2014 · Courtesy of Benedict Annie's Facebook page : There was good news this week for grassroots patriots working to bring about a Convent...

IN LIGHT OF THE PHILLIP ALPERT CASE, MAYBE WE SHOULD ... you don't understand what is "constitutional", go hang yourselves in your bedsheets. From Original Article 02/02/2010 By J.D. Tuccille Much has been written -- for good reason -- about the tragic cases of people whose lives have been ruined by being classified and registered as "sex offenders" for consensual youthful liaisons with partners just a few months ...

Arright. This is going a bad direction even on DKos. 25, 2020 · There are a couple of interesting front page stories right now, one about Amazon warehouse workers who’ve tested positive and another about …

Every Child Deserves a Mother and a Father... | Slog | The ... Obviously an extreme case but my argument is fundamentally sound. To bring children into the world into a home where the mother and father are not married is putting the kids at risk. Same sex parents should also be married (if possible) or in a civil union (if possible).

Ruth Institute Blog » Why No Adoption in the DE case? Does ... 23, 2011 · A day late and a dollar short, as the saying goes, unless, of course, you can get the legislature to pass a retroactive law to address your particular case. The theory of retroactive laws and de facto relationships really could take family law in unintended new directions as I …

Does "Cult" Mean "Insanely Popular" in British? | Slog ... Telegraph has a list of the 50 best cult books. What are some books on the list? Slaughterhouse Five, The Bell Jar, The Catcher in the Rye, Jonathan Livingston Seagull, The Fountainhead, Dianetics, Dune and etc. and etc. and on and on.. Now, I’m not an expert on the British book scene, but I suspect that many of these books are just as well-known over there as they are over here.

Happy Birthday, Mr. President! What The Media Elite Wish ..., as the President turns 48 and a nation rejoices, let’s see how those in the fourth estate want to express their birthday wishes… Happy 48th birthday! (That’s 12 in Kenyan years.)

Low road, all traffic | TheHill road, all traffic By Markos Moulitsas — 01/06/09 05:53 PM EST The views expressed by contributors are their own and not the view of The Hill

HRC President Chad Griffin Talks HERO ... - Towleroad Gay News 19, 2015 · This entire episode took me back to when I reported in 2009 on the first-ever Senate hearing on the trans-inclusive Employment Nondiscrimination Act. The people who had organized it …

Tickle The Wireleak Archives - Tickle The named David Chaves as the agent who provided reporters with information about the investigation of gambler William “Billy” Walter, Huffington Post reports. Prosecutors said Chaves admitted he was a “significant source” of information to reporters at the New York Times and Wall Street Journal.

The tasks before the new Metro board – Off the light rail system represents the first thing the city has done since I first moved here that makes it easier for those of us who spend most of our time getting around inside the Loop to do so. I say the latter is as much a priority and a need as the former.

EXPOSED: Trump's Medical Supply Theft Hypocrisy 19, 2020 · Rachel Maddow has a rule of thumb for dealing with the Trump cabal that I like repeating, Don’t pay attention to what they say, pay attention to what they do. But after 5 1/2 years of living in Trump’s slum tenement brain, I have my own rule of thumb that has yet to fail me; When Trump does something stupid, to understand, first ask how it benefits him personally. You have to remember ...

At Thanksgiving, We Thank The Lord For American Studies ... Potter's is the first book to look at the structural, legal, and cultural aspects of J. Edgar Hoover's war on crime in the 1930s, a New Deal campaign which forged new links between ...

The Back Forty » The Keating Five: a McCain’s attack dog, the first pit bull in recorded history to wear lipstick, is yapping about William Ayers and Jeremiah Wright, Obama at noon today opened a new web site devoted to informing people about the Keating Five and McCain’s connection to the last major banking meltdown, showing how it relates to the current one.

Muslim Student Association › 2.0: The Blogmocracy Irvine recommends suspension of campus’ Muslim student group University officials recommend the suspension after members disrupted a speech by the Israeli ambassador earlier this year, heightening a debate about free speech that has roiled the campus.. UPDATING as i get more info… The decision appears to be the first in recent memory at UC recommending the ban of a student group for ...

Man in the Dark: A Novel (Paperback) | Carmichael's Bookstore Washington Post Best Book of the Year "Man in the Dark is an undoubted pleasure to read. Auster really does possess the wand of the enchanter."--Michael Dirda, The New York Review of Books From a "literary original" (The Wall Street Journal) comes a book that forces us to confront the blackness of night even as it celebrates the existence of ordinary joys in a world capable of the most ...

memeorandum: A Good Man Is Getting Even Harder to Find ... Climbing Competition to Take Place at Red River Gorge, October 11-12 — This is amazing. — Many in the climbing community were amused a couple weeks ago when our POTUS held a press conference at a section of his latest border wall design—a series of parallel square steel posts with a 5-foot-high plate at the top.

1 | January | 2020 | News Corpse 01, 2020 · With both the Senate’s impeachment hearing and a national election on the horizon, Trump’s surly mood will undoubtedly return with the gusto of starving MAGAts in a bucket of KFC extra crispy. One thing Trump will can rely on is that Fox News will be there in 2020 to shield him from criticism and to smear his foes, just as they were in 2019.

Israel Reveals the Nuclear Ambiguity Policy of Dimona ... 21, 2014 · Shimon Peres: Dimona reactor was ‘first step to Oslo’ Exactly 11 years after the Declaration of Independence, on May 8, 1959, Yedioth Ahronoth printed a less-than-ordinary headline: “An atomic reactor is being built in the south; to become operational this year.” The report was about the nuclear reactor in Nahal Sorek, near Jerusalem. A year […]

Colorado Communities Sue ExxonMobil & Suncor Oil For ... Communities Sue ExxonMobil & Suncor Oil For Climate Change Costs. ... Boulder seeks to force ExxonMobil and SunCor to be financially responsible for the costs they will bear in the future as the result of climate change. Others have sued fossil fuel companies in the past, but this is the first time a legal challenge has been mounted by ...

24 | May | 2009 | The Lunch Counter 24, 2009 · Daily archive for May 24, 2009. On May 21, 2009, former vice president Richard B. Cheney, a member of the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research and a member of their Board of Trustees, spoke at AEI on the serious and ongoing threat terrorism poses to the United States.

Financial Transaction Tax Could Save the State -- and 15, 2015 · Op-Ed Wed Jul 15 2015 Financial Transaction Tax Could Save the State -- and Clean Up the Exchanges. By Curtis Black. A lot of taxes are being proposed — sales taxes, property taxes, income taxes — as the state's budget stalemate grinds on and the city's financial crisis metastasizes.

White canadian christians refused entry into the USA, page is explained in the article that it was not the first time they would go there to bring support. On this occasion, however, the group was told that, as foreigners, they would be taking American jobs, and that there was no pressing need for relief work anyway this long after Hurricane Sandy hit the region in 2012.

Obama Begins Air-Raiding Villages & Killing Innocent civilians were killed and a soldier wounded in roadside bomb blast in Pakistan’s Swat Valley on Friday as the government pondered its options for wresting control of the valley from Islamist militants. ... 2 Responses to Obama Begins Air-Raiding Villages & Killing Innocent Civilians.

'Biggest Gerrymandering Case In A Generation' Could Have ... panel of federal judges on Wednesday advanced what an expert says could be “the biggest gerrymandering case in a generation”—one that could have nationwide implications for elections and ...

Defining Post-Constitutional America - Shadowproof 05, 2015 · As regular readers of this blog know, a central theme of mine is Post-Constitutional America, the third great era of our history. The Way It Was In the first era, the colonial years, a unitary ...

Google in the bookselling biz - The Millions 13, 2006 · Google in the bookselling biz. The Future of the Book ... providing a pool of talent and a new voice to book review sections that were shrinking and stultified.This is a big deal. Bloggers have helped create a new literary discourse that benefits readers, writers, and critics – a place where reading and discussing books for pleasure can ...

Death to bothsidesism » Nieman Journalism Lab Amditis Collaborative journalism takes its rightful place at the table. Meg Marco Everything happens somewhere. Monique Judge The year to organize, unionize, and fight. Madelyn Sanfilippo and Yafit Lev-Aretz News coverage gets geo-fragmented. Knight Foundation Five generations of journalists, learning from each other. Zizi Papacharissi A president leads, the press follows, reality fades

Eleanor Duckwall's Spotlight: How about a good cow fight? tradition goes back to the 17th century, although the first official fight was organized in 1923. The official season ends every year in Martigny in October. PETA members won't be thrilled about the "exploitation," but according to the Spiegel article , the moo fighters are not hurt, but I would like clarification on the last point: "If a ...

Trump lawyer accuses Hunter Biden of going on fishing trip ... 30, 2020 · First, a little background: 1) As Florida’s attorney general, Pam Bondi, who is now accusing Joe Biden of corruptly interfering with an investigation to …

House retirements show how Trump is splitting the GOP eight members -- less than half of those retirements -- hail from districts where Trump was more popular than the national average. These tallies are computed using data compiled by Daily Kos Elections, and the results are the same when comparing against the median district vote for Trump.

Article: Pharma's Best Salespeople? Patients Who "Kill the ... 24, 2017 · Thanks to aggressive Pharma marketing, seven out of ten Americans now take a prescription drug and many of the drugs are far from safe. * 100 people a day die in the US from opioids.

Tina Vasquez | Medium, The Boston Globe, Bustle Journalist ... — In February or March of 2018, Jane Doe was taken into ICE custody and detained at the Houston Processing Center for approximately three months. On the afternoon of June 1, 2018, she says she and two other detained women were transferred to an isolated cell where they were held for hours before three men in plainclothes appeared around midnight with their faces covered.

Why a peaceful, people's revolution is the ... - opednews.com 19, 2010 · Article: Why a peaceful, people's revolution is the only way to take back our government - A short, clear, cogent argument for a peaceful revolution.

“Lean In”…a little closer…a little closer… 13, 2013 · All women behave differently in their careers. Some are the quiet types that get things done behind the scenes. Some are the loud, brassy, take-control types that get in there and kick ass and kick it hard. Some women sit at the board room table arms folded and others take notes. Some sit at the head of the table and tell others what to do.

Knowing Russia intends to hack Midterms, GOP fires key ... 24, 2018 · Backing up a bit, in mid-February, Masterson expressed his strong concern over the election manipulation issue. “The threat is real and the response needs to be robust and coordinated,” said Matthew Masterson, chairman of the Election Assistance Commission, an independent agency of the U.S. government that provides information about how to administer elections.

Trump and Pence's $7 million bribe to Carrier officially ... of the biggest lies Donald Trump has told is that he saved jobs from being shipped overseas, before even taking office. It's a high bar to reach, given the regularity with which he lies about everything from the relatively mundane and easily debunked — like where President Barack Obama was born, to the far more dangerous ones, like whether he tried to shut down the FBI's investigation ...

Democracy for New Mexico: Two Citizens File Complaint response to this news, Rep. Elias Barela, who currently represents the 8th District, said in a statement released today, “It appears as though Julian Luna is breaking two laws, by working at his state job while he campaigns, and also by refusing to file the campaign reports that are the only way the public knows who is giving him money and ...

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DailyKos – Alternet.org Graham’s own words get thrown back in his face in devastating attack ad. Facebook Twitter Google + Instagram Pinterest Youtube Snapchat. Most Popular. 1.

Trump retools campaign slogan to 'It's China's Fault ... the “Keep America Great” slogan that originally anchored the rollout of Trump’s reelection bid a little over a year ago. The campaign has rightly concluded that slogan doesn’t exactly fit the present state of play. Now, as Trump works diligently to convince Americans he’s already been robbed of reelection, he’s also reminding them that the impending loss wasn’t his fault.

PATHETIC: Attack Dog Trump Snarls at Dr. Birx for Daring ... 03, 2020 · In addition to his tweet attack on Birx, Trump also praised himself for his tragic mishandling of the Coronavirus pandemic, lied again about cases being created by testing, ranted about the “fake” news, indulged in his obsession with TV ratings, and bragged about the puny crowds who attended his event in “Frorida.”

Tickle The WireFederal Agents Deployed to St. Louis And ... 07, 2020 · The initiative is named after LeGend Taliferro, a 4-year-old boy who was shot and killed in his sleep in Kansas City in June. Print This Post Posted: 8/7/20 at …

Desertion in the desert | TheHill in the desert By Markos Moulitsas — 04/20/10 09:16 PM EDT The views expressed by contributors are their own and not the view of The Hill

FBI Arrests Army Veteran After Finding 4 Pipe Bombs in His 07, 2020 · FBI agents arrested a 53-year-old Army veteran in Colorado for allegedly planning to use pipe bombs against law enforcement officers who tried to seize his weapons.

JUST IN: Donald Trump STIFFS Veterans After Raising $6 ... 08, 2016 · The Trump Foundation has only raised $75,000 for veterans in the past 6 years, so to Donald, the $2.4 million that actually was disbursed is likely more than he ever expected to give veterans in his lifetime. The Daily KOS gave this eloquent remark:

Trump Agrees that John Bolton ‘Failed in His Duty to ... 20, 2020 · Trump Agrees that John Bolton ‘Failed in His Duty to Protect America’ – from Trump Posted by Mark NC on June 20, 2020 at 12:26 pm. 2 Comments : There is nothing more predictable than Donald Trump freaking out over some well-deserved criticism, particularly when it comes from respected conservatives who Trump believes should be groveling ...

Funny Dick Cheney Pictures and Photos 13, 2020 · View a collection of funny Dick Cheney pictures, including cartoons, fake photos, parodies, and funny captioned pictures of Dick Cheney.

Interrogator One | American Civil Liberties Union 08, 2010 · Interrogator One’s name is a matter of public record. Banning the use of his name now—when it was widely reported long ago—serves no apparent purpose other than to raise more questions about the transparency and illegitimacy of the Guantánamo military commissions.

Newsalert: Jesse Jackson Compares Trump to Hitler ... 29, 2020 · Jesse Jackson in his Chicago Sun-Times column brings up Hitler:“Hitler had his Brown shirts and Mussolini had his Black shirts, now Donald Trump has his camouflage shirts.” Thus began a statement signed by 15 distinguished interdenominational religious leaders in Chicago that I joined, including ministers, priests, and rabbis.

The Daily Beast - Home | Facebook’t it uncanny? Comedian J-L Cauvin tells @lastlaughpod in this exclusive interview that he never writes out what he’s going to say in his videos because “Teleprompter Trump” doesn’t like to be scripted. “Its like somebody is punishing him when they make him read.” Go to The Daily Beast website for the full interview.

Trends | People-Powered News president Donald Trump has decided to take his own hostage in the next coronavirus stimulus bill: Social Security. "We're not doing anything without a payroll tax cut," he said in a Fox News interview Sunday. That's exactly the kind of policy...

Obama Campaign Warns GOP Against Selecting Rubio For VP 22, 2012 · That’s a far cry from the 40% that George W. Bush received in his narrow victory in 2004. Last week, I wrote about the rapid growth of the Hispanic population in a number of crucial swing states. I concluded that the GOP nominee will need a minimum of 35-40% of the Hispanic vote to be competitive in November, and that Marco Rubio offers the ...

It's hard to be a man in the #MeToo #TimesUp era. And it ... 29, 2018 · Yes, it's hard to be a man in the #MeToo #TimesUp era. And it should be. Men are not 'under attack' — not unless you think it’s an 'attack' when a …

2016 United States Senate election in Louisiana - Wikipedia 2016 United States Senate election in Louisiana took place on November 8, 2016, to elect a member of the United States Senate to represent the State of Louisiana, concurrently with the 2016 U.S. presidential election, as well as other elections to the United States Senate in other states and elections to the United States House of Representatives and various state and local …

Discover Voting Rights Act Of 1965 Books - Scribd the best Voting Rights Act Of 1965 books and audiobooks. Learn from Voting Rights Act Of 1965 experts like Scribd Government Docs and U.S. Government. Read Voting Rights Act Of 1965 books like SENATE HEARING, 109TH CONGRESS - S. Hrg. 109-397, PT. 1 CONFIRMATION HEARINGS ON FEDERAL APPOINTMENTS and History of the Civil Rights …

"but it can end in a dream!" CNN settles with Nick Sandmann 07, 2020 · Probably more about legal fees since when you have to pay a PR firm to support your lawfare, there are a lot of expenses. xCNN settles $275M lawsuit with Covington Catholic student Nick Sandman...

‘They’re not talking about racism’: Trump defends ... 19, 2020 · If you have difficulty getting through interviews with Donald Trump. Brace yourself for his latest. On Fox News Sunday, Trump discussed a variety of topics with host Chris Wallace this morning including his take on the Confederate flag. Not only did he defend his stance against removing Confederate symbols and statutes throughout the country, but he added the flag did …

DHS forced to apologize after arguments on banning New ... in February, before Donald Trump started punishing states by withholding protective gear and ventilators, he needed another way to punish his former home state. In retaliation for New York’s refusal to share all driver’s license information with ICE and DHS, residents of the state were banned from Global Entry programs designed to speed Americans through airports.

Bernie Madoff News, Articles, Stories & Trends for Today - Matt Stock. The SEC’s whistleblower program was spurred, in part, by the Bernie Madoff investment scandal. Tuesday marks the 10th anniversary of the Dodd-Frank …

Daily helps synonyms, daily helps antonyms - FreeThesaurus.com for daily helps in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for daily helps. 23 synonyms for daily: every day, day by day, day after day, once a day, per diem, everyday, regular, circadian, diurnal, quotidian, day-to-day, common.... What are synonyms for daily helps?

Spoiler if you haven’t played any of xenosaga 2! Shion’s ... sure you follow the rules. If it doesn't, your submission may be removed! I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

Donald Trump recently promised to support Article XII of ... has been widely pointed out, there is no Article XII in the Constitution. Trump is talking nonsense, as usual, and cannot explain himself coherently. But it is pernicious, dangerous nonsense. Most of what Trump promises violates the Constitutio...

Mayoral election in Jamestown, North Carolina (2019 ...,_North_Carolina_(2019)Jul 19, 2019 · The city of Jamestown, North Carolina, held a general election for mayor on November 5, 2019.A primary was scheduled for October 8, 2019, but it was canceled when only two candidates filed to run in the election. The filing deadline for this election was July 19, 2019.

GitHub - dailykos/fastly-config to dailykos/fastly-config development by creating an account on GitHub.

Governor Tells Supporters To Forgo Buying Children ... AP. The War On Christmas may actually be happening this year, but it’s being waged by an unlikely culprit: Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R).. Last week, Walker’s campaign sent an …

Police Seize ‘Large Amount’ Of Weapons From Blogger Who ... 20, 2011 · Police in Arlington, MA this week seized a “large amount” of weapons and ammunition from local businessman Travis Corcoran after he wrote a blog post threatening U.S. lawmakers in the wake of the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ). In a post on his blog (which has since been removed) titled “1 down and 534 to go” — 1 referring to Giffords and …

Why one vaccine is already a sure loser, and also a sure ... 24, 2020 · One of those is the widely discussed Oxford vaccine that’s heading into testing in three countries now, with more to come. Those trials could have early results as soon as September.

Florida forced medical examiners to stop reporting death ... 28, 2020 · As the firing of Dr. Rebekah Jones made clear, Florida has only continued to hide and alter more information over time. And it seems there really was something to hide. Multiple tweets have pointed out that Florida is one of several states where a particular category of deaths that have happened in 2020 represents a sharp increase over past years.

What an odd coincidence. Russia and servers and Trump and ... 01, 2016 · On Oct. 31, Slate published a nerd-fascinating story about a server in the Trump Organization communicating with two servers in a Russian bank with connections to Putin. How this odd exchange between the servers was discovered is the bulk of the story and the author, Franklin Foer, does an excellent job of trying to connect the dots in a meaningful pattern without devolving into conspiracy ...

Here’s a brutal look at what Trump is doing to the US ... 15, 2020 · George Floyd was not the first unarmed Black person to die at the hands, so to speak, of a police officer. We already know he won’t be the last (say his …

Spy who came in from the gold: Details show CIA lost ... additional information appears, it’s clear that the intelligence operative extracted from Russia in 2017 was a major player, a source who had provided the United States with direct intelligence from inside the Kremlin for decades. Overnight, both CNN, which broke the original story, and The New York Times are providing additional information that shows the […]

Farm kills millions of bees with illegal pesticide ... 30, 2013 · As the Post reports, “The $1,500 state fine last week is believed to be the first time a Florida citrus grower was cited in connection with a bee kill.” But the fine could have been a lot ...

Discover the Networks | Anna Burger called “the most powerful woman in the labor movement” by Fortune magazine and nicknamed the “Queen of Labor,” Anna Burger is dedicated to building the progressive movement in the United States and has helped to shape the progressivism of the New Labor movement.. The daughter of a teamster truck driver and a nurse, Burger was born on September 27, 1950 in Levittown, Pennsylvania.

Clever Idea of the Day from Olympia: Screw the BIAW | Slog ... josh seems to have a different sort of ethics, and that's going easy. there's countless times where he'll ignore comment question or stock up some weird counter alibi of a post to follow later. but it's obvious he cares LITTLE about what WE THE CONSUMERS OF SLOG think. just as long as you keep coming back to read his cute opinion. going hard, i leave it that, he's a weasly cunt.

Studies Prove that Watching Fox News Increases Coronavirus ... 25, 2020 · The end result, according to one of the studies, is that infection and mortality rates are higher in places where one pundit who initially downplayed the severity of the pandemic — Fox News’s Sean Hannity — reaches the largest audiences. In other words, watching Fox News actually amplifies the mortality rate of an already deadly disease.

Tickle The WireIndianapolis Archives - Tickle The Wire Steve Neavling A millionaire heiress was murdered in 1977, and investigators found her cash buried in an Arizona desert. According to the Indianapolis Star, an FBI agent who was investigating the case may have stolen a large chunk of her money and hidden it in a Swiss bank account, according to the Indianapolis Star. During the investigation, about $1.6 million of Majorie ...

Sarah Palin Derangement Syndrome: The Show Must Go On, And ... 07, 2009 · Sarah Palin is stupid. She is a self-gratifying narcissist, a terrible mother, a terrible governor, and a frankly demented human being. And the very same people who are saying all that are simultaneously absolutely outraged that she is stepping down as governor. Apparently, the left wants stupid, self-gratifying, narcissistic, and demented people to stay in…

Climate Change: The Next Generation: George Monbiot: The ... we see records being broken and unprecedented events such as this, the onus is on those who deny any connection to climate change to prove their case.

Bill Kristol | Start Thinking Right Palin is stupid. She is a self-gratifying narcissist, a terrible mother, a terrible governor, and a frankly demented human being. And the very same people who are saying all that are simultaneously absolutely outraged that she is stepping down as governor. Apparently, the left wants stupid, self-gratifying, narcissistic, and demented people to stay in office.

Chicago police 'statement' another weird twist to United ... 11, 2017 · After a few more email rounds and a long phone call with Guglielmi, what I was able to glean was that, at 10 p.m. Sunday, about four hours after the incident, an unnamed spokesman at …

Tickle The WireTimes Square Archives - Tickle The Wire 07, 2019 · The man known as the Times Square Bomber planned to set off an additional bomb two weeks later, according to court papers filed by prosecutors Wednesday, which urged the judge to give Faisal Shahzad a life sentence. The papers, a sentencing memorandum, said that Shahazd hoped to kill 40 people in the first bombing, which ended up being a dud.

Studies Prove that Watching Fox News Increases Coronavirus ... 25, 2020 · The end result, according to one of the studies, is that infection and mortality rates are higher in places where one pundit who initially downplayed the severity of the pandemic — Fox News’s Sean Hannity — reaches the largest audiences. In other words, watching Fox News actually amplifies the mortality rate of an already deadly disease.

National Slampoon's "Trumper Vacation" 10, 2019 · I swear, I’m not really that big of a dumb ass. But can I help it if every time I reach a totally logical conclusion, some paddlefoot comes clomping in and demolishes the whole thing, like it’s a six-year-old’s sand castle? Although it seems like forever ago in the Land of the Misfit Mango, it was only a couple of weeks ago that I wrote that the battle lines for the 2020 August recess ...

Florida Governor Pulls Off "Big Con' by Undereporting ... 29, 2020 · As the firing of Dr. Rebekah Jones made clear, Florida has only continued to hide and alter more information over time. And it seems there really was something to hide. Multiple tweets have pointed out that Florida is one of several states where a particular category of deaths that have happened in 2020 represents a sharp increase over the past ...

Bernie Sanders wins support of Nevada's largest teachers ... 14, 2020 · This is the second major union endorsement for Bernie in an early state in the past 3 days, the first being from SEIU Local 1984, New Hampshire’s …

Daily Bucket: Herons and Egrets of Texas 16, 2020 · In fact, this was the first shot that I’ve ever gotten of one. Indeed, I saw him behind a tree and thought he was a Yellow Crowned Night Heron and …

Sean Hannity calls Tea Partiers "Tim McVeigh wannabes" and ... 01, 2010 · The Daily Kos is just that [left wing propaganda] and to spend more than a minute at their site would be a waste of time. They don't deserve to be cited because they're so laughable. Actually their hatred isn't laughable, it's pretty sad. They can't be moderate and unbiased; they're out to slam the right before the first syllable is even typed.

Merry Kwanzaa, A Little History | The Lunch Counter 29, 2008 · Each snake head stood for one of the SLA’s revolutionary principles: Umoja, Kujichagulia, Ujima, Ujamaa, Nia, Kuumba and Imani – the exact same seven “principles” of Kwanzaa. Kwanzaa was the result of a ’60s psychosis grafted onto the black community.

Toxic Spills: Ecuador’s Example for Tennessee on Making ... 01, 2009 · In April 2008, Cabrera’s team concluded that Texaco’s mishandling of waste until 1990 was the main cause of the pollution. It proposed a cleanup of 916 pits and underground aquifers. The report pegged total damages at $16 billion. The team reviewed studies by San Sebastian, the Spanish doctor, and a group of government health workers.

Brace yourself for the latest COVID-19 predictions: You’re ... was the second day the nation logged over 70,000 cases in a day. It was also the first time the United States recorded over 1,000 deaths from COVID-19 since June 9. To say that Mike Pence’s “no second wave” op-ed is going to be recorded as one of the …

1694 Best Women Fighting For Social Justice images | Women ... 15, 2019 - Explore sfuscone's board "Women Fighting For Social Justice", followed by 900 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about Women in history, Women, Women fight.1.7K pins899 followers

Article: Wrong About Weed - Blacks & Marijuana Myths on 4 ... Wrong About Weed - Blacks & Marijuana Myths on 4/20 - The myths that have mangled public understandings of marijuana are not limited to conservative whites. Many black leaders perpetuate ...

memeorandum: After Cohen's hearing, the BuzzFeed bombshell ... the Left Can't Stand The New York Times — Every morning that I'm not hungover, I wake up around 8am, because that is when my two cats start howling for breakfast.I feed them, make coffee, and walk barefoot and unwashed (mug in hand) through my apartment building's common hallway to the front door …

Article: West Hollywood: City Built on Rent Control ... 26, 2009 · Article: West Hollywood: City Built on Rent Control Celebrates 25th Anniversary - Twenty-five years ago members of the Coalition for Economic Survival (CES) rejoiced after a …

The Rumblings of a Deranged Buffalo: Tuesday Grab Bag: The ... preview of the first round action against UConn will drop Thursday morning, with hopefully many more to come in the following days and weeks. But, for now, it's grab bag time! Today in the bag, I'm talking the drowsy Pac-12 final, my All-Tournament Team and Best Band in Vegas awards, my view of the Buffs' NCAA Tournament seeding, and a ...

BIRTH OF A BLOG: GUERILLA MARKETING, EFFECTIVE USE OF ... 26, 2006 · Birth of a Blog: Guerilla Marketing, Effective Use of Technology and Good Content Win the Day by pam ashlund A funny thing happened when I started using Technorati. All I wanted was a quick way to see who (if ANYONE) was linking to my blog. First, I had to sign up with one of these services and I picked Technorati because it was the first one I ...

On Being Notorious...: Getting illegal guns off the Streets Daniel, My name is Cory Booker. I'm the mayor of Newark, New Jersey, and a few weeks ago my city reached an amazing milestone. This March was the first month in 44 years without a single murder. 1 It's an accomplishment for which we are incredibly proud, and one of the ways we got there was by being smart about guns. Right now, there is a gap in our nation’s laws.

Trump withdraws U.S. from W.H.O. | 07, 2020 · is evidently the title of the first chapter in Trump's niece's new book "Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man".I'm not sure but my guess is that Martha Trump may be paying homage to one of our most astute contemporary writers, Adam Serwer, who wrote this article also titled "The Cruelty is the Point" in the Atlantic last October.

The Daily Ripple-News Music Ideas - Brace yourself for the ... was the second day the nation logged over 70,000 cases in a day. It was also the first time the United States recorded over 1,000 deaths from COVID-19 since June 9. To say that Mike Pence’s “no second wave” op-ed is going to be recorded as one of the …

Trump admin makes Supreme Court defiance official, says it ... 28, 2020 · This is contempt. “Extremely import thing to note about this” memo, tweeted Aaron Reichlin-Melnick, policy counsel at American Immigration Council. “It is signed by Chad Wolf, who

Transit and Roads Sitting in a Tree... | Slog | The ... Godawful bill, linking light rail expansion to roads expansion under one ballot title, passed out of the House in late Februrary and is on the move in the Senate. The bill made it out of the transportation committee and into Rules yesterday.. I’m told Gov. Gregoire is going to endorse the idea today at noon. I wonder if part of her environmental Strategic Framework for Acti ...

A Conversation With Leonce Gaiter About Black Masculinity 28, 2015 · Leonce Gaiter is the guest on this installment of the podcast known as The Chauncey DeVega Show. Leonce is the author of I Dreamt I Was in Heaven: The Rampage of the Rufus Buck Gang. He is a straight shooter and a real talker. This is a great and honest conversation where Chauncey and Leonce have a real salon.

12 | October | 2009 | The Lunch Counter 12, 2009 · This is an important — and likely decisive — period of this war. Afghans are frustrated and weary after eight years without evidence of the progress they anticipated. Patience is understandably short, both in Afghanistan and in our own countries. Time matters; we must act now to reverse the negative trends and demonstrate progress.

Big words and good diction | Slog | The Stranger | Seattle ... said, I don't think that a unique experience in Seattle. Most readings/talks I've been to are all icing and no cake. The questions from the audiences seem to be steer clear of anything 'controversial' like the existence of the poor and brutalized or an opinion not held by sanitized sources like New York Times Book Review or New ...

South Carolina 2-VRA Seats “This is Immoral” – Swing State Carolina 2-VRA Seats “This is Immoral” This is a quick attempt at South Carolina with 7 seats and 2 Minority Majority districts. SSPers speculated that there should be a second VRA seat in South Carolina, as there is a substantial black population.

BARR GAVE THE DEEP STATE A HEADS UP! DECLAS PROVES …“The ultimate ignorance is the rejection of something you know nothing about yet refuse to investigate.” ? Dr. Wayne Dyer, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." - Hosea 4:6

George Takei Responds to Accusations of Sexual Assault ... 11, 2017 · Actor and social activist George Takei responded to accusations from a former model that the Star Trek co-star sexually assaulted him in 1981.. The accusations were made in an interview with the Hollywood Reporter.. Scott Brunton said he had just broken up with his boyfriend when Takei took him out for dinner and a show and ultimately the two ended up at Takei’s condo for drinks.Brunton says ...

Maureen Dowd the Humble Irish Maid - Progress Pond 25, 2015 · Maureen Dowd recently discovered that if you make Uber drivers wait an inordinately long time after they’ve arrived to pick you up they will give you a low rating which makes future Uber drivers less inclined to pick you up at all. This realization was disheartening because she’d harbored fantasies about being treated like Cinderella by the riffraff.

Dr. Chiyome Fukino Archives - Page 2 of 6 - The Post & Email 20, 2012 · PRESS CONFERENCE ON OBAMA’S BACKGROUND OPEN TO “MAJOR MEDIA ONLY” by Sharon Rondeau (Jul. 16, 2012) — [Update, 1:55 p.m. EDT, July 17, 2012: The Post & Email has just received confirmation that the press conference to be held today will be at 5:30 p.m. EDT, not 4:30, as previously reported.

Watchdog Blog: The FDA Is Hooked on Drug Money money equals priority review and a quick approval of drugs. These hefty fees account for more than $400 million or a whopping 40% of the agency budget. There is more on how public health is compromised in the excellent white paper on the user-fee system by George Washington University School of Public Health and Health Services: [ http ...

Michael Ramirez on Bill Clinton, Pardons, Hypocrisy and ... 06, 2007 · Michael Ramirez on Bill Clinton, Pardons, Hypocrisy and Scooter Libby. Posted July 6, 2007 July 6, 2007 Flap. Clintons accused of ‘hypocrisy’ ...

Suspected US COVID-19 patient must pay $1,400 for test, or ... possibility of being struck with one of these bills is a major driver in Americans avoiding seeking medical attention for a health issue. Gallup polling in 2019 found that 68 million Americans, or roughly one out of four, had skipped treatment due to costs in the prior twelve months. Set this system on a collision course with a dangerous ...

Despite Preposterous Denials, Trump Has a History of ... 02, 2019 · That was last week, This is now. Trump is heading next to the U.K. And he has outdone himself by embarrassing America before he even got there. In an interview with a British newspaper Trump responded to a question about some critical remarks …

Ethics Expert To Trump: Your 'Goose Is Cooked,' You'd ... 14, 2018 · Ethics Expert To Trump: Your ‘Goose Is Cooked,’ You’d Better Cut A Deal Posted by: Darrell Lucus , December 14, 2018 In the last few months, we’ve seen numerous members of Donald Trump’s inner circle scurrying to special counsel Robert Mueller or to federal prosecutors and beg for a …

Fox Nation vs. Reality: The U.S. Closes Imaginary Vatican ... 27, 2013 · The truth of the matter is that the U.S. is closing one of its offices in Rome that houses the ambassador to the Vatican, and relocating it to a much larger compound that also houses the U.S. embassy to Italy. It will continue to have its own building and entrance, and its even a …

The Supreme Court's Partial Reinstatement of the Muslim ... ready for a summer of chaos and confusion. On Monday the Supreme Court agreed to review Trump's Muslim ban this fall, and partially reinstated the ban for residents of six Muslim-majority ...

memeorandum: Rep Katie Hill Flees Reporters' Questions ... Giuliani is looking for a defense attorney, sources say — (CNN)Rudy Giuliani has been approaching defense attorneys for possible representation, according to three sources familiar with the matter. — The move by Giuliani, who is President Donald Trump's personal attorney … +

Desperate Times Call For Desperate Measures 01, 2020 · There has to be a better way than this to run a railroad. You remember a couple of weeks ago, when the Treasury department started sending out the $1200 stimulus checks? I wrote an article about how this could get nasty, since reports were that Trump’s signature graced the bottom of the checks, which would make them invalid, since it is the Secretary of the Treasury who is the signatory …

Your Call Is Very Important to Us, Please Hang Up minute one of these troglodytes actually stands on foreign soil and has an actual experience with these things that they're always saying are too boogety-boogety-boo frightening even to …

John McCain on Torture | Comments from Left 15, 2008 · For a time, this was a man who spoke against the herd of his party and declared that torture was wrong. Now he simply looks like someone who is trying to maintain the guise of that once noble and correct stance while repositioning himself to be more appealing to a base that does not view torture through the same moral lens.

School | The Illogical Seminary is a bad long term solution; once people start dropping from too much exposure to the marketplace, they, um…well, they don’t come back. As a nation, we have failed utterly to tamp down this virus. Only a malevolent, insane swamp creature like Donald Trump could have mishandled our response to …

Next Left: Use housing policy positively, not as a only available option to a housing association in this case is the ‘flexibility’ to kick people out of their homes (after a minimum period of two years – although it has been suggested only to be used in extreme circumstances). We can do better than that.

Songs of Hope And Sorrow: Party of One – The Life of Things 18, 2019 · I love the strings, in the end, soaring. It captures that feeling so well of coming back to someone, remembering you love them, that in the end, the love is all that really matters. This is the second video for this song. On the album, it’s just Brandi singing, but here Sam Smith does a one of a …

What A Planet!: Judge Discriminating Against Paganism Is ... 27, 2005 · Judge Discriminating Against Paganism Is Out-Of-Or... One of Saddam's Favors To The French! Being Fed To A Plastic Shredder Is Too Good For Sa... It's About Effin Time! Send'm To Gitmo! Islamist Fascists Reject Saddam-Loving Muslim Brow... Turn This Guilty Monkey Loose In Gen-Pop! Let's Try Guilty BY REASON Of Insanity For A Chang...

Joe Biden for Florida Public Group | Facebook Biden for Florida has 17,784 members. Welcome to Joe for Florida. We are an official group of the Joe Biden campaign whose purpose is to: 1. Bring...

George Takei Accused of Sexual 13, 2017 · — George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) November 11, 2017. Right now it is a he said / he said situation, over alleged events nearly 40 years ago. But those that know me understand that non-consensual acts are so antithetical to my values and my practices, the very idea that someone would accuse me of quite personally painful. /4

Meet Deborah Johns, Paid Agitator And The Right Wing's's make a distinction here. Yes, there's no question that the Tea Party movement is being led and manipulated by the usual right-wing suspects - but the individuals who are being led and manipulated, like most people, simply have no idea of the sophistication (and money) behind this "grassroots" machine.

Hey Hillary, Elizabeth Warren is coming for you!!! | Page ... 23, 2014 · Individuals, meanwhile, would have paid as much as 9.5% of earnings, which would have applied to everyone making more than four times the poverty level, or $102,220 for a family of four—hardly the 1%.

Private Sector Cuts 250K Jobs: Tips For Survival | recession of the U.S. economy is taking a toll on the unemployment rates of the U.S. private sector. The companies have slashed 250,000 jobs in November only. This means quarter of million people have become jobless, an alarming levels for our ailing economy.

SF Proposes Anti-Loitering-Outside-Clubs Law | Slog | The ... gawd. Soon, a GovPod will come to our front doors and take us to one of three legal venues in our city, and we will watch the approved entertainment through the windshield, and then we'll be transported to a restaurant where we will be fed meals balanced according to the Department of Agriculture's Subsidized Food Pyramid, and then we will be transported back to our homes in time for our ...

Monkey in the Middle: The Modern Mein Kampf original Mein Kampf was written by Adolf Hitler while he was in prison for treason and sedition. It is a rambling book that outlines his plans for the take over of the world and blames the Jews for all the evil of the world. Such ideas should have died in the ruins of Berlin in 1945.

On the Death of Jim Erickson, a local celebrity, AKA Ol' Flick was known to a lot of folks as “Old Flick.” At the KMUW radio station where he did movie reviews. I discussed movies with him many times. We did not always see eye to eye. For example on such movies A Clockwork Orange, he didn’t like that movie and I did. I liked The Killing Fields. He did not.

The Son of God: Safe and Comfortable Middle Class Jesus ... beauty of the Gospels lies in the way they force us to interpret the life of Jesus. The stories look straightforward enough. A deity is born to humble parents. He gradually reveals himself through miracles. He attracts followers. He is unable to convince the appointed authorities of his godhood, his powers fail him at crucial moments, and he is put to death.

The national propaganda organization exposed 23, 2014 · [The USA] fell 13 places, one of the most significant declines, amid increased efforts to track down whistleblowers and the sources of leaks. The trial and conviction of Private Bradley Manning and the pursuit of NSA analyst Edward Snowden were warnings to all those thinking of assisting in the disclosure of sensitive information that would ...

How to Avoid Overprotecting Your Child | CareDash 10, 2016 · How to Avoid Overprotecting Your Child April 10, 2016 Written by Zawn Villines Read Comment(s) FACT CHECKED Read Comment(s) Helicopter parents — parents who endlessly hover without ever giving their children any space — are everywhere lately. Teachers of students of all ages have noticed a trend in increased, often annoying, levels of ...

Accommodating Religion in Science • Smilodon's Retreat 02, 2013 · With regards to a single individual, it’s probably not an either-or situation. However, I can see there would be an area of concern if a religious leader is the spokesman for a secular, pro-science organization. That religious leader must turn off all thoughts of religion when speaking about science.

The American Human: Is America at War with Itself? (2nd American Human is written by Calvin Ross, a retired teacher who at various points in life has been a musician, woodworker, restaurateur, narrator, English teacher in Japan, novelist, technology journalist, and private tutor to Japanese children here in the U.S. Happily residing in the wine country of Sonoma County north of San Francisco, Calvin has lived in the Philippines, the Netherlands ...

Many come out to see "National Bird" film on US ... - Blogger last Friday, March 10, about 50 people came to see the film "National Bird," a documentary film about the US unmanned drone program. The film was shown at the Peace and Social Justice Center of Central of Kansas, here in Wichita.

This one from the Trump Twitter Archive, ought to make ... 29, 2020 · — This is rich. “Traitor Don” once scolded the Leader who got Bin Laden, about “skipping his intel briefings” — of all things: This Trump-tantrum-Tweet happened on the anniversary of 9/11, back in 2012 — of all days. ... One of his current advisors...

Lincoln Project Delivers the Next Blow, An Ad On How Trump ... 20, 2020 · Donald Trump’s psyche is filled with land mines and the Lincoln Project has demonstrated that they know just where to step. Brad Parscale, Trump’s campaign manager, has been living very high on the hog since he met Trump. Now since Trump is the ultimate grifter, to show him that he’s being grifted by somebody else should truly drive him nuts — at least that is my speculatiion about ...

As pandemic limits scrutiny, GOP fears lesser-known ... ravaged Florida, as Ron DeSantis sidelined scientists and followed Trump — ST.PETERSBURG, Fla. — As Florida became a global epicenter of the coronavirus, Gov. Ron DeSantis held one meeting this month with his top public health official, Scott Rivkees, according to …

No, Trump Didn’t Say Only Rich People Can Be Great. But He ... Thursday, speaking in North Dakota, Donald Trump stated, “We’re going to make America wealthy again. You have to be wealthy in order to be great, I’m sorry to say.” This is one of Trump’s stump speech go-tos, and it’s totally unobjectionable: of course a country that has aspirations toward greatness must be wealthy.

Scott Walker Expands War on Women: Signs One of ... - Alternet exceptions for rape or incest after 20 weeks. As expected, 2016 GOP presidential candidate and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker has signed one of the most punitive anti-abortion bills in the nation ...

Community reviews of | Norton Safe Web of from the Norton Safeweb community. Norton Safeweb is a reputation services that scans websites and reports whether they are safe for you to visit.

What Is an Egalitarian-Style Company? | Your Business is not a matter of adjusting delegation to include a system for employee feedback. A company must be willing to fundamentally reconsider power relations in its management. An example is a technology firm that reorganizes into collaborative workgroups, teaming vice presidents, senior analysts, program developers, administrative assistants ...

2020 United States Senate election in Tennessee - Wikipedia 2020 United States Senate election in Tennessee will be held on November 3, 2020, to elect a member of the United States Senate to represent the State of Tennessee, concurrently with the 2020 U.S. presidential election, as well as other elections to the United States Senate in other states and elections to the United States House of Representatives and various state and local elections.

Kamala Harris occasionally struggles with 'performance ... 05, 2019 · Official site of The Week Magazine, offering commentary and analysis of the day's breaking news and current events as well as arts, entertainment, …

Band of Butters: Q Notes, Day 100 is the 100th day since I first started paying attention to news about COVID-19, then gradually introducing the recommended precautions into our daily lives. It took seeing empty shelves at the grocery store, and toilet paper selling for about a dollar a roll, to snap me to attention on the issue.

Tell Zoom to protect all users from police surveillance ... is a decisive moment in terms of safety both on and offline. Zoom implementing end to end encryption could be one of the single most important things any company could do to keep people safe right now. End to end encryption saves lives.

Larry Elder – Black Community is One Atrocity Rep. John Lewis Isn’t Willing to Be Arrested to Stop; WARNING: The Real Power and Purpose Behind the ‘Black Lives Matter’ Movement; Dean Nelson: Is the National Museum of African American History and Culture a Celebration of Whiteness? Do Leftists Know What Their Hero Karl Marx Thought of Blacks, Jews, and Mexicans?

Tickle The WireMayor Wheeler Archives - Tickle The Wire peaceful protester in Portland was shot in the head by one of Donald Trump’s secret police. Now Trump and Chad Wolf are weaponizing the DHS as their own occupying army to provoke violence on the streets of my hometown because they think it plays well with right-wing media. — Ron Wyden (@RonWyden) July 16, 2020

Loving dailykos, jezebel, etc right now « Economics Job ... dailykos, jezebel, etc right now. Economist 2bcd. Unhinged SJWs completely losing their sh!t. One of the best nights of my life. 3 years ago # QUOTE 11 Good 1 No Good! Benrath Rep: 0. Post some examples at least 3 years ago # QUOTE 0 Good 1 No Good! Uhura ... a pretty good one.

Lib Harvard Prof Floats Wild Conspiracy Theory on Trump ... 06, 2020 · Tribe naturally became one of the media’s favorite sources during the impeachment process and trial. The media circus tent picked up stakes long ago and had moved onto more salient issues even before we were all under stay-at-home orders communicating with …

Joe Biden: Denying climate change 'almost like denying ... 07, 2015 · Vice President Joe Biden slammed those who question climate change, saying that ignoring the scientific evidence is “almost like denying gravity now.” “I think it’s close to mindless ...

UWUA Local 304uwualocal304.orgThanks to the generosity of UWUA Local 304 members, we were able to adopt SIX (6) “Angels” from the Salvation Army’s Angel Tree Program. We are proud of our ongoing participation and support of one of the world’s oldest and most respected Christian charitable relief organizations. The Salvation Army is often forgotten until we see […]

Bill of Rights Archives – The Paragraph Boston Tea Party was a direct action against a corporate monopoly that led to the birth of the United States. The raiders of the Tea Party pledged silence for 50 years. One of them, George R. T. Hewes, lived… Read more ?

The World Is Coming To An End – Well, Just Glenn Beck’s ... 29, 2016 · “This is the moment. If we drop it at this moment, we lose. And let me tell you something, you lose freedom for all mankind. I’m convinced of it. This is the moment.” Of course, Beck has warned about an approaching Armageddon every other week for most of his of media career. However, this time he might actually have gotten it right.

News items related to privatization — Center on Juvenile items related to privatization ... This is the final blog of a three part series examining for profit youth facilities. ... One of the consequences of this line of thinking is the privatization movement where issues normally handled by the government should be turned over to private businesses.

#DailyKos #DemCentirsts #Censorship #Bernie | caucus99percent Statement from Delphine, one of the recently banned at Dkos, like me Submitted by Steven D on Wed, 06/21/2017 - 11:15pm. This is from the Dkos helpdesk discussion "Wholesale Bannings II." I have been monitoring Dkos about this topic. In light of the defeat of the DNC supported candidate, Ossuf, and the continued smears of Sanders' supporters ...

News channel, news media, daily news, top news, breaking offers one of the most comprehensive lists of interesting and hilarious links on the web. If you enjoy mocking the media, the site for you. Blogs. Wonkette daily KOS North Coast Blog. Newspapers. Washington Post USA Today NY Times Boston Globe. Sports Blogs. Scores Report Sports By Brooks Deadspin. Entertainment News. Premium ...

February 2005 – Aide Mémoire posts published by Kate Carruthers during February 2005. I have been reading Benjamin Franklin’s autobiography and other writings (ISBN: 0140390529) and his writings…

Stay Involved In Your Business Avoid Coasting In Order ... 28, 2017 · Stay Associated With Your Business - Avoid Coasting In Order That Continued Success The Scentsy story continues to be one of success, hard work, and unlimited capabilities. If a light is broken or may be damaged this should get replaced as soon as suitable. Now by mortgaging your current home you can a great extra…

11 | June | 2020 | News Corpse 11, 2020 · One of the few skills for which Trump has been recognized has been his instincts for marketing and branding. It comes with having been a reality TV game show host for fourteen years. He has a way of connecting with the most dimwitted demographic in American society with infantile nicknames and insults.

Fox News' Shep Smith: There is no invasion. No one is ... 30, 2018 · At least someone over there isn’t tied to Trump’s anti-American rhetoric. I’m no fan of Fox, but you have to give credit. He’s doing what he should do. I keep wondering why he continues to have a job there. His words ar…

Saturday Painting Palooza Vol.769 - Progress Pond 09, 2020 · This week I will be starting with a new painting of Crumwold Hall, in my own Hudson Valley, New York. The place actually still exists as a church property. I was intrigued by the old photo, circa 1900, that is seen directly below. (No, not one of my own photos, ha! I’m not quite that old.)

Trump administration winds down Jared Kushner's signature ...“Project Airbridge” was a YUGE success for the fight against coronavirus, the Trump administration tells us, emphasis on ”was,” as the program is largely ending.The federally funded flights allowing private companies to bring personal protective equipment from other countries to the U.S. and sell them at market rates, with half going to federal priority areas and half wherever the ...

Catholic Medical Center lays off 71 | Manchester Ink Link, NH – Anticipating a $40 million loss because of the COVID-19 pandemic, Catholic Medical Center announced layoffs Wednesday. “The toll of this pandemic is significant and we regret the impact it has had on our talented and dedicated employees,” said Lauren Collins-Cline, the hospital’s director of communication.

Eviction moratorium to end July 1 as state establishes new ... support comes as the Governor announced the current moratorium on evictions and foreclosures will expire July 1, 2020, increasing the risk of Granite Staters losing their homes. Prior to the COVID-19 crisis , housing costs in New Hampshire were high, particularly for renters , who have median incomes less than half of the median income for ...

I AM SPENDING $75 MILLION TO DEFEAT TRUMP!!!! I AM A ... far, Facebook ad disclosures show the group has spent about $700,000 on ads. ACRONYM leaders said in November that they had raised about 40 percent of the $75 million they hoped for. But by the end of 2019, it had raised only about one-tenth of that, according to a disclosure filed Monday with the Federal Election Commission.

A conversation with prison abolitionist Miriame Kaba ... 06, 2020 · Barb Byrum is currently in her second term as Ingham County Clerk, serving as the county’s chief elections official. As Clerk, Barb has successfully conducted 23 elections, 4 union elections, and currently serves on Michigan’s Election Security Commission, the Secretary of State’s team of advisors tasked with strengthening and better ...

William Barr and Opus Dei, the Secretive Ultra ... - Buzzflash 02, 2019 · By Bill Berkowitz. October 15 Update: Laurence Tribe’s tweet of this article on October 14 can be found here. It is no secret that Attorney General William P. Barr has ties to Opus Dei, the highly secretive, ultra-conservative Catholic organization.

How the 'material support' law promotes terrorism French writer Anatole France once noted, "The law, in its majestic equality, forbids the rich as well as the poor to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal bread." If he were around today, he...

Tickle The WireDOJ Urges Judge to Toss Sexual Harassment 06, 2020 · The Justice Department urged a federal judge Tuesday to dismiss a lawsuit filed by current and former FBI recruits who allege the academy is a “good-old-boy network” that exposes women to a hostile work environment, inappropriate jokes and sexual advances beginning in 2015.

Urban Dictionary: Daily Fear FearAlso known as the Daily Mail. This UK tabloid is well known for looking on everything in the most negative way possible, usually working towards articles that will convince their reader that their non-white postman wants to rape you, the milk that he delivers will give you cancer, the book you're reading at the breakfast table is designed to brainwash you and your video games and films are ...

Yehuda Nir - Wikipedia Nir (March 31, 1930 – July 19, 2014) was a Polish-born American Holocaust survivor, psychiatrist and author of The Lost Childhood.Nir posed as a Roman Catholic and learned Latin to escape Nazi persecution in Poland during World War II.Nir's ordeal led him to a career as a psychiatrist, specializing in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder and severely ill children.

AP Echoes Breitbart Texas, Says Zero Tolerance Policies ... 20, 2015 · The Student Code of Conduct was as pertinent to a Texas 4 th grader who school authorities accused of terrorizing other students with a Lord of the Rings pretend magic ring it was to Ahmed Mohamed. At the Sept. 16 press conference after Mohamed’s arrest, Irving school district officials cited the Student Code of Conduct handbook as their ...

Microsoft Treasure Hunt – Chording | Blog or Die! is a technique for exposing multiple cells with one operation. The criterion for it to work is that the all the traps adjacent to a number have been exposed or flagged. In the example following there are two traps adjacent to the 2 near the center of the figure.

The Girl with the Louding Voice - Pierce County Library ... INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER A READ WITH JENNA TODAY SHOW BOOK CLUB PICK! "Brave, fresh . . . unforgettable."—The New York Times Book Review "A celebration of girls who dare to dream."—Imbolo Mbue, author of Behold the Dreamers (Oprah's Book Club pick) Shortlisted for the Desmond Elliott Prize and recommended by The New York Times, Marie Claire, Vogue, Essence, …

Drug Loopholes | Slog | The Stranger | Seattle's Only ... pharmaceutical industry is pretty damn powerful in Olympia.. Sen. Jeanne Kohl-Welles (D-36, Seattle) had a solid bill this past session that would have set up an on-line database for health care consumers showing what gifts pharmaceutical companies had given to what healthcare providers. The intent was to let patients know that their docs’ recommendations may not be objective and also to ...

Trump thinks that people who wear a mask don't like him ... each material the author and a hyperlink to the primary source are specified. All trademarks belong to their rightful owners, all materials to their authors. If you are the owner of the content and do not want us to publish your materials, please contact us by email [email protected]. The …

Anatomy of a Murder: The Pentagon, Capitol Hill, and 25, 2014 · The NDP Task Force’s reasons for existing can be summed up as the following: (1) evangelical, fundamentalist Christian proselytizing, (2) latter day “crusader”-indoctrination (3) theocracy-building in the U.S. armed forces, (4) federally-funded “spirituality molding,” (5) anti-LGBT discrimination, and (6) seethingly sectarian ...

Hannah Brown Epically Trolls Tyler Cameron Over Being The ..., to come in second place. It's an experience Tyler Cameron knows well after famously becoming the runner-up during Hannah Brown's season of The Bachelorette last year. As fans well know, Brown picked Jed Wyatt over him, only for their engagement to tumultuously end shortly after.. Meanwhile, Brown and Cameron have gotten friendly since then, even sparking romance rumors once again while ...

And a Happy Mark Twain/William Burroughs Thanksgiving To ... 22, 2018 · THE WAR PRAYER – Mark Twain. A Thanksgiving prayer from William S. Burroughs. Like those lovely churchgoers in Twain’s piece…no matter how many times you hear that second prayer and no matter how many ways it has been presented to you from well before Jesus Christ to well after Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr…as soon as the second sermon is done and the …

FEC chair to Trump: prove your phony voter fraud claims or ... Chair Ellen Weintraub has had it with Donald Trump’s half-baked paranoid fantasies about voter fraud. So she’s asking him once again to prove that he was robbed in the 2016 election — an accusation he continues to level despite “winning” the election by a commanding margin of minus-3 million votes. During his latest Nuremberg […]

Devin Kelley News, Articles, Stories & Trends for Today 29, 2019 · Devin Kelley. 3 Followers. Follow Add favorite Share Flip. Icon version of the Flipboard logo. Hillary Clinton. Government’s Record-Keeping Failures Risks Lives, Costs Billions. …

How Whole Foods can take you on an emotional roller ... 02, 2016 · Here are the range of emotions I’ve felt since becoming a Whole Foodie. 1. GRATITUDE: A lazy mom’s best friend, the prepared foods such as mac & cheese, sushi and wood-fired pizza allow you to use Whole Foods as a healthy take-out restaurant. Swing by after soccer practice and feed everyone on the spot.

O’Reilly Puts Easter Eggs And Bunny On The Same Level As ... 23, 2013 · The other night I was watching Fox news and as is my custom when watching, yelling at what ever idiot is spewing forth their “rant” at the time.. Bill “Oh Really”, along with Laura Ingram, were musing over the “far lefts” secular attack on the “Christian Traditional Value” of Easter Eggs and the Easter Bunny, because of some communities changing the “Easter Egg Hunt” to ...

Nice Dog, Good Dog | Slog | The Stranger's Blog | The ... the dog has a huge, hard, hairy, and distinctly human looking penis, then you are the proud owner of a collectable IKEA catalogue. From : A staff member in the catalogue office has superimposed a penis onto the dog on Page 2 of the latest North American Ikea catalogue.

Less Sexy Than the Swedish, but Sexy Nontheless | Slog ... was smart--brilliant, even--with a biting wit, a great sense of humor, and a totally cute space between her two front teeth. She played the flute, loved quad shot lattes any hour of the day, and could probably throw down on a u-substitution like nobody's business. Naturally, I had a crush on her.

And What Does The Market Think? – Unsightly Mental 26, 2019 · Their behavior can easily be attributed to many causes, including building concerns about the Trump tariff war with China and other countries, declining manufacturing activity, the bond yield curve inversion, and less immediate concerns, such as the failure of the last four Executives (Clinton, Bush II, Obama, and Trump – we could even ...

Early voting for the May elections has begun – Off the 23, 2019 · Early Voting for the May 4, 2019 Joint Election starts Monday, April 22 and ends on Tuesday, April 30. During that period, Harris County voters may vote at any of the 25 Early Voting locations designated throughout the county.

114 Best kindness challenge images | Kindness challenge ... 17, 2017 - Explore Kelly Fisher Roberts's board "kindness challenge" on Pinterest. See more ideas about Kindness challenge, Kindness, Random acts of kindness.114 pins28 followers

Bruce Barcott: Outside Magazine: Totally Psyched for the ... 31, 2011 · And the Minute structure -- I cannot imagine the work that took as well as the sheer brilliance of coming up with the idea to begin with. I am sorry if I sounds like I am fawning, but, hell, I think you are the best nonfiction environmental writer alive.

PERRspectives: The Myth of the Mainstream Tea 5, 2010 : The Myth of the Mainstream Tea Party. In the wake of two new surveys from Gallup and the Winston Group, the conservative blogosphere and general media alike have been quick to proclaim the Tea Party movement "mainstream."While the Los Angeles Time promoted the "Myth-Busting Polls," one right-wing blog laughingly warned of a "Suicide Watch at DNC HQ."

What's life?: Installing Ubuntu 13.04 Raring Ringtail on a 21, 2013 · During the install process, the default option should be to install in the disk free space, but you should verify this. I chose to manually create an ext4 partition for my root mount point and a 2gb swap partition instead of using the automatic option. After the installation finishes, select the option to continue to try Ubuntu.

NC-Sen, NC-02: Etheridge Taking Another Look at Senate 19, 2009 · Etheridge said he met recently with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and had discussions with family members and a few key supporters. Etheridge said he hoped to make a decision by September. Etheridge would be a pretty decent candidate for this race, though I wouldn’t relish defending his open R+2 seat — especially if the wind is blowing ...

Notre Dame Fire: Trump makes a fool of himself as usual 16, 2019 · An ISIS Plot to Blow Up Notre Dame Cathedral—and Rule the World? The elderly, taxi drivers, flower sellers—all are fair game in the ISIS rule book: You obey them, or you’re dead.

Tarnished Lady: A lovely full moon January moon is known as the 'Full Wolf Moon' (also known as the Old Moon or Snow Moon, but most applied that name to the next full Moon, in February) named so by early American Indian tribes. Legend has it that over the frozen landscape, the hungry howls of wolf packs could be heard in Indian villages during this time.

New Bolton revelation: 'The kind of bombshell Mitch ... 31, 2020 · Former national security adviser John Bolton’s new revelation about White House counsel Pat Cipollone being in on Trump’s Ukraine conspiracy as early as May 2019 is dropping like a bomb on ...

Only three nations in the world charge asylum seekers a ... is just the latest move in Donald Trump’s mission to tear down the existing immigration system and rebuild it in his own image. As the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) press release notes, the agency is funded primarily by fees, rather than taxes.

Kos - Everything2.com Isle of Kos. Kos is a small island in the south western corner of the Aegean Sea off the coast of Asia Minor.Kos is part of the nation of Greece and has a rich Greek heritage. At the end of the 11th century BCE Dorians landed on the island and organized the various tribes living in scattered demoi across the island under a central government in the polis of Astypalaia.

Former US ambassador to Ukraine testifies before the House ... 22, 2019 · On Tuesday, the House impeachment inquiry will resume with testimony from U. S. charge d’affaires William Taylor. Since the removal of U.S. Ambassador …

Donald Trump considered 'fragile,' 'desperate' as health ... 25, 2016 · When Donald Trump decided to run for president, he did it knowing that he would be the oldest person to be elected to office if he was successful. While Trump and his campaign have recently pushed debunked conspiracy theories about the health status of Hillary Clinton, questions have been raised about his own potential problems.. Trump trouble. Just last week, Vanity Fair ran a piece ...

Obama's Campaign Is A Contradiction - Forbes 11, 2008 · Thank you for signing in. If your first time registering, please check your inbox for more information about the benefits of your Forbes account and what you can do next!

Centrist Pundits Paved Way for Trump’s ‘Alt-Left’ False ... 16, 2017 · President Donald Trump sparked outrage Tuesday afternoon after he equated Nazis and counter-protesters in Charlottesville. To do so, he referred to the anti-racist activists as the “alt-left,” with the implication that they were the equivalent of the “alt-right,” two sides to the same coin, showing there was, in his words, evil “on both sides.” | By Adam Johnson

US climate change denier James Inhofe joins ... - the Guardian 05, 2009 · In a further twist, Inhofe came out a few days ahead of Gore in drawing the public's attention to what scientists have recently identified as the …

Bin Laden Ops Chief Calls Trump ‘The Greatest Threat To ... week Donald Trump outdid himself on Twitter. For someone who has a record of repulsive and ignorant outbursts, Trump achieved a new low when he tweeted that the media “is the enemy of the American People.” It was reflective of his authoritarian attitude and disrespect for American principles.

Daily Howler: Did Jindal embroider? We're not sure. But 02, 2009 · Alexander misunderstands facts: In yesterday’s Post, Andrew Alexander published his first substantive column as the paper’s new ombudsman.He reviewed the flap about George Will’s recent columns on climate change. Alexander’s column had so many problems that we …

memeorandum: The Un-Divorced — JOHN FROST and his wife … Un-Divorced — JOHN FROST and his wife had been unhappily married for much of their 25 years together when his company relocated him in 2000.So when he moved from Virginia to Knoxville, Tenn., he left her behind. — At first, it wasn't clear what would happen next.

memeorandum: Explosion in downtown L.A. causes fires at ... Willard, ‘Best in Show’ and ‘A Mighty Wind’ Actor, Dead at 86 — Prolific comic actor and master of mockumentaries starred in Modern Family and Everybody Loves Raymond alongside Waiting for Guffman and This Is Spinal Tap — Fred Willard, the prolific and beloved comic actor and master …

William Connolly, marriage equality, and generous and ... simply not fair to conservatives and a point made by William Connolly, in his book Why I am Not a Secularist suggests why. It is not only that marriage equality will transform the broader culture in ways troubling to conservatives. This is true, but the challenge hits closer to home.

Deck of Cards Mixup Leads to Accidental Killing of King of, in an attempt to assist U.S. solidiers in the efforts to identify members of Saddam Hussein's regime, the Military issued a deck of cards featuring Iraqi officials.That deck contained 55 cards, and featured pictures of Qusay Hussein (as the Ace of Clubs) …

Thought Theater: An Experiment In Critical Thinking: Is gay is SO bad that it makes some gay people crazy enough to believe that they have something to gain by betraying their basic natures, by betraying THEMSELVES. Another word for shame. Losing the war against oneself-- or as the Throckster calls it, ex-gay therapy-- doesn't work, because it just confirms their opinions of themselves.

Judicial Q&A: Bruce Mosier – Off the is a civil court having jurisdiction of cases originating in Harris County, Texas, in the following areas: 1. exclusive appellate jurisdiction over cases that originated in a Justice of the Peace Court and over final rulings and decisions of the Texas Workforce Commission;

My Letter in Support of a Reduced Sentence for Pvt. Manning 23, 2013 · My Letter in Support of a Reduced Sentence for Pvt. Manning Peter Van Buren 2013-10-23 Chelsea Manning Justice elevates us all, and reflects well on our beloved nation.

Charlie Sheen: Winning. But Is He Happy? | BroadBlogs 16, 2011 · Charlie Sheen is definitely not a winner. In fact they cancelled his show Two and a Half Men, so I don’t see how he won there. The character he plays in that show seems a lot like him as a real person which is, a guy with no friends and sleeps with all the women he wants.

Sex Lives | This Black Sista's Memorial Page©Gabrielle Daniels, aka blksista, ThisBlksistasPage (This Black Sista's Page), 2009-2020. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.

Amy Goodman | This Black Sista's Memorial Page Posts. LIVE STREAMING: Homegoing of Poet Amiri Baraka at the Newark Symphony Hall, New Jersey January 18, 2014; Meanwhile, Back in Wisconsin: Busting Out of Jail The Hard Way – Nathan Middleton Wanted His Mother to Provide Explosives and a Car for His Jail Break December 20, 2013; Christmas Songs: “Oh, Tannenbaum,” José Carreras, Plácido Domingo, and Luciano Pavarotti, from ...

Halfway There: What's wrong with this picture? his editorial cartoon of April 6, 2007, Ariail commiserated with Bush over Speaker Pelosi's trip to the Middle East. As the cartoonist sees it, Ms. Pelosi was trashing the president's pristine foreign policy.

PLAINFIELD TODAY: Steve Gallon uses his Plainfield ... 15, 2013 · Former Plainfield Public Schools superintendent Steve Gallon III is making use of his Plainfield experience in his self-promotion on his website here.A few days ago, I came across a review of new iMacs from Apple by -- of all people -- Steve …

Titan Dynamics Strikes Back in March of 2005, I posted Volume 47 of the Bonehead Compendium and in it was a satirical item regarding a photograph I had found at World O'Crap. The photograph is actually from the website of Titan Dynamics Systems, a subsidiary of The Allied Defense Group.

Media failed to report Pelosi's clarification of her ... April 5 editions of several cable news programs reported criticisms of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's (D-CA) trip to Syria and touted an April 5 Washington Post editorial criticizing Pelosi's ...

Florida COVID-19 cases are climbing faster than any other ... 28, 2020 · In a sense, this is true. What’s happening in Florida is fantastic, it is tremendous, it’s even awesome—in the Old Testament sense. On Saturday, Florida logged just under 10,000 new cases of ...

Amazonia is burning—because that's exactly what 'Brazil's ... very first rule of understanding an autocracy is to Believe the Autocrat. When someone promises that they will destroy whole peoples and intentionally wreck the environment—believe them. When Jair Bolsonaro was running for president of Brazil, he told people to call him “Captain Chainsaw,” saying openly that he would promote the destruction of the Amazon rain forest.

At the movies | But It's a Dry It's a Dry Heat. Online home of P. Kirby, urban fantasy and paranormal romance author. ... Resurgence, one can’t help but think that if this is the best that humankind has to offer, then the aliens would be doing the universe a solid by exterminating us. ... That was a hot mess,” says my husband as The Lone Ranger‘s credits crawl up a ...

O'Reilly and Bernie Goldberg Respond to Jon Stewart's ... is a RUSH transcript from "The O'Reilly Factor," April 21, 2010. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated. Watch "The O'Reilly Factor" weeknights at 8 p.m. and 11 p.m. ET!

The economy is supposedly booming — but so many are being ... 21, 2020 · As the U.S. dug out of the hole of the Great Recession, wage growth gained some speed in 2015 and early 2016, flattened out, and then picked up again in 2017-2018.

"[N]ot the Time. . .to Follow the Line of Least Resistance ... 22, 2011 · The Locus of Authority: Our Time for Resistance. At the 100th anniversary annual convention for NCTE in Chicago this past weekend, I presented during a panel on the Council's century of leadership in the field of literacy—reading from the essay above by LaBrant and suggesting how she would have responded to the current calls for Common Core national standards, increased testing, …

Disappeared News: How your news gets disappeared by the my own opinion here, but it seems to me the Court has already taken sides and decided that having the public see four big-body officers next to the rather petite Teale may make the desired guilty verdict something of an absurdity. But that?s something the public won?t see. It will have been effectively disappeared in advance.

All posts by Lynda Berg - Lynda Berg | The Black Atlantic is not a dance just for the sake of dancing either, but it allows for the continued protest to the violence and destruction of enslavement, and an interruption of the continuing grammar of racial and class divides so embedded in the experience of the Black Atlantic.

memeorandum: Is this the missile Donald Trump is afraid of ... to sanction China helped North Korea, former officials say — Even as presidents Donald Trump and Xi Jinping pledge to stop North Korea's fast-advancing nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programs, there's one uncomfortable secret that neither leader has publicly acknowledged …

PERRspectives: Tea Baggers Ignore U.S. Health Care's Daily 14, 2009 : Tea Baggers Ignore U.S. Health Care's Daily "Die-In" On Tuesday, frothing at the mouth Tea Party faithful will protest health care reform legislation by descending on the Senate to holding a "die-in."But while the Tea Baggers will feign dropping dead to dramatize their opposition to health care reform they wrongly believe will leading to rationing, they seem blissfully ...

Instapundit » Blog Archive » SO THE WASHINGTON POST’S ... is a disgrace. Using the term “consequences” suggests that there was an actual connection between the events, that Jared Loughner was inspired to shoot by Palin’s map. As I wrote at the ...

The Debate Link: Why Bringing a Swastika To An Israeli ... student brought a swastika sign to an Israeli Independence Day celebration at UW-Milwaukee. Confronted, he said the reason he brought the sign was actually not to make any commentary about Israel or Jews, but rather "because he knew it would draw attention at such a gathering and allow him to talk to the media about issues such as the rise in single mother homes, the opioid addiction and the ...

CT-Sen: Dodd Trails Simmons In Two Polls - Swing Is actully good news for him.Down by 4 Instead of 10. We should also note that despite polls In 2008 Ted Stevens barely lost.In fact he almost won.Dodd could pull this out. Especilly If he has Obama In CT for him and they can point out Simmons would vote against the entire Obama agenda In the senate.

About that “solution” for bike trail obstruction – Off the, last month:. Meanwhile, two weeks ago there was a story about TxDOT closing the White Oak Bayou Hike and Bike Trail between Ella and 34th streets while there is construction on the service road for 610 North at East TC Jester. The closure was scheduled for two years, without an alternate route that bicyclists thought was adequate.

Wendy Davis needs to push back on Texas’ refusal to comply is a no-brainer, and a win all around. Sen. Wendy Davis Texas Gov. Rick Perry stood his ground [last] Friday in a showdown with the Pentagon over processing benefits for same-sex couples at National Guard offices, possibly setting the stage for yet another court battle with the federal government.

Hot Not-Even-Barely-Legal Action | Slog | The Stranger ... Hot Not-Even-Barely-Legal Action ... It's a possibility, sure, but as the author points out, it's also a possibility that someone could steal physical copies of the pictures - it doesn't mean taking them should be illegal. That a prosecutor actually took this case is abhorrent, and …

No More Mister Nice Blog: I TOLD YOU THE RIGHT WAS GOING ... 07, 2020 · There it is: the start of the new right-wing narrative that will blame the entire U.S. coronavirus crisis on New York. Tucker Carlson focused the top of his Thursday show on New York City's battle with the coronavirus, ripping city officials for increasing the "risk" for citizens and not taking the outbreak seriously in its early stages.

Australia Burning Up and Drowning at the Same Time ... 07, 2009 · As projected by climate-models, extreme weather events continue to intensify all around the world. Particularly hard hit this week is Australia. Drought and fires continue in Southeastern Australia where record temperatures are being set, while in the North in Queensland, torrential flooding has left communities cut off from the outside world.

On That North Korean Nuclear Offer... - Daily Sound and Fury 21, 2018 · This is objectively good news. But it’s not like North Korea has a choice. They don’t have a test site to demolish; it’s already gone. Something so far entirely missing from the reporting on an occurrence, widely reported at the time, at the Punggye-rinuclear test site immediately after the last underground warhead test.

The Rectification of Names: They said it couldn't be done with the help of Vladimir Putin and Alexander Nix a president was put into office representing a reactionary minority, and a reactionary minority reshaped the Supreme Court in its own narrow and selfish image (I can't get over that Gorsuch and Kavanaugh both went to the same repulsive Slytherin prep school, or that the new court will still ...

True facts about ocean radiation and the Fukushima ... is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get them in front of Issuu’s ...

The Debate Link: Criticizing Israel without it Seeming ... Israel without it Seeming Anti-Semitic is Hard (and That's a Good Thing) Some people think it is very, very hard to criticize Israel without being told it sounds anti-Semitic. At one level, a ridiculous assertion.

PLAINFIELD TODAY: We're all in this together: Plainfield ... 28, 2016 · The guy who does it with a snowblower had me on his list, but it took two and a half days for my turn to come. Even then, he couldn't get the snow too close around the cars (because it would throw gravel), so there was still heavy shoveling to do before we could get out.

A Time For Choosing: A Grateful Nation Sighs With Relief ... 13, 2011 · This is quite similar to the position Sarah Palin held as the Chairman of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, though she was appointed and Texas elects the Chairman. Williams is a Tea Party favorite and a dynamic speaker. He's a solid Conservative.

Redistricting | This Black Sista's Memorial Page 23, 2009 · Posts about Redistricting written by blksista. French leader claims talks on €1.8tn budget have moved on despite bitter overnight debate Emmanuel Macron has sought to draw a line under the acrimony of the last four days of negotiations with fellow EU leaders over a proposed €1.8tn (£1.6tn) budget and pandemic recovery fund, as the bloc’s longest summit in two decades continued.A ...

IL-Gov: Brady Posts a Big Lead Over Quinn – Swing State 07, 2010 · is actually an improvement from PPP’s 25-55 finding on January 27. Compare that to Rasmussen’s 43-56 approval on March 9 (resulting in an identical, 10-point Brady lead)and Research 2000’s 44-35 (resulting in a 15-point QUINN lead) on February 22.

You'll know that third party candidates are having an ... actually appears that third-party candidates are going to draw enough votes in key states to affect the outcome. If, and only if , Bob Barr shifts the balance of power in Georgia or North Carolina--or Ralph Nader has a similar impact in Michigan or Florida-- then we'll start to see international interest in the Libertarians, the Greens, the ...

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: Rotary Auction organizers knocking ... Auction organizers knocking on doors for items for annual auction The annual tradition in Prince Rupert the Rotary Auction is set for November 17-19 at the Lester Centre of the Arts, the always popular auction brings business and community leaders together to offer goods and services to benefit Rotary projects in Prince Rupert.

Trump Freaks Over Latest Polls 'He's Going To Broom ... 08, 2020 · Long before the reelection campaign went sideways, Trump frequently blew up at Kushner. For instance, former West Wing officials recall how Trump hated when Kushner received too much positive press (In January, Trump was rankled when Kushner’s portrait graced the cover of Time).). “Any time Jared is in the papers, Trump complains, ‘We have to get Jared back to New York!’” said a ...

Ali Velshi to Trump spokesperson Peter Navarro: Clearly ... Velshi was not allowing Peter Navarro to use the MSNBC platform to allow yet another false narrative from the Trump administration to get metastasis in the American psyche. It was clear that Navarro thought he would be able to slip one in. Velshi pointed out …

Ex-U.S. Attorney Roscoe Howard Jr.: 'This Is Not the Day ... 14, 2020 · The author was U.S. Attorney in Washington, D.C. from 2001 to 2004. He is currently a partner at the firm, Barnes & Thornburg LLP. By Roscoe C. Howard Jr. When I was growing up in ‘50’s and early 60’s, I visited my Mother’s home town in the Northern Neck of …

Sign the petition: No more school lunch debt. Support the ... students and teachers head back to school, many children across the country still cannot afford school lunch. These children are forced to choose between going hungry or going into debt just to be able to eat a nutritious meal. The issue is widespread -- more than 75% of school districts across the country reported children with lunch debt in the previous school year. Student lunch debt may ...

CNN's Brooke Baldwin can barely keep it together with this ... video is unavailable. Watch Queue Queue. Watch Queue Queue

Mo Brooks scatters from 'canceled' meeting - YouTube 10, 2017 · Huntsville-area constituents showed up to a 'canceled' town hall and were surprised to find Mo Brooks meeting with supporters after all Video credit: Deborah Barros-Smith.

Flipboard: Buckaroos, Gods, and the Cult of Anti-Science Graham. Buckaroos, Gods, and the Cult of Anti-Science - michelewln. Franklin Graham says, “Science isn’t truth, God is.” This is why he doesn’t believe in Dr. Anthony Fauci.

US Immigration Office Gives Atheist Seeking Citizenship ... woman, Margaret Doughty, 64, is originally from the U.K. but has lived in the United States for 30 years, according to a Daily KOS campaign asking the Department of Homeland Security to "stop denying U.S. citizenship to atheists."

Illustrator Interview: Ellen Beier on a New Beginning for ... Gayleen Rabakukk Back in 2011, Cynsations shared Ellen Beier‘s research and illustration process working on a historical picture book manuscript. Since then, the book’s journey has taken a few interesting twists and turns. Readers fascinated by Lindsey Lane‘s Cynsations series on Books Going Out of Print may be especially intrigued by this new stage of the book’s journey.

Before You Throw Caution To the Wind, Read This 23, 2020 · If the price of eggs goes up by ten cents a week, you probably don’t pay much attention -even if you are a dyed-in-the-wool accountant. But, if you make a note of the price on Day 1 and then compare it to the price six months later, the increase suddenly hits home. We are all used to the daily reporting of Covid-19 cases and deaths in our home states and, by now, these numbers no longer …

Conservative media ignore their own long history of ... media conservatives have misrepresented House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's comments that protesters are "carrying swastikas and symbols like that to a town meeting on health care" to express ...

Municipal elections in Sedgwick County, Kansas (2020 ...,_Kansas_(2020)Jun 01, 2020 · Sedgwick County, Kansas, is holding general elections for county commissioner districts 2 and 3, county clerk, county district attorney, county treasurer, register of deeds, county sheriff, and district court judgeships on November 3, 2020.A primary is scheduled for August 4, 2020. The filing deadline for partisan candidates in this election was June 1, 2020.

Disappeared News: Watchdog barks: Is the Hawaii Ethics Now! Broadcast Schedule for Hawaii: Oahu Olelo TV, Channels 54 M T Th F 11pm Oahu Olelo TV, Channels 54 7 am M-F (previous day's program) Honolulu KTUH 90.3 FM Mon & Tues 9-10am Kahului, Maui Akaku Ch. 54 M-F 7 pm Kaua'i,Hanalei KKCR, 104.7 (Oahu), 90.9, 91.9 FM M-F 11 am Or listen to the podcast or download or stream audio or video programs from

Net Neutrality Day of Action July 12 May Be the Largest ... 05, 2017 · WASHINGTON - Urban Dictionary, Bandcamp, Automattic (who run WordPress) and Discord are among latest major web platforms to join the Internet-Wide Day of Action to Save Net Neutrality scheduled for July 12th to oppose the FCC’s plan to slash Title II, the legal foundation for net neutrality rules that protect online free speech and innovation. . Twitter, Reddit, Netflix, Amazon, …

Blink Music Studios Boston | Recording Studio and Artist ...https://blinkmusic.comBlink Music specializes in advanced music production, artist development and high resolution mix and mastering. Known for outstanding grand piano and vocal recordings, our work includes original music composition and theme songs for film, video games and television. Our extensive production experience allows us to handle all aspects of shaping an artist?s musical identity and career.

Oak Flat (Arizona) - Wikipedia Flat is a controversial area of land that is held as sacred by Native Americans from the San Carlos Apache Indian Reservation.Oak Flat has been subject to attempts by the federal government to sell it to mining interests, against the wishes of the tribe. Mine controversy. In December 2014, President Barack Obama signed the 2015 National Defense Authorization Act, which would give land ...

Still Obsessed with Losing the Popular Vote, Trump Babbles ... 23, 2019 · Still Obsessed with Losing the Popular Vote, Trump Babbles Incoherently About Winning It Posted by Mark NC on June 23, 2019 at 12:03 pm. 2 Comments : The United States of America is currently burdened with a president who suffers from a sever case of Narcissistic Personality Disorder .

US Immigration Office Gives Atheist Seeking Citizenship ... 19, 2013 · The woman, Margaret Doughty, 64, is originally from the U.K. but has lived in the United States for 30 years, according to a Daily KOS campaign asking the Department of Homeland Security to "stop denying U.S. citizenship to atheists."

daily - Tags - Forum - Long Island Firearms 03, 2016 · Welcome to Long Island Firearms, like most online communities you must register to view or post in our community, but don't worry a simple free process that requires minimal information for you to signup. Be a part of Long Island Firearms by signing in or creating an account.

Keith Knight pulls anti-vax cartoon after DailyKos readers 21, 2015 · K Chronicles creator Keith Knight hinted that the reaction to the cartoon above that was posted on DailyKos was so bad, he felt he needed to take it down.. The Raw Story has more on the reaction both by Keith and DailyKos readers.. But Knight assured us that he himself made the decision to pull down the strip.

Empowering the Radicals - Taki's Magazine - Taki's Magazine 17, 2017 · The president has become “completely unhinged,” Jimmy Kimmel told his viewers on Tuesday night. He had just canceled all their scheduled programming to focus on the president’s press conference regarding Charlottesville. This is a day after Jimmy Fallon did basically the same thing and asked America how to explain to his daughters the reasons why …

U.S. military keeps 50 nuclear weapons on Turkish airbase ... chaos resulting from Donald Trump’s seemingly out-of-the-blue decision to withdraw U.S. troops from their positions in Kurdish-held Syria, greenlighting an all-out Turkish invasion, continues to grow. Trump’s move was so precipitous that U.S. forces in the region were caught completely unaware. That includes U.S. nuclear forces. As reported by The New York Times: “[O]ver the […]

nancy pelosi – The Mad Truther | A Sweet Dose of Reality gets ZERO from Senate as impeachment holdout ends. By TS on January 15, 2020 • ( 0). The Duran The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss Nancy Pelosi’s failed attempt to extract concessions from the US Senate as her impeachment holdout appears to be coming to an end.

Trump Accidentally Admits that Fox News Really is the ... 30, 2018 · Left to the imagination is Ingraham’s unspoken elaboration that Trump can always rely on Fox News for unconditional fawning and slobbering tongue baths. Like the one she just gave him. How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock: Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance. Available now at Amazon.

The Fight for a Trauma Center on the South Side - Gapers 10, 2014 · Health Care Wed Sep 10 2014 The Fight for a Trauma Center on the South Side. By Monica Reida. Activists sat outside of a construction site on University of Chicago's campus on May 19 to protest the continued calls for Chicago to get the presidential library for Barack Obama when the South Side was lacking something that seemed very essential: a trauma center.

Military recruiters pick up underage youth at Halo event ... – By 9 p.m. more than 100 gamers, some with parents in tow, had gathered at the GameStop for a "Halo 3" release party, and plenty more were expected by midnight, when the wildly ...

The United States passes 4,500 cases, and ... - Daily US News 17, 2020 · The chart of total cases has been missing for several days but it’s worth taking a look, because over the weekend the number of cases outside of China passed where China was at its peak. In fact, with fewer than 10,000 active cases and daily new cases in the teens, China is on its way to becoming a footnote in this whole thing, as the entire ...

It's the Donnydämmerung! (new Trump thread) - Page 682 ... 04, 2018 · The Skeptics Society Forum. Promoting SCIENCE and CRITICAL THINKING. Skip to content

Gay Pride in Tel Aviv Has Low Turnout | Slog - The Stranger, only 10,000 gays, lesbians, and activists turned out for a disappointing gay-pride parade and beach bash today, hosted by Israel’s Tel Aviv. If they can’t get at least half a million to show up, we need to start an alternate parade, maybe moving the location to the Gaza Strip.

What’s going on with out of the shadows on YouTube ... film does talk about some demonstrably true conspiracies, such as the CIA's project MKULTRA related to experiments with psychedelic drugs intended to produce mind control. The film relies on the testimony of other QAnon/Pizzagate personalities such as another former stuntman Brad Martin, former CIA agent Kevin Shipp, and journalist Liz Crokin .

Stranger Writers Are a Superstitious and Cowardly Lot ... know it doesn’t look like it from the picture, but it was as big as a goddamned bat. We have no idea where it came from, but It took a ladder, 14 staffers and a lot of tears to get it out of here. Paul Constant, manly man that he is, finally caught the damn thing in a box and tossed it …

Robin Hood vs. The Tea Baggers | News Corpse Tea Baggers Posted by Mark NC on May 12, 2010 at 5:43 pm. 3 Comments : When CNBC’s Rick Santelli roused his mob of commodities traders to indiscriminately oppose any sort of taxation (even though they have representation), he set off a campaign that hitched its identity to the revolutionary war era activists who came to be known as the ...

The Howdygram 2: At 4 a.m. I asked Sam for rye bread and ... 02, 2019 · It’s almost 2 a.m., and I think I’d better publish this post and get back to my new greeting card designs. I’ve been working on two of them for the last couple of days; as soon as I get the artwork uploaded to The Howdygram Store I want to start my new collections of Christmas cards, decorated mason jars, throw pillows and coffee mugs. Woo-hoo!

My Dark Night of the Sequester | HuffPost 30, 2013 · So I was disappointed when the President used his weekly national address to push, not for a total repeal of the sequester, but for his "compromise" austerity budget - a budget which includes unnecessary cuts to Social Security. The title of his address - "Time to Replace the Sequester with a Balanced Approach to Deficit Reduction" - betrays a continued unawareness of either the pain caused …

The Rectification of Names: Literary Corner: We've All ... a lot of things are happening and they're writing me, "We've found what life should be." Big strong letters with tears streaming down their faces saying, Sir, thanks for mishandling the coronavirus, this extra time we're spending in social isolation is giving new meaning to our lives.

October 2007 – The Linkielist do we, but it’s probably a safe bet that John Davis loves them more. Rather than go for a bedroom built into a plane, he turned his own into a fully functional, professional-grade simulator. Now 47 years old, it took Davis eight years and over $30,000 to complete his working replica of Read more about Aviation enthusiast replaces his ...

crowd-sourced | Girliegirl1965's Blog 16, 2009 · Wikipedia, Animals, and Much More–What the F_ _k? November 16, 2009 Posted by girliegirl1965 in Uncategorized. Tags: authoritative, crowd-sourced, encyclopedia, encyclopedia Britannica, Mustang, one-stop-shop, social media, Terrapin, Wampus Cat, Wikipedia add a comment. Guess what Ryan, I know what a “f’_ _ king” Wampus cat is. A Wampus cat is a legendary tale about …

No Right Turn: For a living wage 05, 2012 · The Service And Food Workers Union kicked off a campaign in Auckland today for a living wage: a wage sufficient to provide workers and their families with the basic necessities of life and allow them to live with dignity and participate fully in society.In theory, that's what the minimum wage is meant to do. But it has been eroded and eroded and eroded, to the extent that those receiving it ...

Wet Casements: What's In A Flag? 03, 2019 · A red ball with 16 red rays, it is sometimes used by companies in advertisements, yet it is technically a military flag: from 1870 until the end of the second world war, it was imperial Japan’s war flag. Since 1954, a renewed version of the rising sun has been the banner of the Japanese navy, known as the Japan Maritime Self-Defence Force.

New Year's Resolution: Sponsor an Overseas Child in 2010 ... 31, 2009 · Biological orphans are children who have lost both parents, or children with one parent dead and the other missing.. Economic orphans are children whose families simply can't afford to keep them. In the future, economic orphans will be increasingly provided for UNICEF-backed "family care." Special needs children are kids who have physical or emotional impairments, or live on the streets, …

Bureaucracy | The Dark Horse Dispatch 01, 2010 · Amy Wallace of WIRED magazine has written an interesting article about parents who refuse to vaccinate their children, and how they put all of us in danger. “Looking back over human history, rationality has been the anomaly. Being rational takes work, education, and a sober determination to avoid making hasty inferences, even when they appear to make perfect sense.

CAN: In Search of a Vocalist (Thaiaga Raj Raja Ratnam ... 23, 2016 · As Magic Michael he appeared on the Greasy Truckers Party album as well as the A Bunch of Stiff Records compilation. He can be seen in this video from 1973 for about 20 seconds. Lastly to Thaiaga Raj Raja Ratnam of which there is very little info out there (apart from this solitary video uploaded by someone of the same name.)

Parker: Strongest Medical Evidence Yet of the Harm from 21, 2014 · Ross Parker was chief of the criminal division in the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Detroit for 8 years and worked as an AUSA for 28 in that office. By Ross Parker The evidence continues to mount of the dangerous health risks of today’s potent forms of marijuana, especially to segments of the […]

The Rectification of Names: Cheap shots: Get well, Hillary! whole second act in a much more modern production (with Kiril Manolov as the Knight and Riccardo Muti conducting), and much better sound, but no subtitles. Cross-posted at No More Mister Nice Blog.

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: Union looks to purchase Eurocan mill solution to the pending closure of Eurocan may be as close as those living in the community. The Northern Sentinel is reporting that unionized workers at the Eurocan mill, represented by CEP Local 298 are investigating the possibility of putting in a purchase bid for West Fraser's mill in the Aluminum city. Mary Murphy, the President of Local 298 updated Kitimat council on the union plan ...

Trump barely knew Flynn, who is 'a former Obama ... news that former national security adviser Michael Flynn has not only struck a deal with special counsel Robert Mueller, but he’s prepared to testify against Trump, members of the Trump family and “others in the White House” (including testimony that Donald Trump, while a candidate for president, ordered Flynn to make contact with Russia), has prompted a rapid exchange of …

Welcome to the 21st Century Lanny | Punditâ?¢ “Joe Lieberman is a racist and a religious bigot” (by “greenskeeper,” posted on Daily Kos, Dec. 7, 2005). And these are some of the nicer examples. Welcome to reality Lanny. Where have you been, Under a rock? The leading lefty-blogosphere is nothing but an echo chamber of seething anti-Bush/ anti-Israel hatred.

FBI Names Jennifer C. Boone As Special Agent in Charge of 18, 2019 · In 2018, the FBI named Boone the special agent in charge of Cyber and Counterintelligence at the Los Angeles Field Office. Boone, who is a certified FBI negotiator, received a bachelor’s of science degree in foreign service and a master’s degree from Georgetown University.

Richard Wolffe - Wikipedia L. Wolffe (born 17 September 1968) is a British-American journalist, MSNBC commentator, and author of the Barack Obama books Renegade: The Making of a President (Crown, June 2009) and Revival: The Struggle for Survival Inside the Obama White House (Crown, November 2010). Richard Wolffe is a US columnist for The Guardian.He was most …

The Controversial 'Lagarde List' Has Leaked, And It's Bad ... 27, 2012 · The controversial 'Lagarde List' has been leaked to the media in Greece. The list contains the names of 1,991 Greeks with bank accounts at HSBC's Geneva branch, and it got its name after Christine ...

Trump Organization fraud: ‘A set of books for the tax guy ... 20, 2019 · "It really feels like there's two sets of books," said financing and real estate expert Kevin Riordan, a professor who reviewed the documents ProPublica obtained through New York's Freedom of Information Law. "[I]t feels like a set of books for the tax guy and a set for the lender. […] It's hard to argue numbers. That's black…

This Modern World » Blog Archive » profile in the New Yorker this week of an anti-Kinsey crusader named Judith Reisman, who is undeterred by the fact that the sex researcher’s eponymous reports were published half a century ago:. The recent release of “Kinsey,” a film about the famous mid-century sex researcher, has made this a busy time for the anti-Kinsey movement.

Uncle Quotes - Quotes about Uncle | YourDictionary priest is a man who is called Father by everyone except his own children, who are obliged to call him Uncle. — Supposedly an Italian proverb, quoted by Rupert Hart-Davis in a letter dated July 15, 1956; cited from The Lyttelton Hart-Davis Letters vols. 1 and 2 …

Naomi Seibt - SourceWatch 29, 2020 · Naomi Seibt is a German YouTube personality who was contracted by The Heartland Institute in late 2019. Dubbed the "Anti-Greta" by Heartland, Seibt was hired in attempts to create a counterweight to climate activist Greta Thunburg.

God's Law: Universal Truth According to Religious 17, 2015 · Sovereigns look back to a nostalgically re-imagined, more pristine time—a time is defined by laws and other legal texts (treaties, Constitutional Amendments, the Universal Commercial Code, definitions in old editions of law dictionaries). These are all still accessible and able to be cited can be referenced and discussed.

Georgia Woman Abducted While Talking on Cell Phone; Cell Woman Abducted While Talking on Cell Phone; Cell Phone Found - Video 8/15/09 Visit for Breaking News , World News , and News about the Economy Here is a video report on a Blairsville, Georgia woman named Kristi Cornwell who is believed to have been abducted as she took a walk down a country road at around 9:00 PM, August 11.

The Frustrated Teacher: Nurses Say No To The Say No To The Bill I got this link in an email from a friend of a friend who is a nurse: ... With a shortage of primary care physicians and a continuing fiscal crisis at the state and local level, public hospitals and clinics will be a dumping ground for …

Neighborhood Council Splits After Longtime Feud | Slog ... is run by the upper middle class, ie. archtype Montlake, Mr. Baker, and a dozen othr neighborhoods. Rainer Valley is NOT in the same league. And the middle class power queens will fight to keep their standing. of course, the R.Valley has a bright future, diversity, cheaper land, and soon light rail

Open thread for night owls. Invoking Chile's Salvador ... 27, 2019 · FEB 27, 2019 - At The Nation, Ariel Dorfman writes—Salvador Allende offers you an outlet to Maduro. The late Chilean president shares some advice from beyond the grave: (If you prefer you can read his entire essay in Spanish.)Nicolás Maduro, Venezuela’s embattled president, has frequently invoked Chilean President Salvador Allende, who was overthrown …

Content: Members Page For Jay Timmins | OpEdNews am a conservative independant. I believe in the Constitution of the United States. OpEdNews Member for 595 week(s) and 3 day(s) 0 Articles, 0 Quick Links, 119 Comments, 0 Diaries, 0 Polls

HMA/Tennova acquired | KnoxViews of Florida-based Health Management Associates, which operates locally as Tennova, overwhelmingly approved acquisition by Franklin, TN based Community Health Systems. According to the Nashville Business Journal, the deal is worth $7.6 billion, which includes $3.9 billion in cash with CHA assuming $3.7 billion in HMA debt.. PREVIOUSLY: • …

Jeanne Faatz recalls her daylight saving 17, 2010 · Former state Rep. Jeanne Faatz offers up great memories about her daylight saving bill and a plywood cow, and manages to tie them to a proposed civil unions bill. Wow. December 17, 2010, 6:11 pm . What do civil unions, a plywood cow and daylight saving have in common? Read on.

Erik Fenner - Marketing Manager - Rose Garden Consulting ... and hosted Jeopardy's first ever poetry slam to a packed house of over 100 attendees. I also developed and ran workshops on brainstorming your writing, revision/editing, and InDesign ...Title: Cultivating unique perspectives …Location: Portland, OregonConnections: 242

The Florida Masochist: The Knucklehead of the Day award said Arroyo had signed the presidential pardon taking into consideration that Estrada, who is 70 and was sentenced by an anti-graft court to a maximum of 40 years in prison for plunder, had already spent the past six and a half years under house arrest and that he had publicly pledged that he would "no longer seek any elective position or ...

Top 10 missed opportunities in 2015 Legislature - DFL SD ... a healthy budget surplus thanks to a growing economy, the 2015 legislative session began with great opportunity to keep Minnesota moving forward. Unfortunately, the session ended in chaotic fashion this past Monday and with few accomplishments.

Double Standard, Squared | The Lunch Counter 08, 2007 · The National Association of Black Journalists, the editor-in-chief of Essence magazine and a New York sports columnist joined the chorus against Imus. “What he has said has deeply hurt too many people — black and white, male and female,†said NABJ President Bryan Monroe. “His so-called apology comes two days after the ...

Wendy Davis wheelchair ad | Texas Leftist spot attacks Abbott, who is partially paralyzed, for opposing litigation on behalf of disabled victims even though he in 2002 successfully sued for, and won, a large reward due to the accident that led to his paralysis. “A tree fell on Greg Abbott,” the ad’s narrator says, over an image of an empty wheelchair.

Rupert Murdoch, Fox News, and Climate Change – Conserve 25, 2013 · Linking to an interesting NPR interview this morning with David Folkenflik, author of the book, Murdoch’s World, and not surprisingly the storyline that tends to portray the strong influence exerted by Murdoch over his news outlets, such as News Corp, i.e., the Wall Street Journal and Fox News, on stories such as climate change. I heard the interview this morning …

Greg Dworkin on Twitter: "so how many NeverTrumpers are ... 04, 2019 · “@LPDonovan @DavidMDrucker so how many NeverTrumpers are now ok, well Trump (But I was reluctant!!) it's not the firm principle for hewitt, eg, you find a way if you want to find a way Not @RadioFreeTom he's principled but I see it as 'harder sell' not 'can't be done'”

The Controversial 'Lagarde List' Has Leaked, And It's Bad ... 28, 2012 · The controversial ‘Lagarde List’ has been leaked to the media in Greece.The list contains the names of 1,991 Greeks with bank accounts at …

Books So Bad They're Good: H. Rider Haggard and The ... 11, 2017 · (Filling in this week for Ellid) If Rudyard Kipling was the Poet Laureate of the British Empire, then H. Rider Haggard was its skald, its teller of rousing tales of heroic deeds. His most famous book is King Solomon's Mines, but its close second...

Louisiana activists’ life or death battle against ... of the stops during this two-week protest was the Louisiana Association of Business and Industry (LABI). On the 11th floor of the building protesters sang, chanted and spoke about their experiences although representatives of LABI weren’t there to hear.

It's a family affair, it's a family affair... | KnoxViews is hard for me. Frank Leuthod was one of my favorite elected officials. He was smart, honest, hard-working and kept his promises. He was very pro-neighborhood and stood up against rape-and-pillage development. He was the acknowledged budget expert on the commission and was the keeper of much of the institutional wisdom on that body.

Things I learned on Twitter this Past Week From Dem ... 15, 2017 · Mention any Clinton scandal - literally any - and you are a Putin bot and a traitor. Joe Biden is a wonderful guy and he's our only hope to beat Trump in 2020. If you use the phrase "ordinary Americans" you are a racist and hate Latinos, LBQGT and any other minority. This is especially true if your name is Bernie Sanders.

To the Sick Motherfucker Who Was ... - The Stranger YOU. To the rest of Ballard: I don’t have much of a description—white dude, about 5’10”-6’0, I’d guess (based on where his torso fell in the frame of my window). Late 30s, a little grungy lookin’, but I just saw his face for a second. He was wearing a black sweatshirt with a big Adidas logo on the front.

Weigh in on Palin! | Slog | The Stranger | Seattle's Only ... hilarious. all i see in the space for the survey are the stranger personal adds - what appears dead center is the photo of the blond woman seeking a man "Aprilinparis" Posted by onion | …

There must be more to this KNS story about health care 23, 2014 · The E network is more limited than the S and P networks. However, there are many doctors in Knoxville in-network for the E network. Based on this link (as linked by Randy twice earlier), there are around 40 family practice doctors and nearly 40 internal medicine doctors, all in-network in Knoxville. It seems hard to imagine why the person mentioned in the article could not find a physician …

Blicky Kitty: A Letter to the Second-Grade Class in Room 28 loved second/third grade as much as I've loved anytime in my life. I also loved those ages for my children. In heaven, I want us all to be in the third grade together. Now 13 and 16, many days I'm pretty sure my lovely 2/3rd grade daughters have been abducted by cranky aliens. I'm hopeful they will be returned someday. May 24, 2009 at 7:30 AM

Group that freaked out over Ellen Degeneres representing J ... 04, 2012 · Courtesy of Styleite : One Million Moms — the same group that tried to get JCPenny to fire Ellen Degeneres — is pissed about a lesbian k...

The 9-12 Project Parade And Rally, Downtown Fort Worth ... 09, 2009 · I participated in the 9-12 Parade, Rally, Protest, and all-around Procession Of The Pissed in downtown Fort Worth today. Much has been written and argued about whether Libertarians have any business aligning themselves with this movement. Go here and read the comments for an overview. John Spivey, Chair of the Tarrant County Libertarian Party, put in long hours building a parade float for this ...

Canadian Police Officer Accused of Series of Assaults On ... 08, 2011 · In Canada, Const. Geoff Mantler has racked up quite a record of assaulting citizens. The officer now stands accused of three separate assaults on citizens, including one assault caught on camera. The government, however, has decided not to press charges in the third case. In January, Mantler was caught on camera kicking a man in…

Virginia Religion News Monitoring Service & Press Release ... 13, 2020 · Dubai, July 10, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Monir Islam, a young entrepreneur from the UK, had a purpose which led him to build a one-of-its-kind business venture BE. Only those who are willing to risk and go too far can find out how far one can go. This is …

Bilgrimage: "The Bible Is Trending Because It Was Just ... 08, 2018 · The Bible is trending because it was just used to justify ripping babies from their mothers’ arms and putting them in interment camps. Christians have a name for this: blasphemy. — Rachel Held Evans (@rachelheldevans) June 14, 2018

HANK'S LEGAL CORNER: JOSEPH NEWMAN! CHILD ABUSER AND ... wacky inventor and a person of interest in a local murder share a bizarre connection. Doomsday prophet and debunked inventor Joseph Newman was once Jarred Harrell's step-father. When Harrell was a child, Newman married both his mother and 8-year old sister.

Today, Unca Donald may get the Money Bin opened-up without ... characters without pants might have to drop drawers as SCOTUS finally rules on Trump’s financial records today. There will be an over/under and perhaps even a split difference, but regardless there will be strong, powerful, or even strongly or powerfully Trump distractions. Bigly matters will at least be referenced since niece Mary Trump reminds […]

To Follow The Ukraine Scandal, Learn Your ABC's is just a quick hit, but hopefully worth your while. As the House Rules committee moves today to approve the rules of the road for the continuing impeachment proceeding, to be voted on by the full House tomorrow, there is a new bit of jargon that is beginning to take root in the media. And since y’all have lives, and I don’t, I’m ...

Niagara Falls Archives – The Paragraph fever took Helen Keller’s sight and hearing at the age of one-and-a-half. On March 3, 1887, when Keller was six, a teacher, Anne Sullivan, came to stay at her house. Sullivan taught Keller language by spelling into her hand.… Read more ?

BROKE: Glenn Beck’s “PLAN” To Collapse The System | News ... year ago this month Glenn Beck announced that he had a “Plan” that he promised to unveil at public event to be held at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC. It is a 100 year plan to restore America to what Beck imagines it was a hundred years ago, before the progressives came along and convinced everyone to eat some forbidden apples.

A word on the inspiration for this blog. . and a note of ... 08, 2008 · A word on the inspiration for this blog. . and a note of Thanks to Flowergirl ... This is a work of fiction. ... used or cited by this website are the property of their respective owners and this website in no way accepts any responsibility for an infringement on one or any of the above.

Downtown Bomb Threat | Slog | The Stranger's Blog | The ... was on the 18 right next to the fed building when the swat cars came roaring up, sirens blaring. I thought "swat cars + federal building = bomb threat", realized that if the bomb went off right then I was pretty much doomed, and mumbled a little prayer as the bus slowly inched its way past the building and to the sweet, sweet safety of Queen Anne.

Justice Log archives - Relics…is simply grief.. Certainly, the assault on Falluja has given the Iraqi people a lot to look at, and a lot to think about. Some 200,000 people — the great majority of Falluja’s population of some 300,000 — were driven out of their city by news of the imminent attack and the US bombardment.

"Endless War Isn't Inevitable": House Votes to Stop Trump ... 12, 2019 · Go to Daily KOS and type in “Return of the 19th Century”. THAT is what these right-wing assholes really want. A country where men called all the shots and controlled the wealth, women knew their place and brown-skinned people were normally regarded as inferior and not deserving of equality.

The Pentagon just logged its longest stretch ever of ... 15, 2019 · When Jim Mattis resigned from the Defense secretary post seven months ago, he anticipated it would take about two months to find his replacement. The continued vacancy is …

Trump backward-shifts blame by announcing US leaving WHO ... Trump has said he is terminating the nation’s relationship with the World Health Organization. Trump, who has threatened to withhold funding from the organisation, says the US will redirect funds to other bodies. This announcement is within the tactical measures Trump has adopted for his reelection campaign, hoping to blame China for his inaction that […]

Fox News and Trump Shill Kellyanne Conway Equate U.S ... 29, 2019 · So while Trump is repeatedly referring to the free press in Stalinist terms as “the enemy of the people,” his designated mouthpieces are equating reporters with Russian spies. What Conway and her boss are really afraid of is that the American people will discover the depths of criminality to which Trump and company have sunk.

Nonsense from Foxman aide re the Bloomberg-Independence ... 3, 2005 (Part Three on ADL director Foxman and the Bloomberg-Independence Party alliance) One could argue that Foxman's April 20 letter to Mayor Bloomberg--written over a month before the mayor accepted the endorsement of an unrepentant Independence Party--was a misguided attempt to entice the mayor away from the IP with honey.

Is the (Federal) Government a Useless Waste of Money ... 05, 2018 · A popular meme in America has long held that most of what the (federal) bureaucracy does is a waste of money, and benefits nobody. So when there is a government shutdown, like now, this doesn’t make any difference in the lives of the American people. This is a stupid but widespread misconception. In fact, the (federal) bureaucracy provides the knowledge, the expertise and the …

Picture of the Day | oneparticularwave of the Day: from the Voyager Tarot – XXI Universe 21 December, 2006 Posted by ~V~ in Images, Philosophy, Picture of the Day, Spirituality. 2 comments. because an image speaks volumes in an instant. (click on image to see full-size)

Afghan War | This Black Sista's Memorial Page Black Sista's Memorial Page. commentary on the news from 2009…and then some . Veteran Marine Sgt. Shemar Thomas on the Occupy Wall Street Protests: “This is …

Common Core | A Matter of Scale is not from me. This was eloquently written by a true expert in their field whom everyone should listen to, educator, Gerald J. Conti. I picked it up from an article in the Washington Post by Valerie Strauss. Read it and learn…there will be a test after.

Justify Your Pod: Megan Seling vs. 107.7 the End's Andrew ... Christmas tunes are the only Christmas tunes. (Brenda Lee would beg to differ, but come on, she only had one good Christmas tune.) All that should be left is some J&MC, MBV, The Beatles, and a little Conga Master Poncho Sanchez.

Buzbee files another lawsuit – Off the Tuesday in Harris County, the action alleges that Blessed Enterprises and A-Status Construction LLC were unaware that they were listed as minority-owned subcontractors by Burghli Investments and Tegrity Houston LLC, which each received $66 million from the city to help rebuild or rehabilitate homes affected by the storm.

The Creation Museum as Megachurch | Righting America 19, 2018 · This is purposefully so, to reach precisely those people for whom the pomp and circumstance of traditional liturgical spaces are off-putting. The megachurch’s massive foyers, wide hallways, escalators, coffee shop, and bookstore are meant to put people at ease within the familiar language of commercial and leisure spaces.

What Are You Lookin’ At? Top Posts on Dakota Free Press in 03, 2020 · What was in vogue with Dakota Free Press readers in 2019? Here are the 116 posts (including a few from previous years!) that drew more than …

The Problem is Both: Cannibals and a Lack of Meat Eaters ... 28, 2012 · We are the drain the swamp people. ... The Problem is Both: Cannibals and a Lack of Meat Eaters. Posted on January 28, 2012 by Designated2. Once again we are reminded why we like this lady. The purpose in linking to this article is not to advocate for Newt as the nominee, he has plenty to answer for, but to echo the call for truth and balance ...

That's good thinking there, Cool Breeze | KnoxViews 05, 2010 · 'This is unsafe': Memphis restaurants push back at Shelby Co. request to limit staff COVID-19 test (Commercial Appeal) What are the most ethical businesses in Chattanooga? - Chattanooga Times Free Press (Times Free Press) TSSAA approves schedule plan for prep football - Chattanooga Times Free Press (Times Free Press)

American Nazis And Fascists and Racists Will Be Defeated Nazis And Fascists and Racists Will Be Defeated American Nazis and Fascists have finally gotten a place at the table, thanks to Prezident-elect, da Trump. Trump's senior advisor is a Nazi who for years has operated a white-supremacist/Nazi website.

The Debate Link: Eighth Circuit: Go Ahead and Taze Him ..., as the gun control debate shift in focus -- as it always tends to do -- towards "mental illness", it's worth reflecting on cases like this. The victim in this case probably did need mental health services -- his father wanted him to get evaluated after he stopped …

The Johnsville News: Duke Hoax: Day #205 sheriff there refuses to send us the reports, tests, and information we requested via the FOIA. This is the same department that handled the Duke rape, and the most recent fiasco of being caught on tape, plotting murder for hire, trafficking in drugs, and women for …

The Citizens: A Thought on Strategy 03, 2009 · Can't wait for the day when what women think and say is a more important topic than what they wear. And for when older, respected, intelligent women are the fronts on a whole load of news shows, rather than younger, fluffy, ditzy women as the sidekicks and convenient self-fulfilling prophecy to the older respected men. Sigh.

Third and State | A progressive take on public policy in ... the state ended the 2010-11 fiscal year with a $785 million revenue surplus, Michael Wood shares the Pennsylvania Budget and Policy Center's year-end Revenue Tracker. On health care, Chris Lilienthal highlights a recent blog post from Ron Pollack at Families USA that thoroughly debunks a misleading study about the impact of the Affordable ...

The Disaffected Lib: Want Canada to Make a Difference? Let ... is into turf, acquiring control. Muslim countries that are destabilized are the organization's preferred hunting ground. Our approach to ISIS - bombing - is futile. It amounts to "we'll bomb ISIS here but not there, there, there, there or there." Sounds pretty rational, doesn't it?

Death | This Black Sista's Memorial Page Posts. LIVE STREAMING: Homegoing of Poet Amiri Baraka at the Newark Symphony Hall, New Jersey January 18, 2014; Meanwhile, Back in Wisconsin: Busting Out of Jail The Hard Way – Nathan Middleton Wanted His Mother to Provide Explosives and a Car for His Jail Break December 20, 2013; Christmas Songs: “Oh, Tannenbaum,” José Carreras, Plácido Domingo, and Luciano Pavarotti, from ...

Weaknesses of Evolution - Part 7 - Transitional Fossils ... 22, 2013 · Rarely does the whole organism fit into the proposed developmental path. For example, birds are often said to have transitioned from reptile- hipped dinosaurs like Velociraptor. But these have a different kind of hip structure than birds. Birds have the same kind of hip structure as the dinosaurs like stegosaurus and the horned dinosaurs.

Extremists Messing With The Vajayjay | BroadBlogs 11, 2013 · This is why laws are created as well to control our bodies and what we do with them. It really does make sense that the vagina has everything to do with a women’s brain. The chemicals that are literally released when we have sex and or are stimulated are very much affected and influenced with our everyday life.

Is an approval voting system the key to a reflective ..., in Missouri, nonprofit St. Louis Approves is pushing an initiative for the implementation of approval voting in the city. A recent poll by the Center for Election Science, one of the biggest advocacy organizations for approval voting, evaluated the attitudes of voters in St. Louis as they push to get the referendum on the ballot next year. . Approximately 53% of the people surveyed said ...

I Hope This Is Just A “Correction” | The Illogical Seminary 11, 2018 · I've been watching the stock market jump generally jump up, up, up and up nearly daily since it began its latest meteoric rise in oh, about 2015. Yesterday and today ended that trend. That makes me a bit uneasy, because I have a few accounts that are completely invested in the markets, which are designed…

Adult to Be Sentenced as Juvenile | Slog | The Stranger ... Huertas was 17 when she gave her 16-year-old friend, Danielle McCarthy, ecstasy on December 31, 2006. Even though McCarthy began to show symptoms of an overdose—delirious, urinating, a seizure—her friends waited hours before taking her to a hospital in Edmonds, where she was pronounced dead.

Next Left: What are the left blogs to watch? Your tips arrival of LabourList has coincided with and contributed to a major blogging push at the top end of our no longer top down (work in progress) party. John Prescott is blogging for Go Fourth . Several people have suggested that John's response to Iain Dale 's scepticism about whether it was really him may just have been the moment when Labour ...

Article: Voting News: Hackers invade Colorado SOS site. SC ... 17, 2010 · According to a report produced by Minnesota Majority, to date 10 of 2,921,147 ballots were found to be illegally cast in the 2008 Minnesota general election, for a rate of 0.0003%.

5 Scandalous Obamacare Horror Stories | John Hawkins ... have been paying $7,200 a year for a bare-bones Kaiser Permanente health plan with a $5,000 per person annual deductible. “Kaiser told us the plan does not comply with Obamacare and the substitute will cost more than twice as much,” about $15,000 per year, she says.This new plan, Kaiser’s cheapest offering for 2014, would consume ...

Re: A Matter of Taste | Slog | The Stranger | Seattle's ... love how people think some gaggle of lazy seattle architect people causing all this. The cookie cutter designs are probably bought off the shelf at rock bottom prices, by people straight out of school. its up to the builder to decide they want to spend more on a original design and pay the additional labor for a market that values based on # of rooms and price per sqft.

Crackpot Minister: Climate Change Is A Demonic Trick ... 13, 2019 · Crackpot Minister: Climate Change Is A Demonic Trick Posted by: Darrell Lucus , June 13, 2019 Without fail, whenever a major national disaster occurs, one or more hyper-fundie pastors warn us that it was brought because we allowed the devil to trick us into listening to him and falling into sin.

memeorandum: Driver accused of killing Colts player Edwin ... House says it's ‘concerned’ about stock market drop — The Dow Jones industrial average fell more than 400 points Monday afternoon and the S&P 500 traded more than 1 percent lower, extending last week's plunge.— President Donald Trump has touted the strong stock market performance since … +

Everyone's a Critic - Kerfuffle this got me to thinking about the factors of influence on the music buying public these days. Driving this musing in part is that I have a couple papers to write this semester; one is for a media theory class and the other is a media effects class. In the effects class, we've been talking a lot about the power of personal influence.

WATE Burned by Source on voting story | 02, 2012 · WATE's Hayley Harmon, no relation, had a source mislead her on a story appearing in tonight's 6pm newscast. The source, Joe Burchfield, complained about handicapped access at Belle Morris Elementary School, but a quick check of KGIS records shows Burchfield has been assigned to vote at Larry Cox Rec/Senior Center as long as it has been a voting location.

Search Results for “advertise” – Page 13 – News Corpse never fails to surface that, whenever a conservative principle inures to a negative result for conservatives, they abandon their principles and whine like colicky babes. This is the case now with Rush Limbaugh who is upset with one of his radio distributors and is threatening to jump ship.

We are in the End Times! David Brooks has embraced ... 03, 2020 · In the latest waste of New York Times Opinion space, David Brooks has once more ascended to his pulpit to sermonize on our spiritual failures.. The National Humiliation We Need. Mr. Brooks has made the more-in-sorrow-than-in-anger moralizing schtick into one of his go-to’s when he wants to crank out a column bemoaning whatever is troubling his delicate soul.

Betelgeuse, Betelgeuse, Betelgeuse ... is lopsided 15, 2020 · Betelgeuse is a very large star. A very, very large star. So large that were one of the more powerful figures from the Marvel pantheon to snatch the Sun from its position and drop in Betelgeuse ...

Recall: War Criminal Michael Hayden Got Caught Leaking ... you hear Michael Hayden spin his garbage today, remember, Michael Hayden is a war criminal and a liar. October 2013 Thinkprogress reported Riding on the Acela express train between New York and Washington, DC, Hayden had the bad luck of sitting near entrepreneur and former director Tom Matzzie.

After On-Air Mishaps, Embarrassed Newscasters Turn to Bergman is an intern at the Digital Media Law Project and a rising 3L at William & Mary Law School. (Image courtesy of Flickr user Daniel Petzold Photography pursuant to a Creative Commons CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 license.)

Favorite Quotes - Quotes about Favorite | YourDictionary quotes from YourDictionary: To sit home, read one's favorite paper, and scoff at the misdeeds of the men who do things is easy, but it is markedly ineffective. It …

Mexican Chicago: How our Families Feel the ... - Gapers 08, 2012 · Op-Ed Tue May 08 2012 Mexican Chicago: How our Families Feel the Drug War from Both Sides of the Border. By Latinos Progresando. I met with a man who works with the Mexican community to raise money to build hospitals and schools.

Stop the War on Terror, We Want to Get Off - Progress Pond 09, 2015 · Right about now seems like the right time to contend with the following analysis from Tom Engelhardt: Despite the several thousand Americans who died on September 11, 2001, the dangers of terrorism rate above shark attacks but not much else in American life. Even more remarkably, the national security state has been built on a […]

Our Numb Nutted Nimrod in The White House | Bill's Links ...“Almost half of Americans polled believe Donald Trump will be remembered as one of the worst presidents in U.S. history. According to a Marist poll released on Thursday, 42 percent believe Trump’s legacy will be as one of the country’s worst leaders, while 16 percent think he will be remembered as a below average president.

Something to Love: James Harris Gallery Is Moving and ..., that room is the same size as the one it replaces—the back room of the current gallery—but it’s free of the storage and flat-file cabinets that crowd the current back room. Farther back still is where there’ll be storage, a hall with a long wall that may be used to show multiples, and a public restroom that smells pungently like ...

Quinnipiac: Biden 45, Trump 44 – Off the another poll showing Joe Biden in the lead in Texas, though you have to scroll way down in the Quinnipiac press release to get to that.. With Texas as one of the biggest hot spots in the coronavirus pandemic, voters say 65 – 31 percent that the spread of coronavirus is “out of control,” according to a Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pea-ack) University poll of registered voters in Texas ...

Google News - Overview of the reasons Lincoln Project ads are so resonating with voters is that just as Trump connected at a gut level in 2016 to the anger of millions of Americans ... amp video_youtube 2 days ago Opinion

Strengthening Families and Communities | Vera Institute 17, 2020 · One of the best ways to do that is to bring college back into prison, helping people use it as a sturdy bridge to a new life in which they are employed in well-paying jobs. Another is to make reentry a process of welcoming returning citizens into public housing developments if that’s where their families reside and by marshalling support for ...

It's Time to Challenge Those Ruling Our Health Care System ... has never been a better time to challenge those ruling our health care with an iron fist. We have the power and all we need to do is exercise it. We have the tools in the 21st century to bring about a modern Age of Enlightenment 33 that will liberate the people …

Mary Travers: May Your Voice Still Be Heard, Blowin’ In ... 17, 2009 · One of the stand up comics, during the time of my teenage years, use to refer to the fact that when he heard the name Peter, Paul and Mary, he thought it was” two Franciscans and a Nun.” For me as one of those idealistic “children of the sixties”, PP&M and their music were an integral part of the idealism of the 60’s and Mary Travers ...

Ronald Reagan Warns Against "Socialized Medicine" as the is audio of Ronald Reagan in virtual prophetic voice speaking against "Socialized Medicine," 48 years ago. He was speaking in 1961 and pointed out that Socialism would always be rejected directly by the American people, but that attempts to introduce it into the American bloodstream could come through socialized medicine.

Contextual Criticism: Christians are full of bull - on ... would find that praying to a bull for money is right up at the top of the list of No-No's that God gave Moses - something about graven images, as I recall. Plus, there's a story in Exodus 32 which tells what happened to the Israelites when they collected all their gold and fashioned a "molten" calf.

Can Salmon Be Farmed Safely? | Slog | The Stranger ...'s "all natural", but it's threatening Puget Sound, which is one of the most endangered waterways in the world. Not least of the threats is the harboring of Salmo in waters that belong to Onchorynchus (better known as Chinook, Pink, Coho, Chum, Sockeye, and Steelhead).

Media Consolidation and Antitrust - Truth on the Market ... 04, 2007 · One of the more interesting parts of Senator Herbert Kohl’s recent Antitrust interview, in which he also discussed airline mergers, concerned antitrust’s treatment of media consolidation.Here’s what the Senator had to say: It’s such a very important issue, media consolidation, because it has the potential to reduce if not eliminate the opportunities people have to read and think about ...

Tickle The Wire - Page 32 of 2105 - Tapping Into The Steve Neavling It appears the fight over exhuming John Dillinger’s gravesite is over. Michael Thompson, the nephew of the 1930s American gangster, has withdrawn his lawsuit seeking permission from an Indianapolis cemetery to exhume Dillinger’s gravesite to determine if he’s actually buried there, RTV-6 reports. Thompson believes he may have evidence that his bank ...

Capitol Briefing - Pelosi, Dingell Families Unite on 30, 2007 · Pelosi, Dingell Families Unite on Global Warming Sometimes on Capitol Hill there are personal feuds, other times there are policy disputes. Once in a while, there are personal feuds connected to big policy disputes among the major players of an individual party's caucus -- and that's when you need to pull out all the stops to prevent a civil war.

Is Boehner now threatening violence? (with update #3) 20, 2010 · Update #2 By the way John Boehner for the first time in many years has a real challenger, Justin Cossouele. A young West Point grad, an attorney who

News Corpse | The Internet's Chronicle of Media Decay ...“It’s sad,” said a veteran reporter at one of the domestic bureaus, who did not want to be named because of concerns over his career. “We held a wake. We stood around a pile of Journals and drank whiskey.” Something to think about…

memeorandum: U.S. agrees to pay Pfizer and BioNTech $2 ...'s Request of an Ambassador: Get the British Open for Me — Woody Johnson, the N.F.L. owner, Trump donor and ambassador to Britain, was warned not to get involved in trying to move the tournament to a Trump resort in Scotland, but he raised the idea anyway — and he failed.

News and Analyses, A Foreign Perspective | themcglynn.com and Analyses, A Foreign Perspective English Online International Newspapers Nearly all of these are English-edition daily newspapers. These sites have interesting editorials and essays, and many have links to other good news sources.

My favorite things to hit people with..(Part 2) said.... I am LMBAO so hard at this shit. I once attempted to give my cousin a beatdown with a 4-way (the metal thing that you take the lugnuts off your tires with), hell, I even managed to get the seat belt buckle to start wailing out on him, but my dad and my uncles were refereeing the fight, and said that would not have been fair.

Knox County Office of Neighborhoods director resigns, they didn't ask about anticipated employee turnover in other offices, but they probably would have zeroed in on anybody who was the focus of as many rumors as Wagley. I don't know if you're playing naive, Tamara, or if you are the last remaining person in Knox County who hasn't heard this stuff.

Academic Freedom of Speech — Crooked Timber 07, 2005 · I was always able to get used to a TA or prof’s accent in about 3 sections. (It also takes me the first Act of any Shakespearean play to get into the groove, so it’s not a racism/xenophobia thing, just a brain-thing.) Generally apathetic or disorganized teaching, OTOH, one never gets used to. There’s no need for a law on this.

April 5 Election Results Thread #7 – Swing State 06, 2011 · And for a candidate who is not satisfied with the recount: Within five business days after completion of the recount, any candidate aggrieved by the recount may appeal to circuit court. The appellant must file the notice with the clerk of the circuit court together with an undertaking and surety in the amount approved by the court.

Patent Glossary Pilot Program | Patently-O Dennis Crouch. In a new pilot program, the USPTO will offer expedited processing of patent applications that include a proper Glossary-of-Terms that define the terms used in patent claims.. Details: The pilot program is limited only to computer-related inventions (Tech Centers 2100, 2400, 2600, and the Business Methods area of 3600) and may be limited to 200 applications that petition to ...

Damning Report: Obama And The Grand Bargain. Cenk Uygur Washington Post reveals the inside scoop on the grand bargain last year and currently under consideration, affirming that President Obama, indeed, wants to cut corporate taxes while making up for the deficits by cutting social security, medicare, medicaid, healthcare, and other safety-net social programs yet raising taxes on the working and middle classes.

COVID-1? How Stupid are the Trump-Fluffing Hacks on Fox ... 15, 2020 · How Stupid are the Trump-Fluffing Hacks on Fox News? Posted by Mark NC on April 15, 2020 at 12:10 pm. 7 Comments : From the outset of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, Donald Trump and his enablers at State TV (aka Fox News) have been producing an impressive amount of propaganda and outright lies.

Abortion is Not Elective Surgery, and Abortions Must ... 01, 2020 · Daily KOS Thursday March 26, 2020 ZawnVillines Texas this week seized the opportunity to ban abortions and blame it on COVID-19. The state banned “any type of abortion that is not medically necessary to preserve the life or health of the mother,” with no exceptions for severely ill fetuses, babies who will suffer and die...

38 Best Surprised? Shocked? Diary images | This or that ... 23, 2018 - Explore Evangeline D'orange's board "Surprised? Shocked? Diary" on Pinterest. See more ideas about This or that questions, Truth, Words.35 pins78 followers

Haters on the March! - PJ Media 26, 2010 · Haters on the March! ... etc. Look for it tomorrow on the Daily KOS and other web sites dedicated to rooting out irrational prejudice and exposing ... A friend who is visiting Arizona wrote to ...

Personality Types in Business: Conscientious CEOs & Open some level, an impressive use of data, but at another level, it’s a failure, as I’m no longer in the market for a hotel room. The data to solve this problem is out there as someone could have tracked my visitation of the conference website, understood the date of the conference, and better understood my intent in visiting the Westin.

Trump's Walter Reed visit an excuse for upcoming 17, 2019 · Hillary had a bad cold and the media was fitting her for a coffin. Trump is rushed to Walter Reed on a Saturday, transparently lies about why, then cancels all his events by 9am on Sunday and no one's talking about his health. This is what institutional misogyny looks like. — Patrick S. Tomlinson (@stealthygeek) November 17, 2019

Who's What Now? | Slog | The Stranger | Seattle's Only ... is true even of orthography, so we would expect these products to be called Shiskaberrys rather than Shiskaberries. Nevertheless, I'll admit, there's little excuse for the apostrophe which now so wantonly pervades the language of the grammatical ignorant, as …

No, Trump Did Not Make a Mistake in Yemen - Smirking gather these are the features people have concerns about in the recent U.S. raid in Yemen. 1. It was fought on the ground rather than from the air. 2. An American died. 3. The American was a Navy SEAL Team 6 member, more valuable than other Americans. 4. Trump approved it instead of Obama. 5. Trump didn't have "proper" "intelligence." 6.

House Judiciary Committee to subpoena a dozen Mueller ... 09, 2019 · The House Judiciary Committee is preparing to issue a dozen subpoenas to key witnesses named in the Mueller report—and it’s not messing around.

The Rude Pundit: Trump Broke It, So He Owns It 01, 2019 · This is why a business mogul should never be president. The government ain't a corporation. The government ain't responsible for maximizing the profits of a few. It's gotta keep working in order to make life better for the most people, ideally. And when you try to make a deal, there are lives, not just wallets, at stake.

Diet or Deity? | Some Tennesseans fast all the time due to lack of food. Also, fasting is not healthy for a lot of people. Then there is this, from the Chattanooga Times Free Press:. But the fasting aspect creates a problem for Jews this year in their faith's lunar calendar.

85 Best Unions! images | Union, Labor union, Pro union 10, 2018 - Explore Bill Laviolette's board "Unions!" on Pinterest. See more ideas about Union, Labor union, Pro union.85 pins7 followers

Barack Obama Sets To Fight the Smears | Obama Sets To Fight the Smears By Armen Hareyan G+ 2008-06-12 21:24 There's an article in Time Magazine about this website and his efforts to fight back the internet smears, which can be disgustingly prevalent due to the anonymous nature of the internet, making it …

Auburn Message cards are the best flag football team in u.s. * aubigjoe 11/5/2006 - 10:16 p.m. (1/1) GEORGE WILL IS A COUPON CLIPPING,BLEEDING HEART AUBIGJOE 10/25/2006 - 4:40 p.m.

Tennessee man sues Popeyes for running out of sandwiches ... 30, 2019 · Barr, who is representing himself in the case, also said in court documents that he was "hustled out of $25" by a friend of a man who allegedly claimed in a Craigslist advertisement that he worked at a Popeyes location and could get sandwiches the restaurant was hiding.

defence of the West | Law of Markets about defence of the West written by lawofmarkets. My two favourite writers at one and the same time – both, as it happens Canadian, I think only by coincidence but perhaps not – in which one, David Solway, discusses the other, Jordan Peterson, with the title, The Jordan Peterson Phenomenon.My only observation is that David Solway is less astonished at the emergence of Jordan ...

memeorandum: Russian ambassador says he won't name all the ... announces a licensing program to pay publishers for content for a new news product, launching later this year, as part of the Google News Initiative David Folkenflik / NPR: A group of newsroom employees filed a proposed class-action lawsuit against the LA Times, claiming the paper has longstanding discriminatory pay practices Nieman Lab:

Chris King's First Amendment Page: KingCast says ABC News ... is what I wrote, in pertinent part, to that post. It will be interesting to see how they cover this case. They can't go where I go and they can't know what I know so they can't get the Real. And locals are very leery of media because of their historic misrepresentations about the area.

Why the Terrorist Attack in El Paso Struck This Houstonian ... 05, 2019 · I have to be honest with you, this weekend’s terrorist attack in El Paso shook me more than any of the other senseless and horrific mass murders our country has experienced recently. Having ...

Giuliani pals were attempting to flee country when ... men who assisted Rudy Giuliani in creating the Ukraine smear against Joe Biden have been arrested for campaign finance violations. While both men funneled six figure donations to Donald Trump through a PAC run by Donald Trump Jr., that does not appear to be the primary focus of the charges. Instead it seems the men are […]

Trump Reopening Plan Provides Cover for Extremist ... 17, 2020 · Trump has heralded a new rapid-response test from Abbott Laboratories that can deliver results in as few as five minutes, and has taken pride in his administration’s role helping distribute the machines nationwide. But when Montana Gov. Steve Bullock (D) said they got the “great Abbott machines” two weeks ago but still don’t have ...

Trump's die-hard supporters are just fine with him giving ... Trump is historically unpopular, and nearly every decision he has made as president has been met with strong disapproval from voters. But his most loyal supporters continue to stubbornly approve of everything he does — even when it undermines America's national security.

"OMG! Look! There on that cake! GROOMS! Run for your lives ... Senator Inhofe has never read the Gospel according to Luke, chapter 16. The Rich Man and Lazarus . Jesus said: 19 "There was a rich man who was dressed in purple and fine linen and lived in luxury every day. 20 At his gate was laid a beggar named Lazarus, covered with sores 21 and longing to eat what fell from the rich man's table.

Shaun King Is Not Rachel Dolezal: What the Media Gets 29, 2015 · By Malaika Jabali As they have in the past, the conservative truth spinners behind the online media outlet Breitbart News Network have initiated an attack against yet another person of color fighting for civil and human rights.The target this time is activist Shaun King, who has been vocal about the police abuse that has permeated our consciousness for over a year.

Anti-Gay Christian Right Attorney Busted for Horrifying ... 20, 2012 · An attorney for the Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) is facing some very serious charges. ADF is a "Christian" consortium of attorneys dedicated to "transforming the legal system and advocating for ...

Dunphy: A president must put our nation first - Alton ... 24, 2016 · As Michael Stone noted in his article “Ted Cruz Preaches Theocracy,” someone who is first a Christian and then an American should be …

Media Bias According to Fox News | News Corpse 03, 2009 · Sammon’s obtuse obliviousness is a rather typical Fox characteristic. They assert press bias without even a hint of ironic recognition that they are a prominent part of the mainstream media. All that matters is that they cast aspersions on anyone who is not them. Yet by the end of the program, Sammon said something that was impossible to deny:

Disappeared News: Report reveals details of AG Now! Broadcast Schedule for Hawaii: Oahu Olelo TV, Channels 54 M T Th F 11pm Oahu Olelo TV, Channels 54 7 am M-F (previous day's program) Honolulu KTUH 90.3 FM Mon & Tues 9-10am Kahului, Maui Akaku Ch. 54 M-F 7 pm Kaua'i,Hanalei KKCR, 104.7 (Oahu), 90.9, 91.9 FM M-F 11 am Or listen to the podcast or download or stream audio or video programs …

Man Teaches People Course On “How To Be Happy in This 04, 2010 · A man who is a long time resident of Azezo, Gondar, a small town in northwestern Ethiopia has begun teaching a self-made course entitled “How To Be Happy in This Stressful World” and the number of people who are eagerly taking this course, given in his small house (which he affectionately calls ‘Dessasa Gojoye’), is growing weekly.

Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman did his duty to the nation, and ... his opening statement before the House, Vindman sent a touching reassurance to his father. “Dad, my sitting here today, in the U.S. Capitol talking to our elected officials, is proof that you made the right decision forty years ago to leave the Soviet Union and come here to United States of America in search of a better life for our family.

‘Far More Fiction than Fact’: Trump Tweets the Perfect ... 08, 2018 · The use of undisclosed sources is a critical part of journalism. It protects people in positions to know detailed and intimate facts from the retribution of powerful bosses. Every legitimate news enterprises uses them. Trump even uses them and cites articles where they’ve been used, so long as the article advances his interests.

The Big Apple: WarPo (Washington Post nickname) Washington (DC) Post is a newspaper that has covered events in the nation’s capital city—especially the federal government—since 1877. The newspaper’s name is frequently shortened to “WaPo” or “WashPo.” The Washington (DC) Post has been infrequently called “WarPo” in response to a perceived pro-war stance with respect to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

The moral worth of my next meal… – Here's A Thing… 20, 2021 · John Lewis has 'come home': Civil rights hero honored in his Alabama hometown 07/25/2020 Biden campaign ramps up for 100-day push 07/25/2020 With spotlight on Portland, activists denounce what they say has become a 'white spectacle' 07/24/2020

The Big Apple: Entry forthcoming Washington (DC) Post is a newspaper that has covered events in the nation’s capital city—especially the federal government—since 1877. The newspaper’s name is frequently shortened to “WaPo” or “WashPo.” The Washington (DC) Post has been infrequently called “WarPo” in response to a perceived pro-war stance with respect to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Is ACORN Pimp James O’Keefe A Felon And A Rapist? | News ... 01, 2012 · There is a news report today that is raising the question of whether or not crocumentary videographer James O’Keefe is a felon and a rapist. The question has risen from the announcement by O’Keefe that he is suing the CurrentTV network, Keith Olbermann, and David Shuster over remarks allegedly made about allegations that he is a felon and a rapist.

In the news cycle, memes spread more like a heartbeat than ... 13, 2009 · The New York Times reports today: “For the most part, the traditional news outlets lead and the blogs follow, typically by 2.5 hours, according to a new computer analysis of news articles and commentary on the Web during the last three months of the 2008 presidential campaign.” By that measure, I’m past due in responding, but here’s why the Times has it wrong.

Page One reviewed: David Carr stars in this New York Times ... 16, 2011 · Carr, a former cocaine addict whose long, strange trip from rock bottom to a post at the Times was chronicled in his memoir The Night of the Gun, functions as the movie’s leading man.

The Campaign Report – Trump Approval Keeps Dropping – Blue ... 21, 2020 · A new American Research Group poll finds President Trump’s approval at a record low 36% to 60%. A new Cardinal Point Analytics poll in North Carolina finds Cal Cunningham (D) leading Sen. Thom Tillis (R) by three points, 47% to 44%.. In the presidential race, Donald Trump edges Joe Biden by one point, 49% to 48%.

Georgia anti-abortion bill would require investigations of ... his now must-see-TV daily press conferences, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has referred to COVID-19 as “the great equalizer.” In the sense that anybody can be infected by the virus, the ...

PERRspectives: Cornyn Appears with McCain Wednesday, Slams the Dallas Morning News detailed: "I sort of liken it to a grieving process. You come to acceptance," said U.S. Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, ticking off the conventionally accepted stages of mourning. Such rhetorical flair is usually reserved for Cornyn's enemies.

A true social justice warrior has passed ... - Eclectablog 10, 2018 · Barb Byrum is currently in her second term as Ingham County Clerk, serving as the county’s chief elections official. As Clerk, Barb has successfully conducted 23 elections, 4 union elections, and currently serves on Michigan’s Election Security Commission, the Secretary of State’s team of advisors tasked with strengthening and better ...

PERRspectives: Bush, Obama Tax Cuts Five Times Larger Than as the Center for American Progress detailed, Barack Obama proved to be a much bigger tax-cutter than George W. Bush. The Obama stimulus of 2009 included $425 billion in new tax relief by extending the Bush cuts for two years and offering new credits and deductions to help jump start the economy.

Obamacare Has Helped Americans Save Nearly $2 Billion On to a new report released by the Health and Human Services Department on Thursday, Americans across the country have received a total of $1.9 billion dollars in rebates since this provision first took effect in 2011.

Donald Trump Speaks Fondly of Vladimir Putin - Progress Pond 20, 2015 · Knee-jerk reaction when someone speaks fondly about a former KGB Communist leader. The MSM can hardly criticize or express outrage over a pure capitalst business leader like Donald Trump. Obama can be called a Socialist, just like Bernie Sanders but not Hillary Clinton and her corporate friends. As I have stated early on, Trump is […]

Keep Tabs on City Council and Your Alderman ... - Gapers 04, 2013 · City Council Tue Jun 04 2013 Keep Tabs on City Council and Your Alderman with Councilmatic. By Mike Ewing. Ever wonder what, exactly, your alderman has been up to? Debuted this Saturday, Chicago Councilmatic makes it easy to search, browse and subscribe to anything the council has done in the last two years. This information is technically already available through the City …

Kaepernick’s “ilk” - MintPress News recently Rikers was known as the place where 22-year old Kalief Browder spent three years of his life because he could not afford to make bail on a theft charge. Browder, who was 16 at the ...

Another Lawsuit Filed on Obama's POTUS Eligibility ... to the lawsuit filed by Philip Berg, Obama now ADMITS (on his "Fight the Smears" website and that he held dual citizenship with Kenya as a child. This, in and of itself, may arguably disqualify him under Article II as the whole point of the "Natural Born Citizen" requirement is the avoidance of divided allegiances.

Coronavirus is Killing Trump Supporters, So NOW He's ... 27, 2020 · Much is being made by some the more milquetoast members of the media of what they are spinning as a "pivot" by Donald Trump with regard to his position on the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic. They ...

Our History Will Be Rewritten With New Heroes and Villains ... 23, 2020 · Long-term polling by Gallup shows a slow and steady decline in American national pride and confidence in our institutions that predates the Covid-19 crisis, but as Catherine Rampell notes in the Washington Post, the slide has accelerated in the last several months. Recent crises — involving health, the economy and police brutality — seem to have caused more Americans to question their ...

Even in the Deep South; Divided We Fall - PolitiZoom 09, 2018 · My wife had some things to say about Trump and the hate he embodies. Thus I set her loose to tell her story. She opposes Trump in the Deep South, which can give someone a unique perspective. Jason Miciak By Cassandra Overstreet-Miciak I grew up and spent much of my childhood and early adult life in the South-SE Mississippi, about as “deep South” as one can get.

Orcinus: Donald Trump's 12 Worst Moments in the First Debate 29, 2016 · David Neiwert is an investigative journalist based in Seattle and a contributing writer for the Southern Poverty Law Center. He is the author of the forthcoming Alt-America: The Rise of the Radical Right in the Age of Trump (Verso Press, Fall 2017). He is also the author of And Hell Followed With Her: Crossing the Dark Side of the American Border (NationBooks, March 2013)-- winner of the ...

Paxton’s first day in court – Off the Kendall, Paxton’s lead counsel until Thursday morning, appeared in the Tarrant County courtroom with the first-term attorney general, but told the judge about halfway through the proceeding that he would be stepping down. He did not elaborate, saying only that there were issues in the matter that spurred him to do so.

Trump announces next shutdown, rules out any immigration ...—A leading bipartisan Senate immigration proposal is “totally unacceptable” to President Donald Trump and “should be declared dead on arrival,” the White House said Tuesday, reaffirming a hard line on a contentious issue that has become entangled with U.S. government funding in recent weeks.. The plan doesn’t meet all four benchmarks set by Mr. Trump, [White House press ...

PERRspectives: Employers to Raise Health Care Costs, Cut 15, 2009 : Employers to Raise Health Care Costs, Cut Coverage. Even as the watered down health care reform legislation from the Senate Finance Committee is finally being delivered to growing concerns, a new study is shining a spotlight on questions the Baucus bill fails to address. Following an analysis from PriceWaterhouseCoopers earlier this year, the survey from the Kaiser Family ...

Living Building Certification – The Bullitt Center Proves ... 12, 2017 · April 1, 2015, the Bullitt Center proved its status as the greenest commercial building in the world by becoming the first office building to earn Living Building certification, the most challenging benchmark of sustainability in the built environment.. The Bullitt Center was designed to show what’s possible today, changing the way people think about high performance green buildings.

Multi-Layered Gaza War Wounds Run Deep | Bill's Links And More 17, 2009 · The Drs. noted that the wounds of Gaza are deep and multi-layered. Between December 27, 2008 and January 18, 2009, an estimated million and a half tons of explosives were dropped on the Gaza Strip — an area of land that is roughly 25 miles by 5 miles — the home to 1.5 million people.

Obama born in Hawaii = not a natural born U.S. citizen?, July 2009...This page posted almost a year and a half ago is the most visited on this site (besides the home page). If you google "obama born in hawaii" it comes up 2nd. hello birthers! if you really want to challenge Obama's being a "natural born citizen", your strongest legal argument is not actually that he wasn't born in Hawaii.

In 2018, Harvey Recovery Still A Long Road For Rockport ... 14, 2018 · Harvey made landfall in Rockport with 150 mile per hour winds and a 13 foot storm surge. Nearly 1,500 area families sought federal housing assistance, but 284 still don’t have permanent housing. According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, a third of Rockport was so badly damaged, it will be impossible to rebuild.

The Rockport Pilot | Texas Leftist made landfall in Rockport with 150 mile per hour winds and a 13 foot storm surge. Nearly 1,500 area families sought federal housing assistance, but 284 still don’t have permanent housing. According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, a third of Rockport was so badly damaged, it will be impossible to rebuild.

A new study shows how badly Americans were 'fleeced' by ... 30, 2019 · As tax season drew to a close in April 2019, and Americans all across the country struggled through their newly-convoluted return forms, their paltry or …

Trump is playing the media with his 'grave' and 'grim' new ... 01, 2020 · Donald Trump continues to play the media and the media continues to be willing to be played. Every time he puts on his serious face and admits what he denied for so long about the seriousness of th...

Chicken Fat (song) - Wikipedia"Chicken Fat" (also known as "The Youth Fitness Song") is a 1962 song written by Broadway composer Meredith Willson (The Music Man, The Unsinkable Molly Brown) and performed by actor/singer Robert Preston.It was commissioned as part of the President's Council on Physical Fitness.. History "Chicken Fat" was the theme song for President John F. Kennedy's youth fitness program, and millions of 7 ...

Tickle The Wireal Qaeda Archives - Tickle The Wire Steve Neavling The FBI helped facilitate ransom payments to al Qaeda from the family of Warren Weinstein, an American who was kidnapped at gunpoint and held hostage for four years before being killed in a U.S. drone strike, CNN reports. “Over the three and a half year period of Warren’s captivity, the family made every effort to engage with those holding him or those ...

Chicken Fat (song) - Wikipedia "Chicken Fat" was the theme song for President John F. Kennedy's youth fitness program, and millions of 7-inch 33 RPM discs which were pressed for free by Capitol Records were heard in elementary, junior high school and high school gymnasiums across the United States throughout the 1960s and 1970s. Willson contacted Fitness Council administrator Dick Snider with an offer to write a ...

Mitt Romney Marches on White House With Christians, Black ... 07, 2020 · Donald Trump has nothing on his calendar today, so he may be monitoring Twitter, as is his wont to do. If so, he’s probably picked up on the fact that Mitt Romney is converging on the White House, in a peaceful march with hundreds of other Christians, marching in solidarity with Black Lives Matter. Trump is not going to like this one bit, especially since his own efforts at becoming an icon ...

Robert Mueller's investigators stayed silent for two years ... story broke on Wednesday night in the New York Times, where members of Mueller’s team spoke off the record about the concern over Barr’s letter, and how that letter was being treated by the media as if it was the special counsel report. After two years of running a completely leak-proof investigation, the fact that investigators are ...

Fox News Created Donald Trump In Their Own Lying Image ... things worse was the New York Post, who published their own article based on Mueller’s without mentioning once that it essentially proved Trump to be a liar. And worst of all was Fox Nation who, after the publication of Mueller’s article, and the airing of Carlson’s interview, and a day’s extra time, still posted their piece ...

Tickle The Wirecounterintelligence Archives - Tickle The also was the coordinator of the Joint Terrorism Task Force. In 2006, he was promoted to the Counterterrorism Division at FBI headquarters in 2006. A year later, he moved to the Inspection Division in 2007. In 2009, Bone served as the acting assistant legal attaché to Kabul, Afghanistan, where he formed the Kidnapping Investigations Unit.

Oliver Koppell will primary Jeff Klein - Capitol Confidential 05, 2014 · Prior to serving as the 61 st Attorney General for the State of New York, Mr. Koppell represented the residents of the Bronx in the State Assembly where he was the Chair of …

PERRspectives: Sarah Palin Gets Ironic on to a person who has read the committee's draft report, the retired C.I.A. official, George W. Cave, an Iran expert who was part of the mission, said the group had 10 falsified passports, believed to be Irish, and a key-shaped cake to symbolize the anticipated …

British Tabloid Ditches Page 3 Girls, Moves To Hardcore"We thought this was the best way to go," said Hugh Persimmon-Sludge, editior-in-chief of the rag best known as the Sun. On the new Page Three of the Sun, President Bush and Murdoch embrace each other, tell each other how wonderful they each are, admire each others wallets, cigars, and rolodexes.

Who Controls the Table Wins | National Education Policy Center 19, 2012 · When doctors let patients set the table, what was the result? MRSA and a whole new medical dilemma, one that the medical profession had to reclaim by asserting their expertise and experience [1]. Begging to join the tables built by the self-proclaimed reformers without expertise or experience is abdicating any potential power in teachers unions ...

A Little Reality: A Roy Moore Bedtime Story 11, 2017 · Kimmie's son was sold on the auction block, catching a good price. Kimmie, who has aged badly through the years of rape, was sold to a Mississippi cotton farmer to finish her days working the fields. Kimmie's daughter took her place as the house fuck slave. Then, the Yankees came to destroy our peculiar institution that had made America great.

A Revolution Of One: Brown's Gas 16, 2006 · Update: At first I thought the web site I found was the same guy as the video, but the article is about Professsor Yul Brown and the guy in the video is Denny Klein. Still researching to find out what is true. More Update: Can't find anything yet on Klein, just Brown. Google, Wikipedia and a little bit of knowledge is dangerous.

What Snyder's choice of an oil executive as ... - Eclectablog 16, 2016 · The optics — or public perception — in question was the public’s loss of trust in Wyant as leader of the state department charged with protecting the environment. So following the jaw-dropping news that Snyder has chosen former BP oil executive Heidi Grether as his new DEQ director, we have another set of optics to digest.

The cumulative effect – Off the was the third “500-year” rain event to hit Southeast Texas in three years. This week, Tropical Storm Imelda also earned that distinction, as some areas received more than 40 inches of rain, paralyzing the area as highways morphed into parking lots and first responders performed more than 2,000 rescues Thursday alone.

Interiors | The Common toy piano stood next to a stodgy-looking coffee table, which sat beneath a shelf of Cuban cigar boxes and a framed copy of the rules of the board game “The Game of Life”. Across from this tableau, on the other side of the aisle, were an egg swivel chair (like the one in Sleepless in Seattle ), a wooden 1950s baby blue high chair, and slew ...

Paxton asks for summary judgement to end DACA – Off the Statesman was the only news outlet with a story on this, which may mean there’s little chance it will go anywhere or it may mean we’re all so distracted by the eleventy jillion other news stories out there that no one is paying much attention to Paxton’s latest stunt.

Marc Valdez Weblog: Robert Mercer’s Secret Adventure as a ... 30, 2018 · He was the money behind Breitbart News and Steve Bannon, whose fiery populism helped propel Trump to the White House, as well as the data firm Cambridge Analytica, which shaped the campaign’s messages. Shortly after the election, Mercer donned a top hat and welcomed the president-elect to a costume party at his seaside mansion on Long Island.

Before Senator Mark Udall Leaves Office, He Can Make ... 20, 2014 · Ad Policy. But there’s another way—and before the end of the year, we have a rare chance to make it happen. Transparency and civil liberties advocates are calling on …

We are all just collateral damage in Trump’s re-election ... 29, 2020 · This country has had some truly bad people as president over its history. Andrew Johnson was a racist. Warren G. Harding was plagued by scandal. Richard Nixon …

The Florida Masochist: The First Day of Spring Knucklehead ... 21, 2007 · To see whether a local company was ripping off its customers, Boynton Beach police loaded undercover cars with goodies, then called for a tow. When items were gone from two towed vehicles, officers loaded a third bait car with cash, a video camera and a digital camera and made a third call to Boynton Beach-based Jordan's Towing.

CITIBANK PLUTONOMY REPORT PDF - godbolt.me 30, 2020 · Plutonomy is a term that Citigroup analysts have used for economies “where economic growth In three reports for super-rich Citigroup clients published in and , a team of Citigroup analysts elaborated on their thesis that the share. a result, investors should be aware that the Firm may have a conflict of interest that could affect the objectivity of this report.

On Behalf Of All Wimmin: An Open Letter To Steve Jobs ... Potter's is the first book to look at the structural, legal, and cultural aspects of J. Edgar Hoover's war on crime in the 1930s, a New Deal campaign which forged new links between ...

State Street Resurfacing to Be Completed in Time for the 28, 2014 · Jim Dillion confirmed that there wouldn't be any sidewalk work or closures, and a minimum of one lane in each direction of traffic will be open at all times. CTA buses will share the lane with cars. Looking forward, there are plans for a concrete bus pad to be installed in the southbound lane at Washington, protecting the street from bus fumes ...

Baylor suspends frat for Playboy appearance – Off the – A fraternity has been suspended from Baylor University for a year after a picture of some members, fully clothed, appeared in Playboy magazine. About 50 men and four women, all students at the time, posed on a sand volleyball court, some wearing Sigma Phi Epsilon T-shirts and others waving Baylor pennants.

Conservative Media News, Articles, Stories & Trends for Today media freak out over reporting that the Trump whistleblower, a career intelligence analyst, had contact with. - Written by Zachary Pleat. Conservative media figures are now attacking the credibility of the first intelligence community …

O'Rourke Denies Avenatti, and Words To The Wise About What ... 03, 2018 · With the midterm elections a few days away, speculation is now heating up as to who Donald Trump’s adversary will be in the 2020 presidential race. All the usual cliched considerations are coming up, a progressive or a moderate, an old timer or a newcomer, what’s the magical answer? That led columnist Frank Bruni to consideration of what the race would sound like in a day and age where ...

After Months Of Catholic Outcry Over ... - Crooks and Liars Buffalo News published a poll in September showing that 83% of those asked believed Malone should resign, and Malone’s attempts to push off these controversies was clearly becoming less effective.. The church has appointed the Bishop of Albany’s diocese Edward Scharfenberger to act in Malone’s position until a new bishop is assigned. . According to Bishop-Accountabillity.Org ...

"Toonseum's Exhibit of Editorial Cartoons Puts Satire on ... exhibit includes a dozen Pulitzer Prize winners, five recipients of the Herblock Prize for excellence in editorial cartooning, and a bunch of big-name editorial cartoonists. The first part of the exhibit is devoted to current events such as the 2016 presidential election, global warming and same-sex marriage.

The Public Pulse: Trump and what's normal | Opinion ... is the first candidate in the modern era not to release his tax returns, and claimed a billion dollar loss in 1 year. "Genius." Hillary takes responsibility for private email servers and ...

Donald Trump’s awful election season | Messaging Matters 06, 2020 · Specifically, Trump fired the National Security Council’s pandemic response team in 2018, waited too long to respond to COVID-19, called the virus a “hoax,” and kept downplaying its severity, even as the number of cases and deaths mounted (now over 1.2 million cases and 71,000 deaths, and still climbing).

Nurses to Obama: Push for a Global Financial Transaction ... 25, 2011 · Nurses will be joined by labor, environmental, non-governmental, and community activists who have made the push for a global FTT an international movement that has sparked the adoption of an FTT by more than a dozen nations, and prompted the European Commission to propose a global FTT which is expected to be a major topic at the G-20 summit.

Sierra Daily: Daily News from Sierra Magazine - The Green Life, which has been waging a widespread campaign to get Americans to travel there, has jumped on the ecotourism bandwagon by transforming the 2,000-acre Hiriya garbage dump on the outskirts of Tel Aviv into what’s now called Ayalon Park, a recreational green space with trees, gardens, hiking trails – and a 75-acre recycling center.Though that’s the largest ecotourism project in the ...

Police Department Pulls Personal Cameras After Guild ... Police Department Pulls Personal Cameras After Guild Objections posted by Jonah Spangenthal-Lee on September 16 at 17:37 PM The Seattle Police Department has apparently pulled a number of pager-sized wearable cameras, which officers had been testing, after the Seattle Police Officers Guild complained that the cameras violated the guild’s ...

In Upholding Muslim Ban, the Supreme Court Ignored— from Truthout. The Supreme Court’s opinion in Trump v.Hawaii, affirming Donald Trump’s Muslim ban, allows the United States to act in flagrant violation of international law.. Under the guise of deferring to the president on matters of national security, the 5-4 majority disregarded a litany of Trump’s anti-Muslim statements and held that the ban does not violate the First Amendment ...

Another Boston Sports Murder - Progress Pond 16, 2013 · The Sox were tough. Remy wasn’t the first guy you thought of. He wasn’t Lynn or Rice or Fisk or Yaz. But he was a solid second baseman. His kid is obviously a real piece of work. How completely sad and tragic. His poor little girl, now motherless and hopelessly traumatized. What a selfish idiot she has for a dad.

PERRspectives: GOP Budget Proposal for 2012 to Gut 3, 2011 : GOP Budget Proposal for 2012 to Gut Medicaid. On Sunday, House Budget Committee chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) previewed his party's 2012 budget proposal due out Tuesday. Needless to say, its target of $4 trillion in deficit reduction over the next decade won't be met by simply letting the Bush tax cuts expire. Instead, Ryan as widely expected will propose the "voucherization" and ...

Gore Proves Global Warming by Sweating ... - HuffPost 25, 2011 · Nancy Pelosi has sound judgment (for a Socialist). The Speaker of the House is a radical San Franciscan and a pusher of the Homosexual agenda, Yet when she spoke in Austin, Pelosi demonstrated sound judgment and astute reasoning through her vibrant mint green pants suit , a tasteful Clinton-Cleavage-free blouse, neutral but elegant tan heels ...

Novant Health Initiates Phase 2b/3 Trial with CytoDyn’s first is as a combination therapy with HAART for HIV-infected patients, and the second is for metastatic triple-negative breast cancer. Leronlimab is an investigational humanized IgG4 monoclonal antibody (mAb) that blocks CCR5, a cellular receptor that is important in HIV infection, tumor metastases, and other diseases, including NASH (non ...

The Global Game: Extra! --- The Return of Ines Sainz (aka ... you know, we also strive to cover the important societal issues of the day -- such as the role of sports in society, the role of women in journalism, and media fairness. Indeed, there is no more solemn duty for a journalistic outlet than to treat all who appear in its pages or on its airwaves fairly.

The Back Forty » Improving health through better nutrition School Nutrition Association (SNA) seems a misnomer for a group that went to war with the White house over new regulations to limit sodium, fat and sugar as well as the mandate that grain products are whole grain-rich, and that kids take a serving of fruits or vegetables.

The College of Charleston | Et Cetera: Publick and Privat ... about The College of Charleston written by Patrick Zimmerman

Coup and Me Against the World - Narco 03, 2009 · The first group, to me, seems a more plausible source of mutiny than the second, because the Honduran military – which, importantly, is not made up of members of the economic elite (and therefore is not caught up in the shared hallucination), but, rather, has long struck a deal to service them in exchange for certain privileges and powers ...

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: They'll go for a retreat and then we ...'ll go for a retreat and then we'll all meet The looming issues for education in School District 52 will receive a comprehensive look over during the next few weeks as local trustees get to work on the many challenges that face them over the remainder of the current school year.

Vol. 2 / No. 11 — A New Antibiotic from Maine, Eight New ... 11, 2015 · The other, Kepler-442b, is a little bigger, about one and a third the diameter of Earth, and gets about two thirds of the light we do. They’re very far away (470 and 1100 light years away, respectively), so getting more detailed measurements is a challenge.

John Oliver on the Confederacy: A Good Segment To Watch Again 12, 2020 · This is from the noted historian who once said, “ "I mean, had Andrew Jackson been a little later, you wouldn't have had the Civil War. He was a very tough person, but he had a big heart." He was a very tough person, but he had a big heart."

'It's A Billion Dollar Criminal Enterprise' New Lincoln ... 12, 2020 · Paradoxically, Donald Trump touts himself as the law and order president — yet all his cronies end up going to jail. It would be comical, if it wasn’t so horrific and if it didn’t say so much about the corruption of this administration. The Lincoln Project strikes again, with a new ad, “Crooks,” which illustrates the point that Donald Trump is surrounded by felons, including the one ...

dual credit gov ch 10 quiz Flashcards | Quizlet studying dual credit gov ch 10 quiz. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Search. ... this newspaper has had a lasting reputation as the 'country's best newspaper' New York Times. true of age differences concerning news consumption. they shrink for internet-based news but do not disappear.

Eschaton: Stephen Miller Is A Serial Killer the meeting ended, Miller held up his hand to make a final comment. “I didn’t mean to come across as harsh,” he said. His voice dropped. “It’s just that all I care about. I don’t have a family. I don’t have anything else. This is my life.”Our sweet boy is 34 and just got married.

pretty much business as usual: #TrumpKnewAndDidNothing through the lens of President Trump’s real estate background is the only way I can begin to understand his response to the novel coronavirus, which has otherwise been as baffling as it has been feckless.More than three months after his belated declaration of a national emergency, as the country continues to set records for the number of new cases diagnosed each day, Trump seldom ...

Bernie leads in new Emerson NH poll. Upvote on ... - reddit A hub for activists supporting Bernie Sanders's platform and run for president.

Fox News Insiders: They Created a White Supremacist Cell ... 17, 2020 · The flamingly racist rhetoric of Donald Trump is somehow managing to heat up even further. His remarks supporting the Confederate flag, and the statues of the slavery proponents it represents, cut deeply into the concept of equality for all Americans.

Letter regarding the Hearing on the Nomination of Alex ... Senator Lamar Alexander and Senator Patty Murray View a PDF of this letter with footnotes here. Dear Chair Alexander and Ranking Member Murray: On behalf of The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, a coalition of more than 210 national organizations committed to promoting and protecting the civil and human rights of all persons in the United States and the 86 undersigned ...

Climate Change 2001: The Scientific Basis - The Paragraph 2 presents a global CO2 budget for the 1980s (which proves to be similar to the one constructed with the help of ocean model results in the SAR) and for the 1990s. Measurements of the decrease in atmospheric oxygen (O2) as well as the increase in CO2 were …

Is Gawker's 'Fox Mole' a real person? - American Thinker has hired an unamed worker at Fox News who will be writing "reports" on what actually happens at the Number 1 cable news network:. What follows is the inaugural column of a person we are ...

Desiderata – The Paragraph Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. ... Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is as perennial as the grass. Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in ...

Best War Blogs 20, 2003 · The war in Iraq is under way, and after months of debate, bloggers are now going to war. Not all of them like it, although many are cheering. In choosing the best of the best, we excluded "meta ...

Establishment Media Declares Hillary Won The Debate, Polls ... 14, 2015 · Establishment Media Declares Hillary Won The Debate, Polls Show Otherwise Bernie Sanders objectively won the debate if you go by the actual data. But the media has decided …

Gig/freelancer economy roundup | Overlawyered 20, 2020 · Gig/freelancer economy roundup In an emergency that has made trucking, logistics, and home delivery uniquely important, fractured the schedules of countless parents and caregivers, and sent the services sector reeling, it would be nice if California and other states were not making war on the work arrangements needed for the situation.

Whoops! Fox News Inadvertently Reveals Its Own Selective 13, 2012 · Whoops! Fox News Inadvertently Reveals Its Own Selective Edits Of Michigan Protest Video By aaroncynic in News on . Dec 13, 2012 5:30PM. On Tuesday Gov. Rick Snyder signed a controversial “right ...

Fred Phelps' Westboro Baptist Church Catches Fire | Slog ... Kansas City FOX affiliate has the basics: . The home of Fred Phelps, the leader of the controversial Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, caught fire [early Saturday morning]. [F]irefighters put out the flames and began their investigation.

Flipboard: Morning Open Thread: Van Gogh - A Great Fire ... Van Gogh. Morning Open Thread: Van Gogh - A Great Fire Burns Within Me - officebss for MOT - Morning Open Thread. Welcome to MORNING OPEN THREAD, a daily post with a MOTley crew of hosts who choose the topic for the day's posting.

Several families displaced after Pearl Street fire ..., NH – Firefighters responded to 152 Pearl St. after a 911 call reporting fire in the building at 10:20 a.m.. Upon arrival firefighters encountered smoke coming from the windows followed by flames visible. A second alarm assignment consisting of eight engines, three ladders, one rescue company and the District Chief were assigned to this fire.

The DailyKos Widget | News Corpse DailyKos Widget. Visit the: Blog here. News Corpse is an Internet publisher of media analysis and criticism. In addition, we produce original artwork for online and print, as well as Flash movies, web sites, widgets (like this one), and more. ... the exorbitant fee will be slashed to a much more reasonable amount that will allow me to enjoy ...

Tickle The WireEx-FBI Director James Comey to Release ... 23, 2020 · Former FBI Director James Comey has written a new book that will be released in January, just 10 days before Inauguration Day. “Saving Justice: Truth, Transparency, and Trust” will explore Comey’s career and his call “for a return to non-partisan law enforcement centered on American values ...

Crybaby Trump Runs to Fox News Following His Latest Media ... 05, 2020 · As a result he lashed out at Dr. Deborah Birx, his hand-picked Coronavirus Task Force medical expert, as “pathetic” just because she told the truth for a change. He flip-flopped on his opposition to mail-in voting (but only in Florida where he needs the votes of senior citizens who might not otherwise cast ballots).

Florida Keys News, Articles, Stories & Trends for Today Ferry Will Take You To A Remote Florida Island For A Reef Snorkeling Adventure - Kirsten Poletis. There are some hidden gems in Florida that will easily make you forget you’re still in the Sunshine State and not in a faraway, tropical paradise. If …

Moe Lane » dKos to sue R2000 for bad 29, 2010 · dKos to sue R2000 for bad polls. Because he can’t sue R2000 for Markos being a dumbass. Jim Geraghty is too polite to admit that he’s laughing his ass off at the thought that Markos Moulitsas is going to go sue R2000 for supposedly faking up …

BAD BLUNDERS AT BAGRAM! - trainees at the installation contacted the Military Religious Freedom Foundation to say they were marched from their barracks to a base chapel for a mandatory Christian proselytizing event.Mikey Weinstein, the president and founder of the foundation, then lodged a complaint with Maj. Gen. John Morrison Jr., commanding general of Fort Gordon and the U.S. Army Cyber …

Content: Members Page For Patrick Walker | OpEdNews comments) SHARE Monday, July 22, 2019 The Bipartisan BIG LIE: Trump's Climate Genocide Is Normal This piece highlights a shocking truth: that …

Who pops up on the 2020 playlist? Why look at that, it’s ... 24, 2020 · Who pops up on the 2020 playlist? Why look at that, it’s @curbservice! Plus, @morehipnow just happened to be wearing her Curb Service t-shirt today.

Reports on Labor-Related Impacts of COVID-19 - Verité 20, 2020 · Agriculture Workers and Farms. From Children in the Fields Campaign: Discussion about the health impact of COVID-19 on the farmworker community From Economic Policy Institute: Coronavirus and farmworkers: Farm employment, safety issues, and the H-2A guestworker program From United Farm Workers: United Farm Workers is advocating for …

Laying Claim to Hummus; News on Your Next ... - OpenTable Blog 10, 2013 · Food and dining news from around the web and the world… * Don’t mess with the Zohan. That’s probably his hummus you’re eating. [Wall Street Journal] * Need another reason to carefully read your restaurant receipt? You can catch up on the day’s news! [Forbes] * The flip side to the world’s worst work shirts? A […]

Chris Gayle SMACKS Glenn McGrath for a BIG SIX! - video ... 20, 2015 · Chris Gayle 200 - Chris Gayle Hits Double Century - World Cup Record !!Chris Gayle 215 off 147 vs Zim (16 Sixes) Highlights - World Cup Cricket 2015

What Is a Collateral Inspection? | Pocketsense bank may also ask for a collateral inspection if the borrower asks to refinance, modify, or extend her loan. This creates a risk for the borrower that discourages her from modifying her loan, because if her property has lost value, it may no longer satisfy the bank's collateral requirements for the original loan.

Disappeared News: Gov terminates his homeless czar Now! Broadcast Schedule for Hawaii: Oahu Olelo TV, Channels 54 M T Th F 11pm Oahu Olelo TV, Channels 54 7 am M-F (previous day's program) Honolulu KTUH 90.3 FM Mon & Tues 9-10am Kahului, Maui Akaku Ch. 54 M-F 7 pm Kaua'i,Hanalei KKCR, 104.7 (Oahu), 90.9, 91.9 FM M-F 11 am Or listen to the podcast or download or stream audio or video programs …

UCLA student, anti-abortion activist Lila Rose inspires ... of reaction here and here to our story Sunday about Lila Rose, the UCLA student who poses as a pregnant teen with a 31-year-old boyfriend to show that Planned Parenthood does not always follow statutory rape reporting requirements.Rose, whose photo is at right, posts her videos on her website.. One we found particularly interesting was a take-off on something that …

Content: Members Page For Wayne Janis | OpEdNews"Bringing Rob Kall in as a consultant on making my business and its website more bottom-up was incredibly valuable. Rob's out-of-the-box member registration system suggestions led to a multi ...

Surprise! DailyKos is All White (and Full of Racists 07, 2007 · Not a shock for anyone who has had to wade through the saltine flavored angst of a Kos diarist. I’ve posted a few times before about the racism, anti-semitism and cheering on of Arab Imperialism (especially when directed at Africans) that is the meat of DailyKos’ netroot sandwich.. In other words, the only people who couldn’t figure out DailyKos was an Internet …

Trump Boasts Of TV Ratings, Berates Media As Thousands Are ... with permission from Alternet. Donald Trump, on Sunday afternoon:Because the “Ratings” of my News Conferences etc. are so high, “Bachelor finale, Monday Night Football type numbers” according to the @nytimes, the Lamestream Media is going CRAZY. “Trump is reaching too many people, we must ...

Etiquette for Refusing a Bachelorette Party Invitation ... is perfectly acceptable to decline an invitation to a bachelorette party as long as you do it in a timely and polite fashion. Using the invitation itself as a guide, respond with your regrets ...

John Gibson Celebrates Increase In ‘Anglo’ Birth Rate ... 17, 2008 · GIBSON: You got that stuff for a reason, put it to good use. “The nearly 4.3 million births in 2006 were mostly due to a bigger population, especially a growing number of Hispanics.

US Agrees Turkish ‘Cease Fire’ To ... - The National Memo “exchange” for a cease-fire agreement—an ultimatum to Turkey’s Kurdish targets to withdraw, or else—Pence announced that the United States “will not impose further sanctions” on Turkey for its assault. In other words, it’s a complete capitulation.

Hevesi Not A Hero - Gotham Gazette 24, 2006 · Hevesi Not A Hero October 24th, 2006. There is a predictable reaction by editorial writers to the report by the New York State Ethics Commission alleging that New York State Comptroller Alan Hevesi broke the law when he had state employees drive his wife.

2016 United States Senate election in North Carolina ... 2016 United States Senate election in North Carolina was held November 8, 2016 to elect a member of the United States Senate to represent the State of North Carolina, concurrently with the 2016 U.S. presidential election, as well as other elections to the United States Senate in other states and elections to the United States House of ...

Shake Shake Is Successful And Pays Above Minimum Wage ... $10.70 an hour, a substantially higher wage than most fast food workers make, works out to just over $22,000 for a year of full-time work, which is not a middle-class wage.

2016 United States Senate election in South Dakota - Wikipedia 2016 United States Senate election in South Dakota was held November 8, 2016, to elect a member of the United States Senate to represent the State of South Dakota, concurrently with the 2016 U.S. presidential election, as well as other elections to the United States Senate in other states and elections to the United States House of Representatives and various state and local …

150+ Remote Startups hiring in July 2020 - by ... are not sourced from all markets and may be delayed up to 20 minutes. Information is provided 'as is' and solely for informational purposes, not for trading purposes or advice.

Bill Barr Just Contradicted Trump’s Excuse for Going into“Well, it was a false report. I wasn’t down. I went down during the day, and I was there for a tiny little short period of time, and it was much more for an inspection. There was no problem during the day,” Trump said. “Someday you may need it, but you go there, and I went down, I looked at it, it was during the day. It was not a problem.

MISCmedia by Clark Humphrey MISCmedia MAIL - MISCmedia by’s here! It’s here! And it’s more than entertaining. It’s a handy way to know what you need to know to be a good Nor’Wester. Each weekday morning, MISCmedia MAIL provides a handy rundown of local and regional headlines, hand picked from more than 30 different sources (no RSS robots involved), all delivered with the […]

Pedestrian struck by hit-and-run driver on West Side ..., NH – On July 12, 2020, at approximately 9:30 pm, Manchester Police responded to the area of Amory Street and Coolidge Avenue for a report of an accident involving a pedestrian and motor vehicle. Witnesses told officers they heard a loud bang and heard someone in a pick-up truck yelling. The truck then drove away from the scene.

Want a good laugh? 27, 2019 · As the longtime director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and a trusted public health expert, Dr.... Sign the petition: Stop banks and other lenders from seizing your ...

July 2020 campaign finance reports: Harris County – Off roundup is going to be a little funky, because all of the candidates filed eight-day reports for the March primary, and a few also filed 30-day and eight-day reports for the July runoff. I’ll note those folks, because it means that some of the comparisons are not really apples-to-apples. But …

The Other Viral Pandemic In America is Stupidity ... 05, 2020 · As the history of COINTELPRO amply documents, it is laughably easy for reactionary government agents (or independent reactionary forces) to infiltrate and undermine radical movements and organizations in the US. (Note: I have no evidence and I’m not making assertions/accusations in any given case; I’m just saying it’s a familiar pattern.)

US Military Continues to Ignore Mikey Weinstein, Lessons 27, 2017 · This is why service members who profess God as the one true and living God, and Jesus Christ, the second person of the Trinity—must pray for Weinstein’s salvation before it is too late (Rev. 20:11-15). Mikey, repent and believe in the Gospel. This is not a message of hate, but of hope.

On and On and On It Goes - Truthout 24, 2019 · This is a difficult time for media orgs and donations to Truthout are down. We need your help to raise $45,000 to continue to produce the no-holds-barred journalism that is so crucial right now. Can we count on you to make a small donation? This is a difficult time for media orgs and donations to Truthout are down. We need your help to raise ...

Calif. Latinos aren’t fooled | TheHill Latinos aren’t fooled By Markos Moulitsas — 06/22/10 11:31 PM EDT The views expressed by contributors are their own and not the view of The Hill

Tickle The WireClinton Aide John Podesta Unleashes on FBI ... 18, 2016 · John Pedesta, a top aide to Hillary Clinton, said the FBI’s response to Russia tampering with the presidential election reveals a “deep broken” bureau.

memeorandum: Pentagon Boss: We're ‘Evacuating’ Syria. U.S ... to expect from WWDC 2020: transition to ARM Macs, iOS 14 with Car Key and a Google Translate-like feature, third-party music services on HomePod, and more Jason Fried / HEY: HEY's Jason Fried responds to Apple, says the dispute is not about the money, but about how Apple forcibly inserts itself between developers and their customers May 14, 2015 - Issue 606: What is an independent weekly internet magazine dedicated to the movement for economic justice, social justice and peace. - BC Provides commentary, analysis and investigations on issues affecting African Americans and the African world.

First look at Metro’s long range plan – Off the“This is big, it’s bold,” said Clint Harbert, vice president of system and capital planning for the Metropolitan Transit Authority, told the board of the $35 billion vision. “It would create a 460 percent increase in people served and a 120 percent increase in employment areas covered within one-half mile of high-capacity transit.”

It's Time for Atheists to Stop Debating God's Existence ... 15, 2015 · As the atheist community becomes larger and more diverse, attracting a broader range of people from different backgrounds, a natural direction for our activism to take.

Tickle The Wirefalsely accused Archives - Tickle The OPR and DOJ OIG routinely receive allegations of misconduct. The unimpeachable moral conduct of DEA personnel (all U.S. government personnel) form the pillars upon which the Public Trust is built and there is zero tolerance for non-compliance – something I have always strongly subscribed to.

Shackles for Sale | The Black Atlantic 16, 2014 · I don’t know if the right answer, but perhaps it is a way through, a way of resisting the break with narrative that the reduction to exchange value purports to do. Regardless, in moving forward, we must ask what pressures does the response of the flesh put upon the way these items are being stripped and sold that could reveal new ...

Fox News Scolds Bernie Sanders for ‘Praising Dictators ... 29, 2019 · And he praised him as “honorable” and a “real Leader.” This is a man who has killed thousands of his own people. Yet Trump even expressed a note of jealousy saying that he wants to be worshipped by Americans the way Kim is by North Koreans. Trump has also made numerous adoring commentaries about his BFF, Vladimir Putin.

Hillary Clinton's Recall of Bosnia Trip Scrutinized ... 25, 2008 · The MSM has descended full throttle into the controversy over Hillary Clinton’s 1996 trip to Bosnia, generated by the video above which demonstrates …

Francis Donna FLetcher | Facebook 01, 2017 · Francis Donna FLetcher is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Francis Donna FLetcher and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected.

William Horberg: The Diego Universe Diego Universe There is a new kid in town, with a vivid imagination and a seemingly endless supply of new superheroes and super villains to people his own cartoon universe. Today's all-star team up is called The Nova Nine, and the members include:

The LinkedIn Lawyer: Ten People All Lawyers Should Follow ... 02, 2008 · Twitter is a free and easy-to-use "micro-blogging" site that allows you to send and receive short updates from multiple users. David Barrett, The LinkedIn Lawyer is "Twittering" -- follow me here --and keep up to date with news about Web 2.0 social media and lawyers, with a particular focus on LinkedIn. Besides Twellow, there are basically two lists of lawyers on Twitter -

Report: NYT set to drop another hit piece on Boehner? 24, 2010 · Have faith in your media, my friends.. Insiders on Capitol Hill are buzzing about an upcoming New York Times exposé that will detail an alleged Boehner affair. Sources say the Times is looking for the right time to drop the story in October to sway the election, similar to how the Times reported during the 2008 presidential campaign on an alleged John McCain affair that supposedly had …

The Pimp Show: Exclusively On Fox News | News Corpse 17, 2009 · Watching Fox would leave one with the impression that ACORN and a police car chase were the only stories available to tell. Fox News’ hooker and pimp show, starring Hannah Giles and James O’Keefe, has virtually taken over the schedule .

About that four faces of Obama 13, 2010 · this man is competent, intelligence and a Nobel Prize Winner. What is it then. Comment by SheiClarke — October 16, 2010 @ 3:24 am. White Americans I do not play the race card – but do you not think racist. No other president in the history of America has been vilified in such a …

The Ed Sullivan Theatre | This Black Sista's Memorial Page Posts. LIVE STREAMING: Homegoing of Poet Amiri Baraka at the Newark Symphony Hall, New Jersey January 18, 2014; Meanwhile, Back in Wisconsin: Busting Out of Jail The Hard Way – Nathan Middleton Wanted His Mother to Provide Explosives and a Car for His Jail Break December 20, 2013; Christmas Songs: “Oh, Tannenbaum,” José Carreras, Plácido Domingo, and Luciano Pavarotti, from ...

No Right Turn: The Greens' energy policy 07, 2020 · Yesterday the Greens released their second big election policy - on energy. The short version is "more solar, less coal". They'd stick solar panels and batteries in every state house, and network them together to form a virtual power plant.They'd use grants to fund rooftop solar installations just as they did for insulation.

India | This Black Sista's Memorial Page Posts. LIVE STREAMING: Homegoing of Poet Amiri Baraka at the Newark Symphony Hall, New Jersey January 18, 2014; Meanwhile, Back in Wisconsin: Busting Out of Jail The Hard Way – Nathan Middleton Wanted His Mother to Provide Explosives and a Car for His Jail Break December 20, 2013; Christmas Songs: “Oh, Tannenbaum,” José Carreras, Plácido Domingo, and Luciano Pavarotti, from ...

Puerto Ricans bring out a guillotine and trans Pride flags ... 04, 2020 · Yampi Méndez Arocho, a 19-year-old trans man, was killed in Moca on March 5. In February, trans homeless woman Alexa Negrón Luciano, a well-known figure on Puerto Rican social media, was shot to ...

Content: Members Page For Bina Shah | OpEdNews Shah was born in Karachi, Pakistan in 1972, and was raised in Charlottesville, Virginia, and Karachi. She graduated in 1993 with a degree in Psychology from Wellesley College, in Wellesley ...

Rush Limbaugh's Website Lists Names Of Group Of Activists ... LIMBAUGH's website has posted the names of the small group of people he believes are responsible for most of the social media posts targeting his advertisers. The post, headlined "The Hidden ...

Pence’s press secretary tests positive for COVID-19; her ... reports that Katie Miller’s husband Stephen has been itching for a public health crisis under which he could implement even more ethno-state immigration policies, this must come as a blow. This news comes one day after it was reported that Trump’s personal valet had tested positive for the virus. The White House announced that both Pence and Trump would be getting daily COVID-19 tests ...

'This Is Not Leadership, This Is Criminal Negligence ... 27, 2020 · When the going gets tough, the tough go golfing. Or at least Donald Trump does. This three minute recap of the Memorial Day weekend and today’s new milestone in America, 100,000 dead from COVID-19, puts Trump’s coronavirus response and his entire presidency into a simple context: America has no government right now. We’re in one of the wrost crises we have ever faced and we …

DailyKos - College Recruiter 12, 2016 · College Recruiter is the leading job board for college students searching for internships and recent graduates hunting for entry-level jobs and other career opportunities. Job seekers should register to make it faster and easier to apply to the hundreds of thousands of internships and entry-level jobs advertised on College Recruiter. Competitive Analysis, Marketing Mix and ... marketing strategies does Dailykos use? Get traffic statistics, SEO keyword opportunities, audience insights, and competitive analytics for Dailykos.

Joe Rogan becomes new face of ‘Bernie or ... - Alternet.org 05, 2020 · This is what white privilege looks like: The podcast host Joe Rogan has said he will vote for Donald Trump over Joe Biden in the presidential election, should the former vice-president be the ...

Lefty should get points for keeping ziggs ... - The Open Jam your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. You may have to register before you can post: click the register link above to proceed. To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below.

‘I stand with Q’: GOP Senate candidate deletes video ... 21, 2020 · Less than 24 hours after declaring, “I stand with Q and the team,” the GOP nominee to challenge Oregon Senator Jeff Merkley denied supporting …

America is Exhausted: Joe Biden Should Embrace Trump’s ... 11, 2020 · One of the few skills for which Trump has been recognized has been his instincts for marketing and branding. It comes with having been a reality TV game show host for fourteen years. He has a way of connecting with the most dimwitted demographic in American society with infantile nicknames and insults.

Mask-Gate Is Here is just jaw-dropping. Starting in mid-January, Mike Bowen, the VP of the biggest US manufacturer of N-95 masks, reached out repeatedly to the federal government offering to ramp up production to meet the need for a pandemic. They had large orders coming from other countries, and wanted to make the masks available domestically.

Organizing a Signature Quilt -- Call for Autograph Hounds ... 29, 2014 - This year's signature quilt, sign it at NN11! The Community Quilt Project had its origin in friendship quilts -- quilts bearing messages or signatures of people. And since the very first Yearly Ko...

Tickle The WireFox Cancels America's Most Wanted - Show ... 16, 2011 · By Allan Lengel WASHINGTON — The Fox show “America’s Most Wanted”, which aired for 23 years, and helped capture some of the most dangerous fugitives wanted by the FBI, U.S. Marshals Service and other law enforcement agencies, is being cancelled. The Associated Press reported Monday that the show, hosted by John Walsh, attracted about […]

Trump’s ‘Disconnection From The Truth’ Prompts Bill To ...“The most troubling aspect of it is very clear he has a disconnection from the truth. … The very first press conference he had in this administration, they could have talked about jobs or health care. They talked about crowd size. And then lied about it. It’s one of …

Nov 15 #NoDAPL Day of Action at Army Corps of Engineers is one of the most courageous stands against a fossil fuel project this country has ever seen. Together, our movements stopped the Keystone XL pipeline almost one-year ago today, and an even bigger movement is rising up to stop Dakota Access and all fossil fuel infrastructure.

Friday Foto Flog, V. 3.022 - Progress Pond 29, 2020 · Since this post usually runs only a day, I will likely keep it up for a while. Please share your work. I am convinced that us amateurs are extremely talented. You will get nothing but love and support here. I mean that. Also, when I say that you don’t have to be a photography pro, I mean that as well. I am an amateur. This is my hobby.

This Modern World » Blog Archive » SPARKY’S cost is $10 for a six month subscription, which, for comparative purposes, is literally less than any common item or experience you can think of that would cost you more than $10! And in all seriousness, you’ll be helping to support my work and keep TMW alive in an ongoing moment of great uncertainty in my career, my personal life, and in ...

Final days — just $776 to go. With your help, we can put folks! As I write this, we're just $776 away from our goal. Help us close this thing out. I know we can do this, because we've done it before. All it takes is you. If you haven't yet chipped in — if you're one of our regular donors who likes to wait until the last minute — your cue.

Candidate Selection Process | Sister District Project ONE: Assess States & Identify Chambers. Each year we begin by assessing the state legislative chambers across the country and developing a list of chambers meeting one of our three race portfolio categories.Here are our 2020 states and chambers:. Blue Flips: Minnesota Senate, Texas House, North Carolina Senate & House, Pennsylvania Senate & House, Michigan House, Arizona Senate & House

Born in 1971 - NNDB NNDB has added thousands of bibliographies for people, organizations, schools, and general topics, listing more than 50,000 books and 120,000 other kinds of references.

Mother Jones - Bernie Sanders Just Affirmed the Need for a ... Sanders Just Affirmed the Need for a Two-State Solution Between Israel and Palestine. Mother Jones. December 19, 2019 · ...

This is it, folks — must raise $1,275 over the next five folks! I know we can do this, because we've done it before. $255 every day for five days. Totally doable. All it takes is you. If you haven't yet chipped in — if you're one of our regular donors who likes to wait until the last minute — your cue.

Tim's Place in Albuquerque is closing, but for a beautiful ... is an escape from the controversial, fear-mongering, depressing news that is riddled with sensationalism. There are still good, honest, compassionate people in this world and a place to share their stories. RULE #1: DON'T BE A DICK

Details on the All Stars grant - Dennis King 14, 2005 · JULY 14, 2005. A statement issued by Michael Ognibene, Chief of Staff of the NYC Dept. of Youth and Community Development, clarifies the DYCH's June 13 determination that the All Stars Project, a charity controlled by Independence Party leaders Fred Newman and Lenora Fulani, is eligible for a $216,000 grant to run an afterschool program for city youth of "mixed" grade levels (high school ...

No Right Turn: Climate Change: Fudging the numbers 07, 2020 · This is dangerous for our democracy; Reported back; This is how you deal with criminal fishers; A victory for women; Doing the right thing; Drawn; Another environmental crime; The NZDF procured torture; Now we get to find out how racist New Plymouth is; Corruption on the ice; Member's Day; This is not normal; For a Matariki holiday; So much for ...

Just a few years ago, the federal... - Talking Points Memo ... a few years ago, the federal government was paying $4.27 per dose for a smallpox vaccine to stock the Strategic National Stockpile. By 2018, it started paying $9.44 per dose — part of a 10-year, 18 million-dose deal with the pharmaceutical firm Emergent BioSolutions.

Pride on the Water? | Slog | The Stranger | Seattle's Only ... Edwards Park is near the parade route, it’s big enough for a large event, we could have a big sound system, and it’s a public space without usage fees. And if SOaP is to ever pay off their huge debt at Seattle Center—and pay for this year’s parade— a rally site will help them raise the money they need .

No Right Turn: This is a joke, right? 10, 2009 · This is a joke, right? Obama wins 2009 Nobel Peace Prize. As much as I admire the guy, he has been in office for a mere eight months. During that time he has continued the wars started by his predecessor, and looks set to escalate one of them. Though I suppose he hasn't started any new ones, which makes him fairly peaceful as US presidents go. ...

It's National Coming Out Day!! - Frenchy's House Party ... Down Barriers in Sexual and Reproductive Health Reporting in Africa - *This is a guest post by Humphrey Nabimanya, founder of Reach a Hand Uganda. * [image: 2016-04-15-1460736651-1435623-huffpo1.jpg]*Journalists and bloggers...

Smart Card for Transit | Slog | The Stranger's Blog | The ... take the 177, which is one of the test routes, and they are paying for a guy to ride the bus and hawk the card to passengers. He didn't seem to have a ton of information about it aside from salesman vagaries like "It'll combine all your transit into one card" -- which IMO PugetPass already does; which he, ostensibly a transit employee, didn't seem to know, either -- and "You won't even have ...

Inside, Looking Out – Teabaggers pray for Senator Byrd’s ... 22, 2009 · It seems teabaggers took Senator Coburn’s instructions to heart and prayed that one of the sixty senators expected to vote for healthcare reform would fail to show up for a crucial vote. A caller into C-Span this morning said he and his fellow tea baggers held a vigil and prayed for the death of Senator Byrd from West Virginia.

DeSmogBlog Named One of Time Magazine's Best Blogs of 2011 07, 2011 · DeSmogBlog Named One of Time Magazine's Best Blogs of 2011 ... Daily KOS, and Mashable on ... "This is a wonderful honour from TIME that recognizes DeSmogBlog's important work to …

Poll: What was the most intense moment of this debate? Biden’s long lists of things he was the one to do. The look in Elizabeth Warren’s eyes as moderator David Muir mansplained to her about war. Tom Steyer’s revival of “It’s the economy ...

Daily KOS-MOS: Get it? : Xenosaga thought at first it was the waltz that was a special/dual attack shared by KOSMOS and chaos in episode 2. View entire discussion ( 2 comments) ... Daily KOS-MOS: Gotta beat the Gnosis out of the laundry! Daily-Weekly-Montly post. 18. 3 comments. share. save hide report. Continue browsing in r/Xenosaga.

2018 Idaho Proposition 2 - Wikipedia Idaho Proposition 2 is an approved ballot initiative that was included on the 2018 General Election ballot on November 6 th, 2018.Idaho's Proposition 2 is an initiative which addressed the proposed Medicaid gap within the state. This Ballot Initiative was approved and qualified to be included for voting on July 17 th, 2018 through campaigning and petitioning for signatures to …

Tickle The WireFBI, DOJ Investigate Noose Found in Garage ... 23, 2020 · Wallace, the only black full-time NASCAR driver, was the driving force behind the stock car series banning the Confederate flag. The noose was found just hours after Sunday’s race was postponed. U.S. Attorney Jay Town told the AP that his office, the FBI and Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division were investigating.

THE PAST AND NOW | News, Travel & Social History - Part 21 new streamliner City of San Francisco was the fastest thing on wheels between San ... Read More » Then and Now: Comparing SP’s Shasta Daylight, …

Resources - Families Belong Together was the Muslim ban, binary choice, or the tear gassing of asylum-seekers. The administration continues to attack children and immigrant families. We believe every person should be treated with dignity and that #FamiliesBelongTogether.

Articles: Ben Cohen Archives - American Thinker & Blog Posts by Ben Cohen. The Trayvon Hoax and the truth; The Women’s March, Farrakhan, and Black Anti-Semitism; Joe Patrice Defends Fascist Thugs; The assault weapons ban …

Was the Wisconsin Supreme Court election really 'stolen'? 08, 2011 · Official site of The Week Magazine, offering commentary and analysis of the day's breaking news and current events as well as arts, entertainment, people …

HUH? Fox News Implies Barr’s Absolution of Flynn ... 07, 2020 · Flynn was the poster boy for the corruption that infects every cell of the Trump regime’s body. He had unsavory relations with the governments of Russia and Turkey. He was considered dirty even before Trump was inaugurated. President Obama fired him and warned Trump to steer clear. Naturally, that probably had the effect of endearing Flynn to ...

Matthew Filipowicz | HuffPost Filipowicz, the host of the Matthew Filipowicz Show, is a comedian, cartoonist and satirist. Before starting his own talk show, Matthew was a regular contributor and sometimes guest host for Ring of Fire Radio with Mike Papantonio and Robert Kennedy, Jr.. For close to three years he created ...

Articles: The Save-A-Life Foundation Story: A Study in the ... local and national MSM news outlets promoted the Chicago suburb-based Save-A-Life Foundation (SALF), an enterprise that ran unchallenged from 1993 to November 2006, when ABC News Chicago ...

Jerry Modglin (Deceased), Galesburg, IL MODGLIN Jerry Modglin, of Henderson, was a pioneer in the gambling industry. He opened Caesars Palace and was recognized for his artistic excellence as a croupier. For 40 years, he was the craps crews ideal "wing man." Jerry was born in Galesburg, Ill., March 29, 1941. Jerry peacefully passed away Feb. 18, 2013.

Sunday Snippets: Scientists Discover Cellular Pathways ... have discovered cellular pathways they say could extend human life to 500 years. The discovery was a collaboration of researchers at the MDI Biological Laboratory, the Buck Institute for Research on Aging, and Nanjing University in China.

A post-election polling review - ajc the past year, there was almost nothing more controversial for me to do as a reporter than to...

Nevada is the caucus to watch, and women of color are the ... 19, 2020 · For a year now, campaigns, media, and donors have focused on Iowa and New Hampshire, two of the whitest states in the nation. Their voter rolls are similarly white, with 91% in Iowa and 98% in New ...

Can We Talk About Marijuana and the War on Drugs For A Few ... 14, 2015 · As the 2016 starts to heat up, will Marijuana reform finally become an issue worth openly debating and discussing? That is yet to be seen, but it certainly should …

Bad news for novelists (Dan Fucking Brown excluded) | Slog ... don't believe there was ever a happy time when a large number of people read a large number of books. The time period between the advent of leisure time and the moment there was a television in every house was not really that large, and I imagine most people were just drinking more during those years.

Crooked Timber — Out of the crooked timber of humanity, no ...… least for me. Princeton University Press has agreed to publish my book, Economics in Two Lessons: Why Markets Work and Why they can Fail so Badly. I’ve been working on it for seven years, but it’s finally done. It should be published in the first half of 2019. Stay tuned for …

TV Doctors Oz And Phil A Disgrace, Only Believe Dr Fauci is shocking that two TV star "doctors" are acting as if they are experts on the CoronaVirus Pandemic. Both get paid by Fox News Channel to spread propaganda, that it is fine for people to return to work and school, and even if two or three percent of children or workers die, well, that is not a horrible scenario! Two to three percent of 330 million is 6.6 to 9.9 million people! These ...

Lai Ð?i Hàn - Wikipedia term Lai Dai Han (or sometimes Lai Daihan/Lai Tai Han) (lai Ð?i Hàn in Vietnamese: pronounced [la?i ?â?i hâ?n]; Korean: ?????) is a Vietnamese term for a mixed ancestry person born to a South Korean father and a Vietnamese mother due to sexual assault by Korean soldiers during the Vietnam War.Lai Dai Han often live at the margins of Vietnamese society.

How Smaller Cities are Taking the Lead in Sustainability ... cities get all the attention - but smaller, more agile towns are turning out to be innovators in their own right. The cat has long been out of the bag: If we’re serious about not driving the ...

Lai Ð?i Hàn - WikiMili, The Best Wikipedia ReaderÐ?i_HànThe term Lai Dai Han (or sometimes Lai Daihan/Lai Tai Han) (lai Ð?i Hàn in Vietnamese: pronounced [la?i ?â?i hâ?n]; Korean: ?????) is a Vietnamese term for a mixed ancestry person born to a South Korean father and a Vietnamese mother due to sexual assault by Korean soldiers during the Vietnam War.Lai Dai Han often live at the margins of Vietnamese society.

NCSL in the News: October 2013 01, 2013 · According to a recent report from the National Conference of State Legislatures based on State Net data, legislatures in the first six months of 2013 enacted 146 laws and 231 resolutions on immigration, more than in the entire year of 2012.

What to buy at the airport — Crooked Timber 07, 2008 · The Britishness of the author is good for a laugh at least once per book, when Reacher says something completely unAmerican. The best was a moment where he described a dark night as “black as the Earl of Hell’s waistcoat.” Yep. American military types say that sort of thing all the time.

Indomitable | The online home of Chauncey DeVega: Why I think we are planning an end of the world party for 12/21/12 since Belize was the center of the Mayan world. Belize has its problems to be sure, but it truly eye-opening to go to a place where the race issues that we have are non-existent, and us white folks are just a …

News and Analyses, A Foreign Perspective | themcglynn.com inseparably are the means connected with the end,in all cases,that where the former do not exist the latter cannot be obtained. All accumulation, therefore,of personal property,beyond what a man's own hands produce, is derived to him by living in society; and he owes on every principle of justice,of gratitude,and of civilization,a part of ...

Arizona: Charter Chain Accused of Teaching Religion ... 19, 2016 · One of the board members of the chain is a son of a member of the state board of education, appointed by Governor Douglas Ducey. The Arizona Capitol Times reports: A national organization filed suit Wednesday against an Arizona charter school with ties to a member of the state Board of Education, accusing it of using state funds to illegally ...

The Point: Who Spends Time with Abe? had worked under the first Abe administration as an executive secretary to the prime minister and supported Abe through that challenging period. At the Center is “2A+S” A reporter, who is assigned to cover the prime minister’s daily activities, waits at the door to the Prime Minister’s Office [Kantei] and ask everyone who goes ...

Profiles in Courage | Slog | The Stranger | Seattle's Only ... like we all heard that story. Apparently there was another similar event from a different classroom as well, according to a friend on slashdot who is a VA Tech grad (who is hoping noone he knew died). And, quite frankly, most people have no idea what to do when such things happen. Even Flight 93 had time to plan out what to do.

Hero of His Own Life? Notes on Dickens' Copperfield 31, 2017 · J.K. Rowling must have known her Dickens) and his sister, Miss Murdstone, as the tyrants of David's young life. Then after leaving them behind in David's boyhood, he inexplicably and a bit awkwardly makes Miss Murdstone the paid companion of David's employer's daughter who he loves and intends to marry. But it pays off in a confrontation scene.

College Town Life | Living In the Edge of Madness had two full moons this month again. Last month it was the Harvest Moon. This month it was the Hunter’s Moon. Diana, Phoebe, and Selene’s Moon. These are the huntress and moon goddesses of Greek and Roman mythology. Tomorrow night is Freakfest, the annual State Street Halloween Party. I was playing 500 with my friend Ruthie this ...

The Secret History of the British 'Royals' - Page 2 21, 2013 · But it couldn’t last for ever. Allegations of Pedophilia. A month ago the media’s story had to change as a flood of allegations accused Savile of being a serial pedophile. BBC Presenter Jeremy Vine has described former BBC Presenter Sir Jimmy Savile as “one of the most serious predatory paedophiles in criminal history”.

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: Long Immigration saga for the ... Prince Rupert was the city recommended as the perfect remedy. "(The Canadian Porphyria Foundation) did a survey, and found Rupert to be the most suitable weather-wise," said Maggie. So, the Viviers came to Rupert on vacation, and they happened to pick a good year to do it - 1999 was the last La Nina, and Rupert was in the midst of a seven ...

read my mind: Economic Collapse! How Did We Get Here? (Part 1) a result of that secret meeting on Jekyll Island in 1910, the Federal Reserve (or “Fed”) was created after a three-year long magic act designed to fool the American people into believing that the Federal Reserve was something it was not. On December 23, 1913, President Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act into law after it passed in a nearly empty Capitol chamber,since many ...

Carrie's Bar & Grill: February 2013 place to enjoy good music, drink in some knowledge, and watch a little sports. Where there is always food for thought, topped with choice grillings of right wing talking points.

News and Analyses, A Foreign Perspective | themcglynn.com"Separate an individual from society,and give him an island or a continent to possess,and he cannot acquire personal property. He cannot be rich. So inseparably are the means connected with the end,in all cases,that where the former do not exist the latter cannot be obtained.

Green news roundup - from climate to the Bundy Trial | Red 28, 2016 · Asters. fll7612 writes—Daily Bucket: The last of summer’s color: “September 28, 2016—A picture heavy diary to get the last of the summer blooms in. Fall is just about here. All but the ...

Social Media Lessons from the Obama Campaign 19, 2009 · Social Media Lessons from the Obama Campaign 1. The Social Pulpit Barack Obama’s Social Media Toolkit Barack Obama won the presidency in a landslide victory (by a margin of nearly 200 electoral votes and 8.5 million popular votes) by converting everyday people into engaged and empowered volunteers, donors and advocates through social networks, e-mail advocacy, text …

Nielsen BuzzMetrics Tries to Measure Buzz in Social 03, 2007 · It is the hypothesis of the Long Tail, that every once in a while, one of the Long Tailers can create a hit that makes it up to the head, and we saw that in action. We’re still in a stage of looking for examples of how the Long Tail will play out in the blogosphere, so it was interesting to see that in a quantified way showing up in the top ...

The War On Gore: A Special Report From Robert Parry Parry has written a thorough case study of one of the sorriest tales in the history of American "journalism", called "U.S. News Media's 'War on Gore'".Like all Parry's best work, there's a lot to it. It starts like this: When historians sort out what happened to the United States at the start of the 21st Century, one of the mysteries may be why the national press corps ganged up like ...

Nature: Human Warming Now Pushing Entire Greenland Ice ... 18, 2014 · Picture above: Leading edge of the accelerating Zachariae Ice Stream meets the warming and increasingly ice free ocean on August 20 of 2013. Satellite image source: Lance-Modis. Greenland â a vast store of ice three kilometers tall at its center and the final remnant of the Northern Hemisphereâ s great glaciers of the last ice age has now begun what is likely an unstoppable rush to the sea ...

Mike Pompeo 'urged' Trump firing of inspector general ... 17, 2020 · On Saturday, The New York Times reported what we probably should have presumed all along: It was Trump Secretary of State Mike Pompeo who "urged" Donald Trump to fire the State Department's inspect...

California is first state to sue Trump admin over ... 10, 2020 · California has become the first state to sue the Trump administration over its dangerous attack on international students, calling the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) policy change ordering students to either attend classes in-person amid a pandemic or leave the U.S. “absurd” and a violation of law. “Shame on the Trump administration for risking not only the education ...

Henry VIII’s Exploding Corpse - Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt 19, 2019 · Henry VIII suffered a jousting accident in his mid 40s in which he struck his head and damaged his pituitary gland and left him effectively bedridden. As a result of this, he became morbidly obese to the point where he had to be physically wheeled around in his castle. In his 20s, he had a 30 inch waist and 39 inch chest.

Is The NYPD The ‘Biggest Gang’ In New York? (VIDEO 29, 2013 · Kasiem Walters, spokesperson for Communities For Police Reform (CPR) and the first subject in a series of recent videos promoting reform of New York’s Stop & Frisk Policy, knows a thing or two about gang activity. After all, the eighteen-year-old Brooklyn native has been stopped and frisked by the NYPD more than ten times since he was twelve years old.

Tickle The WireSteven Carr Archives - Tickle The the morning of the first Monday in December 2000, FBI Special Agent Steven Carr hurried out of his cubicle at the bureau’s Washington, D.C. field office and bounded down two flights of stairs to pick up a package that had just arrived by FedEX from FBI New York. Carr was 38 years old, of medium build, with blue eyes and a handsome face.

Career NY Mobster Arrested for First Time in His 80s 24, 2011 · The site reported that he and his late wife raised two sons and a daughter, all of whom died before their time. His oldest son Charlie died after falling six flights down an air shaft at a construction site in 1982. In 1979, his son Nicholas was shot to …

A Recovery Plan For the Catholic Church - ReligiousLeftLaw.com work begins by frankly acknowledging the crisis the Catholic Church encounters in the early years of the twenty-first century. When we speak of crisis, however, we should always do so with some perspective. The Church is old enough to count as crises the decline and fall of the Roman Empire in the West, the Great Schism, the Protestant Reformation, and the French Revolution.

Third Census lawsuit ruling against Trump administration, twice, three times an injunction.. A federal judge in Maryland ruled Friday against the government’s addition of a citizenship question to the 2020 Census, The Washington Post reported Friday. Judge George J. Hazel found that in deciding last year to add the question, the government violated administrative law, according to The Post.The ruling will probably be appealed to the U.S ...

The News Corpse Film Salon | News Corpse 24, 2006 · In March 2004, just as the insurgent movement strengthened, several members of one National Guard unit arrived in Iraq, carrying digital video cameras. The War Tapes is the movie they made with Director Deborah Scranton and a team of award-winning filmmakers. It’s the first war movie filmed by soldiers themselves on the front lines in Iraq.

President Past Tense: Eisenhower, Ctd – Unsightly Mental 09, 2017 · Added to this, three and a half million men and women are directly engaged in the defense establishment. We annually spend on military security more than the net income of all United States corporations. This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience.

Arts Friday | Netflix and the Death of the Theatrical Friday | Netflix and the Death of the Theatrical Experience. With movie theatre attendance at a two-decade low and profits dwindling, with revenues hovering slightly above $10 billion, Hollywood is on the verge of experiencing the kind of disruption that hit the music, publishing, and related cultural industries a decade ago and more.

DKos Asheville Open Thread: Schools and Public Meetings 25, 2020 · Good day and welcome to DKos Asheville. This is the weekly DKos Asheville Open Thread for Saturday, July 25th, 2020. We offer this space every weekend to share what we're up to in Western North Ca...

Polls are Crap 29, 2020 · Quick-hit polls, like the ones on social media, Daily Kos, or Facebook, can garner larger reactions because they’re fairly painless. They’re also completely unscientific, and totally subject to trolling, stuffing, and the bias of the audience that sees the poll.

The Fix - (A Quick) Morning Fix! means a light posting day for us and a shortened version of the Morning Fix -- all the news you need in the time it takes you to eat a bowl of cereal. The news you can use is after the jump. And stay tuned for a Friday Line -- looking at the ten best primaries in the country -- later today. Friday Fix Picks: The world needs more "$10 bets." 1.

CMD's "Coffee with the Troops" at Yearly Kos Features Iraq ... 25, 2007 · John Stauber is the founder and executive director of the Center for Media and Democracy. He is the co-author with Sheldon Rampton of 2003's Weapons of Mass Deception: The Uses of Propaganda in Bush's War on Iraq, a New York Times bestseller.

Of All Trump's Gaslighting and Hatemongering, What He's ... 29, 2019 · This is an example of action by the Israeli government that is both shortsighted and counterproductive. But more importantly, it is action initiated by a venal, United States President who (in a cheap bid to buy the Jewish vote) has successfully exploited these representatives by making them look like 1. Enemies of the State 2.

Review: 8: The Mormon Proposition | kmburtt The Mormon Proposition is described as being “an indictment of the Mormon Church's historic involvement in the promotion & passage of California's

Divine Blessings -- A Lectionary 28, 2011 · When we read these lectionary texts from Genesis, Romans, and Matthew at the surface level we find little similarity or connection. You have the story of Jacob’s wrestling match with the man that apparently is an incarnation of the divine presence, you have Paul speaking of the blessings that God has shared with the people of Israel (and his own despair that they are not responding to his ...

The Complement Cooperative | Slog | The Stranger | Seattle ..., Jonathan, after reading all the comments on Slog I hope you take this idea to a blog with smarter commenters. This is a good idea to address the serious problem of blocking patents which is stifling economic progress and I hope you won't be discouraged by a bunch of idiots here, most of whom seem to have no idea what they are talking about.

Bill to shift public health authority from health ... County population-448164. Rate of diabetes-14%. Rate of hypertension-33%. Rate of heart disease-3.38%. Rate of obesity-28.6%. These are the groups that the Swedish Protocol (the protocol we're using in Knoxville) will target and these are the groups Covid-19 is particularly at risk for death.These are the groups of people that Mayor Jacobs is instituting policy that will actively target ...

Article: The Year's Best Books On The FInancial ... - OpEdNews 03, 2010 · Back in 2007, just as the markets began their meltdown, I started writing a book I called Plunder to investigate the then emerging economic calamity. I …

NSPD 51, an act to keep the ... - Blogs 4 Common Sense 18, 2008 · NSPD 51 (A repost) To all who read this, I wrote this post in May 2007, so please ignore any dates or recent events I may have mentioned. But pay close attention to the wording of the text of this bill. OK, AS PROMISED, HERE IS THE CENSORED VERSION OF NSPD 51 AND HSPD…

The Reality of the Media - An Alternate Universe! (Part 2) media, thinking they are the real leaders of society, makes it very difficult for someone else who is wanting to do good to others, and try and reach people through the media. Although the media has undisputed power to influence people's decisions and they are in control of the public mind, unfortunately they are for the greater part ...

Article: Ending the Conflict with Iran so Everyone Wins ... 12, 2009 · Article: Ending the Conflict with Iran so Everyone Wins - Think solving the conflict with Iran is impossible, or that it can only result in military action? No, there is a solution whereby ...

Feb 12 election: Bham Southside Only | Northwest Citizen 24, 2013 · Here is a link to what passes as the online voters guide - which is about the yes or no to create the Park District. Nothing online about the candidates. Nothing online about the candidates. I am inviting all 9 candidates to feel free to submit a statement and photo of themselves and I will post them here - and allow comments to each statement.

Underline News: Kavanaugh's idea of an 'independent ..."So Kavanaugh’s idea of an “independent” counsel is one who is appointed by the president, serves at his pleasure, and has no other layers of appointed or elected officials to protect him from direct management by the president. It’s an independent counsel—without the independent.

Aliza Sherman: She Knows Social and Mobile: The Palinsphere by bobster1985 via Flickr Hey Sarah Palin:. My husband reminded me that there was a major Supreme Court case and ruling that had a major effect on Alaska, some for better, some for worse, depending on which side of the issues you sit.This was a major part of Alaska's recent history (the last 20 years). Talk about low hanging fruit for the picking when Katie Couric asked you to name a ...

Next Left: Tory MPs demonstrate less confidence in Cameron"This is the most poisonous atmosphere I have known since Maastricht", one Tory MP texted to colleagues last week, according to a Sunday Telegraph report that the Tory 1922 Committee is thinking about rejecting the rule changes proposed by David Cameron last week. Charles Moore has an important column warning about the scale of dissent about what he calls Cameron's "coup".

Bilgrimage: It Takes a Village: Abby Scheer on Keeping the ... 12, 2009 · The Ugandan story continues to simmer. I recommend Gwen Thompkins’ summary of what’s taking place in that nation, vis-à-vis gay citizens, on NPR’s “Morning Edition” today. Thompkins concludes unambiguously that the ultimate objective of the Ugandan legislation is …

Trump's Chief of Staff, Mulvaney, Praises Him For Having a ... 29, 2020 · They land about 7:30 in the morning on Wednesday, he did that press conference Wednesday night - the thing that you saw for an hour - he had not slept for a day and a half, two and a

Biggest Failure's Not-So-Best Moment | Slog | The Stranger ... - U.S. President George W. Bush told a German newspaper his best moment in more than five years in office was catching a big perch in his own lake. “You know, I’ve experienced many great moments and it’s hard to name the best,” Bush told weekly Bild am Sonntag when asked about his high point since becoming president in January 2001.

Alternet.org Donald Trump is in open revolt against public health experts in his own administration and against, it would seem, reality. In comments to Greta Van Susteren on Tuesday, Trump…

Police: Craig was ‘agitated, demeaning’ | TheHill Larry Craig (R-Idaho) “appeared agitated and demeaning” during a follow-up visit to the Minneapolis airport police operations center 11 days after his arrest for lewd conduct in June ...

People - Kathryn Wylde | WNYC | New York Public Radio ... is America's most listened-to public radio station and the producer of award-winning programs and podcasts like Radiolab, On the Media, and The Brian Lehrer Show.

William Eldridge Odom - Wikipedia Eldridge Odom (June 23, 1932 – May 30, 2008) was a United States Army lieutenant general who served as Director of the National Security Agency under President Ronald Reagan, which culminated a 31-year career in military intelligence, mainly specializing in matters relating to the Soviet Union.After his retirement from the military, he became a think tank policy expert and a ...

Tickle The Wirefbi headquarters Archives - Tickle The Wire recently served as the special agent in charge of the Counterintelligence Division for the Washington Field Office. When Kohler joined the FBI as a special agent in 1986, he handled counterintelligence at the Washington Field Office. He also served on the Evidence Response Team and helped the FBI investigate the 9/11 attack on the Pentagon.

Tickle The WireFormer Federal Official: Fed Prosecution of 14, 2013 · Martin was returning home in his gray hoodie from a snack run for some Skittles and a fruit drink. Zimmerman pursued him, at least for a time, a struggle ensued, and Zimmerman shot Martin in the chest during the fight. The evidence was murky, emotional, conflicting, and heart rending.

PERRspectives: DOJ Confirms Cheney's Key Role in CIA Leak is the former CIA operative's husband, and a report he filed after the trip cast doubt on claims that Iraq had purchased uranium from Niger for a nuclear weapons program. President George W. Bush cited those claims as part of the justification for the Iraq war.

Anatomy of a Right-Wing Meme - Progress Pond 22, 2018 · Michael Flynn Jr. issued an interesting tweet yesterday. You’re all going down. You know who you are. Mark my word…. — MFLYNNJR (@mflynnJR) May 21, 2018 And of course that cryptic message started a conversation. Do some research buddy. He’s a genius and patriot. — Ken Hendricks (@KenHendricks5) May 21, 2018 And the FBI said […]

Cops don’t need tanks or grenade launchers | Pulitzer ... for a moment just to consider that. Why would any police department — even New York City’s army of 36,000 officers — need bayonets and grenade launchers? Once you implant in the heads of police officers the notion that they need battlefield gear, their use of violence against unarmed citizens escalates as a natural consequence.

Santa: Drunk and at Liberty | Slog | The Stranger ... is not young any longer, and Christmas Eve takes a lot out of him. So, these conditioning romps such as the one at Liberty last night are really a necessity. You should have seen him during the Reagan years - he was drinking straight Bourbon then due his clinical depression, and was giving out a lot of coal at the White House.

Abbott says he wants a list from Turner – Off the list of funding priorities, he says.Because he’s passive like that. Answering Houston’s latest complaints over funding for Hurricane Harvey recovery efforts, Gov. Greg Abbott on Wednesday told Mayor Sylvester Turner the state can step up with more money as soon as the …

Why does Sarah Palin hate women who have been raped ... 13, 2008 · Checking the budget confirmed former Chief Stambaugh's claim. He had included a contingency of $15,000 in his budget for the department's 1st year of existence (1993-1994), $5,000 for 1994-1995 and 1995-1996, and $13,000 for his final year as police chief in 1996-1997, spending $11,625.

Thought Theater: George W. Bush: Is His Legacy On Life is simply the recruiting tool for al Qaeda and a means to keep America from focusing on bin Laden and his organization in Pakistan. Think of it this way. Let's assume that bin Laden is the equivalent of a championship boxer with a title belt and let's assume George Bush holds a similar title.

AZ-Sen: McCain Gets Minuteman Primary Challenge – Swing 21, 2009 · AZ-Sen: McCain Gets Minuteman Primary Challenge Mmmmmm… own. In one more example of how an unglued GOP has developed a taste for, well, itself, a rather high-profile primary challenger has emerged to take on John McCain in 2010… and to drag the national face of the GOP deeper and deeper into right-wing nationalism and xenophobia even as the ...

THE NEWS BLOG guards kept reporters and the public away from the compound as the 250 invited guests arrived, but Thompson's fans scouted the surrounding hills for the best view of the celebration. ''We just threw a gallon of Wild Turkey in the back and headed west,'' said Kevin Coy of Chester, W.Va., who drove more than 1,500 miles with a friend in ...

July 4 2020 Gettysburg hoax - Wikipedia the summer of 2020, an image was spread around social media supposedly calling for a flag burning at Gettysburg National Cemetery organized by "Antifa." This hoax event prompted online right-wing sympathizers to organize counter-protests in the Gettysburg area.. Though the event propagated by the spoof page "Left Behind USA" at Gettysburg was removed from social media and discredited by ...

As coronavirus infections soar past 1,000 cases, Donald ... chart above isn’t accurate. It’s not accurate in the sense that by the time it was made on Tuesday evening, the number of cases had already climbed to 994. On Wednesday morning, it’s already at 1,015 … and that will only stand up for a matter of minutes. It’s not possible to make an accurate […]

Footnoting the News: A Response - The National Center 31, 2006 · The National Center for Public Policy Research is a communications and research foundation supportive of a strong national defense and dedicated to providing free market solutions to today's public policy problems. We believe that the principles of a free market, individual liberty and personal responsibility provide the greatest hope for meeting the challenges facing America in the …

All About Redistricting -- Ideas for Reform the dust clears, there will be a window of opportunity for reform: a window that will begin to close as the next redistricting cycle approaches. Foster transparency; Too often, there is cause to believe that personal and partisan interests dominate redistricting, at the expense of the public interest. Yet there are promising developments.

Content: Members Page For David William Pear | OpEdNews William Pear is a Senior Editor for, and a Senior Contributing Editor for The Greanville Post. David is a journalist, columnist, and commentator for TV and radio.

As NAFTA Hearings Open, More Than 100,000 ... - Public Citizen 16 groups that asked members to sign petitions calling for a transparent negotiating process and a replacement of the NAFTA to stop its ongoing damage of job loss, downward pressure on wages and attacks on environmental and health laws gathered more than 100,000 signatures in several weeks.

ABOUT - Take On Wall Street to her international work, she was a legislative aide for a Massachusetts State Senator and a program analyst for a small foundation making grants in education and climate change. She has lived in Central America and the Hispanic Caribbean and traveled in sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia.

Trump-sparked evangelical war continues unabated Trump has ignited a religious war here at home, as the rift in the white Christian evangelical community grows in the wake of evangelical magazine Christianity Today’s call for his removal from office, enraging the orange behemoth. Backlash from the Trumpists has Christian publications taking sides, and that has led to professional casualties—for example, […]

Internet lines up behind The Declaration of Internet Freedom 02, 2012 · Search News Search web. Skip to Navigation; Skip to Main Content; Skip to Related Content; Mail

Why Rush Limbaugh's attempt to stifle free speech was ... article first appeared in the St. Louis Beacon, May 6, 2012 - For a time late last month, Rush Limbaugh succeeded in abusing copyright law to get

Letter of the Law: Retiring Professors David Gantz and ... joining the CDO, Shannon was an associate attorney in the appellate group of Steptoe & Johnson LLP and a judicial law clerk for Judge Daniel Barker (ret.) on the Arizona Court of Appeals, Division One. She received her Arizona Law JD in 2010, graduating summa cum laude and Order of the Coif.

2015 - Global Climate Convergence is in the air, and as the end of November draws closer, people across the country are making travel plans and pulling out favorite family recipes for the big Thanksgiving meal on November 26th. For the Fair Food Nation, the central ingredients of that meal are not only the family members around the table, but also justice for the women and ...

Caption Contest - Outside the Beltway 07, 2008 · About Dodd Harris Dodd, who used to run a blog named ipse dixit, is an attorney, a veteran of the United States Navy, and a fairly good poker player.He contributed over …

Defund Climate Change - The Understory - Rainforest Action ... 21, 2019 · You can forge a legacy as the person who steered the banking sector away from its current path of driving the world toward disaster. Or you can continue with business as usual, and write yourself into history as the bank CEO who did the most to drive the climate crisis. For our communities and a stable climate, On behalf of the undersigned,

28 | November | 2013 | The Lunch Counter 28, 2013 · Don’t think for a second that the Secret Service did not know this guy’s “history of civil disobedience.” The event fulfilled two goals. It set himself up as the bystander, void of responsibility, fighting for this, that, or the other. On this day it was amnesty, AKA comprehensive immigration reform.

D. C. Douglas - Wikipedia performed on stage in the San Francisco Bay Area in the late 70s and early 80s, moving to Los Angeles in 1985 to study at the Estelle Harman Actors Workshop. In Los Angeles, he co-founded the improvisation troupe Section Eight and was also a member of Theatre of NOTE.In 1996, he landed a small role in Boston Common, an NBC pilot. When the show was picked up for a season he returned …

Pure Rock Radio | Facebook in one hour for another "King Hesh" on (Midni... ght (EDT) / 9pm (PDT)). For listening options go to Or tune in using your mobile device (tablet or smart phone - Andriod or iOS) by downloading the Pure Rock Radio app. Get your weekly 80s & early 90s metal fix with King Hesh. Three hours of bitchin' tunes from the "Era of Hair" dudes!!!

Discover the Networks | Faithful America (FA) 03, 2020 · The National Council of Churches of Christ (NCC) created Faithful America (FA) in 2004, with the aim of making the latter a “religious version of” Characterizing itself as “an online community of tens of thousands of citizens motivated by faith to take action on the pressing moral issues of our time,” FA “mobilizes” its members by soliciting their participation in ...

Tickle The WireAlan E. Kohler Jr. Named assistant director 27, 2020 · In 2017, he returned to FBI Headquarters as the chief of the Eurasian Section, which manages the bureau’s operations countering Russian intelligence threats. Kohler was promoted to deputy assistant director in the Counterintelligence Division and managed multiple portfolios in 2018.

First Mountain Progressives - Home | Facebook Mountain Progressives, North Caldwell, New Jersey. 15 likes. First Mountain Progressives is a group of active citizens who aim to promote the good management of our natural resources and the...

PERRspectives: Israeli Settlements and the Return of 7, 2008 : Israeli Settlements and the Return of McCain's Hagee Problem. Just when it seemed John McCain had weathered the storm over endorser John Hagee's rabid anti-Catholicism, the Texas pastor announced his latest effort to accelerate Armageddon. In the face of U.S. policy opposing the expansion of Isaeli settlements in the West Bank, Hagee's Christian United for Israel announced a $6 ...

10 Antique Toys That Still Look Like Fun - HowStuffWorks's Note: 10 Antique Toys That Still Look Like Fun. The toy cabinet at my grandmother's house was filled with model cars, miscellaneous wind-up toys, and a strange little cylinder that made a noise like a cow when you turned it upside down.

Polyamory and Same-Sex Marriage | National Review friend Walter Olson, of the Cato Institute, objects to my column today. He makes two main points, 1) that I didn’t cite examples of opponents of same-sex marriage being branded as bigots, and ...

New York Times Staffers Have Walked Out In Protest ... to glassdoor, the average salary for a New York Times staff editor in New York City is $93,571. Dear @ nytimes management, We have a problem. — …

Tucker Carlson Goes Crawling Back To Fox News | News Corpse 20, 2009 · There aren’t too many more pitfalls for a guy like Tucker Carlson. He has already failed on PBS, CNN, and MSNBC. He embarrassed himself by appearing on Dancing With the Stars, and compounded the pain by being voted off first (although that may actually have been a blessing).His game show pilot, shot last year, has apparently been shelved.

Orcinus: Beck Goes Batsh*t: To depict Obama White House as ... Neiwert is an investigative journalist based in Seattle and a contributing writer for the Southern Poverty Law Center. He is the author of the forthcoming Alt-America: The Rise of the Radical Right in the Age of Trump (Verso Press, Fall 2017). He is also the author of And Hell Followed With Her: Crossing the Dark Side of the American Border (NationBooks, March 2013)-- winner of the ...

August | 2016 | Blog or Die! 31, 2016 · My son is on the wait list for a Tesla Model 3, an electric car that is supposed to be available by the end of 2017 with a base price of $35,000 and a …

Smokeless at the Showbox | Slog | The Stranger's Blog ... End hosted a fabulous holiday show last night, featuring all local talent—The Saturday Knights, Aqueduct, Harvey Danger, and Death Cab For Cutie, all of whom put on great performances.Kudos to the station for supporting local music—and for handing a huge check over to the Vera Project to help continue support for local music institutions. The bands were great, the crowd (the show was ...

The Real News - Wikipedia Influenced by events such as the 2000 US presidential election, 9/11, the invasion of Iraq, and Hurricane Katrina, Jay felt that there needed to be a news network capable of making complicated concepts accessible to the average person.Jay and crew officially opened shop in Toronto in September 2007. The Real News does not accept funding from advertising, governments, or corporations.

Breaking: One of Trump's Personal Valets Tests Positive ... 07, 2020 · From CNN: A member of the US Navy who serves as one of President Donald Trump's personal valets has tested positive for coronavirus, CNN …

One of my best friends got gassed last night 26, 2020 · My very good friend and fellow VN vet was down at the protest in Portland last night (6th night in a row), taking photographs when he couldn’t take it …

Collins “Lost One of Her Most Prominent Environmental ... 15, 2019 · Collins “Lost One of Her Most Prominent Environmental Backers” After Anti-Environmental Votes. Yesterday, the League of Conservation Voters announced its endorsement of House Speaker Sara Gideon in the Maine Senate race, one more sign of how much Senator Susan Collins has changed over more than two decades in Washington. Senator Collins once praised LCV as

Ranger Chaplain's Endorsing Agency: Women in was made last week at the elite U.S. Army Ranger School at Fort Benning, Georgia, where 2 female soldiers graduated from one of the most arduous training programs within the entire U.S. military. 1st Lt. Shaye Haver and Capt. Kristen Griest will go down in the annals of U.S. military history as the two soldiers who irreversibly shattered one of many heretofore glass ceilings barring ...

More Than 100,000 Now Follow Rasmussen Reports on Twitter Reports also releases data on its own web site ( Facebook, more than 30,000 people follow the company or Scott Rasmussen. The firm also provides a daily email ...

Touring the Deep Tunnel and Thornton Quarry - Gapers Block 21, 2015 · On Saturday, I joined the Southeast Environmental Task Force (SETF) on one of its tours of Chicago's goliath infrastructure. The tour featured the future site of the Thornton Composite Reservoir, the largest such reservoir in the world, and a Deep Tunnel pumping station 350' below ground at the Calumet Water Reclamation Plant.

“It’s a challenging situation and a... - Talking Points ... said that “even if one were interested in trying to influence a... case you wouldn’t do it by removing … the head of the office.” “That’s simply not how the Southern District of New York or the Department as a whole operates,” the attorney general added. “So it’s actually ludicrous and I felt it was just simply not a plausible basis for not making a change there.”

One of FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorists in ... - Tickle The 07, 2013 · Steve Neavling A few days after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, Anas al Libi was placed on the FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorist list. The reward – $25 million, the same amount offered for the capture of Osama bin Laden. On Saturday, authorities finally captured al Libi in Libya, accusing him of being one of the […]

Trump Winery Fires Undocumented Workers — AFTER Harvest ... 02, 2020 · Gabe Ortiz: “The fact that impeached president Donald Trump demonizes immigrants in front of cameras while exploiting their labor behind the scenes should be one of the biggest scandals of this administration” Recent stories in the Washington Post and Univision (see here and here) add new details to the story of the Trump business empire’s…

This Modern World » Blog Archive » SPARKY’S LIST update just want to express my sincere gratitude to everyone who has signed up for my little experiment in direct audience support. The original explanation for the List can be read here, but in a nutshell: I am trying to keep my cartoon alive and healthy as the ecosystem for which it developed withers away.To survive as an artist in the digital age requires adaptability, and one of the things I ...

About | DeSmog was founded by Jim Hoggan of James Hoggan & Associates, one of Canada's leading public relations firms. By training a lawyer, by inclination a ski instructor and cyclist, Jim Hoggan believes that integrity and public relations should not be at odds — that a good public reputation generally flows from a record of responsible actions.

The Florida Masochist: The Knuckleheads of the Day award's winners are Planet Fitness and their manager of the Wappinger Falls gym, Carol Palazzolo. They get the award for the following. WAPPINGERS FALLS, N.Y., Nov. 13 — Albert Argibay, a bodybuilder and a state correction officer, was at a Planet Fitness gym with 500 pounds of weight on his shoulders one afternoon this month when the club manager walked over and told him it was time to leave.

Putting Workers Before Wall Street – California Labor ... the housing bubble burst and took unemployment figures through the roof, among the casualties were the credit records of California’s workforce. Untold numbers of responsible, hardworking Californians watched their credit scores collapse as subsistence-level unemployment benefits forced missed bill payments and a risky overreliance on ...

The Rain In Spain Falls Mainly On . . . The Amazon ... of the things that the BBC article that you link to doesn’t mention when it refers to drought in Alicante, Valencia, Murcia, and Alemeria is that many of the problems in those regions are exacerbated tremendously by overdevelopment to cater to the tourist industry. The conservative Popular Party’s exploitation of these regional differences is shameless.

Glenn Beck's empire: By the numbers 09, 2010 · Since 2002, Glenn Beck has transformed himself from a Top 40 radio DJ into one of America's most successful and controversial media figures. The …

Trump Winery Fires Undocumented Workers — After Harvest ... 03, 2020 · January 3, 2020 – A recent Washington Post story adds new details to the story of the Trump business empire’s reliance on and exploitation of …

Bob Dole | Newsbusters mission of the Media Research Center is to create a media culture in America where truth and liberty flourish. The MRC is a research and education organization operating under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and contributions to the MRC are tax-deductible.

Beacon Press: Stand Your history of America’s Stand Your Ground gun laws, from Reconstruction to Trayvon Martin After a young, white gunman killed twenty-six people at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, in December 2012, conservative legislators lamented that the tragedy could have been avoided if the schoolteachers had been armed and the classrooms equipped with guns.

Every Child Deserves a Mother and a Father... | Slog | The ... The beating is being inflicted on Gay Americans because THEY are not good enough to be parents. As the Religious Extremists would have you believe. So to counter the beats and show the lie for what it is, ie ONLY a Father and a Mother are good for children, Dan provides this public service. Now back away from your dead horse and move along.

Buddhist Channel |,11723,0,0,1,0Construction began in October 1992, and first the Temple, then a seminary, assembly hall and a Ch'an (Zen) meditation retreat were finished. About 95% of all the construction materials came from local South African sources, and the project provided South Africa with a large number of much-needed jobs.

PERRspectives: Ashcroft Called Clinic Bomber Rudolph a 1993, Shannon was sentenced to 10 years in a Kansas prison for shooting Dr. Tiller in both arms outside his clinic. Two years later, Shannon pled guilty to setting fires to abortion clinics in Idaho, Nevada, Oregon and California. And as the New York Times recounted in 1995, Shannon was quite clear as to whether she considered her crimes ...

Andrew Rappaport - Discover the Rappaport is secretary of the Rappaport Family Foundation (RFF), which he and his wife established in 2002 as a vehicle by which to administer their charitable donations. Between 2004 and 2008, RFF gave $850,000 to People for the American Way, $700,000 to the Center for American Progress, and $323,000 to the anti-war group Project Billboard.

Morning Must Reads: Higher Liquor Prices in Washington and ... the debate over privatizing wine and spirit operations in Pennsylvania looms, The Patriot News takes a look at what privatization brought to Washington State — higher liquor prices. Voters approved the privatization of Washington’s state-run liquor stores effective June 1 (beer and wine is already for sale in private retail outlets in the state).

No, January Is Not A Good Time to Open A Sculpture Park ... of the toughest, best sculptures in the park is Tony Smith’s Stinger, an enclosure of four matte-black walls in the shape of diamonds that rest on the ground on their tips. The artist named it after the ferocious cocktail disguised by its sweetness. To make a Stinger, mix 1 1/2 ounces brandy and a half-ounce white creme de menthe.

Five reasons Donald Trump is losing, with the proof 29, 2020 · I’ve been saying for some time now that Donald Trump is losing, and that used to scare people. Because 2016 is still too raw, too painful. But the evidence is pretty clear at this point. Trump ...

Here’s how presidential campaigns track who you are and ... 29, 2015 · When you go to Rick Santorum's campaign Web site, a small bit of text is stored on your computer.In my case, the text was f36853b4-b072-4800-99a3-a9c9381c331a; in …

Dave Daubenmire -- Rachel Maddow, Fake News And The ... MADDOW, FAKE NEWS AND THE CHRISTIAN EGGHEADS . By Coach Dave Daubenmire March 16, 2017 There is nothing that sets me off more than listening to the smarter-than-you experts that masquerade as talking heads on the Boob Tube.

Pete Olson News, Articles, Stories & Trends for Today is one of the 'most important friends, partners' of America, says US Senator John Cornyn day after 'Howdy, Modi' event. Firstpost - Press Trust of India. Washington: India is one of the most important friends and partners of the United States, a top American Senator said on Monday, a day after Prime …

Rachel Maddow, Fake News And The Christian Eggheads – News ... the Christian Eggheads are just as bad. You know who they are…the “Doctors” with the large congregations whose watered-down, self-focused, who-am-I-to-judge sermons have anesthetized their listeners to the point that they are no longer able to tell the difference between the Truth and a …

War on Drugs: Apparently, We've Got Money to Burn ... 18, 2010 · Those are the words of Gil Kerlikowske, Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP). Apparently not. The rhetoric still sounds good, just like it did a year ago in Director Kerlikowske's first interview with the Wall Street Journal as the new "drug czar": WSJ: One of the programs you support strongly is "Fight Crime: Invest ...

The Case for Honesty as a Moral Foundation « YourMorals of the distinctive traits of MFT is the evolutionary focus. People moralize various things (e.g. eating pork or driving while using a cellphone) in various cultures, but the purpose is to identify those moral concerns that appear cross-culturally and have an innate quality.

Black Lives Matter Movement - The Black the nation grapples with the seemingly intractable nature of institutional racism and inequities in the justice system, the slain leader resonates with a Black Lives Matter movement born decades after his death. Yet, this nascent movement fights the same hopelessly persistent problem of American racism, one born of the badge of slavery.

The Daily Ripple-News Music Ideas - The Daily Ripple-News ... – “Migrants are the backbone of the Ukrainian economy,” affirms Anh Nguyen, Chief of Mission at IOM Ukraine.He explains: “Private remittances sent to Ukraine equal to more than 10 per cent of GDP, and a large share of this money comes from migrant workers, allowing their families to cover their basic needs including food, rent, education and health care.”

Tag: Isaac Newton - Darin Hayton an editorial taking Kyrie Irving to task for his comments about the shape of the earth, “Between Kyrie Irving’s flat Earth and Isaac Newton’s apple tree, science remains a process of understanding,” Glenn Starkman and Patricia Princehouse remark: We have an apple tree on the Case Western Reserve University campus grown from a twig […]

Kos Travel Guide and Tourist Information: Kos, Dodecanese of the famous Greek Dodecanese Islands, Kos is very much the number two island in terms of overall size and population, after only Rhodes, which lies directly to the south.However, Kos is extremely popular and past the major resorts and beachfront hotel complexes, this island tends to be a …

Officials hiding details of anti-Russia espionage from ... thing of it is, of course, that those officials are not wrong. Trump has repeatedly stepped in to defend Russia from the United States intelligence services, most substantially via repeated rebuffs of U.S. intelligence conclusions on Russian hacking and propaganda efforts during the 2016 campaign.

Caribbean Green Energy News – Empowering Us Caribbean Green Energy News. 3 Reasons Why Carnival Stock Is Sinking Again 14 Jun 2020 17:57 Auto Manufacturers Carnival (NYSE:CCL) stock has had a crazy year. The shares collapsed at the beginning of the pandemic, falling from $50 in January to just $8 at their March lows.

I'm Sick of the Eggheads - Pass the Salt Ministries 22, 2017 · I have a Masters Degree, write a weekly column read by thousands, and a YouTube page with video’s that long ago passed over 1 million views. There are others out there, just like me, who are writing powerful analysis of degradation of the American Culture and actually make logical arguments for how things can be repaired.

Copy_Of_ACC_205_Week_5_Assignment_Final_Paper-03_01_2015 ... 01, 2015 · Unformatted text preview: ACC205­Week 5 Final Paper (Wal­Mart Financial Analysis Report) 1 Rosie Collins ACC 205: Principle of Accounting I Traci West March 31, 2014 ACC205­Week 5 Final Paper (Wal­Mart Financial Analysis Report) 2 Financial accounting reports, to include balance sheets and income statements provide accountants and the general public a snap shot of a …

The Morning News | Slog | The Stranger | Seattle's Only ... 28, 2007 · The spouse characters are the thing I never get on Law and Order. If your relative is missing, why would you act beligerent when questioned. I figure most people would be fine with being questioned, as long as the cops were still looking elsewhere at the same time. It …

ICE Holding Caribbean Family At Texas Hotel News, Latin America News: By Abe Asher. San Antonio, Texas, Weds. July 8, 2020, SA Current: Federal agents are holding at least one Caribbean immigrant family at a San Antonio Homewood Suites hotel despite an earlier pledge from Hilton, Homewood’s owner, that it wouldn’t let federal agents detain immigrants at its properties.

An interview with Don Novello – Off the 26, 2003 · Here’s an entertaining interview with Don Novello, whom you may know as Father Guido Sarducci but whom I will always think of as Lazlo Toth, American.He talks about the history of the Lazlo Letters, the challenge of keeping the idea fresh 30 years later, and why certain other comedians never acknowledged his work in this regard.

Municipal League Endorsements | Slog | The Stranger's Blog ... the Muni site says, we don't rate on policy issues. We don't compare one candidate against another. We are interested only in the fitness for public office, which we base on 4 criteria: Involvement, Effectiveness, Character, Knowledge. I didn't think Dodson was outstanding. Street and Sherman were. Unfortunately I missed Pure, Pedersen, and ...

Rest in Peace, Dr. Butler | KnoxViews've known Doc since I was 16 and he was a young man with small children, way back in 1966. Doc has always been a real hero -- so generous, kind, a wonderful vet and a wonderful friend. If the world had more people like him it would be a much happier place. Mrs. B and family, so very very sorry.

Possibility of Museum on NYC's 'New' Roosevelt Island ... is possible now because the Roosevelt Island Steam Plant is about to be decommissioned. This plant supplies energy to the two long-term care hospitals on Roosevelt Island, one of which will combine with the other as the new $2 billion post-modern campus for …

Israel | THE NEW MODERATE The re-establishment of the Jewish homeland in Israel after nearly two thousand years was an almost miraculous fulfillment of New Testament prophecy, a prerequisite to the Second Coming of Christ. All Bible-believing Christians rejoiced at the birth of Israel and continue to support the Jewish state with all their hearts. The United States must…

Make Trump's impeachment the sideshow activists are engulfed in the impeachment hearings. They want Trump impeached and gone. But I got a sober reminder recently that highlighted our reality. Every year I participate in the Annual Human Library, a project of the Civic Engagement Committee at Lonestar College-North Harris County. Many students start at these community colleges for their first two years to dramatically reduce ...

Big Bad Bald Bastard: The Ants in France Live Mainly on ... 01, 2019 · Big Bad Bald Bastard The Big Bad Bald Bastard is a character played by Monsieur _____ of the City of Y_____. The role of the Bastard is a handy one to play on subways, walking the streets, and in dive-bars, when being a nerdy, bookish sort is not to one's advantage.

memeorandum: For impeachment, quick and narrow is the way 09, 2019 · For impeachment, quick and narrow is the way to go — As the impeachment proceedings against President Trump enter a new phase, lawmakers face three critical questions. None have easy answers, but they are, in increasing order of difficulty: Should the articles of …

Thread by @DrDannielle: "1) Who is Ali Watkins, aside from ... "Left-Center" = "Factual information that uses loaded words."" but highly factual and considered one of the most reliable sources for information due to proper sourcing and well respected journalists/editors."

A Child Reports On The Chemtrailed Morning Sky In New ... 26, 2013 · This video was sent to us by Paul Mac, who is working to bring awareness to geoengineering in Australia and New Zealand. I'm with him, the video brought tears to my eyes. From Paul - Australian Geoengineering Protest As a Global Community of Skywatchers its important that we stay motivated to document the Geo-Crime taking place above our heads on a daily basis, …

Nationalized Healthcare | THE NEW MODERATE The U.S. healthcare system is the finest in the world: the best doctors, the best facilities, the best research. To tamper with it and bring it under federal control would be a disaster. Doctors are already smarting from HMO red tape and absurd amounts of paperwork. Do we want our medical facilities to be…

NPI's Cascadia Advocate: President Obama honors Washington ... President then went upstairs with Senator Patty Murray, and met a family from Virginia and a family from Maryland who were visiting Seattle (what are the odds?) Returning downstairs, he paid for the doughnuts (leaving a generous tip), paused for a Kodak moment, and then sampled one of the doughnuts. "This is outstanding," the President said.

Indymac, Ocwen and mers | Mortgage Help Forum - LoanSafe.org 28, 2014 · This is important because mers loans have issue with chain of title as well as judgements for fraud. He said for a one time fee of 2900 he would basicly dispute the debt and force Ocwen to agree to a debt reduction of about 200k. Current loan is 678k. I went into this just looking to confirm these banks did not make any errors.

Ruth Institute Blog » The Wealth of Nations Depends on the 11, 2013 · All visible in the changing work patterns of our country, resulting in real macro-economic consequences. Fifty years ago family life and the economy were quite different. Around 1960, just prior to the sexual revolution, the United States was the world’s heavyweight champion in economic productivity and earnings.

Capitol Briefing - Is Illinois the Most Corrupt State? 10, 2008 · By Ben Pershing and Paul Kane. During Tuesday's press conference to announce the indictment and arrest of Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich, Robert Grant, the special agent in charge of the FBI's Chicago field office, made a bold statement about his adopted home state: "I got here four years ago. A lot of you were in the audience asking the question of whether or not Illinois is the most corrupt ...

memeorandum: I'm A Senior Trump Official, And I Hope A ... says its iOS app is copying the contents of users' clipboards after every key press due to a bug and promises a fix, after iOS 14 reveals the snooping Pei Li / Reuters: Tencent launches US game studio LightSpeed LA, to create AAA titles and increase overseas share of its total games revenue, which accounted for 23% in Q4 2019

News and Analyses, A Foreign Perspective | themcglynn.com White House barred several news organizations from an off-camera press briefing on Friday, handpicking a select group of reporters that included a number of conservative outlets friendly toward Donald Trump. The “gaggle” with Sean Spicer, the White House press secretary, took place in lieu of his daily briefing and was originally scheduled as an on-camera event.

How to Beat the Psychopaths in Power at Their ... - OpEdNews 26, 2007 · Article: How to Beat the Psychopaths in Power at Their Own Game - The psychopaths in power are not content to destroy the Middle East alone, but …

Rank and Vile - The Last Refuge 31, 2020 · After the DOJ Offfice of Inspector General (OIG), Michael Horowitz, presented his December 2019 findings of the FISA application used against U.S person Carter Page, the gross deficiencies and intentional fraud were so extensive the IG said he was going to review a sample of FISA applications to identify if the fraud and abuse was…

Evidence of Unfair Apportionment Formula Used by DPNM for New Mexico Legislature Special Session on Redistricting Continues, Roundhouse, Santa Fe 09/11: Moment of Remembrance for 9/11 on 10th Anniversary, 11:00 AM MDT 09/14: Fundraiser for Hector Balderas for Senate, St. Claire Winery, Entertainment by Cathryn McGill, ABQ, 5:30-7PM 09/14: People's Forum on Public Lands Trapping, Hosted by WildEarthGuardians, Wool Warehouse, ABQ, …

City Events | Living In the Edge of Madness 2007 has begun in earnest at shortly past 7pm. I can hear one of the bands fairly well if I want to leave my window open to enjoy the tunes. It’s a mite chilly for that this year. The temperatures are seasonal and within the “normal” range for a Wisconsin Halloween. No global warming heat waves or early snowstorms to report.

Climate Change - Why It Is Time For A New Inquisition 13, 2017 · Listen to Article The Spanish Inquisition was established in 1478 as a special taskforce within the Roman Catholic Church, charged with rooting out and neutralising heretics. Ruthless, intolerant, and deadly, the Inquisition hunted down infidels who preached ideas contrary to those handed down by the so-called Magisterium since the time of Christ. Apologists for the Inquisition …

Engineered Weather, Exposing The Lies - Geoengineering Watch 01, 2014 · The level of deception and outright lying coming from the climate science community and especially the 'official' agencies like NOAA, NASA, NWS, etc, is astounding. Some in the climate science community are lying about the climate engineering reality because they are afraid of losing their jobs or worse. I know this for a fact because I have had face to face conversations with a few. There are ...

The (David) French President? is how much I’ve been off the grid today while attending to some family medical issues. I was the last person on the internet to find out about David French possibly being a third-party candidate for the #NeverTrump movement. In fact, I didn’t even find out about it from the internet. One of the LI authors texted me at 6:30 p.m.:

The ugly truth about Islam from the only kind of Muslim ... 07, 2013 · The koran is the world’s 1st pedophile-porn-prejudice hate-murder book; by infidel mohamed borrowed uncle Abdullahs Arab flavoured kaaba non existent stone/moon idolatry myth excuses: 5:60, 7:166, 98:6, 2:65 hate crimes, 5:33 crucify, 33:61 massacre, 47:4 slaughter bondage on Muslims, 78:33 full breasted women, 56:36 virgin paradise is a sex joke, 65:4 not menstruate …

ChrisBell – Impeachment News and, who is arguably both the White House and Loeffler’s most important ally, may also be able to persuade Trump to at least stay out of this contest. Of course, there’s never any telling what Donald Trump will or won’t do, so both Loeffler and Collins may be kept in suspense for a long time to come.

Not Being Able to Recite Lame Facts Doesn't Mean You're ... HATE this story that’s going around:. On literature, the teenagers fared even worse. Four in 10 could pick the name of Ralph Ellison’s novel about a young man’s growing up in the South and moving to Harlem, Invisible Man, from a list of titles.About half knew …

Democracy for New Mexico: 2012 Primary other big loss for the people was the adoption of the sector plan in the Coronado Village area. This is a complex matter which the City Council has been dealing with for some time. Basically it will allow for the people living in an old established manufactured homes community to be displaced in the future for a …

Rosemarie Jackowski's blog | The Smirking the anti-war movement's newest hero is a 69-year old grandmother in Bennington, Vermont who is facing 60 days in jail for blocking traffic during a protest three years ago. Rosemarie Jackowski is 4'10" and — when asked by police during her booking if she had any aliases — replied, "yes, I do.

15 Best Jill Wine-Banks images in 2020 | Jill, Wine, Brian ... 1, 2020 - Explore Brenda Dotter's board "Jill Wine-Banks" on Pinterest. See more ideas about Jill, Wine, Brian williams.15 pins33 followers

Tickle The WireJimmy Hoffa Archives - Tickle The the day of Hoffa’s murder, McMaster was with his brother-in-law, Stanton Barr, who was the head of Gateway Transportation’s steel division in Detroit. Also, one of McMaster’s top goons was Jim Shaw, a long-haul driver for Gateway, who, directed by McMaster, had participated in the earlier anti-Hoffa violence in Local 299.

The Wicked Witch Of The West. 29, 2017 - Explore mistymunk's board "The Wicked Witch Of The West." on Pinterest. See more ideas about Wicked witch of the west, Wicked witch, Witch.41 pins33 followers

2012 January 8 – Off the 08, 2012 · Even if you’ve registered to vote in Texas, you won’t be getting a new voter registration certificate until February. Although the latest blue cards expired at the end of the year, counties are waiting to mail out new ones until a long legal battle over the state’s redistricting maps — which has already pushed back the primary elections — has concluded.

A DEMOCRACY TOWN HALL: Home Invasion, 3 Murdered.. 23, 2007 · 63 Comments: Bob said.... One teen, two adults shot dead in St. Paul BY MARA H. GOTTFRIED AND NANCY YANG Pioneer Press Article Last Updated: 03/23/2007 09:42:33 AM CDT St. Paul police are investigating the shooting deaths of two adults and a 15-year-old in the city's North End. Police responded to a call about 6:42 a.m. at 292 Burgess St., and found that a 31-year-old man, 32 …

The conservative crusade against cartoon characters - The conservative crusade against cartoon characters. Posted November 21st, 2006 at 12:29 pm. ... one of the nuttiest groups in an already nutty movement, ... I can make a character who is tan in color, has a red armband, and a funny little mustache. None of those separately would strongly suggest Nazis, but put them together and they would.

The Error May Be In Assuming That The Mess We've Created ..., Caracas has to be one of the world's largest parking lots. The traffic is stop and go fro, 6:30am to 8:30pm. In 1993, there were about 4000 murders in the country. Last year were 17,000. Caracas is the worse. I now live near Puerta Cruz about a block and a half from a beautiful beach. Here life is very calm. August 17, 2012 at 4:11 PM

Has the Israel Lobby Gone Too Far? – Alternet.org 16, 2011 · In 2009, an influential Israeli think-tank carefully cherry-picked posts from the Huffington Post, Daily Kos and Salon, quoted them out of context and …

The Daily Chimp for Sunday, 5 April 2020 | The Smirking 05, 2020 · The president’s public refusal to wear a mask was the latest way he has cast doubt on their recommendations. President Trump has decided to let states choose whether or not to shut down businesses and public life as they address medical needs.

European Austerity – What’s Actually Happening? | Seeing ... 21, 2012 · Conservatives in Europe and America say cutting back on what democracies do for their citizens is the solution to our economic troubles because it will bring economic growth that helps everyone. But not what’s happening where it is tried. These are not stupid people. Maybe economic growth wasn’t the goal of austerity.

memeorandum: GUTIÉRREZ WARNS THOSE WITH DACA OR TPS … 13, 2017 · Trump's lawyers try to control unruly White House — Donald Trump's legal team is trying to instill discipline on a West Wing not known for its discipline.— The lawyers, people familiar with the internal discussions say, are reminding White House aides and the president that the stakes …

News and Analyses, A Foreign Perspective | themcglynn.com Sudanese men have been arrested in Saudi Arabia after posting their support for protests in their home country on Facebook, amid signs that ties between the two states are growing stronger following years of tension. The men, Qasim Mohamed Sid-Ahmed and Al-Waleed Imam Hassan Taha, were allegedly detained while leaving work in Riyadh on 21 December.

News and Analyses, A Foreign Perspective | themcglynn.com Washington Post/ABC News poll, which put Trump’s six-month approval rating at a historic 70-year low, came amid mounting controversy over Russian interference in the 2016 election. It emerged on Saturday that Trump’s campaign committee made a payment to the legal firm representing the president’s eldest son almost two weeks before a meeting between Trump Jr and a Russian lawyer ...

Willie Wilson's Game Plan - Gapers Block Mechanics | 08, 2015 · Willie Wilson's Game Plan. By Phil Huckelberry. And then there were five: Rahm Emanuel, Bob Fioretti, Jesus "Chuy" Garcia, William "Dock" Walls, and Willie Wilson. Those are the candidates who will be on the ballot for mayor in February.

Article: Is Freedom's Watch PNAC in Populist Drag? | OpEdNews 02, 2007 · This is a private, not a public grassroots, gathering -- although there may be foie de gras and a few rounds of golf. If this isn’t PNAC in populist drag, we're looking at neocon twins separated ...

State lawmakers threaten VW on UAW vote | 10, 2014 · Wolfsburg is the international headquarters of Volkswagen AG, and a vast majority of its eligible employees are members of a union. The workers there couldn’t believe that the Chattanooga workers didn’t have a union. They told me, over and over again, that their union was the reason they had good wages, stable employment, and fair treatment.

ENGLER MUST GO! MSU president says Larry Nassar's victims ... 15, 2018 · Joining them was the Michigan Association for Justice, formerly the trial attorneys association. “John Engler’s crass personal attack on Rachael Denhollander is detestable and a betrayal of all the survivors, and he should resign immediately,” President Debra Freid said in a statement.

BREAKING: Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act ... - Eclectablog 03, 2014 · If true and the expansion of the civil rights law is not done this year, there is little hope that it will pass in the next two years given the more conservative group of new legislators taking office on January 1st. ... I was in a loving marriage, had three nearly grown kids in college and a great job as the Vice President of an ...

Bilgrimage: Eclipse Pulls the Veil from Some of the ... 06, 2017 · Monday's eclipse pulled the veil away from some of the darkest, looniest (yes, an eclipse joke) corners of American Christianity — which we're discovering in the Trump era are really mainstream U.S. white Christianity, after all. An astonishing number of our fellow citizens buy into this toxic nonsense.

Trump was presented multiple options in Iraq. He chose ... 04, 2020 · A rocket attack against an Iraqi military base near Kirkuk on Dec. 27 left one American, described as a “private contractor,” dead and four soldiers wounded. The four soldiers have since ...

U.S. to withdraw 12,000 troops from Germany just days ... Trump has spoken with Vladimir Putin at least eight times since February. In all those calls, Trump has never brought up to Putin Russia’s program of paying out bounties for the death of American forces in Afghanistan. Instead, says Trump, he and Putin “had plenty of discussion” about “other things.” The nature of those […]

News Corp Is Developing Knewz, a Service to Aggregate News ... Corp execs have long complained about Facebook and Google monetizing the media company’s content without any compensation. They were particularly unhappy with Google’s “first-click free” program for paywall sites — like the Wall Street Journal — which the internet giant ended in 2017 to give publishers flexibility about how many articles per month they provide to non ...

It’s the End of the World As We Know ... - Righting America 21, 2020 · One of my biggest fears as a child was nuclear annihilation. A true child of the Cold War 80’s, I clearly remember the heart-warming evening when my parents sat my sister and I down and told us just what would happen in the event of a nuclear attack by Russia.

Feel the Rush, Eat a Snickers | Slog | The Stranger ... to celebrate, they take a regular Snickers and put some coconut flavoring and “a cliffhanger kick of exotic spice” into it. I’m not exactly sure why. You taste the coconut the instant you bite into it. It’s weird, but not horrible. Then the spices come as the chocolate starts to …

The Left Coaster: Dana Millbank, You Get No Millbank, You Get No Respect--Again by paradox. Approximately three weeks ago Dana Millbank of the Washington Post showed up in a Kos diary and I ripped him just for working for that GOP slut of a paper. He may be one of the best reporters in the country but I didn’t care, who he works for obviates any respect I should have for him.

The Demise of Air America - PJ Media 23, 2010 · One of the real surprises probably turned out to be Rachel Maddow. She had a great voice and a very camera-friendly face for promotional shots and public appearances.

Am I Being Sexist? | Slog | The Stranger | Seattle's Only ..., the new Dear Abby isn't as good as the old one. Posted by miss_m | May 16, 2008 12:42 PM 5. when i was a friendly, cheerful honor student, i used to steal playgirls from b. dalton. i turned out alright, although i did lose all respect for guys who trim their pubes. Posted by ...

Looking forward to Windows 10 | Blog or Die! are 6 Windows computers in the house (not including a phone), and yesterday those little Get Windows 10 icons started appearing in the system tray (you may have to install updates for this to appear, specifically the optional KB 3035583).Windows 10 is supposed to start rolling out July 29, and is a free upgrade for non Enterprise Windows 7 and 8.1 users.

What if we didn’t expand I-45? – Off the 24, 2019 · The I-10 expansion has had long term positive effects. It may be crowded, but it carries a significantly higher number of cars than before the expansion. I-45 needs a rebuild from Downtown to at least the Shepherd curve as routine maintenance, so at least some of the money has to be spent on the roads. I don’t get the obsession with rail. - Milwaukee's Daily Magazine 4Milwaukee Talks: WTMJ-4 Meteorologist Brian Gotter Published March 24, 2014. WTMJ-TV weatherman Brian Gotter is a Wisconsin guy, who via a childhood move to Oklahoma gained a love for weather, its ...

I Don't Believe It - PolitiZoom 26, 2020 · Be the change that you wish to see in the world Mahatma Ghandi I thought that I was done for the night, but I guess not. I was just reading through the comments in my last article, and I came across a comment that stunned me. It read Democracy is dead in America. Simple, concise, jarring, and to the person posting the comment, undoubtedly true. I’m sorry, but I don’t believe that. I don ...

Schumer Blames Primaries for Gridlock ... and Wants to 24, 2014 · But it was Schumer’s defense of California’s top-two primary that revealed how clueless he is about my home state, and how getting rid of party primaries will only make things worse. California was racked by polarization until voters approved a constitutional amendment in 2010 that adopted a “top-two” primary system. Oy vey.

The firefighters have a new enemy – Off the 09, 2019 · The FF’s asking for their money back is perfectly legal, but it sure smacks of pay-to-play gone wrong. Hey, we gave you money because we thought you were going to give US money. You didn’t give us money. We want the $$ we gave you back. Not really any other way to spin that.

Vagabond Scholar: None Thought of Themselves as Monsters 02, 2016 · Today is International Holocaust Remembrance Day, one of several such memorial days worldwide. Last year, The Guardian ran a short, excellent piece by Holocaust survivor Gene Klein, who urged the importance of remembering what happened, especially as the number of survivors dwindles. It's worth reading in full, but when I revisited it, one paragraph particularly leapt out:

No Right Turn: This should not have taken five years 08, 2014 · When I read about this, I requested the report, but it was refused. As the reasons didn't seem very good, I appealed that refusal to the Ombudsman. Five years later, I've finally received a response. Its not complete, but I have received a copy of the report, sans witness statements, one name, and a small amount of legally privileged material ...

Theo Spark: 03/06/12 - 10/06/ was another day of action in the conservative blogosphere, and things seem to be moving ahead quite well. See Mandy Nagy, "Report: 70 House Members to Call on DOJ to Investigate SWATting of Conservative Bloggers" (via Memeorandum).I think all the mainstream media coverage is helping, but it wouldn't have happened without the right-wing blogbursts we've been having.

Balkinization: The Centrifugal Forces of Democracy Hasen’s Electoral Meltdown tells a story of democracy in decline. Americans are riven by conflict, distrustful of one another, and bitterly divided over how we should run our elections. His book identifies four main culprits: vote suppression, administrative incompetence, dirty tricks, and overheated rhetoric about stolen or rigged elections.

The Daily Ripple-News Music Ideas - The Most Corrupt ... syndicates rely on a simple but potent act of fealty: If you protect the boss, the boss will eventually protect you. So does the Trump administration. By commuting Stone’s sentence, Trump has ably protected himself—and cemented his status as the most corrupt president in the nation’s history.

National Guard officer says Trump and AG Barr are lying ... 27, 2020 · An Army National Guard officer is contradicting everything Donald Trump, Attorney General William Barr, and U.S. Park Police have told Americans about their disastrous effort to …

'Don't fall for this stunt': Kanye West's presidential bid ... 05, 2020 · Even though billionaire SpaceX CEO Elon Musk offered his "full support," some Twitter users aren’t buying rapper Kanye West’s recently announced presidential bid as anything more than a …

Tracing The Anti-Obama Smears: the GOP Connection 14, 2008 · In this week's issue of the Nation Ari Berman traces anti-Obama smears that depict Barack Obama as Muslim and anti-Semitic but there are some additional aspects to the story. Berman's story centers on blogger Ed Lasky who writes at The American Thinker, has made financial contributions to the Swift Boat Veterans For Truth group that attacked the war record of John Kerry in the 2004 …

Fox News is doing to Ilhan Omar and ... - Alternet.org 12, 2019 · “Fox News needs an opponent, a detractor, an enemy to add conflict and edge to its broadcasts,” noted the Washington Post’s Erik Wemple. In other words, Fox is …

Judge who awarded Michigan rapist joint ... - Eclectablog 09, 2017 · Over the weekend I posted a piece about Sanilac Probate Judge Gregory S. Ross awarding joint custody of a 9-year old boy, the child of the woman he raped when she was 12 years old. Christopher Mirasolo held the girl and her sister captive for two days, impregnating her during that time. Under a plea deal, he served only six and a half months for the rape and the victim and her family …

A Conversation with Psychiatrist Lance ... - Chauncey 09, 2017 · Dr. Dodes is a signatory to a nationally discussed letter which was published in The New York Times which warned the public about the dangers posed by Donald Trump's mental health. He also has contributed a chapter on Donald Trump and sociopathy in the forthcoming book The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President.

Davis vs the DGA – Off the“The Davis campaign is constructing an operation never before seen in Texas that’s built on the hard work of 15,000 volunteers who knocked on more than 55,000 doors in one weekend, more than 120,000 individual donors and a candidate who is exciting voters in a way not seen since Ann Richards’ come from behind victory,” Johanson said.

Tactic used by Minneapolis police that killed George Floyd ... NBC News analysis of police records finds that in the past five years, 44 people have been rendered unconscious by the Minneapolis police with the neck “restraint” tactic that killed George Floyd. Three-fifths of those who lost consciousness were Black, and “almost all” of …

Tickle The Wireinspector Archives - Tickle The Wire, who is an inspector with the Federal Protective Services, is accused of kicking a man who was lying face down in the street after he was detained and shackled outside the Social Security Administration building. According to a video of the assault, the suspect appeared to …

Cain and Palin think their ignorance is ‘cool’ | Pulitzer ... 19, 2011 · Cain, a retired businessman, may be stunningly ignorant of foreign affairs, but he did get an undergraduate degree in math and a graduate degree in computer science. That laid the foundation for his professional accomplishments. And even he must know that much of the world has embraced the knowledge economy as the ticket to a prosperous future.

Evidence mounts that Emergency Management in ... - Eclectablog 02, 2019 · A couple of years ago, I wrote this:. I have been saying for years (since 2011, precisely) that Emergency Management is a model that will not work to solve the intractable problems that have led to financial crises in our state’s former urban manufacturing hubs.

Almost Every New Yorker Knows Someone Who Is Sick Now ... 02, 2020 · Almost everyone now knows someone who is sick. The story is told in the numbers: There were 47,349 confirmed cases of coronavirus infections in New York City as of Wednesday. But the reality of its reach is far worse — one study of cases in China suggested that up to 10 times the people who have tested positive may be infected, which would make the true number in the city close to half a ...

The Universal Notebook: Out of print - Portland Press Herald 03, 2012 · Unless the world comes to an end on Dec. 21, which, with all due respect to the Mayans, I highly doubt, it is entirely conceivable that I may actually outlive print journalism. I’m beginning to ...

We the Media: Grassroots Journalism By the People, For the ..."We the Media, has become something of a bible for those who believe the online medium will change journalism for the better." -Financial Times Big Media has lost its monopoly on the news, thanks to the Internet. Now that it's possible to publish in real time to a worldwide audience, a new breed of grassroots journalists are taking the news into their own hands.4/5(6)

More advertisers pull out of a porkish bald fuck's radio ... BRIAN STELTER Published: March 4, 2012 Emboldened by Rush Limbaugh’s public apology over the weekend to a law school student whom he had called a “slut” and a “prostitute,” critics of the radio talk show host are intensifying their online campaign against his advertisers. The apology, they said,…

A plea for Causey? – Off the everyone who celebrated Christmas yesterday had a good one. The one piece of news from the day was this story about former Enron chief accounting officer Rick Causey talking to the feds about possibly taking a plea.. Causey has been in plea talks in the past, so it would not be a surprise to anyone should he reach an agreement with the government, said Kent Schaffer, a Houston defense ...

Glenn Beck: If America Votes To Reelect Obama Then “We ... 06, 2012 · Glenn Beck is the one who is too far gone to be helped. Does he really believe this shit? The things he says sounds like the ravings of a lunatic! Of all the things he predicted would happen if Obama was elected in 2008, how many came to pass? I would venture to guess not one thing, especially the far out wacko things he predicted.

New York DA drops the hammer on Trump's Accounting Firm 16, 2019 · New York County District Attorney Cyrus Vance's office has subpoenaed eight years of President Donald Trump's tax returns from Mazars USA, the longtime accounting firm to Trump and the Trump Organization, as part of its investigation into hush money payments, according to a person familiar with the matter.

Trump's FEMA awards big N95 mask contract to shady company ... Trump administration is turning to some shady third-party vendors to get N95 masks, it should surprise no one to learn. After the administration waited until mid-March to order supplies in bulk despite being warned in January that a pandemic was coming, now the need is desperate—and the opportunities to steer business to questionable companies are plentiful.

EWG News Roundup (8/6): National Pesticide Law Reform ... week, Sen. Tom Udall (D-N.M.) and Rep. Joe Neguse (D-Colo.) released a bill that would significantly strengthen the Environmental Protection Agency’s authority under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act to regulate the distribution, sale and use of pesticides. The bill, which represents the most sweeping overhaul of the nation’s pesticide law in nearly …

George Orwell News, Articles, Stories & Trends for Today Weiss. Why George Orwell's Warning on 'Self-Censorship' Is More Relevant Than Ever - Brad Polumbo. Rule One: Speak your mind at your own peril.

Mayor Javier Gonzales of Sante Fe, NM refuses to help ... 16, 2016 · Mayor Javier Gonzales of Sante Fe, NM refuses to help Trump deport immigrants from his city. For him, it comes down to a "question of values". Read more: https://www ...

Power of the press ... | Jacket Copy | Los Angeles Times 19, 2007 · Yet Lippmann was a hard-boiled realist who knew the power of the press. "If I lie in a lawsuit involving the fate of my neighbor's cow,” he writes in one of this little volume's most cogent passages, "I can go to jail. But if I lie to a million readers in a matter involving war and peace, I can lie my head off, and, if I choose the right ...

2020 United States Senate election in Nebraska - Wikipedia 2020 United States Senate election in Nebraska will be held on November 3, 2020, to elect a member of the United States Senate to represent the State of Nebraska, concurrently with the 2020 U.S. presidential election, as well as other elections to the United States Senate, elections to the United States House of Representatives and various state and local elections.

Jesse LaGreca | Newsbusters it to a Kossack to offer an unreasonable explanation: that today's GOP "looks and acts like a white supremacist lynch mob." That blogger also likens Ann Coulter to a rabid weasel and presents her as one of the leading apologists for this violently racist party.

Sentencing a 13-Year-Old to Life in Prison a 13-Year-Old to Life in Prison June 1, 2015 by Juan Haines Nationwide, more than 2,200 juveniles under the age of 18 are serving life sentences—dozens were 13-14 at the time of their offense, according to a report by Equal Justice Initiative (EJI), a nonprofit legal-assistance organization founded by Bryan Stevenson.

VIDEO: NYPD Cop Placed in Headlock While Trying to ... pair of New York City Police Department officers were trying to disperse a crowd building at a Bronx street corner when a thug allegedly placed one of the cops into a headlock, according to a disturbing video.

Max Bazerman: "The Power of Noticing" - PON - Program on ... Behavioral Insights Group at the Center for Public Leadership and the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School present: Max Bazerman: The Power of Noticing Monday, September 22, 2014 5:00 p.m. Pound Hall 101 Harvard Law School Campus Free and open to the public. About the talk: Join us as Professor Max Bazerman discusses his new book, The …

My Take on the Goals of Human Development | Lefty 11, 2011 · One of my fellow blogging comrades on Daily KOS, “Cassiodorus”, challenged me on this with a thoughtful difference of opinion… I would recognize life as a progression of qualitatively different states, with new realizations and burned energies each step of the way… You have cycles: birth, life, death.

Tulsa Public Schools, Oklahoma, elections (2020) - Ballotpedia,_Oklahoma,_elections_(2020)Two seats on the Tulsa Public Schools school board in Oklahoma were up for general election on June 30, 2020.A primary was scheduled for February 11, 2020. The filing deadline for this election was December 4, 2019.. The general election was originally scheduled to take place on April 7, 2020, but was moved amid concerns about the coronavirus pandemic.

DEBATE: With Only 16 Days Left Until Election Day, Jeff ... admitted to a reporter that he doesn’t know where he will reduce spending. “ I don’t know where we’re going to have less spending. ” [Johnson Press Conference, 9/19/14] 24/7 Governor. Jeff Johnson today said he would be a full-time, 24/7 governor. Yet Jeff Johnson has said that he wouldn’t have his own budget for two years.

Midweek Cafe and Lounge, vol. 166 - Progress Pond 17, 2020 · I have an insanely busy week. Worst is over Saturday. One of my side gigs. Never handled that one online before. Usually travel to a convention center and spend endless hours grading AP exams. After dealing with the online format, I prefer the standard convention center version. Ironically, fewer distractions.

Chapter 4: Gathering Material Flashcards | Quizlet Provides primary access to a broad source of U.S. government information on the internet survey sites 1) Pew Research Center: an excellent source for surveys of public opinion about a multitude of topics

The Daily Ripple-News Music Ideas - The Daily Ripple-News ..., cancer is one of the leading causes of death, with over 8 million people succumbing to the disease every year. Notably, the International Agency for Cancer Research (IARC) predicts new cancer cases to rise 67.4% by 2030.

Black Lives Matter activists spar on Twitter key and prominent leaders of the influential Black Lives Matter movement, DeRay Mckesson an...

Crazy Donald: It’s Crazy How Many People Trump Has Called ... 25, 2019 · Let’s face it, Donald Trump is a severely damaged victim of cognitive decline. Whether as a result of his malignant narcissism, acute paranoia, or senile dementia (or a combination of all three) it simply cannot be ignored that …

David Waldman, LLC on Twitter: "More armed guards! 1 ... 21, 2018 · Tweet with a location. You can add location information to your Tweets, such as your city or precise location, from the web and via third-party applications.

Tickle The WireIt's a Baby Boy for Chicago's Top Fed 04, 2010 · By Allan Lengel Chicago U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald, one of the better known federal prosecutors in the nation, has traditionally grabbed headlines for going after bad guys. But this time, the 49-year-old is grabbing headlines for something far more personal: His wife Jennifer Letzkus, a Chicago teacher, gave birth to a baby boy Conor […]

2016 Washington gubernatorial election - Wikipedia 2016 Washington gubernatorial election was held on November 8, 2016, to elect the Governor of Washington, concurrently with the 2016 U.S. presidential election, as well as elections to the United States Senate in other states and elections to the United States House of Representatives and various state and local elections.

Chicago man charged with murder after pushing Marine - One ... 14, 2020 · Chicago man charged with murder after pushing Marine veteran into passing train, police say Tuesday, 14 April 2020 Ryan Munn of Chicago was charged with first-degree murder after pushing a Marine veteran into the path of a passing train, according to police.

Updated: DE Small Businesses: Interim Steps For Reopening ... local government agencies and an agribusiness firm are partnering to preserve one of eastern Sussex County’s most pristine properties. Sussex County will join with the City of Lewes and the Lewes Board of Public Works to acquire the historic Jones Farm, at the corner of Kings Highway and Clay Road just outside city limits, officials for ...

Define American Releases Media Study at Online News ... 18, 2019 · Four major U.S. newspapers have increasingly quoted extremist anti-immigrant groups without context and used dehumanizing terms more frequently since 2014, according to a report that Define American and the MIT Center for Civic Media released at the Online News Association conference in New Orleans last week. As quoted in an Intercept article about the …

Sierra Club Stands By Odd Kazakhstan Blog Post editor of Sustainable Business didn't immediately respond to a query about the original post that inspired the Sierra Club intern. Kazakhstan has been known to pay think tanks for research that goes into positive reports, and maintains a lobbying presence in Washington, having spent $560,000 on the services of the BGR Group in 2012 ...

Tickle The WireCraig Allen Corey II Archives - Tickle The Wire Allan Lengel For AOL News. WASHINGTON — Craig Allen Corey II was doing a lot more than soldiering when he was based at Fort Meade, Md.. Federal authorities say the Army soldier was running a prostitution and drug trafficking ring from his apartment in Millersville, Md., a small town outside Baltimore, and advertising the hookers, at least one of whom was as young as 16, on …

Mad Man Trump has PDS—Projection Derangement Syndrome 12, 2019 · Donald Trump is mentally ill. So what else is new? He has one of the most extreme cases of Narcissistic Personality Disorder ever recorded. So …

This isn't the first time right-wingers used 9/11 as a ... are the worst kind of race-baiting and fear-mongering. Earlier, I pointed out that this isn’t the first time right-wingers have engaged in this kind of demagoguery around 9/11. Among many other incidents, I was referring to a particular one involving Rush Limbaugh and Barack Obama, one that I came across in researching my forthcoming book .

The Folks Who Brought You this Financial Meltdown Are ... 08, 2009 · In his NY Times column of 29 March, Paul Krugman recalls the Time Magazine cover from 10 years ago that glorified Robert Rubin, Alan Greenspan, and Larry Summers as

Darrell Issa Sticks It to the Times | Power Line is assertion is based on an incorrect form obtained by the Times. According to a financial transaction record, the Issa Family Foundation’s initial investment in the AIM Small Company fund ...

Why I Sued the Sheriff's Department (and What Happened ... 18, 2015 · It was three-and-a-half years ago, and yet I remember with perfect clarity the group of police officers waiting at the northeast corner of Ocean Blvd. and Magnolia Ave. before coming through the crosswalk toward me. I wouldn’t have noticed them had the group not been so large. The one flicker of a thought I had about them was that they must be going to lunch. But the first to reach me asked ...

News Corpse | The Internet's Chronicle of Media Decay ... of the stickiest Hillary mythologies is the charge that she created the Birther movement. The fact that there are still people who believe that President Obama is a native Kenyan is puzzling and sad. But even worse are the loons who insist that Clinton started it all. Donald Trump, of course, anointed himself as the Chief Birther years ago.

The Trump administration hopes that America's hunters and ... the child of parents who both hunted and fished, I began attending this outdoor sportsmen’s show in the 1970s, when it was known as the Eastern Sports and Outdoor Show and when the NRA was still an organization primarily dedicated to actual hunters. That annual exhibition, which ran from 1956 to 2013, was one of the largest of its kind in North America, contributing substantially to the ...

Video From the Church That Pastor Ken Hutcherson Visited ... is not the video that Pastor Ken Hutcherson claims will prove him right in his current dispute with the White House.I’m still waiting to get my hands that video so I can see if it sorts out whether or not the White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives recently bestowed a “Special Envoy” title upon Hutcherson so that he could go to Latvia, complain to U.S. Embassy ...

Goodnight and Goodluck Jonathan: The Niger Delta Cries Out ... oil exploration and Nigeria were a relationship status on Facebook, it would have to be “It’s complicated.” Sure, things really “heated up” in the late 1950s when the British discovered oil in the Niger Delta, but that’s like saying your marital problems started when hubby ransacked the house after you filed for divorce.Like so many former arranged colonial marriages the roots ...

A New Deal for Science and Religion | Psychology Today New Deal for Science and Religion This is the 14th in the series "Religion and Science: A Beautiful Friendship". Posted Jul 20, 2012

Misadventures of a minority-elect President 189 | Bill's ... 09, 2017 · Unfortunately, media consolidation, the allure of access to the powerful over truth-telling, and a transition from a semi-independent press to a corporate business model has weakened the Fourth Estate in America. This trend reached a low point with the 2016 presidential race and the election of Donald Trump as president.

Why I Sued the LA Sheriff’s Department (and What Happened ... 19, 2015 · But that was the point. Even the right people for the job will do the wrong things if the training and the policies informing their sense of duty misguides them. The day after my detention Sgt. Hill was honest enough to admit—on the record—that I probably should not have been subjected to a pat-down search.

The Slaying of Mike Brown and a Police State in Ferguson ... slaying of Michael Brown…the murky facts on the ground… Michael Brown, Jr. was born almost 30 years after Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated, and still the poignant issues of ...

memeorandum: Pence to spend the week in campaign mode 05, 2018 · The source — How hacked emails and a yacht in Monaco ended my career — Off the coast of Monaco in the summers of 2014 and 2015, I discovered what I thought was a sort of journalistic nirvana for my job as The Wall Street Journal foreign affairs correspondent, in the form of a …

Western Jihad: Yes, We Have Suicide Bombers, Too, We Just ... have our own rich tradition of suicide bombers -- and our own unfortunate tendency to kill civilians in our military campaigns. The actor Will Smith is no one's image of a suicide bomber. With ...

News Corpse | The Internet's Chronicle of Media Decay ... of the stickiest Hillary mythologies is the charge that she created the Birther movement. The fact that there are still people who believe that President Obama is a native Kenyan is puzzling and sad. But even worse are the loons who insist that Clinton started it all. Donald Trump, of course, anointed himself as the Chief Birther years ago.

News and Analyses, A Foreign Perspective | themcglynn.com US was the only home Kim knew, and he decided it was his duty to serve. “It felt like something I should do, particularly at a time of a war,” he told the Guardian in his first interview about his case. Kim said that joining the military was one of the best decisions in his life.

Calling the Kettle Crony, Part 2: Charles Koch | a l e v e i 22, 2012 · Today, many governments give special treatment to a favored few businesses that eagerly accept those favors. This is the essence of cronyism. He could not be more on the money on this one. And when Charles Koch defines “the essence of cronysim” (which he really does in all kinds of ways), he is obviously speaking from experience.

Remington - and Bushmaster - staying in NY despite SAFE ... 29, 2013 · If your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. You may have to register before you can post: click the register link above to proceed. To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below.

The Mad Professah Lectures: 08/01/2019 - 09/01/2019 08, 2019 · The first round of the U.S. Open is complete and there have been numerous shock exits on the men's side of the draw. 4 Top 10 seeds have lost: Dominic Thiem(4), Stefanos Tsitsipas(8), Karen Khachanov(9) and Roberto Bautista Agut(10) which is a lot!On the women's side of the draw the biggest names to go out are 2017 US Open champ Sloane Stephens, 2004 US Open champ Svetlana …

Indomitable | The online home of Chauncey DeVega: What shutdown of the United States government by the Tea Party GOP is a national civics lesson for the American people. This moment is a clear example of the worries expressed by the Framers in the Federalist Papers about the tyranny of the minority, and how a small group of monied interests can sabotage democracy.

Hijacking A Massacre - Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion 11, 2011 · As far as I can tell, Matthew Yglesias of Think Progress was the first person to spread the so-called Palin target map at 1:45 p.m. [see update below] The now infamous Markos Moulistas “mission accomplished, Sarah Palin” tweet did not take place until 2:19 p.m. Yglesias’ tweet was retweeted a total of 271 times and the image of the map he ...

William Barr forms an anti-antifa task force ... and doesn ... his memo memorializing this new task force, Barr extends the idea of anti-government to being anti-police, and also to attacks on private property and to threats against “innocent people.” Which seems to give his new task force not just purview over every crime ever, but to a large number of things that are not crimes, as well as making ...

An Interview With Richard Slotkin About America's Gun 29, 2013 · Again, a public health problem with many dimensions and aspects. A simple "we need more guns" approach won't work. Nor will a logic that picks out examples and says "see if x had a gun it would be better" work either as it ignores the negative externalities that would come from such decisions. January 29, 2013 at 10:47 PM

For The Left: June 2013, Sanger reports in his book that, as the result of an Israeli programming error, the Stuxnet virus leaked out across the global Internet in the summer of 2010 - two years before the Times story. Second, right after the intriguing passage in Sanger's book, where Cartwright says the cyber program shouldn't be kept secret, there is the ...

There Is No Cat! David Weinberger lifts a great cartoon about the legacy of Ronald Reagan, the second worst President of my lifetime.The panel about Reagan being the kind of guy you could sit down and have a beer with is a close relative of one of the claims that most stuck in my craw back in the day, that Reagan was the kind of guy you would be glad to have at your barbecue.

Reports That Mark Shea Has Been Fired By National Catholic ... 22, 2016 · Various sites are reporting that Mark Shea has been fired from National Catholic Register.. Go here to read the first site, Eponymous Flower, that I believe reported it. I have not yet seen anything from National Catholic Register, although Shea no longer appears among their bloggers.. Last month Stephen Herreid at The Stream demonstrated why no Catholic publication, except for the …

Who? | Slog | The Stranger | Seattle's Only Newspaper am only 23 years old and i knew that 'tommy' was the product of pete townshend/the who. i agree, a little research should have been done before babbling off about the show. i am an avid reader of the stranger/slog and i think a bit shameful and makes the writer look like an uninformed hack.

The Fix - Bense Says No to Florida Senate the irony of the current prexy saying his brother would make "a really great president." All along, it was assumed that Jeb would be the first to go for the brass ring because he was the, ahem, smart one without any embarrassing stuff in his past.And now, because of his brother, the nation's highest office will likely be beyond reach forever.

Sorry, Jeb. Your Brother Did Create ISIS – Alternet.org 17, 2015 · It must be tough being the brother of the man who is responsible for the world-historical disaster that was the U.S. invasion of Iraq. It's tougher still to try to replace him as the next ...

Utter Collapse of Fiduciary Responsibility in TN | 08, 2009 · To follow up on the post regarding the NYT article on municipal bond issues, I did a little poking around.. From the NYT article:. The risks of the transactions were, in fact, on the minds of members of the Tennessee legislature in 1999, when they passed a law requiring a municipality to follow several procedures before receiving authorization from the comptroller to enter a swap agreement.

Balkinization: Who is the Attorney General? 28 U.S.C. 508 says that "for the purpose of section 3345 of title 5 the Deputy Attorney General is the first assistant to the Attorney General", and section 3345 of title 5 says (part (1)) that "the first assistant to the office of such officer shall perform the functions and duties of the office temporarily in an acting capacity ...

Tickle The WireU.S. Marshal Archives - Tickle The was a was assigned to the South Jersey RA on their JTTF for the past year and a half and was in the Philly office for about 5 years before that. She leaves behind a four-year-old autistic daughter Reegan Isabella Donnelly and husband Dan, Donnelly who is a deputy U.S. Marshal.

The Long, Long Wait for Better Town Houses | Slog | The ... first problem is that his big idea for administrative design reviews is an old, impractical one. Design review will take a long-ass time for each project, and still fail to address directly the biggest problems with town house design: banning four-pack housing and wide central auto courts with no pedestrian function .

February | 2010 | News Corpse | Page 4 first paragraph of the article, titled “U.S. Attorney Steps Down From O’Keefe Case,” has nothing whatsoever to do with the story as headlined. Instead, it appears to be no more than an attempt to set up an allegation that the U.S. Attorney’s office deliberately filed …

memeorandum: Ex-Trump adviser Roger Stone says he expects ... Says He'll Keep Sessions Until November Despite ‘Illegal’ Probe — The attorney general has resisted Trump's pressure to resign — Mueller probe is ‘an illegal investigation,’ president says — President Donald Trump said Attorney General Jeff Sessions's job is safe at least until the midterm elections in November.

PERRspectives: Sorry, Jeb. Your Brother Did Create his December 2008 exit interview with Martha Raddatz of ABC News, he acknowledged that it was the American presence that drew Al Qaeda fighters to Iraq, and not the reverse: BUSH: One of the major theaters against al Qaeda turns out to have been Iraq. This is …

9/11 Questions: What Did the Bush Family Know? - Blogger more than seven (7) years after the attacks on the World Trade Center of Sept. 11, 2001, it seems that we know less than we did then. The massive number of questions that have arisen continues to grow as the efforts of the Bush administration to portray anyone who questions the "19 Hijackers and a Cave Dweller" theory as a nut or worse, diminishes with Bush's departure from office.

Pissing In The Well – THE TRUMPET @Hillary Is 44 25, 2007 · “I believe that 9/11 was the central deciding issue in this race,†he said. He said the impact of Bin Laden’s message was evident by the dent in his ratings that followed its appearance. “We were rising in the polls up until the last day when the tape appeared. We flat-lined the day the tape appeared and went down on Monday

September | 2018 | The Illogical Seminary whole 13 minute ordeal was an absolute mess. My only wish is that they were two drunks in a bar so that Michael could clean Tucker’s clock, because live TV was the only thing keeping Avenatti in his seat. It was pretty obvious that Tucker was not there to let Avenatti make his case, as he said he would.

Bilgrimage: Coerced Morality and the Pastoral Failure of ... 04, 2009 · Drumbeats for the faithful—beats on a war drum—to assure that Catholics in his area will continue to vote “right,” just as the Mass of Reparation this week clearly was . . . . (The good bishop seems to have a little bee in his bonnet when it comes to gay people, by the way.

Balkinization: More on the Original Meaning of Section ... June 8th, Clark brings up for a vote a proposal he had previously made to strike out the entirety of the fourth and fifth sections of the amendment (Howard's version) and replace them with a single section, which will become the final version of section 4; he further wishes to strike one word (the word "forever") in his proposal, because he ...

The Bell: The Real John McCain 13, 2008 · The Real John McCain In recent days, the McCain campaign has taken to asking, “Who is the real Barack Obama?” Unable to make headway in the debates or polls on differences over the issues in light of the recent financial crisis, McCain declared last week he was determined that the final month of the campaign would be about Obama’s character.

Is “Iron Stache” Randy Bryce Establishment in Disguise ... 25, 2017 · On June 18, Randy Bryce launched his campaign against House Speaker Paul Ryan with an ad that soon made waves on social media and helped raise $100k in a single day.The video, which quickly garnered over 350k views on YouTube in just four days, begins with President Donald Trump thanking and applauding Paul Ryan for his efforts on the American Health Care Act of 2017 (AHCA) …

Britain and America: The ‘Big-Mo’ is with Mitt Romney! first is organisation and money. Both reinforce the other. Outstripping his rivals, his first quarter takings of over $20million have been put – mostly – to developing a meticulous grassroots organisation that is second to none, dedicated to counter the ‘Mitt-flop’ …

The Smirking Chimp | News And Commentary from the Vast experience of being an American citizen has degraded over the last eight years. So has the experience of being a consumer. Whether we're dealing with a government that lies us into war or a credit card company that places us in phone-menu hell, we're confronting the same phenomenon: a screw-the-customer mentality that views both government and business as quick payoff schemes for those in ...

Conservative Southern Values Revived – Occidental 30, 2012 · This is a half truth. South Carolina embarked on its historical existence as an offshoot of the British West Indies. Early colonial South Carolina was dominated by settlers from Barbados. It was the Barbadians who left their cultural imprint on the South Carolina lowcountry which spawned the dominant culture of the Lower South.

Bilgrimage: Bedford, Texas or Anaheim, California: The ... 04, 2009 · Bedford, Texas or Anaheim, California: The City of God vs. the City of Man in Contemporary Anglican Orthodoxy

Swing State Project: 2006 Attorneys General 20, 2006 · This is THE race in Ohio, other than the governor's race. In fact, it's probably the top primary on the Dem side. There's one good candidate endorsed by the party (Marc Dann) and one incredible Spitzer-like candidate who was overlooked by the party (Subodh Chandra), who is, without their endorsment, setting the state on fire.

Sunday Talks: Chuck Todd -vs- Reince Priebus… | The Last ... 11, 2016 · The ridiculous NBC Chuck Todd -vs- Reince Peibus interview is beyond absurd. The entire premise for Chuck Todd's position is two media reports. One of those media reports (NYT) is demonstrably false; the second (WaPo) is specifically constructed to target and undermine the Trump presidency. The Washington Post was previously cited, on the record, with…

Baby Love Child » Haiti series- “It is madness. It is ‘Rendell Raid’ taking place over the 18th and 19th was the first flight bringing the Haitian children to the United States, the test case. In, a heavily publicized set of flights Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell headed off to Haiti to extract kids from the BRESMA “orphanage” in a privately donated plane .

The Progressive THINKERS: January 2017 my view, Dr. Billings’ focus on integrative treatment for PTSD in military persons and veterans is right on target. His strong opposition to utilizing mind-altering psychiatric medication as the course of choice is well-grounded. His warnings regarding the dangers inherent in using such drugs are a public service of the first …

FREE RUDE QUESTIONS FOR REPORTERSHe already thinks you're ...*WARNING: This post has been censored for language but you can still understand what is being said. For those that are faint of heart, please don’t read this post and send angry emails about bad language. Just move along and carry on with your chaste lives.* What …

New Year’s Resolutions From Fox News: Gamble With Your ... 31, 2013 · And as the year comes to a close, Fox News is augmenting their fear mongering with dreadfully bad advice that, if followed, will cause certain harm and suffering. The article, “Eight Ways to Opt Out of ObamaCare,” was published on the Fox News community website and lie factory, Fox Nation (see the acclaimed ebook Fox Nation vs. Reality for ...

More Forgivable Loans? I Call Bull$hit - PolitiZoom 08, 2020 · Many years ago, I recall a popular office lunchtime game involving two players . One of them would begin by holding a dollar bill ( hidden from view by the second player) and calling out the number of serial numbers (sounds redundant) that were the same . For example, “My dollar has three fives”. If there was no challenge, the second player would have to “top” the previous statement.

Megan Kathleen Cavanagh - Eclectablog here’s the kicker. Passing Proposal 1, Proposal 2 and Proposal 3 are essential for transforming this state, but these victories for democracy could mean less than nothing unless we send BOTH Megan Kathleen Cavanagh and Sam Bagenstos to Michigan’s Supreme Court.. These are the stakes. There is a VERY good chance that these popular ballot initiatives — particularly 2 & 3, which will up ...

memeorandum: Trump's speech at a Shell plant drew ... white nationalist, anti-Semite arrested for threatening to shoot up Jewish community center, police say — An Ohio man has been arrested for making threats toward a local Jewish community center in New Middletown.— James Reardon Jr., 20, has been charged with telecommunications harassment …

Knox Co. on stay at home orders, non-essential business to are the social distancing guidelines I still need to follow? The best way to reduce their risk of getting sick, as with seasonal colds or the flu, still applies to prevent COVID-19: Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Cover your cough or sneeze. Stay home if …

Article: Engineering perception for "the new world" | OpEdNews 19, 2018 · Such an addiction [to a party] is the last degradation of a free and moral agent. If I could not go to heaven but with a party, I would not go at all." One of the great tools of modern ...

memeorandum: Broadcast, cable news networks to preempt 11, 2019 · Feud Between Trump Advisers Underscores a White House Torn by Rivalries — Mick Mulvaney, the president's acting chief of staff, and John R. Bolton, his former national security adviser, clashed in court even as more accounts of internal schisms emerged in books and testimony.

The 4th & Murrieta, California’s Hate for New 03, 2014 · The 4th & Murrieta, California’s Hate for New Americans July 3, 2014 by Queen of Spain 14 Comments As you ready your house flags, don your sunscreen and set up your BBQ’s, I would love if we all reflected a bit on what it means to be an American.

PARDON POWER: The President: No Pardons! No Checks! No - At the federal level, a broad term which is interpreted to include all of the other terms defined in this section. Sometimes, "clemency" is described as "the pardon power," which is acceptable, so long as it is understood that, formally speaking, a pardon is one of …

Clinton's Pre-emptive Debate Strike | Slog | The Stranger ... to be attacked by Obama and Edwards at tonight’s debate, the Hillary Clinton campaign has released a memo from its top strategist, Mark Penn. It previews what will probably be Clinton’s response to attacks tonight—especially attacks from Obama, who apparently told a friend recently, “I’ve got to do something in Philly.” If this memo is any indication, every attack on ...

Indomitable | The online home of Chauncey DeVega: Glenn one of my White teachers in college said, if suburbanites really don't think that money matters in education ask them to send their kids to an underfunded, inner city school--then see what said parents response to that proposition is.

PARDON POWER: Jan Brewer's "Personal" Justice: A Real 06, 2010 · CLEMENCY - At the federal level, a broad term which is interpreted to include all of the other terms defined in this section. Sometimes, "clemency" is described as "the pardon power," which is acceptable, so long as it is understood that, formally speaking, a pardon is one of …

Jim Bakker: The Feds Are Bullying Trump Like They Bullied ... 02, 2019 · This is a man who claims Trump has been a runaway success despite ample evidence the last two-plus years have been a dumpster fire. And a man who believes last winter’s government shutdown was actually a win for Trump even though he was all but forced to take a deal that he rejected earlier in order to reopen the government.

Keep posting about #PIZZAGATE in r/conspiracy, r/the ... don't need a specific subreddit for this investigation, we just need to use the right avenues. Why don't we just continue to post whatever it...

COVID-19 conspiracy theorists spreading online ... 07, 2020 · Originally published at Ethics In Tech Coronavirus misinformation is making me sick. Conspiracy theorists and armchair epidemiologists are running rampant on social media. This, despite tech companies’ best efforts to cure this cancer. If you’re familiar with the work of Ethics In Tech, you know that we are highly and incessantly critical of technology companies,…

Mainstream vs. Main Street - A Santa Cruz conference looks ... P. Joseph Potocki February 13, 2008. Against a backdrop of increasing public alarm over the power and reliability of corporate news sources, more than 300 progressive media activists, professionals and academics gathered in Santa Cruz over the weekend of Jan. 25-27.

Sign of the Times: 40 Apply for Election Post | KnoxViews 12, 2009 · 40, yes - f-o-r-t-y - individuals, have applied for the office of Administrator of Elections. No word on whether incumbent Greg MacKay is one of the 40, or for that matter, whether any other notables who, as one recent County Clerk candidate put it, want "to be better off than 80% of Knox County," have put their names into the mix.

Balkinization: Jewish Law as Invitation Roberta Rosenthal Kwall, to be a Jew is to be a person who lives life in relationship with a particular body of law, with halakhah.The “cultural Jew”—the post Enlightenment notion that it is possible to disentangle Yiddishkeit from Torah—is a myth.

The Washington Chestnut: Media Motif As Usual 11, 2016 · The voters want to drain the swamp. The voters want change. These are some of the common tropes we are treated to by the news media following every election. It's a tired script but every 2-4 years it's pulled from the file of tired tropes and delivered to us as part of the same old media post election narrative. Media motif as usual.

The Last Minute Voter's Guide to Macon County Candidates 05, 2014 · **note** This post has been changed to correct some minor spelling/grammar errors and to reflect the correct number of terms the Sheriff ...

My Reaction to Charleston: Join Metro Justice - Progress Pond 20, 2015 · On Wednesday night I wrote this diary, wondering (rhetorically) what I should do as a white man in reaction to the atrocity of the Charleston massacre.Well, I’ve made a start. I’m volunteering for this local organization in Rochester, New York.. Here’s some snippets from their website: Founded in 1965, Metro Justice is Rochester’s leading grassroots, member-driven, progressive ...

Was There A Non-Stated Reason Speaker Pelosi Held The ... 22, 2020 · Conventional wisdom is that Speaker Pelosi held the Articles of Impeachment to put pressure on the GOP to hold a real Impeachment Trial in the …

Hippie Life Skills 101: Making a Coiled Basket 23, 2020 · One of them is the twined or wicker basket, usually made from pliable shoots like willow or from long roots like spruce. Another is the woven basket, made from palm fronds, cattail leaves, or thin ...

WV mail carrier pleads guilty to changing requests for ... 10, 2020 · According to federal prosecutors, it involved just one mail carrier and a little bit of black ink. The mail carrier, Thomas Cooper, 47, of Dry Fork, W.Va., pleaded guilty on Thursday to one count of attempted election fraud and one count of “injury to the mail,” according to a statement from the U.S. Attorney’s Office in the Northern ...

Trump University Allegedly Pivoted from One Scheme to the Next 26, 2016 · Like prehistoric insects stuck in amber, “Donald Trump” SPAM messages from 2005, promoting Trump University, appear to have been preserved for posterity when users posted them to a web-based Yahoo Group and an online forum. An analysis of the content of these messages suggests links to both Prosper, Inc. and a known sender of SPAM.

Bring A Personalized Mitt-Stravaganza To Your Friends And ... by Ryan S. Jackson. As Ana Marie Cox will tell you, the newly victorious Mitt Romney has “found his voice.”And what better way to share the excitement of Romney Mania with everyone you know than by having his halting speech patterns awake them from their sleep at 4 a.m. with a personalized message… from you! Via the campaign blog of Romney’s sons, Five Brothers:

All of Us, the Arbiters of News - The New York Times 11, 2008 · All of Us, the Arbiters of News. By ... I was one of them, in part because as the day wore on, I saw all manner of oohing and ahhing on the Web from bloggers and …

Making NRG Arena the 2020 election headquarters – Off the polling place at the arena may be one of the largest the county operates, he said. In a letter to court members, Hollins said the cost includes expenses for laptops needed for the ballot by mail, call center and administrative staff operations, as well as other IT needs. This makes sense.

Tickle The WireFBI Director Mueller Picks Aaron Zebley as 29, 2011 · He was one of the lead investigators assigned to August 7, 1998 bombing of United States Embassy in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania and was designated as the case agent in the terrorism case involving Zacarias Moussaoui, according to a bio on the website of the University of Virginia Law School.

Child Welfare & Opioid Addiction, Part 1: Striking a ..., NH – Dr. Anne Johnston, a neonatologist, remembers a time when she had a lot more conflict with child protection workers.. When social services received a report that a pregnant woman was an opioid addict, or that a baby had been born with opioid withdrawal symptoms, a state investigator would come to the hospital and start asking the woman pointed questions.

Hawksbill Cabin: A Cold War Berlin Story from @dailykos"Green Acres" it ain't, but we love owning and visiting the Hawksbill Cabin, near Stanley and Luray, Virginia, and a wealth of outdoor activities, including: the "World Famous" Shenandoah River, Shenandoah National Park, Skyline Drive, Luray Caverns, and Massanutten Resort. From time to time we'll post about other stuff, too. As the number of ...

PERRspectives: Guilty as Charged: How the GOP Killed 23, 2012 : Guilty as Charged: How the GOP Killed Washington. It's rare that a criminal publicly announces his intent to commit a felony. But when it came to their scorched-earth campaign of obstructionism to destroy the Obama presidency, GOP leaders weren't shy about their plans.

Of course there are bills to do something with that bogus ... other things, Senate Bill 960 and Senate Bill 953, filed late last week, would require voter registrars across the state to kick every person off the voter rolls who at one point said they were not a citizen to any government agency. Beth Stevens, voting rights program director with the Texas Civil Rights Project, said the bills could potentially reduce “protections that a voter has to ...

Don't Rape Her | Slog | The Stranger's Blog | The Stranger ... of the funniest people I ever met explained something simple to me: the truth is funny. Like, when in middle school some friends and I were discussing a corpus of obvious warning label text that we had stumbled on. One of them said "Keep hands and feet inside car when rolling up automatic windows." My favorite was "Keep knives out of children."

In the News Archives - White Flour by David LaMotte Southern Poverty Law Center is the nation’s leading organization tracking hate groups in the United States. One of their well-known periodicals is Intelligence Report, which chronicles the activities of these groups and trends and developments in the struggle against their messages.Another is Teaching Tolerance, widely-read magazine for educators who address issues of racism, bigotry and ...

Steve Chapman: Learning from Natasha Richardson's death 20, 2009 · Actress Natasha Richardson's fatal skiing accident is a terrible shame, one of those shocking flukes that serves to prove the brutal randomness of life in this particular universe. About the only consolation is that people will draw good lessons from...

The Scales Are Falling - PolitiZoom 15, 2020 · When Teri “likes” one of my articles on FB, she isn’t getting anywhere the “never Trumper” backlash that she used to. And just yesterday a coworker, a firm and solid Trump supporter, told her that she was getting sick and tired of Trump’s bullshit about this whole coronavirus crisis. And a couple of days ago, I stood in line at the local gas station picking up a 15 pack of beer ...

Rev. Al Sharpton schools ‘Fox and Friends’ hosts who ... Fox and Friends hosts on Tuesday found a novel way to make fun of the Rev. Al Sharpton, using random Twitter posts to slam the civil rights activist for accurately referring to Jesus as a refugee.

Rush Limbaugh Generously Gives $2000 Tip ... - Walid 24, 2014 · By Theodore Shoebat Rush Limbaugh gave a generous tip of $2000 to a waitress in Texas. What Rush didn’t know was that the waitress was a left wing fanatic, and she in turn took the tip and used it to fund an organization that helps provide abortions for low-income families. According to a …

Lessons Learned From The Sponsorship of We're Not Afraid ... 16, 2005 · Or when someone tells you that $3000 Cdn a month can buy you exclusive sponsorship to a blog marketing individual courage and fearlessness that gets millions of hits say yes.. See my other posts on We’re Not Afraid here, here, here and here.. See also my post on What The Islamic Terrorists Want. Lessons Learned. 1. If you have a good idea follow your intuition like Alfie did.

PERRspectives: Univision, the NAACP and the GOP's Devalued doubt, the proliferation of presidential debates held by every interest group under the sun has become one of the more fatiguing aspects of the 2008 campaign. But by adding this week's Univision Hispanic presidential forum to a growing list of events they've skipped, the GOP White House hopefuls are sending a clear message as to which ...

Group Ties Interior Nominee/Westlands ... - Community Alliance Community Alliance is an independent voice for workers and progressive groups in the Central San Joaquin Valley. The goal of this monthly newspaper is to build a powerful progressive movement that will support social, environmental and economic justice; immigrant rights; and a …

Good news for people who want to do good: Day 266 news for people who want to do good: Day 266. By. Kaili Joy Gray - October 12, 2017 8:13 AM ... how you can help make a difference — and a picture of President Obama to get you through the day. ... and Wendy Gooditis' run for the House of Delegates is one of them. She co-founded an Indivisible chapter in Virginia after the 2016 election ...

Marriage Equality and a Proud Moment at the Giant Eagle ... 12, 2014 · Somehow buying deli meats, plus cheese, seems a long way off from marriage equality, but in an activists life, it’s just another day. Today, Bob and I ventured out to do some early afternoon shopping and one of the places we needed to stop was our local Giant Eagle.

Fact Checking the Corbett Jobs Record...and Some ... 21, 2012 · One of the reasons that Pennsylvania's private-sector job-growth ranking is down is the deeper cuts in public employment in Pennsylvania compared to other states. Deep cuts to Pennsylvania public schools and colleges led to a loss of 14,000 education jobs alone in 2011. These layoffs impact the classroom and Main Street too.

When do "not-for-profit" and "for-profit ... - Eclectablog 03, 2019 · Or, you can recruit a highly qualified, experienced, knowledgeable school leader and pay them a competitive salary to serve as the instructional leader for your community’s children, teachers, and schools. Your choice says a lot about what you value in …

Betsy DeVos Uses the Coronavirus Pandemic to Push Private ... 15, 2020 · Barb Byrum is currently in her second term as Ingham County Clerk, serving as the county’s chief elections official. As Clerk, Barb has successfully conducted 23 elections, 4 union elections, and currently serves on Michigan’s Election Security Commission, the Secretary of State’s team of advisors tasked with strengthening and better ...

Two Blogospheres: Left and Right - Outside the Beltway 28, 2010 · It has long been an article of faith that -- in terms of authorship, comment policy, other user interaction, and linking policies -- Left-leaning bloggers are more communitarian and Right-leaning blog

Post-hurricane, New York's internet industry runs on ... 31, 2012 · Diesel fuel drums outside the Peer1 data center in Lower Manhattan. Just before 5 p.m. on Monday, the team behind New York's Fog Creek Software announced in a …

New Zealand Divided - HariKari 19, 2005 · Now, they’re taking the steps to immigrate to a place they believe offers a slower pace, is less divisive, and a has greater social net. New Zealand was one of the countries on my short list too, but according to this report by Barry Lynn , of Americans United for the Separation of Church & State, they are starting to have some of the same ...

More Guns Needed at Football Games! - Progress Pond 18, 2012 · A fan was shot in the face outside the University of Phoenix Stadium before the preseason game between the Arizona Cardinals and the Oakland Raiders. A 30-year-old man was shot in the face during an altercation in a parking lot near University of Phoenix Stadium Friday night while the Arizona Cardinals took on the Oakland […]

The Ninth Circuit and Religious Discrimination by ... the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit upheld the non-discrimination policy of San Diego State University which denies official campus status to any group that “discriminates on the basis of race, sex, color, age, religion, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, physical or mental handicap, ancestry, or medical condition except as explicitly exempted ...

Capitol Briefing - House Approves Defense Bill, Strips F 30, 2009 · Updated 2:41 p.m. By Ben Pershing The House easily approved a $636 billion defense spending bill Thursday, after voting to strip money for the controversial F-22 fighter but leaving funding in place for several other military programs the Obama administration doesn't want.. After the Senate voted last week 58-40 to strike the F-22 funding from its defense authorization bill, the House followed ...

The Strange and Possibly Sordid Story of Mitch McConnell's ... 24, 2013 · In the summer of 1967 Lynch reported for his summer active duty in the 100th Training Unit Army Reserve. The Unit did their summer active duty at Ft. Jackson, South Carolina. Lynch worked for S-1, the administrative arm of any army unit. Lynch worked for a Major, who was the assistant Adjutant and new to the unit.

The Miracle Lady (Amy Collier Artman) - A 16, 2019 · The Miracle Lady was written by Amy Collier Artman, a professor of religious studies at Missouri State University. She devoted her Ph.D. dissertation at the University of Chicago to exploring Kuhlman's life, along with her impact on the development of Charismatic Christianity.

A Foreign Perspective, News and Analyses | themcglynn.com"Separate an individual from society,and give him an island or a continent to possess,and he cannot acquire personal property. He cannot be rich. So inseparably are the means connected with the end,in all cases,that where the former do not exist the latter cannot be obtained.

What is depleted uranium, and why is it so imparable? - Quora Uranium is naturally occurring Uranium-238 that has been concentrated above 99.3% through Uranium enrichment. It is called Depleted Uranium because it has less Uranium-235 and Uranium-234, which naturally occurs in Uranium ore at 0.7% and...

memeorandum: “Make Sure I Win”: John Bolton's Unredacted ... Talks Juneteenth, John Bolton, Economy in WSJ Interview — WASHINGTON—President Trump said there was some systemic racism in the U.S., said removing Confederate names from military bases would further divide the country and took credit for popularizing …

OH-Sen: Brunner Fundraising Fail – Swing State 20, 2009 · A good staff cannot compensate for a crappy candidate that can’t or won’t fundraise. As a candidate, Brunner has proven herself to be a bad fundraiser. Some candidates are great at doing calltime and putting in the work, others not so much. They are the …

Nowhere, IL: Y'all Like a Project, Doncha? of the houses have sat empty for a year or more, some a few weeks. But housing prices are so depressed that those prices are the going rate in Cairo. We were talking to a woman when we were watching an old wreck being torn down, and she told us she'd bought 5 properties in the last couple of years, one for $1000.

glad you asked: all that's missing are the trails 06, 2008 · Actually, in response to -"All that's missing are the trails", on my newer Garmin, 265T, and i think any Garmin 2x5 model, you have the option to turn on blue tracks of where you have been. Makes this even cooler! Reply Delete

CAPPE's 17th Annual ChiliFest (and bake sale) | is a family friendly event. Admission is $7 at the door (free for children ten years of age and under). With admission comes a taste of all entries and, if you are still hungry, a bowl of your favorite chili – and opportunity to vote for the People’s Choice winner. Beverages, quesadillas and home-baked goodies will be available for ...

Suttree Landing wins state environmental award | KnoxViews Landing Park Wins Governor's Environmental Stewardship Award "As you walk through Suttree Landing, … it is hard to imagine that from the 1940s until 2004, this was an industrial site home to a bulk oil storage facility, a textile dying operation and an engine parts manufacturer."

What is 'Todd & Clare'? Did Larry Summers Use It To Attack ... 19, 2016 · This is a very strange statement given that their blog is on the same server -- so if their server has been hacked (or is susceptible to hacking), you'd think they would take the server down ...

The Phony Attack on Passover Worshippers - Blogger 25, 2019 · Officers responded last Thursday to a report that a woman who worked at the BerMax Caffe and Bistro was assaulted and that the business was vandalized and spray-painted with hate-related graffiti. It was the night before Passover. Twas the night before Passover and all through the streets, an innocent jewess was catching the not-see beats.

The Rude Pundit: Notes on an Act of Domestic Terrorism 11, 2015 · Fiorina was the worst of a terrible bunch, which included Ted "We don't why he did it, but he might be transgender" Cruz, Donald "People hate Planned Parenthood" Trump, and Mike "This is terrorism against the pro-life movement" Huckabee. None of them mourned the dead without adding some self-serving fuckery about how they're not involved.

glad you asked: the verdict 02, 2007 · (with apologies to garry trudeau) Posted by aarrgghh at 2:31:00 PM Labels: bush, cheney, cia, comics, fitzgerald, libby, plame, snark, wilson

The Fourth State of Matter | Joyous Crybaby the wake of the Connecticut shooting just a few days before, this man’s email gave me a gooey knot in the pit of my stomach. After I read it and tried to comfort my upset colleague via email, I went back into the living room where my husband was watching the latest Batman movie, and said, “Maybe you should give me a bullet-proof vest for Christmas.”

'They choose the young': Doctors left to pick who lives as ... 19, 2020 · To say Italian doctors and nurses are risking their lives to treat coronavirus patients sounds like an exaggeration. But with 3,405 deaths reported throughout the …

Internet Archive Forums: DailyKos: The Internet Archive: A ... 23, 2018 · Poster: Alison OK : Date: Dec 23, 2018 9:55am : Forum: news: Subject: DailyKos: The Internet Archive: A Library for All of Us.

Azar: Sure, Trump still doesn't have 'exact details' for a ... Trump administration is full steam ahead on its ridiculous Supreme Court case challenging the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), but does not have the “exact details” for an alternative plan if the court wipes out the ACA. (You’re shocked, I can tell.) Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar dropped that bombshell on […]

Signatures, but little money for Gore? (updated) after I asked, she did write back with a link to this page on ActBlue, revealing 845 people (less than 0.845 percent of the 100,000 signatories) had sent in almost $37,000 to draft Al Gore.I ...

Departing DEA Leader in El Paso Warns of ... - Tickle The Wire 11, 2017 · By Steve Neavling As the leader of the DEA in El Paso prepares to leave his job for a promotion to lead the Houston Division, he warned that the Mexican cartels are continuing to expand their heroin and meth trafficking business.

Jimmy Carter Calls U.S. an Oligarchy | The Daily Bell were ready for a change when Jimmy Carter left office in 1981. No amount of money would have outweighed the damage a weak economy and an Iranian hostage crisis did to his presidency. Almost 35 years later, Carter is now the longest surviving ex-president in U.S. history. That's a long time to observe and reflect. He has little to lose by being honest, so his comments last week ...

Content: Members Page For Preet Bharara | OpEdNews had the honor of serving as the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York from 2009 to 2017. OpEdNews Member for 7 week(s) and 0 day(s) 0 Articles, 0 Quick Links, 0 Comments ...

Kobach’s Office Puts Out Spanish Voter Guide With Wrong ... 11, 2016 · The Spanish-language guides said that voters could register up to 15 days before the election, while the English version included the correct deadline, 21 days before the election, as the …

Bias: Google’s New Fact-Check Feature Is Targeting ... 09, 2018 · The Robert Mueller fact check (pictured above) is a case in point for Google’s new feature. Ostensibly trying to sum up the crux of the post, the third-party “fact-checking” organization says the “claim” in a DC article that special counsel Robert Mueller is hiring people that “are all Hillary Clinton supporters” is misleading, if not false.

Division of General Internal Medicine & Geriatrics faculty members play a pivotal role in teaching and directing courses for a broad audience of clinical learners. Our educational programs cover a wide spectrum, from primary care to tertiary care, communication skills to statistics, and from pre-medical students to …

Individual Taxes - Americans For Tax Fairness since 2009, the amount of fortunes exempt from the tax has risen from $3.5 million for a single person ($7 million per couple) to more than $11.2 million (and $22.4 million per couple)—the new exemption levels from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA). The rate charged on these taxable amounts has dropped from 45% to 40% during the same time.

Watch: Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis joins Rev. Barber ... - Kairos New Year’s Eve, Kairos Center co-director Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis joined Rev. William Barber of the Moral Mondays movement and Repairers of Breach to talk about our Moral Revival Poor People’s Campaign Watch Night service, and the call from clergy to President Trump to embrace a moral agenda and reject hate and extremism.. Click here or on the image below to watch the clip.

Weekend link dump for July 19 – Off the“The North American Scrabble Players Association announced that derogatory language would be removed from the game’s official word list.”. The Far Side is producing new content, which is news we can all use in 2020. “The beer industry, like so many others, demonstrates the failure of modern antitrust to prevent monopolies from both growing and abusing their power.

The President’s Intelligence Advisory Board – Federation ... Bush issued Executive Order 13462 last week redesignating the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB) as the President’s Intelligence Advisory Board (PIAB), and modifying the Board’s functions and interactions with the executive branch.. The Order appeared to diminish the Board’s autonomy and to further reduce its influence, which has been negligible in recent ...

Kristi Koons Johnson Archives - Tickle The joined the FBI as a special agent in 1999, serving in the Chicago Field Office, where she investigated public corruption and organized crime for a decade. Johnson is no newcomer to the Omaha office. In 2010, she served as the chief division counsel for the field office, providing legal advice about investigations and FBI policy.

White House declares war on Eagles for not wanting photo ... the Philadelphia mayor also noted, Trump is "afraid of the embarrassment of throwing a party to which no one wants to attend." So the White House is all-out trashing the team now. "The vast majority of the Eagles team decided to abandon their fans," Sanders said in her statement, as if not wanting to pose with the hate-spewing Trump is the ...

Foundation for Democracy in Iran - 29, 2011 · The Foundation for Democracy in Iran (FDI) is a U.S.-based Iranian dissident organization founded in 1995 by Kenneth R. Timmerman, Peter W. Rodman, Joshua Muravchick and Iranian opposition expatriates to attempt to topple the Iranian government. According the National Endowment for Democracy, "FDI acquires much of its information from sources inside Iran, including local Iranian …

Pride Flag on the Space Needle | Slog | The Stranger's ... least, the flag will fly in this Thursday’s Portland Mercury, as the illustration for a piece in our Queer Issue. Your beloved editor, Dan Savage, writes about how great Seattle’s homos have it, compared to Portland’s. Even without a flag flying on the real needle.)

Wannabe Dictator Trump Brags That He’s Responsible for ... 17, 2018 · Apparently Donald Trump isn’t satisfied with just referring to the media in Stalinist terms as “the enemy of people.” And it doesn’t fulfill his reckless compulsion to merely put a target on the backs of constitutionally protected journalists who are receiving more death threats than ever.

And THIS Is How To Win Bigly closely monitoring recent joint service Red Flag type aerospace defense exercises, stable genius Trump demonstrated his ability to utilize the same unique brand of ineffable logic which had ...

'Demonstrate the value of a Black woman’s life': Beyoncé ... 15, 2020 · Beyoncé has become the latest celebrity to use her platform to advocate for justice in the death of Breonna Taylor. The 26-year-old emergency medical technician was asleep when Louisville police kicked in her door on a no-knock search warrant and shot her at least eight times even though no drugs were found in her home, according to the Louisville Courier-Journal.

Chad Wolf listens to Nickelback - because graffiti in ... 18, 2020 · What good trouble looks like: 1/20. Do not obey in advance. #OnTyranny 2/20. Defend institutions. #OnTyranny 3/20. Beware the one-party state. #OnTyranny 4/20. Take responsibility for the face of the world. #OnTyranny 5/20. Remember professional...

Daily KOS-MOS: You Spin Me Round : Xenosaga is probably the only 2D fighter I can ever get into. It features my favorite games such as Chrono Trigger, Valkrie Profile, The Legend of Walkure, Xenosaga, Mega Man, and more. The music is great, the controls are easy to learn, the sprites and stages are custom made, there is so much to love about it!

At Long Last, A Theory To Explain Lindsey Graham's Flip ... 08, 2019 · I’m not going to tell you to get out your tinfoil hats, because, truth be known, not the craziest proposition I’ve ever heard. This is plausible. Conservative columnist Johnathan Last opines that Lindsey Graham has been sucking up to Trump all this time, because he figured that the best way that he could have influence over the lunatic (my words, not Last’s) in a time of crisis ...

Now I Know This Is A Simulated Reality Made Just For Me 14, 2020 · Now I Know This Is A Simulated Reality Made Just For Me Some sort of inception limbo shit. New Jersey is opening a virus testing site at the enormous & empty American Dream mega-mall that never opened its stores.

Man who drove his pickup into Virginia protest crowd turns ... man who revved his engine and then drove his pickup truck into a crowd of protesters in Henrico, Virginia, on Sunday, injuring one person, has turned out to be the self-described leader of a Ku Klux Klan faction based in nearby Hanover, prosecutors say. They plan to investigate whether or not to file hate […]

Tickle The WireTwo FBI Agents Wounded and Suspected Bank ... 17, 2020 · By Allan Lengel Two FBI agents were shot and wounded Friday morning in Mesa, Arizona, and a suspected bank robber is dead. Agents were executing a federal search and arrest warrant for suspected bank robber Abraham Rivera around 6 a.m. near Dobson and Broadway roads, ABC 15 reports. During the confrontation, one agent suffered […]

Roger Stone Forced to Report to Prison in a Week Where a ... is the same prison that has a coronavirus outbreak so bad the government just released a convicted pedophile and a convict who committed bank and wire fraud due to the danger.… Continue reading Roger Stone Forced to Report to Prison in a Week Where a Pedophile and a Wire and Bank Fraud Convict Were Released for… at The Gateway Pundit

Elsberry on dKos - The Panda's Thumb 28, 2006 · DiEb's analyses of the status of UD may be found on his blog "DiEblog" ( a pun in German... Is Teaching Natural Selection a "Mass-Mind Tool of Financial Interests"? · 15 hours ago. Joe Felsenstein. Well, to my mind the point of greatest interest is whether these glitches can be fixed and a...

Balkinization: The Crisis is Exposing the Harm Structural ... spending programs consist of two main elements: a structure, and a stream of money that is spent through that structure. This is true of defense programs: you need a decision that what you want to build is an aircraft carrier and then several years of funding while the carrier is built. This is true of Social Security, which has a retirement age, relationship criteria for survivors ...

DementiaDon: Trump Volunteers to Lose Cognition Contest to ... 03, 2020 · All of this might seem to the average citizen like an insane strategy going into the 2020 presidential election cycle. And they would be right. Trump’s psychoses are clearly building up into a severely debilitating state of acute anxiety and paranoia. And a former Harvard psychiatrist regards Trump as “mentally unwell in the extreme.”

Gregory Dustie Santiago wants to Release Luis ... - Causes Luis Felipe from solitary confinement. ... This is a human being we're talking about. That kind of treatment would make anybody go insane. Please have mercy. Supporters are now helping to Ban the use of neonicotinoid pesticides before they devastate bee populations in the USA

June 15 #ImpeachTrump National Day of Action: Act to ... 07, 2019 · As calls for impeachment grow following Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s public statement on May 29, MoveOn and By the People have announced June 15 as a National Day of Action ? a series of nationwide public actions calling for an impeachment inquiry against Donald Trump. Events are set to take place in more than 100 cities and towns, including New York, Los Angeles, Phoenix, …

Release Luis Felipe from solitary confinement · Causes Cabello wants to . Release Luis Felipe from solitary confinement Having a human being in solitary confinement for 45 yrs with no communication is worst than a death sentence

The Interior Department ban on certain websites news that the Department of Interior has banned certain websites (see our left hand column) has made it to The Federal Times, which means that at least some senior level attention is going to ...

PERRspectives: Bush on Iraq: That Was Then, This Is 19, 2005 : Bush on Iraq: That Was Then, This Is Now. The Downing Street Memo and a host of new British documents are increasingly focusing national attention on the duplicity and incompetence of President Bush’s Iraq war planning.With criticism building, poll numbers plummeting and facing defections from his own party, the President used today’s weekly radio address to begin a new PR ...

PERRspectives: McCain and Gramm on Recession: It's All 10, 2008 : McCain and Gramm on Recession: It's All Mental. Just two weeks after John McCain's latest declaration that the American economic slowdown is "psychological," his top adviser Phil Gramm also insisted the recession is all in our heads. The American people are not merely experiencing a "mental recession," Gramm announced, but are "a nation of whiners" for complaining about it.

Rising Hegemon : Just an ordinary Sunday of breaking bad Right-Wing and a Prayer; Oh Happy Days; Game lasted so long the ball boys balls dropped; Sadly, rather accurate; There's always someone even worse; Les Cage aux for cryin' out loud! The Vitter Campaign; And how's that going for you? A real winner; Not to draw too broad a brush; Recusal, it's not for Scalia-types; Content of lacking Character ...

Tickle The WireMueller Crosses Red Line with Intensifying 01, 2018 · Look, about Russia,” Trump said in July 2017. That red line clearly has been crossed after a series of recent revelations that Mueller is investigating Trump’s business dealings with Russia before his presidential run and whether Moscow had compromising information about him.

A Twitter joke leads to Terror Act arrest and lifetime British man, frustrated that bad weather at Robin Hood airport might cancel his trip to Ireland, was arrested and faces possible terror-related charges for joking in a Tweet that he would blow the airport "sky high" if it ever shut down again, The Independent reports. Paul Chambers' Tweet, tapped out to amuse friends after a heavy snowfall had closed the airport two weeks ago, reads:

Honor a Promise Made to California’s Garment Workers ... is wonderful news for garment workers and their families, and a great first step. It is essential that the Fund’s backlog be resolved now so that workers need not wait years, or even decades, to collect on their unpaid wage judgments they have already been awarded.

BREAKING: District Court Stops Trump's asylum ban! 30, 2020 · This is just coming through on Twitter: Neal Katyal @neal_katyal · 29m BREAKING NEWS: A federal court has just upheld our challenge to Trump's asylum restrictions, decision by Judge Kelly of DC District Court. More to follow. Huge congrats to associate...

Dailykos reviews, ratings and complaints | Dailykos.com reviews | Voice of consumer Dailykos reviews, rating, and complaints. ... Write the first review » ... This is a public forum presenting user opinions on selected products and businesses, and as such the views expressed do not reflect the opinion of

Swing Left is a PAC funded by Hillary Clinton PACs, far ... Left is a PAC funded by Hillary Clinton PACs, far-left Daily KOS. ... This is the place. Please keep all discussions civil. This is a test roll-out in an attempt to establish a more active community, so feel free to post suggestions or send your complaints to u/mjedmazga.

"I'll still do a convention speech, in a different form ... 25, 2020 · Another strange weekend ahead. So much carnage yet Trump will golf. As U.S. coronavirus cases surged past 4 million on Thursday, the number of daily covid-19-related deaths surpassed 1,000 for the third consecutive day. More than 500 of the fatalities were recorded in Florida, California and Texas, where the novel coronavirus is spreading at alarming rates.

News Corpse - This is how deliberately deceitful these ... is how deliberately deceitful these cretins are. Early on Trump & Co. dismissed the first wave of the coronavirus, with deadly results. And now they're denying there will be a second wave.

Climate Change 2001: The Scientific Basis - A.2 The First ... the First Assessment Report in 1990, Working Group I broadly described the status of the understanding of the climate system and climate change that had been gained over the preceding decades of research. Several major points were emphasised. The greenhouse effect is a natural feature of the planet, and its fundamental physics is well ...

Speaking of Book Promotion... | Slog | The Stranger ... Speaking of Book Promotion… posted by Paul Constant on May 8 at 16:10 PM Many authors have felt this way, but this is the first modern age author to admit it: Sci-fi writer Thomas Disch has announced on his LiveJournal that he is God .

Independence Day Archives – The Paragraph Day Acrostic and Quiz July 3, 2015 • 0 Comments Acrostic : a line-by-line piece of writing where the first letter, or other certain letter, in each line forms a …

It Begins… White Allies Paint Whip Marks on their Backs ... Allies dressed as slaves complete with whip marks on their backs at a protest Monday in Charleston, South Carolina. The white allies carried “Cracker for sale” signs hoping to impress the BLM mob. This is the insanity of the left. There are no words for this insanity. Via Thomas Novelly.…

Meghan McCain Mocks Trump’s Tulsa Rally Turnout: “The ..."This is bad, bad news for the Trump campaign." ... Trump Tried To Quietly Replace A Prosecutor Taking Aim At His Allies. It’s Not The First Time That Backfired. BuzzFeed News 61. Trump says niece's book would violate nondisclosure agreement The Hill 48. …

Paul Graham News, Articles, Stories & Trends for Today Insider - Shana Lebowitz. The best time to launch your entrepreneurial career could be right now. "The depths of a recession is a great time to start a business," Scott Galloway, a professor at New York University's Stern School

Logging News, Articles, Stories & Trends for Today Up close with B.C.’s endangered baby caribou — and the First Nations trying to save them In 2014, with just 16 caribou remaining in the Klinse-Za herd, West Moberly First Nations and Saulteau First Nations decided to take matter into …

Publication of medical data by press release 20, 2020 · Daily KOS. I would like to see a successful vaccine developed quickly as much as anyone. This is a fearful pandemic. But we cannot allow ourselves to be fooled by the con-man in the White House and we can’t let Wall Street’s foolish gambit sway us.

#StopTheBans Actions. This Tuesday, May 21st at noon local time at statehouses, town squares, and courthouses across the nation--with other events throughout the week--we will show up to speak out and fight back against this unconstitutional attempt to gut Roe and punish women.

Sean Penn's Girlfriend Is Half His Age and Also the ... Dustin: This is really powerful. (The Glow Up) From Roxana: Ken Jennings seems like The Best. A very good Q&A with him now that he is the Jeopardy GOAT. Also from Roxana: Stuart Scott was an original. This oral history on the fifth anniversary of his death is a great piece of writing.

Markos Moulitsas | NDN got home from Netroots Nation. It was a very good event this year. It had very little tension. Calm. Workmanlike. In part a reflection of how this is the first gathering of the netroots since the historic 2008 elections, which rid the country of the force that in many ways brought the netroots to life, the failed conservatism of the early 21st century.

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Home [] 12, 2020 · If your first time logging in, your username is your last name and your password is ... The First Time! The Easy Choice Is The Right Choice. Don't Settle For Anything Less Than The Best. The Electricians And Contractors Of I.B.E.W. Local Union 725. The Right Choice For Over 100 Years! IBEW Local 725 INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF ...

No Right Turn: This is what failure looks like 05, 2020 · Initially, the Government had been hoping the rate of building would increase over time as KiwiBuild ramped up, with 1,000 homes built in the first year, 5,000 in the second, and 10,000 in the third, but the rate of building is slowing.

Disappeared News: How to easily monitor bills in the 4: Verify that the correct page. At the top it says “Recorder”. If the page is the correct one, push the check mark at the top. It will then change to “Selection”. This is where we will tell the app what to monitor for changes. Step 5: Make your selection. For …

Should Christian Organizations Be Able to Discriminate on ... Christian Fellowship an evangelical student organization with 949 chapters on 616 campuses was “derecognized” last week by the California State University system. The offense leading to the derecognition was that the ICF required its leaders to have Christian beliefs. This constituted discrimination on the basis of religion. I am no fan of ICF or of evangelical Christianity ...

Donald Trump Orders His Followers To “Knock The Crap” Out ... 01, 2016 · Donald Trump Orders His Followers To “Knock The Crap” Out Of Protesters Posted by Mark NC on February 1, 2016 at 2:33 pm. 9 Comments : The hate-filled rhetoric of Donald Trump long ago crossed the line of decency.

Interview: FBI Veteran April Brooks Has History of 30, 2012 · The first woman to run New York’s criminal division, the 45-year-old helped track down sex offenders and murders, crack down on dangerous gangs and go after corrupt officials, Reuters reports. “This is just my characterization, but gangs in L.A. are about profit, about dope, about entrepreneurial endeavors,” Brooks told Reuters.

The Secret Service Qualifies with the M1 Pencil | WeaponsMan is a blog about weapons. Primarily ground combat weapons, primarily small arms and man-portable crew-served weapons. The site owner is a former Special Forces weapons man (MOS 18B, before the 18 series, 11B with Skill Qualification Indicator of S), and you can expect any guest columnists to be similarly qualified.

Data | MIT Election Lab is a survey conducted in conjunction with the Elections Performance Index which gauges the quality of the election experience in the U.S. The United States Election Project This is a source for time-series voter turnout data at the national and state levels.

AC Pharos - Google Sites economic activist community, AC Pharos provides suport for small businesses, job creation, and give a platform to activists, checking the influence of large multinational corporations in our government. This community will focus on equitable activism. Activists without the resources will be able to invest, inform the movement, discourage stigmatization of the poor, and educate others about ...

New Video: "Rand Paul's Tea Party - Dec 16th, 2009 20, 2009 · I just finished making this video to promote the money bomb on December 16th. This is only the second liberty promoting youtube video I've put together so if you have feedback or ways I could've made it better, please let me know. Hope you like it! Note: The video quality may be low right now because they video is still processing. This should fix soon after it is done processing.

Eschaton: Thread Palin's lunacy is good news for the GOP, and that's why they're celebrating. MORE. Bill Kristol: winner!And myself, I'm going with Number Four. EVEN MORE. Of course, for the real Palin funny, you need Erick the Son of Erick: I’ve had this running thought all day, perhaps because I was watching it on TV in HD for the first time, that kind of like Ben Kenobi letting Darth Vader ...

Rev. Al Sharpton Says Harvard Professor Arrest May Have Al Sharpton Says Harvard Professor Arrest May Have Been "Abuse of Power" - Video 7/26/09 Here is video of the Rev. Al Sharpton today weighing in on the arrest of Henry Louis Gates last week and saying it may not be a case of "racial profiling," but rather a case of "abuse of power" by the officer.

The Editorialist: France becomes the first country to ... Washington Post reports that France decided to accept a detainee held at the Guantanamo military base. This is not totally accurate however. France, like many other countries has already accepted that many of its nationals held at Guantanamo come back to France. Five of them, by the way were released after the "Court of Appeal" of Paris broke the decision of the first degree "Correctional ...

Monsanto Threatens To Sue Entire State Of Vermont Over ... 10, 2012 · Monsanto, that sickening institution behind Agent Orange and strawberries made out of fish and sugar made out of Axe Body Spray,* has claimed and will probably claim until the end of time that you don't really need to know that your "all-natural" cereal is …

word on the street: Spivey Building, East Saint Louis Aug is a video from the Spivey Building in downtown East Saint Louis. A crew of us went up on a self guided tour. Towards the end is an interview with Michael Allen, of about the history of the building and also the first annual East Side Peach Toss. The thumbnail is the Akita's. Run time is approximately 6 minutes and 6 seconds.

Wikis and the news - Wikimania August 5, 2006 (Saturday) at 4:00-5:30 PM there will be an open discussion and workshop on Wikinews, and the use of wikis in citizen journalism in particular.You can use this page to indicate your interest, affiliation, and topics you would like to discuss in advance before the sesssion.

Article lists - Wikipedia Release Version Tools is the web interface of the WP 1.0 bot · Discussion page · Bug reports Current version: revision 541, updated Sat, 6 Dec 2014 by theopolisme New schema branch Debug: PID 6339 has served 623 requests

DECISIVE MRFF WIN! - Military Religious Freedom 20, 2015 · However, this is the first time anything significant has been done, and I cannot be more relieved and grateful! This may not be a big deal to anyone else, but the Constitution and American Secular Democracy means everything to me. As do, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Thomas Paine and James Madison and. their views on the separation of church ...

Vox Libertaswww.vox-libertas.orgThis is the new version of, and the new home of my Vox Libertas blog which I mirror on a large number of blogging engines. At present there are only a few postings here—the first few and the most recent, but I will be moving them all here eventually.

Three CEOs sever Trump ties after Charlottesville, but ... Action Two more of the CEOs involved in business advisory councils with the Trump administration have severed ties over Trump's refusal to immediately disavow …

Holly Dove: Ratify the Equal Rights Amendment | Opinion ... 2012 poll for the Daily KOS/Service Employees International Union (SEIU), found 91% agreed that the Constitution should contain a guarantee of equal rights between the sexes.

100 Best Jon Stewart & Rachel Maddow images | Jon stewart ... 8, 2015 - Thought from Jon Stewart & Rachel Maddow. See more ideas about Jon stewart, Rachel maddow, The daily show.100 pins58 followers

Why does the United States have so many ... - Yahoo Answers 19, 2019 · The 13 colonies under the British Empire was the first in the Americas to secede from the European powers & created the U.S. constitution & the bill of rights, a document that Makes America Great so long as socialist are kept at bay.

Bibliography - English bibliographies - Cite This For Me 11, 2017 · These are the sources and citations used to research Bibliography. This bibliography was generated on Cite This For Me on Thursday, May 11, 2017

'Thankful' coal miners put Hillary Clinton 'out of 31, 2019 · West Virginia governor on state’s economic boom: ‘Thankful’ coal miners put Hillary Clinton ‘out of business’ West Virginia Governor Jim Justice said Friday that since his state’s economy is growing under President Trump, he’s thankful that coal miners put candidate Hillary Clinton out of business in 2016 after she threatened coal miners’ jobs on the campaign trail.

Walk for Life West Coast Message Generates Outrage in SF Rose Trabbic, Publicist, Walk for Life West Coast, 239-867-4180 SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 14, 2014 /Christian Newswire/ -- Saturday, January 25 marks the 10th Anniversary of San Francisco's ...

The O’Reilly Rehash: President Obama’s Superbowl Interview ... the highly [er, make that barely] anticipated Superbowl interview of President Obama by Bill O’Reilly of Fox News (video below) went off pretty much how you might expect. Hoping to cover matters of importance to the special broadcast’s audience, the irascible O’Reilly jumped right into the discussion with an issue that has been dormant for weeks and went from there to some of the ...

They're Hurtin' For 'Celebrities' Down at the 8-2-6 | Slog ... are the details: 826 Seattle Variety Show! Come see the musicians, jugglers, and young comedians at the Phinney Neighborhood Center for the first-ever 826 Seattle Variety Show! Coconut Coolouts, The Bad Things, Lillydale, and The Trashies will be performing.

Article: Is America leaving college students behind ... 26, 2012 · As a result of such divestment, this year was the first time that California students and their families paid more than the state for their supposedly public higher education ($2.97 billion ...

Article: President Kong | OpEdNews 28, 2017 · Article: President Kong - THIS is the harvest of the first week in office: more packs of lies, or 'alternative facts,' by the day. What about the substantive issues? Abortion rights. Protection of ...

The Policies of White Resentment – By Carol Andersonaug ... 07, 2017 · The Policies of White Resentment By Carol Andersonaug - NYTimes - AUG. 5, 2017 White resentment put Donald Trump in the White House. And there is every indication that it will keep him there, especially as he continues to transform that seething, irrational fear about an increasingly diverse America into policies that feed his supporters’ worst…

National Endowment for the Arts among ... - The Tufts Daily 27, 2017 · With daily breaking news and general commentary on President Donald Trump’s positions, plans and actions, one proposal threatens to slip under the radar: the intent to abolish the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) in a new federal budget plan. The plan would also end funding for the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Corporation for Public […]

Even a Broken Watch is Correct Twice a Day 26, 2020 · “But when I heard Trump suggest, as he did in the Oval Office on Monday, that he was going to send federal forces into U.S. cities, where the local mayors have not invited him, the first word ...

Indians 101: George Washington and the Indians 23, 2011 · George Washington is often revered as the first President of the United States. As the first president, he established many of the protocols for …

History 101: The DeSoto Automobile 27, 2014 · Following the war, DeSoto reissued the 1941 model as the 1946 model. Shown above is a 1946 DeSoto. Shown above is a 1948 DeSoto Deluxe Coupe. In 1952, DeSoto addedthe Firedome with a 276-cid Hemi engine. In 1953, DeSoto dropped the Deluxe and Custom designations and designated its six-cylinder cars the Powermaster and its V-8 as the Firedome.

The Future of News: A Golden Age for Free Speech? | Cato ... 09, 2008 · The truth is that just as the phrase “freedom of speech” grants all of us the right to speak our minds, “freedom of the press” gives all of us the right to publish — to “freely use a ...

Underdog candidates try to stand out in high-profile GA ... candidates are seeking to stand out in a Georgia special election that has gained national attention as the first competitive race of the President Trump Donald John Trump Major hotel ...

The People for Bernie Sanders - Wikipedia People for Bernie Sanders (also known as People for Bernie) is a grassroots movement which arose to support the candidacy of Bernie Sanders during the Bernie Sanders 2016 presidential campaign.People for Bernie, independent from the official campaign and largely organized via social media, grew to over 1 million followers on Facebook.Founded by Occupy Wall Street participants, …

Type 96 light machine gun - Wikipedia Type 96 light machine gun (???????, Kyuroku-shiki Kei-kikanju) was a light machine gun used by the Imperial Japanese Army in the interwar period and in World War II.. It was first introduced in 1936, and fires the 6.5x50mm Arisaka from 30-round top-mounted magazines. A combination of unimpressive ballistic performance and a lack of reliability caused the Imperial Japanese ...

An American myth that's now 142 years-old, and refuses to's now 65-year-old book was the first popular work to dismember the myth, as historians and other writers have done in microscopic detail since. ... and as the centuries passed, endowed him ...

Any Writers of Bio's of the Very Prominent, Ever Seen 27, 2008 · In the 2003 California gubernatorial recall election, challenger Arnold Schwarzenegger, a native Austrian who had deliberately requested, in 1990, that the Wiesenthal Center investigate his family background for WWII Nazi ties, was subjected to negative press coverage, anyway, concerning his father's and grandfather's Nazi party membership and roles in military and paramilitary units.

Murder of Harry and Harriette Moore - Wikipedia Moore and Harriette Simms married in December 25, 1926 and moved into the Simms' family home the following fall. Harry was an educator, and Harriette was a former teacher turned insurance broker. In 1927, Harry was promoted to the position of principal at the local Titusville Colored School. The city's school system was racially segregated, like many in the country at the time.

Filing news: Jeffrey Payne and a whole lot of was the first announced candidate to be considered newsworthy. He’s not the last. He’s not the last. Going by what I’ve seen on Facebook, White appears poised to announced – at Mark White Elementary School in Austin Houston – his official filing on Thursday the 7th.

Nicole Kidman: MTF? | Slog | The Stranger | Seattle's Only ... little while ago, I wrote about David Ebershoff’s amazing debut novel, The Danish Girl:. In early 2001, David Ebershoff released a short, beautiful book called The Danish Girl.The novel, set in the 1920s and ’30s, is about a painter named Einar Wegener who, with the tentative blessing of his wife, Greta, becomes the first man to successfully undergo a sex-change operation.

A Little Reality: Why Sherlock Holmes Was Banned is my practice to read banned books so when a Virgina school board removed "A Study In Scarlet" from its sixth grade reading list because it insults Mormons I had to go back to it. To those who haven't read the book (shame), the first half of "A Study In Scarlet" tells of how Dr. Watson first meets the strange consulting detective and watches Holmes solve a mysterious double murder.

Fox News Doubles Down On Stupid: Tucker Carlson Gets ... 04, 2016 · Prior to joining Fox News, Carlson’s career was a pitiful collection of failures. He had been canceled by PBS, CNN, and MSNBC. And if that wasn’t embarrassing enough, he was the first contestant voted off of Dancing with the Stars. He seemed to be a recidivist loser with no reasonable hope for redemption.

PERRspectives: Memo to GOP: To Avoid New Defense Cuts, Pay as the World Trade Center site was still smoldering, Bush told the American people not to sacrifice but to go shopping and "get down to Disney World." In 2003, George W. Bush was the first modern president to cut taxes during wartime. (Barack Obama was the second.) And that made the fiscal hemorrhaging much, much worse.

Khan has an announcement – Off the and self-aggrandizement are exactly the words used. Those traits are at her core, in public dressed up as “concern” and “asking tough questions” — and often in her most sincere Oscar-worthy style. But there was a legitimate reason that she was the first one voted off the island.

Air-Minded: Phirst Phantom – Paul's 09, 2016 · The Phantom had a cruise speed of 216 knots and a top speed of 417, about the same as the Grumman F8F Bearcat, a piston-engine fighter. Lockheed’s P-80 Shooting Star, which had been flying with the Air Force since 1945, cruised at over 350 knots and could reach a top speed of 521 knots.

The Infamous Birth of the Custer Myth | Portside 28, 2019 · The following piece has previously appeared on the June 25 anniversary of what the Sioux and Cheyenne call the Battle of the Greasy Grass, known to most Americans as the Battle of the Little Bighorn. “Maka ki ecela tehani yanke lo!” —The war cry of Crazy Horse (T?ašú?ke Witkó).Translation: “Only the Earth lasts forever.” (1876) "There are not enough Indians in the world to ...

Gay marriage will eventually prevail | Pulitzer Prize ... ruling stunned gay rights advocates because it was the first significant setback in the long march to marriage equality since the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the so-called Defense of Marriage Act last year; 21 consecutive federal court rulings have found same-sex marriage bans unconstitutional.

Content: Members Page For Barry Kissin | OpEdNews comments) SHARE Wednesday, August 7, 2019 Russiagate: The Miserable Truth Seth Rich, in 2016, a DNC staffer and Bernie Sanders supporter, was the source of the DNC emails provided to Wikileaks ...

Tickle The WireFormer FBI Agent Recalls Real-Life 'Casino 12, 2015 · Spilotro had been indicted on racketeering by a federal grand jury, and Kaspar went to arrest him. The two men had known each other for years because Kaspar has been on the FBI’s Las Vegas organized crime squad since coming to Las Vegas in 1977, and the squad’s No. 1 target was the Chicago mob’s enforcer.

Orcinus: Question of the day for Glenn Beck fans in ... Neiwert is an investigative journalist based in Seattle and a contributing writer for the Southern Poverty Law Center. He is the author of the forthcoming Alt-America: The Rise of the Radical Right in the Age of Trump (Verso Press, Fall 2017). He is also the author of And Hell Followed With Her: Crossing the Dark Side of the American Border (NationBooks, March 2013)-- winner of the ...

PERRspectives: Will John Boehner Succeed Where Osama Bin 8, 2013 : Will John Boehner Succeed Where Osama Bin Laden Failed? Al Qaeda chieftain Osama Bin Laden was never shy about the objectives of his jihad against the United States. High on that list was the destruction of the U.S. economy which, he declared in 2004, would be accomplished by "bleeding America to the point of bankruptcy."But even with the economic shock after 9/11, the cost ...

Law Enforcement Spokesman Defends Videos of ... - Buzzflash 09, 2020 · “In the videos, officers puncture tires in a K-Mart parking lot on May 30 and a highway overpass on May 31. Both areas briefly turned into police staging grounds near protest hot spots.” The Star Tribune says it has identified two law enforcement agencies as the perpetrators of this fascistic brand of vandalism.

Fox News Is Becoming The Propaganda Ministry Of The Trump ... is her first government job. Following her to Trumpville is Fox contributor Richard Grennell. He served as Director of Communications for the U.S. representative to the United Nations from 2001 to 2008 before signing on at Fox. That means he was the key spokesman throughout the Iraq war debacle.

Inland Environmental and Remediation – Off the Kuff this helps.. Three months after the waters of Skull Creek first turned black, a Travis County state district judge issued a temporary injunction Tuesday against Inland Environmental and Remediation and David Polston, its president, requiring the company to stop …

Barrack Obama And The Karma Of Testosterone Deficiency President Obama took office and announced that we would “turn the page” and not pursue investigations about how we got into the Iraq War, he demonstrated his impotence. Ed Schultz just does not get it! Barrack Obama was the favored candidate by the Goldman Sachs PAC in 2008!

memeorandum: West Virginia was the 50th state to report a ... erases all gains made since Trump took office — The Dow Jones Industrial Average on Wednesday erased all the gains it had made since President Trump took office amid the ongoing economic fallout from the coronavirus epidemic.— The morning of Trump's inauguration, the stock index opened at 19,795 and closed at 19,827.

Olbermann: ‘Not health, not care, not reform’“It is, above all else, immoral and a betrayal of the people who elected you, Sir. You must now announce that you will veto any bill lacking an option or buy-in, but containing a mandate.” # p ...

8 | March | 2017 | News Corpse 08, 2017 · This is her first government job. Following her to Trumpville is Fox contributor Richard Grennell. He served as Director of Communications for the U.S. representative to the United Nations from 2001 to 2008 before signing on at Fox. That means he was the …

PERRspectives: Bipartisan Resolution Calls for U.S. to 1, 2013 : Bipartisan Resolution Calls for U.S. to Support Israeli Strike on Iran. Among the ideas most thoroughly discredited by the U.S. invasion of Iraq was the notion of "preventive war" to avert supposed future threats. Now, as the nation approaches the 10th anniversary of that disaster, a bipartisan group of legislators isn't just seeking to commit the United States to another ...

Finley = No Pride! | Slog | The Stranger | Seattle's Only ... to, the always delightful Peggy Platt, Sylvia O’Stayformore and some straw-haired milquetoast-ish looking news anchor from NWCN called Erik will be sharing the announcer’s seat at Seattle’s Pride Parade this year, and one Miss Mark Finley, Seattle’s dizzy gay Aunt Clara and the long-time embarrassment of all things gay and pride-ish, is conspicuously out, out ...

China Syndrome | Slog | The Stranger | Seattle's Only ... safety problems affecting Chinese goods spread from toys to textiles on Monday as New Zealand said it would investigate allegations that imported children’s clothes contained dangerous levels of formaldehyde.. The government ordered the probe after scientists hired by a consumer watchdog programme discovered formaldehyde in Chinese clothes at levels of up to 900 times regarded as safe.

The Debate Link: 71% of Jews Must Be Very Confused 16, 2019 · It feels like a lifetime ago that a Greek newspaper, writing on Barack Obama's 2008 election, heralded it as "the end of Jewish domination" (in fact, it was over a decade ago). I remarked then that if Obama was the loyal opposition to the Jewish people, then the 78% of us who voted for him must have been very confused .

Interview with Mike Siegel – Off the 07, 2018 · Early voting for the primary runoffs begins in a week, running from Monday through Friday, with Tuesday the 22nd being the vote-at-your-precinct-location day.I’ll have more information about that later, but for now I have one more interview to present. Mike Siegel led the field of seven in CD10 in March with 40% of the vote. Sigel is an Assistant City Attorney for the city of Austin, leading ...

If Gorsuch is confirmed, the ... - Asheville 21, 2017 · This time it was the last year of a president’s term, next it will be the year before midterm elections. It won’t be long before it extends to the whole two-year presidential campaign, amounting to three years of any presidential term where a supreme court seat cannot be filled.

ABC cancels 'Roseanne' after 'abhorrent, repugnant' racist ... 29, 2018 · That didn’t take long. ABC has pulled the plug on Roseanne after her racist tweet late last night. ABC Entertainment president Channing Dungey wasted no time: The outrage to the racist tweet was swift, causing consulting producer Wanda Sykes to...

OT I miss Mitt | Trap Shooters Forum 04, 2008 · onlym12's you said "Mitt didn't "LIE" in MA, He raised FID (Firearm Identification) card's to $100.00 every 5 years, instead of $35" check your fact I think you will find a fella named Gov. Paul Cellucci was the one that signed that Bill as well as the one that changed the gun law in 98 that removed 1,000,000 gun owners from the books in MA.

The Canary in Iceland | ePluribus Media'm told only the second time in Iceland's history of independence that the President refused to sign a passed by Parliament. Grimsson's action - or lack thereof - kicks in a constitutional provision that allows a referendum vote be put to the nation on whether or not Iceland will pay the UK and the Netherlands for losses of the private ...

Devotion to the Mystic Law of Cause and Effect | This ... was the leader of the famed Nkuringo gorilla group, which has been popular with tourists for decades. William S. Sessions, F.B.I. Director at a Turbulent Time, Dies at 90 June 12, 2020 He was applauded for broadening the bureau’s ranks to include more black, Hispanic and female agents.

Things Everyone Knows: Working Class Watch: Day 379, Part 2 awful lot of folks aren't so lucky (and a lot of them voted for Trump, mistakenly thinking he gives a shit about them): Nationally, millions of Americans visit community health centers each year. An estimate from 2016 found the 2,000 centers provided care to 26.5 million people.

The Debate Link: L'Étoile du Nord Roundup'm here at my in-laws house in the interregnum between a family wedding on the north shore last weekend and a Carleton Reunion next weekend. The former represented my first trek to the far north of Minnesota, and it was truly gorgeous -- really embodying my favorite type of nature (to wit: very green and very forested).

Trump assassinated man brokering peace (reduced tension 01, 2020 · Brian Duff was the Medic who worked on Army Captain Brian S. Freeman. It’s to both these gentlemen I honor and thank them both for their service. God Bless You ???????? Look for Brain Duff on Facebook Mind 4 Survival, he also does a Podcast.

Churchill's Cigar: This Week In Vexillology #44 is located on the Island of Borneo and is bordered to the south by Malaysia. At one point in history it was the center of an expansive Empire before heading into a gradual decline until it assumed it's present configuration and became a British Protectorate in 1888.

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: The Dark side of a boomtown Dark side of a boomtown April 17 and 18 will see Prince Rupert host a two day conference on the downside of sudden growth and economic change, as The Children of the Street Society, a group of youth facilitators who perform interactive skits will provide a glimpse of how a change in the local dynamic could have a negative impact on the ...

Raising Rates | This Black Sista's Memorial Page Posts. LIVE STREAMING: Homegoing of Poet Amiri Baraka at the Newark Symphony Hall, New Jersey January 18, 2014; Meanwhile, Back in Wisconsin: Busting Out of Jail The Hard Way – Nathan Middleton Wanted His Mother to Provide Explosives and a Car for His Jail Break December 20, 2013; Christmas Songs: “Oh, Tannenbaum,” José Carreras, Plácido Domingo, and Luciano Pavarotti, from ...

Brilliant plan by Katyal and Conway: Send the Second ... 11, 2020 · The only issue is one of law: Whether the President is above the law and can prevent evidence in an impeachment trial. In all likelihood that will not get 67, and probably not 51 votes.

LOL: The Fascist States of America - Daily Sound and Fury 3.The National Motto “In God We Trust” will be replaced with “In tRump We Trust.”. Section 4.Great Seal of the United States “E pluribus unum” (Out of many, one) will be changed to “E unum unum” (Out of one, one) because Donald John tRump is the source of all things.. Section 5.History The part of the Gettysburg Address referring to “the people” will be altered to ...

Torture Speaks: Seton Hall Law Report Documents U.S ... 13, 2019 · Seton Hall University School of Law's Center for Policy and Research has issued a report, "How America Tortures," that documents the U.S. Torture Program from the words of those who created and approved the program as well as those who implemented it along with descriptions of how it was implemented and applied. In addition, the report gives, for the first time, descriptions from those who ...

SIGN NOW: REJECT A LABOR SECRETARY WHO SIDES WITH BIG ... Trump has spent the first two-and-a-half years of his presidency undoing labor protections that have taken generations to build. Now, he’s nominated a Labor Secretary who has spent his career fighting for the interests of financial firms, corporate executives and shareholders rather than the interests of working people. As a corporate attorney, Eugene Scalia, has fought against the ...

The Kids Are Alright: "War On Christmas ... - Progress Pond 21, 2013 · And a Gay-Straight Alliance as one of the officially recognized student clubs. Along with scores of other clubs and activities. Many of which celebrate and focus on a particular race, ethnicity, culture, language and/or nation. I could go on, but you get the idea.

Torture Speaks: Seton Hall Law ... - Seton Hall University 04, 2019 · Founded in 1951 and located in Newark, Seton Hall University School of Law is New Jersey's only private law school and a leading Catholic law school in the New York metropolitan area. Seton Hall Law is dedicated to preparing students for the practice of law through excellence in scholarship and teaching, with a strong focus on clinical education.

Brandon Friedman - Founder and CEO - Rakkasan Tea Company ... Brandon Friedman is a co-founder of The McPherson Square Group, a PR and communications firm, and Rakkasan Tea Company, a startup that promotes peace and development by importing and ...Title: Founder and CEO, Rakkasan Tea …Location: Dallas, Texas500+ connections

6 Unsung Heroines of Workplace Equality | Glassdoor 02, 2017 · 3. Eleanor Holmes Norton. Eleanor Holmes Norton made history when Jimmy Carter appointed her as the first female head of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission back in 1977, but her work hasn’t slowed down since then. In 1980, she created the first formal guidelines to define and prohibit sexual harassment in the workplace, which dictated “that employers have an ‘affirmative …

VAWA Bill Still Contains Provisions Violating First ... is one of the law professors most frequently cited by judges, and the author of First Amendment textbooks, such as The First Amendment and Related Statutes (4th ed. 2011).) While the Senate version of VAWA contains unconstitutional provisions, if it is enacted, challengers may have to take their case all the way to the Supreme Court to ...

dracula film - Yahoo Search Results Not just "my kind of movie", but also a film that resonates with every fiber of my cinematic being. Simultaneously an achingly tender fable of love and a pent-up phantasmagoria of delicious sensuality, Bram Stoker's Dracula, directed by Francis Ford Coppola, weaves the Gothic and the Romantic until intertwined cobwebs begin to appear out of its embrace.

25 | June | 2020 | News Corpse 25, 2020 · The end result, according to one of the studies, is that infection and mortality rates are higher in places where one pundit who initially downplayed the severity of the pandemic — Fox News’s Sean Hannity — reaches the largest audiences. In other words, watching Fox News actually amplifies the mortality rate of an already deadly disease.

Brandon Friedman - Wikipedia Friedman is a writer, entrepreneur and former Obama administration official. He is the CEO of The McPherson Square Group. Previously, he served as the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs at the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. His memoir, The War I Always Wanted, was named by the Military Times in 2010 as one of "The Best Military Books of the …

The First Kite Makers | Always First Kite Makers Always Learning CHINESE KITE MAKING. ... One of the most famous uses of kites was described in the Book of Sui, a 7th century compilation of the reigns of the emporers of the Sui Dynasty. ... and advocated increasing the power of the state through early marriage and a system of rewards and punishments.

Every Child Deserves a Mother and a Father... | Slog | The ... Every Child Deserves a Mother and a Father… posted by Dan Savage on April 23 at 14:23 PM A Seattle man has been charged with second-degree murder , accused of repeatedly stabbing his wife with a 13-inch barbecue fork in front of their two young children ….

Judge Wood: Accepts that Almost None of Trump-Cohen ... 23, 2018 · They were successful and a retired federal judge, Barbara Jones, was appointed as the special master to review and determine which documents are privileged. She determined that just 162 were privileged from the 300,000 documents already reviewed. She later amended her ruling to place one of those 162 documents under further consideration.

James J. Peters VA Medical Center - Wikipedia James J. Peters VA Medical Center, (also known as the Bronx Veterans Hospital), is a US Department of Veterans Affairs hospital complex located at 130 West Kingsbridge Road in Kingsbridge, Bronx, New York City.The hospital is the headquarters of the Veterans Integrated Service Networks New York/New Jersey VA Health Care Network. This network is also the parent network to VA New York …

The Point: Rape of Manila - A history the end, an estimated 100,000 civilians lost their lives in a massacre as heinous as the Rape of Nanking. Based on extensive research in the United States and the Philippines, including war-crimes testimony, after-action reports, and survivor interviews, Rampage recounts one of the most heartbreaking chapters of Pacific war history.

April 2011 Media Mentions > USC Dana and David Dornsife ... 30-May 2, 2011. Los Angeles Times featured the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books, which was held at USC for the first time this past weekend. Another Los Angeles Times article highlighted a panel with David St. John of English, one of many faculty authors participating. The festival was also covered by 15 more Los Angeles Times stories. Los Angeles Times quoted Dan Schnur, director of ...

Off to New York; and Something to Keep You Busy While I'm ... 03, 2007 · Later, he would be named one of the hundred "Most Influential People of 2006," once again by Time. At the American Geophysical Union meeting, Emanuel had been slated to speak following another of Time 's most influential: NASA's James Hansen, the nation's best-known climate scientist and the man sometimes dubbed the "father" of global warming.

Let Thomas Merton Rest in Peace - ReligiousLeftLaw.com Thomas Merton Rest in Peace George Weigel has a piece on First Things today about Thomas Merton titled Among the 'Progressed' in which he says: I’ve often had the sneaking suspicion that, had he lived beyond his untimely death in 1968, Merton might—just might—have become one of the first Catholic neoconservatives.

Under Fire from The American Spectator | Slog | The ... like I have drawn the ire of The American Spectator.. The conservative magazine is pissed about the column I wrote for last week’s paper which got picked up by Atrios, AmericaBlog, and Andrew Sullivan.. You see, last week, I got a chance to ask former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani a few questions when he was at the Sheraton in downtown Seattle hosting a fundraising dinner for Mike McGavick.

DMN profile of Cristina Tzintzún Ramirez – Off the 12, 2020 · “She has really ambitious goals and a big vision. She moves quickly and is always one step ahead,” Hall said. “She has high expectations and makes them known for the people around her. Sometimes it’s very hard to meet those expectations.” Aside from work, Tzintzún Ramirez, 37, describes herself as having the heart of a 60-year-old woman.

Early Islam’s Feminist Air | BroadBlogs’s-feminist-airSep 02, 2010 · The founders of three great religions, Buddha, Jesus, and Mohammed (in order of appearance) were remarkably feminist in their leanings. In the month of Ramadan I would like to explore the feminist air of early Islam. For centuries Muslim women enjoyed greater rights than most women in the world. The Koran gives women the right…

A Michigan angle to the Higgs boson discovery plus bonus ... confirmed as the Higgs boson, the discovery of the particle culminates a search that began in 1964, when scientists proposed a particle that when coupled with other particles determines their mass. Without this particle, and the Higgs field it represents, matter would have no mass. Without mass, there would be no gravity, and thus no planets ...

Gerrymandering in Michigan and the Super District Remedy ... over redistricting in Michigan provide the latest evidence of the failure of winner-take-all, single member district rules. Winner-take-all elections inevitably represent many voters poorly and tempt partisans to gerrymander outcomes. The 1967 law mandating that states use them should be repealed so that states like Michigan can explore “super district” form of proportional ...

Tickle The WireAlbany Archives - Tickle The may best be known as the leader of the investigation into the first bombing of the World Trade Center, the Times Union reports. “It is with tremendously mixed emotions,” Vale said about his departure in an interview at his office. “This area has become home for me and my family.”

New Study Says Increasing Taxes on the Richest People Will ... 03, 2015 · Perr also mentioned that in 2012, according to the New York Times, the top 10 percent of earners took home more than half of the nation’s income, a national record, as the “stratospherically ...

12 Responses to “Sky Full of Bacon 01: How Local Can You Go?” to listen or subscribe at iTunes. Sky Full of Bacon is the podcasts (video and audio) and blog of Michael Gebert, James Beard Award-winning food video producer and writer, final editor of the late Grub Street Chicago and contributor to the Chicago Reader, Chicago Sun-Times, Time Out Chicago, Serious Eats, and other publications. Click here to Go to Videos.

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Taking a Closer Look at South Korea, Section 123 and the ... Jones of NEI The following is a guest post by Ted Jones, Director of International Supplier Relations for NEI. Global Security New...

Houston Hispanic Heritage Awards | Texas Leftist Achievement Awards: Josefina Rendon and Jose Adan Trevino Josefina Rendon was one of Harris County’s first Hispanic women attorneys and the first woman and first Hispanic Civic Service Commissioner for the City of Houston. In 1983 she became Houston’s third Latina municipal court judge, where she still presides.

The Point: The Contradiction between the symbolic emperor ... Watanabe Osamu, Professor Emeritus, Hitotsubashi University Translation by Lawrence Repeta for the Asia-Pacific Journal.He is a former professor of law at Meiji University in Japan, an Asia-Pacific Journal contributing editor, and a director of Information Access Japan Clearinghouse. J ust before the emperor’s retirement and the change of era, the activities of the emperor and the ...

Content: Members Page For Bill Wetzel | OpEdNews comments) SHARE Tuesday, January 7, 2014 5 Questions with Tanaya Winder of the Reach The Rez Campaign As/Us Journal co-founder and editor-in-chief, Tanaya Winder discusses their new "Reach The ...

Taking the Nuclear Marbles and Going Home's one of the first sections you'll see on our home page and it can be accessed anywhere throughout the site by clicking on the atom symbol in the top right corner of the page. Most importantly for you, our loyal NEI Nuclear Notes readers, is that we've migrated the blog to the new site.

The James Museum announces interim director – SaintPetersBlog Tom and Mary James Museum of Western and Wildlife art has selected an interim director as it ramps up toward its scheduled opening in early 2018.

A Summary Of Hillary Clinton’s Righteous Smack Down Of ... are the words my friends of someone who doesn’t understand America or the world. And they’re the words of someone who would lead us in the wrong direction. Because if you really believe America is weak – with our military, our values, our capabilities that no other country comes close to matching – then you don’t know America.

Greens are doing a recount in the critical swing ... - reddit's fees are likely to be another $2-3 million, then there are the costs of the statewide recount observers in all three states. The total cost is likely to be $6-7 million. I'd be very cautious if you're someone that can't afford to sink money into a possible Jill Stein PR tour/2020 election fund, especially around the holidays.

From Inside Higher Ed, Scott McLemee's What Are the Drums 07, 2009 · Brother Cornel is one of my favorite people. Cornel West is a true renaissance man. If he succeeds or fails, West is always daring to reach--to attempt the act of (re)invention. A laudable trait in my humble opinion. I also admire Dr. West's ability to parlay his not insignificant abilities as a public intellectual for a quite comfortable living.

Article: Top medical journal advises Supreme Court not to ... 16, 2008 · Article: Top medical journal advises Supreme Court not to bar lawsuits over FDA-approved drugs - Important Endorsement from New England Journal of Medicine for a …

anti-Keynesian | Law of Markets’s the title of the paper: Economic Theory ten years after the crisis, written by Droucopoulos Vassilis, Emeritus Professor of Industrial Economics in the Department of Economics at the University of Athens.There must be other such articles around, but this is one of the few I have come across. The abstract: It is my intention to address, primarily within the scope of mainstream ...

CBS 60 Minutes on hospital bills |, as the report said, they are willing to accept lower payments from Medicare/Medicaid and insurance companies but hold the uninsured's feet to the fire for the full, and according to the report sometimes outrageously inflated amount. And according to the report, a fairly recent practice.

Michelle Rhee Cozies Up With Rick Scott For Assault On Rhee is a puzzle. Widely touted as an public education crusader (who also appears to overstate her qualifications), she seems to have no problem trashing the teachers' unions and tenure while promoting charter schools as the answer.And now she's cuddling up with Rick Scott in Florida to help him privatize Florida public schools.

The Year of Women Voters - BlueOregon is an excellent issue to put front and center. This issue is destroying what's left of the GOP brand, as the front runner now in their nomination process (Santorum) is someone who considers all contraception evil and has sworn he will use all the powers of the presidency to ban contraception, beginning with banning the expenditure of any federal funds for birth control.

Talks/Media | Sarah Kendzior you will find information on my upcoming presentations and talks, recent media appearances, and past presentations. IN-DEPTH INTERVIEWS Late Night With Seth Meyers, “Sarah Kendzior on the Systemic Issues That Will Outlast Trump” (4/24/18) Late Night With Seth Meyers “Sarah Kendzior and the Problem With Journalists” (4/24/18) Riverfront Times, "How Sarah Kendzior became the prophet ...

Racial Profiling | My Daily Take of the concrete problems with the law treating undocumented immigrants as criminals is that it gives those without papers a powerful incentive to stay as far away from police as possible. This will only make it more difficult for local police to investigate crimes and track down fugitive offenders, because no potential witness who is ...

Mah Rabu ?? ???: Aleph-null elef alfei alafim thoughts during pesukei d'zimrah yesterday morning: This is undoubtedly influenced by being in the midst of reading Judaism, Physics, and God (Rabbi David Nelson), which is really growing on me. (I'll post a review when I finish it.) In Nishmat Kol Chai it says "Ilu finu malei shirah kayam, ulshoneinu rinah kahamon galav, v'siftoteinu shevach k'merchavei rakia', v'eineinu m'irot kashemesh ...

The Wattree Chronicle: CHRISTIANITY: IS IT REALLY ABOUT ... 05, 2018 · Nevertheless, one of the main tenets of Christianity is that its adherents maintain absolute and unwavering "faith" in what they are told. One of the worst sins that can be committed by a Christian is to lose faith - not just faith in God, but faith in what they're being told about God. This serves two very important purposes.

This is the Immigrant the Trumpies Want to Deport - Blogger 08, 2016 · I single him out not because he's unusual, but because he's typical. All "real Americans" are immigrants or descendants of immigrants....

If you Weren't Able to Get to a July 4 Fireworks Display ... we both retired from our law practices in Chicago, we rehabbed an historic building in one of the Historic Preservation Districts of St. Louis, Mo. We moved into the house in June 2016 and v...

Unmasked guard stood next to detainee as ICE claimed in ... 04, 2020 · The detained immigrant who testified in a virtual court hearing as part of an ongoing lawsuit demanding the release of detainees from Immigration and …

Trump's attack on endangered species is escalating 12, 2018 · As Kathleen Harnett-White, who is a Senate-vote away from becoming the administration’s chair of the Council on Environmental Quality, put it, the Endangered Species Act is “economically harmful” and a “formidable obstacle to development.”

Kashkari: What’s in a name, an age, an affiliation? | FT ... 06, 2008 · He is 35 years old and – if appointed and confirmed – will, as the Wall Street Journal points out, gain a “position of substantial power” overseeing Treasury’s effort to buy the ...

Wondering About the Relationship Between 'True Detective Detective is one of the best shows on television. Its meditations on existential matters of life and death, religion, as well as the banality of evil and cultural nihilism make me wonder how such a rich and intelligent show made its way to American TV. True Detective is unapologetically literate. True Detective

Today is the last day to register to vote – Off the Kuff Texas’ Tuesday voting registration deadline approaches, Nasser and a number of other deputy voter registrars, volunteers allowed to register voters on the spot, were out in force Saturday evening. While many states allow voters to register the day of an election, Texas voters must register one month before.

Horn of Plenty: Middle East Heroin and ... - Tickle The 21, 2014 · By Jeffrey Anderson For An indictment in U.S. District Court in Manhattan of a major international drug trafficking enterprise in the Middle East and Africa is shining a light on law enforcement operations and the diplomatic challenges the United States faces in such foreign cases. The complications of investigating international conspiracies and dealing with […]

John Jay | Spencer Jay, one of the founding members of the board of AFDI and a very frequent commenter at Pamela Geller’s website, has posted a manifesto very reminiscent of Norwegian mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik’s — a deranged, violent fantasy of mass murder: summer patriot, winter soldier: start the revolution … start the revolution …

Page 25 of 2102 - Tapping Into The Latest News In Federal General William Barr on Thursday named one of his closest advisers, Timothy Shea, to serve as the District of Columbia’s interim U.S. attorney. Shea, 59, who is currently Barr’s counselor at the Justice Department, will oversee 300 prosecutors at the nation’s largest U.S. attorney’s office, which handles federal and local cases ...

The Bail Project – Page 10 – The Bail Project Bail Project, Inc. is an unprecedented effort to combat mass incarceration at the front end of the system. We pay bail for people in need, reuniting families and restoring the presumption of innocence.

News Archives - Page 57 of 604 - American Renaissance an “insidious onslaught” to black life, whites are moving back into neighborhoods they left.

Meet Rev. Hutcherson's Favorite New Ex-Lesbian | Slog ... would appear that Cothran attended the same magazine publishing seminars as the editors and publishers of Seattle’s idiotic “lifestyle” magazines. “10 Ways Out of the Gay Lifestyle!” “25 Up and Coming Neighborhoods!” “367 Top Doctors!” “Seattle’s 100 …

There's no good way to sell a tax cut that gives 3,223 ... 24, 2017 · If you’re one of the poorest Americans, this tax cut is on average worth to you about 17 cents a day because you’re only raking in $60 a year from the cuts. On average, the richest Americans will take in more than 8 times that amount, $529, in tax cuts — every day.

Trump's latest top Pentagon pick turns out to be a racist ... 16, 2020 · Donald Trump’s nominee to become the Pentagon's third-ranking official is presently racing through his Twitter feed to delete tweets just as fast …

Trump campaign staffers in Tulsa test positive for COVID ... 20, 2020 · Donald Trump designs his campaign events for maximum confusion and maximum conflict. And Trump is getting exactly what he wants in Tulsa where his supporters are having a blast being racist, joking...

Black family receives racist letter over posters ... 28, 2020 · As the novel coronavirus pandemic upends just about every aspect of education, graduation ceremonies and traditions have changed, too. To celebrate a monumental time in young peoples’ lives, many families are putting signs, posters, or other decorations outside of their homes to show off the graduate in their family.

Massive protests fill London's streets with opposition to ... 04, 2019 · An online petition against Trump’s state visit gathered in 1,863,708 signatures, but more importantly, protesters filled the streets, the airwaves, and the op-ed pages. It was enough that Trump, after facing deserted streets along parts of his route, took a helicopter ride rather than face the crowds. As the woman behind the Baby Trump blimp puts it, making Trump uncomfortable and upset in ...

Trump and Fox News Whine About the Cost of Mueller Probe ... 01, 2018 · Trump and Fox News Whine About the Cost of Mueller Probe – But Here’s Why it’s a Bargain Posted by Mark NC on June 1, 2018 at 12:01 pm. 5 Comments : It’s just another typical Friday morning in America where the President of the United States is venting his pent up rage on Twitter.

President Nominates Willie R. Stafford ... - Tickle The Wire 04, 2010 · By Allan Lengel President Obama on Wednesday nominated Willie R. Stafford, a background investigator for the Greensboro, N.C. police epartment, for the U.S. Marshal spot for the Middle District of North Carolina. His bio is a follows, according to a White House press release: Willie R. Stafford currently serves as a background investigator for […]

How much would it really cost to tear down the Astrodome 18, 2012 · The expected price tag to demolish the Reliant Astrodome that Harris County officials have cited in recent years far exceeds the cost of razing other stadiums across the country, including domes of comparable size.

A RAISIN IN THE SUN @ Long Beach Playhouse - Random ... 25, 2016 · Some truths are never dated, and A Raisin in the Sun will remain more than a mere relic long after the U.S.’s first Black president has left office. A RAISIN IN THE SUN LONG BEACH PLAYHOUSE • 5021 E ANAHEIM ST • LONG BEACH 90804 • 562.494.1014 LBPLAYHOUSE.ORG • FRI-SAT 8PM, SUN 2PM • $14–$24 • THROUGH JUNE 18

Ruins photography - Wikipedia photography, sometimes called ruin porn, is a recent movement in photography that takes the decline of the built environment (cities, buildings, or infrastructure) as its subject.While "ruins" may be broadly defined as the remnants of human achievement (e.g. the remains of ancient Sumer or Machu Picchu), "ruins photography" refers specifically to the capture of urban decay in the post ...

PERRspectives: Hillary Clinton and Mitt Romney, Varmint to a crowd in Indiana, Clinton portrayed herself as the Second Amendment's best friend and a duck's worst enemy: "You know, my dad took me out behind the cottage that my grandfather built on a little lake called Lake Winola outside of Scranton and taught be how to shoot when I …

Cory Booker Wins Senate Primary. The Far-Left Wins Nothing ... 14, 2013 · What could the far-left possibly have won by not only supporting Rush Holt but also verbally burning effigies of Cory Booker? In a word: nothing. Nothing. Actually, I take it back -- …

Fans of Keith Olbermann launch a Facebook Page encouraging ... 22, 2011 - PRLog-- Livonia, Michigan- Fans of Keith Olbermann, shocked by his swift resignation on Friday, January 21st during MSNBC's Countdown program, form a Facebook fan page campaign, encouraging rival cable news network CNN to hire the anchor. MSNBC's anchor Keith Olbermann was released from his program by the network on Friday, January 21, 2010.

Jon Monday - Wikipedia Monday (born 1947 in San Jose, California) is an American producer and distributor of CDs and DVDs across an eclectic range of material such as Swami Prabhavananda, Aldous Huxley, Christopher Isherwood, Huston Smith, Chalmers Johnson, and Charles Bukowski.Monday directed and co-produced with Jennifer Douglas the feature-length documentary Save KLSD: Media Consolidation and Local …

Prayers in Iraq - BlackFive friends at Daily KOS have a warning for you. Bibles and guns. Copies of the Koran and guns... Could it be any plainer ? You might call the image, to the right, the ghost of Christmas future. Let me suggest a productive frame for the picture which depicts a parallel that is both real but which has not yet fully emerged as a dominant dynamic. The dynamic is that of religious war, a ...

Trump: Behind Your Back & In Your Backyard are just a few of the Trump administration actions that have come into my email box in the last few days. Click the titles to read more and take action. The Wilderness Society: The Trump Administration is Stealing YOUR Land The Nation: The Department of Justice Is Overseeing the Resegregation of American Schools

Weekend link dump for May 31 – Off the are now more than 66,000 contact tracers in 44 states, according to a survey by NPR. Their goal: to identify all of the people an infected person came into contact with during the 48 hours before they started showing symptoms of COVID-19, and help them quarantine for two weeks.” Eels have a more complex backstory than you might expect.

Matthews tackles hot topics at HC - News - ... 24, 2009 · Mr. Matthews, host of “Hardball” on MSNBC and a 1967 graduate of Holy Cross, wistfully recalled his days on campus during a turbulent time in American history. …

The Country is Ablaze - Progress Pond 30, 2020 · The police attacked a lot of reporters all across the country over the weekend. From national news to local news, reporters who are PoC or women were attacked while white male reporters were treated noticeably better. Add Trump calling for more police violence, and I suspect the press is going to be adversarial to a “law and order” message.

Article: The Hollow Earth, Hollow Mars, UFOs and Military ... The Hollow Earth, Hollow Mars, UFOs and Military Secrecy - People have believed in the possibility of a Hollow Earth for well over a century. Now, some say there also may be a Hollow Mars.

Can President Obama appoint Merrick Garland to the Supreme ... 11, 2016 · President Obama and Judge Merrick Garland. March 16, 2016. In a recent Washington Post op ed, prominent attorney and Common Cause board member Gregory Diskant argues that, if the Senate refuses to ...

PERRspectives: The Return of Iran/ to a person who has read the committee's draft report, the retired C.I.A. official, George W. Cave, an Iran expert who was part of the mission, said the group had 10 falsified passports, believed to be Irish, and a key-shaped cake to symbolize the anticipated …

The Back Forty » “…keep the grain and export the farmers was told by an obviously angry Stockman that “this government doesn’t believe in that.” That session was followed, weeks later, by the president’s veto of the badly needed farm-credit bill and preceded by his statement to the Gridiron Dinner that “we should keep the grain and export the farmers.”

Kern County, California: Where Big Oil, dirty air, and a ... Chernow once served as the former acting director of California’s Department of Conservation. Chernow claimed in court that back in 2011, Governor Jerry Brown ordered him and then-State Oil and Gas Supervisor Elena Miller to fast-track permits for risky oil and natural gas extraction, bypassing substantial environmental reviews required ...

Breaking election fundraising laws is okay in Michigan ... 08, 2011 · Barb Byrum is currently in her second term as Ingham County Clerk, serving as the county’s chief elections official. As Clerk, Barb has successfully conducted 23 elections, 4 union elections, and currently serves on Michigan’s Election Security Commission, the Secretary of State’s team of advisors tasked with strengthening and better ...

NH Tech Alliance announces new appointments to its board ... returned to New Hampshire in 2015 joining the company as the marketing leader for its automation and controls business team. Hypertherm Ventures was created in late 2017 and in addition to formulating its strategy, he led the closing of its first investments in 2019 and continues to direct the pipeline and ongoing investment activities.

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back - Progressive Revival following is cross-posted at On Faith. I approached Rick Warren’s Saddleback Civil Forum with much anticipation, but without a clear idea of how he would handle the sensitive issues at the ...

One Percent Takers — Reagan and Spending | One Percent Reagan’s remaining budgets were not quite as far-fetched as the Rosy Scenario, they were indeed much too optimistic. In fact, the only reason why spending surpassed the requests in only 7 instead of all 8 years was because one year — 1984 — actually saw a …

Twitter deleted my tweet linking to a critique of PARCC ... 12, 2016 · Actually I was wrong, my tweet was not restored though I had mistakenly seen this in the cached version on my laptop. And Celia removed the questions after being threatened by PARCC. A few days ago, Celia Oyler posted the comments of a teacher who had seen the 4th grade PARCC exam and included some excerpts and a critique.

Biden: Time to “put the end to the era of shareholder 09, 2020 · Joe Biden gave a hell of a speech in Pennsylvania today. As I was listening I heard words that I’ve been waiting for a presidential nominee to …

Article: Destroying Our Country From Within: Trump's 29, 2020 · Article: Destroying Our Country From Within: Trump's Assault on America (Part One) - This is part one of a three part review of Mary Trump's book, Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created ...Author: Walter Uhler

The Wall Street Journal Uncovers Obama’s Enemies List 01, 2012 · The Kochs are the masterminds and financiers of the most prominent attack groups on the right that are trying to bring the Obama administration to a crashing end. It is a role they assumed voluntarily and enthusiastically. Olsen’s article drops names of some historical villains that he asserts have something in common with Obama.

Tickle The WireJeff Stein Archives - Tickle The Allan Lengel and Rachel Leven WASHINGTON – As Mark T. Rossini sat at the defendant’s table in the D.C. federal courthouse in May awaiting his fate, you couldn’t help but wonder, if only for a moment, if he saw himself as a tragic figure in a fabled Hollywood film:. Dapper, veteran FBI agent romances pretty actress and foolishly risks career and prestige — …

265 Best Please Save Our Planet & All Its Assets images in 12, 2020 - Explore ConnecticutLover2019's board "Please Save Our Planet & All Its Assets", followed by 263 people on Pinterest. See more ideas …265 pins263 followers

Hollywood’s Back Door – California Labor tolerate intense and perpetual career anxiety in return for a premium job with intermittent high pay and a chance at a secure retirement. Knitting this freelance universe together are the unions. Certainly some complain that their reps don’t do enough to protect them from exploitive producers or that the contracts give the bosses too much ...

Foreign governments are finding ways to do favors for“According to the local Government’s master plan, there is now a plan to develop a toll road extension that will shorten the distance between the Ngurah Rai International Airport and MNC Bali Resort,” according to the 2016 annual report by the developer MNC Land, Trump’s partner.“When the work is completed, the travel time from the airport to MNC Bali Resort or …

Tickle The Wire - Page 9 of 2112 - Tapping Into The Latest in 1991, during Barr’s confirmation to be George H.W. Bush’s attorney general, lawyer Jimmy Lohman, who overlapped with Barr at New York’s Horace Mann School and later Columbia University, wrote a piece for the little-known Florida Flambeau newspaper about Barr being “my very own high-school tormentor” — a “classic bully” and “power abuser” in the 1960s who “put …

Ililani Media: Puna Geothermal Venture Clears First of Two 07, 2020 · The 2018 Kilauea lava eruptions destroyed the interconnection facilities that connected the Puna Geothermal Venture (PGV) geothermal energy facility with the Hawai`i Electric Light Company (HELCO) grid. The Hawai`i Public Utilities Commission opened two regulatory proceedings: one for reconnecting the geothermal facility to the HELCO grid by …

State of emergency declared on rape and gender violence in of emergency declared on rape and gender violence in Nigeria The Nigerian Governor's Forum (NGF) called on authorities in all 36 states to create a sex offenders register and sign onto two federal laws with provisions that punish rape and violence against women and children.

2015 Pulitzer winners and finalists in journalism and the 20, 2015 · Among the Pulitzer winners announced today are former Providence Journal staff writer Zachary Mider, now at Bloomberg News, who won for explanatory reporting on corporate tax avoidance; and former ...

Senior Citizen Food insecurities in the United States 21, 2019 · Nearly 8% of Americans 60 and older were “food insecure” in 2017, according to a recent study released by the anti-hunger group Feeding America. That’s 5.5 million seniors who don’t have consistent access to enough food for a healthy life , a number that has more than doubled since 2001 and is only expected to grow as America grays.

I Knew There Would Be Days Like This - Progress 10, 2018 · Days like today make me weary. I don’t like reading about how we’re going to try to destroy the International Criminal Court, close the PLO mission in Washington DC, or have a second stupid summit with Kim Jong Un. It hurts my sense of national pride. And it just hurts my cerebrum to read about how Cynthia Nixon was so concerned about a Andrew Cuomo smear …

Troy, Michigan -- a Welcoming City - Bob 24, 2017 · I'm a graduate of Fuller Theological Seminary with a M.Div. and a Ph.D. in Historical Theology. I'm the author of a number of books including Out of the Office: A Theology of Ministry (Energion, 2017), Marriage in Interesting Times (Energion, 2016), and Freedom in Covenant (Wipf and Stock, 2015).

The Audience Around You | Las Vegas chance has put me in a seat next to a movie star or musician or I've shared a table with record producers and authors, last night, the only thing that might have made someone in the audience stand out would have been the fact that that person was there for a reason other than to see Tom Jones -- in fact, the ambiance reminded me of ...

When it Comes to Trump, We're Jumping to Conclusions 13, 2017 · One needn’t wait for a judge to sentence Trump for crimes committed to be fairly certain he’s a criminal. One needn’t wait for a mental health examination to be fairly certain Trump is an emotionally troubled man. And one needn’t wait to see Trump hooked-up to a lie detector to be fairly certain he has difficulties telling the truth.

Coal Ash Spills Too Dangerous To Reveal To Public, Says Ash Spills Too Dangerous To Reveal To Public, Says DHS ... pressing for public release of the information and asking for a more thorough explanation and a comparison of this policy of secrecy to policies around Superfund-listed sites and nuclear sites. ... Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window) Like this:

The Left Coaster: Reefer Madness Engulfs Madness Engulfs California by paradox. As we all know on January 1st the Golden State went cannabis green, be over 21, walk into a retail establishment conforming to local rules, pay serious taxes, put down some cash and mary jane is yours with a smile, be it …

No Right Turn: An agreement for the sake of an 05, 2014 · An agreement for the sake of an agreement. National is saying that they might sign up to the TPP even if it doesn't give us free trade in agriculture: Trade Minister Tim Groser says New Zealand may be open to a Pacific-wide trade deal that does not abolish tariffs on all agricultural goods.

Morning Must Reads: Public-sector Job Losses | Third and 28, 2011 · The average income for a household has gone from $63,563 in 2008 to $62,857 in 2009 and then down to $62,481 in 2010. A larger share of average household incomes has gone to health care, spending on which rose by 5 percent from 2008 to 2009 and another 1 percent to 2010.

Not Quite a Reputable Journal of Opinion: "Religion and Child Development: Evidence from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study", the study begins with three admirable caveats: (1) The benefit is defined primarily by how well-behaved children are, (2) the data, based on parent and teacher interviews, are entirely subjective, and (3) the data were gathered from a survey conducted ...

No Right Turn: A disease the world 05, 2014 · New Zealand isn't the only place currently seeing a cash-for-access scandal. In Australia, the federal Treasurer has a similar arrangement to the National Party, selling access to a donors by membership of a "club".And in the UK, the co-treasurer of the Conservative Party has said publicly that £250,000 gets you a private dinner with the Prime Minister and been forced …

Biased News Media Bad for Democracy - Progress 24, 2017 · Here are the fractions of negative news coverage towards Trump: CNN and NBC, 93%; CBS, 91%; New York Times, 87%; Washington Pose, 83%. FOX had the most equal coverage, with 52% negative. Those who like the biased anti-Trump media coverage should reflect on how all that coverage robs them of getting solid information on myriad local, state …

Managing Pregnancy When You Have a Mental Illness | Pregnancy When You Have a Mental Illness ... particularly if you are unable to work or look for a job, or if your employer fires you because of your mental health concerns. ... but knowing that mental illness does not doom you to a troubled pregnancy can …

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: Today, it's better here than there! 13, 2006 · Today, it's better here than there! Well probably any day is better here than there when you're talking about Buffalo, New York a fine burg of fine people, cursed by location. Snow is not unknown to the folks of the western half of Upper New York State, snow storms in Buffalo are the thing of legend, its just that they normally happen in winter.

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: No change for the cashbox for now council refusing to pass the third reading of the proposed changes, the issue now returns to staff for revision and a possible re vote in October. Councillors will try to come to a consensus on the fare issue, trying to provide proper funding for Prince Rupert Transit , while at the same time staying true to their plans in the city's green ...

A Halloween Trick-or-Treat: Maria and the Ghost 11, 2007 · My niece loved the story. And so, I'll share it with you for a Happy Halloween. Maria and the Ghost Mice By Eric A Hopp Once upon a time, there lived a little kitten named Maria. She was an all-black kitten with green eyes, orange whiskers, and a pointed witches’ cap.

The butcher’s bill keeps coming due: Donald Trump’s "B...

Walker News Desk Copyright Policy | Walker News and a False State of Fear – The Nature of the Problem and a Remedy. Overcoming NDAA Hysteria with A Straightforward Factual Application of the Detainee Treatment Act (2005) and Other Domestic Laws and International Treaties; 2012 Crisis: Corporatocracy Joins Government To Attack Whistle Blowers; The Tenth Amendment Center – Nullification

Bribery/Extortion facts keep coming in as Witness-Day ... is precisely what our founding fathers wanted to prevent when they condemned foreign influence in our elections. If the whistleblower isn’t a firsthand witness who’ll testify at trial, the tip ends their involvement. There isn’t a requirement in criminal cases that prosecutors disclose their identity if they don’t testify. And ...

memeorandum: Biden on comment to black radio host: 'I ... Dispersed With Tear Gas So Trump Could Pose at Church — “He did not pray,” said Mariann E. Budde, the Episcopal bishop of Washington.“He did not mention George Floyd, he did not mention the agony of people who have been subjected to this kind of horrific expression of racism and white supremacy for hundreds of years.”

Article: We Get the Government we deserve - NO, We DON'T ... 15, 2009 · Article: We Get the Government we deserve - NO, We DON'T! - I strongly reject the statement that we 'get the laws and government we deserve.' This is …

McCarthyism on Steroids: Monitoring Washington Post, to its credit, has a new blockbuster article, "Monitoring America," that is part of its larger "Top Secret America" series.In frightening detail, it dissects the vast domestic localized intelligence apparatus being used to collect, store and analyze information about Americans, most of whom have not been accused of any crime.

Time to define -- Part One (The Left) | Jonathan Segall ... to define — Part One (The Left) Sep 26, 2013, 2:42 AM ... This is a two part article where I take on the Hard Left and Hard Right with regards to their true positions as they concern Israel ...

Fired Atlanta officer who shot Rayshard Brooks twice in ... former Atlanta officer who shot Rayshard Brooks in the back twice in a Wendy’s parking lot in Atlanta, Georgia, as he ran away, will be charged. AP reports that Fulton County District Attorney Paul Howard announced on Wednesday that officer Garrett Rolfe would face charges. 11Alive News reports that Rolfe faces 11 charges, including one ...

Vagina Anxiety: The Rise of the Labialplasty | Alternet is what I've now been forced to think as I peruse my Wall Street Journal, and then again as I read my New York Times Magazine, and then again as I watch a special CNN report.As if the era of ...

So, What is Obama Adding to the Party Again? | Slog | The ... doesn't mean working class voters dislike Obama--it means they like Clinton more. And when you think about it, the average 65 year old white woman retiree is be much better positioned to respond to 61-year old Clinton than to 47-year old Obama (who stuck his foot in his mouth wrt guns/religion and a big assist from MSM).

Andy Stern | News Corpse is an identity security company that is famous for its CEO who parades his Social Security number around on a billboard mounted to a truck. He also includes it in his TV ads. But now the Federal Trade Commission has “accused Lifelock of operating a scam and con operation. The commission announced, along with 35 state attorneys general ...

Jon Stewart Slams Fox News’ Commotion Over Common 12, 2011 · They got upset when the first lady promoted better nutrition for kids. This is just the latest outrage in a long string of outrages and there will be many more to come. It’s like Stewart said at the end of the second clip it is so easy to point out how disingeneous they are it isn’t even fun anymore.

A little more on MEChA — Crooked Timber 03, 2003 · A little more on MEChA. by Ted on September 3, 2003. ... Though, I could be wrong (and it certainly wouldn’t be the first time). Anyway, less of an eye-raiser than Bustamente using the “n” word, IMO. ... Click on the 8 symbol next to a name for a list of all of that author's posts. Book Events.

St. Anthony Church - Daily Mass - Friday | Facebook reading from the acts of the Apostles one night while Paul was in the Lord, said to him in a vision. Do not be afraid. Oh, I'm speaking and do not be silent for I am with you. No one will attack and harm you. I have many people in this city just settled there for a year and a …

8 Embarrassing Things Trump Did on His European Tour | The 29, 2017 · 6. Made a NATO speech that gave world leaders a good, derisive laugh. “NATO members must finally contribute their fair share and meet their financial obligations,” Trump said in a lecture he delivered at NATO headquarters. “But 23 of the 28 member nations are still not paying what they should be paying, and what they are supposed to be paying, for their defense.

U.S. manufacturing is weakening, in large part due to ... each material the author and a hyperlink to the primary source are specified. All trademarks belong to their rightful owners, all materials to their authors. If you are the owner of the content and do not want us to publish your materials, please contact us by email [email protected]. The …

News and Analyses, A Foreign Perspective | themcglynn.com was a turbulent year for the world – and a defining moment for the Guardian’s fearless independent journalism in America. Our memorable stories include powerful interviews with women accusing Donald Trump of sexual assault, deep investigations into the CIA’s efforts to hide the truth about torture, stunning reports on a wave of climate refugees from the Marshall Islands – and an ...

The Path to Defeat Racism | Tikkun 25, 2015 · Pay for this by raising income tax rates to a progressive level comparable to that which the U.S. had in early 1950s (adjusted for inflation), a tax on inheritance sufficient to pay for the universal inheritance plan described in point d., a tax on every financial transaction involving monies above $1 million, and a tax on wealth including ...

The Bible and Ordination -- Reflections on a Theology of, remember that written by Paul early in the life of the Christian movement. It should be noted too that this church seems to have a lot of difficulty ordering itself. Ephesus, on the other hand, seems to have had a more formal structure that included apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors …

PERRspectives: McCain and Friends: Slash Federal Workforce now in his latest effort to avoid just the first year of those Pentagon cuts, McCain wants to do something much, much worse. Along with his GOP colleagues Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) and Buck McKeon (R-CA), McCain instead wants to reduce the federal workforce by 10 percent .

The Dark Depths of Comics History — Crooked Timber 28, 2009 · The Dark Depths of Comics History. by John Holbo on October 28, 2009. ... But in the case of Liefeld, the exaggerated figures and distorted poses are the centerpiece of his work: I don’t think it’s credible that he was trying to draw realistic figures in realistic poses and just happening to get them wrong through inability or haste ...

Next Left: Campaigning for AV will become a test of Ed 09, 2010 · This is quite probably the case whether or not we shift to AV or stick with first-past-the-post. The scale of the cultural challenge this presents to the Labour Party is greater than is commonly realised. Labour was shockingly under-prepared for a hung Parliament last May, even though that was realistically the best possible outcome for the party.

A DEMOCRACY TOWN HALL: I wonder if Matt Bostrom recognizes ... 16, 2009 · Matt's in his 40's and his grandparent came from Sweden. Good thing this blog is about 'truth' and whatever Bob is told post. Eric My response; Come on Eric. Lighten up for a change. This is humour! And NO Bill didn't ask me to post this. 9:07 AM Anonymous said... I don't find genocide funny. His family wasn't here. Eric. 11:38 AM Bob said...

Don Lemon | This Black Sista's Memorial Page on the news from 2009…and then some . Don Lemon Versus Bishop Eddie Long; My Feelings Lie with The Survivors • September 27, 2010 • 4 Comments Posted in Black People, Celebrities/Royals, Class, Crime, Cultural History, Education, Joblessness, Love, Mental Health/Psychology, Pedophilia/Child Kidnapping, Protestant Denominations, Rape/Sex Crimes, …

When will people learn to stop taunting AOC on Twitter 01, 2019 · Piers Morgan thought he could best Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter, which is a little like a chewed legume challenging Usain Bolt to a

200 Organizations Announce Support for Federal $15 Raise to data from the Economic Policy Institute, this Act will deliver long-overdue raises to a large segment of the workforce: more than 1 in 4 workers, 90% of whom are over the age of 20. The average age of workers who would get a raise is 36, nearly half have some years of college education, and 20 percent hold associate’s degrees or ...

Tickle The WireOoops! Buffalo U.S. Atty. Apologizes After 18, 2011 · Agents had a search warrant for a child pornography case, and seized his computer equipment, the Buffalo News reported. Turns out,a few days later authorities arrested a 25-year-old man who allegedly used the businessman’s unprotected Wifi to download child porn, the paper reported.

Trump administration's F-You to Teachers summer tour Donald J. Trump has never been a fan of education. Part of it may stem from his botched experience trying to run an institution of higher learning. It was definitely in place by the time he announced he loved the poorly educated. This week, however, Trump’s run against education and educators has been in […]

Trump Campaign Aide Admits He Tried to Get Lobbyists to Gelbinovich does not deny the allegations. According to a bombshell report from The Daily Beast, a Trump campaign staffer by the name of Daniel Gelbinovich worked behind the scenes to …

'Ebony' looks at Obamas' 'real love' were Ebony magazine's "hottest couple in America" back in February 2007, so it may not be a shock to learn that in the February 2009 issue (on newsstands tomorrow), Barack and Michelle Obama grace the cover and are the basis for a story headlined "Real Love: The Obamas' Story of Commitment Inspires America.". According to a press release from Ebony, Michelle Obama …

The Frustrated Teacher: How Not To Fix A "Failing" talk: ‘Reform’ and student murder in Chicago Word is that Attorney General Eric Holder and Education Secretary Arne Duncan will travel to Chicago next week to address the brutal and tragic beating death of Derrion Albert. The plan is to talk to students, parents, community members, and school officials at Fenger High School, where Albert inadvertently got caught in …

Democracy for New Mexico: More on Joanie Griffin's Ethical Bill Moyers Journal, PBS (KNME TV), 9PM 10/12: The Line/NM in Focus, KNME Public TV, 7PM 10/14: Party to Benefit Convervation Voters NM, Home of Ned & Janis Farquhar, ABQ, 3-5:30PM, RSVP 10/19-10/21: 2007 NM Bioneers Conference, College of Santa Fe, Register Now 10/20: Common Cause NM Annual Luncheon, Keynote by New National President Dr. … is For Sale | was listed for sale on by its owner. Our domain market is filled with premium domain names that could serve a variety of purposes within the cannabis industry. When a domain sale is agreed upon, we work with , the leading online escrow service provider, to make sure each transaction goes smoothly.

International Labor Leaders Join Working Families to March fact is – America's workers are the wrong target. It's Wall Street that needs to be held accountable for destroying the retirement security of hundreds of millions of workers. In our democracy, we believe that all Americans should be able to achieve economic security through access to a quality education and good-paying jobs.

Crosswords with Friends August 29 2019 Answers - Daily 29, 2019 · Zynga Inc created a fun crossword game with each day connected to a different theme. Choose from a range of topics like Movies, Sports, Technology, Games, History, Architecture and more!So it is our pleasure to give all the answers and solutions for all daily updated Crosswords with Friends game. Crosswords with Friends August 29 2019 Answers

[UPDATE] AP Blames U.S. and Trump for Iran Shooting Down know, we on the right have been on to you for a long time. The left aren't some innocent group who never wanted nothing but some civility and discussion. You want your WAY and when we push back and say no, we are the bad guys. And the media might be on your side, but my hope is that the rest of America is not and can see you for what you are.

20 Dogs Living The Cat Life - Like Walking Your Dog Is The Key To A Longer Life Dedicated Search And Rescue Dog Dies After Saving 7 People Trapped In Earthquake Rubble Lt. Dan Finds His Feet And Walks Straight Into A Furever Home

Markos Moulitsas on Twitter: "Awesome. So that's at least 15, 2019 · Search query Search Twitter. Saved searches. Remove; In this conversation. Verified account Protected Tweets @ Suggested users ...

On a warm San Franciscan night… | A World of 15, 2010 · The last two days have been truly gorgeous in the City by the Bay. Warm, almost balmy November nights. Not completely unusual, but after a relatively cool summer and early fall, this has been an unexpected treat.

Patriot Prayer News, Articles, Stories & Trends for, OR. Judge rules Cider Riot owner’s $1 million lawsuit against Joey Gibson can move forward. - Aimee Green. A Portland judge on Friday rejected Patriot Prayer leader Joey Gibson’s pre-trial attempt to put an end to a $1 million lawsuit filed against him by …

Is Andrew Romanoff about to raise the white flag? | 19, 2010 · Update, 10:42 a.m.: The Denver Post is reporting that Andrew Romanoff is announcing that he plans to stay in the race for U.S. Senate, not drop out, as has been rumored. Consider that in light of ...

Ililani Media: HECO`s New Planning Process is Like the Old Hawaiian Electric Company`s Integrated Grid Planning planning process is nearly over. At the last HECO Stakeholder Council meeting, only 6 of 22 HECO-selected members showed up. The Hawaiian Electric Companies are planning a series of public meetings in March to gather input for a process that is near completion.

Also Today In Author's Birthdays | Slog | The Stranger contend that, while Brendan Gill was a better writer than Dorothy Parker, Dorothy Parker is an incredibly important (and markedly more famous) figure for a reason. Sometimes it doesn’t come down to a contest about how good your writing is. Her contributions to civil rights and feminism are vitally important to this very day, in all sorts of unquantifiable ways.

Hammer to the Slammer Party | Nashville retail stores, restaurants re-open Monday to a trickle of customers - Tennessean 'This damn virus' - USA TODAY ; Hiltzik: GOP would use coronavirus to cut Social Security - Los Angeles Times ; Parking lot appears full at Tesla after CEO Elon Musk sues over shelter-in-place - KTVU San Francisco

Comey calls on Americans to 'use every breath we have' to 10, 2018 · Most Nashville retail stores, restaurants re-open Monday to a trickle of customers - Tennessean The biggest US mall owner plans to have 50% of its centers reopened this week - CNBC ( Business ) L.A. County jail inmates try to get COVID-19 to be set free - Los Angeles Times ( US News )

How Pasteurization Keeps Your Eggs - Stop Foodborne 06, 2015 · This health hazard was just one contributor to a slew of disease epidemics that spread across the U.S. in the early 1900s. From 1914-1916, Chicago was …

Welcome to Progressive Big Media Ignores the Poor by Rebecca Wharton, Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting, October 11, 2012. The Tea Party is Getting Worse: Media May Want a New Narrative, but GOP is Still Nuts Don’t let the press fool you.By Elias Isquith / Salon, February 15, 2015 Across the country, the wingnut revolution isn’t calming down. Behold the insanity. 15 things everyone …

Not Your Best Girl Scout Leader | The Lunch 04, 2007 · The indictment charges Holly M. Barnes with 19 counts of filing false claims and 15 counts of identity theft, according to a news release from the U.S. attorney’s office in Pensacola. She fraudulently obtained $187,000 from the IRS using the identities of the girls in her troop and her own children.

Trump's Ultimate Madness Is yet to Come - Smirking are the ochlocratic cretinoids of imagined victimization who await The Presidential Word of violent discontent. And Trump is Shakespeare's philistine agitator Jack Cade to this anti-elitist mob. Of yesterday's elected , Trump-allied cretinoids, Rep. Tom Malinowski (D-NJ) said it best: "It’s a bunch of Freedom Caucus members having pizza ...

Joe Biden Brags about getting Ukranian Prosecutor ... - know, we on the right have been on to you for a long time. The left aren't some innocent group who never wanted nothing but some civility and discussion. You want your WAY and when we push back and say no, we are the bad guys. And the media might be on your side, but my hope is that the rest of America is not and can see you for what you are.

Ancient Africa: The Mali Empire 1324, Mansa Musa (who was the grandson of one of Sundiata Keita’s sisters) made the pilgrimage to Mecca. Accompanied by 60,000 people and carrying a large quantity of gold, Mansa Musa travelled from Niani along the Niger River to Timbuktu. He then crossed the Sahara Desert via the salt mines of Taghaza from oasis to oasis until he reached ...

Lakota people - Wikipedia Lakota (pronounced , Lakota language: Lak?óta) are a Native American tribe.Also known as the Teton Sioux (from Thít?u?wa?), they are one of the three tribes of the Great Sioux Nation.Their current lands are in North and South Dakota.They speak Lak?ótiyapi—the Lakota language, the westernmost of three closely related languages that belong to the Siouan language family.

KingCast to Follow the Demise of Howard Crow's Seattle ... 28, 2019 · But I digress. Until I got here in 2013 most of my Ducati experiences were in Ohio starting in '99 when Ducati was first starting to re-brand with a new investment group. They had plans to start with stand alone "Ducati Stores" in key markets, and they chose Seattle as the first U.S. location.

Ooooops! A misstatement from me. And a correction. 24, 2018 · Well, it’s almost lunch time, so I’m ordering some delicious crow. But I’m ordering the diet plate, so it’s only half a sandwich, with a side of hot and sour soup. In an article I posted about a week ago, I predicted the identity of whom I thought at least one, if not two “unnamed” witnesses in the upcoming Paul Manafort trial, for whom the prosecution had requested partial”use ...

The News was the consummate friend often doing things for people anonymously. If you where special to him, you could count on him. He ran annual fundraisers for those in need and was always ready with a listening ear and a caring heart. His friends were lifelong friends as the gentleness he radiated made you want to be around him.

Board of Directors — Sister Song Srivastava. Pronouns: She/Her Dee Srivastava is a reproductive health, rights, and justice advocate based in Washington, DC. By day, she is on the public policy team at Planned Parenthood, where she serves its national office and 49 affiliates with regulatory policy analysis, development, and strategy.

Same-sex marriage in North Carolina - Wikipedia marriage has been legally recognized in the U.S. state of North Carolina since October 10, 2014, when a U.S. District Court judge ruled in General Synod of the United Church of Christ v. Cooper that the state's denial of marriage rights to same-sex couples was unconstitutional. The state's Governor and Attorney General had acknowledged that a recent ruling in the Fourth Circuit Court ...

This Week in The Stranger | Slog | The Stranger | Seattle ...“I was the screenwriter, fundraiser, second-biggest investor, PR hack, extras coordinator, and a sometime producer of the largest, most expensive locally produced film ever made in Seattle. It took five years, it cost $1 million, and its extremely slow projected return may have broken the bank for local distribution-quality films for the ...

Matt Bors - WikiMili, The Free Encyclopedia Bors is a nationally syndicated American editorial cartoonist and editor of online comics publication The Nib. Formerly the comics journalism editor for Cartoon Movement, in 2012 he was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize and became the first alt-weekly cartoonist to win the Herblock Prize for Ex

Pride Parade Awards! | Slog | The Stranger | Seattle's ... Stranger created the Pride Parade Awards because it wasn’t enough to complain about the Pride Parade—although we reserve the right do that—we felt we had to do something to make it better. We wanted to give The Gays an incentive to pull out the stops, to go over the top, and to spend some damn money on floats and costumes in hopes of maybe winning it all back and more.

On August 6, 1945... - ReligiousLeftLaw.com United States dropped the world’s first atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima: “Hiroshima was the primary target of the first nuclear bombing mission on 6 August, with Kokura and Nagasaki as alternative targets. The 393d Bombardment Squadron B-29 Enola Gay, piloted by [Colonel Paul W.] Tibbets [Jr.], took off from North Field airbase on Tinian, about six hours flight time from Japan.

SPLC: Center for Immigration Studies Is Definitely a Hate ... 24, 2017 · Every year, the Southern Poverty Law Center releases its annual “Year in Hate and Extremism” report, which this year found 917 hate groups operating in the United States.For the first time, included on that list was the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), the “think tank” arm of the anti-immigrant movement that puts out misleading research and provides credibility for those wanting ...

Safeway employees call 911 on woman helping homeless ... 02, 2018 · Erika Martin gives care packages to the homeless in her spare time. The Bay Area woman does things like that because, as she told KPIX of San Francisco, “It makes me feel good, you know.” On Sunday evening, July 29, Mrs. Martin decided to give one of the homeless men she helps—a man who frequents a Safeway in the Mountain View area of California—some dog food for his dog.

Lakota people - Wikipedia Lakota (pronounced , Lakota language: Lak?óta) are a Native American tribe.Also known as the Teton Sioux (from Thít?u?wa?), they are one of the three tribes of the Great Sioux Nation.Their current lands are in North and South Dakota.They speak Lak?ótiyapi—the Lakota language, the westernmost of three closely related languages that belong to the Siouan language family.

Postscripts: No Longer on the Map: Forgotten Place Names ... 1857 to 1883, this was the name of the post office at Crugers. The name is from the stately home built by Staats Morris Dyckman and later dismantled to make way for the F.D.R. Veterans Hospital. One of the country's finest Federal-style homes, the house …

Press About - TUBE+ Watch full length TV Shows ... the ghost of a murderer haunt your pub could definitely drive you to drink, but that's reportedly the case in the British town of Penn, Buckinghamshire. Locals say Ruth Ellis, who, in 1955 was the last woman in Britain to be hanged still haunts one of the pubs and a church too. Read article

Sarah Palin Rehired At Fox News To ‘Piss Off’ People And ... 11, 2014 · This isn’t the first time that Ailes has made a personnel decision that is rooted in childish vengeance. Last year, in a fawning biography that Ailes himself had solicited, he told the author why he had kept Glenn Beck on the air long after he had decided that Beck was a divisive figure who was costing the network advertising revenue. The reason Ailes gave for putting off Beck’s departure ...

(PV) Study finds false statements preceeding Iraq War ... 24, 2008 · What needed to be done was the US not interjecting itself during the war. What needed to be done after 9/11 was finding OBL, not attacking the wrong country. things have been better since bush has done what he has concerning terrorism.

Eight Key Data Points We Already Know Out of Iowa Have ... Media Focus on What We Don’t Know Obscures What We Do – & It’s Big By Al Giordano. With all the whining out of cable news and social media pundits about the full Iowa results being late due to the technical difficulties – compounded by the state party having to to report three different sets of results (first ballot, realignment and estimated national delegate counts) at the ...

Hot Take: NY Times Says Authoritarian Rule Is Just Around ... 10, 2020 · In 2012, there were 59 precincts in foul, fetid, fuming, foggy, filthy Philadelphia in which Mitt Romney got zero votes.The same Philadelphia Inquirer story notes that in 2008, there were 57 precincts in which John McCain received no votes at all.. In 2004, an election in which President Bush defeated Senator John Kerry 62,040,610 (50.7%) to 59,028,444 (48.3%), Lurch won twenty …

Race Inquiry Digest (Feb 10) – Important Current Stories ... University is one of the country’s top-ranked schools and has a roughly $1.6 billion endowment. But in 1838, the university was facing financial ruin. So the Jesuit priests, who ran Georgetown, sold 272 enslaved people to three plantations in Louisiana for $115,000 — or the equivalent of about $3.3 million in today’s dollars to ...

Selected Client Biographies - WHISPeR worked as one of the NSA’s top software engineers, and prior to 9/11 pushed for the implementation of ThinThread, a data collection program Loomis created that would have kept American’s information encrypted and could have prevented 9/11. Following the catastrophe, Loomis, along with Bill Binney and Kirk Wiebe, retired from the NSA.

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